Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - The Bachelor, Vanderpump Split with Brandy and Julie

Episode Date: March 17, 2022

The Bachelor got ridiculous so Heather covers the highlights. Comedians Brandy Howard and Julie Goldman are here to discuss Tom and Katie of Vanderpump Rules breaking up after 12 years together. Heath...er saw them both at Lala’s party for her daughter, Ocean, and shares the scoop. What does Anna Delvy think of Elizabeth Holmes of The Dropout? Heather, Brandy, and Julie do an improv about it. Britney Spears's breastfeeding post is analyzed. Elon Musk weighs on Grimes's new girlfriend and The Worst Roommates ever!  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial system, you'll be addicted And a tick-a-tick fast
Starting point is 00:00:21 To the number one tabloid real life podcast Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Packed show is always, but the packed show is going to be the live Juicy scoop have happening March 27th. You guys, I'm coming to Southern California.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I'm doing stand-up shows with Justin Martin Dale. This is all available at HeatherMcDoll.net. If you want to come to the stand-up shows, if you want to come to the live Super Juicy Scoop, which is Sunday March 27th in Southern California, with Chris Franchola, Sarah Colona, Justin Martin Dale, and Spencer Pratt. You can do that. Or if you'd like to watch that amazing event after we are doing a opportunity for you guys to watch it within five days of when you purchase it, it's all available at HeatherMcDonald.net.
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's where you get everything. Also join Patreon. There's a special discount for my Patreon peeps too, and that is all at HeatherMcDolland.net. Okay, the Bachelor with Clayton. I haven't really covered the Bachelor this whole season, but the last few episodes I was getting wind that it was getting crazy juicy, and I caught up, and it concluded last night.
Starting point is 00:01:38 So Clayton's a tall drink of water. He's very all American, and it came down to three girls and these three girls. It was Gabby. Oh shit, I forgot the other blonde's name. Look it up. Gabby's the Brunette, another cute blonde and then Susie. And basically you know how the show works. These girls know how the show works. They've been watching it since they were in preschool. Okay, that's how long the show has been around. Now, as you know, Rachel, Rachel's the other one. As you know, the former host of the Bachelor, what's his name? Chris Harrison is no longer the host of the bachelor. They got this other four-mer bachelor named Jesse. It was very confusing because Jesse and Clayton look exactly alike. I think they both played football
Starting point is 00:02:30 in college or like one year professionally. I don't know, but they're both tall. They both had the same coloring. They looked so much like at certain times I was like confused. Anyway, so it's down to the three girls and so let's do fantasy sweets. Each girl jumps does the toddler jump on top of them. They do some dumb thing in Iceland, which I've noticed I would ever go to no offense to Iceland, but I don't really think it shows them all. I've seen the real half says I was going to see go to Iceland and I've seen the bachelor guy go to Iceland.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It's just not on my bucket list. Iceland people don't scream at me. Make it worth my wild. Okay. Anyway, so the first one is Rachel, blonde Rachel jumps on him, toddler. They do some of activity and they fully bone. Good. The next day she says from the balcony, I love you, Clayton. And he balcony, I love you Clayton and he goes, I love you too Rachel. Next day he picks up Brunette Gabby.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Gabby has a voice like this and she's very, takes her time in talking to Clayton and anybody else that's speaking to her. Okay, she's really cute and nice, both have great bodies. She hops on him, does a toddler job, do some delective in Iceland, bone. As he's leaving her, he says, I'm falling in love with you, Gabby,
Starting point is 00:03:57 and it feels so good. I love you too, she yells back. Then he goes and picks up Susie, and they're having their dinner, and she basically says, if you slept with either one of those girls, yeah, I'm done, I don't want anything to do with you. He's like, what?
Starting point is 00:04:19 You've been watching the show since preschool. What do you think we did on our fantasy dates? Like, hold hands, do scrabble with the hell. So he's like, wait, stop, stop. And she starts doing this thing, which when I watched it, I was like, girls do this. It's the manipulating girlfriend thing where, you know, they just wake up and they're like, you know what, I'm gonna fuck with my boyfriend today. I'm gonna make him think that I'm gonna break up with him.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I'm gonna run out of the party. I want him to chase me. I have no intention of break up with him. I'm gonna run out of the party. I want him to chase me. I have no intention of breaking up with him, but I just want to fuck with him so much that I know how much he really likes me. So she starts to play that game. He's like, I don't know what to do. They walk out from the fake food, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:58 And he walks out and he's like, I don't want to do. Jesse shows up. Jesse's been went to the hosting school that everybody on the bachelor went to, where they just have to hold their hands like this, just like a little triangle, because they don't know what to do with their hands. And he's like, wow Clayton,
Starting point is 00:05:12 this is something intense. I know how much you care for Susie. And Clayton's like, I don't know what to do. I mean, how could she not have told me this before? Like, if she would have told me before, I wouldn't have slept with them because I love her the most. Like, I love the other girls,
Starting point is 00:05:28 but like, she's like my favorite love. She's the Robin of the Sister Wife situation, okay? So, then, all of a sudden, he just snaps and he comes back and she's like, I don't know, I just wanna, I just want to, he goes, no, like I'm done. I don't need to talk to anymore. She's like, what?
Starting point is 00:05:44 He's like, bye bye, bye. Leave, we're done to go, no, like I'm done. I don't need to talk to anymore. She's like, what? He's like, bye bye. Bye, leave. We're done. Like, you're not for me. You tried to mind screw me and I'm just, and she's like, oh, wait, like, again, like, I was just kind of screwing with you. I didn't really want it to be over. He's like, see ya.
Starting point is 00:05:57 She gets in the car. He's like, the next day he's all sad. He's like, I'm just going to be totally transparent with the two other girls. So Gabby and Rachel show up looking great. And they're in this big, like, vacuous kind of a building, which was absolutely genius of the producers for a reason. I'm going to tell you, so they come up. He's like, so girls, I want to tell you,
Starting point is 00:06:20 I told you both that I love you. I also slept with you both. But I also told Susie that, and that's why she's not here because she didn't want anything to do with me once after I slept with both of you. But I just wanted to be honest. The two girls are like, what? They go separate ways. This blonde one, Rachel, goes downstairs and is just wailing. Wailing, like you've never heard anyone wail.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And it's just echoing throughout the whole building. Gabby runs off and she's just like, I don't know. I don't want to be loved the most. I want to be loved, just loved. It's not a measuring cup. I'm not three-fourths and Susie's four-fourths. And I mean, I'm making that part up. But anyway, she's just basically saying, I don't want me to love to be measured.
Starting point is 00:07:06 So, okay, fine. Now let's do the rose ceremony. See the standing there? He gives it to Rachel. She takes it. Gabby goes, I can't take it. Can you walk me out? Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Now Rachel's like, what? Wait a minute. On last one standing, I don't know if I should be happy, but I also feel weird because I thought I wanted to be the last, I wanted to be chosen. I didn't want to be like the last one available. Like, I don't even know what to do. He convinces her. Now she comes back. Gabby says to Rachel, sorry, I'm back. She's like, no, I'm glad you're back. Like, I don't even know what we're doing here. So they both take their roses and then they go. Now they meet the parents, the most normal, all-American family,
Starting point is 00:07:46 two little Clayton brothers, mom and dad still married. Come in, they like each girl, he tells them the whole story. They're like, okay, the two girls leave. They're like, they're both great. Gabby Rachel, like great daughter-in-laws. And he goes, but, you know what? I still really love Susie the most.
Starting point is 00:08:04 They're like the girl that, she didn't want to be with you because you slept with the other two, he's like, yeah. Who could that be, Jesse, with his hands like this? Hi parents, hi little Clayton brothers. Well, I got some news for you. Wonder what it could be. Yeah, Susie, Mr. Flight, she's still here in Iceland. So if you'd like to talk to her, okay, he goes and see Suzy,
Starting point is 00:08:31 she's make a perfect ready. Jessie, what are you doing? Would you like to talk to Clayton? I guess I'd like to have some closure. She goes, meets the parents, hi, hi. The dad's like, would you like to take her off your coat? She's like, no, I just want to talk to Clayton parents. They're like, all right, so she goes off,
Starting point is 00:08:45 talks to Clayton's and is all, I don't know how I feel, but whatever. But if you want me, like, you're gonna, I think you know what you have to do. Jesse says to him, what are you gonna do? I'm gonna go to the two other girls and break up with them right now. He does a group break up, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:05 They're, you know, a part of group dates, this was a group break up. The two girls, Gabby and Rachel are sitting there and that he's like, so Susie is still here and I've decided like, that's who I really want to be with and I'm so sorry that I told you that I love you and I'm so sorry that I slept with you. And they're just both crying and he goes off. He does another separate mini breakup with each. Gabby is like done. He walks Rachel to the car. She's like, I can't believe,
Starting point is 00:09:34 and she's crying so bad. And there's like a lash that fell off that stuck right here. She looks like she's a gang member who killed someone. It's just like a little black tear. And no producers like going, hey girl, no one's doing that. They're like, let that tear sit there and let that lash just hang. And so she's like, I can't believe you're putting me in this car. Right now you're going to regret breaking up with me.
Starting point is 00:09:57 You're going to regret it Clayton. And she goes in the car. And now it's time he has the ring for Susie and she comes out and he's like I'm so serious but he's not asking her to marry him. He has a meal ring, a meal ring but he's saying can we continue our relationship? Like clearly we're not ready for engagement. She's like no you know what I am done. I'm done with you, I'm done with Iceland. I wish I left two days ago but whatever I'm leaving. So she leaves with you. I'm done with Iceland. I wish I left two days ago, but whatever. I'm leaving. So she leaves. He's like, okay, they may come stand out in the rain. Okay. He's like in the rain as the last card goes.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Jesse comes back to the live audience and he's like, wow, he's got the hands going. We've never had a Bachelor leave with no one. We've never had the bachelor stand alone. Or was he alone? Commercial break, he comes back. Well, he is with someone. He, someone slid into his DMs after he got back from Iceland. Who could it be? And they just show this girl shoes walking back and forth.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Pops out, it's Susie. We, we decided to make it work. He's moving to Virginia, we're in love, and people has the exclusive. They went to some house in Valley Village. It looks like, and they just took all these photos. Him giving her flowers, them hugging, doing really natural things like pillow fights.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Doesn't that always happen with you and your boyfriend moving together? Aren't you like, you know what would be fun? Let's have a pillow fight where you whack me in the head and the feathers go everywhere. Who the fuck is gonna pick that up? And they're standing on the bed as if they're ever gonna stand and jump on a bed.
Starting point is 00:11:30 They only do that in reality shows. And he said, we haven't sent a timeline for ourselves. We haven't talked about engagement, but we're having fun getting to know each other. And then he says, we're neither team Clayton or Susie, we're just team Clacy. So this asshole already named themselves, like, you know, J. Rodd or Benefer or whatever,
Starting point is 00:11:55 or Pether, which is Peter and Heather, he already named themselves. The, this couple is on the Instagram, like they are in it together. They are like we are going to make this work and get the most out of it as possible. So who's the bachelor rat? Who's it gonna be? Is it gonna be Gabby or is it gonna be Rachel?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Well, I predicted this weeks ago. Of course, you guessed it. Well, you watched it because it's out. We're gonna have both of you guys. What? Nothing brings two girls closer together than two girls that have screwed the same guy who they now both hate.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It's a bond that is like no other. I mean, if you want your best friend to be someone that you both screwed a guy who broke your heart, it is like you're going to have this bond in common and they're like, that's great. And so this way, they've done this once before, which was awful, where they had the guys choose which bachelor they wanted to pursue. This is they get to go the whole way to the end and pick their guys. Now maybe some of them, maybe they'll be a point where they like the same guy. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I think these girls are smart. I think they're true friends. I think they're calculating. And I think they're like, you want that one, you don't? You know what? They thought of this idea because Joe Million Miller millionaire which I just watched on Fox. With two guys one was rich one was not and they got to date a group of people and group of girls and they were like there's a chance you guys both might like the same girl.
Starting point is 00:13:38 No. These guys fell in love with each other in a platonic way. They were best friends, they were brothers. It wasn't even about the girls. It was about them succeeding as Joe as being the stars of the show. The same thing is going to happen here. Unfortunately, these girls are not going to turn on each other. They're not going to fall for the same guy. They're going to have fun. That's my prediction, just like Joe millionaire. Neither guy really acted like really cared was bummed. Neither guy really liked the same girl. And oh, and I found it in Joe millionaire.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Nobody watched the show. But the rich guy who was the farmer is still with his girlfriend. And the other one who was hot and non-as-rich, he married, he got with his girl. They didn't get engaged. His promise rings. They broke up a month later. So just wanted you guys to know that. Okay This was interesting Jake Paul
Starting point is 00:14:35 That is the huge YouTube sensation. He does these like boxing events. He's got a brother Logan Paul They're just like these crazy brothers He tweeted my official at most V promotions offers for Kanye West and Pete Davidson I have a 3030 million guarantee for Kanye and a $30 million guarantee for Pete. Money will be put in an escrow account before six rounds of a boxing match. Listen, I don't think this is going to happen, but it's fricking genius, even as a PR stunt. But I truly believe that this guy has the money to pay them each 30 million for a $60 million a vet plus and if they really did box each other I think that it would really incur that much money. I mean people are so invested in their weird fight
Starting point is 00:15:18 So there you go Then I watched the caller daddy podcast where she called Alex Cooper called Annie Anna sorry Anna Delvie from the O.C. Ice Prison and she was supposed to be Off to Germany then she's not. I don't know where she is. It's changing every day Can you see like is she still in the prison? she's not i don't know where she is it's changing every day can you see like she's still in the prison
Starting point is 00:15:47 shaz the glasses and you know i've seen a lot of jailhouse interviews you know i've watched a million date lines i've you know oftentimes and someone's in prison you're like oh now i get to see the real woman not the way the prosecutor presented her or whatever crime she did. Anna Delvey is just as much of a sociopath, asshole, clueless, selfish, awful person that has been portrayed in every documentary book and of course the Netflix special.
Starting point is 00:16:26 She's so frustrating. I mean this interview. Oh, by the way, she's going to start a podcast. Do you imagine listening to that voice every day with her interviewing people? Basically the main part of it is Alex says, do you feel badly at all about constantly saying that you intended to pay people back, but you never did, because you were lying about all the money that you had, and it was never coming. And she's like, no, I mean, there's so many people that have done worse things.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Haha. Like what are you saying? I feel like honestly, if she had murdered a person, she'd be like, there's only one person. There's so many other people that have murdered multiple people. I don't get it. Then she says, what was it like living in a hotel? I mean, people must have thought you were wealthy if you could spend $63,000 living in a hotel.
Starting point is 00:17:23 There's so many people that are rich in New York that live in even nicer hotel rooms than I did. What does it matter? You know, and I was always traveling and I didn't want to, you know, put down a be committed to an apartment when I could just live in a hotel. And Alex is like, well, probably because you had no money, like it'd be hard with like, you know, getting an apartment when you're like full of shit is what I'm thinking. Just like, well, you know, people,
Starting point is 00:17:50 I don't, it's not of their business where I get my money. And then she's like, do you feel bad about the other girl, Rachel, who you stiffed on this trip and left her with, you know, a $70,000 bill? Well, you know, I was going, I said I'd pay her back when the Anna Delphae Foundation really took off, but I knew if I told her the truth and that would be, you know, admitting that it's ever going to happen. And then she's like, and Rachel's doing fine.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah, it all worked out. Years later, she got a book deal, she's living okay. She still got fired from her job. She still had the stress of knowing that you were not going to pay her, running her around, meeting her places, not showing up. It's like just because three years later after a horrible situation happened and you're doing okay, that doesn't erase the horrible situation and the anxiety that you put her through. Oh my god this girl is the worst and now you guys more with hot juicy topics with your with the hilarious and the juicy scoop favorites Julie and Brandy. Hello and welcome to juicyop. I have the comedic duo of Brandy and Julie.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Okay. Justin Bieber speaking of wonderful husbands whose wives have had head injuries. I can relate. Justin Bieber never left Haley's side when she suffered a blood clot in her brain. I can say that that absolutely wasn't the case with my husband. He never even came.
Starting point is 00:19:28 When he didn't come bring you any Arizona. Oh, let alone not leave my side. He didn't bring you a warm towel. No. So what did you do? Just call he call he texted? Are you okay? He was calling, you know, we had some conversations. I wanted to bring you like, be here in her. No, at one point he was just like giving me too much information and then I was like, I mean, I do love being like, I have a head injury. Like, I just need to lay down. But anyway, she seems to be fine. He's the greatest husband ever.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Do we have a theory on how this because of course, Anyway, she seems to be fine. He's the greatest husband ever. Lime. Do we have a theory on how this, because of course, anyone who's into problematic dieting as we are, wondered, huh, how does, how does this blood clot come about? I mean, now there's also, there was also hints on the news that it was a stroke brought on by, which could be drug use diet, you know, eating disorder or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:29 We don't know. We don't know. Here's the thing, as someone that collapsed on stage in which really nothing is wrong with me. I now don't want to speculate the way I normally would. Right. Because I really don't know. Because it wasn't the vaccination. It could have been the shingles vax,
Starting point is 00:20:46 it could have been the booster shit vax, it could have been the flu vax, it could have been the two vaxes before that, it could have been that I had half of a red bull, it could have been that I was in Arizona, it could have been that I was walking. I don't know. Walking.
Starting point is 00:21:01 You know what, what would the tea would be, if Haley Bieber was double-vaxed and boosted? That's what we need. Yes. That's what we need so that none of us have to get the booster. I wonder if she's getting more saves. Oh, the four saves. Thomas.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I just heard there's a new variant coming around that gives you blisters. Anyway, how far? It's like co2.org. I don't know. The maintenance guy told me. Blisters? Blisters. I did. I said, oh, it's so nice to see you smiling without your mask
Starting point is 00:21:27 And he goes didn't you hear about the latest variant gives you blisters like shingles And I said well I have had the shingles shot would that help with the new variant? Who knows blisters? Does he mean herpes? He was like Heather said it's so nice. I'm not taking my mask off because of the variant Let's talk about Some world has been rocked Yes, Heather said it so nice to see my math golf because of the variant Let's talk about some world has been rocked According to the Sun so sad, but I do believe it's true for numerous reasons Katie and Tom Which one to see Tom short say at shorts Tom shorts who have been together for like 12 years, married for, I don't know, five, are breaking up.
Starting point is 00:22:12 I found this hard to believe. I was like, are they generating storylines here? Is she, because she has a podcast? Maybe like, because I just, I mean, they've been together for so long. Online everywhere, it's like married for 12 years, and I'm like, I object your honor. They have not been married for 12 years. I think they've been married for like 12.
Starting point is 00:22:31 They've been gathered for like 12. Yeah. I mean, I don't know what. There was tense a few weeks ago. She wrote a cryptic, I love cryptic posts. She wrote a cryptic post about like liking or reposting something Kim Kardashian said about her divorce. And there were some rumblings of people being like in my group to skip obsessed, like, what does this mean?
Starting point is 00:22:53 And so I posted it and then I investigated and nobody ever wrote more about it, but I was convinced that they were having some issues. Then I went to Lawless birthday party for ocean on the weekend. And I, feeling like I knew the truth, but I wasn't going to tell anything to Katie. Katie and Tom were both there. And you would never know. They're all friends. Everybody was there.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Like, Raquel was there, but without DJ James Kennedy,. They're all friends. Everybody was there, like, Raquel was there, but without DJ James Kennedy, because they're broken up. Stasi was there with her husband, Boe, and their baby. It was Atch, Jackson, Britney's house. So their baby was there. What other baby was that? Sheenah's baby was there.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Sheenah and Rock were there together. And everybody's all friendly and lovely. And like, how cute are all the babies? All the babies are super cute. It was just, you know, and then there were a couple other like random babies that were invited. There were some ugly babies that were in the back.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Randoms. But those cute ones. Oh, Teddy, Mel and Cam, Cam, Cam, because she's got a two year old. So she was there with her kids. And it was super cute. But I said to Katie, who by the the way I just think it's just so pretty such a pretty face and she's like a Bob like a very severe like cool looking Bob
Starting point is 00:24:11 and I said do you guys know if the show is coming back and she's like no and I go well I really think it would be a very interesting season obviously so many lies have changed, you know, with Lala and Raquel. And then she went like, that to say the least is what she said. So I didn't push it. She didn't say anything, but then this came out. And I do think I definitely want them to continue filming. And I would like to see what the action is
Starting point is 00:24:44 and what it is about. I think that there, whatever the breakup will be, I think is to my, it's my guess. I don't think it will be ugly. But a lot of things that don't start out ugly, like, oh, we just are so mature, we both want this break, then down the road is as pleasant. Not that I'm looking forward to be unpleasant, but if anybody was going to have a pleasant break, I think maybe they could accomplish it because they're just both, especially he just seems like really chill and mellow, but there's some businesses and there's money and there's a house involved
Starting point is 00:25:21 and then that's when it stops being super pleasant. Well, I mean, we hosted that after show and at that time they were like kind of rocky. Yeah. Their storyline that season was like, they're sex life. Oh, yes. They would go for long periods where they didn't have sex and then they would like- And it wasn't because she had a long period. They were just going a really long period of time. And then they would have sex for it wasn't because she had a long period. They were just going a really long period of time.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And then they would have sex for like three days straight, like just shut the door and just go and then get all kinky on it, which was, you know, we're fucking hot. Yeah, it was hot. Yeah. The thing I think is that they're on the show together,
Starting point is 00:25:56 the difference like, because Randy or Randi, I know him as Randy, but Randall, I'm that he's, he's like, wait, hold on. Who's ever called Randall Randy? My best friend was his assistant for years and we called him Randy then. Oh, I don't know if I never knew.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, okay. I know it's, yeah. Yeah, Randy, I don't even know if he's still like a partner with George and it was when he was in a film company with this guy George. Oh, okay. He won't be on the show, so it'll be easier for La La to be like, with George and they it was when he was in a film company with this guy George. Okay. Um, he won't be on the show so it'll be easier right for Lala to be like the thing is they're
Starting point is 00:26:30 on the show together and Katie has a super strong personality. We like her a lot. She's fun. We've like partied with them and it's great. The second Tom starts casually dating someone. She isn't a rip his fucking eyes out. And you know what, good. I want, that's what I want to see.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah, you're right. Like, because he's gonna just be like, ho, hum, what? I'm, you know, he's like an all-shock kind of guy. And yes. And we knew him before we ever hosted that. So he was the only one we knew. He's a really, really sweet guy.
Starting point is 00:27:00 But he is the kind of guy that's gonna accidentally just start casually seeing someone. And then yeah, he's gonna get punched in the dick Let me just tell you something I talked to him at the party and He is so good looking and he's tall And I was like standing next to him because I'm tall and He's so he's only so sweet. He's always like how you doing and unlike how is the bar coming what's going on?
Starting point is 00:27:25 And he's like oh my gosh, you know, it's coming along but Construction wise like we had to wait for this window permit for so long and he's like talking about it and Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of girls that are gonna be happy to see that this guy is single I don't the other hand like I said she's beautiful. She's beautiful. Yeah. Like her face is, I mean, and yeah, so we'll see. I mean, if they really are ending it, or maybe they'll take a break and get back together, but it's best that they do it before they go the next step of having kids. So if it's like, you know, they're just not feeling it anymore, they, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:28:03 it's weird. Were Tom and Ariana there. Tom. No, Tom Santaval was had a show, you know, he sings with like a cover band And he had a show in New York that rock, Kal and Shina were gonna go to and There are flights for cancel because I guess of weather so they didn't so then they came to the party Oh, okay, so yeah all the guys on that show were good looking or I mean, we're on that show. That's the, that was the Vanderpump thing
Starting point is 00:28:31 is that they were all good looking, you know? In the days of old, it was like a classic soap opera. Right. Now we're getting more into like, well, it's okay if some people are good looking and I'm like, no, really isn't though. Don't we want them all to be hot? So we'll see if they ever make an official statement
Starting point is 00:28:47 speaking of yachts you sent this to me uh... last week a man stole a yacht i found out more about it so the yacht was being fixed and the keys were in it and this guy who his job is he's a c-e-o we don't know what hop did it and just went for a joy ride and i guess didn't know how to drive it crash into all these boats one person who was on one of the boats in crash and was injured but not severely anyway he uh... they did arrest him and he's been
Starting point is 00:29:18 fake you know charge of the bunch of felonies on the news it was amazing i mean i'm surprised that walk and go whereas how they're mcdonald where i mean like literally they're on the thing On the news it was amazing. I mean, I'm surprised they didn't walk and go. Where is Heather McDonald? Where I mean like literally they're on the thing. They're showing this the news. It's LA news Which is the best news on the planet? Yeah, you know what I mean? They were like we're in no poor beach This is unbelievable Jan What happened? I'm standing on the marina. You cannot believe it. What sir? What did you see? I was out Oh You cannot believe it. Sir, what did you see? I was out on the dock and you can't even believe it. This boat just destroyed all these other boats.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Meanwhile, it's a yacht, it's all this shit. They show this thing. It's like a speed boat yacht, so it's like different than ours is like a sail thing. It's exactly where your boat is. I got a let-how-called. Or I was like, I don't know, this could be how it's like, that could be Peter on there. I don't know, maybe Peter took a trip.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I don't know what's going on, but this is very- We got to tell other, tell other. We got to tell other. We had to tell another. It wasn't our boat and then our boat was in hits, so that's okay. But the other thing is Brandon. Is it so- It was so weird.
Starting point is 00:30:21 It was like he wasn't drunk or anything, but then drove it like he was it was like a weird drunk. Oh, he was in I think yeah, I think it's high high on something. Yes, but we they didn't say that yet I I covered the real house of Salt Lake all season and the reunion But I mean to just know your opinion now that the season is done. I want to get your thoughts Stop brutalizing my family. I will say but Julie was obsessed with Meredith and the orange silicon halter saying she was in a chest plate. Well here's a chest plate one in this in the Here's a chest plate one in the, I have a photo of it here in the snake skin thing. Also good.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And here, okay, I had tweeted to Andy saying, if he does not ask about the chest plate, I saw a preview of the special of him asking about the chest plate, and it was not in it. It was on the very first, it was a three part reunion and the on the preview for on the very first episode. It showed the breastplate question. Yes. We almost died. Because Julie's in test. I, I, I've been talking about it for months. And it's not just the breastplate. Harkin, may we please star trek to Rath of Khan, Ricardo Montablan. This is very important. Okay. What are you talking about? Yeah. Get into it. Ricardo, look it up. Ricardo Monta Blanc. Star Trek, Wrath of Khan. Ricardo Monta
Starting point is 00:31:51 Blanc plays Khan. He is in an outfit such as just like what she's wearing. Yeah. Lots of jewelry, blah, blah, blah. And he's at least I think at this point, he's 70 or something. And yet so fit. So smooth. So tan. tan so tan so fit and smooth and tan Thank you that right there. He's in a job right there Now this is the thing with it. It has been since 1982 or 1984 when that movie was made It has been a topic of conversation Everywhere especially in the Star Trek world of is that a breastplate world, of is that a breastplate?
Starting point is 00:32:25 They asked him, is that a breastplate? They asked the director is that a breastplate? Is he wearing a breastplate? What's to deal with the breastplate? All right, we have the chestplate. And you said he was about 70, and you're right. He's not a mole. Not a sunspot.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Oh, and this is even more natural picture of some of them. Oh, I don't know that one's very That one is sculpted that one is sculpted. There is one. There's a few where he is especially in the movie where the the necklature Just doesn't move. It says if it's on top of it. Yeah, it's waxing So and you'd want to have jewelry so that it that's right That's right. That's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right that's not even as much of a montabons but julie who's a trekkie where we analyze that was montablons for the whole time and we analyzed her chest and the chest plate in that
Starting point is 00:33:32 and then andy asks about it and then they they never they never show it in the three-part moment put it in the trailer and they didn't i that always bother me they used to do that with movies sometimes i remember there was this may grion movie where they should they showed them on a big case she was an alcoholic may grion uh... when a man loves a woman and we just said you love alcohol she was an alcoholic teacher that would like to get drunk after school every day with like her other alcoholic friend
Starting point is 00:34:00 and then in one in the in the trailer or the previous they would show them at this like exotic resort swimming in the pool and the whatever the affinity pool the first infinity pool. But they were some little part of that that then in the movie never was in there and this happens a lot they cut the trailer. Almost and then they go back and they cut the movie and nobody the trailer people who cut the trailer are different editors than the people that cut the movie. And nobody's talking. And it's like, what? Yeah, then you feel robbed.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I thought this was one of, I mean, and I love reunions more than anything on Bravo. Like we will cruise in and watch a reunion. And we even watched, the shit you make us watch, you know, married across the border or whatever. Yes, you know, 90 day fiancee. Yeah, 90 day fiancee. We were just watching the reunion of all that.
Starting point is 00:34:50 We didn't even go any of the players. We're just like inter reunions. For Bravo, who they do reunions well, I think this was one of the worst housewives reunions I've ever seen. Oh, really? It was a hot mess. They buried the lead. Their mad at Lisa. Where's Lisa stands? Right. You know, you're for bad
Starting point is 00:35:09 weather. You're with. I've said this before, I don't understand the fight. The fight to me. The fact that they're mad at her, it's still confusing. It's not it's not black and white enough. And it's like, I don't even want to analyze it. Yeah, it's like, if you bring us the receipts. If they're going to fight over tweets or texts, we need all of the texts and we need them laid out. So the audience understands what the hell they're doing.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And my father did die. He's dead. My father is dead. Brooks makes sweatshirts and sweatpants. You know, I honestly don't desire the implication that you're making on me. And I'm just going to put it aside for a moment because the incredible hurt and pain
Starting point is 00:35:58 that I felt by the accusations, were you brutalized? Oh, brutalized. You brutalized my family. I was traumatized? I was being brutalized. You brutalized my family. I was traumatized and terrorized by twigs. And then they were like, Jen liked to tweet about your, about Brooks being a little twink. Tweet. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And oh, what? Yeah, he's not at all. Oh, let's talk about the investigation. Oh. Okay, that made no sense. I didn't talk about this so much before. So Heather Gaye says, I got a text and so did Meredith
Starting point is 00:36:38 that said get ready for the next season, watch out. And so did Lisa, the whole cast. And we didn't know who sent that text. So Meredith hires a cyber surgeon. Or whatever. Who wouldn't. If you got a text that said that, you would tear. And I'm like, that's the threat.
Starting point is 00:36:58 I thought the threat was going to be like very something specific. Like we know that Chloe goes to this school and is in this storm and we're coming to kill your daughter. Like I didn't think it was watch out bitch like first season three. Yeah, I've we've got receipts. We know what you did. It's like I know you did last summer like well I didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And then it went to their email and their text and there was only, you know, there was only three other people in the universe. Right. That had both of our emails and both of our texts. How could that be? How could that be? You're all friends. It was you and a first shot. It had to be Jennifer Shaw.
Starting point is 00:37:37 It was Jennifer Shaw. Meanwhile, by the way, what about how the cyber didn't have any time to show? We didn't know for sure, but they said, the cyber surgeon said that it was a for most likely and how does the cyber guy he should be dragged he didn't even figure it out
Starting point is 00:37:53 that is you know they have a lot of money he was drunk he was at the infinity pool it's a lot people in comas new would have suspect gen shot after what happened in vegas and then even Lisa in the show she's like Thomas knew what to suspect Jen Shaw after what happened in Vegas. And then even Lisa in the show, she's like, Jen does a very specific thing where she writes B because, did you see this? It was like she writes the letter B and then she writes C U Z. It's like a vernacular.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Lisa called it a vernacular. Right. Lisa is the best. So she's like, it's a very specific vernacular. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And she said, Jen's the only one who uses that. Just fun. Just Jen. So they all figured out it was Jen. The only person she's. It probably was Jen. It was. It was.
Starting point is 00:38:36 It was. It was. Who? We love Jen. We literally love Jen. I told Brandia I was like, I'm neat. We just love her. I'm sorry. We love Jen Shaw. We love Jen Shaw. We wanted to be you want her okay
Starting point is 00:38:47 So badly, but do you think she is no, I don't okay? Well, you'll speculate on that what she fell down in her head you wouldn't speculate I mean, I don't I think yeah, I think she's been doing this scam for years She knew it was a scam for sure. And she's been a scam that you people have been, like maybe it wasn't necessarily deemed illegal 15 years ago when she started, cause what I remember is she was doing something
Starting point is 00:39:16 she got reprimanded like years ago for it, but Ned she went back to doing it. So I think she's pretty aware of what you're doing. And she still can't explain what it is, or just tell me how you've helped the world in what your job is, and she can't. She's like, oh, I've collected data and gave it to other people.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Okay, how did those other people benefit? Like did the person that you collected the data from benefit? I collected this person's data so then they were able to get a ton of coupons. What was it? Like Facebook, Facebook gather all of our data, not mine. But they give it and then they sell it. So if you found out she was you know data mining and then sells the data to a company who then traps the elderly people. It's not technically her thing. That's what we're hoping. Because your data, she was being sold by a lot of different companies.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah. And there's a lot of shady business going on with our data. Um, uh, Venmo does it? Are you going to buy a Gen Shaw motorcycle jacket? She's selling those. She's selling a bunch of Shaw, shamazing stuff. Oh, like merch. Yeah. But here's my question is, even if she's innocent, what's her next career? Just being shamazing. Yes. I can't go back to doing this thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I'd rather I'd rather a juicy scoop black sweatshirt. Do you still have those? I have a whole bunch of you, uh, merch coming. Okay. That's it. That's it. I want to say one last thing. Yes. I use fresh wolf. So at least the far lowest listening, not just not just for teenage boys is for middle age lesbian. I love that. That should be the new slogan. Yep. Not just for teenage boys.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Middle age lesbian too. Two. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. What did you think of the reunion? They obviously bait and switched. I mean, I watched the whole thing. I thought there was enough juice there. Like, I thought there was enough juicy tidbits. I mean, like I said, I kind of went through it already, but like, I thought, you know, and I think that they, they try to make it juicy. I I think one thing Jill's there and said it was on this week. She's like, we didn't know how to be fake.
Starting point is 00:41:30 We didn't know how to create stuff, how to make story lines those first couple years. When someone walked off the reunions because they just wanted to leave. It wasn't a dramatic moment. It's like, and I just think now, just people know so much. So it's like, even if they hate someone, they know like, I gotta make up with you because we're on the show.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And I don't want the show to go away. And I never want to be in a position where I'm like, it's either she or me, because then you know there's a big shout out to you at the boot. You can't get on an island. You can't get what, yeah. It's the call it getting on an island. Like if she's and ends up on an island,
Starting point is 00:42:03 then she has to get out. So that's right, Meredith and Mary were always together. Because Mary would it getting on an island like if she's and ends up on an island then she has to get out So that's right Meredith and Mary were always together because Mary would have been on an island and Meredith would have been on one And then no one's gonna film with them. And in fact Jill's Aaron invented that right. Yeah, she literally invented it Like an island. Yeah, yeah, Bobby. Yeah, we're gonna miss all like city. Yeah, but we're still The point of the chest plate going back to it. She looks to have decent sized tits in real life. This particular look, it looks flatter. And I just wonder, what, like, what was the conversation?
Starting point is 00:42:43 What made it bad that you love this top so much and it just didn't work with your boobs. Maybe it was too big of a low cutness. There's too wide of a low cutness. So I just want to know the makeup artist or the stylist that said, you know, I have a way to solve this. You're going to think it's crazy. But we're going to put this thing on first.
Starting point is 00:43:03 There's rubber piece that might drag queen roommate wears. And we're going to put it on you and then put this over and like look how chic it looks. The like, because I do sometimes I have, you know, a very big cleavage. And sometimes I'll see like a gown that I'm like, oh, that looks good with a small cleavage or tits that are far apart. I could never wear that because I'll just look slutty in it, but with someone with smaller tits, it looks chic. So, like, is that how someone talked her into it? I wanted to wear it for my sexual harassing husband. Maybe she had something on her chest. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Like, and she wanted to cover it up too. There's no way that you just couldn't cover something like that or just to wear your outfit that is just in our chest. We're a different top. That's not the only shirt where it looked like she was in a chest. No, that was the best one. The orange one was not the chest plate one. That was the only chest plate one.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Well, I think I'm saying it's not the only top where her chest looked strange because the orange one she's wearing a lot of necklaces like your friend. I think I'm saying it's not the only top where her chest looked strange Because the orange one she's wearing a lot of necklaces like your friend or car on yeah, yeah, hard-o-month Monta-Blawn but also She's wearing a lot of necklaces and then but there are there even in the reunion one where there's like a mesh top or whatever There's something going on in the reunion. Oh, that's my favorite one at the time. Maybe you can pop that one over.
Starting point is 00:44:29 No, that's just, the boobs might be new. I mean, I don't know. She looks so weird. And then it's weird that the husband was obsessed with Whitney's boobs. But her boobs looked very soft and normal in the reunion outfit. I just need to say this about the husband.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I'm gonna just have to say this. Oh God. So during the reunion outfit. I just need to say this about the husband. I'm gonna just have to say that. Oh God. So during the during the reunion when we're getting on poor coach, we're getting on Heather and Whitney are attacking at every like their vipers, they can't stop. Meanwhile, Seth, that guy doesn't stop ogling her tits. They're a dire relationship at the whole time. And everyone's just fine. It's just how he is and I'm just like You know what fuck off take your oggling your gross ass non-consent and get out of here. I can't stand that. I think it's
Starting point is 00:45:15 Well, I have another fairy. Okay. I don't think that they have fucked each other, but I think both couples have swung Oh, oh in general. I think that couples have swung. Oh, oh, in general? I think that they are swinging open, like a little bit sexually open. I know Whitney and Justin got together, I think when they were both married to other people, I think they're pretty sexual. So I don't think it matters that he's flirting with her.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I don't think they're ever gonna like swing in real life. And then I think they've been together for 25 years. They've talked about, they've separated, they've dated other people. I just think there's just an openness to like being, having fun with other couples, yeah, other couples and stuff. Well, and they, that was the rumors that Whitney and Justin were swingers. That was the very first rumor that Lisa was like, as your big sister or whatever, I'll tell you and when he's like, oh, I don't care. I'm with this.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So do you think there's flirting and then it gets to a point where you're at the point where you're like, here's a cake, okay, of my debts. Back off. Well, I think what Meredith said, which was what Meredith said was just like, he was like, it was a heavy season for my wife and I was just trying. I'm not, and the thing is you guys,
Starting point is 00:46:28 these reality stars, they're not comedians, they're not actors, they're not writers. So do they do the same stick all the time? I just was mentioning how Shannon Bedor I think has fallen into a pool drunk wearing spanks or showing her spanks. I think we're on the fourth time now that she's done it. So it's like they go do their same go-to thing because they aren't comedians. Like they're
Starting point is 00:46:50 just trying something. They let me just do it. So then he was just like, oh, like it's a reaction. Let me just say this. And then of course they used it every time he said it. So that's like, I like that theory. It's all right. You know what I'm talking about in the orange, but you can't see it. The chest plate in that. That, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that,
Starting point is 00:47:09 that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that know. And if there is somebody who worked with her makeup and stylist team that wants to anonym be an on and DM me or send it through a different text. It won't scare me. I won't do a cyber surgeon. I just want to know. Did it happen or did it not? Or can you infatically say Heather, it was just makeup makeup stop it. Do you know any of the other things you want to know before you die? Well some of them I don't want to say it loud. There's just a couple things like why these two people stopped
Starting point is 00:47:52 you know talking and things like that. Oh here it is. Oh it was canceled. Okay here we go. The dropout. The dropout is on Hulu and I like it uh... i was talking to lawa and she wasn't as excited and i said i think it's not gonna get the buzz that inventing anadid for a few reasons one inventing anna you could be it and i think sometimes with our our society now when it's once a week it just we cannot keep the momentum of talking it. I like having shows that I can look forward to a point. Yeah, I kind of like that. But also, I think it's a lot of science
Starting point is 00:48:32 talk. And for some people, it's a little hard to follow. But I'm on the latest episode now. And I am enjoying it. I'm understanding a lot of things I never understood from the 2020s and the actual doc like understanding it better seeing it acted out. Well, I'm a huge fan of her. Amanda Sigmunder. She's great. And just to remind you, people, this is about Elizabeth Holmes, who at 19th started this company with one dropped, you can test 30 different diseases. And it was all bullshit, but the show does explain how the bullshit happened and how it continued. But yes, the actress is great playing her.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Incredible. I can't stand Elizabeth Holmes in real life. And I mean, I was way more here for Anna Delvie and her stinky poo and everything, stinky number two. Or she eats the fish with the head still on it. Yeah, she's also Heather. Just in socialite. And she wiped with the toilet paper roll. Oh yes. That would be interesting to see because Anna now supposedly, she was supposed to go yesterday to be deported back to Germany, but she, something happened, she's still in the OC ICE department. Oh, well.
Starting point is 00:49:47 And she's going to continue evading. Yeah. We know that she'll never go back to Germany. Wait, actually, I just thought it was funny. You need to ask me as Anna, how do I feel about, like, another series about a young girl being fraudulent of Elizabeth Holmes, who I feel like it's gonna do as well. Okay. Okay. Anna, how do you feel about this new show that brought me?
Starting point is 00:50:10 I actually give me your glasses. How do you feel about this new show that draws out? Like, I do. Wow, she's not there for any. It looks so much like I can't take it. She's not pretty. I had a sense of style. She wore the same turtle neck every day. People don't want to give people money who wear the same black turtle neck every day. What do you think of
Starting point is 00:50:33 her business? Who cares about blood? Nobody cares about blood. The Adda Delphi Foundation was going to have artists and exciting people be there and galleries and art. People like to talk about that. No one wants to talk about science. It's so boring. It's for poor people. You kept comparing those with homes. I did.
Starting point is 00:50:56 And Anna, do you like people comparing? I don't know. Why would you compare a girl? It doesn't even know fashion to me. That was why. That was why. That was why. I was really trying to just say that that you were just so much more fashionable
Starting point is 00:51:10 and more likable than a person who, you know, scams people out of like medicine and stuff, but you just were like partying in. The only similarities is that she had a lot of old white men that were trying to ruin her, like the old white men were trying to ruin me along with that bitch that I took to Maracosh, I never appreciated it. I wrote a book about me, so stupid.
Starting point is 00:51:35 My book will be so much better when I go get out of here. Did you like the Netflix, the Netflix movie about you? Mm, series of movies. Some stuff was okay. I, I mean, you know, they sort of got it, sort of didn't, but I just want people to know the truth that that girl was trying to be my friend for so long. She's so stupid. And nobody knows that she set me up.
Starting point is 00:51:59 She didn't say that. Oh. She called the police. Said she wanted to have lunch when I was in a fake rehab And then I came out in the police for that, but she won't say that because that wouldn't work with her stupid narrative What was prison like Oh Prison is worse Let me just say that it was worse than anything I'd ever but it the O.C. Ice is worse than the Rikers jail
Starting point is 00:52:27 Wow, yeah, the Rikers jail. Wow. Yeah the Rikers jail what it looks like the Marikash hotel compared to the O.C. Oh my God. Ice jail. So just so you know I hope you're American because they don't throw Americans in ice. So unfair. Yeah. That is unfair when you're in the idea foundation is not going to be unfair will you go back to the one that has a lot of money can join are you gonna go back to germany or do you want to go back to russia i don't want to go to russia i want to go to germany and then take over the world with my friend julia
Starting point is 00:53:02 uh... july a block right here right here and she said i could have with my friend Julia Fox. Julia Fox. Right. She had a bark and she said I could have, but she left over for Kanye. Yeah. So it's, but I like it. I like the show. The dropout show.
Starting point is 00:53:16 It's good. Julie keeps on saying it's Julie does compare it to the antidote. And she thinks that they both truly believed they were going to do these things. I think with Elizabeth Holmes, I mean, she seems like she's on the spectrum in some way. She's got, she's a sociopath. I think more than antidote in my opinion, but I can't stand her in real life on any level. So the show, I don't want to watch my girl play somebody that I hate. And so it's just kind of hard because I just, she's just so unlikable to
Starting point is 00:53:50 me in general. It has been interesting learning about it. And I think she was on a train of getting all this money and then not stopping and being like, we need to tell the board that we just need to put a pen in it for three years. Because the scientists kept saying like we're three years away from these, but I think in saying three years away, I think she also realized, wait a minute, I don't know that this will ever work. Oh, she just didn't know how to stop it. So she was like, but that's what I don't get. Like when you know that it's inevitable that you are going to be found out.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Like between Tindler Swindler and Inventing Anna and this, I'm always like, when is, I just, when is that moment? I wanna just hear from the scammer to go, I knew at this moment, fuck. Cause sometimes when they arrest scammers or whatever, sometimes they're in prison and they're like, I can sleep now. Like I've been living a double life for all these years.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Like I'm miserable in jail, but honestly, I was more miserable, like constantly covering up the lies. You know, like catch me if you can. It's like that stressful feeling of the house of cards gonna tumble down. That's why it's so stressful watching the story. I think with her though, she, the reason one of the reasons why we hate her so much
Starting point is 00:55:07 is because she she's so not just sociopathic her ego is beyond and her she's a few brises out of control she has no sense of no there's no sense of reality at all she lives in a non reality and for her she wanted to be a billionaire and she wanted to be like steve jobs and market soccer burger blah blah blah and change the world and do it fast she kept to the keep saying this to on the fast you have to fast you can't wait you can't wait
Starting point is 00:55:34 and she wasn't gonna let anything stop the thought of this non-reality speaking of the best scene i really should just clip this one scene because everyone needs to see it it uh... it's the professor at stanford I really should just clip this one scene because everyone needs to see it. It's the professor at Stanford played by... Lori Mecca. Yes. And she presents her idea to her and the woman is like, this will never work, but good luck
Starting point is 00:55:58 to you. And then she goes running after and she's like, you have to help me because you're a woman. And she turns around and I'm going to paraphrase it obviously, but it's like and she's like, you have to help me because you're a woman. And she turns around and I'm gonna paraphrase it obviously, but it's like she's like, no, that is exactly the wrong, that is exactly the wrong thing to say because you're a woman. Because you're a woman, you're never gonna get a shortcut. You're never going, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:20 they're going to look for you to fuck up. And because I'm a woman, I'm not gonna give you a shortcut. I'm gonna make you take all these steps. So when you get there, you'll be able to stay there. It was so brilliant. Brilliant, that was the best writing. And that's Liz. Lori Meccalfe.
Starting point is 00:56:36 No, but the girl who's writing it is a really great writer. Oh, well that's a very tender son. I've recognized the name over there. She's written a lot of great series and things. And I was just like, yeah, that was so good. So profound. Yes. You give us Maryweather.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Yeah, Elizabeth Maryweather is the writer of it. And then she, and then it was also spoke to how she then turned away from women and started just mining men. Praying on these men, kind of, which they all deserve it. That's fine. But they're the only ones who would sit there and like blow smoke a brass about a thing that didn't work.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah, exactly. And they wanted to believe it and all of that. But she's, that's what's so crazy. It's like she's a sociopath and all that stuff, but she's also a master manipulator. Do you know, can you look up while I go to the next topic? Where does the trial stand right now? Has she been sentenced where it was
Starting point is 00:57:25 not been sentenced she got convicted of four of the eleven counts and then four of the less i mean it's four of the lesser of the eleven counts okay so she's and there's well that was a whole thing with the jury and the jury make up and they were men and did it i mean even in the but we do we're waiting for the sentence yeah but how she has a baby she got married had a baby and she married us a boy that's a guy that's super wealthy on top of it.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And I'm like, God, and you still score like a cute rich husband on top of it. And she's so weird looking. Yeah. And then the weird mom who's also what do they say? Oh, no, yeah, okay, you did. You never mind. The mom is a strange sociopath who then they hold hands every time you've seen when they're walking
Starting point is 00:58:08 into the court. She's holding hands in real life. Yeah, it's in her own mom or their mother-in-law. Her own mom. I mean, the fact that she went and got pregnant, like that should say, rather than the message being to whoever is just pregnant, it's like she got the, that is the,
Starting point is 00:58:24 she's the lowest, you know, the lowest. When I's like she got the, that is the, she's the lowest. You know, the lowest. When I was like eight years old, and there was always like fear of like nuclear war and stuff with Reagan, I told my dad, I said if girls ever have to be drafted, the first thing I'm gonna do is get pregnant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I knew that at eight years old, like get pregnant, and hopefully we won't have to, I won't have to go. I go that's what's gonna happen, all the women will just get pregnant. hopefully we won't have to, I won't have to go. I go, that's what's going to happen. All the women will just get pregnant. And she's like Putin. She's like Putin. She's like, a lot of women on trial have done that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:53 For way worse things like murder and stuff. We'll do anything to get pregnant for sympathy. Yeah. It doesn't mean that you're not going to be sent to prison, but even with Jen Shy, you have more sympathy knowing that her boys, you know, she's a mom, you just do. How much do you guys want to bet Jen Shaw goes longer than this bitch? 100%. That's a crazy guess 100%.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Let's do a prediction right now. Okay. I predict Jen Shaw gets two and a half years. Oh, that's good. And I predict that Elizabeth Holmes gets 18 months. I mean, I wonder if because she has a newborn if she'll go at all, if she'll just get house arrest, which is a fake thing. I don't think Elizabeth Holmes is gonna see
Starting point is 00:59:39 the inside of her. I don't know, and I think, Jen, should I think two and a half years? I think that the sentence are for 10 or something weird, and then they'll be like, but you can do two. It'll be something like that where they'll have to make a, because you know they're gonna make a good. And then also what, yeah, so I guess this had to come out,
Starting point is 00:59:53 this Hulu had probably come out after the trial was done. So the sentencing is just up to the judge. But I wonder, they can't tell the judge, can we make sure you don't have a Hulu description? No, they can't. Because this does Can we make sure you don't have a hulu description? No, they can't. Because this does kind of like, and you gotta remind yourself, this is just, you know, this person imagining
Starting point is 01:00:10 how this happened with all the stuff, but. Right. Plus there's also, there's plenty, there's a documentary, there's the podcast, there's millions of videos, there's so much. There's so much. So Tom and Pam and Tommy was on Hulu, and that just finished.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And I loved it in the beginning, and I was watching it with Drake, and we were watching the last episode. And he's like, oh, I'm just tired of curing or whining about this tape. Whatever, it's out there. Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I'd have to say, it was well done, but it was about six hours too long, and it just needed to be a two-hour movie. Did you not need to be six hours? You have any Pam Anderson stories for us from Chelsea or anything? I don't know. I've never met Pam Anderson in person. Wow. Yeah, I've never met, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:02 But, you know, now she's got her own show that's coming on Netflix. And I'm not really, I don't know that we, and she's doing Roxy Heart in Chicago. So this is all like, this is all then good for Pam, yeah. And then, so like, I do want to know more about her life. Like, I'd like to just see that part, the Tommy stuff and her, it got a little tiring. Cause it was just the same thing over and over the tape. Just over and over and Seth Rugga was the guy
Starting point is 01:01:33 who stole the tape and he just kept coming around and it was fun to see the 90s nostalgic stuff for a while, but I'm just saying it just got boring. And then like, you'd kind of forget about it and you're like, oh, that show, oh, that never ended. I have two more episodes on Hulu. It's just like a weird, a different way to watch TV. Like, yeah, to then take us when she has the little sons
Starting point is 01:01:54 and then she's hanging out with David Lashapel. There's more interesting Pam to go after Tommy. With the photographer, David? Yeah. What happened there? She would just have wild nights with David Lashapel and then didn't she get back with Tommy too? Like I think they could have gone post a little bit
Starting point is 01:02:08 because she had a brief, exciting life. The last thing they say at the end of it is, you know, they broke up, they got back together and then they broke up again, but they have both said Tommy and Pam that each other is the love of their life. Oh, sad. Well it's kind of sad when your Tommy's wife,
Starting point is 01:02:25 well, exactly. That's what I mean. That's a fun thing. I mean, I, you know, Brady Furlon and Tommy have been together a long time and they're married. And, you know, and it's just like that must be a little annoying that the world, you know, wants this thing to happen. Anyway, so that'll be good.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Megan Markle is being sued by her sister. The worst sister on earth is Samantha Markle. She is the half sister. They're 18 years apart. And do the mom or the dad? The dad. Okay. Isn't the dad terrible too? Yes. And she is she is suing Megan for what she said in the Oprah interview. In the Oprah interview, she said, well, my sister Samantha Markle had a different last name, even though they showed the same dad had a different last name. And then just as I was starting to date Harry, she changed her last name back to Markle. So she
Starting point is 01:03:20 kind of was like, so you tell me if you know what she's saying is true. That is what Samantha Markle is suing Megan Markle over defamation. She said, because of that, you hurt my book sales. Her incredible brand. Did you make so much money off of books? Call the pushy sister. I don't know if she calls it the pushy sister. If she's the pushy sister, because she's in a wheelchair, or if she, or if the princess is the Pussy princess,
Starting point is 01:03:48 oh no, it's a Pussy princess. Okay, Pussy princess. Anyway. Oh, but she can write a book called the Pussy Princess? Yeah, and so then the dad, who has been on the older sister's side, he said, he says, I've been trying for almost four years to get my daughter and her ginger husband
Starting point is 01:04:10 in a courtroom face to face, Thomas said. I haven't seen them face to face, or my grandchildren, Carrot Top and Carrot Top, too. That's awful, no, say that. Or my grandchildren, so I'd be thrilled to come to court and talk and defend my oldest daughter Samantha Markle. I love that he got drag and markle.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Did drag his grandchildren into it? Like he's going to take them to court. I mean also like maybe don't call her husband ginger. No. I mean her ginger husband. And I haven't seen them face them or my grandchildren. So I'd love to come to court to talk shit about my daughter but see her kids. What does he want to go to court for? Same. He would be taking, be defending the older daughter, not defending. He'd be going after Megan for defamation of Samantha. It's really, really sad. I thought I had a fucked up family. Like this one, it's just like, it's bad. Like if she ever had any thought of like, I wanna make a man's with my dad before he dies,
Starting point is 01:05:12 I think she's honestly probably okay with like whatever happens at this point. Cause it's like, what, how am I supposed to navigate? But it's like, you're old, the older sister is got you under her spell. All you do is sit around all day and talk shit about me, regurgitating shit about me. There's no way I'm gonna save this situation.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Goodbye, I wanna have a nice life. I would get $100,000 together, make them sign. Cause that's not even that much, probably, for Meghan Markle and Harry, I would get, make them sign away and like bug off out of my life for $100,000, you know they would do it. off out of my life for a hundred thousand you know they do it there's that one how do you know that one that one's the money's gone and they're still dead in their destitute three years from now that they wouldn't start
Starting point is 01:05:53 talking some more shit then what are you gonna get what are you gonna take from them then well I would take what they give away all right to ever sue you again like you know the way they do when you know you know why you are being seen and stuff. That's what I would do. I'd pay them off because they are leeches. Now that's gotta be traumatizing for a child, for a parent like to, that, how unsafe does that make you feel
Starting point is 01:06:16 as a child, that your parent, do you know what I mean? I don't know how it's articulated. You are, of all the people in the world, and you can fight with your parents, and we've all fought with our parents, and whatever, whatever. But like, to go to this level where you're, this half-sister, whatever, but your own father,
Starting point is 01:06:33 that is like the most unsafe. That would make me, that's just trauma, that's traumatizing. I think that, you know, I think that this Samantha Markle wasn't in the picture. I think she would have an okay relationship with her dad. I think this Samantha has turned the dad, and it's a form of elder abuse,
Starting point is 01:06:51 where like an older sibling that doesn't have a lot going on has deemed themselves like the caretaker of the old person. And then they look at the younger sibling who actually has a life and is successful, and it's like, you know, fucking care, dad. You don't care. You know, with your charris and your ginger husband. Like, that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:07:13 And you're like, I'm, so I'm getting punished for being successful and having a life. Didn't you do your job? Didn't you want me to be independent and not like living at home as your caretaker? Like, it's sweet. If that, if that sibling is sweet about it and appreciate it, you know, it can definitely work in a family.
Starting point is 01:07:30 But in other families, then they're so resentful that at 60 or whatever Samantha is, that she's not successful, that she didn't do anything with her life, that she wanted to be the actress too, because she too was the daughter of a, like, he was a set director or whatever. So, you know, they both had the same opportunities to make it in Hollywood. Both, she didn't have any more opportunity than Samantha. If anything, Samantha was blonde and she was, you know, biracial. So, if anything, she might have had a more difficult time being cast 20, 30 years ago. And it's just like, I hate that Samantha
Starting point is 01:08:05 Markle. She knows it too. Kim and Kanye, it just continues on. Yesterday Kanye was very upset because he noticed there was like a little alien pin on a North backpack. It was a pin of Kanye, a pin of nor I mean, a pin of Kanye a pin of nor I mean a pin of Kim like Little cartoon pins of their heads and then in the middle was an alien head Which I felt like did Kanye think that was supposed to be Pete? Well, there's a photo There's a photo of Kim again because look at her face in this photo
Starting point is 01:08:41 Wow with these weird glasses and her hair back and her face looking really orange. She looks a little like the alien head. She does. So he said, but then so does he. So Kanye was saying this was my daughter's backpack when I was allowed to see her last week. That was like him too. Yes. And then, you know, Kim is just like annoyed and she just writes back to him under his post. Please stop with this narrative. You were just here this morning picking up the kids for school. Like I am just exhausted with this.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I thought that was chef's kiss. Chef's kiss. Like pitch, perfect. Like, oh, just you were here this morning. And then also he did nobody's keeping you from the dumb kids. He also did another video that I thought was weird. He goes, I just found out that my daughter North is in love with some emo girl on TikTok.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And this is what I don't like about her being on TikTok and everything. And I'm like, well, now is this a little homophobic? Because it's a girl or in love with her like a fan girl or that she's becoming an emo person or a little of all of it. If he didn't object when North was here for the Goondagger. What's the Goondagger? Old dumbass. JoJo Siwa. Oh, America's... There isn't anyone on TikTok more annoying than JoJo Siwa. Correct. Yeah. North North that was North's queen
Starting point is 01:10:06 Who are and we know Kim Kardashian was in a JoJo sewa? YouTube video because she took North there. Oh, that's cute. I know it's really sweet. No, but I mean I don't know but it's just like I want him to keep on what is your thoughts on all of this? I want him to keep harassing full time until they break up. I can't stand their relationship. Oh, her and Pete. Yeah, okay. My heart actually is way too good for him.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I can't stand that guy. And I love Kanye having his full epic meltdown. It's better than running for president. It's better than going on TMZ. It's better than sway, you don't know sway. Like all of the, like this to me, the history on XR. This, you know, was a good one that came. This little cutie.
Starting point is 01:10:54 This is page six. It says, recent gunshot victim. This is the way they write the article. Recent gunshot victim, hashtag code act black isn't letting a flesh wound runes chances of dating Kim Kardashian the 24 year rapper took to Instagram to explain while the reality why the reality TV superstars should give him a chance. Oh, I wish he had just gotten shot. It's like it's just a flesh wound. It's just a flesh wound. Kim Kim.
Starting point is 01:11:23 But Kim. So there you go. Yeah. I mean, do you imagine and he's probably like, look, why can't I have a chance? Well, Pete. I got he's got a five tattoo on his face and you know, he's basically just like Pete David. Yeah. Right. So he does have a chance So if anything happens, she's got guys lined up. Oh, so So if anything happens, she's got guys lined up. Oh. So Britney Spears. She's our god damn. Britney Spears posted this photo of her boobs in a halter bra.
Starting point is 01:11:57 And you know, it wasn't the greatest photo of them. Obviously no filter. That'd be her tuto. Yeah. OK. She obviously doesn't have Patty Stanger's filter. Yeah. And Photoshop skills.
Starting point is 01:12:13 But then she wrote this long thing about breastfeeding. We need it, Heather. That people thought were pretty insane. And there is this woman on TikTok that will read her post in an Alabama, Louisiana, whatever the hell it is, Accent that makes it sound less crazy than if a normal person that's not from those places just read it. So when normal people are reading it, not normal, but people that are not southern or reading it or normal or normal.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yeah. And you're like, what is she talking about? Basically, I'm going to summarize because it's so long. She said she breastfed her babies all the time. Breastfed, breastfed, there was, she's 12 balls of breast milk lined up, which seems a little excessive. She was in Maui and a lady with a two month old baby, let her hold her baby. And even though they weren't talking or anything,
Starting point is 01:13:06 her boobs started to exert milk. There's no fucking way that happened. Your kids are like 14 and 15, okay? Then she talks about how boobs are just boobs, and then she immediately goes to when her dad took over the conservatorship, he said, I'm Britney Spears now, and you had to do what I say, and then she goes into that.
Starting point is 01:13:28 And then in the end, she just talks, uses some foul language, and it's a lot of F words and stuff. And, but when this girl does it in the voice, it just sounds like someone that you could see like on the side of the road, talking to you, pointing with like a baby on their hip, and then it makes sense. But then when you think it's like Britney Spears writing it out on
Starting point is 01:13:49 a on an Instagram or like it's weird. I see a game of chess as in chess like what's that? She's me. So she's writing so much that it's all of a sudden she's making analogies that don't make sense. She's like and when do you were you know the all the time when you communicate you don't make sense. She's like, and when do you where you, you know, the all the time when you communicate, you don't use words as in a game of chess or chest, meaning I brought it back to taboobees. And I'm going to bring it back to the chest plate. Still, it did merit a piece of chest plate. But no, it's like, it doesn't make sense. I just, can I? Yes, please do. These are actual lyrics from a song right here. That part is, yeah. Yes, from that wonderful song by, I yes, please do these are actual lyrics from a song right here that part is yeah Yes from that wonderful song by I believe it's Meredith Brooks called bitch. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:14:30 Halfway through the rant about breast and we're a brach bear measure. She does say She does say you know So don't forget I'm a bitch. I'm a lover. I'm a child. I'm a mother. I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed, I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between. I know you want. You want it, you want it, you want it. You got you really good all the way. What's your name, where are you going, where are you from, oh fuck you too.
Starting point is 01:14:55 I mean, wow. Hell, I'm gonna play. Yeah. If we go back to the picture of our boobs for a sack. Yeah. If we take it around full circle, which we should, to the chest plate, the breast plate. Britney Spears is, you know, Meredith Marx is a beautiful woman, but I'm going to say she's 20 years Britney Spears senior. Would you guys say it? Or would you feel a little, uh, Meredith is 50
Starting point is 01:15:18 and Britney is 40. Oh, okay. I didn't know Britney was 40. almost 40. Okay. Okay. Well, she's 10 years older than I think that we're I think we're giving We're I think Marietta's more like maybe 12 years older, but even if she's just 10 Why is her chest so smooth so waxen so far apart tight tight This is more of a, this is a normal. This is a, these are good. Yeah. But this is a normal person skin of that age, their boobs of that age. Meredith Marks has three kids.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Remember when there was a lot of controversy, did Britney get a boob job? Of course. And everyone talked about it. I remember my sister went to go see that movie she was in and she was like a hundred percent. She got a boob job. Crossroads, got a boob job.
Starting point is 01:16:04 And I was talking about that, so bad, she's got a boob job because she's supposed to be a virgin. What does she need boobs for? She's supposed to not be sleeping with Justin Timberley. Timberley. You know, so I don't know. I just remember that part.
Starting point is 01:16:16 But like, yeah, so I mean, sometimes you had a boob job. This, you see how there's boobs here, boobs here, and boobs here. Sometimes that's like what my head looks like inside. Would you show all of the photos? Julie's like, what's that one? What's that photo? She's like only pointing at the boobs. Yeah. Like sometimes it's that and like maybe like a turkey sandwich. You know, she I went over her Instagram again. It's been a minute. I'm getting a little Exhausted by it. I like it to losing my my interest a little she was dancing around and Interbrown pumps and she wrote a lot of people don't think on that good of a dancer and but you know
Starting point is 01:16:57 It makes me happy to stop making fun of me and I'm like, oh god, and thanks for ruining my fun, buddy and then But you know she always is wearing the same outfit. It's always that yellow off the shoulder crop and the jeans and all the photos. And we were like thinking, Annie and I were like, now where who buys these dresses? Where does she go? I'm just imagining, you know, like a little sad square,
Starting point is 01:17:20 like out in a girl or something where you get like a frozen yogurt, maybe there's a trade of joes or something and there's just like a little store that you're like, how does this place called? It's called like a close time or like a close moment or something like. And she goes, and she's just getting like a ton of things and then goes home and tries them all on and I just, I don't know how many people she has working for her anymore because she's not in the case, but I imagine it's a hoarding situation.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Yeah. And it's all like throwaway fashion that costs like $15 a top. But she's fashion Nova. Yeah. She just loves it. Yeah. I mean, she makes me, I definitely like that she's doing an unfiltered, that's, that's the thing, good thing about her is that she's got a Victorian hairdo.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah. I mean, why is the hair doing a Victoria? She always looks like a Victorian ghost who lives in like a little girl who's in some home. You know what I mean? Who's like floating around with a, I don't know why she's like in a high collar? Is she in high collar sometimes? Or with lace? It's weird. It's weird. It's weird. She's like, I she's like, I used to lay it hair like a victim. I don't know what she just yeah, like she's haunting your yeah big Victorian home. That's what she looks like to me. Oh, there's also a TikTok of a theory of do you remember when she almost bought the house that Brittany Murphy bought who she died in yeah so now there's a little theory of like did her family know that
Starting point is 01:18:54 their that house was toxic which doesn't make real estate sense because it's a family knew then you know but anyway like were they trying to get in her into this toxic house that I like toxic mold or whatever the case was? I know someone's going to write me and know everything about the Britney Murphy toxic mold Beverly Hills house that Britney either lived in and left that she lived in it. So she did live it. Okay. So I guess the fear would be she know, I think the theory theory would be she lived in the house the family had
Starting point is 01:19:30 Mold put in the walls or whatever And then she laughed and they couldn't keep her there. She found something place else and then Brittany went in and And Britney Britney Murphy not Britney Spears went in and died None of that theory makes sense for all the legal reasons of like, if they really wanted her there, then the conservative chores, they would have said, you can't move. And you can't like put toxic mold in a house and just grows. Maybe it's all chest plates filled with chocolate, chocolate, chocolate,
Starting point is 01:20:01 toxic mold in the walls. Yes, just tap tap tap tap tap. It's just human on. It's not real. Did you hear that Grimes, the DJ, revealed that she and Elon Musk have expanded their family almost two years after welcoming their son. So she was doing an interview.
Starting point is 01:20:17 They heard the baby cry, and she was like, oh, actually, we had another baby. Then, like the next day, she's like, and now we've broken up. Like the article came up and then they broke up and now she's dating a girl. She said, Grimes' forced reveal in her vanity fair
Starting point is 01:20:35 cover story published Thursday that she and the Tesla mogul secretly welcomed a baby girl. They broke up but now she, wait, where's the dating part? Wait, can you see's the dating part? Wait, can you see, she was dating some girl. She's dating Chelsea Manning. Oh, that's it, she's dating Chelsea Manning who is a transgender girl.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Who, what was the thing that Chelsea did that was so? Well, prior to becoming a trans woman, she was in the military and she was the whistleblower in like the Snowden, all of that Edward Snowden stuff. That's another thing I completely don't understand. Like, if I had to explain that for $100,000, I absolutely could not. It's confusing. Well, what's upsetting is that hackers aren't hotter, because I feel like you should all
Starting point is 01:21:21 be hot, because like, but none of them ever are. Julian Assange. Julian Assange, I feel like, should be be hot because like but none of them ever are. Julian Assange and Ann were so sexy because he does. But you know, Chelsea Manning went to jail as a man, a prison. Yes. And then transitioned in prison and then moved to a women's prison and then Obama ultimately parted her. As he should have, because these whistleblowers, because they were illegally, you know, if you've ever seen, you should watch the Snowden movie, although it would be disturbing. They can just see us through the any of our computer screens and the CIA was illegally spying on people. And Snowden knew, because he was in the CIA. So somehow Chelsea Manning, she's still a bunch of documents. She got the documents. Anyway, now they're dating.
Starting point is 01:22:12 I don't know how to just tweet at this. What? I support the current thing and all these articles, like literally a minute ago. Where is that need? Well, because he had made a tweet about, I I use quote unquote, transphobic tweet, a meme or whatever, just because she was, whatever. So, you know, but people are, so saying I support the current thing without little means I support her current thing.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I think her current thing. Her current thing. Her current thing. Okay. They kind of open, they're giving you Meredith Markson says. Yes. They've kind of got an current thing. Her current thing. Okay. They kind of open, they're giving you a Meredith Marx and says, they've kind of got an open thing. They're back and forth. They're breast friends.
Starting point is 01:22:52 They want to have two more kids. He already has 70,000 kids. Right. The important thing, yep, he has a bunch of grown up kids. Their son's name is like A on flux or whatever the whole of the sunset is. Yeah. They call him X. The daughter's name's exa,
Starting point is 01:23:05 but they call her Y. But is she like having these kids herself caring them and stuff? I think she had this, the boy. And where is she doing her DJ stuff? Well, she's a actual singer, and she has, you know, I like a few of her songs. I mean, she's didn't stop for a ball,
Starting point is 01:23:22 but we still like her, because we watched that stupid show with the fucking, Voice, the... Where they were in secret voice. Not that they were the other one. Like, for the actual reality, singing voice. What was it? You know, avatars. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Pretty good show. We watched the whole thing. It was pretty good. Show are you talking. It's like the voice, but they come out as cartoons or avatars. It's crazy technology. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:44 She was really into it. She started a band where they vote members out. There's like 10 members and they vote them out. And basically they'll just write music, which comes from the psychic pain of being in the public eye. And that is a quote. The psychic pain.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Which always this. No, that's Grimes' band, where it's a rotating band where they vote members out alter ego how do you feel that alter you goes in the city of the time but tom brady unretiring from football with plans returned to tamp up my place is still in the field the thirst first the thirst the lurking the call tom brady's muggin i mean he is good he should supposedly le LeBron and Tom Brady are like older, and they're the goats of their respective sports.
Starting point is 01:24:33 We liked the Super Bowl where Tom Brady's 100 and he won, and it was like, great, old people can do it too. Woo, yeah. Like the oldies won on amazing race. We're like here for all of that. So happy he didn't need to retire. He can't handle losing. It's probably they let him know that they're going to blow up the footballs or something.
Starting point is 01:24:51 They've got some hack that he can do or they got another, you know, they were they replaced Gronkowski. So now he knows he can win. And supposedly LeBron, you know, slid in the DMs and was like, don't do this to me, bro. Let's stay here. Let's go. Jerry Atric on it. he's like okay, I love a false retirement Like that. Yeah, Sharers done it so many times. You should do it. I've done it a few times
Starting point is 01:25:12 Oh, yeah, what did you fair? Well tour? How do you do it? Basically every time I do a show I'm like I want you guys to know I'm never ever coming back to the city or doing this show again So if you don't buy your tickets this time You know, it's gonna be horrible. Maybe you should do it Instagram one coming back to the city or doing this show again. So if you don't buy your tickets this time, it's gonna be horrible. Maybe you should do an Instagram one where it's just like, well I've done the Instagram while I took a break. Oh right.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Yeah, that was super dramatic. And then, yeah. We believed it and then we were like, and I was like, Heather is doing a masked singer. How dare she not tell us. I'm like, I was like, I can't do it with her.
Starting point is 01:25:44 That would make more sense. If I really was like, I should have been with her. That would make more sense. If I really was like, I'm taking a break for two weeks, I'm okay and nothing's wrong with me, then that is that I got booked on some reality show. And otherwise, like, I want the sympathy. If someone, if I'm sick or someone died, I want people to know and to send me flowers. Yeah, you're not taking a break at that point.
Starting point is 01:26:02 You're getting it harder. Yeah, you're showing up more to this idea. Right, right. Girls, oh, worst roommate ever. This is on Netflix. And it just brings back just like horrific memories of having awful, awful roommates. And I always think the weirdest thing about roommates
Starting point is 01:26:23 like in my 20s and stuff. Why did you have roommates you didn't know? Are you talking about in the college dorm? Or are these friends and then they turned to like, oh. I feel like back in the day when I'd go to parties in my 20s, someone would throw a party and then there would be some lurker that just walks from a door into the kitchen
Starting point is 01:26:45 and someone's like, who's that? And it's like, oh, that's my roommate, he wasn't invited. Like I think that is so weird. When someone is like not friends, or you started out being friends, and now you're not. But this show on Netflix is like, you know, they're like criminals or murderers or try to drive them crazy. But do you guys have to have a quick worst roommate story to end on? You can think of it and if you can't it's okay, I'll just cut this out.
Starting point is 01:27:13 I've chived one. I'm my first roommate in college, freshman year, first roommate ever, brother to a boo-boo, two quick things. One, she constantly fucked her boyfriend in the room. Sorry. And would walk around topless, titties out, and then fucked the boyfriend. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:27:29 And it was horrifying. Right. So wait, the boyfriend would be in the bed, in the dorm, across from you, why you slept. Hump-hump, sex, xx. That's a kink. That's a kink. Nightmare.
Starting point is 01:27:40 That happened to be a lot because there's no place to go. Nightmare. Nightmare. Nightmare make you. Night. Yeah. Nightmare. Yeah. Nightmare. So then the other thing about her was that she had never met a Jewish person before and told me that she always
Starting point is 01:27:55 thought that the game sorry was made by Jews. Why? Because it was. Because of the guilt. That was her joke. That was the big, yeah, that was her. Oh, that was a joke. I thought she really like was thought that. Oh, I think the guilt. That was her joke. That was the big, yeah, that was her. Oh, that was a joke. I thought she really like was thought that that.
Starting point is 01:28:07 Oh, I think she did. I think she did. She's a comedy now. She's a sad guy. I think she did. I think she did. She, that was a bizarre, bizarre, yeah. Not, you know.
Starting point is 01:28:17 I don't know, it goes into worst roommate ever. Well, but. Walking into people having sex and thinking, but Jews are weird. Did you ever sleep? Like, did you walk in and they were having sex sex or were you trying to go to sleep and then they're having sex and you're like? Yeah, I'm trying to we're all together now and now you're having sex. Wow. Yeah That's pretty porny pretty porny and I just keep chasing it I think it's this show I think it's funny. It's this show like the early Ots,
Starting point is 01:28:48 like Ghost Story where they go and they tell it and then there's reenactors doing it. Yes, acting. There's reenacting. I'm watching it. I'm gonna watch it. There's reenacting, but with cartoons. Oh, you're gonna be here.
Starting point is 01:29:00 And that's kind of funny. It's kind of funny. Some are really awful, like some are murderous and stuff like that. And then some are less like more intriguing. So like I went through and read the descriptions and I watched the ones that like intrigued me, which are not the murder ones,
Starting point is 01:29:14 which are more like you got a fucking nightmare. It's like trying to ruin your life. Like there's one where a lady like takes elderly people in and then takes all that's all too dark. Yeah, yeah. What's an intriguing one? The best one is all these are based on real stories, but there was this guy and he was called the serial squatter.
Starting point is 01:29:35 And he would like, there were like different women that they interview. And basically, you know, someone would be looking for a roommate like to rent out the other room. And then he would get in there and never pay. And then like take over like all of a sudden take like their furniture and put it in his room. And just be a nightmare. And just be a nightmare and never ever pay and then refuse to get out Because he be like I live here just as much as you do and he knew the law well enough That he could screw with you so as long as you get mail Like it's seriously listening to me people you might have some friend that's like hey
Starting point is 01:30:19 Can you mind if I say at your place for a little bit if they start getting mail sent to your place, it'll take four months for you to get them to leave. It doesn't even matter if you own the property. If it air be night-beer-o. You can't let people stay over 30 days if you air be and be, because it's like squatters rights. Right, is exactly, yeah, it's very scary. So they kind of get into that and those, that's the good one.
Starting point is 01:30:43 The serial squatter one is good. If we, three, ever get into a situation where we're four, where we four, of get into that and those that's the good one the cereal squad are one is if we three ever get into a Situation where we're four where we four ever get into situation where a saw a roommate moves in and does that to any of us I just had an idea of how to deal with it how we get a padlock and lock them in that room And never let them out until they die That's actually good though. They won't get out of the world. They can't get out. We lock them in the room.
Starting point is 01:31:08 And then you go, let's negotiate. You want to take my furniture? Let's go. What they did to make this guy leave this girl's place is they had a big party and he hated like loud noises. And then she had a big party. They're drinking and smoking pot.
Starting point is 01:31:21 And then he's like, errr, it's all angry. He leaves. And then they took off his doorknob while he was gone. So they couldn't lock the door. Yeah, yeah. I had a red punch hole in my door. To get me into my room. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:31:34 And he had a horrible roommate situation. Oh my gosh. Yeah. I mean, I was probably the bad roommate in just like a bitch and titled and whatever, but I would live with this guy. And he, or I mean, he were roommates. And he, I mean, not, he roommates. And he just had to sneak away in the middle of the night because he couldn't deal with me.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Yeah. And he took all of his furniture and he took my TV. So it was like, I was fine that he's gone. It's just a platonic roommate? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he was probably so scared of me that he had done. That wasn't even the first time that that happened, but he snuck away with all his furniture
Starting point is 01:32:04 in the middle of the night and I was like, oh, cool. So I, but then I, he had my TV. So I left on my message like, hey, it's Brandy. I can't get to my phone right now. And you have my fucking TV. So bring it back to him. And then he, then I, on the message was like dying laughing,
Starting point is 01:32:18 even though he was like, we hated each other at that point. And he was scared. He thought that I was funny, because I was like, you need to bring my TV back. So did he bring it back? Yeah. He brought it with a chuckle, like he laughed and brought it scared. He thought that I was funny because I was like, you need to bring my TV back. So did he bring a bag? Yeah. He brought it with a chuckle like he laughed and brought it back. He was laughing at the message
Starting point is 01:32:29 because I was like, everyone's gonna hear that but I didn't care because I was like, yeah, give me the, I mean, he took the silverware, it was like, when somebody sneaks out, it's like you're there like high and dry, like it was like there was no silverware. Yeah. There was a lot of stuff was gone but I was like, I need the TV.
Starting point is 01:32:42 I can laugh without the silverware. Girls love you. Love you, sir. Tom Gay politics, follow Brandy and Julie. Join their Patreon. What else? That's it. I mean, that's it.
Starting point is 01:32:55 That's it, you guys. That's it. That's it. That's it. Thank you. That's it. So...

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