Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - The Britney Audio, VMAs with Chris Franjola

Episode Date: August 30, 2022

Big announcement! I am going on tour! Get tickets at heathermcdonald.net  Chris and I got into our weekend feud, which spilled over on social media. Britney Spears recorded herself and put it on Yo...uTube. She shares details about her life under the conservatorship. Was Johnny Depo at The VMA’s? Jlo sang for Ben at her wedding, and it was embarrassing. Jen Garner is happy to be rid of Ben. Shia LaBeouf shares a video proving Olivia Wilde lied about firing him. Selling the OC is all we imagined. Dating on apps is soul-crushing. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial system You'll be addicted and addicted fast
Starting point is 00:00:21 To the number one tabloid real life hot cat Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. This is gonna be a little awkward in the beginning of the show because Chris Friendjell is here
Starting point is 00:00:38 and if you follow myself or Chris on Instagram yesterday, we, what do you call it? We had a celebrity beef in an internet, a front of me situation. Yeah, yeah. Right. I'll just explain it how it started. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:54 So Saturday night, I went out to dinner or whatever at a front's house. And I came back and I was just going through my phone before I fell asleep. And I saw that you were up Motley crew with Sarah, Kelona. Yeah. And I was kind of like, oh, that's interesting. Whatever, you know, I mean, I bet you're Motley crew a couple times.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I know. You're friendly with the guy. I know Nikki, I know Courtney, but like, and I knew he was coming to town, but I didn't, I'm like, I don't want to be that person. It's always like, can you get us tickets? You know, because I don't like when people do it to me. Right. So I was like, oh, if someone invited me from the group of friends and they got,
Starting point is 00:01:33 we're like, hey, we're going. Do you want to come? Whatever, whether I had to pay or not, I would have been into it. But nobody else organized it. Right. So I was like, oh, all right, fine. Then I woke up the next morning to see you, that you'd text me at night.
Starting point is 00:01:47 That I was already asleep and you're like, I'm not Motley Kru, are you here, are you friends with Nikki, which was a hint to me of like, oh, do you think I can get you back to your cell? Yeah, exactly what it was. Well, we were looking for better seats. I'm like, maybe head this down on the floor, we can, she can get us in.
Starting point is 00:02:04 So not only do we not invite you not invite you looking to use you for better exactly. So then I wrote back and I said, just seeing this now, but you should have thought about that when you invited Sarah over me. Well, can I just say this right before you finish? I did the bus. Sarah, it was Sarah and did the whole thing. She bought the tickets. She organized everything. Well, not me. I was just invited just looming your face in her all of her Instagram stories Where are your glasses? Yeah glasses your party glasses. No, but those are my concert glasses. Okay, so
Starting point is 00:02:36 I was like and then and then you're like haha or something Should I still come tomorrow at 11? I'm like did did you not see my last test? The friendships over. That's when I was, uh, don't maybe it was real. You thought I might have a little bit of match. Here's the thing, um, in my old age. Okay. I am the first to admit, I'm kind of in a wonderful moment in my life right now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:00 In that I am no longer jealous about a lot of things that you honestly used to get me jealous. Things that used to get me jealous might even be a friend that I adore and love hearing that they got like a series or a sitcom or a pilot. But that's different, okay. But now you don't have anymore. No, go on.
Starting point is 00:03:18 100% gone. Are you sure? What if I got like a pilot? Or is? I'd be so happy for you. No, you wouldn't. Oh, you'd be like you son of a bitch. Okay, if you, if you got picked,
Starting point is 00:03:30 or it'll never happen to you. The only way, the only way I'd be jealous, or if you're calling on us, if someone like you, or like some, it would have to be a podcast deal. That's the only thing that's gonna make me jealous right now. I could see that though. It's not gonna be a stand-up special anymore, it's not going to be any kind of like sold TV show idea. No, no, but in the past
Starting point is 00:03:51 Not that I wouldn't want you to have it, but I would feel that jealousy and I would be like Heather You know jealousy is one of the seven sins stop it be happy for your friend But I'm honest enough to say that I would get like a pain in my stomach and the pain would be like feeling bad that I'm not at as happy as I should be my friend. Right. All those thoughts that you go in your head as the actor, it's not your part, it's there. It doesn't matter. There's enough in the world for a bit. Yeah. So the only time I would be kind of mad is like you you know you go have something to tell you. I just got $ dollars for cover to cover. Well I can assure you that's not how to. Well I'm pretty confident. So if you're asking what would okay so and then I will say
Starting point is 00:04:36 there's been times where there's parties and things that I see on Facebook that I'm friends with people. people right and i was not out of town i was literally at my house uh... absolutely could have been included would have gone with bells on to not not to you're not talking about the crew right now molly crew as well well molly crew as well if if my okay
Starting point is 00:04:59 because my other friend lives when and uh... by the way she wrote me on Instagram Liz wrote me. She's trying to get into this and she's like oh Heather always picks the big one. She does. Where are you going? Liz says I've been dealing with this and it's great. Right Liz is trying to because Liz didn't share with me until after the fact that she went to the concert and I think she thought, might have been a little butt hurt that I wasn't included, because way back when I was the one
Starting point is 00:05:29 that introduced this whole group to the connection of Courtney and Nikki Six. And did she get her tickets through that connection? Oh, well, that's different. But I can honestly say, I've gone a couple times, and if they would have invited me, I would have gone, but I was very happy like recovering from three days in Catalina and we went to like a friends house for dinner as literally asleep at like 9.30,
Starting point is 00:05:53 like I was fine with it. But in the past, I've been with other things like, whoa, like, so I do like to be invited so that I could possibly turn it down. I just like to be invited. Sure, well that's it down. Right. I just like to be invited. Sure. Well, that's good to know. Give me the choice. But what if you say yes, then... I'm never a bitch about it, though. I never complain or I will never leave early.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I will not flake that day. 4 p.m. We got there for Joan Jett, who started at 4.30. And it's show ended at 11.30. So it was seven hours. It wasn't just Miley Cruz. But when you would have told me we're gonna go at four and we're gonna leave it eleven and i could have made that decision all okay i would have definitely warn like flat boots are tennis shoes i would have known to do that and like
Starting point is 00:06:38 is a good call but uh... you know i probably that is you know that's too long of a like a thing for music i like like if too long of a like a thing for music. And I like, like, if I go to anything like a Coachella station, it's gotta be like, we're leaving a really wealthy person's home. Right. To go to a really wealthy VIP six.
Starting point is 00:06:57 The only thing I'm gonna be jealous of right now, I'm telling you right now. We were not in a VIP six. So if you get invited to something like this and you can bring someone, this is where I'm gonna a V.O.P.C. So if you get invited to something like this and you can bring someone, this is where I'm going to be mad. Okay. Extremely gorgeous homes, having parties with a chef that serves each person a plate and
Starting point is 00:07:13 there's several wine pairings in that. Oh. That. I don't know those type of people. That I will be jealous of. That is the only thing. I don't care. I don't really want them to be famous.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I don't care, they don't have, I don't really want them to be famous. I don't care about famous people anymore. I want really wealthy people that live in beautiful homes with delicious food and drink. But you have that, I mean, I feel like you have access to those people more than I do. I do, yeah. Okay, but I'm saying now I could honestly say, if I saw a group of friends that did that,
Starting point is 00:07:45 and they could have easily invited me or I knew the person and they all just didn't think to include me, that private dinner party overlooking the ocean or a gorgeous home, that's the only thing I'm jealous of currently in my life. That is my favorite thing to do. Well, then I'll give you this, because I don't know if this makes you better good,
Starting point is 00:08:06 but we did take a car service to Motley Crew. I like a car service. So just let you know where we were. Okay. Car service picked us all up. Okay. And we had a 12 pack of white clothes in the car service. So if that's something you're interested in,
Starting point is 00:08:18 like there was a lot of discussion on what we're gonna take like the roadies, yes. Yes. So it was that type of deal. Yeah. Colonies are, and so I'm Long Island. It's not, I don't know if you should cry out. Listen, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And so I absolutely am not sad that you didn't invite me. But then the gas sliding began. And I'm gonna use a triggering word, which is gas sliding. I don't really know what gas sliding means. People over. I use the term, but I don't know what it means. They use it all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:44 It's basically turning it around and the simplest way is you think that your husband's cheating right and you're like but why were what what what is this earring that's your earring that is your earring that you know and then you're like eventually you find out your husband cheated but the now it's been six months of you actually thinking you've gone and say right and it's taken from an old movie called gaslight i i remember seeing the movie years ago yes it's an old nineteen fifties that's what it is so it's basically turning it around and and making you think what you're seeing you didn't see okay so i probably used it wrong but i just decided to attack you with it. So when who was gaslighting you? I was gaslighting you. So first I decided to share the text messages
Starting point is 00:09:29 on my Instagram without tagging you guys. Right. Because I'm like, let someone think I accidentally did this, whatever. And then I waited about an hour to look at the DMs to see if people, how people were going to react. Right. And I had already planned how people are going to react. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And I had already planned that I was going to say that you were getting death threats for not driving a bottle. Yeah. And this is based on some sort of real housewives drama, right? Yes, which I'll explain in a minute. Okay. But right now there's a thing, I'll explain right now. Right now there's a thing going on with real housewives of Beverly Hills and Garcels,
Starting point is 00:10:03 you know, they're always fighting. And then apparently these freak bravo and embarrassing fans that I'm embarrassed if any of them are women or they could be bots or they could be a combo of both went after Garcels 14 year old son and got went to his Instagram and was sending him private messages and comments that were absolutely racist and horrific. Just awful. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:26 So then all these people are like, it wasn't me. I didn't hire the bots and people are like, who hired the bots or is it just some weird desperate person or is this like a justy-small, not saying Garsell or Sun did it. But is someone almost like create, like don't even feel that way, but just put it out there to see, like, would this, does this have legs? Like, I go after this kid, would this have legs, and now they're like kind of excited that they're sitting back at home
Starting point is 00:10:52 and seeing that everyone's talking about this story, okay? So, I was like, you know, I always talk about how people say, my kids are getting death threats, and how's why I do this all the time? Lisa Ranna just said, my daughters are getting death threats and this and that. And like, what does constitute the death threat? Well, haven't we all, if you have any type of, I've had like, go die in a ugly clown face.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Does that mean I really think someone's going to come kill me? I think it was, uh, go die, uh, that puppet from Saul. Yes, really, really, really. Is that a clown? You know, really was a little guy that wrote a priceicle in the movie saw? I have to tell you, the first time that I heard someone compare you to the saw clown. Shocking resemblance.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I never left so hard in my life. It was shocking, I would never see it until someone else mentioned it. It's the cheekbones, the hollowness under the eyes. The chin that kinda goes out. And a lot of people think that this is like a weird plastic surgery face. This is my face.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I've shared all photos of my face. Look at your sons, I mean, you guys, you guys have a similar face. These are the cheeks. Yeah. I used to be called cabbage patch kid. I've got me in whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 But the whole time I was like, I don't know why the people are saying this, I'm stunning because my mom would just tell me how gorgeous I was when I was a child. Right, where are you all you're stunning? You know what I mean, whatever. Yeah. But the whole time I was like, I don't know why the people are saying this, I'm stunning, because my mom would just tell me how gorgeous I was. Right. Well, you know what, I actually realized I'm not that great.
Starting point is 00:12:12 But here's the thing, don't you think you made the best with what you have? Wait, like genetically what you've been given, you made the hair work for you, made everything work for you. Honestly, because I think my parents convinced me I was better looking than I was. Well, that's their job.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I agree, I'm telling you, tell your kids are good looking. Right, or maybe that's a false. I don't think it's too, no. Yeah. Listen, if that's all your daughter has going on for her and she's absolutely stunning, you might, that might make you nervous. Like, you might be like, oh my God, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:41 she's so attractive, like life's gonna be too easy for you. But if your kid is just like, okay, looking, right, you can absolutely blow it up and they will be like, I'm fucking the bot. Like, why am I not, I mean, I tried to, I went on go see used to get modeling contracts. Nobody wanted me for, like let me, just, it's all good.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah, yeah, I know, it all worked out in the end. I mean, I'm gonna tell my son's, you know, when my son is feeling down about something, I'm like, here are some things that no one can take away from you. What's that, like his height? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Like, not him re-hast that. No. You know, like, like, work out your body, you have a good head of hair, you have a nice features. Yeah, getting better, looking with everything. You have access to dental care. Uh-huh, there's the hat. Everybody has that. Like we can get your teeth straight, you could whiten them. Like I'm just saying, like look around and you know,
Starting point is 00:13:34 and just know that whatever you use what you got. Right. So anyway, so I then on my Instagram story, then waited a couple hours. And then I did like a very dramatic story. I guess some people believed. A lot of people. Where I said you were getting death threats that also a lot of times when people go after people, they're like, how could they go after the most vulnerable,
Starting point is 00:14:01 like LGBTQ person or someone, a person of color. So I was like, and, you know, it's terrible, like that you're going after an older, straight white man, like he cannot handle it. He's called the LAPD. He's hired private security, like stand down, juicy scoopers, be high, like leave him, right? But really the problem that they really wrote me was like, they couldn't believe he, that you had the same. Sam Senggal, yeah same song yeah because that's what I took the most shit for
Starting point is 00:14:28 was it's that's how it's that's how it's that's green it means we're all iPhone right if it pops up green right that is the truth teller yes and people very very and I said that too I'm like I'd never been shamed for anything quite like the way I've been shamed for my Samsung Galaxy S21 I believe top of the line as far as I know and Yeah, I don't I don't understand the phone shaming like you can't shame anybody for anything these days But the phone shaming is just full out and an open and There's there's this girl in euphoria that pretty girl what's her name
Starting point is 00:15:07 Sydney Sweeney I know her and she went to celebrate her mom's birthday this weekend who was turning 60 okay and she threw up some photos and was kind of a southern theme or text to see my horse from and someone noticed in the back of one of the photos was a guy about seventy that seemed to have a shirt on that if you zoomed in it was blue lives matter all i heard that yeah so and then a couple of the other older ladies are somebody made for fun probably hats
Starting point is 00:15:36 that were a parody of make a great again but it was called make sixty sexy again but they but they were read also so they're a thanks are so they're red. So they say so. So they're like No one should watch her shows anymore. No one should like I mean, because she was out of party that might be like I mean She was like I'm sorry. Yeah, I celebrated my mom's birthday like leave me alone I'm not even gonna dress this which I thought she handled pretty well, but I was like, okay I get the freaks that want to go after someone that they believe might not share every view about them.
Starting point is 00:16:07 But the fact that people had a visceral reaction to the fact that I have kept a friendship with someone that doesn't have an iPhone. And I'm like, you guys, I'm diverse. I have a diverse group of friends. I would like everyone to see it. This is the Samsung Galaxy. This is it.
Starting point is 00:16:24 This is what people have wanted to kill me over. Shame. Poor. How poor is he? People say you're poor, you're trash, you're ghetto. These are the things where people were. Wow. The terms people are throwing at me.
Starting point is 00:16:38 That's scary. Were you scared yesterday? No, I say it proudly. Who I am. I am this person. I am Samsung Galaxy who I am I am this person I am Samson galaxy I am T mobile which used to be you remember today's what T mobile was sad I'm not cricket wireless. Oh, but I'm at this some sadder. I'm T mobile. I'm Samson galaxy I'm Johnson and Johnson vaccine. I'm trash. I'm barely
Starting point is 00:17:03 So what I didn't think was gonna going to be exposed to the couple of texts to you. So then, I was just looking to get in the American Airlines lounge at Motley Crew. That's the only reason I texted you. I don't remember you were there with a good hookups. Where you could get the good vodka beverage. So anyway, I then said, then Sarah gets involved. And then Sarah admits, it was I who planned the trip. And I didn't think that you'd want seven hours
Starting point is 00:17:31 of Motley Crill. Yeah. And I was like, you know what, I had my clutch purse, which is stadium approved. Sarah's company. Yeah. Could have thrown a lipstick in there. And bet on my way, had I been invited, but it's okay. It's okay
Starting point is 00:17:47 Then you doubled out. Well, I had to Bring up the fact Tell it that years ago several years ago. It was close. Yeah, it was probably close I was having stuff that was like Christmas brunch. We were all very proud of our Christmas. Like not on Christmas, it was two days before. We were not gonna brunch because then I could have gone to both. No, it was a brunch. It was an afternoon thing. I'm just saying, say some of the celebrities who are there,
Starting point is 00:18:13 fortune-femester. Woof. Yeah. A few others, I don't remember. Okay. But they came, Steve Marmelstein, no, but some people showed up. You said you were coming. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Then you said I won't be enough be there. And later on, I had found out that you had gone to Chazdeen's party. You went to Chazdeen's party instead because Chazdeen was giving out a bag at the end of free champ business. Well, first of all, I don't remember being a brunch and I'm going, I don't have the energy to go back,
Starting point is 00:18:45 but I am guessing that my friend, Lori Smith, invited our family to the North Ranch, Christmas Santa brunch. Okay. And that's why I couldn't go to both brunch, because there's no reason I wouldn't go to your worship. I think it might be right about that. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:59 But where was, but there was a chance, Dean. It took a lot. Where was Chas Dean? It was probably another night. No, you told me. Or it was, it might have been was chasdine it was probably another night. No you might have been that night, but I wouldn't have blown yours. I do I completely do double parties during the holidays. Right. No problem as long as or not like I will do a lunch. I will do a five o'clock thing. I will then go to a nine o'clock. Like I will max it out if I'm invited. So I think probably
Starting point is 00:19:23 it was that i went there and i mean if we really want to like and you also then to go shot in seven lat you said something about i'd rather have chasdeen jambu but i cost go seven layered well because i had to double down on you first of all i thought when you said it i i figured maybe i did pick chasdeen over chris's like like Christmas cocktail party.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yeah. This is many years ago. It was. You did always have a nice apartment and a sense of style, but it was an apartment party. It was an apartment party. Okay. Chasdeen lives on like, I don't know how many acres in Hollywood. I'm not new to your apartment anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I want everyone to know. Well, of course, this is a long time ago. And you get to the Chasdeen party, there is a red carpet opportunity, and you get several bags of when products, when you leave. Which, is it amazing? Is it amazing? Is it amazing?
Starting point is 00:20:13 Doesn't do your hair fall out or something? That was a few people. Oh, okay. Anyway, I, you know, so I had to say that in my rebuttal to you. Yeah. And a lot of people were concerned, they were like, oh my God, what's going on? They're really mad at each other. And I knew that we could get past it.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yeah, I did too. I mean, I feel like we've got, we don't really have to have for those type of beefs, you know, because I feel like you lead a different lifestyle than I lead. And it's a lifestyle I have no desire to be a part of. Like there are times you and I see you out at these fancy parties with the Kelly Dodds of the world. And that's just not where I care to be. So I don't have any FOMO for any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Even when you're on the boats, the yachts. Well, I told you everybody and juicy scoopers who are wealthy enough to have dinner parties overlooking the ocean with a bartender. And. I used to be the bartender at fancy parties. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I was a cater bartender. I just like to go to them. So I'm just saying that's the only thing I'm gonna be jealous of. Okay. Of friends. My friends could go to dinner. So you get some of the things. They could all go out to dinner to Masters without me
Starting point is 00:21:25 and I could see the photos and I'd be like, that might have been fun. Right. But it won't be a stab in my heart. The only thing we just stabbed in my heart is like a really great home with a party. I'm going to say this now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And I want you to say no. Please say no. Okay. Because if you say yes, it's going to be very uncomfortable for me. Whoa. But I have tickets to say no. Please say no. Because if you say yes, it's going to be very uncomfortable for me. But I have tickets to another concert at the Hollywood Bowl in a couple of weeks that my wife can attend anymore. She was going to, but now she's going to go to Amsterdam.
Starting point is 00:21:55 So I have tickets to Durand or Rand. Yes, I want to go. At the Hollywood Bowl. Yes, I want to go. But. Save it for the morning after. No, no, say a prayer for me now Okay, now you're gonna tell me it's a day. I'm on tour. I don't know. What day is it September 11th?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Sunday night Sunday night. I'm going. I listen. I will provide I will provide the Uber situation. It's at the Hollywood Bowl. It's a bit, you know, it's a tough situation getting in and out. I know. So we don't want to park there. Yeah, I know. No, no, no. That's so, um, I get there.
Starting point is 00:22:34 I would probably get there early. Go down. What might be exciting is Brandon might have his life is by this. All right. Well, we'll see. We'll see. Let's see. Because it would be nice to actually call someone versus the Uber thing coming and going. Okay. Okay. We're going to figure it out. all right we'll see we'll see let's be nice to actually call someone versus
Starting point is 00:22:45 the uber thing coming and going okay we're gonna figure it out I'm 100% know every Durand Iran song and I want to go all the hits I looked at the sad list and I like an outdoor Hollywood bulls and I haven't been in years I also feel that the last time Iran's are going to be like to cute people. The Motley crew fans are the Motley crew fans. You know, there's a lot going on there. I don't think it was your crap. It's like, oh, this is my age group.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I'm just saying shocking. It is shocking. I go to old people concerts and it shocks me every time. I identify as 36 36 38. Yeah. So it's hard for me to like be it something where or even if I read an article about someone's age I was like woo yeah. I'm like oh wait that's my age. All right let's get to the topic. Wait hold on one more thing. Yes. A couple of years ago I took my wife for a birthday. Yeah. To Barry Manolo at the forum. my wife for a birthday. To Barry Manalo at the forum.
Starting point is 00:23:46 She's like, what the fuck is this? I was like, I don't know. It was more for me. And we got there. And she's like, who are these people? I wonder if the performers look out in the audience, just go, I may remember 1975. You know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:03 When these people are 22, now they're 72 and it's to say. I will say I look out to my audience and they're gorgeous and put to you. I say all of that. I like it. I love it. So you guys, speaking of which you're coming on tour with me, Heather McDonald, and Nat, you're going, you're doing Seattle in Portland with me and then we're doing like at the end
Starting point is 00:24:25 in middle november i think we have boston philly c philly right there's like another one no right to another one recently should i say it you've had me to lost yeah lost bagus can you go to lost bagus i can i'll be a lost bagus right now we've got lost bagus is going to be it's going to be a bit as juicy scoop and answer i've got you up got jet uh... justin. I've got you, I've got Justin,
Starting point is 00:24:47 and I've got Brandy and Julie, and Spencer is gonna see if he can go or not because the wife is pregnant. Oh, okay, oh, that's fun. But it's looking very fun. Yeah. And we will have tons of fun, you know, hilarious moments. Okay, so last night, yesterday,
Starting point is 00:25:03 Brittany, so did I. So Brittany put on her own like YouTube channel. It was just audio, right? It was audio, which just everyone's all, oh my God, I'm like, okay, guess who's getting a podcast next? No, I'm just kidding. But I listened to it too. And she tells the store,
Starting point is 00:25:24 first I was like, wait wait is this what she sent originally to get out of her conservatorship but no it sounds like this has been recorded recently yeah and put it out there it was 22 minutes long then it was removed or made private but of course people grabbed it and shared it and you know it's like I know we talk a lot about her and everything, but it is really sad. And I think she's one of those, basically she just talks about what down for those 16 or whatever years it was
Starting point is 00:25:53 that she was in this conservatorship and kind of how it came about that she started talking to a British accent. And then the next day, her parents, she thought she was gonna have a fun sleepover or something. And then they're like, no, you need to talk to these doctors. And then she was sent to a facility for two weeks. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And next thing she knew, she was in this thing where her dad's like, I'm Britney Spears. I say what you're gonna do. And she's like, I would be performing. And I know more performances were shit because I just didn't fucking care anymore, but I had to do it. And I don't know how to let you talk to me in a minute, but I'm like, in my general thought
Starting point is 00:26:30 about the whole thing is the reason that she keeps going. And now the Instagram is gone, right? It's still gone or did it come back? The Instagram went away around the same time that the Elton John song with her was released. Yeah. And I was like, okay, maybe she's just like, you know what, I got all my aggression out wearing these little outfits and spinning in my brown pumps.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. Now I'm back to actually performing. So I think all of this is a good sign for her that she did the song and that she said this. But have you heard the song? I mean, well, the song is. She's doing anything. No, but song, I literally think she taped it in her house with Sam.
Starting point is 00:27:07 They sent it. And then the mixers put it all together. I mean, Alton John... And then... Alton John didn't have to sing it for us at 75. No. That's a 40-year-old voice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah, but hey. I did see a weird thing where Alton John was singing it live. Look at you, he was like in mecanos. It looked like grease or something, and he was singing it live. He looked at you, he was like in mecanos. He looked at grease or something, and he was singing it live. And he was standing by a bus boy station in like a restaurant. It was very strange.
Starting point is 00:27:31 It was like, it was like, he was dropping it for the first time. And he must have not had a place for him to stand or do it no stage. So he just pat himself propped up on a chair. And the DJ was like, next time. And he was literally like, bus boys moving them out of the way to go get water for table 12. That's easy to go.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Yeah, but you know, the things that you say is I could have gotten gotten a lot of money to do the Oprah and everything. But you didn't say why she's chosen not to. I think she just wants to be really ready. And I have to say, Brittany, I don't, I actually don't think this was a great idea. Why not save it?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Like save it. Yeah. But I don't know. I guess she just really, I think the fact that it came out on the VMAs, I think there's like trigger things for her where she's like, why am I not where I should be? Like why did this awful thing come to me?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Why did all these people take advantage of me? Why did I not, like, one thing I thought that was interesting is, I think that she was almost like a Stockholm victim or something. Syndrome where, once she was in it, it was like, and she was on mine altering medication to get her up and put her to sleep and make her still dance and move and stuff. That I think that she just, like, didn't know how to get out of it and tell the Britney movement. And then the free Britney was, she says, it's because of the free Britney that I said,
Starting point is 00:29:00 that I was like, yeah, wait, what is going on? Like, I don't even, I don't think if the free Britney movement didn't start, I think she'd still be in it. Right, I'll probably. Yeah. Because I think it will curl up to a little bit in that I think she just got so used to this, like an abused person.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Right. You get so used to it, or even I was saying like on a lighter note, like when you leave a job and then like a couple of years later, you're like, that was fucked or you leave a relationship and you're like, that was so shit. I can't believe I put up with it. Oh my God, I just found this letter, this dick rope to me. What was I thinking?
Starting point is 00:29:33 So I think it's like a lot of reflection like that that she, at the time, probably wasn't voicing it to her mom or her sister or anybody else and I'm not defending them. But I'm like, I how much like people like that knew that she was truly unhappy and her rights were being violated. Now this is in no way saying any of this is right or wrong. However if you're at the level of Britney Spears as huge as she is and biggest star in the world and I mean kind of you do have to have people
Starting point is 00:30:04 handling many situations. So that's not unheard of. I'm not saying this is way different. This is giving a mind-al-doing, or whatever it was. But there are people behind a Britney Spears, they gotta handle the tour, they gotta handle the this. So now are there still people or is she completely on her own releasing, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:27 weird out in John's songs that, you know, the song's not great. I mean, that's what I've been talking about in the last couple of weeks. I'm like weeks I said, I don't, I don't know that she's like, freer what's going on and if she really married and like, um, why don't more pop rotsie see guys? Let's talk about green chef. I am loving it. I am trying to eat better and I'm trying to eat more at home
Starting point is 00:30:49 and actually cook my food and this does it all. Right now, green chef is offering so many fun and different things. You're gonna love it. They have a customization that they've never had before with new organic and wild caught proteins. You can swap the protein in any meal that features chicken, beef, or salmon so can suit your taste. There's so many choices. There's over 24 recipes
Starting point is 00:31:13 weekly and you can option to mix and match those two. Like you could order a couple vegan ones and then the next cake day could be keto. That's what I love and I love their fast and fit meals. They're under 700 calories and they're ready in 25 minutes or less. Also I love that green chef's pre-made and pre-measured sauce, dressing and spices. It really gives me that chef-curated flavor that I love. And of course, less time and less waste because it's all right at your door. You're not shopping. You're not throwing away half a head of lettuce that you never used for a recipe.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Go to greenchef.com slash juicy 135 and use code juicy 135 to get 135 dollars off across five boxes and your first box ships free. Go to greenchef.com slash juicy 135 and use the code juicy 135 to get $135 off across five boxes and your first box ships free. Now someone sent me that someone wrote, oh I saw her here and someone then sent me photos where they saw her in 2018 at the thousand oak small. I'm like I know know, but like, yeah, she's not going out and having girl dinners or even eating that off. I know that she went out like once with Sam to a restaurant, but it's pretty rare. I saw something that she was at a bar. If
Starting point is 00:32:34 she says the first time I've been to a bar. Yeah, but I said nobody ever, nobody at the bar, like got a photo of that and was like, oh my god, dying. The way you would with like a, right, an elus celebrity. Like really? So I just kind of was concerned that she was still under and then the way the videos were still in the old house and I was just very strange, but I don't know, I guess, hopefully she's, but it's weird because it's like she'll do a bunch of fun ones
Starting point is 00:32:58 up her back when the Instagram was there, rolling around and dancing and then they'll just be a long one of like, let me remind you all of how horrible my family was and the long diatriot then we can have full go by and she's spinning and wearing you know shirts from the 99 cent store and yeah and then there'll be another coffee cup and just like I used to like coffee until I was told I couldn't have it anymore and I was like so I get that she's like this is her therapy because she obviously never wants to see a real therapist again.
Starting point is 00:33:28 So I guess she feels like that, but then I'm like, I don't know why it was taken down. And yeah, but she did say one weird thing that I was wrong about in watching everything and like the Brittany movie and stuff. So she was supposed to do this whole other thing in Vegas, different than Planet Hollywood. I remember and she came out and then she wrote,
Starting point is 00:33:50 I'm so sorry I'm canceling it, my dad is sick. That was the thing where she appeared for like a minute. Yes. That big, big moment of event. And then right after she's like, I hate to do this, you guys, but I'm not gonna be doing this residency. Right. And I thought that that was the moment she realized, like, why would
Starting point is 00:34:07 I commit to another three years of working this hard when I don't get to enjoy the fruits of my labor? In this 22-minute thing, she basically said that she was told, this is it, you're not doing it and you're going to say it's because you're like, that's, I didn't get that part. She said, you're going to say it's, I had to just say, oh, my dad is sick, but I had nothing to do with that. I was forced to make that statement. But you did say she was in a secret relationship with a guy who wanted to take her out of the country.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Do you hear that, Barn? I didn't finish it all. So I want to tell you about that, what is she? She does, at one point, she says, and I was in a secret relationship that we couldn't talk about, and he wanted to take me out of the country and they wouldn't let me like she wanted to know who I don't know who the person is the guy. Did you ever talk about the guy that was the William Morris agent?
Starting point is 00:34:52 I don't know. Originally she was with the baby when they got started. I don't know. That might be the person she's referencing, but she said there was somebody who wanted to take her out of all this a relationship she was in and they wouldn't let her. I hung out with that guy and I was, I really swear he was just on the breath of fucking telling me and then he realized like what the hell are we doing? Because I was like what happened? What happened between you guys?
Starting point is 00:35:20 You know, and at that time there were rumblings that like she's you know under control of her dad not the knowledge we have now because it was like three years ago like and then he was like it just yeah just to work out so then that night i went like research why did they break up it was all these dumb you know people dumb articles of people speculating like oh she he didn't want any more kids and she really wanted a kid and did it like but
Starting point is 00:35:43 they were engaged yeah and i was like and did it like but they were engaged. Yeah. And I was like, and then people like, you seem like a legitimate guy. And we're like, well, he was he in on it. He was her agent at William Morris. I think his name was Jason. He was her agent at William Morris. And then it became romantic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And he was like, yeah, you know, here I was at this William Morris, like agent retreat. And they found out that I was seeing her and it was just like that can't happen. So then he had to leave William Morris, but then he was still sort of like managing her Vegas residency, but that was 100% after the conservatorship because the conservatorship happened and she said a week and a half later she was doing after her conservatorship started and after she went to the mental hospital, literally a week after she got out, she was doing how I met your mother and she killed every line. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot that.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And then it immediately went and started preparing for this residency. Wow. Well, I wish her luck. I mean. Oh, and then she said, and a woman convinced my parents, which I think is that Lou. Yeah. That woman they always talk about that wanted like Kanye too. And I was also tried to do it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Also tried to talk to Lindsey Lohan's parents. Lou, we look up that woman, the woman who... She's a manager, something like that. Yeah, she's a manager and it's like, oh, if you go deep dive on that, she's like, she's involved in this church that people give money to and it's so... Lou Taylor?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Lou Taylor, she's a female yeah and um... so wow so we'll see uh... okay so did you watch any of the vma's last night which is a cc w m t v m a's but on cd but anyway i i mean i watched a lot of clips of it that was uh... a lot of people johnny dap but on to the way. I know. Anyway, I mean, I watched a lot of clips of it that was a lot of people, Johnny Depp,
Starting point is 00:37:26 made an appearance. They think that he was in the moon. There's no way. No, he was not in it. It was like a video of him. Of his, just his face. Yes. It was, yeah, they must have shot it somewhere.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Okay. Other people say it doesn't look like him. I felt the face looked a little thin to be his. I felt like they just kind of simulated a face or something. I did, I think it was just a video on a screen. So you don't think he was like, basically sex.
Starting point is 00:37:54 No, it certainly was there, no, no, no. But he did appear several times throughout the show, kind of referencing that he needs work. He was being self-deprecating. You know, I need the job. I'll do anything. I'll come to your bar mitzvah. Your bar mitzvah.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Where did you say this during the show? Oh, so he was there? No, he was in this moon outfit. It was a moon man outfit that kept coming out of the ceiling. I was floating around and he was in the screen of the face. Oh, I see. Okay. And hey, everybody, it's me, Johnny Depp.
Starting point is 00:38:23 That's how it opened. And he was like like I needed the work Oh, then halfway through the show it comes back. It's me again. I'll do anything your bombets for your bond mitzvah You got a wedding I'll come in before whatever. He's basically referencing. I need money. That was the joke I guess and then Fergie back in full Fergie mode mode, no crazy national land, sexing up the national anthem at the end of the whole star game. That was like the last time she made a public appearance. Remember how did she do great. I, well, you know, we love first class. I know.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Because we did a dance routine. We had this Chelsea lately dance crew and she recognized all this. She loved all of us She was obsessed and I remember she was teaching us the dance moves and she turned around and she was like She was like shake and I go I go What you don't you need something and she goes I just can't believe I'm here with you guys. I know I'm like are you kidding? Like she could not have been more down earth and so I'm really happy when she met us. Remember she was like, we were introducing us. I know who all of you are. This is on Chelsea Laley for that. We did, do we reference that? Yeah. So anyway, oh, this week was the eight years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Eight years ago. RIP. Yeah. Our final show, which you were posting some pictures of, and I've forgotten many of those people were even there. Yeah, it was amazing because, yeah, I took so many pictures because it was like, I knew I'd never see them again. Yeah. So I was like, well, we get these thirst trap photos
Starting point is 00:39:58 with like every famous person. Somebody wrote, how can we know how many pictures of you and Chelsea? I was like, oh, she wouldn't talk to me at that time. I wasn't famous enough to be talked to. You're barely in that thing. I mean, you just came out like at like, and the fourth grade,
Starting point is 00:40:12 and like literally, we were like, like, all of this like students that walked out, and the rest of the show was just all about like, the stars that wanted to be, that were her friends. There was one last day, get all of us, I remember, because they put us on group swear,
Starting point is 00:40:24 I was like, and I remember I was I was with Greg Fitzsimmons. I think who's the other guy I love, of Proops and myself. And they're like, these are the old fucks or something. And the three of us had to come out. Oh yeah. So it was like one last shot. I don't know what we were probably thirsty horrors
Starting point is 00:40:41 or something, I'm probably thinking about. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's nice. Anyway, that's like what you were probably thirsty horrors or something, I'm probably too old- I think so, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's nice. Anyway, that's like what you were talking about earlier about Britney Spears, you know? I mean, I definitely, I was telling Annie, I go, I definitely like, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:53 talked a lot about it on this show because I looked back and I realized, oh, that was kind of fucked up or why didn't I stick up for myself more? Things like that, like, yeah. You, but at the time, you don't realize it, you know? It's funny because people, I, on my podcast, they talk about all the time too, and I, and I,
Starting point is 00:41:09 people, I think people who like, this is, you guys, desperate, they're still talking about this show. But I'm like, the only reason I still talk about it, maybe the other same way, is because it's the last time I was surrounded by people. You know what I mean? Like, I went to an, you know, since then, I see you every now and again, but I'm not surrounded by, I'm getting an office
Starting point is 00:41:24 and a room with, I mean, not just the again, but I'm not surrounded by, I'm getting in office and a room with, I mean, not just the writers, every two hundred fifty people working on the show. So every day we were with people and I had relationships and we did different things that went on in an office. I don't do that anymore. So I talk about it because the last time I saw people.
Starting point is 00:41:40 I mean, it was very SNL and very fun and very like almost like the way you'd look back at like college living in You know your favorite dorm or a part building where there were guys and girls and y'all partied and y'all did your stuff And there were fights and there were weirdness and then you get over it and like yeah, but anyway little naws is You know he shows up in the red carpet shirtless Which why not? I guess you can still do that as a guy. Probably next to your girls we'll be doing it too.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I was watching and I'm like, I don't even wanna spend that much time on this because I did feel like, my mouth was literally on the floor with what people were doing and acting. And like, there was, hey, a lot of guys kissing and other guys, a lot of guys wearing dresses. And then these two guys came out who were like rappers who are, I'll say presenting masculine.
Starting point is 00:42:30 And then they had girls, they had this big thing where this, I don't know if it was like an actual balloon or what it was, but it was just a girl on her knees doing her big ass, but it was like huge. Yeah. Like twerking and stuff. With these other girls, with their asses all around.
Starting point is 00:42:51 So I was like, like the only guys performing either were wearing dresses and making out with each other's or exploiting like a woman's ass. I was like, all right, well, good for you. Well, I mean, I will say this. I think that's what the VMA says to support you. Oh yeah, I know, that's not like,
Starting point is 00:43:07 I'm not worried about our kids. No, everybody's gonna be fine. And now, everybody watched it all the way through. Anyway, so this guy kissed the other guy. Big bunny. Big bunny. Bad bunny. Oh, bad bunny.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Kiss some male dancer. Yeah. Who cares? Taylor Swift. Taylor swift is got a new album coming out she won a bunch of awards so that everyone's like freaking out about that now if I would tell a swift what I would do if I was going to an award show because if you get tell swift to come to your award it's a big get right so that probably like this I would if I were her from here on out I'd be like listen
Starting point is 00:43:41 I'm coming to your show I'll sit in front row, but I'm gonna have a good time. I'm gonna dance to the songs that are playing on stage. Don't put the camera on me when I'm dancing, because she never, I don't know. She's not a great dancer. I don't know what it is. And I like Tellspift a lot, but she's having a good time and I almost feel like she looks like a I don't know a bad dancer a lot She looks like somebody's mom at a wedding And I'm not saying that in a bad way. I love tell she's just that's not her thing. She plays guitar great She writes great songs. I don't think she's she's not exactly a good dancer But when it's something to do it's Oprah anytime Any time she had a singer on, and they would,
Starting point is 00:44:26 they would pant her and she'd be singing along, and it was like, let Oprah just not have to sing along with Gaye to whoever's kind of audience. I agree. But anyone ever was excited about a new album, so good for her. And then page six, right, Coincidence or Intentional. Taylor Swift plans to release her 10th studio album on kim cardashans birthday
Starting point is 00:44:48 i'm sorry i don't know when the fuck kim cardashans birthday is to you does anybody i mean they act like it is it president stay like what is it like i literally the only famous persons birthday that i know by heart besides my own is donald trump because it's the same birthday. I have the same birthday. It's June 14th and it is a national holiday.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It's flag day and Annie has June 14th. How weird is that? You have a birthday June 14th? Yeah. Wow. That's the only, I literally, I don't know when Madonna's birthday is. I don't know what, I don't know what Britney's birthday is. Do you really think she was like, I'm gonna release my 10th album to take away,
Starting point is 00:45:27 I mean, it's just such a demo. And how was that, what's the correlation to that? Remember, they didn't like each other because of the Kanye beef. Kanye took the board from her and then they made up, then she acted like they didn't make up because he did that video of all the naked people including Caitlin being in a bed
Starting point is 00:45:45 together. She was one of them. And then she was like, what, and he said something about her in a song. And she's like, how dare you? And then Kim released tapes of their conversation of how they almost planned, almost like our beef, like planned a fake beef.
Starting point is 00:46:01 And then she was acting like she was blindsided. Anyway, okay. fake beef and then she was acting like she was blindsided. Anyway, okay, Lizzo or some black trash bag and she performed in this pink outfit. And I just wanna say, why do girls and JLo does this too? You know how male rappers will grab their junk when they dance and they kinda talk like that? I notice women do that too. They kinda, it's like a dance move,
Starting point is 00:46:26 and I'm like, it doesn't look good. So I'm grabbing your junk like a, I don't know, I'm just saying, don't like. Does Lizzo do it? Yeah, she did it, but she sounded good. What do you think of the outfit? A lot of people talking about the outfit, the big comfort.
Starting point is 00:46:39 No, the comfort she was wearing. Yes, that. I mean. I'm sure, I mean, I don't know. Did Kanye, it looks comfortable, certainly don't have to. I don't know. She's, I love Lizzo. I mean, the music is great.
Starting point is 00:46:53 It's fine. She's taken this, and she knows I'm gonna do outrageous stuff, and I'm gonna, and people, and it's gonna make people angry because they're like, why? Because they look at themselves and they're like, if she's able to accomplish all this, then I have no excuse.
Starting point is 00:47:10 And that's why people are mean, because she doesn't look like Beyonce up there. But she's just as talented and has just as many hits and sings as well. Yeah, and I kind of more fun to watch. She's great. So I think she's great. She plays a flute for God. You her out she russum plays a flute
Starting point is 00:47:27 anyway okay so that's it for this this show that was fun oh all this was a good one this is a weird young gravy young gravy is dating you could say that was a straight face i don't want a name young gravy what's old gravy like anyway this is dead uh... he's some wrapper whatever right and he's dating at us and rate from tiktok fame's mom sherry easterling and there was controversy with at us and raised dad
Starting point is 00:47:56 dating this young girl but now that the mom's after some young cat so okay i hope things work out with her and young gravy. But they were like hard core making out on the red carpet and stuff. So I think it was a better show that you're doing a thing. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Daily Pop and Nightly Pop has been canceled. And speaking of what the conspiracy theory about Taylor Swift putting out her album on kim's birthday right i think this was announced the day of our last show our last show was like august twenty six and i think this news came out on august twenty six eight years later they can see lately's coming back we're here to announce everybody
Starting point is 00:48:42 you imagine i don't know that they said they do have a nightly show coming back but in october that'll be different than this starring uh... at us and raise mom and young gravy now they're gonna be i don't know what it would be well i could tell i could tell you what is going to be i think it's going to be one host with a panel yeah i don't think it's going to be the three hosts that they had doing this show and i think it's either going to be the three hosts that they had doing this show.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I think it's either going to be Justin Sylvester, maybe Lonnie Love, or maybe somebody that we haven't even thought of. Oh, okay. You mean somebody who's already on these shows that you're talking about? Yes. And one of them. Just one of them. Lonnie Love would be great. Yeah, just one of them. Yeah. So and then and then
Starting point is 00:49:25 have a slow people come in all the time and experts and have like, you know, people from TikTok and you know, like or or like we have a TikTok news and we have this news and I mean, nobody cares about in covering the news. Well, yeah, you know, but some people were sad about these shows being canceled So who was who was that some comments that were like I'm sad really? I don't think so Yeah, over they fired me. I know Yeah, I fired me and then They weren't gonna pay me for the two other days that I had blocked out and you left your your outfit there
Starting point is 00:50:02 And you had to go didn't they bring it to your house? I said they better bring me my outfits because I brought stuff for the week. Wow. And then they really tried to gaslight me. You said I said something like offensive or something. And so that might. You? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:16 But I knew what I said. But I said, all right, then send me the clip of it. Right. Like send us the clip of it. And today? No. And then they weren't paying. They weren't going to pay me. And then we're like, that's all right. Did they they? No. Yeah. And then they weren't paying. They were going to pay me.
Starting point is 00:50:25 And then we're like, that's all right. Did they pay? No, we just said that's OK. We have the contract right here. And we're just going to let Saga after know about it. Yeah. And then they're like, oh, sorry. I missed this email.
Starting point is 00:50:35 We're getting the check right out to. Well, they're gone now. So there you go. Good luck to. Certainly won't be me. Jennifer Lopez, apparently, at Corden Page Page Six made guest sign NDAs. Of course to attend the wedding. However, somehow this clip got out there. Don't know who put it out there. I'm guessing
Starting point is 00:50:56 Jennifer did. But it's pretty embarrassing. I've been her singing news. Is she singing a new song? So I'm like, this is so planned out. And she's got like backup dancers and she's wearing a different wedding dress than what she was buried in. And she's got Ben sitting in a chair. And she's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:51:16 What was the line? It's like, you know what? It's kind of is catching because I'm trying to kind of remember. But she's like, you know, I just want you to do. You know, I just want you. It's it. I'm just shocked. Yeah, I was shocked by mega movie star people that are so desperate to say relative that they're taking pieces from like TikTok people. And like this is like every 30 year old influencer with 10,000 followers that made her husband
Starting point is 00:51:51 like do a dance routine or hope or have a bunch of groomsmen be like do it a routine to hope to go viral. I'm like you literally performed at your own wedding this song. Ben is like, and then she goes to you, like she's going to the audience, you know, I can't, it goes to him. Like he knows the fucking words. like he's going to sing to this
Starting point is 00:52:07 too. Yeah, it was. It was. I know, I was a little shocked when I saw it, I was like, I mean, doesn't, they've been around a long time, both of them, they know this business, they're not, they're both huge stars. J. Lowe's not, she's going to be a big star of the rest of her life. You don't have to do this.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Also, they've been proud of me.. You don't have to do this. Also, we thought I'd be like, don't even have to have the second wedding. I thought that was a little much. I know, and then the Vegas thing was perfect. So then Leah Remini didn't go and people were speculating, but she's been with your daughter into college. And that I 100% believe. KC Aflight didn't go. I know you're talking about that. KC, yes. And I think that I got some insight scoop on why but it's has nothing to do with not liking her Yeah, it's just like he honestly had something really much better to do it was in Malibu
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah, hang it out And just you know I was in Malibu too, but I don't think it had anything to do with like not liking her No, I don't think that then somebody wrote me saying oh, I know the liking her no i don't think that then somebody wrote me saying all i know the uh... you know the limo driver that to grow was was driving him around mat dayman twenty years ago the family didn't like her unlike twenty years ago who cares like the family doesn't have any say now you have more say when your husband
Starting point is 00:53:18 when your son's like thirty three then when he's fifty about who he marries so i don't really think but look, I totally believe that Leah was moving her daughter in. And I, that's a good question. No, I'd go to JLo's wedding over moving Brandon in. Oh yeah, oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:53:39 But a daughter's different, like a daughter's different. They're like- Was it her first year of college college and she only has one daughter Oh, yeah, and I just think I Just think yeah, so she made the right decision. I would have gone to jail. Right. Okay, um then this article I was dying over Jennifer Gardner page six quote thrilled to get rid of her fourth child Ben which meant Ben aflough people like what She got rid of it, baby. Okay. Then they talk about it and they say, um, this is so funny. The 50 year old actress was
Starting point is 00:54:11 seen all smiles as she was pictured at Sam's Club in South Charleston, um, during the hours, right before the hours of JLo and Ben Affleck's wedding, like just always down to earth. And she appeared to be joined by her father, along with her business band boyfriend, and the outing and spotted for, you know, took a photo by a fan. Okay. I love a sans club. Do you have a sans club? Or you have Costco, but?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Yes, I don't even know where one is. But it's similar, right? It's a very, yeah. Okay, but then, as I'm reading this article, it reads, she's also the co-founder and chief brand officer of Once Upon a Farm, a leader in Fresh Snacks for Kids. Back in March Forbes reported that it is the first brand to receive the 1000-day promise certification from the Clean Label project for its new advanced nutrition blends. The Hollywood insider said Jenna's working, she's happy.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Oh, she's got a nice plug in there. Okay, so let me tell the kids what happened here. Yeah. This is what happened here. She gave this story. She gave this story, or her person gave this story and said, just please include this thing about the curb brand. Because that's way too much information. Yeah, there's a lot of information about that.
Starting point is 00:55:25 You know, and I know this because I know somebody that had some breaking news that was going to happen in his life. Okay. And they called me and I called him and I said, listen, they're asking about it. I think you should give it. And then the article came out and along with releasing his personal news from himself, it also had a long detailed paragraph about something about his business. And because it was like, okay, I'll give it to you exclusively, but also mention that
Starting point is 00:55:58 I have this thing happening. So it's like, if I was going to announce my divorce today Yeah, I'd be like okay. I'm giving you the exclusive and I or even afterwards like hey I'll give you a little bit of juice The reason I'm really getting divorced is because Peter's skin condition was just grossing me out whatever and then it's like Heather's You know and then it'll be like said the Juicy Scoot podcaster who is getting ready to go on a tour and then list like every day with the
Starting point is 00:56:31 theaters. It might not be a bad idea. Yeah. And then, you know, and then the insider said, but she's happy to move forward and they plan on co-parenting great. Like it's just so. Well, speaking of that, it is funny that, I don't know if you've heard recently,
Starting point is 00:56:47 so that's just a loan and you're gonna have to... Oh, I have it, I have it, I have it. But I do wanna say, in this article, basically said, which I agree, she's happy to be done of Ben Affleck. Right. There's like a TikTok that's like that song like holy love can hurt like this. And it's just these videos, I think I'm just yelling at her
Starting point is 00:57:05 at drop off with his mask on. Like, Jen Garner and Ben, and times when she's just crying and she's like, you don't understand and they like clearly are like fighting about kids or something. And it's like all these scenes put together. No, of her like driving them to rehab going through the jacket box before she has to take them
Starting point is 00:57:23 and I think he cheated with a nanny and like, and there were so many awful things that like, I'm think she's totally like, I'm in love like, having a man. Yeah, they just had a business man. They went to Sam's club together. Oh, that was a guy. Yeah. Yeah. But, but I think that she is like, he's yours, Jen.
Starting point is 00:57:41 He falls off the wagon. He freaks like you, you go take him to rehab. I've done it. So I agree that she feels like I don't think. But every photo they post, he's freaking miserable. They are, I'm sure there's photos where he's smiling. It's always her forcing. This is a photo, another page six.
Starting point is 00:58:01 That's some more. Jennifer Lopez and Benoca gave into romance of Italy by sharing a sweet kiss and front of late Como on Wednesday. And then they put another photo of him, him literally looking miserable as she's like trying to feed him an ice cream. And then another one where her, she's other tempitosan, she's trying to kiss him. And page six knows exactly what they're doing. They're only posting photos where she's the one pushing him into this thing, because that's a more fun narrative to talk about.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Ben Affleck, I love, I actually like Ben Affleck. I kinda do. I've been hot for a while, not anymore. He looks perpetually hungover. He always excites, I don't know if he even drinks anymore. I think he might be so fun. So, supposedly he doesn't drink, but he does smoke cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Yeah, well, yeah. Yeah. But he always looks like he's had a rough one. Did you get this, Shaila Booth. Uh-huh. Shaila Booth? Shaila Booth. Shaya.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Or just come Shaya. What is his situation? He's insane or not insane? He's insane. He's insane. He's insane. He's insane. He's insane.
Starting point is 00:59:02 He's insane. He's insane. He's insane. He's insane. He's lot. My friend, Carl the Kenan. She peeped on it? Yes. What do you mean on it? He misses the toilet? No, he'll go out in the back of it and pee on the outside on the floor. Why wouldn't he just use the toilet?
Starting point is 00:59:13 I don't know. My friend's had to tell him several times you can't see outside. So he goes out through the back like where the ad is and then just whips it out and pees. That is so gross. Several times he's had to be told not to pee on the building. I know he had an issue with some ex-girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:59:31 I forgot her name, that shared about that he was a bad boyfriend. He's done interviews where he's like, I've cheated on every girlfriend I've ever had. This particular, sorry, this particular story is about how he was cast in the Olivia Wilde directed movie. And he was having, I can't remember what he claims, but he just said it wasn't working
Starting point is 00:59:56 for him and he just didn't want to do it. So then he got replaced by Harry Styles. Because he's had, like, not a great reputation, he's upset because Olivia Wilde has said, I fired him. You know, the work, like, I couldn't have that energy on set. The work ethic, the way he is with other people, like, he's probably not. He then released a video message that she sent to him, like she's like getting in a car and she's like, Shia, I really want to make this work.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I know you're, and then she kind of blames it on the other star, the female star, that what's the girl in the, I love you darling. Oh, Florence. Yeah, she goes, Pue was her last name. She says, this might be a little wake up call for Miss Pue to know that like, she can't have her way. Because I guess there might have been an issue between Florence Pew and him, and then he was like, I just don't want to do it. But
Starting point is 01:00:55 then, by, but then Olivia, he's mad that Olivia put out that she fired him because he's like in this climate of where toxic men and this and that it made Olivia look like a really great female director that she was like. No, it's pure as an issue. I'm getting rid of that one. Yeah, I'm black, I'm blocking her and you're out and it's just not true. She was begging for him to stay on. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:22 So that's pretty juicy. He's a good actor. I like him. I think he's good in movies. He's got his wild man. I'm watching selling the OC. Yeah. And I mean, I do love the OC. So it's some beautiful footage. It is the same tiny twins. They got an office. Up in Hymer group. I literally think this office is like a studio set. It's like a Truman set or something.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Like it's like, I really don't know that there's any other people that, or I think they just went and filmed all these scenes like they did. And have this like drama like the Hills and about selling sunset. Because I mean these people are wearing tiny outfits than the Beverly, than the selling sunset girls. And they're so small, they're so tiny. And all of them are recently licensed. Every single one but like two of them,
Starting point is 01:02:19 two or three have had a license for a couple years. The rest of them like literally took the test yesterday. And then there's this one guy, Tyler, he's married to Brittany Snow. And he used to be a surfer and... Brittany Snow, yeah. And we always used to hear about her. I don't know what she's, anyway.
Starting point is 01:02:36 She was in those movies where they sing and dance. Yeah, which perfect. So he's like, I wanna do my own thing. So then he got his, you know, it's very similar to Khrushchell was married to the guy from this is us yeah and then i i assume that this is us agent is her agent and he was like listen they're doing this show just get your real estate license and like we'll get you on the show which clearly happened here and i know some of these people left the few people that had good um
Starting point is 01:03:03 Some of these people left the few people that had good You know good somewhat careers they left like their firms to go beyond the show You know what I've learned from watching all these shows in the bachelor and all these yeah socks are out Socks on men are a thing of the past and maybe that's why Rob Kardashian who was in the sock game Has it occurred from it a long time because he got in the sock game just when socks became a thing of the past. I saw a crazy tick-tock going around a conspiracy theory about socks. No, about the conspiracy theory is the Kardashians are keeping Rob fat to harvest his fat for their BBLs, their Brazilian butlifts, so that it's the same so like hooked up to some
Starting point is 01:03:47 they could get his fat because they share uh... a genetic genes you want fat from like random uh... you have no more fat on your body to stick there wow then you can get that you're keeping them yeah ridiculous but hilarious conspiracy theory that is a good one. Anyway, I did notice while they're supposed to be working hard on what's going on with
Starting point is 01:04:08 all their listings and everything in the OC, I was watching and I screen grabbed, I zoomed in and paused it and saw that Jason Openheimer, he's not looking at listings or anything. He's looking right here at the day, I can tell that's the daily mail. He's looking at the daily mail. He's looking at gossip sites, probably about himself. Not, oh, let me just work on this like contract that's coming in. I mean, it is not what everyone's doing at that work. If you've probably like it, and not, you know, 90% of people's computers, the daily mail's on.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Right, but you are supposed to be like, yeah, I know. But we know it's all fake. Anyway, the girls are all, you know, I'm watching one on Hulu. Right, I know. But we know it's all fake. Anyway, the girls are all, you know, one pretty. I'm watching one on Hulu. I highly recommend. What?
Starting point is 01:04:48 They've taken two popular reality show franchise ideas and melded them into one. Which is? Horders and home remodeling. It's called Rema Flip Horder. Horder Flip, it's on Huluulu and they walk into these houses that are hoarder houses and they have to get all the shit out and then they have to redo the house. It's the great. First of all, I guess it's a Canadian show. It seems to be Canadian.
Starting point is 01:05:17 So they're up in Toronto or whatever. And they're Canadians and nice people so they go oh it stinks in here oh it really stinks in here Oh this one doesn't smell nice at all you know it But it's pretty good okay unfortunately I don't enjoy three kinds of shows oh The six-centre-pound sisters you know like that or the thousand pound friend or whatever. You just don't like big, big, too big. I can't. I know I can't. Yeah. The hoarding, I'm not into that and I'm not into pimple popping.
Starting point is 01:05:53 I'm with you on pimple popping and I'm with you. I got, I love hoarders. I love it. I love it. I love when they, now the new thing, they break it down into three categories. They take all the shit out on the front lawn and and they got a cheap
Starting point is 01:06:08 Yeah Throw away and donate. I'm like, let's lose the donate I'm the candy buddy. Need your old can of tuna fish We're good on the don't that was what the problem right. During the season one of COVID that like everyone's just clearing out their stuff. Yeah. To the point that like, they had to say do not drop anything more off. No more junk. We can't take it. Or I would say when there's like a fire or something and everyone's like, I'm collecting clothes that okay, depends where the fire is when the fires in Malibu and West like village they don't watch your old nubby leggings these women can go to a
Starting point is 01:06:50 friend's house and order all new leggings from Lulu lemon and have it delivered in sherry lotion on the end all home here's my pilled sweater for forever 21 like just think about it. Think about what people really need. You don't need to be sending a package that costs $50 to mail of crap. Yeah, I totally agree. Okay. Anyway, enjoying that how fake it is, but kind of enjoying it.
Starting point is 01:07:20 And okay, this night club in australia is banned staring without verbal consent it's a new woke policy uh... and um... so i guess you can't like i found someone oh the days
Starting point is 01:07:43 i long for the days i could just sit in a club and I fucking get rebut. I mean, first of all, that is how I mean, I don't know if it works the opposite way with girls, I fucking guys, but that's how I got guys to like talk to me. Just staring. I would do like intense eye contact. Really? Yeah, okay, like here I'll do it. Okay, yeah, I'd like to see this.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Okay, I'm interested in you. So we're in a club. Yeah,'d like to see this okay I'm interested in you yeah we're gonna call them interested in you okay I'm just the bottom I've decided you're by far like the only one in this place it's part right you're you're more like probably like across someone okay so now I've got my friend here and I'm okay but I'm also feeling like you might be checking me out. I got it. So I'm like but how long do we do it? I'm gonna do it again. Oh okay so I caught the first one. Yeah and it's like it's almost making me uncomfortable. Yeah okay you go because I'm gonna I'm gonna play along. I'm uncomfortable and I agree It's almost making me uncomfortable. Yeah. Okay, wait.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Okay, you go. Because I'm going to play along. I want you to know how uncomfortable and I agree with this policy. But I want to see it. I want to see how long it actually went on for. Okay. Hold on a little more time. Okay. Hold on a little longer time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:10 And then it work? Then, okay. They come over. If they haven't come over, because guys need a lot more encouragement today, but even back then, then I go to the bathroom. Okay. And even if the bathroom is here
Starting point is 01:09:23 and you're over there, I'm gonna loop around somehow to walk past you. Okay. And that's when I would walk a right past you, tit to chest. Oh. And act like it's crowded. Hopefully it's crowded.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Yeah. So it's like. Tit the chest a good move. Like so it's like, you know, like it's like, sorry. Yeah. So it's like titha chas a good move like so it's it's like you know like it's like Sorry, yeah, so it's like and actually you act a tit touch to check like yeah, that close get that like Sorry sure. Yeah And still the same just one little star then walk away all right then make sure wherever I land You can still find me. Yeah, yeah, still visually
Starting point is 01:10:09 excessive. Yeah. All right. And the best outfit to do that in was my black romper from Express. Really? Halter. Yeah. Now that's a problem when you go to the bathroom, right? Don't you have to take the entire thing? I said, yeah, but it was like it was okay. Yeah. You know, okay. Yeah. Wow. well, I'll say this, and I just, just actually just looking at this picture that you've posted and what you just said, I believe that part of the problem with today's society is the fact that all of this is gone.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Like that, like titt to chest and staring across the floor. I totally agree because I don't know if I tell you, but when we were like at the Catalina wine festival, I was there with my sister and we were there with our husbands and it was a good crowd. And there was like a girl's dirty, dirty birthday party, these girls.
Starting point is 01:10:51 And they're all cute. And there were also some single guys. And my Shannon and I were like, do you imagine if we were here single? We would be talking to guys, guys, you'd be coming up to us. We would have already made out with someone last night that either we want to see again tonight or a new person.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Yeah. Like, are you kidding me? How are people like, it's just depressing, but I don't know what the, what people sluts shame, that of a good time, because that was that for a long time that you couldn't do these things because you were slutshamed that of a good time because that was that for a long time that you couldn't do these things because you were slutshamed. And that became a thing you can't do that. And now it's just, I guess everyone's doing bumble
Starting point is 01:11:32 or whatever, those type of things. Yes, I think it's that and I think it's like guys are kind of scared and they like, you know, they're like, don't want to, I mean, it's one thing to be rejected and then it's another one to be like, I need to be called a rapist because like I offered you a drink.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Right, right. And then of course, the drink thing sucks because you might get a roofied in it. I mean, I like never spent money. I bought the first drink. We always got our first, and then after that, everything was paid. Guys picking up the drinks.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Yes. Really? I would only leave with $20 and I never put down a card. Oh you leave the house with $20. Only $20. Wow. Yeah. So I don't know. But hey I was I was you know as any giving out my numbers and going on dates all these things that don't exist anymore. But anyway. So much fun. Missing out. You kids are missing out on a good time. I know.
Starting point is 01:12:26 And then, but then I did come across this girl that I knew. And she was like, it was on social media and she's writing all about her dates. Yeah. She's never been wearing no kids and she's attractive. She's a couple years older than I am. And she's like really hardcore like going into it and like, you know, sharing about it. And I'll share someone to you later because I don't wanna put it on the show, but my God.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I was in Catalina with my friend Noelle. She's been married as long as I have. I came across the night before we met and I wrote her and I said, I am gonna read you something that is gonna make you. Wait a minute, your friend is telling you about her dates I'm yeah, I have the other friend will call her Jenny Okay, I haven't talked for a long time, but I happen to still follow okay, and I'm reading all this about her dating adventures
Starting point is 01:13:16 And I then call my friend Noel text my friend Noel who going on the boat with us has passed a couple days into She's been married as long as I have. And I said, we're in a service boat and I'm going to read you these adventures. And I don't care how annoying your husband is. This is going to make you stay married. Like nothing else on earth. Like literally, I'm going to be, there's a lot of- Wait a minute, this is your friend texting you heard ventures?
Starting point is 01:13:43 General, I do. No, I follow her. Oh, so time is a bit of a problem. But I like, I just happen to come across it. Yeah, yeah. It's been a long time. Got it, got it. And I befriended each other a million years ago. And then I just happened to come.
Starting point is 01:13:54 And I was just like, oh my god. And it was written well. And it was pretty entertaining too. But it was just like, so then I was like, sharing it with my sister too, that's been very forever. And I'm like, shit, you know, I'm like, shit, I don't know, she's like, how could you? She's like, how do people even like,
Starting point is 01:14:11 get on with their life with this mystery? Like 40 years of rejection. Like 40 years of like knowing that you're smart and pretty and like, these guys and, you know, give you the false signal and you get all excited, they invite you on a trip and then then all of a sudden they're like, oh, sorry, or they ghost you. And another one only wants you to talk about
Starting point is 01:14:29 a second divorce, not as first divorce. And you're like, oh, I mean, it's just, I was like, I don't know how you can have any confidence in your career. Like, I had to go through this rejection at one period of my life. Right. And I just really, I just, God love you. And I'm saying, hey, go out there, like, fun love. of my life. Right. And I just really, I just, God love you and I'm saying,
Starting point is 01:14:46 hey, go out there, like, find love, but my God. Yeah. I just think I'd be like, I'm good. Like, I- I think that's what's happening. I honestly love age. First of all, age. Huh.
Starting point is 01:14:57 Like, I mean, we have friends, you and I have friends that are of that age and of that single life. Just that, and now that they do that they've done, I'm done. I know, and then like to guess, and like they love bomb you, and you don't know if they're like lying about just being interested in you, or they're lying about their whole fucking life, or like, oh my God,
Starting point is 01:15:19 and they're all on the hinge and the bumble, and like, I mean, I just can't imagine having like the confidence in my life as what I do as a career. And confidence that I think I'm a pretty good mom. But then if I was out single and dating, there'd be this all this self doubt and rejection that you then you have to incorporate in your life and then still be good at these other things in your life like I just I'm like It's just horrible and then it's all it's you know You used to do something about this kind of in your act where it's like it's all new moves like I'm not joking when I say this
Starting point is 01:15:57 Oh my god, it's a sexual shit. It's like and I year old. They're like oh, we're really gonna be doing this like everybody I think of everyone listen, I think the first thing thing I have to do is start watching some serious recent porn. Well, that's what I'm doing. You want that and everyone's. I don't know. I honestly, I'm like, I just don't even think I'd want it. We've all seen enough. I think I just rather go for like a forehead and massage for a hundred bucks on Ventura.
Starting point is 01:16:23 We've all seen enough dicks, like no more drinks. Yes, let me just like, and then just watch like some sexy shit on Netflix or something by myself. Like, I mean, I think you're right. I think that's what's happening. People like I'm done with it. I think people do give up. I want to talk about athletic greens.
Starting point is 01:16:39 I'm really loving it. I've been taking it for about three weeks now. And I am enjoying it. I thought it was it for about three weeks now and I am enjoying it. I thought it was going to be super healthy tasting. No, this one little scoop gives me it's got a great tropical flavor and by doing it, I'm getting over 75 high-quality vitamins minerals, whole food, sourced ingredients, probiotics, and adaptogens. And what I really love is, because I really didn't like taking vitamins.
Starting point is 01:17:08 It was really hard for me. I blew it off certain days. I'm kind of really getting into this and I'm having it every single day. And what I love is it actually is less than $3 a day. And so much better for you than maybe the $5 think about it, latte that you're getting every day. You know, this is really good for you.
Starting point is 01:17:26 It's really about gut health and it's just a small micro habit that can really have big benefits to get you on track, get you healthier, help your immune system, have you sleep better, and to make it easy, athletic greens is going to give you a free one year supply of immune supporting vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase all you have to do is visit athletic greens dot com slash juicy scoop again that's athletic greens dot com slash juicy scoop to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance. Okay, West Hollywood Halloween carnival is canceled
Starting point is 01:18:06 third year in a while. Yeah, I heard it isn't it isn't. I heard this, they're saying that they can't, I don't know why, I mean, why don't know why they can't corroborate this story whether it is or it isn't. But I'm hearing other people say it's not, like they're like, yeah, West Hollywood's canceling
Starting point is 01:18:19 but the gay is like, we're not canceling it. It will be out in the street, you'd dress like Tinkerbell, like it does no matter what. I mean, do you know will be out in the street you'd dress like tankerbell like does know that he do the greatest West Hollywood West Hollywood Cartel story of all times which would fun when our friend guy yeah he and his friends went out on Halloween night yeah as he was dealt to Burke oh Oh, God. And the other guys were the other. They were deciding women. All designing women. Yeah. And we had, you know, to brighter screening the next morning. And he did not show up because when he did his alarm
Starting point is 01:19:00 with his fake nails on his phone. Yeah. I think the accidentally did like 7 p.m. not 7 a. And he was a bit of a mess at the time, you know. He was a little as holly would pull over and you're dealt to Burke. I mean, I'm imagining it's like their national holiday for Gays. And he was a bit of a celebrity at that point from.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And I guess, you know, so he overslept. Uh huh. That came running in. I remember it vividly. Running it with still nails on. And it's a makeup, yeah. It was amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:31 We're talking a six foot five, 300 pound man. I mean, it was, and then they're like, I think you need to like, whatever leave. And then that was the end of that. And now he's doing. Now he's huge. Now he's in a movie. He's in, yeah, it was. He's in, um, the one in a movie. He's in. Yeah, he's in the one
Starting point is 01:19:46 Rose. He's in Rose. Yeah, I just saw the preview for it. He's got a big part. Yeah, who worked out. That's his buddy. But that was a traumatic day. I know. And then, uh, yeah, he was, um, I mean, it's safe to say he was let go because of that experience. Uh, we were talking about sliced alone is divorcing his wife. I want to remind people of juicy scoop history that at one time they were dating and he broke up with her via a facts. He brought a letter and sent it through the facts. And then they then somehow they got back together have been married for I don't know 30 years. I have three really pretty daughters. Yeah. And he's 76 and she's 54. And first thing noticed that she did a photo
Starting point is 01:20:30 with just her three daughters like four some forever, whatever. And then he had this photo of this tattoo of Jennifer's face. She's like a super model. Yeah. And he was covering it with a new dog. A new dog do dogs face you hear about the dog
Starting point is 01:20:46 yeah i like a rock while are well the dog i guess was an issue that they were fighting about the dog can i just got you right here please what i'm hearing and i don't know if this is true or not i'm hearing that they're doing a reality show and this is all kind of bullshit for the reality show that's what i'm hearing. Oh my god. Yes, a hundred. Sisters to lone fam, to still only.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Because they want to be the new Kardashians, the new Niki and Paris Hilton. Because I was thinking those girls are pretty but they're not like set in the world on fire. We don't know who they are. It's a reality show and this is all stick for the reality show. The dog and all this is, that's going to be the bit
Starting point is 01:21:26 I want a dog and what? That's the stick that's what I'm hearing I'm just letting you know that I'm putting it out there. Well, I think it was fine Somebody in the know told you could always file something and take it away. Yeah, so I mean I think they were they just file for divorce. Yeah, I sort of saying like it's a long way to go for a couple of episodes of a dumb reality show That makes so much more sense, but I don't know like I'll go to be like goofy like Anyway All right, well, I think we're good. Tell me what else is going on in your life
Starting point is 01:21:57 What else go on? Do you have any shows besides the one with me that you want to promote? Yeah Rochester, New York coming up. I'm a Rochester comedy on the Carlton. I have September 7th. I'm Irvine Improv. Wednesday nights, September 7th. Oh my gosh, everybody go to that.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Irvine, frangela.fun. I have Cleveland, Hilarities and Cleveland in October. And then we have September. You love it at the, no, September 11th. We're going to do our interview. That's right. We have to Durantor. But Hollywood goal. How good are these seats?
Starting point is 01:22:28 I think they're pretty good. I booked them a long time ago when they first announced that they were going on tour. And do we bring our own really good, like Airwan, Whole Foods, food, I think we should. Well, here's the thing. I don't know if we're in the section where they have like tables and stuff. You know, there's a section of the Hollywood Bowl that has like a dining area.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Yeah. We're not in that. Up close part where you're to your little box. Yeah, we're not there. You have to, you own those. Those are people who own them. I'm guessing I'm going to put it out there. Okay. That if there's a juicy scoop or it's kidding. No, that's what I, I, that's what I, I put these things
Starting point is 01:23:10 out there. I'm sitting with the juicy scoopers. I'm like, hi Chris. He's way far back. No good. I know. That's why I put it out. I want. I feel like the only way it's fun. Doesn't John Taylor's way to enjoy the Hollywoods. I've got to have food. Okay. I gotta have food. See, this is why. Let me be in charge of it though. You're not gonna invite it.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Shut up. I, I know you like, you would just drink beer, right? Yeah. At a concert, yeah. Okay, well I want like nice wine and I want like some yummy type of food. I cannot believe I offered this ticket up to you. This is already ruining my good time.
Starting point is 01:23:50 I might just go alone and, you know. No, you're not going alone. Okay. The world already knows you're inviting me. I'm going. I just want you to know that I like the satellite. I'm providing the car. They open with hungry like the wolf.
Starting point is 01:24:01 That's the type of night you're in. I am looking forward to it. I am down okay but I just don't want to be thinking about food so I need to bring some I can you yes I don't know about that all right I'll look it up yeah they didn't change the rules I think you can bring it if you're in that certain section I know you can buy it but it's never like that great yeah it's like so expensive it kills me me. Like, when I can stand there, stand up eating food. No, we're gonna get there, like, why it's still sort of light out.
Starting point is 01:24:32 I know you have a thing about chakootary boards. I'm not gonna do a board, but I'm thinking really yummy, like, little salads and sandwiches. Okay. Like, just a variety of stuff. But I, and then like, some good wine. Okay. But I a variety of stuff. But I, and then like some good wine. Okay. But I am gonna look up if we can bring it
Starting point is 01:24:49 because if we can't, honestly, I'm praying that they broke. I'm praying that they broke the rules and I can't bring it. You're not 100% invited yet. Not 100%. I mean now because you've already planned your meal, you might have to be. Listen. What?
Starting point is 01:25:03 This is what I'm praying. Okay. I'm praying. Okay. I'm praying that they shut down people bringing in food. Because if I have the option to bring in my own food, I'm going to have to do that. Right. I'd almost prefer that I don't have the option and I just spend $100 eating and drinking while I'm there, crap food. I think also you're very recognizable.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Let's have a late lunch. Okay. I already had my... I think I have're very recognizable. Let's have a late lunch. Okay, I already had my... I think I have a late lunch. You're too recognizable, people, you don't know who you are. I know we're gonna be up in my shit seats and you're almost gonna be like,
Starting point is 01:25:33 why is Heather McDonald and shit seats at the Hollywood Bowl? Okay, I know we can buy booze. Okay. Okay, I'm maybe, all right, I'm gonna look it up if we can bring food or not. And then if we can, I or not and then if we can I will provide and if we can't then we'll just walk around and get the drinks that we want
Starting point is 01:25:50 Okay, and we'll have Brandon drive us hopefully he'll pass us. Yeah, you still got to get even getting close to how Bowl is a nightmare so you can drive this we'd have to we have to walk a little bit I am gonna be wearing a comfortable show. Oh, okay. That's good. Yeah, I'm nowhere. I don't care about a wedge It's gonna be a flat. I want to say that I'm looking forward to this, but I don't know if I am anymore I think it's my reward I'm going There's no living early because they close with two of my, Rio is the final.
Starting point is 01:26:26 There's no way I'm leaving early, but if there's 12 openers, I don't think we have to be there all the other. There's not one guy. No, we're going for the opener. Who is the opener? I'm Rogers.
Starting point is 01:26:35 What does he sing? You don't know. You're not gonna. Okay, I'm fine. But he does a bunch of covers. You're gonna like it. I am excited. Hip hop, tippy tippy hop,
Starting point is 01:26:44 and hip hop, I love to be. Oh my God, yes. Bang bang boogie. He does a cover of that. I'm excited. Hip hop, tippy-dippy hop into hip hop. I love it. Oh my God, yes. Bang bang boogie, he does a cover of that. I'm going. I'm going. Hotel. I'm going to start getting my outfit together.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Okay. All right, Chris, cover to cover. Cover to covers my podcast. Hopefully you're listening. Yes, you'll love it. We have friend Jolodot, fun's gonna have all my dates. I have somebody working on it for me. I don't know how to do it. So they're all coming up. I got a lot of cities. Please come
Starting point is 01:27:08 I love when the juicy scoopers come to my shows Irvine Cleveland Rochester Syracuse Albany Archbreath okay New Orleans so much coming you're in New Orleans. Yeah, where do you perform in New Orleans? Place like a bar. We're like, yeah. You're about for you.
Starting point is 01:27:27 Not for you. Good luck. I'm glad we made up. Yeah, me too. Don't send him any harassing messages. His little heart can't take it. No, no. About my phone.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Yeah. Find something else to attack him on. How long has this episode been? It's like an hour and a half. Well, no, it's not. We're in a shortened. I mean, I think I might cut some out. What? Just a little bit. I'll discuss but well no it's not we're in a short and i think i might cut some out what just a little bit i'll discuss it after okay bye

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