Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - The Real Housewives of New York City with Erin Lichy

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

Erin Lichy is the breakout star of the all-new and younger cast of The Real Housewives of New York City. We get into how she first discovered Housewives as a fan and how she was cast. She is a married... mother of 3 business woman and a realtor and so down to earth that I fear for her future. We had so much fun, and she shared some juicy. Enjoy!  Vote For Juicy Scoop: realitytelevisionawards.com/vote Get extra juice on Patreon: patreon.com/juicyscoop Subscribe on Youtube: youtube.com/@JuicyScoop Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/heathermcdonald Follow me on TikTok: tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the Choo-Six Scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Choo-Six Scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a-dix it fast
Starting point is 00:00:21 To the number one tabloid real life hot cat Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Well, it's been a whirlwind for me traveling a lot, but I managed to get a great interview in for you with the new Real Housewives of New York, Erin. And I think you're going to really love this interview, even if you're not familiar with the show
Starting point is 00:00:46 or you never watch housewives. This is just a really fun interview about a wife, a mother, and a business woman. And I really liked her a lot. And I think you're going to enjoy it too. And so listening on this fun conversation. And then also, of course, if you're in the West Hamptons area or Hamptons in general,
Starting point is 00:01:04 I will be there Friday, August 18th to do a live juicy scoop. I'm collecting all the juicy scoop during the week so I can share it and make you laugh and give you the scoop. And then of course if you are going to be in Las Vegas on November 4th, Saturday, November 4th, I will be performing at the Venetian at 9pm for a live juicy scoop there. There are still, I think, a few tickets left. Super excited about that show.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Everything is at HeatherMichtal.net as well as joining my Patreon because I'll be dropping a couple of short Patreon throughout the week to keep you guys updated on all the fun I'm having. So go to Heather reachall.net and now for a really fun interview. Here we go. Hello and welcome to juicy scoop recording from the Sony studios in New York City. I'm with the newest real housewife of New York, Erin Leachie. Welcome, girl. Thank you. I'm so happy to be here. You're so cute for me to be cute when I said you're hungover.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I'm dying. I was with you last night. I didn't drink that much, but I don't know what's what happened. We figured it out. I mixed. I am shocked that you were hungover until you told me because I know.
Starting point is 00:02:15 So last night after, so Jeff and I did, Jeff Lewis and I did, watch him slide, but we did in the afternoon. And that it aired that night But then we met for dinner at the Polo bar. Mm-hmm. It was so good. So delicious. So it's very delicious. Shruffle burger. How good was that? I'm so glad you got that burger. It was really good. And then So you had but the problem was I know for even a new Listen, you are you are young. I'm 36. I should know how to drink I'm just kidding. I know there kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm had two that I did. I had two. I had two. And you had a martini with that. And I had a martini with you guys. Then you did red. I just like, everyone was getting wine. I'm like, okay, I'll have wine, stupid. So. I went, I flipped, flopped.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I need to like, stick with wine. Well, you didn't seem like drunk or anything. I don't, I, I felt like normal. Yeah. But then I woke up this morning and I saw that I was on the phone with my mom for half hour at 11.30. And I was on the phone with my husband like after that for like 45 hours. Oh, he's out of town. He's in the Hamptons.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And then you're going to Hamptons after this. I'm going after this. I can't wait. Okay, great. Love it there in the summer. So, um, so you're on the Real Housewives of New York. This is the new group. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And I just want to get a little background first about what is your history of being a housewife, a viewer, a fan, how old were you? Where were you when you first heard about it? It's a good question. I feel like the show started in New York, what, 10? Maybe more, 10? Oh, more than that, about 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:02 15 years ago? Wow, that's crazy. I want more than that, about 15 years ago. 15 years ago? Wow. That's crazy. I want to say it probably started like 2009 maybe. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, so I was post-college. And I did watch the original Roni. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I thought it was great. And not they were really funny. Yes, where did you go to college? I went to Albany. Great. Because you're from the East Coast. You're an original Manhattan. I'm from Manhattan. Oh, okay. Did you go to some. I went to Albany. Great, because you're from the East Coast. You're an original. I'm from Manhattan.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Oh, okay. Did you go to some fancy Manhattan school? I did till eighth grade, and then I told my parents, I want to go to, I wanted to go to this liberal arts, like public school, this portfolio school, and I like begged them. I was like, I cannot be in this bubble anymore. What was your school that you're up before?
Starting point is 00:04:44 You don't want to say? No. Oh, just because my kids go there. Oh, okay. That's good. That's good. Well, I always, okay, well, here's some juicy ski ep history for you. So there was a reunion with Ramona and Alex McCord.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And they bring up the fact that she was a riot. Alex McCord and Simon. So Alex was going to all of a sudden there's like I just see clips down through I love TikTok and stuff because there's this whole new generation of how if I fans that are younger that are discovering it and really? Yes and that's why I was saying like it makes me almost jealous when someone is starting from scratch like because it's just so raw and fun. I actually rewatch it, actually. Well, when I was getting ready here, Bravo was playing Real House's of OC Marathon, because
Starting point is 00:05:32 they're on tonight. Oh, wow. And I just like, I just love it. It's like, so good. Yeah, yeah. And it was about, wait, I was switching to two things. First of all, tell you about what real house I was supposed to see without. It was when Vicki was going through the divorce
Starting point is 00:05:49 and just starting to date Brooks, but we haven't met him yet. I don't think he was that. That was awful. And, and, and, Rihanna was having some medical issues. And Vicki was like, I'm having a universe breakdown. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I can't believe I'm going through this with my daughter and I just thought, oh my God. Okay, this is just me, just for opinion. What if Vicki was the one that was actually the instigator of Brooks' fake cancer? What? I'm just asking. But what do you mean because she wanted like the heat?
Starting point is 00:06:27 Because I'm watching how much attention she brought to herself when Brianna was sick and almost had cancer. She's like, we don't know what's going on with Brianna. I mean, if she has cancer, I'll just lose it. I mean, I wouldn't put it past her. That's wild. That's an interesting theory, honestly. It also could be because I'm listening to too many podcasting I'll have to fake cancer, but I really are you cancer and munch house ins and yeah, like kind of like I don't know I came with us interesting. It's very and how much attention mothers get when their child is sick and it's like Oh, getting you back to Ramona. So Ramona. Okay, so Alex McCord decides she's gonna be a model.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Remember how she'd be like? Yeah, I can't. I can't. And then I cannot with her. I'm like, as far as like, give me your Johan face. Give me your Johan face. Oh yeah. That was a big one.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So then I guess at some point between filming and the reunion, Alex McCord did like a subnuity or something in a magazine. Oh, I didn't know that. And they bring it up and all of a sudden in the middle of the reunion, Ramona gets up and walks off. And it's like, we're really going to watch you now. I don't want to talk about it. Now we know, because I've asked Ramona and found out about it,
Starting point is 00:07:42 that the school that Avery was at which is an elementary Catholic and I went to Catholic school, they had a real issue with the show in general that she was on the show and stuff and so she was almost like gonna get kicked out maybe. Wow, and so she did not want to be associated with a cast member doing nude photos. Wow. And so she did not want to be associated with a cast member doing nude photos. Wow. It's cut to Ramona in like the last two seasons. She's taken off her top and there's a big point. Yeah, good point. She's at a school, that's why.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah, the girls brought up a school. She's big now, she doesn't have to worry about that. That's funny. So, okay, so you kind of watched it and everything. Yeah, I thought it was funny. When did you hear that, that they might be looking or how were you approached? I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I literally did not know that there was a reboot. And my girlfriend called me Lizzie. I was friends with Lizzie. So I am friends with Lizzie. So Lizzie is the cast member that unfortunately left. Yes. And we really don't know, we kinda heard rumors. I don't wanna put you in a weird position.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah. What happened? Yeah. I follow her now and she would have been great. And yeah, I think she's really a great person to follow. She would have been great to you. And so you filmed a little bit with her, but then they did a mutual goodbye.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah. So she told you they're looking and had she already been cast. So she was in Dallas and she was like, I'm actually moving back to New York. I need help with the place and I'm a real estate agent. So she called me and I was like, oh, really? You are like and I knew that her husband at some point would want to start his own, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:19 because he's a plastic surgeon. Oh, yes. And he was like opening a shop here, whatever. And I was like, yeah, sure, why not? And she was like, oh, and by the way, I might be doing housewives. I'm like, what do you mean? You're like, you're gonna join the cast?
Starting point is 00:09:33 And she's like, no, they're doing a whole new shop and they're interviewing like different groups. And she was like, actually, you'd be great. I was like, oh, okay. So then we had like- So, boring about just having to ask you, when you would watch it, because I was obsessed for the moment. I saw an ad for real houses, if I was seeing,
Starting point is 00:09:51 they're holding me oranges. And I thought, oh my God, that's so clever, because it's a desperate house market. Yes, it's a very clever. Very clever. I was like, oh my God, at the time. People say to me, like, they're like, are you on desperate housewise? Oh my God. At the time, people say to me like they're like, are you on desperate house? Why? I'm like, no, you should know this by now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:10 So, you know, and I would sometimes imagine what my life would be like if I was ever on it. Did you ever think that you'd want to be on it or if I was ever on it? Probably. I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm assuming that at some point, I would think like I would behave this way in this situation. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Because I think that's the beauty of the show. You kind of relate to people, different people at different times on it. Yeah. I mean, obviously you have like your person or like people. Right. But I've definitely, I remember like thinking to myself, like, oh, I would have done this or I agree with this person.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So like, yeah, you kind of put yourself in that position mentally sometimes. Yeah. When you watch the show, it's just like natural. Right, so she tells you. I didn't think I'd be on the show. Was she going out for it at this time or was she was like, I'm doing it
Starting point is 00:10:59 and I want to introduce you to the people. I think it was like, it wasn't as firm, but she's like, oh, you'd be great. Like, you should meet with them I think it was like, it wasn't as firm, but she's like, oh, you'd be great. Like, you should meet with them. So, I was like, okay. And now I was like, so you met with them and was there any conversation with your husband, your family, okay, what was it?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Totally. It was like, do it. He's like, this is an amazing opportunity. Why wouldn't you do this? Like, this is so fun. And when you were like, okay, but if I do this, did you ever have a moment where you're like, these are all the cool things that could come from doing it, just fun, acting, going on trips, how it could build your business as a realtor or
Starting point is 00:11:36 any other business you want to get into. Did you think of any negative impact that it might have in making your decision? I mean, yes, but no, because I feel like I'm at a place like if this had come my wife five years ago, I'd say no. I just wasn't right. Like I don't feel like I would have been ready, but I think I'm in a place where I'm comfortable on my own skin. Like I have a great sort of foundation. I have my friends from growing up that are my people,
Starting point is 00:12:05 you know what I mean? I have my family, like my husband and I are in a good place. So I just felt like the right time. So I didn't really think about the negative. I just kind of like went into it and I wasn't, I don't know, I wasn't as concerned as I probably should have been. Now, looking back, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:18 ugh, should have thought about the comments. Well, now your kids are three and- Three, six and eight. Oh, you have three. I've three. I thought last night. See, I feel like two kids are home with me. My son's at sleep boy. Maybe that's fine. No, no, no, I don't know. I thought you maybe I misheard you, but because I've watched all the episodes, but one thing that I do feel that it is a little like I was saying this last night, I think because they lost a cast member and they had to kind of like maybe read it,
Starting point is 00:12:49 I do feel like I'm a little bit like, wait, like does I have kids? Like I'm trying to remember, like I forgot that, Jess, what had you say her name, Jessel? Jessel, I forgot Jessel had twins and I still am like, are they boys or girls? Like I don't, like it's gonna take a minute for me to like get to know everybody, so I't realize you had three kids yeah I had three too
Starting point is 00:13:10 yeah I mean they're older now but three is a lot it's a lot yeah it's great yeah but it's a lot so um when you say I had these friends like you have like high school college friends yeah what was their girlfriend like girlfriend thoughts what they I'm sure many of them are fans. They were all like, what? Like, I think everybody's response was, I'm dead. That was everyone's response. I think they just couldn't believe, like it's like, it's like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:13:37 You're gonna be on housewives. Like, it's just so crazy. But everyone was really supportive, you know? And when you've been filming and had you had any parties where you have to invite the normal friends. My anniversary party, like all my literally, we have like, for people there. And we haven't seen that yet.
Starting point is 00:13:52 No. Okay. That's also an interesting thing you'll see through the years. Because, I mean, hopefully you'll be at a long time and everything, it's like in the beginning, because I became friends with a lot of households because I'd meet them, I was friends of them.
Starting point is 00:14:08 They, at the time, I was on Chelsea Lilly so they were kind of a fan of mine. And then, and then, you know, I've had the show for so long so I'd start interviewing them and whatnot before every house I've had a podcast. Like one of the few people that would interview them. So anyway, I, they would be like, I would be invited to the stuff. And I was always like,
Starting point is 00:14:28 really excited, you know, to go. Yeah. And then I kind of was like, okay, it's a lot. And I was friends with Kardashians too. So I was like, now it's a little embarrassing. Now I'm a little bit weird as Waldo. Like, we're just seeing just like an extra in the background. That's cute. And, and then I would ask some of the girls, like, Tamer or whatever, and like, is it hard to get people after they've done it a few times? Like, to go, because when you have these big parties, you can't be the regular host to get this stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:00 That's what was hard. Yeah. Exactly. Like, you literally hit the nail on the head. That was really hard for me because I couldn't talk to like my people. I was like so busy filming and also talking to the girls and then also just like we set our vows.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Like there were so many things going on that I couldn't, I mean it was also just, I feel like I would have had a longer party. Like I think it was too short. I should have started it like, I don't know, six. And so it started like seven. We did about, we never said bounce, ever. Oh, you mean on your actual wedding? Yeah, my actual wedding.
Starting point is 00:15:32 What was that about? We just didn't. That was so young. It was a 500 person wedding. Yeah. At Chippewa County Wall Street. No, I still have yet to go to Chippewa County. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah, of course. Okay. No, I've still have yet to go to Chippewaani. Yeah, yeah, of course. Okay, good. We are both one, we've both come from really big families. Oh really? Yeah, so our parents. I'm the oldest. Oh, one of five. Oh, and the youngest of five.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Really? Yes. Interesting. I liked five. Yeah, good. And Abe is six. Was your, did your parents plan all you out? No, so my dad got remarried after her and then had four kids.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But my dad raised them. You're the only product from your mom and dad. Yes, I'm her product. And then so that your parents got divorced? Yeah, how do you? Like three. I was young four, maybe. And was the divorce friendly? Like co-parenting wise growing up?
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah. And how shortly after did she? My dad always wanted a lot of kids. So he met like my, you know, whatever, except I don't even want to call her that. Oh, he's no longer with wife no two. No, he raised my siblings. So he married wife number two, had four kids.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah. And then they divorced. Yeah, and she. And he got cut. She's no longer with that. four kids, and then they divorced. Yeah, and she, and she's no longer with us. You know, she's with us, wow, somewhere else. Not involved. Not involved at all.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Oh, that's very unusual. Yeah, and my dad is like superstar dad. Really good dad, yeah. And did your mom ever like participate in stuff with those other kids? Because sometimes I have to do a lot of things. I wish he would have more, but sort of. I mean, she was very close with one of my brothers and actually worked with him.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Like, she hired him and he worked for her for like a couple of years, yeah, in real estate. Oh. Yeah, he got his license with her. Okay, because both your mom and dad were in real estate. So my dad moved here and was a business owner. He owned stores, like electronic stores. Is that not the most Israeli thing? Like the Zohan. Literally my dad is the Zohan.
Starting point is 00:17:32 So he was a business owner and then he got into real estate but he always was like buying properties, like he owns a bunch in Israel, then he manages in New York, he owns a couple and he's now partner at an investment firm. And development. And your mom, what was her stake in real estate? What did she?
Starting point is 00:17:49 So my mom, my mom's, I think got her license at like 30 something and just has always been an agent, but she builds. I mean, she built two houses out east. She was like in the paper because she was the first solar house in South Hampton. She built her house on solar, which is why I'm so into sustainability. Oh yeah. We got our solar panels too.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah, it's great. Yeah. So, um, so like I've always been around it. Like I've always been around construction. Like I would live in a construction site, you know, like they both love it. Did you ever follow Barbara? I love, wait, Barbara from Real House of New York. She's only on like, I met her in the Hamptons. Oh yeah, I met her in the Hamptons New York. She's only on like
Starting point is 00:18:25 Oh, yeah, I met her in the Hamptons. Yeah, and she's a general contractor. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that. Yeah, I saw that But yeah, so I've always been around it. Oh, that's so cool. Okay, so How did you meet your husband then? I met him at a bar I was young. I was like 22. But you were out of school. 23. I was 23.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I was 23. Not 22, 23. Yeah, I didn't meet him in college. He's four years older than me. So I actually grew up with his cousin, his first cousin, and his sisters. But because he was four years older, we just never met. I knew his family. And then when we were all back in the city, my friend from high school, my best guy friend,
Starting point is 00:19:05 is married to his first cousin. And they were like, just come out, come out, I was actually studying for my LSAT. Believe it or not, I ended up going to NYU for grad school, but I was gonna go to law school. Oh, you were. Yeah, I was gonna go to law school. And what made you not do that?
Starting point is 00:19:17 My husband was like, do you really wanna be a lawyer? I'm like, absolutely not. He's like, well, then why are you gonna go to law school? I'm like, I don't know. What else am I gonna do? My sister's an attorney my sister's an attorney and when she was finishing Santa Clara She was gonna go to law school and I go do you really want to be an attorney? And she goes, I don't know. It's I'm good at school That's how I thought she's like I'm good at school. So I think I can do it in the end. She she passed the
Starting point is 00:19:43 On a project and she's yeah, so then that's great. Wow and um, but I mean at the time, you know, it's like you're 22 and there was no other She knew so I grew up in real estate my parents were really real tears together like a couple And I think that's cute. It was cute. It was also awful And I said I'll never work with my spouse and now I work with my spouse you do yes, and my sister said we would go to bed and we'd be like we shared a room and we said Let's promise each other that we'll never work with our husbands and we both Work with our husbands that she and her husband our turnies. Oh my out in palms Like together. Yeah, she has a system does stuff for it I mean they work together. I mean it's his name his game But she right you know does motions and goes to court. I love that. He had honor at the courthouse
Starting point is 00:20:31 I thought I fell in love and then my husband got involved in my business like 60 years ago and took it to the next level stuff, but like So you guys have seen me you've been following me, I've been traveling a lot, I've been in the ocean, I've been in the sun, I've been using lots of products. Well thank god, I have my way, shampoo, conditioner, my detox shampoo, but I also want to tell you about their best selling product and that's ways best selling hair oil. This is a fast fix to get your hair looking healthy again. I absolutely loved it because it just it was like a multi-task oil and it really
Starting point is 00:21:10 helped smooth the frizz that I have and it helped actually seal some split ends. These split ends, not some I have a lot, and it gives me that high gloss super smooth finish when I blow out my hair that I absolutely needed after a summer of havoc on my hair. And then when I was at my friend's house, she had way products too. And I was like, yes, that's what I need. This is the smell I love. I feel like I'm just, you know, walking through a hidden garden, I'm just smelling violent
Starting point is 00:21:38 and gardenia. I absolutely love it. Live life your way and get your fast fix for healthy looking hair. Go to THEOUAI.com. Go to THEOUAI.com and use code juicy for 15% off any purchase. That's THEOUAI.com. Go to THEOUAI.com. Code juicy.
Starting point is 00:22:06 But it's hard. Yeah, I mean, I know I worked with my husband. You have worked. Yeah, we started a fashion line. Like ask me why? What's that? I don't have an answer. So got my license at 19 and ended up. So did I.
Starting point is 00:22:22 You did? I did it between, this is what real state parents make you do. I don't think it was between freshmen and software year of college. I was in college. I was on an RV. We did like an RV trip. My dad always thought he'd be like a camper person.
Starting point is 00:22:36 We rent an RV. It was so disastrous. It was a brand new RV, but it was still disastrous. We, that was stayed at a hotel everywhere. We went, even though we had this big RV. That's funny. Then someone stole our generator and my dad was like, I can't believe I just didn't think RV people were like this.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm like, Dad, what? We are not campers anymore. I'm like, who's an RV person? Who's an RV person? Like RV people are certain kind of people. They're through it. I'm like, Dad, it's so hot. That's his start.
Starting point is 00:23:03 So, but I was, would be driving like through. I'm like, that is so nice. That's his story. So, but I would be driving through Colorado and so forth California and I was studying that real estate. Yeah, so you got it through it. So I got it. Yeah, and then when I graduated, I just would like sell real estate with my mom and help her out. And then one time she had this building on, it was Grammar C19 on 19th and 3rd.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And it was like a construction site. And I love selling new development. I love it. But back then, it was like my first time doing itth and 3rd and it was like a construction site. And I love selling new development. I love it, but back then it was like my first time doing it. And she's like, you know what, it's a mess in there, it's cold, it's middle of the winter, she was like, you deal with it. I'm like, okay, so I did all the showings. And one of the executives at the firm saw me and they were like, wow, she's good. So they plucked me from there and I ended up selling four new developments by the time I was like 22
Starting point is 00:23:48 So now you're single and you're just like and you're rolling in it. So now I'm like I'm like selling real estate like a G And then I decided to go to NYU for sustainable development because I really loved it I was a passionate about construction and new development and you and sustainability and how that could change the future of real estate. But I was like, my creative juices, I need something more. And I want to start a business. So I ended up starting a handbag line. And A, I was like, I'll help you.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Okay, so wait, get back to how you meet the husband. What bar did you meet at? The draft, which was owned by our friend. My friends were like, come out. You'll, there's a guy for you to meet because at first I was like, no, I'm setting for my outside. I'm not going out. They were like, well, you'll meet a guy. You're selling real estate, but you still think you want to be a lawyer? Yes. Okay. I don't know. I'm multi, I have 80D. I'm doing like 45
Starting point is 00:24:38 things at once, which is why I do so many things. I think now. But yes, I'm setting for my house that they're like, well, there might be a guy for you, so I'm like, okay, fine, I'll go out. So he went out and we like looked at each other and that was it. So he thought you might be a good match. He's cousin. Oh, he's cute.
Starting point is 00:24:53 He's cousin. Oh, so it wasn't like a random thing. It was just like, it was kind of random. Is it that the perfect way to meet somebody? I think so, yeah. It's like not a blind date, not the apps, but just, that's how I met my husband.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Like just casual, but just that's how I met my friends. Like just that's how I met my friends. But like easy and like, but like intentional, but not, you know, my Adam, we had shared a mutual friend and the guy was like, I think you'd like this guy. Right. And but like we never talked to the phone, nothing. And then finally, there was a birthday party at a bar going on and I call the mutual friend, I go, will that Peter guy be there? And he's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And I go, all right, well then I'm gonna go. And it's like perfect because you're like, kind of supposed to be each other, but it's not the knocking on a door. Totally. And you're also, and you're not alone. And you're also, so you didn't even see a photo of him before. I like sort of knew him.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Okay. I didn't, I don't think I knew what he looked like really, but like I knew, like I knew he was a leechy, like I knew the family. There are a lot of kids and like, it's a huge family. It's a huge family. It's a huge family.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So for the huge family, it's a huge face. Yeah, I know. So did I. Immediate. Are you kidding? We have a lot in common. It was like a movie. And I never believed in that.
Starting point is 00:26:00 It was like, he churned around. Yeah. And was like, hi, I'm Peter. And I was like, this is so weird. And then the next day, I never believed in that. And the next day, I, like we had this thing with my girlfriends because we're older than you,
Starting point is 00:26:18 where we would say don't jinx it, which is the absolute opposite of manifesting in the secret. Completely goes against it. So this is before the secret. So it was like, don't jinx it, which is the absolute opposite of manifesting in the secret. Completely goes against it. So this is before the secret, so it was like, don't jinx it. No, but there's something to say about that too, that kind of is like manifesting in the secret.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Because you know, you know how they say, because I'm like really into that stuff. Okay. But you know how they say like, when you attract, you put it out there, but then you let it go. Because, Oh, okay, I see what you mean. Because if you start talking about it, then then you let it go. Because- Oh, okay, I see what you mean.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Because if you start talking about it, then maybe the nervous energy comes in, and then it kind of drinks is it. Do you know what I mean? Yes, but I remember telling my friend that I met this guy and I weighed out, whatever we're supposed to go out. I'm like, I don't know, this is like,
Starting point is 00:27:00 and she was like, don't drink it. So then I didn't, you're right. Then I didn't talk about it. That's good. But that was, yeah, don't jinx it. So then I didn't, you're right. I then I didn't talk about it. But good. But I was, yeah, that's interesting. Yeah. You know? Right.
Starting point is 00:27:10 He told his parents the next day, he met the girl who was gonna marry. And like I showed a picture of my dad, my dad was like, marry him. I'm like, you don't even know him. You haven't met him. Meanwhile, meanwhile, let me tell you about my father. I was dating a guy for like five years in college.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Like, you're really serious. He was not Jewish. And I brought him to like a Shabbat dinner. And you about my father. I was dating a guy for like five years in college. Like you were really serious. He was not Jewish. And I brought him to like a Shabbat dinner. And you as our religious. No, not religious at all actually. But we're cultural and like. So do you ever, will you like, I have to marry a Jewish person?
Starting point is 00:27:39 Or you just knew it would be nice if I did because it would be easier in life. I mean, my dad would be pissed. If you'd be my mom, my mom was like, open. Okay. Yeah, it was always like that. My dad was like the more tough one and my mom was like easy going about everything.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Okay. Um, but, but yeah, so where was I? So you were saying so the dad was like you should marry him and you're like, oh, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. So this is just a funny story. So I went my ex boyfriend, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So this is just a funny story. So I went my ex boyfriend in college brought him. I mean, I was with him for a long time. Like, all my friends knew him. You met him like freshman year.
Starting point is 00:28:11 No, I met him like sophomore year, but like you were on and off like after college, like while it was abroad. Yeah, even though I, I'm double that. So he came to a dinner and after the dinner, like my dad was kind of tough. So I was like, so what do you think? Isn't he great? He was like, oh, I'm like, Ryan, my boyfriend, who just sat with us at dinner and he was like,
Starting point is 00:28:35 oh, him? Uh-oh, yeah. Like that was his way of being like, I will not even look in his direction. He means nothing to me. So he wouldn't even like, he wouldn't say anything negative. He just wouldn't pay any attention to him. So when he was like, marry that guy,
Starting point is 00:28:50 I'm like, you haven't even spoken one word. Like, how do you know? But he just like, he, I don't know, it's weird. It's just weird. So you start dating. We start dating. You have quickly before you bone. Actually, you want to know something funny?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Yes. I'm going to tell you, Mike, things that people don't know. I tried. But like, he stopped me. A couple dates in. He was like, I like you too much. Like, I don't want to rush it. Yeah. Isn't that interesting?
Starting point is 00:29:19 I know. So then how long? I don't know. I think finally put out. I think, um, maybe like five days in or six days and five maybe yeah I was like third day I was like you do it now and then you knew like this but now you're like boyfriend girlfriend like you at that point yeah like we never said we never said it it just sort of segwayed.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I remember one time I was like, he said to me, he was like, I don't, what did he say? He was like, I like, I don't not love you or something like weird like that. Like he didn't say, I love you. But he couldn't, he didn't feel comfortable saying it. But he was like, but I probably do love you. I just can't say the words. Like he was like, I don't love you. He was like, I don't, I don't remember what actually he said. Yeah. I don't
Starting point is 00:30:13 remember exactly how he said it, but like something like that. And I was like, same. Yeah. And then it just kept like going. And then it like went fast. I mean, we went to grease that summer. I think we met in October. We went to Greece that summer and we proposed. And what's this your husband do again? He's an attorney. And it came in attorney. So he's my attorney. So he was already, because a few years older.
Starting point is 00:30:32 So when you said I'm studying for the L-sets, he was already an attorney. And he's an attorney and he was like, don't be willing. He was like, do you really want, like, do we both need to be attorneys? He's like, do what you love. Like, do, go for something you love.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Right. So then that's when I went to NYU. Oh, okay. And so how does he ask you to marry him? It was really cute and very typical of us. Apparently he had ushered this ring throughout all of our travel. So like all these small airports in Greece,
Starting point is 00:31:02 he'd be like, Aaron, like, now where did this ring come from? This come from a good Israeli dealer. So like like all these like small airports in Greece. He'd be like Aaron like now. We're to look over here. This come from a good Israeli joker uncle was so Abe is half Cuban. And then his his dad is half Turkish and Greek. Okay. And his dad's sister. Yeah, his mom converted. But like, I think she was Catholic actually. Okay, yeah. And I always joke like I got lucky because I got a guy that wasn't raised by a Jewish mother. I mean, she's Jewish, but like, you know, not like overbearing and like psychotic, like me.
Starting point is 00:31:35 My mom always said Jews make the best husbands. He's really good. My sister married a Jew. Really? Goldstein, yeah. Oh, that's very Jewish. Yeah. See, like with Leechee, people don't really know.
Starting point is 00:31:44 But then he was like, I don't really know. It's Turkish But then he was like I don't care if the kids go to Catholic school because you're a better Catholic than I'm a Jew So my mom's like oh, we're she was so cute. We went to Haley Goldstein's first totally communion Oh my god, she's like so funny in the Catholic whatever the Catholic yeah Yeah, so it just went fast after oh, so we were in Greece and he like ushered the ring through and we're in Santorini and he's like, come on, let's go have a drink like on our balcony and I was like, I don't want to, I just want to go to dinner.
Starting point is 00:32:17 He was like, can you please come with me to have a drink on the balcony? And I was like, why? I'm hungry. And what I go to dinner just being pain in the ass. I normally am. I'm clueless. No. Do you think you're being hate? Do you think that this was a trip he was gonna ask you?
Starting point is 00:32:30 You know, I thought maybe, but I figured he would have done it like when we got there. We had already had a whole trip in Mekonos, partying. Like I didn't think he was gonna wait till the end of the trip. Towards the end of the trip. You know, like that threw me off. Mm, good one.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Yeah, it was good. So then we're like upstairs. Like we had this really beautiful hotel with like this beautiful room. And he's like trying to move the chairs. I'm like, just don't move the, like it was just being a pain in the ass about everything. So when let him move like the lounge chairs, so he ends up like pulling it out and he has like nowhere to kneel, because I wouldn't let him situate the chairs the way he wanted. But he was like, and I just immediately started crying.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I was like, what I just immediately started crying. I was like, what are you doing? Oh my gosh. That's cute. So you have this big wedding. Yeah, we had a huge wedding. How do you have a big wedding, but you never save ours? I don't think it's as common in like Jewish weddings.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Oh. Yeah. Okay, so. I mean, people do it. You have a rabbi, Mary. We had a rabbi and we just were like, And so there's not a traditional thing where you do the traditional vows
Starting point is 00:33:28 if it's a Jewish ceremony. You can, it's just not as common. So when you have this, And I was so young, I was just like, what is it? So the wedding party that you have, the wedding anniversary party that we're to see later on, what year are you celebrating, 10? 10.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And then you do vows. And then we said vows. And his were like four pages long. Oh, so you write your own. Yeah Nice and you're not worried that that's gonna be the real housewife curse of no good no Lisa better pump did it. She's still married. Yeah, I think she's the only one is that still married That has had like any kind of Vowry
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah, I remember they that they had one. Yeah, I remember they did something at their house a long time ago, like, Beverly Hill, and because the priest was this priest that I knew and he kind of blessed it. So, yeah, definitely they had something to celebrate them.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Yeah, but they're still married. So, they're cute. So, they're very cute. Yeah, I they had something to celebrate them. Yeah, but they're still married. So they're cute. They're very cute. Yeah, I like them. Okay, so now jump forward. Three kids have always worked while you had the kids. Oh, yeah. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I mean, luckily, you know this business, like it's so flexible, which I love. So like, I could be like emailing, you know, with a newborn. And that's all I'm doing. You know, so that that was the beauty of it. But I need that. What's your extra care situation? Do you have a live in? I have a nanny who's been with us for six years. Oh, that's great. Another mother. How did you find her the best person in the world? Through someone through like a like I think my mother-in-law is like housekeeper Those friends with her or something people must be very envious that you're able to have kept someone for so many years because I Love her a lot of people it doesn't work out though. I know I know I mean that the nanny gets burnt out or
Starting point is 00:35:21 Someone feels like the nanny's to try to be the mother or or they're in that they do big girls like my friend had a a situation she worked where she'd have someone come from the service and they'd only have a year here because they weren't not oh yeah so they knew that the year was going to end right I mean it worked out their kids are fine and they're older. But like, that's like the thing you have. Okay, this sounds like really messed up. But like, you have to like include them in all of your family affairs, the O pairs.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, you have to have dinner with them every single night. You have to like serve them dinner. You mean the appare versus the nanny? Because of the service thing? Yeah. Because they're part of a service. Oh, because they're part of like it's part of the experience for them. Like I have friends that have O'Pare's.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Like you have to take them on trips. But just they pay them. This isn't like an exchange. No, I know. I know, but because of the amount, I think that it's much cheaper. Oh, I have no idea. I never had any much. I never had any.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, because they live with you and like, you have to treat like sometimes I don't want to talk to anybody. Like I don't want to be in general with the same person everything, you know? Oh, that is interesting. Yeah. That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:32 A lot. Yeah, I wouldn't, yeah. Too much. Um, but I love her and she doesn't speak any English, so my kids speak Spanish most of it because of her. Oh, that's great. And also my husband obviously. Oh, he speaks Spanish too.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah, that's right. His mom was Florida and H my husband obviously. Oh, he speaks Spanish to that's right his mom. So he's fluid in Havana. Yeah Oh, okay so So the opportunity comes up about the housewives. Yeah now how were you feeling? How much time between? Okay, Aaron Here's a contract sign it. We absolutely want you to do it. Whole family signed off. To like when we as viewers find out
Starting point is 00:37:09 that this new cast is happening, it's its own cast, we're not integrating young people like we have in the past with the OGs. It's a brand new cast. And all the opinionated Bravo fans are discussing it. Like, what was that all like? So I'll never forget the timeframe because I got the offer confirmed on my 35th birthday.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So it was July 1st of last year and then we were announcing October. Oh, and then did you go and you went to BravoCon? Well, we were there for such a short period of time. We just like came out on stage. Yeah, I think I was there for that part. Yeah, and it was fun. But you didn't really do anything.
Starting point is 00:37:53 We didn't do anything. You didn't do it. Obviously, we didn't know you didn't do it. We just like came out, then we left and then nobody came to dinner with me. They ditched me and went to Costa Trippuriani. So that was the night. That was the night. Let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:38:04 That was the night. Because we see's talk about that. That was the night. Because we see this happen on the show. Yeah. So you do that and you say, I have a reservation and we won't say the name of the restaurant. We're going to call it cheesecake factory. Perfect. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:18 So you go. Great salad. So you say, we're going to go to the cheesecake factory. No, I didn't even say that. So we had a group chat. Okay. And everyone was like, should we do something? go to the stage. No, I didn't even say that. So we had a group chat. OK. And everyone was like, should we do something? Like to celebrate after BravoCon.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And I was like, yeah, for sure. And we were everyone. So a quick question. Yeah. Had you started filming in October? No. No. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:38:38 So you only met, yeah, who did you know before you started filming? So I knew all of them sort of. I didn't know Jessal at all. Okay. I knew sort of all of them. Like, Uba, I knew. But you had lunch or new, no Uba and I were friends.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Oh, okay. She's adorable. Adorable. So funny. So funny. She's hysterical. I really like her personality. She's very funny.
Starting point is 00:39:02 She's a very funny person. Yeah. And so I like, we had a lot of mutual friends. OK. Like very common friends. Yeah, so we were just like, should we celebrate whatever. So everyone had like plus two or plus three because they were coming to watch them at BravoCon.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And it's chilly, right? No, I'm just going to have a day. Go on. And so who makes the reservation? So every, it was like the day of. Okay. So I'm like, okay, you know what, let me, I'll like look for reservation.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I was like trying to do everyone a favor and it was like 10 people. So were you just doing it on like open table or you? Or you know somebody and you're like, well, I know I can get a table. It was on open table. I wasn't like, I wasn't thinking about. I was just was like, this is easy.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Okay. I didn't care. I wasn't. To go on open table and you're able to get a reservation for the cheesecake factory. Cheesecake factory. That's, and everyone knows what it is, about I was just was like this is easy. Okay, I didn't care. I was like, go on open table and you're able to get a resurrection for the cheesecake factory. That's right. And everyone knows what it is, but that's fine. Well, I feel because you guys,
Starting point is 00:39:52 okay, then can I say it? I like say it all the time. I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna say it. So, catch. Yeah. Now, was it catch?
Starting point is 00:40:00 There's two catch, right? Not steak. I've never been there. So, catch steak. I went with Lala and Katie from Vanderp is it catch? There's two catchers right? Not steak. I've never been there. So catch steak. I went with Lala and Katie from Vanderp Oh you did?
Starting point is 00:40:09 After the city? Yes, that weekend. Oh, how? What? Yes, stop! Okay, so that's what's so funny. That's funny. Okay, so I did a show at the platy of here in Times Square on the Saturday of BravoCon.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Okay. And after that show, you know, I, oh, we went out the night before to the Avarah. Avarah. I love Avarah. Okay. I'm going there tonight, too. Okay. And so then I can't remember that.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Maybe that was the Thursday night, whatever. Now this is Saturday. And I go, yes, please, you know, wait for me. I want to come and like tell you about my show. I'm standing, trying to get a cab in Times Square. And this guy comes up to me. And he's like, can I take your picture? And I thought he knew me. I just sold 1100 seats.
Starting point is 00:41:00 And so he takes the photos. And he goes, you want to see them? And I'm like, oh, sure. you know, like, you want to show. And he's like, okay, it's $50. There's the photo. Oh my god. And I go, what? And they were kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:41:14 The photos, I was like, times were in a wearing this like, Allison Olivia, like, sat and short. That's great. Short, some blazers. I'll get you here. And so I go, okay. Did you buy it? Yeah, I thought I'd buy it. Can I, I don't know. I'll get you here. And so I go, Did you buy it?
Starting point is 00:41:25 Yeah, I thought kind of bad. I got, can I, I don't know, I got like a couple. And I'm like, well, and he's here, he's like, give me your photo.
Starting point is 00:41:33 No, I'm like, can't you just air drop it to me? Like, I don't know you. Then I started to get weird. Anyway, I got a couple photos. And finally I get a cap, and I show the Tala, and she's like,
Starting point is 00:41:41 these are the worst pictures. They're like, how to focus. She's like, what the fuck is this? I'm like, hey, like you have to, so I'm like, wait for me, wait for me, but it was, it was the catch stay. That's funny. And you know, whatever it was good, it was great.
Starting point is 00:41:56 So you go to open table, you get it, and then what happens? Uba and Tanna were never coming. So that wasn't part of the thing, but everyone had like a couple of people, so it was a reservation for time, whatever. So then we're leaving BravoCon. And I'm like, so are we going to dinner? And Thine, Brenner, kind of like, oh, and Bren's like, I'm so tired,
Starting point is 00:42:16 and we thought they were going home. So Jessal looks at me and she's like, should we still go out? Like our husbands were there. I'm like, yeah, let's just go out. So we end up going to La Conde Verde by me. And- Oh, she canceled the cheesecake party.
Starting point is 00:42:28 So I canceled. I canceled. And two days later, I see all these like, posted like photos of them in my- They're outfits at Costa Turbiani. Just a tour of them. And I was just like just a tour of them. Just cheesy.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Yeah, it was like them too, and maybe like a friend or two, whoever they were with. I just thought it was like cheesy and tacky, that's all. That was one of the questions asked me on Watcher Hums Live. Oh really? Yeah. They asked who was my favorite. And I don't want to say like the ones that everyone's saying like Jenna Lions.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I just felt like I had to give up. Just so like some love. But also I wanted to just work in my Ramona impression and I said, I think Ramona should give her advice on how to make her sex life sexy. You know, because there was this one senior member when Ramona took Mario to that hotel room. It was so awkward.
Starting point is 00:43:23 She does that, I think, this season. I figured. I think they go to her hotel room. So I was like, but I only want to see Ramona. Like, I just want you guys go to the exact same hotel room that Ramona and Mario went to. Anyway, but he goes, what would you think about that situation? And I said, well, I jokingly said she's take factory. I said, it did happen to me with a cheesecake factory. And all my bitchy friends were like, it's not 1985 anymore. And I said, it's always 1985 at the cheesecake factory.
Starting point is 00:43:52 That's delicious. But I said, no, I think it was very rude. If for some reason you didn't want to go, it's like, because you're like on the side to your friend. Listen girl, I got the good hookup at the Sipriani, let's do it. I mean, I know everyone posts everything, but like, there's times where-
Starting point is 00:44:16 At least don't post it. Don't post it. I mean, there's been times like, one time there was a dinner party thing and my friend was putting it together. And I was like, listen, she's not inviting this other woman. And I just think this other woman is gonna be really, really hurt.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah, it's like why? So if we go and I called her, I called her, I go listen, I respect that you don't want to invite this other woman. But if we do this, can we just please make a pact? Right. Because this girl's not famous, but she we do this, can we just please make a pact? Right. Because she, this girl's not famous, but she's a big poster. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Every dinner, every lunch, and I go, we're not posting it. Otherwise, I'm not going. Right. I love that. And, and then we ended up, then she's like, final, invite her, whatever, and try to act like, oh, I couldn't get the table for that size, but now I can't. Because I kind of call her out like, why are you excluding her? She's like our friend and she's always,
Starting point is 00:45:06 so that's what I think. I just think that's fine. If you like have a better thing or you're not totally into it, but pretend like it's not 2023 and that you don't have to take photos and post. I couldn't agree more. So you wake up and you see it.
Starting point is 00:45:21 And what did you think? So two days later we see it and then Jessel calls me. And she's like, did you know they were going like, why thought you they were going home? And I'm like, oh, like that's bitchy. And I don't like it. And she was like, oh, that's fine. Like Jessel's very nice. And like, he doesn't really like say anything. And I was like, well, I think it's a bitch move. Yeah. I thought it was like rude. And I don't know. Then it just like, I don't know. We kind of, we kind of us three,
Starting point is 00:45:51 like I wasn't that into Brunen's side in the beginning. Okay. That's honestly how I felt. I wasn't that into that. And what was the deal with side ripping on your cheese platter? So, like a month before I had the girls over, like I'm always apparently hosting and getting shit on, but I had the girls over. Like I'm always apparently hosting and getting shit on. But I had the girls over before we started filming
Starting point is 00:46:09 for wine and cheese. And she texted me, and this is partially why I didn't like them either. She texted me and she said, yeah, she was like, are we only having cheese? And I was like, yeah, it's 8.30, we're having wine and cheese. Like I'm not serving you dinner. You can have dinner somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And when I met Bren, I told her, I was like both sides like always hungry or something and I like told her the story about Her like commenting on me only serving cheese, but it wasn't it was like innocuous It was a no nothing. It was like a nothing story and Brin went and turned it into drama Right and in size defense. It was probably just like well, let me know. Yeah, so Totally, so I eat something before and she needs to make sure she is I've done that we go to a party and you Like you do think I'd like to know you I went to Kathy Hills in scristers party once yeah and we they she had the most incredible like seafood tower caviar And and it's a Christmas party big so my husband husband and I are like thinking, this is it, you know?
Starting point is 00:47:05 And these Beverly Hills people are scooper at the caviar and like falling on their satin shoes like this old man is a good chunk. Just going off. So we're having like, you know, the shellfish feeling pretty good about ourselves. And then all of a sudden they're like, and now we go downstairs to eat dinner.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And I'm like, oh my god, if I knew it was a sit down dinner, I wouldn't have shoved me. So I do kind of like, no, I like that. I like that. we go downstairs to eat dinner and I'm like, oh my god If I knew I would know So I do kind of like no I like that. I like that. I like that. It was great Yeah, so I was bad I thought in watching it that They went to the party and your shirk ootery plate was like shit That's how I entered I didn't understand what this is I know it was confusing because it was all off camera. Right. Basically,
Starting point is 00:47:46 brindes turn nothing into something. And then she does it again. So then you order the hamptons. Does it all the time? And she's like, now listen, Jan Allions. So you have your party at the hamptons, you have a summer party at the Hamptons. Everyone's going to spend the night. General Alliance has a house that's like what 10, 15 minutes away. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm gonna go to my house, you guys are so loud. Like I'm just gonna go out. It's a weird thing as a host to see someone, I literally caught her sneaking out. Like they didn't show that either. But I was outside and I saw, it was raining. I think it was raining. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And I saw her tiptoeing out. I'm like, where are you going? Yeah, was she leaving with a rolling bag? I don't even remember, I think. I was like, where are you going right now? You know? Okay, so, well think. I was like, where are you going right now? You know? Okay, so, well, you were behind me, I have, you know, half of us at Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Teddy Mellon camp when she was on, had a place in Laguna Beach, her new port or whatever. And the girls all came over and, and Eric A'Jane leaves. Right, I dare remember that. And everybody's. But she'd go like a hotel or something.
Starting point is 00:49:06 She went to a hotel, but she didn't go to like the Pelican Hill. She didn't go to like a fancy hotel. She literally went to like a double trip. This I could totally relate to. She had her period, and I think she was pre-menopausal. And this happened to me, a lot of information here, where you'd have like your period changes and it can be really heavy like beyond heavy And I think she finally as she's getting bombarded she's like I didn't want to fucking bleed your sheets
Starting point is 00:49:36 Like you're not embarrassing that would be like I got that even though we're 50 like if you bleed at 50 It's just as embarrassing as if you bleed at 13 in middle school like it's just to think that women have to go through this once a month for 40 years sometimes I realize how awful it is and my period has gotten so much worse since I've had kids like it changes for every yeah awful cramps heavier it's. I was at a I was an Atlantis Right was that was that was how no what's the? Is it called the the water park like? Yeah, I'm just okay. It's been so long
Starting point is 00:50:14 I'm with my kids and I have boys on go down the water slides and shit And then I had like it wasn't like in the water like I'm gonna you know But I like a shark attack, but I literally was like, I had to tell my boys, like get me a towel. Oh my gosh. And then like, I'm like, I need to go get a tampon and my younger son's like, what's a tampon and my older son's like, it's like a bandaid
Starting point is 00:50:35 for your vagina. I don't know what, guys. I hope you realize. That's a struggle. That's the funniest example. I'm like, I want you to know because, who have you end up with, you're gonna have to deal with this. And like you guys, boys and you remember how like a school teacher,
Starting point is 00:50:50 like I would turn all girl high school and there was only like two men that taught. And if you wanted to get out of anything, all you have to do was tell that man that you had your period. And he was like, ah, you have three extra years. You don't want to, like, la, la, la, la, la, like they don't want to hear it. It's so true.
Starting point is 00:51:06 But anyway, so yeah, I don't think that was like a big thing either, but then Bryn at lunch makes it into a whole thing. Try to make it a big deal. Like, you got her, you know, monogram, but John, isn't she didn't stay? And it's like, like, it stopped. It's not the same thing. And also, like, the whole thing was like, I get crucified and burned at the stake. Like, what are you talking about? Who crucified you? Burned at the stake. Like like I get crucified and burned at the stake like what are you talking about who crucified you burned you at the stake like I said you were annoying that was
Starting point is 00:51:29 that I like the general lines is a certifiable like she certified lesbian like she's a real lesbian committed to being lesbian out lesbian not all this lesbian light stuff that was being like she's a full lesbian. She's a full lesbian. Like throughout the show. And I even told Annie that too. I'm like, listen, either you're the real full lesbian or like get some more dudes on the show. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Because I was, you know, it's like Atlanta and everything. I don't know about the lesbian light. It was lesbian light. Because Kyle is Kyle lesbian light. We don't know if Kyle's lesbian or not. But there's lots of things in the housewise where you should coin it, that's being like. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Lesbian like. I have hooker like coin. You hooker like? Yeah, that's like a sugar baby. Oh, okay. Yeah. I ain't just a little bit like a, like not full bone hooker, but a little bit.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Like, there's an exchange for this, but it's not as good as like, but this happens all the time. I used to get, yeah, I used to get like messages from people on Facebook back in the day saying like, oh, do you wanna come to this like event? Like, you get a Chanel bag for something.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Wait, before you were married? Oh yeah, this is used to happen like clubbing days. Do tell. Yeah, this was like a thing in New York. So, and I had friends that did it. You would get a DM. I would get the M's or like a, or like I had this one friend that used to go on these yachts.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Oh, please don't allow this. Okay. Yeah, used to go on these yachts. I haven't made this girl the gym. Gosh, I don't wanna say because she's gonna know that I'm talking about her. Okay, so you never very close fit like, like I knew her well,
Starting point is 00:53:05 and her family. And she would go on these yachts, and she would get- Was her name Megan Markle? Yeah. Close. Okay, so cool. But she would go on these yachts
Starting point is 00:53:18 and she'd like come home and like have this like big, like white, huge lap, Chanel bag. It's like where'd you get that from? Yeah. And I remember, what would she say? She, like it was known. Like, you shouldn't have to say anything, because we all, we just knew.
Starting point is 00:53:34 We didn't even ask. We just knew. We just knew. Class enough to ask. And there were other girls that would go to clubs with these guys. Yeah. And they would either get paid or they'd get gifts.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And I don't know that, like like I don't know that they were Hooking off or like breakfast at Tiffany's the movie. Yeah, and I never like understood it when she'd be like You know you go to the ladies room and you get $50 from the guy, but I was like But in the movie I was like wait are they just paying them for their company or she really fucking me so that's where you don't know I mean, I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure it gets to the point where it's like you want a hundred thousand or whatever that's a lot right I don't know someone's been in that much yeah but I'm sure there's like a point where it goes okay you want more there's gonna be like a sexual exchange but I know for a fact that there was a point like in
Starting point is 00:54:25 it was big, it was like come to the club and you get this, like be at our table and you'll get that, you know? But meanwhile, I was promoting my own table, I was a promoter at one point. So I was like, fuck all these people, I'll just bring my soul to my party. So wait, now you're a clubbing promoter. I was a clubbing promoter. Real true. I know. I just wanted to go to the club for free and get free bottles. So I promoted. So I have stereo.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Do you remember stereo? Did you ever go? No, I never. I was. No, because I didn't go up here. So like, once I started coming here, I was already married with kids and it was always for work. So stereo was like the hotspot for anyone who was anyone.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Like, I met John Mayer there. I used to hang out with like, I just saw Sheena She, I met John Mayer there. I used to hang out with, like, I just thought she'd a shame dated John Mayer. She did? Yeah, she just said that on her show. Really? She said that's why she got fired from this restaurant because she was dating John Mayer
Starting point is 00:55:15 and then she got fired and then got hired at Villa Blanca. So if she hadn't fucked John Mayer, she would have never gotten fired and she would have never ended up on Villa Blanca, which then ended up in Los Angeles at Beverly Which then ended up on the house of Beverly Hills ended up on The pump rules then she meets Brock gets preyed up by Brock the only reason summer is walking around her daughter Right is cousin John mayor John mayor you are a good man
Starting point is 00:55:41 Yeah, so like DJ AM member. Yeah, I was really sad Travis Barker I mean everyone was there. I was like anyone who was anyone. Yeah, so like DJ AM, member here, I was really side Travis Barker. I mean, everyone was there. I was like, anyone who was anyone. Oh, yeah. And that's where we used to go. So you went up and you're like, all, how does that work? I'll get the hot girls to come or not.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I just knew everyone at the club. And I was like, give me the, I was like, give me tables and I'll just bring my friends. Cause you had hot friends. Yeah. Now, what if you was it ever weird if what of your friends in your opinion was fucking major pain or pants and fun,
Starting point is 00:56:10 but wasn't at the level of stereo hot, table hotness? Oh, I used to bring like just regular looking people as well. Okay, so you never, No, I wasn't, I would never do that. No, no, no, no. Because it's like the guys do that. They're like, no, no. Because the guys do that. They're like, we'll do the hawk girls.
Starting point is 00:56:28 But I knew the people at Sarrio, so they just let me promote. And they knew that we were just like a fun table. And it was kind of cool, because it was like a girls table. You know, it was just girls. It was cool. It was fun. We used to have so much fun. Oh my God, it's such a club rat.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Used to go to Butter on Mondays. Like, I was out all the time. And this is while you're out of college, but working, but not married yet. Even like when I was in college, I'd like come back to the city and you go out. And this is like the sky. What was your favorite outfit? Like when I wear this outfit, I have the best time or type of outfit, like what would be your going outfit? I used to wear jeans and a cute top, that was it. Like jeans and a cute top and like chunky heels. Sometimes a dress in the summer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Always different outfits. We were really into like, I think like that timeframe, it was a really cool timeframe. Like Ashley Olson was always out, like Paris Hilton, we would see out all the time. Like we would see them out, That's who we would see out. Lindsay Lohan. Um, what about Tensley Mortover? Did you know this was bungalow eight. Remember bungalow eight?
Starting point is 00:57:33 I mean, I remember hearing these bungalow eight. I was at every night. So this is like 2000 and what? Probably like 2000 and 1112. Okay. Like, yeah, well, no. It would have been earlier than that, wouldn't it? Yeah. Between maybe like six, seven, eight, I don't know. So did you go Tinsley? No, never knew her.
Starting point is 00:57:54 But you never saw her out? Never saw her out. My girlfriend, Alex knew her. I did a live juicy scoop and Dorinda was my guest and Tinsley came and then Tinsley took me to a club. Really? Which club? I don't even know clubs anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I don't even know the name of it. But like, it was, this is probably like, now it's probably like six years ago or something. And I'm like at the club and at that time, I mean, I'm like, look, you're right. And I'm like, I'm like a solid. Could almost be 20 years older than everybody. But everyone's a 25 at club.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Yeah. And I'm like, I'm with and now there's like a documentary about her being the it girl of like the 2000s. And I was like, I mean, I am kind of impressed that speaking of Tinsley Mournimore, I think she's getting married. Oh, good. Yeah. She's engaged to some rich guy. Was she engaged to the coupon guy? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:51 She's engaged to this coupon king that she met through. Chicago or something. Oh, Carol introduced her. And then, yeah, they didn't work out. And that's part of the reason I think she left the show because she wanted to try to make that workout. And she felt like it wasn't going to work if she stayed on the show. But now she's engaged to this other or I think about to get engaged.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I don't know, it's serious. But my insiders tell me he's very nice and very rich. Every time I think of Tinsley Mortimer, I think of the big Apple circus and her crying. That's it. That's all I see crying hysterically the big Apple circus. It's like Kelly Benson, the only thing I think of when I see her
Starting point is 00:59:42 is Gary Island's Gary Island. With that beat. I just saw a really funny classic moment that someone put together and it's... They're in Morocco, they're getting like, kind of tattoos, and that's what... They're going to tattoo? Oh, Hannah. And that's when you hear the clunky shields come down and Luea is like, what is that? A buffalo?
Starting point is 01:00:04 And Alex record comes down and she's like, I need to talk to you. And then, yeah, that face, I like, good. Kelly's back about it. She's like, you're just weird. That's weird. Go back and reenter. She's like, what are you meeting, reenter?
Starting point is 01:00:18 She's just go back and reenter. She's like, I swear to God, you're not being authentic. It's like you're acting. It's like, she's like, Alex record thing. She's like, still at Northwestern stage or something. She's like, you're not being authentic. It's like you're acting. It's like, she's like, it's like Alex for cord think she's like still at Northwestern stage or something. She's like, why are you talking to us like this?
Starting point is 01:00:29 And then that's a minute later on. She goes, you walked down this, you came down with your hairy foot. What was your, what was this? Oh, yeah, the monster shoes. What was his name now? It's a hairy monster. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Shoes. And shoes, they weren't that. They were Louis They weren't that they were Louis Vuitton. And even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes. Yeah. So good. So good. So good. Um, okay. So once it gets announced that we have a new young cast, but don't worry worry we're working on having hopefully another legacy cast What kind of negative reaction? Oh My god. Oh my god. Everyone was just like no. How could you do this bring back the OGs? We don't want this. We don't like them
Starting point is 01:01:19 went on and on and on And would they actually find you and be say anything mean to you? No. Oh, but you're just hearing it like in any problem. And anything Bravo posted, it was just people were just not receptive. Oh, you know, which I get. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 And so then they worked on the OGs coming back and then that fell apart. And now they did the St. Barts which now they moved up, which I think is good sign for New York in general. Yeah. For, you know, 2.0 and whatever. I think they had to deal with the other one that they were going
Starting point is 01:01:56 to ask the next time. I'm saying about it. So I'm like, I think is the Caroline and Brandy Glanville that's what I'm talking about, the lesbian light stuff. I think is the Caroline and Brandy Glanville. That's what I'm talking about, the lesbian light stuff. I said, if they're gonna enough guys, you know, like- Is Brandy, Brandy, and Puppets. Like bring in some pirates.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Bring in some other people for you, these horny girls to fuck. Like, yeah, she was just so horny, she had to go for Caroline. All the people to Caroline. So Caroline's got half- Well, when you hear the story, yeah, did you hear like the backstory of it?
Starting point is 01:02:26 The backstory that this is what I've heard of you because that's interesting. It's just that they were joking around and Caroline said she never kissed a girl or something. Brandy kisses her and everyone. There's a lot of different stories, but that first story is that she laughed and it was she was fine with it. Then something happened where they went into the bathroom. I think Alex record might have been there. They had mics on and Caroline said that she grabbed at her privates or her boots or something. And so then they leave.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And then the next day, Caroline's like, you know what, I'm so upset, I'm flying home. And then they said, or they said, brandy home and then something. I don't know what happened there. And so there's whole thing and, and like, yeah, so by the time it airs, it'll be a very long time since they like film this. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:18 But I guess the St. Bart's, I think because crappy Lake is good and everything, they were like, I think people have fun watching this. Yeah, I'm excited to see it. I want to watch it. Yeah. So, but that's what I'm talking about. In real housewives of Atlanta, they're accusing the girls of making out.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Yeah, but then they said it wasn't true. I don't, I can't like. But that's what I'm talking about. There's too much lesbian light storylines. Yeah. Either be a full-blown lesbian. Yeah. But like, I think you just have some more dudes either be a full bone lesbian. But like, I think you like just have some more dudes around.
Starting point is 01:03:50 But Harry doobin. Yeah, oh God. What if I was thinking, you know how Brin, her tagline is like, if you make me mad, I'll take your dad. And I'm like, is a Viva dresser's dad still alive? Because I would like to see Brin date him. Do you remember him? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Why is it always like the Jewish dads that are like, creepy, try to date everyone? Ha. I had a friend who had an old Jewish dad and he was kind of flirty. Yeah, my dad's flirty. Is he single? Not in right now.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I'll see how that works. What if Brin tried to date him? I would murder. I would be disgusting. Well, it's probably gonna happen. No. What does Bryn do for a living? Do you know?
Starting point is 01:04:36 I know what it says on her Instagram. It's just influencer or corporate comms. I don't know. She I know that she used to do She used to do she used to work in marketing. Oh, okay. I don't know what she does I think she's like not working right now and Size and influencer. Mm-hmm. Full blown Full blown full blown so I popped the buy and and Jenna lines as a full blown lesbian and
Starting point is 01:05:04 She has her eyelash So that's that was interesting too because I was like I can't believe why did she sell eyelashes? Yeah, because I shouldn't have any no now. I know that but when I heard her tagline I'm like of all the people like kind of winking at hey, I have fake eyelashes when so many of us do I just thought That tagline doesn't fit the narrative of what I'm looking at right but she makes she is very talked about the story and also but she is very like lipstick like she loves me super rare but I just thought it almost seemed like a line that like someone would say on OC. Like it didn't feel like, oh, cause you didn't know she had the company. No, we didn't, and I know that it came from her
Starting point is 01:05:49 having this genetic disease. So I just hearing the taglines to first, I was like, this is just, what's your tagline? I'm a real New Yorker, the only bull I'll take is by the horns. It's fine. I have next season. I... Hopefully. I've always tried to write my own.
Starting point is 01:06:13 And I thought, I think they would ask me... Are you being great at it? Of writing? No, it's very hard. Okay, so I thought maybe when I was on watcher time's live, they would ask me that or something. So I just asked my people to come up with it. And there were so many. And so many of them were like, I know I'm thirsty, but I got the juice.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I was like, kuh. Ha ha ha ha. That's actually really funny. I like it. The person that came up with that would got like a thousand likes. So I'm like really funny. I guess you guys think that I am thirsted.
Starting point is 01:06:45 No, it's funny because you comment on all this, like, if you're interested. I think if I was to have a tagline though, I would want to separate myself because I would be the first actual female standup that's over on the show. So I would want to work standup in there. So this is the one I was thinking of.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Okay. Okay, I don't know how to do it. I'm excited. Because I'm just like flip right. So I'd be like, never forget, I'm a real standup. So that means you need to sit down and listen. Oh, that's good. Or sit down and laugh. No, listen. Listen. All right. Yeah. Because that's like a thoratative. Yeah. I think that's good. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for coming on.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I'm excited to watch the rest of the show. I hope that this foul renewal doesn't end badly. No. I will bless my TV before I watch it. Thank you. Tell everybody where they can follow you. So they can follow your fun, cute life. And you can follow me on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:07:47 Erin Dana Leechy. I need to, we were talking about this before. I need to be better with TikTok. I'm working on it. Other than that, I'm not really on Twitter. So. And the show airs every Sunday, right? Every Sunday at nine.
Starting point is 01:08:01 And it gets pretty wild. So, it's like a roller coaster. Yeah. Okay, good. Yeah, I mean, I like all the girls. I'll be totally honest. I think the last episode was a little. Okay, who's your favorite besides me?
Starting point is 01:08:18 Besides me. And who do you not like? I don't not like anyone. Okay, good. I don't not love you. Good. And I don't not like anyone. Okay, good. I don't not love you. Good. And I don't not like anyone. I mean, I think they're all pretty,
Starting point is 01:08:30 I think they're all interesting. I agree that that lingerie was awful, that she wore. So I kind of agreed with her. I didn't see she had to be so mean about it. Right. That was the whole thing. Yeah, but no, it wasn't cute. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:44 On her, I was like too big and she needed a bra, but okay. What's your new jessil? But I think everyone has an interesting story. I love seeing their homes. I love seeing your clothes. I love seeing all of them. I love seeing just New York in general. Yeah, so I like this.
Starting point is 01:09:01 It's like, you just think it's sexy and city. It's another character. The city is another character and um, so yeah, I'm kind of curious to see where this goes. Yeah, I think you know, I think um, you know, hearing people's backgrounds is really interesting. I thought it was interesting that you were like, I, I thought one side was like, You were like, I thought one side was like, going to the 99 cents store when that's the only place you could shop is not fun as a adult one. And I just thought that was,
Starting point is 01:09:33 I just like nice hearing different people's perspective and world views and how true that is. Yeah, I loved hearing about like everyone's upbringing. Yeah, I think that makes us so much. My scene was cut so maybe in the future, you guys will know about why. I loved hearing about like everyone's upbringing. Yeah, I think that makes us so much cut. So maybe in the future, you guys will know about my... Well, we already know now. We got to, oh, you tell a more of a childhood story.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I actually in the Hamptons, like broke down. We were like, just, I was just opening up to the girls about my life. Yeah. Yeah, so, but at some point, I'll, I'll share. Yeah. Did you fix your armostat? I did, I had Petro come immediately.
Starting point is 01:10:10 It's like, of course this happens to me now. Like all times when they're here. By the way, I love that dish. There's an Israeli bakery near my house that is the yummiest and I absolutely order. What's the called Chekshuka? It's called Chexuca. And everybody on social media is like up in arms
Starting point is 01:10:27 because they're like, it's not Israeli, it's Tunisian, it's this, it's North African. But what people need to remember is that Israel is like the United States. It's a melting pot, it's a new country. So people come from all these different places. So it's not, doesn't necessarily mean it's Israeli, but it's served in Israel because everybody makes different dishes from all these different places. So it's not, doesn't necessarily mean it's Israeli, but it's served in Israel. Because everybody makes different dishes
Starting point is 01:10:47 from all these different cultures. And now it's quote unquote is really like an American dish. Like an American, America's new. So just remember that. Remember that. You're a high advice when somebody writes you stuff like that. Just go, thanks for the info. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Thanks. Thanks, bye. Do not. I know I know get in a long explanation I know I know about Something so dumb I know, but it is a delicious dish. It's very like filling. That's why I like it so much Yeah, you know like it sustains you all day, but do you do like the bread? We dip it? Oh, yeah, okay? Because I mean that's the only way to do it Yeah, I had bread that day. Oh good. I'm glad Bread anyway, this was really fun. Thank you. I was really good getting to know you And I'm excited to see more. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you
Starting point is 01:11:37 Thank you so much Aaron for coming on the show. I actually just texted her Maybe we'll get together for a lunch or a dinner while I'm here in the Hamptons. I also just got word that there's some major drama going on between all my good friends, Jeff Lewis and Brandi and Julie, and they're show with him, and I heard from them, I heard from him earlier. I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to get the scoop, and I will be sharing that on Patreon, whatever scoop I get, whatever and I will be sharing that on Patreon, whatever scoop I get, whatever thoughts I have, and that you get at Heather McDonald.net. I have a brand new show on Thursday featuring Dr. Drew that we recorded that is really juicy and interesting as always. Follow me on Instagram and TikTok at Heather McDonald for my daily
Starting point is 01:12:23 going on as I frolic in the Hamptons having dinner with Jill Zaron tonight having lunch with Luanne during the week. Hopefully you're gonna get together with Hannah Berner. I'm gonna hopefully see Aaron. It is just been so fun and I want to take you guys on the journey. So follow me on Patreon. Join Patreon at Heather McDonald and HeatherRetall.net. Thank you. journey. So follow me on Patreon. Join Patreon at Heather McDonald and HeatherRigDoll.net. Thank you.

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