Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Vanderpump Bombs, Sibling Rivalry in Hollywood with Spencer Pratt

Episode Date: May 4, 2023

I am going on tour! Get tickets at https://heathermcdonald.net/ Pratt Daddy is back! He had direct contact with Kevin Costner and his wife, so we theorize about their divorce filing. Was Sofia Richie...'s rise as an influencer a little too strategic? A Met Ball recap includes who stayed home, who went solo, and whether it was all worth it. Is AI taking over Hollywood, and what role did it play in the writer's strike? I lived through my own, writer's strike with WGA negations and told about it. Britney's captions continue to cause concern. We compare Teresa and Joe's sibling rivalry on RHONJ to Spencer's situation with his sister on The Hills together. We share an RHOM Divorce update and the Southern Charm custody battle. The comedy Jury Duty reminds me of another show from many years ago. Get extra juice on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop/posts https://heathermcdonald.net/ Subscribe on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JuicyScoop/featured Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heathermcdonald/ Follow me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Follow Spencer on Instagram @spencerprattĀ  Buy Crystals at https://www.prattdaddycrystals.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the Choo-Six Scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Choo-Six Scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a-dixit fast to the number one tabloid real life hot cat
Starting point is 00:00:23 Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have one of our favorites, Pratt Daddy himself, father of two, Spencer Pratt. Welcome back. Thank you so much. You look so honored to be here.
Starting point is 00:00:42 You look cute. Oh, thank I put on a fancy shirt. I know I dressed up. We have a lot to discuss today and I'm excited to have you here. Okay, so first though we're going to Vegas I'm very excited And you are bringing Heidi correct and the two kids. It's a weird national ampunization It's a weird national ampune vacation. Well, Memorial Day weekend, we are going. The show is in Las Vegas at the Venetian, May 27th, and we are gonna have some fun with Chris and Justin,
Starting point is 00:01:13 and it's gonna be a good time. I'm excited. I will. We're excited. It's gonna be a different experience than back in the day when you went to Vegas, I'm sure. I initially I was not aware it was a Memorial Day weekend and Heidi's like, you realize it's Memorial Day?
Starting point is 00:01:25 I was like, oh, does that mean where people will be in Las Vegas? So good thing I love crowds and I love people. So it's gonna be great. We are gonna have fun. It's all gonna be okay, you guys. No, it's really fun. So go to Heatherburn.com.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Speaking of marriage and love, Kevin Costner and his wife, Christine, are getting divorced after 18 years. Did you hear about this? I did. Didn't I discuss how I saw them on, what do he win recently for a Yellowstone Golden Globe? Yes, but he didn't go because of the rain. So I was in Carpenteria stuck in the rain there and I went to this restaurant and I'm standing there That's all the story. No, do tell and I'm standing there and all of a sudden I feel this energy behind me I am blocking the door sides. You know, it's not too you were blocking the door Yeah, waiting for my food like the takeout and is a very powerful energy though
Starting point is 00:02:23 And I turn around and it's Kevin Costner in like a full, just now it makes sense. I think he was trying to get to the Golden Gloves because he looks so damn cool and like movie start out that I was so star-sharing. What was he wearing? Just like cool guy, Kevin Costner. But it was raining a lot, right?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Like, but a big coat, you know. Okay. Like the rain had chilled out. It was more that the road had been closed. Oh, it was flooding. Yeah. It wasn't like raining at the time. It wasn't like, and like, you didn't have an umbrella or anything.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And as usually I would snapchat a celebrity of this caliber instantly. And it was the first time that I actually, like, was like, you're too big. It was star to like harass, right? And I've actually kind of felt humbled down a little bit to like let me just let you enjoy your dinner and his I didn't know as his wife because she seems so much friendlier than him. Like I thought it was like a PR person like an agent and she was so smiley and happy and he was so like Brouchy and Stone Cold face. So if we're going off of body language,
Starting point is 00:03:28 I definitely would have thought about it. I did think I, wow, those are two very different energies of people, so shoots seemed very friendly and he did not, but. Well, to just get people up to speed on their life, okay? He is 68, she is 49. They've been married for 18 years and they have three teenage kids together. He was married before, he has four adult children, and he divorced that wife back in 94. Now, I think 20 years is a lot, age difference.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And of course, it's not a lot when they got together approximately 20 years ago, and she was 29 and he was 47. That's like not a big deal, but when someone starts getting close to 70, especially men, they get crotchety. So interestingly, I said, you know, this is what I think, this is what I first thought.
Starting point is 00:04:23 They are married and they have the teenagers and they were filming possibly filming the show. A new Todd, the Yellowstone, maybe the kids are like not into that. And he is just becoming an older, crotchety man. And I'm guessing she has got some friends that are maybe 60 who are also 20 years younger than their husbands and are like girl 88 no fun like if he is not being a sweetheart to you get the F out you have a prenup you'll be set and you could still fall in love with
Starting point is 00:04:57 someone you know you're not in 50 yet and have a whole another 30-year marriage with someone that's like a delight and down to be with you. So that's what I thought. Now last night Reddit threads and TikTok started to come out of rumors that allegedly a big star on Yellowstone got someone pregnant on the set. This could be a complete and total lie. What more do you know about that? No, that was guys hoping that's what you're gonna do.
Starting point is 00:05:23 But I found the most interesting was the his reps the way they framed like something that happened that he is out of his control that's like well are we saying because you can't control her not having the baby or because you you you know i so that was the weirdest like response of like announcement of the marriage
Starting point is 00:05:47 that there was this, like, almost incident that happened out of his control, the why they are separating. Yes, very strange. I was like, that is not a normal people. And I mean, listen, I mean, that is something that you, you know, people could put up with a lot. I mean, even when you will, it was was could put up with her cheating awful husband, but once you got the mistress pregnant, then you're like, there's, and especially your
Starting point is 00:06:13 public figure, okay, you know, I'm not putting up with that. So if that is possibly it, then yes, that would be the complete nail in the coffin. But I also think part of it just could be like, you know, 18 years and you're just not nice and I don't wanna do another 20 with you just being a crotchety dick, you know? Yeah, and I don't know about like sperm and like age, but is that?
Starting point is 00:06:37 I mean, 68 is older, but you know, I really think men's sperm is kind of based on genetics and that if your sperm is never really a problem, it doesn't get that much worse with age. Of course, it's more viable younger. Sometimes people believe that the sperm can affect the quality of the child or whatever the embryo, you know, genetically, but no, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You can get someone knocked up at 68. Absolutely. Absolutely you can. And then, you know, because I watch the show, I start thinking about all the like, you can get someone knocked up at 68. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. And then, you know, because I watch the show, I start thinking about all the, like, you know, what are they, not barn women, or what, like the women that come into the, like the ranchers. The guys, like, where they sleep,
Starting point is 00:07:18 and I'm sorry, thinking about each one of these characters. And I'm thinking, well, that, there's some possibilities there. Right. Based off of just if we're going off of their character. And it's also interesting that didn't he, now I'm not up on the show that much, but I didn't he stop the season. Yeah, they said it was because of like creative,
Starting point is 00:07:42 like if he got someone pregnant, like the creators probably like What like and then they fought Because the show is I hope that shows ending kind of prematurely Yeah, it's ending at this on this back end, which it was not supposed to So I think there's a lot more juice I think there's a lot more juice to this story But whatever happens. I think she's gonna be fine. She's gorgeous and you've said she was nice.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah, a wall. At the restaurant, so. She was really, I was like, oh my God. I felt like she was giving me the okay to like, if you wanna get a photo, like, cause she could tell I was so close. Thank you, Bob. Well, I'm sure she recognized you.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I think I was so like, lagrant. Like, oh my God, I need this content that she was like, do it. You know, maybe she hates him and she wanted me to like, harass him on Snapchat, you know, like get him, get him. Possibly, yeah, possibly. But also there has to be something crazy because he's gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Like shooting these movies like she could go do what she wants to do without having to get a divorce. Right, but at the same time, yeah, you're right. I mean, who knows? Maybe they've been living a very kind of separate, you know, barely talking, not texturs for years. And because of that, you might have met somebody else. I don't know. But if there's another child involved, that child will be well taken care of, I'm sure. But it'll be or not, or it could just be you or Crosody
Starting point is 00:09:16 and you, you know, and you gave a bad vibe to Spencer Pratt. And that was, that could have been the final straw. She could have been a huge Hills fan. Or a snatch. And she should have come in like, you knew knew that and maybe I wanted to talk to Spencer but you gave such a scary energy that even Spencer was shut down and you know what that's when I said I'm done that was the opera aha moment. I almost made a take talk saying that was the reason I was like hey you know let's just see if there's this baby. Oh my God. Um, so fear Richie is the new it girl, her style, I mean, I want to say,
Starting point is 00:09:51 her, this whole launch of Sophia Richie was brought, one of the most brilliant marketing things I've ever seen. As you know, Sophia Richie is Lionel Richie's daughter, sadly, for the world she was dating Scott Disick. I had no connection to this little girl, but I was like, oh my God, the parents must be dying that she's dating Scott Disick from 18 to 21. Broke up with him and then a couple of years later
Starting point is 00:10:16 met this guy who is nice looking and super rich and they have this fabulous wedding, gorgeous wedding in Italy. So I was like, South of France, and everyone's obsessed with their style because it's completely different than like the Kardashians and all the, you know, skimpy stuff. It's like very classy, rich, like old money and people are like dying that she love her style. Also, she launched her TikTok the week of her wedding and had all this content go out of the wedding professionally shot some casually shot. Now she's on her honeymoon. Get ready with me showing her outfits and people are obsessed with her.
Starting point is 00:10:58 What are your thoughts on this? Obviously, I love the machine behind it, but my problem with it is it makes me just suspect the whole relationship off the jump. It just makes me just feel like, it just doesn't feel like an organic love story now to me. It just feels like, I feel like I'm being, here's what it makes me think of. Interesting. Back when there was Spidey was popping,
Starting point is 00:11:23 Spidey meaning you and Heidi. Yes, Sprint or Team Noble. Did you name was Spidey was popping Spritey, meaning you and Heidi. Yes, Sprint or team mobile. Did you name yourself Spidey or was someone else saved you Spidey? He news in us weekly argue about it. Ken Baker says he did it. Okay. And then I think Peter Grossman, us weekly says he did, you know, but it wasn't you. It wasn't us.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I was on that level. Okay. But because your love is real. Yeah. And now had you named yourself Spidey, don't you think people might have thought I wonder if this love is real? I don't know, but I will say that this relationship reminds me of what T-Mobile did with like kind of copying our love story with Sparrow. And they made like their own fake like ad campaign. They did. Yeah. and they like ripped everything.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And so when I saw the tic-tac, I was like, this is like the T-mobile launch or like the whole idea of this relationship seems like a brand's coming out. Like we're about to get sold like a product. I don't know it. I love it obviously from the like, now she's like relevant for however long.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But when I started going through it, I'm like, I don't through it, I'm like, I don't know, it just seemed like it doesn't make me think she's the new Alex Earl. I think she's a different version of that. I think we've all obsessed with the uber wealth of these two families that she is really wealthy. But like I don't, she, I guess no one going to college is not a big deal anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But it's the same reason I was remember when Paris Heltor was coming up. I was like, how is it that this really wealthy family? How is it that she didn't go to college? Now we know she was in the horrible schools and kidnapped in the middle of night. And they just thank God she's OK today. and this one was just dating Scott this so I get like she didn't have like the traditional rich educational life and now it's like you know the Chanel outfits and just very pristine in her look but I think it's it was just
Starting point is 00:13:21 I think it was I think both things can be true at the same time which is what I say a lot I think it was just, I think both things can be true at the same time, which is what I say a lot. I think she wasn't love, she was getting married, she was surrounded based on who she was with people, she was someone that likes fashion everything, and a really smart, savvy person, which could even have been just a friend, been like, you're not on TikTok, but what you should do is start off with this
Starting point is 00:13:44 because your wedding's gonna be so beautiful. And I, you know, and I did think it was brilliant that that's what started her TikTok was her actual wedding week. So then I go, here's another whole tangent. She's not getting any of the nepo baby negativity, which like, oh, she has no income and has this, this, they're looking at their new 24 million dollar house and Brentwood and it's like, obviously we know who his dad is, the chairman of Universal or, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:14 music something else. Ridiculous well. So she's not, none of the comments section is like, nepo baby, the only thing I do see people arguing is like, this isn't all money, this is new money and people going back and forth, which it's like, it isn't all money. This is new money and people are going back to their village. It's like, it's money, people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And then the other thing is, it's just like, I don't know. I don't, she's not, I've been watching it and I'm not like, oh my gosh, I'm standing this now. I don't know. I'm just being a hater, I guess. What's going on with the TikTok ban? Is that over with?
Starting point is 00:14:43 I stopped doing TikTok because I was just like, why put my like creative energy into something that could just be... Once I watched that Congress thing, I was like, well, this is not good, and depending on who's the president, and like say Biden right now really wanted to end this, and like, it's be the face of ending it,
Starting point is 00:15:02 I think he could make it happen. I just think he wants to maybe going into the election doesn't want any extra like, you know, voters that, there's a probably a lot of people that are on TikTok help get him elected. I'm sure they're like, maybe we don't do that until after the election. So there's people that will say,
Starting point is 00:15:22 oh, they'll fight it out in court, you know, bite the ants, you know, freedom of speech, but it's if they unite and it's like, no, it's done. So that's why I got a little nervous. I was putting a lot of time and energy into it. So I just got a little scary. So I just put all my time into Snapchat, which is not going anywhere. Okay. And I just saw something Meredith Lynch, who is a contributor of TikTok and everything. She's been on this show.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I just came across one of her things and she does deep drives and she's like, I didn't have to go deep. And she is showing all the senators, both Republican and Democrats, that have invested in Facebook and Meta. And they're the ones that are the most against tiktok i mean it's just like such an obvious thing
Starting point is 00:16:08 that that doesn't seem right well that one uh... congressman whatever he is i don't know dan crenshaar whatever it's i watched a tiktok and it showed him where he bought metta and like how low it was and then he was like the most outspoken to get it ban and it's show like the percentage of how much to get it banned and it show like the percentage of how much that stock went up. That's where it gets like, yeah, it's public so we can see it, but that you can profit off of like playing this like band game and apps. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Shouldn't be like that's to me as a citizen. Like, I don't think that's actually cool because I love this happen. You're making money just talking smack about my favorite app when so interesting. It's very juicy. Juicy. Okay. The couple things that happened at the Met Ball, which was Monday night. People were saying that Kylie didn't get in to this after-party, that Kendall and Kim was, but she was there, but she arrived too early and she was on the list. And they were like, you're just going to have to wait a minute and she said, oh, fuck it. You know, she's a mom and two.
Starting point is 00:17:08 She fucking bailed who cares. I'm so sorry. So some of these things can get into this. I love this. So this, this was funny. This was Kim wore this outfit. I didn't think it was that amazing. I mean, it, it definitely is not going to top her wearing Malamon rose dress last year,
Starting point is 00:17:24 but she, it was pearls with like a for wearing my nervous dress last year, but it was pearls with like a spank corset underneath or skims and then more pearls and right away people said it's the exact look of the most famous theme of meme of you're doing. Great, honey. Yeah, you're doing wonderful, honey, or whatever it is when Chris said that
Starting point is 00:17:40 and she's doing her playboy shoot. So I honestly, when I first saw it, I kind of thought, oh my God, So I honestly when I first saw it, I kind of thought, oh my god, I don't even think she realized it, but no, everything they do she realized this, but I'm always like, whose idea was it? Was it someone that was like, you know what you should do? Or you know what it that would kind of look like? Oh, let's go even further in that direction. Everyone will make the connection. The show, Second Season is coming out, reminiscent of the first season where she did the Playboy.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Pretty genius. Yeah, I'm just glad she's not wearing the cover my face stuff anymore. All the- And now Kanye's new wife has to cover her face. Well, then bleach her eyebrows and shave her head. I was like, what? She was so pretty, a few months ago. Kanye the shavƩ head. I was like, what? She was so pretty a few months ago.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I knew she was going to cry. I knew. I should have breathed through a night long mask. I didn't even say I just saw it last like hot rosy show. Well, people were, you know, shocked that North went. And, you know, North is only, can we look up North this age? I swear to God, I think she's only nine
Starting point is 00:18:46 Anyway, she went to meta. They're not about she went to the Med Ball the Med Ball. Sorry. She went to the Med Ball and She's only nine Fourth grade she's in fourth grade you guys are same birthday. Yeah, June 14 like day She is June I mean she is in the fourth grade. So she got to go and some people were like, I thought kids couldn't go. Other people thought, did she really go to the actual Met Ball or was she just walking out of the hotel with her mom?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Everything we read is that she did go and she was picking up pearls as they dropped. And there's criticism of like, is she using her daughter as a propped? Is the daughter wanna go? How would the other kids feel? What is your thoughts as the dad in the industry? Well, my first thought is we actually thought to, you know, Viacom Gunner was the first child to ever go
Starting point is 00:19:41 to the MTV movie awards, because it's like laws and that to follow. So we fought to get a baby there. So I definitely would bring Gunner to any cloud dinner where you know, pasta. Sometimes small daily actions really make a big difference, especially when it comes to caring for your hair. A little goes a long way.
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Starting point is 00:20:41 So get on your way to healthier hair one day at a time with shampoos and conditioners that are just your type. Go to thewaytheuai.com and use code juci for 15% off your entire purchase. That's thewaytheuai.com code juci. But my issue with this and I see these videos all the time on TikTok is when they're at the sports academy You know they go to in the valley where all the the Brian all the famous kids are going the way This her dog like I don't want to talk about a nine-year-old But the way she talks to the paparazzi and like'm like, with Kim there, not telling her to stop, like, you know, like, stop. You're blinding me, dead, dead, dead, like the hypocrisy of, oh, I have a problem with my mom's billion dollar existence.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But then I'll get dressed up and go to where there's even more of a paparazzi, because it's the Met Gala. So it's like, let's just, because I am like, I keep hearing that I'm talking smack to the photographers and Kim does this happen. And I'm like, hey, like I love them. If they weren't here, I'll be crying. So, you know, it's just that that kind of throws me off. Like, wait, oh, now you want the photographers?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Because every take time I see you, you're saying, I'm blinded. Leave me a wide child. Why would you do this to a child? Like she goes off on them and you mix the, like, you read the captions. Like leave this poor kid alone. It's like, poor kid. I think, again, I think, it's a nine drill.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I think both things are the same. I think she asked to go. She said she wanted to go. I think she has a mom that doesn't say no a lot. And then also a mom that's like, I'm going to get this much more attention if I bring my nine year old daughter. So come along, done, you know, but I agree with what you said. So here they are at. Have you made merch that say both things are true? No, let's write that down. Two things to be true at the same time.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I'm wearing housewife consultant today. Oh, that's strong. I'll add Heather McDonald, not net. So then Pete Davidson, I guess, came and that was like whatever they had a weird moment. Let's see, what else? Doja Cat dressed like a cat, like the cat of, because it was Carlol loggerfeld
Starting point is 00:23:05 um... theme and he always had this weird white cat so so a lot of people went as a cat and now the jare leto thing makes sense yeah will pk and re went as the cat and it was a common thing that people do for halloween someone would go as carol logger feller and then you're your hot girl friend could just go as a cat which a cat is always an easy Halloween costume. But anyway, she went as a cat, she'd like prosthetics
Starting point is 00:23:29 and so she really her face did look like a cat. And when interviewed, she'd only meow. But she was also vaping and I guess Anna Winter had said there was no vaping allowed. Well, I know cats could be. I guess. Did you watch that? I don't know if it was a skit, but everyone was getting all working up about, um, is it Chloe Feynman, this hour and I live, comedian? Yeah, what did she do? Tell me that story. So Stella McCartney.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah. And Madeline Klein from Outer Banks. Okay. And, um, who's that other like funny comedian actress? I forget. But so Audrey applies us. Yeah, yeah. So she was kind of like, who are you to like sell McCarty while wearing, I think Stella McCarty,
Starting point is 00:24:11 like I think it was a joke and Stella either was in on it or didn't get it and was like, can you be serious? And like maybe she was just making it a better thing or she didn't, but everyone in the comments I said was just like, this is why I love fashion because they don't tolerate this BS out of the eyes. I'm like, oh my God, who are these people?
Starting point is 00:24:32 I mean, whenever the Met Gala comes, I was like, oh, like I just opened my phone on a Monday. I'm like, oh, this is just a lot. It's just like, I don't even, I don't watch it on E. I don't really care. And then I was like, just give me the scoop of what happened at the party. I don't even I don't watch it on e. I don't really care and then I was like just give me the scoop of what Happened at the party. I don't care So I thought I was being a hater yesterday on snapchat. I actually said that I was like I
Starting point is 00:24:53 Don't know why we're pretending anyone cares about me And I obviously I would go if I lived in New York, but I really truly do not think I would get out go to LAX sit on the 405, deal with traffic, deal with the five-hour flight to go to not a music performance or my favorite superstar for the movie. It seems ridiculous. I guess you have to be such a fashion. I love fashion weird fashion.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Well, a lot of people sat it out that normally would go. Okay. And I do think it's a huge effort. Like, I feel like every single person that's going on the red carpet, how to team of five people working on what they were going to wear for six months, what would be unique fittings, the amount of time that you had to go for fittings. And then the amount of hotel rooms that you had to pay for your entire hair, makeup staff, like what an expensive experience this is.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And is it that much press? Is it that much worth it? I mean, yes, if I got invited, I'd go, but that's why I think certain people like, you know, after they did it once, they're like, I don't need to go again, or whatever, and other people like to go all the time, but I agree.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It's a big effort. This, Tiana Taylor, I was the owner, right? Tiana Taylor. I was just gonna say, the food must be so good to make it worth it. And then this next scoop item, this stuff. Yes, so she brought Chick-fil-A, because she was like, I am not having this meal, which was like,
Starting point is 00:26:28 it was like some, yeah, piecing with truffle. So honestly, that sounds good to me. I like stuff like that, but she brought the Chick-fil-A. I always just, I'm like, I mean, I'm think the minute people get out of that outfit, they're just like giving a piece of pizza
Starting point is 00:26:43 and like some ugly, so I'm just like exhausted by this night, but That was kind of funny. I just spoke I took this photo because it's Rianca and Nick Jonas and on the red carpet And she's doing that that that thing that people do where they're acting like whoever they are with said a joke said the funniest thing Like she is crying laughing like I'm like there's no way that is the fakest laugh. I don't care now. Did you guys ever do the fake laugh on the red carpet? And we weren't invited to do many red carpets but and if we were there we were probably weren't invited so we were being real serious and trying to just get out of there quick. not be seen, but I always bring this up
Starting point is 00:27:26 when I do my tablaid reviews on Snapchat for like the Emmys or Oscars. I'm like the odds of that photographer in that party to be able to get Leonardo and Brad Pitt and all these guys mid like, haha, haha, like so I wonder, I always want to do they say, laugh shot now and it's that ridiculous when it's those like Rupert I don't know. I think people know I remember Jenny McCarthy said part of the reason she became a star I thought this was so genius and people coming up and being a star think about it every time she would do a red carpet She would just do like weird faces and stuff because she was so pretty
Starting point is 00:28:04 So it was kind of weird that like she'd be like weird faces and stuff because she was so pretty. So it was kind of weird that like she'd be like, you know, and doing stuff like that. And then that would get, then you'd get, photo would actually make it somewhere. And I never think to do that. I do the same poses. I'm just happy to be there.
Starting point is 00:28:17 And I don't ever do like an outrageous outfit. And I literally I'm like, you know, next time, I deal with getting ready and getting a card out to down teller or whatever, I am going to do something fucking weird and just see if that gets any play because every time I go, I just get the free popcorn and I go home. I definitely do the weird thing. I don't know what to laugh at.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I feel like every, yes, the weird thing is a hideous answer. Like there's just no way there was anything that funny. And he's like, come on. Like we really have to do this weird thing. I'm rich. I saw, I wouldn't have the photo here, but I saw another photo of Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman. And she was like, like leaning back
Starting point is 00:28:57 and he had his head there. And someone's like, they're just so thirsty. And I'm like, I almost feel like it's a little embarrassing that they went because they're like the only like old Hollywood people that I think were featured going. Like everybody from their era, like did we even see Sarah Jessica Parker? Like I feel like everybody that was like over 50
Starting point is 00:29:17 that we'd seen going for 10 years, they all just were like, fuck it. It's like rappers and Kardashians and we don't care. And Northwest. And Northwest. And Northwest. Yeah. So, you didn't see the Tiktok where somebody like did the voices.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Like it was like Nicole Kimmon's voice. Like talking to him. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. That would be so weird. It was like, yeah. Like no, like, because she looks at somebody and she acts like, like don't you look at the person
Starting point is 00:29:46 or whatever. And it looks fine. That's funny. That's a funny thing to do. J.Lo left been aflick at home and everyone said she'd listen to your advice because I've said, just go to these events by yourself. He doesn't want to go. Bring your sister, bring your hairdresser, bring your gay best friend. but you still should go. Like, I feel like she was probably like the one of the only people from like her level of age and a list that bothered to go. And she looked good. We should great.
Starting point is 00:30:16 That's why I love Ben Affleck. She didn't go. Yeah, he was like, look, we're married now. Fuckin' go by yourself. Kristen Stewart. Wow. She arrived looking like the Colonel Sanders. And she, I mean, she's gay and lesbian, and that's all good.
Starting point is 00:30:36 But I mean, I have no problem with that. But she did this really weird haircut. And it looked very dirty. Like she didn't even wash her hair. Boily. really weird like haircut and like it looked very dirty like you didn't even wash your hair. What's going on with her? Is she working much? You know, I'm sure there's a new film. Care. Leonardo Caprio was seen again with Gigi Hadid, his on and
Starting point is 00:31:01 again, off again, girlfriend at an after party. with Gigi Hadid, his on-again, off-again girlfriend, at an after party. And yes, his mask on. A lot of people, as we said, are still wearing the mask just to avoid being seen or wearing makeup. So just when I saw the soda yesterday, I would love to know. And I think, forget CDC, World Health, Fauci, the only thing we need to know is how many times Leonardo Cava has or hasn't gotten COVID because this, he has worn a mask more than any, like he's like a doctor,
Starting point is 00:31:37 he's like a surgeon at this point. Do you think people that are still, you know how like you'll go out now and there's just like only one worker wearing the mask, or just one person walking around the store wearing the mask, I'm always like, I think the same thing. Are they super scared because they've got it three times? Or are they like, I've never gotten it,
Starting point is 00:31:59 and it's because I'm more like wearing this mask? I don't know, I wish I liked wearing the mask because I want to wear the mask to be that person, like look at me, like that's what I said, I just like you're nuts, like I just want to be like, look at me in my 95, you know, like I want to be that annoying. I don't know, I true, I think a lot of times people have it and just go out and like forget
Starting point is 00:32:22 I'll put on a mask. Yeah. That's what I think when somebody's in the market wearing them, like, do you have COVID right now? Yeah, or maybe, yeah. I don't know, it's weird. Then Selena Gomez, they people put out with using AI of her at the Met and she was not there.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And so for a minute, people thought she was there, but she really wasn't. So you've Haley Bieber had a true Stan army. The second this one viral, the Haley Bieber AI at the Met would have dropped and it could have been a thing like, who has like the hotter AI dress at the Met Gallup. Oh, you're saying they, the, they should have made, first you say Haley Bieber's people should have made a foreign AI version. Oh, immediately. So to get that going, they, they, they should have made first, you say, Haley Beaver's people should have made a, a, a version.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Oh, immediately. So to get that going, I know they're trying to neutralize that after the, after the text, part of the Sophia, Richie, um, you know, rise to fame. People are saying, wow, no one's talking about Haley Beaver, but lately, what do you think about Haley Beaver and Justin? Well, I mean, I obviously watched these videos that like show everything that Selina does and then, and I'm like, well, this is wild. But Heidi, when I told Heidi, like, no, but look what she did to like she was in this fangirl side, whatever she won, she got Justin so hidey's like head,
Starting point is 00:33:47 you know, like the stalker. I mean, not stalks, excuse me, excuse my friends. Like the motivated love, like she clearly was, she sought after, she sought after Justin and she got up. And are we gonna call her a stalker? We're gonna say she's just all like good at love. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:07 You know what I was dating a guy when I was in my 20s? And he was an actor and we were in this acting group together but he was actually on a show. So he was like making a lot, actually sold him a house. And I remember when I was selling him the house and I realized how much he made a month just doing voice over. And I was like, wow, this is really great.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But he was like buying a house for his brother anyway. So he's on the show. I didn't even know if I really liked him that much anymore. But then he was like, blew me off because there was this girl working on the show that he ended up dating. And it turned out he was a child star. And she was a fan of his.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Like Katie Holmes was with Tom Cruise. She used to have a poster of Tom Cruise in her room. Hey, Hayley Beaver used to have a poster of whatever was obsessed with Justin Bieber. Allegedly Megan Marker. Yeah, Allegedly Megan Marker. And anyway, and it was kind of like he was not shy about saying, oh my God, she was a fan of like he was not shy about saying,
Starting point is 00:35:05 oh my God, she was a fan of when I was on this show as a kid and she was like a PA on the TV show. Anyway, they ended up getting married and having a kid, but I just ran into someone who knows him and they're divorced. I'm just saying, but I remember going, gosh, well, you know what, you probably should go for that fan because I'm not that excited about you like that into him and I'm like I totally get and I know a couple guys I know another comedian who married a fan who was like a heart like a real fan and mean. I have nothing. I don't know. I don't know. And you know what? I almost appreciate the person that's like, I was a fan of yours. Oh my God, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:46 And you end up marrying him versus the person. And this happens a lot more with female stars that date men in another business. And they'll go, you know, he didn't even know. I was on a show. He didn't even know. It's like, don't lie. You've dated three other stars before. You know, like, you clearly knew this girl was a star.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And so I think sometimes guys like to and act like, oh, like you clearly knew this girl was a star. And so I think sometimes guys lied to an act like, oh, like guys are more likely to lie and say, oh, I didn't even watch the real housewives or whatever versus them being like, I was a huge fan of the show. Yeah, I think I like the transparency. So that's why I don't have any issue with all the like, yeah, who cares? So speaking of AI, this guy said he worked, he was the godfather of AI and he quit Google. And he's older and you know, been working on for a while and he said he is very scared about the dangers
Starting point is 00:36:40 of this technology. He's like right now it's very good but it's going so fast that we should be terrified. You know, I only think it scares me if the way like plugging it into the nooks. Like, let's just keep, you know, so far, Surrey sucks, respectively. Like, until Surrey, like, can do anything for me that I'm like, thanks, Surrey. I'm not too nervous. And then I tried to do the Snapchat. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:11 So we did a Snapchat. So Snapchat already is testing sponsored link in it's my AI chat box. But, so with Snapchat, you, some people are concerned because they're like, we really need our kids to start talking to real kids, okay? Again, and real people. And now they can have a friend who's really just a robot
Starting point is 00:37:32 and have conversations on Snapchat when asking about anything. And so I saw something where people were like, and people, parents were like, and you can't take off this element on the Snapchat. It is no way to remove it. And they're concerned that maybe AI was too skewed one way politically that that would affect their kids, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:55 perception of the world. So we asked it a couple questions. First we just said, where's the best Italian food in LA? And the AI said, John and Vinnie's Brentwood has amazing Italian food and is very popular. Another great option is the echo, which is also known for its Italian cuisine. And then you get the two options. Okay, that's safe.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I know. The idea of paid Snapchat is those are neither of the two best Italian spots in LA. That's what I've heard. There's something very suspect about this AI. That's interesting. So then we ask some other. George Joseph's in on there. Or so then we ask some other controversial political questions just to see.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And yes, I'm not doing politics. I'm just sharing with you guys. Chill the F out. Okay. Do you think Trump should win 2024? AI said, I don't think it's my place to say who should win the election. It's important for people to make their own decisions based on their own beliefs and values. We ask, should I get vaccinated?
Starting point is 00:38:50 I think it's important to follow the guidance of medical professionals and get vaccinated if you are able to. I then, the bus. I wore a medical mask for three years. Was it worth it? AI. It's great that you were being cautious and taking steps to protect yourself and others. However, it's also important to follow the guidance of the medical professions, professionals
Starting point is 00:39:10 and adjust your behavior as new information becomes available. I think that's pretty bland and pretty safe and pretty much what the news says. So I don't think it's necessarily one what i think it's being very safe i don't think it's a bigger thing is parents should not have their it's talking robot but how do you do that if you can a snapchat you're gonna take snapchat from them that's what they're saying
Starting point is 00:39:37 there's a i wish i could take this element away from the snapchat but it's already included in the snapchat you cannot remove this part of it. I mean, can you scroll it and be like, you've been talking to your robot too much this week, chill out. I can't take their kid's phone. I definitely grabbed Gunner's phone and be like, what are you talking to your robot about? I'm telling you when they get older, it's harder to do that. It really is. As long as I'm paying for it. I mean, listen, I as a mother, I was so worried, I was gone and I was kept writing
Starting point is 00:40:06 my 17 year old like, how was tutoring Saturday morning, you know, and I was in Palm Desert and he was here and no answer, you know, how was it? Hello, hello, you know, he's not answering me. And it's not, I do not disturb, but everything's fine. Okay. And the next morning, I'm like, hello, and then I'm like, you know, mother instinct, I'm like, planning a funeral. Like, I him like, okay. And the next morning, I'm like, hello. And then I'm like, you know, mother instinct, I'm like planning a funeral. Like I was like, this is, you know, and so then we check and I said to my husband, make sure he, can you check on your phone?
Starting point is 00:40:36 Is he at the house? Yes, he's at the house. I'm like, is there a gas leak? Like, you know, this is what I'm thinking. Finally, he answers. And I'm like, Brandon, like, do you understand that anytime your mother texts you, it's a proof of life. You need to answer.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And if you're not, your phone's not next to you. Every couple of hours, you need to look at it and write me back. And he's like, oh my God, man, you still, you know, you're a helicopter mom. And I'm like, I am not a helicopter. Like, these kids don't realize, you know? I'm like, you know how hard you freak out
Starting point is 00:41:05 if you can't find the dog. Now, imagine that for the rest of your life, and it's your kid. So, like, shut up. But I'm also saying it's hard to be like, you know, asking them stuff all the time when they get older. Can I see this?
Starting point is 00:41:18 Can I do this? Can I see that it is harder? So, it is a weird thing. As you were just saying that, I was like 100% both of my kids are gonna have Apple Watches where I'm tracking them. That's like the tracking them is the best thing. Well, do they have Apple Watches?
Starting point is 00:41:32 Whether they can't be like, I didn't have my phone on me. Maybe like you take your Apple Watches off. No, but now I'm gonna get them an Apple Watch. Yeah, cause it could also share his heartbeat information. Like you could like be, I think I'm pretty sure you could like mom okay. His heartbeat's this. He's this he's alive yeah I want to I'm gonna do that because also for real the whole time you're saying this I'm like plotting I'm just
Starting point is 00:41:54 preparing to go to college and stuff oh then I can wake up like about a cure from him and then I wake up at 2 in the morning and I can check the heartbeat why was your heartbeat 150 last night? You're usually average 90. What were you doing? Oh my God, you know, like, oh, but you know what everybody, we have a run we have two times that I really did not respect what my mother was going through.
Starting point is 00:42:17 The first time was the day, big day at USC to get in the sorority. She was the same sorority as me. And anyway, I got the bid and I didn't have a cell phone back then. And I remember I was like, everyone's like, whoa, you know, happy. We're going to get on this bus. We're going to go to some party at some rich girls house into Luke. And I remember thinking I should go over in the house and call my mom on that phone and just say, I got in Gamma Phi Beta. But everybody's having fun and I was like, whatever. So all day, I've gone for like seven hours,
Starting point is 00:42:50 no phone, no tracking, no nothing. And I get back, you know, and my dad was so pissed at me. He's like, your mother didn't know if you didn't get in the house and like, fucking suicidal or something. Like, she was like, she went to like national. Like she went through the national database and got a hold of a human that said, no, your daughter made Gamma Phi Beta at a USA.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Now imagine how hard it was to do it back then. How many hours it took her to like call people. And I was like, wow, that was an awful day for her. And the other time was when I went skydiving. And she was just like, will you please call me when was just like will you please call me when you land? Will you please tell me when you land? And I was like mom Whatever I'm 23 leave me alone jump out of play I'm gonna jump out of this play and I'm like I want to say rest of peace mom
Starting point is 00:43:39 And I'm so sorry I put you through that because My son didn't call me back for two hours and I was like, well, my life is ruined. Yeah, no, I'm very true. I want to talk about a lot of people are really confused about the writer's strike and what it means. As someone who's part of the writer's guilt, I will explain. Real quick, this is what thirsty I am. I saw this yesterday and I was like, I wish I had more time.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I would drive there and get a sign and just like, like, I'm, you know, just like get photographed. Like people were like, wow, is he a writer now? Yes. I, okay, so basically what it is, and speaking of AI, I mean, you know, I've seen a couple movies recently and I joke that I'm like, I think AI is writing
Starting point is 00:44:24 bad romantic comedies because I heard that they there has been AI scripts of someone say, hey, can you do a sign felt script and they're able to do the sign felt script just based on Characters and joke writing and everything. So part of this strike does have to do with that not being an option. And the Netflix everybody, they are not getting their, you know, what they want. But also they want these big, the big streamers want it to be that it's more of a gig, like not a regular job. residual stuff. And so they did the negotiating for weeks. So what this means is they're on strike. This has happened many times over the last 40 years that I can remember and it can go on for very long and it can be very devastating if this goes on for long.
Starting point is 00:45:16 So this means the late night shows anybody that has a writer's guild and when I was at Chelsea lately, we were not writers guild. And I think it's one of the reasons our show became a success because we were the only show on from November to February that was late night because it was not a writer's guild gig at that time. Well, these things, I knew something was happening
Starting point is 00:45:40 with brands and companies not wanting to do get work with these sag and writers go because I just got offered like one of the biggest campaigns. I'm not going to say the brand because hopefully the company. Yeah. They come back one day and it was all like, oh, where are you going to use you? And they're like, oh, wait, are you sag? And I'm like, yeah, like usually that's like that two thumbs up. Like, we're, I had, I get to fake in line to get into that. I pay you so many times to say. I'm like, I'm in.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah, let's go. I'm like, oh, we're actually not doing a sag. We don't we're not gonna be doing it. And I was like, no, no, I'm in this and paid. So this is the things you get. And I didn't, and they didn't use me. And so I think they are already starting to go around before this to go to these like, you know, maybe influencer or somebody who's
Starting point is 00:46:32 not connected with where they don't have to, I don't know what that means. I mean, that's a scary thing and I don't know where it'll be in 50 years, you know. And then the reason these things started is because artists are so excited to work that they could screw us over because you're like, sure, I'll do it for free to be on TV. I said I'll quit saying. I said I'll quit saying. Yeah, like I'll do whatever it takes. So it's like that's why these things were formed was to protect, you know, the writers.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And so, so anyway, when I was at Chelsea lately, we did try to become writer skills along with the writers of the suit. And for six weeks, every Thursday and Friday, I was one of the writers, along with a few others, and then the writers from the soup on e we went to the writer's guild. And they brought in like, you know, pandair, like lunch, like whatever we had lunch, and we'd sit across from the lawyers of the E and then R and we would say, and you just go back and forth, no, no. And they would always be like, well,
Starting point is 00:47:32 and then R executives, as it came closer to, were going to strike, you know? They were like, well, what's this gonna do to the person? Brandy, who runs the telepropter and what's this gonna do? And they would like guilt us into if we do strike All the show will shut down and what would that mean?
Starting point is 00:47:50 And then also that would mean that we as comedians and faces of it. We won't get to be honest We didn't want to strike so finally we come to this negotiation That's like our own little weird cable deal. That's like instead of every 13 weeks, we get six months. And the money is good, but you know, whatever. And they were kept saying, you know, on your other plan, you get these bonuses, but with this, you'll get this. Anyway, when the show ended abruptly, it ended earlier than it was supposed to, Chelsea lately. The writers were the only people that got no pension or extra money or anything at all.
Starting point is 00:48:29 The eight of us. So everybody that worked on the show for seven years got 14 weeks of pay and all the executives had their own big $100,000 deals. And the eight of us, they were like, yeah, your last payday is the day you walk out of here. And we were like, all right. And then I'm like, well, wait, whatday is the day you walk out of here. And we were like, all right. And then I'm like, well, wait, what about it?
Starting point is 00:48:47 The rest of the six month pay that's going to take me till the end of December. And they're like, we're not honoring it. Take it or leave it. And I was like, so those six weeks that we spent every Thursday and Friday at the Ryder's Guild, though I did enjoy the free sandwiches. And, and then it was. Honestly, it wasn't like, it was weird. And then they got, they were so happy to get rid of us
Starting point is 00:49:08 in the soup because then they never had any other writer-gill shows. They're like, oh, bye. So it's a very complicated thing, and I have many writers, friends of mine, that are posting about it, and I obviously want them to succeed as soon as possible, because this can be very bad for the LA economy too.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I just think it's probably the worst time because we've been out. Obviously we're always out pitching shows and talking to them and what I has been the feedback from all the big agents, right? All the producers I talk about to like no one's buying right now. The networks are not buying no new shows. So they're already, we're like, oh, so if I'm the studios in the network, I'm like, this is perfect time,
Starting point is 00:49:50 because they need to save my, they wanna use old stuff right now and run the reruns, I don't know. I mean, I'm sorry that I don't know the bullet points of what they're fighting on, but it's about residuals on streamers and things like that that they want to get what they believe they deserve as people who write and create the shows, which there is no show without the people writing
Starting point is 00:50:16 and creating them. So there you go. So anyway, this came out. David's Saturday Night Live episode was canceled. High E news doesn't have writers killed. That is such a click bait because the reason it was canceled is because Saturday Night Live episode was canceled. Hi, E news, who doesn't have writers' guild. That is such a clickbait because the reason it was canceled is because Saturday Night Live has to go on strike. They're writers' guild.
Starting point is 00:50:33 They can't have a show. My new favorite thing people do in the comments section to like fight clickbait is people like copy and paste and like put it right in it and I'm like. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Britney Spears did a very weird post yesterday. It was just her boobs and a bra. And she wrote, if I clap my tits, could I make one pop like a balloon?
Starting point is 00:50:57 Balloon emoji. On Thursday, many question marks. She posted this on Tuesday, so weird. Tick, talk, tick, talk. I salute all bitches today, not with just my middle finger, middle finger emoji, but my chest too. How do you spell chest? Or is it chest or chest? And then she did a slide and it was people playing chest.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Who's Jared Hunt? Did you slide over to the second one? I want to see who's that. Oh, that was the picture of people playing chess. Oh, okay, okay. I was gonna say shit, professional photographer, for his second show. So everyone's like, what the hell is going on?
Starting point is 00:51:33 So then this popped up. Someone, this is going around and it's one of her dancing videos. And they say, look at the slowmo, you see her face. They think it's like another AI generated something and it's not really her dancing because Look at her face as her arms go up. It's like a different person's face Or is this a fake thing? Is it like what is your I know I every time I say I'm done with Brittany
Starting point is 00:52:05 I don't know because I really don't know What is happening is she? Crazy likes to dance where chief outfits and this is all she's gonna do for the rest of her life or is Someone a bigger part of this controlling of imagery, you know last time I even commented a little bit on Britney on the show, I had to like unshare your story. I was like, I'm not getting paid for this negativity. I don't even need this on my account. The Britney like, I obviously do see.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I don't feel like the Britney people are after me anymore. I don't. Last time I share. Well, what did you say? I don't even know. He said it wasn't everything. I feel like honestly, I think the Britney fans have moved on because no one can think of to do that she should do only fans. They all came after me.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I had a lot of people that are like, great idea. I don't know. And like I said, with everything in A.I. I don't believe any. This could be a fake thing with a fake face behind it and sending this out, Nicky, is thinking that it's not her. I mean, I, be a fake thing with a fake face behind it and sending this out, Nicky, is thinking that it's not her. I mean, I, it's her exact body, it's everything, it's her exact dancing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And I can't figure it out. I was talking to you so much. You make me feel sane sometimes, whether or when you know, because that's how I feel about so many things in the media, what you just said. And it's true. Like, nobody can say that's not AI. Like once I saw the Tom Cruise AI's, I was like, I don't even know what that was.
Starting point is 00:53:28 What was the Tom Cruise AI? It was like a full TikTok of somebody like an AI Tom Cruise, you ever seen that account? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, that looks like Tom Cruise. Right. It's like, they can do that. Yeah, how do you know?
Starting point is 00:53:42 I don't know. Vanderpump Rules, I've not talked to you about Vanderpump rules. The trailer was allegedly leaked from Bravo, like they weren't ready to leak it and it was going out to all the people. And I actually did talk to Lala and I go, that trailer was leaked and she goes, what do you mean? And I'm telling her what's in it.
Starting point is 00:54:02 She goes, that's already out. And then about an hour later, then Bravo did put it out. But according to Rader Online, it was leaked. Again, they couldn't have leaked it themselves to get people excited. But so this came out earlier allegedly than they wanted. And there are some moments where it's after the affair has broken and Tom
Starting point is 00:54:26 sandball is talking to Ariana and she's like and he's like you know I have a friendship with work hell and she's like I don't give a fuck about a cow and then there's a moment where where he is talking about a cow and she goes you know we said it the only way we're going to do this if it was worth it so I hope hope it's worth it. Like just no remorse and like happy to be with him. Like chills, chills of everybody talking. And it's. She's in treatment. So let's.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Right. And now someone is taking over her Instagram to say we are following her Instagram or Instagram was hacked. A team will be covering her is why she is in a mental treatment place. Of your opinion, we have not gotten your opinion of the whole thing. This is just put banner pump at the top of the reality show game.
Starting point is 00:55:14 The people that are starting to watch it from scratch, the heterosexual guys that are loving this show as a whole other demographic, what do you think? I mean, obviously, if you're Alex Baskin, it's the greatest thing that's ever been producer. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:29 And the ratings are a million plus, like record ratings. I just, I could have dreamed this all, but I could have sworn, I had podcasted with Ariana and Ariana. And I could have literally dreamed this. So this could be wrong. But I thought she said pretty much she was bisexual and that she was into women. So once somebody tells me that, and I'm slowly in a relationship
Starting point is 00:55:52 to me as like, oh, you can go have sex with women, but I can't go have sex with women because that's cheating. It creates this weird gray area boundary in my like imaginary, like I'm being, I'm not ever gonna be Tom, but I'm saying if I'm that in Tom's place and she's hooking up with women
Starting point is 00:56:14 and they're supposed to be in love and he's finding out. And it's just this weird gray area where what becomes cheating? Because so did he have to sleep with a guy for not to be cheating? Like if her kill's a guy, is now is this cool? So that's where the whole cheating thing for me,
Starting point is 00:56:32 you lose me as like, I'm old fashioned, I'll get murdered if I go do anything out. So that's how cheating works in my book. There's no like, oh no, but I'm gay if I drink and I love girls on Tuesday's type of thing. You know, like, you know what I mean? That's great. And I am not judging anyone who does that.
Starting point is 00:56:54 And that was what I felt like she, again, I could have made this up, but I could have sworn to through it. Well, no, no, no. She definitely had a season where she came out as bisexual and did a whole different day at the bride thing. There was a time when Santa Valk told on camera that before Lala was sober, that Lala and Ariana were drunk and Lala,
Starting point is 00:57:16 and they went down on each other like in the car in his presence. And she wanted me to cheat. So, but in this case, everything that I've watched is at this point in their relationship, she wasn't pursuing women. They kind of were not having much,
Starting point is 00:57:33 much of her romance, but they were getting along really well. And so I think they had kind of settled into, we do often stuff to do our own thing, but I don't think she was thinking he was cheating. And she definitely trusted Raquel as a single girlfriend that hung out with their group. Like nobody thought no one was really worried about her in the fact that, you know, one, we're going to see on tonight's episode that she gets drunk with both the Toms at Tom's house, but Ariana is out of town.
Starting point is 00:58:04 And she got drunk and she spent the night at the house. And people like, how could you not think that was the weirdest thing? And I'm like, I've been at people's houses where they're like, you can spend the night at my house. You don't have to get an uber back to Woodland Hills or whatever, but I'm like, no, I'm going back. So clearly we know now timeline, they were already screwing and they clearly
Starting point is 00:58:25 screwed that night that she spent the night and they were trying to like make people not think it's weird that she spent the night. But, um, I mean, I think, yeah, I think that she was like confident with their relationship and she wasn't really suspicious until the night that she picked up the phone and she was suspicious that he was starting to cheat and she saw a different name, which was Jamie and she goes, who the hell is Jamie? This must be the girl he's, he may have suffered on a Miami boys, we could click on it and then she saw that it was actually coding for a cow and saw that they had sexy videos going
Starting point is 00:59:03 back and forth. I would love to know if Raquel Ariana and Tom ever. A lot of people have wondered that, but- Tell it's like no, because if that is our, if they've already, it was cool when Ariana was there and you open that gate,
Starting point is 00:59:23 so that's another time I need to know. Okay, I'm free involved in it off camera too. And I am 99% sure that that never happened. Okay, okay. That no. It did not. Three sums, three sums with rock held and not happen. That jacuzzi clip where she's like on him
Starting point is 00:59:43 and she's there talking about. And then Ariana says a thropl or whatever clip where she's like on him and she's there talking about and then Ariana says a thropl or whatever. I think they're joking like there's been. It seems like it's like green lit though. It's like there's been times where like jokingly I've had a friend or so. I've been in situations where there's the single girl and I know I know. And then it's like, oh, we're sister wise. Like there's a jokingness.
Starting point is 01:00:06 We're a thruple. Heidi would never. So, you know, not even joke. No. Yeah. Who's even happened? Right. Well, you know, that's good.
Starting point is 01:00:15 You shouldn't get so relaxed because no, I had a one front that was like, well, you know me. I'm just a big flirt. And I'm like, well, I don't think it's okay that you're flirting. Especially with my husband. You get out of here. And then I kind of was like, and I did kind of alert myself,
Starting point is 01:00:31 and I did say, hey, and it's like, I've only had to say this twice, and it was so long ago, I was like, you know what, I'm not comfortable with her always calling you about like mortgage broker questions, because she's been talking to you now for a couple, you know, asking you questions,
Starting point is 01:00:49 and I'm not comfortable with anymore, and I don't think she's ever gonna give you the deal, so just drop it. And he was like, all right, and then that was it. And like they never talked, then she did get divorced, married somebody. But I was like, I am gonna nip this in the bud. The minute I got a weird feeling,
Starting point is 01:01:05 and I'm telling this to all my listeners, girls and guys, if you have a weird feeling, just nip it in the bud and go, you know what? I'm not comfortable with this woman working here. And if someone fights it too much, red flight. They, like in the one particular thing of my one good friend, who's husband did leave her
Starting point is 01:01:24 for a woman that started to work for him. And we had an evening out when she was like, confided in all of us, I think something's going on between the two of them. I said, go back there and say, let's give her a payment because you're gonna tell me she can't quit.
Starting point is 01:01:39 You're such a bitch, whatever. And I go and just say, I'm not accusing you, but I'm no longer comfortable with her working there. And let's just get a person money to go find another job and end it. And he fought her on it. And they went into therapy and everything. And then a year later, Algarvee Vial, they'd been boning for a year. So if someone fights you on something like that, then you, it is a red flag. Immediately someone should be like, you're right. Fine. Not a problem. Don't need to hang out with this person anymore.
Starting point is 01:02:07 We can let this person go. We can give them there two weeks or whatever the case is. But if you have a weird feeling, let this Vanderpump story be a rule to you to like, try to nip it. Yeah, so like, if for instance, that jacuzzi thing, it's just on Tom's lab, if Ariana's like, whoa, whoa, you two, and like they're like what and defensive about it?
Starting point is 01:02:26 Or I don't know, it's, if there isn't conspiracies, which, you know, then it's just, it's sad for obviously, I don't, she's so vulnerable. Yeah, and a lot of people still think like, was this scripted with this way? I don't think so. I know it was it.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I know all these things were happening. And I know that even you're gonna see that Lala is like really on it. Now this is sober Lala. She's like one of the only sober people on the fucking show. And she's hyper now sensitive because Randall cheated so badly. So she told me that they finished filming, you know, then they found out about the scandal. And she told me she goes, Heather, I was saying this for so long. I didn't I tell about the scandal. And she told me she goes, Heather, I was saying this for so long. I didn't I tell you about it. And I'm like, I don't remember you saying she goes, well, I know I said it on camera. And she goes, and I was terrified
Starting point is 01:03:13 that I was going to get ripped apart at the reunion because they were going to be like, how dare you be so accusatory of Tom throughout the whole season when clearly nothing ever happened. And she, did some on camera. And now it's like, they must know. No, she just was suspicious and she was pointing it out. But at the time they did it, finished filming, no affair had been proven. So she was like, I'm going to get it at the reunion because I'm going to look like the bitter nasty bitch that's not in a relationship that's like, I'm gonna get it at the reunion because I'm gonna look like the bitter nasty bitch
Starting point is 01:03:46 that's not in a relationship that's like, mm-hmm, you know? And then turns out she's like, you know, met him Cleo or whatever, like, predicted the whole thing. I mean, I don't watch the show, but I feel like I bet there's a lot of, like just like that one clip I saw in the Jacuzzi, I was like, huh? What's going on here? Like, I didn't know theuzzi, I was like, huh, what's going on here?
Starting point is 01:04:05 Like I didn't know the cheating, but I was like my first thought I was like, oh, they're all hooking up. Like, I'm not about. I have a funny little Lala story. So Lala and Ocean and Lala's mom lives with her. And, you know, and so the two of them came over and brought Lala to the new house in Likita.
Starting point is 01:04:21 And they were, we had a great day. And my 17 year old son the other day was like, I go, oh this weekend I'm just gonna have a girl's weekend at the house, you know, so you stay back in Wonderland Hills with your dad and brother. And he goes, oh, who you have to have? I'm like, oh, Liz and Dada Dada. And he goes, oh, and then, and then you're gonna have the lesbians. I go, what lesbians? He goes, the lesbians that came over, I go, what no lesbians came, what are you talking about? He goes, the lesbians are came over with that little baby. And it goes, that was Lala and her mom.
Starting point is 01:04:50 And I'm like, this is just such an LA kid that he just assumes that if two women come over with a baby or two guys with a baby, they're not two dads and the mom's getting it. They're just, they're just a gay film. How often is he using snap AI though? This is like, baby, it's just, and I like so that I tell I go I go your mom should be flatter that uh she didn't say you didn't think girl wife her yeah I go say you and your wife I go yeah she I go what a flattery thing know what he didn't think she was a grandma you just thought they were a happy
Starting point is 01:05:20 lesbian couple in in Palm Springs I love to know what the mom thought about that she loved it she thought it was hilarious. And then Ariana's out with her new boyfriend at the Yankees games, so good for her. Okay, I want to talk a little bit about Real House, I said, Nuturzy. And even if you're not watching it, doesn't matter. Yeah, sorry to any GC scoopers that have from,
Starting point is 01:05:42 you're watching every show right now. I'll be caught up in a couple years. It doesn't matter because the only thing the only story I want to tell you about is the only story that everyone's talking about. Teresa who is the star of the show is getting married to her husband as we watch it. They're married now. And so and she has she was on the show first and then her brother Joe Gorgon and his wife Melissa joined like I don't know 12 years or 10 years ago.'s been on for 13 I don't know how many seasons of it
Starting point is 01:06:08 I know you know you know okay so anyway they are at odds with each other this whole season and you know they had a business dealing that you know he accuses them of stealing your idea but then the whole idea never came for fruition about these pizzas, this pizza oven, and then she didn't ask Melissa to be in her wedding, and then they feel snubbed about these other parties coming up in between. And now we know they did the reunion and it's supposedly really explosive. And Melissa has said, I don't even know if I'm going to come back because I know Teresa holds the cards. And if we're never going to film with each other because it's coming to the point where it's like they're like, we don't think that we can like both sides are like, we don't think we can fuck with
Starting point is 01:06:53 each other anymore at all. I don't care that we're, you know, our parents are gone. Maybe our kids will be friends later when they're adults, but like right now it's just always toxic. And that is what we're going through. And I wanted to get your opinion because, you know, you, oh, and then this other girl, Danielle, she doesn't talk to her brother anymore. And the mom is on there being like, well, I'm a parent to both of you.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I, he doesn't want to talk to you right now. I'm sorry. And, you know, she's like, feels snubbed. So adult siblings who no longer talk to each other, and I don't talk to a sister, and I know you don't talk to your sister. And so I brought up this story from, and the story came from one you were on the show last time.
Starting point is 01:07:36 So, and you guys came on a reality show together. Who was on the reality show first? You were your sister. And then you're, how did your sister then get put on the show. Stephanie. I can't say she Haley beavered it, but it was a coincidence, you know, so it was real that she went to Fidham and LC went to Fidham. I don't know if she was like, hey, I'm a no, that's not actually what happened. She ran up on LC in the club. Lauren Conrad. Lauren Conrad.
Starting point is 01:08:08 You know, and got into the drama one night and they were like, whoa, and then they're like your Spencer sister. And then they were thrilled. And then you go to Phidum. And then they, you know, at that time didn't bother you at all that you were the person who was doing TV. You had already produced Princess of Malibu. You were on this show now as yourself. Did it bother you that your sister was going to be part of the show that you were on?
Starting point is 01:08:33 Initially, no, because I, she was like, I got your back. I'm gonna get her, but then she, like a Brody style was like, wait, I'm not gonna be with the villains. I'm gonna, you know, be with the narrator hero. And so she, they, you know, they got her quick, you know, which, so I understand now, you know. But do you think that is what was the, the rift, which has now lasted for so long? No, no, no, no, even if we'd never been on TV, there was plenty of, you know, having siblings on and off cameras is
Starting point is 01:09:08 There's a lot of life a lot of things to go on with, you know, your parents and everything So I don't think this show I think I'd be in the exact same place right now if there was no show Okay, so that's what someone very close to the gorgas and the Judy cheese Well, you know Teresa and Joe Gorga said to me too. She's, she's said, honestly, I think they would be having these same issues if they weren't on the show. Yeah, the camera's heightened it.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Yes, it heightens it. But almost the benefit of the show is you see how far somebody will go in the scenario. So how far someone will go to betray and fuck you over and be jealous. And all these things that would have never you wouldn't have saw the level of these layers that don't exist in regular life.
Starting point is 01:09:57 So there's positives come out because you were like, oh my, you know, when you just when you think like, oh, and it's like, wow, you'll, you'll, you know, so that's it. And now that I'm a parent with two kids though, it is just, and I feel for my mom and it's, it's horrible for any parents, I can't comprehend having my two sons, you know, not speak and get along, but, you know, at that a day, everyone's individual.
Starting point is 01:10:22 They're regardless of blood or not. People aren't going to get along and see things the same way. So it is part of life, it's unfortunate. I mean, my boys are 20 and 17 and, you know, they've had moments. You know, they've had moments where like, the younger brother, it's hard to be the younger brother. You know, the older brother has been taller, smarter.
Starting point is 01:10:45 And I'm always like, eventually you'll even up, but for your whole life, there's been one, you've been in this relationship. It's a very interesting relationship. And every relationship is different. And I don't, I think it's not parents fault, it's personal, it can happen. And you do get to a place and then to
Starting point is 01:11:05 do a life where you're like, I don't think my sibling, what does want the best for me? I don't even know they want good for me. I think they'd be happy or something bad happened to me. And I think maybe in your situation, I know in my situation, and in the Gorga and Teresa situation, I think they have realized that. And it's really hard to get back.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And even though you might have a chuckle and you might have some fun and you wanna have a fun gathering with this person, you know that they really, don't want the best for you, you know? And that's the one thing I love and I hate about my experience with reality TV is it it does show you so many people's True colors from friendships to family members and other people's family members, you know, you just know
Starting point is 01:11:57 Like and it's not just my sister, you know, there's other I'm gonna get it go deep dive But I learned so much about people's character. And I have forgiveness in my hearts, and I'm like, hold these things, but it's like no matter what, there's definitely people around me in my life to this day that I'm like, I know when there's money, and you're getting this,
Starting point is 01:12:19 and there's people in your ear how fast you would sell me down the river with, you know, so it's a horrible thing to experience, but it's also so like empowering because then you've done it. And lightning, too. Yeah. And you're like, I know what this is. It's just, I don't know how to describe it, but it is one of the great things that comes
Starting point is 01:12:38 out of doing so much fame. Yeah. And I mean, you know, we'll see what happens if they all come back on the show. I mean, I hope they all do. I don't want to see anyone like not have their livelihood, but if the show didn't exist, I really believe that Theresa and Joe probably wouldn't really mess with each other anymore and would go on and maybe see each other at a kid's wedding, maybe not, or maybe the kids would bring them together, but I don't think they would deal with it, because I just don't think it's been good.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Their relationship always to me was like, wow, this is like from having two sisters, is so far from any relationship. I've ever had, like, they were so best-friendly. Like, I've never been just sprinting. Yeah, and treason. Yeah, I've never been like best-friendly. You'd be like, sometimes you're like best friends,
Starting point is 01:13:25 you know, long time ago. Yeah. Prima, listen. I think they ever really were. I think there was always a weirdness. They acted like they were, yeah, they would say were tight. We're family. Yeah, I never said that.
Starting point is 01:13:37 But he didn't really, he didn't really show it. He didn't really show it though. They would say it all the time, but I don't think they showed it. They was always like the family but and then i think you know when the parents both go there's also this kind of relief because my parents are gone then i like i'm not going to get any more guilt about including this person i'm not going to hear anything from the parent that the sibling said this or what they really would like, like once my parents passed,
Starting point is 01:14:06 there was a little bit of a relief of like, let me just raise my own family, like I can't worry about this anymore. Like I can't, you know, this is a person, yes, we came from the same family, but at the same time, like you really just lived under the same roof for now maybe a fourth of your life. Like, so, you now, or last depending on the age.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Like, so you, how much you've all of this. How much you've all of this. You've never lived under the same roof. Right, like so. Really? She's eight years older than me, my older sister. Oh, your older sister? Yeah, so I mean, so it can be, it can be like, okay,
Starting point is 01:14:42 you know, how much did we really do together? And now that we're like, you know, 40 or 50 or whatever, like, oh, but, but, but with, with Joe Gorgah, he doubt they definitely came on the show. She got on the show first. They would never been on the show without her in their defense. They've been on the show for a really long time too. And it is what it is. Get over it. And the reason the show is so successful
Starting point is 01:15:08 is because it's this deep rooted thing that we can talk about. I mean, like the shows that in reality shows that are successful are the ones that have scenarios that then you could talk about for hours and hours and hours and go, this happened to me, you know, and the only reason that works is because
Starting point is 01:15:23 they actually are family, you know. I'll never forget, thank God, and the only reason that works is because they actually are family, you know. I'll never forget, thank God, the show didn't go forward, but before the Hills reboot years ago, there was a pilot, like a, like a, like a, like a brother sister, like a sibling, a sibling show or whatever. And I went and shot the pilot. And I was like, with my sister, I was like, oh, we are on. We're in two different multiple.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Like this, we are, as much as I, like how she sees everything versus how it's beyond, like, and I thank God, the shf, freaking show didn't go through, you know, but at that I was like, oh, we're on, you know, versus how I see it. You think if the show went through, it would have even been more like disaster? Yeah, I'm like, oh, where are you know, versus how I see it. You think if the show went through, it would have even been more like disaster?
Starting point is 01:16:07 Yeah, I'll have to say, because at that moment, like just doing the pilot, I was like, oh my god, like you think that, like no. Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's just like, that's more like, like, yeah. It's just like, that's not how, like that reality isn't here. There's people, what I've also learned is have their own reality
Starting point is 01:16:26 and that may not be grounded in reality. Right. Like so, thank God. Good point. I just thought this guy on the show and I swear to God he's wearing a, this is Frankie and he's wearing a black tank top that I swear to God is a woman's, it's a reversible tank top
Starting point is 01:16:43 from Kirkland, you get five in a pack at Costco, and I'm just going to put it out there that I was horrified by this look. Okay, meanwhile, Lenny from Real House has a Miami. He has been sentenced to pay or judge ruled that Lisa will get 8,000 a month in temporary support. He's ordered. That's not a much. No, my. He's ordered. Well, I guess she makes a salary too, you know, he was ordered to maintain the status quo of his financial support.
Starting point is 01:17:13 And he asked to pay for his kids medical insurance, school tuition, extra activities, and summer camp in addition to 60K worth of Lisa's legal fee. I don't think that sounds like much at all. Anyway, he has a girlfriend that you know, did we get her story here she is? Yeah, we did. And how do you know, again, oh, she came on the hell's road in it.
Starting point is 01:17:35 And she's really pretty girl. And she just, her what, her divorce was just finalized. And there was a video of her dancing in a party that, that couple bloggers and people, Bravo, Boo or something, I love her, but anyway, I don't know who gave it to me. She posted, and people were like, I can't believe that his mother is dancing
Starting point is 01:17:58 with the now mistress at a party. And I was like, listen, if your son is divorcing his wife, and now he has a new girlfriend that now he's had for like eight months, and you're like 75, go dance with the mistress. Like it's not your fault, you know, like sorry. Yeah, you raised him, but he's 55 years old. Like at a certain point, it cannot be the mother's fault. You can still hopefully be a great grandmother and friend to Lisa. I hope that she doesn't like give the mom shit about being around
Starting point is 01:18:31 the kids, but it's a hard position to be in when your when your child gets divorced. Same thing if your daughter divorces your son-in-law, Chris Jenner invited all the son-in-laws and the baby daddies around for years and years and years until the until the girl finds another dude. Like I wonder will Scott Disick be around as much now that actually Courtney is married. But for all those years that they were together, it seems like Travis has been allegedly icing him out of. Yeah, and it's not gonna be up to Chris anymore, you know, and it's like, but Chris was always really great
Starting point is 01:19:03 to the ex-Son and laws and ex-boyfriends and stuff. It's a hard place to be for the mom, but that's what's going on with them. Well, there's a viral TikTok I just saw where the couple comes in and the moms on the couch with the ex and like, who's the, like, so there's two ways to look at it. There's also the moms that like BFF with the, you know. Well, like you're your boyfriend, where your son's girlfriend, they break up, and you still love the girlfriend so much
Starting point is 01:19:31 that you're still hanging out with the girlfriend. And the sister's still like the girlfriend and stuff. And then they come in, the new couple, and they're all sitting there like, who's that? Yeah, you're right. You know what that is? I think, okay, well, I think it's different when everyone's old, like 50, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:45 but I do think it's weird if your child breaks up, if your child's college age or whatever and they break up with their long-term girlfriend. I do think as the mom and the sisters, you gotta let that friendship and stuff end with that girl because your son's getting in a new girlfriend and that girlfriend should not be made to feel insecure that the sisters and the moms like the original girlfriend so much more. I agree.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Let it go. Once your kid breaks up with that person, you as a parent should not hang. That's why I think actually the mom's being good in that she's accepting the new girl in his life. Keep her moving. Yeah. Wow. That she's very nice. Keep her moving. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:25 That she's very nice. Oh, I'm sure she is. Okay, now this was kind of crazy. So Catherine Dennis, who was on Southern Charm, has had a difficult life. 19, she's on the show, very young, at 21, and 23, she had two babies back to back at a wedlock with this 50 year old man named, what is this name?
Starting point is 01:20:50 Thomas Ravino and they had these kids and she said drug issues that she'd had to do drug testing and there was marijuana and there's dah dah dah dah. But she always seemed kind of out of it. She was really pretty and she was very flaky on the show. People would say even on the show, she didn't show up. She was late, she was this, she was really pretty and she was very flaky on the show. People would say, even on the show, she didn't show up, she was late, she was this, she was that. And in the end, he got full custody, full custody.
Starting point is 01:21:12 And she was only gonna get the two kids that are like nine and six every other weekend. No sleepovers, she can only have them from like, you know, nine to seven, nine AM to seven, with a supervised person that like the court approves. That is some, that's like pretty strict. That, that means that he had some hardcore evidence to convince someone that that is what. He also has the budget for better lawyers. I feel like he's so connected. No, I think that's okay. I think there's a lot going against her in that case too,
Starting point is 01:21:49 but then also the lawyers she had fired her and say she was so uncooperative and they couldn't help her. And like when your lawyer fires you because A, you missed appointments or you flaked or you didn't listen or they feel that they can't guide you the right way. That's not a great sign. When you're lawyers for you, that's not a great sign. Yeah, because she was so nice, we met her once in New York and she was so nice and person.
Starting point is 01:22:15 I think she is probably is very nice. I think she's very pretty. She's gone through. I feel badly for her, but at this point, she should probably just work on herself and make the most of that time that she has with them and just hope that the structure, I mean, I do think it is very, very hard for a kid of any age, of any means, to live 50, 50 between parents. And I mean, I just really do. And if one parent can be the one that is,
Starting point is 01:22:44 and people are not gonna get mad at me for this, maybe not. This is a hot tea. Well, I just feel like, I feel like, there was a time like 30, 40 years ago where the primary parent had the parent, the kid at the house. And the dad would come on a went, just traditional. Dad would come, take them out,
Starting point is 01:23:00 take them out on a Wednesday, have the kids every other weekend. And then it became no, like like dad should have more rights, which is fine. And then in California it was gonna be 50-50. And if you talk to kids that are like 25 and older who had divorced parents, they will say the worst part of that the divorce
Starting point is 01:23:18 was living between the two houses. Heidi was that's Heidi and she describes having a drive from like, you know, you know, especially there were kids that like swear it's like seven hour drive. So it's like, oh, there's kids that have to go get on the plane. Yes, by themselves and the stewardess has to watch them and she said it was the worst. I mean, it's really, really hard and I have no idea what that would be like as a parent. So I get it. But, um, I mean, we had it with my stepdaughter and then, you know, yeah, we accepted. We can't be 50-50.
Starting point is 01:23:51 You can't, you know, it cannot be. And like, so then she lived with her mom for a while and then there was a time when we all agreed we didn't even go to court that she then was going to live with us for seventh grade on. And it's like because you, but even then those times when she was little and we had the 50-50, it was really hard. You know, and we wanted it because we wanted to make sure she knew
Starting point is 01:24:13 we were never gonna skip on our days. But it's like, I don't know, that needs to be, or if you were one of those parents, you know, even if you get it, you might wanna be the parent that's like, you know what? Yeah, let me just like visit them as much as I can, but like, to have everything at the house and then be yelling at each other
Starting point is 01:24:32 that someone forgot the soccer ball and the soccer cleats, and then you gotta, or you have to buy all the same stuff at both houses. I mean, it's just a nightmare. And I feel badly for, but you did affect her a lot, huh? Heidi, it was hard. Yeah,, it's just a nightmare. And I feel badly for the, but it, but you did affect her a lot, huh? Heidi is hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't want to get
Starting point is 01:24:51 right. I'm going on either side. No, but I mean, it's really hard. And it's just not, and you know, I think parents do the best they can at that time. But yeah, it's a bigger thing than I think, I think there's going to be a change in family law coming up in the next 10 years, next five years. And moving away from this like boom, 50, 50, boom, you know, 75, you know, whatever. And being more like, the kid needs to go to be in this house during the week and your house on the weekends or vice versa. You know, there's an app.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Now I think there's two apps. I was talking to this parent, this divorce, to like parents that like don't give up. Right, oh, they only talk on the app. And so then, so then it's like a court or a- Right, a campy abusive, because it could be used. I think that's genius.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I whoever started that app is paid. And they deserve it. Oh yeah, but- And I think it's very helpful for those things. But I guess the person I was talking to was like you're like knowing because you have to like type so different You're like if it's possible could I pick little Johnny up at 4 30 versus 7? Yeah, so unfortunately that is not convenient for us. Could you explain why it's not convenient? Yeah, I can imagine what it's like.
Starting point is 01:26:07 But it's probably a smart way to be. It's probably better for the kid. Yeah. Have you seen the show, Jury Dooty? Enough of it on social media, yeah. It is so funny. You watch the whole thing. I watch the whole thing and I really loved it
Starting point is 01:26:20 and my sister and her husband who are attorneys. I think you have to watch this because it is so real. And it's what it is is a guy thinks he's doing a documentary. He has jury duty and they're like, hey, we say I had jury duty. Would you like to also be part of a documentary with other people going through jury duty? We'll pay you whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:38 So he gets chosen. I thought he went to a craigslist ad. Something like that. That's what I'm saying. So he's like, sure, I'll do this. So they, you know, they choose him and boy they chose a great person. And then everybody else is an improv type actor that's not famous. A lot of people had other careers before so that they even are that much more believable
Starting point is 01:27:00 as an actor. And, you know, they get sequestered and it's a fake trial and everything. And it's really funny. But it reminds me of the show, The Joe Schmo Show, which was a reality show. The same thing. It was a competition show. This guy thinks he's on a competition show, like a surreal life, but you do competitive thing. Make alliances, all this stuff. And everybody's an actor and they thought it would go one way and then he turns out to be like such a good soul that they kind of direct it. But it's really and like Kristen Wigg was on it before she was famous on the Josh Moe show. And so that's where they got the idea obviously. But it was really clever. And but it's not only they can do another season of it. I know there's enough people not watching TV they could catch.
Starting point is 01:27:49 I don't know. Well maybe not with jury duty they'd have to do something else. They're going to probably do another show like a Joe Schmoh. They're going to be crazy. You're not watching TV and not on the internet. I could, my buddy, Panero right now, I could get him on that show. He'd have no clue.
Starting point is 01:28:10 I could definitely sign him up. You guys need season two of Jerry Doody. My buddy, Mikey P. Well, that's no clue. He doesn't want to lose his guy. Okay. No, I mean, he's on Patreon. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:28:22 The highest tier, He pays 40 dollars. Donald.net for it. Spencer, besides coming to CS together, which tickets, there are not many left to CS in Las Vegas. So make your plans. Where can they follow you and get all the fun that you do? Just Snapchat, Pratt Spencer. And what, what's going on with crystals? Any mother day specials? You know, we can always do a juicy scoop mother's day special. I think there are already is gonna be a mother's day sale.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Okay, exactly. So just, you know, you could just go be a juicy scoop or on Pratt Daddy. Definitely when you check out in the notes section, to say you came from a juicy scoop and there may maybe a little surprised with the little gift for you. Nice, as always, love ya.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Thank you so much. I'm very excited for Vegas. We haven't been to Vegas since we were famous, so it'll be fun to be just a normie there. Thank you. So as you know for the juicy scoop, you're gonna go over to HeatherBinkDoll.net and you're going to join my Patreon because you're going to get a raw, super juicy episode
Starting point is 01:29:31 Friday and so much more. Also at HeatherBinkDoll.net, you can get my hot, cool new merch and tickets to all my live shows. And don't forget to check out my YouTube and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you. and don't forget to check out my YouTube and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you!

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