Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Vanderpump IRL and Evil Stepmothers with Up and Adam

Episode Date: August 29, 2023

Adam Newell from Up and Adam is back to recap our crazy night performing with Scheana Shay at her live show! Ariana, Katie, Lala, and DJ James Kennedy were there…and we got a scoop! Then, we discuss... the current state of the real housewives, and how they promote their products. Kevin Costner’s divorce troubles rage on. And to wrap it up, we had a very candid and heartbreaking conversation about Adam’s childhood. This episode truly has it all. Enjoy! Vote For Juicy Scoop: realitytelevisionawards.com/vote Get extra juice on Patreon: patreon.com/juicyscoop Subscribe on Youtube: youtube.com/@JuicyScoop Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/heathermcdonald Follow me on TikTok: tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Subscribe to Adam on YouTube: youtube.com/@upandadamlive Follow Adam on Instagram: instagram.com/upandadamlive Follow Adam on Facebook: facebook.com/upandadamlive Follow Adam on Twitter: twitter.com/upandadamlive Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juicy scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. Sanctuary, real data, and serial sister, you'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tabloid real life hot cat. Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have a return guest, the glowing adorable fresh from Florida for the week weekend. He does have a last name. I know him as up in Adam, but you actually have a last name. That's crazy. I do have a last name.
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's new. It's new. But everybody else, it's up in Adam. It's up in Adam. You have a great YouTube channel and you are up on all the pop culture and the shows. We have a lot of the same mutual friends through interviewing them and being fans. We've become real friends. And last night we were at the Shina Shea live Shina Shea podcasting concert. Yes
Starting point is 00:01:10 She just like Shadee has a comedy concert Shina had a Podcast concert because she actually performed with a real band. Oh my gosh. It was so good. There's so much to talk about with this Yes, okay, let's wait. What's my first photo? Here. I am so good. There's so much to talk about with this by the way. Yes. Oh, okay. Let's wait. What's my first photo? Here I am. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's really cute. What's great about Sheena and I is that we both have a good side. And she doesn't hide it. She talks about it openly, so do I. And it's not the same side. So we are able to be friends. We are able to sit on stage together and feel confident because my good side then matches her good side. And it's a really important
Starting point is 00:01:52 thing for people in 2023 to be friends with if you suffer from only having one good side that you only make friends with people that match you, you know. Oh my gosh, that is important. But it's very important. I learned she knows good side when she got me the job at Sir 10 years ago. Yes. Because I was, I went from being the first male host to her dedicated photographer for all of her photos.
Starting point is 00:02:18 And she would make me retake, retake, no babe, retake this side. And she would make the fans like not like she would make it. I do. But she would just, she would just turn on her other side. I, what I do, meet and greets, you know, sometimes based on where the stage is and cause we usually take the photos on the stage. And on occasion, the place will have them come
Starting point is 00:02:40 to my right side. So then they're gonna come be near my right, that's not my good side. And now I'm just putting it out there that you guys, I'm gonna move you to the right side. So then they're gonna come be near my right. That's not my good side. And now I'm just putting it out there that you guys, I'm gonna move you to the other side because I'm not gonna enjoy those photos and I'm less likely to reshare them. It's just a fact, we're not all perfect,
Starting point is 00:02:55 but we're honest. Gina and I. I feel like I've never noticed a side, well right now I have. You're perfectly shut up. Listen, I have one eye that looks like a pausingor and I'm missing a tooth back here because I'm getting my teeth rearranged right so we have to take a tooth out so I look like I'm from Alabama on the side with a quasi-motor eye so and now this is my I'm
Starting point is 00:03:16 embracing the bad side fuck it I'm normalizing the bad side well good well anyway getting to it so she comes, she sings good as gold. Would you, I just want to say for something that when she first did it and not every house I've had a song and, you know, she got up on the stage of Sur, wherever she was singing it, and it was kind of like a comical thing for the fans to see, has turned into such a great thing, embracing it, and then actually getting a great band to do another song with her, which she performed at the end of the show,
Starting point is 00:03:50 which is the Apple Song. And it was like, it was rocking. Like, both songs were rocking with this live band while she sang the goodest gold in the Apple Song. It was really good, it was really fun. What I love about it too with Gina is she fully embraces. She's like, I'm not a vocalist. I don't have like this crazy skill
Starting point is 00:04:08 where I'm going up there and I'm right, Carrie. She's like, I just want to put on a show and have fun and go up there and just like rock out. If I could do that, then great. But I will say she's saying it live. Just like Luann does a lot. It's not with singing over a thing. So it's like you're getting the fun.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I mean, at least exactly. Anyway, I thought she sounded great. I thought it was super fun. And then you were the host and then I came out and I was her guest. And that was pretty fun. And I didn't. You killed it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I loved every bit of you being on stage. It was so funny. I was in the back with the sound technician and they were like, we get so many shows. And this one particular guy was not aware of who anybody was so funny. I was in the back with the sound technician and they were like, we get so many shows and this one particular guy was not aware of who anybody was on stage. And he was laughing and you're like, fuck this bitch and like going on
Starting point is 00:04:53 and he's like, oh my God, is she really saying that? And I'm like, Heather McDonald has entered the room because when I found out that the babies, Ocean and Summer were going to be there. I was like, at first I was like, she not, I was gonna go up there and be like, I know what you guys are probably thinking. Who the fuck is this guy, right?
Starting point is 00:05:07 And why is he here? And I was like, oh my God, there's little babies. I can't say that. And I was like, oh, Heather's coming. Fuck, it's something amazing. First of all, the kids, like most of our kids, will hear, you know, the words, whatever. And I would tell my wife, Lalla,
Starting point is 00:05:21 it was right after the reunion. And we were in Palm Springs at her house and we were walking a lunch with Logan and Leo, her guzzmans, her best friends. And Ocean was there and Lala was talking about what happened at the reunion, it was like the day after and she said like, you know, fuck it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And then, and then little Ocean goes, fuck it, she doesn't have, and then we're like, truck, that's right. There's lots of trucks here, ocean. And she's like, yeah, truck, trucks, trucks. We're like, anyway, the girls were playing some ABC thing. They, you know, dancing, they were dancing to the song. I mean, it was very cute.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And it was really fun. What I also didn't realize is that the questions that Shina was asking me, because I didn't talk to Shina really before, and you would tell me what little bit we were going to cover, but I didn't know that she really couldn't participate in the conversation about Bethany and Raquel because of being under contract. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:22 So she had very good ways to get me to give my opinion. And then I was just like doing like a rant. And so I didn't really even know what it was, but I'm glad it was well received. And the audience was great, and they were really fun. So it was fun. You know, I was so excited because when Sheena invited me to her show, just like when I went
Starting point is 00:06:40 to the premiere party, right? I asked Sheena, I said, hey, what is the, and I wanted to make sure with her that I could even talk about this. But I asked her, I was like, what and I said, hey, what is the, and I wanted to make sure with her that I could even talk about this, but I asked her, I was like, what is the show, like what's the format? And I did my show at the Bourbon Room last year, and so I was like, okay, what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:06:55 And she's like, two live performances. I said, oh, who's performing? She said me. And I said, okay, so what's the rest of the show? And she's like, oh, I don't, well, figure it out, you know, like I'm, she's filming, she's a mom. She's a wife, she has so much other shit going on. And she's like, I will figure it out.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Okay, so it's like, she know, we're gonna figure this out. We're gonna figure this out. We're gonna throw some games in there. We're gonna play it. It was great. Brock was came up there. I thought it was just a really well-rounded, fun night. It's not a huge room.
Starting point is 00:07:23 So I think the fans had a really good time. Yeah. And what a treat for the fans because so many, almost the whole cast was there. All it was there. James was there. I can't hear I am with James with this cleft. And we had a valley brought shirt on which I loved. And then Arana was there. I took this photo, by the way. And yeah,, we looked pretty cute there. That's no filter. Now I'm looking up closer. Could have used one. Anyway, so our Anna was there and I gave her some tips which I will not give to everybody.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I may have said this on the show before but I don't want to remind people because I don't want other people that are going to be competing and answer and dancing with the stars to steal my tips that I told her. So hopefully she will take them, but I just told you them, Awk camera. I thought they were genius. And they're genius tips to get her to win. So she's just as nice as ever. Just as down to earth,
Starting point is 00:08:20 listen, even though she had all this good fortune come, she really made the lemonade and it really turned out, just as nice as that, like just as down to earth and unassuming and so I'm just saying, even though she's like such a bigger star than she ever was before this horrible tragedy, I don't think she's changed and I think that's really nice.
Starting point is 00:08:40 You know, it was interesting for me last night because I really wanted to make it a point to talk to her and Katie. Yeah. Because I really wanted to make it a point to talk to her in Katie Yeah Because I was supposed to go film with Katie at something about her and this was back in July and then of course the permit issues and everything and then Bravo The restaurant with the restaurant and Bravo literally said no Bravo talent You're not speaking to anyone right now, especially Vanderpump rules like yeah, especially because they, a lot of the cast members, even Rachel, who had the TMZ interview that wasn't staged
Starting point is 00:09:08 outside of the salon, right? And she gave away what was going on and what she was gonna say at the reunion. They're like, what the fuck? We're putting so much money into this. You don't get to ruin things. So I just, with everything that happened with Scandal Vault and talking about it so much,
Starting point is 00:09:22 I wanted to make sure that I went up to Ariana and Katie and I wanted to say, listen, I was talking to Ariana and Katie and I just wanted to make sure that they knew. Like, I open up the conversation, but it's always in their favor and it's because I genuinely like them, but it's this weird blurred line that I'm sure that you deal with all the time because if I talk about a friend and holy fuck, I'm getting a phone call and it's gonna be like, so and so and it's gonna be like, what the fuck Heather?
Starting point is 00:09:44 And- Well, that's, friend and holy fuck, I'm getting a phone call and it's gonna be like so and so on, it's gonna be like, what the fuck Heather? And- Well, I have to say, I should pat myself on the back because that has never happened. Really? And I do keep the secrets. And then when they are revealed the way they're supposed
Starting point is 00:09:58 to reveal whether the person tells them themselves or it's on a reality show or whatever, then I can kind of add to the juice that I heard at the time, and that's enough for me. Like I don't need to, and I don't also don't wanna ruin, you know, stuff. Right. However, I did get some juice last night.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Oh, shit. And I will somewhat share it. Okay, but, oh, first of all, this was fun. This was fun. Okay, so we're at, okay, so after the show, we go to, I had, I jump in Brock and Sheena's car and Brock is talking to me about, you stand up and, you know, how I got started, whatever. And I'm in the front seat and Sheena's
Starting point is 00:10:37 in the back and Sheena's talking about they filmed the night before and there were some real arguments that happened. And I'm like, shut up, Brock. I want to listen to she, like I want to listen to she, like what, what happened last night when they were filming and, um, and so I do want to stay in being friends with them and stuff. When, like Bethany, um, I'll go back to this for a minute, when Bethany was, was saying on her show, like, I think this was manufactured and this stuff isn't true and all this other stuff, I can really say in being friends with them like no they if they had an argument with someone the night before and it was on camera it was a real fight it was organic it was you
Starting point is 00:11:16 know for reasons that were in their life whether that is show driven or not it's a real argument and they'll share it with their friends, whether it's me or whatever. The same way you would if you got, if you weren't a famous person. So it's a very, it is an authentic group of people that really have these relationships. And yeah, now their life is bigger than being a waiter, obviously.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And I'm glad that the show is reflecting that with their different businesses. And even maybe some jealousy about some of these brand deals and some of these opportunities that came from Scandival, which is what we're going to see in this season is like the fallout and the prospering of them all becoming famous and people choosing sides and all that kind of stuff. So I think that's going to be really interesting to watch. You know, I wasn't joking when I did my little bit up at the beginning of Shina Show,
Starting point is 00:12:07 and I was asked to interview for Vanderpump Rules, and I was asked about my husband, and when I sat down with them to do the interview, they're like, so what do you... When they were thinking about hire for you to be on the show. Right, so... 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Well, I did it for season two, and then they asked me to come back and do interviews for season nine because Logan Cochrane, who's Ariana's best friend, him and I got into a full knockout dragout at the at the front of Tom Tom one day and the producer, Jeremiah was there. And he's like, who is this person? And I get a touch message. Why didn't you get in a fight with this guy? Well, Logan, because Logan wanted to be in the back of the room. Richardson was working there and nobody knew that I was doing the floor plans, but I did the floor plans because I wanted to make all the money.
Starting point is 00:12:48 So I just wanted to make sure. This is just actual waiter fights. Water fights, right? So he's just watching this shit and then I get a text message that said, hi, this is a producer from Vanderpump Rules. So he called me, I end up, I talked to Jason about it, I go to Sir and I film for this interview, right? The whole time, it's, so what do do you what do you not like about Shina?
Starting point is 00:13:08 And I was like I love Shina. No, but like really she must piss you off She probably annoys you. She's and I'm like no No, not at all and then I looked at Jason and Jason's like what the fuck like we don't your husband like yeah my husband And he's like we don't dislike Shina and I'm like oh like we don't your husband like yeah my husband and he's like we don't dislike Sheena and I'm like oh this is what this is and then after I took off the mic and I took my husband and my Mormon mother-in-law and we went and had tequila shots and that's what we did and I said fuck reality TV we're not doing this let's take it to the tube and that's where up in Adam is born I took control
Starting point is 00:13:41 of the narrative yeah so anyway so we're so're at, so now we go to this bar called Melrose Place. Yes. And it was kind of, at first when we got there, I was like, this is a shit show. Why am I not going home? But it was pretty early. It was only eight o'clock. Because the show started so early.
Starting point is 00:13:58 So I was like, I'm like, we'll go up for a minute. Let me observe what it's like to be young, in LA, going to these places that I used to go to. So I want to just observe. So we finally get up to gather everybody we get up. And it's kind of nice, cause it's a hot summer night and it's a rooftop bar. And there's a really good DJ.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Who by the way is playing like all the songs that I know and love, but then with like a DJ mix. So it's like the, the rhythmics and like, you know, these like songs from like the 90s and the chit-chat. So anyway, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. And I kind of go, I'm just gonna like observe what this crowd is like.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And what I think is kind of cool about LA Hipster Life today, 2023, is like you can literally rock any outfit from any era. You can be, and I'm gonna say I don't care, because you can be kind of white trash country with a, not a ductile, what do they call it? Mollet. Mollet. A mullet.
Starting point is 00:15:00 You can be 1990s, Crimson Blood Gangster. You can be a girl with justrips and Blood Gangster. You can be a girl with just a bikini top-off, but then big sweatpants and a pair of high heels. It's a very, like, you could wear, you wear it in gaurus sweater and a G and an acid. You should watch these guys. You should watch these guys whole closet.
Starting point is 00:15:18 That's the thing. No, but it's also, but it's also like a different, and then you can also wear like a really sleek, classy black dress. You can also be, you know, with your fancy designer purse and a tiny, like when I, when we would go out, I was telling my sister this, I'm like, there'd be just like, everyone would be dressing the same. Like, you went to BB or BCBG, you got your little velvet dress, you know, this kind of
Starting point is 00:15:42 clunky heel is in or chunky heel. This is, and if you weren't wearing that, it was like, oh, you're kind of out of style, you're not. What I kind of love, it wasn't going out last night, is that there were straights, there were gaze, there was, it's so many different people and everyone's having fun. And there was a kind of a variety of ages. It wasn't all young. No. And anyway, it was a Melrose place on the Sunday night. I thought it was pretty fun. Our friend who runs it, Chrissy, she's the one who put all of this together because I asked She and I said, where's your after show?
Starting point is 00:16:13 And she and it's like, what? And I said like after party. Where's the party going? Yeah. And so I reached out to Chrissy. Chrissy used to work at Pom. She killed it, but it was so funny because when I walked in, you're like, I don't know what I'm about to go home. I don't fucking know know and then I went and talked to you over at the table And then they were like you guys got to get away from the table and then all of a sudden I came back
Starting point is 00:16:31 And I sat down to talk to Ariana and you're sitting right next to her and I'm like wait Well the best part is they only had one they only had one real table reserve right and she did have like the bottle service And that was kind of fun with the people like, okay, but there were two pregnant people there, okay, pregnant women there. And very cute girls, you know, Janet who is on the valley. And then this other girl, I don't know her maybe she's gorgeous and she had her stomach exposed and she looked amazing. So, so the pregnant women were there and they had the table for a minute, but then it was time for the pregnant girls to go home So then I was able to sit down and I had a really great
Starting point is 00:17:11 As my dad would say people watching spot like I could just watch it all so Logan and Leo who are The best the best friends of Lala and they're really fun and their friends with everybody and they're like funny They're like like a commuting duo whatever and so they're like fun and they're friends with everybody and they're like funny. They're like a commuting duo, whatever. And so they're like laughing and stuff. And they were like swinging from the tree. There's like there were bushes and they're like coming around and they're being distilled and Logan and Leo are like, I have a present for you. It's Christmas and I'm like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:41 And I look over and there is Tara Reed talking to Katie at our table and listen, we've all seen Katie Reed, sorry, Tara Reed, Velocene Tara Reed lately. And I remember I was like following her on TikTok, I feel like she hasn't done them in a while, but she was doing some around Halloween and she was doing different Halloween costumes and she was doing different Halloween costumes. And she was like, I'm a little fairy duster.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm a whatever, I'm a butterfly. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Like she would just be like doing these, hey guys, who wants to see Josie and the pussy cats too? Like she's always been kind of a mess for a while. And like I interviewed her for this show called Hollywood. I can't remember the name, I did it with Ross. I can't remember the name of the show.
Starting point is 00:18:29 But anyway, I had an interviewer and she had like a whole team of people like doing her hair and makeup and she sits down and it's like a live type of a thing. And she has all this red lipstick on her teeth. And I'm talking to her and I'm trying to like focus on whatever she's on Shark, NATO, 12. And I'm trying to have him I'm trying to like focus on whatever she's on shark NATO 12 and I'm trying to having to ask about that, you know, and I'm like
Starting point is 00:18:56 These people hate her like how can you your job is to put the lipstick on her and you're watching her And I'm like how could you not have made sure that she didn't have lipstick on her teeth So she comes over so very thin and and she's talking about how she is on With sand of all she is on The special forces worlds toughest test. This is like to be a Navy seal or whatever the the Navy seal green beret version of like English soldiers. I don't know. It's just like you it's's hard, okay? Not a show I want to be on, Dr. Dre was on it, and he's like, no, it was amazing, I'm so mad, I got sick, I got kicked out, I'm like, listen. I would be like, I'm ready to go home in four minutes.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Like, just get your first paycheck and go. Not, but you're supposed to want to stay, but also because I don't know, the isn't is so hard. A lot of people really just can't help it. Anyway, Tara reads on it. Right. And not that I know, but I would predict someone who is her age and like 85 pounds, I'm guessing she is not the one that's gonna end up wanting to join the Navy SEALs. Like, like, I'm guessing, and I'm guessing she is not the one that's gonna end up wanting to join the Navy Seals. Like I'm guessing and I'm guessing someone like Tom who's out of all who's very physically fit, is gonna probably last and do pretty well. In my opinion, I think it just comes to people
Starting point is 00:20:17 being athletic or not. Even though some things are mind tricks or what, the majority of it is like can you fucking climb up this mountain with a backpack or whatever? Physical attributes. So you guys have seen me, you've been following me. I've been traveling a lot. I've been in the ocean, I've been in the sun, I've been using lots of products. Well, thank God I have my way, shampoo, conditioner,
Starting point is 00:20:40 my detox shampoo, but I also wanna tell you about their best selling product and that's Waze best selling hair oil. This is a fast fix to get your hair looking healthy again. I absolutely loved it because it just it was like a multi-task oil and it really helped smooth the frizz that I have and it helped actually seal some split ends. These split ends, not some, I have a lot. And it gives me that high gloss, super smooth finish when I blow out my hair
Starting point is 00:21:08 that I absolutely needed after a summer of havoc on my hair. And then when I was at my friend's house, she had way products too. And I was like, yes, that's what I need. This is the smell I love. I feel like I'm just walking through a hidden garden. I'm just smelling violent and garden garden, I'm just smelling violent and gardenia.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I absolutely love it. Live life your way and get your fast fix for healthy looking hair. Go to THEOUAI.com. juicy for fifteen percent off any purchase that's the way dot com t h e o u a i dot com dot com code juicy yeah and uh... here's tom and uh... looking real do she in this photo i mean this is it i didn't like love that i didn't finish watching this show i think it's genius that they got him i think people are are gonna be into watching.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Because of him? Yeah, I do. I went to public the other day in my neighborhood and I had a scandal of all shirt on. I'm merch shirt that's at underneath team Ariana and the girl who was pushing the cart said, oh my God, every time I see you wear that shirt, I'm like, fuck am I wearing it all the time?
Starting point is 00:22:20 Every time I see you wear that shirt, it reminds me of my last name. My last name is Sandeval. This old dirt man is walking past and he's like, oh, like that guy who's on the special forces, that celebrity on special forces. And I'm like, that is so funny that that's where you know him from because we all know him as like the douchebag narcissist,
Starting point is 00:22:36 like asshole who fucked over Ariana, right? Yes. Not like special forces. Right. Okay. All right, that's where we're at. I just want to make sure, okay. I just want to make sure. Okay, I just want to make sure what I had here.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Okay, so let me see what else happened here. Oh, here's a here they are. I think black China's on it too. I think they got some good people for this. I don't know. It'll be interesting. Oh, and Jojo Siwa? Yeah, they really do. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Do you know what she said, though, by the way, last night? Jojo? No, no, no, what? You didn't hear what she said? Yeah, they really do. Oh yeah. Do you know what she said though, by the way, last night? JoJo, no, no, no, what? You didn't hear what she said? No, do tell. So she walks up and she's like, and everybody looked and Ariana and Katie, everybody was like, the fuck is she saying? And she's like, I just wanna let you guys know
Starting point is 00:23:19 that I think Tom Sandivall is a really great person. And I think everybody really needs to back off of him. So that was the whole purpose of her walking over to the table, like, read the room, girl. This is not the fucking table to go to, to say, I think that he's, you're advocating for the wrong asshole. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:23:36 Well, I just love that Logan and Leo, like, founder, like, in another section of this rooftop bar. And was like, No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, bee-bopping around. No, no, no. And so then, then there's this other thing that starts to happen with this other girl that walks up to the group. And when she first walked up to the group, it was shortly after two people that Ariana knew that Ariana was super excited to see.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And was like, I don't know who they were, but they were clearly good friends or hers. So this other girl walks up, and she's a pretty, pretty blonde girl, she's wearing like a black body suit and jean shorts and you know minimal makeup like a very hot pretty 20 something whatever bought and she's talking to she and being very animated and so I'm like catching the conversation and no she did not know them personally until that night. And she had the juicy scoop.
Starting point is 00:24:30 The juicy scoop is that she allegedly is saying, cause I was there, that she has been seeing Mr. Sandivall for like a month. And, but she could have lied about it, she could have whatever. And hey of all for like a month. But she could have lied about it. She could have whatever. And hey, he's a single guy. It's not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Right, right. But being that I don't think the cast was aware that he was seeing anyone, you know, so this could be interesting. Maybe they're still filming. Maybe there could be her showing up. I think she certainly wanted them to know who she was. I mean, I don't think it's a secret.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I think she would listen. Anyone that's screwing Santa Vall at this moment has aspirations to be on the show. Right. So, but I wonder, gosh, not to feel sorry for Santa Vall that I don't, but like, you know, do people on the show, unfortunately, or any reality show? These girls, like, how know, do people on the show, unfortunately, or any reality show, these girls, like,
Starting point is 00:25:27 how do you trust them? How do you trust that they really actually like you? Or they just like, hey, your hot body, I don't really care. I like to have recreational sex. And if it can result in me being on a show with like cool, fun people and not, like, I don't know how, you know, could she have just happened to have been that night? Could she have been like, I don't know how, you know, could she have just happened to have been that night?
Starting point is 00:25:45 Could she have been lying? I don't know. But it really made the night juicy, because I'm like, oh my God, we're just, I'm like, I felt like, the funny thing. We are really in it right now. We are really in it right now.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like, we had everything but the cameras. Yeah, yeah. But even the funny thing about this too is based off of what I've heard about Dan, Ariana's new man, it's like he really wants to let her shine. He kind of just supports her, he takes a step back and he doesn't want the fame of it, right?
Starting point is 00:26:11 That's what I've heard and I haven't met him so I don't want to speak on it as if I have. But so I think not only is she winning in all other aspects, but then you found somebody who, for what it seems, is not using you for a come-up, right? Yeah. And then you have him, but the thing about somebody like Tom Sanneval, and this isn't a bad thing, you know, Tom did my show at the bourbon room last year. It was so nice for him to come.
Starting point is 00:26:32 All of that. Of course you didn't know what he was, right, during that your show, would he have been seeing her? Was it in that time frame? It was April, I think the time, their time frame is so far. Well, who knows?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah, it was way before. We still don't know. But I think for him, I've known Tom for 10 years. And when I first started at Sir, he was working the bar. And he was working like the restaurant bar side. And he would ask me, hey, did anybody call and ask if I really work here today? Did anybody?
Starting point is 00:26:58 And he would ask the questions. So he's always been about himself. So if you want to sit there and pray on somebody who has the fame and has the notoriety, all of it. He's probably not going to mind. You're fine. You're like, oh my god, you're amazing. You sing so great. I walked up to him.
Starting point is 00:27:15 He came to my husband's birthday at some rooftop, whatever pool. It was all of the Sir People pump, whatever. And I said to him, I said, man, you bought a $2 million house. This is incredible. Look at you. Remember where you started and when I said to him, I said, man, you bought like a $2 million house. This is incredible. Look at you. Remember where you started and when I met you back then went and look where you're at now. And he's like, actually, bro, it was 2.3 million. And I was like, oh, fuck off. Like, fuck off, fuck off. Right? Like, fuck off. But, but thank you for always
Starting point is 00:27:40 being true to your character. Like you don't change. You are who you are. That's what I'm saying. They are, they are 100% of the people that you see on the show. They are off camera. The good, the bad, the insensitive, the funny. All of it. All of it.
Starting point is 00:27:55 It's like it really is, which is kind of great, and which is sometimes a shame when you are a fan of reality show, and we're going to get some other reality shows, where the cast just doesn't have that that or the people are coming in with an agenda and we we see it because we're sophisticated reality show watchers. Right. So when it can be really um, okay, I'm going to skip through that. Pitch because that was little, that was one of the photos of what I was just talking
Starting point is 00:28:20 about and I put it in there and I don't want to show the photo of whoever this person is because in case somebody's going to go back and freeze or whatever or let you guys enjoy it if this person makes an appearance at the next event, which I predict that she will. You actually put $4,000 on it. I put $4,000 and she'd be at this thing that I'm going to be at Tuesday. Randomly. So I'm going to be texting you on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah. Yeah. Which is today. You're listening to this today. So, um, okay. Let's, uh, oh, I do want to talk about a little bit more about the whole, um, just because we talked about it. But, um, with the reality reckoning, okay, I just do want to, I'm not going to talk a lot about a Bethany because you guys are like maybe sick of it and you're not. But I believe the reality reckoning has, I have never seen a movement that has had less momentum than the reality reckoning. The only person that has talked about it is Bethany herself. And we have, to this day, there is not one person that has joined her publicly in wanting
Starting point is 00:29:24 to like sue former networks or whatever. Is there? Well, no, I think a lot of the people are building their cases behind the scenes and going to her but a lot of the talent who from what I've heard a lot of the talent who's going to her they're talent that aren't they're no longer signed on their shows and I think what a lot of people are looking at this as is they hear you should be getting residuals. They hear that if you're not getting paid for those old episodes, then they shouldn't be airing them.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And I think that people think residuals, like kind of old school back in the day, remember, residuals were a lot. But now it's like you're getting pennies. And you didn't sign a contract that gave you residuals. You didn't, you know, for example. I just think it's a different model. Right. And I think that's why they're trying to figure out And you didn't sign a contract that gave you residuals. You didn't, you know, for example, I just think it's a different model.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Right. And I think that's why they're trying to figure out what the new model is for second and writer's guild that makes sense for the future when it comes to streaming and stuff. Right. And yeah, they didn't sign it for that, but also the benefit is different in that when it does air because it is your real life and you're not, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:27 it's not like you were on a Disney show and now you're 30 and you're still getting some money because it's an NBC rerun of when you were a little girl or whatever and you're playing, you know, Ruby Huxable or whatever, which by the way they're mad because those shows can't air anymore because the dad was, you know, discussing rapists. But anyway, but, um, uh, feel it cost me. But, um, uh, what is kind of good is if you are pushing a product or a persona or whatever, even if it's, you're not on it anymore and it's airing five years and someone's watching it, whatever, if you share that stuff, it is going to be profitable for you, whether it's the restaurant that you still own, or not a lot of these products that people bring out, black water, whatever, diamond water, that one girl from Shaw's, they're not still around, it wasn't a hit, whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Right, right. But it's a hard thing. I just think one thing that they said was, you know, we want NBC and Universal to release the talent from the NDAs that they stated. And I'm so glad that Bravo spoke up and they said, they could speak. We've never told them that they can't speak. The only kind of thing that they agree to not talk about, like she and not being able to talk about it herself on, you know, in other platforms and other shows, is what's going on on the
Starting point is 00:31:51 show right now. Don't spoil the storylines. And when I've interviewed people, it's always like, we're not going to spoil anything, but anything from the past, whether they're currently on a show, we're going to talk about, hey, three seasons ago, they've we're going to talk about, hey, three seasons ago, they've always been able to talk about all my, all my, the early days at UCSKIP were all bringing people on that were former reality stars who told every behind the scene secret. Right, right. They weren't sued by the network after that. There was no gag
Starting point is 00:32:19 order of how rock of love was ran. You know, it kind of, what confuses me a little bit about this is I feel like the message, especially, and this is just opinion, right? Opinions are like assholes, we get that. But I feel like the message here with bringing on Rachel has kind of got a little bit lost because I know for a fact a few of her statements like the, I hadn't been, I only spoke to Tom Sandivolt twice in email and they weren't in a real relationship. And Lala stole Brock's goddamn house. And all of these things, it's like, I think now we're losing the message because then
Starting point is 00:32:52 when you have like the shit that's going on with below deck and you have product, like members of production coming forward saying this man intoxicated was trying to press up on me, that's where there should potentially be like somebody in place to prevent that or say, get the fuck off the show, right? Right. But that's not, that's, now we're not even talking about that. We're talking about somebody who is, you know, being yelled at on a show by these girls and saying, go fuck yourself with a cheese grater.
Starting point is 00:33:19 But you also lied to her, you know what I mean? And like you said, they've all said really shitty things. So I feel like with that interview specifically, we took away from the real message of needing to put certain things in place to make sure that these are safer environments, right? But also, it's kind of like reality TV. You can deal with the devil. It kind of happened with the bachelor in paradise. There was that incident where this girl was really wasted drinking all day in Mexico and they had to like shut down production because there was some guy kind of getting with her and they thought that she was too out of it.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I can't even remember the people, but that was like a controversial moment and they did shut it down. They did do a full investigation. It is a hard thing and I'm not saying I'm forward or not. I mean, like, you know, I wouldn't want, I would never want to be on below deck if I was, you know, suddenly 25 and into yawning. I would not want to be on below deck. Yeah. And I want cameras in my cubby bed while I'm like screwing some guy and my parents can watch it. It's not anything I would ever want to do for myself or I'd never want my kids to do
Starting point is 00:34:25 that. But it's just, but I mean, the reality reckoning, I want to say I think this is the real era is the era of Bethany blundering. Like she is just like putting all these crazy videos out, deleting them. She is trying to figure out what her next thing is. Now she's giving advice to 20-year-olds trying to be an anti. She's like, life is not a filter. It's when I was in my 20s, I wasn't on yachts and you know, guys falling all over me and getting jewels. I had zits, I had frizzy hair.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And I'm like, no, you didn't. You were engaged multiple times. You had many beautiful items that you received from wealthy men. You were not poor. Affiliated with the hotelans. Yeah, you were not poor. Like you went to fancy schools.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Her dad was rich, right? Yes, both dads were rich. The dad and the steppin'. So I'm just like, she's always just trying to, what's the next thing? You know, what's the next thing? Oh, this is gonna make me like seem authentic. And it's just kind of satisfying to see
Starting point is 00:35:29 that the younger people that are into this and content creators themselves are calling around on her bullshit and kind of laughing at her. I mean, not a good way laughing at her, not with her. And for someone that kind of always saw her for what she is, very hypocritical, it's just very, it's a satisfying for me.
Starting point is 00:35:49 That's it. That's, I just had to say I'm satisfied. I listen to what I saw. I saw your video on Instagram and you're like, let me just say really quick, Rachel, you did yourself no favors. And at the end, you're like, here's a piece of advice and get on a show about how you,
Starting point is 00:36:02 like, fuck your best friend. And I was like, oh my God. And I showed Jason and Jason's dying laughing. And he literally laughed so hard. We're at a bar and this woman looks over next to us and I'm like, nothing's happening over here. Nothing to see. Nothing to see.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Like Jason fucking tone it down. Well, let's move on a little bit about Real Housewives of New York. And you don't have to be watching the show of people that are listening to this to get what we're going to enjoy the conversation. Because I'm not going to get into the nuances or the I don't over like recap the stuff. But I just kind of want to get your general opinion of what you think of the show in general and the young girls and what they're doing. I mean, they're young girl. Jenna Lyons is 54. I almost feel like they could have taken her and maybe one other person that like Aaron who I think kind of has kind of like an older soul. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I would have meshed the two of them with a handful of the OGs and I would have kept. That's how I would have done it. I don't know that doing a whole new cast with nobody that's keeping us grounded to the house wise, but I kind of go back and forth. It's just a very different show. doing a whole new cast with nobody that's keeping us grounded to the housewives. But I kind of go back and forth. It's just a very different show, but I did take some notes of a lot of things that are similar, but not as fun. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:15 So what are your initial thoughts before I get into like each character? So, you know, I think that they really tried to find people that resemble some of the other cast members. Like, Brynn gives you total Sonia Morgan vibes, right? And then you have, it's just, what's interesting here is I try to always give, like, because these people put their lives out there. Like, you said, it is real. So, but to, produced, but then there are elements. I think, you give them, like, grace and, like, we get to meet them the first season.
Starting point is 00:37:44 It's like our Dubai ladies. And we're meeting them. I think you give them like grace and like we get to meet them the first season. It's like our Dubai ladies and we're meeting them. But then I don't know it makes me a little nervous like are the housewives? Are they going to continue to thrive? Are we a dying brand? And not we me. I'm not a housewife. But them, you know, I think about this. I'm like, are the real housewives?
Starting point is 00:38:01 I actually think scraping it and starting with all new people now is not the best idea. No, but I think you've got to like take them, you know, get move one on or like Parley and someone new like I kind of think but I'll tell you how bravo fucked up. I'll tell you right here. Yes They've tried to pivot what they did originally was every year with these bonuses with the Neenie leaks the Vicki gumbels and the Teresa Judais they're paying these women more more more more they want more like bonuses whatever. But then the rating started to go down from three million views two million views. Now we're at 450,000 to 900,000 views right. But I will say in that I don't really think that's a fair estimation, because that's just for when you watch it on Bravo, on regular TV at that time.
Starting point is 00:38:50 You can watch it on YouTube TV, you can watch it on Sling, you can watch it on Peacock. I don't know that that is included in when Bethany, you know, Bragg's about, I was, you know, the most successful housewife that ever lived and our ratings were this. Well, yeah, your ratings 10 years ago, the only game in town was watching it on cable. So like, I don't know. No, no, that's actually fair, but. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I think what they did was they started paying them so much. So then they tried to pivot and then they're like, Vicki Gummelson, we pay her a shit ton of money, we can take her off, bring in some new girl who would be thirsty for the camera time, give her $60,000 and we're not paying $900,000 or a million, and then let's see if we still have a good show. But then we tried to do that. We brought in the NOLA burgeoner on Real Housewives of Orange County.
Starting point is 00:39:36 She was told a total fan that came on and came off like a fan. So we tried to pivot and then now we're doing... I'm gonna go back to OC, just for your time, I'll see, then I'll go back to New York. Go on. Yeah, then we tried to pivot and with Roni, we do a whole recast. And it's like, I feel like right now,
Starting point is 00:39:54 we're taking pasta, we're throwing the shit out the wall and we're seeing what sticks, right? When really, we're so invested in the OGs, you minus will just give them their paycheck and keep them around, because otherwise, people aren't really interested in seeing new people. It's like when Vanderpump rules try to pivot season eight and they brought on Max, Brett Caprioni,
Starting point is 00:40:12 Danica, Dana, Charlie, like Charlie, fuck that. You know? The other girl, the transgender woman. Billy Lee. Billy Lee, yeah. Billy Lee, but it's like they were trying to bring on new people because that's when they were gonna do the spin-off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:28 But the cast, like the fans wanted to know more about Shina, Stasi, Jacks, Kristen, Tom, Tom, Katie, Ariana. And that's the thing. It's like you have a working machine. Just stick with it. If they, like, don't let them abuse you in the contracts and be like, we want more money in like Rachel being like, I need to be paid the same as Tom and Ariana.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Well, you know, that's not the worst. That's not the worst. Well, I will say one thing that came, it was controversy about how much Rachel made. Right. The first Bethany said, you make less than what my interns make. Right. And then they said, no, she made 361 for the year.
Starting point is 00:41:04 And then someone said, no, it must be, that's what she's made in the entirety of being on Housewives. And then she clarified on her podcast because she got the attorney and because they were so close, she is aware of her pay. And it was that it was $19,000 in episode for 19 episodes, which equals 361. And so that is 100% the truth. But what she wanted was to be paid as much as Tom and Ariana and just like housewives, you get paid based on how many years you have been on.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Same thing happened with Jill Zaren said, I want to be paid to go back for OG Legacy as much as everybody will Luanne being that she's been on for 10 years and Jill had only been on for. She was going had only been on four, she was going to make a lot more than Jill. Now, of course, all these things can be broken. There's no, it's not in stone. This isn't, you can go, all right, whatever. It's valuable enough to just say, hey, we're going to make it favorite nations.
Starting point is 00:41:57 But in this case, that was one of the things I just wanted to clarify. So let's just go back to New York real quick. Okay, so this Aaron girl, this, a lot of people say she looks like Jen Aniston. In this particular photo, she really does from her confessional, but she really looks like her here. Really looks like her. She's so pretty.
Starting point is 00:42:19 She's really pretty, but sometimes when, but she doesn't always look like it, I just thought that was kind of interesting. And then I also want to say this girl, side. There's not a great photo, but I was trying to grab the fact that she's wearing this top and I know people that that are women will agree to this. I just want to push it down because it's like there's like stitching that is the cups around the boobs, but it's like hitting her above the boobs. And it bothers me so much around the boobs, but it's like hitting her above the boobs. And it bothers me so much that this isn't like
Starting point is 00:42:47 underneath her cup. Is it making you feel like? Like see how her boobs are inside the cup. Is it kind of making you feel like her nipples are up here? Yeah, it is. It's just like, it just doesn't look good and she's supposed to be a stylist. Why did they make this?
Starting point is 00:42:57 Like, they made her look like a brats doll here. I don't know, it just. Okay, so let me just say another thing about the Bethany clause. Okay. Okay. About the Bethany clause, now everybody, she also said, you know, people have to pay, you know, 15%. 15%.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And I'm like, I, I think this is Erwin Mith, I think it's another thing that she started. I don't really think someone's getting a contract from Vanderprompour Rule and it literally says the Bethany clause or maybe it doesn't say the Bethany clause but it's about that. Even if it's in there, I don't think that they act on it. Right. Because it like you really, so they're really going to Schwartz and Sanneval
Starting point is 00:43:37 they're really, and where does that go? Does that mean if Lala is wearing her Senator D'Areal shirt, this is it? I mean, have you asked Lala? Everyone has said they've never come after them. Every person I've asked said, no, like whether I had a book, they never were like, where's the 15%?
Starting point is 00:43:53 I mean, they would have to get forensic accountants to figure this out. So I just don't, I think what they, if there is anything in there, I think they say if you are launching a product really launching it, it did not exist before, then we're gonna have a stake in it. But I still don't even know that they would really follow up
Starting point is 00:44:14 on it, it would have to be so successful that it would be worth it for them to try to collect. It's kind of like, we're gonna make sure that if another person tells part of their business to Jim Bean for $100 million, we're getting our 15% in that case. I think also what people do is when they have an event, they try to say, okay, you know, at the event,
Starting point is 00:44:37 I'm gonna, while I'm cooking, I'm going to have my seasoning or my alcohol out there, or I remember one time Ramona had something to do, talking to somebody as they came in the room on like a girl's weekend, and she's just holding, she's just like holding her, like ageless, which doesn't exist anymore. Skin cream, because she was like,
Starting point is 00:44:56 let me try to get this. And Bethany Franco, when she's faking being upset about, it's about Tom is drinking her skinny girl. There's that, but then there's like like where they're actually in this case, Jenna Lions has an eyelash line. And we see this entire day of where she's doing a photo shoot for the eyelash line. Also she talks to this other girl who she's helping decorate her house and they're on zoom. And that girl is like, oh, I'm wearing your eyelashes.
Starting point is 00:45:24 And I love this case. And it's all in there. Anybody watching this that's a housewife might be like, why the fuck are they featuring these eyelashes so much when I've been on the show for five years and I've tried to get, or like, let's see your camera. I've mentioned my CBD a few lot.
Starting point is 00:45:43 And I've had parties for the CBD, and then they don't use it and like that. So it's my understanding, I would bet money on this, that Jenna Lyons is either paying to have her product in their apportion or take out five grand out of my salary that week, something. There's got to be a deal. Negotiating.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Negotiating. Almost like I'm paying to have an ad on this show. Well then what the hell did, okay, and I know your friends with them and this is not a dish, but well, I think your friends with the one, but Leah Block and Jill Zaren, they are walking ads for everything that they do. And every time they have a scene, it's like, oh my gosh, this is so crazy. You like this cat dead? They weren't paying for it. So they had they had they they have to do it like that
Starting point is 00:46:27 They want to do it. I want to shove it up your ass so that they you do see it But then of course people are but then the cast is mocking it because they're getting jealous because they're like I'm on this stupid show making a wreath making $60,000 and Jenna lines just walked in Giving gifts to everybody that is, every single gift is a brand collab that she's doing because she's fucking there for a reason. Because you started to watch it, you're like, why is this woman
Starting point is 00:46:55 who made all this money to Jake Crue, is a lesbian, is not your typical housewife, why is she doing this? She's doing this because she wants this lash line to be huge and this is her opportunity. So whatever she negotiated with them, and I don't think it's just, oh, I just happen to be talking to this person
Starting point is 00:47:15 about eyelashes. The her using that zoom with that woman, there was nothing interesting about that scene. Right. This isn't an actress that we recognize. She wasn't talking to Julia Roberts. So that's why I think she financially paid to have her product mention this many times.
Starting point is 00:47:34 You know, because- And that could be confidential, but I'm telling you, I know this. I feel like this is on par with what we're speaking about, but I really respect, I'll take you back to Lala for a second, because she's like, when it came out with the whole Rachel shit, she's like, you could monetize off of this. Go out there, put it on a shirt,
Starting point is 00:47:51 put, at least you don't have a man to fucking steal. Yeah. Like, make the money, do it while you can. Why else are you guys putting yourselves on TV to have moments where you look like an asshole or your most vulnerable moments or your partying, you get drunk or you get a divorce, whatever. Why else are you putting yourself out there unless it's to have some sort of come up with
Starting point is 00:48:12 a business or something? You have to think in this moment when you enter the game, I'm going straight special forces here. Come on, Tara Reed, stick with me. You have to think that we are getting in this shit and what is the long game? What are we starting? What are our businesses? Another thing that Stasi did really well, it's like, fucking, if you're gonna be on here
Starting point is 00:48:30 and you're gonna make yourself look like an asshole, start a business. Well, I mean, and in respect to Bethany, there's a scene where she meets Luanne in the Hamptons and she drives her little skinny girl car that's wrapped in the skinny girl. And Luanne is like, why would you do that darling? This is so she thinks it's funny because Luan honestly, it was you know
Starting point is 00:48:50 This was a long time ago and Luan was really just being the Countess right and she was really just like Oh, you want to follow my life great. She wasn't thinking the long game at the time Bethany was smart to do that. And a lot of people, how can you not follow it when you see lover boy and everything? You'd be crazy not to. So if somebody just really comes on the show and they're like, okay, I'm gonna share my life
Starting point is 00:49:17 like this jessil girl who has the twins. Yeah. Um, like, I really don't, I still don't know what she does for a living. I don't know and she's like, oh, I have to't, I still don't know what she does for a living. I don't know. And she's like, oh, I have to buy two of everything because I have twins. Do you really believe that she moved there just for the show? Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:32 You do. I do. I heard that she moved there for the show. Yeah. But I don't know what the goal is except just to be famous because I don't even know what her job or product is or what. I know she keeps saying that she has to get back into it. She feels like she's doing it.
Starting point is 00:49:44 What does she do? I don't even know. And then, and she's like, oh, I have twins. So I have to buy two of everything. And I'm like, wait a minute. Can I just talk to twin people? Like, aren't you like parents of twins? Like, okay, once in a while I address them a like,
Starting point is 00:49:58 but isn't it kind of been taught like you probably shouldn't address your kids alike all the time if you have twins? So why would you have to buy two of everything? Why can't they just wear their brother's outfit? Or it's like you're making, yes, exactly. And you're making the equal, it's like they need to be equal. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:50:14 You know, I had to deal with this with, I have a lot of brothers and sisters and growing up it was like you guys all need to be equal. I feel like my parents fucked me in that sense because growing up and now that I'm an adult, I'm like that's not how the fucking world works and I'm not equal to like there are people who are 10 times better than me And then there are real assholes that don't compare me to them. We're not equal and that's okay I also think as as a parent to going forward. There's a lot of You know people that are like okay, whether you're really rich or not Everybody gets this amount for Christmas
Starting point is 00:50:45 or whatever. And I've always like told my kids, you know, whether I pay for a private school for one of you and you choose not to go to a private school, that's none of your business. All my kids are my kids and I will pay for what I feel that child needs or wants. If you're not asking for it, it's not like you're going to get the money that I spent on the private high school. You're not now. My other son going to get that as an extra when I die or something like parents. I just hate it when kids. I don't know who I don't know. It's a chicken in the egg. I don't know if it's the parents that set that.
Starting point is 00:51:21 But I think that starts for like comparing in jealousy when actually it should be like, hey, if one child is a teacher and they need me to, you know, help with the down payment of a house, and I can do that. And my other child is running a Fortune 500 and has, I'm not going to also give that child the 50,000 that I gave to this. You know what I mean? And I think, and I think you need to set that with your kids early on so that they don't have issues when they're adults. And so far, I feel like my kids, hopefully, they've never expressed it.
Starting point is 00:51:56 They don't have comparable financial jealousy towards each other at all. It's so funny that you say this because I met this woman at at while I was doing cardio, met this woman and her husband works for NASA, right? And they super-riched down in Palm Beach and their kids go to school with Baron Trump and the private schools and stuff. Well, we went over there for dinner because he created this product that is going to mess up Big Pharma, and it's going to help with things, and now you don't need medication and pills.
Starting point is 00:52:24 So whatever, that was the backstory. gonna mess up Big Pharma and it's gonna help with things and now you don't need medication and pill. So whatever, that was the backstory. The nine year old comes in and he says, he's like, Dad, why don't you since they want to go to private school, save the tuition, just pay me and I'll go to public school. And I looked and I was like, this little guy was just negotiating. He's like, pay me the tuition and I'll put it away. And then I'll buy a house when I turn 18. And his dad was like, no, you're going to private school. And I'm like, this, like, I mean.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I've had that with my said too about college because he's aware how much it is. And he was like, I mean, I don't know, Mom, I mean, really? Really? We're writing this check for next semester, whatever. And I'm like, yeah, we are. And it's not a negotiable. And I even remember like with my getting married to my husband,
Starting point is 00:53:11 his dad was very financially practical and all that stuff. And actually wasn't excited that my parents were throwing this big fancy wedding. And I remember my husband on the phone with him and I think he was saying like this is crazy, why don't you just ask them for the money so you can put it on a down payment for our house and I remember he was like, it doesn't work that way dad, it's not the choice. It's not, this is what they're doing, this is what she wants, this is what her family wants,
Starting point is 00:53:40 and then he stopped, but I was like, yeah, it's sometimes like getting back to this getting back to the taskways Okay, so that about let me see what else Uba they were I felt they were mad that she's been sick and didn't have to work Yeah, which is always the thing I'm so aware of now they get really mad when people They these reality stars they treat this shit like a factory and you didn't come to the factory that day and there It's not fair that they have to make Reese and you're quote unquote coughing.
Starting point is 00:54:08 But then if you face time in, then you were featured in that episode and you get your $19,000. Or whatever it is. Or whatever it is. Good point. Let me see what else. The Aaron girl, I don't know what she does for a living
Starting point is 00:54:22 and you know, but she's got the you know the rich ex-fiance and She's you know being a flirt and whatever. I mean, it's like I don't know I just don't really feel like any of this is that interesting or real right now I'm waiting to see I really hope that they bring it at the reunion and I hope but I just don't know what there is to argue about There isn't because there isn't strong. There's not deep rooted friendships or even even when the Housewives of New York started, even if they weren't really close,
Starting point is 00:54:50 they really knew each other in social circles for many years prior. So there really was, and it really was just about being a housewife. It wasn't Jill Zaryn sharing Zaryn Fabrics. And I mean, it evolved into that because that was their life. But the majority was the cameras following Jill dealing with the fact that, you know, Ali was still awkward around Bobby her stepfather and was 14 and we saw that and, you know, you
Starting point is 00:55:19 know, go to the fat camp and all this other stuff, which one of the funniest moments I ever had hanging out with Jill and Ali was, I have told the story before, but it just is so funny. And I love Allie and her daughter. And we're at their house. I'm like doing shows in Palm Beach or something. So I'm staying at the house where they live in Boko Ratton. And Gloria is there who's just classic, older Jewish woman who's, you know, got beautiful skin and said some work done and
Starting point is 00:55:45 it's great. And there was some conversation about weight in like, you know, who's gained weight and her like, saying that Jill had her something. And then Jill gets in the car and we're driving back and she goes, see Ali, see what I was, what, why mother put me through, talk about my weight, you know, at least I'm like that. And then Ali just totally dead panning is goes, um, no, mom, it's not like you put me on a reality show when I was 14 and sent me to a fat camp. Oh my God. But she's like, where's the camera?
Starting point is 00:56:15 I'm laughing. And I'm like, yeah, that did happen. And thank God Ali is so great and adjusted and they work together and they have a great like looks so there for the next ever. They have a great, but I mean, but also- But also then Jill not seeing it and I just thought it was like so, just so real that you like, my mom was meager than I am, you should be happy. And then your daughter being like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:38 but you did this like it was just perfect. And now Jill's just smuggling diet coax into whatever country. It's the best. I don't know what. Jill, honestly, Tamiya is comedic relief. I do like watching her. No, it never stops.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And it's like, again, completely, there's no difference, no difference. So would you rather have this, like if, if the network came to you right now and they said, okay, we're gonna give the decision 100% to you. We're canning them, You're the deciding factor. We're canning them and bringing back the old cast and you get to put together the cast with the OGs.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Are you doing that? I don't ever want to scan anyone. Okay. So I think that this could have more time. I would say if it doesn't work, if it's like you guys, and I think what will happen, prediction. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I think they will bring back some of the old cast. They're gonna integrate them. And then they're gonna keep a couple of them of the new, and I'm gonna predict Aaron and Jenna, and then maybe like one new person that's like in between. And that'll be the new cast of New York. It'll be like Lou Ann, Sonia and, and Derinda, it will not be Ramona. I really do feel like Ramona has moved on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:53 She's got a boyfriend. It's like, I just don't think we have Ramona. Okay. But Derinda and Lou Ann are real friends and, and so is Sonia. So I think the three of them, they don't hate each other. They can work together. So I think the three of them don't hate each other. They can work together. So I think the three of them are coming back with Jenna Lyons. Maybe this Aaron, even though she's young, she's kind of an old soul.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And then like one new person will be cast. Are you kidding, Bren? Because she has Sonia energy. Would they be fun together? Would that just be really annoying? I don't think, I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, but that's very great.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Bren has a personality. She wanted to be on Vanderpump. So I definitely think she's coming with her fake forecoat. She's almost practicing stuff before she walks at the very Aviva. With that. Aviva used to write out her stuff. So I've heard allegedly before,
Starting point is 00:58:39 so she planned the leg throwing. I think she's kind of planning her moments, which I don't blame her. Like, if I'm an actress and a writer, if I was suddenly on a show, and I also studied reality show for the last 20 years, and I'm coming to a dinner party of yours, I would kind of be like, okay, what are we gonna cover today?
Starting point is 00:58:57 I wanna cover that my specials coming out, you know, in January in which the show will be airing starting December. So I definitely want to mention that special. Right. And then I want to also, you know, Adam was pissed at me about this one thing. So let me bring it up so we have a little tip, but we can make up. I mean, how can you not?
Starting point is 00:59:17 Right. And if I don't think of it, the producer is going to remind me of that, you know? So like, it is going to come up. You know what's scary about you? Is you have like this, and I feel like I'm starting to notice I have this shit too. It's like you have these real manifesting abilities and you come out with these predictions.
Starting point is 00:59:33 And you're like, then all of a sudden it's like maybe a month later, maybe it's a week later. You don't put a timeline on it. Maybe it's a year later, and you're like, I fucking told you, I told you, I said it, I predicted it, cue the video, right here. I'm the one who told you this was going to happen. So now I just believe this is what's happening.
Starting point is 00:59:48 We have to say goodbye to Uba, Jessel. No, Uba is pretty fun though. But I feel like she, I still don't really like, know the depths of her and she doesn't have a real, like she doesn't have a kid, she doesn't write, she doesn't, she's not married. Right. I don't know, but I do think she is funny and likable.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Yeah. But I don't know, I just, I don't think we'll keep them all as my point. OC, we saw Heather DeBros, a penthouse. Yeah. And I talked about this on my Patreon, but like, you don't, in this storyline, if I'm back moving to LA, that you have to buy a $14 million penthouse
Starting point is 01:00:27 so that you can be bright, eyeed, and bushy tail to read for a five line. A Robert Cavalry decided to come home. Or on a Warner Brothers sitcom. Like, it's just so stupid. So this prediction comes from a juicy scooper. And I don't remember who told me me so I can't take full advantage. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Remember she talked about Heather saying, oh my God, you know, my son, what's the boys name? Heather's son's name. Nick? Yeah. Nick is getting his real estate license, you know. And then he's the only one that comes over to look at the place, okay. Look at the house and he's like, this is the nice place. I love it. And they're owing and awing over it, which by the way, just I don't think it
Starting point is 01:01:10 photographed that well. It seemed small and and kind of weird for 5,000 square feet. It did. It just it doesn't photograph. I'm sure it's pretty your in person. Whatever. And it's got to be the textures, you know, like, I think she's planning the seeds for him to get into real estate when he graduates from college and have his own real estate show I mean, I feel like she's always trying to push that and then and then max her daughter just did a song Yeah, and actually not bad not bad. I actually didn't listen to it But it's not wasn't bad like my sister and I both listen to it
Starting point is 01:01:39 Well, I'm like this isn't bad, but it is you know the auto tune and all that So it's not like she wrote it in her dorm room and was playing a guitar like Taylor Swift. So what? I don't know. Maybe she's, maybe that's part of it. She's doing her Sheena energy. Yeah, she's doing like all this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:57 But, but yeah, my favorite is just thank God for Shannon Bedore and, you knowore and her spreading rumors about herself and talking with her hands, because that's the show. If Shannon Bedore was not on the show, nobody would be watching this show this season. In my opinion. You know, it's funny because I have sort of
Starting point is 01:02:19 a weird connection with this cast. Yes. And... Campy is weird as mine, but go ahead. Oh, no, no, no. You're supposed to top it. No, no, no, no, it's definitely cast. Yes. And... Campy's weird as mine, but go ahead. Oh no, no, no. You're gonna pop it. No, no, no, no. It's definitely not. Yeah. So, Tamer and I, like, I, even was, I think I was supposed to go to Happy Hour with her today. We were going back and forth, but she, of course,
Starting point is 01:02:36 does two T's and a pod, and I find Teddy Melling Camp to just not be great reality TV, and that's okay, because I don't think I'd be great reality TV. And I think that she just goes with the podcast. Yeah. Right? I agree. So I would go on and I would do videos and I would talk about things that Terry. By the way, I do want to say Teddy, I just saw her on Nick Vryles show and I did not know
Starting point is 01:02:55 who she was. She looked completely different but in a beautiful way. Yeah, yeah, she was great. She's beautiful before and this new face is beautiful but I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is. Like she really does it look like she really doesn't look like herself that all the comments were like I didn't know who this was Do you remember? I don't know what she I don't know I know that sometimes with a lower facelift you you It's really it almost takes a year to get done. Uh-huh So you can really you end up looking better and better and better
Starting point is 01:03:21 I don't know she did that. She was honest about it. There's something different about the eyes now, what she might have done, honestly. Oh, the eyelid. No, the eyelid or probably the eyelid, but also it's those drops. There's these drops that change the shape of your eye. What the fuck is that? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:39 And my friend gave it to me and I put them in. And I looked so different. And I like my eyes. I have no problem with the shape of my eyes. I'm trying to figure out which one I like better right now because this one has an allergic reaction. And it's kind of... You might, you might just want one drop.
Starting point is 01:03:55 But it literally, it makes them bigger, but it's sort of, so if you have small eyes, I guess, but I already have big eyes. And I just was like, I don't wanna fuck with this. I just like the one with the purple cap that you get a target. Yeah. You, you know, loom, I like loomify.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah, loomify. It just, it just makes them, takes any kind of right away really well. I mean, I just brought Visein in here with me. Yeah, but that stuff is good. But anyway, I don't know if that's it because it was like her eyes look different. Now she's always had a really nice,
Starting point is 01:04:20 so I don't know what, but she looked very different. Good for her. She's a very pretty in my opinion. So it's like, and she don't know what. She looked very different, good for her. She's a very pretty, in my opinion. So it's like, and she looks pretty, you know, she looks pretty before. But do you remember, do you, do you remember legally blonde?
Starting point is 01:04:32 Yeah. And do you remember when the girl had the alibi? Yeah. And she's like, I was getting my post-suction. Yes. I was getting it. And she's like, it's like, okay, we're, we also have, we're an accountability coach
Starting point is 01:04:44 and we're holding people accountable, but then you're talking about like getting certain work. It all listens. Did she get life post? No, I don't think she did life post. She did. I don't know what she did, but at the end of the day, my thing is. I really wonder with the, you know, I feel like people are very much more accepting of anybody doing kind of any of the epic or minjaro or.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Yeah, just get your work done. So now I think people have chilled out about, I think the people were keeping in a secret because the minute you were celebrity and you said, you know, I did lose these 30 pounds because I've been taking this for a year. You are taking it from, you know, like as if, like skinny housewives are some poor diabetic
Starting point is 01:05:23 is getting out of the car at the handicapped and going to get his prescription and a housewives swoops in and takes the takes the last amount and you know that's not what was happening and it seems to be that everybody seems to be able to get their medicine that I don't know I'm not 100% sure but I feel like now people are being a little more honest about if they're taking her or not and And they're not getting as much of a backlash from like the audience and I'm curious does she even have to like Why would you have to spend $600 a week to have Teddy tell you you could only have two carrots not three When you could just take this shot and just be less hungry. I I mean I saw less money
Starting point is 01:06:04 I saw those in big for the first time the other day when my dad's fridge and it was in there and I was like, Dad, are you on those in big? And he's like, son, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That's my diabetes medication. And he's like, I'm pretty diabetic. And I was like, my dad's like a bona fide housewife. Look at him now. Look at for them.
Starting point is 01:06:20 I'm like, okay. I mean, my God, God made plastic surgeons and scientists too. So if something is better and easy for us, no one's taking a shortcut. But I'm just curious if she is even pursuing that business being that she's busy with her podcast. And also, I don't know if someone would go do a business that's just someone texting you,
Starting point is 01:06:40 being mean to you on a text, to tell you to take 500 calories when you could just... Let me be the villain in this story. I'll do it for free. Yeah. I'll mean rage. But I does she even promote that business anymore. Do we know I don't think so, but you know what they do even even even even Tamer saw the right and on the wall that got rid of the gym. Yeah, look at that. Take a shot and take my CBD gummy and be happy. She insisted. Don't be hungry and pass out. She messaged me on Instagram and she's like, why do I always feel like you make me sound like an asshole? I was like, no, I think that you sometimes make yourself sound like an asshole and then
Starting point is 01:07:15 I talk about you being an asshole, but I really like you and I think that you're great for the show. But if you're an asshole, that's okay. You know, and I had the most awkward interaction with Shannon Bedore, and this was at BravoCon, and I had to go on an apology tour with Gina, and this was also at BravoCon, because I did a sit down with a former housewife of OC and Kelly Dodd, and we ended up talking,
Starting point is 01:07:41 and she knew that I was renovating my house at the time, and she said, oh, what's your style? So she was friends with Shannon and she's like, oh my God, that's what Shannon's kitchen looks like. Let's call her after this interview and let's go right over there. She lives right down the road, okay? So I thought that they were fully friends. Then I get to bravo, Khan, and I introduced myself.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And I was like, hi, I was actually on the phone. So you never did go to the house. We never went to the house. and I introduce myself and I was like, hi, I was actually. So you never did go to the house. We never went to the house. So I introduced myself and I said, you know, I talk to you, or Kelly talked to you on the phone and I was there and I was the guy who was coming to see your kitchen and she goes, what? What? You know, like kind of what?
Starting point is 01:08:18 I don't know who you are. I don't know who the fuck you are. I've been at him down and I don't know. She's like down and out. All I know is that I was a very good friend to Kelly. I was an excellent friend, I was there. I don't know why people are saying things. I don't know what's happening.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Is this my goddamn plate? This is, it was, I didn't realize, but you know how like everything moves so fast in this world, right? They're friends today tomorrow. And also out of rovaconsituation, there's so many people coming at it. I mean, it is like, it's over stimulation between, for the stars, for people like you and me and for the fans.
Starting point is 01:08:53 It is just a lot. Someone just wrote something that someone sent to me that I was so rude at BravoCon and that I was walking through the New York one and I had a phone and I was ignoring fans. Well, okay, you know, I'm lucky enough that if I'm not a bravo, but people recognize me. And so when I was trying to actually go to an event, people were asking for photos and I was taking them, but I really had to be somewhere. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:21 So at a certain point, how am I going to get there if I took a photo with every single person and I'm not blowing someone off there Literally isn't enough time and I and I hadn't eaten all day and I literally was saying to people you guys You saw me faint on stage at Tempe if I don't eat something I am not and I get it. I know I'm it's they just want a picture Yeah, they don't care about me. I mean some some of them do, but some of them don't. Some of it is just like how many pictures can I collect of the celebrities? And I totally get that. But I also had a certain point.
Starting point is 01:09:51 I'm like, and it's not me thinking I'm fucking, you know, whatever, Julie Roberts. It's not. And so, but it's like, you can't please people. So it's like, I also think if she was rude or she was, it's like sometimes, so many people were probably coming out or she probably didn't really even know how she was doing. I don't find it to be like so rude. I just found it's like sometimes, so many people were probably coming out or she's like, I don't even know how to do it.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I don't have to be like so rude. I just found it to be like, oh fuck, I didn't know that there was a disconnect and like you guys are no longer friends because she looked at me like, oh shit. They can be friends one day and not like, you don't know like around the years.
Starting point is 01:10:16 And like, switches, yeah. But also I wanna say really quick about the whole people, you know, like having that opinion and being like, she's rude. I just watched this on Saturday when I went to surf for the brunch. Yeah. And I see people walking up to Lisa.
Starting point is 01:10:27 I see people walking up to Shina. And one of the things that I just want to tell anybody, if you are going up to people and you're asking, can I take a photo? Just have the fucking camera ready. Have the photo app open. Now, can I take a photo, then pull out our phone, and then fucking like, oh shit, sorry, it's on video.
Starting point is 01:10:45 I made this mistake when I was 18. Hota Kotby was jogging down in New York City. I was visiting for the first time. Brad, I bushy tailed and I chased after her and I'm starting to jog after Hota Kotby. I didn't even know my uncle said that's Hota Kotby. So I start running and then I said, can I take a photo with you? And I had it on video and I'm like, oh shit, sorry, sorry. Hold on. Let me, can I just fuck?
Starting point is 01:11:08 And then I finally got the photo and now looking back I'm like I am not asshole like just have your camera up open and honestly you may have never thought of that so yeah I would just say that you know like most of us are really gonna be happy we're out in public we want to be recognized we're going to be nice about it. But like, yeah, and the other thing, and I, and I, and I, and I, and I, and I've told my story of when I walked and squatted down with Jerry Seinfeld and totally overstayed my welcome, and I still haunts me to this day. So like, I've been the person to that hasn't thought about the fact that, hey, these two
Starting point is 01:11:41 people are at a restaurant. They, they, that, they want to, they're chatting. They're in the are at a restaurant. They want to, they're chatting. They're in the middle of a conversation. They want to finish it. They're happy to acknowledge that you like their show and they're happy to take a photo. But like, that doesn't make them an asshole that they want to finish the conversation with their friend. You don't know what they're trying about.
Starting point is 01:12:00 You don't know if someone's bleak to telling, like, oh my god, Adam, I'm so glad you're here. You know, last week, telling like oh my god, Adam. I'm so glad you're here You know last week the funeral for my mom was this and then someone walks in and it's like hi. Sorry. I'm a really big You know, I'm just saying just think people have to also just know that that these people Still have a right to have a meal in public and like have a nice time and maybe I think there was a little bit of that last night Yeah, right? There was just a different instance where, you know, there was something that we were talking about the show we were going over something. And then, you know, like it's kind of a similar situation.
Starting point is 01:12:32 But yeah, it is sometimes. And, you know, But I know the intention is so good. Yeah. The intention is totally good. I would just say also just be a little bit aware of that as well. But I always tell people like you could absolutely come up
Starting point is 01:12:47 to me and ask for a picture, whatever. You know, and if I go out, I know that's the case that I would never say no, but I also wanna be, you know, have you be sensitive to other people that maybe are really having a real deep conversation or not in the mood or whatever, you know, and that doesn't make them an asshole that, you know, or a rude or don't mind to do a
Starting point is 01:13:07 take talk about them or do it in law. Like let them just have dinner with their friend. Like it's just, you know, it's okay. I was out at hobby areas and Heather's an asshole. Yeah, I appreciate the people that kind of see you and they kind of do wait for the opportunity of you walking to the bathroom or seeing you wait for your car. Those are times you absolutely can approach someone. I think. You know what I mean? There's time, there's a five minutes you're waiting for your car. That's a great time to go and ask, oh my God, hi, can I get a photo? Because you're not interrupting
Starting point is 01:13:36 a conversation. There's time. They are dressed. They're cute. They went out in public. I'm, you know what's so funny? It's, I completely, when I come to LA and like, yes, well, like in that situation yesterday and talking about, you know, skin of all and stuff on YouTube, when I come to LA, it's very different than living in Florida, right? In Florida, it's like, I don't fucking know anything about you.
Starting point is 01:13:58 And you do YouTube, like what's your real job? And all of these things, right? And then when you come into LA, it's like, hey, up in Adam, and it's not like, it's not all the time, you know? But especially if I put myself around them, you know, then I know that there are gonna be those little fun moments like last night. And it's really fun.
Starting point is 01:14:15 I just, I get so excited when anybody is like, but also it's because then I go back to my little shell of a shithole back in Florida. And then I sit there and it's like, I don't know who the fuck you are. And I'm like, that's good with me. It's like my retreat. I, um, I just thought this was kind of a funny story. This woman's been missing for eight years.
Starting point is 01:14:34 She's fine. She didn't realize she was on the missing. Her family said she was missing. She didn't have children or her husband. She just really didn't want to fuck with her family. She didn't know. What? They found this woman and they're like, you've been on the missing list for eight years. And she's like, I have. Her family put her on missing because she just was done with them in my opinion and like wasn't keeping in touch.
Starting point is 01:15:00 But she wasn't kidnapped. She wasn't harmed, like she just didn't want to fuck with them. I thought I was going to be on the missing last last night to be honest with you. So this is something that, shit, maybe, oh, I have, that's a totally different story. I'm going to tell you about this. I can tell the story. Okay, so last night after we end up leaving, you know, and everybody goes home, right? There was the bottle service, all of that.
Starting point is 01:15:24 It was a great night. Everybody's having fun. Well, we got back to the hotel, and I went to call my mom. I talked to my mom's at my house watching my dogs, and I just went to call her and give her a recap of the night. And I take my air pods, and I told Jason, I said, I'm going back outside,
Starting point is 01:15:39 and I'm gonna walk because I know you're going to sleep. Well, when we got there, we left our hotel key at the bourbon room with my fucking Ray Bans. And we had to go up to the front desk when we first got back to the hotel, the Kempton, Beverly Hills. I'm giving you a shout out because I want a free night. Yeah. And they had to change our room key.
Starting point is 01:15:56 So then I walk out after changing the room key, grab the old room key off the dresser, and 30 minutes come back. Now it doesn't work. Now it doesn't work. Now it doesn't work. Jason, my husband's passed out. He enjoyed the night, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I go downstairs. There's this really bitchy man who I was like, hi, hi. I was just down here with my husband. You saw me, literally you saw me, and he changed our room keys. I said, I just need another key. He fell asleep. And he's like, long night. And said, I just need another key he fell asleep. And he's like, long night. And I was like, yeah, you can say that.
Starting point is 01:16:30 And I was like, he said, I need your ID. I handed him my ID. And he's like, doesn't say Jason on it. And I was like, right. And he's like, your name's not on the room. And I was like, okay, but that card with my LLC on it, that my business card that's attached to this account, it's my business card.
Starting point is 01:16:47 I'm married, do you need photo, what do you need? I said, I also have my husband's email on my phone, I can show you the reservation, everything. He's like, sir, I need you to relax right now. There are people who come here and cheat on their spouses all the time, and we can't just let you go barge in the room. And I was like, what kind of fucking, what?
Starting point is 01:17:04 Kind of story is that, right? And he's like, I need you to relax right now. And I was like, he said, do you want me to call the room? I said, oh, it's funny that you say that, Ken Tim Beverly Hills, because earlier that afternoon, I forgot shaving cream. So I called down to the hotel or to the lobby. I tried to call down and my phone isn't working.
Starting point is 01:17:25 So the phone in the room. The phone in the room. Yeah. So then I went down there and I was like, Hey, I was just trying to call you guys, but I guess my phone in the room is not working. They said, do you want to send somebody up to switch out the phone?
Starting point is 01:17:34 I said, no, I'm headed out and I have all my shit everywhere. I don't want you guys going in my room. That's why there's the do not clean right now. So no, they didn't go switch to the phone. So now, of course, the phone doesn't work for him to call up to wake Jason up. And I'm telling him this and I said, what can you do a wellness check? Can you open the door? He's like, would you like me to call the police to do a wellness check?
Starting point is 01:17:54 And then I said, no, can you just go open the door? This is my room. And I said, you just saw me. He's like, I don't remember seeing you. I was like, really? Really? And so then he said, sir, you need to back away from the like, I don't remember seeing you. I was like, really? Really? And so then he said, sir, you need to back away
Starting point is 01:18:07 from the desk or I'm calling the police and I'm telling them you're harassing me. And I was like, so I look at my phone. My phone is on 6%. I have my mom on the phone like this is ridiculous. My mom's like, Adam, what is going on? I have my wallet, everything. I'm walking at like two o'clock in the morning
Starting point is 01:18:24 through Beverly Hills. I find myself, I don't even know what the hotel was called. It was a motel next to like a crackle barrel or something, an eye hop or something, some shitty hotel. I took a photo of it. I have to show you, there's a little AC unit in the window. These plaid, awful like curtains in this bed, totally probably a bed bug something and I probably, maybe it's why I'm itchy. But then all of a sudden at 5.30 in the morning, I wake up to a text because I ask the guy downstairs, do you have a charger? And he's like, I don't think anybody here has iPhones,
Starting point is 01:18:53 and let me see if there's one in the last if found. At the bad hotel. At the bad hotel. And so he found one, he's like, oh look, I have one right here. He's like, oh thank you. So you're at the crappy hotel, you have a phone charger 5 30 in the morning I look up my phone my mom are you alive? Yes, mom and then Jason don't ever go. Yes, mom
Starting point is 01:19:12 That is all we care about is no I like like okay, not a bad way. I know but as a mother no I love my mom is my best friend. Okay, but then Jason. Hey, where are you? Where am I? I've been through a total fucking shit show after literally doing Shina show having a great night Terra fucking read in her bullshit and everything else and I think tell Santa Claus new girlfriend and now you saw me today I'm walking all bolegged and shit from these heels like my I brought new shoes Yeah, shoes that look like my heels. This is oh my god it's crazy I have two quick stories. One is a Josh Wolf story the comedian Josh Wolf. Yeah. He had something happen where his wife you know was traveling
Starting point is 01:19:58 with him and she went to the room and same thing didn't have a key or whatever and his name was not on the room and she passed out and was asleep. And then so he had to get another room and she's waking up in the middle of the night and she's like that motherfucker, like what is he doing cheating on me? Like where is he?
Starting point is 01:20:16 All this awful stuff, so that's happened. The definitely the moral of the story is make sure that whoever is in the room that both of your names are on it regardless of the card regardless of who if you went through the hotel or Expedia I always make sure when I have been joining Peter is on it or my son or whatever or vice versa the other thing happened or what I was like 20 I was in San Francisco was 22 or something and we were there for like the SC Stanford game, and we were staying at my friend's aunt's place. And we like, I didn't know where they, we, I was hanging out with some people.
Starting point is 01:20:53 They already went back and it was like this gate, and I couldn't get in the gate, and this is like before cell phones. And I didn't know where I was gonna go, and I had no credit card or any money. And so these guys come, and the guys like, I'm like, I think I just gotta stay at this hotel. And so this guy paid for my hotel. And I'm like, okay, buy and I locked the door
Starting point is 01:21:12 and he's like trying to get in. And I'm like, just lay me a lot. It was so awful, so scary, but this is a very similar awful thing. So I'm saying, I also always ask for like four keys. Yeah. And then make sure that everybody is on the name. Well, they want to when he switched the key. The I understand that because he didn't work, but like, yeah. Yeah. Um, one more question I want to ask because there's
Starting point is 01:21:37 all the steps happening with the divorce between Kevin, Koster and Christine. Oh, she says the 129 is not sufficient for her child support. She said when they met, he was worth 100 million now. He's worth 400 million. So it has to be adjusted. You know, the kids, you know, this is an acusty thing, but you started to tell me a story about you. And I did, and you were fine to share it. And I do think this is an interesting situation about because you're a child of divorce. Yes. So what happened? Okay, so this is funny. 129,000. That is definitely not enough for anybody to raise a kid.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Holy shit. A month. A month. A month. My mom, actually, my mom and my dad, they were already divorced. But my dad and her, they had joint custody. Well, my dad a long time ago, he, when my mom was pregnant with me, he ended up leaving her and had this girlfriend. She was a psychopath. And then years later, when I'm
Starting point is 01:22:33 13, he ended up leaving his new wife for this woman. My mom hated this woman. She like triggered her. So my dad's like, you know what? You're causing problems in my life. I'm moving my son from Palm Beach, Florida to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and there's nothing you can do about it. My mom was like, okay, I'm taking you to court. Oh, now what are you the only child of your moms? I'm the only child between my mom and my dad, and then they have other children.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Okay. But so my dad said I'm taking him to Tennessee. They both loyered up. Well come to find out my dad's attorney Was the same attorney. I believe her name is Christie who represented Whoever to get an anacle smith to her body to the Bahamas next to her son Daniel Mm-hmm and my mom sat in a mediation room across from this woman. She was a shark and And my mom sat in a mediation room across from this woman. She was a shark and she started talking about how my mom was not capable of taking care of me
Starting point is 01:23:29 because she already has two kids and she worked two jobs. My mom was a career server and she was always hustling, always working. You know, she had kids really young and she's talking about. So the only reason that that she was saying that she was not qualified is just because she really wasn't wealthy. There was no drugs. My dad made a lot more money. But there was no drugs. No drugs, no alcohol, like none of that.
Starting point is 01:23:51 None of that. It was just like you are a working mom and his dad can give him a better life. Well, the way that she was presenting it, they, I just learned this from my dad, they went in there and my dad said, if you press on her, you press on her, she should, like you will trigger her. And you'll get a reaction. She'll snap. That's exactly what they did
Starting point is 01:24:08 So my mom it's it was like a Shannon Mador. It's not my fucking play you bitch. Yeah, and like she's like you fucking bitch and called her Every day your mom called the attorney a bitch a bitch and she looked at my dad and she looked at my mom and she's like Okay, she's like I'm waving all of the fees and you just made this personal. You're losing your kid. And it was literally like a month later, full custody. I was in the back of a van and I'm getting driven to Tennessee and I left and I went from seeing my mom three out of the seven days a week and she would pick me up and all of that
Starting point is 01:24:43 to seeing her for seven days for Christmas and a month and a half for summer. But then my evil stepmom would make me come back the second half because I would have to readjust to what life was with rules and regulations. So I would only get such a limited time with her until I was 18, I hate this story. But going back, no, because it just, like, it wasn't fair,
Starting point is 01:25:06 you know? So going back to it, it's just like, I know. She's just like my best friend, and like, now everything that I do, whether it's like when I moved to New York or Florida, I just have her with me everywhere, and I want her to be a part of everything that I do because you missed all that time. Because I missed it. Yeah. So that is not what I intended. Sorry. Sorry. I'm a cancer. But I honestly, I wanted you to tell this to you
Starting point is 01:25:31 because you mentioned it briefly before we started the show. And I said, are you okay talking about it? And I wanted you to talk about it because I mean, I'm, you know, whatever. I just talked to so many people. And I think we don't hear enough from adults that lived through the divorce and lived through the custody and lived through the things and their perspective and I think their perspective is really important that people hear that
Starting point is 01:26:00 that might be going through that today and I'm not saying there's a way to get out of it as a parent that's at odds with their ex about custody. But like, you know, and the splitting of time and like, you know, one thing I said was when they, when you do live in the same town and you split the week and half and stuff, I brought it once up on a show and people were like, I'm so glad you brought that up because it was awful. And you're right, it would be better if we could go back more to the more traditional of like the mom has a kid during the week and the dad is the disinjusted or whatever.
Starting point is 01:26:36 And I think there was something that happened where it was like, no, father should have rights and I'd agree with that. But at the same time, it's like, I don't know, I think the family system is really unfortunately, it's like they tried to make strides one way. And in the end, it's always just the kids that miss out. And it's like, it's really unfortunate
Starting point is 01:26:56 how heartbreaking that must have been. You would have wanted to be with your mom in retrospect. And not that, you just want to do you out of choice. Well, the problem was, and like, and my dad, and I feel so bad, because the woman, I haven't gotten a therapy for this sort of thing, but the woman. He just did right here.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But the woman who she really did, she tortured me. Like, physically, mentally, emotionally, like with food, there was a lot of things like one time. What did she wouldn't let you eat? No, she would try, she would pick things that I couldn't eat or that whatever and that would be dinner for the night. And if I didn't eat it, then I didn't eat.
Starting point is 01:27:33 And then her kids would get... Like mommy dearest with the steak. Oh, like psycho. But and then her kids would get chicken tenders and pizza. And then there was one time where she poured a bowl of like hot chili on my chest, right? And I had a mark, I had, like, still right here. I still have a mark. And then there was one time where she poured a bowl of hot chili on my chest. And I had a, still right here, I still have a mark. And then there was another time when we moved up to Tennessee.
Starting point is 01:27:50 My mom wrote in this journal every day for the summer when she, in between her breaks. And it was this little book. And I remember finding it because it was in her compartment in the middle of her car. And it was just every day her writing, how much she loved me. And like, I'm thinking about you. And it was supposed to be positive, right? And she would take photos with those little things, and it spits out the photo right away.
Starting point is 01:28:10 And yeah, pull the right. And she, all of these things, well, Wendy took that and she burned all the photos of her. She took the book so I didn't have that to reference. But because you took the book, it was your possession. Yeah, my mom gave it to me when I left. Yeah. She destroyed your mother's book.
Starting point is 01:28:28 She destroyed the book. She destroyed all the photos. I came home in my laptop with all of my photos of my mom and my brothers. It was floating underneath the, it was in the bathtub. And what would your dad say about all this stuff? Well, she would manipulate my dad. And my dad, so my dad had, like he really,
Starting point is 01:28:44 she had a handle on him He was truly the evil step mother. She really was and she she would say you know like I didn't do that your son He's just mad that you're not with his mom He thinks you guys are gonna get back together. He's doing it like Derek You can obviously see that this is a problem But my dad the reason I didn't want to live with my dad at the time was my dad to work a holic He worked 80 hours a week he works works, you know, climbing telephone poles and just like all of these other things that he did and he had his own business. He was never
Starting point is 01:29:11 home. So if I wanted to bond with my dad, I would sit in his work truck while he was working. And those were my moments with dad. So usually I was with her. And that's why I didn't understand why I had to go live with her because she was raising me. And going back to it, I said to her because my mom would write me a letter every single day in the mail and stick it in the mail and put money in for food and stuff because she knew that I wasn't eating
Starting point is 01:29:32 and she knew everything that was happening. It was terrible. I can't even imagine if my son was going through this. So then I set the bitch up and I was like, oh, we're gonna get her. My dad pulled me out of school one day early and he said, son, will you go check the mailbox? He's like pull over because Tennessee you live on a couple acres, right? mailbox, we have to fucking industry.
Starting point is 01:29:54 And we open the mailbox and there's a card from my mom, right? So I was like, that, that, that, this is the moment. I kept telling him she is stealing my mail from my mom. No, she's not. She wouldn't do that. I'm like, dad, stealing my mail from my mom. No, she's not she wouldn't do that I'm like dad. I'm telling you mom's not lying to me. She's sending me things and he's like, okay You want to do that? We'll do it. So we put the mail back in the mailbox and then my dad said, you know what shit son I need to go get a part really quick from Walmart I'm gonna go to Walmart and I said I'm gonna sit here and stare at this mailbox and I'm waiting
Starting point is 01:30:25 Come send you're like hiding staring at it. I'm looking go to Walmart and I said, I'm gonna sit here and stare at this mailbox. And I'm waiting. Come send. So you're like hiding, staring at it? I'm looking out the window, watching her. She pulls up in this excursion and it says her name in last name way, because it was all about her way. And she pulls up, grabs the mail, and then she comes up and I walk up, and let's just call her asshole.
Starting point is 01:30:42 So I was like, hi, asshole. Is there, did I get any mail from my mom? Don't you think if you had a letter, I would fucking tell you, get out of my face. And I was like, okay, well, have a good day. And I was like, I got you, I got you. My dad comes home 10 minutes later. And I said to him, what happened? And he's like, how do I know that you didn't go back when I went to Walmart and took it out to frame her. And I was like you got to
Starting point is 01:31:09 be kidding. Well then eventually my dad and her got a divorce my dad ended up leaving her and she left all of her stuff in our house and it was just that was my time to get even. She had a really bad eBay addiction. She bought all designer things. I literally took bleach to everything. It was like I couldn't get, I knew she was out of my life. I took her camera, I slashed, I slammed the camera on the ground. I did everything to her that she did to me.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Now that I knew that my dad had moved on, he found a new woman and he wasn't into her anymore. I was safe. This is like, oh, now it's time. I like literally barricaded. We had to try level. You was safe. This is like, oh, now it's time. I like literally barricaded. We had to try to find any of the letters from no. Oh, she probably threw away. No, she would take the money out of them. And then she would throw them away. Oh, yeah, everything. But it just now come to find out she reached out to me two years
Starting point is 01:32:00 ago and apologized for torturing me legitimately. What did she say? She said, you know, I just, I want to say, I saw you on YouTube. And I was like, oh, and she's like, I want to say that I'm so sorry for everything. And I was like, I don't forgive you ever for that because of how long it was, right? And I'm not a victim or a martyr. My husband taught me that.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Like when I met him, I met him at 20, and he said, you can't make your life about this. You're free from that. You're safe now. So now you live your life. You're not a victim. And it was so true. You know? I just as a mom of a boy's two, especially of anybody, boy or girl, um, to think that my kid was going to, for your mom to know that she was sending all this to you and that she financially couldn't win. And that this woman was torturing her son and you'll never get those. I'm so glad that you're close now. But it fucking infuriates me. It infuriates me whenever I see anything about any child abuse.
Starting point is 01:33:04 I mean, it's child, it infuriates me. It infuriates me whenever I see anything about any child abuse. I mean, it's child abuse. It was absolutely horrific. And I don't care that this woman now realizes it. I mean, I hope that she will have some type of penance and is making up for it in some other good way for the torture that she put you through. But wow, that is such an awful story.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Well, it breaks my heart now because now I have, my dad apologizes to me for all the time. For all the time. And how awful for your dad, just like a woman that brings in a man who tortures their kids or molester kids or whatever and the woman thought this guy would be a great father figure. I always feel really bad for the parent
Starting point is 01:33:42 that didn't know or didn't believe. That's gotta be torture for them too. Yeah, yeah. Well, and it was always a liar, right? But now that he knows, it's like, and I do feel bad now because now he always feels guilty for it. And my mom's like, I told you that bitch was crazy.
Starting point is 01:33:59 I told you, and my mom is just like, my mom is like, sweet home Alabama. Like, you don't mess with mama. Kind of, that is how she is. She's sharp on the tongue and she's witty. And she's like, if I see that bitch one day, like if I ever see her. I'd kill her.
Starting point is 01:34:16 And I'm like, no, it's like, it was like when Bethany said, like, I would murder somebody. That acting of like, I would kill someone. I could, no, no, no, no, no, my mom really would kill somebody. This is really what I would. In this No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Might be a perfect episode. Oh, shit, sorry. Sorry, awesome. Okay, guys. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:34:49 I adore you. Tell everybody if they're not aware of how they can follow you and find you and all that good stuff. Yeah, you guys can find me on Up and Adam Live on YouTube. And then we have Up and Adam Live too now, which is like our messy little sister channel where we have all of the spillover content
Starting point is 01:35:06 because we just pump out a lot and people don't know this, but after a certain amount of videos on YouTube that algorithm like suppresses your content and it doesn't push it out the same. So it's like, okay, so then we need a second channel. So Up and Adam Live on and 2.
Starting point is 01:35:21 That is awesome. Thank you for being so open and sharing and I'm so glad that we're friends. Yeah, me too. Jason always says to me, he's like, you're too much of an open book, but this felt like therapy. I feel good. I think it's going to touch a lot of people's heart, whether they were a victim as a child or they were a victim of a horrible court system.
Starting point is 01:35:42 So you might be hearing a lot, but I just think the fact that you're doing so great today and the fact that you have a great relationship with your mom and your dad, you won. Even though you had to suffer through so much. Maybe that's why you are a nice, successful person too. Hey, I'll keep you around, Heather. And thank you for having me. Thank you for having me.
Starting point is 01:36:02 And just like, it's always just, it's great to see you. Seeing you last night and then just being, I was so excited because the first time I came here I was so nervous and this time I was just like, let's do the damn thing. It's fuck shit up. Juicy Scoop. Good.
Starting point is 01:36:13 Love you. Bye. Oh.

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