Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Who is Scared of Kanye, RHSLC, and Jill Zarin on Ramona

Episode Date: March 15, 2022

Texts between Pete Davidson and Kanye are shared for us to scrutinize on Sunday. Kim is a juicy scooper and is now making Skims to feature your FUPA. The RHSLC reunion concludes with Jen Shah and her ...husband sticking to their story about the day she was arrested. There are lots of Juicy Crimes updates including a follow-up on Sherri, Jussie, and Gabby. RHOC Heather Dubrow calls out Shannon for doing her old shtick. Jill Zarin part 2 includes her latest run-in with Ramona and more juicy Housewife scoop. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com             Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sigma's serial data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a tick-sit fast
Starting point is 00:00:21 To the number one tabloid real life podcast Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Well, I wanna tell you again, I'm gonna be at the Braille improv. I'm gonna be doing four shows of standup
Starting point is 00:00:41 on March 25th and 26th at the Braille improv. Justin Martin, that will be performing with me. Then we're doing the Super Bowl of Juicy Scoop, the Super Juicy Scoop Live on Sunday, March 27th. And for the first time, I'm allowing you guys to purchase it and watch it within the few days of after we originally do it in person. So if you can't make it, if you want to see it, you can do it.
Starting point is 00:01:07 And if you're part of Patreon, there's a special discount. Go to Patreon, I go to Heather McIll.net, click Patreon, and you're going to see that I left a special post with the instructions of where to get it. If you're not part of Patreon and you want to do it, not a problem, you just go to Heather McIll.net, and you'll see right there where you can purchase. It's through a moment house or you go to momenthouse.com slash juicy scoop. This is really exciting and fun and I know you guys are going to love it and that's the info for that.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Okay you guys, Pete Davidson and a Winter Park couple are among the crew for the next blue origin launch. This is through Jeff Bezos. I don't even understand it. Okay, they take people like on a little like Star Wars trip or whatever. I don't know how much it costs. I don't know why they choose the people. I just wanna, I just, I don't want anyone to like be hurt, but honestly,
Starting point is 00:02:05 if Pete Davidson goes, I would like to also add Kanye and just like maybe they just get lost in space, because I was exhausted. I tried to have a beautiful Sunday celebrating my 83 year old mother-in-law and my one year old cousin's birthday on our boat. And I was just inundated by what the hell was going on with these A-holes. It was just too much to take. It all works out great, because all this press is for the Hulu Kardashians show. And I've seen the trailers. It's a lot of drone shots.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It makes me appreciate being part of LA. Nothing, LA only looks beautiful in drone shots and it's a lot of that and they all look beautiful, they have beautiful homes, they have cute little babies, what more do you want? Okay, in a show. But what I love about the trailer is that the producers are trying to make it more edgy where you like hear the voice of the producer when they do their their confessions and it's like so what does it feel like to be back? Be back. Oh you mean just from filming the show because I feel like we follow every one of your moves on Instagram and then we talk about it and everybody writes about it.
Starting point is 00:03:16 So I feel like just because you haven't been filming the reality show for like eight months, it certainly doesn't feel like woo woo, I'm back like anyway. So Pete Davidson, as you know, I agree that they, that he and Kim are boning 100%. Are they benefiting from the fact that they're boning and making them each bigger stars and putting eyes on the Hulu show and putting eyes on SNL and putting eyes on Pete Davidson as a comedian.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yes, but are they boning? Yes. Which I don't think is a big deal, really. Okay, so what happened was some friend of Pete Davidson's decides to share phone text messages between Pete and Kanye. And in a nutshell, it's Pete in a bed taking a photo like this which then somebody skinny not fat noticed that there is a K.I.M. it literally looks like you took a red Sharpie among all the tattoos and just he didn't even find
Starting point is 00:04:21 like an open skin mark you just like wrote like Kim right here. I don't think that's like super well. Like when someone like Pete Davidson gets a tattoo of you, I don't think it's like that big of a deal. It's like, okay. Like you literally have not one space of skin left on your body. Like unless you put Kim on his forehead, I'm not impressed.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Like finding one little nook under your armpit. Okay. Anyway, so he does this thing and he says to you know Kanye, let's talk like you be a man you're being awful. My girl is the best mother ever and kind of hot my girl you know anyway. Best mom with four kids like let's talk. Kanye writes back and he's like we can talk at Sunday services. He's like, no, I don't wanna go to church or your weird church or whatever call it. I don't wanna go, but he's just like, let's talk after.
Starting point is 00:05:12 It all gets put out there because the friend of Pete happens to share it. And then Connie does a video and he's like, really this guy's saying he's in my wife's bed because he's like where are you now and he's like in your wife's bed. He's like I thought Kanye goes I thought it wasn't my wife. I thought she's not my wife anymore. Why are you referring her to my wife?
Starting point is 00:05:35 Again, back to the kids this and that, you know, and Pete saying like she is a good mom. It was just so exhausting and then he's like I'm here for one day. I don't know if these are old messages. I don't know if we're supposed to believe that Pete did SNL, got on a private jet, came here, got into a bed at the Beverly Hills Hotel that Kim would just happen to be in. They took these photos of them that she posted,
Starting point is 00:06:00 like just kind of like, ah! She was doing that, that thing that Courtney was doing with Travis, where it's like a bad photo, like it's slightly blurred, like, oh, I don't even have time to find one that's not blurred, I'm so authentic. And they're like on, like in a hallway, like, hey, and Chloe's like, love this.
Starting point is 00:06:19 And then people noticed that in one Twitter photo that she posted, it had like a Apprinted carpet and the next she photoshipped it out to be a clean carpet and then people are like was she's doing that So people don't know where they are other people are saying no she did that so aesthetically it looks more like a skims thing like on her grid of the Instagram I don't know, you know whatever So but I'm saying like was was this old message, was this this, then Kanye starts going after DL, Hugley, and someone's like, oh my god, he's going after Communion instead of fainted.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I guess he showed a video of DL Hugley, but he, DL Hugley faded a year ago, so it has nothing to do with the fact that I fainted, or that also this week in Haley Beaver said that she had some type of a stroke situation happen and they went to the hospital and they noticed that she had a small blood clot bleeding on her brain, but now she's fine. So that was a big thing. But anyway, the DL QGLE is getting attacked by conny because d l has see it's some pretty profound statements that make a lot of sense about the fact that conny needs to be on his drugs and get better and we should not
Starting point is 00:07:36 you know if this person wasn't rich and famous we would be really concerned with the way he's acting towards the mother of his children so he's now not a fan of d l also speaking that he's acting towards the mother of his children. So he's now not a fan of deals. Also speaking that he's a comedian, Pete Davidson also in the text to Kanye said, I've been good to you. I've made sure that there weren't SNL jokes about you because you're the father of my girl's kids. I've even had personal comedian friends not talk about you because I'm such a good guy.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Like we're all gonna be a family. Just call me back on my wife's bed. Okay, anyway. So DL then says in a tweet, hmm, ain't it weird that Hashtag Kanye supposedly has all these goons who will kill for him, but not one of them will get his prescriptions filled. Here's the thought, while you're on your way
Starting point is 00:08:23 to kill me in Calabasas, I guess he lives in Calabasus too. How about somebody drop by CBS and pick up his Xanax LOL hashtag team DI. He is funny. This was back. This was actually a tweet that he did a while ago. So they've been at it. He did this March 13th. So he did this last week. So they've been going back and forth. March 13th was yesterday. Oh. Oh. Oh. I wanted those comedians with a head injury.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So yeah, they're at it, but hey, who was talking about DL recently? No, people have not been talking about DL, Hugley. He's a really funny comedian. He's a great radio show. He has a great radio show. He's a smart guy. So that's a pretty clever tweet. Meanwhile, in all of this, Kanye went to nut one, but two different basketball games
Starting point is 00:09:15 in two different cities with his new girl, Cheney Jones. And she has a little baby Burke. And I guess it was leftover from the baby Burkekins that he gave to Julia Fox's friends. You know what I'm saying with uncut chams, all my girlfriends got baby Birkins. The lot is stressed to take care of a baby Birkin. It's like taking care of a baby. So she has a baby Birkin and she's at a basketball game and unfortunately now she has to wear gloves.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Oh, like who the hell? Even when I'm like skiing, I wear gloves. I it's just like nothing works. It's hard to touch your hair. It's hard to like fix your face. It's hard to eat. It's hard to work on your phone. So just like imagine like, okay Kanye. It's just a lot. It's just anyway. Here when she doesn't have the glasses on, she doesn't have the glasses on, she doesn't look that much like Kim.
Starting point is 00:10:07 She's very pretty. Meanwhile, Kim has been motorcycle riding in a Balenciaga outfit. Kim got a lot of shit this past week because in her variety interview, which they filmed and went viral about their Hulu show, she said, I have some great advice for those who want to be entrepreneurs. Get up, off your ass, and work. Nobody wants to work anymore in clois-like so-to-so-true. So,
Starting point is 00:10:37 a lot of people, including Jamilia Jamil, who is full of shit herself. I mean, look up the YouTube video that's only put together of all the times that she lied and exaggerated numerous health issues for sympathy, okay? She's like, move over, you know, munchausins because she's got her own thing going. But just like a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:11:04 all I'm gonna say something really harsh back right away to Kim so that people are like, you go Jamil, Jamala, Jamay, or whatever. And so she's like really, you know, basically the just is people are very offended that Kim said this. They're like, get my ass off and work. I've got three jobs. I'm a single mother. You have, you know, Nanny's and get my outs off and work. I've got three jobs. I'm a single mother.
Starting point is 00:11:25 You have, you know, nannies and chefs, you came from privilege, you had private school, you had a trust fund, you had all these opportunities. And yeah, you made a lot of money out of them, but like your experience, listen to me. Do you really think that Kim Kardashian is so elevated that when she speaks, she is thinking about every individual person's experience, she's not. She, in my opinion, was saying from her own experience, all these young girls that want to be me, that want to be social influencers, that want to be designers, that want to be models, need to get off up their ass and work a little harder.
Starting point is 00:12:09 She's talking about her own bubble of life and the kind of people that she has hired, some have been wonderful, but obviously some have disappointed her. This is how I'm evaluating it. And so when she said it, she was, and that's why Chloe's like, absolutely. Like I just had someone that screwed up the cookie display last week. You know, how hard is it to line up the cookies? I taught her three times. Like really, nobody wants to work anymore. No one wants to line up my beige boots. Like I'm exhausted. That's what they're talking about. They weren't talking about every single person in the world
Starting point is 00:12:47 that has to work as a maid. You think she was thinking about the maid at the hotel, at the motel six when she was saying, you wanna be me, get off your act? No. And okay, scams, you guys, I talked about how the under-tit movement of showing under-tit is the new cleavage, is the new side cleavage, and I said my prediction was going to be that they were going to show Fupa now, naked Fupa. People sent me a scams with just
Starting point is 00:13:22 the Fupa, which is the fat upper PUSSY portion of your body. Okay, a lot of people don't know what it is. And I said, that's going to be the new thing that people are going to highlight. I swear to God with, within 48 hours, skims created it. And first someone sent it to me and I'm like, is this a joke? Isn't skims supposed to be like a spank that sucks you in like a girdle? Why would you ever want to highlight the little poochie part of your tummy, the lower part of your stomach?
Starting point is 00:13:54 Well now skims has an after hours thing. So again, I don't know why a guy would be attracted to high-waisted shorts to go to bed in and then just have just your least attractive softest part of your stomach, even if you are fit, and then have it squeezed. So it's like band it around the top and then a triangle V to just pop out. So even if you're thin, if you got this, you're going to look like you had a turkey meal or you're entering your second trimester. I want to know if anybody has bought these and your man was like, hey, get that fupa in those skims, I have no idea. I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Let's talk about Real House of Assault Lake. It is, they concluded the season with Part 3 of the reunion. The husbands came out and lots has transpired. So first I just want to pop over to here, Whitney rose his husband, Justin, confirmed on Facebook over the weekend that he's no longer employed by life advantage and he was a chief sales officer since 2015 He did lots of emojis lots of little hearts. It almost seemed like she wrote it, but He just said one doors closing, you know and all this other stuff and so the word on the street is You know what I would think did this company ask him to step down because of being on
Starting point is 00:15:28 the show, particularly the naked scene, which Annie didn't even bring up? Like, I wish Annie would have been like, how embarrassing was that that you guys had to like get in what paint, and your wife was naked and she like, slavour ass. They hinted a little bit of like, oh, in your company, why do you know so much? Because remember Whitney was the one who was explaining what the charges were against Gen Shaw and how you collect data and then hook someone on a subscription and then it keeps getting paid and then you sell that data to someone else that can then bleed this person dry, maybe without them knowing it.
Starting point is 00:16:02 They're like, how do you know that? She's like, I just know about it. They're like, how do you know that? She's like, I just know about it. And I was like, okay, so. So he said, look, she is my retirement. She's, you know, we're so happy. They put all this money into her own skin care line, which I think is pretty smart. So now he no longer is that this company,
Starting point is 00:16:23 now they just have this one. She's, they're filming right now, I think they'll be fine. Heather has been very supportive of Jen. She held her hand during the whole time and at one point Heather Gay said about Jen, I don't care if she did it or not, I'll still support her. I understand that you want to be her friend because she scares the shit out of you and because you're on the show together and you want the show
Starting point is 00:16:49 to continue. However, if you knew somebody that is claiming to be a victim of what she did, your mother and aunt somebody, I think you'd really feel differently. I feel the reason she is getting not the treatment that an Erica Jane is getting is just because we know who the victims are of Tom Girardi's cases. We can literally see them. We saw the burn victim. We saw, you know, we hear their stories like because it's like elderly people and even though they did like a hulu dock on her I think people are still just like it's just not tangible enough of what she did. Her husband comes out coach-shop is a pretty charming delightful guy
Starting point is 00:17:35 and you know Jen sitting there and she's just like I don't understand why a Whitney goes I always questioned always questioned her spending habits that how wealthy she was. And she's like, really interesting that you guys all question how the brown girl got her money. And I'm just like, what? And then the husband goes, listen,
Starting point is 00:17:59 my wife's been working for 20 years. All that desire stuff in your scene or closet didn't just happen overnight. She's been collecting it. Like, I'm like, are you basically saying she's been scamming people for decades? She hasn't just been scamming people for a few years, people, she's been scamming people for decades.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Like, you might want to shut up. Then they show their audition tape where she's like, I spend 50,000 a month just on clothes. And he's like, oh my God, you should see how much luggage we have when we fly private. I mean, they actively pursued wanting to be on this show. He brings up Annie brings up the whole Uber story of when Heather gave that I put Gen Sean in Uber. I saw on because it was my Uber. I guess she didn't know how to use an uber app or maybe
Starting point is 00:18:45 didn't want to pay for it. She sees that the uber drops her off somewhere else within five minutes of dropping her off instead of taking her 45 minutes home. She now explains that she was not dropped off at a lover's house. She was dropped off at some guy who has stolen from Heather Gay. And so she didn't want to tell Heather gay that that guy was going to drive her home but she wanted that guy to drive her home because it was forty-fifth minute drive and she was still friends with that guy but Heather Gay didn't know
Starting point is 00:19:12 okay that was one super weird story because the actual uber driver has been uh... interviewed but at the same time maybe that guy whether he's gay or straight or what i don't know but they all thought that that's who she was bony. So then Annie goes, coach, cha, Jen, cha, do you have like an open-really shipper
Starting point is 00:19:31 of you ever had infidelity? And they're like, no. Then he gets into the day that she was arrested. And for what we remember from what we watched, Jen answers the phone. Hi, baby. Oh, okay, could you take off my mic? Yeah, my husband has in the hospital with internal bleeding, and I can't go on this trip. I have to go right now to the hospital. Okay. Then the then the Homeland Security Cave, she's not on the bus. They find her on the road with her aunt.
Starting point is 00:20:06 They go to the house. They think she's at the house. Then we see that Jen and her husband submitted the ring footage of them knocking on the door and looking for Jen in which everybody in the house at the time had to come out like this, which is really sad because she had two niche boys. She also had a nephew there, the nephew's wife. But that's what they do when they arrest people. I'm sorry, that's what they do. And but then Annie was like, I wonder if they did that to stews kids. That's her assistant that has already pleaded guilty and they haven't talked in a year.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It kind of insinuating like, did they only do this because the color of the people's skin? I mean, I don't know, but that whole thing, her assistant, she's like, well, it wasn't really my assistant, but it wasn't really my partner either. And then they show clips where she's like, aren't I a good boss, like shoving a banana in his face?
Starting point is 00:21:01 It's like, and then he's like, let me see what we're doing here. I mean, like, they work together for years. And he's shoving up a banana and his face. And then he's like, let me see what we're doing here. I mean, like they work together for years. And he's already pled guilty. So then Andy's like, she's like, I'm gonna fight this thing. I'm gonna fight for everybody who can't afford to fight charges like this themselves. I'm going to trial.
Starting point is 00:21:16 The trial was supposed to start March 22nd. I read somewhere it's been pushed to July. So that's nice that she can finish filming this whole season. And we can see her, you know, cry about it or not cry about it. She says it's so hard to get out of bed, you know, that the kids, her sons have to get her out of bed. And you find yourself feeling sorry for them because you don't want to see any mother like separated from kids, but you've got to remember her closet and what she's being accused of. So she's still mad at Lisa Barlow. I don't even know what for. That Lisa Barlow called 20 attorneys in the VNF.
Starting point is 00:21:52 She was arrested because she wanted to know the scoop. I don't blame her. And that's about it. We really don't know. Oh, the biggest news. So then Coach Shaw said, what happened was I wasn't feeling well and I was in the hospital and I have rectal bleeding. That's a big issue.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So I had my assistant take my phone and call Jen. That is the call you see. She thought it was me, but it wasn't. It was my assistant saying, I'm in the hospital with coach shock. Can you come? And so she's saying all that is true. That call was not them warning me that the feds were up my doorstep or on their way. It was my husband's assistant saying he is in the hospital bleeding. So I get I'm headed to the hospital and only once what I'm headed to the hospital
Starting point is 00:22:48 and then he goes and then while I'm in the hospital I hear that the feds are coming to the house. They never clear up like well did you just stop the bleeding? Like what the hell? Like it's so shady. They clearly have each other's back. They clearly have a plan and they're sticking to it. And I will say Jen, I don't think her face has ever looked prettier. She doesn't look all harsh and pulled back. The purple thing was weird, but the purple eyeshadow was like sparkly.
Starting point is 00:23:17 It did bother me that one of her crystals that she like took from a grandma chandelier. There was one missing right here and I could not get past it. Also, there was bad editing at one point. She had like a bottle of water, like an arrowhead cheap bottle of water. And then the next like she didn't anyway, who cares? You're like, she cares about the bottle of water. Then Jenny, she is the new girl who got fired for the racist tweets and means and posts over the summer of 2020. got fired for the racist tweets and means and posts over the summer of 2020. Her husband, who is a chiropractor, comes out and he's crying, okay, they had two weird
Starting point is 00:23:50 storylines that we all thought were fake, okay. One was, let's have more kids because eight years ago, we had a still birth and even though you're 43, I still want to have one more child. Now that is very sad that they lost a child, but to nobody, it may no sense why you're pushing for your wife who had nine other miscarriages to get pregnant again. So he brings that up, Andy, the husband's crying. He's like, well, that's why I want an sister wife. The other thing I thought was a complete lie storyline.
Starting point is 00:24:29 He's like, I thought I'm results oriented and I thought, you know what? By having a sister wife, that is a quick way to get another baby. You know what? Thank God you're gone. I don't even know. The fact that that wasn't made up up the fact that you doubled down on this Weird storyline that may no sense makes me realize that you guys are weird and I don't want to know anymore about you and goodbye Meredith husband comes he's got COVID or something so he's on the big screen or somebody knows does
Starting point is 00:25:00 He you know is like oh, I hope that Lisa and Meredith can make up. Because again, we all have to be on the show together. We all want to stay on the show. Then at one point, Lisa gets up and hugs Heather and Whitney. And it's like, I hope we can get along. I hope we can move on from this because we're going to film the show and we all want to stay on it. And then she goes back to her side of the couch. And, and he's like, well, you guys just had a really nice moment? And then Heather's like, look, I just wanted Lisa to be in the ugly with me. I just wanted her to be in the ugly with me and just be honest about the fact their life is not perfect.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I'm just, I don't know. It wasn't, it wasn't great. I never want to see these outfits again. I never want to see someone with just one glove, let alone two. I'm not into the feathers. It was just the worst set I've ever seen. But anyway, we'll see what happens with the rest of them. Okay, Jesse Smollett, he was sentenced to 150 days in jail and he has to pay some fine. I can't remember a few hundred thousand dollars. While he was being sentenced, he started screaming, I'm not suicidal, I'm not suicidal, I'm not suicidal to again bring attention to himself. Like, people are out to get me
Starting point is 00:26:20 because of the color of my skin and I believe if something happens and you find that I've killed myself in this jail cell I hope everyone feels guilty because I did not do it and and people are out to get me I'm not safe in jail and they then they did put them on suicide watch because they're like well now why don't we put you on suicide watch? Like, if you really, we definitely want to make sure that you don't kill yourself and then make it look like somebody did it. And then we have another big,
Starting point is 00:26:52 jussie-small-it thing on our hands. I don't know. I, let me have a prediction of what I think is going to happen to him. I don't think he'll ever be on, no, I take it back. He is going to have a come to Jesus in prison. He is going to finally, once this is all done and there's no reason to lie anymore, he is going to tell his truth and why he did it. And somehow he's going to win enough hearts back that he did it. And somehow he's gonna win enough hearts back that he will work again.
Starting point is 00:27:27 That's my prediction. Okay, Gabby Petito's parents have filed a lawsuit against Brian Laundrie's parents for helping him get away. And his, you know, because you know what all went through that those horrible days where the parents were cooperating They weren't answering. Well, of course Brian was answering, but then they weren't answering once Brian went missing and they feel like That was helping him get away
Starting point is 00:27:57 however the Laundry family attorney Stephen Bertolino tells TMZ as I've maintained over the last several months, the laundries have not publicly commented on my direction, which is their right under the law, assuming everything that potatoes allege in their lawsuit is true, which we deny, this lawsuit does not change the fact
Starting point is 00:28:18 that the laundries had no obligation to speak to law enforcement or any third party, including the potato family. This fundamental legal principle renders the Petito's claims to be baseless under the law. So, I mean, I don't know. Are they assholes? Yes, where they, you know, where they in a weird, crazy position,
Starting point is 00:28:39 where your son is, you know your son is guilty. I don't know what you're supposed to do, but does it constitute an unlawful, you know, something unlawful? Maybe not, maybe not. I think that's, I think it makes a lot of sense. So I don't know that they're gonna prevail the family of Gabby, which is really sad.
Starting point is 00:29:01 A little update on Sherry Papini's. So her one pal is still supporting her. Her name is Heather Gaye, no, just kidding. Hahaha. As you know, Sherry Papini is the missing mom who had everybody in the Tizzi for 22 days thinking that she was dead because she was faking her own kidnapping.
Starting point is 00:29:26 The friend is like, well, I think she does, you know, when for a shot at love and just and you know, probably feels bad about it. Okay, we all saw the dude. They never slept together. It wasn't for love. And then people that know them are like, I'm still shocked because the husband was so nice. And she actually wrote people after she got back and like thanked them for their support and flowers and this and that.
Starting point is 00:29:56 As you know, she's facing a lot of charges, one being that they took 49,000 from a GoFundMe and spent it. And another 30 of a victim's fund that they had to apply for and spent that. I really want to know where the husband stands. What I think is, because I've been thinking a lot about this, I think the husband absolutely thought she was missing. I don't know when he may have found out. It could have been like a Vicki Brooks situation. Remember when Brooks was faking cancer and Brooks that, and then at one point, I think Vicki found out,
Starting point is 00:30:32 this is Real Housewives of OC, and it was just too late, and she was kind of liking the attention she was getting from having a really sick boyfriend. I think that's what happened. I think at one point, and I don't know, but I think probably within the first year of her being home from the fake kidnapping, I think the husband realized what a monster he was married to. But it was like, well, now
Starting point is 00:30:59 what do I do? You know, now we're in this situation, and we also spent this money. So I don't want to call her out on it The money was pretty nice the 79,000 was pretty nice. We paid off her debts We got things going unlike grossed out by it, but and that's why I think he's not Necessarily going to be arrested or anything But I think we're gonna find out that he definitely knew more maybe not during those 22 days when she was missing But I think he're gonna find out that he definitely knew more, maybe not during those 22 days when she was missing, but I think he knew after. And it is just like on girl.
Starting point is 00:31:31 This from Page Six, Chloe Cherry, who is the girl in Euphoria on HBO Max, which I am now watching season one. And oh my God, you really have to take it as small doses. And like the way I watch HBO Max is different than the way I watch like Brawitz, like a whole different remote. And I just, oh my god, I like have to like, I'm trying to fast forward like the full frontal nudity of like some of the worst penises I've ever seen in my life and the worst bodies.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And it just hops up on you. And you're just like, oh my god, I've got like, I love the, I love the acting. I love the stories, I believe that all these stories are actually could definitely happen to youth, okay? But it's basically porn. But anyway, I did not know that she was a porn star before she got this part in the show.
Starting point is 00:32:21 She plays one of the teenage girls. She developed an eating disorder at 18, when an agent in the X, she plays one of the teenage girls, she developed an eating disorder at 18, when an agent in the X-rated industry told her that she was fat. Okay, you were a porn star at 18. And the worst thing that happened is that the agent that was booking you for stuff for you to have sex on camera said that you were fat. That's what caused the eating disorder not the fact that you're 18 and doing porn
Starting point is 00:32:51 Basically euphoria is porn. I mean it's it's the most graphic thing I've ever seen and it's kind of a shame because if we would just take a little bit of the porn out I think because if we would just take a little bit of the porn out, I think it would be a great thing to watch with your teenage kids. But you can't really watch it with your teenage kids because it's like, I mean, okay, this is an awful outfit by Lady Gaga. I'm not following any of, I don't even know what the movies are. I'm not into it at all. But this looks like, this looks like she took two of the last baskets that you don't have to wear anymore in LA this week. We'll see what happens next. And just put them on her tits.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Like she just, and put them over her arms. You know, like a black face mask. Put them over her arms. And then, and it's like three different outfits. It is so bad. I'm gonna post it on my Instagram too. I think it's one of different outfits. It is so bad. I'm going to post it on my Instagram too. I think it's one of the worst outfits I've ever seen. It's like, it's like her tits have sunglasses on or something. I don't know. It's bizarre. Real housewives of OC is, you know, let me try to think what's going on. Not a lot, not a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I thought this was kind of interesting. Heather DeBro says, they're making this big drama saying that Shannon Bedore is jealous of Gina and Heather DeBro's friendship. And Emily keeps bringing it up. And I'm like, this is so dumb. Is it Emily and Gina? Friend, I thought everyone's gonna be jealous. It's gonna be dumb.
Starting point is 00:34:24 It is such a dumb storyline. Like literally, I think they're like meaning in the woods of the O.C. to like plot out this stuff because it just, it makes no sense. And then Heather Debrose, like, oh please, you know, Shannon trying to act like she's having more fun than us. Oh, what does she do?
Starting point is 00:34:42 She gets drunk and jump center pooled her spanks. That's her stick. Done that. Ben there. Done that. Who'd you do that with? I'm like, she did it with camera. She did it with all these people. So I thought it was like kind of a pretty snarky and kind of fabulous. I've had the de Bro to say, hi, just want to make you guys aware. She does the same stick every time. It's like, let's get really drunk, which I've told you. Like, can't you guys just have like interesting conversation? You have to get really drunk and then they have to be like aren't we
Starting point is 00:35:09 funny? We're taking off our clothes. I'm gonna wear my spanks and you know other people are gonna actually show like their lingerie and we're gonna get in the pool and then Noella has no top on at all and oh my god. oh these women are crazy! They're not that crazy who cares. Share page six reports that share as apologized to her fans for being MIA on social media for the past few days, citing personal problems. Now listen, this isn't shares fault. She just did that in page six and nothing to report on.
Starting point is 00:35:43 But I'm like, like really it goes on. I did that joke the other day saying that, you know, I'm just going to take a break from social media and oh my god, so many people, mostly personal like people in my life, like my mother-in-law, other people are like, what's wrong? I'm like, don't you get it? I'm making fun of hilarious. But this, but people really feel like if they go just a couple days off of social media, they're like, let me just tell the fans, I just, oh, I just had, I was going through something.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I just, I just could not bring myself to like post a photo of myself. The YouTubers have been obsessed. A lot of certain types of YouTubers that have a lot of followers have been obsessed. A lot of certain types of YouTubers that have a lot of followers have been obsessed with my epic fall caught on camera as I performed at the Tempe improv. And this one, they really had some fun with it. They actually put in like a Jesus statue, knocking me down in the video. And Jesus says, I don't even know who you are.
Starting point is 00:36:50 So it's just like the comments, it's just not only is it that like Jesus doesn't let me the most, is like now there's saying like Jesus, like I'm so not a good comedian or famous that Jesus isn't even aware of who I am. And I'm like, well, isn't that the whole point of believing in Jesus? Like, he knows who everybody is because he's Jesus
Starting point is 00:37:12 and he's like God and he's not just like an average person that like has to have a row of the Rolex in their head of every single person. But anyway, good times. And I'll be back at the 10th P.M. Prove to make up these two shows on April 9th. Everything is at HeatherMcDolland.net, along with how to be able to watch the live juicy scoop in your leisure a couple days after we actually do it.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's all there. And now you guys, I know you really enjoyed the juicy conversation I had with Jill Zaron. Well we get into some of the funniest and juicy stuff regarding Ramona and some other housewives and here's the rest of that interview so enjoy. So I'm here with still with Jill Zaron we made her stay because we had a little more to talk about and we were looking at the beautiful photo of I would be like, Jersey girls, they're makeup and everything does look really good. But then you started talking about what? Well, I just something I've thought of, it's like, hmm,
Starting point is 00:38:13 how many times or how many clothing is labeled in all the house-by-shows with Louis Vuitton to your Gucci and Chanel? Well, it's a lot now. And it's kind of interesting because I remember Tamara saying Tamra from OC saying, you know, that wasn't a big thing when we first started Skytops. And it's the Skytops and all that stuff. And the BB Shoes and the BCBG. And it wasn't a labeling thing. And it was kind of Heather DeBro that actually was living
Starting point is 00:38:41 a life of, you know, high end brands that kind of brought that to the show. And then- That's how you remember it. People- That's what Tamer said. It leads to the OCC. Oh, okay. So then they started upping their game. And then as each season came,
Starting point is 00:38:54 and I think as the other franchises, and just in life, things have become more labeling conscious. Yes, yes. So I think that they were like, oh my god, I'm gonna be filming a show in a couple months. Let me borrow stuff from friends. Let me buy some things, let me get a couple fakes here, and let me look like a rich bitch. I just, you know what it is, it's more of a sociological thing, right? Yeah. I just, I find some clothes, I am like the biggest hypocrite right now.
Starting point is 00:39:22 I have the biggest hypocrite because in my suitcase out there, I have a Louis Vuitton coat that's all LV on the inside, not on the outside. But, and it's a gorgeous coat. But I just sociologically, what is wrong with all of us that we wanna spend enormous amounts of money to buy honestly, an ugly jumper with a bunch of cheese on it? Or whatever it is. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:46 Or whatever the letter is. I think it's the reaction you get, because if you do buy that jumper, people will, I mean, I've noticed myself. Tell me, I don't have a lot of labeling things, but my labeling things will get so much more positive reaction from personal friends to strangers to whatever. So go deep on why do we care? Why do we care? I think people are just made aware of it. If you're just wearing like a pretty pink dress, I think people are not like, wow, that's a pink, you know, that's the prettiest pink I've ever seen. But if you're wearing
Starting point is 00:40:24 like, you know, a big deal on a good, big shirt, that's the prettiest pink I've ever seen. But if you're wearing like, you know, a big D on it or a big G. It's like, I love that. Ooh, and then it's also letting the person giving me the compliments also wants you to know that they're aware that that's high fashion. I'm expensive. It's expensive, it's high fashion. But then there's this part of me sometimes where I'm like, well, wait a minute, I don't think I want the same purse
Starting point is 00:40:46 that a 16 year old has walking through the mall. Right, I don't feel like it's like cool anymore because they're wearing, you mean, because they're wearing with the top? Because I'm just like, I don't know, like it's just like, if a 16 year old can afford it. I know, right? Like I don't know just like this.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's more of like a marketing sociology set. Yeah, it's like, how did they, how did this know, just like this. It's more of like a marketing sociology set. Yeah. Like, how did this company, it's actually now what like one or two companies that own all the brands. Right. And now there's like, right now there's a collaboration between Balenciaga and Fendi, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:16 You know, because they're both owned by the same parent company. But like how they spend all this money, you know, to get us to buy into this bullshit of a jacket that costs $3 to make, selling it for $3,000 versus $30. Yes, it may be a little bit bad to quality, but really probably not. Just sociologically, why we feel that we need to have that to make ourselves feel better. I don't know. It's just only to feel better, or it's kind of like this, like like I've worked really hard, I can afford this, I've made it.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I never thought I could walk into a Lou Vuitton and buy anything and now at the point in my life where I actually can. I know but why do you experience that? I know that but I'm just saying, I think that's, I think that's the cycle of experience. I think it's a psychological part of it and it's like, yeah, that, or I want to give this Louis Vuitton wrapped box. I want the experience of giving that to someone too. Oh, yeah. And the box is so important.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You can't just give them the bag. It's got to be wrapped. It's got to be, I mean, we have to get a, I have to get a gift now for Saturday. Yeah. And I wanted to come in a nice box and look beautiful and everything else. Right. So I got to find a place to go get that today. All right, because we're going to Ocean's birthday.
Starting point is 00:42:28 That's right. Um, okay. So wait, I have a couple more questions from what would Jill's there and do game show. Okay. If, um, what if your sister-in-law heard a rumor about you being a stripper? This is from New Jersey way back when a rumor went around that Melissa was not just a cocktail waitress at the strip joint before getting with Joe. Well there's a lot of things that you have to know the answer to. Number one, if it was true, if it's true to you, as does your
Starting point is 00:43:01 husband know, like if it was Bobby, let's say not Melissa, let's say it's Joe. Joe Bobby. That's a Bobby know that I'm that I was a stripper, but I'm keeping it a secret. No, Bobby doesn't know. You were trying to hide it. You were a stripper at one point. And I'm young. I'm young.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Yeah. I'm a young mother. And I'm trying to hide it. And someone outs me. Again, it goes back to, did you really think you could keep that a secret on a reality show? Right. Right. So you can't be mad.
Starting point is 00:43:25 You can't hate the player, hate the game. Well, first of all, I don't think Joe, I think Joe probably did know. If she did strip, we still don't know if she did. But if she did at all, I think Joe knew and doesn't care. It wouldn't affect their marriage. But I don't think she wanted it out on the show. I know. But I think now, I think that was a third, I don't know how old she is.
Starting point is 00:43:43 So I'm gonna make it out. Now she's a 35-year-old Melissa. on the show. I know, but I think now, I think that was a, I don't know how old she is. So I'm making up. Now she's a 35 year old Melissa. Now a 40 year old Melissa is probably like, I wish I could still be a stripper. You know, I wish I had that body again. But she does have that body. Neenie completely owned it. She was like, I was a stripper.
Starting point is 00:44:01 That's where I met. Right. That's where I had to. She's like, I made a good money I realized I was a single mother and I was like how can I make the most for you yeah how can I make the most money for the least amount of hours away from my son and I'm pretty enough to make that money I'm damn proud I was a stripper she owned it and I like that I like people maybe Melissa wasn't a
Starting point is 00:44:24 stripper like and she was like I don't like I don't look it doesn't okay I never like people to hide it because you have to know it's gonna come out But I don't like is the venom that the girls had to out her. Yeah, that's what bothered me Well, I didn't like the venom. They wanted to get her. They wanted to hurt her They wanted to her the whole back story of that Because I interviewed the Kim D had heard they wanted to hurt her they wanted to her the whole back story of that because i interviewed the kim de
Starting point is 00:44:47 i'm trying to remember but she was like a peripheral friend that kept her approval she was like major play right chit a lot to do with it but that was a whole thing of allegedly you know teresa making sure that that was said when the cameras were there to look like what you know, Teresa making sure that that was said when the cameras were there to look like what? You know, like throw it out there, like, you know, the instigator. Yeah, throw the grenade and then walk away.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And so everybody has a role on their show. Yeah. And I think that, like you said, as soon as you start to lie, you know, it's hard to cover it up. And then there's the other person who's like, tell the truth, tell the truth, I'm not gonna give up until you tell the truth. And then it's like, tell the truth because then you disarm them.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Okay, I was a stripper, you're right. You're right, Heather, you're right. Okay, you're right. And I would be like, you're right. Now what, you're right. Okay, there we go. Bobby, you're so lucky, I was a stripper. Yeah. And look at the prize you get now So I should thank Heather for outing me. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:51 Like I think you can completely disarm people that way exactly but when you that's the thing like so Well, that's an old Jill Zairn. That's a 58 year old. 40 year old Jill may not think that way exactly And also I think strippers even 10 years ago when this was the storyline It wasn't seen like now God, you know like I think it has a different attitude No, that's an old ahead. I think that's not yeah We young Heather with little boys and so you might feel differently. Yeah, and now it's like and also just our attitude in 2022 is very different about You know sex work at all whether whether it's dancing or only fans, whatever, I think people decided to do it.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Well, that's true too now with only fans. That's just mental. Gary really wants me to open up an only fans' feed account. He's like, just show your feed. I have great feed. He's like, show your feed. This girl on that show 90-day fiance,
Starting point is 00:46:40 she says she's making over a million dollars. She's made over a million dollars. I don't think she's showing just feet. Yeah, I don't know. But so a little tit, a little tit in a foot, and you get a new house, are you kidding me? Take it. I think it's a lot harder than people think.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I don't know if it is, but I can't do it. I feel it will kill my brand, but let me tell you what, if I could. Yes, I think there's certain people that can do really well, but just like anything else, just like, it takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:47:08 It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:47:16 It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:47:24 It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot thousand a month. When she came on the show and she said the number whenever it was, I said to myself, she made a mistake, she meant a month. But they never corrected it. I don't know if you're on it, if you're on it. I'm not saying now she is. If you're on, she was making money by messaging back with people. Each time someone messaged her, they had to pay for her response. And I'm like, be sure and unlike before she was on tv well i guess you know but i'm saying it literally she spent eight hours writing back guys which every time they had to pay her five ten dollars for response and she was on for eight
Starting point is 00:47:56 hours a day with different people and he was a thousand dollars and he even had an assistant doing it simultaneously with her to other people. I think yeah, she's making 10,000 a day, three and a half million. And now by the way, she just got divorced from Scottie Pipp
Starting point is 00:48:10 and I heard she got like 40 million. Why is she even on the show? Why is she doing only fans writing back truckers if she got four million? Why? Why? I feel like 2000 texts a day. Yeah, I don't think she was getting 10, I think it was 10,000 a month.
Starting point is 00:48:23 But now it probably is 10,000 a day Because she was on the right I just think at the time they made a mistake. That's just my personal opinion. Larson I would appreciate if you straighten it out Yeah, I mean, I I thought it was kind of sad that she had to do it on like it She has to do this like That could be it can be a divorce that could be an ego thing. Yeah, like you want to you want to be a sexy and a high I do too by the way. Can I how do you open an only fancy gown? It's very easy. Have you ever seen I want to see what it looks like? I have no desire to do. I want to see what I'm over
Starting point is 00:48:53 not doing. Oh my god. You sound like Gary. You said Gary wants you to do it. I'm saying no. No, Gary doesn't. But kids, speaking of the greatest, one of the great moments of just owning what so many Ramona yelling at Bethany that she did some like slight nudity in some cheesy movie oh yeah and she's like and your daughter and she's like mention it all mention it all was great because it was like people going yeah really you think I care that I might have, like, shown my boobs when I was 22 trying to be an aspiring actress? Like, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I mean, just thinking about it. But it was like, she walked off the stage because we were talking about a half-newed maybe boob of Alex McCord, and she couldn't even talk about it. I don't know. And she meant it. It wasn't fake. See, back then, everything was very real.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I mean, like, you couldn't even know how to think fake. It was what it was. That was the first reunion we ever had. I was wearing a team Jill shirt. I want to have it right here. You do. Thank you. By the way, back in my surprise.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Oh, oh, wait, you see. We're making some swag for the summer. I made these sweatshirts. Like an orange sweatshirt. And it's orange county. I think it says, like, real housewives. It's like the most orange sweatshirt and it's orange county. I think it says like real house vibes. It's like the most beautiful sweatshirt. I have to show it to you. Like drop dead smart. You're going to want. Anyway, but okay, listen, go. So, okay, I forgot what you're talking about. So I'm at the original reunion when the Mona got up to leave. And then
Starting point is 00:50:21 you choose the first one to walk off a reunion right and then but and then cut to last season Again, just like Whitney on real house as a Salt Lake. They were all just full tits out Remember they're all dancing around with just their boobs out Ebony. Oh my god the biggest hypocrite I've ever met is Ramona singer She's running around the show naked every season now and yet she couldn't even be in the room talking about a boom. Right. Boy, has she evolved? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Right. Is she a hypocrite or has she evolved? I'm not sure. I think you can choose it. You can choose it. You can choose it. It's completely correct. Are you a hypocrite or are you a voluntary?
Starting point is 00:51:01 Um, okay. This is the juiciest thing that happened all year. Okay. Real housewives of Salt Lake City, Lisa Barlow, Okay, this is the juiciest thing that happened all year. Real housewives assault Lake City. Lee Sibarlo had had it with Meredith. Oh my God. And she had the hot mic on. I talked about this with Lala.
Starting point is 00:51:19 She had their mic on. She went into a room. We now know that there was a producer in the room. Oh, there was a producer in the room. There was a photograph. No, know that there was a producer in the room. Oh, there was a producer in the room. And there was a photograph. You could see. No, they said that. I thought they quotes her in there.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I thought that they said that she, there was no producer in the room. Lisa said that she was alone by herself. I listened to that reunion. She said she was alone by herself in that room. Listen, here it is. Okay. She's talking, she's, her out says here you can have your mind crack
Starting point is 00:51:47 Okay, look in the mirror look in the mirror where I'm pointing in the fourth one. There's a man there in the room There's a man in that room. Yes, holy shit. You're right. She lied. She said on the reunion. I'm telling you she said I was alone in the room Oh boy, I don't ask, she said I was alone in the room. Oh boy. I don't ask family that posed is. But you know what? Honestly, she's only on the show's second season. And I mean, I don't know how it is now. I know that when I was on the show, if there was no camera, we were told the audio was off.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Okay. You didn't have a camera in front of you. Your audio was off. I mean, now, camera in front of you, your audio was off. I mean, now, and I should really be careful because I'm doing my interviews tomorrow for, I mean, that's not a secret. I'm here because I'm doing interviews for Real House Resultant Girls Trip.
Starting point is 00:52:36 When we're doing the interviews now, even if we're doing it, and then I'm like, can I just go to the bathroom and then I come back and I sit down and I have my soda, and I say something to produce a like, oh my God, do you remember that blah, blah, blah, blah? That could be on the show, even though I think I'm like, can I just go to the bathroom and then I come back and I sit down and I have my soda and I say something to produce. So like, oh my God, do you remember that blah, blah, blah. That could be on the show, even though I think I'm not being filmed. And I have to remember that now. Back in the day, if I said that, that's not on the show.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Like, I knew what was on and I knew what was off. There was no such thing as a hot mic. Hot mic didn't happen on New York until, I mean, the one I can think of most recently, and maybe there was one before was when Barbara Said something about Luan's boyfriend in the bathroom on a hot mic Barbara that oh Barbara she said something on a hot mic I'm removing lady and Brad's well was having a conversation. It was Brad's well's mic. It was hot
Starting point is 00:53:24 It was went this season before Barbara was Brad's well's Mike. It was hot. It was wet This season before Barbara was a house white Barbara said something rude about The boy forgot Tom about Tom because How I had a hot Mike and I'll tell you something though I'm not to bring up whatever but and I said this to LeWan LeWan was really mad at Barbara about that and I said to LeWan and this is the truth You have no right to be mad at Barbara about that. That was not Barbara's mic. I mean, yes, you can be mad at her for thinking that. That's fine. But the fact that it got on TV, you
Starting point is 00:53:52 can't be mad at her. I mean, Carol had the hot mic. Barbara's not a cast member Barbara didn't sign a release, you know, really shouldn't be mad at her for saying what she said. Barbara was a shaman here before. That's why they picked her up the next year. Oh, because she was her be for Barbara was a shamanier before. That's why they picked her up the next year. Oh, because she was her friend. Anyway, they made up or whatever, but I know in the beginning she was mad at her and I'm like, you should not be mad at her.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I'm not Barbara the laser. Barbara is the contractor. The contractor. Who ran for mayor? I've never seen this before. Yes, she's cool. She's cool, I like her. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, wasn't her mic. So the whole thing of a hot mic, I don't know with that.
Starting point is 00:54:26 I know that when I was on the show, even now, because I would think back to what it was, I would think that if there's no camera on me, I'm not being mic. I'm not listening to it. Well, I don't remember when I first heard it thinking that she was ranting by herself, and I was like, it's kind of a weird cadence
Starting point is 00:54:40 of ranting by herself. I can say it to myself. No, but that fucking bitch. No, but the way she was saying it was like her family, her dumb fucking family that poses, because your husband always changes jobs every five minutes. Oh, I'm a fan. No, no, but even if he was sitting there,
Starting point is 00:54:56 he definitely thinks it's not being filmed. Think about that. No, I know. That producer's sitting on my bed, right? Let's say you're my producer. You're my producer. You're sitting on my bed in my room, and I come back from filming,
Starting point is 00:55:07 and I think there's no camera there. And I'm talking to you off camera like you're my friend. I'm like, that fucking bitch, I'm so mad at her. And I would never think that would get on the show. I am saying, as of you, when I first heard the mic rant, I'm imagining her alone in the bathroom, talking like that, and I thought, that is weird the way she's talking. Now knowing that she was venting to an actual human in the room, the cadence of that rant makes a lot more sense to me. That's
Starting point is 00:55:40 what I'm trying to say. But it's irrelevant to the fact of, should Meredith be mad at her, and how should she handle that? You know what I mean? Like, again, the show is about hearing people's thoughts that you're not supposed to hear, right? When I'm in the fly on the wall. When I'm in the chair talking about something, in real life, that's what you're never supposed to hear.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Like when I walk in here and you're like, that fucking Jolzarean just came, she's just panicking the ass, I can't stand, she talks to much, whatever. I'm not supposed to hear you thinking that, right? But on the show, when I walk out of Heather's room, and she talks to her audience at YouTube, she's gonna tell them what she really thinks of me. I mean, that's what the show is about.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah. So that's what Meredith signed up for. Yeah. Okay, so she, and that's what Ia did signed up for yeah okay so she um and that's what I think Mara did I think I hate to say this I think Mara does fake mad I think Mara really isn't mad at least so I think she knows the game I think she totally disagree really she is really hurt and mad I don't know I think she kind of I think she heard some of the quotes that Lisa said I guess
Starting point is 00:56:43 I'm gonna burn a damn fucking family that poses because your husband should you can't own a house because your husband changes jobs that would make five minutes because I'm not a fucking or I don't cheat on my husband well no I think she should be mad at what she said but she can't be mad that it was like said publicly I don't know they're not real friends obviously if they were they're not anymore they don't think they can they They'll never be, but they're filming together now, so I guess they made it work.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Well, people want to be on the show. Well, there you go. But when I went with Bethany and I said, we're done, I'm done. I didn't mean that. And she did. And so she left the show. Right. You know, these girls are not leaving the show.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Yeah. That was the reason why what happened to me happened to me is because one left the show. If she had to come back the next season, we would have had to make up, even if it was fake. Right? Right. And in these relationships, they may start out as real
Starting point is 00:57:33 and then they become fake. Or they become actually real. Like, I almost think that in a weird way, Luan and Ramona have become friends after all these years. And I don't mean friends like they trust each other or BFF holding hands and going on vacation together, but there's some, when we have a history, you call that a friendship.
Starting point is 00:57:54 I mean, I would almost say the same thing about me and Ramona after all these years. You know, I felt like calling her last night and saying, how could you slam the elevator on Gary? And you know what she would say to me? Ramona, yeah. I don't know what she would say to me? Ramona. Yeah. I don't know what you're talking about. Never happened.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Okay. I'm like, I'm gonna do Ramona and you do to yourself. Okay. I'm gonna call you up on the phone. Okay. Ramona. Hello. Did you just come into the building?
Starting point is 00:58:18 How do you know where, what are you talking about? How do you even know where I am? Because Gary was trying to get on the elevator and you literally closed it on his face. Gary ho! Very fucking funny. You know what, Jell?
Starting point is 00:58:30 I'm just going to talk to him really honest with you. I have a really long day trying to do real estate. Okay, well actually, I actually exhausted something, you know, a lot of people that realize I actually have a listing of trying to sell. Okay, so I wasn't really thinking about your boyfriend. Okay, you know what? You always say that and that's fine and I do believe you want to do. I don't know if I have time right now. Okay, I'm trying to write it right now.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I'm trying to write it off for right now. Okay, I'm really surprised. Okay, it's multiple offers. I don't know if you know about real estate right now, but it's like very difficult. I hate to tell you this, but you know, I'm not gonna tell them for you. I'm not gonna tell them for you,
Starting point is 00:59:00 I'm not gonna tell them for you, I'm not gonna tell them for you, I'm not gonna tell them for you, I'm not gonna tell them for you, I'm not gonna tell them for you, I'm not gonna tell them for you, I'm not gonna tell them for Okay, I would really expect it. It's a listing. Okay, multiple offers. I don't know if you know about real estate right now, but it's like very difficult. I hate to tell you this, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:59:10 He was with someone right next to him who was looking at real estate and would have recommended you had to not slam the door in his face. You know what, Joe, if you're a really good friend and supported women, could you match that show with me? Oh, God! I saw one!
Starting point is 00:59:22 I saw one! I saw one with it. I would tell my God, you got it. I would think that you'd want it'd want done. Good friend to show the houses. I'm done. You got me. You see, she always gets me. She always gets me. She always gets me to be sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I called you. Is that crazy? That's exactly what you do. That's exactly what's going to happen. So I'm not going to do it. No. Jill, can you tell us when this ultimate girl's trip is going to air or you don't know? I'm going to tell you.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you. I'm going to happen. So I'm not gonna do it. No Jill can you tell us when this ultimate girls trip is gonna air or you don't know I have no idea And if I did know I couldn't tell you but I had no idea, but I do have a hint Okay, I can tell me the hint. Yes in 2022 it will definitely air. Oh Okay, I think it'll be on no later than August. If I had a guest. And if there's another one in the works and they want to keep with some of the people throwing some new, because I did with this with Margaret, because she was a Margaret would
Starting point is 01:00:17 like to do one. Who would I pick? Now, on your ultimate girl trip, it was all no longer current housewives, right? Right. X-wives. OK. And the first one was all current housewives. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Except they didn't sign back Cynthia. Oh, yes. But at the time, we didn't know that. Yes, I know. So we could do a little mixture. And you're going to be in it. So let's pick five more girls for you to do something with on a trip.
Starting point is 01:00:48 That's a deep question because are they girls that I wanna go with or these girls that make good TV? Big difference? No, it's for TV. So you wanna be with good TV. You wanna be with good TV, but you also wanna get to know these people and enjoy them at the same time.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Okay, so this is how I think of it, you ready? This is how I'm gonna build the cast. Okay. I need an ally. Okay. with good TV, but you also want to get to know these people and enjoy them at the same time. So this is how I think of it, you ready? This is how I'm going to build the cast. Okay. I need an ally. Okay. So I probably need Luan because I need some or Margaret or Cynthia. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I need somebody who I trust, who I know has my own or Marisol, who I trust and has my back. Okay, so pick one. I have to pick one of them. Well, I don't know. Pick a cup and then pick two. I'm going to take Margaret because Luan and I have done a million shows together and Well, I don't know. Pick a cup, and then pick two. I'm going to take Margaret because LeWann and I have done a million shows together, and Margaret and I are like newer. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:29 I'm going to pick Margaret. All right. Because she's very sassy. Yeah. And I think that Cynthia is sassy only if you provoke her, where I think Margaret will like just jump in. Okay. So then Cynthia, that's my opinion.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Although I'll tell you, Cynthia really brought it out on the girl strip. Like she was sassy. In the Bahamas. Oh, yes. In the Turks. Okay. So I'm gonna pick Margaret. Then I'm gonna pick someone who I know is gonna be an instigator and just give it all. And that's probably Dennis. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret.
Starting point is 01:01:53 And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. And I'm gonna pick Margaret. Then I'm gonna pick someone who I know is gonna be an instigator and just give it all and that's probably Danielle's style. Because I actually like, oh yeah, I'm bringing Danielle. Oh my god. Oh yeah, I need Margaret there.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I'm frightened. I need to not get along. I just feel like that. I just feel like I may have to hedge that bet. What? It might mean too much. And I went to on Jersey. Okay, I got a diversified, I needed to reverse my cast. Okay, go. I need to go to I Need to go somewhere else. I need to go to OC
Starting point is 01:02:37 Hey, you've already been with camera so you don't pick camera Vicki because you already been with I don't get to pick them No, because they're new been with them poor Gina Keog I to pick them. No, because you already been with them. Poor Gina Kioge. I'd bring her because she hasn't been around in so long. I feel bad. Well. You know, I'm very loyal. She was the first housewife.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Gina Vicki, and I tell this to Vicki, you know, you can't really take credit for being the first housewife. You are the OG and you've been on the longest and you get the title you wear the crown. But the OG OG was Gina, Gina Kest Vicki. No, that's not true. She brought Vicki. 100% not true broadvicky hundred percent
Starting point is 01:03:06 not true uh uh uh because it was vicki's son michael who saw the ad about being on a reality show he called for he for him to be on and the producer said i could you know you serious yes this is a story that story and i'm tired life he called and then was like well my mom would be good for that and so then he went over that's not to stay here and over and saw that vicki was doing this code of the cause out of her house with this other divorced woman and lori and they go so they let's see let's see you guys in the in the pool and everything they go in the grotto the two of them and
Starting point is 01:03:50 they're like in their 40s pretty decent pods and then yes and then Vicki new Gina as I'm gonna take it back I've been I've been going with that other story well I don't know what Gina Gina gave it to me. I thought maybe not my maybe maybe Okay, I have their own I think I want anything maybe the maybe the producer okay no O.C. Keep going Beverly Hills I'm you want from Beverly Hills I want Kathy Hilton okay, alright because Kathy happens to be a friend of mine and I just texted her okay I'm trying to see this weekend
Starting point is 01:04:23 So we got you Margaret and Kathy. I love these still right now. Oh my god, I love these still right now. She's so fucking funny. And how are you Hamlin? I need air. Well, here's that coming. He'll bring you the sauce.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Okay, who else do you have? Do you know I just sent her outdoor rugs? She loves them. I got more. I still have my rugs. Do you pick them? No, you have to pick them. Do you want me to pick them for you?
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yes, because I'm so lazy. I need to know the size of the color. All right, just go. Go for it. Lisa Rina has them. Who else do I want? I love Lisa Rina. You know, I love Brandy.
Starting point is 01:04:56 We just did it. We already had Brandy. We had Brandy. I already had a good time with Brandy. And then what are the city we have? We have Miami. Okay, let's take some from Miami. Well, you know, I love Marisol. She's like one of my best friends,
Starting point is 01:05:07 but I might take Alexia just so I can look at her body. Yeah. And if I was going to be a lesbian, it's going to be her. I'm okay. She is a vision in my opinion. You know, everyone has different tastes, right? All right. Different. So I think Alexia is so, oh, here's the picture. Okay. I still think Alexia is so fucking hot. I don't like that outfit though. Also, I think Alexi is so, oh he has the picture. Okay, I still think Alexi is so fucking hot. I don't like that outfit though. Also, I think you get people with kind of rich life stories because I liked moments where it was in the ultimate girls trip in Turks where they're having breakfast and they're just kind of chill and they're like talking the way women are age talk.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Like was that hard when you found out that that happened with your husband? Or you know what I mean? And I kind of, Alexia, I'm interviewer and she has like such a deep, like interesting life. And she's like, I just think you need people with like a lot of life so that when you're a lot of story life, that's where you're like
Starting point is 01:06:00 you're finding out. That's why they won't give Marisol a napalm or whatever the hell they have. And what do they have in my hand? I have nothing, I think. I don't know. That's why they won't give Marisol the, the, not, not, they don't think she has enough.
Starting point is 01:06:13 She's pretty entertaining on the show. I like her on the show. Well, I don't like, I feel like they've used her a ton. Yeah. And I don't watch every episode of Nothing. Yeah, it's good. I watch her for a couple. But I mean, they had her on the reunion.
Starting point is 01:06:23 They have her all the time. They talk about her all the time, yet they didn't give her the respect of giving her a full time. And I don't like it. I like it. I mean, they had her on the reunion. They have her all the time. They talk about her all the time. Yet they didn't give her the respect of giving her a full time. I don't like that. I remember, and I hope you won't get mad at him revealing this. Oh, shit. One of our Maptacut in Hampton. Wekins and Hamptons, you were like, what did I do?
Starting point is 01:06:41 You were a little annoyed with Marisol because she was trying to post your billionaire. You said that's my billionaire. I don't want to be billionaire. I remember the conversation. But what we was talking about. It was something like you had a party and you and Marisol. Marisol. And you and she met a billionaire and it wasn't a romantic thing. But then she was like he's my billionaire. Yeah. He was to like do business to friends with well you know so many billionaires so I guess it doesn't matter but I do remember the statement I remember the joke I remember being like he's my billionaire yeah he's my billionaires I
Starting point is 01:07:15 remember I introduced you to my billionaire can't be making dinner plans with my billionaires and not inviting me. Are you sure it was Marisol? You know she's so sweet I don't think she's not. She didn't do anything wrong she thought it was fine probably because she met four billionaires with you and one she pursued. You can have one if this for. Yeah, but whatever. You don't like it. You know the funny thing with all my talking of my billionaires and everything out, that
Starting point is 01:07:36 after Bobby Bask, I didn't go out with one of my billionaires. Okay. Had them all lined up. I went out with Gary. Is that crazy? I really was kind of excited to date a little, not excited, you know, like anything about Bobby. But I mean, I was like, okay, I've never been single.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I got married to 23 and then I met and then I got divorced and I married Bobby. There was nobody else. So I was kind of like, what will it be like? I had a, you know, this image in my head and then I never did it. Anything. Well, it's all worked out. Okay, Jill. I love you. Everybody can get the Jill and Allie beautiful candles, housework clothing. All of it at Jill and Ali.com and juicy skippers get 20% off using the code juicy 20 you bet. Thank you. Thank you guys. you you you you

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