Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Who’s Lying? Amber? Britney? Dorit? Christine?

Episode Date: May 17, 2022

Kourtney and Travis have their second wedding. Only one more Kravis wedding left. RHOM Lenny and Lisa are getting divorced and they are filming right now. Britney Spears announced Saturday that she m...iscarried. RHOBH Lisa Rinna goes after Sutton Stracke for marrying and divorcing well. Amber Turd is back on the stand detailing the physical abuse she endured during her marriage to Johnny Depp. Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly try to one-up Kravis by posting a gross text. Vanderpump Rules is officially coming back for another season. Then Selling Sunset’s Davina Potratz joins in the studio to answer questions about Chrishell, GFlip, Christine, production, and how to start your career in Real Estate. Enjoy! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuary, real data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And addicted fast to the number one tab
Starting point is 00:00:22 For real life hard cat Listen in, whistle-rope, woo-hoo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Well, as always, I have a great show for you. A ton of hot topics you know a lot happened this weekend. Me personally, I went out last night,
Starting point is 00:00:44 don't mean to brag here, I am with Kathy Hilton and Crystal from the Real House at Beverly Hills. We were at Mr. Chow's with my friend Liz celebrating Julia Hart's book dinner that Christine Shoe, I believe her last name was pronounced, who is the star of Empire Bling hosted. That show is back. But later in the show, I have Davina from Selling Sunset, which is also the hottest show on Netflix right now. Anyway, she answers some of our questions about what went down at the reunion, and that's pretty great. So let's get into it. This past weekend, Courtney and Travis, Kravis, they actually got married at a Santa Barbara
Starting point is 00:01:27 courthouse. And the story is, they had to do that so that they can go off to Italy and have their third wedding. We had the Vegas one that we're all up in arms by their parents. They're not married. It was a joke. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:01:42 This is, they were really married. She wore just like a little white like forever 21 puckered small dress with this like not really like a veil almost like she took like a pillow cover and like cut it and just like put it over just so she could have like a little veil I think the vibe was like I want to show like we're not even trying so, we're not even trying hard because it's just about getting married.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And then Alabama, the luckiest stepdaughter in the world got to have them on her TikTok. So that girl, she doesn't even need to think about going to school or going to college or whatever because stepmom Courtney is going to give her the TikTok account to blow all minds. Anyway, apparently everybody's very happy that they're married and now there's gonna be some big wedding in Italy. That's the rumor since they were there. They were like probably checking out so that'll be a big wedding. Wedding to look forward to the third wedding. You know, so everyone's just like, I don't understand that outfit, I don't either, but who cares, they're married.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Listen, it's gonna all, it's all downhill from here. Once they're officially married, and then it's over with, like JoJo, that bachelor rat, we've been, finally she got married to what was his name Jordan and Rogers I felt kind of bitchy because I saw another video of like declaring their love for each other and I'm like are you guys not are you still milking this out like when you're getting married I didn't realize that I guess they had to like you know as postponed for like two years with COVID I guess that's true But still they've been literally they've been engaged for six years
Starting point is 00:03:26 She was on the show six years ago. They also got married, but You know, I'm just telling you once you're an old married couple nobody gives a shit Okay, speaking of old married couples that are no longer married anymore Real housewives of Miami. There's been rumors that Lenny and Lisa, a Hutchstein, who he is the plastic surgeon, she is like total Barbie doll, the tiny, yes little body. I actually hung out with him one night out in Miami with Jill Zaren and really, really nice. That was a couple years ago. We watched them on the show. If you watch Real Househalf of us in Miami, there's definitely tension. She admits that he had an emotional
Starting point is 00:04:09 affair years ago. He didn't seem into her, but lots of times, husbands aren't into having the cameras around. Well, there was someone caught video of them. He was out with this girl at a place like a Craig's butt in Miami paparazzi all around. The girl comes right up to him. She's like another tiny little perfect body. And he's clearly like touching your like a girlfriend, not just like, oh, this is my friend's wife or whatever. And that came up this out this morning and people like, wait, he must want these rumors to be true or something.'s he doing going out like that he is now told I guess I think page six is the one that finally got the article I'm not sure but this is all about the truth who's talking about this here but
Starting point is 00:04:54 yes in fact it is confirmed they're getting divorced what is really juicy is like it's a dream for Bravo is that they're apparently filming real house as in Miami right now. And there are rumors that this was going down like their breakup was going down and it was like get a camera. Let's go. So we're going to be able to see that happen as it happened which that show is already good but that makes it better. And not that we want something to break up, but they didn't seem that great. And she was giving interviews like, well, you know what, you don't give up.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And sometimes you feel like that when you're in like a shitty marriage or like, you know, I'm so proud I'm sticking it through. Like it's like staying sober or something. It's like, no, it should, life should be more fun than that. And so, no, I'm just sick. Like, you know, like I did it.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I won another year. I won another day. No, that's not what staying with the love of your life should be like. There's ups and downs, but she's gorgeous. She's going to be just fine. That's probably another thing a lot of men do when they are not that into being married anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:03 They really encourage the wife to go on a reality show. Well, my amy was trying to come back on the air. These women have been campaigning to come back on the air for like six or seven years. Finally it happened last year. So I think this was like the perfect thing. You've got something to fulfill you and you can go be this reality star. I don't have to do this dumb show anymore. We can both be happy, separate,
Starting point is 00:06:28 raise our kids, let me find another you to put some tits on and have a great time. You go find some dude that you're actually into. It's gonna be fine, Lisa. Also, it came out on Saturday that Brittany and Brittany posted on her page as Sam and Brittany, a statement saying that she has in fact, they said, we lost our miracle baby early in the pregnancy. So people are very sad for her, lots of condolences on her Instagram, a lot of people sent it
Starting point is 00:07:05 to me because I did talk a lot about this and my confusion about the way she announced her pregnancy, posted about pregnancy things, non-prainency things, I'm taking a big social media break, next day I'm back. Before I take the social media break, I'm going to do this fashion show. I'm going to, oh, these photos where I'm showing my stomach was before I was pregnant, before the baby bump. There was a moment where she was in one dress. This is from before I was pregnant, but the same time someone showed that same dress in a photo that Sam posted the same day in which they were on vacation. So it's like her Instagram has been a mystery.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's her only outlet to us. It's our only way to follow her and enjoy her. She's not like writing new music or anything. It's just this Instagram of fashion shows and quirky things and stock photos and confusing messages. And people were very happy that she was pregnant but I always thought there was a lot of things that just didn't really make sense about it and you know the main thing was on Friday she was photographed by TMZ writing a jet
Starting point is 00:08:16 ski which you're not supposed to do when you're pregnant so then this came out I think about the next day now had she already lost the baby but just didn't want to have to make that formal announcement, and that's why she was able to go on the jet ski. When did she lose this baby? And people want to be sensitive about it, I do too. I think it's also really triggering to anybody that really has suffered a miscarriage. But hopefully she can get well in every way
Starting point is 00:08:47 and have another baby. It's clearly what she wants. I hope she's able to spend some real quality time with her two sons. There was no mother's day post with them or anything. So hopefully she's now can relax and focus on the kids that she has and hang out with them. I don't know what that relationship is like. Maybe the boys that she has and hang out with them. I don't know what that relationship is like. Maybe the boys never want to be part of her Instagram and maybe she sees them all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I don't know. But you know, it's just an interesting thing and pregnancy gives people a lot of attention and that's why people are very excited to announce it. She says maybe I announced it too early. Maybe she did. Other people were wondering, well maybe she never, maybe she was never physically carrying her baby. Maybe she went and he got a surrogate.
Starting point is 00:09:34 There, I definitely don't think that was the case. So much goes into hiring a surrogate as well as creating your embryo and timing and extracting your eggs and having your husband get his sperm together and then the right time and finding the surrogate and legal papers and attorneys are involved and it's a very long process so I definitely don't think that was the case. But here you go with with that and you know it was sad but today she posted another real with a tiny little
Starting point is 00:10:08 Serial and milk and stuff she likes like these little things with like little So I mean you know because at one point she's like I'm going on a big social media break Now that I'm pregnant and then in another time Then the next day she came back and did her fashion show and said, oh, this was before the baby, this before there was a baby bump, this is, I just have to show these outfits, this is a photo dump of me naked on Mother's Day, but I was sick on Mother's Day, so I want to share these naked photos with you.
Starting point is 00:10:38 It was just, it's a lot. So it's probably, not the best time to be focusing on getting pregnant anyway, but wishing her the best, I really hope that she can get back with her mom and her family and stuff, because that part said to it, it just seems like she's only with Sam and Sam just has to go along with everything. And it's just, I'm worried about her. And, you know, and I think a lot of the fans are feeling the same way, but they don't want a question or because it's like, she's finally free and she's finally, no one wants to take her phone
Starting point is 00:11:16 from her, no one wants to tell her how to do her Instagram. But she's not even like answering the questions anymore. We're just seeing all, this is her only outlet. And I would like to see her, you know, perform and sing and get back into the studio. And I think that would probably be the best thing for her. So just thinking about her, I hope she gets well. Real housewives of New York, I'm sorry, of Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So a lot of people, after watching the premiere, are still talking about did this crime to Dury really happen the way it happened or was it set up and a lot of people are giving their theories of why. And some of the part, some of it was so we see how it happens. And then the next day all the girls come to visit. And that night they all have like a meeting and a dinner at Kyle's house and to reach there. And that's where PK meets to read at Kyle's house for the first time, come flying from London after these men came in her bedroom and took all of her bag's jewelry and designer stuff. So the viewers at home thought,
Starting point is 00:12:27 my God, why would she have to film the next day? Why would she, wouldn't she want to be with her kids? Wouldn't he want to go straight to his kids and not film it kiles right away? And I can explain that. Well, one of the things was she said the kids never woke up and they didn't know. How could the kids not wake up? Kids sleep through massive things. We've had earthquakes
Starting point is 00:12:50 that are like, oh my God, the whole house is shaking and my kids have slept through it. Kids sleep through a lot if you're a parent, you know that. And that house is pretty big. So there's a very good chance that they didn't hear and go, oh, wouldn't you have heard glass breaking? No, that house is like 7, seven thousand square feet i don't know that you would have heard the glass breaking. One of the things was in the surveillance they break the glass but then the people didn't go through the glass but we may have that might have been an edited surveillance from the cops. We don't know. They haven't found them and no they haven't. They haven't found a lot of robbers. They found one person from a smashing grab
Starting point is 00:13:26 no when you're covered with a mask on your face and a hoodie and the car was parked down the street probably because they knew where the surveillance cameras were in the neighborhood so no one's caught it uh... why did they leave the phone for her because it maybe they didn't want to track her on the phone oh why didn't they just break the phone for her because maybe they didn't want the tracker on the phone. Oh, why didn't they just break the phone?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Breaking a phone is pretty hard. And even when it's cracked and stuff, it can still have a tracker. So he took the phone from her. So she couldn't use that phone right away, but the guy left it by the door. I am still believing I'm on the right side of history and believing that this crime happened. Oh, he didn't take her wedding ring. Well, I don't know. Maybe she didn't wear it that night. Maybe it was packed away from the trip. Maybe she'd ever took it on the trip. A lot of people don't take their most valuable stuff on
Starting point is 00:14:12 the trip. And it's still like whatever hidden away. They took everything else. I didn't even know the thing about the wedding ring. But there, I still believe that. But they, you know, there were all these statements from the Holy Bravo in account of all the reasons why kids in here think everything I just said I went through. So a lot of people are discussing it. But like I said, I think that I would still film. If something like that happens, if I was in Doreet's place and I was on a reality show, I probably would go film the next day because I would want people to really kind of see the state
Starting point is 00:14:51 on the end because I'm sure she's probably like, people might not believe this. And with the Jesse Smolette and the Sherry Papini, people do lie about stuff. And I think it's interesting that Lisa Rennah and Sutton are into it right now because satin said she never think her for when she invited her to the elton john event so she and saturday getting into it and lees are in a is also by going after satin's that came came off very insensitive on the first
Starting point is 00:15:20 episode about the derrick robbery and i'm in made think as they're going to be moments that we're going to see coming up, where she's questioning like a lot of other Bravo people. Did this really happen? It's quite convenient being that they owe this much in taxes and this much to the government and this much for gambling
Starting point is 00:15:38 debt and all this other stuff. And they obviously got insurance money for it. But I'm like, well, Lisa Renner, were you the one that brought up that Yolanda had munch houses and didn't really have Lyme disease? I mean, you did. And then you felt so, you know, that didn't make you look good. But at the same time, looking back at that Lyme disease,
Starting point is 00:16:03 it was a little strange. Didn't she say that like two, two or three kids had Lyme disease? Well those kids seem to be doing fine. That was a whole other thing. Like well, nobody, people in Southern California, like where they live, don't really get Lyme disease. And you know, it's like a back east thing. I never, but then I'd hear from no Lyme disease,
Starting point is 00:16:27 autoimmune, like all this medical stuff. So I'd never said it in Yolanda, okay? I never said you didn't have Lyme disease, but Lisa Rennet did and she regrets it. So now she's like, ooh, you know, I'm not, you know, I'm sitting and sticking by Eric Cajain. She's gonna, you, I'm sitting by Erica Jane. She's going to come out on this. I believe to read.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And she's pissed at Sutton. So they start going off on it with each other. And she starts to go after Sutton about the fact that the only reason Sutton is wealthy is because she married very well and then divorced very well. And she at least Serena wrote, oh yeah, that's right Sutton worked her ass off to have the money she has. I guess it takes a gold digger to know one.
Starting point is 00:17:17 She's rich honey, she's a rich because of her, oh I should read it like Lisa Renna. Oh yeah. Um, cause your ex has been and hey, more power to her. However you get your cash just, oh baby. And then Sutton says, now Lisa, you know that I've known my ex since we were kids. Don't be doing this. Lisa. So, if you stop paying your monthly, then what? You'd be in the same spot as Erica. Don't be starting something you can't win.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Uff, you're so angry. And then she continues. Also, I thought, Sutton, that you're just too busy in her life to see this tabloid sort of stuff happening. Wow! She sure said this. Didn't she? I didn't really make sense.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Hold on. Also I thought, oh, she was saying like, because Sutton was like, I'm too busy to follow all this stuff. I've got so much going on with my store, and Lisa Rennie's like, oh, get, because she's so busy, she just can't, read the cab lights. So they are going after each other.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And then meanwhile, someone posted something about there's this new girl that's on the show that we haven't seen. They were, I guess guess filming or hanging out at Lisa Rennas house and she this new girl Sherry was a bit by a rat that lived at least the Rennas house. And Lisa Rennas has a pretty good sense of humor and she posted a photo of a rat on a subway in New York and she said, oh look the rat that allegedly bit sherry is in New York now. Pretty funny. Rats.
Starting point is 00:19:15 What was the other thing with Nini Leaks? Nini Leaks had a party and Kim's ol's yaks daughter was in the bathroom or something and filmed a roach like hanging out at the party and choose like look you know and only need you like that so i mean all these story lines it's all just like uh... it all comes together whether there's rats or roaches living in your place you didn't pay your assistant or
Starting point is 00:19:44 you know you didn't say thank you there There's just so much going on. I love it. Okay, let me get you up to date on the Johnny Depp trial. So we took of that week hiatus, and now Amber is on the stand. And so much to get into here, my notes. Well, first of all, the girl that the wife of his good friend and business partner, she was unable to, they dismissed her from the trial and she was going to really be a character witness for Johnny Depp. She has now given a long interview to, I believe it was Page Six, and she said that she called her a sociopathic show pony is what she calls Amber herd in her opinion. And she said she would say, do you guys fight? Do you guys fight? And the woman was like, my husband and I, I mean,
Starting point is 00:20:42 a little not really. And she felt like, to Amber, that was like passionate, that they fought so much. She said, she moved all her friends into his places, which is interesting, because on today's testimony, she's talking about all these different pant houses and how this friend lived over there, from Johnny's invitation,
Starting point is 00:21:03 like Johnny's just letting people live in these, like pant houses and apartments that he owned. over there from Johnny's invitation, like Johnny's just letting people live in these like penthouses and apartments that he owned. She said that at their wedding that her dad said, look honey, all of this is yours now at his island, because they got married on his island. She let me see. She said at the beginning she was very much like a stepper to wife she's always making cookies and taking off his boots
Starting point is 00:21:30 and then that changed i said that's kind of interesting because we always hear about the love bombing that men do you know all my god waiting outside of your work with flowers and you know texting all the time and then them by month three or the minute you get married, they change. Well, women do that too. I mean, it's classic. They act like they've never seen a penis before
Starting point is 00:21:52 until they've seen yours. They're just dying to give you a blow job every five seconds. And then you marry them and they're like, that's it. Well, trick you. So it works with girls too. So then, Eddie, so that's the way to's it. Well, trick, yeah. Okay. So it works with girls too. So, um, so then Eddie, so that, so now she's on the stand and she has told really horrific stories of the physical abuse that she suffered from him. Now, you know, they're gonna have to,
Starting point is 00:22:22 they're gonna, this is gonna be the hard part because it's pretty, I watched it and it's very believable what she's saying. But I know a lot of other things that she has said has been proven to not line up. And she did, at the beginning, in this, this dueling defamation, defecation case, she did deny the defecation she went on to see if was trying to say You know it was I was trying to get my friend on the phone on the speaker phone for him to hear like this isn't This is not what happened. I do not do this. So she is doubling down on not Deficating so it wasn't that much about defecation today, but So she in what we're seeing is she's on the stand
Starting point is 00:23:07 and she's talking about these fights and how he's angry and verbally abusive to her and yelling at the friends. And he's very, very jealous. And she found this thing on his computer that said, it was a file that said no fun for JD Johnny Depp. She clicked on it, it was all these photos of her on the red carpet. Like he didn't enjoy her becoming a star. He said, I'm going to ruin your career.
Starting point is 00:23:34 There was one moment where they watched the movie she was in and there was actually a body double doing her sex scene, but he thought that she had really done it. And then they got physical then. He tried to like strangle her on the orient express, on their honeymoon. There were all these different occasions, but she actually has some photos. And the jurors were shown the now infamous photo
Starting point is 00:24:04 of Amber Herd with what appears to be bruises on her face taken at a Los Angeles courtroom the day she fell for the temporary restraining order in May of 2016. And so people have said these photos look like it could be like a Botox bruise or something. To me, it kind of, it looks like, like, just a really big pimple. It looks like a bug bite. It does kind of look like a bug bite, you know? And I mean, I mean, there's been times I've gotten Botox, and I've gotten a bruise, and I'm like, you know, this could look either very suspicious, like, it could look like my husband beat me or it could look like I have Botox What do I want the world to know that I got Botox?
Starting point is 00:24:49 I mean, I don't know but I mean I You see him like whenever I see a woman at my country club with like a bruise right here. I never think wow Choose within a user. I think that she got Botox I Don't know though. I mean with ways she's with an abuser. I think that she got Botox. I don't know though. I mean, with the way she's telling the stories, I think it's going to be really hard for her to believe that this never happened. And then she says, then they asked her about the article that she wrote, which is all this is about. And she said the article was about me. I never said his name, he just assumed it was him,
Starting point is 00:25:26 but this was about me. I wanted to share my story. And so her attorneys are like, kind of woman have the freedom to the first amendment, right? Can a woman tell her story? Or is she not allowed to tell the story? Of course their side is, yeah, but your story made everyone believe that he was a wife
Starting point is 00:25:46 beater and he lost all these opportunities and his career is gone. She's like, well, my career is gone too because he came after me and basically calling me a liar. I got Aquaman for a million dollars. They put me in Aquaman 2 for two million dollars. Then they cut my part down to 10 minutes. And the only thing I have coming up is an independent film that I'm getting paid $65,000 for.
Starting point is 00:26:08 So she's like, this is room my crew too. And the reasons I didn't come forward before and even in this one fight with a police were there, I didn't want to press charges or anything. And I said, no, I don't wanna talk to them. The friends are there. I assume these friends should talk about they're gonna take the stand soon. But she's like, I wanted to protect him. I didn't want to talk to them. The friends are there. I assume these friends should talk about it. They're going to take the stand soon.
Starting point is 00:26:25 But she's like, I want it to protect him. I didn't want him to be arrested. I didn't want people to know this about him. So it's pretty compelling. But there's a lot of things that she didn't say. I saw this one guy on TikTok. He's a detective that would really study liars and body language and get people to confess
Starting point is 00:26:46 and he has been watching her and one of the things he said that I thought was really interesting is when she's describing the physical abuse. Now we hear the tape where she says, I didn't punch you, Johnny, I was hitting you. Oh, you're a big baby. You're going to tell the world that you're a victim of domestic violence. Okay. Boo, boo. She's taunting him. Okay. But what's interesting is when she describes what happened her, it's basically that, you know, she said, I think he might have said that she had pulled his hair too. So she goes, he, you know, and he's just grabbing me, he's grabbing me and he's pulling my hair and he's pulling my hair like that, and pulling, and what this guy said is,
Starting point is 00:27:28 if you were remembering when your hair was pulled, wouldn't you be like, and then he, wouldn't you like throw your head back, and then you pull my hair like the way you'd remember the incident happening, you wouldn't be you activating it. So is she like remembering what she did to him and then describing the story and then in today's testimony She's like and then after he hit me he's like, oh, and she's like and he was taunting me and I'm like, well, we kind of heard you taunt him on the tape like So all of this stuff is going to come into play. I mean, I think everybody agrees they were like the worst couple ever.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But, you know, the whole point is that he wants, he's doing this not for the money. He probably doesn't expect to get money, but he just wants people to believe, you know, hear his side of the story. And then they have to be careful that they don't want to like victim blame, but they have to, they have to, not victim blame, but they have to do enough holes in her story like about the makeup and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:30 She said, I think he broke my nose. So then his attorneys throw up photos of her on the night that she said the day before he, she's like, I don't know if it's broken per se, but I had to wear all this makeup to cover the bruises. Well, she has a perfect nose, okay? And, you know, I remember I got, like, I have a little bump on my nose, and I got it, Dr. Cassabian, like he was able to put a little filler in it, and it looked really good. And, but it's like, it is swollen is swollen your nose is bigger and sometimes you do you get bruising and stuff and It would be hard to go to an event the next night and be able to cover that up. That's just
Starting point is 00:29:15 That's just from an injectable like I'm you break a nose I mean I know with people have nose jobs and stuff. It's like your dark circles I mean look at me when I hit my head. Like I don't know. I don't think that you could go to the Met the next day with a little bit of a concealer thing. I mean I don't care how good of a makeup artist you are. So there there kind of thing like, hmm did this, did you really have these things and took all these photos and like different light to show it? And you know, you know, so he's just sitting there and he won't ever look her in the eye. And I guess that was one thing.
Starting point is 00:29:51 The last time they ever saw each other, he said, you'll never see my eyes again. So throughout the entire trial, he'll never, he never looks her in the eye. That's like her lifelong punishment is that she never gets to see his eyes again, which is really bizarre. And he is attorney brought that up. And I'm like, I don't think I would have brought that up. I think that makes you sound kind of strange. Oh, before I forget going back
Starting point is 00:30:16 to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. So, Doreet, I guess on Washington's live, said that she never heard from Lisa Vanderpump. Lisa Vanderpump said absolutely I did reach out, I texted, and then PK wrote on Instagram, he said, I have brought in London's best team to help me locate the text that LVP apparently sent. We'll keep you all informed of their progress. And then it's, what are these it's like homes Sherlock's home is the you know the two actors that play them so Sherlock Holmes yeah so that was kind of funny but she's saying that she did send a text after the after the
Starting point is 00:30:56 robbery but it's like going after her so okay Kanye West, his girlfriend, the Kim Kardashian, look alike. She got a yeetat too, very small, to compete with, I guess, Pete Davidson's three or four or seven Kim Kardashian tattoos. So it's getting serious. She has to wear, you know, bikers, tiny booty shorts and a black leather jacket on a very hot day. Why, he gets to enjoy himself wearing a tank top But you know she has to wear whatever he tells me to wear and Kim said on the show that
Starting point is 00:31:34 Kanye was like always dressed her that she had could had such a hard time dressing herself after and Then she came over this beautiful. I thought it looked really good. It was like a chocolate leather dress with of course the glove She loves these gloves and he Posted a photo of March Simpson wearing a similar outfit and you know in an episode of The Simpsons and was like you look like March Simpson Your careers over and she told that on the Hulu show and everyone's like Kanye's mean. I think her, I think her
Starting point is 00:32:06 dressing is improved a lot since she's no longer having him be the stylist. Now this girl Cheyenne, she can wear the, you know, the ski jackets and the leather jackets in Calabasas in 104 degree weather. Have fun. Oh, Caitlyn broke her finger and she was telling a little story about it and then I noticed that someone said in the comments, why aren't you in the new series from the Kardashians on Hulu? I would love to see you on the series get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going to get a new one. I'm not sure if you're going the day that Stasi got married, Stasi finally had her Italian wedding, which was planning pre-COVID that got moved a couple times, then of course she had her daughter. And I think
Starting point is 00:33:10 Katie went and... But from the show, just Katie went. Katie and Tom went. And I don't know who else went from the show actually. I feel like only Katie did because I know Lala wasn't there but she was doing her tour and then Sheena went to Hannah Berters wedding and so I think it might have just been Katie. Meanwhile, reality blurb is saying that it is... Oh, he is, I don't know why I guess Jack Taylor did confirm that he and Brittany are moving to Florida and says he might sell some crap from Vanderpump rules and a spark's rumors of a new project. I think this is a great idea for them.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I think they need to list that house right now with, you know, Josh Flagg and get on the market. It's a great house. I was there for Ocean's birthday party. And you know, move, just do, I've said it. Open your own restaurant bar situation with I would not sell any vanerpump member billiard. I'd bring it with you to Florida and I would have some type of cool restaurant where this stuff is hung up.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Obviously make the restaurant delicious that people will love it and continue to go because soon people are gonna stop caring about Vanderpump stuff. But at least if it's in kind of like a beachy or a cool part of Florida where there's like, you know, people would go vacation there. They probably will stop by your restaurant and you can have, that's what I think they
Starting point is 00:34:50 should do. Anyway, if this, I guess this is true and they're moving on, I think, I think it sealed the deal when they announced the season and they know there's no coming back. They're not ever going to ask Jackson Brittney back. But did they announce that the day of Stasi's wedding as like maybe I don't know, maybe Stasi doesn't want, maybe that was, maybe that was mutually decided, maybe that was a stark you move, maybe Stasi is coming back to the show in some capacity, I don't know. So last night was the, I'm going to go this way. Last night was the, I'm gonna go this way.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Last night was the, what are they called? BBMAs. BB, what is that even stand for? BBMAs. Billboard. Billboard Music Awards. Oh, okay. We're so dumb.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I was at Mr. Chow's at my dinner party with the girls, so, you know, and I will that all be in Patreon, trust me. So there's some major juice there. Okay. Stormy was the hit on the carpet. She was so cute, but yeah, they went as a family at Kylie and Travis. They all went and I don't know if they won anything. But of course the thirstiest of thirst was there. Machine gun Kelly, I mean obviously he has a lot of hit songs so he should be there. He had a $30,000 diamond manicure on and she wore a black dress with some flowers coming
Starting point is 00:36:22 out of it and it's really hot and beautiful. She had some fake bangs on. He had to dye his tongue again. I guess he only does that for the red carpet. You imagine like every morning you have to like dip your tongue in something. So that's fun for them. But then she had this like then she posts this text exchange between she and her stylist of her in this like after party outfit, which is like this sparkly blue body suit. And she says, was this blue outfit expensive because we just cut a hole in the crotch so we could have sex? And the stylist goes, I hate you. Ha ha ha faces. I'll fix it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I'll fix it. I mean, and then you have to post that so that I talk about it on Juicy Scoop. And I don't know, like, you're so thirsty because Courtney and Travis Barker got married yesterday and you're at this award show and no one gives a shit. I didn't even know what to stood for. And so now you have to let the world know that you like cut a hole in your, in your jump suit so that you can just, ugh, so sick of them. I'm just so, I can't wait for them.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Just go get married so we can stop having to talk about your gross love. Anyway, everyone, you're gonna see me at the Krug winery, Kr at the Krug winery. Krug, Krug winery. In Napa, June 17th, I'm coming there. This is the only show I have on the books right now until the fall.
Starting point is 00:37:55 So you really should come see me. It's going to be a beautiful weekend. We have two shows, 53830. The fabulous Justin Martin Day will be there. It's going to be outside. It's going to be just like a boozy, sunny, just lovely fun time. And of course, we'll have lots of juicy shit to talk about. So you go to Heather McDonald.net for that. Also, be dropping a special Patreon soon about my crazy evening and my weekend. So you don't want to miss that. And that's just click on Patreon at Heather McDonald. Heather McDonald that change your life And now for my interview with the star of selling sunset
Starting point is 00:38:29 Hello and welcome to UC scoop. I am with the star of selling sunset Davina potrat she's returning you came on like I don't know about a year or two ago. Yeah, and We've got a lot of questions. I mean, I mean, this has been amazing. Now this was the fifth season. Was this the fifth season? Yeah. And your life obviously has changed a lot. It was really a great season. I've talked a lot about it. You know, so let's just get right into it. How do you feel now? Have the show has it? Have you guys started to film it anymore? Or do you know what the status is going forward? Because I saw the reunion that there's the O.C.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Felling, what are they called? Felling O.C. Felling O.C. Which I think looks like it'll be fun. I did too. But will that affect you guys coming back at all, do you think? I don't think so because I'm super excited for them. I've friends with a few of them.
Starting point is 00:39:28 And I think we film at opposite times. Oh, okay. So that way it works perfectly either one shows airing and then the other one's filming and then we flip that. So, okay. All right, good. So, now, oh, okay, let's get right. I'm just gonna get right into the questions.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Okay, does anyone have contact with Christine anymore? Or do you? I don't have any contact with her anymore. And I think Chelsea does, but I'm not 100% sure. And are you guys currently, like, does anyone actually go in that office? Because a lot of people ask me of that. And as anyone work out of the office? Yeah, and I don't know if you remember,
Starting point is 00:40:08 but that I was a realtor too. And even back when I was a realtor, when a lot of the hot, usually the realtor did the best, really didn't really go into their office. They either had their home office that they're going all around. You don't spend that much time in there. But of course, it helps with
Starting point is 00:40:30 getting the stories together and everything. So when people say, do you think they even really go there? I mean, what is the answer? It's a mixed bag. Basically, sometimes we do go there and we all go at different times. It's also, it's a little small as you know. So there's not much privacy. So if you have a client that's coming over there, you know, everyone knows exactly what's happening. So sometimes you want to give the client a little more privacy. Also, there's a lot of fans outside every day. So that becomes, you know, a little overwhelming
Starting point is 00:40:57 because you're actually trying to work and people are just like, I see you, you know, come out. So Jill Deren, who's a real host of New York, she said, you know, they blacked out the, and she said, do you think that was always like that? I go, no, I don't think it was always like that. It was not. Yeah, and we did that for filming actually,
Starting point is 00:41:13 so they have more total control over the light. Oh, okay. And then now we just, we used to take it off, but now we just just lose it because like so many fans. So they have to really, you know, go in there like to see anyone, do they do see us sometimes, and then they won't stop they'll just knock and they're like please come out you know I traveled from wherever and you're like
Starting point is 00:41:30 oh I'm gonna show bad and you go outside and they're super sweet but you can't do this all day right so it's not like a photo op so we're like okay this is another another people are ready to buy an all cash house for ten million dollars. Not really, not really. Yeah, so we're not there as much I think. Yeah. And it's evolved to that place. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Speaking of that, I thought that was very interesting at the reunion about the controversy about the $5,000 being offered to the client of Emma's supposedly from Christine. And what Chelsea said was like she goes, well, sometimes people lower their commission to get the listing or get the client, which that is very common and that I totally remember is, is that a possible explanation to what happened? I honestly have no idea and I don't know if Chelsea knows maybe but I doubt it. I think You know that's really between Christine and her client and Emma and Emma's client and Jason and I don't know exactly what happened there
Starting point is 00:42:37 Maybe that's what happened I would hope that she has some sort of explanation, but I haven't heard that I mean still I sort of shady if you know someone's working with someone else, but that makes a little more sense than, and maybe being like, look, I'll cut off a half of a percent, which will save you $5,000. Like, I wonder if it was that? I mean, to be fair, sometimes you don't know
Starting point is 00:42:58 that a client is working with somebody else. Right, so that is something that could have happened. Like, they're already talking to someone or they might have even signed something with somebody that you don't even know. So you're not, you don't think you're soliciting anyone, you know, so you don't realize that they already have a sign, a listing agreement or working with another agent, but who knows what really happened there. I do think Christine had COVID and that's why she didn't come to me. steam had COVID and that's why she didn't come to me. Ah.
Starting point is 00:43:25 It seems unlikely, but I don't know. I don't know. It seems unlikely because she was, I think, filming today's after. Maybe she got better. I have no idea. I mean, honestly, I think it reminds me a lot. Do you watch real house as a Beverly Hills?
Starting point is 00:43:39 Once in a while, but not much. Well, there was this big controversy called Puppygate, where a with this okay so there's woman Lisa Vanderpump has this dog rescue shelter thing and she gave a dog to this other housewife okay and it has a chip in the dog and if the it does track it yeah if it's it the dog doesn't work out you're supposed to always go that's you know's okay, because these dogs are like rescues, bring it back to the shelter.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Oh. The dog was returned, was brought back to a shelter where they put dogs to sleep. And that shelter then found the chip and was like, oh, this is a van or poop dog. Anyway, that story got out, and it was a big storyline and everybody thought that lease of an or pump gave the story to the tabloids to make the woman look badly and the woman was
Starting point is 00:44:31 like no i gave the dog to another friend and that friend must have brought it oh wow that's all over the place in the end lease of an or pump did not go to the reunion because they all thought that she gave the story and it just kind of reminds me of one of those situations very similar to kind of this situation where it's like I don't know how to defend myself in this and I'm gonna say it didn't happen which is what she said in her confessionals but like I don't want to be put on the hot seat about it I'd rather just not go see that's how how I struggle to make a definitive comment or even feel a certain way for sure
Starting point is 00:45:09 because I don't actually know what happened. Right. So I'm totally confused and baffled as well and all these thoughts go through my mind. Like, you know, maybe she did have COVID. I don't know. Like, maybe something did go sideways with this client. That is an explanation. Like, I'm willing to give benefit of the doubt if you have an
Starting point is 00:45:27 Explanation, but she just obviously doesn't she's just like I think she got I think she's got her book coming out I think she's got other things going on. Yeah, and so I think she's done with the show. She's exhausted Yeah, no, I'll think she I mean, I think she's like I'm good if I never come back Yeah, and she and I think by not doing the reunion I don't think she'll be able to come back. I think, I mean, I saw an article where she was saying it'll, she thinks it might be battle of the brokerages. So I was like, oh, so you, you do want to come back. So I was confused. Okay. She's starting her own brokerage. I know she doesn't have a broker's license.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Oh, okay. So I'm in any of this, but I have no idea. I mean, maybe she's working with somebody, I don't know, right? Like, I'm seeing drama, whatever. Yeah, she comes back. But like, for me, my only position is that, you know, she spoke so negatively about me for months on end while we filmed season five that I'm like, okay, well, I'm done because I'm not going to be disrespected. Like, this one I didn't do anything to you and I actually had your back the whole time and that's the only place where I'm coming from. I all this other stuff I don't care. You know, like that's her stuff, I don't know. I have no idea but all I can say is how she treated me, that's why I'm not her friend.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Right. And did you go to the Heather Ray wedding? I did. Yeah, it was amazing. It was absolutely gorgeous. And I had a great seat and I watched them and they there's so much love between them that you can really see it radiating from this. So we're super happy for them. Yeah, I'm really happy. And okay, so then and at the wedding,
Starting point is 00:46:56 Kerschel and Jason were still together, right? Yeah, they were. And so when did you hear And so when did you hear that she was romantic with G Flip? I think I read an article and not for that you guys taped. No, after we had taped. Oh, so the first time you heard it was, no, was the first time you heard it at the reunion? No, I read. I read it before the reunion. You were talking about taping the reunion. Okay. Yes. Sorry. So
Starting point is 00:47:26 After we had wrapped filming for season five, okay, a crush out a party in December and went to the party It was really fun and she said it was for her friend G flip who moved from Australia So I was literally taking that little like I was your friend. You're trying to introduce her to more people in LA And I think I don't know if they were dating at that point or not But I felt like okay cool like this is your new friend. You're trying to introduce it any more people in LA, and I think, I don't know if they were dating at that point or not, but I felt like, okay, cool, like this is your new friend, you're trying to introduce her to any people right on. She happens to be a rock star, cool.
Starting point is 00:47:50 So I met her, she was very nice, very, very friendly, and that's all I knew. And then I saw a few articles stating something about they might be dating, I was like, oh, this is just fans or reporters assuming things and they didn't really take it too seriously. Because I know how much they twist things. I didn't give it too much weight, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:48:13 December, or she and Jason still together or not. No, I don't know. They weren't. And so I guess I had gone out to dinner with Emma and they posted her. I was like, oh yeah, they're just friends. I mean, I don't know. And so that's all I heard. And then I heard as she did a music video, I was like, okay, yeah, she was an actress like, again, I didn't
Starting point is 00:48:31 take too much of it, too, too serious. And then when she, at the reunion, confirmed their relationship, I was just like, wow, oh, okay, this is actually real. I was like, wow, but I was more surprised that they were such strong feelings for her and Jason, between her and Jason, that I was like, I was just taken back. Like, I didn't have an opinion. I was just like, oh, okay. You were more surprised by Jason's tears and emotions at the beginning. And that their current still really current. Yes. You know, because like, yeah, if you have strong feelings for someone, obviously they don't go away right away. But they were so were so so current and then she said well
Starting point is 00:49:08 She's in another relationship and I was like oh, so I was a little bit just surprised but I'm so happy for her that she's doing good and she's she seemed happy and she did seem really nervous And I talked to her off camera. I said I'm so proud of you and we're here to support you and you know It's so brave to share this. So, I was just like, wow, I was a viewer at that in that moment. And is she still doing real estate? Yeah, yeah, she's still doing real estate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:38 I don't know what she's currently working on, but yeah, she's definitely still doing real estate. I mean, it must be kind of, it's kind of interesting because it's like, you guys were realtors, the show takes off, and you're all beautiful, you're all into the fashion, there's, I'm sure there's other opportunities to come up. And it's like, I don't know, but I'd rather host a dating show,
Starting point is 00:50:02 well, maybe about Lesbian, or something, I'm just saying if she got offered something like that. Who knows? Or do I wanna try to get these heels and try to get this listing without camera falling me, like really doing the real estate work without the fun of it? I can only speak for myself,
Starting point is 00:50:19 and I think as the opportunities come up, you have to decide what would you rather do, which direction would you rather go? And also people have passions, like my passions beauty. So, you know, I'm excited about things that have to do with beauty, whatever that might be. Maybe the other girls have other things. I know Mary does a lot of stories and Instagram stuff too, so I don't know. I think she's in a beauty also in Vanessa. So like everyone has a little bit of something that they're interested in. Obviously Heather is a vegan and you know things like that. So she's working on like,
Starting point is 00:50:52 she has a protein powder and whatnot. So everyone has a little other things happening and you know might evolve into something else. I don't know. Yeah, but still doing the real estate. Yeah. Do you think if there were men Featured instead of girls that people wouldn't question the authenticity of the show as much You know somebody who are like, oh, do they really have licenses? Do they really self-real estate? Do you think that's because you guys are all such pretty girls? Maybe but on the other hand, I think it's also how authentic you are as a person, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:26 So if it was a guy, if it was all guys, and they were, they seemed artificial, then people wouldn't buy it either. So I think it just, you know, maybe 50%, but I think it's also how authentic someone might seem or not. So, and how do they choose, like, what house does get featured? That, I don't know, because I had three deals I was working on. So, and how do they choose like what house does get featured? That I don't know because I had three deals I was working on, they didn't show any of them. So, I honestly no idea.
Starting point is 00:51:51 I mean, one of them was a $12 million fixer and I thought that was cool and true's day. I love it. They said, oh, it's a fixer, it doesn't look as nice on camera. So we're not gonna show it. I was like, okay, but that's kind of cool too. Like that there are two. Yeah, that's interesting because I say, you know, that's kind of cool too, like that there are too many of them. Yeah, that's interesting because I say,
Starting point is 00:52:05 you know, that's kind of, one thing about like million dollar listing, which is kind of the original show, like this. They show it all, and that's kind of, but that's, that's, I guess that's, that's that kind of show where like you see Josh Flagg being, yeah, being Josh Flagg being like, oh my god, this is a disaster,
Starting point is 00:52:23 but who cares, let's knock it down. And I kind of like seeing different houses and different in how they like the potential, but I do think aesthetically it does work with selling sense that everything is modern and beautiful. And I mean, like the amount of like girls sitting at home that this must make them want to move to LA,
Starting point is 00:52:49 buy a pair of heels. Of course. And like I could show a house, I can show you where the bathroom is. Totally. Just like what do you say if those young girls that think that it's going to be all cupcakes, heels? Yeah, and just a close.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And yeah, and $7 million listings that you have an all cupcakes, heels. Yeah, and does it look close? And yeah, it's $7 million listings that you have an all cash offer for. Well, for them, I have my real estate courses that are coming out this Friday. Oh, you do? Yeah. How to be real estate agent and what the different career paths are
Starting point is 00:53:18 because there are quite a few different ways that you could go about this. It's not as simple as it looks as you know and it's actually really tough to be an agent. So I think people like I know when I started I didn't know what the different options were and how to go about it, how do you learn getting licenses just the first step, right? So I explore all that in my course and some very excited about that, but I, so I referenced that to them, but I also say, hey, you know, it's a long-term goal. And you have to be fully committed, and there's gonna be lots of ups and downs.
Starting point is 00:53:52 It's a roller coaster ride, and many things don't work out, and it could be very demotivating, and so you have to be super passionate and self-motivated to continue, because things fall apart, you know, and then other times things close for $200,000 commission. and self-motivated to continue, because things fall apart. And then other times, things close for $200,000
Starting point is 00:54:08 or commissions. So it's a constant up and down. And then you feel really energized and excited, and you want to keep going. But you have to be totally committed. And so it's also a financial situation. If you need money consistently, and you can't have these highs and lows,
Starting point is 00:54:24 then that's something you have to think about. Right. Yeah, but I think that's good. I mean, I think that's good. I think people really need to realize what it's really about. And I think it's important to learn from someone that is successful, so you can understand how they use their time, how to use their resources, how they source new clients, what they
Starting point is 00:54:42 do in problem situations, because that's really... I definitely think for someone, especially if they're young, that perfect thing to do would be to be an assistant, be an assistant for someone really successful, because you really will get the training, and as well as getting a salary to. And do you think that the market's slowing down at all? A little bit. I had a client who was interested in a unit
Starting point is 00:55:10 at Empire West and West Hollywood. And we had been looking, we were in backup, we're in multiples on a few different units. So it's been a race to try to find a unit for her. And something that was at $2.850 now is $2.750. So like, oh, that's weird. It went down. I hadn't seen that in a while. So they texted me this morning, hey, you want to contact her again750. So like, oh, that's weird. It went down. I hadn't seen that in a while.
Starting point is 00:55:25 So they text me this morning, hey, you want to contact her again. I was like, oh, OK. So it was a market softening up. So I think it's a little bit, just a little bit. Yeah, because the rates went up. And I think now some people, like, you know what? Let's just wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Exactly. Like, we're not as panicked and like, you know. Overpinned for everything. Yeah. What has been like the biggest change in your life? And the show's been on for like three years. Now, do you get recognized a lot? Like what's the best part of it
Starting point is 00:55:54 and what's the worst part of your fame? Yes, we get recognized a lot. I, you know, go to AirOne, people recognize me. They, I prefer when they come up to me and they say they know who I am or they like the show or whatever it is, they want to picture no problem. What gets creepy is if they're videotaping you and they don't say anything and then you find it as a story or you find it, like, okay, give me a perfect example. My mom had sent me an Easter package, my parents live in Germany, right?
Starting point is 00:56:20 And so I was in home when they tried to deliver so I got a little, you know, slip, whatever. So I went to the post office to pick it up. And I came from a doctor's appointment. I go there, do my thing, you know, I didn't, she didn't have any reaction to me. The cleric, so I was like, great. This is great. We're just getting my thing, getting some stamps. And someone had been recording me the whole time, which I had no idea. And that ended up on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:56:41 And now there's like, I don't know, 50,000 likes or whatever. And what's the vibe of the TikTok? It's literally me picking up the package from the post office and getting stamps and then there was an issue with the card machine but it worked out but like it wasn't connecting with the chip malfunction or something and they were just video taping that and I'm like, okay, yeah, thank you so much. Have a great day.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Whatever. Like it's super creepy, right? So I'm like, I didn't see anybody next to me. So it must have been the clerk who put her phone there, who immediately identified me and put the phone there and just videotaped the whole interaction, which is really not that interesting. Also, that's pretty bad if someone from the post office, like that's a government worker doing that.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I don't know if that was her, but I don't know who it was, right? So I didn't see anybody next to me. So I'm like, okay, maybe it was like a random customer who just put their phone, I have no idea. And I actually saw a second version of that from a different angle. So I was like, wow, is it really that interesting
Starting point is 00:57:39 to watch me buy stamps? Like, it's weird. So I was looking at the comments and I was was like, most of them were saying nice things, but then if you were like, why is this interesting? I'm like, I agree. Like, why would you even want to see this? You know what I mean? It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I'm like, okay. And then I'm like, can you read my credit card number? Like, you know, so I'm looking at that. It's just so weird, so I don't know. You know, that's why it's like, there's times when I'm with my son or whatever, and I'm like, no, now listen, I've always said, no,
Starting point is 00:58:16 if there's a video of me some were not, I do return the carts to their spot, okay? But one of the reasons is I'd be so scared if someone didn't like saw me like not do it and then they put that video out there and like all of a sudden like you're canceled, you didn't return a car. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah, so it's not, I mean it's not just like screaming like a crazy Karen, it could be something, it could be what if it's like, you didn't even realize that like a plastic bag, you were holding whatever, flew out, now it's rolling and they're like, Heather McDonald is, you know, doesn't care about the environment.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Like it's just like, no, that is, it is weird. Yeah. They did like your glow up and they said, did you hire a stylist? I did not hire a stylist, no. But I have a place where I pull clothes from the high shoes and they have really amazing clothes like 90s vintage Chanel and whatnot, you know. Because for all these events, like the team party, the this, the that, I mean, how much
Starting point is 00:59:17 time is the actual filming that then you have to put in all these events, as well as actually like being a realtor. Plenty of outfits, oh, and tiny outfits. Yeah. Yeah. When we film, it definitely kind of consumes our lives during that time. It's, you know, you don't film every single day. But if you know, like, hey, Thursday, you have a tea party, oops, and Friday, you have a dinner or something,
Starting point is 00:59:39 then you know you got to plan outfits for that, right? So maybe Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, you're working real estate, but also like, hey, do we have an outfit? And you got to go try it on and make sure it fits and everything. Do the spray tang, get the nails and the hair planned, all that jazz. And prior to the show, were any realters, female realters,
Starting point is 00:59:57 in LA dressing that teeny tiny skimpy? I love that you asked that question because that's why I dressed really professional in the earlier seasons and people thought I was a grandma and I was boring and I was like, I'm dressing like a professional realtor would, you know, that is focusing on the job and not necessarily what they look like. They're just trying to, you know, wear professional clothes. So that's where my and I are kind of coming from and I think, you know, it's not about any of the girls. It's also the producers, what they focus on, and they focus on the fashion and they highlight the fashion.
Starting point is 01:00:30 So we're like, okay, you guys clearly are into the fashion and that is a big part of the show. So then we changed, like, I knew how to dress outside of work, of course, but I considered this my job. So I wasn't wearing, like like I was going clubbing. So when I saw that that was the direction of the show and the focus on the format, I was like, okay, I can change that too, but do I wear that at work?
Starting point is 01:00:53 No, I mean, someone's wife might be offended if you walk in the shortest skirt with your boobs out, that gets just too much. Yeah, like you could lose a deal because I mean, I loved it, it would be like, you know, a hot summer day and Chelsea's wearing a sequence mini dress with a sequence blazer in the day.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I'm like, really? Okay. Oh yeah. And then Maya's back in Miami. She has back in Miami, yeah. Do you think she'll come back into the show at all? I think she might do a little bit of cameos like show up here and there. I
Starting point is 01:01:25 can't imagine that she would keep flying. I think it's been exhausting for her. Do they pay you well now to be on the show? Yes. They do. Good, because I know they probably didn't at the beginning. And yeah, and so do you think in this and then they'll probably have a couple new people pop in, don't you think? Probably, yeah. I don't know if Christine's coming back. It seems unlikely. These are the people that are trying to join the brokerage just to get on the show, though. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Of course, all the time. Maybe we get DMs. I think Jason gets emails. We all get emails. You know anyone, is there any way we could work in there? People are really excited. And they have this fantasy, whatever they think. And yeah, I think people definitely
Starting point is 01:02:04 want to just get in there for for the show. And then when like Brett gave Khrushchelle the listing like I think that's really again real estate non real estate people it's very confusing because they're like wait a minute you know they're just giving away listings I mean and that like never ever happens that a broker. Exactly. Would ever want to like share their listing with with someone why so he could hold one open house Well before the day before it as multiple offers exactly So was that a real thing? Did he really? I know I think he did yeah, but I mean he made her of course do everything, but it's his client
Starting point is 01:02:41 So I that's what baffles me too. I'm like, oh, OK, so I don't know what they're, how they divided up the commission, but yeah, it was real. So yeah. Yeah, that was, I was kind of like, oh, and the other thing is someone said, I saw this post the other day, and this was another thing that I go, like, there isn't enough diversity.
Starting point is 01:03:02 How could a real estate office, you know, real estate office, isn't this some violation? And I'm like, another thing people don't get is, no, you don't make any money. It's not a higher thing. It's just, if you want to, like, if you want to hang your license here, you either, you know, and then for some people, you can rent your desk or pay one percent,
Starting point is 01:03:26 whatever, for such a high producer. But most people, they wanna get as many people as possible, almost like a gym, get as many people in there as possible. And then hopefully, whoever closes deals, they get it. Yeah, yeah. But to add, for you to actually have your desk,
Starting point is 01:03:41 where no one sits at, you know, usually only the top producers have their desk that nobody else sits at, usually only the top producers have their desk that nobody else sits at or they have a little section that's like their team. Exactly. I just don't think people understand that. No, I don't think they do at all. Yeah, it's just, and that's why it's like someone being someone's boss is kind of like not really that serious because it's like we're independent contractors. Right. And I think we talk about that on the show too. So it's like, you know, Mary being a boss or whatever. It's like, okay, you know, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:04:09 But they're not really telling you minute by minute what to do because you're an independent contractor. So yeah. Yeah. Right. It's a little different. Well, I'm glad that you're able to shed some light on the real deal here.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Tell everybody where they can follow you and check out your courses and all that. So Divina, Poetrats, DAV, INA, P-O-T-R-A-T-Z is my Instagram and my courses will be on there this Friday super excited for them to come out. I think that's great. Thank you. Thank you. haha you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you

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