Knowledge Fight - #174: February 11, 2009

Episode Date: June 26, 2018

Today, Dan forces Jordan back into the studio to record a special episode where Dan admits that he found some evidence from 2009 that he was wrong about something pretty important about Alex Jones. Th...e gents discuss that, then marvel at how many flagrantly racist guests Alex can have on one show.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding Alex. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm joined by a couple dudes like to sit around drinking novelty beverages. In this case, a blood orange IPA and talk about Alex Jones. Indeed. We are Dan Dan Jordan. If you had just been a peer pressured into taking a taste of a garlic hot sauce, soft What are you talking about? There's years of peer pressure built into you. Just you gave me the hang dog eyes. I just said, Hey, this is a delicious sauce. I could tell it meant a lot to you. I couldn't continue to fight back. This is
Starting point is 00:00:43 this is now going to be the next 40 episodes of our show is the introductions are going to involve various sauces and or hot things. I'm disappointed. I don't have another habanero to know, but frankly, this is a show where I know a lot about Alex Jones and I don't know anything about it. I know a lot about hot sauces. I'm really weak tea. I am that's amazing. I am the whitest. I was raised on. Look, Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich was the only spicy thing I ate until I was like 45. But that's probably one of the best like spicy fast food items. It's the best fast food sandwich that you can that you can get. Yeah, very good. Perfect. Yeah. Let's go to Wendy's. So today, yes, we're doing a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:01:30 generally we don't have episodes on Tuesdays, but I needed to put this out because this is a mini so it'll be two hours. It might be close to a mini so it's intended to be a mini so it's because I've been going through 2009 stuff and our last episode was February 6th to 10th. Right. And then on the 11th, Alex Jones got fucking weird in such a way that I could not include it in the entirety of that episode. It needed to be a standalone episode because you insisted this to me multiple times and I couldn't explain to you beforehand because of the premise of this show. Right. And look, we don't have time to say thank you to donors and what have you. We've got to keep going, but we got we got to get into it. But just spiritually
Starting point is 00:02:16 thank you to everybody who supports the show. If you'd like to support us, go to click the sport the show button. Now we need to get to the important issues at hand. Yes, I wouldn't do this to you if this wasn't like a very real serious issue. And here I will. I don't trust you. Here is what we need to talk about. You'll be able to memorize any type of information, including entire books guaranteed. Our course is not based on classic mnemonic techniques or other tricks that you simply can't apply. They fixed the pronunciation. They fixed the mnemonic. Yeah, they did. Because last time he said, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Last time. Shit. This is crazy. What is happening? So they re-recorded it. Yeah. Somebody must have told
Starting point is 00:03:04 them. Someone was like, Hey guys, that's not how you pronounce that. Also, you don't have enough women on this show. So that's not what we're talking about. That's my nice joke intro. That's nice. I'm glad they learned. That suggests a capacity for learning that we here to Ford did not know existed. Absolutely. Yes. We're trying to start the show off. They can grow. We're starting to start the show off on an inspiring yet. There's hope. There's hope for everyone. If you can learn that mnemonic is not the right pronunciation. You can learn about silent ms. You can learn about anything. You can learn about how all your bigotry is based on lies. Or at least your time stables. Yes. So actually, here's what I want to talk about. Well, okay, headline up on
Starting point is 00:03:47 And of course, we'll tie this into all the other reports. Intermittent camps readied for mass illegal alien influx. Oh, God. Of course, is referring to an article this morning. Oh, God. That is in the El Paso newspaper. And the El Paso newspaper is reporting this. So we'll be going over that coming up after this first break. Don't I had the El Paso story here in my so don't don't don't. He's really stretching out. Tell me. Don't tell me about. He's really stretching out. Tell me what's gonna happen, Dan. Dan, don't tell me what's gonna happen. I don't know what I know what's gonna happen. What do you think is gonna happen? He's gonna say it's bad. He's gonna say it's very bad. Alex is going to say
Starting point is 00:04:40 that this is a crime. Alex is going to say that your government is encroaching upon you. Alex is going to say that this is the worst thing that a government can do. And that in fact, if a government does do this, you should revolt and overthrow this government. Alex is going to say that a government that does this type of things is invalid, and it's not acceptable, and that we should literally draw a line in the sand and leave that government or perhaps fucking destroy it. Is that what Alex is going to say, Dan? Not entirely. I think there's. Did I get the spirit of it right? I think there's some of the undertone you're getting correct. But the reason that I need to talk about this is not because of that. I've had a realization about Alex Jones and about why he's not a hypocrite
Starting point is 00:05:30 that. Okay, this is a big, this is a big deal. I should. You're going to need to sell me on this hard. I really should have understood this sooner. And I think naivete is something that I am absolutely guilty of. And listening to this episode from the 11th, brought into sharp focus that I should have been paying much closer attention and listening to some of the more like some of the undertones and what he's actually talking about. Because we so often what we do is we hear things like, Oh, that's a lie. And we just go like, Oh, that's a lie. And in the in that sometimes what you miss, what doesn't get, you know, swept up into the pantry. That's not the right word. That doesn't sure into the dust bin or whatever you miss is the spirit of what he's actually talking
Starting point is 00:06:20 about. Okay. And this next clip really brought home in sharp focus. This is a put your mic down clip, because he's very prescient about certain things. But then he also presents it in a way that we should have been paying attention to all along. And it's a big failure on our part that we hadn't. And when I say our part, I mean me. They always know how to roll things out with the crises they create. And then, Oh, they're putting troops on the streets for the illegal aliens. Oh, they're putting troops on the streets. And just outside Austin in Taylor, they have a big FEMA camp. We've been out there and protested it. We have video of it in in game liberal and for global enslavement. And they grab
Starting point is 00:06:59 the illegal aliens without due process. And they don't even deport them. And they grab the children and it's full of children as well. But again, it's only a beta test. And then these people deserve due process as well. But they set the precedent on a group, I think the public will go along with this on. So the part of the FEMA camp stuff that he's talking about in 2009 isn't real. But the part that I need to own my naivete that the scales dropped from my eyes listening to that originally was when he said it's a beta test. His whole problem with mistreatment of immigrants, his whole problem with the mistreatment of people who you don't worry about them being treated poorly is that it's a beta test, because eventually they're going to do it to the whites.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah, they're going to do it to us, us white patriots. You know what? That's so awful because I've had that thought recently. The thought has always been there. Like watching all of this shit happen is like, really, when you stop and think about the people that are doing this, do you think they really don't want to do the same thing to progressives? Just like us. Look at Rex 84, the thing that he bases all of this on was about like communists, sympathizers. Do you think they've never gone after socialists before? You think they don't specifically target fucking Fred Hampton and Martin Luther King, Jr. do these? The only time it's actually been done. Always. Has an evil president been assassinated?
Starting point is 00:08:46 And a bad one. Has somebody who has committed all of the evil that could possibly be done, has he been as, was Reagan actually, he didn't even get killed. Evil doesn't get killed in this country. I don't know enough about McKinley. It only gets stronger. McKinley was a piece of shit. Okay. No, he was, he was just, I just don't know enough about him. He was milk toast. Sure. He was, he was just there. No, it's, I like how I told you before the show, you were going to scream a bunch of like, I probably won't. Well, when you make me conscious of it, then I become like afraid of screaming because then I feel like I don't have control over myself. And apparently I don't. It's before nine. It's fine. The neighbors. Oh, God, dad.
Starting point is 00:09:28 But Jordan, that mentality has made me take a very serious pause. The idea that like, oh, it's a beta test that they would abuse immigrants and stuff like that. It indicates to me because I think this tracks with his positions. He doesn't care what happens to them. He cares that eventually it's going to happen to good, as he puts it, good, clean cut families who are white people. Now, hear me out on this. No, no, no, I think I know where you're going with this. And I agree with you. The reason that it's not hypocrisy now, when we have in the past, he's been screaming about FEMA camps forever. And now we have these camps where parents are being separated from their children and would have you. No, no, no, I'm so excited. I totally agree with him. The reason
Starting point is 00:10:20 that it's not hypocritical for him to be like, it's fine is because he knows with Trump in power, the next step isn't going to happen. White people are safe. And that to me was a heartbreaking moment listening to this episode. Because back then, there was a black president, and it made him scared that whites were next. And now we have an overtly racist president, and he's like, hey, everything's fine. tyranny is fine. You have a president who's legitimately saying like about Xi Jinping, like he's president for life. Isn't that cool? Like that sort of stuff that his principles should have led him to be like, no, this is tyranny on any on any scale. This is how you end up in a position where you're in a tyrannical dictatorship authoritarian rule.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But because the person is presenting themselves as so fine with white people and so fine with the oppression of whiteness, he doesn't care. And what it leads me to understand is that we've done a shitty job on this show. Because this is as far back as we've gone for the most part in 2009. And it becomes very clear to me that he is a out and out white supremacist to to like granted he doesn't say the same shit as David Duke, he tries to debate David Duke, he doesn't say the same things as like a Richard Spencer or anything like that. He is a much more he's much better at presenting himself as being like, no, that's not what I'm talking about. He has a lot more nooks to hide and nooks and crannies and
Starting point is 00:12:01 what have you. But I think that we've done a really shitty job. And I'd like to apologize to the audience. This to me is revolutionary in terms of how I will deal with Alex moving forward. There's not a there's not a bone in my body that thinks that any of his positions about what he's afraid of are real. They're only real in as much as he thinks that a white person is going to be a victim of it. Yep. And that. And again, this is me calling welcome to the team, Dan. Well, but here's the thing. I think that my position, especially on this show, is not taking that leap until that leap is appropriate. And I don't think that I think that up until this point from what we've witnessed, it would be reasonable to say, hey,
Starting point is 00:12:54 he doesn't mean any of this shit. But the scales had not fallen from my eyes until I heard very clearly the idea that what they're going to do, the thing that I'm afraid of so much is a beta test that making it so clear. And then in the same sentence, he's talking about the idea of people having their kids taken away is all a beta test in order to and then again, that exact scenario playing out in front of our eyes in 2018 and him being like, because it's not a beta test. It's not a white threat. Yeah. Yeah. It's terrifying. Yeah. No, the moment you started talking, I was like, that connection was made instantly because yeah, I know because you're a smart person, but I want to make sure I got that out. Not because I was a
Starting point is 00:13:42 smart person, but because that immediately made perfect fucking sense. That's the only thing that makes fucking sense. Because if his position in 2009 is essentially when they came for the Jews, I said nothing because they didn't come for me. And then they came for me like that's his position. And now he knows when they come for the Jews, they're not coming for me. So it's fine. Yeah. Fuck the Jews. They're not I don't give a shit. Yeah. Fuck them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, this is fucking. This is a nail. This is a coffin that just got nailed into the fucking ground. He's been a man who's been masquerading as having principles for decades for years and years and like his only principle is white supremacy. That's what it is. Quite realistically. I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:27 we've always had the smell of that with all of his forgiving white terrorism and creating gymnastic level defenses of like how it's possible that this isn't white terrorism. Yeah. And stuff like that. And to me, it's like this. This is done. Yeah. It's a mess. That's the clip. It breaks my heart in some ways. That's the fucking clip. It breaks my heart in many ways because it makes things very simple. And moving forward, we'll have a much easier framework to work with. And I think that there's some value to that. But the other thing that really bothers me is that this is 2009. And I want to say this really quick. And this is a diversion to some extent, but
Starting point is 00:15:11 Alex's ex-wife right now is on Twitter. She's starting an initiative where she is going to unplug info wars. That's her new website that she's going to launch. She's going to sue him in unplug info wars. Hashtag unplug info wars. And what I want to say very clearly is that right now in 2009, she's a big part of the operation. Like when we talk about like, Oh, yeah, she wasn't around when he went to Trump. She's a part of it at this point. She knows a lot more than she's putting out there. She really wanted to unplug things. It's a lot of stuff that she could just put out publicly. It's a lot more that she could say, but she doesn't. The other thing I want to say, I don't remember what it was. I had some damning thing I wanted to say.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Fuck. Just generally most of what you say is damning for Alex. Yeah. I, it's so obvious. It's very, I've been caught. Look, I by no means have I not called him a white supremacist for the past year and a half. Yeah. But that is such a fucking dead on. That's what it, that's what it really is. That's what it, there's no other conclusion to draw. There's no like, Oh, his principles are, are, are just flawed and he's not applying them equally. This is, his principles are specific to whites, to whites only. But you know why, you know why it's so. Libertarianism is for whites only out there. But you know why it's so damning is because there are moments of like outright white supremacy and white fear, like going into the, the swimming shop and seeing Muslim women and
Starting point is 00:16:54 being like, this freaks me out. Like that's just white supremacy. Like you think they don't belong in your space or whatever. Right. And that's something that we can experience. Be like, that's fucked up. You are, you have a problem, but this is such a different level because it's such, it's, it's inexorable from his base narratives. Like the things that he has been most aggressive about in terms of what his fear is, that he has abandoned now being afraid of, you know, it's that it's. Whites aren't going to be put in FEMA camps anymore. Nope. They're, they're safe. You got, you got, you're on home base now. Yep. Or, or more specifically, uh, conservative whites. Right. Right. Gun whites. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 We don't have to worry about them taking away our guns anymore. No, but at the same time, we do have a bit more, uh, safety than some of our other brethren, uh, and sister in the world. And, uh, it'd be, it'd be, uh, irresponsible of us to sit here and say like, we aren't safe, with Alex's narratives, you know, like, because you, you're saying that he is safe now because like gun whites are safe. Yeah. We are still whites and we still have a much bigger past than a lot of the other populations. Yeah. I, I, I mean, but the problem with that, the problem with that is the, the sympathizer label, which is going to be thrown about. If, if it continues at this rate, we are, we become sympathizers and this loose our white status. Like that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:18:33 What? You think, you think in Nazi Germany, people who hid Jews were, uh, were fine? No. Cause they were white? No. Do you, do you think we're not going to be people hiding people? Like a fucking, if, if, look, if you're an illegal immigrant, come to my place. I will I will. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And fuck up her shit, but leave my shit alone. Well, thankfully we're not there yet, but we're fucking close. We're there. There is also, there is an ice office in Chicago. Let's go. For real. Shut it down. So the, the, this is the big point that I wanted to make on this episode, but there's more. And thankfully for the rest of this, we'll just get to do a dance on Alex's racist face. But in this next clip, Alex talks about, uh, Obama being a dictator.
Starting point is 00:19:25 And it's interesting the specifics that he uses. And we'll get to that, uh, at the other end of this clip. Damn it. These people don't even fucking, they're not even fucking real human beings. They're dead on the fucking inside. Restaurants are now putting his picture up like we're in the, like we're in Nazi Germany. Oh, his picture is everywhere. They're like little shrines in East Austin. There is an Obama retail store right now. It's, it's amazing to me. Again, anytime that happens in history, that's deadly dangerous. So, uh, that is also the, the other guy talking is a guy named George Humphrey, who, uh, the only credit I can find for him is he appears in, uh, the Obama deception, uh, documentary that I made credit as an economist. I have no idea if
Starting point is 00:20:07 that's actually true. Um, but hey, fun, fun fact, uh, murals of Trump are at these, uh, detention camps, uh, with the, with the, uh, nice inscription, sometimes losing a battle teaches you a new way to win the war. No, no. I honestly don't think that that is an encouragement. That doesn't even make a goddamn bit of sense. It's not encouraging message to the children or the people in those camps that might see it as much as it is a middle finger to be liberals who have tried to create, uh, different ways to make it through, burn it the fuck down, that to me, burn it the fuck down. Honestly, that declaration on that mural that Trump has, uh, and I don't think Trump made that. I honestly don't. Why wouldn't he have everything with his goddamn name on it? He probably
Starting point is 00:20:55 paid some million other people. I think that's, that's a level. That's a level of micromanagement. I don't think he's capable of, I don't think he's capable of, uh, it's, it's not, that would be an insane amount of organization that I think he's, he's two hands off. I think that some white supremacist maga fuck made a, uh, mural with Trump's face and American flag. And then the, uh, quote, sometimes losing a battle teaches you a new way to win a war. I think that relates to all the years that white supremacists were banging their heads up against a wall, trying to figure it out, how to come into power. And it's, that's sort of a wagging dick kind of moment. I think when I read that quote, I don't think that that is anything, um, that you should be saying to
Starting point is 00:21:42 immigrants. I think that is entirely a fuck you. I think that's a fuck you to liberals. The, there was a, the, the, the GOP autopsy. You tried to help, you tried to hold us down so long. Yeah. Now we're back. Yeah. We found a way to win the war by losing the battle. Yeah. No, the GOP autopsy after they fucking were destroyed in 2008 was all about becoming more inclusive, was all about changing demographics, was all about making sure that the Republican party was more exclusive. It was more inclusive. And the white supremacists figure out a way to win and make it more exclusive. Exactly. Tea party fucking Christ. So now George Humphrey is a fucking dick. Oh, and here's like Hubert Humphrey. I don't, I don't, I don't know much about him. And again,
Starting point is 00:22:28 I can't, I can't find much about him, but this clip says everything I need to fucking know about him. After he was elected, I heard the day of his inauguration. I heard on the television at least 75 times. This is the first African American ever elected to the United States. Well, his mother is Caucasian. His father was 80% Arab and 20% African. And I don't care whether he's black, blue, brown, or orange, but he's 10% African, African. Does that make him an African American? And it is absolutely the, the, I mean, I'm, I mean, I'm like six or eight percent. I forget Native American. Does that make me Native American? It's just amazing. And it is just such a sales pitch. It's a sales. Can I, can I? It's a sales pitch. This is when I need to discover
Starting point is 00:23:25 that I have psychic powers a la Akida and am able to, all right, fuck off. Sorry. You have not gotten any of my references recently. Also, I sang the song from Highlander in our last episode. That was queen. Okay. No. Man, it's a mess. In this country, in this country, in this country, you're hyperventilating. Doesn't even fucking matter. Black isn't about heritage in America. Black is about skin color. It doesn't fucking matter. And it doesn't even, it doesn't even fuck. Look, look, I mean, you have to, how, how far back do you have to go? Where if you were half white, you were still not a citizen. How far back do you have to go to where you're, if you were half white, you still weren't allowed in, in the same white restaurants? How far back do you have
Starting point is 00:24:21 to go before it doesn't even fucking matter? Pump the brakes for a second. Because I think what you're trying to express and you are, the passion is there and I appreciate it. But I think, I think what you're trying to express is that there was a time, there's a time that extends to the present where whiteness was defined by exclusion. There were people who were like, you know, you have a, you have a drop of black blood and therefore you aren't white. Yep. And that was used to keep people out of places. That was to keep society in a certain order that the whites wanted order to be in. Your mother's grandma was black. Doesn't matter how white the rest of your family is. You're a quatroon. Yep. Get out of here. Yep. There was that shit that happened now. What we're
Starting point is 00:25:03 seeing in 2009, this guy coming in and being like, he's not black enough to be black. You're trying to have it both ways. Like there is the history of exclusion of black people because they're not white enough. And then now we have him being like, well, he's a president. Everyone says he's the first black president, but I don't, he has a, his mom was white. Like, get the fuck out of here. What the fuck do you want? Also, also remember, at what point are we going to get to them? Furthermore, furthermore, you heard him say that people said he was the first black president. Yeah. You didn't hear them say he was the first African president. He was the first president who was from Kenya for a fucking whatever your bullshit is going to be. He wasn't the first
Starting point is 00:25:51 president who was moderately or mostly related to a, to a ethnic race that was not white. You heard them say he's the first black president because his skin was black, which meant that no matter fucking what, if he was, if his parents were white, his grandparents were white and he was black just because his great grandpa was black and by genetics, that is how his skin color came out. It wouldn't have fucking mattered to everyone around him because they would see his skin color and they would say the N word directly to him. It doesn't even fucking matter. He could have been 98% white, but if his skin was two shades fucking darker, then it wouldn't matter how white he was genetically because black is about looking. Yep. Oh, fucking God. Oh, fuck this guy.
Starting point is 00:26:45 No, but that's guy so hard. No, but this guy so hard. Totally. And I'm not sure he's an economist, but there's so much that like the concepts of whiteness and non whiteness that are being played with specifically like the way he's using it are each each version that he's trying to use are to defend whiteness and white supremacy, anti othering. That's all he's doing. He's saying like he's using a rich tradition of exclusion of blacks through appearance and what have you to then you he's flipping that around to use as a weapon against Obama to be like, you're not black enough because look at your lineage. Look at your lineage. You're not black enough. And that to me smacks of eugenics. Yeah, I see. I see what you're saying to build up on
Starting point is 00:27:37 top of that. That is also a dick of like, well, somebody who is really black could never become president. Oh, that that that might be in there. There is that is in there. I didn't even think very much in there. That idea of like, he's the first black president. Well, he's not really his mother's white. So of course he could become president. That's what he was actually. That's sort of like a calm down. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what it is. I think there is in there. I didn't even think about that. And that's one of the things that's so fascinating about this rich racism is that like there's this is fudge. This is dark chocolate fudge racism. One of these hot sauces. There's the garlic layer. There's the ghost pepper underneath it. The garlic is great.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yeah, but the ghost pepper a little bit tough. There are those layers to it that are like, oh, you get this one. Maybe you missed the other. And I completely missed the idea of like, what are you saying is like, now if he was really black, we would have kicked him out. Yeah. And that probably is in there. That's absolutely in there. Well, to be fair, he didn't say all that much racist shit other than that, which is plenty on in his interview. So I was like, man, let's give this guy just, man, I don't give a shit. And that also gets back to the that idea of changing purity levels, because it's still always about white. But it's like, well, he's 80% Arab. Well, it doesn't. Yeah, exactly. Now, are we talking about his actual dad
Starting point is 00:29:07 or right, right, right, right, right. Whatever the whatever the fuck it is, it's all then it has always changed. Then it becomes percentage. Oh, well, he's he's mostly like it doesn't it doesn't even fucking matter. Yeah, I hate these people. I hate these people so much. Facts don't matter. Nope. Narrative doesn't matter. No, always just going to be able to move the goalposts, whatever it is. So now there is no reason to listen to anything these people have to say. Jordan, this show is full of guests. God damn it is chock a block with guests. We've got a murderers row of white supremacists. Now this next guy is named Jack Michelin. He's a cop horse. He's an ex Phoenix cop. All right, well, then he's a great person. He also has a show on the Genesis
Starting point is 00:29:51 Communications Network. And here is him being a fuck with our phony president. By the way, we haven't had this is a time that we don't have a president of the United States first time in our history. And because he's a phony president, we have all the evidence to prove that he's not our president because of article two, section five, and says he's not because he's an illegal alien out of Kenya. And anyway, they think they have got it made, you know, they think they've got it made, they've got us, and they don't realize that God is still in control. God is in control. Do they not realize that? Is that a thing you cannot realize? The other people? Yeah, because that suggests that at some point you realized it. Were there a God I would believe
Starting point is 00:30:46 he's in control or she is in control as it were. Right, wink. Nicely done. So what do you know about Michael Lamb? Why do I ask that question? Well, he was a Phoenix cop. Yes. And clearly he's a birther. And he doesn't remember that George W. Did not actually win Florida and the Supreme Court gave him the presidency because it was a conservative fucking Supreme Court but it was a five to four majority. Oh, and that also I'm glad you brought up George W. Bush because there is that like question that remains and maybe we should have dealt with this maybe 20 minutes ago. But there is that question that remains of why was Alex against George W. Bush if he is this like now Trump is in an office and he feels safe doesn't worry about this stuff. And I would
Starting point is 00:31:32 posit that as much as George W. Bush is a war criminal and he's a monster and has upheld a system that is very brutally anti minority and all that shit. He was not as clearly a white supremacist like he wasn't as clearly like he was not somebody that if you were if you were a Nazi if you were right you would not hang your hat like David Duke never advocated for George W. Bush. And that's because even they are aware of the stupid slash evil continuum for conservatives. They were like he might be too dumb to be one of us and that's the reality of it. And he never gave like those winks and nods that Trump does to the he gave a few but they weren't as like is like whoa they weren't as murdery. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that there's something to be said for
Starting point is 00:32:24 that. I think that when we look at the history of like where Alex puts his foot down and where he criticizes it's very clear that if George W. Bush would have been like like hey there's a Nazi rally there's good people on both sides there's a decent chance that he would have gone along with it which actually makes me concerned that in 2015 we know that Roger Stone and Steve Pechenik were the driving forces for him joining up with Team Trump. Yeah. Now we don't know what they said and there's a decent chance this he loves the white folk. I don't think Steve would say that. I think Steve is a manipulator and he was doing his like there's a counter counter coup kind of shit. Right. I believe that he whether or not he was trying to whether or not Steve
Starting point is 00:33:12 Pechenik is a racist or not is irrelevant to me. I don't believe that his manipulative game would have been that he was trying to die and gusset it up. Yes. Yeah. Now I don't know about Roger Stone though. There's a decent chance that Roger Stone could have come in and just been like hey look he hates Hillary loves whites. You got to love this guy. Yeah. He's going to be fine with whites because like Roger Stone is willing to tell any lie. But that wouldn't be a lie. No. No. No. I mean I just mean in the sense that he will do it bluntly. Yeah. Like Steve Pechenik as you as you pointed out would be would more be like oh it's he's part of the deep state and he's a patriot and yada yada yada and Roger Stone is just going to cut to the point and be like you love whites.
Starting point is 00:33:57 He loves whites. Let's move it along. Steve Pechenik is a propagandist and a manipulator in many ways. Absolutely. He's a psych warfare guy. But I also think he has shame. You know like from what I've been able to witness. Or at least Manners certainly has manners. You didn't even ask me how I was doing. He can he can pretend that like Sandy Hook was a false flag. He can pretend that Las Vegas was a false flag. But at the same time he would not lower himself to being like please Alex just get on board with this like look he likes white people. He would try and do some high scale manipulation as opposed to the low scale. Whereas I think there's a chance Roger Stone could just been like look on a base level. You're afraid about white
Starting point is 00:34:43 stuff. He's going to protect white stuff. I think that it's possible. There's no there's no load that Roger Stone won't go man. He's like is the ultimate conga player. The ultimate limbo ultimate limbo champion. So Jack McClam. I'm going to read to you from the Southern Poverty Law Center Phoenix cop. It's from the Southern Poverty Law Center website. He produced a periodical called Aiden Bet police newsletter and most famously a 75 page document titled Operation Vampire Killer 2000 colon American police action plan for stopping world government rule written in 1992. In parentheses conspiracy monger Alex Jones is selling an updated version on his website. McClam was perhaps best known for his claim that the government placed unobtrusive colored
Starting point is 00:35:31 dots on people's mailboxes. So the troops serving the new world order after martial law is declared would know what to do with people living at each address. A blue dot meant that you were destined for a FEMA camp. Pink indicated that you were to be used in slave labor. Red meant that you were to be shot in the head immediately. McClam was also involved in the development. Don't they celebrate that for seven days. That's Passover. What is that? It's very close. That's very close to Passover. McClam was also involved in the development of a right wing housing community called quote almost heaven located near Camilla Idaho in 1994. If you tell me anywhere in Idaho is almost heaven.
Starting point is 00:36:18 The community was supposed to quote make a stand against the new world order. McClam's partner in that failed venture include Bo Gertz a decorated Vietnam veteran and follower of the racist and anti-semitic Christian identity religion. Bo Bridges a former Arizona state senator who opposed Martin Luther King Jr. having a holiday. So that's that's sort of that's his that's Jack McClam's flavor. He look he opposed Martin Luther King Jr. having a holiday on the grounds of we got too many bank holidays. Too many. Too many holidays. What are we going to do? Arbor Day next. Yeah. So on this day that Alex reveals to me the scales drop from my eyes that oh it's just about protecting whiteness. He is now had a guy on who is saying that Obama
Starting point is 00:37:03 isn't black enough right now. Jack McClam who is saying that Obama was born in Kenya and he's the first ever invalid president of our country who happens to be running right wing or trying to run right wing separatist communities with people who don't believe Martin Luther King is deserving of a holiday and other people who are part of the Christian identity movement. So that's cool as a big show as a con. Gated communities are not bad white supremacist gated communities. They are doing great. Not in Idaho dude. You got a location location location always important. No doubt. So in this next clip we get a new guest. I'm telling you so many guests. All right. All right. Glenn Spencer. It's great to have you on with us. Good to talk to you again. It has been
Starting point is 00:37:56 a little while since we had you on a lot of new developments. Please give us your breakdown on what's happening. Well you know Alex I moved out of California and down here to the border about seven years ago and set about to tell the truth about the border to the American people. Well that's an admirable goal. Is it. Nope. Nope. It's not. I should tell you that what Spencer does. Glenn Spencer what he does. Glenn sir is actually what I prefer him. He has some technology that he's deployed. Oh no. No these people can't have technology. He may or may not have an army of drones and he might he might have some land where he has put seismic graphs on so he can tell when there are people walking over it at the border and he may or may not send drones out
Starting point is 00:38:46 and photograph people crossing the border. Now he doesn't do anything with that information but he is a weirdo who is spending way too much money. He's a mess. So and this is in 2009. Yeah. This is not. Oh he's still doing it today. This is not drones are cheap and effective. Oh no no I'm not sure if he was doing in 2009. He is doing it now. I'm not sure when that started but he's been trying to develop some sort of plan to fuck over people at the border for a long time. Now it's weird to be that he doesn't report them to the border authority but I think it's because he doesn't believe in the federal government. I think that's part of it. So he just he just takes pictures of them also doesn't believe in. All right. He takes pictures
Starting point is 00:39:33 of them as they cross the border. So many layers on a website. Do you remember that show cheaters. Yeah. Yeah. Do you remember how at the end of it to be like hey all these people who cheated on their their girlfriends or whatever they're on no cheaters date dot com. Yeah pictures of them. I think it was like that. It was like border crossers dot com. He was just he was just cataloging. Yeah. But unfortunately that's not all he was about. That's not all that he was about. No sir. In 1992 Spencer formed the voice of citizens. I prefer to call him Glenser. That's nice. I like that. But that implies that he's two people like a celebrity couple. Glenn and Spencer. Where did Heidi go. She's gone. She's dead. She's been dead for a while.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Didn't hate minorities. Got murdered by drones at the border. So he started this thing called voice for citizens together also known as American Patrol in response to what he perceived as Mexican related violence in the LA riots that followed the acquittal of police officers who beat the shit out of Rodney King. So it goes all the way back all the way back. Yep. All the way back to the Rodney King riots. That's when he started this group called American Patrol. So he began getting involved in quote anti immigrant politics and in 1994 was the chief proponent of Proposition 187 which aimed to cut public services for undocumented immigrants and ban their children from attending schools. Spencer's website would become a popular anti
Starting point is 00:41:01 Mexican propaganda outlet consistently posting sensationalized stories meant to imply that Latinx people had a higher propensity towards violence and were undermining American culture. That mentality is kind of reflected in this next clip. I could go on in depth on that as a whole cultural thing. This thing is coming apart. There was no foundation there. There was no cultural strength. Yes. In a sense, there is because once a Mexican always a Mexican. Unified in that sense. They're very nationalistic. However, they will look for any reason and any excuse to move across that border because they want to take the Southwest back. Any way you slice it, we're headed into insane times. Oh, absolutely. So I kept that after
Starting point is 00:41:51 that break there just because Alex had to respond. Like I had to make sure that he didn't say how dare you. Yeah, exactly. He's on board with this. Right. So Glenn Spencer believes in this stupid as land conspiracy that he's one of the major proponents of that believes that Mexicans are working together through their advocacy organizations like Mecha or La Raza in order to take back the Southwest. They're coming to America specifically because they want to swing demographics so they can vote it back to Mexico. This conspiracy is deeply racist. I first off love that to be fair conspiracy. If they were doing that brilliant to be fair because it is there. So to put together a Scientologist gorilla operation where you infiltrate an entire government in order to
Starting point is 00:42:42 take back land. It's pretty wild. I love it. I think that's brilliant. There are easier ways to do these things. There are a few. Also, the idea of a white nationalist saying that they're very nationalistic, right? Yeah. Oh, they're very national. They, they, oh man, these guys, they want sovereignty and they want borders and they want their land back. You're wrong. You're wrong. I actually think that that's him tipping his cap to his enemy. I think that there's a part of that. I do. I do. No, actually. Yeah, I can see that. I can see that. I think that's him saying like, I fucking hate them, but I respect that they're nationalistic. I kind of think that if you listen to that clip, I think that's, that's a piece of it.
Starting point is 00:43:21 I can see that. So also, Glenn Spencer. I don't, before you go any further, I despise the, because it, and this is something. Glenn Spencer, me too. Yeah, no, absolutely. But this is something that we talked about previously. The propaganda of the status quo. Yeah. Which to me is that anti-immigrant politics. He got into anti-immigrant politics. Oh, no, that was my term. That was my term. Okay. Well, I just don't use that. I just use that as a fill in because he's a racist. Right. Exactly. But I, that's, that to me is the, the propaganda of the status quo. That idea of like. No, that's on me. No, that's, that's fine. No, you can take, you can take issue with my framing it that way, but I only did that because I was hearkening back to what Keith probably thought
Starting point is 00:44:12 he was doing in the early nineties. Right. That it was, it probably was a kernel of it that he thought that there was a benign version of it. But, but that might also me being, I mean, that might be me expressing the same naivety. I was going to say, you did, it's not like you came up with anti-immigrant politics. You didn't invent that. No. That phrase. No. But, but I used it as really, like I wasn't nomenclature. But I wasn't quoting some other place saying that's what he did. Right. My writing. Right. Right. Right. I see what you're saying, but I mean, yeah, then in that case, I, I, jacuzes. That's fair. Like, I, I accept that criticism. I don't think that, I don't think that that's what he was doing at all. But I, I think that, I mean, on a, on a just bare bones
Starting point is 00:44:59 level, I do agree with the terminology because he is anti-immigrant. That's true. But I think there's a bigger picture to it. Factually accurate. I agree. But, but you don't get involved in anti-immigrant politics. You are in racist politics. Yes. I think because, because what do you mean anti it? Like, oh, are they anti-immigrants from everywhere? Jordan, I would also like to say that when I, when I write these things, there has to be a journey. I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Start with this guy's a fucking huge. I know. Eventually we get to that. I, I don't, which is again why I didn't, I didn't think it was you because generally when somebody uses anti-immigrant politics, they don't end with, this guy's a giant racist. You know what I'm saying? Minimize whatever
Starting point is 00:45:47 his positions actually are. That's a New York Times thing to say. That's what I meant. The reason that I used it as I was writing this up was because there was a journey to go on of learning what those anti-immigrant politics were. Exactly. And that's on me. No, no, no. I trust you when you say that, that we're going to end on racist. If I ended it with, he's anti-immigrant. Then you're fucked. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then you can go fuck yourself. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Then you can fuck off. That would be different. Yeah. Also, I should tell you in late 2008, which is before he's on Alex Jones' show right now, Spencer posted an essay on his website titled quote, is Jew-controlled Hollywood brainwashing Americans? That's actually a good question. In it, he assured readers that
Starting point is 00:46:31 he had Jewish friends, but added quote, I fear, however, that this small handful of patriotic Americans are far outnumbered by liberal Jews who have now total control over our media. So he's branched out at this point. He's on Alex's show from just being super against people who are coming from the border to now he's fucking doing the Jew stuff too, which is, I mean, that's in four wars, million. Yeah. Anytime we start talking to this, eventually it comes back to that like concept of the five Jew bankers that like run the world. Oh, well, the media, they're not, they're not bankers. They're the five Jew producers or the bank, you know, like anything. There's always, there's always some catch all that. Yeah. No, that's not what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Right. Which by the way, I don't think we have enough donations for the none dare call the conspiracy to come out on time, but it will still come out. I'm not going to hold it ransom in some malicious way. But of course not. Man, there's so much of that in there. Yeah. Get ready for pages and pages of me deconstructing that. See, again, all this propaganda weirdly goes back and back and back to people just hating the Jews, man. It's anti-Jew stuff and then, uh, misunderstanding communism. Right. It's those two things like, like vociferous anti-communism was such a scourge in the, in the Cold War. It was so bad, like the John Birch society stuff was so, right. It was so damaging. One, actually,
Starting point is 00:48:06 I want to tell you about this. This is one thing that I found in my, my research that is so amazing. A bunch of universities did, uh, uh, they did a bunch of studies about people's opinions towards communism throughout the 60s and 70s, uh, into the 80s. And, uh, they found that, of course, as time went on, people had much less fear about communism as an ideology. Right. Uh, they actually towards the end of it, they found there was at least an 8% affinity towards communism, which yeah, something that none of these people would, like Alex Jones would, would cop to. But the funniest thing that I found is that they did a poll in 1974 about who the government should be spying on. So they asked, they asked a bunch of different groups, like, should the
Starting point is 00:48:54 government spy on them? Yes or no. So 74. 1974. So we're well past McCarthy's end. March 1974. This is, uh, when this came out. So probably the, the number one group that people said, yes, you should spy on them was the American communist party at 74.9%. Jesus, which is pretty high. That's high. That's pretty crazy high. But at the same time, you know, what are you up to communists? I kind of understand in the 70s. I saw the Americans. That makes sense. A lot of countercultural people probably didn't have phones that could answer for the polls and stuff like that. You know, there's, there's, right. So number two, it's 74.7%. Vigilante groups like the Ku Klux Klan. So the KKK comes in just under. I like that they're close. I don't like who's
Starting point is 00:49:44 number one, but I'm, I'm feeling you 74. So far we're doing 50-50. Now here's what's really fun. You know, who came in third? The John Birch Society. 47.2% of respondents thought that people, the government should be spying on the John Birch Society. All right. They got higher rating than the students for democratic society. The SDS, which was the, brought us the weather underground. Right, right. 1974 had just got done bombing a bunch of people. Right. So like, they were more suspicious to the public than the SDS. Yeah, because the SDS isn't actually going to take over the government. They were trying to change policies. They weren't trying to infiltrate. There's other group, like the Democratic Party, Republican Party, the ACLU and WACP. They're
Starting point is 00:50:35 all below the John Birch Society. Yeah. I just thought that was really fun. When I found that, I was like, haha, haha. It was weird that they added Fox News in that poll and it was number four. It was crazy. It's super weird. Fox News hadn't even existed. Yeah. So anyway, go fuck yourself, Glenn Spencer. You suck. For sure. You are a monster. But this, this is actually really fun. So I wanted to make a super cut of this, but I couldn't because of time constraints. I have started to notice that Alex says a bunch of things when the mics, he thinks are off. Okay. So the only way you'd be able to know this is if you listen to all of the raw feeds. Right. Listen to the commercials. Not to the editors. Because it's coming out of commercial.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Right. And he says this repeatedly. Initiate. Waging war on corruption. Alex Jones on the GCM radio network. So that's coming back from commercial. He just says, initiate. I think that there's a part of him that thinks he's military or something like that. There's a part like initiate. He says that repeatedly coming out of commercial. Initiate. Not like, let's go. Or anything. Initiate. That's, I think he's a closet Star Trek fan. Fine. Whatever it is, I just thought it was kind of like, I just thought it was worth noting. No, I like it. I like it. I think it's more fun if he's, if he's like a weird closet, sci-fi. Well, I mean, he talks about, he talks about Star Wars. He talks about, he's all about
Starting point is 00:52:07 science fiction. All of his references are like what, what's real is actually what happened in the fucking dude friends. No, we could never do in Highlander so much. You could just relate that to his stupid ideas about references in a week and everybody thinks that I love doing it. Okay. So it's many, it's many more references than that, but I have more. Do you want to, you had less references to Highlander. I'm putting, I'm pimping you a little bit that way, but your Dune shit is dude. I could go. It's getting so far on dude. You should get on our Facebook group, go tell, go home and tell your mother you're brilliant because there are people who want to talk to you about Dune. Okay. All right. And I can't help them. I'm not on Facebook,
Starting point is 00:52:47 but we'll see. All right. Well, get on it. So you can talk to them about Dune because I'm sick of it. Have you read chapter house dude? I read Dune when I was young. So it's a few thousand years after the God Emperor of Dune. All right. I'm gonna pee. I don't want to do this. No, keep going. I'm going to check the fuck out. I read Dune when I was like in seventh grade or something like that. And I was like, this is a snooze. This is a long walk. So it's such a long walk. Such a big book. Do not disagree. Yeah. It's like, it's like anybody trying to convert to Judy as a boy. I'm like, no, no, no. You don't want to go through this. You know, it's you don't want to go through this. Let it go. Fair enough. Yeah. So Jordan, we got another guest
Starting point is 00:53:33 coming up. A lot of guests. I told you this show is lousy with guests. It's lousy with guests. They are all the worst. This guy sounds right. Might be worse than all of them. All right, folks. The next 30 minutes were joined by Sheriff Richard Mack. You know, Sheriff Richard Mack. Already anytime he says, anytime Alex says Sheriff, it's going to be a bad day for me. Man, he's a sheriff. Because he's never like, oh, this sheriff helped save two puppies today. It's never that. It's always a sheriff that is like, I'm the ultimate law of the land. Interesting. You should say that. Oh, god. And there's one person who I believe can stop this new world order. His name is your county sheriff. Oh,
Starting point is 00:54:22 boy. So that's what Richard Mack is about. His name is how many counties are in there in the United States? There's 3000 sheriffs, I believe. But also counties aren't really, they don't exist in every state. There's like parishes in Louisiana and Alaska doesn't have counties at all. The breakdown by state is very, like it's nonsensical to think that like the sheriff is the law of the land. It's the ultimate law of the land. But I should tell you- And for those states without a sheriff, too bad. I should tell you- You didn't get a law of the land. Richard Mack is a board member of the Oath Keepers. Dick Mack is a board member of the Oath Keepers. I should also tell you he is one of, if not the main originator of the constitutional sheriff's
Starting point is 00:55:13 movement. He's the one of the guys who started this idea that the sheriff is the one who can save everybody. He's the proto-arpio. Funny you should say that. No! Funny you should say that because here's another drop. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has endorsed my book by the way, he's on the back of the book. He believes in all of this about the autonomy of the sheriff. Look what he has done. That's a bad way to phrase it. Look what he's done. Look what he's done. I would like all of you, policy walks, to elect me president. I will have a vice president who is far more qualified than me. However, as president, I will spend one day in office and that day will be in executive order to murder Joe Arpaio. And then piss in his throat. He needs to fucking die
Starting point is 00:56:13 20 years ago. That's the worst. God damn it. That fucking piece of shit. But it's not surprising that Joe Arpaio would be super on board with Richard Mack's idea that the sheriff is the ultimate law of the land because people like Joe Arpaio like to make their own little mini fiefdoms where they are king. They like to abuse their power. They like to create systematic abuse of people who are different and scare people about immigrants in order to justify things like not investigating abuse. Things like creating fake bomb scares in order to get himself reelected. Like we've gone over this over and over again. Look into Joe Arpaio. Never enough. Never enough. Joe Arpaio should fucking die. There are very few like summary execution candidates, I believe,
Starting point is 00:57:06 as someone who's like much more restrained than you. And I believe that we should burn him alive. Yeah, for real. Joe Arpaio is legitimately white supremacist and has done irrevocable damage to countless people. Like the people who had to live in his fucking tent cities. I can't imagine what PTSD some of them had to go through and the lingering effects that that has caused to the people in their lives. I can't imagine the people he jammed up like what what happened to them throughout their like the ripples that he's responsible for just because of his lust for power and just because of his desire to be the king sheriff that Richard Black is advocating. No, he is so he is at a level where I'm like I understand the Roman overlords who put people in
Starting point is 00:58:05 a fucking bowl and lit it on fire. Jordan, he's a living embodiment of the thing that Alex wants you to be afraid about about the globalists. Yes, absolutely. Joe Arpaio is that and because white people are not the people who are going to be hurt. He got a pardon. Exactly. He got a fucking pardon. The pattern is so fucking clear over and over and over again. So now I want to tell you about Richard Mac a little bit. Richard Mac was a part of the Bundy standoff. Of course he was. Why wouldn't he be? Why wouldn't Rick? Why wouldn't Dick Mac be there? Sheriff Richard Mac, former sheriff at this point, was a part of the Bundy standoff and because of that he ended up a guest on Fox News. I'll quote from an article about that.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Appearing on Fox News is the real story on Monday. Former Sheriff Richard Mac said he and other protesters quote were already strategizing to put all the women up at the front. If they're going to start shooting, it's going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot by these rogue federal officers. So that to me takes away from the brutality of what the officers would have done if you're just putting the women up front in order to create some sort of monstrous image of them is like, Oh, isn't it terrible that they're killing the women while you put them up front in order for them to be killed? What the fuck is going on? What game are you playing? This is so like he's pretending. Well, first of all, that never happened. Second
Starting point is 00:59:39 of all, the optics of that are not worth you getting your wife killed. Like what the fuck is going on here? He cared more about the optics of pretending that the oppressive government that was going to kill them that didn't kill them was murderous that he would put his wife in mortal danger. He doesn't give a fuck about his wife. Well, what he's what he's doing is he's saying, you know, all those organic situations where the cops, the government have murdered young women. Oh man, that happens a lot. Children, everybody, you know, all those situations where white supremacists have wound up doing that. Well, we're going to manufacture that. And that's what he's saying. And let's not talk at all about all the times that white supremacists have killed tons of minorities
Starting point is 01:00:29 and then been walked into jail. We would never do that. There definitely aren't monuments to doing that in the United States. There's definitely not Dylan Roof getting Burger King at the wanted Burger King. I mean, this would be fair. I mean, look, I would say go Wendy spicy chicken sandwich. I mean, Brandon, Brandon wrong thing for me to take issue with such we're such in a place where the world is so fucked up. What do you what do you even fucking say? Literally the definition of gallows humor. Yeah, critiquing his choice of food. No shit. So in 2014, Richard Mac ran for sheriff of Navajo County, Arizona, quote, we're going to make it a constitutional county and show everybody the blueprint blueprint for freedom. And there's a lot
Starting point is 01:01:22 more people running in other offices than me. I'd say I'd run for sheriff. We're going to give this one one more try. The election is 2016. I'm going to be moving there in the spring of 2015. So I can get get ready for this. You have about a year and a half to decide I'm dead serious about this. If I can move there, so can you post script. He lost that election to Democratic incumbent Kelly Clark by almost a 10 point margin. Good. So now here Jordan, I wrote this paragraph and I'm super proud of it. Richard Mac was a hostile opponent of Obamacare. And then he had a heart attack while his wife was very sick. They were self employed and could not afford insurance. With mounting medical bills, they started to go fund me to pay for their health care. Jordan will
Starting point is 01:02:09 be thrilled to learn that they did not reach that. Yes. Yes, I am. Yes, I am. I mean, like they're a classic example of like, yeah, no, it's bad when everybody else does it. It's fine whenever I do it. Fuck off. Yeah, absolutely. And the only thing that makes me sad is that they had a $60,000 goal for their go fund me and they reached $50,000, $53,000, just still too much. But it is funny that they didn't hit their goal in some way. You know, it's still some way like, go fuck yourself. It's also nice that they had a that the real issue is they had a miscalculation by 10 grand. Yeah, like that's the if they had $50,000, they would have been fine. But it's also a coming like it's a coming to Jesus moment that never really happens. Like, like I think that
Starting point is 01:03:01 if you're this, like you have this principle and you go through life like this and you're like, fuck people being able to afford insurance when they're self employed, go fuck yourself, you stupid piles of shit. Look at this affordable care act. I hate it. Yeah. Oh, shit, I had a heart attack. Everyone please give me money. Yep. Like the idea that you don't at that point realize why never it's a problem and why this is very important for people. It my dad gets social security benefits, but it's remarkable to I'm sorry, I didn't mean to no, but it's remarkable to me that that didn't cause him to be like, I get it now. Yeah, he's still on those like, I don't I refuse to understand that I am accepting what amounts to
Starting point is 01:03:52 a hand out charity that could just be done systematically for everyone. Like to assume we could all do this in a bigger way and take care of everyone instead of your going and go fund me getting a 8% cut or whatever. It's great. Privatism, right? Like capitalism that doesn't need to happen. Everyone knows it doesn't need to happen and he just doesn't learn his license, but I'm sorry about your dad. No, it's just it's just my dad is he receives social security benefits, right? And yet he supports the GOP government that passed that massive tax cut, right? And what are they doing now? Dan, I can't imagine that I have ever said this before nor written about it extensively, but their plan to pay for those tax cuts. I'll be goddamned if it isn't to cut
Starting point is 01:04:53 Medicare and social security benefits. They said they wouldn't. Oh, they said they would never touch it. They said it would. Oh, no, but hey, Dan, we got to balance that budget. Everybody says a lot of things. We got to balance that budget. It's so important not to run $3 trillion deficits. That's a terrible idea. It's too bad there aren't other ways. Oh, it's so crazy that for some reason he voted against his own interests. It's bananas. It's crazy. And that, that is the subversive way that the whites are going to be punished along with the immigrants and the minorities and soon the gays. It goes, it goes to LGBT community. It goes back to reconstruction era south. If you get poor white people and poor black people together,
Starting point is 01:05:44 they're going to win. So you divide poor white people and poor black people, which is why everyone was so mad at the Clintons in terms of the broken coalition. There you go. Bring everyone together. Exactly. Now granted at the same time, the idea of like shifting more right in order to be more appealing towards the center is a problem. But that idea of bringing together all of the, all the disenfranchised groups and being like, I'll take care of you. If you followed through with all of that, that would be a winning strategy. It sure would. I hope our current democratic party really learns that lesson. Oh, we have the worst president in history and somehow the
Starting point is 01:06:26 opposition party is going to fuck it up. It's amazing. It actually is very clear why that's happening. No one knows how to deal with this. Like, why would, why would people who have been in government for 10 years, 15 years, some of those assholes for like 20, 30 years, why would they know how to deal with this? Why would they understand the situation that is unfolding? Right. Like, so when you have like everyone is super mad at the democratic party and the democratic caucus or whatever, you know, like the leadership and rightfully so, you should be mad at them. They're fucking idiots and they're, they're awful. They're fucking the dog on this. Yeah. But on the same, in the same breath, how could they not? And that's
Starting point is 01:07:16 not to say give them a pass, but like, no, no, no, I know what you're saying. Yeah. Of course, they don't understand it. They're used to years and years of like things being different and now things have changed. Yeah. And you'd hope that they'd be like, I got a wake up call. Let's get better. Not gonna happen. But they won't because I mean, look, I mean, dude, spoiler alert, because Alex has had a couple of house representatives on his show as guests, I looked up their salaries and like, house representatives, not even in the federal government, house representatives in most states have $60,000, $70,000 a year salaries. Not the fuck would they give a shit about anything. They're cool. I'm in this. I'm in this. I'm coasting. I'm good. Right. You
Starting point is 01:08:03 know, right? They're not touched by anything. I don't know. Can you imagine being like just in a government job for 30 years, 20 years where there's a very little chance you'll ever be voted out because oftentimes you don't have anyone even going against you. Yep. And there is in that government job because it is so protected lifetime health insurance, billion percent chance you are going to make a shit ton of money corruptly. Like that's it. That is one of the arguments for paying represented politicians more is because if they if they were already rich, maybe they won't be as averse to corruption. However, I would say that's not true as we already know. I would say a better version is just oversight. Regulation. Oh yeah. Regulation. Yeah. Crazy. Wow. Everybody hates
Starting point is 01:08:56 that word. So Jordan, back, back on track. Back on task. I would say that Richard Mack sucks on a lot of levels. Dicky Max. And here's one level where he sucks by very, very mis, he's misrepresenting the feel of the country. Yeah. In 2008 in the election. And I think it's very specific why the hopelessness that people felt during especially this last campaign. The presidential election, I think, left so many people with a bad taste in their mouth of hopelessness that right now I'm given a message that there is hope and it is your county sheriff. I would say that I never saw more hope than in 2008 during that election. I never saw more people dancing in the streets. I never saw more in my lifetime, optimism, the only people who otherwise who were
Starting point is 01:09:57 people who were very scared who about the idea of a black man becoming president. Uh, do you mean that everybody was dancing in the streets? Because that day so many great county sheriffs were elected. Oh my God. So many great. So many. The, the, the greats of county sheriff. Um, you've got to remap dual. You've got toots. Gregor. Right. Absolutely. Out of of Minnetoba. Uh-huh. You've got toots. Gregor. So out of Minnetoba. Love it. Is that in Canada? Is that a place? Is that a place? Are you thinking of Manitowoc? That took all the way out of my cell. I'm sorry. I actually wanted you to keep going. I fucked it up. I'm so sorry. I wanted to hear like 30 more toots. McGregor names. I got toots. McGregor.
Starting point is 01:10:51 And then my next one was going to be Dirk Tungsten, but that's Dirk Tungsten. Great. That's just a shout out to mystery science theater. Oh, I thought that was a knife and a way to light bulbs. It was Crow T robots. Hardest name ever. Oh, is that uh, that's Bill Tungsten. That's Bill Corbett, I believe. No, he wasn't Crow. All right. Listen, so here's one thing that we got. We got a couple more clips and they're all fun from here on out. We've dealt with all the guests and they're very, very clear, uh, consistent line of white supremacy and weird Patriot ideology. Yeah. Like all of these guests, there is a thread that runs betwixt all of them and it's not a coincidence. They're all on this show that the Venn diagram is just a circle. Now I should tell you, there's
Starting point is 01:11:41 another thing that we've been tracking over the years and that is that Alex Jones seems to be obsessed with killing dogs because he's basically slitting this woman's throat for the new world order and he's doing it while like a little dog. It's like your dog looking up at you and you take a gun and it's smiling at you. It's licking, you know, it's licking its lips for that one dinner and you just that's basically what he's doing to this poor lady. Like it's a like it's a little dog. Just just a portable trusting person. So I, I find it hard not to think of nonk when uh, when I hear him, don't you think a nonk? I think he fucking shot nonk in the head. I'm not sure. I'm just hearing this. I swear to God he killed nonk. It's uh, he is singularly obsessed with this
Starting point is 01:12:24 like this verbal picture of killing a dog that you don't want to kill. Yeah. But you've got to kill this dog. You've got to do it. You've got to kill this fucking dog. There's nothing you can do. And in that, in that circumstance that we just heard, I mean, sure, you can take him to a vet, but you don't know what the government is going to do with that dog's remains. You've got to shoot it in the head. Kill it. Yeah. The dog would want it that way. But also I got that. I actually got that in a letter one into that, in that story that he was telling right there. I didn't see any reason to kill that dog. Do you want to listen to it? Do you want to listen to it? It was looking up at you with those puppy dog eyes. Let's listen to it. Let's listen again. Okay. See if you can
Starting point is 01:13:06 hear any reason to kill this dog because he's basically slitting this woman's throat for the New World Order. And he's doing it while like a little dog. It's like your dog looking up at you and you take a gun and it's smiling at you. It's licking, you know, it's licking its lips for that one dinner and you just... That's basically what he's doing to this poor lady. Like it's a little dog. Just a poor little trusting person. There's no reason to kill that dog. You are just murdering a dog. He's looking at you up at you hungry like a dog. He's about seven years old. So you know you've built a long relationship with it. You love that dog and you know... It knows you too well. You know that dog trusts you and it gives you every single benefit of the doubt and then it's
Starting point is 01:13:51 just... Anyways, free knock. I'll say the context of that is he's talking about like a video of Obama talking to... He's having like an open house and a lady is like, hey, I'm having a real tough time. I'm homeless. You know, he's like, well, I hope that the policies that we are putting out can help you. Let's talk to someone over there. We can see if we can talk after. I don't know if I can address this in the forum that we're in. Right, right, right. Like that and he's like, he's trying to kill her like the dog. But then at the same time, I don't think that that's true in terms of what Obama did in that speech. And then I also don't think that Alex presented... Like, if he'd been like, your dog is going to die anyway, there was none of that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:14:44 He was just talking about killing a healthy dog. No, what he did, no, no, what he was describing is murder. It was a woman who was hungry and who was homeless. And it is exactly like when you murder your dog because it's hungry. But Obama didn't murder that lady. No, Obama didn't murder that lady. No. Not quite like Alex murdered Nock. Probably. Or I can't even remember the other dog's name that he's brought up. Sandra Bullock, actually. We were in Austin and we almost went to Sandra Bullock's house. That was close. I didn't want to go. Too much Nazi iconography. So we're going to end this on a coda much like the end of Layla. This is where we get to like after this entire episode where we have revealed Alex Jones's longstanding white supremacy that
Starting point is 01:15:39 we cannot get away from anymore. Like this will be a, this will be a guy, this will be the Northern Light from now on. I can't, I can't stress that enough. Like this is, this has pulled the scales from my eyes. I see clearly now that Alex Jones for the longest time has only had his principles in so much as they are eventually going to be applied to white people. That is why he is afraid of X, Y or Z. The vaccines, the camps, all of that stuff is only about like they will do this to white people. Eventually. He's not scared of that now because they won't do it to a white is there now. Yeah. So now in 2009, he really fucking needs money. He is, he doesn't have a daddy. He needs money. He's got Ted Anderson who's selling gold and that's getting him some money,
Starting point is 01:16:32 but it's clearly not enough. He's not a millionaire yet. It's clearly not enough. Yeah. By the way, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to start pre sales of the Obama deception today. I'll be done with the film in a few weeks. It'll be mass produced and ship out. He's not done with the film. Pre sales. Please, please, please give me money. Film be done soon. Be done soon. Yeah. This is indicative of like I'm just trying. I need some money and it spills through onto this next clip. Literally, we're like a Cape Canaveral rocket base and we are launching you know, ICBMs at the enemy and we're trying to produce more info weapons and more powerful
Starting point is 01:17:19 weapons to blow holes in the enemy and we are going straight into the enemy. We are committed. We are focused now. I've got a guy who makes like Ted Anderson up a couple times a week now because gold was $280 an ounce when I first started plugging it. Um, now it's gone up into 939, 4950 today. I haven't looked for a few minutes except at 940 something, 930 something and rising and Ted doesn't really even make money doing this. He buys the gold and silver when it's low and he shows it when it's low. He doesn't even make money man. He doesn't make any money out of this. This isn't about a business. This is about you. This is about saving your finances. This is about helping you.
Starting point is 01:18:08 That's the worst sales pitch, of course, but it works. It works on a lot of people. So, um, at the end of this, like what we have is a load of white supremacist guests. Jack McLean, Glenn Spencer. Yeah. I don't know enough about George Humphrey, but he seems like he doesn't think Obama's black enough. That's tough. Gee, Humphrey, Richard Mac, like all of these people are fucking disastrous monsters. And the same show that Alex shows his true colors and, uh, at the end of the day, I mean, the reason we end the way we do it is because that's how he generally ends out, his shows, trying to get some money. Yeah. Trying to get some money because all of this
Starting point is 01:18:54 at the end of the day is about white supremacy, but it's also about conning. It's about the con. It's about the con. Except he believes it's a very effective con. He believes in the white supremacy first. Totally. And the con is built around that. Totally. And it's very effective these days, especially. But that's why Jim Baker will never be as successful as Alex because he doesn't hit those same buttons. Yeah. God, we'd be such great white supremacist con men. It'd be tough for me. We've got all the, we've got all the skills, Dan. Yeah. What if we made a harsh turn? Let's not do that. Look, policy walks, email,
Starting point is 01:19:36 knowledge find at If you want us to become white supremacists, that joke has flown around the Facebook group. Yeah. And I've thought about that. Like, but it would be, it would require like us not being friends anymore because it would have to be a split. Like if we, if we faked that, you could not come along with it. Oh, absolutely not. I'm, I'm fucked in the white supremacy circle. Your character would not allow like, I could make a pivot and be like, I've read some things or something like that. I could, I could do that, like pivot, but it would be the end of our friendship. And then how do I do this show after that point?
Starting point is 01:20:14 Like, I thought about that. Like, could I troll them? Well, I thought about the idea of like, could I possibly like transition this into trolling them as a long term thing? Eventually revealing like, well, first of all, again, like I said, our friendship would be over. Oh no. Yeah. I could not handle that. And then all of our donors would leave. And then now I'm just fucked. Yeah. Yeah. You got to start from square one. I just got to hope white supremacists are generous. I'm not ready to make that game. Not ready because I, that's the new name for our show.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Anyway, if you'd like to find more about our show, you can at knowledge If you are a white supremacist, you are not allowed to click the support the show button. No. On knowledge, or don't follow us on please don't follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight. Also don't follow us at Facebook. Absolutely not. Don't join our group. Go home and tell your mother you're brilliant. If you are looking at iTunes and you want to leave a root review, boy, go fuck yourself. Don't need any of that. Jordan. It's your turn. And what's fun about this is I've left you with, uh,
Starting point is 01:21:27 corn, a cavalcade. I've left you with a cheese plate in front of you. God, but you just cannot beat the constitutional sheriff. I'm talking about Richard Mack. It just doesn't get worse than the idea of some asshole who wants to turn his fucking town, not, not like a, a province or yeah, a county. He wants to turn a place filled with 10,000 people into his own personal fucking kingdom where he runs the goddamn world. There is no idea of the, the, the middle manager who gets a little bit too much power and abuses it to the point that it is untenable. There is nobody worse than that fucking guy, the manager at your office who's a dick. Go fuck yourself, Dick Mack.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-name caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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