Knowledge Fight - #577: July 13, 2021

Episode Date: July 16, 2021

Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a pretty extreme day in the Infowar.  In this installment, Alex reminds his audience at least ten times that they are about to die, makes up some censorship stories, and... has thoughts about "Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey." Citations

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, Shang, we are the bad guys. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, Shang, we are the bad guys. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, Shang, we are the bad guys. Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Try Damn Damn. I'm Jordan. We're couple dudes that sit around, we're just about the altar of Celine and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Jordan. Jordan. Quick question for you. What's your bright spot today? My bright spot today is actually, it's been a little bit of a challenging week, but this gets around to my bright spot. Yes. And that is that at the beginning of this week I had, I don't know if I'm getting sort
Starting point is 00:01:21 of like stolen valor by calling it surgery. I'm not sure. I call it surgery because it was cutting something out. Yeah, it's surgery. I got, yeah. It is surgery. Yeah. Just because it's not like an open heart surgery doesn't mean you don't get to call it surgery.
Starting point is 00:01:36 It feels like I'm putting on airs or being like really presumptuous if I say it's surgery, but. Well, you didn't get Tommy John surgery. No, that's true. Yeah. I have dealt with a ingrown toenail on my right big toe for the past 15 years. Yeah, long time. Long, long time.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Some might say too long. Sure. Sure. I've had it cut out a couple of times and it comes back and it's just like this lingering chronic problem that I have gotten to the point where I kind of made a decision in my head that is like, well, it's just never going to change. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:11 It's just, this is something that I have and it's the, for the rest of my life. Right. And like clubfoot. Sure. Yeah. And fairly recently I started to come around on the idea of like, that's a silly assumption to make. And I started to think about all of the ways in which it has impacted my life.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah. And there's so many things that I want to do or I want to be able to do that I can't do because of this toe. Right. Like I can't climb a tree because if I do, I'll probably bang my knee, my toe on it and it'll hurt like hell. Yeah. I can't do pushups the normal way because of the excruciating pain of trying to put
Starting point is 00:02:45 on my weight. Yeah. On my foot. I can't run because of the constant padding on the ground of the foot. And so I finally decided to bite the bullet and take care of it and now have a wounded foot. But it's healed very nicely. And yeah, it was, it was an interesting experience to go in and have that.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I've not had things cut for a while. Did they leave anything in the open wound? You know, like sometimes they leave forceps in there or something like that, nothing. I don't think the wound was big enough to put forceps in, but no, I think, I don't think there's any souvenirs, any gauze. Oh man. I see now, now we're going to get into conspiracy theories. This was absolutely a Patriot doctor and you have been implanted with a chip.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Fine. They know where you are. Yeah. My apartment. Yes. Cool. Couldn't have found me. Couldn't have found me otherwise.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Way to go FBI. Tell the beginning of this week, I couldn't run. And until at least two weeks from now, you still won't. Yeah. My toe looks like it's dead right now. Not going to be running for a bit. Anyway, it's a bright spot to, you know, come to a point where I'm like, yeah, I can take care of this.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I'm going to, I'm going to try to move in a positive direction. Yeah. That's great. We've, we've talked about that for, for well, obviously for years, you know, I've not constantly. No, no, no. Not constantly, of course, but we've, it's not like a regular topic of conversation. What a shitty friendship that would be.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Dan's just constantly talking about his toe. Hey man, I just, I just read up on toe stuff. You want to, yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. And one of the best parts about it too is that like, you know, like care afterwards, a lot of it involves just Epsom salt bags.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah. Yeah. It's like, wow. Chance. I was going to do that anyway. So what about you? What's your bright spot? My bright spot, Dan, is a rewatching the Matt Smith series of Doctor Who.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Sure. I know he's your favorite doctor. He's my favorite doctor by far. You know, whenever I first saw him out, I think it was like 2010. It was almost, it was 12 years ago or something. And it was immediately like, Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I don't know. I don't know. And it was immediately like, Oh, this would be like if I was the doctor. That was it. It was just like, this makes perfect sense to me. And I'm rewatching it. And it's still fantastic. Is he loud?
Starting point is 00:05:09 He's loud. He is simultaneously incredibly fast talking, very angry and also sad all the time. Hmm. Yeah. It's kind of an interesting. It's me. Sounds like I don't need to watch the show. I've experienced it.
Starting point is 00:05:22 You bet. So before we get into today's episode, I thought I'd share a little bit of a survivor thought. This is the new segment. Survivor thoughts. Survivor thoughts. I've started season 10 and I think it's harder to watch now because in season nine, Jeff Probst starts dating one of the contestants.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Oh, no. He does what after the season's over. They say I'm still not cool with that. It kind of makes season 10 a little bit uncomfortable to watch because you're like, well, he could start dating any of these. No, that's not okay. Is this the Jeff Probst dating pool? I'm sure that they had a fine relationship and it was based on like sure, neutral
Starting point is 00:06:01 attraction and whatever, but it's still just bizarre. It makes me a little uncomfortable. Yeah. And then what was the other thought that I had? Oh, season nine is almost certainly where the first volley of the show being destroyed happens. Okay. And that is because something happens in like, I think the second episode where they
Starting point is 00:06:22 can not explain how this is supposed to go. So they're like, there's a men and a women's tribe. Sure. Sure. And they're competing for reward and immunity. Okay. So, but they have to, they have to win the first challenge as a tribe to get reward. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And then individually. To get immunity. Yes. Right. So one man or one woman will win immunity. Right. Right. Then both tribes have to go to tribal council and vote somebody out, right?
Starting point is 00:06:51 So the person who wins immunity, the individual is safe. Yeah. Then they go to the other tribal council and give the immunity to one of the opposite tribe members. It's like, while the people were trying to explain what was going on, it's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're trying too hard. Yeah. This is, there's no, nobody was like, Hey, you know what the problem with survivor was
Starting point is 00:07:14 not enough Rube Goldberg machines. Sincerely. Like the people on the show trying to explain what was happening seemed confused. And I was like, Oh no. Oh God. No. Yeah. Not many people tune into TV to watch a ninth grade story problems from geometry talk to
Starting point is 00:07:34 them, you know. Yeah. There's a lot of logic puzzles that go on in terms of the rules. Okay. If one of your teammates is going 40 miles an hour at an East and another one of your teammates has immunity, but they're heading to 35 miles an hour headed West. It's infuriating, but I'm excited to see just how quickly it deteriorates. Because that seems to me to be like that, just that, that, that crack.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah. And the facade of like, Oh, this is going to spread. We have run out of ideas. This windshield is going to break. Also last survivor thought, I love the range that they have in terms of their challenges because sometimes it's like these elaborate fucking like you have to jump over this. You have to climb this wall and then you have to unhook something and carry it back over the wall.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah. It's like elaborate courses. And then sometimes it's like, fuck it. Hold your breath. Yeah. No, that's a, yeah, that's such a, that's maybe my favorite joke in all of Rick and Morty is Rick sets up this like saw situation where you have to get through challenges. And then because he was too drunk, you know, the third one is he's just like, ah, I ran
Starting point is 00:08:41 out of ideas, make some three pointers. So they just start shooting three pointers. That is exactly what I was looking for. It does feel like that. They're like, yeah. Yeah. It's hard to hold your breath. Knocked out some trays.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I don't know. So Jordan, today we're going to be going over July 13th, 2021. That was a straight up tie. Yeah. That was simultaneous. I think that this, this episode's troubling in a number of ways. And some of the stuff I'm excited to talk about some of it is a little bit grim and uncomfortable, but we will get to that in a moment.
Starting point is 00:09:16 But first, let's say hello to some new walks. Oh, that's a great idea. So first bag creator of butt poop. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. That might be a code of some sort. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Whatever, whatever that is. I'm sure it's great. Next. Neuromancer was a good book, but all tomorrow's parties as William Gibson's all capitals best book. Fight me. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:09:38 All right. I can't fight you. I have no position on this. Yeah. No, no position. Next. Gonzo the Borb. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:09:46 You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Next. Yolanda pronounced Yolanda and not Yolanda. Thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Thank you. Yolanda. Yolanda pronounced Yolanda. Oh, shit. Yolanda. Damn it. Next. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:02 All right. Well, technocrats like to give a hello and a wave to. So, first of all, Moxsee. Thank you so much. You're now a technocrat and Xander. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat. I'm a policy.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Wonk. Crocky, mate, that's fantastic. Have yourself a brew. How's your 401k doing, bro? All right. We got to go full tilt buggy on this Watson. All right? Let's just get down to business.
Starting point is 00:10:21 We ain't making that money off that heroin. Why you pimp? So good. My neck is freakishly large. I declare in full war on you. Thank you. Moxsee and Xander. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Thank you very much to the both of you. So, Jordan, we have, we have a little bit of a, a, a, we got to get deep, but we have to get deeper than usual this time. I think. Uh-oh. Giving someone life is giving someone death. You could say that. Life is death.
Starting point is 00:10:51 You could, you could say that. And I, I, I hate to say this and this pains me, but I think this is probably our last birthday segment. I apologize to anybody who has made a birthday shout out request that has not been, uh, you've not heard it on the show. I, I, we can't, we're just getting out of control. We just can't do that. We had fun and I wanted, I wanted this to be something that we could all have a good
Starting point is 00:11:15 time with. And I think we did. I think between us and we've ran this into the ground. You know, you could say that starting a segment is ending a segment. You could, you could say that giving a segment life is giving a segment death. Yes. That is what we have come to. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:34 So in this farewell edition of birthday shout outs, I'd like to give Ryan a shout out. This is coming from Pleiades, the cat, very happy birthday, Ryan, happy birthday, Ryan. Also this is, this is fantastic. Yes. So Stephanie sent me a message and wanted to give a happy birthday shout out to my brother. So I know the birthday is on the 14th of July. But we don't know whose birthday it is. I know that he's 31 years old, but I don't know his name.
Starting point is 00:12:03 See once again, if you are a Stephanie, guess what? You got wished a happy birthday and if you're Stephanie's brother, say it was you. Easy. No, no, no. Stephanie was the one who emailed. Oh, Stephanie was the one who was the brother. Yeah. His name we don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:16 All right. If you're Stephanie's brother. Name never specified. Perfect. If you're, if you're somebody out there and you have a sister named Stephanie and your birthday is on the 14th and you're 31 years old, happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Now, unfortunately, and this is true, seeing as how this is our last birthday segment, these are will also be the last birthdays for all people involved. I'm sorry to say that, but it's just how it works. I don't stand by that, but whatever. So Jordan, we're going to do this here, July 13th, 2021 episode. But first here's an out of context drop from today's show. Ah, the good old days. Out in LaGrange, the ranch, the chicken ranch, the whorehouse, ZZ Top.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I love all Aerosmith songs when all of a sudden he's just like, Aerosmith. Yeah. He's a buddy who did, we did do a lot of karaoke together and he would do legs by ZZ Top and you can just sing. She's got legs. She knows how to use them. The entire song. The entire song.
Starting point is 00:13:33 The meter fits the entire time. Well, nobody ever claimed ZZ Top was a top flight composition. No, I would do tush from time to time. Now that is top flight composition. Unfortunately, that's only because the karaoke bar that I went to didn't have on the planet of women or slip inside my sleeping bag. He will never, I will never not be delighted whenever I finally get back to readings, easy top song titles.
Starting point is 00:14:01 They're pretty great. Did you guys get how? Yeah. How? So here we go. We're going to start off. Here's where Alex is at. Going back five years ago, Gmail already blocks info, the URL.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And that's happens at libraries, other places they put you in this false database as, as fake news or a fraud. And of course, they define anyone that resists them as that, but this really is the holy grail of control. So this is a rare opportunity where you can actually do an experiment and test the truth of the claim that Alex is making. I know. And it is not true.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I have multiple Gmail accounts for personal and professional use and I tested sending various info wars links between them. None got censored and none were blocked, even links to just the homepage, not even hiding behind some dummy, you redirect URL just went, it went through just fine. This is just more agreement breaking that I was just trying to do. That's so funny. Cause I saw the, I saw one of the test emails. Oh, in our, in our inbox.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Yeah. And I looked at it and I was like, and then two seconds later I was like, Oh, Alex must have claimed that you couldn't email his links. I immediately knew exactly, like immediately. So before we get too deep into this episode, I want to mention that there was a really severe tone that you'll notice throughout the show. And I noticed even before I started listening to this episode over on, as I was preparing things, the featured video on the homepage was a great grease video titled quote,
Starting point is 00:15:27 this is the end. Oh, that's a harsh start. The episode that we're covering today from July 13th has the headline quote, the globalists must be arrested now or billions will die. As I was looking over the video titles on the site, I couldn't help but feel like this was just kind of end of the world themed clickbait. One video was just titled quote, New World Order's official announcement by government shocks the planet.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Think about how many times Alex has run that headline in the past. Think about how many times he's reported that finally the New World Order has come out into the open. It's almost a joke at this point. The thing that really stuck out to me was how low Alex's view counts though were on these videos. You'd think that this severe tone of doom would be the kind of thing you'd employ to gain attention and drive traffic.
Starting point is 00:16:10 And if that's the plan, I'm not convinced that that plan is working. All of his actual episodes have view counts between two and 300,000 views, which isn't bad. That's not bad. Nope. But it's way below what you'd expect for someone like in Alex's position. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It looks like Alex's Saturday shows, which have a guest heavy format. Those seem to be far more popular than his usual show. And I can't help but think that that's at least partially because his normal show sucks. Yeah. And even the audience may be getting tired of this. They're getting ready to be like, you can't carry this show by yourself. Yeah. All the King's horses, men and sensational headlines can't make up for how tired this
Starting point is 00:16:48 act is getting. And when you have these Saturday shows that are like four guests deep, yeah, and it's just like, all right, let's see what Nick Fuentes is going to bring to the mix. Let's bring Pachennic in here, Barnes, you know, like you do that. And it's like, well, at least that'll be different than Alex rambling on about bullshit. Yeah. If it were him, if I were Alex, I'd be a bit worried about this phenomenon. Like he's still pulling way better numbers than Owen Schreuer and Harrison Smith.
Starting point is 00:17:14 But I was looking around and he's pretty consistently getting beat by Greg Reese's sensational last little video essay. That's not good. Yeah. Those are, those seem to be the leader in the, the Info Wars clubhouse. Yeah. You know what he's got to do? What's up?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Here's my pitch. Get a co-host for a show, but don't go in the Patriot realm. Let's talk radio. All those guys are crazy conservative and saying, and they, they all know how to talk nonstop without actually saying anything. Sure. You can just bounce bullshit off of them all day. And I think Owen Schreuer has some history in sports journalism, perhaps I think back
Starting point is 00:17:49 in Missouri, he might have been involved in that. So maybe he could be the, the natural attache. I think they switched to just being an all Texas Rangers talk format. Why not? Yeah. Couldn't hurt. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So he's already made the claim that the Gmail blocks everything. Sure. Nonsense. And moves, he moves on to be like, you know, they're going to block texts. They're going to block your email. Sure. So I'm glad that one of our writers read that article, thought it was important. It was just hidden in plain view.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Socky talking to the press saying, yeah, we're getting ready to start. The DNC is, well, I guess they're new national police force, they have an ounce. That's actually who. And the Pentagon with trainees from the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL to read all of your text messages, have them scanned by AI flag, and then they're going to block your ability to say certain things and they're actually going to go into the auto fill function and not let you type certain things even before it's been scanned. When you try to send it.
Starting point is 00:18:54 What? So this is the power of AI control. So first of all, up to this point, Alex has not specified what article his employee showed him that spelled all this out. He's my reference to how important it is a couple of times, but I have no specifics to work on other than I think it was in Politico. Now let's really break down the claim that Alex is making here, because I think if you look at the constituent parts of this conspiracy, you'll see how desperately he's just grabbing
Starting point is 00:19:18 its straws trying to make stuff up. So press secretary Jen Socky said in a press conference that the DNC's new police force has teamed up with the Pentagon and they're enlisting trainees from the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center to read literally everyone's text messages. This will be achieved by feeding the text through an unspecified AI system, which will flag problematic texts and I guess stop them from being delivered while a human review takes place, I guess. This is also going to somehow affect the auto fill function of every different phone company's
Starting point is 00:19:49 operating system, which is going to make it so you can't type certain things. Now auto fill apparently will no longer just suggest words that you might be typing, but will force you to take their suggestions, which seems like a user experience nightmare waiting to happen. I think one, people might notice quickly. Yeah. Two, before we go any further with what they can do, if there's a DNC police force teaming up with the Pentagon already a problem, I don't need further, I don't need further conspiracies.
Starting point is 00:20:21 That's an issue. Yeah. But like even if you were an evil, all-powerful cabal bent on trying to censor everyone's text messages, this would be a dumb, dumb way to do it. For one reason, the auto fill thing would cause an uproar in the consumer base. We've seen over and over again that in the realm of digital communication, if certain words are banned, people will try to find ways to use code or replace letters with symbols to get around scanning.
Starting point is 00:20:44 If a company were to impose word restrictions to the point where it affected the customer's ability to use the product, people would adapt communication or stop using the product. What's going on here is that Alex has just evolved his conspiracy about that bill we talked about in the last episode, that anti-racism and public health act of 2021 that probably isn't going to pass. Yeah. And now it's not just about the ADL and SPLC reading your medical records now, they scan all your text messages.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah. Yeah. It's evolved thanks to this Politico article, I think. Yeah. The funny about that is more than anything else, more than any of Trump's lies or the conservative propaganda, a massive amount of consumer inconvenience would lead to an overthrow of our government, more than, more than like, oh, they stole the election. Everybody's like, eh, politics is corrupt.
Starting point is 00:21:36 But if you're like, I can't text my friends anymore, it's over. Yeah. I mean, you took down Myspace. Yeah. It was huge. It was huge. It was creative. It was huge.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Do people forget that? Of course they do. Yeah. Of course they do. People forgot Dane Cook, I feel like. Without Myspace, we never would have had tourgasm. Or any of those movies he was in. That waiting.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Oh, he wasn't waiting. With Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah. He was in that one. Kevin Costner. Yes. Yeah. He said, Mr. Deeds. Andrew Sandler. Andrew Sandler.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Andrew Sandler, the button down evil twin of Adam Sandler. So Alex has already made the erroneous claim that Gmail blocks Info Wars links. And now he has another erroneous claim of censorship. Okay. And I told you 10 years ago, their holy grail will be being able to ban certain voice prints. Well, now Facebook doesn't allow the uploading of any Trump clips period unless it's by a handful of select control corporate media. So this is every nightmare authoritarian system that you could ever imagine.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Just a quick search on Facebook of recently posted Trump clips returns many from Newsmax, who I wouldn't call anointed by the mainstream media. No. Also Fox News as well as local news channels posted Trump's entire speech at CPAC. Also this is really bad news for Donald Trump Jr. for him to learn this way that he is one of the handful of anointed mainstream media outlets. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:13 But you know, the outlets, you know, they, they, they suck you in. You think you're anti establishment, then you become the establishment. It happens. He has a page on Facebook with 3.2 million followers. Wow. You know, and as early as yesterday, he was posting videos of his dad. What just occurred to me. What just occurred to me more than anything else was with that email thing.
Starting point is 00:23:36 How could you listen to the show and believe him when you almost certainly have emailed links to your family that day? Do you know what I mean? Like they are always sending links to each other to infowars stuff. They're always sending out emails with infowars links. Maybe they just think that they're one of the lucky ones who isn't censored. Man, that's, that's too sad. That makes me too sad.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Or maybe they use the like, whatever his whack-a-mole URL is. That's true. I feel like you're getting around the censorship somehow. That doesn't exist. Oh man. Um, so anyway, Alex gets to talking about this Politico article and I finally am able to sort out what he's, what he's covering. And so Kit Daniels and I wrote a story about it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I shot a special report on it and it was posted in And then of course the great Tucker Carlson led with it last night. And now it's all over the news today and where, where is Congress? What are they doing about it? Here are some of the headlines breaking DNC announces plan to surveil and censor all American private text messages reports Politico. Okay. So that was enough to help me figure out.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I up to this point, I was trying to find a hold like I was climbing a rock, which I couldn't do when I had my bad toenail. No, exactly. But now that I have gotten surgery, I can rock climb and I found a grip. So this was an article in Politico by Natasha Korecki titled, quote, potentially a death sentence. White House goes off on vaccine fear mongers. The sentence from the article that's caused this intense backlash from Alex and Tucker
Starting point is 00:25:12 and all their ilk is this, quote, Biden allied groups, including the Democratic National Committee are also planning to engage fact checkers more aggressively and work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about vaccines that are sent over social media and text messages. That sounds pretty scary. But if you read the entirety of the article, it's pretty clear that what they're talking about is not individual users, but organizations that use text messages to send mass messages that are directed towards eroding public health. The article brings up Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA, quote, Turning Point Action, a
Starting point is 00:25:45 501c4 affiliated with TP USA has also sent out SMS messages urging people to sign petitions on the topic. In one message viewed by Politico, Kirk contends, quote, Biden is sending goons door to door to make you take a COVID-19 vaccine, sign the petition, no more, no medical raids in America. This is obviously a problem. And when you're in a leadership position, you have to choose what you're going to do. You can try to address the problem of people like Charlie Kirk literally profiting off letting his audience die, or you can do nothing and accept that a certain subset of the population
Starting point is 00:26:18 is going to be misled off a cliff by this type of messaging. I don't know what the right call would be here. And I have no interest in being in a leadership position because I couldn't solve a problem like this. I can say that I would be uncomfortable with the government itself taking action and reading people's text messages and such, if that's what they were doing, even if there were mass texts being sent out by clearly bad faith actors like someone like Charlie Kirk. Sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Thankfully, Natasha Karecki, the writer of the Politico piece clarified on Twitter what was meant by that sentence that's fueled a couple days of right wing media outrage, quote, As the story points out, it's allied private groups that are working with SMS carriers, not the White House. Even then, there's no ability for groups to read individual texts aside from ones they receive themselves. This adds a lot of complexion to the story. So these are groups that are allied with the White House that are trying to work with
Starting point is 00:27:13 text messaging providers to enlist them, to limit the ability of people like Charlie Kirk to spam misinformation over the phone. They wouldn't be able to read text prior to them being sent. It would likely result in a system where if a recipient complained to their text provider, they'd look into it and act however they decided was in their company's interests. The version of the story that Alex is reporting is entirely dishonest, but there's a kernel of something that probably should be discussed underneath it, I think. I don't care about Alex's position on it, but I think that there's something important.
Starting point is 00:27:45 There's a really tough question they have to wrestle with, and that is, should speech that demonstrably puts people at risk be as protected as any other kind of speech? And if so, at what point does that risk become a problem? It's hard. It's a hard question. Sure. The courts have held that you can be charged for encouraging harm in someone via text messages, even though it would appear that that's just you engaging in speech.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Michelle Carter was sentenced to 15 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter after she encouraged her boyfriend to commit suicide. The appeals court upheld her conviction, and the Supreme Court decided not to hear the case, which implies that they didn't consider the ruling to be a true infringement of the First Amendment rights. This may not be an exact parallel, but there has been a willingness from courts to rule that, to a certain extent, the encouraging harm can constitute speech that is not protected. The direct harm in Carter's case is much clearer, but when almost everyone dying in
Starting point is 00:28:39 the United States of COVID is now unvaccinated, it does feel like directly discouraging vaccination through dishonest means could be argued to be an attempt to cause harm. I don't know where, I don't know, and I don't know where the line would be, but I do think that there's probably a discussion to be had by, I don't know, far more insightful people than even myself and certainly more insightful than Alex. Yeah. I mean, so if I was looking at it, I would say the first thing that you have to do before you take any action is prove that it's malicious and repetitive, right?
Starting point is 00:29:16 So if they're constantly spamming out malicious lies, then that seems like a much easier way to deal with it than just being like, hey, blanket, you can or can't do this, you know, to allow for error, say, say if you get caught spamming lies, which it's not hard to tell if their lies are not repeatedly after being told that you can't lie to people anymore, then you get fucking destroyed or find or whatever it is, you know, that kind of thing. It's not, it's not necessarily a, we can ban or unban speech so much as I would, I would almost even add in a qualifier that there needs to be a profit motive to because I think that people can be misled and sincerely do harm by way of belief system or yeah or not
Starting point is 00:30:04 even belief system, but just like having the wrong information or whatever they can think that they're doing the right thing and do something that is, I think profit is absolutely involved totally. I think at least in terms of misinformation, in the case of that girl and her boyfriend, that's a different thing. No, I got nothing. Then then then misinformation necessarily the connective tissue there is that it's not protected speech.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It's causing harm, right? It's directing harm, right? I mean, it's very significant, you know, in that situation, it's personal and one-to-one and in this vaccine situation, it's they're creating a mass culture around encouraging harm. Yeah. And it's tough. It's tough to know.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah. It's tough to know what the right thing to do is to protect speech and at the same time not allow devastation. I'm going to go with Ed Harris's plan in the rock. Hmm. I haven't seen the rock. It's great. I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:31:08 You're going to love it. That implies that I'm going to watch it and that implication is not true. Not true. Nicholas Cage, though. Come on. Speaking of things that are wrong, here is Alex being wrong about this political article. And of course, notice they first say, oh, just to save lives with COVID. That's right.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Talk about Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine when they suppress cures because they're criminals, big techs invested in big pharma. But really, then you read on, it's, oh, an election disinfo. You know, we can't let Trump have his speeches on Facebook or Twitter or YouTube because, you know, you're not allowed to question the election. That's not something you're allowed to do. That's terrorism. This article literally says nothing about election misinformation.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Alex is just completely making that up. Just toss that in. Almost entirely about ways that people are trying to fight back against the right-wing misinformation campaign about Biden's proposed door-to-door awareness outreach about the vaccination campaign, like people saying it's going to be people coming to your door with needles and stuff. It's people from the community coming around and being like, hey, you know, it's easier than you might think to go get a shot.
Starting point is 00:32:17 If you think that there are hurdles and you would like to get a shot, there aren't hurdles. No. I mean, do you think it's too expensive? Guess what? It's not. It's nothing. Do you think it's too far away? Guess what?
Starting point is 00:32:28 It's not. It's not. Yeah. That's really what the campaign is. And so this article is about just what do you do about the incessant misinformation surrounding these things? Yeah. I dress them up as Jehovah's Witnesses.
Starting point is 00:32:43 That's the trick. Everybody expects Jehovah's Witness to come to your door sooner or later. That's what they've got going on. I don't feel. I don't. I don't feel like you're going to get the warmest welcome true, but I guess you're probably not. If you're you're not going to get attacked right away.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Probably not. You'll at least get a knock on the door. So anyway, this article has nothing to do with election misinformation and he also lies a bit more. That's what scares me is most of the time it's us that breaks the big story that finds where they're rolling something out quietly and points it out. That groups plan to fact check private SMS messages on all texting platforms. And that of course, ladies and gentlemen, is the Southern Power Law Center in ADL already
Starting point is 00:33:27 reading everything you're doing. They're already inside. They just want to announce it and normalize it. The ADL and SPLC are not mentioned once in the Politico article. I guess Alex could just read the term Biden allied groups and assume that's which groups the article is talking about, but that's no better than just a guess on his part. He's reporting this based on nothing. That's just that's just straight up bullshit.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Just talking shit. Yeah. Just talking shit. Might as well. SPLC and ADL are easy enemies. Yep. The audience is primed to think demons. Yeah, why not?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yep. So Alex brings up a clip that he covered a couple of weeks back here and man, this this is metastasized. What did the Canadian Health Minister, the head health minister say two weeks ago he said, we can't ever in the martial law, people will protest our government. No speech is allowed offline. Did he say that? You're like, well, that's total authoritarianism.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Yeah, they're just doing it, ladies and gentlemen. This is a complete misrepresentation of what Nova Scotian health official Dr. Strang said in a clip Alex covered a few weeks back. Strang just made an offhand comment about one of the advantages of large gatherings not happening is that it limits the ability of people spreading misinformation from gathering and disseminating dangerous public health messages. The broader context of the video as we talked about is Strang and Premier Rankin fielding questions about whether or not it was wise of them to open up schools and businesses,
Starting point is 00:34:53 which they were doing. Alex is completely making up all the surrounding context of this clip, most likely because he doesn't even actually remember what was said. I do get the strong sense that he at a certain point only remembers the fake version of things that he's repeated on his show and that's kind of troubling. Yeah, there's there's definitely a pattern of like eventually he convinces himself and it goes from short term memory into long term bullshit. Yeah, there's like a self reinforcing artificial facade.
Starting point is 00:35:24 He's his own feedback loop. Yeah, it's weird. It is weird. It's kind of it's terrifying. I do like the irony, though, that entire press conference really being about how they were opening up and people were concerned that it was too early. Yeah. And Alex is like, you saw the guy who's saying, hey, we're your dark tyranny is never going
Starting point is 00:35:40 to end. Yep. Yep. That's that's, you know, I mean, he's right dumb. He's right. If he did come out and say it's martial law and no one is allowed to speak offline, that would be tyranny. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Unfortunately, he was talking about how he had already, I guess, relaxed martial law. Uh-huh. Yeah, and we're free and journalists were concerned about public health. Are we ready? Journalists were like, hey, man, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, this is staggering.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Well, we've got articles out today. We'll be covering next segment. Shock report. There were more COVID-19 vaccine deaths last week in the US than COVID-19 deaths. That's an official number. That's an official number. It doesn't sound right. Whenever he brings up something in Congress that doesn't sound like it could happen,
Starting point is 00:36:31 it doesn't seem like he ever entertains the possibility that it actually couldn't happen. I was waiting for him to explain what the fuck he was basing this off of and it took until about the end of the show and he just makes a passing reference to a gateway pundit article. Okay. And I went and I tried to find it and basically all that it's rooted in is that there are reports of like 9,000 people who have died after taking the vaccine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:57 That doesn't mean that 9,000 people died from the vaccine. No, that doesn't sound right at all. And in order for Alex to make his numbers work, he has to assume that like 40 times like only one in 40 vaccine side effects gets reported to whatever number is reported. You got to multiply it. Yeah, it's a little bit dumb. Yes. So we know that Alex believes that politics is bullshit, except when people that he likes
Starting point is 00:37:27 wins and then it's not bullshit. Never. Um, everybody who he doesn't like got in fraudulently cheating and they got to be arrested. Of course, they're being elected through fraud. Merkel has been installed. Macron has been installed. Johnson got elected posing as a patriot.
Starting point is 00:37:43 He's as bad as they come in the UK. I didn't take long and I'm going to cover that in the last segment of this hour. The fact that we are not in Kansas anymore. Things are not going to get better. Until these people are arrested, they got to be arrested. So the politicians, Alex doesn't like fraudulent. Yeah, they took they took power fraudulently. Yeah, now he does not like the UK Boris doesn't like Boris Johnson.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah, but he did really win because he pretended to be a patriot. Correct. Yeah, I do. I do appreciate that the far right gets like the only possible way to win is to be like me immediately hated if you do one thing they don't like like that. That idea of Boris being like, hey, even I, the sociopath I am, I'm like, we can't let another shit ton of people die. I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I'm not Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro will let everybody die. Trump will let everybody die. These dudes don't give a fuck about people. But for one moment, my conscience existed and now the far right thinks I'm the devil. You were pretending. Exactly. Yes, it took zero seconds.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You know, in that sense, it is really surprising how many chances Trump has been given totally by folks a million wrong on a number of things like the vaccine. Yeah. But the other thing too is that, like, I think that Alex just doesn't know anything about what Bolsonaro does or stands for. No, no. And because of that, he gets a million chances to. He just seems seems up Alex's alley.
Starting point is 00:39:24 He's a monster. Yeah. So this next clip I would describe as a fear ramble in the official database. More deaths from vaccines last week from the supposed covid shot. We're going to cover that. Do you understand? They're making their move. And I told you they claim, oh, we're taking restrictions off.
Starting point is 00:39:46 But they just put them right back on with more controls than before. And now that's being done exactly as I said, because it's an enemy plan. We're going to kill everybody and organizing legislatures and governors and society and shunning corporations and businesses that are the first to try to bully us in these vaccine passports. Can we stop them? Because once they get their world ID, that thing's going to tell you under a carbon rationing tax where you can go, what you can do,
Starting point is 00:40:13 what you can eat, who you can live with, everything. They admit that's the plan. This global internet ID is for social credit control. It is for surveillance. And it's all being shoehorned in under the name of covid. Oh, we're going to read your text messages and censor them for covid and elections and other news. Just bombshell over the top, unprecedented.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Also not true. Yeah. And, you know, it's just sometimes you really want to like grab these people and just shake them by the shoulders and be like, the whole point is that despite how awful you are, I am still trying to not kill you. That's the idea. The way you are acting makes me not want to care if you live or die, but I'm still not letting you die.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And I think that that's one of the things that makes this question about these these spam messages that are detrimental to public health. So challenging is that like the alternative to trying to find a solution to it is just cutting your losses and just being like, well, these people are just going to die. Yeah, I guess the far right is just going to lose, I guess, three percent. And then we'll move on. That's fucking nightmarish.
Starting point is 00:41:25 It's horrific. Even if you disagree with these people, even if you have a fundamental difference in, I mean, even, you know, as far as it could be tenable, the difference in ideas about reality. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, you still want them to be healthy. Yeah, I just don't want you to die. Why is this hard? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So Alex, his big thing here is that they're going to read your text messages, right? Sure. And so in order to strengthen this, he needs to harken back to when he was kicked off Facebook. At the time, there was an interview that Oliver Darcy did, I think on CNN, and they're discussing him being kicked off. Alex was kicked off Instagram and Facebook because they were both owned by the same company. Right. And at the time, there was some question.
Starting point is 00:42:11 If Alex was going to be kicked off WhatsApp, because it was also owned by Facebook and Oliver Darcy said they didn't know if he had an account. So Alex plays that clip, but greatly exaggerates what he's saying. And here they are almost two years ago, talking about what it's really all about, silencing their number one enemy who's aware of their criminal activity because if everybody ever figures out that what I'm telling you is their real plan, not my opinion, it's game over. They're taking you to a hellish dystopia.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Here's CNN from two years ago. We'll be banning Alex Jones and Info Wars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram. I checked in also to see if these people would be banned from WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook. And a spokesperson cannot say immediately because it's, I guess, unclear whether some of these people have a WhatsApp account. Yeah, you can't let people have private text messages accounts.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I mean, what's next? Like, are they allowed to even have a house or children maybe own a gun? I mean, next, they're going to want to be able to rally or demonstrate. You can't do that. I mean, that'll overturn the regime. I mean, maybe you couldn't buy a house on Facebook. Yeah, there's another whole section of the Internet. There's a confined to all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:23 There's also other ways to text. You could use your phone. Also, I don't know if Alex did have a WhatsApp account. I don't know. I like this conversation is stupid. Don't care. Yeah, he's completely misrepresenting this that has nothing to do with like, oh, this guy can't privately text people.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And, you know, I think he realizes that like that clip is not as damning as I remember it being. No, I have built it up by repeating the story over and over again to myself that it says something far more damning than it does. I think this is Alex's attempt to save it. And there's a whole other one. We can't find the clip with him with Brian Stelter. Where they talk about, yeah, Bolsonaro got elected with text messages.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yeah, Alex Jones is getting around to his fans are spreading the word that he's still on air via text message. We've just got to get in those text messages. We just, you know, you know, you're right. Brian Stelter says, Oliver, we've just got to get in that private email and those text messages. Yeah, we're the good guys. We we can't let those dirty Americans talk.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah, we got to shut them up right now. Don't worry, we will, though. They're the bad guys. It's a damn shame. You can't find that clip. I I feel like after a certain length of time listening to this show on the regular, eventually you would go it is strange that they can never find the clip that says what Alex says.
Starting point is 00:44:41 The clip says, yeah, it's weird, but they play the clip that doesn't say what Alex they can find the clips that don't say what Alex says. Yeah, yeah, but they can't find the clips that do say what Alex. They typically don't. It's weird. Yeah, or or suspicious. I would say or the clips that they do find are almost always desperately crying out for context.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yes, yes, the clips they can find are like and then you're like, I see caught you so Alex has like made the clear they're like, I'm getting some stuff coming up sure coming up getting real stuff and yeah, you know, you know, it's going to happen in America. Everybody's going to die. Well, probably, but only if info wars goes away. And I intended not in the next segment at the start of the next hour to explain exactly how they're going to close the net, the noose around our
Starting point is 00:45:36 necks and slowly destroy us in the next few years and just what the world's going to look like then if we don't turn this around. And I would suggest you record this because if we're unable to stop them very soon, the next six months to a year, we're not going to be on the air anymore. And that's going to be a major canary in the coal mine really for the end of this phase and then it's going to be a much, much darker, long, horrible future for humanity. I've really tried to warn everybody as best I could. I've done the research.
Starting point is 00:46:08 I've had the experts on. I've studied the globalist and this is a forced dystopic takeover. I've got a recording. Also, it's so funny to me that Alex is pretending he has any room left to claim that his enemies are going to close some metaphorical noose in the next few years. Like six months ago, back when he was piling around with David Ike and trying to see if there was money to be made and just denying that COVID even existed, Alex became enamored with a metaphor that Ike would use regularly.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Ike would describe a room. It's a bad room. You don't want to be in that room. It's like an interrogation room or like a torture chamber. A scary room. Somehow the globalists lure you into the room, which seems safe because the door is open. You can always get out. How are you going to run away? According to David Ike, it's through the release of a completely made up virus.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And I guess for Alex, he's somewhere close to that, but it's a little, uh, you know, less absurd on its face, but that's how they get you in the room. And once they get you in there, the door closes in your trap. This metaphor serves exactly the same purpose as the articulation that Alex is deploying with the closing of the noose. For a very long stretch, Alex would consistently repeat David Ike's metaphor about the door being closed now and how we're stuck in the room with the globalist. And this was months ago, there's just zero credibility and in
Starting point is 00:47:22 playing this game now with slightly different words. Like, did we find a way out of the metaphorical room only to end up in a noose is the noose in the room? What's happening? Well, what happens is you go in the room, they lure you in because the room is filled with chocolate, all kinds of good chocolates, all kind of bonbons. They close the door behind you. Boom. What pops out of the two way mirror raptor.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And we know what they do to you. If you got fucking chocolate, man, it's all over chocolate noose, chocolate noose. It's like chocolate moose. Yep. No, no, no, it's good. It wasn't great. It wasn't great, but it got me. Thanks. So Alex makes a claim in this next clip that he cannot back up. You understand crime has literally doubled and tripled and quadrupled all over the world.
Starting point is 00:48:11 This isn't a zombie apocalypse movie. This is the control demolition of the planet. Please substantiate that claim. Please. Yeah, crime has doubled, tripled and quadrupled all over the planet. All over, please. Where's that data coming from? How do you define crime? What is going on here?
Starting point is 00:48:25 This is a meaningless, you know, it's just, you know, those basic questions are things that he should be addressing. And unless they are, the listeners should just feel free to just ignore this kind of shit because it's him just talking nonsense. Yeah, I don't know if I don't know if we can live in 2021 now and listen. I mean, read and watch all of these people redo the fucking late 80s with super predators and not immediately go like, oh, this is all massively racist. This is horrific.
Starting point is 00:48:55 All of this, like, all crime is getting out of control, shit, despite the fact that it's been lower than it has been since the fucking sixties or whatever. That's you. There's no way you can't see that is like we're trying to get more black people in jail. We're running low on firefighting slaves like that's fucked up. So Alex, Alex has got some plans for dinner.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I wish that wasn't how I was going to set up this clip. But it is Alex's dinner plans. OK, so this morning I've got my parents coming over for dinner tonight and they're smart, but I'm just going to tell them like all bets are off. And we need to have a discussion about how we protect ourselves at this point. Because we tried to stop the Neural Order takeover. We tried to stop Operation Lockstep. We tried to stop the initiation of this.
Starting point is 00:49:42 They did it anyways. I would give anything to be there for that dinner. Yeah, I would watch that. I would watch that for sure. That would be way more exciting than my dinner with Andre for sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I liked my dinner with Andre, but this is the shit right here. This is like the fast and furious version of my dinner with Andre.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I don't believe that this conversation happened. No, absolutely. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Dad, look, all bets are off. We got to we got to survive. All right, son. Yeah, yeah, yeah, OK.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Are we what are we? We order a pizza tonight or what's happening? Just have another beer. Just let's go. So, dude, this is this is where things get very interesting for me. So we've got a situation on our hands right now. Yes. And, you know, the globalists, they plan to do all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Of course, everything that's happening is planned, but the timeline. Oh, is it five years behind? We tried to stop the initiation of this. They did it anyways. And I'll explain coming up start of the next hour. Why? But just just to give you a little prelude, they had to because we exposed their long term strategic plan. They were always going to do what they're doing now.
Starting point is 00:50:57 They were planning to launch it around 20 30 instead of now. Ah, 10 years behind taken back all these countries around the world. They went ahead and accelerated their program. And so they're all in. They're committed and they don't care now. Yeah, as soon as I heard that one balloon fell from the roof. Yeah, yeah, yeah, from the ceiling. Absolutely. They're 10 years.
Starting point is 00:51:16 10 years behind. Like just a sad tuba marching through my apartment. Yeah, absolutely. It started playing episodes from us in 2017 and 2015 and 2009. In 2003, they're 10 years behind. They're always 10 years behind. Yeah, and I'll tell you why coming up after the break. Well, it's because Alex has exposed their
Starting point is 00:51:38 exactly or something over the last 30 years. I mean, it doesn't seem like he's pushed them back any further than 10 years behind. It's kind of been more a status quo thing. He's fighting the devil. Devils. Devil does not care about 10 years. Devils late. The devil has existed
Starting point is 00:51:59 for 10,000 years and less than one tenth of one percent. I just imagine the devil looking at his watch and like tapping his hoof. Like this. So silly. Oh, man. Anyway, this silliness turns really scary in this next clip. That's what you've got to understand. They're not going to stop. And I want to just go ahead and get this out now.
Starting point is 00:52:25 They always plan to release bio weapons if we tried to overthrow them. They always plan to use race specific weapons. You did give any type of populist or Christian group or nationalist group ever got control of enough countries to challenge their world government plan. And they were always playing with the depopulation regardless later. Once they thought they had us under their thumb and can do it in orderly fashion, but they will do it in a disorderly fashion in an attempt to maintain control. So they're going to kill you one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:52:55 They're going to murder you and your family one way or another. It's their stated plan. OK, the question is, are you going to let them do it on their timetable in 10 years and succeed or you'll make them do it next year or maybe next month? This is one of the more fucked up things I think I've ever heard Alex suggest. And I mean that sincerely because ultimately there is no arch team of villains that are being antagonized by his actions. Oh, I find it challenging to even come up with the right words to condemn this
Starting point is 00:53:20 because honestly, what could he possibly be advocating for other than vigilante action against his imagined enemies or acts of domestic terror? You're about to be murdered in 10 years or you can die fighting now. I know that we've heard Alex discuss how the globalist prefer an orderly killing of everyone, but Alex and his friends are screwed because the globalist have a plan B, which is to kill everyone off with super bio weapons. Totally. What I haven't heard Alex advocate is that his audience should engage in actions that they would think would escalate things
Starting point is 00:53:50 towards plan B coming into play. That is a bizarre and terrifying version of fantasy based accelerationism. There is no group that's threatening to kill off the public in 10 years or possibly a year or a month. That's a creation of Alex's inability or unwillingness to read combined with his intense greed and his psychotic worldview. No actions that Alex's audience takes can make it any more or less likely that a worldwide bio attack kill off is going to happen,
Starting point is 00:54:16 because that's just a paranoia fantasy that Alex uses to make money. But people are real and the actions that his audience could take in an attempt to disrupt the globalist supposed plan to kill everyone in an orderly fashion in 10 years could have severe implications for the general public. I'm somewhat comforted by how ineffectual and inactive Alex's audience seems to be. But even so, this kind of rhetoric is completely unacceptable. And I think it's even a departure from the norm for Alex. No, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Alex has introduced the idea that the globalist have a plan that is bent on depopulation. He also introduced the idea to that the listeners of his show are as good as dead already. What I haven't really ever heard him do is what he's doing in this clip, which is combining those two ideas into what seems to be an appeal for people to force the government to kill them in order to accelerate the standoff he wants with his imaginary enemies.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And that's I don't even have the words. It's horrifying. Yeah, I mean, there's no there's not even like a veiled politically or anything like that. It's hey, they're coming to murder you. You have the choice to sit there for 10 years and then die or you can fight and die now. So the only thing that you would think if you were in his audience is
Starting point is 00:55:30 it's time to fucking kill people. Well, and the two options are you can wait around and be killed in the orderly fashion in 10 years, or you can do something to force the globalist hand to do it now, but we're all going to be dead no matter what. Yeah, it's almost like you don't you want to take them down with you? Exactly. You know, like, hey, the billionaires are trying to escape and kill us all and then they'll be fine. What if, hey, at least we're going to take out 10 of them and you know who
Starting point is 00:55:56 gets hurt by that? You and me, not you and me literally, but everyone. Yep, just people get hurt by everyone who's trying to exist in our reality. The real one. Yeah, the like attacks on the federal building like the Oklahoma City bombing. That destroyed a community like the traumatized a community killed people, just people. Yeah, it's not. It's it.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I'm not saying that that's what's going to happen, but this kind of rhetoric leads in that direction and I don't see. I don't see how this kind of talk can possibly be directed towards awareness campaigns or like, let's get a law passed. Well, I mean, the reality, the reality is after the sixth and nobody who was at fault for it took any punishment or I mean, it doesn't even seem like people are caring anymore. Why wouldn't you keep doing this?
Starting point is 00:56:52 I saw it didn't work last time, but nobody's going to stop you from doing again. I saw some pictures of the sixth again. I hadn't seen some in a while. I saw I was like, wow, holy shit. Even I have like no, you settled into a place of like that happened and some of the images that I had, well, I don't want to move on, but some of it is like, you know, plastered over, you know, like that's that's immediate shit. If it didn't, nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:57:19 There are shit tons of people in Congress still. Can you imagine going to work every day and like knowing through any kind of intelligence report that you have access to that that guy across the fucking hall from you was ready to murder you be tough. How do you go to work like that be tough? Yeah, it would be tough. So Alex has it easy going to work because he just gets to say whatever the fuck he wants and it doesn't matter that nobody's going to hold him accountable.
Starting point is 00:57:45 We're going to beat him later. We're going to dig him out of there. Armored redoubts, we're going to hunt him down. OK, but I'm just telling you, I'm probably obviously not going to be there. That's OK. I'm expending my full force against them now and I'm not going to pull punches. I'm not going to miss words here because you know what's going to happen. I'm not stupid.
Starting point is 00:58:04 You're not either. You know, as all this happens, that I'm going to go from credible to ultra credible and allow me to be walking around very soon. But that's OK. Because I've lived a life of resistance and I could stand before God and say I want to know you. I want to be a good spirit. So Alex is essentially like predicting his own like holy martyrdom.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yeah. And this is just fucking mess. I will go from being trustworthy to being your sacrosanct Messiah. Yeah, all that I say will be true. All that I say will be accepted by the universe as reality itself. I thought this was about the Federal Reserve, man. The Federal Reserve. They must have forgotten that I am the Messiah. I'm feeling like there's grandiosity on today's episode that we haven't seen quite.
Starting point is 00:58:58 There's this is intense. This is very terrifying and, you know, he's enemy. Number one, if Info Wars goes down, that's the Canary in the coal mine, where you know, it's all going down. He's literally the fucking truth telling Messiah. Now, like maybe not the Messiah, but like a John the Baptist type. Sure, sure, sure. So yeah, he's been right about everything.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Sure, sure. We're at the point where I told you everything that's happened up until now, years before, exactly as it would happen. So all of you study them. We are not going to be here next time. You understand to tell you once this goes through your wife, your children, you are dead, you're dead. You understand they're going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:59:39 And I can explain how they've already done it. Half the countrymen that have taken this shot aren't going to be here in a couple years, which is why, again, they're not going to let us organize against that before that before they figure out they're all dead. They're going to hit us with something much bigger. So I'm just telling you, it's all over. Almost every FBI agent, almost every school teacher, almost every automatic farmer listening to me, you're all dead.
Starting point is 01:00:03 They're coming to kill you. Period. They've already killed half the country. We have been slaughtered. We have been murdered in the warehouse. The job has to get done. But if you're working with an outdated forklift that has more down time than up due to maintenance, you need to get a new forklift.
Starting point is 01:00:21 You can. Yeah, this show, man, that is a juxtaposition. Yeah, it's tough. That is that is difficult. All of you listening are dead. You're fucking dead. But do you need a new forklift? I understand the worship of capitalism, but do they not see how fucking
Starting point is 01:00:41 parodic it is to go from your all dead? All of you farmers, specifically farmers, FBI agents, you're fucking dead. You're all dead. And if you need a new tractor coming up next, you're like, oh, my God, we can't do this. We can't do this. Oh, it's it's parody. It's parody. But the the the real messaging of it is something that is so dangerous that it
Starting point is 01:01:05 can't it can't be dealt with as just like ha ha ha. Yeah, even though, like, you know, in a fake reality, like in a movie, that kind of like side by side is hilarious. Yeah, no, it's incredible. But it's it's like, look, cult leaders have to sell their cults their own shit. You know, they have to have their own books. They have to have their own shit, their own forklifts. Yeah, this is like if you fucking had a cult leader who had a goddamn Nike patch
Starting point is 01:01:31 on his like, he was a fucking soccer player like he's got fucking. Yeah, no, I mean, it's nuts. It's nuts. So Alex wants he wants to get into the intricacies of the plan, right? But does he probably not. I doubt it. I've said I'm a master plan and I've done it to a certain extent, but I really want to go through the intricacies of this so that you
Starting point is 01:01:52 understand that I'm not blowing smoke at you. And I know you know that, but I mean, do I? I don't want to say these things and it hurts me really bad to say these things. And I'll tell you why it hurts hurts me. I don't like admitting it's real to myself and I want to explain something to you. When I put out headlines like the globalists must be arrested, their system dismantled now, our billions will die. That moves it one second closer on the clock for them to smash me flatter than a
Starting point is 01:02:18 pancake and I'm a tough guy. I had a lot of courage. I'm not going to back down, but I don't enjoy messing with these people. I think you do. But let me translate this. Putting out a headline that's such a transparently desperate attempt to grab attention puts Alex one step closer to not having any sensationalism cards left to play. If his insistence that you do what he says now or billions will die,
Starting point is 01:02:39 doesn't move the needle. How much louder can he possibly scream that the sky is falling? If I were him, I really wouldn't be too concerned about it. If there's one thing that the Info Wars audience is good at, it's being distracted by shiny new things to be afraid of. And I don't think it'll be that big of a concern. Although the swing that we're in right now is a pretty protracted, pretty severe, pretty long one in terms of his career.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Walking this back might be hard. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if it brings them one second to taking him down every time he says that he's got a lot of seconds. Yes, he has got an insane amount of seconds over the past 27 years. I have not heard him not say that one time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:26 They're 10 years late to squash him. Yes, exactly. They are way behind. Yeah, Jordan. I regret that it's come to this, but unfortunately, it's time to discuss the rainbow dildo butt monkey. Oh, OK. You know, yesterday, somewhere here in my stack,
Starting point is 01:03:46 I covered the rainbow dildo butt monkey. And I saw comments and things and people thinking I made that up. I didn't read half of it. The man had a fake penis on with a fake. But naked with a fake vagina hanging now like a turkey gobbler and fake women's breast. I wouldn't even show it on air. And little kids came up and sat on the dildo
Starting point is 01:04:14 at the library. So you see, it's worse than what I just told you. You want me to show it to you? Our TV stations will take us off air. It's not fit for adults to see. It's only good for five year olds. I regret to inform you that the time has come to discuss rainbow dildo butt monkey.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I just don't want to live on this planet anymore, dad. No. Rainbow dildo butt monkey. Yeah, I mean, I was listening to this episode and I hear him saying some of the more dangerous extreme things that I've ever heard. And then a couple of minutes later, he's talking about rainbow dildo butt monkey. Jimmy James.
Starting point is 01:04:50 It really is macho business, donkey wrestler. It's exactly that. It has that like translated and retranslated kind of vibe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this was about an event that happened at Good May's library in London, which did appear to include what you might unfortunately call a rainbow dildo butt monkey. I am not an adult.
Starting point is 01:05:11 This is part of not an adult. This was part of a carnival act by put on by a group called Mandinga Arts Group and they do a thing called monkey business where they some of the members dress up as brightly colored monkeys with plastic butts and I regret to inform you fake penises. OK, this appears to be a situation where this art group had an act that they did and they got booked for a gig that maybe they should not have been booked for the libraries of answer booked by a local charity
Starting point is 01:05:36 called Vision RCL and it appears that that's where the real breakdown happened. Yeah, they booked what could be argued as a reputable arts group to do a performance for an event and then they showed up with some pretty fucked up costumes considering the audience. Everyone is up in arms about this and there is internal investigations open into how it ended up happening. But suffice it to say that Alex is telling a completely fabricated version of the story to outrage the audience.
Starting point is 01:06:00 There's no indication that I can tell from any of the articles that I've read about this incident that any of the monkeys at contact with children, let alone what Alex is describing. This is just his grotesque imagination trying to push the listeners button so he can override their rational minds and get them into a purely reactive state. Yeah, that's a real bummer for them. That really I mean, I've been booked for I've been booked for a show before by somebody who's like, man, you're really funny.
Starting point is 01:06:24 We really like you. This is going to go great. You're going to be great for the show and you get there and then they're like, OK, so it's a church youth group and you have to work clean. And you've got to do six and a half hours. Yeah. And you're like, um, no, no, no, just no, just no. Goodbye. There was one time that I don't remember where it was, but it was a ways out of town. It was at least an hour away. Me and Nick Rowley, comedian Nick Rowley got booked for a gig.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Neither of us very clean. Yeah, I know at all. And when we got there, it was like, all right, you're doing half an hour or you're doing 15 at 45 combined. Yeah. And it was just like a like, oh, yeah, no, keep it clean. Yeah. No, no fuck. No fuck. Can't say fuck. So we were panicked and like, what do we do? And so we I made a bet that I could talk about the chicken fingers that were on the menu for the first five minutes.
Starting point is 01:07:19 See, now that's what comics have to do in those situations. All every comic has had that story where they're at a show and they're like, well, we got to find a way to make this fun for us. That's what's going to happen here, because it's not going to be fun for them. I was like, Nick, give me a light at five, see if I can do it. It's I talked about everything I could think of about the chicken finger. And the breading. Yeah. And finally, I ran out of things to say.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I was like, I don't know. I'm just going to start telling jokes. I guess I can't do five on this. And so like my first joke started with asking the audience if they have jobs. Yeah. And so like, I was like, anybody out there got jobs? Like, I'll tell you what, I eat those chicken fingers like it's a good job. And then I saw the light and I'm like, yes, yes. Nailed it right at the buzzer. Yeah, right at the buzzer clutch.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Like onto to Colombo block and I alley you just right there at the buzzer. Yeah, but that's the kind of thing on a show you should not be booked to do. Oh, another time when I first moved to the city, I was trying to find gigs on like Craigslist. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Back. Trying to find anything back in the day, like have any kind of stage time. And I found this person who did a show that was at like an art gallery. And so I went and I did this show and it was kind of fun.
Starting point is 01:08:35 You know, there was, you know, not too many people there, but it was in a little art installation space and, you know, no microphones, no nothing. It was it was a good time. Yeah. This person booked me for another thing and I showed up to it. And like it was all kids. It was like, no, it was like at a kid's art fair. Oh, no, no, no. And I just told him when I got there was like, there's literally no way I'm going up on stage and doing any jokes. There's just no way.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I think it might be a crime. It might be. It might be. And so I had to work out like some sort of a bit where I would panic and run off stage. Yeah, it was just a way to make a little skit out of it. Like these kids don't know what's funny. No, they've got no clue. Yeah, but yeah, I feel like maybe there should have been some kind of inaudible cult in terms of the rainbow dildo butt monkey. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but unfortunately that's but that's so many times like that's the Booker.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Like there's so many times like our, you know, I've done a college show before where the Booker is like some 19 year old kid and they're like, we're so excited. We've got like this is going to be so much fun. This is so cool. And then you get into like a nowhere fucking cafeteria without a mic or anything and they're like, OK, here are all the things that the school says you're not allowed to talk about and you're like, you could have sent me an email and I would have said no. Yeah, in terms of events, organizing, there's oftentimes miscommunications
Starting point is 01:10:05 that happen between parties and they could easily see this being something. Totally, totally, and I don't know, I do agree on the most basic level that this costume was inappropriate. No, totally, totally, totally. But I don't I don't think it has anything to do with the the devil. No, which Alex might think. No, no. So he talks about this a bit, but he also tells a story. And this story I actually found really fascinating.
Starting point is 01:10:35 This is real, folks, but it's one thing to be knowing it's coming. I liken it to maybe in that slow motion, we've all been in a car wreck or we've all seen something horrible in our life where it happens and you just can't believe you're witnessing it. I saw a Corvette driving 125 miles an hour, blow a tire and flip in a race on a highway over a lake and wait, what bridge on a lake and explode and people's heads got cut off one person's arm partway. Jesus. Now, the time I pulled over in the truck,
Starting point is 01:11:05 seconds after and got out, I was watching the guys had almost completely cut off and the body was trying to get up. And then I saw this other person's arm half cut off. The body was so personal. It was my friends and I was behind them racing with them. But we were in a truck and I wasn't even driving. My I was even 16 years, 15. My buddy was driving him 16 and they were racing.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And I remember my buddy saying, I'm not speeding. I'm not going past 120. So we were back from them, but about 20 cars. But by the time that thing blew out and then spun and all that happened by the time that happened and we pulled up, it was just instantaneous. And I get out of the car and they'd flipped over onto the railroad trestle right there and I just sat there and looked at that. And I watched that. It's the same thing.
Starting point is 01:11:54 It's like the slow motion of that Corvette spinning and all those pieces and watching those bodies fly and that's the slow motion. I mean, they really just killed 20 million people. So this seems like the kind of story that would make the news, you know? Yeah. So I decided I'd see if I could find any instances of drag race related deaths of youths in Corvettes from around the years when Alex would have been the right age that he's describing. Alex was born in 1974.
Starting point is 01:12:19 So I looked at cases I could find from between 1988 and 1990. The first case that came up was of an 18 year old named Chris Ailer, who lived in a suburb of Dallas, so right near Rockwall in the area and died in a drag racing accident while driving a Corvette in what's described as a, quote, fiery crash. This was on the night of Christmas 1989. So it's in the ballpark. If this is who Alex is talking about, then he swung with a wild crew
Starting point is 01:12:45 since Chris's mother is currently in prison for hiring a guy to kill the woman who was sleeping with her estranged husband. It's a it's a pretty big murder case. All right. All right. This is actually the only case that I could find that fit the details that Alex is describing, but that doesn't actually prove that it's the one he is talking about. Whatever the case is, he's either making this story up or he's describing
Starting point is 01:13:06 a life experience that would leave such deep scars in a person that they would need tons of therapy and years of work to process what they'd been through. Seeing anyone die as a teen is an immense trauma, but seeing a friend die in a grisly fashion like what Alex described, that would be so hard to deal with, even with appropriate help and care. Like the the the the imprint of that would be almost unfathomable. Not to, you know, like, of course, there's the bias I have because
Starting point is 01:13:34 we're dealing with Alex, but if anybody told me that story, the way Alex told me that story, that sounds like you stole somebody else's story. That's not yours. I'm not saying that that story was true. There was a flatness to the way he's delivering it that doesn't feel emotionally resonant. No, it's somebody else's story. It's one of those situations where you've you've seen that before, where
Starting point is 01:13:56 somebody I don't know if you've been in that experience where somebody gets caught with it, but you've been in that situation where you've been like, wow, that's a really good story. And then later on, somebody's like, you know, that's not that's not his story. It's possible that I would explain it or just a complete detachment from the emotions that he was experiencing at the time. Or it's just completely made up. I'm not entirely sure, but like it's just now.
Starting point is 01:14:20 That's just deep, deep trauma. That's wild. Yeah. Yep. Brutal. Yeah. So Alex gets into a weird headspace. I mean, they really just killed 20 million people. That means all the Facebook workers, all the Twitter workers, all the YouTube workers, all of you that that blocked the Ivermectin and blocked the hydroxychloroquine, you help murder all those people and then you help murder
Starting point is 01:14:44 the 20 something million that have started to death on top of all the other dead people. You did that. And you don't even care because it's modern warfare. You get to sit back like a technocrat and turn the economy off. And then all you got to do working at big tech and censor everybody talking about it and you sit back and watch everybody die and then you point your finger at me and call me a racist. What the hell does that even mean? I said, I'd play the Tucker Carlson thing and I got all this other news to
Starting point is 01:15:16 hit and I'm going to have to take some time off. I'm not complaining, you know, I almost feel like my mission is complete. I really do. I feel like we're here now and if people don't do anything about it, it's not that I don't want to keep working. I don't want to keep talking. I just at a certain point. Why do I have to go find the political article
Starting point is 01:15:47 saying we're spying on all your text messages and they're going to control them and make a big deal about it? Well, why? Because it's your fucking job. It's your fucking job. That's why. What do you mean? Why? What do you mean? Why does it? Why do I have to go do this stuff? Why do I have to provide information in the information war?
Starting point is 01:16:08 Wow. Wow. That's a guy who does not give a fuck. That's it. That's a meltdown on stage right there. That's that's me standing up there just being like, why do I have to tell you people jokes? You guys can't tell each other jokes. I mean, look, I've had moments, dark moments where I've thought this is so stupid that I'm chasing down this thread that Alex is talking about.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Why do I have to read this thing or whatever? But never once have I been like, ah, why does it fall to me to do the thing I've decided to do? The thing that you made. You can be frustrating sometimes, but this is not just your job either. It's your entire creation. It's a uniform. It's a uniform vision created by one man who is now bitching about why he has to do it.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Yeah. What? And I do think that there's something to be said for like the idea that his mission is done. And when I hear that, I think like this is kind of him just recognizing that there's nowhere else he can take incitement. He's, I mean, he's, yeah, he's already saying that billions are going to die. It's reached the point where it's like, well, if people aren't shooting now, I can't do anything else without getting myself in an actual like legal prison
Starting point is 01:17:20 trouble. Yeah. Not civil. Yeah. This would be criminal. I helped kick the six off. Nobody got in any trouble. So I'm going to try and kick off the next one. And if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. Yeah. What am I going to do? Find more articles in Politico?
Starting point is 01:17:34 Exactly. Exactly. I want the second one to happen. I'm going to try and make it happen. And if it doesn't, then that's my mission. What a dick. Yeah. The ADL that's called for my arrest in the Southern Poverty Law Center is now in everybody's text messages. I told you that running it all spying on you.
Starting point is 01:17:52 And they're announcing they're not going to let you send messages that they don't agree with. I mean, just it's ridiculous. And they're all like hunchback, ugly, weird, neurotic, middle patients, because that's who they are. A normal person would not want to read everybody's text messages. A normal person would not even imagine something like that. But these are people that came up with Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey Man. So I can't even show you an image of the children come to the library and sit in
Starting point is 01:18:25 his lap, funded by the UK government. So I'm not going to call it drag queen story time. Some demon creature dressed like a clown. I don't think clowns dressed like that. A huge fake butt vagina and penis hanging down. And then women bring their children to them. I mean, that's what runs the thing. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:18:45 It wants to tear you from limb. It is a psychotic predator. It is the gates of hell opened. Demons released to have their way with us. Period. And we conjured it by our acquiescence. We opened the gates of hell. We turned Satan loose. And now we're all going to die.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Holy shit. That's a dope speech. Is this event horizon? That is the same speech from event horizon. I don't think that Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey wants to tear you limb from limb. I think it's a carnival act that was poorly booked. I think that's what it was. I don't understand the level of douchebag and whiny, like oversensitive lunatic.
Starting point is 01:19:41 You have to be to not immediately laugh at Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey. Butt Monkey. Yeah. Look, Tipper Gore would be like, listen, Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey is funny. I'm sorry. Right. It's not my fault. Look, I don't like porn, but Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey is funny. Yeah, me and Luke Skywalker can agree on this. And I'm not talking about the Star Wars character. I'm talking about Uncle Luke.
Starting point is 01:20:07 So fucking awesome that that dude from Two Life Crew tried to call himself Luke Skywalker. That was a big swing as a big swigs swing of the same. He wasn't going to he wasn't going to hit it. He wasn't going to connect with that one. But it was worth trying. It was worth trying. Luke Skywalker. Get the fuck out of here. So yeah, also I was waiting for Alex to try and conflate this with Drag Queen
Starting point is 01:20:28 Storytime and it took him this long to do a while. Yeah, but like this this event had nothing to do with even that at all. It's just he's he's just trying to get get in where he can. Yeah. Anybody dressed differently around kids is an excuse for me to call somebody a pedophile. Right. Yeah. And they want to tear you live from it. Yeah, or something. Yeah, so the gates of we have opened the gates of hell.
Starting point is 01:20:53 And now we're all going to die. Right. That's fun. See, now that's a Nicholas Cage movie right there. So Jordan. Yes, sir. Star Wars, Luke Skywalker. Great science fiction. Best. What's your favorite science fiction TV show? My favorite science fiction TV show.
Starting point is 01:21:09 That's a good question. You know, you could you could say something classic like Firefly. You could do one of those, you know, but I don't think I'm going to do that. You could go with one of the early, you know, one of the newer stuff like Mandalorian. Mandalorian's great. Mandalorian's great. I'm going to go with Mandalorian just because Luke Skywalker does show up. Spoiler. Oh, shit. Yeah. I have not yet watched the Mandalorian too much survivor to get through.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Yeah, naturally. We'll get there eventually. The survival or I would say that mine is probably the X files. I have a lot of fond memories of watching that with my parents. Not going to go with lost. No, I have the do is a little bit sour. You're Salvador and lost a lot. I watched that very long video essay on YouTube. That's right. You convinced me that the end was bad.
Starting point is 01:21:53 You did. You did have a sour face that day. You were like, I agree with it. I've made peace with it. But yeah, I was convinced that the ending wasn't as good as I thought it was. But no, I mean, I still like lost for what it was. But I watched the X files growing up. Then the Star Trek, the next generation, two family sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we would watch and I was terrified of the X files.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Picard because it seemed like it could happen. Like a lot of the stuff could happen and people were getting hurt by things. No, there are shadowy people smoking cigarettes all over the place and aliens could hurt you or so sort of a monster could show up stuff underground all the time and I always took solace in like it almost never happens to a kid. And I'm a kid. It's true. So like I'm safe. Like these are adults that are end up getting
Starting point is 01:22:40 messed up by these aliens. That's true. There are rules of engagement between humans and aliens. No kids. That helped me a little bit. Anyway, the X files was created by Chris Carter and apparently he's a big fan of Alex and he's a boy. But Chris Carter is a listener and Chris Carter said some nice things about us. We've talked to Chris a little bit. And Chris admitted the CIA came to him and told him what to say.
Starting point is 01:23:06 I've done a lot of these episodes. He wasn't sure why he was he was asking me why. But it says a predictive programming injection with spike protein. Yes, destroy people's immune systems and slowly kill them with a soft kill weapon. Nineteen ninety four, November 11th episode. Why didn't they do it before now? This is just Alex wrinkling the same piece of paper. I'm seeing it. Yeah, I'm seeing it in my mind's eye.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Probably the CIA want that out then. But they're doing it. Twenty eight years later, twenty seven years later. It's not a big question, isn't it? Because there's a galactic rule that they got a post in the newspaper on TV in a public place. They got a writer on the wall. What about before?
Starting point is 01:24:23 Right. Ezekiel sees the handwriting on the wall. What's going to be done so you've got a chance to change your future? Like when you're going to condemn a building or when you're going to take somebody's property, the property taxes on, you got to for a year longer, depending on local law, run an ad every month saying, I'm going to take this property. Yeah, it's like in a hitchhiker's guide. I would also say that, like, if this was something that was, you know, revealed in a ex files episode in 1994, you guys dropped the ball and warning us.
Starting point is 01:24:52 They did a really bad job. Yeah, they did a really bad job. How did you not see through this? It seems like it would have taken you less than 30 years. Random plot from an ex files episode of which there were hundreds. I bet you could have even gone to the twilight zone for a plot very similar to that. Maybe. Yeah. So Chris Carter didn't say the things Alex is saying.
Starting point is 01:25:11 This didn't even have to do with the ex files. It was a claim that was made by Dean Haglund, one of the stars of the ex files spin off the Lone Gunman. Part of the pilot episode of that show involved plot elements that were somewhat similar to the events of 9 11, but aired prior to 9 11. And Haglund used this to make a bit of a foray into the 9 11 conspiracy world, heavily implying that the powers that be injected plots into their show. Naturally, none of this necessarily proves anything.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Also, if the globalists really felt like they needed to make a public post of their plans, why would they choose to do it in the spin off show? Wouldn't more people see it if they did it on the ex files? Like if it satisfies the intergalactic law to put some predictive programming on pilots of spin off shows, then why not just do it as an episode of some dog shit show? No one watches on the depths of deep cable. Is there a ratings limit in this galactic rule?
Starting point is 01:26:01 I mean, this is something I would like to actually discuss, because like, you know, the thing in the hitchhiker's guide is like they had the the post of the destruction of earth. Yeah, like somewhere we would never see it. You can't you have to go into the office building. You have to go down three flights of stairs and it was but it was posted last week. It was posted. Yeah, you could have gone there at any time.
Starting point is 01:26:22 It's your own fault. Right. So like why couldn't they reveal that 9 11 is going to happen? And so I'm like, like with some telenovela that no one watches in Spanish. Yeah, yeah, you could have learned Spanish. You could have watched it. Yeah, totally. I don't know. It seems bizarre. Also, after learning as much as I can about this Haiti situation, I think the CIA is 100% useless because it appears that some random doctor in
Starting point is 01:26:49 Florida can just hire a hit team and then successfully murder a president. Wow. The CIA is useless. Huh. I need to dig into that story a little bit. I'm trying to figure out how that's can't possibly be true. I'm not really hearing much from Alex on this episode. It seems crazy to me. So there are some similarities between the plot of that episode of the Lone Gunman and the events of 9 11.
Starting point is 01:27:11 But there are also major differences that are just ignored by Alex. Like for instance, in the show, the attack is a single airplane and it's remote controlled. The Lone Gunman have to gain control of the remote control plane and save the day, which they do, which didn't happen in the real world. Yeah. Also, there's a whole subplot about a powerful computer chip and whether or not the Lone Gunman zine is any good. It's a boy. Oh, boy. I I like the I like the Lone Gunman.
Starting point is 01:27:36 You like the Lone Gunman. That's fine. Yeah. I mean, I thought they were pretty cool back when I was watching the X files because they were those those side characters. Whoever everyone thinks they're crazy. I never watched the X files. I just never missed me by. I think because of my parents were so like, no, we can't be having this kind of there. There are three conspiracy theorists who are friends with Mulder
Starting point is 01:27:58 who like publish a zine and are secretly in on a whole bunch of stuff. That's fantastic. And they're also comic relief. Sure. Sure. They were a lot of fun. Gotcha. So the elements of the show's plot that are similar to the events that happened in the real world later are actually not too surprising. If you think about it, there had been a previous attack on the World Trade Center. So that wasn't completely unheard of the idea of staging such an attack in order to boost weapons sales.
Starting point is 01:28:21 That's a well conceived plot, which makes sense, considering that Chris Carter and the future creator of Breaking Bad Vince Gilligan wrote the episode. Also, I need to get out in front of this, like just in case there's any kind of fucking shit. The fourth episode of the Lone Gunman was written by someone named Colin Friesen. And as far as I know, I don't have any relatives named Colin. Good. It is spelled the same. Good. I don't know Colin Friesen.
Starting point is 01:28:44 I got you. OK. The episode of the X files that Alex is pretending was about the covid vaccine is titled One Breath. It's episode number eight of season two. Essentially, Scully is hospitalized and Mulder enlists the Lone Gunman to help him figure out what's up. They get her medical charts and find that there's a protein chains that appear to have been part of an experimental tracking system, but they're inactive, so they've become toxic inside her.
Starting point is 01:29:07 She doesn't die and it's not a soft kill weapon. Alex is just cherry picking details from pop culture shows to try and create the impression that he wants, but it's all bullshit. Also, he's creating a very inaccurate perception that the Lone Gunman were basically the stars of the X files. Yeah, that's not good. That's not good. They were not in that many episodes. I mean, they were in a few, sure.
Starting point is 01:29:29 They got guest starring credits in the they didn't get maybe with. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they got with with the good. They did not get an ampersand at the end. I will say that Dean Haglund did a really smart thing. And that is that like he like I remember his name. I don't remember the other two guys who were the Lone Gunman. And I think I like the other guys better. Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:48 But Dean Haglund is a very memorable name. Yeah, the syllables, the ha, you know, that's just yeah. And he was the one who had like long blonde hair. Yeah, yeah, kind of looked he has distinctive. But they all had kind of a distinctive look. One clean cut, one sort of frumpy, one long haired. Anyway, I don't know. I don't think the ex files predicted covid vaccines.
Starting point is 01:30:15 I I'm so bummed out. I'm so bummed out of the clip that Alex plays. I was expecting they would at least say spike protein. Yeah, yeah, they do not. Nothing. No, of course not. I was like, I was very disappointed by this this theory. Yeah, I'm it bums me out so hard. All of that kind of predictive programming stuff or or somebody
Starting point is 01:30:34 being like the CIA came to me and told me what was going to happen with the World Trade Center. And then after a decade of just believing shit that people told me about it, I read up on us that no, he attacked it before he said why and then he did it again. It was very simple. There were not conspiracies. There's not the CIA involved.
Starting point is 01:30:54 This was the whole point. How did I? How did I not know the very obvious truth? You know, it's infuriated because the other truth, the other ideas of quote unquote truth are far more interesting. And you can start a little war on a lie based on him. So, you know, I think I think one of the most pressing questions in the world right now, you might think it's like climate change.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Oh, yeah, no. I mean, the rainforest is emitting more CO2 than it's absorbing. So real, real problem. It's a bummer. It's a real bummer. So these are some pressing issues that we have like to deal with. But I think one of the more pressing issues, even than that is whether or not we're in a simulation.
Starting point is 01:31:32 And thankfully, I think Alex has an answer. And so it's a majority view by techies that we're held in some alien simulation. This is all fake. So maybe no one's actually listening right now. And this is all an alien simulation. And in the simulation, I'm the guy that knew about it and I'm the guy that warned about it. And finally, Joe Rogan's listening and he's the big podcaster.
Starting point is 01:31:57 And, and, you know, I talk to him all the time. And, oh, and then the other big top TV host is Tucker Carlson and we're buddies and we're battling the tyranny together. And, oh, I got a call by this foreign president and they're listening and we're developing a plan to fight the New World Order. And, and I'm like, OK, is this a simulation? Because that would be a lot better. We're not killing everybody in Africa.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Henry Kissinger is not real. Prince Phillips not real. And it's all a simulation. And it means my mother's not real. My dad's not real. My four children aren't real. My wife's not real. You're getting it.
Starting point is 01:32:33 My crew isn't real. John over there running the boom is not real. But, John, you're real, aren't you, John? John thinks he's real. John thinks he's real. My grandma was stupid asshole. And that he was real. Because let me take you imagine being Alex Jones.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Like, I knew they were planning all this and I saw him doing it. And now now it's all happening and I'm still on air. And I'm just wondering. But the Scientific American running the headlines confirm we live in a simulation. Or is that just a cop out? So people say, oh, I can't handle it's a simulation. No, the third dimension is real.
Starting point is 01:33:11 The planet's real. God made this as a genetic real world, real life simulation. Ah, so we are in a simulation, but it's a God simulation. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Thanks for answering that question, because that was a big philosophical debate I was having about whether or not existence was real. Turns out it's not, but it's not aliens, it's God or something.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Yeah, I mean, I think the more important point, though, is that regardless of whether or how real or not it is, it doesn't really matter. You're just going to keep going about your day. True, so go for it. You know, like outside of the possibility of having telekinesis if you can break through the simulation. See, now that's the good shit.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Great, and if I can ever find any evidence that anyone has ever done that or that's possible, I'll get very excited to hear that. Super. Let's assume that we are in a simulation. Sure. The worst case scenario of acting as if it's not a simulation and we are in a real world where there are consequences
Starting point is 01:34:13 and everyone exists and we have responsibilities towards each other, the worst case scenario is at the end of it, you're like, boy, I was foolish for thinking that. Yeah, yeah. And that's not that bad. You know, the thought occurs to me and I haven't, I haven't really.
Starting point is 01:34:27 That's sort of the opposite of Pascal's wager. It is. It is Pascal's non wager. You're going to lose or win either way. Yeah. Pascal's anti. It did occur to me when you just pointed that out that if you see through the simulation,
Starting point is 01:34:40 you might get telekinetic powers or whatever, like going back through the matrix, even if you weren't Neo, you could still do giant ass jumps and shit. You know, you could, you still had special powers. Yeah. It never occurred to me that I would rather, fuck the steak that Johnny, Joey pants,
Starting point is 01:34:57 Joey pants is talking about. Somehow I get Johnny Leguizamo, Johnny legs and Joey pants mixed up. Lower bodies. Yeah, exactly. But like the steak and all that stuff. No, I'm going to stay in the matrix because I can jump across roof buildings.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Like that's cool. Yeah, but you can't jump across roof buildings unless you've been taken out of the matrix, right? Oh, that's a good question. You have to know the truth of the matrix before you can. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, but still,
Starting point is 01:35:29 well, then take me out and put me back in. All right. So Alex at this point, spends a bit of time taking calls and I want to address something really fast because I do believe that somebody who called into the show was maybe a listener of our show and no, no harm, no foul,
Starting point is 01:35:45 no, I'm not mad at anybody, but I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that we discourage people from calling into Alex's show and messing with him. And the primary reason for that is that I don't believe that it is ethical for us to do this show where we go over his content if there is a possibility
Starting point is 01:36:05 that we are directly affecting his content. And I think that somebody calling in who's one of our listeners and bringing up things from our show or something to him is too much of an incursion into his content. And then it becomes a situation where I can't really know what is what. I believe we were talking before the show
Starting point is 01:36:26 and I was like, we can't study him in his natural habitat if we are affecting the natural habitat if we're interacting with it. And I try to keep that as best as possible. Now, we did do, and we agreed to be in the New York Times, that story. And one of the reasons that I felt that was kind of okay was that we were,
Starting point is 01:36:48 it's not totally affecting the content, just the awareness that we exist. And we already knew they were aware of our existence. Sure, the following on Twitter and what have you. But the direct interference, I find it to be something that makes me kind of uncomfortable. I can't make anyone behave in a certain way. I feel like certainly I can't say,
Starting point is 01:37:12 don't call in and expect anyone to care. But just as a courtesy, if you care about what my position is, I would appreciate it if people didn't call in as much fun as it might be to fuck with him. I don't think that it kind of serves, it works across my purposes. Yeah, I mean, to go to survivor,
Starting point is 01:37:36 eventually whenever the meta game becomes more important or as important as the game, then it's just a different, it's a different thing, and it's probably gonna eventually explode. You know, and for, we're doing a show about him, not a show about him talking about us, talking about him talking about us. Right, there's a reason we didn't go over the episode
Starting point is 01:37:57 where Harrison was talking about us. Exactly. Like it's not something I have that much interest in. And for the survivor metaphor, it's like, all right, probes can like stir up drama at tribal council. Because that's what he's supposed to do. But if he were like on the beach being like... In one of the tribes hanging out, yeah, it was hurt.
Starting point is 01:38:16 That person hates you. And then at tribal council was like, so there's some conflict today. Who's doing what? Yeah, that would be something I think would be unacceptable. So no disrespect to the person who I believe was a listener of our show who called, actually I think their call was fine,
Starting point is 01:38:33 but I'm not gonna play any of it on the show because I do not want to incentivize that behavior. Exactly. So let's hear another caller. Excellent. So I wanted to call and basically, excuse me, it sounds like it feels like we're no longer in a peaceful revolution.
Starting point is 01:38:47 It feels like we're already in a violent revolution. I agree. They are assaulting us with deadly vaccines, with virus variants. Maybe it's just because he's telling you you're in a violent war. With antifa, with open borders, with demoralization, saying we're enemies.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Yeah, yeah, we're in a war. America's under attack. Absolutely. And I mean, just because bullets are flying doesn't mean people aren't dying. I mean, so we are in a violent revolution already. Yeah, so I mean, I think that this caller has accurately assessed the tone
Starting point is 01:39:13 that Alex is bringing to the show at this point. He said everybody's gonna die 15 times on this show. Many, many times. Many times, and so if you call in and you're like, I feel like we're in a violent revolution, no shit, you've been listening to him tell you you're in a violent revolution. And you know, when you're in a foxhole,
Starting point is 01:39:29 you don't want to look to your side and see rainbow dildo butt monkey. I fucking do. You need a little levity if you're in a foxhole, you know? Sure. So we have one last clip of a call that Alex gets. And this dude just seemed troubling to me. Let's talk to Brian in Michigan.
Starting point is 01:39:47 Brian, thanks for holding. Go ahead. Hey, how are you doing, Alex? Good, brother, go ahead. Can I have 90 seconds? Yeah, please. All right, the apocalypse of Abraham, chapter 29. If you look at that, Donald Trump makes a very good appearance and they're just saying it could be not.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Al, I'm doing his asking questions. If he spoke the physical into existence from the spiritual, the quantum realm, that means that everything, every law that applies in the physical, our world, is from the quantum realm. That means that you look at Isaac Newton where every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The same would apply with our conscious thought, right?
Starting point is 01:40:19 So if we're at right now, 5,988, because if you look at Revelation 13, 3.5 years, right? So Revelation 13.5, and there was given unto him a mouse speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months. That would be 3.5 years. Jesus was ministering for 3.5 years. If you go to Revelation 20, Satan is bound
Starting point is 01:40:46 and I saw the angel come down in heaven and the key to the bottomless pit and the great chain on this handy latehold of the dragon. Who do you think the dragon is? The dragon's China. The chai comms are gonna be coming. Right now, if you go backwards 2,000 years, Jesus Christ is 21 years old.
Starting point is 01:41:01 In 2,029, it's gonna be the beginning of, By the way, the globalists say the beginning of humanity begins in 2029. That they say that, that's official. That's official. Yeah, I would have a difficult time being a radio host hearing this stuff and being like, this guy makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:24 That's troubling. That's a struggle. Somebody put out a question to a bunch of people. I think it was on like Gizmodo or something. Like, what's the most damaging conspiracy theory? And like, everybody had some fairly good responses, like the normal ones, but when you really get down to it, man, John of Patmos pulled out the worst conspiracy theory
Starting point is 01:41:50 in the history of the world and it's killing all of us. If you think about it in terms of like longevity, there may be some truth to that. Yeah, I don't know. Whatever conspiracy makes it so easy to accept all the rest of them. Yeah, exactly. That's the one that's the most dangerous.
Starting point is 01:42:08 Whatever one it is that as the lowest bar of bullshit. The worst one is any con man with a smile. That's the worst conspiracy. Yeah. So this episode sucked, I would say. I think that Alex's tone is a bit extreme. What would make you say that, Dan? I don't like the development of the idea
Starting point is 01:42:31 that you have to escalate the globalists into killing you or else they will just kill you later. That's a new one. Yeah, that to me is something I'm gonna keep an eye on because it worries me. No, when he was talking to the fucking Boogaloo boys, he was trying to push back on less incendiary shit than that. But I wonder if Alex even understands
Starting point is 01:42:51 the implications of the things he's saying. I sincerely wonder. It just seems like he's having a mad day. Yeah. Yeah. He's having a bad one. Yep. But anyway, Lagrange, we'll be back.
Starting point is 01:43:05 But until then, Jordan, we have a website. We do have a website. It's Yep, we're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. Is that a KnowledgeFight? Can I go to bed, Jordan? We're on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:43:12 We are on Facebook. We'll give you that. And if you could, please find a local charity or bail fund in your area to help out people doing God's work right now. We'll be back. But until then, I'm Neo. I'm Leo.
Starting point is 01:43:22 I'm DZXClark. And now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Starting point is 01:43:33 I love you.

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