Knowledge Fight - #81: September 6-7, 2017

Episode Date: September 8, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan a little bit about what happened on the Sept. 6-7 episodes of the Alex Jones Show.  Topics covered include: Does Alex treat humanitarian crises as sales opportunities? Is the... world a simulation? Is the lady suing CNN a huge racist?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding So Alex, I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey everybody. Welcome back to knowledge fight I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We are a couple dudes I like to sit around drink novelty beverages and talk a little bit about Alex Jones that yeah, that's pretty much it That's what we do. Yeah, let me ask you a question Dan. Yeah, all right now One train is going 75 miles an hour directly towards Chicago. Okay from Austin from Austin Another train is leaving Chicago headed directly towards Austin at 80 miles an hour If Alex Jones is on one of those trains, but you don't know which
Starting point is 00:00:38 Would you blow up both those trains? I I wouldn't personally. I don't wish death upon the man All right, but you know a lot about Alex Jones That's why I have a lot of empathy for this human tragedy that walks And I don't know anything which is why I would blow up those two fucking tracks And this podcast is us all about us trying to find the middle Somehow So guys we have an important announcement to make up top in case you did not see on social media We unfortunately have had to cancel our show at at north. Yeah, sorry. Sorry. That's my fault
Starting point is 00:01:09 I apologize to everybody if you want to go to at north still go ahead and go and have a drink But we will not be there. We won't be there. Uh, Jordan is too successful at comedy I am and I'm too much of a failure at remembering what I've booked We've speculated on facebook. I've had some chats with the fans that it's the globalists Is it the globalists who booked me this month? They booked you at zany's or were they the ones who screwed up my schedule? Both there it is. They put a hex on you god damn it to screw up your schedule But we we apologize uh for everyone who was excited. We were super excited about it But uh, we will do it in the future like it'll absolutely it will happen once we get our shit together
Starting point is 00:01:48 Well, once I get my shit together also another big announcement. Uh, this podcast is about to go into warp speed. Oh More details as they come but we will Shortly start broadcasting live and be able to take calls and this will be a very dangerous proposition Yeah, this is gonna get wild. We're gonna get people yelling at us or no calls One of the two yeah, that scares me or just one and somebody is gonna be really nice It's possible or that sounds more like our listener base. They our listeners are fucking awesome back in the freezing point days Uh, I had a ability to take calls and what it turned into was just comedian friends who were on the road calling in and being like Tulsa's great
Starting point is 00:02:34 Cool got anything else sure it is Sure, Tulsa's great So uh today we're recording this uh primarily to get that announcement out in case you uh Folks don't follow us at knowledge underscore fight on twitter or just knowledge fight on facebook Uh, but also it's important. It's time. We got to sit down have a little chat about alex jones because we're here Uh, and uh, I want to fill you in jordan on what's been happening for the last couple days on the show That's why i'm here. I need to get this shit out So today we're going to be going over a little bit of what's been happening
Starting point is 00:03:08 On the 6th and 7th of september of the year of our lord 2017 gotcha so wednesday and thursday of this week Uh some nonsense some uh, you know Some i'm not i'm not gonna lie some alex jones. Yeah, there's been a lot of bullshit. He's been talking good about putin Yeah, which is weird naturally very weird as we know since he works for him We uh, it would not be all that strange to hear if we didn't have the context of what we've been learning from 2015 Oh, yeah, like that puts things in a whole different light Uh him anytime he says something positive about putin. I'm like damn. Yeah, no, we have a lot I think we've circumstantially at least proved beyond uh beyond reasonable doubt that he is working for the kremlin in some capacity
Starting point is 00:03:54 If you're not paying attention and just listening to info wars you just be like Ah, man, you know, I mean maybe putin has a good idea once in a while and then alex starts yelling about something else Right, but if you're paying critical attention, you realize he talks about how great putin is on almost every other episode And he defends Everything russia does everything he has never said anything negative about russia and even when he has it's been like Now they're not perfect like he talks about trump exactly, but and he also couches it in um, uh, like I hate that I have to say this but the globalists are so bad putin is awesome Exactly, which is another cowardly. Yeah, so long as I make up an imaginary enemy. That's worse. Damn putin looks great
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah, yeah, I mean when your primary enemy is that literal devil Putin's all right. I suppose yeah So, uh, there was some of that but we don't need to get into it Uh, because it's not really all that great. He basically just plays a clip of putin in russian And then tries to translate it. Oh to be fair his Certainly doesn't work for the russian government employee daria. Uh, she translated it from russian and he read The what's really funny is that uh on the episode on the sixth
Starting point is 00:05:10 Yeah, alex is complaining about north korea and he's complaining about how the clintons Gave them their capabilities uh for for nuclear weapons and all their missile systems all the clintons All the clintons, but what's really fun sounded like steve larry nicks right there when you go and you actually look into the history of The north korean weapons systems. You see that it is all russia and china. Yeah throughout history They are the ones who have given them weapons Of course and to add to the comedy when alex jones is translating the uh clip of putin talking in russian He is clearly saying we have given nuclear technology to other countries because he the the clip is about how
Starting point is 00:05:53 Whoever becomes the leader in ai technology will rule the world Yeah, I saw something about that and if only one country has it it will be like it'll be firm grip Uh totalitarianism and so and if robert mercer has it. We're fucked. Yeah, and he might already he definitely does Yeah, but uh putin's argument is that if we come up with Sophisticated ai we will share it with everyone like we have our nuclear technology And you could sort of see alex be like i gotta stop translating this Because it undercuts his entire argument. Of course now you've got putin admitting now. We did it Yeah, because they did because they did and of course they did because uh, they wanted to counterbalance our power in the
Starting point is 00:06:39 Like korea, we've fucked up korea. Don't get me wrong among many things It's not like it's not like we're blameless by any stretch and frankly it's if if i were north korea It's so much smarter to have nuclear weapons. Totally. Oh my god. Did you see what happened to fucking? Sadam hussein was bad. Are you shitting me or uh kadafi? Yeah, if they had nukes, believe me They would still be all right. Uh kadafi had mustard gas. Yeah, but I only know that from uh watching the critic I I sold the mustard gas to kadafi. What hold on mustard gives me gas as does taffy Great show that was a great show. Anyway, uh, again a brilliant evil billionaire like jimmy james. Oh, yeah from news radio
Starting point is 00:07:26 duke uh, so Man, we could just trade. Oh, dude. I could do credit all day all day. You gotta get to your show. Cookiepuss. I will eat your soul My friends named their cat after that. Oh, yeah that scene not not the carvel ice cream treat that scene in the critic Anyway, uh, those are some of the things he talks about But uh, I want to play this clip of how he starts the show on the sixth Because I love the groove first of all and then he gets into uh talking about Some other current events that are happening and I think he has a really interesting approach Dig on this groove
Starting point is 00:08:02 Live from austin texas broadcasting worldwide It's alex jones There's a reason every ancient culture believed in god It's because they noticed a lot of things going on they couldn't explain. Yeah, and they saw rhythms in war speaking of rhythm And they saw patterns in the stars And in the heavens or maybe the ascribed patterns where they weren't because that's what we do
Starting point is 00:08:33 Maybe it's human beings. We've evolved to use patterns in order to protect ourselves and that's how we develop so much But also it's killed itself is the most volcanically active As it's been recorded in modern history. Yeah, that's probably got 300 years or so Definitely not climate change. We see now the Storm cycle for typhoons and hurricanes in the Atlantic and Pacific climate change going from Being very very tepid the last decade or so you could say to now Not just developing a storm like Harvey, but still wreaking havoc in its aftermath, but ermah Now the strongest hurricane ever recorded for its miles per hour
Starting point is 00:09:16 Over 180 miles an hour a category five is 150 to 160 They've never recorded something that should be a category six They've got to expand now and officially call this a category six, but they'll do that after the storm Uh, so climate change he gets it climate change. He gets it. He gets it. Yeah Climate change climate change climate change Every every coverage every single thing about this should just have like climate change Like if you have the chiron on fucking nb msnbc where they're talking about it The scroll on the bottom should just be climate change climate change climate change climate change climate change
Starting point is 00:09:56 It's right. It's good move do it solve the problem The the uh, the entire 90 second clip that we just played is him describing Uh, he won't say that word much like he thinks that no one else will say muslim terrorism radical islamic terrorism Uh, he he he refuses to and then he even after that he just goes into like yes, climate's changed. We didn't do it Yeah, sure. I would I would prefer to call it, uh, radical late stage capitalism sucking the uh, environment to dry That is radical that is radical. Uh, his other and poochie went back to his home planet His other defense that he has is like all of these people who want you to pay carbon taxes
Starting point is 00:10:40 They want to make you feel bad because you litter or whatever. It's like whatever you do You're the bad one. Well, they like no oil companies, but again oil companies, right oil companies Co-brothers clean coal. No not clean coal Hurricane Irma also I read a really interesting article in daily beast on my commute home from the office Uh, today and I wish I had it open in front of me and I wish we had more time to get into it I'm sorry, uh, but they uh, someone has uh, done a little digging and they found that there is a russian, uh, maternity Vacation kind of a business that seems to have a lot of people who stay at trump properties in florida
Starting point is 00:11:23 Especially around miami. I'm sorry anchor babies wait russian anchor babies wait for real for real That's bananas the entire thing that alex screams about all the time all these chinese people coming over having their babies It's russians there's russians doing it at trump properties. That's fucking great It may not entirely be like I trump business have anything to do with it But they do rent out a lot of properties to high-end russians who are using them as a place where people can pay Uh, 20 000 dollars go have your baby in america dual citizenship It's fucking crazy. That's I want to throw that in alex's face. That's smart. That's I mean on their part That's smart. It's not bad. It's not bad alex. If look, I love I support anybody who games any system
Starting point is 00:12:09 I just have a little bit of that Uh, you know, like there's the there's the con man with the heart of gold That guy doesn't exist. He does not exist. No, uh, most con men are mike richards But yeah, yeah Hang out with raptors. Yeah. Yeah, but but there is that romances mark rick mark mark That's why I was confused for a second. Yeah, but there is that romantic Ideal of the like Fuck the system, man
Starting point is 00:12:36 If you can get around it if you can live the way that you want to live I support that now I'm gonna go against the the russians Right, but there's staying in trump properties. Yeah, I I'm I I hear what you're saying I am so much more interested in the anchor baby narrative that alex has built over the last Forever right, uh, it being turned on its head so fucking clearly. It's amazing. I'm sure I'm sure he'll uh, I'm sure he'll confront it head on I'm sure he will make sure everybody knows that uh, while he supports literally everything russia does This is also great. Uh, I'm sure you will also just to fill in. I've heard nothing about the uh,
Starting point is 00:13:17 Debt limit. Yeah, the deal that uh, trump has made with uh, schumer and polosi I've heard not him not say anything about that odd. Um, I've not heard anything about um Oh the report that came out recently that uh, trump took money from george soros. Yeah, no nothing nothing about that Nothing about that nothing about that. Uh, I mean, it's on the level of like like fucking Six months ago. Trump is like i'm a globalist. Yeah, like he publicly said i'm a globalist and a nationalist Yep, he's alex like what a genius He just said he's one of your enemies. Hey any man who can look directly at an eclipse. That's a man that you got to reckon with
Starting point is 00:13:58 That's tucker carlson style. That's what you got to reckon with right now Now he's like he's working with the demon rip democrats in the uh, the house and senate and Uh, he's taking money from the boogie man himself george soros Oh, yeah, and working together on deals and stuff like that. Oh really? Yeah, who would have guessed? Yeah, so who would have guessed? Not a single word about any of that stuff. Hey, but i'm guessing that he's real happy that he's rescinding uh daca I actually haven't heard too much about that. I know he put out a periscope, but I didn't watch it But he does have something he wants to talk about in relation to trump and it also has to do with hurricane urma And it's oh no, this is really more of what he talks about in terms of the storm
Starting point is 00:14:39 He hypes up how like terrifying it's gonna be and how how serious it is because that's kind of his shit Right, you know, that's his style also this time. He's not wrong No, like if he was selling survival food now, I'd be like that's actually a good investment It's now it's it's too late. Yeah, that's a good point. Uh, great. Great. It's on sale. Yeah. No, no, that's good Yeah, um, so here's his other here. Here's the narrative that he wants to spend it most of his time with There's also a shitty mark dice report about this that I've saved you from with david knight for the real news syndicated transmission that is going out From 8 a.m. To 11 a.m.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And he was just breaking down the news article that's up on info wars dot com and prism planet dot com Right now where the left is claiming the name Of urma is sexist And they're claiming it's racist and that maybe trump's causing it. Yep. That sounds like us Deranged leftists think trump is creating racist hurricanes. Yeah That sounds like that sounds like some real news with david leftists are claiming That trump created racist hurricanes. Now, let me ask you a question. Now in a purely metaphorical sense That is 100 true
Starting point is 00:15:59 He has definitely created a lot of racist hurricanes in the metaphorical sense in human form. Yes, exactly He is himself a racist hurricane and we'll wind up doing more damage than Uh urma or harvey ever could in a manner of speaking. He's making these hurricanes more racist That's actually very true. Yeah, but yeah, I like that this nonsense. I mean, I don't like this narrative is such nonsense because like who Of all the people we know of has ever publicly Repeatedly said the government can create hurricanes I
Starting point is 00:16:36 Oh, um, I'll give you a hint. Uh, oh His middle name is emmerich. No, is it uh, uh, oh, uh, oh, it was the entire cast of 60 minutes No, no, no, no, no, not them. Alex Jones. Are you sure totally? Are you sure that the one man who completely? Uh Is is the perhaps the sole owner of weather weapons loudly? No bill gates owns them. Oh, that's true I according to alex bill gates owns them. Gotcha. Uh, and I mean we could just go back to I mean when he was on rogan He was even yelling about how the government can create stop or steer hurricanes, right? And so I mean if they could
Starting point is 00:17:14 Seems like trump would can't there's un treaties. Oh Okay, well good and actually the bullshit part about this is there is some truth to that Is like they were doing cloud seeding back in like the 60s. Oh, yeah So if they were trying to find ways to use it in vietnam in korea and also the applications could be Uh irrigation like if you can oh, no, that was before in the 50s They were doing it for like really positive reasons. Yeah, exactly. They were exploring with very, uh, minimal results Almost to the point where you couldn't tell if it was like, well it happened to rain
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yeah, that sort of thing But they were they were working on that in terms of vietnam and that immediately after were like we can't we can't do this So there was an international treaty signed in like 72. I think uh, that said no more of this no more weather weapons And uh from everything, uh, anyone's been able to tell that uh, that's true. That's true. Yeah Or disappointing. I feel like we should be developing weather weapons at this point It couldn't hurt. I feel like it's part of being a It couldn't hurt that's part of being a like a stage one civilization. Absolutely controlling control. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely But uh, the other thing in there is the Irma is sexist and uh, that's just a really
Starting point is 00:18:27 Um, reductive way of discussing the actual article. It was about how oftentimes Female named hurricanes are much more destructive because people don't take them as seriously Oh And studies have been done that show that there is a dismissiveness that people show towards female named things In particular the studies have looked at hurricanes. Yes. All right. Well humanity deserves extinction. That's just that's just dumb I mean think about a hurricane Katrina was more devastating than hurricane andrew. Yeah I mean, that's just one example and certainly not a one-to-one comparison There's there's more to talk about in terms of that study. It's not this is a sexist hurricane
Starting point is 00:19:11 Right or anything like that especially because We know how hurricanes are named and it's just an alternate Yeah, like they just alternate back and forth. Yeah, this one's a dude. This one's a lady. It doesn't matter. Yeah Like maybe we should just call them numbers though Or or like a hurricane murder hurricane. No, no, no. Yeah Hurricane get the fuck out. Yeah name them after movie characters. That's more fun And you know how they go like through the alphabet. It's really alarming that there's three letters in a row Yeah, you know that are that are pressing down. Yeah, uh, but be that as it may, uh, trump is creating racist hurricane
Starting point is 00:19:47 So that's great. Uh, alex has another narrative on the sixth that he's into and it has to do with, uh, health Uh, probably he wants he's gonna sign on to bernie sanders singer payer No, no, no, no, no, no. No, he's gonna jump in there. He's you want the other direction with this He believes that everybody deserves, uh, health care, right? No. No. Okay. No. No. Uh, this is a health scare Okay, yeah, well the only health scare is the fact that everybody doesn't have access to health care So that's I think single payer is probably pretty scary to alex. Yeah, that's true But uh, this is something else all together and it comes out of the chai comms. Oh, of course and to new antibiotic resistance Hyper virulent super bug discovered in china
Starting point is 00:20:30 This is exclusive to news wars dot com And by the way, there's an editor's note at the bottom that kit and I basically put on it this morning Together we were talking about it and it's like we don't want to say I said this is horrible news I said it I said I haven't seen this and he said I know it's almost a week old from lancet medical journal got no coverage I can't believe this And I said this is horrible. Well, there should be more discussion people should know about this meanwhile When all these other antibiotics stop working silver is known to still work sometimes I wish it worked all the time. It doesn't
Starting point is 00:21:05 Nice you got the fda running around trying to ban colloidal silver because big companies are trying to patent the process So only they can sell it to you by prescription for $200 a bottle We sell it at info war That's just an example by the way Well, we're urging double triple the prices like amazon has been caught doing for storeable food and water filters We've cut them 30 to 50 off an info war for folks to get prepared But listen, it's not just for this storm. This is a great time of change Everybody needs to be self sufficient Uh, boy that I had that's a solid. That's a great sales pitch right there. I could not stop dancing
Starting point is 00:21:44 That's me that holds that has everything in it. You should be terrified. No one else is talking about this This is a scoop that only we have and do you notice you notice that it's uh news wars exclusive Because he realized the name info wars is fucked out and everyone's like, uh, no, thank you Yeah, they came up with a very similar newly named site that they're using now They've info wars. They still have info wars, right? But they've started news wars also just in case So we wouldn't be able to smell that shit News wars, hmm, huh, that sounds vaguely familiar to something a very similar name Still still yelling about globalists. I can't see why who?
Starting point is 00:22:28 Probably a coincidence. I think rebranding is fine. Yeah, I think I think throughout history We've seen that evil companies when they rebrand. Yeah, they have changed their acts like black water Yeah, they just they just fixed all their problems and they were like we can't be associated with this name They definitely don't just put a new name on things Right. I mean he went from prison planet to info wars and that was a big leap and then now this is a Oh boy, uh, but uh And then he goes right into and it's so good. It's so good that he's like silver Sometimes works doesn't always when all the antibiotics are gone
Starting point is 00:23:06 Silver sometimes work not always. Yeah, I'm not gonna make any promises. Yeah I am gonna say that you should buy colloidal silver. Yeah on the off chance that it helps Yeah, I am also gonna say the same thing about dandelions. You should pick more of them Maybe they'll help and everyone's gouging price is for a storeable food. We're not Of course. We're keeping it on the sale. It's always on now 30 off. It's Easter weekend. We're extending the Easter sale Thanks to her 1776, baby. That's how much it costs free shipping for these buckets of food That's not good. You're taking a bath on that if you're gonna pay your own shipping on a fucking bucket of uh
Starting point is 00:23:46 Uh, because I've seen if you go to his site, you can go and look at the uh, the food. Yeah, it's heavy Really? Yeah, the storeable foods are not light. Wow shipping that shit would be like you're you're doing you're losing money I mean just think about how much postmates charge and same. Yeah, well, you got to ship the car too. That's Well, that's you also get a you also get a car. Yeah, so you get the sense of it that alex's take on hurricane Irma is trying to score points for trump, uh by Blasting hypothetical things that leftists have done. He uses it. Well at the same time Uh Profiting off of an actual disaster that he's not making up this time. That's that's really more of what he's doing
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah, uh, so in the second hour he gets a visit from our friend mike sernovich And I think he's high Is it urnovich? I think the two of them are high. Okay. Now. This is fun because that's a fun little wrinkle They spend quite a while talking about how life is a simulation Now that's probably true. Yeah, I know but it's statistically speaking chances are life is a simulation It's really weird for them to be sitting on info wars with that like the background graphic is just a Doppler radar of the hurricane So that's what's on the screen behind them and they're just like talking about like now Maybe the controllers who run the simulation are trying to speed things up and that's why everything's seen how long ago
Starting point is 00:25:13 Do you think scarimucci was? That's a good question. That was like five years ago No, it wasn't because everything's speeding up the simulation is speeding up. I'm like what the fuck is going on Look, everybody deals with disaster in their own way And if you I mean to me that actually seems like a reasonable response to watching what is clearly a death cloud Right going on in the background just being like man life is weird, isn't it? But not we're We're a hundred miles away from pure devastation and flooding. The other part of our state is underwater
Starting point is 00:25:50 Probably a simulation. That's a great way of dealing with it. All those drowning people. They're just numbers. Yeah, there's ones and zeros It's not real. That's all it is. Yeah So here is a clip of them talking that I think is the most sort of A high of them. I believe this is this is this this struck me as very weird pretty high very weird But once these things get scaled up Then the ai can literally feed itself into everything and rewrite the entire surface of the globe Leaving what it wants destroying what it wants. Well, yeah 3d printing. So they'll they'll 3d print drones That's why I tell people they should really watch black mirror
Starting point is 00:26:27 I don't know where they got the the black mirror people where they're plugged in or who's been talking to them Or if they have some kind of um, trans terrestrial understanding what's going on Magic did you catch that aliens? Yeah, he suspects trans terrestrial Information aliens are writing black mirror. Yeah That makes more that makes perfect sense. Nobody else could have those thoughts Nobody else cooking high. Nobody else could read very obvious signs about where the the world might go. Yeah Uh, so yeah, that that sort of is a good flavor taster of uh Jones Mike Cernovich hour. I like how I like how alex is he somehow in the simulation
Starting point is 00:27:07 Which I'm they're they're talking about how it is a simulation And there's uh, and once we create ai and they can jack into the programs then everything's done Right, but the simulation wait So the simulation ends when we create ai that can fight back against the simulation. No, no, no, no, no, no This is within the uh simulation Okay, I can jack into like factories and become self replicating. It's the gray goo. It's the gray goo theory. Yeah, of course So or the gray goo postulate if you will I won't uh, so that's That's all we need to talk about for the sixth and then we go to thursday the seventh
Starting point is 00:27:44 The first hour of the show is mostly seth rich kind of shit. Uh, there's more, uh, nancy poll or not nancy Pelosi, uh, Bubba, bubba, bubba Yeah, I meant debbie washerman schultz Uh is going down hard It's it's all It's good for good for them. I'm glad I can debbie washerman schultz can go down so hard. I don't care I just can't I can't get it up for these narratives. I just can't I it's I listen to it. I'm just like I don't care. Wait. Why are they talking about her?
Starting point is 00:28:13 Um, but that was months ago, right? She's she's in play She's been gone for so long. She's in play with the cover-up of the seth rich murder. Oh Okay, so that's why she was fired. Right. I gotcha. All right, because she murdered seth rich. She no She's just involved in the cover-up. Ah, so like I said, I just can't I can't jack to that narrative so we're not we're not doing the first hour because Quite frankly the second hour is substantially more important Okay, in the second hour alex jones has a guest on by the name of jony turner And uh, you don't know who this lady is jony jony jony turn mitchell. Yes, uh, she is a lawyer
Starting point is 00:28:55 And uh, okay, I'm gonna just start this clip up and alex will explain why she's on the show I imagine she's a good lawyer. Uh, some reviews I've read online say not so much. I bet she's great Here's the headline attorney announces lawsuit against cnn on behalf of the american people Not a good lawyer Joni points out how cnn continues to blast americans as white national radicals And for cnn calling on all left writers to show up at events and cause havoc who've now been listed as terrorist So they called the antifa to go out and be violent It's like don corleone telling, you know, one of his hit men to go kill somebody luco bratsy
Starting point is 00:29:31 He's just as guilty as luco bratsy. Exactly. Joni says cnn made a slip up And publicized the southern prairie law center list on their website as their own when they realized it four hours later They took it down Southern prairie law center has conservative americans and some of the company's greatest institutions listed as radical terrorists 917 groups tagged as hate groups. So she's taking action. She has standing Because she's an american. She's a conservative. She's a patriot being listed as a white supremacist marked for death and she's a Lawyer currently involved in multi-jurisdictional federal and state
Starting point is 00:30:08 Litigation with heavy focus on employment contractual disputes non compete trade secrets and wrongful death issues Uh, both plaintiff and defense. Maybe she's the lawyer I should get for a suit. I mean, I'm being damaged It's already like seven million this year already Uh, we're closely as a corporate legal advisor contractual issues with the board of directors the board of trusty issues related For corporate entities. She announced a lawsuit against cnn on behalf of the american people that are being targeted as radical terrorists close quote. I mean It's like they're saying we're at off hitler. This is marking us for death. This is serious
Starting point is 00:30:44 psychological and cultural terrorism Johnny cnn msnbc Uh, the new york times the southern prairie law center. I've talked to a bunch of the top lawyers They all say you've got open and shut cases, but two years of litigation Why on earth have they gotten so radical and and and why have you been forced to take action? So we'll get to her answer. They do have open and shut cases in regards to the fact that the judge will open the case and then Get rid of the case very quickly close a briefcase Get the fuck out of my court. Yes. Uh, bring me. We will be throwing this lawsuit out ma'am
Starting point is 00:31:18 Bring me fucking larry claimant at this point. I don't want to deal with you get out. Um, so she's suing star still available Can star still available? She's suing cnn Uh, because they used information from the southern poverty law center Which is a big bad guy and alex jones's oh the worst Uh, because they say bad things about him that are unfortunately very true also so It's it's silly It's a frivolous lawsuit. There's a very dumb lawsuit and she's just getting she's doing it for publicity. Yes, of course
Starting point is 00:31:53 She's doing 100. So what does she think she's gonna get out of this? Like more people are gonna file wrongful death lawsuits. I think she wants to be the new larry claimant Oh, okay. Maybe she wants to be a celebrity lawyer. I think she needs a late career change Shift things because her professional poker career isn't paying off. She's a professional poker player. Oh, yeah Oh, she's a bad lawyer. She uh, she ends up saying that she got twitter Originally because she was gonna tweet her experience at the world series of poker. Ah How'd it go? I don't think she made the cash Poor girl. I don't know though. I can't say for sure. I don't watch that anymore
Starting point is 00:32:31 Dark period of my time life when I used to watch uh, everybody went through that stage There was a time where everybody watched professional poker like we weren't all insane We all don't want to admit it, but we did. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, just national psychosis I watch I watched uh, the one fucking guy be Chris moneymaker Chris moneymaker. Yeah I watched that happen. Yeah, and I marveled at how dumb I was for watching it I'm watching it happen going like oh, he did get all that money and then the immediate sense of loss and stupidity when it's over all like he wins And there's you know, like in sports that big pile of cash
Starting point is 00:33:09 Yeah in sports whenever you the the guy wins you're supposed to feel joy and like ah We did it and that kind of thing and when he won I was like fucking kill me. Why are we? Why did I do that? Why are we doing this? It's weird And then and then the poker didn't stop after that and people started to be weird characters Like you had that guy Antonio is fun diari. Right. It was a magician. Yeah. Oh, that's fun. He's the magician of poker That's fun. What the fuck happened. I don't know All the great that all the great things that happened in the 70s happened all over again I did read a really interesting thing on phil ivy. Uh, actually recently he was pretty cool. He is really cool. Also
Starting point is 00:33:47 he's involved in international Insanity like he's we don't have time. He's bananas. We don't have time. It's bananas. We got to get off poker And we got a fold and get back to all right. No fucking no no reshuffle the deck So jony uh is is suing cnn and I have some bad news She's very racist That will play out over the course of this and uh one of the later clips
Starting point is 00:34:17 It's baffling. She's crazy and She's just Like she's just repeating alex jones narratives to him, which I don't want in a lawyer period Your honor, I would like to concur with everything that the prosecution said maritime law exactly Uh, so here we go. Let's get into it. This is how she responds to uh, why is things getting so crazy and why do you have to take action?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Well, you know what? I are you are you seeing me? Okay alex because I lost you. I am seeing you so so so go ahead. Thanks Okay, I'll tell you what happened is um, you know, we've all been you know I've been watching this go on for the last couple years and and you made a you made a great point earlier on You are a connection expert and you know people can you know see oh gosh? This doesn't look right over here. This doesn't look right But I'll tell you when it all came together for me and listen. I'm a little late coming to the party But you know what sometimes that's good because by time you get to the party people got all the small talk out of the way And they're ready to get down to action. I'll tell you what really got me on board and off the couch
Starting point is 00:35:24 Three weeks ago. I watched as michael more. He had a bad day that day You know, he is um his his show bombs and he was on with don lemon who is just a race baiter just A permit he cannot even be called a journalist because that's an insult to journalists But um, I mean don lemon does suck CNN and he was being you know probed by don lennon And he said he made this statement alex. He said Trump is a rapist And he is raping the united states And if his supporters have a chance to redeem themselves tonight if they denounce him
Starting point is 00:36:01 He also made the price they are complicit to rape And I want to tell you something that got me off the couch and I I had called I called my nephew as a great guy First year at liberty Cory at jones and I said Matthew I need to know about this twitter stuff I need to know and and we talked and I said i'm going to take action And i'll tell you what in three weeks alex. We now have over 25 000 people that have signed up for this class action lawsuit Wow, I didn't know that this exploded like this
Starting point is 00:36:35 Joni turner congratulations on standing up for our free speech against these bullies They call us nazis without evidence putting people in groups not letting them have commerce demonizing Shutting them off from jobs firing them bullying them beating them up. That's what the brown shirts did in nazi germany He just compared them to nazis What happened is is and you know People asked me well, why not ms mbc or well everybody knows that ms mbc's they're idiots You know, they're a clown show and so when you go and listen to them, you know anymore I mean people don't take them serious
Starting point is 00:37:09 but why uh, cnn is so and uh They have gone from lying to the american people which was a crime in itself But to a line about them alex and what they have done is they Even if those are crime the american people hillary got in trouble for saying half of trump supporters are deplorable They're saying all of you are rapist Oh rapist nazis And and what they're doing alex this is so good and I can't even tell you how good this is but What they are doing is they're creating a false narrative to create a group
Starting point is 00:37:41 And then they are funded they are funded by the same people that the southern poverty law center is funded by Then they're going out and they are calling their wolves and uh antifa and all of the uh black lives matter like what is that But um and all these radical groups of ty jack these these names and they're coming and they're they're putting maps out alex and You bring in the dumb real hard. I came on They are putting maps out and cnn accidentally put it up as their own map. It's the hate map. You know that southern poverty has up And what they're doing alex is they they're creating this um this Narrative and then there's they're calling and paying these guys to come and attack us and it's it is it's crazy What is going on it is crazy if you if you just
Starting point is 00:38:28 Like how many times are we gonna have to do this like just x out cnn and put info wars and then you're correct lady But I don't want to sue info wars. No like because that's still a dumb lawsuit. Here's a shit lawyer Lying to the american people is a crime. It's not no A shit lawyer also might say lying about the american people is a crime. It is not still not those are both not Nope lying about specific people is a crime. That's liable Or slander depending on the medium in which you do it But just lying about like hey these group of people they suck when they're awesome not a crime also That's a shitty lawyer. Also it will actually i'm now i'm for the lawsuit. I want to read
Starting point is 00:39:11 This don't say oh, are are you saying that uh, the m that cnn called those people nazis? Let's ask those people. Oh, did they call themselves nazis? All right get out of here. Oh, but they were joking Nope They were like big galaska. It was satirical Bullshit fuck these people. Um, they're getting bullied. Damn. They're losing their jobs for exercising their free speeds, right? But black lives matter. What is that? What is that? What is that shit? That's rough. No, no, no, that's rough Oh god, that's so fucking stupid. Yeah, that's so dumb. That's um, just say white people are the best And then leave that's all you want to say kind of get that sense. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:55 Um, I don't want to put that on her whole cloth, but I think ii's doing it to herself I do I think she's doing it herself. I think she's a white supremacist by by any other name come at us Sue us. Yeah, come on. Oh, please add knowledge fight to the cnn lawsuit And then put our fucking clips that we've played into the public record in court. You dumb ass I dare you to sue me for calling you a racist. Fuck. Hey, I wouldn't do that. We don't we can't afford representation What could he get from? I mean, I'm what could he get from me? That's seven dollars in my bank account Go to luck Uh, 350 anyway fair the other thing that is really fun to pull out of that is this lady's big complaint
Starting point is 00:40:34 Is that she saw michael moore on tv called donald trump a rapist? Which his wife has accused him of which I then walked back and then he himself has said He's done things that I would consider a lot. Yeah, uh, but then the other thing that like alex is like, yeah How dare they call people that? Uh, he paid people five thousand dollars to get on national television yelling bill clinton is a rapist Alex jones legitimately how dare they do people to go and disrupt rallies And he made a shirt that he sold that was bill clinton as a rapist He did that. I don't see a problem here. I don't see a problem
Starting point is 00:41:13 Like she said they get these people they pay them to go on tv and make these wild claims That's crazy. That should be against the law dan. I agree. I think we should absolutely sue cnn for that Yeah, they're the ones who caused that problem and whenever alex jones wants to talk about the chilling of free speech This is what it looks like This is like this idea is what like the erosion of free speech in practice looks like. Yeah It's fascism. It's almost like we need a a national movement Against fascism. We'll get back to that in a second. Uh, but in this next clip Joni lies a bit it starts by talking about like donations from the southern poverty law center
Starting point is 00:41:56 Uh, or to the southern poverty law center goes both ways or something Uh, then she lies and gets a little more racist in an interesting way AP morgan a financial system just gave one million dollars. You can't find this anywhere cnn You know kind of put it up. They go around and pass the plate a bunch of hollywood stars They have a million dollars apiece to it in the last month namely george cloney Oh, listen, I have a look george cloney's here from sense and addy, you know, I have a little he was one of my first Little dates. I used to do a little talk show with his mom nina And I can tell you that he was as silly back then as he is now
Starting point is 00:42:32 But uh, you know not as well known and he's as left as you can get Okay, I mean look look at he married, you know, uh, I don't know. I don't think she's I think she's lebanese his wife Um, and you know it's hollywood and but the thing is is alex what you have put your Finger on is it's the connection people think that these are these are occurring. It's the connection. It is all This is mass racketeering Classically bullying on a mass scale against the american people and they think libertarians and conservatives are so nice We won't fight back. No, we think you're gonna fight back. We think you're gonna fight back overly aggressively Yeah, we think you're gonna shoot people like you do and you said yeah said you're going to yeah
Starting point is 00:43:13 um the other also Wait, right. She brought up that she was look who he married, right? I think she's lebanese, right? No further comment on her. Nope. So if I understand correctly the qualities if I understand correctly Look who he married, right? Not a good sign. Well a bit the the what she might as well have said look who he married non-white He's not propagating the white species. That's why we're going. That's why our birth rates are low if george cloney wasn't so far to the left He'd be fucking a white lady putting out babies left and right He didn't even get married until he was 50 or whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:43:51 Probably has slow sperm. I don't know who cares Who cares about george cloney? A very powerful lawyer. Also, they bring up jb morgan And she doesn't point out that they have been fucking people over. No, not important. It's a huge deal Not a big deal. They have opened they've screwed so many people out of so much money Not as many as cnn not going to be punished for it in any appreciable way cnn lost what guy a job cnn made a guy lose his job at a hot dog stand fuck off Okay, good point. The but you're right. It might the she is equating liberal value or whatever which they think is negative with
Starting point is 00:44:29 A white person marrying a lebanese person. Well, yeah, look at that's profoundly racist. Look at it. I can't believe Well, I mean, I can't believe that alex let that slide on a show. Oh, I can believe that's so hard I can't I'm like, what the fuck is she saying? Like the black lives matter. What is that? What is that george cloney? Look who he married? I'm like, this is beyond dog whistle shit This is just this is just out now racism happening on your bigotry. Yeah Who even has the time to hate lebanese people lady? You've got so many people on your plate. Let them go Yeah, I'm fucking real. Yeah, so we got one more clip here And this is where we get back to some feelings about trump. See where she lands
Starting point is 00:45:12 We see where joni lands on the trump spectrum. You know what? I bet she was a big supporter of ran paul But I think but he she really appreciated what trump was saying. She liked what he said, but didn't know if she could trust him Right, exactly. We're not in 2015. Yeah The water gate is broken Here you go, they find out that you're a conservative and if the judge is liberal because they they all have been, you know Because the judges the last Oh, yeah, the ones appointed by bluster were appointed by vaman You might as well forget arguing law with them
Starting point is 00:45:41 I'm telling you I've been closer to being in jail The last four years that I ever have in my life because I just want to I want to go at them because I know That they've got an agenda and that my clients are suffering because they are not being held accountable Like you said mike and like cnn is not But they're getting desperate also. I want to say that alex they're getting desperate too because They thought that they were going to have another eight years with hillary to go ahead and sneak in Oh my god, thank god that he had mercy on us and that donald trump
Starting point is 00:46:13 It's pronounced what have the guts and the teflon listen that that boy was made for this place in time You may not like everything he says, but his life was divinely appointed Oh, there's no there's no doubt. This is this is divine intervention Uh, he is a huge stumbling block to them their whole operation And he's bringing their hate out and showing everyone just how vicious and hateful they are Yeah, he's giving people the opportunity to see there. I mean one thing I always ask is when have you ever read A special report on CNN about the far left. Where are the media? No, no, they have reports saying antifa's good. Uh, not so much
Starting point is 00:46:50 No, and that's a big problem. Yeah, I really don't like that If you are gonna have reports about antifa Yeah, they should be good But uh, they should be very good their presentation of it is like every left-wing media thing is saying that antifa's awesome Like they're not they're not they're no they're actively trying to quash any real fight against nazism Yeah, because that affects their bottom line. Yeah, nazis watch tv too, man We can't have any kind of chaos then people will turn the tv off because they won't be too busy fighting in the streets Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we got to make sure that we have this both sidesism
Starting point is 00:47:26 So that allows complacent fuck faces in the middle election ended up how it did exactly Unfortunately, it's got to be both sides both sides have a point both sides have problems Yeah, but one of the sides is nazis. So until nazis aren't one of the sides. Yeah, all bets are off totally Antifa is awesome. Yeah, I if I was on msnbc, my report would be like hey, look at these guys punching nazis Why don't the rest of you pussies punch nazis and why doesn't the guy punching a nazi have a bat? Yeah Good point, uh Yeah, my my broadcast would escalate very very quick the other thing that i'm deeply upset by and I think we should all be troubled by Is that she's saying
Starting point is 00:48:09 That trump was brought on by god that his birth was predestined and all this was god's plan alex is like Hell yeah, it was and then mike sernovich because he had to walk back his trump support About a month and a half ago because it was bad for business Uh, it has to be like Yeah He has to milk toast it. Yeah, he can't he you know, he wants to get in there full throat But he has to just be like he's letting them uh show how bad the left really is right
Starting point is 00:48:39 Uh, because that's about as deep as his balls go now I would love it if the pussy I would love it if the religious rights that claimed that uh, all natural disasters are because we allowed Gay people to get married Be that one connection of like well, we elected trump and now we have three hurricanes murdering everybody and destroying the world Maybe well, maybe one of them will destroy maro lago Oh, we can only hope still won't be worth it for the terrible destruction that it's already brought to uh, to uh, those islands Now that's that's so fucked up. Yep. Uh, so we got to get out of here
Starting point is 00:49:15 So you can get to your show But uh, I would like to say it's pretty impressive that alex jones has a guest on his show who's suing cnn Class action lawsuit with 25,000 people behind her I'm sure some of them are real people maybe a couple bots thrown in there Be that as you be that as it may Uh, I hope for big things with this racist fuck of a lawyer Wow, who doesn't know that it's not illegal to lie. Do you know what's crazy? What she was more publicly racist than david duke on his episode. Absolutely. She was out and out
Starting point is 00:49:48 Like I hate everybody in white. Well, that's because she's dumb. David duke knows how to hide stuff. Yeah Uh, because that's our that's our big problem the real the real smart people are like No, I'm racist, but you know be cool. Yeah, let's all let's all keep it quiet. Let's infiltrate Then we'll attack. Don't just go out half cocked. We've only got most of law enforcement I'm ready to make sure that racism infiltrates all of law enforcement. Yeah, then we can come out Yeah, then we can fucking ride a whole log Disgusting. Yeah. Anyway, uh, Thank you all for joining
Starting point is 00:50:24 Absolutely If you'd like to find out more about us and what we do what that's weird You're gonna go to our website knowledge There's a button on there where you can support the show And I'd like to say this Uh, if you have not donated and become a policy wonk and you'd like to it would be great because we're about to kick Shit into massive overdrive and we are going to need uh, so we're gonna be opening up a dc office. Yep. Jerome. Of course. He is uh He's doing double duty. Yeah, he's actually he's got dual citizenship Yeah, he's an info warrior's a knowledge fighter at look. It's all good. Yeah, I forgave him for the swift boat stuff
Starting point is 00:50:58 He said dan that was so that was mighty white if you just He would probably use that's probably chair. He's like I will come aboard and I will write your info I almost called our show info wars probably not a good idea. We're news wars, right? Right. We're actually war news war news. Yeah, uh, but yeah, if you'd like to support the show, we would really appreciate it There's gonna be a lot of stuff coming that's very exciting with that broadcasting live Possibly even going to a daily format. There's a lot of stuff on the horizon Uh, and we love it if uh, Who cares? Yeah, and once again apologies were for not being able to do the live show
Starting point is 00:51:35 We won't be able to do that. So if you're standing up to your career, my man You don't need to apologize for your career going well. Well, I'm broke. So You don't you don't need like I know that you feel bad about it, but you don't need to apologize Everyone understands they get it. I'm sure they're good people out there. These policy wonks, right? That's true. I just I'm just disappointed Uh, you know, I wanted to do it. Yeah, we'll do the live show. We'll do it. We'll do it Uh, also if you want to follow us on twitter, it's knowledge underscore fight. We are on uh, iTunes you can uh download uh, you can read the reviews Don't read them read well read them too. I don't read them read them get an idea of how you want to write your review
Starting point is 00:52:16 You know, you gotta you gotta do some research before you just start reviewing things. Yeah, I suppose so. Yeah Um, yeah, and then look for announcements in the very near future possibly even over the weekend. Absolutely. Uh, but hey There was one thing I forgot to cover in the episodes that we're talking about. Oh, no, what's that? Uh So on thursday fourth hour. Yeah, uh, this old dude was hosting no shit And so I don't know if you know this about him, but he's uh Pretty toothless. He's toothless in many ways. Okay, but also he has a picture in the background Uh of his shot like his skype shot. Oh, yeah, is it a really nice picture? It's not. Can you see it? Yes He hasn't hung it up
Starting point is 00:52:52 He for a really long time. He what yeah, what now get this what recently a policy wonk sent me a Blown up picture of the picture. Uh-huh and it it's tough to tell what it is But I think it's a crude painting of a clown Of course it is Of fucking course, it's a rude of course. It's a picture of a fucking clown. I'm not sure that is Jesus christ. We're into some fucking poltergeist shit. Like what is this? I don't know. It's very fucking penny wise living behind us I would rather penny wise live behind us Then this mother fucker. Yeah, no kidding because I would never say fuck you penny wise
Starting point is 00:53:34 Well, I would say back to him fuck you john rapaport andy and chansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding So alexa my first name color. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you

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