Knowledge Fight - #937: June 20, 2024

Episode Date: June 24, 2024

In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex and find him stirring up fears of being made to drink bugs, making a strange admission about his dad's business, and interviewing an ancient aliens... enthusiast.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge fight. Knowledge fight. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys. Knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan. Knowledge fight. I need money. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Stop it. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. It's time to pray. Andy and Kansas. You're on the air, thanks for holding. Hello, Alex.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Andy and Kansas. Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight, I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes that like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene, and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are, Dan. I'm dad. I'm Jordan. We're gonna do like to sit around worship at the altar of Celine and talk a little bit about Alex Joe's oh indeed we are Dan Jordan Dan Jordan quick question for you, buddy So what's your bright spot today? Why don't you go first? Sun tea okay, Sun tea is my bright spot you talking about putting a picture out
Starting point is 00:01:17 I'm talking about putting a picture out with a bunch of tea bags in it And then the Sun does the stuff and then you bring the tea in and then you got tea sure right my Wife used to do that as a kid all the time used to do it as a kid mm-hmm hadn't done it for 20 years Right my wife just one day out of nowhere. It's just like I got this jug. I'm gonna make some Sun tea and it's amazing sure It's great. It's strange Yeah, it seems it seems like now sitting here was like you shouldn't do that, right? I mean, she was leaving stuff out all day. I heard I Think she read something that was like oh it has nothing to do with the Sun if you just put tea and water Eventually, it'll diffuse. I guess that that makes sense to yeah cold brew, right? Yeah. Yeah, but at the same time
Starting point is 00:02:01 Actually, I was like well, then why are you putting it out of the Sun? She's like it's romantic and I was like that is then why are you putting it out of the sun? And she was like, it's romantic. And I was like, that is the best answer you could possibly give me. Sure. And try and defend it. The rays of the sun. You can taste them. Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:11 You know, I don't need science. It is romantic. Sure. Golden. What's a, what's your tea variety? Um, she's, she's been getting into all the teas recently. Whenever we gray, whenever we quit drinking, right. She switched over. We became tea totalers for the most part right right totally tea
Starting point is 00:02:28 Totally tea so she's got she's got your green teas. That's for laziness, right? She's got herbal teas of a certain type then of a different type some with fruit Some with less fruit okay got plenty of different teas. Yeah. But what about some of those funky teas? I don't know about funky teas. Because there's some that have a real weird, I don't even know how to describe it, muskiness to them. Muskiness? Yeah, there's a wide world of teas out there for you to explore, of all kinds of different flavor profiles. So you're talking about like the cheese of tea.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Yes. Okay. Yeah, yeah, something like that. Interesting. Yeah, that exists. That sounds gross. It's in your future. Well, that's what bread is for you.
Starting point is 00:03:13 You keep going down the tea path. Ugh. Never. What's your bright spot? Enjoy. I guess, well, I guess my bright spot is playing the Diablo 4. Yeah. I've been enjoying this season and I just like playing as a druid because I got a posse. That's all.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I enjoy having werewolves with me that run around and some birds that fly around my head. I play almost any game that allows me to have some pets running around. It's great. I have a team. It's fantastic. Yep. So anyway, today we have an episode to go over to. Okay. We're gonna be talking about June 20th, 2024.
Starting point is 00:03:51 All right. That is Thursday's show, because Alex was out of studio on Friday. All right. And I thought there'd be a Saturday show, but there was not. Okay, so he's not out of studio, there's just no show? No, there was a show, Owen hosted.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Oh, okay, okay. But, you know, who cares? Who cares? Yeah, but no show. No, you know there was a show Owen hosted. Oh, okay, okay, but you know who cares who cares? Yeah, but no no show on Saturday and here. We are okay. This show is is interesting It's very weird and I will confess ahead of time that I did turn it off before it was over good Because I was just like I can't I'm out okay, but we'll get down to business on this and all that. But before we do, let's say hello to some new woks. Ooh, that's a great idea. So first, hey Adam, I'm a wok.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Ball's in your court. I may not be the mysterious professor, but I am Wilford Snibblesnabbleofthegribblepibble. Thank you so much, you are now a policy wok. I'm a policy wok. Thank you very much! Thank you. Next, Alex Jones. Thank you so much, you are now a policy wok.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I'm a policy wok. Thank you very much! Thank you. Next, Peter Hooney. Thank you so much, you are now a policy wok. I'm a policy wk. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, Peter Hooney. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank you very much. Thank you. And Jake from MD, you globalist scum. I will eat your ass. Also the EU did 9-11. It's a demon feast. Thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Starting point is 00:04:58 you very much. So we got this this year episode and I think I think things are evolving kind of interestingly All right, we started from a place where they in the Conspiracy right-wing culture you will eat the bugs sure was very very popular. It's very popular, but now it's moved on we We haven't eaten the box. No, but now you're gonna drink the bugs We have full rollout on mainstream TV about bug milk. Ground up bugs is your new milk. Because cows are bad and create methane, so you have to drink bug milk.
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's not milk, it's ground up bug juice. You've got, funded by King Charles and the different globalist groups, the Extinction Rebell rebellion, no oil people attacking Taylor Swift's aircraft. I mean, it just goes on and on. All of these states to imprison political dissidents. That's confirmed. We've got reports and video of that. Oh wow. FEMA camps are back. Oh man. Do this again, but also you're going to drink the bugs. There's a few people looking at Taylor Swift's plane
Starting point is 00:06:08 and it goes on. It goes on? It goes on! And they're involved with King Charles sent those people. All right. This is quite a rundown of headlines. I think, it's so weird now, after Louis Black's soy milk bit came out 20 years ago. Right? Like at this
Starting point is 00:06:28 point, soy milk is still around and not just that. It's expanded. There's almond milk. Like if, if you could be so vitriolic about soybean milk back then and be like, eh, we'll never do all this stuff. And now it's everywhere. Just let it go. We'll eat, we'll drink bug milk. We'll get there. They were just doing that like a couple of years ago with a soy boys and stuff like that though. Like Alex is still on the soy milk tip. Oh no. He's still mad about that. He drinks soy milk. I don't know. I mean it is something to behold though. The way that like, you know, decades have passed and the complaint is more
Starting point is 00:07:03 or less the same. Ah, fucking milk alternatives. Yeah, I mean, whatever. I'll drink bug milk. Fine, fine, I'll drink bug milk. Just leave. I'm forcing you to drink bug milk. Just leave me alone. So we have this going on in the background.
Starting point is 00:07:18 King Charles is sabotaging Taylor Swift's plane. They're going to make you eat bug milk and Viva Camps are coming up. Top stories of the day. Yeah. But now we get grounded a little bit more with some political election 2024 news. It's official. The power structure is in total panic mode. Major polls and there's a whole spectrum of them I've got here. here gallop you name it had hispanics between 50 and 63 percent on the high end pro trump
Starting point is 00:07:50 now at his height they lied back in 2016 and said he hated hispanics so he only got about 20 percent of the vote i'm sorry he lied the time he left office he had about 40 support Now it's at least 50 and most of the polls have him at 60 to 63. That is massive. I mean, Trump's got like 60% support with white voters. So Hispanics are becoming more supportive than even quote white people. This is a little bit of an exaggeration. But yeah, Trump is doing better among Latino voters. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Sure. I want to try and dig into this because Alex does this. He can just say things that are so filled with meaning that we should tear apart, but it's just a small sentence. He lied and said he hated Hispanics. No, no. The media lied and said that Trump hated Hispanics. Oh, okay. So it wasn't that Trump lied and said he hated Hispanics. No, no, the media lied and said that Trump hated Hispanics. Oh, okay, so it wasn't that Trump lied and said he hated Hispanics?
Starting point is 00:08:48 No, although... I was like, so wait, you're admitting that Trump said he hated Miss Hispanics? No, no, you misheard that. And now you're saying that it was a lie that he said, but wait a minute, but that doesn't make... The media told the lie that he said that, and that made the vote proportionate. Right, right, right. Okay, that makes...
Starting point is 00:09:04 People bought into the media narrative okay because i'm pretty sure i heard him say that no it did sound like that but no okay yeah all right i think you misheard that okay okay in all fairness fair enough no no although your reading of it is very interesting it seems obvious really so um in this next clip alex talks about how he was successfully stopped the last time they tried to do a COVID lockdown. Right. And the reality of this is just that the airlines had announced that they were going to start requiring like their staff to wear masks. Yeah. Yeah. And then Alex started yelling about it and declared victory. Oh, that that all the COVID precautions
Starting point is 00:09:43 didn't come back. Easy win. Yeah, big win. Yeah. You remember last year, last July, August, I had a TSA manager, I'll leave it at that, that I know personally, I won't say what airport, but I've known him for a long time. They were called in and they said by October, November, we're going to roll out the mask and restrictions again. And they tried, but they failed. Well, now it's official.
Starting point is 00:10:12 From New York to Washington State, the Democrat party operatives are recommending masks go back on for the bird flu. So they are going to roll this out. They're already killing cows and chickens and turkeys all over the country. The federal government is cutting off water supplies from Iowa to Idaho. They've cut off the energy. They've cut off the fertilizer. They are destroying the economy by design. Deadly bird flu could be worse than COVID as officials urge to act now to save humanity. Seattle health officials suggest return to COVID precautions, including mask travel.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Same thing in New York. So there's something interesting going on here. And those are two unrelated headlines that Alex is reading off and suggesting they're connected. The first one is about a doctor from Brown University commenting on how bad it could be if the bird flu is actively transmitting between people and how cow udders are an effective place where the virus could mutate from something that doesn't infect humans to something that does. The other article is about an increase in positive COVID tests among King County, Washington emergency room patients. The previous weekend's rate was 0.5% compared to this last one at 1.5%. It's still not super high as a number, but it is a tripling of the rate, so it's worth noting.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And the county's communicable disease chief said, quote, I don't know how high this peak is going to be when it's going to peak, but taking precautions now is the best way for people to be able to mitigate the complications related to COVID. No one's mandating anything, it's just a public health official saying, hey, it's better to be careful. Alex is reporting these two stories together because in his world, they actually are connected. There's no bird flu, there's no COVID, these are just PR campaigns being waged by the globalists. Even if these viruses do exist, strictly speaking, there's no reason to be worried about them,
Starting point is 00:12:06 so news stories discussing potential dangers of human transmission of bird flu, or suggesting that it may be a good idea to be cautious about COVID, it's all just an illusion. These stories exist to serve as cover for the authoritarian power grab that the globalists are planning to make. To Alex, there's just one story here. The globalists are using a fake health scare to seize power. That story is the story that's being reported and all the other details are kind of irrelevant to anything. In the real world, these two headlines may be about completely different topics, but they're close enough that Alex
Starting point is 00:12:36 is able to make them feel connected underneath by the umbrella of conspiracy that he's using both of them to prop up. Yeah. Yeah, if anybody recommends anything based on any health kind of thing that isn't like tri-pills that Alex sells, then they're, you know... You want some fucking iodine for that, Meru? Now I do. Now we're good. Now we're fine.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Okay, good. This is not a power grab. This is an ad. Right. So as long as we know what we need which is iodine and what we have which is bird flu then we're fine no need for masks take that Seattle yeah we have you have like I find that this is this is something that is is important to understand that the language of Infowars is like these are
Starting point is 00:13:21 two completely unrelated headlines about two different diseases. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And two different world situations. No one knows each other in these? Yeah, and they are the same story to Alex. Right. And to the audience. The listener experiences them as the same story, which is globalists are using fake health shit
Starting point is 00:13:40 in order to rule your life. Yeah. Yeah, it is a little bit like listening to a radio serial where the narrative is just the world. Only it's so, it's false. So you might as well have the shadow involved. And the narrator is intensely unreliable. So you might as well have the shadow involved.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Right. So they're gonna make you drink as well have the shadow involved. Right. So, you know, they're going to make you drink the bugs. You know this. They're already making you eat them and you don't even know it. Eat bugs. In the last two years, all of the major top 15 or so process food producers, the TV dinners, the breaded chicken, Tyson chicken, all of them. Breaded chicken fried steak, she bought the store. They've changed the label, there's just a code now on the back of the box. And they put quote, insect flour,
Starting point is 00:14:41 they always call fake meat meat. It's not meat. And it's the same thing with this. It's not flour. It's bug protein. It's bug chitin. Very toxic, very bad for you, very cancerous in all the studies.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Cause it's all sorts of bone cancer, stomach cancer, you name it. And so now they're calling it bug milk. So this is all made up. The root of this story is just lies and conspiracy bullshit about Tyson Foods investing in a company called Protix, which creates insect-based ingredients. The reason that Tyson created this partnership is they have a very strong business incentive. Protix can use Tyson's manufacturing byproducts that might otherwise go to waste in order
Starting point is 00:15:24 to create their products. It's a cyclical benefit. Recycling. Protix didn't make insect flour that would be used on Tyson foods. They're mostly used in pet foods. This is ridiculous. Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Further, Alex is just lying about the dangers of insect flours. But there is a company from South Africa called Gourmet Grub that creates a product called Entomilk, which is a dairy alternative made from black soldier fly larvae. They've been in human interest stories about this company. There've been a bunch of them for the past few years. Bugmo people. Because they made an ice cream out of Entomilk.
Starting point is 00:15:58 But I guess today is the day that they want you to eat the bugs, people. They're deciding, let's fold this into the conspiracy. But it's been, this isn't news. This is a company that's been around for at least a few years now. It's... I feel like your prob, here's why you can't escalate with the you're gonna eat the blank, right?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Because eventually you say, like you just did, you know, like they've already started putting bugs in your food. Mm-hmm. Right? So once you've said they've already started putting bugs in my food right so once you've said they've already started putting bugs in My food. I'm like yeah, I'm fine. I've been fine. They've been putting bugs in my food for two years I'm fine, but here's the plot twist. So how about have a sit? Let's throw some milk on top. You're not it's a slow kill bug It's a slow kill bug. No, that's how you would get around it. Yes. I don't know Everything's a slow kill bug fair enough regular milk's a slow kill bug. Fair enough. Regular milk
Starting point is 00:16:45 is a slow kill bug. Yeah. Well, when you put it that way, yeah. Eat some drink, you will drink the box. So we got another headline here that's being distorted. Well, anybody can know there's billions of people want to come here. They come here and get all this free stuff. We're all going to collapse. I mean, just a small percentage of the student loans being forgiven has upped the debt in the CBO 27%. That's CNN reporting. I mean, student loan relief contributing to 27% jump in projected federal budget deficit.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Congressional Budget Office reports. So Trump is surging and remember this is CBS whitewashing it. This is CBS soft peddling it. The numbers are way worse for the system. Trump is 20 points, 25 points at nationwide, depending on the poll, battlegrounds at least 10 to 13. You can't steal that. Don't have enough dead people's names
Starting point is 00:17:45 in Zuckerberg's database. He spent 400 something million on four years ago to steal the election. Can't wait for you to claim that the election was stolen one way or the other. So exciting that you can't do it and yet I imagine you probably will still say they did. Here's my pitch, all right? We announce that Trump won on the night no matter what. Right? And we don't even bother thinking about the results. Okay. Right? Then we wait a couple of weeks.
Starting point is 00:18:15 When you say we, do you mean everyone? Yeah, the whole world. Okay, not just you and I. No, no, no, no, no. Not just you and I. Everybody, we wait a couple of weeks and we're like, oh, surprise, we found some votes. Right? But we are going to keep, so even though Trump isn't actually elected president, which we've proven, we're going to let him stay president
Starting point is 00:18:35 because, you know, why? We're busy. You know, it's too hard to stop him. So what does this achieve? What do they do? Hmm. The election was stolen But we're not going to unsteal it from Trump because he stole it. Mm-hmm, right But they have to know that it was stolen by him, right? I mean, it's a Psyop That's what I'm saying. We got a Psyop. No, but that's the Psyop is a Psyop. Ah, but now you're getting Psyopped, right? It's all cyclical. This scheme of yours is interesting on paper, but it wouldn't work.
Starting point is 00:19:08 It probably wouldn't work, you're right. No, I- I also don't know what the objective would be. No. Seems like in the end Trump wins. I think- Maybe. I guess I'm pitching to Ashton Kutcher on this one.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I guess. Is a punked situation? This is a punked situation. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So if you're listening to this show entirely passively, you'll hear Alex say something like student loan forgiveness has boosted the debt 27% according to the Congressional Budget Office reported by CNN.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You'll just hear that and you'll take it at face value. If you're listening and you're superficially skeptical, you might go to the CNN story and find the headline, quote, student loan relief contributing to 27% jump in projected federal budget deficit per CBO and you'll say to yourself, damn, Alex was right. However, if you're interested in the actual story, you might dig a little bit further into the article and find out what these numbers actually mean. The federal budget deficit is projected to be 27% higher than the estimate that was made back in February.
Starting point is 00:20:05 This is about $400 billion difference. Only $145 billion of that even has to do with Biden's student loan repayment plans. So already you can see how that headline that says that student loan relief is contributing to that 27% increase is already being mishandled. In his coverage of the headline, Alex is ignoring the other contributions to that increase. Bigger picture extending out Trump's tax cuts, which heavily benefit the rich, involves $3.4 trillion that impacts the deficit,
Starting point is 00:20:35 according to the same CNN article that Alex is using as his primary source. The point is that Alex is often making shit up, which he's able to do because headlines like this are written in CNN and they work to his benefit. Yeah. Like the writing of that headline is prime for the kind of use that Alex is trying to use it as a prop for.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah, was that headline written by a cartoonish rich person holding a giant bag of money? I mean, it functionally, it might as well have been. Poor people allowed to eat? Wrong! The impression that it gives off is one that is a little bit. Yeah, student loan borrowers are destroying the economy. And it's your fault, you student loan borrower, as opposed to rich people who are owed several trillion dollars just because it's fun.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Right. So there's a lot of news. But there's some things that are more important than news. OK. All right. I want to get into the other federal news and border news and election news, but I've got two extremely exciting announcements to make. It's been sold out for a while.
Starting point is 00:21:41 It's when we have it in stock, our number one bestseller, it is pure deep earth crystal iodine It's so hard to make you've got to have DEA approved labs to do it And it takes months and months to break it down in this special patented process Nobody else has true nascent iodine. They put it on the label But it's still bound to other elements and it's not fully of for all other cells. It's the missing link This is big. This is a big announcement. We got the iodine.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Oh boy. Mm. Iodine, still going. There's a lot of news, but we got iodine. Got iodine. So talk about. The deep earth stuff. We talk about this for a bit.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yeah, I believe it. For a fair amount of time. And that leads to a revelation that I think is a little bit surprising. And that is that Alex is saying that, look, we got the stock that we've got, but we haven't ordered anything else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 We don't have anything else coming. Yeah. That's what you should say because you shouldn't exist anymore, right? In theory, yeah. Yeah. So apparently there is no more shit coming. There's no more shit. Unless he decides somehow to order more stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:46 He rambles a bit about this and then starts complaining about Atlantic Monthly. That'll happen. We've gone from being right on the edge of the red to in the black sustainably. Instead of a tenth of a tank, we've got like a twentieth of a tank because people are like, whoa, we better support. Here's the problem. We're almost sold out of everything. We got a big shipment X2 in.
Starting point is 00:23:04 We're about to get a shipment of vitamin mineral fusion in. Nothing else is ordered. We got t-shirts, books, films. In the interim, if we do get a buyer or somebody to come in, we're gonna have to bring on a bunch of sponsors in the interim to get the products reordered to survive. So it's a paradox, it's a catch-22. This place was intentionally, in my view,
Starting point is 00:23:24 run in the ground by the guy that hated me and wanted to fire me and wanted to shut this down. That's all admitted in court. So he didn't order more products in the future. He didn't do any of that stuff. I mean, I think it's overwhelming. Clear, the plan was to shut this place down. Two plus two equals four.
Starting point is 00:23:39 So we're in a very precarious situation. But I know this. You order the products now in the next three months you get them We got a very respected trustee now in my personal bankruptcy, which means they're over this company that I own and so I'm gonna try to work with them and You know do all of that even though it's not monetarily Helps me. I don't care about that care about this operation
Starting point is 00:24:03 They have a big Atlantic Monthly article about Alex Jones lost everything and still won. I didn't lose anything. You think I care about a farm? Clutter and something acres outside Austin, mill and nowhere? Think I care about something like that? No, care about the truth and justice.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So I didn't have all this money they claimed and the stuff they took. In Texas, you've got your basic house and a car. That's all I need. I don't care. They took nothing from me. Alex Jones lost nothing and still won. Because that stuff means nothing to me.
Starting point is 00:24:35 The Atlantic Monthly is owned by Steve Jobs Widow. She's the most frequent visitor at Epstein Island. Best friends with Jocelyn Maxwell. She's a monster. Wait, what? It is an honor and a pleasure to have the Epstein Island alumni hating my guts. But they also lie on the article and say that Jones also said Parkland shooting in Florida was fake.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Never said that that's defamation. I'm gonna have my lawyers send them a letter to retract or I'm gonna sue him. Have made that phone call yet when I got off here to do it. I'm saying you send him a letter. We're suing them. They say a bunch of stuff. It's over. The being we're getting ready to sue the FBI and the CIA when they're all on record saying they're running the operation against this. Congress is involved. The Senate is looked. We're giving them documents. So you think we're rolling over to your crap. You think it's a one-way street? Will you do all this? All you Justice Department people? You'll see.
Starting point is 00:25:28 So that's where we are. Yeah, there's the owner of Atlantic Monthly, Steve Jobs' wife, with old Gis Lane. So they're all compromised, they're all controlled, they're liars. But I'm digressing on it news now. X2 back and stuff. Forty percent. That's the news. And you got it. You get a better deal when you order multiple models. Hit the news. Your last chance. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:25:56 To get all these products. Oh, boy. It's ridiculous. Yeah, the news. All right. My plug was interrupted by my complaining about the the Atlantic Monthly. Please sue them. Please out. I mean Please sue the FBI sue the CIA just do it all everything. This is the next stage This needs to be what he does next that continuing on with his show is kind of boring. There's no reason for it No, Trump wins or doesn't and then there isn't really a next chapter for him as a pro-trump doesn't and then there isn't really a next chapter for him as a pro Trump fighter.
Starting point is 00:26:27 No, we've already played out the Trump is in power and oh we got to root out the deep state. We'll get them. Yep. We've already done that, that sort of song and dance. It's going to get really old really fast. If Trump loses, then I mean we're just back to that stasis. Sue everybody.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Even worse, you know, like the worst thing for all of these people, the absolute worst thing is for Trump to reach the two term limit and then just be done. You know, like that's not a dramatic ending at all. That's just how it's supposed to go. Yeah, and for Alex, I mean, this doesn't go out sort of in a gentle fade out. He needs to escalate his career to the next level, and that is trying to fight the actual government. Yeah, you want a Cooper without the guns.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Yeah, yeah, and that isn't gonna happen unless you sue the CIA do it gotta do it then see the Atlantic Bomb thing what's great about it is that it I'm on his team if he wins if he wins all the money goes to the families I don't give a shit if he whatever he's a funnel now I would be very interested to see how it plays out yeah I'm not entirely sure I'm on his side because here's a little clip from March 27th, 2018. Okay, where Alex is talking to Ben Garrison about Parkland. Okay, let me just tell you, let me just tell you, I've been told by Army Special Operations,
Starting point is 00:27:56 the CIA, the Justice Department, the FBI, Alex, you're not going far enough. Parkland is fake. And they go, we can't get into it. It's classified, but you need to look into this. And I mean, and I mean, this is like real phone calls with army generals and stuff. This is not like me just saying this on air. And that's why they're so scared of this broadcast. So I didn't even think it was fake. Then they flipped out and said that I said it was fake then because they didn't even want anybody looking at it. I mean it's it's crazy please fucking sue them just do it enjoy yeah yep yep yep oh well so another thing
Starting point is 00:28:34 that might end up in courts is alex's behavior vis-a-vis dr jones naturals oh yeah um I think he is getting more and more brazen with the stuff that he's just saying on air I can't believe this this next clip was shocking, but who knows what's gonna happen. That's where we're at So that's a little update there and then separately very exciting When I thought that the info wars is gonna be shut down a few weeks ago I called my dad up and I said well They've kicked all your products out of the store that you develop you design you build You've already got your own shopping cart I said you should probably get your turbo force out of Denver only five thousand canisters left and bring them to dr
Starting point is 00:29:12 Jones natural calm and he did they came in last week and it went on sale today 43% off is the number they came up with 43% off on 10 hour clean energy turbo force at Oh, so these are completely separate companies, but you're shifting inventory around based on your fear that you're going to get shut down. My God. You're coordinating inventory and sales and all this with your dad who's running this
Starting point is 00:29:39 completely different company that is not at all. Okay, man. Sure. Sure. I just don't know how you can get away with, I thought I was going to be shut down, first part of the sentence. So I called my dad, second part of the sentence. Who runs a completely separate business. No, no, no, see because they're in the same sentence now. Oh yeah they are.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah that's the problem. I said you should get your stuff out of here and sell it on your website. Right, That would be smart. That would be smart. But instead of doing that, man, I just don't know how, I just don't know how this isn't a huge problem. It seems like it should be. I feel like committing a crime, you, you should try to hide it. Right? That's the idea. It's a crime. I guess. So, uh, when you get into this deep of an ad where you're talking about the exciting announcement that iodine's back, when you're talking about how you're going to sue the Atlantic monthly,
Starting point is 00:30:35 when you're admitting to coordinating inventory issues with your dad who runs a completely separate business, when you're that deep in it, sometimes it's hard to get out of the ad. Sometimes the ad claws you back when you're trying to escape out of it. Okay. And we see Alex struggle with that here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Fiber caps, green fibers, capsules are also discounted at All right, I'm done plugging. I thank you all very respectfully for your support. Let's now Shift gears back into all of this news that we've got Let's uh I'm not pausing as I have lack of those
Starting point is 00:31:22 I'm saying, you know used to have, I've been on there 30 years. It's all about 10 years ago. I would line up the stacks because I don't like having to be on a laptop or something because stories get changed, they get taken down or computers go down or internet gets slow. So I print everything. But I used to have the stacks all in a row.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And then I would just erotically go through each stack in order, but then the stacks got bigger and bigger. So there was no way to do that. Then it becomes this thing where, okay, my gosh, that's in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. I've covered four stacks, barely,
Starting point is 00:31:57 and I've got all those other stacks, so. A lot of these I'm covering next hour, that's what I'm covering next hour. That's what I'm thinking about here. Let's do it. It's really important. I'm not going to air the whole thing because it's like eight minutes long, but it's Alex Jones goes to the scene of the crime.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And this is in Michigan, in Detroit, where they stole the election in 2020 TP USA action had their event with myself and Trump and JD Vance and Jack Basobic there and it was amazing to be there. As he plays a little video package about him going to turning point but he what I'm trying to express I think I said it the wrong way is like he couldn't get out of the ad. Yeah. Like it's not sometimes you end up reverting to another wrong way is like you couldn't get out of the ad. Yeah, like it's not Sometimes you end up reverting to another ad but instead he just couldn't get his wheels moving to get back into talking about anything else Yeah, yeah, it felt like he was in molasses. Yeah, like just sitting there going like I don't want to talk about this Do this. I don't want to do this job anymore
Starting point is 00:33:01 I feel like what I'm hearing is I don't want to do this Yeah, the ambivalence to do something other than talk about how great your iodine is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Looking at these news headlines in front of me that I am, these stories bore me. I haven't read them. Who gives a shit? Let's play that fucking video of me in- Totally. At turning point. Yeah. Associating with and in the adjacency of really relevant important people And then also quoting Baron Harkonnen. It's weird
Starting point is 00:33:30 Never a bad idea He's the good guy According to some yeah weird hmm, so This next clip this is I'm just gonna give it to I'm gonna I'm gonna give it to you upfront. Sure. Alex is going to introduce his gold sponsor, Kirk Elliott. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:51 They're gonna do a little bit of an infomercial about how everybody's selling off the dollar and the economy's gonna collapse and you need to buy gold, all that stuff. No matter how things change, they stay the same. Yes. So I wanted to play this clip, but I wanted to give that away in advance.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Because sometimes I like to do a little bit of a rug pull. Sure. But in this case, I wanted you to pay attention to and note how it's so obvious that he's ramping up to his gold sponsor while talking about everything else that is in this clip. After we dropped my seven-year-old daughter off at summer camp this morning, and my wife and I were driving back to the house at about 8.30 in the morning, she said, she looked at me,
Starting point is 00:34:33 she said, what are we going to do? She said, clearly everything you said's coming true. You can see it everywhere. The inflation's off the hook. All these wars, we need to get out of the city. And I'm like, listen, it's not safe anywhere. The safest thing is to stop this from happening, not running. And I get it.
Starting point is 00:34:50 If you're not on the air and you can move the country and get away, that's smart. Do it. Not me, I'm going down with the ship. He said, OK, fine. But when I get up here and I talk about this level of danger, folks, I'm not hyping it. Like two and a half weeks ago, I said,
Starting point is 00:35:04 they're trying to close the doors. They sent in feds to shut the doors. People didn't believe it. Then it came out in the quarter. But I was like, we're sorry. We didn't believe you. That's hard to believe. You're not in a normal place anymore. That's what I'm, it's like, it's like Dorothy says to Toto, Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore. I'm sorry that's the case. I'm not the one doing this. They wanna act like it's my fault for exposing it. No, I'm trying to get people ready to deal with this. So I don't know, I said it'd be bird flu.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Now they're officially rolling that out and cyber attacks and expanded war and NATO announced two days ago, hey, we're gonna put put F 16s in other countries So Russia can't bomb them like Poland and we're going to bomb Russia with NATO pilots and NATO planes folks That is full World War three So Thursday live yeah, yeah The state Dems panic and 63% of hispanics support Trump in new polls stunned globalist rollout bird flu in response
Starting point is 00:36:02 to pull stunned globalist rollout bird flu in response. They got a lot of other tricks up their sleeve, but the bubble is coming to an end and they need to get you scared to accept the central bank digital currencies and the unified ledger where they control and track it. I wonder everything you've got and they're the quote stewards of it. If it's like you're a brain damaged child or something
Starting point is 00:36:24 and you don't have your rights and somebody's your guardian. It's not like that. That's what this is. So look, deadly bird flu, CNN, AP Reuters could be worse than COVID as officials urge act now to save humanity. See this? All these different jurisdictions, Seattle health officials suggest return to COVID precautions,
Starting point is 00:36:43 including mass travel. They're already killing cows and chickens all over the United States. It's going down, folks. So I wish we weren't in this situation, but at least we've been awake to it for a long time and warned people so we've got a fighting chance. Imagine how bad it would be if people weren't wise to this
Starting point is 00:37:00 and more wise every day. So, Donaker Kelly was not planning to be on the show today but he's very busy. I called and begged him to come on because he's the top silver broker in the country, like the second and third largest gold broker because he has the best prices and best quality. And yeah, I'm plugging. You should go to him. You should call. You should get gold and silver right now. So I'm not exactly sure why, but it felt very obvious to me to the point where when he said, uh, Dr. Kirk Elliott, I pumped my fist. Yeah. I was like, got it. Yeah. I knew it. I knew he was, I could just
Starting point is 00:37:31 felt like this is a buildup for end of the world shit. Yep. It could have been like some kind of a survival food or maybe, but he mentioned economic stuff. It was the inflation early on. The inflation was the one that got me. Yeah, that was kind of a big marker. Because he doesn't really talk about inflation that much unless it's like, but in like, oh, the Democrats suck and inflation's higher. Not like inflation is part of the end of the world. He does a little. Oh, okay. Well, I mean, I don't listen to every part of it. Yeah. No, he does a tiny bit, but its presence in the story felt relevant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And then, I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is about that. You just vibe it now. Yeah. I felt the vibe. You just feel it. You feel the gold coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:18 So they do a bit of an infomercial for gold and silver and stuff, and I don't really care. What good... Okay. and silver and stuff and I don't really care. What good, okay. And I'm not saying that it's like, it's not possible that there will be a solid use for it or an economy of sort of black market economy might develop that involves gold or the like. But I do feel like once NATO drops a bomb on Russia, right, I'm more interested in like water. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like gold seems like everything is going to collapse real quick. Well, but that's why you need the gold because it has inherent value as opposed to all these
Starting point is 00:38:54 currencies that are going to be... Gold has inherent value? Yeah, because it always has. It stores value and everybody wants it because it's shiny. Man, I understand these guys, but man, World War three feels like a post-gold war well another thing is that Kirk is pushing the idea that there is a opportunity for a short squeeze Okay, yeah, all right. All right, so everybody's shorting it and everybody likes yeah pull one of those moves Yeah, yeah on it by getting it. Oh, yeah, so by his absolutely
Starting point is 00:39:26 So that's going on cool. Anyway Alex gets into international politics a little bit talks a little bit about German far-right Political party good people milk toast milk. I'm sorry the German far-right is milk toast like Ron Paul Meanwhile Germany moves closer to banning AFD, which is now the largest majority party in Germany, but it's a parliamentary system. So they're still outnumbered by the other parties.
Starting point is 00:39:56 So what does the German government do? Well, you got double the votes we got in the last election two weeks ago. We'll just ban you. Yeah. And by the way, AFD is like milk toast conservative. Like, I'm not a super hardcore right-winger compared to some people, as you know. I'm more of a populist Christian.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm not more of, that's what I am. But my politics are more reliable, what we call right wing. Those are just terms. But I mean, AFD is like kind of Ron Paulish. So they want to ban it. Yeah. Ron Paulish. I am feeling, I know, I know it's 1937 when I'm hearing in the right in America go Hitler's not that bad Alex is kind of a middle-of-the-road guy Alex is talking about how like People are getting in trouble for singing a song just singing a song right now. That song is migrants get out
Starting point is 00:41:01 Listen it's never gone out of control from here, especially not in Germany. Yeah, all right, buddy. Cool, man. Great, great, great, great. Just gonna sort of normalize and middle road this thing. That's a good idea. That's not good. So there's social media, obviously, preoccupation of Alex's.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Sure. There was a meme that was going around. I don't know if you saw this, but it talking it broke up the country into regions oh like like Hunger Games regions kind of it was like who would win in a war would it be the West Coast the East Coast sure south Midwest sure sure sure what have you it's Alex has some thoughts about this I posted on ex-fantasy booking the Civil War okay I'll show you an overhead shot of it and it shows the United States broken up into four regions the West the Midwest the Northeast the South and
Starting point is 00:41:53 Folks asked that posted it if we split the US and went to war who would win I'll give you the answer in just a moment in my view But here's a larger shot of the map and of course the lines aren't really exactly drawn. But let's just take this fantasy at face value and look at that and then talk about real world. Let's do it. Let's take this fantasy and then let's talk about the real world. No, no. Why not? No, no. Let's take my fantasy at face value. All right. Here's what we do instead. All, cuz I get it people are from different areas and they feel like they don't belong sometimes Hmm, I understand right, but we can't be fighting wars every time people don't feel like they belong
Starting point is 00:42:36 However, we can be playing Red Rover Okay, so if you're Midwestern and you're in the West You know you guys have a whole Red Rover thing going on. Cause I bet people from the Midwest don't all want to live here. But I bet people from the West don't all want to live in the West. Maybe we don't kill each other. We just swap. You forget an important element of Red Rover, which is that you, it's about borders.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Sure. The game itself is about trying to create a line that other people can't cross. Right. You seem to forget the mechanics of the game I do see you think it's just people running across a field You need to remember game rules brought about the part where you have to cuz I nobody could ever stop me I was always a bit of a bigger kid. Oh must be nice must be nice to be good Yes, I was great at river. I. I was the top Red Rover guy. See, this is your privilege showing that you don't even know the rules. These were unstoppable.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I was one of the top five Red Rover kids in the 95th percentile. So there's an interesting dynamic that's going on here, which is Alex is trying to say, no one wins in a civil war. There would not be a winner in any of this. The globalists would win if we all broke off into four sections of the United States and fought each other. But also the South would win. Yeah, obviously that's gonna be the like,
Starting point is 00:43:56 hey, nobody should do anything but go quick for us. Okay, great. The globalists want us all to fight each other and it's silly to even engage with these kinds of ideas But the software eyes again. Yeah, I mean Jesus Christ. That is the whole thing going on. What are we doing now in a real world? It's not gonna be Texas and Florida and Alabama and Georgia and Oklahoma in
Starting point is 00:44:20 Arkansas and Louisiana and the rest of it against these states. You're going to have small cities that are globalist controlled that go along with it. But you're going to have all of these people instantly join, if this was a real fight, the South. You're going to have almost all the Midwest except for Detroit and Minneapolis and Chicago join They're gonna have most of the people in Pennsylvania and rural areas join as well So the if you actually put up a map because they usually put the maps up according to states like you know
Starting point is 00:45:01 You'll see a whole bunch of red states in a few blue states, but those blue states are the most populous but it's actually the cities you know an actual blue and red map go to an actual county by county map of Republican versus Democrat type in US map county by county US map county by county blue versus red you'll see it's just little blue spots like a herpes infection or the black plague or whatever you want to call it you know some type of thing that's happening I mean black people there I'm just don't think of a disease what are we doing dude come on man so does smallpox chickenpox whatever do you see those chicken pot things on there yeah there it is so this idea that it's regions against each other is not true.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You would instantly have 80% of the country geographically and 60 plus percent of the populations regardless joining that. But if it was, we were dumb enough to fight each other over whether we're from the Northeast or the Midwest or the West or the South, then the South would win. Doesn't matter how much fake money New York City's got, none of that has value when we don't accept it. Okay, so the South would win, but also in the real world,
Starting point is 00:46:14 all of these other places would join the South. Fine, fine, fine. I'm not, nah, nah. You know what? I could easily get dragged into this. Right. But no. Well, nah, nah, you know what? I could easily get dragged into this. Right. But no. Well here's the, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:29 you were mentioning a challenge earlier. Sure. Here's the challenge that I would have. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get off fuckin' social media. Totally. Who cares? Who cares about this map?
Starting point is 00:46:38 I don't care about your thoughts about it. Totally. I get it, you love the South. Totally. Cool, everyone's gonna join the South. Yep. Whatever, your Confederate royalty It's just exhausting. Let me tell you who wins in a fight between the South and the North and the Midwest and the West
Starting point is 00:46:52 You know who wins this who? Not the people. Oh Nobody that's dumb enough to be in this fight that the South would win technically. Oh my god that the South would win technically. Oh my God. Nobody, because everybody's moving from the Northeast and the West and from the Northern Midwest here. Not because we're perfect, but because we haven't gotten all the communist ideologies
Starting point is 00:47:15 and fully in place yet. Oh, we're sinking fast, don't worry. We're just the best house in a bad neighborhood. Let's not start celebrating the South saying it's got everything together, it don't. But yeah, this would win. But the globalists would win in that fight. It's a stupid fight. It's not going to happen. It's a stupid fight, but it's less stupid for the South because the South would win. Yep. Shut up. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Just why, why just you saw a meme. I get it. I, I, that that's you know, it's part of the identity thing So I get it, but I mean I just don't get like that that whole regional pride. I don't get school spirit I don't get any of that shit. I've never had any I don't care where I'm from I this isn't my place I wasn't lived like this is all native American like I don't care right like I don't understand this whole like oh The South you know what are you fucking talking about the South hmm the South? I have a little bit of you know sort of Midwestern identity I guess do you having lived in the Midwest sure but yeah, I don't I don't I mean I'm scared of mountains
Starting point is 00:48:23 I don't know if that's an identity so much as it is like I haven't seen these from Flatland Yeah, yeah, that could be part of the yeah part of your internal core. Yeah, so Alex complains a little bit in this next clip. He's talking about how he doesn't want there to be a race war Which is good. That is good. That is nice. On the surface, I would say good. Let's share a race war. Sure. I think he complains about something that's pretty funny, which is he's been swearing too much on air lately.
Starting point is 00:48:51 That'll happen. So, Louis Farrakhan tells black people to take a shot, but all those paid black activists that are pushing Black Lives Matter into vision, they're the ones though that said you need to roll your sleeve up, take the shot, because we really care about you. You think these globals want to kill black people, are going to hire a white person to push it on them? No, because you're going to listen to them.
Starting point is 00:49:14 But you're going to listen to a black face, at least some of you are. So let's stop killing each other. Let's stop acting like a bunch of assholes. Excuse my French, delay that. Had a lot of complaints from stations about profanity. The delays had a problem a few weeks ago. Plus we got so many clips, it's hard to catch it all.
Starting point is 00:49:32 The callers call in. The Democrats are cussing on every station. They don't get in trouble, but we're conservatives. That's how we're seen. I'm a populist Christian. What? And so our stations get in trouble when that happens. So I gotta be really careful, no more cussing. Gotta be really careful about that, I promise the stations.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Some of them are 50,000 waters, they're great. I said, I promise I'll clean my act up. And I mean it if I do it. Now sometimes the whole world's falling down around you. It's good to have a good cuss word. I got a big vocabulary, but sometimes I just wanna say, you want me to censor myself and you'll cut my money off? You know what Elon Musk said on national TV. It was okay when he said it
Starting point is 00:50:07 Do you always he said go F yourself? I mean sometimes it's kind of an F word, you know when we learn they killed 35 million of us with shots I want to say F you but but I get it How about I'm gonna beat you I'm gonna get you. Okay, man to stop you. Okay, man That's that's cool. Yes We're gonna get you. We're gonna stop you. Okay man, that's cool. So yeah, he's not really on that many radio stations,
Starting point is 00:50:28 but I mean, he has been swearing like crazy lately. Yeah! It has really ramped up, and it's not a problem with the delay. I don't believe that for a second. I think one of the real big influences is that he's not always taking calls yeah sometimes we're taking calls from Twitter right and people on Twitter don't have right they
Starting point is 00:50:52 don't play by the same games right they're not terrestrial radio where a lot yeah and he would just like let fake Elon Musk swear all he wanted that kind of broke open a damn of like everybody it's a free-for-all it's's yeah fucking cuss all we want yeah and I mean whatever stations there are I can imagine they don't appreciate it sure I mean you know I would say this if you're still running Alex chances are you were running the Sandy Hook shit so go fuck yourself if you think that swearing is worse than that true Also, there's something really funny about like, you know, sometimes you need to swear like f you Yeah, I mean that he's saying that sometimes you get to a point where you need to swear and then censoring himself
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah, which is there's an irony there. That's a little bit of an act. Yeah, it's annoying So Alex has a big guest on the show He has been teasing all episode that he's got a big guest Okay, and he's very excited to have this person on okay. It's someone named Billy Carson I don't know if you ever heard of him never heard but here's Alex giving a little intro. Okay All right. I've known about this guy for years. I meant to get him on, but I've seen him recently on Joe Rogan and any other big podcasts, knocking it out of the park. He's Billy Carson.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I don't normally read the full bio of a guest, but we should read as very interesting fellow, literally a rocket scientist. Billy Carson is the founder and CEO of Forbidden Knowledge, Inc. That's something author of the compendium of the Emerald Tablets. It doesn't mean broke in the epic of humanity. So yeah, I don't know if this guy's a rocket scientist, but you might have missed that in his resume. He wrote a book called The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Yeah I did not miss that. You didn't? Nope, nope. I saw that one. I was shocked that Alex included that in the resume that he read off. That is a book that this dude wrote in 2019 discussing the 36,000 year old emerald tablets written by Thoth the priest king of Atlantis So that's what I was wondering. Yeah, I was wondering who wrote them. That was my first question Thoth yeah the King of Atlantis
Starting point is 00:52:57 That's terrible it is that is really terrible this guy was just on Rogan And he said some stuff that Alex liked and so that's why he's on But yeah, he wrote a book about thoughts tablets. Okay, so we introduced a guy as a rocket scientist, but his second Book is about thirty six thousand year old emerald. That's the first one that Alex listed Woke isn't broke. I thought the That's like a way to how about that. Making money kind of book. The other one. Yes. Some other books that are just basically like decoding the matrix. OK, so he's got thirty six thousand year old emerald tablets. He's also got like, hey, D.I., it's bad for you, but you'll make
Starting point is 00:53:37 money if you're a racist. And then he's got like, hey, watch out for bears. Like, that's that's it. Like, that's who this guy is. I guess so. Okay. So he's got some interesting things he's bringing to the table. And I'll just let this play. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:53:54 If you look into the Epic of Gilgamesh, for example, you'll discover that in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Anlil, one of these Anunnaki god from the Sumerian texts, he says the human beings are becoming too populous. There's just too many of them. They're making too much noise and clamoring around and hard to control. Kill them off, call them, dry out their crops
Starting point is 00:54:12 so they will starve to death, poison them. So that's why every ancient culture starts human sacrifice and all this. And as you said, this goes back to the Sumerians, 4,000 years. So this stuff that gets picked up by Plato, 2,300 years ago, they didn't invent this. They say it came from aliens.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Right, exactly. All indigenous cultures around the entire planet have the same verbal handed history and some have already written it into text stone and cave drawings. They're saying that people from the stars came to earth, turned mud into a kingdom and in some way engaged mankind, like in the book of Enoch. The first thing they do from the stars came to Earth, turned mud into a kingdom, and in some way engaged mankind, like in the Book of Enoch. The first thing they do
Starting point is 00:54:48 in the Book of Enoch, Azazel comes down from the heavens to Earth, and he teaches human beings how to smoke iron, how to make a steel blade that can cut a man's head off, how to make a breastplate, how to make a shield, and how to go to war. So he taught death instantaneously. So we're talking about some, in some level, in some way, we got engaged by an advanced race of people. And when an advanced race of people engage a less advanced race of people, the less advanced race will deify them. These people masqueraded as gods,
Starting point is 00:55:16 even though they were not gods. And so you're talking about fallen angels that know we can grow into an advanced civilization. They come to sabotage us by giving us an evil twist on technology. an advanced civilization, they come to sabotage us by giving us an evil twist on technology. Exactly. Sure. Sure. Makes sense. Yep. I think there's this, you know, like on a recent episode we had the flat-earther effect.
Starting point is 00:55:35 And Alex is more than able to be critical when he needs to. But in this kind of situation, it's because it's compatible with what he sells. Yeah. This is within the business model, whereas flat earth stuff is not, and he's able to engage with that stone buildings burned to the fucking ground, Eddie. I mean. He's not gonna be saying that to Billy Carson,
Starting point is 00:55:57 because this is all just like demon shit. Yep. And the demon shit works for him. Okay, you think they're ancient aliens? Great, whatever. It's the same difference Yeah, he's all as an alien a demon whatever and oil lanky. Yeah, let's go for it Yeah, it doesn't matter that earlier in the show I was like I did if I was a populist Christian very very important the Christian faith to me and then to talk about this
Starting point is 00:56:19 Is this complete like anything in the Bible's bullshit? You can make it up any way you want Well, I mean, that's all demons, right? You can fill in a lot of gaps with that. Magic helps a lot whenever you're filling in gaps. It does. So you know Gilgamesh? I have heard of Gilgamesh. Did you know that he was half Anunnaki?
Starting point is 00:56:37 I did not know that. Well, get ready to learn. All right. Well, Gilgamesh, for example, is a giant. He was half human and half Anunnaki, so he was what they call a demigod in ancient times. A giant man. You can see him always holding a lion in his arms. With one arm, he's holding up a lion.
Starting point is 00:56:53 He goes on this hero's journey, to make a long story short. So a lion was like a house cat. He was so big. Yeah. Exactly. Really? Lion was like a house cat. He had a guy that went along with him, and that guy was actually a manufactured man. In other words, like a cyborg. They said that they fashioned this guy for him. He didn't come out of a womb.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And he goes on this journey. Enkidu goes on a journey with him. They end up killing this technological device in the woods. And they end up meeting up with Unapishtim, or also his name is Ziazudra. That's also known as Noah from the biblical text. And he's seeking immortality and Noah tells him where to go get this special plant that can allow him to live for many thousands of years. He ends up losing the plant as a snake ate it. However, he discovers that the whole Noah stories inside of this text. And in that text, for example, Noah's given some instructions on how to build an ark but not
Starting point is 00:57:46 a giant boat he's given the instruction how to build a circular boat or a circular track of some type he's not told to get all the animals he's told to get the animals of his local livestock local flora and fauna but the thing that's important more practical idea destruction that was coming it's known in this text that it was it was a planned destruction to eradicate Mankind and to start over because and by the way, that's what the whole movie Prometheus is about They admit that is none of the elites are or atheists. They actually believe about the this whole plan Yes, they know all about it. They know all about it. I saw Prometheus know all about it Yeah, I mean this was this is a little bit
Starting point is 00:58:29 Camelotti a little project Camelotti. It's not bad, but it's not really that interesting either It doesn't have the big swing no Well, I mean it is a big swing and sure way, but it's just I don't know what it is But it's just like I've heard I've heard ancient alien stuff The guys here is a guy then he's a demigod and then it's it's it's silly that this is on info wars Yeah, but that is about it. Yeah, you know like it's just ancient alien shit. That's on info wars Yeah, so after a little while of listen to it. I was just like alright. I'm done So so these people came in so for Enlil had a brother named Enki. No, Ea Enki, who
Starting point is 00:59:09 actually the earth is named after Enki, Ea for earth, the first part of earth, and Enki means earth in ancient Sumerian. That's where earth is actually named after this Sumerian god named Enki. His brother was Enlil. Now Enki was nice, loved humans, even married a human and took a lot of flack for that. Cool. And he banned from going back to his home planet. The gossip. And then you have Enlil who thought humans were just nothing but animals and they could
Starting point is 00:59:32 be culled and killed off whenever they felt. And unfortunately, his mindset was the mindset that took over because he was dead. And we see those two mind steps today. It's still those two mindsets. Yes. Correct. Still here today. It's still those two mindsets Correct still here today. Nothing's changed. Yeah, so I'm I just I don't know that's not how Earth graded its name, but I Just kind of don't care Yeah, and just here in ancient alien shit this this this episode like Obviously, you know, he had his gold sponsor on yeah, I get the vibe that maybe this is maybe brokered programming. Yeah Yeah, there's definitely that
Starting point is 01:00:10 Just talking about Ed Lillard eggie. What are we doing? I don't know read some Zacharias itchin I mean, yeah, this is uh, this is like Somebody got snow crash when they were young and then just didn't change. I think I think that there's incoherence on Alex's part in terms of messaging. And including some of this stuff while yelling about how I don't talk about alien shit is a little bit annoying. Yeah. I mean, what? I don't understand. It's so hard. And I imagine it's easy for them now because they've
Starting point is 01:00:51 been doing it for so long. And you think that we would, I would have gotten better at it by now at least. But I mean the whiplash of like nuclear war is coming, et cetera, to then like, Hey man, Enki and Enlil were on some crazy dope. I'm going to teach you kids about the past. These aliens or demons or something, I guess, that came around and talked to all of our ancestors and taught them how to make swords and shit like that. And here's the real Noah's story. One of them liked humans, one didn't. And that dichotomy still exists to this day you got
Starting point is 01:01:26 lists and the Rockefellers and sir two things one Semiotics exists go read about it. Don't Google it. It doesn't work anymore To just go I Found this I just found it disheartening. I guess yeah, you know, we're just doing ancient aliens. Yeah, it's it's It's when a subject like this comes up. I want it to be I think maybe Eddie Bravo ruined it Yeah, because I want it to be that I want it to be like there's a back-and-forth to it There's instead of like Alex just signing off on all the Eric von Danek and ancient aliens nonsense. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Stop. It's just a bummer. Just, yeah, I mean, you don't need the money because you can't use it. Maybe he does. And that's why his dad's moving inventory over to the. I mean, again, that shouldn't, you should not be, if that is said out loud, there should be,
Starting point is 01:02:23 how about this, okay? If there were any sort of god or demons or anything like that, it would be an affront to said god to be that obvious about a crime you're trying to get away with. Yeah, and quite honestly, this episode, there's not a whole lot going on, and a lot of it is a little bit annoying,
Starting point is 01:02:42 but if only for that moment where Alex is talking about coordinating with his dad. I mean what? That cannot be ignored. It can't. It just can't. Outrageous. That's a crime.
Starting point is 01:02:53 I don't know what else to do. Definitely feels like it. I just don't know what else to say. So anyway, we'll be back with another episode. Check in, see how the shipments are going between his dad and his unrelated business but until then we have a website. Indeed we do it's yep we are also not on social media we are not we're back but until then I'm
Starting point is 01:03:14 Neal I'm Leo I'm DZX Clark I am the mysterious professor and now here comes the sex robots. Andy and Kansas you're're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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