Knowledge Fight - #96: October 22-23, 2017

Episode Date: October 25, 2017

Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the Oct. 22nd and 23rd episodes of The Alex Jones Show. Come! Behold as Alex Jones lies his ass off in the middle of a special report about the media... lying! Behold Dan embarrassing himself by thinking a non-Rush song is Rush! Behold Alex accidentally revealing that he doesn't read any of the articles he talks about on the show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Andy and Chanzos, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Hello, Alex. I'm a first-time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to Knowledge Fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes. Like, sit around, drink novelty beverages, and talk a little bit. But Alexander Emerick Jones. That's pretty much what we do.
Starting point is 00:00:18 That is all that we do. We're the only people who know his full name at this point. Well, maybe his mama who threw him off her knee at the age of six and told him not to be a mama's boy. Can we confirm she is who she says she is? I can't. It's like Jim Semivans. See, there we go. There's some talk. It's a false flag. Alex was never born.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I have no evidence that he was. I've not seen his long-form birth certificate. There we go. We're Alex Jones' birthers now. That's what we're going to do. I think he wasn't born in Dallas. He was born in Los Angeles. He's a trendy, liberal, coastal elite, and he's just pretending that he's a good old boy. I don't know who cares. I was going to go in South Africa. That's his accent to me. He does say that his genealogy is from Wales. He has said that in the past. Irrelevant. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I know a lot about Alex Jones. I don't know anything about Alex Jones. As evidenced by me knowing that he's Welsh or pretend Welsh, perhaps. There can't be Southern royalty if you're from Wales. Probably not. You have too many consonants in your words. He is the descendant of people. He's gone on long rants about how his relatives were on the Mayflower
Starting point is 00:01:27 and also founded the country of Texas. Founded the country? Okay. He's related to the Tudors and all sorts of other folks. Cleopatra, Fine, whatever. He has a lot of big brags. Today, Jordan, we're going to be going over something that happened on the Sunday show this week on the 22nd. And then dealing with a little bit of business from the 23rd,
Starting point is 00:01:50 the Monday show. But before we do, we got a number of walks to thank out there. We put out the call that we need your help because I'm not going to have a job pretty soon. And some people stepped up to the bat and I really appreciate it. I want to give a shout out to these folks. So first of all, I realize I already did this on one of the live shows, but I didn't end up putting it out as a podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:11 So I'm going to redo a couple so they live on in infamy. And we wind up not putting this one out. This one's going on the show. This is dead already in the water. We'll do this next week. So I'd like to give you a very special Foreign Policy Wonk shout out to Maria. She upped her donation to a level that actually embarrasses me.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And she needs to get in touch with me. Send me an email and tell me what we can do for you. Yeah, we're going to give you all the buttons. But for now, this is what we got. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Also, thank you to David out there.
Starting point is 00:02:45 We really appreciate you bumping up your donation and becoming a foreign policy wonk. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Yeah. Never not going to be funny. We really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Love it. Also, another foreign policy wonk. Oh, Jesus Christ, we love you. Love to give a shout out to Adam W. Thank you so much. I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Also, I can just play that over and over. Look, we're going to have to do an episode that is just one and a half hours of go home and tell your mother. Brilliant. Also, one more foreign policy wonk. I'd like to give a shout out to our boy Jeff Wood out there. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'm a policy wonk. Four stars. Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant. Great. We really appreciate it. And you know, if you'd like to support the show, we do. It means a lot. And like I said, we are going to be,
Starting point is 00:03:36 I'm going to be on the skin of my teeth surviving doing this show and hustling real hard. And if you'd like to support us, we do appreciate it. You can go to, that's going to say foreign policy. We need to buy the, the domain for foreign policy wonk. Come on.
Starting point is 00:03:53 What are we doing? We're fucking lazy. Oh man. If you go to knowledge and click sport the show, you can become a policy wonk yourself and we would appreciate it. Yeah. Yes, please. So Jordan,
Starting point is 00:04:06 we got some business to take care of before we get into the show proper. Of course. Last night I did watch tables, ladders and chairs. Right. And it was a hot mess. That's my review. That was your,
Starting point is 00:04:18 that was your assessment pre-show as well as post-show. Everyone getting mumps and not being able to perform. And yeah, it was, it was weird. It was weird. Largely unsatisfying. That's my review. I too have some business to take care of. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Tattoo sucks. That was actually my second piece of business. I wanted to get to a tattoo came up on a random mix. I was listening to today on Spotify. I was like, fuck yeah, tattoo. And I started listening to a bunch more tattoo and I realized there's a thing. There's no,
Starting point is 00:04:50 there's no possible through line that you can draw that would suggest that they are not a terrible, terrible pop. There's a strong theme to tattoo that I think people don't do enough of a job discussing. Right. All of their songs are about how much these two gals love each other, right? And they are fake lesbians.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Fine. Yeah. They're playing a role, whatever. I don't really care. Yeah. The thing is they love each other and all of their damn songs are about how they have to run away. And it's not because they love each other and they want to elope.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It's because they're Russian. Right. I don't think people talked about that enough. The fact that it's like, oh, the subtext of all these songs are, the Russians will kill you. Yeah. No, no, no. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:05:35 It's actually a heavy political sentiment masked in this fake lesbian pop duo. Yeah. Yeah. Also, they killed Kennedy. Isn't that true? That's true. Ted Cruz is sad.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Look, Trump is about to do one good thing and that's released the Kennedy documents. Hold on to that thought. It's going to come up. Guarantee tattoo did it. It's going to come up in the episode today. So hold on to your JFK thoughts. If the Russians released the pes, that means they're capable of
Starting point is 00:06:02 anything and that means tattoo killed Kennedy. Probably. So Jordan, let's jump into this. We're going to start with Sunday. We're going to start with Sunday's episode. It was kind of boring and Alex is on a bullshit narrative where this guy, this YouTuber released a video that he shot out the window of a hotel of a bunch of ambulances at the Hooters near the Las Vegas
Starting point is 00:06:28 shooting. I am already against all of this. So he is arguing and the video is made to look like there are people who are being, who have been shot at the Hooters being taken out. It's like, of course there are multiple gunmen. There's multiple staged shootings all over the place. And the reality is if you look into it, that there wasn't a shooting at Hooters.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Right. And I've pulled up an article here from the boss. The guy has a camera on that Hooters all the time. Probably. Yeah. People coming off shift. Yeah. This is from the Baltimore Post Examiner.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officials or officers who are inside the concert venue when the shooting was occurring started to direct concert goers. Some who were shot out of the venue eastbound to Hooters. That's what you do when you have an active shooter incident. You get everyone who can walk or crawl out of the immediate area where the gunshots are being targeted. Rescue units were on scene at Hooters placing the wounded inside ambulances.
Starting point is 00:07:24 That's why there were emergency medical personnel placing the wounded and injured inside the rescue units who were staging at Hooters. You can clearly hear the Las Vegas Police Department radio traffic from the night of the shooting when one officer tells the dispatcher, quote, control three, Mary nine. I'm at the center with other officers here. We got a lot of wounded. We're sending them towards the Reno side towards Hooters and in parentheses
Starting point is 00:07:47 out of harm's way. There was also a dealer. God damn it. Every reasonable emergency plan is turned into a conspiracy theory. Yeah. Well, also because because the Hooters is also like a, you know, everything's a casino in Las Vegas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 There was a dealer who was working that night at Hooters and he went on the Nevada Public Radio on October 2nd and said that you could hear gunshots outside and people were coming into the casino who were shot and wounded. The dealer stated there were bodies in front of the casino that were just laying there. People who ran away from the venue who died on the street. Jesus fucking Christ. The emergency medical personnel and police did an outstanding job that night
Starting point is 00:08:26 placing their own lives in jeopardy to get people away from the gunfire. So Alex Jones' narrative about it is just completely bogus and he's misrepresenting an article. He's just misrepresenting a YouTube video that someone posted with no information. Sue. I think, I think my favorite part of the Las Vegas shooting is how quickly we've all forgotten about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And we're not talking about it. And it's about time that a mass shooter goes into the NRA offices. Hey, come on, man. I don't disagree. I don't disagree with your sentiment. I don't disagree with the sentiment, but also no, come on. Actually, I do disagree with that. Look at us.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I don't want shootings. I mean, look, there are innocent people that are not directing all of this, but for once we need to start killing the guilty people. I disagree with the agency of that. You know what I'm saying? I understand. I think that there are people who are cloistered from the effects of these things who are heartless because of it.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Right. And maybe if they weren't, they wouldn't be so heartless. But at the same time, I, and I don't want you to fucking call me centrist because of this. I in no way encourage shootings towards people who are cloistered. Okay. In this regard, I don't think, uh, not wishing death on people is a centrist position. You're making it seem like it.
Starting point is 00:09:46 No, no, I think that's a human position. Great. And I think I've proven myself the only person willing to get down in the mud and actually solve fucking problems. That's why this dynamic works. I'm no longer progressive. I am a assassin, I guess. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:10:02 What are we supposed to do? I mean, what are we supposed to do? I don't know. That's a good outcome. No. But anyway, that's the bullshit that Alex is spinning on that episode on Sunday. It's just, what, there's going to be another one. Of course.
Starting point is 00:10:18 There's going to be another one. There always is. And we're not going to do anything about that. And then there's going to be another one after that. And Alex will insist it's ISIS and Antifa also. Of course. Of course. How do we actually solve the problem?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Because of all of the, it's not advocating shootings at NRA offices. That is not how you solve the problem. You are correct. And I agree with you. Great. I'm glad we've come to that. Full stop. Because otherwise this podcast was going to show.
Starting point is 00:10:43 We'd have to give more pop foreign policy shout out to the next one. Jordan, I need you to calm down. I'm sorry. You just brought up. You came out of the gate hot. I know you brought up Las Vegas and Alex did. I was just debunking something he said. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I'm just, it's just hard for me to just, there's so many on going things that nobody's doing. Like Puerto Rico. Nobody's. We've all forgotten about Puerto Rico. I don't think. Houston. Houston.
Starting point is 00:11:11 We still have issues there. Florida is still going to be in trouble. FEMA is not going to get enough funds. Nobody is doing anything about this shit. And there's nothing we really can do. We're all fucking helpless. And so the sentiment of wanting extreme action. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I will no longer. Save. I will no longer. Is, is, I think, uh, understandable and I don't agree with that position. All right. However, I do hope for understanding. Uh, I would like to play the role of Barry Manilow and say, let's get on, let's get on to the episode.
Starting point is 00:11:44 All right. Let's do it on Sunday. Also, he says that Alex gets into the JFK stuff, but that'll come up later and we'll discuss it then. He's a full of a bunch of bullshit. But at the end of the episode, he plays a special report because I guess he just didn't want to do the whole show. Naturally.
Starting point is 00:12:00 So he plays a special report and we're going to break down, uh, some of, uh, the goings on as it were in this special report because I'm strange goings on. It's not strange, but I think Alex accidentally exposes himself a little bit. He actually, he's trying to point out how much the media lies and spins things. But in the process, he does some of course horrendous spinning. Of course. I want to just break this down and get to, uh, the bottom of what he's doing. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:12:31 One of the most important things we do here at info is break down to the viewers and listeners how the mass media manipulates, how they deceive. We take you behind the scenes and basically show you the hat trick that the magician is using so that we can basically alert the public so they're aware of these scams so the fake news media cannot continue to get away with it over and over and over again. And a great example of this was just last week, a wonderful, though sad opportunity to expose what they're up to. We saw President Trump making phone calls, uh, to the wives and to the, uh, widows and
Starting point is 00:13:13 family members of soldiers and others that had recently died in the armed services of this country and services nation. And a Congresswoman, Frederico Wilson, reportedly listened in to one of the phone calls of one of her constituents and then misrepresented what Trump had done so that he was very cavalier, that he was very flippant. Well, he asked for it. So this is what he got. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:39 That doesn't sound like him at all. No. Never would have believed that without, uh, without her fucking say so. No. So already we have, uh, we have some lies. We already have, uh, some, some problems in what Alex Jones is spitting. Oh yeah. I got a little something in my throat.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Um, the first of which is the idea that, uh, Congresswoman Wilson was secretly or clandestinely listening in on a phone call. She was in the car. Yeah. Because she's family friends with, uh, the, the people who Trump was calling. They were in the car together. Yeah. It's not really a clandestine thing.
Starting point is 00:14:14 If you know, it's not secret. It's not sneaky. It's not, it's not anything of the sort. He's just misrepresenting that entirely. Um, and then he, he's not, he's not telling the story. He's not, he's not explaining what actually happened. You know what I'm saying? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I got something in my throat. You're going to have to talk for a second. You should take a drink. Yeah. Dead air. Fuck you. Look, if I, uh, I got to leave you hanging from time to time. I gotta, I gotta make sure everybody knows you're fallible.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You come in here, uh, advocating for shooting, let's not, let's not rehash that you fucking shiv me. I say a lot of things. You do. You do. So, um, the many ill advised, the reality of what happened was that Frederica Wilson, uh, the congresswoman overheard this call because she was in the car very innocently. And then she said, uh, her, her comment on it was that it was insensitive and that,
Starting point is 00:15:13 you know, whenever you, uh, are calling someone who's, uh, whose family member has died, the message should just be that they're, uh, they were a hero and this is a tragedy and my condolences for sorry for your loss. Yeah. Um, but our president is so fucking stupid and so fucking awful. He's incapable of even basic empathy. That's because he is a legitimate psychopath. I think we really need to accept that our president is a serial killer.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. His first reaction to that was lashing out at her and then John Kelly came out and gave a speech. Yeah. He's a piece of shit too. Uh, yeah. He, he comported himself pretty poorly. He, he gave a speech wherein he, uh, first of all made a bunch of really vague references
Starting point is 00:15:58 to like society being better in the past and stuff like that. Fuck him. Not wanting to politicize soldiers deaths, which, which in theory I agree with, but in practice that's not what's impossible and this conversation is not, uh, soldiers death is inherently political. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Fucking unreasonable. So then he goes on to explain that he was at a speech that she gave at an FBI building, uh, naming or unveiling and what have you and John Kelly was at a speech that Wilson gave. Uh, yes. And he's, his comments were that, uh, uh, uh, Comey came out and gave a wonderful speech and then she got up and said, uh, that, you know, she had just called Obama and got all the money for the building to be made.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And he thought it was disgraceful. He, uh, Because he doesn't understand where money comes from. No, but the, the idea of like, I got the money to get this made. And that's the narrative Alex Jones has been pitching. Okay. Like, So she's taking credit for it as opposed to some sort of magical, just, just the, the
Starting point is 00:17:02 goodness of people's hearts or the necessity of the situation or that the FBI earned it or something. Well, he was straight up lying because a video of that speech has come out. Oh, who would have guessed? And what she, what she's saying, I'll just read, uh, from a transcript here, uh, the ribbon cutting has been scheduled in four weeks. Wilson recalled being told the dedication is on the government's calendar and cannot be changed.
Starting point is 00:17:24 One problem. The FBI wants to name this gorgeous edifice at the same time in four weeks. Everyone said that's impossible. It takes at least eight months to a year to complete the process through the house, the Senate and to the president's office. I said, I'm a school principal and I said, excuse my French. Oh, hell no. We're going to get this done immediately.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I went into attack mode. I went to the speaker, Speaker Boehner and said, Mr. Speaker, I need your help. The FBI needs your help and the country needs your help and we have no time to waste. Boehner went into attack mode and in two days pulled out, pulled it out of committee, brought it to the floor for a vote and she goes on to excite that Marco Rubio was very helpful and that there was bipartisanship effort that ended up getting this done in a way that no one thought could be done. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:08 We collaborated and got this building named after the FBI agents who had been killed and does not talk about how she ended up getting all the funding for the building or anything like that. So what she did was give a speech praising government actually working right and that is unacceptable, Dan. So at that point, Trump started lashing out some more and called her wacky. Great. And that the MSM is believing her and she's full of shit.
Starting point is 00:18:33 And then the other day it came out that Maisha Johnson, the lady in question who received the call from Donald Trump, she came out and I'll just read from this time magazine article about her. Okay. The widow of a U.S. soldier who recently died in combat in Niger remembered her late husband as a hero and confirmed in a new interview Monday that President Donald Trump in a condolence call said her husband, her husband, quote, knew what he signed up for. Maisha Johnson, who was married to fallen Army Sergeant, La David Johnson, told Good
Starting point is 00:19:03 Morning America that her phone call with Trump made her, quote, cry even more because she said Trump apparently did not remember her husband's name until he had military papers in front of him. Quote, the president said that he knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyway. Maisha Johnson told, said of La David Johnson, her high school sweetheart, quote, and it made me cry because I was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said he couldn't remember my husband's name. So that's probably more the issue.
Starting point is 00:19:31 You know, the way, quote, quote, the way he remembered my husband's name is because he told me he had my husband's report in front of him. And that's when he actually said La David, she added, I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband's name. And that's what hurt me the most because if my husband is out here fighting for our country and he risked his life for our country, why can't you remember his name? And that's what made me upset and cry even more because my husband was an awesome soldier. She goes on to say, like, why the fuck would I make this up?
Starting point is 00:19:59 I mean, not in those words, but so it is all a lie. Everything is a lie. I don't understand why this is a story. I really don't. Look, it's awful, but what did you think was going to happen? If it did happen, well, it didn't, it would be insincere. There's no way that that call would have meant anything no matter what. It is a meaningless call.
Starting point is 00:20:26 And of course it was something that he used to hurt somebody still further because he's a fucking lunatic. It's cruelty. And I get that somehow because our attention spans are so terrible and our media is, I do agree with Alex Jones in this regard, fucking awful. This is, we have the worst. You can have the same premise on a different conclusion as possible. This is unacceptable that we have such low attention span that we have to find a new
Starting point is 00:20:54 way to hate Trump every single day. We've already, we've done enough. Like in the pile of this guy should be impeached. We hit it. We hit it a year ago. You know, before he was president, he had already committed all the crimes. So there's no reason to keep finding new stories. What we should be doing is every fucking day hammer home that he needs to go.
Starting point is 00:21:18 There should not be any other stories. It should just be every single day. The front page of the New York Times should be, go fuck yourself, Trump. He should be impeached. And every day that he is not impeached, they should write a story that says, hey, fuck yourself, Trump. You should be impeached. It's fucking lunacy.
Starting point is 00:21:34 All right. You got me going with the Las Vegas thing and now I'm gone. You're coming in way too hot. I'm sorry. You got, you got, you're getting, you're getting hot. My face is getting a little red. Oh boy. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I just can't do it anymore. I can't read the news. I know. I like, well, what is there to read? Lovecraft is great. That's not bad. There's a lot of Philip K. Dick out there. You can read.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You wrote a lot. I want to go back to Salinger fucking let's go with the laughing man. That was fun. All right. Good, clean, fun, Dan. I fine. Jump into it. Then you don't have to read the news and you don't have to scream at me for five minutes.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You know what? Holy shit. I'm sorry, Dan. I apologize. That was exhausting. I know. You're telling me. You're telling me.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So self righteousness is hard. Jordan. Yes. So at this point, we have laid out more or less the narrative of reality and what ended up happening here. Right. There's a whole bunch of lying going on and it's not people not named Donald Trump and John Kelly doing it.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Right. Now let's proceed through the rest of this special report that Alex Jones has and we can point out and enjoy all of the points where he's being completely fucked up. Then of course, Gold Star families released phone calls that were similar to what this phone call had been like. It was actually very, very gracious the way he said it. And it was General Kelly who lost his own son a few years ago in the Marines, who basically told the president how best he thought it would be for the president to basically do
Starting point is 00:23:12 it. But he went further and said, Mr. President, most presidents don't actually call people and this is really tough for you to do and I recommend you don't do it. I would pause it that that's because he knows what the outcome would be. Yeah. I would suggest that he's like, you shouldn't do this. Look, a lot of presidents do this. You specifically should not.
Starting point is 00:23:30 No, this is going to get things a little messy. Let pretend robot Mike Pence do it for you. He can at least feign human emotions. Well, and in there, there's a point I'm going to punt on and that is there might be some phone calls that he's made that have been decent. Again, I'm going to punt again. I don't care. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Right. I don't care. It doesn't matter either way. It's insincere. He doesn't give a fuck. No. So let's get on to this next clip. So this is bigger than Trump.
Starting point is 00:23:59 This is about the anatomy of deception because now this Congresswoman has come out and said that she's a rock star now that this happened and is really, really proud of all the fawning attention that fake news media like MSNBC and CNN and ABC have given her. So if three more examples in that in that clip, he's saying that Frederica Wilson is now calling herself a rock star and she's so thrilled. Here's the quote that he's misrepresenting quote. You mean to tell me that I've become so important to the White House that the White House is following me in my words.
Starting point is 00:24:31 This is amazing. It's amazing. This is absolutely phenomenal. I have to tell my kids I'm a rock star now. She's being facetious. Of course. She's saying it's ridiculous that you're paying attention to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You have a lot of big issues to deal with. She's not calling herself a rock star. This is just Alex. And in that same clip, he's saying that he in this special report is getting into the anatomy of deception when he's actually doing hardcore deception himself. Right. It's amazing. What better way to teach deception than to embody it?
Starting point is 00:25:00 Right. And anyone who listens to him is taking that lesson away from me. No, that's true. So here we go. This is the next clip. And again, this is not cut up manipulatively or anything. It's just cut in segments of the entire special report. So here's where it goes from there.
Starting point is 00:25:16 A total disconnect. She doesn't get most American state mainstream media. She doesn't get that her butt's hanging out there in front of the world and people see right through her. Her butt? See through the butt? Anyway. She took this death of this soldier and then used it to protect hatred upon the president.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So he's saying that everyone hates mainstream media. It's all terrible. No one likes it. And that's all good and well. That's a fun game to play. Yeah, fine. Fine. It kind of goes back to what you were saying and they're like, we don't have a whole lot
Starting point is 00:25:51 of interest in defending the media. There is no defense for them. They lost any credibility with me a long time ago. They're very much asleep at the wheel and very much not taking care of T's not TC being there run by the same corporate people that run the government who fucking cares. But they're all months. I'm going to go to the research cam here and show you info here for the last month. They have 6.6 million global unique views, which is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:26:20 But if you see here, a lot of them, almost all of them come from October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, where they were up over a million views those days on the 3rd and the 4th. And that's because the shooting happened on October 1st and immediately they started spinning the ISIS narrative about it. That's how they get these peaks in their traffic is when something really tragic happens, they lie about it. And you see, you can see everyone who's watching this can see there are very few peaks. And if you go through it, if you go back through their history, you'll see the exact same thing.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Over something traumatic happens that may or may not have a racial bent to it, like because Alex is injecting that into this. That's what drives their traffic. It's just like gun manufacturers, they never make more money than after a mass shooting. In the same way, these guys make all of their money on tragedy. So we go over to MSNBC, one of Alex Jones' most loathed members of the mainstream media. You have 8.8 million global unique hits in the last month. So there are about 2 million more than them.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And if you look, you can... That's not enough more. No, it's not. It's scary. But it's still more. It's still more, but that's not... The way Alex presents it is... That's a frighteningly little number more.
Starting point is 00:27:34 The way Alex presents it is that they're destroying all of these. In a certain sense they are. And MSNBC isn't the highest of these. Of course not. I'm sure if CNN or New York Times, if their traffic was available publicly, like on Quantcast, then you'd see a much different picture. But if you look at this, I'm just switching back and forth, you can see like there's much more reasonable peaks and valleys to the traffic pattern of MSNBC, whereas Alex Jones
Starting point is 00:28:00 in Info Wars has almost nothing until some tragedy, and then they get a lot. So everyone hating the MSNBC or MSM is kind of like, it's kind of bullshit. And then again, I also argue that who is doing the politicizing, you know? It's the real question to ask, there's a causation fallacy going on, that Representative Wilson is the one politicizing things, when in fact it's a complicated dance that all of these people are doing, and I don't... You could get into a chicken-arrayed thing here and it's not worth it. It's a complex system, and a lot of people, if not most people, despise complexity.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So whenever an idiot like Alex Jones turns that into a very simple narrative, they feel like, well, if this guy can contend sit down into a simple narrative that I can consume, that means he must be correct. It's the same situation that all strong men have used throughout history. It is, I understand this system and I can fix it with A, and then they actually get into a position to do something about it, and they realize that the system is incomprehensible. You can't do any of that shit. So Alex has a theory in this next clip of why they're demonizing John Kelly.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Because he's a monster? He has a slightly different take on it. Now the rest of the story, I'm going to play part of the press conference that Kelly gave, is that in their attempt to demonize and lie, they've now expanded it on to General Kelly and said, oh my gosh, he is this terrible person. He's shown his true colors, is what CNN said. He's shown us he's really a make America grading in guy, and with horror in these articles and in these reports, they talk about what a terrible person he is because he believes
Starting point is 00:29:56 we shouldn't use the deaths of soldiers to make political points, or he believes that religion should be honored, or that women should be honored, or that children should be honored, or the institution of manhood, you name it, that humanity should be honored, that the right to life should be honored. He talked about honoring humanity, having respect for ourselves, and it's CNN and others that showed us their true colors when they flipped out and acted like the wholesome things that General Kelly said were some type of horrible pornography or something obscene that was being said and done.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Considering Alex's torture porn fantasies, he definitely believes John Kelly is in the right here. Kelly makes some passing references to these ideas, and some of them are a little bit paternalistic and weird. Oh, like you should honor women? Women used to be worshiped and shit like that. Hey now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:55 But also in the chat room, someone brought up a really good point, and that is that it was about a month ago that I was going to bring this up, but I'd like to also still give a shout out to the chat room on this. You had to get that in, didn't you? You had to get in that I was also going to bring it up. It's a little petty. That's a little Alex Jonesian right there. It's a little petty of me.
Starting point is 00:31:13 That was Dan the centrist right there. It's a great point that a month ago Alex was saying that General Kelly may or may not be poisoning Trump with a addictive sedative. Nah, I can't think of any reason why he would do that. Yeah. Yeah. So that's fun. John Kelly, he believes in honoring women, and the best way to do that is to poison Trump.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I think that's true. I think that is an actually true thing. So let's get into this next clip to talk more about Wilson's. Oh, but in that last clip, the other thing I wanted to pull out of it is in order to make his argument seem more appealing or more meaningful to the people who listen to him in a code dum-dums, he has to make so much of this about this idea like pro life position. Yeah. He adds all of that shit in there that didn't belong.
Starting point is 00:32:00 No, but Kelly did like make passing reference to those things. Really? Yeah, but it wasn't the point of what he was talking about. It wasn't the point of it. And Alex is making it much more the point of it because he knows that he talks about how like, oh, he also told a completely lying, misrepresenting story about a speech that she gave at the FBI unveiling of the building or christening of the building, whatever it's called, not sure.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah. A gender reveal party for the building. There we go. Nice. Yeah. Nice. If he focused on that part of it, which I think is what most people are focusing on, he would have no leg to stand on.
Starting point is 00:32:36 So you focus on the vague references to anti-abortion sentiments and can't think of anybody who does that too. No. So here's the next clip where we get a little bit more about Alex lying. It's really the Washington Post and CNN and mainstream corporate dinosaur media that are showing us their true colors when they flip out over someone saying, let's not be political in America when it comes to deaths of soldiers. Let's not insert ourselves between grieving families and the president.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Let's have something that still is honored in this country. Fuck yourself. And as if not to be undone after all of her rock star, go fucking wagon, you know, really vampire like. That was an edit on the psychic. I hope John Kelly. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson comes back again now this weekend and says that the general was racist when he said that the loudest guns tend to be empty barrels.
Starting point is 00:33:45 That's just saying that she's a loudmouth. That's just saying she jumps on bandwagons and that she's an idiot. But again, because she can't intellectually defeat what he said and what he's done and because she's been caught lying about that ten of what President Trump really does in these heartfelt phone calls, she's got to go back to the only car of the liberal democratic globalist party has and that's race baiting. And to see folks like this lady falling on her face is just absolutely disgusting. I would argue that now all the facts have come out and the facts were available on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I would argue that Alex is the one who's doing a substantial amount of race baiting. I because he's making it about that. Now I will say this. I can't handle that. I can't handle that. I will say he just he took this high road bullshit about all the shit that only he does. He took this high. He took this bullshit fucking.
Starting point is 00:34:44 This is what I'm saying. This is exactly what I'm always saying about this whole like, oh, when they go low, we go high bullshit. Right. It doesn't matter. I don't care. I don't care one way or the other. They'll go whatever the fucking way they feel like you're not going.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So you might as well do something effective. It's that zigzag dog. Yeah. It doesn't fucking matter what we do. What they think. No. Why are we pretending that the way they react to something that we think is going to matter one way or the other.
Starting point is 00:35:11 It won't. But now I fucking pathetic. I'll give Alex a little bit of a kudos, a tiny bit. Yeah. And Trisha Wilson did come out and say that the comment that she's an empty barrel is a racist term. And that's a little bit dicey in some ways. But Alex's idea that everyone is jumping on board with that is completely not true.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Here is an article in front of me from CNN from the 20th of this month that analyzes whether or not there is any etymological tradition built into and they go through. There's an origin in Plato, although they can't quite find the citation. In the 15th century, a translation of the pilgrimage of the life of man done by John Lydgate contains a variation on that theme or by soaring noise and complaining avoid vessel pipe or tongue. The phrase or an iteration of it was used twice in Shakespeare. There's physics and empty glass.
Starting point is 00:36:06 If you tap it makes a louder noise and glass filled with water. They go through to the point of reaching out to Missouri University of Science and Technology professor Gerald Leonard Cohen, a widely recognized expert on etymology. And great musician. Right. They go through and there's like there's no real tradition of it. But there is a part of it that is where this is where I take away Alex's kudos. MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell devoted 20 minutes of his show on Thursday night to Kelly.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Wilson and the empty barrel O'Donnell suggested that due to Kelly's boyhood in a Boston neighborhood that was still largely segregated. His choice of words described to Wilson was intentionally dehumanizing to the congresswoman. She was nothing but an empty barrel to him said O'Donnell. He refused to give her the dignity of a name. And there is some credence to that. Now whether his motivation was racist or not in this article is not that they don't fall on that side.
Starting point is 00:37:08 But it is it is it is interesting to go back and listen to that because he doesn't say her name. They gave 20 minutes on TV to the etymology. No, no, no, no, he gave 20 minutes just to this story. The etymology was just an article that CNN did, which is like, hey, there are people in the MSM who are debunking the idea that there's racist roots to this. Alex is just I mean, he's way off on everything. This is like, oh, man.
Starting point is 00:37:40 What are we doing? Dan? What are we doing? Really? I don't know. What are we doing? We got a little bit. Who are these people?
Starting point is 00:37:48 What kind of what kind of line producer is at one of these shows going, here's our story. We're going to spend all of this time on a fucking phone call from a sociopath that we knew was not going to go well. Even if it did go well, it wouldn't mean anything. Right. I don't want to do this whole like, what about bullshit of like, well, there are more important things to talk about right now, but there are more important things to talk about. It's fair.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So in this next clip, Alex tries to argue that his position is not racist because there are a bunch of Democrats in Congress who are mentally ill. You know, there's a congressman up in Georgia who happens to be black who believes that islands float. No. And when the media pointed out that islands don't float, they're mountaintops sticking out of the water, some folks said, well, you're just racist. No.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Nancy Pelosi's just as senile and mentally ill as these folks as well, and she's white. And there's some other members of Congress that are also out of their minds. We've just got to be asking ourselves, and our president, how have we gotten a collection of weirdos like this in charge of our country? So assholes like you, Alex, assholes like you. Yeah. I mean, it's a great, it's a great line. It's a good point.
Starting point is 00:39:02 But if you, if you get, if you get down to it, like someone who he really supports right now is Roy Moore, and Roy Moore is a lunatic, yeah, he has, but he's the right kind of lunatic. He makes all kinds of arguments very frequently about how we need to be a Christian nation and all of the things that go bad are because we've drifted from Christ. Of course. All of this stuff. He refused to take down the, the 10 Commandments at the state house. Roy Moore is the guy who is not allowed to be a judge anymore because he committed all
Starting point is 00:39:34 the crimes. Because the courts told him to take down the 10 Commandments and he wouldn't. Because as a judge, the most important thing you can do is refuse to honor the Constitution. That's what that, whenever they take the oath of office, they're always like, Hey, and the Constitution do not listen to that at all. Suggestion. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 It's more of a guideline. And then he started doing speaking tours where he took the 10 Commandments statue along with him. That's actually pretty funny. Yeah. That's not bad. I, I like that as a bit in his speech, I'll give him some credit for that as a good bit in his speech.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Recently, he said that we're such a divided country. We got the blacks fighting the whites. We got the reds and the yellows that's such a, that's such a like, Hey, I listen, we got to stop being racist to these coons. And you're like, No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Cut his mic. Cut his mic. But then he got into, he got in some hot water about those comments.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Oh, why? And when asked, he's like, Well, it's in that song. God loves the little children. They say reds and yellows. Like, Oh, no, this is not a good justification. Maybe, maybe the song is also bad. Have you considered that, Mr. Moore? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:46 So that's the kind of people that Alex. I would call you judge more, but you're not allowed to do that anymore. Yeah. So that's, that's Alex's milieu. I would rather take someone who misspeaks every now and again than someone who is a diehard religious zealot and wants to legislate. Oh, and the other thing he, the other comment that I found, I don't know what the window closed, but basically it goes along the lines of like, Hey, of course you got to swear in
Starting point is 00:41:10 on the Bible. The Bible is the only thing that matters. I mean, because you know why, you know why Buddha didn't make us, Allah didn't make us. It was the Christian God who made us. So all these vows to other religions are meaningless. It's like, dude, come on, come on. That is, I guess, ideologically consistent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I mean, in a bad way. It's very simple. It's like, that is such a perfect encapsulation of the Republican party now. They will gladly vote for somebody who shat all over the constitution and lost his job because of it. Right. That's, that's the Republican party now. No.
Starting point is 00:41:50 You guys hate America now if you every everybody who's like, Oh, it's all about the constitution. It's all about the First Amendment and you're like, you, you don't care about it. Right. You don't care about it. So shut the fuck up. Now, if you are a senator and you say Korea, instead of Crimea, accidentally wants Alex will talk about it for six months. Of course.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Or if you say Bush instead of Trump, six months of coverage instead of, Hey, this is a religious zealot that you're backing who is a danger to people's safety and freedom. Absolutely. Quite frankly. So these, these people are in the service of what they think is right. The worst human beings on the planet. Undoubted. They're evil.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So we got one more clip left of this special report and then we'll get into, and I don't even need to be like, Oh, they're vampires trying to kill your children. I use the things they do. Right. I'm not making up a, I bet he's had sex with a child before. I'm just saying he was legally removed from his job for shitting all over the constitution. The only thing his job is about. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:56 So, so he's evil. Here's the next clip. I'm sorry for interrupting you, Dan. So I'm going to air the first 10 minutes or so of General Kelly's breakdown. And then for yourself, go to info, watch some posts, you name it and actually see similar phone calls that gold star families have taped where you see how gracious and loving the president is when he's saying, Hey, he was with you wanted to be with. He was a leader.
Starting point is 00:43:21 That's a different call. He gave his life for us. What a hero versus. Yeah. He asked for it. Toots. So he's all, he's creating another character here. He asked for it.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Toots. Right. And that's a straw man that he's creating. Right. About the reality of Manisha's call that she got about her husband, the David and, but that I actually think would have been better. What? If he was like, he's asking for it.
Starting point is 00:43:43 He's asking for it. Toots. You would have gotten a good old laugh out of that and Alex, you can't cry if somebody says that shit to you because that's bananas and Alex's default is to switch into a character that sort of embodies rape culture. Yeah, exactly. That's great. So anyway, here we go.
Starting point is 00:43:59 So shut your mouth. That's how the fake news media distorts things and in the new media system where everybody's got a camera and everybody can expose what they're doing, they are extincting themselves. It's not info wars. That's right. They're doing it to themselves. All right. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:44:15 The media is not doing its job. I agree with you, but like we've already discussed there are you Alex, what he is doing his job. It's just not a good job. Oh, that's true. But like it, we already discussed at the beginning of the episode, Alex Jones bringing into his narrative a misrepresented piece of video that a citizen journalist captured right out the window of his hotel, like, great, everyone can do this, but it doesn't mean
Starting point is 00:44:39 it's real. It doesn't mean that anyone has any information about the context that things are in. Anybody can have a camera and capture stuff out of context. Anybody can have a blog and post whatever they want on it. It doesn't. Yeah, I do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Anyways. Right. It's not journalism. It's not truth. It's not real. I think we are at the point now, though, where every interaction with Trump should be recorded. Every interaction with the police should be recorded. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:45:09 Like for Trump? No, I'm talking about her phone call. Like she should have started recording immediately. Right. Like you should, if you ever get anywhere near any of these people, you should just turn your phone on and start recording it. Apparently. Because that's the only, because now, if, when we're dealing with a complete lack of
Starting point is 00:45:28 objective reality between different people. Which we are. Yeah. Purely. Yeah. Then the only way is to pull out hard evidence. So record it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:45:38 That's the point. Just start recording everything you do. That way you can read back the tape and be like, uh, check the tape. There you go. Apparently. Unless you're Nixon, in which case, what were you doing those 35 minutes and that tape was turned off? We'll never know.
Starting point is 00:45:53 What were you doing, Nixon? Apparently, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law has said that there's a transcript of the phone call, but the White House has denied that that's the case, so. So we know it's true. Probably. And it doesn't look good. No, of course not. So now we move on to Monday.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Has anybody ever described Trump as Gregson Trump? Well, I'm getting senile. I know one guy. His name? Alex Jones. John Barron. I don't think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I don't think so. His fake publicist character? Oh, that's true. The guy who we would call- Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's true. So here we go. We're jumping into Monday now and here's how Alex Jones opens the show on Monday.
Starting point is 00:46:32 It starts with a lie and then ends up in something, Mark Dicey, but it has nothing to do with Mark Dice. It's just Dicey and I was hot-doggin' on language. There you go. The way to over it is- To 1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones show. It's some random-
Starting point is 00:46:45 The publicists claim they're altruistic. They claim they have all the answers. They claim they have this great vision for us, but in truth, they are the fallen souls. And that evidence is all being made manifest right now. Every day, even mainstream media and top-levelist publications- I also like rush. There are no poly-rushes about where we- Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:47:15 We need to reboot because I accidentally thought that was- That's not rush. That's not rush. Boy, that sounds like Getty Lee. Check the chat room. They're going to be fucking dancing all over my face. Oh, yeah. They're not going to be happy with it.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Oh, boy, this is going to ruin all credibility of my Godzilla arguments. Oh, yeah. By the way, I just paused it so we can actually listen to what he's saying here. Here we are as a society and a civilization. Here is the World Economic Forum. That's basically Bilderberg Group Public coming out and saying that- I feel deeply ashamed- Bilderberg Group Public.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I feel deeply ashamed of thinking that was rush now. Oh, good asshole. Sorry about that. All right, back to the clip. Guys know what you think and they know how to control your mind using electromagnetic waves. True. Ladies and gentlemen, I remember them floating that almost 20 years ago in the Baltimore
Starting point is 00:48:08 Sun where the CIA admitted they were adding augmentation systems to cell towers in the Baltimore area with DARPA to practice mind controlling the public. Yes, we're not in Kansas anymore. This gets to Hamamoto style shit. And hopefully neither will be Sam Brownback. So this is an article that Alex is referencing out of the World Economic Forum and if you just read the headline, it sounds scary as shit. Let's read it.
Starting point is 00:48:37 The headline is scientists can now control how you think. I bet they are going to spend the next article, the next, you know, byline just going word by word. We now control you. Here's how it all works. We're going to control your mind. Alex does now read articles. I think we've established that.
Starting point is 00:48:55 That is a really scary headline, although I admit that. It seems it's a sensationalized headline. Well, also, I would like to posit this really important thing. It's they control how you think, not what you think. That's an important little bit of a word here. So here's what this article is about. A team of researchers from Boston University has explored the possibility of enhancing a person's ability to learn and control their behavior.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And it's not saying they can't control your behavior. It's your ability to control your own behavior. It's conditioning. Right. Let's change how people think by stimulating the brain. Boston University researcher Robert Reinhart used a new form of brain stimulation called high definition transcranial alternating current stimulation, also known as HD tax, to turbocharge two brain regions that influence how we learn.
Starting point is 00:49:43 If you make an error, this brain area fires. If I tell you you made an error, it also fires. If something surprises you, it fires. Reinhart said in a BU research press release, referring to the medial frontal cortex, which he calls the quote alarm bell of the brain. Reinhart and his colleagues found that stimulating this region as well as the lateral prefrontal cortex could change how a person learns. These are maybe the two most fundamental brain areas involved in the executive function and
Starting point is 00:50:10 self control. So they published a study about this and here's what they did. Reinhart's team tested 30 healthy people, each wearing a soft cap with electrodes that conveyed the stimulation. The test was simple. Each subject had to press a button every 1.7 seconds. In the first three rounds of tests, the researchers either cranked up the synchronicity between the two lobes, disrupted it, or did nothing.
Starting point is 00:50:32 The participant's brain activity, monitored by an electroencephalogram, or EEG, showed statistically significant results. When the brainwaves were upped, the subjects learned faster and made fewer mistakes. When they made the mistakes, they corrected them abruptly. When the brainwave was disrupted, they made more errors and learned more slowly. What was even more surprising was that when 30 new participants took an adjusted version of the test, the group started with their brain activity temporarily disrupted, but then received stimulation in the middle of the activity.
Starting point is 00:51:05 The participants quickly recovered their original brain synchronicity levels and learned behaviors. We were shocked by the results and how quickly the effects of stimulation could be reversed. So basically all they've done is found brain areas you can stimulate that allow you to learn faster. The bigger question summers another brain research scientist at Boston University who is not a part of the study, which should be noted. The bigger question summers noted is how far a person can go with such technology. Who doesn't want to have their brain performance enhanced?
Starting point is 00:51:38 This could produce the same effects as new tropics or smart drugs, but with fewer potential side effects. And could work. Yeah, as the brain is stimulated directly. Having access to such technology could be a game changer, but as with smart drugs, there's the question of who should have access to such technology and whether or not those smart drugs are real. But the point is, this is a very interesting study, it has nothing to do with brain control
Starting point is 00:52:02 or anything like that or brainwashing. Alex is completely lying about that and he sells brain pills. Right. Of course he has vested interest in making you afraid of those things. There's a certain part of me that believes no, no mainstream outlet should be allowed to report on science at all. Because that's why we get complicated. That's why we get so many different, can science turn your balls into two oranges?
Starting point is 00:52:31 Like why, why are we doing that? Because we know that if science clickbait, baby, if you read the article, it's going to be like six scientists at MIT, you put a little thing on a mouse and maybe that helped and it's balls. It's still 20 years away from being useful. Like they just love these headlines that are like, oh, we found a new buh and it's never that. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:54 It's, it's just bullshit. It is. And Alex is, he knows that and that's why he doesn't read articles. Do you just read the headlines? Yeah, if you read the headline, you can make whatever up you want. Make up some bullshit. And you, people might as well believe it. And so here's where he goes from there.
Starting point is 00:53:07 And that dovetails with our first big piece of news today that I'm going to cover in more detail coming up in this hour. Vladimir Putin has come out and warned that we must be extremely moral and that we must be informed and involved or AI will take over and basically enslave us and that if bad people get control of AI first, it will be used to again enslave humanity. Like Robert Mercer fear is that the globalists are going to use it for control. They've used everything else for that now warns of a future sci-fi superhuman soldiers more destructive than nuclear bombs who feel no fear or pain.
Starting point is 00:53:46 The globalists want machines because they'll follow illegal orders. But the real goals to turn us into the machines, less human than human, but more human than human. So let's go ahead. I will read the closed captions and play what the president of Russia had to say. Here it is more and more. I'm noticing that anytime Putin says something, Alex takes note. Alex covers got to be got to be front page news on that.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Alex covers quotes and things that Putin puts out into the world unquestioningly, which should be no surprise to us quite frankly. But it's it's brazen the way he he's just like I love Russia. Yeah, also are great. Also, that's a dumb thing to say. The humans are the least effective military thing. Like what we should be making is a really effective robots. And why am I giving advice to the people?
Starting point is 00:54:42 I don't know. This is a bad you and I both end up into that accident sometimes. Add-ats from Star Wars were a very ill advised weapon. They should have put something low to the ground with a low center of gravity. That's why would you make big, tall, lumbering camel looking things? That doesn't make any sense. It was very easy to take them down, even though you're technologically unprepared for it. They got long legs.
Starting point is 00:55:04 This is exactly like human enhancement. Sure. Come on, man. Um, yeah. Also, I'm now for AI taking over humanity. Fair enough. We're doing a bad job of it. Great.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Let's let's hope for Isaac Asimov style AI where it's got our best interests in mind. And that is our destruction. Yeah, that is our best interest. So, um, on our last episode, we took a little break and wandered into Project Camelot territory and we learned about sort of demons and we learned about some aliens and what have you. Not enough about ghosts. We discussed the, uh, the relative similarity of Alex Jones and, uh, Project
Starting point is 00:55:43 Camelot, Carrie Cassidy and how they're both beholden to archaic anti-Semitic beliefs that inform their version of their villains. Right. Uh, in this next clip, Alex Jones makes it clear, uh, that he, uh, believes that he is fighting demons or aliens. Great. So he is much closer than even we were presenting it. If we can remove those little greedy creatures off our backs, we've got a real
Starting point is 00:56:08 shot at the future because they're so reckless. They're just pale, male, maximum testing, fission, fusion, strange, let's black holes, super cyclotron, collider systems, genetic engineering, completely off the chain, thousands of labs, gene gun, random splicing, open air testing, pharmacological crime, chimera humanoids, uh, just the sky's the limit of what we know. They say they want a global government so we don't destroy ourselves. And they're the ones handing out nuclear weapon technology like their lollipops.
Starting point is 00:56:43 When you visit the dentist, they're crazy. What they are is been possessed by a spirit, an archetype, some type of interdimensional vampire and an archetype. Very different thing. I also need to pause to ask how is one possessed by an archetype? Well, I think archetype is a literary device. I am fairly certain that, uh, what's his fucking face? The playwright, no, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Now I'm never going to remember it. It's not Archimedes. It's a Escalus. Escalus. He was the one who first proposed the archetypes. Okay. In the, uh, whatever it fucking was, you can become fascinated with an archetype. You can identify with an archetype.
Starting point is 00:57:29 You can't be possessed by one because it's not a thing. You can be possessed by a lot of narratives like man versus nature. Sure. Man versus man, all of these things, man versus the self, possessed by it. You can be possessed by archaic antisemitism. That's true. Also, what's a, what's a cyclotron? What was it he was talking about?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Not important. He just made up a couple of science words and put them right next to it. Not important. Cyclotron. Not important. I don't know, but they want to blow the planet up. So does Starscream and they really, really, really want to kill everybody. I don't know if it's some space transmission or what it is, because we
Starting point is 00:58:04 know there's a sixth sense and a whole, you know, dimension to that. Is this some kind of like jamming operation to make us kill each other? Kind of like the Kingsman, the first episode of that. I don't know. Yeah, I'm just hypothesizing, but I know it's going on. Kingsman, the Secret Service. I know they're out to get us. They don't act like they're here.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Pretty fun movie. The globalists act like they're not of this world. Just like the Bible says on her hill here to kill, steal and destroy. Lisp. I don't know what he was falling angel. That guy's fallen angels. Two and two together, folks. They think we're all stupid here.
Starting point is 00:58:35 You can see we're already creating aliens on earth with all these human animal and animal and animal and insect animal and animal plant hybrids. But let me just stop right there. I think you should. Also, I think you just proposed that little shop of horrors was a documentary. I think he did. I think he just did that. And I just, I really get bummed out when he brings up the hybrids and the
Starting point is 00:58:58 Chimeras and doesn't say pinnipeds that really disappoints me. And it makes me like, why, why are you not giving a shout out to the pinnipeds? Has anybody asked his opinion on mantids or the spider leadership? No, we need to, we need to find out. Are they, are they hybrids or are they just super intelligent versions of the same thing? Is there a globalist analog of the spider leadership? The spider leadership is fighting against or follow up question. Are the spider leadership members globalist?
Starting point is 00:59:22 Exactly. It's unclear if the globalists are real. I think we can take it as read that the spider leadership is real. Put two and two together. Where are the raptors in this? So the thing is, like, I love that, like, uh, fallen angels to put two and two together and two together. They think we're stupid.
Starting point is 00:59:41 I just did. I just made up to, and then I made up to, and now we got fallen angels. Put anything together. Now you got to connect the dots and find the through line. Got to add some dots. You got to add them. So in this next clip, Alex Jones, uh, he was just like, they don't want you to know what I know, namely two plus two, much like Kerry Cassidy, right?
Starting point is 01:00:02 That's how you wake somebody up. Hey, here's the forbidden info that they don't want you to have. Here's the cutting edge information. The globalists are so afraid of find out why they say he's fake news because he's the real news yet. The news a year before a month before a week before a day before he's been really workshopping that as a new catchphrase, the, the, the news a year before that's not a bad catchphrase.
Starting point is 01:00:27 It's not, but it's a lie. But of course, but I mean, it's, it's like, why does everyone demonize us and call us the fake news? I mean, we've gone through at least four specific instances in two days of his show of completely bogus narratives. I can't understand. That's why Alex, it's not because there's globalists that are against you or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's a fucking illusion. Yeah, we can put one in one together. Exactly. It's much easier. Oh, so faster. Anybody else info wars from real research, real focus and please buy the products. We have a limited time only sales at info wars of our amazing
Starting point is 01:01:04 new tropic brain force that I was going to say I was going to end this weekend, but now we're getting more in a little bit earlier. We're getting some in December 1st. Now I thought it was going to be maybe even January until we got more in, but we rushed it. So I was going to go to regular price so that we wouldn't sell out, you know, by the end of the year, but, but now we, it's getting in about a month earlier. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:01:23 So I'm going to keep it if it were set off. Great. The Easter sale is still going on. Exactly. Oh, yeah. I think that it's important to leave stuff in there because it's, it's, we love to play the game where there's that sales pivot and then I just sort of turn it off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 And I don't think people get a sense of how long a lot of these ads are. I started to listen to a little bit of David Knight's show and he's smooth with the ads. Does he, how long does he do the ads? He's pretty brief with them. Yeah. I was going to say, he sounds, he sounds like less of a salesman. He does them in a much more structured way.
Starting point is 01:01:56 So it's never like that. Right. Like that turning into a swerve or whatever. It's every time he comes back from break, he's like, I'd like to remind you of our specials and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He's more like an old time radio dude where they're doing the ads as a live reads more or less normal. Yeah, but there is also the part of it that's like you're coming back from a
Starting point is 01:02:17 commercial break always into a commercial and it's kind of like this is excessive, but he's still, it's less offensive because the way Alex does it, he could be screaming about God knows what your blood is going to be sucked out by demon globalists. And that's why you need brain force. Right. You got to replenish that blood. Got to get it.
Starting point is 01:02:36 It's one of the, it's a, it has a blood supplying quality. Yeah. I don't know if you know that about brain force. What? Yeah. Absolutely. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:44 It replenishes your blood. That can't be true. It probably is. I don't know the FDA has not fucking everything replenishes your blood. The FDA has not approved nor denied his claim. Bread replenishes your blood. The band bread. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Love that song of their stairway to heaven. The peaches herself. She replenishes your blood. Sure. I love her song. I will choose free will. Oh, absolutely. Well, of course I'm just getting songs wrong on purpose.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Anyway, here's the next clip where I believe that Alex Jones thinks he's William Wallace. This is kind of like, I mean, Alex is lying about everything and what have you, but can we remove his innards? Someone may one day it's, it's, we can only hope this is, this is one of those clips where he's lying and he's wrong, but I kind of enjoy this Alex. Okay. This isn't like weird esoteric Alex.
Starting point is 01:03:37 It's not angry Alex. It's not drunk Alex. It's Alex who thinks he's one and it's kind of fun because I know like pride becomes before the fall and all that. Showboat and Alex. A little bit. It's, it's gloaty Alex, but there's, there's a fun quality to it that I hope we all enjoy.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Also Alex hubris Jones. Also, please take notice of how I'm positive. He told them, Hey, don't turn down the music this time. Keep that music bed going real hot. Okay. And notice as soon as Stephen Bannon, and as soon as the libertarian movement, the Republican party started calling this war, we started winning.
Starting point is 01:04:17 So here's where I wanted to pause real quick, because the reason that you started winning once you started saying it's a war is because there is no war and there are no globalists on the other side of it. So you get, you get your base, you get your base all riled up thinking that there are a bunch of people who want to take away your freedoms and destroy the country by design. Claude and Piven, all this stuff. And then of course they're going to fight back more aggressively and end up
Starting point is 01:04:41 voting for people who are not in their best interests. All of these wacky tea party dickholes all around the country. Yeah, of course, you're going to start winning once you radicalize your base because the other side isn't radical yet. I mean, yet says says you. I think I think there are pockets there are pockets of radicalism. I think if you listen to me, I think if you listen to the opening of this episode, you'll find that you're not radical.
Starting point is 01:05:06 You you have radical leanings. Oh, I mean, I haven't bought a gun yet. I'm not saying that you're not out there with a bat, though. You're not like, you're not got a balaclava on and going to smash up a Chase bank or something like that. Afraid of crowds. That's it. We're we're a mile agoraphobia is the only reason we're not really radicalized.
Starting point is 01:05:30 That's why I don't do stand up anymore. All right. And that's why I don't smash up banks. So, uh, yeah, I just that was the point I wanted to make this idea that he's like, uh, uh, saying that once we called it a war, everyone got it. And it's now it's a real war. It's like, no, it's just because the other side isn't treating this like a war because or it doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Right. Right. You can always win a war against an imaginary enemy. It's pretty easy. Well, actually, you can't always win a war against it. No, you can wage a very successful war against them, but you can't win them because right time comes for a win. You don't have someone to lose.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous. And he can't actually declare a victory ever. Nope. Like it is money's gone. Yeah. If he says guys, we defeated the globalists, he then has to, like it's like a season finale, right? Or a series finale, right?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Like at the end of scraps. That's why they couldn't kill Siler in season one of heroes. They're like, Oh no, what do we do then? You need your bad guy. How did season two of heroes work out? It was okay. There's a myth that it was terrible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Did the globalists put it out? Yeah, yeah, yeah, naturally. The writer's strike did get in the way. But there was a lot of potential and a lot of decent stuff going on in the second season, right? It was really in the third that everything fell apart. Right. That's my argument.
Starting point is 01:06:47 And I'm going to stick to it. I think comedians need to unionize. Anyways, we need to have a comic strike. What? As soon as we called out the globalists, as soon as we got in their faces, as soon as we let them know that we understand they hate our guts and want to make us their political and cultural and financial slaves, as soon as we broke the conditioning and stopped caring what they thought about us, as soon as we focused
Starting point is 01:07:12 our will, like a horrible, dark thunderstorm, and suddenly the sun breaks through the clouds, the wind blows, and the whole darkness rolls away, you're standing looking out, a green viscous, black sea, a yellow sun high on the sky. Then you touch the face of destiny and you feel the ancient will of the species God's hand on our development. Then you only wish for success. You feel the interconnected strength of the will and there's no more fear.
Starting point is 01:07:54 This is the victory against the globalist. Would you like to know more? This is the transmission. God bless you. Thank you for joining us. Now you think here he's going to go to a sales pitch, but it's too early in the commercial break for him to go to a sales pitch. Oh, I thought he was already, I thought that was the end of the show.
Starting point is 01:08:11 No, no, no, no. It seems like that should be the end of the show. This is the first hour. That can't be in the, in the first hour. This is like the third commercial break. He's already ended the show. He said, thank you, this is the end of the transmission. Also, I'd like to give a, I'd like to give the opposite of a shout out to the
Starting point is 01:08:26 chat room right now who's going hard at me for liking season two of Heroes. Admittedly. There were, there were problems. Heroes should not have been trapped in the past for that long. It was a mess. I have a soft spot in my heart because of what was going on in my life at the time, and I don't think it's as bad as people remember it as also, I'd like to say that the reboot was terrible.
Starting point is 01:08:48 This is a whole new Godzilla versus Mothra situation. Oh my God. We got to let this one go. All right. Here we go. Could somebody get me a transcript of what he just said there because that was free form poetry of the most insane time. Touch the brilliance of the species and the face of destiny and the ancient
Starting point is 01:09:05 will and you find out that the will is interconnected with other wills. Yeah. So what the fuck are you talking about? Um, and he, he listened back to that and jerked off. Totally. Undoubtedly. He's like, I nailed it. Crushed it.
Starting point is 01:09:20 So you that, that level one of improv training at second city was worth every penny. My friend. So that's, that's, like I said, this is where you think he's going to pivot to an ad because that's kind of his thing. It sounds right, but here's what he does instead. Now, let me get into the Democrat party news. The Democratic Party is done. Unless we let the mind control us by just nagging and stirring up trouble and lying.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Okay. Good. You know, you do this. I agree with him. The Democratic Party is done. Well, you do this, like a minute and a half free form speech that you think you're like, I am like, it's patent. Like that's, that's what he's channeling behind a giant American flag.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And then he's like, are standing in front of a giant. He's like, let's get to, let's get to the news. Let's get to the Democrat news. Yep. They're going to lose unless they brainwash us with a nagging. Like he becomes a sitcom husband or something like that. Nag, nag, nag. That's all these Democrats do.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Yeah. It's like Tim Allen. This is home improvement. This is not good analysis. I do think the Democratic Party is done though. I think they've pretty successfully chosen to hate everybody. As in the, I'd like, did you see what happened with the DNC recently? They got rid of everybody who wasn't loyal to the corporate wing of the Democratic Party.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Those hoes ain't loyal. Exactly. So they're, they're actively trying not to learn a lesson. Right. Right. They're trying so hard not to learn a lesson. What they're doing is they're, they're, they're doing the same thing that the Republicans did in, uh, what was it?
Starting point is 01:11:02 2008, uh, with the Tea Party and all of that stuff, they are trying to exploit the people who are radicalized or who are, uh, successfully becoming more and more progressive in order to further a corporate agenda. Get the votes. So they're, exactly. So the Democratic leadership is trying to lean harder into corporate money while at the same time utilizing the fact that Trump is the single worst human being on the planet so they can expect landslide votes and landslide victories for the
Starting point is 01:11:32 Democrats. It's not a safe assessment. It's a bad idea because again, they're fucking stupid. Right. The Democratic Party is led by the dumbest people on the planet. It does look that way. Yeah. Except for Alex Jones's audience.
Starting point is 01:11:44 That's true. They're not, they're, yeah, second to them because there's no way to top people who fall for this bullshit. Yeah. Um, so in this next clip. No, we need a third party. When this next clip, it's a little bit long. Alex, uh, throws in a bunch of lie narratives and we'll get to those and discuss
Starting point is 01:11:59 what's wrong with them. Uh, but in the process, he does another one of his, uh, favorite things. Uh, he outs a source. These little stumbling blocks and getting past Hollywood and kind of the mesmerized mind control state we were in, that's the child's play. Starting to, and now we're just getting a breath because the next obstacles are here. So here it is, total vindication.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Just like we told you at this very time last week that the president was looking barring new information to release the JFK files. So, oh yeah, real quick. Now, now we get into some fun conspiracies. So, uh, Roger Stone came on over the weekend, I believe, or maybe it was on Friday. And he said that he'd talked to Trump and that Trump was, uh, he heard him out about the JFK stuff, but he didn't say that he was going to do it. But Roger believed he was going to.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Yeah. So, uh, now on Monday's show, Roger Stone comes back on and they presented as you, he said he was going to do it, but you didn't want to put that out publicly. So they're already sort of rewriting what the truth of what they were saying is. Right. But then further, all Trump is doing is not blocking it. Yeah. There's a law that in 1992 that all of these files would be released on October
Starting point is 01:13:17 26th, 2017. Yeah. That was what the law was from the nineties. The president has the discretion to either block or allow it. And if he doesn't do anything, it just automatically would be released. So this, I mean, he is, it's not like he went into the libraries himself and pulled them out from unwritten stacks. Release these files.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Yeah. Have you no decency? How much fun would it be if we actually find out LBJ killed JFK? That's what Roger Stone says. And they just were like, I guess we got to let everybody know now. Like, how much fun would that be? That would be madness. That would be hilarious.
Starting point is 01:13:52 It'd be a perfect distraction for all the bullshit. Oh, of course. But also it really feeds in perfectly with Alex's. They're going to kill Trump narrative and all that. So like it, it's just, it's like manna from heaven for a propagandist. Also, these converting storylines. And as we know, if LBJ actually did kill Kennedy, Bush Jr. would totally have let us know, like in one of his speeches immediately fall.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Oh yeah. Yeah, he would have been like his dad would tell the French have no word for entrepreneur and LBJ killed JFK entrepreneur. So anyway, here we go. Let's go back to the clip. He tweeted the next morning. Those exact words because those were directly from him media that Friday said, look at Jones and stone fake news.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Trump's not going to release it. Our CIA sources say, I would watch that show. Well, you have your CIA sources. We have the president. So they just can't stand it. They just can't stand it. You see, and right here, like we told you weeks ago, this was coming. The, yesterday we broke it.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Mueller now investigating Democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta for the uranium one deal. And I know you've heard uranium one probably 5,000 times. You have, but have you seen uranium too? It's a great sequel. It's like a second season of heroes. So, um, it does have some problems. The, the narrative that he's spitting here is about, uh, Mueller expanding the probe that he's doing.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Uh, here's an article here in Vox special counsel, Robert Mueller is now investigating a top democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign chair is under scrutiny in the expanding Russia investigation. If you go on throughout this article, you find, uh, that the, this part of the investigation is no specific connection to the question of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. Instead, it's about work done by several Washington operatives for pro Russian Ukrainians in a few years earlier, specifically both Podesta's and Manafort's
Starting point is 01:15:49 firms represented a Ukrainian nonprofit group, the European center for modern Ukraine between 2012 and 2014. This group was attempting to improve the image of the Ukrainian regime at the time, which was pro Russian and under scrutiny for its treatment of their domestic opposition and fascist a report from CNN earlier this year, described how the Podesta group repeatedly contacted the state department about Ukraine's 2012 election, attempting to put a positive spin on the regime's handling of the elections.
Starting point is 01:16:14 However, and crucially, they didn't disclose the full extent of their work in federal lobbying filings until earlier this year and per NBC, that failure to disclose has caught Mueller's attention. Tony Podesta is the brother of John Podesta, who chaired Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. Though they co-founded the lobbying firm at issue, the Podesta group decades ago, John Podesta is no longer affiliated with the firm and there's no indication that he's a subject of Mueller's investigation.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Still don't care. Also has nothing to do with the uranium one deal, which as we know is horseshit. Yeah. Alex really should have read further into that article specifically because that's not something he wants to, uh, he should, he should not be like Manafort. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That's kind of, that's kind of why he should have read further into that
Starting point is 01:16:59 because it's like, Oh, they're investigating him for Russia stuff. Oh boy. Aren't I supposed to say that's nothing lies? I'm supposed to know because his narrative is that the Democrats are the one who are doing all the rushes. Oh, that's true. You know, his, his timeline that he keeps screwing up and rewriting. Can I still say I'm fine with that?
Starting point is 01:17:18 Like fuck him. I don't care if you're a Democratic lobbyist or a Republican lobbyist. I hope you die. Fuck you. Yeah. Yeah. And also this is fun that, uh, Roger Stone is repurposing his, uh, whole, uh, soon it will be Podesta's time in the barrel.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Yes. Yeah. It was clearly about WikiLeaks revealing John Podesta's emails. He's tried to repurpose that as being like, Oh, that's what I was talking about. Sure. Yeah. No, no, no. I knew he was working with Ukraine and they were going to bring it out.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Years, a year and a half later. You, news now a year before. Right. That's the trick. Yeah. Exactly. Absolutely. It's, it's nonsense.
Starting point is 01:17:52 It's another narrative that Alex is blowing because he doesn't read the sources right that he, uh, he talks about. So anyway. It was since January of 2016 here. Again, why do you think they came out and said myself, Roger Stone, Trump, his, his, his sons are all Russian agents. Cause Trump had Trump Jr. Donald Jr.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Absolutely digging into all this. And so what do you do when you're a Russian? That's not good. Earlier in this clip, he outed Donald Trump himself as one of their sources. And he's saying Donald Trump had his son go meet with these Russians to try and look into it, to find some dirt on Hillary Clinton's, uh, relationship with Russia. Even if that's true, that's illegal. Still not good.
Starting point is 01:18:34 No, still not good. And he's presenting it as, of course, I talk to Trump. I get the information from Trump. Yeah. So if that's the case, holy shit. Still not good. All of this is worse when he says it. Tremendously bad.
Starting point is 01:18:48 And he doesn't even understand why it's the worst thing. But he's also probably lying. Oh, of course. But be that as it may. It's still, uh, Trump is busy being dicks to fall in soldiers, widows. He doesn't have time to be a dick to Alex, too. And mysteriously, almost every black person who speaks up in public.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Who to guess? Yeah, it seems like there's a running trend. Who would have guessed? Yeah. Menion. They're not a Russian spy. They just got paid off by him. That's just money.
Starting point is 01:19:13 What are you going to do when that happens? You're going to point the fingers at the people that catch you on the oldest tricks in the book. If you know you catch somebody robbing your neighbor's house and another neighbor shows up and doesn't know either one of you and the guy carrying out the computer says, he's actually the thief. Hold your gun on him. Good.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Let's wait until the cops get here. Good job. That's a perfect analogy. There's a lot of problems. That is a perfect analogy. There's a number of problems. I understood the first situation so much better by hearing that analogy. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Cause a look, if you show up at a house with a gun. He said more words. He said that if someone is coming out, what he said it was fucking bananas. So if you, if you get caught stealing a computer from someone's house, you're like walking out with a desktop, something like that. And the guy's like, this is my house. That is my computer. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:02 And you were a stranger who has a gun. I think first of all, this situation has the potential to get very out of control, but second, let's say you're stealing the computer. You don't have a weapon yourself. I think this argument would end up being you drop the computer and run away. Yeah. You don't say like, no, this is my house. I feel like this is more of an evil twin situation where you got alternate
Starting point is 01:20:24 dimension twins and they're both going on there and like, shoot him and no, shoot him and you're sitting there and I don't know which one is the real one. Or the adventures of Pluto Nash, which was a great movie. I don't really believe that, but I'm sick and tired of this goddamn chat room. Really should be more appreciative of people watching with him. Really starting to piss me off. You are antagonizing the chat room. Really?
Starting point is 01:20:47 How do you not know? Really getting under my skin. You're not, you're not good at this. You're not going to be in trouble, Dan. I don't care. So let's get back to the court. And soon as that guy with the gun, you know, starts walking off, he runs. That's exactly what we've got here.
Starting point is 01:21:02 So Mueller now investigating Democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta. Get more into this the next hour. Senate probe asked whether Robert Mueller alerted Obama administration to Russia bribery scheme. Well, yeah, they killed the investigation. That's all confirmed. Let's see. Now it's mainstream news.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Robert Mueller investigated and invested. He's been being investigated for investing in hedge funds. Link to Russia and George Sordos. We told you years ago that happened. Mueller investigating info wars expose of dims on Russia payroll. Where do you think this story is posted? I'm going to go with info wars. Dr. Jerome Corsi.
Starting point is 01:21:38 There it is. That is now all again, coming directly from info wars. Of course, all coming directly from info wars. It's been confirmed by info wars mainstream media. Absolutely. Mainstream news has to admit, of course, we are now mainstream news. Yeah, but we're not mainstream news. We're the rebel transmission.
Starting point is 01:21:58 We're the resistance. We're the battle speeches about war with the establishment. But we're winning and we're the mainstream. All of it doesn't make sense. But you were is investigating info wars expose. Right. Sounds like a bad thing for info wars. They should not be happy about that.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Well, I think the obviously not true or whatever way it is true is far from the truth. Right. But if if you read that headline, you'd be like, oh, info wars is fucked. Yeah, yeah, they're getting investigated. Yeah, they should not be publicizing that. Yeah, you got to go to your armored red out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Get back at that. Bro, they looted $300 billion from Fannie Mae Freddie Mac. He did that before the president was even in office. He did that when he was president elect from his White House sources. And we say the White House went with our report. We got that from the White House saying, look at these federal documents, do a report on it to give the president support when he does this. And now 10 months later, he's doing it.
Starting point is 01:22:58 That's a fake laugh. But again, the president does get the credit for that. I just want everybody to know what's going on here because there's no hiding this anymore. It's why they're so horrified of the daily info war stacks. He calls them the stacks and the clips. And info wars is in there every day from other people. They're trying to stop that.
Starting point is 01:23:16 But Trump's like anybody when you try to keep away from something, what happens? He gets poisoned. Yeah, you tell your kids, you know, whatever you do, don't go in this trunk in the bedroom and in the trunk is a stack of playboys. I think Trump is a child. I think Alex has a stash of playboys. I think that's what we learned there. Yeah, learn how to use the internet, Alex.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Corn is free. Come on. Absolutely. Come on, man. So there's a lot of problems. I think the chief problem is Alex really did just explain how Trump Trump's brain works, right? He's a child. More or less. When you tell a child for titty mags. Yeah, exactly. That's what Trump is.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Yeah. Alex, you did a great job by accident. Right. I also, I mean, like, I don't I don't like the idea that obviously I mean, if we if we're going to break down what ended up happening here, Alex is saying that someone in the White House or Trump's administration told them to write an article and expose about the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stuff, which as we've discussed in the past is bogus. It's not true. Right. They at least their angle on it is totally not right.
Starting point is 01:24:27 And then they made it so Trump could use it in order to push through the destruction of Obamacare. Yeah, that's called a functioning fourth estate. Right. That is definitely not state run media. It's not journalism. What are you talking about? But you know, the only players really that we could assume are Donald Trump Jr. Steve Bannon, Steve Bannon, probably not.
Starting point is 01:24:48 You just go to Breitbart, of course, Roger Stone. Yeah. Or Donald Trump himself. That seems weird. Maybe in a memento kind of thing. Or Baron Trump. I don't think Baron's in the mix. I think Baron is in play. You think that he's OK is I'm going to put this forward.
Starting point is 01:25:05 I'm listening. Baron is the secret mastermind behind all of this. It's like that movie identity, which was great. It was the child all along. Spoilers for identity. I mean, why not? If you're going to run a secret global conspiracy, you don't want to be the face of it.
Starting point is 01:25:25 You don't want to be out in public. No, you want to have people running everything for you. You want to be you want to have a whole distraction campaign. What better disguise a child than. Yeah. Now, furthermore, you might not be a child. Have you seen cowboy bebop? I have not. It could be a time frozen child.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Oh, boy. He's actually hundreds of years old. Oh, this is this is as realistic as we're going. We've ever heard on this. We're going for it. That's what we're doing. So it troubles me quite a bit. The idea that there is a two way street going on with info wars
Starting point is 01:25:51 and the Trump administration. But thankfully, I don't really believe much of any of it. So we have one more clip here. And Alex Jones accidentally says something that I think is true. But then he, I mean, it's in the context of a lie. But the sentence itself, I stand behind. OK. NBC, ABC, maintain Clinton, Iranian blackout.
Starting point is 01:26:12 CBS finds it five days late. That's not it. That's all coming up and more second hour. And again, I'm not bragging about info wars. I'm bragging about you, the audience supporting us. And the fact they tried to brand us as fake news because they know as fake news, they can't exist. Ball real news is there.
Starting point is 01:26:29 That is kind of what I believe is actually a true statement. What? That when people are doing their job in terms of the media, Alex can't survive. Oh, yeah. He can't thrive in a world where people are actually engaged with reality, with what's going on,
Starting point is 01:26:48 where they know things, they aren't swayed. Like that Las Vegas thing that we talked about at the beginning of the episode, there are a couple of sites that have explanations of like, oh, no, there's a triage thing going on. You can hear in the dispatch tapes people talking about the wounded being taken from the site of the crime to a triage spot.
Starting point is 01:27:08 There are a couple. There are five or six, maybe even seven, pages of people being like, proof that there was multiple shootings and shit like that. There's so much yelling about the fake stuff and just about the reality. Alex Jones could not thrive if the reality started yelling back. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:27:30 It is something that I think about a lot is that the spark behind all of this fake news, though, is people want to imagine change. Sure. The world we live in is fucking chaos and insanity. And people want to imagine a world that isn't that. Right. So the problem is the way to do that
Starting point is 01:27:52 is to first engage with reality and then try to change it. Right. They try and just imagine change out of whole cloth. And there's no building block to start with there. I understand the impulse to want to use your imagination to affect change in the world. But you have to start from reality. We have to start from a shared reality.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Otherwise, nothing is going to happen. Right, right. It's something I learned in my 101 philosophy class. Any beginning of a discussion is the definition of terms. Exactly. If you're not talking about the same thing, you can never hope to get to any conclusion. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:34 So I think we agree there. But here is the end of that clip. Second hour coming up with Omar Navarro running for Congress against good old Maxine Waters is calling for Trump's death, basically. That's coming up. I did. Please spread the links to
Starting point is 01:28:53 Where radio listeners can all find the free video and audio feeds as well. And please don't forget, we're about to end the 50% off on the brain force. OK, it was a little smoother. That wasn't as abrupt. But it you know, that one wasn't as good. That wasn't as abrupt, but it is demonstrative
Starting point is 01:29:10 of any opportunity. Anytime we're going to break and I've got to fill 30 seconds, I'm going to fucking try and sell something. And that thing that he says about Maxine Waters threatening to kill Trump, a little bit overblown. Again, we already kind of went over that. We didn't. Oh, we didn't go over that one?
Starting point is 01:29:25 No, she just said, how many different ways? She just said, I'm going to take out Trump tonight. Yeah. But it's like she's been calling for him to a nice dinner. She's been talking about trying to get him impeached for a long time. That was the context in which she was talking. Alex is making a mountain out of a molehill
Starting point is 01:29:42 when if you want to play this game, Trump said that Second Amendment people should take care of Hillary Clinton. That's a little bit more overt. So if you want to play this game, Alex, it's important to be intellectually consistent. No, it is not. You're right.
Starting point is 01:29:58 You're right. You have never been more wrong. I've been doing this podcast for 10 months. Yeah. And I'm still trying to hold. You're still holding on to that? I'm hanging out on that hill. It's where I'm going to die.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Dan, it's never going to happen. It is not. I think the one thing that we have learned from this podcast is that intellectual consistency is a rare, rare commodity. You're also totally wrong. That's not the only thing we've learned. We also learned about dragon moths and a guy named Jim
Starting point is 01:30:25 Semi-Van. I said, if there's one thing. Oh, OK. Now, of course, there's, of course, there's multiple things. There are, of course, four ways to learn. Absolutely. Race memory.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Race memory. All about Jim Semi-Van. It taught me about dragon moths. Yeah. Do you know what? What? I was born in dragon moths. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah. Yeah. Dragon moths, whales. OK. Great crab fishing out there. Amazing. Amazing. The only problem is you get carried away by dragon moths.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Speaking of getting carried away, you get carried away if you go over to our website. I'll tell you that much. Over at Knowledge See, now that was an abrupt turn to pitch. Very smooth. That was pretty smooth, but that was abrupt. Knowledge is our website.
Starting point is 01:31:04 You got a blog up there, new posts every Thursday. You betcha. Not necessarily about Alex Jones' topics, but things in the world. Yeah. Also, we're on Twitter. You can follow us at atknowledge-on-the-score-fight. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:31:17 We're also on Facebook. You can go to iTunes. You can subscribe. You can leave a review. You can share it with your friends and your family, but not your parents, because they probably wouldn't appreciate me at all. Don't snitch.
Starting point is 01:31:30 They'd like Dan? Maybe. Dan's got a very sonorous voice. He's a comfortable man. He's shared some centrist positions in the past, though he's not always a centrist. It must be noted. It should be clear that you're doing that as a bit.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I know. OK. I think that I just want to be clear that the idea of using centrist as a pejorative, I'm not super on board with. I know. I understand. But be that as it may. It is a pejorative.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Did you already say we're on iTunes? I did already say we're on iTunes. Leave a review. We're also here on Twitch Monday through Thursday at 8 PM. And again, like I said, we're doing this show. We're going to keep doing it. But we need your help. We need support.
Starting point is 01:32:10 So thank you to everybody who's watching live and in the chat room. I love you all, even though you guys fucking come down on me for my taste. Let go of them. It's it's all in love. I understand. I'm not taking it very personally.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Although you're taking it a little bit personally. You're taking it a little person. But if you'd like to support the show. Knowledge Go to support the show. Exactly. Follow the link. slash Knowledge Fight.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Please do. We do appreciate it. And you will become a policy wonk. You can arrest people at house parties. You know who is never going to become a policy wonk. Jordan, I'd like you to look behind you. No. Look behind you.
Starting point is 01:32:48 OK. What do you notice that's different behind you? Dan, you assume that I have ever looked behind me before. Is it a jump rope? No. Look behind you. Like just keep just keep studying the wall area. See what you think.
Starting point is 01:33:02 What's different about the tableau that's in front of you? There's a poster missing. Where is that? Where is that poster? I don't know. Oh, no. Oh, no. Dan, no.
Starting point is 01:33:19 This is an homage to a guy who can go fuck himself. If you don't hang that poster back up, I swear to God. What is it seeing that poster on the floor make you think? It makes me think, go fuck yourself, John Rapaport. May the wolves choke on your flesh. Andy and Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first-time caller.
Starting point is 01:33:41 I'm a huge fan. I love your work. I love you.

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