Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 34: Heaven's Gate

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

The boys explore the Heaven's Gate incident and the man behind it all, Marshall Applewhite. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last time on the left That's when the cannibalism started Kill the girl Marcus I feel like you've said that before to a lot of people Just kill the girl. Just kill the girl. I think we'll just wait. She should be out of the bathroom any minute now It's simple. We kill the girl kill the girl. No, man. We just want breakfast. We just want a brunch brunch brunch You got to leave that shirt down. That is a big
Starting point is 00:00:42 All right, are we ready? It is a big you would be a big ghost. Are my breasts getting bigger? I don't know if it's possible. All right. Are we ready? We're ready. Welcome to the last podcast with Marcus Parks I'm Ben Kissel with this is always large Preston and Boston Henry I hate free people from Boston. I'm sorry if you're listening. It's for Boston. You suck They're fine people. I hate the stereotypes. I just wanted to say something horrible from the advantage of someone who is from Boston That's murderous is dildo. No, it's not. That's my dildo. No, this is the murderous dildo
Starting point is 00:01:18 That's my dildo. There's a dildo on the table and now there's an argument about who's dildo is it? This is the murderous dildo. That's my dildo. And Henry is literally taking That's the dildo. That's the dildo. Sarah gave me that dildo for Christmas. That's the dildo. That's my dildo. What the fuck Henry? Fine. You just go to every room. Speaking of dildos Every room he goes into he's stealing dildos. Every room. Every time you're like a little kid. Oh, that's my dildo. That's not your dildo. That's not your dildo. Other people have dildos. I know what dildos are. I've tasted them. I know you have. I watched you taste a dildo like two days ago. I tasted a dildo on Friday. I tasted a dildo on stage. Did you also put a dildo in your mouth on Friday?
Starting point is 00:01:59 I was on mushrooms and I put a dildo in my mouth. That was a real man. Yeah, you want to just that is very real. If you want to be a if you want to be a better actor Take mushrooms and do a show on them and you forget that you're performing. You just forget that. Yeah You just be the character. It's almost like you're not performing. I mean, it's like you're not if you're watching it. If you're watching it, everyone's like this isn't a performance, but in the inside It's all sorts of connections are being nice. I had the show on Friday. There was a fella sit in their front row He was drinking a white wine spritzer. I go in star ripping him a little bit He did it on purpose in honor of me from a from a round table of a gentleman episode. You got to be shitting
Starting point is 00:02:39 I'm dead serious. That is awesome. Yeah, and he came up to my brothers after the show They were there and he's like I got it for Ben because he loves wine spritzers And you speaking of things that are really cool today, we're gonna be talking about heavens gate. Yes going back to 1997 the glory days the anniversary was not too long ago of the mass suicide of the heavens gate cult and I think we covered them briefly during our cult Episode a long time ago skimmed over it, but since then I've been deeper today. I just ended up one Happy rainy Sunday couple weeks ago. I was sitting there I had I had smoked a bowl and I discovered a link to all of the initiation tapes that someone had put up of
Starting point is 00:03:23 Marshall Applewhite basically at the very beginning of heavens gate when it started it started like once you've gotten to its Serious phase in the early 90s. He made this directive video like sort of introduction to heavens gate Can we get a little backstory on Marshall Applewhite? We're gonna go serve. Yeah. Oh, yeah We'll serve in the beginning, but he but it just there's just something about this video. That's like You know how like when you work at a fast food restaurant You have to watch a video of how you clean the fucking right and they're always rapping for some reason Yeah, it's a rapping video about the square patties at Wendy's and you're like this is weird He's like why I am I'm miserable. I'm a 40 year old woman making $6 an hour
Starting point is 00:04:01 I don't need to see white people rapping about the safety of hot oil Definitely not and they go through the the legal procedures of like you can keep the meat for one more day If you chop it up and put in the chili, which is what Wendy's does that's all day old meat in the Wendy's chili That's just a fact. Yeah, it's illegal to serve it as a hamburger, but they found out you can serve it as a chili So that's Wendy's for you I'm healthy and fat on the border borderline food poison. I call that recycling. Oh, yeah That's the baked potatoes there. Did you just look like giant roach eggs? They're like they would make a book on potatoes that guy
Starting point is 00:04:36 I think the cockroaches are making bigger thicker more fibrous nests over by the refrigerators We take them up. We split them up. We will fit them. We feel them with all cream We really was all that's the Arabian Wendy's That's great. It's perfect. Yeah, so you're researching Mr. Apple white I was just I just got really into the video and I end up sitting and watching it for an hour and a half And then got like really wrapped up into it. There's a lot of stuff in there So His main motivation for starting a cult other than you know, he's obviously a messianic on the portions of John Lennon
Starting point is 00:05:13 Scale well in the early 70s Marshall Apple white. What was his original name? Oh, Marshall Apple white isn't his real name. That is real name. Why would you change it to that? It's literally like what is it Marshall Apple white? It's like Like bonkers McGinky or like is like my name is John Renda Renda, I know that his uh, I'm pretty I think Marshall Apple white is his real name because his middle name is her Her with two f's good old age. You are half f Her she may make a potato chips. Oh good. Oh her fees fine. He's running a cult now
Starting point is 00:05:51 Got out of the chip game years ago. No one wanted mustard chips surprised. You didn't hear about that. It was a pretty big story Got his balls off so Marshall has everyone is yelling in his restaurant So Marshall's got the gift of gab and he has a message to send he in the late 70s He had a heart attack and was sent into he was he was in this hospital and basically from there He came out of it. He he was a music teacher in I believe Texas really and he Was a person of conflicted personality traits. He would say he was gay Oh, he was gay, but that was the whole thing. He was gay, but he was married and that his marriage fell apart and then After like a series of events. He had a heart attack and then he checked himself into into a psych hospital
Starting point is 00:06:43 Okay, and a nurse there by the name of Bonnie nettles and him created a sort of unique bond where Bonnie who also I guess was pretty unstable herself. Sure. Who was a name full name Bonnie lew trues Dale nettles Lew trues Dale middle names. I mean, I know that you don't really we've heard the bill What was your other cousin's name is Jim Ed? Oh, yeah mad at my Jim Ed. He's not a cousin. He's just a friend Yeah, yeah, lots of names. Texas has got some good old-fashioned like lower-to-the-rings names But in the south. Yeah, yeah, that is my favorite. Yeah, Teddy Teddy Sue is another one Teddy That's your mom, right? No, no my mom's Billy Jean Billy Jean So many names Billy Jean, I like but Bonnie nettles and
Starting point is 00:07:29 Marshall they created this unique bond where Sort of begin discussing things. She was like, oh, you're you're a special one like me and he's like, well, what do you mean? He's like, well, we're just a part of a higher plane of consciousness and he's like, yeah She brought it up to him. He wasn't trying to fuck right up to her like literally they it was like Marshall was going through this thing where it's like, I feel different than other people. You're gay I just like but there's something about me that's special and different gay and so it's like Bonnie's like, you're not gay You're just an alien and he's just like, oh, of course. I am that's what we wanted to fucking throw so many young Nine-inch cocks. That's gotta be an alien thing. What kind of alien am I? Oh, you're a Jesus alien. Oh, that's fun
Starting point is 00:08:15 It's sadder that it was like what was this the 80s or the 70s? It was literally safer to pretend to be an alien than to be To be gay especially in his life or whatever he was dealing with right and and him and Bonnie He got out of the hospital and they started like a small sort of like informal discussion group So basically, you know first kind of talking about like UFOs as connected to like New Age philosophy Like this idea of like can we just transcend this life? Okay, like what's past this? That's like, what does it mean to like join the next step of evolution, you know, and it started It's a sort of like positive message thing and and Mixing like various New Age concepts and stuff with Christianity. Did this have any dabblings with Scientology at all?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Yes Well, I mean not Scientology in like particularly, but it had a lot of sci-fi elements to it. Yes Like they called I love the sci-fi. Yeah, they called that the the ones that actually killed themselves They had little patches that said away team. Yeah, the way having gates away team. Wow interesting a very small interesting fact Lieutenant Uhura's brother was among the dead which is really crazy and she is good She it kind of all falls into because there's a lot of also people who think Star Trek is real, right? They goes, you know people are sad Life is really
Starting point is 00:09:35 Recall to be real with the three-titted women running all around service in you I want to auto to be real. I just look for somebody. I can believe it You know, if I saw Kwado, I'd be like this guy's got it Thrilled he would be if he saw me a six foot seven man. I'm a mansion to this guy All right, buddy, I got more than more than enough for you family So they're talking about science He's now officially an alien. Well, they they started a they started like a informal sort of like chat session and started Getting bigger and bigger an idea was was that it's you have to eliminate things from your life that make you human
Starting point is 00:10:18 In order to move on to the next plane and that your body is just a vehicle for a Spiritual entity. Yeah, their first group that they found in a 1975 was called human individual metamorphosis Yeah, that sounds like a very boring title for what it is You make it You just make it something that sounds really official Yeah, the idea is like, you know, you change your name like they were known as dough and tea They were also known as bow and peep. Yeah, I think I think dough and tea Yeah, kind of harkens back to the original sort of like Jesus and the Apostles as you rename that you're someone new it takes you away from
Starting point is 00:10:57 The worst names in their middle names. It was it was an allusion to the book of revelations in which like the two messengers Died for three and a half days and they were resurrected anew. I see. Yeah, Looney town But yeah crazy crazy bullshit squeeze squeeze town My little pilot It's weird though every time he takes a peepee or poop who he's got a question all of his beliefs, right? There is radically you shouldn't be done. I suppose he just went he had a boner Every time he had a boner. He quit like that was what was bad And so it's like what started from there
Starting point is 00:11:33 So and as they went they got more and more severe, you know, and then it got to a point of like being sexless like like shaving your head and and and and Heavy shut down his sexuality. Well, it was to being gay in 1993 He well things Bonnie Nattles died of cancer in 85 and that's what he said it was like what that was What I love about Colts and stuff like this is like as you're reading it It started off very simple like it started as like him and Bonnie had this like a Theorial otherworldly relationship and that they were helping people transcend humankind like but it was just about like more about like Changing your thought patterns, but then as life goes on they have to validate their beliefs and then it just gets off the fucking rails. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:12:19 You get to season 7 and all of a sudden you got a talking shark in there and everyone's like this was a show about a radio station Like that's what like when she died he was like well what she did was that she chose to leave her vessel To go up to the ship. She chose cancer and chemo therapy. She chose. Yeah, it's a couple years She chose none of it. She just died. Oh, right. I can't she's a person, but she also just like did no treatment She just died. Oh, she did it. Okay. Very bad, but what so as it went it began unfolding into it Sort of just sort of personal like like personal evolution and then it started incorporating the ancient astronauts like idea of like ancient aliens Aliens. Yeah I love ancient aliens. I fucking love that show so much. I just want to be on it. Yeah, just be like yeah. Yeah, oh man
Starting point is 00:13:13 I'm with you guys. Yeah, it's like not say anything Just the thing is is that you got to think how can humans do this the case aliens and they can't so What's the logical conclusion? Aliens Not like a leverage or a pulley system. No, never thousands of years and 25 generations of slaves Anything and then and then they turn to the actual expert and the expert just goes no no no Hope so would you be if you were a slave that built the pyramids and you fucking find out that humans have officially forgot you when they're blaming on Aliens, they're giving all the credit to fucking things that don't exist. I was squashed by a giant rock
Starting point is 00:13:52 So this was so this was already now 1993 so we're like 15 years Nearly 20 years of evolution of this idea This this was a long time coming This was like his life story and it's like as yeah, he began incorporating the ancient aliens idea The idea was is that he believed that they were It was a concept in the 60s and the original like sort of a new age ideas about extraterrestrials of this thing called walk-ins Which is like and it's an example to think of like quantum leap, okay? Where it's like you have a personality and then a walk-in is some sort of alien intelligence
Starting point is 00:14:34 that inhabits you for a period of time and then what they believe is that Ancient aliens created the seed of humankind in order to create vessels to inhabit and that like once Once humans reach a certain like a level of evolutionary understanding or whatever of consciousness That they would come in they would walk into human life and then help us go to the next step which is leaving our vehicles behind and Joining the space station where they'll do that will will do our many experiments to help expand the universe Makes all the sense in the world, right? It's I just a bcd. Well, I mean just to hammer home how much they believed in this in 1996 the entire group purchased alien
Starting point is 00:15:20 Abduction insurance. Oh my god to cover up the 50 members At a cost of 10 grand 10 grand on alien abduction insurance you watch how many people are gonna buy this dumb shit I promise you Harold. You'll never make it. You'll never be an insurance salesman 500 orders I just gotta find that one area No My clients keep killing themselves god damn it's a lie to people more. Yeah, we got a life
Starting point is 00:15:59 We're gonna sell people fake shit more often I can totally see the alien idea though because you know scientists. They're making a little life in that petri dish now There's no it's reasonable that something came down here started us off and then just has watched the live theater It's honestly it is kind of reasonable, but I don't want to actually say it out Kind of a thing like I am into it. I wish it was real so hard I mean if I would have left the meeting of him I would have been like well, he does have one point though creepy talker But I think aliens probably did make us could aliens could have made us so he's not wrong about that
Starting point is 00:16:34 Um, but that's your styles wrong the hair styles strange. I'm not shaving. Yeah, I don't I don't want to look like that I mean really the and you know the theory that aliens might have made us really makes a lot more sense than God made us Yeah, I mean cuz aliens could maybe exist. Yeah, like maybe yeah Aliens definitely exists, but it's just wonder if they have been here that would be so That creatures but then Mitt Romney would be right Guys would be right. I would love it if Scientologists and Mormons were right I would be the happiest little camper in the world So I just don't want to join there all those people are so stupid and weird and they don't get to do anything fun
Starting point is 00:17:12 They can't even drink coffee. You don't need coffee, man. You're half an alien. I guess that's true. Technically you get bumped up Everything's good. So in 95. That's when he really went all in with the alien when the alien That's when he fully came out and claimed that like he was a representation of his father's spirit His father came to earth Created him like sort of like he was birthed off of him as a spiritual entity and then when his father died He went back up to the he went back up to the space station is like working the controls We're like making room for him and then he's basically here saying making room. I thought there was no bodies Well, what as it started like as as it developed it turned into this idea that earth was going to be recycled
Starting point is 00:17:53 Which I also love the term recycle, which means everybody dies, right? So it's like that's what you say It's it's just like he got lessons from our government as to how to frame people like how to say their words Everybody's gonna die so with this message in the 90s is this when he started to attract like I mean how many people were in This group total was like 49, right? So it never really got too crazy the actual total the death toll Eventually, I mean there were 39 who died in 39 died in like that mass Hailey's comment side Hellbop and then there were two more of that
Starting point is 00:18:28 Committed suicide later a little bit later So this was this this was like he found a winning argument for the first time up to this point He was just sort of alone Halebop clinched the whole thing because what I would that's what we were saying is I was watching a documentary and and basically They were saying that he was just getting more and more desperate and fucked up and and like as a person like Wondering what the point of all this is where this is headed to and then this news came out about hellbop coming like we breathe like Breezing by earth or whatever right the term is and he was like oh, that's it
Starting point is 00:18:57 And it's like at some point he was like Bonnie sent us a meant a message And that's what this message is hail bop and that spaceship the cheese on it's right behind it That's why we can't see it guys and they're like excellent. That's good. That makes sense and then The suicide thing didn't even happen until even further like into it It was like the suicide thing was like it was just a lifestyle thing and then like after a while It was like once they realized like once hellbop was coming They were like how do we get to it? And he's just like we got to kill ourselves We have to do that in order to move on. Well, they did he on the site
Starting point is 00:19:34 They say this is our position against suicide. They didn't what they considered suicide was to continue living on this earth to turn away. They did it wrong. Yeah, yeah, it's the opposite. You didn't think about it, right? Exactly fucking opposite. We're sitting there writing Holden wakes up from around table a gentleman. It's pouring rain. It's freezing cold outside Oh, what a beautiful rainy Sunday You fucking idiot God you're wrong. That's a terrible rainy Sunday and suicide is when you die on earth. Yeah, suicide is suicide. Suicide is suicide. Suicide isn't keeping on living But that's so and then it further continued and then him and like nine of the members castrated themselves They went down to Mexico God that said does not sound like you should take it literally get me
Starting point is 00:20:24 The sharp burrito when it bring me your sharpest burrito. Yeah, let's see. What? Redoes aren't sharp Henry. I had one earlier. It was filled with eggs and cheese and it was delicious and soft Let me get it here. I feel like they just like tethered an island rope to their cocks and had a donkey run Dicks just got tore off. Yeah. Oh, they didn't cut out their dicks just their balls. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah, that's cat. You lose you lose the balls keep the dick. Yeah Oh, I just always thought you just chopped the whole thing right off there. No, you can't do unix do that. Oh, I see I think you have to do that as a baby or something weird happen You can't you can do it. Yeah, you can can you you can do it as you while you grow older
Starting point is 00:21:04 We should look up how people do it now. We'll look it up for a later episode and that will be disgusted No, I know actually I know quite a bit about the castrati. Oh, yeah Yeah, oh, they were Catholic people that were They were castrated at a very young age Don't just keep on a very like a high singing voice and there's only one known recording of Man because I stopped doing it in the 1800s. Well, I love That seems like a little recent. I would say it's very recently too Religion is so right
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's pretty amazing. What was the what was the spiritual meaning behind the castration of the men other than their own hatred of their Balls, that's really that's what it is. It's a further you every human. They were all gay Is that the theory? Well, I don't know if they all were no Marshall was they were just weird and couldn't get laid Yeah, so it was like that's if you're already joining a cult and you already have some essential personality flaw So it's like you're already in there. You're you're missing something and it's like you obviously probably I mean like you're just not Be an awesome, you know, I mean like you're not you're obviously not cool No, not a DJ in a nightclub in New York City if you're joining a cult like that Do we have any breakdown of the average of the occupations of these people?
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah, we have the average ages though Most of them were in their 40s, but the ages range from 26 to 72 and it was really sad like so Basically up leading up into middle-class people that they I really I don't know it was all over the map Yeah, okay, cuz it was like there was that one there was a black couple that left their kids Mm-hmm Like left their kids and then it was like it was just this couple that were fighting all the time And they saw the pamphlet for it and so they joined up with the cult and then they're getting into it And then the husband finally was like hey, um, this is really fucked up
Starting point is 00:22:47 We're not having sex anymore and like we're not in a human relationship anymore And then they but his wife was like I love it. Yeah women would love it. No sex. No sex in the marriage We're fine with it Not all no every woman that I've ever touched has never liked it I did it edit it out. They love me gales. Love me. It's a beautiful rainy sundae When um towards the end they they finally built it up so like In the weeks leading up into the mass suicide before it was even decided that they were gonna kill themselves
Starting point is 00:23:25 What they started to do was talking about how they wanted to die And then they started doing these open like talks and what Marshall Apoit was hoping was gonna happen was that while doing these Like out in the public sort of discourses Someone would show up with a machine gun and shoot them all in the head so that they could all pass on without committing suicide Because he was too afraid everyone was like really afraid of the idea It makes sense because they know in the bottom of their heart that they're wrong with their ideas of death Yeah, because your body fights it at every fucking possible instant and so but But at that point again, it's just like you have a whole group of people who threw away their whole lives
Starting point is 00:24:00 Right away families if threw away all human connection. They don't have any money It's just like when your father is driving down the wrong road, and he just you're going the wrong way dad. You're like, no No, I'm not going the wrong way, but we're going in a baseball game This is like it's five in the morning and here's it yet another layer to this entire thing how these people made money They had they rented out and a big mansion in San Diego seven grand a month how they made money web design Yeah, this is a 1996 1997. Yeah, they're what they were web designers Why did they steal the Green Bay Packers logo and just paint it black because they were designed they were
Starting point is 00:24:39 Programmers not knock. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they were programmed even live off Bedford. They live off Montrose I see that it does seem to make sense though with the brain of a programmer. They are sort of alien creatures from hell They have problems so I can see how they don't relate to anybody normal because they love numbers and our sequences Very alien, but they were It's just such a mystery to me So towards the end they put together this did they go by tape? Okay, where it was like each one of them did this sort of solo interview which you can watch online Which is them just talking to how like so excited to finally be join the away team and do all this stuff
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's just too late-hearted for what they're doing except for one girl Who's just crying through the whole video because you're right get out of there Let the tears one guy you let them really smart guy who like in a Who video was the one where you remember the video that they use on the SNL tape of like the That sketch work like night you want a revolution Evolution re-bock and it showed all the nikes kids. Oh, yeah, and um the guy Who did that as a guy named who's like Rio? He had this ridiculous fake name that they gave him like Rio or Dio or something and
Starting point is 00:25:55 What he did really smart as that he walked up to Marshall f white during the final days and he was like hey, you know Rio de Angelo Rio de Angelo. He said hey, you know, it's like you know what we need You know is we need somebody to not kill themselves so they can tell everybody what's going on in here And he's like oh my god, Rio. You're Yeah, so I'll go on to all the interviews. Yeah, and I'm gonna take a lot of pictures. Yeah, I'm a good time to run a book I can't kill myself. He's better than killing himself. He's gonna suffer here on earth He's really the one killing himself according to their mind. He's a martyr Yeah, he's the one that's committing suicide and a martyr lives in this story
Starting point is 00:26:38 The whole thing said did they have to kill themselves in a specific way was there a juice or did somebody did it? I'll stick up their ass and jump off a refrigerator No, they did still the most insane suicide I have ever heard. It's true. Oh, yeah. Yeah, the brooms. The broomstick is a But they all what they did was they did a mixture of fina barbatal Uh What else was it goddammit? There was fina barbatal mixed with applesauce or putting washed down with vodka You need the vodka, you know the vodka is not gonna kill you like help as you go to sleep. Oh, I see
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah, just relax like how we go to sleep every single night Then I scream I wake up at three in the morning screaming about something, but that's just me But I mean you're a natural newsman. That's all your body just wants to be a troubadour from medieval time I know it man, you know all about it and do that anymore I had a dream last night where a cop gave me a gun and asked me to be his partner cool It was great. We were walking around the streets news like you know how to use a 40 caliber I'm like, of course, I know I'd use a 40 caliber And we went and caught some criminals
Starting point is 00:27:50 It was so much fun It's the most fun I've had in a dream in a long time. That's great. I had good dreams all weekend, too I just don't remember any of them. So should we sit and should we watch the tape or yeah, let's listen Let's listen to the same so we're gonna listen This is his final speech that he gave what just what this is or this is the exact opposite Yeah, oh, this is his immediate video. Yeah, no, this is before this is At the very beginning when it when heavens gate really shifted into being heavens gate as we know it This was his initiation video that he threw out there
Starting point is 00:28:22 I think it would just be fun to like it's all worth sitting in a living room together watching this For the first time and it sees it see if it gets you're not I'm excited. I want to hear it I want to see if I'm convinced. Oh, I mean I Was watching it for an hour and a half and then by the end I'm just like this guy's got some fun things to say does And one more thing though about the Nike shoes. Mm-hmm. Why did they decide on the Nike shoes? Because they got him on sale. That was literally it. Yeah, they were brand. Yeah, yeah a sale They got a sale. That's why they've chose those shoes and also I was reading about it, too They're last meals they went to a diner in town and they ordered it ahead of time
Starting point is 00:28:58 And so they showed up and that they all came in all they all dress exactly like and they They had a table set because they used to come in like once a month for this sort of like weird celebration They all had a chicken pot pie and chocolate cake And they all just sat and laughed and talked and sing songs and this thing and then they all went and killed themselves And they must have looked like fucking lunatics. Oh, yeah Yeah, they were all dressed up black sweatpants and black t-shirt, but that's how I felt I used to work in Clearwater, Florida, which is the Scientology capital of the world I used to work at the borders there and I swear to fucking God
Starting point is 00:29:31 It looks like Star Trek because it's this big silver building and like everyone walks around downtown Clearwater and these silver jumpsuits with these clipboards, and they're all walking around just like good day citizen. I'm just like You're fucking crazy get out of this door! Every time I saw him I was like, you're crazy! Oh, I just want to put on the they live glasses as soon as you fucking see him. Oh, everyone's crazy All right, just too bad Puma wasn't running a sale. I mean really could have helped a lot of poor shoe cuffs. I need arch support I can't just get cheap shoes. Yeah, let's listen to what this psycho has to say. All right one. Oh, I'm sorry Are you good? Wait, are you on zero? I'm on zero One, two, three
Starting point is 00:30:15 That's room. Hey there, Marshall. Are in old language a couple thousand years ago Disciples those who are trying to prepare themselves for entry into the evolutionary level cool above human Synonymous with the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven. I'm gonna drink to me place We're going to talk to you The most urgent thing that is on our mind Doritos what we suspect is the most urgent thing on the minds of those who will connect with us Smoking weed. We're gonna watch on this day. This isn't for us. This is called isn't for us Planet Earth
Starting point is 00:30:56 About to be recycled. You're losing me Your only chance to evacuate is Is to leave with us cool. Well, so we're taking a car planet Earth About to be recycled. So we're taking a boat your only chance to survive or Evacuate is to leave with us. Hey, Marshall. This is getting kind of heavy now. That's pretty major statement. It is I like to be self-aware in terms of
Starting point is 00:31:33 Anybody's intelligent thinking. Hey, Marshall, maybe you should blame once and I could I could make it listen to you some more That's just staring in the lights of your eyes like drink. What's all this prophetic stuff? You know intelligent human beings which you would realize that everything has their cycle. That's true They have their season like that's all they have their beginning. They have their end turn turn turn. Yeah We're not saying that planet Earth is coming to an end. No, no, no We're saying that planet Earth is about to be refurbished spaded under coming to an end have another chance to Particularly fly human civilization
Starting point is 00:32:14 Now the reason this is such an interesting time is not only because we're on the threshold of the end of this Civilization Us where that finds you where that finds those who would Judge us and everyone will judge you how we would speak of them and how they would speak of us crazy town No, you say you keep saying I can see how you watch this for an hour. It's pretty soothing well. I I toss and sort of like slow jam jazz behind it and smoke a ball knowledge my Know what I'm not my day off
Starting point is 00:32:58 My father is not a human father My father is a member of the evolutionary level above human The kingdom of God. He's so proud of his marshal the kingdom of heaven. The doctor just wants to say hello My father gave me long before this civilization Gave me birth into that kingdom Level above human that kingdom of heaven that kingdom of God Now you can say well, I can't believe that well It's up to you. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:32 He really does he does leave a bad not important to me even though I wish that you could believe it for your sake He really is for those who do believe it. No, he was a bunch of music ability as I was saying He was in music man. Oh, it's a really good actor for a while Now you say well according to religious literature I thought there was someone else that was going to come and be our savior here at these in days That that was going to be Christ's return. That's also insane Well, the name Christ might be a little confusing or the name Jesus because the name Jesus, of course Of course was the name given to the body that that mind that was indeed from the kingdom of heaven
Starting point is 00:34:16 came I just feel like it's in the morning was here two thousand years ago Express purpose of teaching humans how they could be saved The one or the mind that was in Jesus What what that mind is in me You don't have to decide that for yourself crazy town I must admit that I am here again That I'm here saying exactly the same thing That I said then we're trying to say in today's language
Starting point is 00:34:59 Trying to hope that for your sake See what we have to offer you for our father offers you life. Oh wow I'm not talking about human life. I'm not gonna be here. If I'm talking about And we see the planet as a stepping stone Planet Earth a stepping stone fabulous wonder just as it's what will be in a civilization a civilization Evolves I want to read one that each
Starting point is 00:35:32 Civilization becomes more civilized Barbaric in some ways it's supposed to not that it necessarily does Sometimes it seems to appear to be more civilized when in fact it becomes more Barbaric kind of interesting more quick to condemn the rest of the world more quick to be Quick to kill the rest of the world and that does not think as it thinks What kind of way well, I know what I just said definitely is a blast I imagine a shared way. I am the return of the son of my father I'll tell you something that's even more remarkable. I say this in the mirror every day, but I just get my father came with me
Starting point is 00:36:18 this time Came in the early 70s water You know took on a human form an adult human form Helped me get in an adult human form in the early 70s and we together Those who came with us that were also here two thousand years ago get in the bodies that they were wearing so that they could Rid themselves of human behavior human activity human thinking all those facets So that they could be ready to move into the kingdom of heaven or the evolutionary level
Starting point is 00:36:58 It's when they're like no power shirt. Yeah, but I'm not college You never see me have been students of tea and dough tea Naturally sort of skittish around people dressed like that and students of tea and dough Are still students of tea and dough even though tea returned to the heavens answer in 1985 Yeah, she died for real and tea is my heavenly father Gave me birth into that kingdom before this civilization began Now I'm not here to sell you on that Or who are crazy or who these are
Starting point is 00:37:37 I'm here to talk to you every once in a while. Just doing that. They would stop killing all the truth So that if you can connect with it at any level, then you might survive The It makes you feel special it's about to occur something being in the Latin. We made a tape just shortly ago and In that tape we said that there are three types of individuals that will survive That and fun. I like that's the end of that's the end of part one you get of course all the rest of it Wow, man Totally put up if we put up the link in the in the description of the first video just so people can watch it while we do or whatever
Starting point is 00:38:21 And then the other thing is yeah, watch all of it get into it. Yeah, just love it I'm kind of fucking kind of blue and just have a good jamming down to it He lolls you lolls you kind of into believe he's got a really nice voice. He does have a nice voice a good performance I think it's a it was a probably a peaceful suicide anyway If he was just talking over the intercom system the entire time well it happened over a course of three days Now why did it happen? Over three people could administer it. Yeah, okay So then people help like one wave like it's like one people help those people along because they all were so put in like
Starting point is 00:38:55 They had black sheets put over their heads mm-hmm and they Did not and they didn't move the bodies at all after they died. So by the time they were found I think it was like six days after the first Suicide so they all of the bodies were in like an intense Like decomposition composition because it was also a very warm summer or a very warm spring in San Diego Yeah, do you smell bodies out here? Hey, does anyone smell bodies? I don't know. Let's go surfing. All right I mean, I think I smell somewhere somewhere between 39 and 41
Starting point is 00:39:31 39 bodies. Let's go Cody. Let's go surfing Those people that killed themselves on the third day. I actually have a lot of respect for them They see the death all around they must at that point be questioning the faith. I mean, that's a tough thing to do But definitely go on the day one die on the day one. Oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's why I like going to the first day of movies cuz I want anybody spoil for me. Yeah, exactly Yeah, right, right? Does that make sense? Yeah, it's not a similar kind of All right, I feel like we're all got really sleepy from that I'm yawning. I like I know you're tearing up and yeah, and you know, it just won't I just beating us
Starting point is 00:40:06 I'm gonna be on it. He is winning. I just could never be in a cult. I just won't I just won't be in one Well, they don't want you. They don't want you. They do if they only knew how good I'd be for him I'll be a good you would be an amazing addition to any cult That's what everybody's always said about Henry and the day that you die. That's what I'll say Yeah, it's what a great cog in the machine. He would have been wonderful. I love him Yeah, he's just making units to be shifted I love him any other information you want to share with the audience about I feel like we really I think I think we I think we really wrap that up. That was quite nice. I love this. I just find it so interesting and like cuz I
Starting point is 00:40:40 I every once in a while we should just do an episode always totally based on an entire if you have if you have a Favorite cult or you know anything that you want to share with us Let us know and or if you're in a cult and you want to talk about it. That'd be lovely Yeah, that would be fantastic. Yeah, any one ex-member of a cult. Oh Yeah, keep comedy radio They'll be amazing. All right guys has been last pockets. I left with Marcus parks Ben Kissel. Oh, thank you. Yeah, I miss greedy. I miss greed. You're a squid boss. Yeah, boss and Your intro and outro over to Hong Kong

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