Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 43: Occult Symbols

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

The boys explore the phenomenon of occult symbols in everyday life, Masonic numerology, and the facts behind the claim that the President is a Reptilian/Grey/Humanoid hybrid. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last talk. On the left. That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? I'm confused, but this is too professional. Yeah, way too much for you. Yeah, this is too much stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Can you handle it? Can you handle the heat? Because we're rolling. Welcome to the last podcast. On the left with Marcus Parks, I'm Ben Kissel with us as always. Can you throw some light Oriental music down for me?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Oriental? Just as long as you don't call it Oriental again. Can you put some light sort of just China music? Yeah, okay. That's slightly better. You. Tiny Music. Hong Kong, Henry's a Broske. Now you're adding prefixes to Hong Kong?
Starting point is 00:01:03 That's just what I had. That was good. That was just that addition. It's like Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero Hong Kong. Sub-Zero in North Korea. Yeah, with wontons in my pockets. Oh, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I am so echoey. Do you want to take them off? No. We're using headphones here. Help me. I'm in the well. You can't hear the echo, can they? Can you add an echo to that? Hear me, I'm down in the well.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'm hungry. Toss me a hamburger. You've been in there three minutes. Oh, I'm hungry. It's good to be back. It's good to have you back, Henry. Absolutely. Today we're going to talk about occult and occult symbolism.
Starting point is 00:01:51 In modern day America, it's all around us. A lot of us don't recognize it when we pass. In our Jew run media. Take it easy, Hong Kong. A lot of the research really focuses on the Jew run part of media. They don't love it. They're very concerned.
Starting point is 00:02:07 They are very concerned. Symbolism is all around. We're going to reveal some of these symbols to you. Sorry. Give you some information. So when you're driving around in your wonderful Cadillacs or your suburban SUVs. Your Jew run suburban SUVs.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Whatever, whatever. Usually you just run on gasoline. Maybe a hybrid. I don't know. You're going to be able to recognize when Satan is trying to get into your mind and convince you to do evil things. One thing I picked up while researching this topic that's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It's kind of like uses information. One of those is like something like 240,000 neurons that are used to store information in your brain. And the way they work, they're photographic cells essentially.
Starting point is 00:02:55 So they work on symbols. They work on images, not words. So that's what's really interesting. That's why symbols are so potent and manipulated by our Jew run media and government. Well, let's start with things. Let's start with Satanism in your home.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Particularly Satanism in your bathroom. Yes. Proctor and Gamble. Possibly the most famous of all the occult symbolism in, I guess, America in general. In 1992, there was a big thing where there was a rumor
Starting point is 00:03:27 spreading around by rival companies that the head of Proctor and Gamble had gone on TV. Like Mr. Toilet. Yeah. Good bubbles. I've got a conspiracy theory for you, my friends. Those Progers and Gamble's not so safe. And they were saying that the head
Starting point is 00:03:43 of Proctor and Gamble had gone on TV and admitted that he was a member of the Church of Satan. Hell yeah. And the reason why this was actually a part of it. Like Proctor and Gamble's old logo. It used to be called the Old Man in the Moon. And they used it up until 1992.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And what it was, is that it was a circle. I like it. It was a circle with kind of a crescent moon face. Like a man with a crescent. Islam. Yeah, sure. They don't even talk about that, but sure. Let's throw it in there. Why not? Why not? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And there were 13 stars in this logo. Oh, like the original American flag. And that's what they said. That's what their claim was that it was supposed to represent the 13 original colonies. Which doesn't make any fucking sense. It's a toilet company. Well, they make soaps. It's not a tricorner fucking hat company.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Don't tread on me fucking. We're all going to wear wool shorts companies. You're not buying it at Lids, that's true. And at the top of the Crescent Moon Man's head, what Proctor and Gamble says is merely tufts of hair. Obviously two horns.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Interesting. So the devil is on the moon. The devil is on the moon. With the 13 stars surrounding it. Well, definitely the spray of liquid shit I just did in the bathroom would be a suitable prayer to Satan. I would love to see symbols like that when I'm desperately sweat trickling down my back
Starting point is 00:05:03 in a porter potty at some kind of music festival. And that's where you see most Proctor and Gamble products. You see them in the bathroom. Do you think that's on purpose? When you are making a nasty dookie, you are the closest that you can be with Satan any given day. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:19 So you're looking at a Proctor and Gamble product. I mean, it's very possible to get them to get a convert in that situation. And in one case, because they threw out the defamation suits and the Satanism stuff was going on. People sued them because they were Satanists. No, they sued other people for saying that they were Satanists.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And in one case, raised a couple of eyebrows when they specified exactly they were seeking $66,600 in damages. Wow. That's just fun lawyers. In this
Starting point is 00:05:51 Jew run lawyer society. You never know who runs it. It's important as a confirmed Satanist. No, it's official. Henry and Marcus, you guys are official Satanists now. Yes. This is fascinating. We are full-time Satanists. But I think what's important is...
Starting point is 00:06:07 Are you never going to buy Mr. Tom's toothpaste again? Only Proctor and Gamble products? No, I love the way it smells. I mean, there's no... I have no product to allegiance. Oh, okay. Yeah, I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. That's like... That is the base of Satanism. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:06:23 It's going to be really tough to follow. Yes. I mean, it's just important because if you look at it from an advertising perspective, you got to get people wherever you can. You know what they say? You have to see a name three times before you can understand it.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So, as far as I'm going, before it can really absorb into your brain, so it's like, yeah, get them while they're shitting. Get them while they're cheating on their wives. Vulnerable. That's just important. That's where they got that astro-glide out there. It all comes back to the butt. Always. Always. Because the butt hole,
Starting point is 00:06:55 if you look at like... Is that the eye? The eye of horse? It's like an eye of horse. If you just cut the asshole out of a man or a woman and lay it down, it's like a flower. It's like the sun. Put a little stick in it. Heavy symbology. A appetizer.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And speaking of the eye of forest, that is seen in both the CBS logo and the Dairy Queen logo. Very interesting. And while we're on the subject of CBS, let's go into a little bit of numerology here. So this... Yeah, hit us with some numbers, Marcus. Now, what's important
Starting point is 00:07:27 is that this stuff is rock solid. Well, math doesn't lie. The world is math and this is numbers. Look at the math. Absolutely. They are trying... We are all puppets being run for some giant... What the Illuminati calls their specific craft.
Starting point is 00:07:43 The Illuminati Freemasonry. All of that into one giant Churon conspiracy machine. I missed that one. Oh, what did I say? I don't know. I missed it. I'm just saying that there's just... look at the research and
Starting point is 00:07:59 hit them with the numbers, Marcus. It's all over the place. It's all over the place. You're gonna shit. We were about to shit, Henry. We were sold a long time ago. George Washington started this. This is from
Starting point is 00:08:15 where you can search hard truth slash 1333 Freemason signs. What this guy's numerology code is is that it's the simplest one. There is A is one, B is two, three is C, etc., etc. The first one, CBS
Starting point is 00:08:31 3 is the C B is the two, S is 19 3 plus 2 minus 19 1713 See, but that's just... That's a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I was always very bad at math. You think that's a coincidence? No, it's just a coincidence. 3 plus 2 is 5 minus 19...isn't that 14? Isn't that 14? I get it. Alright, let's just...
Starting point is 00:09:03 Okay, so it's... We're starting off rough. We're starting off rough. Is this A equals 13? Yes. This is my question. Before we even go deeper into this, why is 13 so important?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Is 13 just... Is it just like a numerology thing? Does it mean a specific thing? Why is it tied into the Illuminati's agenda? It is... You know what? I really... I didn't really care enough to... Question, Henry.
Starting point is 00:09:35 There's 13 stars in the Mason Square. 13 is a Masonic thing. Okay. As is 33. 33 is like the top level of... 33 is the top level of... the highest level you can get in the Masonic watch.
Starting point is 00:09:51 It sounds like the Mason's just had a very lazy Astronomist and they were like, hey, go count the stars and he's like... 13 of them. I also... It's got to have something to do with the various families. I'm pretty certain that's what I read.
Starting point is 00:10:07 13 family lines. 13 bloodlines. 13 bloodlines are built into the Masonic thing and they are all strategically placed within important areas of government, education, science, politics, entertainment... Interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And they represent the 13 Satanic families. That's the big 13. Yes, yes. We got to look into that. You got your cruises, your Kardashians, you got your Rosenbergs... And let's... Okay, so the first one,
Starting point is 00:10:39 the first numerology, bit of a bust. Is it 14? I'm pretty sure it's 14. Yeah, it's 3 plus 2 5 minus 19 minus 5 is 14. Is it 19? Okay, alright. Okay, well let's go to one
Starting point is 00:10:55 that we know is true. This is like the 2 plus 2 equals 5 type thing though. It's kind of like the end of the movie, Clue, when they were trying to figure out how many bullets were in the gun. Flames? Flames? Side of my face. Alright, let's go for some media here. CNN.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Okay, CNN. So again, rock solid math. Rock solid numbers. They're trying to permeate their fucking agenda into things we see every day. Really CNN about that CBS bust. See? That's pretty rough. That was a missed out.
Starting point is 00:11:27 He thought that was the most obvious one too. Yeah, that's 13. He started with that. He just was rushing. I think he made this website in the bathroom while it worked. On his laptop into the bathroom. It's an extremely manic website.
Starting point is 00:11:43 There's not really many spaces. He's got too much stuff to shit out. He can't always be double checking his facts. He let his bias get in the way of his numbers a little bit, but that's okay. But this one we know is true. CNN. CNN. I believe this. C3 in 14 in 14. 3 plus 1
Starting point is 00:11:59 plus 4 plus 1 plus 4 equals 13. Okay, so then he just took those numbers. Did you take another number in there? Okay, that's fine. Can you do that? You just put another number in there? No, he just broke up the 1 and the 4 instead of it being 14 plus 14 plus 3, which would be 31.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Which if you just flip it backwards is 13. Put it in a mirror. Yeah, with 31 needs to go shave. He needs to look in a mirror. And that's really true because you should put your life up to a mirror and look at what you're doing. And guys, I'm 31. Weird. Think about that.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Think about that. In all numerology though, when you're supposed to break down your name or your birthday, they do the same thing. If double digits, they do the same sort of code in terms of the way you assign letters in your name and how you can find out what your heart number is.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Okay. And that's what they do. They break the double digits into single digits. How old your heart is? Yeah, I'm a solid 92 year old heart. You look great. I feel like shit. That's good.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Alright, so we got one complete bus. CNN's a half make. Okay, let's get complicated with it. Alright, let's get complicated. Let's do one more complicated and then we'll jump to another thing and then we'll feed them some more numbers. Yeah, we'll come back. Let's get a little complicated. KGB.
Starting point is 00:13:19 K10G7B2. So that's... That's 19. No, no, no. As he says, this one's very clever as it's reversed. And what that is, two times seven.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Two times, he just threw a time. Equals 14 minus and what he did on the reverse instead of 10, 14 minus one equals 13. It's clever. It's just clever.
Starting point is 00:13:51 KGB is always mixing up the numbers. I just don't know about these numbers. It seems like he's really playing around with them. He's taking some liberties here. Oh, yes, yes. He's Mitt Romney in them. He's Romneying these numbers. That's okay. So let's move on to some of the
Starting point is 00:14:07 occult symbols in fast food and general crisis. And this hits straight at the American heart. Because it's like, we are all wrapped in carcinogen laden fat. This whole country and there is nothing quite as important
Starting point is 00:14:23 to the American psyche as fast food symbology and what it's doing to gain members for our Satanic army. Let's hear it, Marcus. It's a chubby army. Let's start with everyone's favorite. Arby.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I don't know if it's everybody's favorite. Did you say that Arby's meat is liquefied? And then the devil comes in and spells over it and it hardens up. Don't you mean it just boiled in a big plastic bag until it's solid? Yeah, they put it in a fridge. They boil it and put it in a fridge.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Whatever. Or the devil comes in and makes it for you. Arby's. Try it. So how Arby's, if you take the Arby's cowboy hat. Love that cowboy hat. And you put it sideways. Thirteen. Thirteen, it says it's thirteen. Yeah, it says it's thirteen. Same thing with McDonald's. No.
Starting point is 00:15:11 No, well, it does. It does if you look at the picture of the family. Can we put these pictures on? Just take a look and you'll be thoroughly convinced. That is a sideways cowboy hat. Well, yes it is. That is what that is. But it's also the number thirteen.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah, it's a sideways cowboy hat. But McDonald's you cannot deny. But if you take the golden arches and the straight line of McDonald's at the bottom if you put that on its side, thirteen. I mean, it just looks like tits. Everything looks like tits to you. You put a nipple on everything.
Starting point is 00:15:43 You put a nipple on things. Okay, maybe fast food's a bust, okay? No. Let's move on to cars. Okay, cars. First of all, we're driving cars everywhere. You gotta go through the drive-through. And you're driving them straight into the heart of Satan.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Give it up for Satan, Mark. Satan, hell Satan. All right. Chrysler, if you look at the Chrysler symbol, wings. Can I look at it? Oh, isn't that something? And what does that have to do with the occult?
Starting point is 00:16:15 It's Egyptian. Think about it. It's the number thirteen. The Egyptian thing goes back to, let's, if we want to just get confusing here for a second. It's back to our alien agenda thing, right? Holy Lord, never mind. I'm just saying, do you remember the Giza intelligence?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Which was the team of greys and draconian aliens that lived in ancient Egypt and helped build our pyramids and then basically fell out of favor when they tried to approach the Nazis to use them as their,
Starting point is 00:16:47 in order to get human bodies, you know? That's where this starts from. And another thing. Mazda. I mean, that means nothing. But the ancient alien philosophy where modern humankind came from, from our alien forefathers,
Starting point is 00:17:03 which started the Illuminati agenda, which was the trains of superhumans that were made by aliens. Way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way back with that. How far back? Way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way back then.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Back then, okay. Back then and back there. But it started there and so a lot of Egyptian mythology is used in, you know, it's used in Freemasonry. It's used in what's with the fezzes? That would be
Starting point is 00:17:35 the Shriners. Shriners with their homosexual, their homosexual initiation rights that they have to do. They have to, they have to flight one another in order to, in order to debase themselves in front of their Egyptian gods.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Sticking with our mainstream idea. Fezz, a well-known homosexual from that 70's show, is that why they called him Fezz. No, Fezz was not huge as foreign. Yeah. He voted a little bit. He was a little on the gay side.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Well, back to the cars. The Mazda truck. This man owns two Mazda trucks. Uh-oh, double Satanist. Stay at 13 gallon gas tanks. Wow. Can't make that up. Who wrote this website?
Starting point is 00:18:23 What website? The devil wrote it. This is on Is this hard truth? Yeah. We need you to come here. We need to bust this whole thing open. Send us an email at
Starting point is 00:18:39 Improve your numbers here because it looks like you're just flipping cowboy hats on the side and just saying random shit about gas tanks. I don't think it's a conspiracy, but if you got the hard truth, bring it to us. And we'll send it to the literally
Starting point is 00:18:55 100 people that listen to this podcast at any given time. You want to hear some 33 numbers? Let's hear some 33. I'll start with one that you're going to love. What is the meaning of 33? What's the meaning of 33? It is the degrees of masonry,
Starting point is 00:19:11 and that is the highest degree of mason that you can achieve. You want that one? That's what George Washington was. That's what Thomas Jefferson was when they came together and designed Washington, D.C., which has over 25 built-in zodiac symbols into the architecture of everything.
Starting point is 00:19:27 It's very interesting. It's like, again, it harkens back to ancient Egypt. The sign for Sirius, which was one of the major Egyptian gods, was the sign of an obelisk, a pentagram, a pentagon, and a dome.
Starting point is 00:19:43 And if you look at the way it's positioned, it's positioned in the same exact map like locations, like the way they are in the traditional hieroglyphic for it, where the Washington Monument, and it's in rock solid. It is rock solid.
Starting point is 00:19:59 It also leads to some wonderful street art. Why so serious if they would put a picture of the Egyptian god? Get on this street art. It's a good t-shirt. There we go. Thinking of ideas. Alright, so we're to the number 33. 33?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Harp, H-A-A-R-P. The beer? No. This is the harp project. I thought it was beer. Five five five five five. Excuse me. I'll have your to run tuna sandwich No, that's that's just Hank. He always comes in here. He always orders the number 13 all it always is just number Mm-hmm, and every time he's like I got ya. Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:07 Harry as Truman as the 33rd president president was a 33rd degree Mason initiated the nuclear age the crowning success of alchemy When the first a bomb exploded at the 33rd parallel Trinity test site in Alamogordo, New Mexico He was responsible for killing thousands of Japanese at two cities and by the way, he calls that the yellow peril What I've never heard that's not the yellow at two cities close to the 33rd parallel yellow peril that it's just Just like calling like beating up beating up Asian people in the streets is the yellow danger Watch out for that yellow danger Mm-hmm. Oh, one of my ever happened to that by the way that terror chart we used to have Oh, they got that a few years ago. They're gonna bring it back. I love that. Yeah, I like that too up
Starting point is 00:21:56 We're at a good orange. It's or what does it mean? Nothing doesn't get anything. I was 13 I wish to use animals like in the Chinese like right right right like whatever it is like birthing. Oh, it's a turtle today I would be fine. They're moving slow. Oh, no, it's Wolverine damn it Oh, right. Well, uh, let's but what about Obama in this free movie before we get to that Let's do one more thing on this crazy fuckers page. Yes, that's good. We're the first three people to read his page Let's go for movies I love the internet so much movies and this was made in 2001 So think so all these films were probably around the year 2000. Well, no when he starts up
Starting point is 00:22:37 And you would be correct Yeah, the movie any given Sunday, okay, and he's obsessed with this movie He's so obsessed with this movie the quarterback And if you if you can't remember any given Sunday was Oliver Stone movie about football that had Al Pacino fucking saw on the car in half. Yeah, Lawrence Taylor was fucking awesome in that movie I wish you would be talking about varsity blues though. I know Beaks best So in that movie, I like the replacements Oh
Starting point is 00:23:06 remake The quarterback was number 13. The receiver was number 33 Oh my god, and who could miss the all-seeing eye throughout the movie the message was obvious to that this man What they were saying is this god this guy there Everything is more exciting for him. Everything's so much more exciting. I just wish I could have that much excitement It's an urgency in my life. He's really watching the movie. Yeah, the only one in there seeing the film Yeah, I'm just sitting there half stone giggling about the tits. All right There are 33 titles in the Old Testament
Starting point is 00:23:39 For the Antichrist whoa, yeah 33 titles for the Antichrist in the old mr. Giggles Yeah, it's a slappy hands. There are 13 titles for him in the New Testament interesting Satan 13 number 13. Okay is the quarterback cool 33rd degree. Yeah, Satan's my co-pilot. Yeah Quarterback as well 33rd degree masons are the receivers in other words 33s are bringing back the Old Testament Egypt ISIS Osiris Ross Satan one more religions epi-tepi You know what else I was reading about you. I'm gonna put it with ISIS Look at the sign for the American dollar, right? S with the two lines through it. You put it out
Starting point is 00:24:22 You you strip it apart. It spells ISIS think about them think about there's a porn star named ISIS Who actually gets icicles stuffed up her pussy? She's pretty great. I like her a lot. Yeah, continue on with your What was the way back there? The what was the last thing you said? Zapp tippity tab What was that one? He's that be there on it? Yeah, but Zappi Tappy Zappi Tappy. Yeah, Zappi Tappy is the one world religion of ISIS Osiris Raw and Satan Zappi Tappy was that corrupt golden age of incarnate demons which the Egyptian mystery religion represented and continues to represent It is an ancient violent and immoral world which developed before the flood which New Age spirit guides are seeking to reestablish
Starting point is 00:25:03 They are seeking to reestablish this age under globalization to be ruled once again by 13 Satan New Testament Antichrist even the movie the last Boy Scout with Bruce Willis and Damon way He's even at the number 13 on the back of his head. What was he in the movie a forced retired quarterback looking for payback? Okay, we're back That's exactly how animated he was when he was writing that and it was immediately followed by the thought oh here comes honey Boo-Boo was on here his mother go Robert come down. I made spaghetti god damn it mom. I'm figuring out the last boy scout Turn off your football films. It's not about football But if you take a look at that of like all of that talking about incarnate demons
Starting point is 00:25:52 Well, so that it easily reflects back to the reptilian agenda and David Ike's whole thing Where it's like if you would take all those idea the religious aspect out of it and replace The giant 15-foot reptile lords that made us then it starts making some sense 15 feet Do you have any evidence on this? That's what David Ike said. He was approached by a 15-foot all right Oh, yeah, uh-huh, then you could say that it makes and that's like I've been reading David Ike's book the biggest idea I finally sat and reading it was he just tripping off a mescaline at the swamps looking at alligators He was like going he's like, you know
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yes, what I'm saying sounds ridiculous and yes, I was going through a pretty horrible divorce at the time Reptilians are all lawyers Well, I'm not gonna sit here and sugarcoat the truth for you I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that reptilians are not out to destroy human right I'm not gonna say that cuz I know that makes me sound crazy when I talk about the reptiles But when you're approached by a 15-foot reptile and he tells you about his secret agenda I'd like to see how you react and what you want to write down and you want to make sure that people get the truth You're just like man
Starting point is 00:26:58 How's you are fucked? That was a really really bad divorce. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, buddy. You are in pain Yeah, I know that you're in pain right now I mean he probably is the proper reaction if he was approached by a 15-foot alligator creature reptilian type You know, that's I just think he went to the zoo. Yeah, probably went to the zoo He just got you saw his wife's face in all of the nights tonight over and over again You know, it's just like sitting there imagining suicide and the alligator just turned to him She's like David. I know the only one who can stop us Jesus I am here for a reason. No, it's very and all that is just so convoluted
Starting point is 00:27:37 But in the end what one thing we learn again from some prior research that Obama Obama is one of these reptiles And here are helping the Obama is working with the Obama and the reptiles are working With the Illuminati in order to create one world government in order to finally turn humans into the Chattel that the are repto sapiens need yeah in order to survive like they're gonna feed off our bad juju Just eat us right now. Well to me. No, no, no, no, no. No, we're not done yet We're not that's my theory for 2012 December 21st 2012 is that I believe that is when the next human harvest is done Okay, and that's when the reptilians will finally start harvesting humanity for whatever it is that they're bringing us for Yeah, I mean, so they need to make us into like a mash put us into a quiche
Starting point is 00:28:26 Zone type thing like a hash. Yeah, like a human hash. Yeah, you know what you know how many people I think they're alien lizard creatures But they got a down-home sensibility. They're look a force Very very small plate shop. No like artisanal like Human tits. Yeah, we're technically organic and of course they can't kill all of us because if they kill all of us Then they won't have any more harvest in the future. Well, do you have any slaves there for us to build the giant rocket? And it's gonna take for them to go back to Nabooru or Draco depending on what What side of the argument you're on when that planet shows back up into our solar system in 2012 the end of this year right when Nabooru comes back
Starting point is 00:29:09 Because it shows up in our solar system every 36,000 years That's gonna be a time for them to shoot appears or it travels through it just appears Okay, because it's it's folded into another reality right at pops and or solar system. I got a I got a tummy I know what that looks like My belly button right now um any So it'll be coming. Yeah, and these Jew run reptiles are going to think you just threw that I don't know. There's no two run the Jews and the reptiles don't have any even though Pulling the strings of the reptiles boomer goes like a lizard. Yes, I will he does he looks a lot like a lizard
Starting point is 00:29:43 I blame tanning Too much canyon for that. Yeah, it's hard. Yeah. Yeah, so with Obama. What's the evidence that he's a reptilian? Oh, just uh, just look at him look at him. Look at him number one That's good. This one this one man made a very good point You're looking at so they're talking about the stories of many abductees and um, and you know and again That's what the so the you know, the where all this comes together is the grays and the reptile sapiens are using Freemason and Illuminati symbology in order to help like Hypnotize the human public in order to make it easily taken over when the time comes
Starting point is 00:30:20 And so are they using places like Arby's to hypnotize us with absolutely of course maybe yes Yeah, and you're also looking at the Aurora shooter like what happened in Aurora and all that stuff This is just a part of the Illuminati like this did the Aurora shooter was trained by MK ultra and he He is being used in order to take away our gun rights. You're making a highly probably like publicized like gun massacre And they're gonna take away our guns And so then when the government comes to pack us up into crates to give to the reptile sapiens we're looking in December guys We're not gonna be able to fight back. Yeah, keep your guns keep them loaded Yeah, I think they ready for the government to come get us
Starting point is 00:31:01 I think they should have done the Aurora thing about three years ago because I don't think they know how slow Congress moves They're not gonna be able to take away no just before December when a 20 foot reptile shows up to your house And he's like Exactly when 20 foot reptile shows up to your house I don't think you're fucking 45 cows gonna really stop them all that much because they're reptiles and they're invincible because what people don't know Is actually what kills the reptile sapiens is good vibes. Yeah, that's also very true. Yeah, so what was I talking about? Yeah, I'm just saying There's a lot of stuff out there. There is a lot. I love well. Yeah, let's close that wormhole Well, this you know there's you know for a long time
Starting point is 00:31:41 Reptile sapiens and grays have been mixing with human DNA and trying to make them look more and more like normal like normal people Right and the several abductees have talked about human human-looking grays that are working alongside the labs of grays, right? Teenage reptiles teenage reptiles and it's becoming more and more prevalent And if you just look at the shape of Barack Obama's head and his mother yes, you will see the you will see the Shape of a large he's got a large head like like a gray light bulb like see I always thought Obama can have a tiny head Does he have a big head? Are you a reptile? No, I'm not working for the reptilian. I'm not you are I'm not here for you. I am here for you. You are very large. No, no, no I am not for the reptilian people, but I mean if you are I'm actually kind of into it
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah, that would be pretty good. I'll join it. I'm done with them. Yeah, can we be down for that? Yeah Oh, I'll send a report back. We'll see what we say We'll certainly be interested in it. Just tell them I'm funny Oh, it will be the reptilian set Satanist pact of 2012 Yeah, they have a very different sense of humor the reptilians only faulty towers. That's the only comedy that's pretty good I mean, I love faulty towers. Yeah boons If you recall that so anyways, so
Starting point is 00:32:57 Is there anything on Obama's agenda that's purposely reptilian that you think that he's gonna be that he's you know trying to pull off right now We mean besides trying to take away our guns. He's trying to take away our guns. He is He is pushing his communist agenda Because since 1917 communist communist agenda has taken over 160 million lives has all come from the same website Mm-hmm. I forgot what the name of that I don't know. I don't know how you asked it out before I could get to it. Yeah, it's very true He's what he was indoctrinated by his mother with an ante of like, you know
Starting point is 00:33:31 His mother like went and he was the son of a US soldier and she went to go fuck a Kenyan national in order to make him mad And that that the Kenyan like agenda has been put in him Which is closely linked to the communist agenda and the Islam agenda, which is mixed in with the communists again Islam-o-holy wars going against each other killing millions of people. Yeah No, and I'm trying to then that's what he is. He's trying to you know, he's gonna start a new holy war, right? Right, and that's what we're trying to do is lessen the population of the world And we're gonna make it easy for the NWO the New World Order to come and take over humankind Which are secretly puppets of the repto sapiens that that are really
Starting point is 00:34:17 Determining the the the agendas they're they're making movements, you know, making big moves You know, that's like You mentioned the Islamic thing what's going on with the Islamic Wars, that's like an old-school thing Yeah, I mean really they just don't like them. So I think they just throw them in there just oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, because in the in all of us, of course America is both the hero and the villain. Oh, yeah The America is you know, but it's Masonic and it's you know, and there's been all this shit going on The heroes the Illuminati people people the only people who could stop this and the only way to do that is to you know Get the gun get the gun shoot shoot shoot shoot and see what you got to do it
Starting point is 00:34:56 Listen to us. He knew it Ozzy knows everything Yeah, well it's dead boy is dead It's all in there, buddy I'm glad this wasn't confusing hit us with a couple more numbers before we leave. Yeah Of course. Yeah. All right, so a couple more numbers. Let's go for something a little more complicated Let's go for the extra complicated is the more true it is. Let's go for this is a surprising one the XFL extreme football He's part of it all. It was really big. I would for about six months. Yeah, I think for seven months. Yeah, he hate me
Starting point is 00:35:37 This yeah, oh everyone members. He hate me x is 24 f is 6 l is 12 24 plus 6 equals 30 plus 1 Equals where's the one coming from no it plus 2 that you split the ones in the 2 yeah, that's right plus 1 equals 31 plus 2 33 that's 33. What's a 13? There is no 13 on the XFL 33 the XFL is a highly Masonic organizations interesting Interesting very interesting and we if we want to go for one more 13. He hate me becomes president We'll know what you guys want to get into some negatives get it But like we're gonna do one more NATO NATO the North Atlantic Treaties Organization to run NATO in 14 a1
Starting point is 00:36:21 I'm glad you got one more T20 oh 15 14 minus 1 equals 13 minus 20 equals negative 7 minus 1 equals negative 8 minus 5 equals negative 13 You can't argue with that Numbers yeah, absolutely. Those are how long did it take him to figure that one out? I don't know I think a lot of time alone. Yeah, a lot of time alone. It truly helped him Yeah enough time for his mother to make him mac and cheese Mac and cheese on Tuesdays. All right. Well, that's it. I think we really saw a lot of things
Starting point is 00:36:53 I think we're up to our fucking eyeballs and what's really going on in America right now We're now I'm back. We're gonna we're getting back to doing last podcast on the regs. Yeah, and we're gonna teach We're gonna teach everybody something every week. Yeah, all right guys. What are you saying for Marcus Marks? I'm like, oh, thank you for being here as always Megustalation How me sure

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