Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 44: A Smattering of Creepy

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

Creepypasta returns! Today's Last Podcast brings you that and more, including a particularly disturbing site called Normal Porn for Normal People, the East Side Rapist, and the mysterious in America's national parks.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last hot gas on the left. Rise from your glades. That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? My body is just making large chunks of brown green. Oh good. Fucking soup.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Shoot not every hole in my body at this point in time. It's making it easy. My butt's making hot brown. My fucking face is making cold green. This is really bad. Oh my god, I took such a hot shit this morning. Really? Yeah, it was terrible.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Did it all get in the toilet or did you sprinkle someone on top of a nice ice cream dessert? No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That was my dad moment. I was just about to strangle both of you. That's wonderful. Are we all recording and ready to go? Yeah, we're good.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I just wish my body could expel the poison in me. Alright, that's Marcus. I'm Ben with us as always. Look at you. Jesus Christ. Oh, last legs, Henry Zabrowski. You feel like you're on it, huh? Yeah, if you got something to say to me that you've been afraid to say before,
Starting point is 00:01:13 just do it now because I got about a month left. So yeah, just put it in there. Anything you got to just... I've always loved you, Henry. Don't do this, not from you. I've always been in love with you. Not from you. That is an insinuating thing for other people.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Not from you. Not from me. Other people. Fantastic. Marcus. Jesus. Okay, so Marcus, on today's episode, we're going to do a little creepypasta. It's going to be sprinkled throughout a whole series of different things.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Marcus, start it off with a good story. Alright, I'll start it off. This story is called Pendulum. Now, what's important again, like we did the last creepypasta episode. Oh, turn off the light. Now, hopefully, I imagine if you're a fan of the show, you're alone in your house right now. Oh, definitely.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Without a doubt. If you're in an alley somewhere, or you're listening to your car as you're about to drive it up through the doors of a post office. Your cat's in the back seat telling you to do it. But again, like with all creepypasta episodes, let's fucking sit back, spark a fucking J to your dome. That's right. If you don't have a joint, get your bong out.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Get your one-hitter out. Hit your bong. Snort some turpentine. Yeah. Snort turpentine. Do some huffin. Okay. Get a glass of whiskey to pop a Xanax.
Starting point is 00:02:26 All right. I'm fairly sure. Show yourself. Yeah. I think that's exactly how Heath Ledger died. What? Heath. Oh, I thought he died.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I thought that was like a massage thing. Mm-mm. Okay. No. Start us off, Marcus. All right. The story is called Pendulum. Ever since I was young, I remember hearing the sound at grandma's old farmhouse.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Mom would put me to sleep in the upstairs room and slip downstairs to sleep with my father, leaving me and my brother alone in the upstairs room. An hour or so after we'd been put to bed, a scratching noise could be heard above our heads in the attic every night. It was slow, like a pendulum. Back and forth, it'd sweep across the ceiling at times skittering faster before fading back to a slow scratch. At first, we were scared, as children are apt to do, but we learned to live with it
Starting point is 00:03:10 and it comforted us in some strange way. It was kind of like white noise and it helped us sleep. Well, I'm a grown man now. Grandma passed away some years ago. As we were cleaning out her house, mom and I found ourselves in the attic. We were clearing out some old boxes and stuff when I came to the middle of the wooden floor. Although years of dust had covered them, there were still visible scratches in the wood. I laughingly remarked to my mother about hearing a scratching noise when I used to sleep in
Starting point is 00:03:35 the room below and my mom's face drained of color. She gently took me by the shoulders and told me the story about how her grandfather, the father of my grandmother, had lost his job in the Great Depression and could barely afford to feed his family. He came home one night and hung himself in the attic with a horse bridle. Apparently he regretted this decision because he struggled to gain his footing near the end by flailing his feet. His heavy boots had gouged the wood where he had hung himself.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Ooh! And it happens again, every single day. Somebody does this, somebody's grandpa gets sick of the horse life. Can't deal with these goddamn horses! He fucking strings himself up like a bunch of mistletoe, but the thing about- Everyone loves it, no kissing under those. Exactly. That is bad luck.
Starting point is 00:04:19 That's right. Okay, if you see a dead body and your first thing that your impulse is, it's just- I always love you. To be like, alright, give me a kiss. Kissy kissy. Kissy kissy. You're John Wayne Gacy. You are John Wayne Gacy.
Starting point is 00:04:33 This is when you're gonna kill yourself, when you're gonna hang yourself, make sure you made the right decision. Yeah. That's awful. Really weigh your options. Gotta go with shotgun blast in the face. Um, yeah, so we're gonna mix up, we're gonna mix up some creepypasta with some real life horror stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:45 That's right. That's what's really going on. Another thing I want to say, this whole story even reminds me of what happened in Holden McNeely's apartment, the Lizard King from Roundtable. Of course. Where you live, as well, Ben Kessel, 656 Metropolitan, Brooklyn, New York. Is that inappropriate? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'm more than happy. Well, there's a lot of apartments in that building. Yes. There we go. 1B. No, no, no! I'm just saying. It's fine, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It could be any apartment. It was a lie. I don't know. I didn't react like it was true. But I think we may have talked about it here on the cast before about how there was a ghost in your apartment building because they said, you know, the old lady, the grandmother who had died. There was an elderly lady that died in my roommate Cap's bedroom, and no, I didn't actually
Starting point is 00:05:35 hear about this haunting story. Yes, and basically they said that they, because the landlord's daughter said that she would see this, this entity who like walked from the halls and she, that they were right there. Was that just holding when he's blackout drunk, walking the halls, looking for dates? Yes. Her grandmother was a horse. Oh, interesting. And then also the same story about in the basement of your apartment, these twins that
Starting point is 00:05:58 lived there for forever. Right. And there's a thing about twins as well. Talking about how ghosts are trapped energy, right? Twins, especially after like these were two ladies that lived together for years and years and years and years. Are they double the flavor, double the energy? No.
Starting point is 00:06:15 No, they were dour. Mean twins. But no, but there's something about that connection that creates a, it's a psychic connection. Twins are, because you shared a pussy hole, you are for nine months. They finish each other's sentences. Yeah, they finish each other's. So like, do guys that do a lot of gangbanks finish each other's sentences as well? No.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Okay. Unless they've been doing it for years and years and years and years and years and years and years. Okay. On the same woman. In the same, I did watch a pornography film where two guys put two penises into one vagina and I thought it was disgusting. I'm trying to tell a scary story here.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I know. I'm just saying what I saw. I'm just saying, it's fine. No, that's what haunts me. Okay, go. That's fine. So, but these, these, these twins apparently, they lived in this, they lived in his basement apartment and they were always kind of seen around the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And then essentially they just stopped coming out. They just lived in there. People would bring them food and stuff and they just stayed there. And it had finally just been a number of years before anyone had seen these twins come out. And they're, I think there was, they must have been very chubby at this point. No, they, I mean, you can do calisthenics in your own home. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Especially with a, with a partner. Yeah. Easier to work out. But you get the, but when you, basically they had to do maintenance, it was like, it was going on. There was like a leak going on into the basement basement. And so they go into the apartment. This is all from your landlord's daughter.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And they're both dead and they had been in there for years and years. They dad. They had been dead for like a good three years in there and they found the one twin was in the chair with a blanket over. She, I guess she'd been making this blanket and she must have died of a heart attack in the chair. And then there, the other one was in the bathroom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 The other ones in the bathroom in the bathtub, totally just liquid flesh with a skeleton in this, this bathtub. Yeah. And they basically like determined that they must have died within seven minutes or like something's like seven to 10 minutes of each other when they died. And that they tried to rent out that apartment, but people saw the twins in the apartment and then they just closed it down and they know when rents that place anymore. I love it.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I hate it. That's amazing. Do you, was it, uh, was it a murder suicide situation? No, no. They just died. They just, it was, you have a second, it's when people talk about when you've been married for 50 years and you die and then the other one just dies like that. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:36 You know, but I know for a fact that if I married for 50 years, I'm fucking, I'm not dying. You're not going to die. Your wife dies. No. I'm going to live it up. You're a bachelor. You got a bucket list.
Starting point is 00:08:47 You're a bachelor. You got the widow excuse. Right. Oh, that's great. Hell yeah. That's a good one. Knocking pussy around when you're 75. I don't know if you want to go knocking it around.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I think you're going to be running into it blindly and wobbling down the street. Help me. Help me. Yeah. How do I masturbate? Yeah. You lost your, uh, your center of gravity. So what's the next full, what's the real horror thing we were going to discuss next?
Starting point is 00:09:05 I just want to know, uh, how you're going to pick up girls when you're 75 after your wife died, I would like, I like, oh, hey, flash my green. You're going to flash your green. Yeah. Well, the next thing we were going to talk about is a normal porn for normal people. Yes. Why don't you take the stage Marcus? This is your favorite thing.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I love this so much. This is a website called normal porn for normal people. It's none of those things. Yes. And normal porn for normal people, they're a tagline. It's real. You can look up this website. It's the tagline is a website dedicated to the eradication of abnormal sexuality.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And the, uh, God, the guy who, uh, started this thing named Richard Van Buren doctor, Richard Van Buren, there's a quote that says, your God can't help you within my walls, but rest assured you shall be on your knees. Interesting. Hello. And there is a real website. It's a real website. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And there's a, there's three videos on there right now. They're called clean.avishack.avi and impression.avi. Clean is just, you hear this weird noise in the background, like, and then, uh, it's, uh, the camera's coming down the stairs, opens the door, uh, to a bathroom. And there's a guy in a, in a tie sitting on the toilet with a blindfold on. And then he just gets up and licks a sink for about six minutes. I almost wish we didn't have to describe it. I wish we could just show people the video.
Starting point is 00:10:30 It's a cleaning service. I would get behind. And the other one is, uh, shack.avi is, uh, a woman. It's a fucking horrible, uh, little room, uh, that's in fucking. Also, it's very similar to my apartment. Very similar. Yes. And, uh, they pan over and they're playing, uh, old radio footage from World War II.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And it's suddenly. Yeah. I'm nice on the beaches. Yeah. I'm nice on the river banks. Yeah. It's very, it's very creepy. And then, and then it shows a woman, uh, who's sitting in a chair.
Starting point is 00:11:00 She's got on a white mask, like kind of a mime type mask, uh, and she has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on her lap and she's wearing. Creepiest of all the sandwiches. She's like wearing an old. Put her banana on there. I'll get to that in a bit. I'll get to why peanut butter and jelly is the creepiest of all sandwiches. Uh, and she just kind of tries eating the sandwich through this mask as a tiny mouth
Starting point is 00:11:22 hole. Can't do it. Why can't she do it? Because she didn't try hard enough. Yeah. She didn't think about eating it. It's this sandwich and that goes on for about six minutes and then at the end, there's just a guy standing there with the same white mask and he's got no shirt on.
Starting point is 00:11:35 He's very burly, very, very buff, a beefy man, very hairy, has probably about the same amount of body hair that Henry here does, which is to say too much, you know, you mean right amount. It's like I'm covered in chocolate shavings, something like that. But again, but this is not the first iteration of this side. So and that's where the, this is where the, this is true and this is like, this is a true story of what this website is. And again, I would recommend you like we kind of, we're describing these things, but do
Starting point is 00:12:07 yourself a favor and wait until everyone in your place is asleep and watch it. It's like, we just watched it and goofed at it for like four minutes. I wasn't goofing at it. I was like, but it's like, but we, we watched it. We were, but we're like in this daylight and we're fucking chuckling around with funny guys. So Sunday afternoon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But I say you do it. It's four in the morning after a couple of schlitzes, schlitzes, you know, and a couple of yellow jackets. Yeah. You know, good. Enjoy yourself. Get yourself creeped out. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:39 So what's very, very creepy. Yeah. What the tale of the website is, the original website is there's this guy, the guy that, you know, tells the story. This is a kind of also creepy pasta, but not quite. It is. It's one of those like threefold. I like to take it as, I wouldn't even label it as creepy pasta because then it's, it's
Starting point is 00:12:55 not creepy. You just think about it. This, this shit does exist on the internet. Absolutely. Like this is, this may be a fabricated version of it. I mean, I'll put the YouTube links to the, I don't know if I've ever seen the Chechnyan woman, those like, she's got like 59,000 videos. I've forgotten her name.
Starting point is 00:13:12 It's like retla. It's R-E-T-L-E-H. 59,000. Yes. And it's these videos of her and it's real that are like 30 seconds a piece of her just going like, speaking in like nonsense. I believe her. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:27 So this guy got a random, this guy got a random email and the email is all lowercase and it's just said, hi there, found this site is very nice. Thought you might like, pass it on for the good of mankind. As you feel like you could have made it like creepier by not calling it normal porn for normal people. You could have called it anything. You could have called it like, you know, turbo gag, lick my sink clean. My sink clean monkey man.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Oh, hello. And so the guy goes to the website, goes to and he fucks around on it for a while. Mostly it's just like these long rambling rants, but he starts clicking on links here and there and he's about to say, fuck this, I'm done with it and he clicks, he finds an index of all of these videos and it's just like a white, you know what index screens look like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And it's just all these videos and he clicks on one called peanutavii. It was a 30 minute video of a man, a woman and a dog in a kitchen. The woman would make a peanut butter sandwich and the man would set it down for the dog to eat. This was all that happened for 30 minutes. It was obvious that the cameraman had to stop filming and wait until the dog was ready to eat again and the dog seemed rather sick by the end of the video. Lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Henry was the dog. The question is, I just think they didn't have a very large budget. I guess not. You know? And you can't be with it. They're like, no. I just like, well, the director said it's got to be a ham sandwich, because the ham is like sheets of pussy meat and he's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:15:01 You get in the fucking peanut butter and that's what it's going to be. He's a piece of pussy meat. Yeah. That's what he's trying to say. He's like, that's my vision. I'm just saying that if I were to have a pussy meat sandwich and lettuce on these tomatoes and mustard. Ham coming up.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Thank you. He's like, all right. I'm intrigued. I'm going to start seeing, watch the rest of these videos. Here's some, here's some descriptions of some of the videos he saw. Can we just, I just really quick with this story. Why is this one creepy? I can't put my finger on the woman makes a sandwich, hands it to the man.
Starting point is 00:15:30 He puts it on the floor. A dog eats it. It is creepy, but why? It's because you put the name of it, you call it porn. You call it porn. So the idea is that what you're trying to do here is that you're, you're watching this imagining that people are watching this masturbating. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:45 That's the point. Yeah. Which is true because somebody is, right? Somebody is. Yeah. All right. So here's one called Jimbo.avi. That's right.
Starting point is 00:15:53 The sexualization of it is really the creepiest part. It's a five minute video of an obese mind performing his act. It was actually pretty funny, particularly one part where he pretends to pull up a chair then pretends that it breaks due to his weight. In the last 30 seconds of the video, the camera cuts to static briefly and cuts back to the man sobbing quietly, still wearing the mime outfit and make up. It sounds like my life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Exactly. That's not even close to creepy. That's just an accurate. That's just what comedians do every night. You make people laugh at your personal foibles and you sit and cry. I don't think they laughed. No. Oh, I'm so fat.
Starting point is 00:16:28 And that's the only thing they like about me is the perfect portrayal of an American actor. Here's Diana.avi, a four minute video in which the cameraman talks to a woman in a room different from the interview room. The interview room was somewhere that, you know, they would just show videos of people talking, because a lot of them were just kind of bullshitty, like there wasn't a whole lot going on. But this is a different one.
Starting point is 00:16:49 This room looks like one you'd find in a normal person's house. Exactly where they are is never specified, as Diana only talks about her violin playing. She obviously plays her violin, but she keeps getting distracted by something. I didn't notice this until someone on the image board thread pointed it out. But if you look at the mirror in the background, you can see a fat man and a chicken mask masturbating. Which is always, it's always the fly in the ointment. Isn't it? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:16 I hate when I'm trying to do something important or trying to talk to somebody and you got a fucking chicken man over there just pulling himself. Check it off the sweet fucking cock. This is one of my favorites right here. This is called stumps.avi. Good one. It's a five minute long video where a man with no legs is attempting to break dance on a dance stop revolution mat.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Fuck yes! I just want to see this. It gets so much better in what looks like the kitchen from peanut avi but much dirtier. There's a radio playing music unseen in the background, but it stops at the four minute mark when the man collapses on the mat in exhaustion. He breathes heavily and pleas with someone off screen to let him rest. This off screen person becomes terrifyingly enraged and yells at him to keep dancing which he does.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Keep dancing fat boy! Keep dancing! That's what happens when you sign that contract. That's the thing. You can hear this person off, you can hear this off screen person begin to scream as the video ends abruptly. Now the last video, this is another perfect accurate depiction of an actor in New York. Dance!
Starting point is 00:18:23 Dance monkey man! These old people went to Ripley Greer, they all went to Ripley Greer Studios in audition for this. The other fat people that just weren't able to get there. They were thinking about the rejects for this project. It's devastating. And now this last one. This is the most famous one and I have tried for days to find this video, but it's nowhere
Starting point is 00:18:42 to be found. Have you asked on X? On X? On 4chan? No I haven't. You should ask to see if we can get the avis. That really is the most 4chan thing you've ever said. Did you go on X and ask him?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Fucking ask somebody? Sauce please. So the last one and the most famous one, like I was saying, it's called Useless.avi. And this is the one that I want to see so bad. I can guess what this is about. I can fucking taste it. Your life. I want to see it so bad.
Starting point is 00:19:15 It's just a comedian. It's useless. It's a comedian applying for a job. Alright, so in this 18 minute video, you have Harby's experience, a blonde woman from one of the previous interview videos is tied down to a mattress in the interview room. She attempts to scream, but her mouth is taped over. After seven minutes, a man in a black suit and mask opens the door, but does not enter. He holds the door open for the animal that was running in the hall in the previous video.
Starting point is 00:19:43 There was another video that I didn't cover in which you just see an animal rum pad, there's an open door, and you'll find out, and there's an animal rum pass, you can't really see what it is. It's nine pugs. That would be adorable. It's a pug parade. I love the pugs. Shut up parade.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Pug parade. Gonna go down to the pug parade. That's where you find all the pugs. It's revealed to be an adult chimpanzee. Oh, adorable. Its hair is shaved and its entire body is painted red. Interesting. It seems to be starved and abused with several wounds along its shoulders and back.
Starting point is 00:20:18 When the chimp enters the room, the mask man closes the door behind it. The chimpanzee sniffs the air for a moment. It may have been blind, and notices the woman tied to the mattress. It goes into a frenzy and begins to maul her. This assault goes on for a grueling seven minutes until the woman finally dies. The chimp eats flesh from her corpse for four minutes and the video ends. So all of the rest of them are incredibly weak compared to that. And then that one is just that one is just a monkey beats a woman to death.
Starting point is 00:20:54 An abused monkey totally shaven, painted red eats a woman. I'm gonna say it's gonna be hard to find that one. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? I think if you look at it, you might get arrested. Yeah. It seems like an overall snuff film.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I'm going to say that that video doesn't exist. I'm gonna say it too. I do believe it exists though. Yeah, I'm gonna say it. I mean, there's a form of it. Yeah. Well, you know, you could go onto the Torweb, T-O-R, the deep web. The deep web.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah. Mm-hmm. I mean, if you had to... It was supposedly on some gore sites for a little while, but taken down. Yeah. God. Yeah, it's utterly disturbing. And it's on Torweb.
Starting point is 00:21:29 This is a chimpanzee, right? Yeah. See, if you're going to get eaten by an animal, at least a chimpanzee, they know how to kill quick. Well, it took seven minutes. Yeah, yeah, exactly. But that's relatively... No, it's not quick.
Starting point is 00:21:39 It's a small coyote. Seven minutes of just fucking pounding on somebody's head, yeah, you'll kill them. Yeah, yeah. So you would rather have a bear enter the room when you're tied up and... No, I'd rather just be the guy behind the camera. Well, if you had a short... Right, it's about moviemaking, that's true. It's about magic.
Starting point is 00:21:54 That is true. It's about movie magic. I just, again, it's just to reiterate, like, what humans are capable of is so sinister and horrifying. That's right. Yeah. And it is all on the Internet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It is all on the Internet. Yeah. You can see all of it. There are the best of it and the worst of it. The things that I have seen on B. Oh, God. Yes. You're traumatized. You're listening.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I spend at least a couple of hours a day on B because for one of the shows that we do here at the creek, I have to find weird pictures to show on the... I mean, you don't have to, but it's turned into a thing that you have to do. Of course. This is for Midnight Run. For Midnight Run, yeah. Which Henry and I just did last Saturday and Marcus had a wonderful portfolio of Dancing Butts.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. So I want to thank you for those gems. Yeah, I found those on... If you spend a lot of time on B, they show up at least four times in every thread. Yeah. Yeah. What's the first three words that come to your head as soon as you get on B, usually? As soon as that...
Starting point is 00:22:53 The first three words, gore, lolly, and faggot. Oh, okay. Interesting. Interesting. Right. Yeah. You would put those on the 4chan flag. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Like if you made a 4chan flag. Actually, there's... Don't tread on me for 4chan. There's one other word that comes to mind which I will not say. Okay. Ah, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. I don't know what that one is.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's the only... Nancy. It's the only word... We're going to take it easy. It's the only word that I can't say if that tells you something. I love it. Okay. You were saying.
Starting point is 00:23:22 But yeah. So these... I have to spend a lot of time looking for these pictures, going through a lot of shit. And man, the things... It's intense. It's really intense. It can get really, really intense. Can you ever forget those things?
Starting point is 00:23:34 No. The one thing... The way I look at it is that I've seen so much of it that it all... Blurs together. It all blurs together. Right. One of the horrors of the world is that I see so much and read about and watch so much shit that's so awful that it doesn't...
Starting point is 00:23:49 Like, nothing registers anymore. Well, it's all just kind of a bunch of shadow. I mean, you're making yourself a sociopath. No. No, not at all. No. I like to think about philosophy. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know, but these people are... They're just... Again, I will always argue with this. So, it's like...
Starting point is 00:24:16 I don't think it makes you a sociopath. It's just like... I agree. Because we're not making it. Yeah. We're not making it. You're absorbing it. And I think you do have to know the beasts that you're trying to fight, which is a human
Starting point is 00:24:25 being and social existence in this situation and you have to know what you're up against when you step out the fucking front door in the morning. Yeah, because guess what? One in five dudes are making these movies. One in five. One in five. Man. Got to making these movies after they smoked weed one and five people one in five
Starting point is 00:24:43 We just the gateway to have been involved in a movie in which a woman has been beaten to death by a Champans. Mm-hmm. Everyone loves them I say you haven't lived until you've seen a picture of a man who's had his head cut off and his penis and balls cut off and The penis is shoved into his neck hole sticking straight up and the balls are in his mouth I didn't see that one, but I saw a guy. I can't disagree with it. I'm like, yeah, you kind of haven't Yeah, but I was looking at this great What did I do today? What oh this alien abduction thing? I'm not gonna get it. Yeah, we'll get into it I'm let's do some creepypasta. Let's do some creepypasta. Yeah, this one's called the shady grove and
Starting point is 00:25:19 All right, so let me just start it out there with the Little words here. Just started out. I'm gonna try to read. I don't do well at it. I know all right But I'm with you and I believe in you just do with some gravitas all right on the outskirts of a town called Potsboro There's a place called the shady grove the only people that remember anything notable about it are all in their 70s Or 80s and almost all of them refuse to speak about it There are a few however that will break their vow of silence and tell of the and tell of the horrendous events that happen there They spoke to me about how they had seen what hell truly looked like and how soon they would and how soon they would pay for what they've Done during the 1960s a cult had formed in town
Starting point is 00:26:00 They had taken to sacrificing people to summon their master who who their leader had claimed to would banish the filth from the earth and Began a time of true peace the only catch was they had to sacrifice only female children But only if they were deemed imp impure after a night with the leader I would assume they would be after the night after he had After he had collected about ten little girls He told them the day of judgment was upon them and to prepare for the circle about five miles around town outside of town That night at 3 a.m.
Starting point is 00:26:34 They began to they they began to ritual by covering the girls in the blood of pigs and Cutting the children's arms and legs about one to two inches apart from each previous cut The next part was to cover the bodies in oil and light it There we go after this step their bodies burst into blue flames and from the flame came a woman with eyes as black as coal And skin as white as snow the woman walks straight at the leader while saying Something in an unintelligible language and he instantly burst into flames after that the group I was interviewing told me they blacked it all out Only to find themselves in their beds with a ticket in their hands that had the word hell stamped on it The group told me that if anyone attempted to enter the circle where the ritual took place that would
Starting point is 00:27:21 That would wake up instantly they would wake up instantly and that that's a typo They would wake up instantly have an intense vision of themselves burning alive and then pass out and wake up in their beds holding the ticket to hell Now this is a fake. It's obviously a fake story, but the yeah, it's actually very similar to the Polar Express No, it's a similar the story of the documentary of a Paradise Lost the the What's there the the something three the the fucking Memphis three the Memphis three these guys Oh poor Memphis three. Yeah, they got kids that were fucking that put them in prison But you know they but someone did do the you know the this pain is heinous murder of a nine-year-old boy It was the guy next door to them. There was a known pedophile, but we won't get into this
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yeah, I'm saying is that's what happens when you hang out with retards. They true They were they were idiots and everyone everyone wanted to make up the story one of them was actually retarded Yeah, no one of them was retarded they flipped him because he had no Grasp on reality what he was doing Yeah, like in the worst and then he regurgitates them and you fucking get yourself a conviction Absolutely, and then but as I've been reading more and more about ritual and stuff like that It's like as a true Satanist you feel like you know these are you would never do something like this But there are people are pervert that message and this idea that this is the way you you do something
Starting point is 00:28:49 So what Pat Robertson is to Christianity? Yes, what these people are saying this it happens all over the country Like a little bit like there was the whole you know there was a whole surge in the 80s and 90s I mean like a lot of it got kind of mixed up and like pop psychology of like, you know What's it? Repressed memory sure, it's like but it's true like little kids are you know sex rings exist all over the all over the world By the way, I'm reading a book right now called the Franklin cover-up. That's all about this It centers on like these supposed ritual satanic ritual abuse cases and this shit goes all the way up to the top Like we're talking Warren Buffett is involved. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:29:29 We're talking George HW Bush is involved and I'm as I'm getting more and more into it Like I'm kind of starting to see this really weird shit like these ritual abuse circles where they have it like they bring these kids And it's all foster care kids and adopted kids And it's but it's like and I think that people use the real information to sort of twist it to sort of conspiratorial thing like like you want to say it's a part You know like George W. Bush is there a part of this satanic. Well, this this is written This isn't written really by crackpot. This is written by a senator who was it was like not a crackpot Stevens of Alaska though, so a bit of a crackpot. I mean a bit of a crackpot, but still I mean he was a Nebraska guy
Starting point is 00:30:07 We'll talk about we'll have a We'll have it. I will do this on it in a future episode. I just started but it's fantastic But it's the next the next thing that we're gonna talk about Henry you have this this subject Yes, and something that I learned in this book works into that Did you know that the number every kind of crime is reported to the FBI except one missing Children cases. Yes, it's very interesting. Are we doing that? Are we doing the East area? No, you know what? It's well, I feel like we're on the level now of children. I did watch child of rage last night
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah, she was great. Yeah, I gotta see that killer gal who turned out to be relatively successful But yeah, you did Henry came in yeah, so it's a wonderful situation All right, so basically we were like looking at I was looking for some sort of it like True horror stories and you know various of the way it always goes it's like, you know I'll start researching a topic and then all of a sudden it branches out into like four other things and This is the story of a man named a David politics wrote this book called missing 411 Ray wrote three books because of how much material he had a finding in his research, right? Which is the
Starting point is 00:31:15 the the massive unreported amounts of missing person cases and unsolved missing person usually children usually children that come out of Our national park system, right? now of course you got a lot of The National Resist also missing one chimpanzee, but I think you want to do the movies absolutely Yeah, we heard he's a star he's a star in the movies The story of the chimp is like the exact same story as the small town girl who goes to Hollywood
Starting point is 00:31:51 And it was in the horrible Yeah, the chimpanzee he eventually ends up in a room shaved painted red and starving. Yeah, Tommy was always there exactly Monkey do better Monkey do better But this the he got a lot of resistance from the National Park services where it's like he basically was kind of like recently Stumble upon that this guy said himself he's like you should look into like the amount of like these missing person stories That go on in our national park system and he's just like okay
Starting point is 00:32:27 So the first thing he's just calls the National Park system And he's just basically just saying hey Do you guys have like you guys have like a list of like the people that go missing over each year? And I just kind of want to like take a look at it and kind of see like what the circumstances are and blah blah They're like no, we don't have those us. He's like you don't have the list. You would think you would keep a list Yeah, and he's just like all of these incredibly Detailed weird distance spear disappearances that happen, you know, it's like in a couple examples are like Because like park rangers like they just do this thing with what you do is is that if something happens out in the forest
Starting point is 00:33:00 You have to call in these FBI teams They come in and they look at all the evidence and then they issue a report and then something happens So story of the story of the story and he said the main thing that was really weird is that this is like one example Is it is a perfect example of like literally hundreds of cases that are like this where it'll be It'll like one case will start where it's like and these are virtual carbon copies of each case Yes, yeah, and these and this is it happens thousands of times every year like a four-year-old like a baby Yeah, it's like an a camping trip like family camping taking babies on camping really weird to do in the first place Take it to a movie if you didn't take him to a movie then we would have one less victim in the aurora shooting am I right? Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:33:44 Don't bring him to Batman MK ultra But he So this like you have these kids right four years old immobile yeah, I mean they're just nor they're just like you know They're just getting getting to be mobile, right, you know Disappear in the night, you know or it'll be like they wonder literally like He's there was like one story of a guy was fishing with his son I'm like literally went to go do they can turn around he's gone that classic story of like
Starting point is 00:34:18 I would just turn around for a fucking second and he's gone You know, but normally it happens in a city street and some molester has taken the child to his van And he's fucking punishing them for all of the sins of humankind. That's right And so we did not want to look in your eyes when you said that that was really horrifying scary Yeah, so you have these these kids go missing and like one one thing is like they'll get the dogs out like once if The missing person thing comes out the dogs will come out and like one thing that happens all time is that these dogs will have a Really hard time finding the scent and then we'll just which sit down are because there must be the scent of the baby all over the family The family's like this is its clothes. Yes, you have the sense
Starting point is 00:34:55 Of course and smell the dog has all the evidence in the world. Absolutely. So they're like but then stuff will happen like You'll see this but the dog is like a Colombo or like a monk. Yeah What now what not that's just me doing rain man Gotta watch a lot of what about about about about about about a hundred missing person cases about a hundred About a hundred weird dog, but he's our dog but the You'll find like they'll get a trail and then it will lead through this fucking Insane uphill brush like it'll go through this stuff where it's like, you know
Starting point is 00:35:34 It's ludicrous that that these kids were to even be missing. It's just like like why this how could this kid right fucking physically do This and like a lot of time to see the kid like very close But even if it was a coyote that ate the kid It would be coyote would be that far away because the big thing is that the reason why they don't find these people is that the The national wildlife people in the forest park system. They create these they create these criteria for like how you're searching These are experts at like in this what they do is like search and rescue people right and they depending on the type of person build Hiking experience and all the stuff they build these these like circles of areas that you would you would search for someone And the reason why these these cases go unreported is because you would never even think to
Starting point is 00:36:19 Look for them in these areas physically implausible. It is utterly impossible, right? And unless they're taken right and then you look and you you know And a path will lead to some fucking river or it'll lead to like some impasse And then it was like one time and then like one of the famous cases that they were like They then damn the so then like if it leads to river They're like well he drowned and then or then they'll be like well Then you'll have some enterprising park ranger who's like let's damn the river and look for a body right damn river And it's like one case they damn the river look for a body could didn't find anything and then finally and then one park ranger is like
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm just gonna fucking just look over there on the other side of the river He was just throwing a smoke some weed like no Not out of here, but he literally little sign was like I'm just gonna look to look and then they find this body Right they find the body on the other side of the river and we're talking about three-year-old boy Like four-year-old boy. Yeah, and then how big how big is this river? What are we tight? It's not like an impassable river in the middle of winter It's like even if you were on a horse you wouldn't even a horse would not be able to travel And you and there's kids like you're serious and the thing the thing that is similar in all of the cases is that
Starting point is 00:37:35 Their pants are down They don't and their shoes are gone and that where the pants on just down down or Another case was pants folded Like next to them another case was pants inside out as if the bodies were to and that like one was they didn't even find a body They didn't find up like one, you know They just found a pair of pants with socks balled up shoved inside the pants Socks were filled with tiny bones from feet like feet bones and one like one case where it's like and they found one broken tibia
Starting point is 00:38:10 Inside the pant leg, right? Wow, and then tibia is an arm bone, correct? Or a leg bone. What's it? If you tell me what it's connected to I'll be able to tell you Yeah, the tibia and the fibia those are the the two arm bones that you have in your yes Okay, and then you know no backpack no clothes no anything and then do you like and then what they do is like well He was eaten by a bear and then they would you do then is that you? Look for all the bear shit that you can find in a circle radius. Yeah, look what has t-shirt or something Yes, you look to see if it has cloth or like or human remains in in the in the stool samples
Starting point is 00:38:47 Right, there's nothing there, and they're just like what the fuck like so it's like and this happens Thousands and thousands and thousands of times every year these kids kids and it's miles and miles away from where they were camp It's just very it's like God knows what the story is you know I mean in terms of like what now you're you were saying earlier though Also, there are certain places in national parks where there's just a fence and then the US government is like that is not for you to come in It is like research. This is where it gets into crackpot area, but it's very fucking interesting where national park systems Is this where this guy kind of brought it up to and it led to this other thing called project open-mind, which is just like How you fuck a 15-year-old girl? Yeah, but the idea is that this a lot of this national park Land mass and a national park stuff is that they'll use they'll have testing facilities
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah, like you'll have a big barren part of it that it's like literally Yeah, you'll walk through the forest or to a piece of time, and it's not on the map But you just go through appeal like a piece of time and like and then you'll come to a chain link fence And it'll be like restricted area like we will use lethal force if you come through this area Oh, and it'll just be like and so there's a large group on the internet that is now believing that these people are abducted for the use in in testing for various like mind-control Experiments and all this stuff and that these are people that are led to the testing facilities using fucking like Sonar or like
Starting point is 00:40:21 Using all this up and it's like I mean they're they train the bear to go get the kids. I don't know what's true or not It's just a good bear. You're gonna you're never gonna put you in You just see where the chimpanzee came from it was just a failure of bears are there like driving a car around like it's like well We taught the bear how to use the car But that is interesting stuff it just very it's just again It's just it's God knows what it's good. You know who knows who knows what what is real or what is wrong? But it's just there's just so many ways to die
Starting point is 00:40:55 Isn't that something it is true. Let's do one more creepypasta. Yeah, and I want to show the I want to do the yeah Yeah, we'll do that after this This is a weird one This is for my diary I'm lying in what appears to be a hospital bed with my legs and chest strapped down It's been about four hours or so since I woke up and I don't remember How I got here or anything that happened since a week ago when I fell asleep Holding my girlfriend. I
Starting point is 00:41:27 Know it's been a week because my phone and watch both say the same date I managed to reach my phone and hold it up enough to type this but I'm not sure anyone will get this message Yeah, I wrote this on my phone There's white walls on every side of me I can make a light out on the roof, but it's off the only light aside for my phone It's coming from the screen suspended above me. It's horrible But my eyes won't close or look away for longer than a few minutes just enough to slowly type this The screen shows another white room, but this one's upright the middle of the screen. I can see it
Starting point is 00:42:02 I'm not sure what it is, but it's not human. It's shape is humanoid But it's definitely not human its skin is gray pale beyond belief and its hair is pitch black Hanging down messily and covering half its face I've been lying here in silence since I awoke my throat is dry But I know I'm capable of sound whoever my mouth won't open and my voice won't sound my fingers Don't make a sound on the touchscreen. All I've heard is my own breathing getting shallower and shallower I might not have long left. I opened my mouth to take a deep breath in the screen above me moved It hadn't moved until I opened my mouth, but now it's standing there with its mouth held open a bit of darkness
Starting point is 00:42:44 The shadows themselves seem to ooze from Just like mine its mouth stopped. I can hear it not from the screen, but from anywhere Everywhere it's whispering to me not in its own voice, but everyone I've ever heard every voice I've ever known I can't make out any words that make coherent sentences, but it knows my name I shook my head and clenched my teeth to try and block it out and as I stared up at the screen It mimicked me looking right into the camera its mouth was open with horrible pointed teeth grinning at me I could see its eyes if I can even call them eyes they shine like light, but it isn't light It's darkness an area void of light looking straight into the camera at me a tear rolls down my cheeks sideways down
Starting point is 00:43:26 It's and another one rolls down its Base it's not a tear of water, but something black Why can't I close my eyes? I couldn't take it anymore. I started screaming convulsing under my restraints What happened stopped me dead after a moment. It didn't shake took a step closer to the camera It wasn't screaming either it's laughing through the gap in its jagged pure white teeth The voices all laugh as one and tears pour down both its face and mine At the top of my lungs. I scream as I shake desperate to get free to escape this hellish torment As my eyes focus on the screen. I see that it's gone a fear of relief slides down my cheek
Starting point is 00:44:05 Next to my ear. I hear a sizzling noise and black smoke drifting up I lift up my gaze finally free of the hypnotic screen and the tears start silently again It's standing over me Tears of darkness drop down my face while the darkness of its eyes and mouth spreads Every 13 year old girls, you know true fantasy. Yeah, is that Robert Pattinson? Is it Robert Pattinson is that Robert Pattinson? Yeah That's intense stuff. I feel like I go to sleep like that every night. That's very nice It's kind of comforting know somebody's there right and they're sad too like you and they understand you
Starting point is 00:44:45 They're you know why you're sad. He's crying. He is crying. He's holding you. He's just got a job to do That's not he's got to be the creepmeister of the shadow realm. Yeah Comfort you ever so nicely. Um, so let's just go into this last bit, right? Yeah This last bit is something that is entirely real and entirely terrifying There was a period in time there, you know, Richard Ramirez the night stalker of fame Los Angeles Los Angeles, California Oh, that's a California accent actually. Oh, is it? Okay Well, I'm excited it sounds oddly like your Irish accent. Sure like when you say
Starting point is 00:45:27 30 I'm 30 35 Threw me one of those 35 here's all of that but Richard Ramirez Yeah, the night stalker Who you know as you know his modus operandi is that he would break into people's homes and stay there While they were gone He liked couples and he would wait for couples to come home and then go to sleep while he would stay there in your house a bit of a squatter right and
Starting point is 00:45:55 Wait until you're deeply deeply sleep and then which is gone to your boyfriend's head and then rape you I'm talking to the women here Yeah, if you're a woman, that's right, and then kill both of you. Yeah, the most Really, I think more terrifying, you know, Ed Gean, he picks people up from the outside I mean he was not Ed Gean John Wayne Gasey. Yeah, you'll pick you up when you walk into the street your own wife You know, you know when you're done when you're going into John Wayne Gasey's basement, you know, you walk into Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment You're done. You don't like you're in Ramirez is the only one that I can think of that went to your home Yeah, hung out in your BTK did the same thing BT. Oh, yeah, that's true BTK did but he did not like hide out in there Yeah, no, you're right. He's possibly the most intense. I hate BTK. Yes. No, I'm not. No, I'm talking about Richard Ramirez
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah, Richard Ramirez, which is the ultimate nightmare because you just don't know he broke in you know We broke in I wonder when I hear cases like this. How long does it take him to come? Ramirez obviously it's a sex thing with him like would you do you think I bet you he I bet you he's so worked up by the time He fucking does the D that he probably comes in seconds. I imagine he comes instantly and then shoots them. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, probably yeah, it's just but no, but he's not that worked up is that I think that he gets into it It's like two pumps. He squirts and he's like No, you think I can extend or a viagra something that would make him, you know Because we all feel that shame after we come like, you know, you come and immediately you feel bad about yourself
Starting point is 00:47:31 Not me. I always keep a bowl of confetti next to the bed. Yeah, I'm always just happy It's terrifying though you get home from work you figure it's five o'clock at night. It's Monday You're gonna have to have the guys get some Chinese food and you literally it's the same thing And it's like you live your life you go to sleep at midnight and then he comes out of the closet Yeah, cuz he's been there the entire time. That happens fucking scary and it happens a lot. So, um So there was a are you making a pizza or are you a serial killer? I'm just saying okay There was a series of crimes that happened when the Night Sucker came out and this happened There were a series of crimes in the East Sacramento area that were basically blamed on him
Starting point is 00:48:12 They were like well, it was the same modus operandi. He's doing this thing and then it wasn't a couple years I don't know what it's up around I so far this episode. I just made a three. Yes But they found out the DNA didn't actually link up. Oh, it didn't act now. I thought that it did yeah So and this is a totally different guy. This is a different guy who? Committed a larger number of crimes at Night Stalker dead. Mm-hmm. He was never caught He's still he's still around our home right now. What year was nights? That's 70s, right? No, it was I want to say the 88 who imagine how old this guy would be now He just has like a walker and he's like with it with an oxygen tank
Starting point is 00:48:53 Just like in their closet And they call this guy the original Night Stalker the original Night Stalker the the East area rapist That's what they called him for a long time and but what he used to do Um Richard Ramirez was more of an impulse killer BTK would stake him out And this was this what what they would notice is that the couples of this would happen to is that the They would come and their house would be fucked up They would house we get broken was it all couples or did the man just happen?
Starting point is 00:49:23 He started they said that he started with single women and then moved to couples So it was a it was a purpose to purposeful decision to go to a place to horrify the man and the woman Well, yes, it was all about the torture and but what he started doing the last number of his it's risky to Against one. Yeah, I mean you got a gun, but it's all thrill. It's all power But he's breaking into Bukaki scenes. Yeah, yeah get them all held captive. That's a great melody captive captive captive But now he so what he started doing though towards the end is that he would call and leave threatening voice mails on their answering machines before the murder would actually happen and what we have here is a copy of one of the actual voicemails
Starting point is 00:50:10 That he used to live so It's kind of like if you know like Morgan Freeman you get in to leave a voicemail. Yeah, this is very exciting. Yeah Um, so, um, why don't you just roll that beautiful bean footage? Oh That was like a rhythm to like gonna kill you It's really scary and that's how you summon the devil. I mean that's like but I mean I mean and yeah, yeah And he has never been caught. So yeah, so he's still out there. You might be in your house right Sacramento Alright, look out your window. Oh, yeah, look in your closet. Look in your bathroom every time. You're not
Starting point is 00:51:26 Look at it now, but they're in the other room Maybe he's there in two hours shut set your alarm for every two hours Well, no, I wake up at 2 a.m. 4 a.m. And 6 a.m. Make a sweep of your house Then you can go back to sleep, but this reminds me of the same story The I think we said it before about the you know criminals case your house and then the there was one example of A young lady that we are various acquaintance of with the fact basically she Walked out of her house. She had ordered Chinese food She walked out of her house to go pick out the Chinese food and like what like so walk slightly around the corner like met
Starting point is 00:51:59 Him on the corner walk back in her house and fucking dudes were trashing her apartment taking stuff out of it And it's like and it happened that fast. It just boom. They're watching right be prepared Be aware and stay alive. Yeah. Yeah, all right close this out with that thing like it for five minutes Okay, I know we're gonna close out We're gonna do a couple of deep cuts from Charles Manson Oh, oh, we have a nice sing-along thing. Well, you didn't pull it up on my computer. That's fine Just play it. We'll just add it afterwards is like a thing like we'll just well It's much more upbeat than yeah, all right. You guys enjoy yourself. This is some Chucky Manson. This is real
Starting point is 00:52:34 This is him singing some songs. That's one of the members of Brown horrible. It's like a bad music So bad, but the thing is that if you had just given him a record deal Hey, so my little guarantee was still in fact guns and roses covered one of Charlie Manson songs on the spaghetti incident As far as I'm concerned, but as far as I'm concerned if Kesha can get a record deal Right and Charles Manson. It was a harder time back then. It's true There's a lot more quality music and he knew the Beach Boys. Yeah connections. Yeah, I think he scared the Beach Boys That's what it sounded like. He was just like we're friends, man, right? We're friends. Yeah, sure We're friends, right? Stop yelling Charlie get an ideal for me then
Starting point is 00:53:10 All right guys my goosalations make the relations my goosalations Check your closets. Yeah, check every room that you're not in There's a time for living The time Keeps on Flying think you're loving baby, and all you're doing is crying. Can you feel Those feelings real look at your game girl
Starting point is 00:53:43 Look at your game girl What a mad delusion Living in that confusion Brushed friction and Oh, can you ever live without the game? Love's a sad, sad game Mad game Just to say you love's not enough
Starting point is 00:54:17 You're fun, you can't be true You can't tell those lies baby, but you're only holding you Can you feel Those feelings real look at your game girl Look at your game girl You can't feel And the feelings ain't real Then you better stop trying
Starting point is 00:54:46 Or you're gonna play crying Stop trying Or you're gonna play crying That's the game Sad, sad game Mad game Sad game

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