Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 52: Project MK-Ultra

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

Inspired by the Jimmy Saville BBC scandal, the boys explore the seedy world of the MK-Ultra program, including LSD experiments on mental patients, raping children for the purpose of creating, and the blackmailing of foreign dignitaries.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last time on the left That's when the cannibalism started Jesus all right. Yeah, all right. That's Marcus. I'm banned with this as always Rhyman with the time and Henry Zabrowski rapping Henry How many other Rippity rap rap rap rap Rap rap rap rap rap rhymes you said one rhyme I rhyme in a time because those are just the same word Oh, I thought that was what rap. What is no hip hop? No hip hip hop. You know what?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Let's just do it frogs is that something music does that's right And I'll just I'll be I'll be you see who's here with us who's here white Henry Zabrowski. I've told him an official black And I'm an official Jew I got cards in my wallet Did you just send out for him? Oh, yes, very much. So I have a maid I have a maid for free except for shipping and handling. Oh, I thought you had your maid do it You're his you're Hispanic maid who hates you who has made you an honor I am I am helping her
Starting point is 00:01:20 Her it's hard out there for a maid Just clean the street All right speaking of maids and nannies and people of that nature today We're talking a whole bunch about children and I got a check the children attack the children is the name of the episode We came up with But it's just so vulnerable Because number one you could say anything to a child if you got a policeman's head on number one that's true You could say anything to a child if you just physically are in control of the child. Yes
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yeah, you know put him in a big sack will they listen up because how many potatoes is would you say it's Comparison to the size of a child 80 potatoes, which is like a sack of potatoes. That's one sack of potatoes got it in my truck I Don't have a sack of potatoes in my truck. I have a dead child in my truck Well speaking of pedophiles and people who may or may not have killed dead children the person that got us interested in Attack the child is a fellow named Jimmy Saville. He was a what a good name a great name is an English DJ And he certainly has a face for radio. He does he also hosted a BBC television show called Jim will fix it No, that's true. Jim will fix it and he was he was but mostly known as a as a DJ
Starting point is 00:02:37 It's a wait a second wasn't called ribbity rap rap rap rap rap rap. It's given to fix it It might have been I actually don't know they're the British are we ready rap rap rap rap rap Fuck no Nothing I have nothing left for that. That is all I had It was fine. I'm gonna have to repeat it for the rest of the episode. No, no take that ripety rap You put that put on a potato bag. Yeah, I put that in a potato bag and put it in your truck. Okay. I understand that metaphor So Jimmy Saville your joke is a dead child, right? Then the only difference is dead children are hilarious
Starting point is 00:03:15 No, the joke was good Henry everybody Is it out is it out of the potato sack put it back in the potato sack cuz it jumped out It almost hip hopped out of there. Okay. Oh, now you got me being the worst like a frikety frog Mm-hmm frikety frog frog for frog frog log. It's a frog, right? Fight it fight it fight it. It's good. We're doing this at 10 o'clock at night We're usually a morning podcast of Jimmy Saville. He was recently recently came out that he Major pedophile. Oh, he liked 14 13 year old Would you say pedophile or would you say connoisseur of the innocent?
Starting point is 00:03:50 He was a connoisseur of an innocent of the innocent as many pedophiles are I mean really a supreme pedophile leader and The scandal grows larger Details of the scandal well the scandal is everybody sort of knew about it his entire career He died in his 80s. His tombstone has now been next. It's off They're gonna revoke his knighthood because apparently you could be a radio DJ and then get knighted for it Yeah, and they find things really weird to be important in England They do TV presenters as they call them are very very important people I hear W. Jimmy Saville from the television show Jim will fix it. Oh, yeah, not only not only that but all the families that are
Starting point is 00:04:31 They have graves all the families that have graves around Jimmy Saville are Petitioning to get him moved out of the graveyard because they don't want to see the fucking pedophile when they go to visit Grandma rough was the thing was like they should have noticed when the tombstone was the size of a giant ass with a kid crawling Right, that should have been the big like red flag there The big scandal is of course BBC and BBC radio one that he worked for run by the government And it's up there with the Penn State situation or the Catholic Church. It's like a massive thing Yeah, everybody knew about it and they were just kind of crack jokes about it One girl was getting molested as they were doing a radio show
Starting point is 00:05:05 She went to the producer and was like Jimmy Saville is really getting uncivil with me if you will And the producer just said what are you a lesbian? I mean, that's how honored my question away was was she a lesbian? I now she is now she is without a doubt She won't man a little penis within a ten-yard radius ever So my question is it so how young were these with these kids 12 13 14 Jesus Christ, so they were young and the main conflict of course is that everybody knew about it No higher-ups did anything and and so we got thinking about how children are used when it comes for political gain or social gain
Starting point is 00:05:43 It's very interesting because it cuts back to a US program called project MPK ultra which we're gonna start getting really deep into very soon Yeah, which is they become now the the really sort of crippling obsession of us Um, I spent the last nine hours watching videos about children being raped while on LSD in order to make them into Super-assassins, so I'm in a weird state of frame of mind going on Wait, what's it got? I just had it ate a quesadilla that was seven hours old. It wasn't seven hours Oh, no, we're not four hours. I ate three quarters of this game I wouldn't offer the two I was trying to be nice tie it back tie it back to MK ultra
Starting point is 00:06:24 This is the same kind of torture techniques We used in order to break a person's psyche down feet of mold quesadillas hit him with the fire hose while he's asleep Well, I think that's what they did during the civil rights movement for different reasons But basically what it comes down to is a person power tends to use children Well, it's like a street fair thing though. Just for fun. We're like, I hit with the hose You grew up in Queens. I mean, I have no idea what you guys were up to on the summer day. It's true. Okay Well, it's also rumored that now it's coming out that Jimmy Seville might have also been a child killer Oh, yes. Yes. What is this rumor about this rumor?
Starting point is 00:06:58 It's so strange because it's like all he wanted to do was was take care of them and make love to the children Why would he want to hurt them? Hmm? I don't understand it. Well, what happened is there? It was a man a serial killer in England in the northern England area in Yorkshire and Charlie Sharks is our chances are up in Monteclantique late. The sad thing is you just listed two towns Actually, no, that's Wales. Oh, I'm sorry. You're thinking of Wales. Oh, yeah, Cheshire. Cheshire But this man killed 12 Proven to kill to have killed 12 women possibly 13 in Yorkshire in the 70s
Starting point is 00:07:36 Now, this is the Yorkshire Ripper. The Yorkshire Ripper is the man that was in this middle hospital because in England, you know They don't have a death penalty or anything. They just sent him to a mental hospital Yeah, we did make tea coasties all day. Yeah, so I'm fucking on ice. Yeah And they very easily can escape from those places as they have in New Jersey from all of their mental institutions and all Yeah, because all the security officers break for tea and they stomp on an American flag for a half an hour Then they go back to work. That's right too distracted thinking about how we got hamburgers and only got its stupid dry crumpets I mean, I've heard that I've heard they're very upset about the hamburger might have gone over the ocean I'm not sure quite possibly and so this man was in a middle hospital in the 80s and
Starting point is 00:08:20 Jimmy Saville out of nowhere was given a job to oversee Like an administrative overhaul at this middle hospital in like 84. Why why would you know? No one knows because he has he had no actual Training doing any of this type of stuff has no administrative experience no mental health experience Maybe then it realized he was completely insane because he's around a bunch of lunatics Jimmy Saville walks in there like a normal guy Yeah, this is good. We'll give him the job Yeah, he had no he had his own keys to the hospital. He'd go anywhere in the hospital and out of everyone in this entire hospital
Starting point is 00:08:58 Jimmy Saville made good friends with the Yorkshire Ripper. Mr. Peter Sutcliffe. Well, maybe he was funny I'm sure he was if you're a child you want keys to you know, Wonka's chocolate Factory also, I know I want keys to the looney bin Peter Sutcliffe also from what I remember What he believed that he was told by God he killed prostitutes. He was a sir. Yeah, it wasn't just prostitutes But he was told he believed that God was telling him to do this in order to like purify the world And they called him the Yorkshire Ripper because for what it was like very it was ghastly murders But I do know that his calling card was hitting them on the head with a lead pipe. Yeah, good. Yeah Good way to do is I give that to you before he hit you on the head with a lead pipe
Starting point is 00:09:39 You give you it and that he gave you the pipe. It was like a marathon. Oh now you run And he also was in television As because my my girlfriend Nikita is from Yorkshire and her mom and her a lot of her family We're in Yorkshire during this time and I just sitting there throwing tea at the harbor Saying like oh George Washington was a fag. Yeah, he knows and stuff like that about America America with you man And what they're up to over there and what Nikita says in an email He worked at the same TV factory. My Nana worked at he used to babysit for one of my mom's school friends up by
Starting point is 00:10:17 Heaton Jimmy Seville Jimmy Seville. No, I'm not Jimmy Seville Ripper Peter Sutcliffe Peter Sutcliffe. Yeah, what? Yeah, what was he like? Was he funny? I feel like you want him to be really funny. I want all serial killers to be kind of you want to kind of charm Yeah, and women were just losing their shit the entire time bodies just popping up everywhere Oh, yeah, and so you saw it, but yeah, meanwhile, they're sitting there playing Nintendo going like God told me I'd win today Like that's weird Peter. Yeah, I just wonder what a TV factory is. What is a TV like an actual place? I think it is an actual place where they build TVs Yeah, a munchiesty tire sounds like a place that people would work in a factory the worst job ever though because now
Starting point is 00:10:58 You know you don't need money you work to car shop You can go home and watch if you work and make TVs for a living you can't go home and watch TV God, no, I don't want to see is a TV. They must love the theater. You just love the window. Yeah, look at a window It's a really happen It's like a TV, but it's for life to go real boring reality show a real reality reality show But basically what it happened here I think Jimmy Seville was probably Drawn to the Yorkshire Ripper because they're both absolutely egotistical maniacs and it's rumored they may have known each other beforehand
Starting point is 00:11:27 Whoa, yeah, I honestly Serial there's a serial killer profiler that suspects that the two of them may have known each other Beforehand, yeah, they're bros. Yeah. Yeah, they watch the kids together They had a lot to talk about and really there's not many people you talk about Jimmy Seville for a long time. Yeah, because Peter so close was such a great babysitter It was just it was a very different time as well Jimmy Seville's big thing while he was doing his television show before he would throw it To a clip that was like really fantastic and imaginary similar to our version of mr. Rogers He would ash his cigar. That's what he would ash his cigar up into the air
Starting point is 00:12:03 Oh, so he also ran a children's show that was Jim will fix it. That's great. Jim will fix it is the name Which is would you have a boo boo Jim will fix it and then he's you know suck it on the boo boo for five minutes You know I see suck it on my skin knee for so long And he's like I'm getting younger every minute day, right? He might have been a vampire sounds like Vlad the impaler That's why he kind of looks like Vlad the impaler actually and also a former nurse said that pedophile patients gravitated towards Seville Like they would just sort of follow him along like a weird pedophile pied piper Interesting was good with kids. He was really good kids. It's like George Clooney's like really good with ladies Yeah, and a lot of the staff said he should be behind bars. We used to laugh about it in those days
Starting point is 00:12:47 But speaking of children behind bars This takes us to MK ultra, which is what it is disturbing CIA Undercover operations that we have heard about in quite a while and we've heard about a lot of them in recent weeks Because the big thing here is that with both of these stories We can both say that the children are the victim one side Let's just stick with that side or probably that one that children were the Aggressors if you if they were trained by the CAA we're gonna go controversial Henry's I'm just saying this. No, I don't really believe this but I do say that like but this is where it comes into
Starting point is 00:13:19 What if these were agents set into frame important members of society like not unlike Kevin clash with With with a certain a certain set of allegations that came out about him, which are not true He just that the the child Recanted and the story that Henry is referencing this Kevin clash. He is the voice of Elmo. He's the star of being Elmo He's a great guy. He's an obvious. He's gay and I think that that sort of led to a boy He was at 16 at the time said he was you know, he was raped by him They did have a sexual relationship with but the boy was 18 and so that's where that story Yeah, so he's a he's a bit of a creep, but he's not a criminal
Starting point is 00:13:57 He's not a criminal, but really this was a woman. No one would be talking about it So I think there's a bit of a double standard there and people are like I mean, I think it's a little bit disgusting because I don't want to have I'm 31 and I don't want to be with an 18-year-old girl Yeah, I just think that yeah, Elmo just can't fuck anymore. I'm sorry Kevin class. You can't fuck anymore That's not it. The whole your Elmo your Elmo now. You don't fuck. That's the thing You don't fuck you don't sit in your house Whatever it is you do you do inside your gated mansion and let no one else see it because you're Elmo now Yeah, you worry. I mean, and that's the thing but then again when you play in the show
Starting point is 00:14:29 The he could have been the victim of a highly trained child seduct or By the CIA through the project MK ultra. Well, that's a whole different kind of honey trap Oh, you bet friend The Elmo guy it's tough when you're when you're in the child business much like Peewee Herman got caught jacking off in the theater If he even was jacking off ruined his career Fred Willard got caught jacking off more more jobs than ever Absolutely because again, he was really funny while he was doing it. The exact funny covers a lot of gaps and personality Look at us. Yeah Let's just start off. Okay, so let's get in this MK ultra just from the let's go with super bass. All right
Starting point is 00:15:09 It's the year 1953 What is that song 1953 okay, imagine your kitchen is green for some reason because that was big at the time or orange a lot of that going on It's 1953 Project MK ultra was a program installed by the CIA actually it started when the CIA was known as the OSS Back in the 50s and it was it was a program that was it it was trying to develop techniques in order to help Interrogation like either like to interrogate or to defy interrogation and also to maybe create new ways
Starting point is 00:15:55 Super soldier like there's some people who say that it's a super soldier. It actually has distinct goals Let me actually put this so what they use is is a combination of psychotropic drugs, which they invented To in order to do this. Yeah, as it also in a great documentary We discovered that people thought that magic mushrooms were a myth Absolutely finally discovered those under the cow dung bad bad day for whatever whatever intern had to go find the mushrooms Absolutely. Yeah, because you have to wait a shit, but you get to eat the mushrooms and then it's like these ones work a thing Grateful dead was really good at the time. Yeah, I'm sweating too I'm wearing under-roofs in three shirts because it's 40 degrees outside and is 95 degrees in the studio 95
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's not 95 in here. It's a boomy 74 So all right the agency poured millions of dollars into studies examining methods of influencing and controlling the mind and I'm enhancing their ability to Extract information from resistant subjects during interrogation and when they're finding with a byproduct of a lot of that was was figuring out how to make a Blank slate of the mind in order to place a reprogram onto it to either use you as an assassin or a spy in which Basically fracture your personality into a bunch of different shards so that you Can do an action like you can go and kill somebody or you can go and Be captured purposefully by the Koreans and go deep into their their interrogation system and come back and remember none of it so you don't have any psychological trauma and
Starting point is 00:17:33 They can just conjure back the information anytime they want using like hypnosis It's like what every director does before he directs Scarlett Johansson Yeah, you know just you raise your brain and just drone out but with all of this also But of course this is done that the erasing of the brain is done So if they are interrogated they have no information to give all they know is what they've been fed and I'm a Manchurian candidate exactly Which is they they always say like oh that's ridiculous We never could have done that but the stuff that they did do is absolutely fucking bonkers So the stuff that they did do I mean is this is stuff that they did do and this is on record
Starting point is 00:18:08 This is on as much record as they have the problem is when they shut down the program in 1973 They burnt everything Of course because it was highly illegal discuss. It's like yeah, it's disgusting But there is a another project putt project Blackbird There's a lot of stuff like for this project artichoke, which was another one and then but all that started with a program Called operation paperclip which happened in the 1940s It started from back then when it was still just the only thing see man was doing when he thought of operation paperclip He was like, what's the name of your operation and he's just like looking all around his desk on a paperclip
Starting point is 00:18:51 But the operation paperclip involved going into Nazi Germany after Nazi Germany was defeated during the war and taking all their primo Scientist and bringing them back to America Expunging their past and then it was called operation paperclip because that was what they call the action of paper clipping a new bio to their name Okay, and so their new bios were so basically they had all of like dr. Mengele's assistants and stuff and they came in and they said what we found is Doing Mengele's experiments at Nazi fucking Germany that you can break someone's personality down by sensory deprivation trauma both just normal physical and sexual
Starting point is 00:19:30 Sleep deprivation and it's an isolation And then making them sleep drugging them and then you know using amphetamines barbiturates over No, they were talking about they would have the early experiments is that they have one IV in one arm feeding an amphetamines and One IV in the arm feeding in barbiturates And what they do is they pump them full of our barbiturates until they were about to pass out And then they pump them up with amphetamines and they pop up and they'd start like Like talking like this why does I wake up with a candy necklace? But they were talking but the main idea then was truth serum
Starting point is 00:20:10 We want to make as a way to make like someone say whatever it's been down Which is the main idea now and on a lesser level obviously we're still using these things if you recall in Guantanamo Bay They have the lights on all the time Pantara and Metallica was blared and their sensory, you know to like just completely make people go absolutely insane Isolation in prisons it drives people absolutely batch insane So the ideas did work the way they not to make a CIA agent. No to make a lunatic. Yes Well, that's what they were talking about. It's like that that was the main thing is like using LSD as well It's like
Starting point is 00:20:41 How do you what was the oh the actual term for the original version of it product artichoke was using hypnosis and And using hypnosis and prescription drugs. What was it to? Put make people do something against their moral or personal will like it was like this thing Then that was on the books That was what it was about it was like try to make someone do something that it's purposely against their will Which is hypnosis is supposed to be impossible to do and where this connects back to where we're talking about the BBC area Is that a part of the as the research continued because it originally as it started They made LSD and they they took all the cyclocybe in out of the the mushrooms
Starting point is 00:21:21 I mean they discovered it's like it's like fun and maybe like it produces really interesting societal results So they would do it, you know for rats and monkeys for a while and then what they started doing in the offices is that they wanted to get pure Uncontaminated test results so they should just dope people they just used to just Put it in people's coffee and like watch them act and like do all this stuff and they did it to a whole town They did they dumped a bunch of LSD into a town's water supply and watch the town fall apart honey How was your day? It was purple apples were like the apples were piggies. Yeah Like four piggies. I think I think apples. I don't know you're covered in blood. You're what what put your face against the television What are what are my knees? Oh your knees are your legs elbows?
Starting point is 00:22:07 Just a touch of gray Oh, that's not like a good time. That's not bad, but that's so but then again They found that LSD was too unpredictable, but that's just where it started But then it moved towards like who are we really like who are we like the ultimate test subjects for this and First thing that they did was there was point. They were only using adults. They're only using adults and volunteers This is where Timothy Leary did acid for the first time This is where Ken Kesey did acid for the first time Alan Ginsberg all those people signed up for these free like
Starting point is 00:22:42 So what do you why the fuck would you free meatballs and and hogies over here? They'd be like absolutely absolutely, and this is like the pure pure Like made you fucking treat it nuts. Yeah, you don't get it now No, it doesn't exist anymore because it was debilitating. Yeah, because it was like you sit there like Hey, hey, hey like banging your head against the table. I had a really wonderful time Right. It's also those are the guys that just don't come back. Oh, yeah Yeah Or because but they also turned it all into a counterculture and that's a part of what the CIA was like smacking themselves for because they
Starting point is 00:23:17 Inadvertently made the 60s counterculture while doing their nefarious fucking tests, which is amazing. That's a sweet irony of that Yeah, they made the hippies so they hate so much because it fucking ruled bro. Thanks. Yeah. Yeah, exactly Okay, so they were using it on test subjects But then but they realized what what you could do is it's the goal is they're like How do you get to the bottom of of somebody and and a part of what these Nazi scientists show them ask Jimmy Seville? Am I right? He would have been really good with the CIA back in the day Oh, yeah, he would have been a top star dude
Starting point is 00:23:53 There was a guy named George White who ran the original version of that project MK ultra and they was talking about how he was a Sick motherfucker and all of all these people came out and they said all this stuff about you know Like we regret the test that happened during this period of time blah blah blah when they asked Georgia It was fun fun fun fun fun. Who said that George White the guy who was originally in charge of project If you get a chance on YouTube, there's some great documentaries and the guy's a mole-up on the guy is Unbelievably a monster a monster you were tripping on acid and you saw his face You would swear that it was like a bizarre detached elephant that escaped the zoo Yeah, but the original they really did original tests were really interesting
Starting point is 00:24:30 So you have two people sitting in a room both of them would be on acid They would have like one be on acid and one would wait and then they would describe the other person's actions And then when the acid ran out on the other one the other one would get acid and they would do it back and forth So then it spread from volunteers to mental patients because then it was the idea of like well We want to make a disorienting effect like we want to make a drug that will make a disorienting effect Let's figure out how to like reproduce schizophrenic Symptoms by using schizophrenics and that in the end will tell them it's like this therapy, but it's not right So they would do the same thing they would see using acid and and sleep deprivation and then for sleep
Starting point is 00:25:06 And then let your shock therapy and all these like horrible things You know what Reagan really fucked up in the 80s when he emptied out all the mental hospitals We lost a lot of good guinea pigs. We lost a lot of fun cool dudes Yeah, and they just went and they just went and became homeless when before they could have been trying LSD Yeah, I mean possibly going like I mean going literally like deathly insane. Totally Insane really work. They just put on a three-piece suit got a briefcase and went to work It didn't work for that's a thing though It didn't work for any of these people they ever say and then every detail I read it just it's just it's real
Starting point is 00:25:40 It's really fucking real it is a part of what they did because this is the height of the Cold War Like when all the stuff was going the idea was you know, there was all these spy games going on So you wanted to make indestructible spies and then what you wanted to do is that you wanted to get leverage on people in order to get secrets from them and so the main crux of the of the project turned into Using children breaking them down mentally and physically and then what you did that using Sexual abuse using physical abuse using again sleep deprivation Like all of that and and and LSD you break them down So they don't know who they are anymore and then they what they would do is
Starting point is 00:26:21 I mean really you could argue a nine-year-old has no idea who they are Yeah, which is why they chose children They they would they would break them down mentally because what they learned from the Nazis and they were talking about is that? That's suffer it suffers of sexual abuse, right? If you if you if you rape them until they're a robot they their vision increases by 44 percent Their resistance disease increases by some X number. They're like their their ability to learn language They're they're their photographic memory increases because of the horrible memories that you create in their brains Yeah, that's what you want to happen as a side effect
Starting point is 00:26:56 But that's talking about all of these victims and it came out later on talking about it Is that like I blame the fucking photographic memory that the CIA gave me? I remember every instance of what happened to me of like after the fact and you know, I mean then again It's like lots of people are very flawed. There's a great test. I'm sorry wasn't I wonder How did they choose the guy who did the sexual abuse? Chose themselves This is not a trick question first of all
Starting point is 00:27:27 Who wants to rape the cat? I'll do it Jimmy Interesting Oh, come on You know, I'm good for it. Hey there body boy. Hey there body boy. Let me get shot at him It sounds like Liam Gallagher But that's that's just a where was I it's this horrible, but yeah, that's so Kathy O'Brien is a very famous Victim of MK alter and she came out and talk about it
Starting point is 00:27:56 But the stuff she says is that she said she saw that Bill Clinton was there and then Waylon Jennings was there and all this Now I don't believe that absolutely but also they also said all this stuff about you know, like Satanic ritual and imagery and stuff But then they that that that was happening to her while what's going on is they would show up dressed as Satanic priests and doing all this stuff But then there's even another layer on top of that in which they're talking about the way they guided they where they guarded their own That their identities was feeding those auto suggestions into her like basically like using imagery of Bill Clinton using imagery of like these people That you you you mess up her memories about who's raping her except for the fact
Starting point is 00:28:35 She remembers every inch of what their dick looks like which I was reading about like and like all this stuff And it's like you go in there and these are men that are because those men are also drugged Yeah, the people that are raping these kids are up Oh thing is this double-drugging they would use the whole thing against each other because so then the memory never happened and then the idea is you take these brainwashed children have no memory and You slip a fucking Mickey just some foreign did a dignitary that you want to do and they used to have these places I forgot what the term was it was called. I think they just called them safe houses They had one in London. They had one in the Greenwich Village
Starting point is 00:29:08 They had one in San Francisco where they would lure people what the hell I had it in my it's operation night box something like that Well, the thing is When they would have these people show up and they would they would have kids in the bed And they would put drug for dignitaries in the bed with the kids and then they wire the whole thing for sound and with cameras And then at the very end they would be like hey you you should probably side with the US when you go to meet with the UN next We because if not, we're gonna tell everyone that you're fucking pedophile It's a great form of blackmail and the people there's another great Testimony that's being given and you can see both of the women on YouTube there and they're in front of the yeah
Starting point is 00:29:46 What was that? That's just a Congressional committee. I believe there was a thing called or I think it's called the Grenada Council Which is a group of people that got together their victims of a government malfeasance Melfeasance and their testimony is absolutely heartbreaking It's completely insane, but they do remember everything and it's really when you're hearing these Adults these were both women and they were kidnapped at nine, you know one was a runaway and the other one I'm not sure exactly how they got her And the it really backfired this whole idea that you could make a strong intelligent sneaky CIA agent
Starting point is 00:30:20 By completely shattering their psyche and self-esteem is Visibly a wrong decision to make as soon as you see them as adults We actually don't even know the the the extent of their actual success because who knows because the idea is that everything That's like they succeeded in doing we would never know because it's so secret We just know the ultimate failures, which like the scientist Um, the only person that I could see that would be the actual Manchurian candidate was dumb Jimmy Carter And I mentioned him before We make him a peanut farmer, and he talks like a fucking retard
Starting point is 00:30:49 Oh, it is like that is the only one that I could see that maybe was affected by a child Noticeably the biggest one was a scientist named Frank Olson. They dosed him. They put Ellis Dean is coffee and they watched him Slip into a depression after not knowing what was going wrong with him and he killed himself Yeah, that's like another though. That's just stuff that just happened right there Yeah, you just took acid. I mean if you take pure acid and you think you're just having some good strong coffee You'll go it absolutely. Well, here's another one in Operation Midnight Climax. That's what I was talking about Yeah, the CIA set up several brothels in San Francisco to obtain a selection of men who would be too embarrassed to talk about the events
Starting point is 00:31:33 The men were dosed with LSD the brothels were equipped with one-way mirrors and the sessions were filmed for later viewing and study And these were and that and they would put in black these they would put these Drugged totally brainwashed kids into those scenarios and use them and also the idea of making future super spice Heroin addicts were this is one of my favorites heroin addicts were bribed into taking LSD with offers of more heroin Which is amazing and just like just give him LSD and listen to him bed folds Fuck an album. They won't need heroin anymore But these are the official goals of MK ultra. I just read through him quick number one Substances which will promote a logical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public
Starting point is 00:32:16 And that was a big thing because them the the first main target of MK ultra was supposed to be Fidel Castro And that was the the reason why there was a gigantic push in the early stages of MK ultra is that they wanted to make a Manchurian candidate to go Kill him. Yeah, because they needed to do someone who could go in there and pose as one of his people and read these slower Been and reread that one so the whole point was to make their past so insane that no one would believe them if they attempted to speak About or the same way of what's an ad hominem attack, which is the idea of you attack the person and like you make them you make someone It's like what the government does with people who say that you have foes are real You just every political campaign and everybody you just say that they're ridiculous and that it doesn't matter what they're saying doesn't matter Because then you don't have to read they're insane
Starting point is 00:33:00 You don't have to rebuke anything that they've said about you. You just well. No, but I mean Jesus This coming from two guys wearing fucking underwear on the outside of their clothing. It's hot. It's hot in here. It's cold out there Number two substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception Making people smarter and better, which they also thought could be an outside factor of LSD But then they just found out it just made you groovy Yeah, and groovy does not actually mean efficient of mentation and At all I'm say I'm half groovy Materials which will cause the victim to age faster slower in maturity and this would be I
Starting point is 00:33:41 Don't know about that. That just sounds kooky dookie. Well, if you take a bunch of much In jack if you take a bunch of mushrooms. I think you're gonna be slightly more Childlike than if you don't yeah, that's true. Yeah, I think I can definitely I can actually see LSD and I turn you give me mushrooms and put me in the forest. I turn into a five-year-old as you should and then you go on it That's right Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol, which is just man, which is just good tombs good buds Yeah, but I'm in a strip club roofies. That's all you need Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering
Starting point is 00:34:24 What's malingering? I'm not sure it's okay. I used to know what malingering meant Well, go back in your brain dictionary and figure it out because we're looking like real idiots right now Yeah, but when they say materials you're talking about drugs like these yes, okay, or really anything It's like materials. It's techniques. It's stuff that you can do to someone or something they can take okay Exet Malinger verb Exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work. Ah very good perfect for spy work Yes, and I just realized as well when it comes down to like child sexual abuse and the aging thing that there was number four Number three there the last one a lot of people who were molested have very high-pitched voices
Starting point is 00:35:06 They have very childlike mania rhythms. I mean, I'm talking about what happened to you Henry Are you a victim of the mk? Interesting Like a bizarre I was never molested Yes, good. Thank you everybody. I'm very happy that you are never molested. Thank you Materials that will cause temporary Slash permanent brain damage and loss of memory. That was a big thing
Starting point is 00:35:37 So for a while the government this was happening in American soil until the year 1973 into the year 1964 And then it moved to Canada And what ran by a doctor named doctor Donald you and Cameron and doctor you and Cameron who went on to form the APA Yeah, he's one of the worst ones out there. He had this thing called psychic driving and this is where he Believed that you could and was correct in many ways So technically a good scientist was that you can break a person's personality down using cycles of heavy Electroshock therapy and then for sleep. Yeah, where it's like you would
Starting point is 00:36:19 Shock them for like two days and then fucking put them out and he was a radiation guy as well Yes, and this is where they discovered the use of ELF rays, which is also a byproduct of the of harp right the heart The rays that come out of that in order to suppress thought and it's they were talking about again Kathy or Brian's husband came out and talking about the machines that they have right now These LF transmitters that you could put in your pocket and you turn it on you wouldn't be able to fucking rewrite a check You wouldn't be able to write your name. Wow. Yeah Which is very interesting. Yeah, and this is and that is that was where they did in this place called Ravencroft
Starting point is 00:36:57 Wow, this giant like evil hospital in Montreal called Ravencroft You see that hockey game there a oh you see that game. Well, it's kind of scary Oh, yeah, oh, it's real good. Oh, I better zapper. Oh, hey. Oh, hey go. Why don't you let the werewolf in? Oh, yeah Let me bring that werewolf over here. You got my golden mask. Oh, yeah, hey there, buddy Hey, I got this mental patient. I've been reaping her for a couple days. I think she'd be good. Good. Assasin II. Hey, I Mean Hospital the Canadians can say and do anything and it's always adorable But the but a lot a lot a lot but these people that were part of that
Starting point is 00:37:39 Experimentation program have no memories. Yeah, like and a lot of them are like brain damage So this was approach number two. Can they make new memories or yeah, they make new memories now But they have like they're they're fucked. Yeah, because you just treated them like they were a car battery Yeah, you like treated them like they were in a person you treated them like your cell phone I'll just jam a plug into my cell phone and then throw it in the corner and let it die and let it sit there for five days That's a cell phone and it deserves to be punished because every time it rings. It's bad news every time every single time Oh, right. So go back on to with a list of materials
Starting point is 00:38:18 Oh, I need more I need more. I need like a music stand. Yeah, yeah, I've got it all pulled out We do you want to get back to the let's get there. Yeah, I want to go back to the goals Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation torture and coercion during interrogation and so called brainwashing So you just brainwash your soldiers until they can't be brainwashed anymore, right? And that's just what you do Which I could use because tell you what these McDonald's commercial take a toll on me They are and I love McDonald's even love of that McRiddle But they still do that as well a military friend of mine. He went there. He said the first night that he was there They went to a large field and they just watched non-stop
Starting point is 00:38:59 Proamerica propaganda movies non-stop for like what kind of movies so just about the wars they showed the new Rambo the pretty much pretty much love the new Rambo the new Rambo is amazing active Valor I might have been on the I might have been on the watch that too. I like that movie That's exactly what they did there with that. Yeah, I don't think I don't think that I'd be a bad soldier Yes, I think that you know, I mean you'd be a great desk, man. I Actually, no, I don't think I'd be worse than a desk because at least why is my Shield on the field at least on a field You'll shoot me in the head then you could drag me around and protect yourself for a while call it a desk job
Starting point is 00:39:37 I'm just gonna forget the expense reports. You're too short to make a proper human shield. That's true Yeah, that is a human shield. Well, that's true But Henry would be great in instances of well some where somebody has to sacrifice their life while jumping on a grenade Like your basic training would just be like you're frantic around and be like grenade and then you have to jump I'm like but then the war is a real thing where I'm like allergic to danger And so when I see something like that, I normally just fucking I mean like I will run as soon as you hear a gas As soon as I heard a gunshot, I'll be gone Well, I'll be gone. I'll be back in the mess hall all the time. It's like, where's the mess hall?
Starting point is 00:40:14 That's what I'm looking for. Where's the hot dogs and the hamburgers around this place. Well, you should know where it is That's where you work, you know Serving up all the beef. Oh, you would be them. You would honestly be the greatest army chef of all time If we still have it right now, it's a shame. I can't believe though. We still write this war Marcus you're on the front lines immediately. I'm going I'm doing God knows what yeah, you're sniper in it I'm just out there busting down doors hurting kids and just immediately in the mess hall Henry Zabrowski serving up the me like a gravy. Oh Oh, you can see like over the war the light go out of mine and Ben's eyes
Starting point is 00:40:56 I can't wait for that and I just because I keep doing it just here in the podcast Number eight materials and physical methods, which will produce amnesia for events Proceeding and during their use, you know what this whole list all these goals You could really just make all these happen with a real good hammer. That's what they did that They did that though. They did it with raping you. They did it by raping you. Yeah, every single time they were like What do we do? I really the LLC's not really the old seas just make them dance around like you draw shit and stuff. I Guess we're just right Mondays, huh?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Monday Yeah, I got a case of the Mondays and now I'm sore from them and stripping on my fucking back on my leg might have a case of Herpes tomorrow physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use rape Substances which would produce physical disablements and just browsed us of the legs and to keep anemia. That's rape rape again Substances which will produce a chemical that can cause blisters fire Yeah fire and herpes substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become Dependent upon another person is enhanced rape, which is the gay drug That's the gay. That's the great and Stockholm syndrome as well
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yes, and is John Moreno with it with a bottle of gin, right? Hmm John Moreno from the last episode of the last podcast around table a gentleman No, no, he told the spooky story, but the house that burned out in Florida Two episodes ago a material which will cause mental confusion So of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning, which is weed Substances which will be good if you got the weed day Test subject for me some of that. I'll do whatever I'll confess to anything Give me some of that sweet sweet nugget nug. Oh, you got some that og kush. You got some of that and no kush
Starting point is 00:42:58 I think he wants it too much. I'll just give it to him. He's a rad dude. He's having fun The substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts Weed again weed fucking sweet. Yeah, and these are things they might also give to an enemy not just a person They're absolutely not just want to make you people give them. They don't want to make people groovy Just keep accidentally doing it when they're not raping people They're making people awesome at some point like okay We've got to kill Fidel that one to make him a memory is worse make him lazier. They're like let's smoke them out That's literally we're just going to go to his place and just fucking roll up a sweet Cuban
Starting point is 00:43:36 But instead of tobacco fill it with nice nug They were also talking how to dose him with LSD right but then again It's just like only last for a period of time and then he's just embarrassed and he just wishes that He was his pants back up and says if anyone mentions this you're gonna go to the camps I just wish I could turn back to the one happy modest mouse album instead of sitting here trying to do this speech Yeah, it's just weird that they had all this music before like myself into some of the songs makes me feel good vibes, man It's a good cell. Let's get back to work. They're coming us now And we were down to our last call
Starting point is 00:44:17 Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing for sick faculties Preferably without permanent faculties. Yeah, faculty's preferably without permanent effects Which means, you know, just don't pop their eyes out. Okay. They wanted to though. I'm sure they're like How do we make them blind without just pop in their eyes of like come on? Let's just pop his eyes out No, no, no, you're not in Germany anymore I just want to ties it in the twins together. See if they like the same peanut butters I'm sure they do Only chunky back in the day knockout is a new development a knockout pill again
Starting point is 00:44:54 Just roofies and a material which can be surreptitiously Administered by the above roots in which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a person to perform physical activity weed again So those are the 17 like this is just scratching the fucking very surface of this So it's like that all this stuff kind of came out in 1973. There was a giant hearing about these these things coming out and they burnt all the files and There's a very little information. It's just the sort of shaky Cooperative evidence of like certain like military officials that say that the project existed and the victims that are Very severely damaged either way. They either were damaged in the first place and they're totally unwrapped
Starting point is 00:45:38 Irrelevant of all or they were entirely mentally fucked by this program and that is you know It plays in well with the goals of the program make somebody's history and somebody's past and someone's current reality is so Unreliable so unpredictable and sound so insane that nobody believes them and that's exactly what they've done Yeah, and that's why none of this information has come to really mainstream media Yeah, we just have to do it the old way with the educational system It is good. That's all we have to do now. We just make them discouraged by not teaching them Well and jamming them in there like a bunch of rats. That's exactly right I think that's I think it's really learned best when they're when they are layered on top of each other
Starting point is 00:46:17 Oh, yeah, right and they all fight for the one book Yeah When they're terrified of like being the smart one in class because you know everyone loves the smart one like they don't get beat up or anything No, yeah, they do they do I would know actually yes, uh quite quite a bit. Yeah, I was a smart one until I was 21 then I stopped being the smart one Now I'm not the smart one. All right, so we can wrap this thing up here. Anyway, what was the overall? Okay, so this when did MK ultra began in 1953 and it ended in 1973 1967 1967
Starting point is 00:46:50 Heroes began in 73. Well 73 was precipitated by the Watergate hullabaloo all of the all of the intelligence agencies We're getting a little nervous getting a little creepy creeped out as they fucking should have been yeah as they should have Yeah, cuz they were doing awful awful awful shit. Yeah, I know the CIA director was during those years Richard Helms Richard Helms He ordered all MK ultra files destroyed pursuant to this order most CIA documents regarded the project were destroyed making a full investigation impossible But a cache of some 20,000 documents survived the purge as they have been incorrectly stored in a financial record building well I hope mr. Helms is getting violently raped in hell. Oh, he certainly is I am going to and we're gonna put the Documentaries up and there's a lot of I mean of course if we that's the one thing again is this is just another
Starting point is 00:47:40 Section of the gigantic conspiracy theory that we and we unearthed every single time no mention of reptilians though Which makes me kind of mad. Yeah, well comes down to it. I'm sure the reptilians would be like you mean I'm getting cut out of this Right, you tell me we're doing all this fun gossip shit, and I'm not gonna be there I'm a lizard let me write one of the kids will fall break his memory You need to just cool out. All right, we got this. Yeah, all right Whaling Jennings is gonna rape a kid for this afternoon. What whale and Jennings is gonna rape this kid. I'm a 12-foot reptile Yeah, but then he's gonna play force after that's right. Well, can I at least get backstage passes fuck? Yeah, green guy Whoo, he's like I got the bruise and I got the girl. I'll tell you what reptile you and me
Starting point is 00:48:25 We're heading back to Lubbock, Texas. You're gonna meet my mama. Whoo I'm a rapper assassin That's a big thing you could just say that any rapist could you say to a further victim in the future? Is that they're just trying to make them an assassin don't say that? No, I mean it's not gonna work unless you're allowed to like kill the person who raped you Only if you're dressed up as a police officer number one or in a suit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's just why every time I see a fucking fat old white dude in a suit
Starting point is 00:48:52 I just want to beat the shit out of them. Yeah, they do the worst things They're just up to no good. Yeah fun fun fun. That's all they're up to It's fun fun fun. All right, everybody That's I don't think I've ever described a single good thing as fun fun fun No good things fun doing that then I had like going to Coney You know he had more fun. You had fun doing the thing that is the least fun thing to do Which is watching other people have a great time on acid. Yeah That is the worst thing a human being can do
Starting point is 00:49:24 Alright, so we'll revisit the subject as well. So talk to us on Facebook. Oh, yeah, this is just this is part one I think we're just gonna have to go through all the podcasts and just do part twos of everything I think so, I mean it's huge and it all connects because every single time we get an inch inch farther in I mean We didn't even we didn't even get to Ted Kaczynski Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh And Sirhan Sirhan all these people Graduates of the MK Ultra class of 67. Oh what a trippin spin. That's awesome. All right. Well, that's episode two rap Pretty ribbity rap rap rap rap rap rap rap rap rap and see every other one of those was a rap with the W
Starting point is 00:50:01 Do you think if I put my mouth over the microphone and then like pour ginger ale on it? It would electrocube you to death. Maybe it might It might all right. That's Hong Kong Henry Zabrowski. Hi. Oh me hail Satan. Thank you, Marcus I'll gain we'll talk to only Satan can protect us from the government. That's right. I'm a goose to Lations everyone My goose to Lations

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