Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 560: The Alaska Triangle

Episode Date: January 12, 2024

It's time to get weird! This week the boys head up into "the last frontier" to unearth and untangle the mysterious geographic phenomena known simply as - The Alaska Triangle. Vortexes, Time Travel, Cr...yptids... Oh My... Let's find out what other dark secrets might be hiding within "Alaska's Bermuda Triangle"...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 POTATIC Hold Primehage listening, it is I, New Mator 4.7.9. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee and while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake, invitations, you're given. So try our new glare from Spring Hill Jack Coffee. Reptilian in the morning. Our proprietary blend of light they roasted, coca-o-hasts. What have you immediately energized about emerging from the pain coacca with all your slippery new aims?
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yee-eeh! Thanks, honey. Sssssss not! I'm cold blooded! Mmm! Existing heel jack and last hot gas on the left! I'm ready to get out now and eat some babies! Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton! There's no place to escape to, this is the last hot gas! On the left. Yes!
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yes! Why are you fucking all the way? That's when the cannonball's started. Oh! What was that? I know. I know! Yes!
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! So getting it to this week's research, Marcus, it might be the COVID talk. Could be. Um, you're day four, Marcus, it might be to COVID talk. Could be. You're day four, right?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Before COVID. Deep in it, it's helped, I think. I think it helped me understand this topic. Eddie, you don't know what's coming for you. Yeah. There isn't, I don't know what a vortex is, so that might need to be explained to me. It's a lot of math.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm gonna bring out, I hope you brought your TI 89 for a middle school. But what do you do? All right? We've mysterious triangles covered them before. Yeah. But what do you do when the hunt and trying is the entire state?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah. Like if it's the entire state, you can't avoid it. It's not the entire state It's the entirety of the state that fits within the shape of a triangle But it's not the entire shape because the state is not shaped as a triangle. It's a giant state I know the state. It's most of the state It's most of the state. This is the last podcast on the left talking about the elastic triangle today I'm Marcus Parks with Ed Larson Henry Zabrowski. It's not the entire state It's just as much of the state that can be fit inside a triangle. The only thing it's missing is
Starting point is 00:02:27 like four beaches. There's a big triangle. There's a peninsula, I believe, that is not included in a laskin peninsula. That's nobody there to go missing. It's just a bunch of seals. See I always thought the Alaska triangle is what you see when Sarah Palin bends over. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh, yeah, no prisoners. Yeah, no prisoners. But yeah, bro, going back to 2012 topics with 2012 joke. Yeah, bro. Yeah, bro, check out her pussy, man. Not all the wild and woolly triangles around the world. There's so many triangles. There's 12th from the permuda to the dragon to the devils to the bridgewater. One of the least talked about is the Alaska triangle. Not anymore.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Partly, that's because nobody really noticed there was, there even was an Alaska triangle until very recently, because it's most of the state It is the entire state of Alaska people go missing more people go missing in Alaska than live there in a year their state should be empty They pay people to live there to go missing. That's why they pay people to live there. Wow, interesting so they can go missing It's just all about travel channel. Is this travel channel fixed in the books? Well, from what our research team can tell, there was no information on the internet at all about the Alaska Triangle before the year 2020,
Starting point is 00:03:53 when the travel channel released a show called, what else but the Alaska Triangle, which is since released two seasons. Did you watch any of it? I watched the first episode, yeah. I watched the entire first season. Well, you had COVID time. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I of it. I watched the first episode. Yeah. I watched the entire first season. Well, you had COVID time. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I got it. I watched the entire first season and guess what is the most,
Starting point is 00:04:12 the really most legit thing you can say about the travel channels, you know, when they go into this subject, the invitation to subject, the only true things you can say is that they did travel to Alaska. But nothing else within it is technically helpful or real. I don't know, but it's very compelling. You never know. Well, consequently, a book was released thereafter by a character named Mike Ricksecker called Alaska's mysterious triangle, which is basically a promo piece for the travel channel show and
Starting point is 00:04:44 mentions the series at least once in every chapter because Mike Ricksecker is in the TV show quite a bit. It's there, man. He's also an ancient aliens guy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is, this brings out all the stops. Um, there's a lot of people in here that are just, they just say stuff like, you know, Alaska. Well, you know, the grays, they love the cold. They're just saying stuff. Alaska is dangerous.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Don't get me wrong. Yeah. I mean, and to be fair, we say that no one's talked about the Alaska triangle until 2020, but nobody knew about the Bermuda triangle until a book was released about that subject in 1974. And the Bermuda triangle is now as much a part of our collective consciousness as bigfoot or crop circles. We all, we, everyone knows the Bermuda triangleangle is now as much a part of our collective consciousness as bigfoot or crop circles. We all we everyone knows the Bermuda Triangle is yes, but we do know yes while there is a mysterious vortex that lives in the center of the Bermuda Triangle that allows people to travel through wormholes. We do also know the main problem with the Bermuda Triangle is ocean farts Because ocean farts is literally what brings planes down. We talked about this. We know this because methane bubbles, many bubbles come out of the water and it makes planes
Starting point is 00:05:50 lose air buoyancy and they fall into the water. What I want to know is when's a primitive triangle going to start pulling its weight, cleaning up some of this plastic. That's what we need. That's what we need the vortex for. Send that shit to fucking Bigfoot land Well unfortunately Eddie because then oh you're shifting the problem to Bigfoot now It's Bigfoot's fucking problem in his world of neutrinos
Starting point is 00:06:16 Is wander around the forest doing Jackson. I'm on Eddie's side fucking send it to Bigfoot put land Let's shouldn't deal with it. Give him a job. No, he has. Give him a job. If they're gonna, if they're gonna fucking wander around America, give him a job. He could build a hive out of it or something. They all live in hives, right? Their jobs are to help us spiritually ascend. All right, you didn't get to, you didn't read the book
Starting point is 00:06:38 about the psychic Bigfoot talking to the author who talked about how he's trying, they're trying to help us spiritually intellectually. They're reading books. Bigfoot, I'm getting this in right now. He says, I'm done. I'm already frustrated.
Starting point is 00:06:53 You must learn, Eddie. This is a part of your education. This is a part of your education. We're starting at the beginning. We start with triangles and we're going to get to vortices. Yeah. And portals. We get to equilateral some fucks. We had to touch geometry. Well, the difference between the Bermuda triangle and the Alaska triangle is that the Alaska triangle is mostly land. In fact, the Alaska triangle admittedly is
Starting point is 00:07:19 pretty much the maximum amount of a laskin landmass that can fit inside the shape of a triangle. If the entire state but the tips. And a lot of the barring see as well. There's a lot of water involved, which we'll get to. Now, one of the most bold claims made in both the book and the TV show is that 16,000 people have gone missing in the Alaska triangle in the last 30 years. But we're not sure where those stats came from because Alaska didn't start recording missing people until 1988. Okay. 16,030 years is also an incredible number when compared to the rest of the United States.
Starting point is 00:07:54 For comparison, Hawaii and Oklahoma are tied for second and third when it comes to missing persons at 16 per 100,000 residents. Alaska, meanwhile, has 173 missing people per 100,000. That's fucking nuts. Besides just the four Texas, um, ANs, evortices and besides alien abductions and besides, um, US, double,
Starting point is 00:08:20 a little kid. So yeah, besides that kid, that was just one. And he did that to himself, right? Besides what that, I feel like a lot of it can be, you know, we've talked about it. Remember when we covered Robert Hanson? We talked about Alaska's frontier land. I mean, yeah, the common sense reasons for this outside of mysterious triangle energies are, you know, most obvious Alaska is extraordinarily dangerous.
Starting point is 00:08:41 It's sparsely populated and it's twice the size of Texas. You can fit Texas, California and Montana into Alaska and still have more space. I don't want to go anywhere. They're all in the triangle. They're all in all of those states are inside of a single triangle of danger. Additionally, Alaska, Hawaii and Oklahoma all have large indigenous populations. As we know, when indigenous people go missing, their disappearances are far less likely to be investigated.
Starting point is 00:09:11 So, a possible murder often gets followed away as a missing person because nobody could be bothered to look into the report at all. But even though the people missing off the ground may have common sense explanations, the many disappearances are merely a companion piece, a side dish, if you will. The yams. The yams. I've got special yams. I make yams. They're very good. Yeah. We had them this year. They, you did very well. They're very good. Thank you. Thank you. But that's merely the Yams. Do the overall phenomenal. That is the Alaska triangle. Yes, but you guess what you're leaving out, man?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Pyramids, dog. Because what is pyramid before triangles? Pyramids also come to play. Yeah, no, I remember that, actually, I was when I was a very lazy little boy. I did a science fair experiment where I built a pyramid out of Cardboard and straws and I made a little cardboard camel and my entire argument was did you know that a pyramid is four triangles?
Starting point is 00:10:15 It's deeper than you think and you know what else there? Oh, yeah, no the bottom is that the bottom is the fourth triangle Is it yeah? Oh, so it's Wow, no pyramids of four triangles. Pyramids for. He's right. pyramid is technically four triangles and a square. I got to go. Wait, I got to go. I'm going to get out of here. It's not going to three and then the bottom is the fourth. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Depending on the pyramid, but I also got a book called Pyramids Around the World by Doctor of Science, Samir Osmanganovich, who says that, hey, did you know Pyramids can also be circles? Go fuck yourself. Pyramid, guess what I learned from my travels with COVID? Yes, I might have COVID. I know I had a lot of animals, and't have spent hours and hours and hours listening to Linda Moltenow and travel channel. But guess what? Pyramids just vibed, dog.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah. So you're saying that a circle is like can be a pyramid if it feels like it's a pyramid. Yes. And if it has the same properties as a pyramid, but it's just a circle. It's just got pyramid shit. It's got a pyramid lifestyle. And then he shows circle. It's just got pyramids. Shit. It's got a pyramid lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And then he shows up. It's used for something else because what do we know about pyramids? Some people think that the, oh, oh, they're just, you know, monuments built to remembrance into the vivaciousness of the human spirit. To that, I say fuck you, you moron. The full of cats. Full of cats. Number one, they're vets, slash shelters. And then two, it is a fucking wormholes dog. And do you know that triangles naturally create energy? Is that true? Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Now when it comes to the definition of a wild and woolly triangle in the paranormal world, it usually refers to a gateway or window of focused, unexplained activity. Usually, they encompass missing planes, ships and people, in addition to cryptids, hauntings,
Starting point is 00:12:17 UFOs, and other analogous phenomena. The most famous, of course, is the aforementioned Bermuda triangle, which was chronicle as far back as 1492, as a place where strange things happened. Yep. None other than Christopher Columbus recorded erratic compass readings. Erratic. That's the top. Then that's the word of the day.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Erratic. Erratic compass readings while sailing in the Bermuda triangle and wrote that he saw flames plummet into the ocean, along with what he called a small wax candle being raised and lowered in the night sky. But he didn't realize I was just him in the bath with an reaction. Yeah. I thought you just slashed back and forth. I used to do that.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Christopher Columbus had a bright orange chido colored penis. Oh, purely, purely Italian, man. You're a little medical. According to those who believe that there's something paranormal about these triangles outside of naturally occurring electromagnetic phenomena, these areas contain vortices of intersees, vortices being the plural of vortex. You don't say vortexes. You say, vortices.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Vortices. Vortices. You're, vortexes. Vortices. From, you're from vortexes, right? Vortices. No, for vortexes is where the anime convention is held every year. Go from up. Well, from what believers say, these vortices of energy build up in the Earth's core and cause strange phenomena to suddenly transpire,
Starting point is 00:13:45 like unusual weather patterns, bizarre electromagnetic anomalies, and coolest of all, interdimensional portals. Chad, dude, fucking international portals, dogs, fucking ghost stations, and a fucking bigfootland dog. That's what I'm talking about. This stuff is very stupid, but there is maybe it's got something to do with. Yes, some board of seas are created by natural rock formations. And they talk about the idea of the where, especially natural water sources mixed with certain
Starting point is 00:14:14 types of rocks create energetic properties, they believe. There's also again, just triangles, being what they are, natural flows of energy. But if you stuck up a fine, all right, you make a triangle erect. It's pyramid energy flows up. What if I told you that at the very epicenter of the Alaska triangle center of the state, there is a hidden obsidian pyramid underneath the ground bigger than the geese appearance, my friend, that the US government has been slowly but surely using an energy diaper. That is a term that I have heard For they line it with
Starting point is 00:14:47 Electrotic it is they're pumping energy to an underground pyramid in order to fuel the dual line Right, which I'll explain later in order that is creating a series of anonymous events inside of Alaska now of an underground pyramid Why not just put it in a mountain? Hmm because I guess if you put the pyramid in a mountain, it's difficult. It's just a mountain. It's difficult to, it's difficult to hollow out a mountain. Yeah, but it's easier to dig a hole. Okay, but according to travel channel, it's actually extremely even more even more
Starting point is 00:15:20 possible to build a pyramid. But the only people who could do it, obviously, real, They live underground. And a lot of people keep talking about the travel channel too, but they're like pyramids. Why do these people keep burying them under dirt? And it's like, it's been there for thousands of years. I think dirt naturally accrues. They assume, no, they assume that people are just literally covering them up with dirt. Interesting. How mad would you be if you were a slave and you built a pyramid at the end of it, the Pharaoh's like, bury it, hate it. But now we know any. A lot of them were cultured artisans. Yeah. Yeah. And it was definitely humans who built the pyramids. Yeah. The humans built the pyramids. Oh, it had to be. Yeah. Not according to, not according to Linda
Starting point is 00:16:03 Moltenhow. Yeah. And also Mike Ricksecker. also very, very, he is very much on the side that everything is Atlantis and everything came from Atlantis and everything that we have ever had in the ancient world is all Atlanteans, white Atlantis. Oh, Ricksecker, we should use for like bullshit artists like yes, a term for that. Yeah, right. He got a real Ricksecker. Because it sounds like a slur, but it's not. It really does. It's fun to say. Fucking Ricksecker. That last phenomena, the interdimensional portals, that brings us to our first story of the Alaska triangle. Because when there's possible interdimensional portals, there's also going to be stories of airplanes
Starting point is 00:16:47 vanishing from the air without a trace. Popping it out. Now, according to Mike Recksecker, Alaska is particularly sensitive to the creations of voidices and portals because of solar flares and the Aurora Borealis. Which does, in fact, interfere with electronic equipment and GPS navigation.
Starting point is 00:17:07 That part is true. Alaska is closer to the sky. Yeah. Okay. I just said that. I just said that. I didn't know what that means. And I agreed with you because it sounded good and I assumed you knew what you were talking
Starting point is 00:17:18 about. No, it's high mountains there. I mean, technically, you know, those could be closer to the sky. The only thing I do know is about the obsidian pyramid, and only the, the, the virtue of Alaska. The only thing I actually know about today. And the do lines. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'm into it. Yeah. Yeah. Now, one might say that the Aurora Borealis just makes exploration, travel in Alaska more dangerous because proven scientific phenomena plays haywire with the instruments humans used to locate and orient themselves, especially in the sky. Nope, but... Pfft!
Starting point is 00:17:52 But from what Mike Rick's Echor claims, these currents of energy ebb and flow, meaning that Alaska is more prone to paranormal phenomena at certain times. And if we hadn't lost our knowledge from the answer world, mainly from Atlantis, we'd know what the fuck all this was about, but we did and we don't. They paid a big, I guess they, they, you know, will they wipe themselves out with their own thermonuclear device? We know this to be true.
Starting point is 00:18:18 They wipe themselves through thermonuclear device and just as some, you know, deserts are now green spaces and some green spaces are now deserts. So too did Atlantis become buried underneath the flood in the Antidiluvian flood. Oh, just picking up Atlantis. And he just picking up as you go. You know, when you go like just just let in what you can let in and then discard, I can relate. Now, you know that Donovan song Atlantis, right? No, I don't. You don't. I never got to in the Donovan. This is the one you're gonna love. I'll send it to you afterwards,
Starting point is 00:18:47 way down in the ocean where I wanna be. It'll tell you everything you need to know about Atlantis. When I was a kid, Atlantis was the name of the water park and for a lot of their ways to go all the time. And then ironically, it got wiped away by Hurricane Andrew. Oh wow, interesting. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Either way, Alaska is a place where people disappear. And while most sadly go unnoticed, some disappearances over the years have become national mysteries. Back in 1972, US majority leader, Hale Boggs and an Alaskan congressman named Nick Bagic took off. It's the worst name I've ever heard in my life. There's a lot of bad names today. I hate. Hail bogs nick baguette. Ricksecker. Ricksecker. They took off from anchor to laska at 9 a.m. on their way to juno for a fundraising drive following a well worn flight path in a twin engine sesna.
Starting point is 00:19:45 But before their plane reached the portage pass, communication was lost, and the plane disappeared from radar. Alaska! Dying! The largest search and rescue mission of the day was mounted soon after, which logged 3,600 man hours and covered 325,000 square miles. But despite all efforts, no sign of the four passengers
Starting point is 00:20:07 nor their plane was ever seen again. Alaska, trying. No. Now yeah, they might have flown through a portal. Yeah. But what's interesting is that while Mike Ricksecker's whole argument is that Wild Shit happens in the Alaska triangle, he still pushes a bit of conspiracy on the disappearance of Hail Boggs.
Starting point is 00:20:27 He just can't fucking help himself. Apparently, Hail Boggs had descended against the Warren Commission in 1963. Torgators fucking back. When they concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald and his magic bullets had been the only factor surrounding the assassination of JFK, Why it took nine years for the government to retaliate to this dissension is unclear. They never forget, man. They never forget and they want a way to you forget, dog.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And by that point, everyone had forgotten about the JFK assassination. So why not let it, you know, it's only one under the radar. And so not even think about it. It's all, yeah, it was nine years. That's a long time. Mike Ricksacker also hints that because bogs was of Croatian heritage, he may have been targeted by
Starting point is 00:21:10 serbians for reasons that are unclear. Chellis of Alaska. While the podcast missing in Alaska about the disappearance of halbugs revealed that a Mofioso told the FBI that the plane had been bombed. And nothing is more reliable than how to work Mofioso. Nothing, you always listen, they're always not full of shit. Now you guys remember a hellbox? You remember that hellbox?
Starting point is 00:21:35 I did that. He's part of the Fairbanks gang. Yeah, you know what they say? Now, he's swimming with the penguins That's what we do It is it's dangerous above Alaska, but it's funny because each guys they always say this too They're all like and there is no way the plane would ever go missing On Alaska. It is one of the most observed
Starting point is 00:22:03 Areas of space as say, but the flight area of Alaska, right? We're about to get into that. We're about to get into that. Because the disappearance of Boggs' plane was but one of many in the Alaska triangle, and it is by no means the most mysterious. So you would be very easy for a small assessment to disappear into the Alaska wilderness. There's not a lot of mystery there, but the same could not be said of a Douglas C54 Skymaster. According to travel channel, the most important plane to have ever been built. Most important plane?
Starting point is 00:22:34 More than Air Force One. It was used a lot. The most most important plane model. Oh, okay. No, they said that this one plane, is one of the most important special planes. They did. I'm only I watch that. I watched that episode. They made no such claim.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Is it a special plane? Is it a talk? You're COVID. Well, I'm really seeing how much your COVID brain is really like filter and shit through. I did, you know, I don't know what's kind of come out. You know, I don't know what's gonna come out. Well, in January of 1950, a Douglas Skymaster took off from Elmendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage, bound for Montana, with dozens of people aboard. The Douglas, one of the most used military aircraft of the day, had a 100-foot wingspan, three times larger than the average Cessna.
Starting point is 00:23:22 But just as the plane passed over the small Alaskan town of Snag Snag Alaska. Yeah, it's awful name. It's Alaska's full of scaguer. Yeah, gaften. That's a good name for a Know what happened when one of the pioneers wives got her panties stuck on a fucking wall Yeah walls. I wanted a snake. I'm a snake. I'm just a white. I'm a white. I'm driving.
Starting point is 00:23:53 As the plane was passing over snag, it disappeared from radar and was never seen again. Now remember, this was 1950, right when the Cold War was heating up. And since Alaska is right next to Russia, the sky above Alaska is one of the most surveilled places on the planet. So for a plane like this to just disappear was a big fucking deal. And it was not in the military's best interest to leave a plane with possibly sensitive material aboard,
Starting point is 00:24:19 lying around in the wilderness for the Ruskies to find. Because they're right there. Should I say the Ruskies? The Ruskies. They're right there and they're waiting Should I say the Ruskies? The Ruskies. They're right there and they're waiting. And because we also had habits, the dualine. Right? So the dualine was a series of radio towers
Starting point is 00:24:32 that were supposed to warn us if the Ruskies are coming over to bomb us. So they, they ping. So it's extra surveilled and they don't know how. It could remotely be possible. But now that we saw that when we blew those objects over the sky in Alaska and we went to go look forward to the beginning of this year, we couldn't find what would last year, we couldn't find Jack Shit. So the do line is power that do line that is there to look for, you know, Russian missiles.
Starting point is 00:24:58 That's powered by the city and pyramid under the dark pyramid. Yeah, absolutely, Doug Mutchley, he talks a lot about it. And it's like, Luna-Bow right by energy, the conduit is an energy diaper. Yep. I mean, I read all about this, and we don't know exactly how we do it. We just know that if you put energy into the corners of the pyramid, it actually flows out of the tip much harder. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So it's come. Yes. Yeah. In a sense, it's an everything. Proteants. It's come. Yes. In a sense, isn't everything. Proteus. It's protons. But even though every effort was made to find the Douglas, no trace of the crew nor the wreckage was ever found. In fact, people are still looking for the Douglas a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Bunch of guys put a bunch of drones out in Alaska to explore unreachable areas found nothing. Yeah, it's just fucking gone dog. It's big. It's a big state. Yeah, but it's also it's a big plane. It could be buried by now. Yeah, it could be. Couple of trees fall down.
Starting point is 00:25:54 You know, find that fucking thing. No, you're not. Eddie, nothing naturally gets buried. Okay, everything must be purposely buried. You just said pyramids get buried. Yeah, by people. By people. Oh, okay. You're right. I'm sorry, Henry. by people. By people. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:05 You're right, I'm sorry, Henry. You're out of your league here, buddy. No one's going on here. I'm glad you're bringing your humility to this, and I'd really appreciate that. Who what makes the disappearance of the Douglas more interesting in the triangle realm as opposed to the Bugs disappearance
Starting point is 00:26:23 is what happened before and after four days after the Douglas went missing a garbled cryptic radio message was supposedly intercepted in the Yukon followed by two more garbled cryptic radio messages. I couldn't find though what those cryptic messages were. Help. That's cool. That's not cryptic at all. That's just. Help. Help. It's a guy.
Starting point is 00:26:49 There's this little bang when he's playing with my helmet. No, you can't find me. They said that is exactly why we know for a fact that they were inducted by aliens. Well, additionally, a couple days before the disappearance, a Navy pilot clocked a UFO going an estimated 1,800 miles per hour in the same area where the Douglas disappeared. Now there is an extreme amount of electromagnetic energy in the Alaska Triangle due to its proximity to the North Pole and the Northern Lights and so on and so forth. So it is possible that the Douglas entered into a magnetic anomaly,
Starting point is 00:27:26 which caused its instruments to go haywire, because back then, most on-flight instruments were magnetic. Yeah. Well, Doug Muchley, who was a counterintelligence officer for the CIA, I must be real, he said that this is a story that he told to people, was that he was working on a base in Alaska. And he turned on his television at night and he saw a documentary. He talked about the idea that these dark pyramids underneath Alaska are creating electronic
Starting point is 00:27:59 anomalies, attracting UFOs. And he saw this whole thing, he talked about the wonders and powers of pyramids, and how pyramids are natural batteries, and they can be used, are they being used since time immemorial to fuel machines and technology that we don't have access to anymore, because it was blown up by Atlantis, right?
Starting point is 00:28:18 And all of that stuff went by the way of like, it's now sunk to the bottom of the ocean. We can't find it anymore. We can't get back in our way, right? And so we saw this documentary, it's now sunk to the bottom of the ocean. We can't find it anymore. We can't get it back in our way, right? And so he saw this documentary and he went down to the station. He said, he was so insensed and so inspired by the documentary. He went down to the station and said, I want a copy for myself.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And guess what? They told him, we never played that. And then they said, they're like, what? And then a guy, some other guy, he refuses the name because he's not a stool pigeon. He pulled him aside and he says, like, you don't want us to know. You don't want anybody to know. That's the reason why people go missing here
Starting point is 00:28:51 and what's going on here. So we've accidentally opened up a wormhole using that pyramid. And that's why we can only show that documentary once. Right? And I don't know why they can show them multiple times. They said that.
Starting point is 00:29:02 It's like when Bill Cooper found, I can only show it once. So like Bill Cooper found the secrets of the Lunarion is Xerox machine. Yeah. Right? We only find it once. We only find it all about that one.
Starting point is 00:29:11 But they go and they just said, and so then he got invited to be a part of this top secret pyramid project when they went down there, and they were all just being like, we don't know what the fuck this thing does, but it does suck people into a hole. Well, if you believe that UFOs are interdimensional craft rather than intergalactic,
Starting point is 00:29:28 which makes more sense scientifically, you know why? Because space is far. Yes. You got it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There are assholes who will spend fucking three hours
Starting point is 00:29:43 saying the exact same thing. That you just say three words, spaces, because they're far. There are assholes who will spend fucking three hours saying the exact same thing That you just say three words spaces because Ruining your careers is talking head You have to find new and longer ways to say But if you believe that they're interdimensional craft rather than intergalactic, then it's possible that these electromagnetic energies might also somehow be portals to another dimension. This claim is paired with the aforementioned garbled radio transmissions that follow the disappearance of the Douglas, which leads some to speculate that these messages may have
Starting point is 00:30:20 come through the portal the Douglas disappeared into, which is the same portal the UFO came out of Alaska. Dranko. Square. It's everywhere. If you're in Alaska, it's every shame. You know what they say about inter-dimension travel? What?
Starting point is 00:30:42 Dimension. One too far. Step too far. I like it. I like it. I mean, we have to dimension it. Or else there's no show. No, it's not good. No, as far as the possible portal in Alaska goes, Mike Ricksecker believes that he found a vortex outside of Anchorage. After scanning the face of flat top mountain with a set of dowsing rods and an electromagnetic field meter, he said he found definite signs of a, quote, swelling of the earth's energy, indicating a vortex.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Who's funding this guy? himself. himself. Oh yeah, Eddie, a lot of this comes from truly, it's private money. There is some of that. Some of these guys get it, you know, Robert Bigelow. He was the billionaire that funded all of Nids and the people that did all this skin walk
Starting point is 00:31:40 a ranch research societies. They find people with money. They'll spend it looking for UFOs. I can't wait. Yeah. Have you funded any searches? I gave Moffon plenty of money. I gave him too much money.
Starting point is 00:31:57 That doesn't mean because Mike Ricksecker found the vortex outside of Anchorage that a bunch of UFOs are suddenly gonna spur it out of a mountain. Because a vortex is not a portal. Rather, the electromagnetic power of a vortex creates a portal. Or it can be used to create a portal if interdimensional beings are indeed using these portals as interdimensional highways.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Like the mist. Like the, yeah, like the mist. Like the mist, but you talk about you know pyramids the center of this so you have to turn this the very center of this is it's all shapes pyramids are a part of this is that if you turn them on that's a part of the issue with dark pyramid that using all of the using this kind of weird governmental process we did this weird experiment we did the dark pyramid we we accidentally popped open a vortex. It couldn't be.
Starting point is 00:32:49 So it's like Moses and the mist, which is great. You know, I don't. He was around pyramids, Moses. Moses, he ran from him. He, yeah, he was afraid of him. Did he drop his baby off and I was at the river? Ah, that was a river. Yeah. Like he was the baby, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:33:03 I think he was the baby. Yeah, he was the baby. But I stopped reading comic books a long time ago. But concerning triangles like the Alaska triangle, while vortices do appear randomly, they appear far more often in the triangles, which is supposedly why so many planes and people and ships and cars and so on and so forth, missing in these areas. This of course can be explained further if we ever return to the subject of the 12 vile vortices. But while there have been many, many Sessness Pipers and various other twin engine planes that have disappeared in the Alaska Triangle, i.e. Alaska over the decades, there have
Starting point is 00:33:41 been just as many maritime disasters that have occurred in the seas contained therein. What's a fucked up ocean? It really is. Alaska is very dangerous. Yeah. Now again, yes, the bearing sea is extremely dangerous. And ships are lost in its waters every single year.
Starting point is 00:33:56 But within the triangle, the ships that are lost seem to have a spookier edge. Yeah. That's what makes it fun. That's what makes it fun. That's what makes it good. It's spooky. The earliest account of a spooky ship is from 1761, concerning a ship called the Octavius that was sailing back to England from China through the northwest passage. That's far. Hey, hey, hey, hey, real far. The legend is that the ship disappeared, but almost 15 years later, another ship happened upon the wreck of the Octavius and found all 28 men frozen dead in their quarters.
Starting point is 00:34:42 The next ship to earn a story came over 100 years years later in 1898 when a ship called Beclair and Nevada ran a ground and exploded near Seward, Alaska. Although the circumstances surrounding its destruction were not in any way mysterious. Rather, what is mysterious is what came after. Oh, okay. Because then it's like, why, then, we're talking about it. Yeah, why did it explode? I'll get to you. Okay. During the Klondyte Gold Rush of the 1890s, the modern equivalent of $6 million in gold was boarded onto the Klare Nevada,
Starting point is 00:35:11 presumably for a trip to Vancouver or the lower 48, which wasn't the best idea considering the shape of the ship. Ship? Ship, shape the ship. Shape the ship's bat to the Klare Nevada had formerly been a government survey ship called the Hasler. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:35:26 This is a great name for a boat. Oh, it is. Especially a disservice ship. Yeah. I'm going to do it now. I'm going to see it. Yeah, I'm going to see it. This is my other boat, the fuck face.
Starting point is 00:35:35 But the Hasler was retired after 25 years of service in 1897 when it was deemed unfit for further service. Oh, it was in bad shape. I thought it was like a horseshoe shape. I thought it was literally like a bad shape. No, no, it was not like a bad shape. Talking a lot of bad physical shape. I'm talking a lot about it was damaged and not fit
Starting point is 00:35:57 for sea travel, especially in one of the most dangerous seas in the world. Did you know a circle could be a pyramid? No. Because there's a stone edges. Stone edges know a circle could be a pyramid? Because as a sonan just, Stonehenge is a circular pyramid, bro. Same function. There are no, it's not a pyramid.
Starting point is 00:36:12 It's not a pyramid. There are no pyramids. There are nothing. It is a circle with made of rectangles. It's a vibe, dog. You never understand. You'll never, you'll never get it. But there's no roof.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Y'all two all. A pyramid needs a roof. Y'all boomers don't understand. What's going on with pyramids and they're fucking stiley, dude? Pyramid stiley. Well, concerning the Hasler, the Pacific and Alaska transportation company decided it was just fine. And after some minor refits, it was re-christened the Clare and Nevada and sent back out to sea. Within a year, though, a fire broke out on board, the boiler exploded and six million in gold sank to the bottom of the bearing sea never to be found again.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And we got to go get it. We got to go get it, dude. You got to go get that six million dollars. Yeah, man. I'd like to be, yeah, fucking be an Alaska treasure hunter in the bearing sea. Yeah, maybe cool. Oh, yeah, man. That's a way to die within like a week. Yeah, that is slow suicide. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, we're not slow It's pretty quick suicide. No, I got it. Who knows how long you'd be there quiet suicide that quiet Eight years later though after a lighthouse was constructed nearby people began seeing the ghost of the Clare Nevada sailing the seas on particularly spooky nights.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Cool. But the most tragic of the Alaskan naval disasters was the sinking of the SS Princess Sophia. In 1918, this passenger liner went down with 353 souls aboard, all of whom died terrible, agonizing deaths. Man, I remember I just recently, a quora thing popped up on my Gmail, where they sent me randomly, whatever the best. And the thing that said was, Do you think that the victims of 9-11 died instantly? So, fucking Christ.
Starting point is 00:38:02 No, there's plenty of pictures of jumping out of the building. Actually, there is many different ways that they died. Some slow, some in fire, some burn, some suffocating. And it was just like, Jesus Christ. Okay. De Chora, man, what a disappointment. Sad.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Now, the Sophia was a relatively new ship. It had set sail six years earlier, the same year that the Titanic had sunk 1912 and in fact, it had been fitted with new buoyancy tanks following the disaster of the Titanic, presumably to better keep the Sophia afloat should it hit ice. But on October 24, 1918, just after the Sophia left the port of Skagway, a snowstorm blew in, bringing 50 mile per hour winds that blew the ship to and fro. And even though the captain was confident that they would reach their destination of Vancouver, the Sophia crashed into the Vanderbilt reef at
Starting point is 00:38:55 around 2 a.m. Yeah, we got it. Yeah, we're going back and forth. But what he could do, all right? Come on, we can take it. Now, the Sophia was able to immediately send out a distress call, and that call was received. But the storm was so intense that no rescue attempt could be made. So the passengers on board were told that they just have to wait it out. But after 40 hours of constant bad weather, the wind and the waves finally lifted the stern
Starting point is 00:39:23 of the Sophia off the reef and spun the ship around. The whole tour and spilled the ship's oil into the sea while the ice water that flowed into the breach caused the boilers to explode. Now, no, this is good. This is like, I don't like boats, man. I'm supposed to go and accrues this summer. I don't want to go, dude. You're going out of Florida. Yeah, and if you're going to get fine, the this summer. I don't want to go, dude. Oh, you're going out of Florida. Yeah. And if you're going to get fine, the worst thing that's going to happen to you, is you're going to get the shits. Yeah. It's just a big, petri dish. I know. I'm going to get dysentery. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah. Well, at that point, all the passengers had to abandon ship, but the lifeboats were far too small to survive such a storm. Those who did make it to the water in the boats were quickly sunk or thrown overboard. And everyone who ended up in the frozen water were either dead from hypothermia within minutes or suffocated by the oil in the water. That's the bad way to go. I think I'd rather die of hypothermia because then you kind of just go to sleep. I think I think that's how it goes. Side stories, I'm pretty certain that you just kind of slide into nothingness. When you have hypothermia where it's like,
Starting point is 00:40:27 if you're choking on oil while you're swimming, that's, it's bad. That's a bad thing. Either way, it's a fucking horrible. Yeah, it's horrible. Yeah, yeah. But hypothermia, you just kind of go to sleep. Now, I guess, I guess if I had to choose
Starting point is 00:40:42 a horrible way to die, cold to death is the the best cold to death is way better than hot the death Yes, yeah, that is true. Yeah, we covered the go this elderly couple that got themed the death on side stories this week Yeah, yeah, 120 there a boiler and set itself to a thousand degrees Whoa, and when they were discovered the house was 120 degrees and and when they were discovered, the house was 120 degrees and they had both like died and suffocated in their beds. I got good. I got good emails. They were basically saying it sounds like when the kids were fucking with the heater
Starting point is 00:41:14 to fix it, they shut off the governor because it's supposed to shut off on its own, but it went to a thousand degrees. Yeah, it's not good. Yeah, or tried making it two thousand degrees. It made it to 120 and the furnace was glowing so red hot that the basement looked like it was on fire. Yeah, man. It was the American dream.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yeah. The only survivor of the Sophia though, there was one survivor. It was a dog. That's because it's dog and got a soul. That's true. It was an English center who was found covered in oil days later, 20 miles from the crash site, starving and shaken, but otherwise unharmed. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:53 What a good doggy. It's such a good doggy, yeah. And it went on to be the dog that chose who went to the camps. Out. Now, the mystery of the Princess Sophia was not necessarily why it sank, but the circumstances leading up to the crash. Now the ship was a few hours behind schedule leaving the port of Skagway, so it could be, you know, they're going, they would go fast, try to make up some time.
Starting point is 00:42:18 But the captain, a one-linnered lock, was pushing the ship at almost three times the normal speed through a labyrinth of dangerous islands, islands, and fjords. Hey, man, it's all about making good time, dog. One hand on the bottle, one hand on the wheel. This was also in the middle of a storm that was so bad that visibility was brought down to zero. Therefore by the time the ship slammed into the Vanderbilt reef at 11 knots, it was a mile and a half off course. The question is why this 25 years
Starting point is 00:42:54 of master maritime pilot was being so reckless. Could it be that he was trying to escape something? Could it be or could it be that he was chasing something? Alaska. Dry. This is a tip. This is a tip of one of these triangles, man. Another interesting aspect of the Alaska triangle is its long-lived ghost ships,
Starting point is 00:43:21 namely the abandoned USS Bay Chimo, aka the ghost ship of the Arctic. It's sad because we do wanted to do a whole series and ghost ships, but they really just kind of show up. Yeah. I mean, to be clear, ghost ships in this context, they're not the ghosts of ships. They're abandoned ships that drift through the seas.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Yeah, exactly. I do find them interesting, but it is just, we were going to do a whole episode of it, but it's really just a boat floating there. Yeah, and so there's not a lot of meat in the episode, you know. A lot of stories is just a boat. Someone goes like, oh, we don't need to boat no more. And then they leave the boat, boat just keeps floating. Well, they might die mysteriously, but we'll never know.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And we have no idea what happens inside of it, but now it's just a boat drifting. And so yes, on one level, it is extremely mysterious and it's very compelling. But if you do a 45 minute episode about something, you can't just have to be a boat float in there because a lot of boats just float there. Yep. Why not sync them?
Starting point is 00:44:13 The gochups? Yeah. Because they're good boats. I think people like having them around. I mean, they're the good boats. They're the boats are fine. The boats have helped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:21 On the case of the go ship of the Arctic, a 1300 ton cargo ship called the Bay Chimo got stuck in the ice in the year 1931, so the crew had no choice but to go ashore and make camp. A month later, a blizzard dislodged the ship from the ice when the crew wasn't looking and it was briefly lost. The crew found it soon enough, but abandoned it after unloading its cargo of valuable furs, thinking it would soon sink. Instead, the USS Bechimo survived for decades,
Starting point is 00:44:48 drifting about the Arctic seas. While sightings of it were in the dozens, every so often a crew would try to board the ship and commandeer it, but it always managed to get stuck in ice, after which it would be abandoned again, then it would let itself loose again, and then someone else would try to get it. I can't tell if that's a good ship or a bad ship.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I think it's a bad ship. It didn't sink, but it kept getting stuck. It sounds like a cursed ship. Yeah, it's very, it's weird to have a ship that keeps losing itself. Yeah, you know, like it goes out there. It's like letting out a horse. It's like a let out windy. When you can sort of find her way back on some level,
Starting point is 00:45:25 but then she just gonna, she doesn't know. The last time the Bay Chimo scene was in 1969 when the ship, you guessed it, got stuck in ice. Wow. A final search was mounted in 2006, but it seems like the ghost ship of the Arctic has finally found a resting place somewhere in the Alaska Triangle. Alaska? Triangle. the Arctic has finally found a resting place somewhere in the Alaska triangle. Alaskan. Triangle. He seems like a...
Starting point is 00:45:52 Now the vortices we spoke of earlier aren't necessarily just portals for UFOs. According to Mike Ricksacker, these interdimensional portals can cause or make possible damn near any paranormal phenomena, including time travel this I love In my opinion time travel works like the 1980 Christopher Reeve movie somewhere in time written by Twilight Zone along Richard Matheson Know that movie. I've never seen it, but I would love to you Rhett you seen a Henry no I'm with your math is one of my favorite authors in the world I've actually never heard of this movie. Yeah, he wrote a book and he also wrote the screenplay for, yeah, this Christopher Reed movie.
Starting point is 00:46:27 In this movie, Christopher Reeve hypnotizes himself so he can time travel to 1912 so he can have sex with Jane Seymour, which he does. I mean, good enough reason to study. Yeah, he's like, he shows up, like he's at a lighthouse and this old lady shows up and says, I see you in the past. I see you in 1912. I see you in 1912.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And so he looks at, so he looks at an old picture of an old woman. And he's going to be like, man, she used to be fucking hot. Yeah. I better travel back in time to fuck her. Yeah. Like, oh, she used to be hot.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, yeah. And then he travels back in time and he makes it. And then there's something with a penny. And you know, it's a very like, it's a very twilight zone. Yeah. Extended twilight zone episode. Yeah, the way I did it is that I just fucking took a flashlight and a jambadon and a bunch of pillows are printed out of a picture from pioneer woman.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I taped it to the top of the pillows and I just fucking went to town on that. Next thing I know, I'm y'all, I'm banging Jane Seymour. I'll tell anybody that that's real because I've done it. You just sold a bunch of people. Time travel in Alaska, like how would you even know you're just like in a forest again? Exactly. Yeah. But for proof of time travel in the Alaska triangle, Mike points towards a photo that made
Starting point is 00:47:38 the rounds on Twitter back in 2019 that showed a girl who looks almost exactly like climate activist Greta Thunberg. This little girl was working at a gold mine. Greta Thunberg ain't working no mine. The location of that gold mine, the Canadian Yukon, right next to the Alaska Triangle. What's my extension that many of the missing people in Alaska are actually time travel, having accidentally walked through one temporal portal or another either to the future or to the past and to answer your question.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yes, they probably wouldn't have much of an idea as to if they had traveled to the future of the past because they're probably still just in the woods. Yeah. They're in the woods. They wouldn't mean anything and they are actually probably the art time traveling, but they're doing the old fashioned way, getting black out drunk in the old sudden this morning morning, it's a last. They get really, really drunk. It's very, very cool. Another example of people just disappearing, micro count of the tale of a village of Inuits
Starting point is 00:48:34 found abandoned by a fur trapper named Joe Lebel. According to the trapper, 30 people inhabited this village. He knew that for a fact, but all of them had vanished so suddenly that a part of stew was still cooking over a fire when the bell arrived. When the bell told the local Mounties what he'd found, they said that they had seen independently of Mike's report, a group of mysterious blue glowing lights in the sky the night before, indicating that this may have been a mass alien abduction or a portal incident. A portal incident is just a great name for an album. The portal incident, the other, that's a good, yeah, proggrac out.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It's like the third yes album. Yes. And when it comes to alien abduction tells, the Alaska triangle has plenty. One of the more interesting was from 2008, when a hunter and marshal Alaska encountered a young boy in the woods who was confused and disoriented. Now the hunter knew the boy personally and once the kid got his bearings, he described being, quote unquote, brought into a nearby mountain where he met a girl who asked him what year it was.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Man, I just, I'm waiting for the day when someone asks me, what year is it? I want it so bad. Just the idea of just being, I, it's so hard to be experienced in the phenomenon, man. It's got to happen to you. If someone asked you what year is it, would you tell the truth? Of course I do.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I do the truth. You wouldn't say 1973. That's what I do. It probably take me not sure. You wouldn't say 1973. That's what I do. It probably take me a second. You know, it's 24. 24. How old am I? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:11 It's fine. Yeah. You're when you're supposed to be. Don't worry about it. It is funny though, because we have seen many, many alien abduction stories that include that style of questioning being like, where am I? Where do you work? Like, what year is this? You know, this is a, it's a thing that aliens do. Don't know whether or not it's a trick question just to fuck with you, but essentially it's also them trying to find their temporal space.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Well, no, no, this is a little girl that's asking the little boy like she's not an alien like she's not herself a fucking alien. She's not an alien dude because that's my whole fucking point. When he told her, she said that she'd been in the mountain for 40 years, yet she had not aged because this is not necessarily a time travel story. This is an interdimensional story. See, an interdimensional story. See the mountain in question, Pilter Mountain, another terrible name. Yeah, they did kind of work on it.
Starting point is 00:51:12 They really do. Has long been associated with encounters involving the Irchen who figure heavily in Inuit folklore. Much like the Puckwagis in the Bridgewater Triangle. Who I know you love the Puckwagis Henry. Of course, the troublemakers, they're fun. They work in a group and I like them. And they're little and they pull your pants up. Yeah. Yeah. Puck. That's the pucks. The Irchen Huck are small human light creatures who seem to serve no purpose but to vex humanity. In the 2008 case, the Erchenhach's only purpose seems to
Starting point is 00:51:47 be to abduct a boy, show him to the scared little girl, then set the boy free to tell the story for reasons unknown. But here's where things get interesting. This is where things get interesting. See, the Erchenhach have been said by the elders of the Inuit to have come from another dimension for centuries, to appear and disappear as they please in our world. Much like other fairy creature folklore around the world, time is said to work differently in the Eerchenhach dwelling. All of this sounds like alien's dog.
Starting point is 00:52:18 According to legend, a day in the dwelling of an Eerchenhach is equivalent to a year on earth. So if the boy's story is true, then the girl would have only been in that dimension for 40 days, which would account for why she had not aged and yet said it had been 40 years since she left. So did they ever find the girl? No. What's up?
Starting point is 00:52:42 No. Little kids are liars. No, no, no, no, no, she's been a good kid. Yeah, I don't think about that. I did that. No, no, no, no, no, no, she's been thinking about that. I did. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, she has been taken by the ear, because when you, you never know, but it does mirror how many times every single society has a story of sort of a trickster like energy that is up again, we've, this is just allfits into jock belays theory that these guys are all and they all went to the same high school
Starting point is 00:53:10 And it's also the the theory of like with you go to these trickster the dimensions or the dwellings of these tricksters that time moves much slower there than it does here. So when you enter and when you enter into it when you leave it, when you leave, it'll be, in your mind, it'll be an hour, two hours, and it'll end up being like six months or something. Well, that's very specific. It's more that time doesn't work there. That there is no such thing as time. When you're outside of our temporal world,
Starting point is 00:53:36 we made up time, dog. Hmm. What do you think about that? I think time made us up. Well, all right. All right, now we're gonna get into it. That's good. All right. All right. Now we're going to get into it. This is it.
Starting point is 00:53:47 All right. I'm ready to fight. Well, while there's plenty of interdimensional beings on the ground from what the legends say, there have been dozens, if not hundreds, of legitimate UFO sightings in the air above the Alaska Triangle, including a rare encounter with a passenger jet.
Starting point is 00:54:02 We just blew one up. Yeah. In 1886, Japan Airlines Flight 1628 encountered a UFO in the Alaska Triangle. Pilot Kinjuu Tereuchi saw unidentified lights that were keeping pace with the plane, but when he radioed the sighting to anchor a air control, they reported no other active flights nearby. Suddenly, two UFOs appeared in front of the jet and shot off lights that caused the cockpit to heat up. Then, the UFOs emitted jets of fire for several seconds before stopping and joining a small circle formation of other UFOs that continued keeping pace with
Starting point is 00:54:38 the plane. Now, from Teruji's recollection, the UFOs were about the size of a DC-8, which, if you will remember, was the airplane Alran Hubbard said was the plane of choice for Scientology's evil galactic overlord Z-new, who had, if I remember correctly, golden DC-8's equipped with rocket engines to bring aliens to Earth so he could drop them into volcanoes after which their souls could then be collected,
Starting point is 00:55:02 brainwashed and attached to humanity as ingrams that can only be clear about copious amounts of auditing and a run-down building in Burbank. So that's what happened. That'll be 150 grand. Anybody who just saw that? I mean, yeah, you haven't spoken a lie yet. But back to the flight. The UFO followed the Japan Airlines jet for over 400 miles, but it disappeared into
Starting point is 00:55:26 thin air once a United Airlines jet flew into the same space. Not surprisingly though. In addition to UFOs, the Alaska Triangle is also rife with USO's or unidentified submersible objects. I don't know. I thought about that. Yeah, dog. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no yet something about things coming out of the ocean and shooting to the atmosphere. But if all the stuff that the US Navy and Air Force are currently seeing, they're all popping out of the ocean. It's all coming up from the, so there is actually probably a lot more USOs than UFOs. So you, but what if UFOs and USOs are the same thing? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Exactly. Yeah. And then because the alien submarine could just go into the water and then fly out whenever the fuck it was. Call transmedium flight. That's the only thing to talk about. It's a part of the issues is why we don't know whether or not for a long time. If if UFO talk is a screen for technology that some other country has that we don't have because we are looking for the secret. The reason why the US government is taking UFOs vaguely seriously or they say that they're taking them vaguely seriously because they're trying to harness this ability to be able to go from air to ocean without losing speed or losing trajectory going in and out. It would be a much better place to hide.
Starting point is 00:56:59 You know, 70% of the earth is ocean. Exactly. Now you're seeing. You're seeing. You're getting a bug. Good. Glad. You're not going to be able to have sex with your wife after this. Yeah. That's how it happens.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Is that what's fucking happens? Yeah, no, no. You're just not going to remember the starting lineup of the 1994 Miami Dolphin anymore. It just deletes it. It deletes a couple of things. No, it's Oliver. Number Number 20. John offered off. Wait, we'll try again. Next week. Next week. White Hollywood. Well, starting in the 40s, crews out at sea in the Alaska
Starting point is 00:57:42 Triangle saw dark spheres rising from the ocean before flying away. red-orange elliptical UFOs shooting out of the water at thousands of miles an hour and rows of red lights floating parallel to ships before disappearing. And what we get from the emails from our listeners, and when we get, you know, when people talk to us at live shows, our Navy people, they see this shit all the time. All the time. It is a, it is a, it is so common that now they are, it's all, that's why they are making big changes to the reporting of seeing these things. Because again, for a long time,
Starting point is 00:58:16 we were just afraid we just sit, no, whether or not it was China. And my theory is that if China had these, they'd be zapping us with them all the time. They need us. Well, for the longest time. My other shit. True. But for the longest time,
Starting point is 00:58:28 like people wouldn't report these stories because it made it crazy. It's crazy. And they could, you know, you could lose a promotion, you could lose whatever if you're saying, like, I asked all of some shit. But then finally within the last,
Starting point is 00:58:38 you know, I guess like five, 10 years, somewhere on that, like enough people have kind of come together and said, like, we really need to start talking about this shit because it happens a lot. We gotta look at it. We gotta look at it. Yeah, like a fucking, you know, an airline pilot might even be like,
Starting point is 00:58:50 grounded if he said, like, hey, I saw some weird shit out there. Not anymore, man. They need those pilots. Yeah, they do. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw a real man, my pilot to the last flight. I took him back from Raleigh. He just looks so tired.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And then I was just like, oh, God, I was just, you just be careful, man. You gotta fucking go to sleep, man. That's why you always got a smuggle cocaine with you. Oh, yeah, I was just, I didn't go, I'm like, hey, hey, you wanna read it too? You wanna fuck Columbia and pick me up? One's a bump, you wanna keep up?
Starting point is 00:59:18 You wanna bump? You wanna bump? Bump, bump, bump, go to meet me in the bathroom. But even though you know, I'm fucking this pilot. Sucking my dick for cocaine. I ate men's skymiles. I never liked a man's neck so much.
Starting point is 00:59:33 But even though UFOs always play heavily in triangle lore, a similar phenomenon if we're talking interdimensional beings is the consistent appearance of cryptids, both land and waterborne. Yes. It's probably not surprising because there's so much wilderness in Alaska they got their own Sasquatch. Oh yeah! Of course they do.
Starting point is 00:59:54 It's known locally as either the stick man, the hairy man, or the bush man. Did you see those guys honestly? They did a great video with Jenna Jameson. Back to the take. To the Inuit, the Bushman is known as Nuntinook and written accounts of the creature go as far back as 1786. I personally believe that if Bigfoot as a physical creature exists anywhere, it would be in Alaska. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:23 It's a possible search all of it. Yeah. It's extremely difficult. But as opposed to the more peaceful and solitary bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest or Florida, the burial Sasquatch is like other cold weather squaches like the Yeti and the Windigo. It's highly dangerous. Yeah. Even if you're out in the wilderness just trying to mind your own business, territorial. I never really understood that because largely other areas of bigfoot. I mean, like, eh, maybe it's the difference
Starting point is 01:00:52 to be in like a black bear and a polar bear. Yeah, because they're viewed, I've for some reason cold weather bigfoot are always more dangerous. They hurt people. Yeah, right. We're everything else's, I don't know, I guess, but they're used, they're used to it. They're bill
Starting point is 01:01:06 for it. So wouldn't it actually be where they wouldn't be uncomfortable if they were hot? Polar bears are more cranky than black bears. Exactly. They're deadlier. They're cold. I think it's because they're more food, but the polar bears is because they're trying to eat because their resources are so scarce, but they're always drowning, right? When we're doing that to them, where I feel like with bigfoot, they are largely vegetarian. They probably eat birds, squirrels. They're not eating people for me.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Not vegetarian. But they're like, they're what they are. Well, growing up. They're only people for meat. Hypopotamus is a vegetarian. They kill the fuck out of people. But they, because people are there, because you're fucking with their babies.
Starting point is 01:01:42 And when you show up, you're gonna get fucked up. You might be on something. It's true. They have to be much more territorial, because there's a lot more space they can afford to be. Yeah. Bigfoot and a civic Northwest can't really afford to be all that territorial. What with the encroachment of people?
Starting point is 01:01:58 More liberal politics. They know that if anyone sees them, they're bringing more people. They're gonna come kill them and his family. So we fucking girls at first. Yep, maybe. Well, the most well known story comes from 1905, when a guy named Albert Petka encountered the Bushman in an unprovoked attack which happened either on shore or on the boat where Petka lived in the Alaska Triangle.
Starting point is 01:02:19 The details surrounding the assault are unknown, but Pecka was able to make it to civilization after the attack where he said the Bushman savagely beat him, but was chased off by Pecka's dogs. Pecka then died of his injuries without giving any more details. Bigfoot's are notoriously scared of dogs. Yeah, they really are, it's a strange thing. Yes. 23 years later, a man named John Meyer, known locally as the Dutchman, was assaulted near the town of Ruby in Alaska. Just like Pecka, the Dutchman was savagely beaten in an unprovoked attack, and again, the dogs chased him off. But also like Pecka, the Dutchman only made it far enough to say it was the Bushman what done it, before he to expired. But what's interesting
Starting point is 01:03:03 about the local Alaska triangle cryptids is that Mike Ricksecker managed to tie one in particular to his time portal theory. That, of course, is the great Thunderbird. I just did the sun tiers of the clown thing about Thunderbirds is it's just a big bird. Thunderbird. It's just a very large bird or a car driven by an Italian man. Whoa. Like many indigenous tribes in North America, the Inuits have legends of massive birds. And it's Rick Secker's theory that these so-called big birds were really airplanes that got caught in the time stream. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I like that. That's, that's creative. That's creative. They think they're seeing big birds, but they're seeing time traveling airplanes. That's a good way to flip it around. That's a good way to confuse somebody at a dinner party. And like you say that, if you're saying that shit that Thunderbirds are just future planes that went through time portals, that's how you know you've lost everyone. Well, the only animal they saw in the Andes were the condors.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Yeah, so it could, are there condors up there? Maybe. I would imagine there's some very large birds up there. Somewhere in the fall. Oh, yeah, I think so. Yes. Yeah. Well, the strangest legend among the Inuits though, are the Kushtaka, aka the Ottermen.
Starting point is 01:04:21 This shit is my favorite shit because I've never heard of the otter man. I didn't know that the otter, I didn't know otter people was a thing. And what I love is one of my favorite factoids, the travel channel dropped, which is that, do you know more often than not, the kush taka can be invisible. And that doesn't mean they aren in there. They are just hid, but their abilities to be invisible otter men. Well, they make themselves known when they want to make themselves known. They go, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, the otter, are the otter men like little tiny dudes or? No, they're huge.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Really? Yeah, similar to the skin walkers of the American Southwest, the otter men are shape shifters, but appear as half-man, half-awd. Most of them, they just sit there with like the blocks. Go on my foot. They do the little arms, the little arms, the little blockers. Otters will fuck you up. Yes, they will.
Starting point is 01:05:14 They're eight feet tall, and they have glowing eyes, needle teeth, and long tails, but what makes them truly disturbing is that they have human hands and feet. That sounds like more otter than man. Yeah, sure. So it's half and half. Oh, sure. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Interesting. But since they are after all half man, they do communicate. Oh, okay. So there's something that makes them a little more man-like, although their method of communication is a high-pitched three-part whistle. They're birds. They're otter men. their method of communication is a high pitched three part whistle. They're birds. They're otter men.
Starting point is 01:05:52 They make their otter men and they make different noises. It's kind of like how bigfoot the cry you think it would be deep, but an actual bigfoot cry is a, where it's like the otter men, they go in little whistles because, but they're also known as the demon men, demon men. They don't like it. Apparently the kushdaka, you're not supposed to bring it up amongst the Inuit people. Yeah, they're evil creatures.
Starting point is 01:06:10 They lure people into the forest to either kill them or turn them into more Ottoman. Yeah, man. They flip you. So we could be turned into Ottoman? Oh yeah, dude. It's evenly. Many things could happen.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I love a good Ottoman. A good Ottoman. A good Ottoman. Yeah. Yeah, but you don't want it to be a real Ottoman. You know, you want to put your feet in it and we're near that guy. Well, my feet, oh my God. Well, those Ottoman, their most aferious deed, is capturing souls after a person's death, which prevents the soul from me incarnating.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Presumably, those souls are what the Ottoman used to make more Ottoman. God, it's like Ursula. Yeah, or Zenu. Whoa, it is like Zenu. Man, Ottoman are weird. This is a very specific Alaska cryptid. This is very, very strange.
Starting point is 01:07:01 But now that we've covered cryptids, aliens, UFO, shipwrecks, and disappearances, it begs the question as to what is coming through these portals. As some of you've heard in the spooky, I already know, a theory for hauntings is that the veil between the spirit world and the corporeal is but a membrane of dimension. God damn you talk pretty. Yeah, I want you to give me a kiss. You want you kiss now? You kissed that small boy,
Starting point is 01:07:25 who kissed that book, learning child. Damn, that mouth of yours. Speak poetry. Damn, that mouth and this wedding ring on my fingers. Now, being as it is a state of tragedy, Alaska is a haunted place. Streamly haunted. I, that I, of all of the phenomena that we're talking about, because I, the kushdaka is interesting because people do freak out, right?
Starting point is 01:07:53 They don't like the kushdaka and it's a thing that if you bring up, apparently you can get into a fight, right? And if you go to a local's only bar in Alaska, but this place is for certain haunted as balls. Yeah. One of the most haunted buildings in Alaska is the historic Anchorage Hotel, which is one of the few buildings in Anchorage to survive the great earthquake of 1964, which killed 131 people and destroyed much of the city. But out of the mini-ghosts hanging around that hotel, one of the more famous is Black Jack Sturgis. Oh yeah, he always splits tents. Yeah, Black Jack. See, Black Jack was the police chief
Starting point is 01:08:31 and anchorage in the early 1920s, but was shot in the back and killed with his own gun. His murder was never solved, but it said that his ghost returns to the scene on the anniversary of his death to search for clues as to who killed him. That's it. Yeah, man. He just continues. Rob does gun. Yeah, it just bounds off of rock. And she's constantly finding himself. Oh, no, something bit me. It's up to it. Bit me. In addition to Blackjack, guests at the historic anchorage have reported other ghosts, including that of a woman who hanged herself after her fiance left her for the gold rush.
Starting point is 01:09:11 A happy little boy prancing about. You can't kill me again. You can't kill me again. I'm in hell. And an insane old woman, Jibberin and jabberin. Who's that her name? Yeah, gibberin and jabberin. No, she's from gibberin Alaska, named jabberin.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Yeah. But from what it seems, hotels are the haunting hotspots in Alaska as both the captain, Cucotel and the Alaska and hotel in Juneau have both reported high amounts of ghost activity. I'll put it towards the fact that it's a lot of seasonal workers. Yeah. The everything changes.
Starting point is 01:09:52 People come in, we, we, you know, referring to what I actually know, as I've been talking about the Robert Hansen episodes, which is like the people coming in and out. There's a lot of tragedy, a lot of sex workers coming in. They also follow the trail of people that are the seasonal workers. They are the oil people, the people that work on the various places like that are only open in the summer months in a very, very cold place. And so there is a lot of tragedy. There's a lot of murder.
Starting point is 01:10:15 There's a lot of crime associated with these frontier towns. Where everyone's hammered lonely and crazy. Yes. Yeah. It's a bad recipe. It is. When the Captain Cook, the ghost of a woman who died by suicide in a bathroom reportedly haunts the hotel as a poltergeist, causing doors to fly open and faucets to turn on and
Starting point is 01:10:36 off, and yet no maintenance crew has ever been able to find a practical reason behind either phenomenon. As far as the Alaskan Hotel goes, it's haunted by the ghost of a woman who was murdered in room 219 by her boyfriend, again, during the gold rush, and it's said she still inhabits the room to this day. Just like couldn't you have killed me in San Francisco? There was also the case of a sailor who stayed in the most haunted room in the hotel, room 315. Supposedly, the sailor who stayed in the most haunted room in the hotel room 315
Starting point is 01:11:06 Supposedly the sailor was so scared of what he experienced that he threw himself out of the window of the room And the walls of his room were found to be covered in blood Fuck yeah, this happened in 2007 Yeah, but the sailor has since recovered from his ordeal. Oh, he didn't die No, he could jump out the window and survived. It was probably second story. Yeah. So there was blood on the walls,
Starting point is 01:11:29 even though he jumped out the window. Yeah. I think they're, I think he had probably heard himself in the room. What's blooding? It's blood raining from the walls, which we know is a common thing. People report during poltergeist activity.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Is there anyone else who had blood? I don't think so. Was it his blood? Eddie, just let's just, let's just, he's like, okay. Okay, this is a ghost story. I can't get down to the needy pretty here. I got a morsel of information on this.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I got a, let's go. I just got a paragraph. Okay. Yeah. And of course, there's one of my favorite haunting locations, the haunted bar. The red onion saloon in Skagway has two spirits, one that appears as a woman hanging by a noose, and another that appears as a large, boorish man who creates a dark, oppressive
Starting point is 01:12:16 air. How about they knew each other? This is a guy having dying of sleeves here to have sleep apnea. It's just The guy the character used to do in Ranteb all the time the I'm sorry guys Kim here is be bleeding I'm sorry My bandaid fell off again. I can't find it. Sorry, I'm scabby everywhere. I have psoriasis. My medicine's missing.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Can you help me find it? I can't sleep without my mask. Where's my mask? I can't sleep without my mask. I can't sleep without my mask. I can't sleep without my mask. No, send me out there might be saying, so what? Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:13:07 So there's a lot of death and unexplained phenomena in Alaska. A place that's massive, largely unexplored, full of tragedy and holds the distinction of being one of the most dangerous places in America that's decided death valley. Some of you might even be saying, okay, granted, there's these portals and vortices, but what do you do with an Alaskan trying? You film a travel channel television show there. Apart from that, what do you practically, what do you do with it? I mean, I think we need to add this, we need to make it a square or something.
Starting point is 01:13:37 We got to figure out because it is not, ah, maybe make the triangle smaller. Well, according to some, the United States government is taking full advantage of the increased electromagnetic properties in the Alaska triangle through the high frequency active, auroral research program, AKA Harp. You roll up your side of the wire wire website, and I'll be you, you, you, you, just even sure. I can't do it, right? I'm like, remember when he tried to get in the harp
Starting point is 01:14:09 and they kicked him out? You can spend a whole episode. You spend a whole episode outside of the harp because harp is one hundred percent real. It's a legitimate project that operates out of a very real research facility. And yeah, Jess even to her did want stand outside of its gates and just yell and yell and yell.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I want in there, let me in there. Let me in there. No, that's why we built the fence. I know what I mean. A point to arrive. I've made an appointment. You all at me. Take the tour because you can take a tour of heart. But there's a problem. Is it we want to get a we covered the conspiracy theory is behind harp back in the day.
Starting point is 01:14:43 It's like episode 20 or something back when it was like fresh, but when like, but now it's so hard to do the conspiracy theories about it because it's so obviously not what's happening because it was mostly out of a misunderstanding of what the fuck was happening at heart. Well, officially it specializes in analyzing the ionosphere, which is the portion of the atmosphere that stretches from 53 to 370 miles above sea level. And harp is no small operation. It's 360 radio transmitters and 180 antennas covering
Starting point is 01:15:14 over 30 acres of land near Gakona, Alaska. And at the heart of the facility is a very impressive sounding phased array radar that emits radio waves. In other words, there's some serious shit going down at heart or at least some very involved shit. Stuff that sounds scary. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:33 It's stuff that's used to mind control us from Alaska and they sending messages into the minds of the American people in order to get us help us to believe that what the fucking president says is real It's a mind control device and they're beaming it everywhere dog. It's why we're fucking everybody gets a new iPhone man It's fucking were slaves to it dude You did just pull one up that did prove your point no And now like the 16 when we saw the photo, we saw the photo of like someone said that that
Starting point is 01:16:05 the out of the United Airlines flight that the door, whatever was the last airline flight. Last go. Don't be smirked United. Nord Delta. Yeah. I mean, but the last airline, the side of the airplane fell off and they found an iPhone that landed unscathed from, quote unquote, landed unscathed from 16,000 feet, which I think is a plant. I think it's I think it's an advertisement from fucking Apple.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Absolutely, because everyone knows you drop it out of your pocket and fucking crash. My things are goddamn mess. Yes. Yeah. And you're playing right into it because you've mentioned this on three different shows and have given Apple free advertisement every single time. No, dude. It was before I didn't actually for the date on the shows, but Apple, I mean, they could pay us, you could pay us if you wanted to, but I still think it's a fucking sideop dog. Any coincidence that it's Alaska Airlines?
Starting point is 01:16:57 Exactly. Oh, shit, bro. Exactly. Fuckin' put it in there. Oh, yeah, you. Well, amongst other projects, we're talking about harp, their current research experiments as of two years ago,
Starting point is 01:17:08 and these research experiments are too complicated to go into outside of their names, are the moon mounts, the Jupiter experiment, and a partnership with UC Berkeley called Steve. Oh man, that sounds like a Disney show. Yeah, that's strong thermal emission velocity enhancement. Steve. Steve.
Starting point is 01:17:27 But basically one of the things that they do is they are working on a communication satellite. I believe the goal is to bounce messages off the ionosphere in order to, it's about communication and radio communication. Yeah. I believe that. But the reason why harp is connected to conspiracy thought
Starting point is 01:17:47 is that its inception is tied to the Cold War, where many government conspiracies, especially the true ones like M.K. Ultra, come from. Basically, projects like Harp were being used to emit extremely low frequency waves, elf waves for short, to communicate with submerged submarines. Elf projects, however, were scuttled in the lower 48 after facilities in Michigan and Wisconsin
Starting point is 01:18:10 made nearby residents, sterile, stupid, and riddled with cancer. He's bad. That is, and that's enough of the conspiracy. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's not a conspiracy, that just happened. Yeah, he's poison a bunch of people. And so the study of elf waves
Starting point is 01:18:24 was brought to a more remote location in Alaska. This was ushered in by Senator Ted Stevens, who was the guy who said that the internet was a series of tubes. To remind you of that claim, Henry will now read you Ted's old man ranch that he gave about just this subject in Congress. Ten movies streaming across that, that internet, and what happens to your own personal internet. I just the other day got an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday.
Starting point is 01:18:54 I got it Tuesday. Why? Because it got tangled up with all these things going on on the internet commercially. They wanted to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, again, the internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. And if you don't understand these tubes can be filled. And if they are filled, when you put your message in it gets in line, right? And it goes and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts
Starting point is 01:19:32 of material, enormous amounts of material. My daughter, my daughter won't call. This was the man who at the time was heavily involved in debates that were regulating the internet, you know, that make the rules that form our world today. My son dresses like a cactus. Why is everybody hanging out with hair bands? What's happening? Do you wear it? You, uh, what's a Pikachu?
Starting point is 01:20:01 But Ted Stevens was also highly involved in heart, saying in public that they were going to harness the Aurora Borealis, quote unquote, down to earth. So it could be used to solve the energy crisis. I went out there with two big nets. I can't see the Borealis and bring it down, but it dissacks. You strip it amongst my constituents. Each one of you will get one section of the Aurora Bower, Alice. It's going to help you, Toes. This, of course, didn't work. And all this may go a little way towards putting away some conspiracy
Starting point is 01:20:33 theories when you really take a close look at who is actually in charge of this country. But after the Cold War, harp pivoted to more scientific pursuits until 9-11. After that, it was used to study ways to counter the effects of high altitude nuclear detonation, which would cripple low earth satellites. But there are some who believe that harp has far more nefarious, far more dangerous, and far more powerful functions to being a simple monitoring and research station. Most of those conspiracies say that harp uses an antenna to manipulate the high frequency range, which allows them to do everything from controlling the
Starting point is 01:21:10 weather to controlling people. It's one of those things where if they did, if they could do this, they would be using it. I think they'd be used, but then I guess that's why because that's what convinces all, you know, because the most up-to-date versions of harp is talking about how guess that's why because that's what convinces all, you know, because the most up to date versions of harp is talking about how that that's what in coordination with the 5G crystals that have been put into our blood because of the that were ruled out on all of us as that harp is gonna harness those like mitochondrions from the vaccines in our blood in order to turn us into, I believe, turn us into trans people. No, I'm afraid it is changing as I believe that is one of the actual theories.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Yeah. And it's flipping us. I wouldn't harp on it. Yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't harp on it. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Well, harp has actually been nicknamed the Area 51 of Alaska. And it's been blamed for, I remember this stuff so well, it got blamed for Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy and a false flag attack on North Korea. That didn't take though. And it's not just internet theorists who jumped on this bandwagon. In 2008, a Russian military journal described Harp as a geophysical super weapon, which can, for lack of a better term, fuck with the ionosphere above other countries to slowly drive them mad and slowly kill them by burning a specific hole in the ozone layer, which would allow deadly cosmic radiation to seep through
Starting point is 01:22:47 even old Hugo Chavez if you remember him. Yeah, now who's he again for a Venezuelan dictator? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah He said that the 2010 Haitian earthquake that can remember that bad one Yeah, we all donated and they stole our money and fucking made stupid shit. Well, why don't you install the money? Yeah. Yeah. Well, you go, Travis said that that was caused by the testing of a tectonic weapon developed by the United States.
Starting point is 01:23:12 The Venezuelan press subsequently wrote that the earthquake may have been associated with project harp. And now we come to Dr. Nick Begake. If you remember from the beginning of this episode, the politician Hale Boggs, the one who's playing disappeared, was out raising money for a congressman named Nick Begik. And Dr. Nick Begik is congressman Nick Begik's son. I hate this fucking name so much. Is that real? Is this name really Nick McGick? Yeah, well, I don't, I can't see how else it would be.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Where's it? Begich? Begich. Maybe it's like, bootageesh. Uh, it might be, it might be, it might be begich. It might be begich, but I will just, I mean, you're just seeing Nick McGick and you got to read it like Nick McGick. I'm looking at this now.
Starting point is 01:24:01 I'm looking to see if I can, is that you pronounce it? Nick Macauq. Macauq. Mark Begich'm looking to see if I can, is that you pronounce it? Nick Baguock. Fuck. Mark Baguitch. It is, it is Baguitch. Baguitch. It's Baguitch. It's just, it's.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Baguitch. Okay, so it's Nick Baguitch. It's still a horrible name. Nick Baguitch. I don't know, I just like Nick Baguick. I must do so. But I'll say, baggage. Nick Baguitch.
Starting point is 01:24:23 It must be said, however, that Nick Baguitch must be said, however, that Nick baggage juniors, doctor title, that comes from an honorary doctorate of medicine for independent work in health and political science at the open international university for complimentary medicines in Sri Lanka. So I would say that calling him doctor is very much optional. I think it's kind of fun.
Starting point is 01:24:43 It seems like it's one of those where as long as you show up with the stethoscope, you're a doctor. Yeah. But at any rate, Dr. Nick Baggage wrote a highly critical book about the area 51 of Alaska called angels don't play this harp. Yeah. Yeah. I think we used that.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Didn't we use that for back in the day when we did our our heart episode? No, we went back the back then we didn't use books at all. We looked we seriously looked shit up on the internet Like a couple hours before we recorded and just went with it. That was us for like 80 episodes. I Think I have this book somewhere. This is so funny. I gotta get into this because it's Tesla technology You gotta forget. It's all Tesla shit. Same thing with the pyramids being used as batteries. It's the
Starting point is 01:25:29 idea that you can make more energy than you want to using a small amount of energy. No. Well, in angels don't play this harp. He claims that harp is capable of firing heat beams through the atmosphere that can penetrate everything living or dead which sounds a lot like the plot from plan 9 from outer space Yeah, but no matter its purpose author Mike Ricksecker believes that harp is only possible because it harnesses the energy of the Alaska triangle The fucking dark pyramid dude is what fucking save the very heart mode denollied and even though yeah It is harnessing an energy that is highly scientific and provable, the question remains as to whether there is something else happening in the Alaska triangle, which we do not yet have the methods to prove, but may sometime have in the future, if we
Starting point is 01:26:17 haven't already, had it in the past. Alaska dry, angle. It's Alaska, buddy. You gotta be careful, man. Always be careful in Alaska. We have our listeners in Alaska. I want to still love to do with a show and anchor. That's so love to go to Alaska.
Starting point is 01:26:33 I want to go to Alaska. I want to go to Alaska. So fucking bad. I got to go. I want to see some glaciers. Yeah, I want to see the whole thing. Yeah. I really want to go.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Excite story to LPL, the I'd love to go. Aside stories, LPL, the I'd love to hear people because we have a lot of listeners in Alaska. Your stories of the unusual because it is like much like the forests of oregano or outside it like in Washington, like the Colorado in Europe, like the, you know, the UK. It's a very mysterious place. Yes, the triangle might be the entire state, but it really just shows, most of it, but it just shows that it's weird.
Starting point is 01:27:15 And they do wheel shit. And wheel shit happens and it has its own fucking big foot and it's got the fucking the Otterman, which I love. I just love the Otterman. Otterman's great. I'm always about him. I'm glad you can't wait to hang out with him and become one later in life.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Yeah, you get to good with. It's a good way to flip. It's how you stay alive for longer. You become an Otterman. No, cure this heart disease. Everything will be great. So this is our first foray, Eddie. You know, you're gonna see more about the,
Starting point is 01:27:42 if a capital P phenomenon, you're gonna learn a lot this month. You're gonna be P phenomenon. You're gonna learn a lot this month. You're gonna be doing more. You're gonna get a little weird, bringing it a little spooky, very excited. You're gonna get the, you see, you're gonna see. We're gonna, we're gonna get a lot of aliens, a lot of fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Then we're gonna do some hardcore true crime next month. Luckily, I already forgot everything we said today. Yeah, excellent. Yeah, those fucking dolphins line up saying, go nowhere, stay fresh. Fuck you Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, those fucking dolphins line up saying go nowhere. Stay fresh. Fuck you, Kansas City. Come on, you rags. Yo, stand a fucking chance.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I thought you just, I actually thought that you guys just lost a division or whatever. We did lose the division, but the playoffs start this weekend. They were going to Kansas City and negative four and we've never, are you a two, my man? He's never won a game and under 40 two. My man is never one a game And under 40 degrees. So this is gonna be no problem See what happens. They got to start working in a refrigerator Fuck you Kansas City which is stupid ribs. So go check out operates and sunshine I love Kansas City barbecue. Don't you fucking and it's a one good thing about that fucking state Would you fucking dare? There's you fucking ever there ever. You fucking I'm gonna I was there.
Starting point is 01:28:46 I was there. You ever actually had Kansas City barbecue though? I've had like I've never been to Kansas City but I've had Kansas City. There is delicious. I know it's delicious. Can you see the fucking shit? You guys were playing him this week.
Starting point is 01:28:58 I know there's lots of great shit. You always say shit about Patrick Mahomes. He's my fucking alumni. He's alumni. Yeah, he's a techie's Texas Tech. Oh, well, he looks like a Squid No, man, you go to shit. You fucking fly in a lobby fly and fucking Preston Smith International Airport First thing you see is a big picture of Patrick Mahomes
Starting point is 01:29:20 Advertising for Megavik Nissan. Oh Megavik Megavik is getting all the big advertising for McGavick Nissan Oh, McGavick, McGavick. He's getting all the big consciousness. Getting the big ones. I think that was a few years ago. I think since he's won like Super Bowl,
Starting point is 01:29:30 he doesn't like, you know, answer McGavick Nissan's calls anymore. Not as much. They use a frog as their, as their massive, McGavick, McGavick, you know. Yeah, I think that I think he got sucked up. Yeah, I don't think he's, because I think there was a comedy club in Lubbock
Starting point is 01:29:43 that was also frog based. Was that place called Gags? Crooks. Like froggy's flip room. I know there was a carrier. Yeah, a gig in. Yeah, I know there was that karaoke bar in the strip club called Adolfs. Oh God, that's great. But check out, all praises on Chai. Number four, it's out there. Go and buy it, local comic book store. It's the end of our first run. We're gonna have four more coming out in two months. You're gonna see, it's gonna complete the sequence.
Starting point is 01:30:14 We have anything else to plug. You're about to go do shows and Phoenix. That's right, I'll be doing shows tonight and tomorrow. I get to perform while the dolphins are beating the Kansas City Chiefs. That's gonna be very annoying for me. So come and watch me struggle on stage. I'll be at stand-up live.
Starting point is 01:30:29 And in this week, the brighter side, we talk about the Florida triangle, the Everglades. Oh, yeah. Lots of playing crashes in that too. Oh, yeah. So many playing crashes. Guncapes, a lot of people dropping off drugs. A lot of people dropping off drugs. Oh, yeah. They go mission. They never go fun. I don't know where their cooking went. Oh, hell Satan
Starting point is 01:30:49 Oh, again, hell in you it's cool. Yeah, they're great people Bye This show is made possible by listeners like you. Thanks to our ad sponsors, you can support our shows by supporting them. For more shows like the one you just listened to, go to you

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