Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 562: Haunted Dolls : Redux

Episode Date: January 27, 2024

It's time for a Redux! This week the boys break down the origins of some of history's most notoriously possessed playthings and venture deeper than ever before - into the nightmarish world of cursed a...nd Haunted Dolls.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to this is the last on the left That's when the cannibalism started The fires my favorite drum solo coming up Yeah, sounds great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's one of the fires of my favorite drum solo. Coming up, coming up, coming up. You know, it's very simple. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:28 But I like a simple drum solo. That's why I like Enigana De Vita. Yeah, that one's also good. Frankenstein's good too. That one's a little fast on that one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I like a simple drum. I know that drum solo by hard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that drum solo like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I. It's like 18 minutes. I thought 17 and a half 17 and a half On the left ladies and gentlemen, I'm Marcus I lost my virginity to a Sarah McLoughlin song Oh, yeah in the arms of the angel.
Starting point is 00:01:25 With me is Henry Zabrowski. I lost my virginity to my father. Oh my God. Oh, fuck, I can't believe we're beginning like this. You know, he was singing, Oh, you dirty little pollock, as your mother know you're out. There's a hole in your breeches
Starting point is 00:01:42 and your dick is hanging out. I'm still haunted. And of course, Ed Larson, who eventually lost his virginity too. Top Gun soundtrack. Wow. Oh, take my breath away. Yeah, I was told no to Inagata DeVita and we changed CDs to the Top Gun soundtrack
Starting point is 00:01:57 and then I got to see Boobs. That's when you should have said absolutely not. It's Inagata DeVita or you go home. But now let's play a different song But it's important for us to get into the mindset today because this shit. I mean this this the fucking Actually creeps me out. Yeah, there's something about this topic specifically I think it's cuz I've been in rooms with a couple of these things and it's fucking freaky and so let's get in the mood
Starting point is 00:02:28 this is an adventure Barbie not getting the credit girl with nomination I like you Henry what? actually so you like me? Yeah, you want to see me naked around? Fuck this is a sting from the haunted doll Criminal bull, that's for you unit. That's what all this is. This is to catch a predator. Then they're using the haunted doll as bait.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You look horrible, thank you. Well, you know what little girl, you're right about one thing. We're talking haunted dolls today, ladies and gentlemen. It's haunted doll time. This is a haunted doll redux. Yeah, dude. And the thing about haunted dolls, we're going to get into it is that maybe it's not, we're not haunted by the dolls.
Starting point is 00:03:19 The dolls might be haunted by us. There you go. There you go. So on today's episode, we're going to be discussing dolls that are inhabited by some sort of spirit or energy, whether it be a dead child, which is the most common, a demon or a general curse imbued within the dolls, very fibers, perhaps not coincidentally, haunted dolls almost always look haunted and are very rarely the sort of regular plastic doll you'd buy it say Walmart. Instead, these dolls are usually well-crafted and are often decades, if not centuries old. I find it's a bit of a chicken and the egg about whether or not they look haunted because,
Starting point is 00:03:56 yes, all of these dolls are creepy. When you look at them, for us, quote-unquote, objectively, they are creepy. But are they just creepy because we know that they are haunted and there's weird activity around them, or is it always been that way? Or is the fact that we go into some of these events, when you go to approach some of these haunted objects and we're supposed to treat them
Starting point is 00:04:17 as if they're highly dangerous, does that then make them creepy because of our literally our thought energy? I think dolls are creepy more often than not. I think dolls are always creepy. That's me. I fucking hate craft fairs. You see, I love dolls.
Starting point is 00:04:33 My mom used to make dolls. Right, that was like one of her favorite. This doesn't surprise me in any way whatsoever. She loved, used to make all of them. She got into like all of the creepy ones. She liked the old, tiny ones. Like my Jackie had a doll that she just called baby that was this like flat.
Starting point is 00:04:48 It looked like a butt plug in shape. But it's one of those. And again, creepy factor. I always hate when dolls do this. That it was like, it was, you flip the dress up, right? You look at it, instead of looking at its pussy, you see its sleeping face. You pull the dress down, you see its awake face.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And all dolls that are awake and then asleep, because then the eyes mean there can be no witnesses. When you lay it on its back, that creeps me out. So were the head legs growing out of its head? It was like a shapeless blob. Remember like the, I love you for Mr. Show. Oh yeah, pit pat. Pit pat. It's pit pat, but it's got a baby awake face on the top.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You flip up its dress. And instead of having a bottom half, it's just another sleep in head. Yeah. It's like sort of a blob. Like, you remember Harold and the Magic Crayon? No. Yeah, it was a baby with a Magic Crayon,
Starting point is 00:05:37 and it was purple, and it was a children's book. I loved it. Yeah, it is. Yeah, but it was a little blob type thing. Man, my Aunt Patty used to have this fucking doll. It was like Time Out Sally or something like that. And it had no face. And like its whole thing was you put it in the corner,
Starting point is 00:05:50 facing the corner, like it's in Time Out and shit. Yeah, it looks like a Blair Witch. I hated the fucking doll. Every time I stayed with her, I'm like, get rid of this doll, what are we doing here? And then I remember one time she put it in my bed. I came home and dropped it. It was in my bed.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I was like, he cut. Now, according to the book Dolls of the Dead, you're not supposed to call a haunted doll possessed. Instead, the book suggests that one uses the term spirit attachment when talking about a haunted doll. PC culture strikes again. Yeah, man. Woke-ass shit. We can't even say the word. We can't say P-word anymore. Yeah, fucking animals, a goddamn murderer. I'm supposed to care about her feelings.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You gotta be kidding me, I'm gonna send them. Because next thing you know, we're gonna get one star reviews from all these haunted dolls. Okay, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Well, by the books reckoning, most spirits who haunt dolls aren't dark, but they're instead people who have chosen to remain on the earthly plane after death for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So this may go some way towards explaining why these spirits usually choose well-constructed dolls that are made from wood or porcelain as opposed to cheap plastic dolls. Well, I actually had a really great conversation as a sort of like a consultant because I had a lot of questions And so I went to the two people that I know know more about haunted objects than anybody else That is Greg and Dana Newkirk and they have a new documentary called the unbinding which is all about haunted objects and one Specific thing called the crone that is extremely. It's honestly very creepy. Yeah, but they view this Very it's different in a way because they they have a whole concept about the idea that
Starting point is 00:07:28 dolls are haunted by us that we look at a thing and our our trauma essentially is what attaches to this object and then the object is sort of a Projects through our mental powers because Cause they have a consciousness centered view of the paranormal, basically saying that nothing's objectively haunted. It's only when we show up that they become haunted because it's something about consciousness. It's something about, and especially
Starting point is 00:07:55 this thing that look like us. Like it's easy for us to put our trauma through their eyeballs and then they kind of project it back out into a bunch of fucked up shit. Same thing with Menarsius. It's why when little girls have their periods for the first time and there's like a massive change in their brain when things start flying around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:13 That's logical. That's logical. It makes sense. It's why the Tonka truck never becomes haunted or something. We don't know. Maybe. Maybe something, if something really bad happened to you in a Tonka truck. If you gave it eyes, you know, maybe like one of like the cars guys, you know, I could see one of them.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe like mater, tow mater bees, haunted and shit. They're like a silent witness to all your crimes. Yeah. But as we shall see, whether it be water porcelain, one of the most famous of the modern haunted dolls at least appears to be plastic, and its power is supposedly so great that it can reach through a TV or computer screen to curse anybody who views it. Damn it, Peggy!
Starting point is 00:08:52 We'll get to her later though. Now long-time listeners know that we've done an episode on haunted dolls before but if I remember correctly I believe that the episode in question was mostly us going through eBay listings of dolls that people claim are haunted. One listing, if I'm correct, claimed that the doll for sale was King of the Warlocks. It's very difficult to claim, but you can just say it. You don't need proof. No.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And indeed, 12 years later, eBay still has a thriving haunted doll marketplace, which we'll cover later. But because we didn't give haunted dolls their full due we're gonna cover a slew of haunted dolls today Starting with what inspired today's episode my boy Robert Fucking up right at the beginning you're fucking up immediately what you can't call him Bobby you call him Robert Or you call him nothing Robert. I'm sorry. Yes good Sorry him Robert or you call him nothing Robert I'm sorry yes good you Ed sorry Robert there are a lot of rules Robert the haunted doll is the soup Nazi of haunted objects he's very popular there's a lot of work in
Starting point is 00:09:53 there but if you want to get that muscatani you're gonna have to play by the rules you guys ever seen Robert I uh not in person no I've had friends see Robert before because it's a Florida doll yeah from Key West yeah and they all say he's fucking terrified Oh, it's very scary Yeah Well Robert the doll was the subject of an entire book by an author of the paranormal named David Sloan who first met Robert the doll in 1996 Sloan by the way makes it a point to say in his book that he was investigating the paranormal
Starting point is 00:10:21 Before it got popular. Yeah, it was like a total scene back then But you know, yeah, it's totally different now because back in the like big foot with like hang out You know like you could fuck it up. I like black nests would like you just like be there or fucking whatever You know, you know the pay for me Pre ghostbusters. Oh, yeah, well more like pre paranormal except like paranoid like ghost pre ghost bro Like pre ghost bro because also remember Dan ackroyd Started ghost busters because he was one of us. Yeah, he was a total obsessive with this content But it was not it was not popular
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah, have you ever read the original like screenplay to ghost busters or heard about like the original ideas? I just know it was supposed to be Belushi. No, it's a well Yeah, it was supposed to be Belushi, but the original concept, like the original script of Ghostbusters is insane. It's awesome. Yeah, it's awesome, but it's fucking crazy. I'm gonna make that movie. Ed Wands. Which is honestly, that was probably a good creative choice.
Starting point is 00:11:17 The proton pack is honestly more fun, it's more iconic. Futuristic. Yeah. Well, author David Sloan became obsessed with Robert the Doll after visiting a man named Daryl Meyer Who owned the house where Robert the doll had lived for a number of years mostly in the attic? Now Meyer was skeptical that a doll could cause any sort of paranormal activity
Starting point is 00:11:35 But when David Sloan asked to see the attic where Robert had spent so many decades a nearby rotary phone flew off the receiver And that was one of those things that happened regularly around Robert the haunted doll. Yeah. Well, rotary folds, they shook, you know, it could have, the phone could have fell off. That's bad, that's bad wiring. Yeah. It flew though.
Starting point is 00:11:53 It shouldn't just be shaken. But the homeowner shrugged it off as if this was something that just happened all the time. But even though he didn't believe in the paranormal, the homeowner still let David Sloan, a total stranger rummage around in his attic. Sloan found that the room still held several pieces of child-sized furniture all built for Robert the Doll.
Starting point is 00:12:13 That was real. That was before Robert the Haunted Doll became publicized or whatever. They did create a whole area where this doll could just lift. Admittedly, Robert the Doll very much looks like a cursed object. Its face is pockmarked and nearly featureless, and it somewhat resembles the prosthetic faces that were given to disfigured soldiers during World War I. It also has the definition of a doll's eyes, lifeless eyes, black eyes. I Eddie you actually did some good Google searching right before here, but it is important remember we did learn this when you type in Robert the sailor doll you need to include haunted if not, it brings up a whole twink universe
Starting point is 00:13:09 that I didn't know was there. There was a lot of happy trails in that search. Yeah, I mean he's in Key West. Yep, definitely. Robert the Sailor Doll out of Key West. I've met that guy. Yeah, lots of roommates, never a girlfriend. Close up.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah. His belt buckle touched my belt buckle when he hooked me. Robert is also surprisingly large. It's child-sized. It's three feet tall, but only weighs about six pounds. It's a unit. Covering his felt and wire body is a yellowed four-piece sailor suit that replaced his original costume of a pink and
Starting point is 00:13:45 green Harlequin outfit that was replete with pom poms. So he was a cheerleader? No, Harlequin. No, not pom pom. A little tiny pom pom. No, little wobble wobbles. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. I actually find the sailor costume to be creepier than a Harlequin costume.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Oh, easily. Because Harlequins I'm not fazed by. Well, that's, it's hack. Yeah. At this point. But yeah, a tiny haunted sailor is terrifying. Yeah. Cause I know a lot of big adult haunted sailors. We live through Fleet Week, many a time in New York City. Oh yeah. They got a story to tell and they got a boat that doesn't go anywhere. As far as where Robert came from, we know he was crafted in Germany near the turn of the century by the Steiff Company, and it's believed that Robert was an expensive
Starting point is 00:14:30 window display piece that was sent to Key West by family that was still living in Germany. When did it get to Key West? 1900. So it could have known Ernest Hemingway. It was in the same neighborhood. He probably spilled a couple of beers on it. But soon after Robert arrived dressed in his original clown outfit. What if Robert the Sailor doll was his inspiration for the guy with no penis in that fucking
Starting point is 00:14:54 book? It's probably, it could be, it could be, is Robert the Dollist no penis? Have we checked Robert's penis? No, it's got no penis. They said none. Yeah, no one. They said none. They would have said it. There was a whole chapter in it on the book. Yes, there is. That describes every inch of Robert. None of it. There's none. There ain't no. No, no spaghetti. No weenie. We're going to call the haunted doll
Starting point is 00:15:17 SVU units, sir. If you ask one more question about Robert Chinatelli, but soon after Robert arrived dressed in his original clown outfit, those clothes were replaced with its current sailor suit. That suit had once belonged to Robert the Doll's first owner, the long suffering Gene Otto. No, I'm just blowing away. I gasped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Now, at the turn of the century, it was quite normal for boys to play with dolls So Jean and Robert soon became inseparable But the nature of Jean's obsession is Speculated to have less to do with the child's normal attachment to a beloved toy and more to do with good old-fashioned voodoo You know even just the obsession because that's what they said is that and this obsession continued throughout Jean Otto's life. Yeah, which we'll get into. Wait, this is a, you're something attached to this. He saw something in this doll, and that's kind of what they talk about.
Starting point is 00:16:13 It's because it's about our relationship with the object. It's the, what does it mean to us? There are certain objects that, when I was talking with the New Kirks, they talk about trauma, like I brought it up before, but the idea that like you're in a room where something traumatic has happened to you, your focus was in objects while you're in that room while something traumatic is happening to you, and it's like you shoot juju at it, right? You make it filled with this kind of energy, where something like this is like, you're really lonely, because that's another one of those like
Starting point is 00:16:42 deep dark, well, especially when you're a little boy and you don't know what to do, like, cause your emotions are stronger when you're a little kid. Like you're a little bit more, maybe, you know, you're not more in tune, but you're definitely more vulnerable and sensitive. An idea of like, you becoming obsessed with this other thing. And it's sort of like implanting your personality on it.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Oh, I was extraordinarily attached to my little little monster doll. Yeah, like the big Yeah, my little monster. Yeah, the big fat one with the long nose and all that No, I was attached to the hip to that thing. I loved it. I love my baby tugs care bear nice Oh, there's a good guy. Now. Do you think Key West throwing on some theories here? Lots of Haitians in Key West. This is what we're back in the day Market mom could have yelled at somewhere at the straw market. I got us the dog Yes, here's the thing concerning that Jean Otto's grandfather was a doctor named Joseph who had a servant from the Bahamas Okay named William
Starting point is 00:17:37 So it's still West Endies and William was married to a fellow Bahamanian named Emily Dr. Joseph Otto went blind in his later years and William cared for him until Joseph died from internal injuries after suffering a fall. It was really nice, honestly, their relationship. Yeah. But once Dr. Otto was dead, Thomas Otto, Jean Otto's father, hired William to work as a clerk at his drugstore. Soon after, Thomas Otto began an affair with William's wife, Emily, as is evidenced by journal entries written by Jean Otto's mother, Minnie, and also further proven by the fact that Minnie Otto specifically requested NOT to be buried in the Otto family plot after
Starting point is 00:18:17 her death. She actually had her name to be changed to the Minnie Cooper. Here, of course, is where the curse comes into play. See Emily gave birth to a child during her affair with Thomas. It was Thomas' child and this is evidence by a lawsuit that she filed against the Otto family. Tragically, the child died and it's said that Emily used Voodoo to trap her dead child's soul inside Robert the doll.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Wow. Yeah, it's a lot of, there's going to be a lot of spite talked about today. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. spite is one of the really powerful emotions that we have. I mean, that's why we're here. It's why we're sitting here today. No, this whole network has been fueled by spite from the beginning. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Nice. Cause like it, but you know, it does create prompts. You have to be careful because if you're seeking revenge, it ends up coming back on you. And also like if you put that in someone's head, they're gonna, like you said earlier, help it manifest. Yes. Well, this author David Sloan speculates is why Jean developed a lifelong attachment to the doll because Jean intuitively sensed that the soul
Starting point is 00:19:25 of his dead half brother was encased within. I mean, it's a big jump, but it is interesting. It's a very large jump. The idea that you maybe even as a kid have heard these things. Like, I like to kind of, something along these lines. I'm gonna continue on even though my mic just cut out one new. It's definitely not because that I'm aligned Robert the haunted doll.
Starting point is 00:19:50 No, no, no, no, no. I didn't. And I want to say I'm sorry again, Robert the haunted doll. Because that genuinely creeped me the fuck out. Yeah, it generally, I mean, it's not due to the fact that this Scarlet already has one input that shout out and we just went through a studio move and these things just don't really last for a long time. And you spit constantly into the microphone. It's better not be.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I just want to say again, I'm sorry, Robert, and I love you. But I think there's a practical edge to this where you could, maybe as a kid, you'd be surprised with kids here. Yeah. Right. So they could, he could have heard the story right. He could have watched his parents going through this conflict. He knows that somebody's like, that he knows his, but maybe about his father's infidelity. Maybe they've even said
Starting point is 00:20:33 this like through the rumors or other people have told him. And then in a way it, it's still him haunting the doll because he's thinking about his dead half brother. Maybe he thinks about that and he plants that in Robert the doll. He gave it a vessel. Yeah. I mean, it might even be that he walked in on Emmeline doing some sort of ritual with the doll. I mean, whether or not it's, you know, the curse, quote unquote, curse is real or not. I mean, if a kid sees, he walks in like the woman that's married to like his employee,
Starting point is 00:21:03 like his dad's employee is doing a voodoo ritual on the doll Yes, it's gonna put something into that doll and the power of curses is the belief of them. That's right Now interestingly Jean was the one who actually named the doll and the reasoning behind the choice gives it bit more of a paranormal Jean's full name was Robert Jean Otto and he originally went by the name Robert, but as soon as he received the doll, he demanded to be called Gene instead. So his doll could take his first name. That's the first step towards anthropomorphizing the doll. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah. This doll is me. I am the doll. Yes. It's very persona. Have you seen the movie? Nope. Persona is great. Igmar Bergman. It's great. It's a lot like cross fades of two different very scary looking white women's faces. Okay, you'd love it. Yeah face off face
Starting point is 00:21:51 It's nothing like face on Berb movie is nothing like face off You could see the inspiration yeah, no It's rumored that the story of Robert the doll inspired the child's play movies Which gave birth to the foul mouthed munchkin named Chucky that we've all come to know in love Yeah, of course there is however no direct evidence for this I mean haunted dolls it's just kind of a thing It's haunted all yeah, it's haunted. He's serial killer. Yeah. Yeah, yeah But throughout his childhood any time mischief in the Otto household was attributed to Jean,
Starting point is 00:22:26 the little boy invariably said, quote, Wabba did it. Additionally, Jean's parents said that they could sometimes hear two distinctive voices coming from wherever Jean and Robert were playing together. Technically, they probably would have said the same thing about me. Yeah, exactly. I played pretend all the time. But it's different when it's just like you're going like, oh, why are you so funny?
Starting point is 00:22:45 It's so nice to be around you. And you're like, yeah, kill your fucking parents. Just kill your mother. Just kill your fucking mother. Never play Sharp and the Knife there. The most disturbing recurring event was when Jean's parents heard screaming coming from Jean's room in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:23:03 They'd rush over only to find the little boy struggling to pin Robert the doll to the floor for some unknown reason. It's not good. No. He's trying to join the Navy. Eventually though, Jean grew up, left Robert the doll behind and moved to Paris. There he studied art and met his wife, a concert pianist named Anne. But before long, the couple returned to Key West, where Anne was shocked to find that her
Starting point is 00:23:30 husband's childhood doll had its own room in the attic filled with child-sized doll furniture. This is where it really continues, the empowering of the doll, to be haunted to other people. The mom, Mr. Boy. No, because the word came from Jean. They wanted the, there was this thing, throughout his whole, like, going to be an adult, go learn, he went to the sexiest city in the world.
Starting point is 00:23:58 He went to Paris, he got boned up, he became an artist. But the whole time, he's like, make sure Robert's comfortable You know I mean like and so the mom said it all up in the attic and like can you imagine that like you know You do love like let's say you really were what's his name from ace ventura? Laces out. Oh, yeah, Ray Finkle Ray Finkle like you love Damarino. Yeah, so like let's say Julie showed up on your first date and found're like, you guys maybe never got, she hasn't come to your place yet,
Starting point is 00:24:27 but then saw you have a full shrine to Dan Marino, where he's like hanging out. We was like, there's like a mannequin there and then you got like a fucking fleshlight on his butt. And I had more money, it could have happened. But she'd have to understand, oh now I'm also dating Dan Marino. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Ann became even more alarmed when her husband's childhood fixation on his doll reignited upon their permanent return to Key West. Ah, Robert! I find it to be cute. You think it's cute? I think it's endearing. It's terrifying. If I would have found my, I miss my baby tugs.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah. If I would have found baby tugs, I'd put baby tugs out and everyone would have to deal with baby tugs being around, but he's gone. I left him and showed his pizza and he's gone. I should see it. I should see it. It's me, baby tugs. If it just shows back up tonight,
Starting point is 00:25:15 I'm gonna be really upset. I'd only love it if it was six foot tall. Hey, now I'm man tugs. How you doing daddy? It's me, full grown man tongues. Some fucking dude knocking on your door. Hey, he's got tongues. Hey, tongue is tongue here. Sugs, come for my share of your wife.
Starting point is 00:25:36 No, at first, Gene would just dress Robert in different outfits. He had the sailor's suit, he had something he called his pixie suit, and since he was somewhat of an eccentric artist, it seems like this was just kind of played off as a quirk. Yeah, like Michael Jackson's secret room next to his bedroom that was filled with all the plushies. Super quirky. Yeah, super quirky.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And the funny guy. You know, that would go off when people got too close. Yeah, funny guy. Quirk. But before long, Robert and Jean became once again inseparable, and the hours Jean would spend painting in his studio were always spent in the company of Robert the Doll. What do you think, Robert? Oh yes, it does need more blood. Thanks, Robert! He'd prop up Robert near one of the windows. From that point, Jean regressed even further. He curated the entire attic to create a miniature world just for Robert. And when Gene was accused of abusing his wife, he'd say the same thing he'd say as a child when
Starting point is 00:26:31 confronting with bad behavior. Man Tug goes there and he hits what? Man Tug's going there and he'll land a land wall. It's me, Man Tug. You're getting an outfit. Fly from your grave. Now by the end of his life, Gene was spending most of his time in the attic talking to Robert. And after his death, his wife said that Robert the doll was actually the only friend that Jean ever truly had. And he really shouldn't have been for how many times Robert the doll hit me. I really wish he would have said something. He said Robert did it and he is Robert. Yeah he is Robert. He's kind of
Starting point is 00:27:18 admitting to it. It's sort of, have you ever seen that Anthony Hopkins movie Magic? Dude so good. Did you so did you into watching it? Yeah? Oh, it's so fucking good. It's like it's one of those like forgotten classics where Anthony Hopkins is like sort of he's a ventriloquist or he's a magician He wants to be a magician But he ends up doing this ventriloquist act and the lines between the doll and the man become blurred And it's Anthony Hopkins. He's fucking great. It is it's unbelievable. Yeah You got nominated for a Golden Globe for it. It just that like it's just one of those movies just gone But I found it on a prime the other night. It's on shutter fucking love it. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:27:52 Interestingly though the special treatment of Robert the doll continued after Jean died in 1974 Jean lived to be 74 years old imagine that a 74 year old man in an attic Jabber net a doll. It's a lot. I'm a 74 year old man in an attic jabbering at a doll. It's a lot. I'm just surprised he can get in the attic. I mean, you know, that's what it was his exercise. Mm-hmm. When the house was rented out after Jean's death, there was a clause in the lease stating that Robert had to remain in the attic and that no one could use or even enter the space. Two men, however, rented the house and broke the rules.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Never break the rules! Never break the rules! No. Especially not when it comes to Robert the Doll. Or any cursed fucking object. Definitely not with Robert the Doll. Just an air on the side of caution. Yeah. Break the law. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes what's legal is not right.
Starting point is 00:28:44 After hearing noise from the attic on several occasions, bumps and knocks and such, these two men climbed up to investigate. They only found the creepy three-foot doll sitting in one of its custom-made chairs. We're burning this whole fucking house to the goddamn ground. If I go- It's not talking about why doesn't anyone stop this thing to death and burn it? We'll get to that later. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Because again, what do I know? We'll also learn from the unbinding and just remember this at all times. This is a big old lesson. If someone says, hey, this thing is cursed or hey, don't go in this place or hey, don't take an object from this sacred area and bring it home with you. You never, ever do it because you're going gonna get punished for it. Never touch it You're also a visitor and it's just good respect. Yeah That's why we didn't bring lava rocks home from Hawaii because that also fucking will curse you forever
Starting point is 00:29:34 I found some cool ones. I took pictures. I got them. Yeah, look at it. Whatever I want. There you go Well, these two guys left the doll alone as per the terms of their lease But when they heard the noises again, they went back up to the attic to find that Robert had somehow moved to a different side of the room since the last time they'd been there. Another time, which I think was the last time they went up to the attic, the two men said they heard giggling behind them. They both turned a look for the source of the noise, but when look back at Robert the doll had somehow moved across the room now. I'm over here Could have a raccoons I mean that's just scary raccoons giggle they do
Starting point is 00:30:22 Killer raccoons to yeah, yeah Good for Travis Irvine. Yeah, that is nice. I do however. I prefer opossums to raccoons. Yeah. Yes Well in another instance of Robert allegedly abusing a tenant one guy claimed that the doll managed to lock him in the attic for over a week It's just a guy locked him so accidentally locked himself This guy played everything he got yellow fever later. He also said that was the doll too. I missed the toilet when I shit. I got my foot caught in a bucket. Robert, what do you make me close to?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Robert, why are you making me clumsy? My mom hates me. That's Robert did it. The next family to move in happened to have a 10 year old daughter who actually made friends with Robert, at least at first. One day she woke up to find Robert sitting on her face as if he was trying to smother her, and decades later she still maintained that the doll was in fact trying to kill her. Cancel him. Yep, it's called a fucking haunted doll, 69. Oh, it's a ten-year-old girl.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Ah, it's well, you know. You got better call the police. The haunted doll SUV unit has to be brought in. Robert, you're cancelled. Hoping to put an end to the nonsense, the girl's father locked Robert away in a trunk where it lay undisturbed for years. But Robert seemed to have gotten the last laugh. Soon after hiding Robert away,
Starting point is 00:31:49 the father died from carbon monoxide poisoning in his car. It is weird. Yeah, it is weird. They put him away. Locked himself in his own trunk. Yeah, but they do say that that is the way to handle it. If you do have a haunted object and you don't really know what the hell to do with it, you put it in a glass case. Like you wrap it up, you make
Starting point is 00:32:07 sure that nobody is here, and you put it in a box and you put it away. Because it really seems that, you know, out of sight, out of mind works for something like this. It's Key West, put it on the raft. Send it out there. Send it to Cuba to Fidel Castro. Yes, stop grabbing a great way to kill him. That's what the C CIA should have done. From there, Robert's legend only grew. Some said that Robert's head would move as if it could follow conversations.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And even though his face has no points of articulation, it sometimes seems to change expression. Some even claim that when they're in Robert's presence, they feel a sensation, like a hot metal bar pressing on their chest. The New Kirk's talked about is that when you walk into this room to see Robert's presence, they feel a sensation, like a hot metal bar pressing on their chest. The New Kirk's talked about is that when you walk into this room to see Robert the Doll, like you, obviously there's certain rules, like you have to regard it, you have to- We'll get to the rules later. But you, it's interesting because I felt the same way when I went into the Winchester House,
Starting point is 00:33:00 because it's a place that literally tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people have walked in feeling fear and apprehension about this thing. And there's something about the, they said it's a suffocating atmosphere when you walk in and you see like so much fear is built up in this room. Sadness from the doll. They said it felt an extreme sadness from the thing. And I felt the same thing at Winchester House, where there was a room in the center of the house that like, again, it's all touristy shit. Same thing with Robert the Haunted Doll. It's kind of surrounded by a lot of touristy stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:35 But when I went to that Winchester house, you're like, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, kind of walked through, oh, it's cool, you know, all the different rooms. When we get into the vault, where she kid her, she put her husband's, like Lady Winchester had put a lock of her husband's hair the deed to the house in this giant walk-in safe It is 10 to 15 degrees colder in that room And it does feel like it bums you out you walked into this like it felt like the heart of pure sadness
Starting point is 00:34:01 There's something about it And there's something about like that feeling of like, it's been all built up too. It's just like psychic energy is built up in the room around this thing. See, I felt that in that room, I felt like a sense of like wonder. See, it creeped me out. That's like, I felt like the hairs
Starting point is 00:34:16 at the back of my neck, it's like, I got a lot of hairs. Yeah, that's right. I was like, I'm gonna hurt somebody. Yeah, it was like, brrr. Key West though is like an end of the earth like society. Like not like end of the world like as in time, but as in like, you know, at the edge of, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:29 it's right at the end of the country. People go to hide there. You know, they want to never be seen again. They want to go forget about everything. It's like, honestly, one of the reasons why it was like a good safe haven for gay people for so long. You know, and stuff like that. And so there's a lot of like,
Starting point is 00:34:42 there's a lot of like crime that came through there. A lot of immigrants coming through Key like crime that came through there a lot of Immigrants coming through Key West very simple to Alaska is another place where people go to disappear Yeah, so I feel like it just that town has that energy Yeah, even if it is a happy drunk place it has that fucking energy of like we're hiding from something Yeah Now eventually Robert was donated to the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West But the staff was so frightened by the doll that they kept him locked away and covered in a sheet,
Starting point is 00:35:08 viewable only by appointment. At the same time, though, the house in which Robert had spent so many years remained a hot spot for paranormal activity even after Robert was gone. Besides the aforementioned flying phone, one can experience such classic poltergeist activity as knocking sounds, doors that fly open on their own, and the distinct feeling of being watched. But most telling of all, ghosts tourist report that the figure of Robert can sometimes be seen sitting in the same window where Gene Otto placed him so many years before during
Starting point is 00:35:39 his fruitless hours of creating paintings that were overshadowed by his obsession with a doll. of creating paintings that were overshadowed by his obsession with Adol. Humans have been working spiritually with objects since the beginning of time, like since the beginning of modern thought. We talked about this as a kind of like, you know, in the ancient Roman times, in certain areas where like they would believe, they would build an effigy to something, like whether it be a god, a demigod, a spirit, and then they believe that that object was the God. And if you want to destroy a local small religion, you go steal their God and destroy it. And literally their God is dead and they are left. But it's it's weird. So this stuff actually
Starting point is 00:36:19 has a if there's something to how our consciousness works and diffusing it through, amplifying it through an object that is outside of us, it's something that allows it to, and for some reason it can create a prism of paranormal activity very easily. The New Corks are trying to prove that they can do it on their own and haunt an object by thinking about,
Starting point is 00:36:40 like creating a story like a tulpa, the same thing. We're creating a thought form, an agragore that can pop off the thing because now like you filled it with pictures from your own mind and human can, your own emotional connections. And then you kind of like, I don't know, for some reason it works as a conduit. Yeah, the ancient Egyptians used to take clay pots.
Starting point is 00:37:00 They would make a special kind of clay pot. They would paint the name of the person that they wanted to curse on the clay pot using red paint, and then they'd take it outside and they'd smash it. Dude, that is the oldest time. Kind of productive. Yes. Honestly, I feel like Tootsie, my dog has been dead for years. You never know. You don't
Starting point is 00:37:19 know. It is said, however, that Robert is not the only spirit haunting the house. Sometimes guests feel a ghostly female presence, which some believe is Jean's mother, many. And a woman in a wedding dress has been seen walking down the stairs like so many ghosts are want to do. Stairs are paranormal hot, so many ghosts walk downstairs. Transitional areas, luminous spaces. My mom swears that she was pushed down a flight of stairs by a ghost.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Wow. Yeah. That's a much bigger story than right now. Yeah. Most recently though, in 2003, 80 people gathered at the Robert house for Jean's birthday. And all of them reported seeing a flurry of orbs flying through the house before they scattered either to the sky or the ground. Now Robert the doll was finally put on permanent display in 1996 at, as I said, the Fort East Martello Museum. And from reports, electrical malfunctions are the most recurrent phenomenon when it
Starting point is 00:38:15 comes to Robert. But it's cameras in particular. Yeah, we've had no problems with the cameras yet. Just my microphone stop working for some reason. I was just doing the wiring in Florida. It's a hurricane. It's fine. It's all shifty.
Starting point is 00:38:31 It's like a popsicle stick. It's creepy as fuck, dog. It's all fucking driftwood. See, when people try to take photos of Robert, conventional cameras don't work, at least not all the time. In some cases, the batteries and digital cameras will drain in Robert's presence, but return to full charge once the owner has left the building. Others reported that entire rolls of film would be ruined except the pictures taken of Robert, and one person claimed that when he developed his film, he found only 24 images
Starting point is 00:39:01 of Robert in different positions. That's frightening, that's real. That's like one of those, that's really strange. Too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy I curse you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the late 90s when restoration was performed on this century old doll. But they had asked for permission. Yeah. But on the day after he was returned to his case, an employee said he saw small doll sized footprints in the dust on the floor. That's just shit.
Starting point is 00:39:34 That's like when dolls do stuff like that, been like, you creepy doll. I would make the footprints. Yeah, of course. Yeah, it'd be fun. I would make the footprints. Yeah, of course. Yeah, be funny, so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I got the footprints.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Well, just as the employee noticed this anomaly, he heard t-t-tapping coming from Robert's locked case. Yeah. And he noticed that Robert's feet were covered in dust. It's me. He then heard emanating from somewhere in the room a lone ominous giggle. Now Robert is, as we've said, it's supposedly quite the vindictive haunted doll, as there
Starting point is 00:40:17 are dozens of so-called Dear Robert letters from visitors who have met with misfortune after visiting Robert and sliding him in some way or another. I'm sorry Robert! Yes. Because of this there are strict rules when visiting Robert. First, one must not make fun of Robert in any way whatsoever. Not his face, not his clothes, nothing. I think you look good.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah. I'm glad you're one of our boys in the services. Yeah. Yeah, he's employed. Yeah. Second, one must address Robert correctly by his full name You did that no Rob's no Bob's no Bobbys no Burt's you did you fuck that up immediately So did you know but I was yes anding him I'd say he did it first
Starting point is 00:40:56 It took so I never realized Bert Robert Wow Robert. Wow. I've never met a Bert. He was a criminal. But never like with the full name Robert. I've never met Bert as a Bert. I thought I had a friend Bert from back in Greenpoint. You know, I was friends with that and you know, also hung out with Andy all the time. These I think is it Robert? Because he was the one that told me that Bert was Robert. I thought he was straight up Bert. No shit. I think, well, if it's you, then it's Bert. Bert's a shitty thing to call your child. Bert you choose. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Bert has to be a come out of the pussy, a full grown man with a can of peps. You can't not be a Bert and not be a hardcore beer drinker from three on. Now, Robert's full name is Rob Is it Robert Jean or is it just Robert Robert Robert the doll got no last name. Yeah, no last name the haunted doll Yeah, but lastly if you absolutely must take a photo of Robert You have to ask permission before doing so and I would recommend you do that because the Newkirk's actually gave me a good tip On that too. I would recommend you do that if any haunted object you always ask permission. But do they ever answer?
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah, they do it by not cursing you. Because you can take a picture. You don't know until later. Exactly. I guess if like a picture frame falls you take that as a no. That's what I would say. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So according to some who have broken the rules, they soon after experienced freak accidents, divorces, pet deaths, baggage losses, and mysterious chronic health ailments. And the letters they write to Robert are full of apologies and pleas to remove the curse. Well, there's no direct flights to Key West. You know, like, your portion of bags are good ones. And again, the weather's kind of iffy. Yeah, what's the nearest airport to Key West? Miami.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Miami, okay. There might be a little something in like Isle Marada or something. Yeah, there must be a, there's gotta be a private airport. Yeah, I flew, when I went to Key West, I flew in the Key West by way, it's scary as hell. You think you're going right into the ocean. Oh yeah. But yeah, no, I took for a fort a lot of dough right in there. It was nice.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Oh, great. Thanks, Delta. Love, Delta. Well, one recent letter to Robert, a person claimed that they came down with a sudden serious rash the day after they failed to ask Robert permission to take a photo. Just after, this person received a message through social media from an unknown account. The message simply said, Waboot did it.
Starting point is 00:43:22 With a W? No, no, no, Waboot did it. With a W? No, no, no, it's Robert did it. Now the letters are too numerous to go into each and every one, but I do want Henry to read this letter, which has a distinctly Floridian Vacation flavor. I'm going to say this right. This is definitely a vacation to Key West.
Starting point is 00:43:42 And also, I'm going to read this, and this is largely, I'm gonna say I might add some sparkle, but it's 99.9% what is written. Me and my wife, we went to go see you. I was warned to not take your picture. I thought it was all mumbo jumbo. So I took your picture without asking permission. The next day I went snorkeling and I was stung three times by Portuguese man award. There were about 50 in the water and I was the only one who got stung. Now the next day I had a few drinks and I came to several hours later in the emergency room, get my arm stitched handcuffed to a hospital bed.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Now apparently in my blackout, or I had wandered away from my hotel room over to another hotel and I happened to break a window with my elbow. Now, when the cop showed, I ran and I was apprehended. Now this is real. I was speaking unfortunately in a Caribbean accent. Now I don't remember any of this. And this is what I was told by the deputies. That's exactly what the letter says. He was when he was apprehended, he was speaking in a, he was blackout speaking in a Caribbean accent. Definitely a white guy. Oh yeah. Very much so. He's been like, I did not know apparently sometime in the
Starting point is 00:44:58 not, I became Chen angst. Yeah. He get a little loosey goosey and Q S. That's public drinking. Yeah. You're a culture. You've seen a lot of like, and Key West. That's public drinking. Yeah, man. They're a courage. You've seen a lot of like, there's manna war everywhere. Yeah. They said, no, who got stung in Hootie? When he's running around the beach,
Starting point is 00:45:11 well, you get stung by the manna war? And we're still selling fake dreads. This guy is trying not to go to jail and get divorced by writing this letter. He has to. She's like, well, you better apologize, Robert, they're all into doll. And you better get rid of that,
Starting point is 00:45:23 the two vacation braids you got put into your side hairs because you're a white man. As far as what sort of haunted doll Robert is, it could be said that it's either a cursed doll fueled by the vengeance of a sperm lover or a doll haunted by the spirit of a dead child. Strictly cursed dolls, however, do exist and they can sometimes bring specific misfortune to anyone who comes into contact with them Case and point is a doll named Joliet. I will also remember you know, we're blaming the dolls here. Yeah, we have to think about the people involved That's right According to the legend Joliet is a monkey's paw type of doll that's been passed from expectant mother to expectant mother several times
Starting point is 00:46:04 See while the doll will bless the woman with the birth of two children guaranteed, the first born boy is also guaranteed to die shortly after birth. Is this a good mother? I don't know. The idea that you're going to have, so you at least net out one. Well, only if that one of them is a boy. Say, if you have two girls, they're both going to be fine. But if you have a girl and then a boy then the boy is gonna die But if you have a boy first and then another boy that first boy is gonna die and the second boy is gonna live
Starting point is 00:46:31 Stop giving people the doll Problem But I think it's one of those things like if a woman is having trouble conceiving like you can receive Jolie at the doll and it's like you shall have two children, but one of them shall, like it's saying, you're throwing the dice. It's fucking Rupple still skinned. Hey, listen, I was actually kind of thinking
Starting point is 00:46:52 instead of involving myself in a century's old curse, I'm gonna get IVF. I'm gonna do something else because it seems that us kind of chanting with this inescapable curse might be bad for all of us. Adopt! I also feel like there's no way that the baby that lives is not gonna have a fucking cursed life too.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Well, once the boy is dead, it's said that the demon that controls Juliet traps the soul of the first born boy within the doll's body, making the toy a sort of soul prison for dead babies. Oh, I didn't know if you... now that you put it that way, yes, that actually sounds incredible. Like, how, like, informed is the soul of a baby? Yeah, babies don't know they're in jail.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Yeah, babies don't know. Do babies even have souls? I have a theory that a baby doesn't get a soul until, like, a few months in. Yeah, I don't think a baby gets a soul till they're 21 years old. Yeah, at least you can't even talk to them till they're 24. Yeah, I know that's everybody, but you're an idiot till you're 24. We can't talk to you. You make no sense.
Starting point is 00:47:54 We have nothing in common. As far as its origin goes, it's said that it all started with a jealous, angry woman who was unable to have children herself. Her close friend, meanwhile, had no problems giving birth whatsoever. Padoing, padoing, padoing, padoing! Spitting them out. And she had a second child on the way soon after her first. Irish twin.
Starting point is 00:48:12 So the childless woman crafted jolliet and cursed every stitch that held the doll together, so as to imbue the object with a vengeful rage. And lo and behold, when the close friend's second child was born, this one a son. The jealous woman placed Juliet in the crib with him. Three days later, the newborn was mysteriously dead, and supposedly, the grieving mother could still hear crying from her deceased infant's crib, even though the only thing still there was Juliet. Wow. Kill this woman.
Starting point is 00:48:45 They didn't figure out the curse until like, it had to happen a lot before like, oh, it's the doll. It's the doll, it's not doing it. Either that or the doll was, I have a theory that the doll was like made from asbestos or something. Oh yeah, it's just filled with poison. Yeah, just filled with, accidentally filled with poison
Starting point is 00:49:02 and it just happens to kill babies. Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense Yeah, that makes more sense than the fucking soul prison Prison is just hard to quantify. It's hard to see if you can't visit someone in the soul prison But this woman who lost her son still had her first child a daughter that daughter grew up and had a child of her own This child was a boy her first child and for some reason Jolie at the doll had stayed in the family and was placed in the newborn boy's crib.
Starting point is 00:49:28 A few days later, that baby's dead too. But the second son, who also had Joliet as a bedmate, survived. The cycle continued, with mothers passing down the baby-killing doll from generation to generation. Although today, the whereabouts of Joliet are unknown. Honestly, I think it's actually really good for Planned Parenthood to get ahold of Juliet the Doll and use a new form of non-invasive abortion. Yeah, when Trump's talking about abortion after nine months, he's talking about Juliet.
Starting point is 00:49:56 He's talking about Juliet and he's met Juliet. In another case of a baby's soul being trapped in a doll, we have to go back to Tsarist Russia to the year 1730. According to the legend, one of the Tsar's mistresses became pregnant, but the child was born hideously deformed. Reacting badly, the Tsar had the baby burned alive. That is a bad reaction. I'd say it's knee-jerk, you know, because you could also, because I believe, I miss it, because I don't think we have it as much anymore like where a mask I Think it'd be so cool if you got like a jacked up if you go bird jacked up, right?
Starting point is 00:50:32 Where's the way there's gotta be more masked people like big steel mask or a phantom mask or like something The cobra commander style mask if that's your choice, but I think everyone should be you know free free with their deformity I have more fun with your deformity. Yeah, it's more accepted now even like from the 90s Yeah, no one cares as much mysterious You have the option to be the man in the iron mask But out loud and that's like we now have a whole show that's about people in mass and they sing and we have to guess Who they are but if you're just like that all the time, that's fucking cool in a way Yeah, in my mind, I'm just dressed like Freddy Krueger. That would be awesome. That'd be cool scare people. Mm-hmm use it and so
Starting point is 00:51:15 And so the mother crafted a doll named Katja to remember her murdered baby and use the ashes of the child in the porcelain mixture Yeah, I probably shouldn't don't know. Yeah, and indeed Katja is remember her murdered baby and used the ashes of the child in the porcelain mixture. Yeah, I probably shouldn't have done that. And indeed Katya is terrifying. It has a white porcelain face that seems as if it was purposefully made to look angry and it has eyes of two different colors. Rob, if you could show Ed Katya for a reaction, I would appreciate it. I checked out Katya earlier. She's a pretty good looking.
Starting point is 00:51:46 It was kind of crazy that when you were saying you had a weird coincidence too. I had a very weird coincidence. I was discussing RuPaul's Drag Race with Maddie, who does all of her social media here. Yeah. And just as I was writing about Katya, about 30 minutes later, Maddie texted me about a contestant on Drag Race named Katya, who's named after the haunted doll. Wow. Yeah, I mean, it's the one with the cracked head, second one, right? Katya with a J.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Katya with a J. It's Russia. Russia. Russia. Oh, yeah, that is not good looking. I mean, it's old, you know It's got one bad eye. Oh Michael Jackson disease. Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:38 Man that's how Michael Jackson that's what he looked like when Tito has to be cut in You know, maybe the doll just needs to be you know fixed up a little bit. Maybe needs a little love All we have to do is get it between 20 and 25 different plastic surgeries and then maybe you'll be able to marry Lisa Marie Presley also RIP. Very sad. Double RIP. Yeah. Everybody said Michael Jackson. Uh, he got burned up in that Pepsi commercial. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, thank God for the people on set because he could have become Freddie Krueger. Oh, he was already halfway there. for the people on set because he could have become Freddy Krueger. Oh, he was already halfway there. He had the hat that's all we needed. The child molestation everything.
Starting point is 00:53:09 All he needs is a sweater. Now when the Tsar learned of this macabre object, he ordered it to be destroyed. Just like he ordered the baby to be destroyed. Bottom of the gate. But the morning mother... Get it off there, huh? But the morning mother told him that if he killed her child again, he would be forever cursed.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Erring on the side of caution, the Tsar decided it wasn't worth the risk. And Katya has survived to this day. Or at least a doll that people claim is Katya. I keep hearing it. It's probably good to not get messed any more bad luck because I hear a lot of people getting angry about not having anything out there. It's throwing Grootabaker's at the stash. Now, why not? No, I know the doll is cursed, but why not if the doll's killing people? Because basically, if you give a cursed doll to someone, you're cursing them more than
Starting point is 00:53:57 you're cursing the doll, right? That's manslaughter. Alright, so why not? Second-degree manslaughter. Cursed the doll in a way where the doll dies. Dolls are already not real. Doll can't die. But if it's running around, it's real.
Starting point is 00:54:09 If it's running around like Robert, you're calling Robert not real? No. You're gonna say anything about Robert not real? You're saying Robert's not real? Well, I'm just saying that that doll technically just you'd be arrested. I don't think you get rid of the doll. I think the doll needs to be arrested and put into doll jail Which is a curio cabinet side of all
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah, what you're thinking is that we should put laws in place to make living dolls illegal Yes, if you're a doll that's living you are an illegal being I actually want to fight So I'm gonna then call the ACLU Because now the doll is alive. That's a voter. That doll is an American citizen and needs to be treated as such and has the same inalienable rights as other citizens of this great country of ours. Oh, Robert is German. Katya is Russian. Yeah. So well, they can't vote, but we, we accept them unless the Statue of Liberty is full of shit. Who's the biggest haunted doll of all?
Starting point is 00:55:06 It would be a giant haunted doll. Yes. Definitely filled with people. Yeah. Well, a few years ago, a person claiming that their doll was the legendary Katya tried selling the doll on eBay, but something went wrong with the listing again and again is that the doll didn't want to be sold. The alleged Katya does still exist somewhere, although I was unable to figure out its location or owner. But if you're able to find it, legend says that if you stare
Starting point is 00:55:30 into its eyes for 20 seconds, Katya will blink. And if she blinks, a terrible fate awaits you in the future. You get the blinkies. So I just thought of a great movie. Okay, We, so we round up all these haunted dolls, you know, all these famous haunted dolls and we're like, we got here in these haunted dolls. We don't know what to do. We put them in a spaceship and we send them to space. And then the astronauts are getting haunted by the dolls. I think that's puppet master five.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And I pitched something like this, literally like a planet of haunted dolls. No. I said, planet of haunted dolls. And I mean it. And nothing. Where's Elijah Wood? Yeah. No. Honestly, he's a fan. Elijah, you gotta hear us.
Starting point is 00:56:18 We're gonna make you an astronaut. You're gonna be killed by all these dolls. Right? I mean, what? Yeah, it's like Critters for meets puppet master three. Yes. Yeah. Meets Apollo 13. We can get Tom Hanks. No, wait. Critters four was critters in space. That's right. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Critters three was critters in the city with Leonardo DiCaprio. Oh, I didn't know that. It was one of his first movies. Oh, wow. Yeah, I'm gonna email him. Yeah critters to also fantastic
Starting point is 00:56:47 Now Katya, Juliet and Robert are all dolls that allegedly have the souls of babies trapped inside for nefarious or vengeful purposes Or seem to seem to there are other haunted dolls However, in which a spirit has chosen to inhabit the object much like home It can I bring up the one that creeps me out the most in this one a show Eddie's okiku sure okiku the doll There's really nothing much to it Well, okay hair grows okiku the doll is a haunted doll that its hair grows and people regularly cut its hair No matter how much hair you cut off of the doll the dolls hair still grosses
Starting point is 00:57:23 terrifying this is like cabin in the woods frightening. Kiku looks cool. Cookie looks fine. Kiku scares the shit out of me. I don't know. I think it's cause it's in the ceremonial holding chamber, like that sort of like- It's in a shrine.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's in a shrine. And if you look this up, that thing creeps me the fuck out. I hate that thing. Are we sure people just don't put more hair in the doll? We have no idea what they do, but they say they've cut the hair, they said it is human hair, they say it was born with this, it was made with a sort of geisha style cut, look like a bob, but the hair keeps growing on it. That thing creeps me out. I don't like
Starting point is 00:57:58 it. Yeah, maybe it doesn't want banks. I just feel like maybe it's like, hey, let me grow this out. I want... I tie it back. I'm sick of these banks. How many times do I have to tell you I want the Rachel? Well, the most famous example of a doll being haunted by a spirit is, of course, Annabelle. And even though we just talked about all kinds of wacky, unbelievable shit, I'm always reticent to talk about anything involving Ed and Lorraine Warren because they were proven scam artists who were only in the paranormal investigation game
Starting point is 00:58:27 to push a scaremongering fundamentalist Christian agenda. That's the problem as they truly are. And also the Pittsburgh erasure of hiring Patrick Wilson to play Ed Warren. Because if you look at Ed Warren, Piggy boy, he looks like a Pittsburgh man through and through. He looks like a Steelers defensive coach. He's not supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Damary knows from Pittsburgh. And he's very attractive. I'm just saying he's very attractive. Patrick Wilson plays this man in the films. If you bring it up, he's got a Mr. Magoo style about him. He's quite piggy. That's what I call him is I call him a real hog. Yeah, he's just got, he's got, I mean he's got sensuous lips. He looks like he has a neck on his neck.
Starting point is 00:59:13 He does. Look at that guy. Style icon though. I like the chain. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but they were scam artists and their whole thing is that they wanted to scare people into being Christians by saying the demons are real again and again and again we found demons we have a whole basement full of demons demons are everywhere be scared be Christian yes now I thought that Robert was Annabelle no no no guys are all separate characters Annabelle's the plot of Conjuring 2 no that's a Annabelle had its
Starting point is 00:59:42 own had it's own movie but I thought it is a spin off it was at the end of the first conjuring movie, right? That's when they teased Annabelle Annabelle had three movies. I think yeah, I think so. I love the Annabelle Annabelle To is better than animal. I think Annabelle origins. Yeah, and I'm all right. Just Annabelle origins is really fun But nevertheless Annabelle orgy is worse But nevertheless the broad strokes of Annabelle is that it was a raggedy Andal that was supposedly inhabited by a demon who was on its way to possessing the woman who owned it. But this woman was saved from this terrible fate when the Warrens swooped in and took Annabelle back to their haunted Curio cabinet.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Supposedly as the warnings tell it, their car ride home from the house where Annabelle was found was full of fail breaks and near crashes, and it was only when Ed pulled out his black bag of magic tricks and doused the doll with holy water that it finally stopped trying to kill them. That's one of those things that's always like, that's where we take the consciousness out of haunting and where they're dead ass wrong. Because there are certain things of like, why would it necessarily, I know you believe everything's a diamond. That's their thing, is that everything's a diamond.
Starting point is 01:00:47 So it would respond to holy water. But you never really know. If it does have something attached to it, why would they necessarily find holy images to be offensive? Maybe it's something else entirely. I don't know, I think the warrants are full shit. They are. Yeah, but after they got home,
Starting point is 01:01:04 Annabelle was then put in its famous warning positively do not open case and Is remained there ever since for me though a far more interesting haunted doll tail is a modern one involving an entity named Peggy damn it Peggy Now here if you're just looking upon just good you Eddie you, you just did it. You looked upon Peggy the doll. There's an image of Peggy the doll here in our monarchy. She looks like Betty White. Actually, she does look like Betty White.
Starting point is 01:01:30 She does. And now maybe that's where she went. Yeah. I mean, that's what we heard from Peggy lately. Does she like animals now? I don't know. But Peggy the doll curses you. See, I really...
Starting point is 01:01:41 The second you look upon it. I really don't like Peggy. Peggy doesn't bother me. I don't like Peggy Evangelical people get a heart attacks. They talk about feeling pressure in their brains that people have seizures looking at Peggy the doll People getting all the Peggy stuff here in a minute Yeah, see about 10 years ago a British paranormal investigator named Jane Harris got a frantic email from a woman who bought a doll named Peggy at a yard sale. Somewhat large, Peggy has a blonde bob, blue eyes, and an unnervingly long neck. The buyer, known only as J.W., said that they hadn't gotten a wink of sleep since buying
Starting point is 01:02:17 the doll because the figure of a dark woman would stand at the foot of her bed every night. Now supposedly, Peggy the doll is inhabited not by the spirit of a child, but a woman from London who was born in the mid-40s and died from a respiratory illness of some sort. Had that asthma. Oh, dead day in it! Yeah. I think she looks like a baker. Maybe got, you know, maybe the woman died from having too much flour down her throat.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Yeah. Yeah. Great British Bake Off. Like going up for her hot to dolls. Yeah, poo on. Yeah, Peggy would kill it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Great finish bake off. Yeah, everybody gets it. It is not however known at all why this spirit inhabits this doll because the dozens of seances done with Peggy have revealed nothing about its origins. It's all guesswork here. Now the woman who originally bought Peggy
Starting point is 01:02:57 wanted nothing more than to just get rid of the thing. But that's what puzzles me about these dolls. You brought this up earlier. From what I can tell, nobody just burns the goddamn thing or just throws it in the trash. The owners seem to have a compulsion to either keep the cursed object or give it to someone else to deal with. There's some kind of power that prevents them from destroying it. I have a couple explanations. One is, in general, the New Cro's talked about this that I thought was really interesting is that what they view haunted objects is like when they receive them for their museum, they view them as a blank slate. They want you to treat it with a blank slate.
Starting point is 01:03:33 But they also want to honor the fact that you are arriving and saying, this thing scares the fuck out of me. I don't know what's going on with this thing. This thing's alive. So they want to treat you with respect and believing you in your story. So I think that's part of it is that you like, okay, this thing's freaking you out. Yeah. You're obviously, you're so freaked out, you think it's alive. There's something attached to this thing or whatever you think you're attached to this thing. And so at least I'm going to
Starting point is 01:04:00 validate you and I'm going to take this and not destroy it. I feel like that's one thing is that people feel this thing. And then they don't, they don't want to transgress or because they do Think it's alive and then to what is every single piece of pop culture? Tell us not to do destroy the cursed object. Yeah, cuz the movie would be over. Yes Also, I think that this is about Collective unconscious and it's about our already our attachment, right? We are But also, I think that this is about collective unconscious. And it's about our already, our attachment, right? We are idolatrous in nature.
Starting point is 01:04:31 We like objects. We treat objects as sacred. We use them as kind of extensions of our spiritual beliefs all the fucking time. I think that that is a part of our DNA memory. Is that like, if something's really fucking scary you fucking bury it You don't destroy it because it seems like all that does it's fucking like an atomic bomb Fuck and spread it out into the fucking air
Starting point is 01:04:53 I'm gonna burn this thing, but you you know and now you're carrying that out with you and then you have this idea everywhere You go. I'm a cursed man I everywhere you go, I'm a cursed man. I destroyed this cursed object. And whether or not the curse is objectively real, you are putting yourself in a cursed frame of mind. See, why not feel like you're a fucking badass who killed the goddamn demon? Because that's not how. Because by force, again, it's just every single... He doesn't have an answer to that. He doesn't! Because there is none. I mean it. I think that it's because it's just, it's bad form.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah. I mean, it also, I mean, going back to what you were saying about imagining that the object is alive, it could be that these people like have an aversion to murder. Yeah. But they do see like there's something in this doll that is some sort of human like entity. And if I destroy the doll, then I am killing someone. Yeah. No, it's always bad when someone has a haunted gun. My gun is-
Starting point is 01:05:46 My gun is- The only thing that this gun seems to want is to kill and kill and kill. Now that's the movie you should be pitching. I love that. The haunted gun. Jerry, the haunted gun. Yeah. I sure wish he could use me for something else.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Try to use me as a spatula. No, I don't say but work. You're not trying to brush your teeth with me. No, when JW met paranormal investigator, Jane Harris, to make the handoff of Peggy, the haunted doll, the former owner was visibly shaking and appeared to be suppressing the urge to cry and scream at the same time. But the handoff was made nevertheless, and the second Jane took possession of Peggy, her body reacted. As Jane put it, her ears began ringing and buzzing as if a radio transmission was being fed through her skull.
Starting point is 01:06:40 This was followed by panic and a complete numbness of the head. This lasted for about a minute, and yet Jane still took the doll and put it in her car. Possibly as a paranormal investigator, I think Jane may have sensed a jackpot. Oh yeah, because you are there morbidly curious. Yeah. The idea of like, yeah. That's what she's there for. Oh, that's all they mean like, yes.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Yeah. But just as Jane and her husband were about to drive away, J.W. gave them a classic horror movie warning. She said, quote, That doll nearly ruined my life. I want to forget it ever existed. Well, I hope God protects you all. Don't want to get that doll. She hits a flask. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I'm like, I don't want that. You know what I mean? Like it's hard because it puts you again,
Starting point is 01:07:25 cursed frame of mind. Now once they got the doll home, Jane and Simon put Peggy in a sealed glass cabinet and began a full modern paranormal investigation. Cause this is like 2007, I think, maybe 2014. Oh, so this is new. Yeah, this is new. Yeah, they use night vision, motion detectors,
Starting point is 01:07:42 temperature gauges, EMF meters, and spirit boxes. You know what a spirit box is? It's a box that has a spirit in it? Nope. God, it's fucking ass. Woo! Fuck it! Got you!
Starting point is 01:07:53 Oh! Oh! Cool! We're cool! It's a vagina with a spirit. No! You fucking idiot! It is a machine that basically it randomly goes through AM and FM radio broadcasting
Starting point is 01:08:05 lines or like in through signals. And then the idea is that you speak at it and then it will spit out words that are chosen by and which which which air quotes that are chosen by some either an entity or talking to or an intelligence like a ghost or to Furby. It's not Furby. It's a piece of material. I can cost like a hundred bucks. I have one. No, it goes, it'll go through all the AM radio station you hear and you are like, I put it down, put it to drop through because it goes through it. Yeah. Yeah. And you listen for, you know, you listen for it to come and give you answers. It's more organized DVP. $84. Oh yeah, buddy. For a spirit bot, you can spend $84 on a PSB77 spirit box on Amazon.
Starting point is 01:08:52 There is a healthy ghost hunting economy out there. 104.1, that's a classic rock station. It really is 104.1, the bear. I mean, Robert the doll keeps asking to get the lead out. Actually, I think 104.1 was the classic radio station when I grow up. Either that was 102.7. But it was the bear. The bear.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Yeah. The bear. What animal was your classic radio station? Gator. Gator me? 98.7. I had K rock, 92.3. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:21 And that was nice. But it didn't have an animal attached to it. No, no, it was cool. Oh, yeah Well six weeks after Jane came into possession of the doll She began suffering from migraines fatigue nausea and dizziness She was barely able to walk and yet medical science could find nothing wrong The only thing that had changed in her life was the presence of Peggy Which sounds like a terrible piece of soft core pornography.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yes, the presence of Peggy brought on the boner of Greg. No, I was about to make a tasteless pecking joke. No, no, no, no. The presence of Peggy, the talking peg stick, is again a controversial Pixar film. Yes. Now since the scientific paranormal investigations using instruments had turned up nothing, Jane figured that a seance was the next step. But when she contacted her go-to psychic, a friend named Hazel Myers,
Starting point is 01:10:21 the psychic dragged her feet, seemingly afraid to even approach the doll. That's the type of stuff. That's one of my favorite now. That's like more new horror movies. My favorite is like, it started with paranormal activity. They did that the best when the psychic shows up and goes, nope, and then just like leaves immediately. Not for more money though. Never do it for more money. I am getting this message from Abraham Lincoln. So Jane reached out to another psychic named Patricia Redmond, but when Jane arrived to
Starting point is 01:10:55 her appointment, Redmond said that she couldn't read for Jane that day because the energy in the room was so heavy it was giving her a headache. She also passed off Peggy. Finally though, the first psychic, Hazel Myers, took Peggy the doll out of Jane's house for a few days so Jane could get a reprieve from the so-called Dark Energies. And supposedly, Jane's health returned to normal soon after the doll left the house. While Peggy was in Hazel's care, a spell of psychic projection was cast around Jane and her family to protect them. And after Peggy was returned to Jane, the adverse health effects stayed
Starting point is 01:11:30 away and the spell supposedly works to this day. It's the power of perception. And I think that's why, you know, like I feel like when you guys, if you do end up watching the unbinding, it's very similar to Hellier because they do mix the concept of ritual magic with us scientific exploration of these ideas. And I think it's why it works really well for them is because it's all about your fucking mindset. It's really about how you approach these things. It's like, if you believe this thing, it's like atomic, like it's radiating negative energy, maybe, and you believe that the way to get yourself out of it, which is what we talk about with possessions too, is why
Starting point is 01:12:08 it happens to people that believe like in a really intense orthodox version of a religion, is that, well, the only way to get them out of it is they religious their way into it, we got a religion their way out of it, and use the same thing. So like, all right, if you do believe that this thing's got nasty vibes, making you sick, I will then make a thing that reverses the nasty vibes that allows you to believe that you have reversed the nasty vibes. And then the problem has been fixed. The human brain is extraordinarily powerful when it comes to convincing yourself something like the human brain does have like quite a
Starting point is 01:12:38 bit of control over the body. But just because it's in your head, does it mean it's not necessarily real if it's all aether? Ah, but what is real? Exactly, bro! I know, bro! I get back! Yeah, cuz that's the thing. Think about this. Okay. Batman exists, but he is not real. Or is Batman not real, but he does exist?
Starting point is 01:12:57 Batman exists. Batman exists. He is real and he exists. Yes. But not in the sense that there is a Batman out there. Oh, OK. But Batman is real. But Batman is real.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Because it's a character written by something. Exactly. But enough Batman has been around that Batman is, like, considered. It's a vigilante. Is it detective? I'm just saying. Batman is a concept.
Starting point is 01:13:20 We take seriously as if it is real. As if it is real. Yeah. Do people think that it is real as if it is real. Yeah, do people think the Batman They spent hundreds of millions of dollars making a Batman movie. Yeah, but it's a movie. It's Batman He's as real as baby tugs. A man arrives to a place and drives baby tugs was real It's man tugs you gotta work out for because again Man tugs is actually a really good example of like the fact that Robert Pattinson did arrive to a set.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Yeah, he was Batman for a period of time. He put a suit on every day. He arrived. He talked like Batman. He drove the Bat car. He fucking talked to Alfred. That was for the, that time period Batman was real because a lot of people would make cat woman on top of the car. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Nice. Which is cool. That's fucking the way you do that. Yeah. That's what you do is number one. During COVID. That's your response. Well, the spell that Hazel the psychic put over Peggy's family
Starting point is 01:14:13 does not cover anyone else. And people genuinely believe that the curse of Peggy the doll can reach out through a JPEG on the internet to affect their health in minor and major ways. See, when the first photo of Peggy the doll went public in February of 2015, Jane claimed that she received almost 100 messages within 48 hours from people claiming that the photo she posted of Peggy either made them feel sick or just otherwise kind of weird. That's where in the video footage of last podcast and left, we're going to put it right
Starting point is 01:14:42 here. One person even claimed that their dog had a seizure after watching a video of Peggy that Jane posted. And I got to admit, like whether, I don't know if it's psychosomatic or not, I get a look when I look at pictures of Peggy, I get a little queasy. It creeps me out. If I look at the, yeah, if I look, if I watch the videos, like my stomach just kind of, it just feels like it makes me feel weird. This shit call freaks me out. Well, a hundred dollars freaked me out.
Starting point is 01:15:05 I was totally unaffected by the sight of Peggy personally, but I do have a call with my doctor in a little bit. So we'll see what happens. Sorry, sorry, you got mouth ass syndrome. What? Well, I mean, it's person to person because while Henry was like super creeped out by the Winchester house, I loved the Winchester house.
Starting point is 01:15:24 I mean, I loved it. But I loved the Winchester house. I loved it. But I loved it as like an object of like wonder. I didn't feel sadness in that room. Like I felt like the wonder of everyone who would walk through that house and like seeing this architectural like masterpiece or I mean, or experiment. Experiment, I guess what you would call it.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Like so, you know, we all react to different objects, different paranormal places. It's, it does kind of go back to the, you know, the thing react to different objects, different paranormal places. It's, it does kind of go back to the, you know, the thing that the New Cooks talking about is like, it's what you bring to it. It's what your, it's your head is the thing that makes the thing haunted. I tell you what, if I ever went back to my Aunt Patty's old house, like we're like, all the shit was crazy where my mom thought she was pushed down the stairs. Dude, we should do, I'd be fucking terrified.
Starting point is 01:16:03 We should do a full ghost hunt. I mean, we'll have to talk to the people who live on Bachelor Ave, but we'll find out. Do you think that we could get in there? It was called Bachelor Avenue. Yeah. We could do a full Jersey weekend. We could go get pork roll. We could do exactly what I've been trying to get us to do.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Tell her how to please. But you know what I mean? We could get out there. We could fucking finally do- Great Brazilian food. But a haunted diners drive-ins and nuts. Oh. We're this close do a haunted diners, drive ins nuts. Oh, we're this close. Not bad.
Starting point is 01:16:27 Diners, drivers and dies. Yeah. We go, fuck you, Guy Fieri. No, we love it. We love it. But others took the claim of Peggy's power to the highest level. It goes way beyond queasiness for some people.
Starting point is 01:16:41 The worst outcome befell a Scottish woman named Katrin Riedig who claimed that she had a heart attack within an hour of looking at Peggy the Doll's picture. It had nothing to do with the pie full of blood that she was eating. No! That's iron! Interestingly though, many of the messages that Jane Gutt said that the cross that had been placed on the necklace around Peggy's neck was actually making the spirit angry and the longer The cross was around her neck the more trouble Peggy was gonna cause showed in the New Kirkland Unbinding documentaries they saw this they basically put it in their their little museum area in their office and this object like they
Starting point is 01:17:17 We walked away and if one of the first signs that the haunting was that they heard a pump But like a noise in the office and they came in and there was crucifix hanging above where the doll was limber this and this like little totem was laying and Somehow the Jesus from the crucifix was popped off with its arms still attached to it They don't know how you literally have to yank it off to pull it off and the Jesus was laying in the center and the cross Is still on the wall wow what a demon's like crosses because the crosses were killed kill Jesus? You'd think so. You'd think so. Yeah. We gotta talk to these demons. Yeah, man, like, hey, we gotta get into this. Well, this is not, however, because Peggy was inhabited by a demon. Instead, some went big and suggested that the spirit inside Peggy was not a Londoner, but a Holocaust
Starting point is 01:17:59 victim. Whoa. And putting a Christian crosser on her neck was offensive to her Jewish heritage. They already survived the Holocaust or they didn't survive the Holocaust I don't know if a cross would make it that upset, you know I need to be more like if it was an iron cross Yeah, that would be different But but still they say like I'm not Christian. I'm Jewish. Don't be pushing your Christianity. What do we do in here? Eventually though Peggy and Hazel began performing seances to communicate with the spirit using a pendulum and a talking board, which is similar to using a Ouija board, but not quite the same thing.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Same mechanism, different device. Yeah, the biggest difference is that a pendulum is used by a single person, while a Ouija board is a group activity with a planche. Yeah, made by the Parker Brothers. Yeah, well, you should go, I mean, we did a whole thing on the, I'll give you a book. Thank you. Yeah, but in the end both pretty much work The same way answering yes or no or spelling out words
Starting point is 01:18:49 Thankfully though in her book about Peggy the doll called Peggy the doll Jane Harris transcribe both the psychics questions and Peggy's answers From one of their most fruitful say onces I would like the two of you to now recreate this say once with Ed and the part of Hazel the psychic and Henry playing Peggy the doll You gotta give it a different voice than Robert though You fear crossing over into the light no fear Yes. Do you feel crossing over into the light? No fear. Next.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Are you happy communicating with us? Happy more. Peggy, were you responsible for the recent health problem? No. Are you aware of the lady we mean? Katrin Redick? Yes. Weak.
Starting point is 01:19:44 What do you mean, Peggy? Take care. Help. Help. Oh, you were trying to help? Yes. Do you feel you have a purpose here? Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I know. What do you know? Too much for me. It's too much for all of us. Yes. God damn it, Peggy. Yeah, with Katie Swift and Travis Kelsey give me a reason. I'm curious.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Now, at that point in the seance, for whatever reason, the priest had been invited, butted in, and told Peggy that she needed to respect his church. You need it, God damn it, Peggy! I need you to fucking think about Jesus Christ! But he also asked for clarity on how he could help. Peggy, of course, let the seance soon after. I'm not gonna deal with this bullshit. But she returned with a cryptic message. After the group asked if Peggy needed their help moving on. She said, no. There was a pause. Then Peggy said, tell them. When Jane asked, tell them what?
Starting point is 01:20:49 Peggy said, all. And with that, the spirit departed. Nice. Cool. Cryptic? Tell them everything? All. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:59 All. Who knows? It's up to you. It doesn't mean anything. It's just. Middles on, middles on, middles on, middles. We're listening to the doll. Okay. At this point, we can't really. Yeah, you're listening to a doll. I just mean anything We're listening to the doll We can't like yeah, you can't talk about it not making sense or not because we're talking We're in a room with a man dressed up like a fucking dig X men for Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:21:18 And we've got a fucking doll there and we're talking about like it's this is why I hate possession movies Cuz they just all end with people yelling at the possessed thing and it just gets annoyed back to hell. Yes, well, it never really works like that. A lot of times they end up starving them to death. Yeah, that does happen sometimes. Yeah, I mean, there's this, my favorite book on possession is called, Hostage to the Devil.
Starting point is 01:21:37 It's written by this priest who lies a lot, but he has like five possession stories that are all like incredible really scary really weird And it I mean it's a lot of annoying to death But it's also you know just strange shit like a guy like it does astral projection But while his soul is elite out of his body the demon inhabits the body and when he comes back He has to share the body with the demon and then Malachi has to come and go Get out of here. That's insidious. Yeah. That is insidious. Yeah. Insidious,
Starting point is 01:22:06 which is basically scary Beetlejuice. Now, after the seance, Jane continued her investigation of Peggy the doll. But one day, she got a call from ghost bro. Number one, Zach Baggins, who wanted to feature Peggy the doll on his show, Deadly Possessions. It's funny about Zach back at Sue with it. He is actually deathly afraid of dolls. He is scared of dolls. Yeah, I mean, he said while filming the segment, it was the most uncomfortable he'd ever been in his 17 years of dealing with the paranormal. And one of the production staff suffered a stroke shortly after being in Peggy's presence.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Did you watch it? No, I didn't watch it. It's fun because they bring, it's, I love all the, I love all of this shit. I'm a sucker. I love all of this stuff. And so, you know, Jane comes in with Peggy and Peggy's got a bag over her head, right? Because they don't want to look at it and they put Peggy in a chair next to it and Zach Baggins is just like, okay, what is it?
Starting point is 01:23:02 He's like, he does this like, so why does the doll have a bag on his head? And she's like, because, oh, you got to say, so when the door looks into your eyes, you got to be customatedly. And it's like, well, I guess we got to get that bag off its head. You know, like so. And then they like whip the bag off its head and just all like, but then it is weird because then looks when the camera shut down. Why are we here? Well, not too long after the filming, a trainee paranormal investigator named Olivia Taylor was participating in a vigil in another attempt to contact the spirit within Peggy. But just as the EMF meter finally went off after six hours, Olivia
Starting point is 01:23:45 felt a tingling down her arm and a sharp pain in her head. That was one of the creepiest things from The Unbindings, and when they showed, they put the EMF reader next to the thing and it fucking spikes! It was fucking weird! The next thing this girl knew, she was surrounded by paramedics, having also suffered a stroke. Likewise, viewers took to Twitter immediately after the deadly possessions episode aired. Some claimed they had to go to the hospital because of severe pains, and one person even said
Starting point is 01:24:11 that his mother had an aneurysm during the Seant scene. Eventually, Zach Baggins took possession of Peggy, and as per a press release from 2017, she was at least at one time on display in Zach's Haunted museum in Las Vegas. Hey man, that's all I want. Residency. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:24:29 In Las Vegas. Yeah, buddy. Can you imagine us in the museum in a cage? You know what I mean? It's just been like every, every half an hour as the tour comes through, we go like, come ass. You know, like, look, the paranormal podcast. Will you get up to dispensary for me?
Starting point is 01:24:45 Knock, knock, knock, knock. What's outside like? Obviously, there are plenty of haunted dolls out there with plenty of evil stories. We could do this three more times. So Peggy's in Vegas? Yeah, Peggy's in Vegas, live in life. Yep, Peggy's in Vegas in a creepy little display case built just for her. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:25:03 It's awesome. Yeah, you got Sarggamos which is supposedly possessed by an ancient Sumerian demon by the same name. A fucking boy. Sargamos also. He ran one of my favorite Halal Cards. Right outside of my work. Both. Always. Both. There's also the Shadow Doll supposedly made from human bones and used in Satanic rituals.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Yeah, the shadow doll supposedly scares you to death in your sleep or it haunts your dreams for years if you take its picture without permission. Like Sean Penn. Have you ever made a doll out of bones? No. You have all these bones, you should make a doll. I've never made a doll. I like my bones to be free.
Starting point is 01:25:43 I want to- And I just like the bones themselves. I have an idea. I don't want to hide the bones under in a doll. I've never made a doll. I like my bones to be free. I Just like the bones themselves. I have an idea I don't want to hide the bones under in a doll We should get our own doll and try to make it haunted here in this feeling with bones feel I got a tooth at home when they took my tooth I kept it and we can put my tooth and doll see if that works You wouldn't want to do that actually because then it bonds it to you Yeah, and then it becomes like a voodoo doll for you
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah, and then I could torture that thing and every time I'm mad at you. I don't have a tooth. Yeah. I don't have a tooth. And in the more innocent realm though, there's a doll from Australia, adorably named Lettomy out. It's very cute. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Supposedly this is a. It's a scary looking doll. It's scary looking. Yeah. Supposedly the doll got its name after its owner found it in the crawl space of an abandoned farmhouse We're shooting it just like all right buddy. That's what we want to do He put it in a sack and on the way home the sack moved and so the owner and his brother were in the car
Starting point is 01:26:35 They gave it a funny voice saying let him me out. Let him me out Yeah, yeah, like it was like funny, you know, but then it looks like this and it's actually very frightened. Yeah Yeah, letting me out isn't as dangerous as Peggy or even Robert, but he is among the creepiest looking haunted dolls out there. And that's like made creepy. That's not, you know what I like about this type of creepy doll is that, you know, Hollywood, they overproduce everything. The Annabelle look so fucking stupid in Annabelle movies.
Starting point is 01:27:00 I hate when they overproduce a creepy doll. That's how, the letting me out doll is exactly how you make something creepy without fucking, you know, putting a hat on a hat on a hat. It does look like an English prisoner. It does. I'd say it looks like a rapacious pirate captain. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. And supposedly it's haunted by the spirit of a young boy that drowned to death. And the doll's supposed to resemble the boy in some way, but it looks like a 40 year old man.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Yeah, it looks like the boy is a man. Boys are different. That's a man tug. The doll can be reliably aged back to at least 200 years. They analyze the nails used to make the doll. And while no one is exactly sure why it was being kept in a crawl space in an abandoned farmhouse, it's estimated that it sat there collecting dust for about 60 years.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Wow. But regardless of why it was hidden, Lettomy out is similar to Robert It's estimated that it sat there collecting dust for about 60 years But regardless of why it was hidden Letting me out is similar to Robert in the way that its owner Carrie Walton seemed unable to part with it No matter how much money he was offered at one point someone tried giving him 10 grand for letting me out But Walton found himself unable to make the transaction when it came time for the handoff There's something about a personal relationship between you and the thing there is really there said that's what I really mean I'm instead of destroying it's because you do become to believe that it's fucking a lot You don't think he was trying to get an extra five grand I mean he would have got it
Starting point is 01:28:17 Yeah, he would have got it cuz like he would he would meet up with people like you know They say I'll give you ten grand or give you three grand whatever and he'd say okay I'm fine this time I'm finally doing it and he'd show up and you about that they'd say, I'll give you 10 grand, I'll give you three grand, whatever. And he'd say, okay, this time I'm finally doing it. And he'd show up and he'd about, they were about to do the trade, 10 grand for the doll. And he'd just go, I can't do it. I can't do it.
Starting point is 01:28:33 And then he'd take the doll back home. Finders keepers. Yeah. Now the location where Leta Me Out was found was already haunted, which was why Kerry Walton was there in the first place. It was said that one could see the ghost of an old man Dragging a sack full of heads out in front of the house on spooky nights and during that investigation
Starting point is 01:28:51 Carrie and his brother found let him me out Once Carrie got home with the doll which his entire family It's creepy. I'm curious if someone came home with this fucking thing. You wait buddy. Oh man, this is fun. We're not living together again. I wanna do, think about our divorces. And how nice and how fun that'll be Eddie. Well, Carrie found that Letting Me Out moved about rooms on its own.
Starting point is 01:29:19 It made people feel sick or lightheaded when in its presence and it caused dogs to go berserk. But other than that, Letting Me Out is out is I mean you can see a picture here I mean, but there's a picture of letting me out next to a bunch of fosters Yeah, they're drinking out of bars. He's drinking out of bar now. He's a pretty cute I mean as far as they go he's the creepiest looking, but I think also the most harmless You know why he's Australian you think so they're very friendly people they're friendly They're fun-lo. They're friendly.
Starting point is 01:29:45 They're fun loving. Even their haunted stuff is like, I bet you still can't drink a couple of bass with it. Nothing man. They literally would like, they're having beers with it. That's how they live. Australia? Yeah. Let's invite them to the show.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Can we get actually, can someone bring... Yeah, if someone, whoever, talk to these guys, let's get the haunted doll at the fucking show. Side stores LPOTL at Can we get, let them me out at our show. Full VIP access? Full VIP access to like 1500 souls. We're gonna be dead. Now, all this begs the question as to why someone would actually want a haunted doll in their house,
Starting point is 01:30:20 considering how much trouble they cause. It's cool. Well, that's the thing. Both eBay and Etsy are filled with listings for haunted dolls, and those sales skyrocketed after the release of the Annabelle movie in 2017. It's leveled off though. Now, instead of just saying, hey, this doll is haunted, the sellers of these cursed objects sometimes claim to go through an arduous authentication process to ensure the doll they're
Starting point is 01:30:44 selling is indeed haunted. Mostly they use the more scientific equipment, the EVP recorders, the K2 EMF meters, and the ever-present PSP7, the Spirit Box. Sure. To add legitimacy, the listings will often be accompanied by videos of EVP meters lighting up when they're held next to the doll.
Starting point is 01:31:01 But of course, each of these sellers have different methods, and one seller in particular outlined his process top to bottom. Because EVP, well, EVP is interesting. EVP is, it would be an EMF meter because an EVP is the electronic voice for protection. That is like when you talk and you like record a thing and then you, you ask a spirit questions and then you don't hear it in person. But when you play it back, you hear something on the on the recording Oh, I thought it was an abbreviation for ET verse predator the movie It's just like a predator with four ET skulls on his fucking
Starting point is 01:31:41 Attached to his belt Fucking great on his fucking attached to his belt. That's a fucking great movie though. I'm pushing them all over the place today. You know what it is too? Because ET, no one talks about what its fucking weaponry would be like. Is there a warrior class in the ET movie? Who knows? Because remember, ET was a child.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Yeah. Oh, it's a little... Because remember at the end of the movie, you've got ET's parents are sitting there waiting for him. They're like, where the fuck you been? So yeah, ET is a child. We don't know what a fully grown like full-powered ET is capable of yeah, you can hop over along you was quick little fucker he was quick
Starting point is 01:32:12 Yeah, and he had no legs you weird little stumps and it fucking fly. Yeah, it's cool. Mm-hmm. You've seen the ET porno, right? No, you haven't I mean I've made a couple It's horrible You haven't? I mean, I've made a couple. What does that mean? It's horrible. Yeah, we'll send it to you tonight. It's infamous, but yeah, it's horrible. It's a woman in full ET makeup, an ET head. Oh, they make ET a woman?
Starting point is 01:32:35 They make ET a woman and ET gets fucked. Yeah, it's really bad. Oh, there it is. Yeah, you're not going to like that. Oh, watch that. Oh, it's getting to suck in the dick is the worst part, I think. I think that's the part that really disconcerts me. Well, I mean, you know figure ETB graded head with that long throat. Mm-hmm. I miss my home planet
Starting point is 01:32:54 Well, let's go through this cellar's Authentication process. Okay first the doll is separated from other paranormal objects and examined by a K2 EMF meter for three to five days in a soundproof box next to a voice activated recorder to see if it lets loose with a sound or a phrase. Then the seller conducts a lucid dreaming session in her bed next to the doll to see if she has any weird dreams. Finally, she writes a 15 page report on how haunted the doll is and what sort of spirit might be haunting it whether it be demon dead child fairy or if you're lucky a Leprechaun, I don't think that there's anything lucky about it being a Because you can't I don't want to get involved with the leprechauns business One bad leprechaun ruins it for all of leprechauns are bad. Yeah leprechauns have always been bad leprechauns are bad They're considered lucky. They're not.
Starting point is 01:33:45 We turned it into lucky because of a marketing campaign to make St. Patrick's Day out fucking big holiday in America, but they're not. They're evil. They're they're small. They're rich. Well, they're mischievous and they're neutral. Yeah, that's the biggest problems that neutrality means that they don't think about our agendas. Yeah, chaotic neutral. He just has a... he worked too long at a cheese steak restaurant. Yeah, you worked in the back of too many restaurants. Yeah, some people just misunderstood. Yeah, he's talking about the entire restaurant industry. Yeah, fully chaotic, neutral industry.
Starting point is 01:34:18 As a caveat though, selling paranormal objects on eBay can run afoul of eBay's terms of use, because eBay explicitly forbids the auctioning or sale of human souls. It's actually in the fucking rules. I believe that came from someone trying to sell a soul that was like on a piece of paper. Yeah. Oh, interesting. The reasoning is that if the soul does exist, it would violate eBay's policy of selling human body parts or remains. Can you sell a dog? Not an eBay, I don't think.
Starting point is 01:34:45 I think you can sell like a stuffed dog. Yeah, you can. A stuffed dog, sure. Yeah. Oh, like a taxidermy dog. Yeah, you can sell a live dog. Can you not auction off a living dog? I think that's fucked up.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Why? Because we don't have to put it in a box and chip it. You can do local only. Yeah, you figure it out. Yeah, I'm looking up right now. Yeah, but yeah. I love what this is gonna do to me. You sell a live dog on eBay go to eBay I got the app. No, I just looking at living dog does not come out That does not show any you're not pets and most live animals are not allowed on eBay
Starting point is 01:35:16 Yeah, okay, they said they're few that pass there's a few there's a live animal You can get fertilized eggs Mm-hmm. You can get bees You can buy a whole shit ton of bees. You can buy lobsters. Okay. And then you can buy mice as food for pets. Okay. And then stud services. Oh yeah, stud services. Oh, testicle. Yeah. No, stud services meaning yeah, you can sell cum. Yeah, you can get some and shit like that. Yeah, bunch of pig cum. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. Now you know to give me for my birthday. Some pork juice.
Starting point is 01:35:50 I'm going to be so upset if a fucking huge jar of pig cum shows up at our P O box. We've been waiting for years. We've been talking about buying and selling livestock fucking cum for literally dozen years. Yeah, we really have 470 North Hollywood California. You could ship it with some ice. for literally dozen years. Yeah, we really have four seven zero North Hollywood California. Come on now. Six zero three. If you could ship it with some ice. Yeah. Yeah. Because we only check it every once in a while. Yeah. And don't just jerk off a pig into a mason jar. We want an actual farmer to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:17 But if the soul does not exist, this is the other side of the soul argument when it comes to eBay's terms of service. If the soul does not exist, then eBay can't allow the auction because there's nothing to sell. So either way, selling a doll explicitly on the merit that it contains the soul of something or other is explicitly forbidden. That rule, however, is usually skirted by including the phrase, for entertainment purposes only. Yeah, or like haunted looking doll. And so to end this episode, in honor of our haunted doll sellers on eBay, Henry will read the description for an item titled,
Starting point is 01:36:49 Succubus Doll Mystical Metaphysical Paranormal Sexual Haunt Doll Spirit, which sold last Tuesday for $25. This demon Succubus will use her charm and seductive powers to manipulate you. She will use illusions and enchantments to entice you. She will flaunt her body at you, wearing lace, leather, and whatever else she feels that you are attracted to. A seductress that will shape shift into any form. She will call upon her sisters and even her mother Lilith. A relationship with her could get out of hand and unhealthy. Remember to stay focused while allowing her to take advantage of you. If you are lusting with desire and in need of a sexual explosion experience, then she will prove to be the key. Any questions, please message. eBay requires
Starting point is 01:37:29 me to state that this is buying a tangible item and not a paranormal experience. Shipped priority mail, insured. A sexual explosion experience. I feel like, man, I don't need this. I heard what it was like to date Angelina Joe leader in the late 90s And it seemed like it was dollars is cheap First sexual explosion experience. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah people pay way more than 25 for a sexual explosion experience Oh, yeah. Hey man, they really do they pay with their whole fucking lives Wow guys I think it's a port to remember that when we are looking for
Starting point is 01:38:04 Talking about haunted dolls a lot of people want proof. Yeah, they want objective proof I think it's important to remember that when we are looking for, talking about haunted dolls, a lot of people want proof. Yeah. They want objective proof. We've said this all, you know, talked about in the UFO stream last time. We all wanted objective proof. We want to catch these things in a fucking bowl. All right. And we want to be able to put them on display, want to dissect them in a lab, but don't really work like that because more than any other expression of the capital P phenomena, I feel like this is one of those that's about you and the haunted object and it's a consciousness
Starting point is 01:38:31 thing, we just don't understand. That's it. Does that mean it's not real? I think that it's about if it's extremely real to you, it's real to you. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah. Well, there's also the, you know, the,
Starting point is 01:38:47 it's the concept of magic is that it doesn't matter whether it's real or not. It only matters that it works. And that you think it's real. I went to the magic castle and there was this dude like heckling the magician shit, talking about how it was. That's not real.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Yeah, and stuff like that. And I'm not a magic fan either. That's weird. But I was like, I was like, what the fuck are we doing here? But the guy, the magician had the best explanation. I think I ever heard he said yes I do tricks of sleight of hand, you know in my hand sometimes are quicker than your eyes Just so you could choose to see magic or you can choose to see something faked Just like when someone plays the violin, you can choose to hear horse hair scratching against cat intestines or you could hear music. Yeah, I love that
Starting point is 01:39:27 That's an incredible explanation. I love that. Yeah, because magic's a skill. Yeah, it's a ritual school because it's not the it's not You're not going to see a warlock No, I saw an incredible magician the other day do something with like a Rubik's Cube, I mean, I was blown away. Shove it up his ass. That's what happened is that he got the Rubik's Cube, he handed it to a guy. He said, you're jumbling up, jumbling up, jumbling up. Now, shove it. We're going to my magic cabinet. And you would see, he was like, who's that old cold-headed shit? And it's like perfectly done. No, dude. He fucking pulled it out. It was full set of Monopoly game
Starting point is 01:40:09 What a great episode yeah, what a fun time really good work Yeah, let's hope that we didn't fuck up our entire lives by covering these haunted dolls. I'm sorry Robert the haunted I'm sorry Robert. I'm sorry Peggy. Yep. We're very sorry. We love you Apologize to Robert not to Peggy not Peggy. I don't believe in Peggy. He's real. Yeah. Robert seems real to me. I'm not going anywhere near him. I'm not gonna drive him home. I'm not gonna go. We're not gonna go. Is there anything with scaffolding? Is it because you've been to Key West but you've never been to England? Um, I guess that might have something to do with it. And I know that Key West is, you know, there's something wrong there. Gotcha. Yeah, and I love going
Starting point is 01:40:46 Yeah, yeah, that negative as like New Orleans. Yeah, I love going to keep yeah Well when we go to England you're gonna find out there's something wrong there too. Yeah, everywhere we go Where there's humans Well hail Satan. Oh hell, Gean everybody Bye Hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell, hell,

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