Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 563: Anders Breivik Part I - Portrait of an Asshole

Episode Date: February 16, 2024

This week the boys take a glimpse into the early life of Norwegian neo-Nazi, Mass Killer - Anders Breivik and learn how his skewed upbringing and sense of superiority would inevitably lead him to the most deadly attack in Norway since WWII.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On Wizard and the Bruiser, we find all those crazy little moments in geek history that make the things we love into inescapable cultural behemoths. If you love video games, movies, comics and anime, this is the LPN show for you. But wait Holden, it's not just educational. Shouldn't we talk about all those crazy boner jokes we make all the time? No Jake! No we will not! Fair enough!
Starting point is 00:00:26 Last podcast network presents Wizard and the Bruiser. Find it on your favorite podcast app and hit that little Subby Dubby button. Ooh, we would love it if you did that. Oh, that would help us out so much. God, wouldn't you love to do that? Don't I sound like the kind of person you want to help? Like, hit the button. Like, just do it.
Starting point is 00:00:44 There's no place to escape to. This is the last talk. I was working on honestly just to prep this entire show all I did was watch yeah three or four times in a row Yeah, and guess what man? Sucks. Yeah, didn't like really sucks, but one thing is we have we begun are we recording this? Are you ready for the sequel? Hmm retard? Honestly, we probably could learn more from that. But you know what's nice? I'll say what's nice about reading somebody else's manifesto is that it gives me a break from mine.
Starting point is 00:01:38 He is taking notes. It's just so nice to step back because you look at Anders Bravix works. You look at it and you're like, what can I do better? Because this is the worst shit possible. But also, you know, less is more. That's what Anders Bravix manifesto taught me is that less is more. I could use more pictures, but he does in the preamble of it. He talks about all the various ways it can be distributed.
Starting point is 00:02:02 So he gives you permission to distribute it for him. And so he puts a whole thing in there about how he would have included a lot more pictures and diagrams, but they would have made the file too big to share on just an email. And I don't want to have all these different drop box links floating around because this is sensitive materials. And it's like fucking, fucking page shit.
Starting point is 00:02:22 1500 pages of that. Not of just whining. So annoying. And it's like fucking fucking shit 1500 pages of that not of just whining And it's complicated whining. Yeah It's the worst kite. I keep it simple. Welcome to last I'm Marcus Parks. I'm here for the complicated whining with Henry's brows It's brave it brave it's what I can't, I was listening, oh my god hours yesterday I was driving to Venice Beach and was back and forth and I was just listening to the audiobook of one of us and it gets in there.
Starting point is 00:02:52 It's Anders Bravik. Bravik. He has an audiobook of his manifesto? No, no, no, no, that's me reading it aloud to people on the screen. Oh, this is a great idea for the Patreon. You're reading people's manifestos. Oh, and that a great idea for the Patreon! You're creating people's manifestos! Oh, and that's Ed Larsen with the Million Dollar Ideas. Hey, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:03:10 I'm currently working on my Manifesto. Ooh, man! Honestly, that's our restaurant. Manifesto? Manifesto, where you have to- Fuck it, 10 page menu? Yeah, I know, Tim, you go through my screens, and then you have to read every one of my shoutouts.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Oh, Anders Breivik. It's Breivik. Breivik. Breivik. Anders Breivik was a Norwegian spree killer who murdered 77 people over the course of one long afternoon in July of 2011. While eight people were killed in a bomb blast Breivik set off in downtown Oslo, 69 were shot at a summer camp for politically active youths on the nearby island of Utoya.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Now, we can't talk about how, unfortunately, with that number, no matter what we do, no matter what I do, I see the number and even the most solemn moments that I'm reading the most incredibly serious. We said we wouldn't do this. I know. It's just incredibly serious. We explicitly said we wouldn't do this. I'm not.'s just incredibly serious. We explicitly said we wouldn't do this. I'm not, I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 00:04:08 But I was just talking about it. It was commentary on it. Commentary on the thing that we said we wouldn't do, that we said was just for you and me, and we weren't going to share with anyone else. Nice. What are you talking about? Well, as far as his reasoning went for committing
Starting point is 00:04:23 one of the deadliest one-man shooting sprees of the 21st century, Brevik had convinced himself that he was fighting against the tide of Muslim immigrants by murdering those he felt responsible, the so-called cultural Marxists. That was a self-made term, by the way. Why can't they all be like failed warcraft where everybody shows up and it designates a time and it all happens and everybody's asking me, where do we have our potions and But in targeting the island, Brevik went about his one man war in the most cowardly way possible. Instead of targeting anyone who might fight back, he went for unarmed Norwegians between the ages of 14 and 25, i.e. political enemies who posed
Starting point is 00:05:06 no physical threat. Who also had no idea that they were his political enemies. He says, this guy, I also want to make sure up top because Anders Bravik loves the concept that he is a freedom fighter and a terrorist. And that is why he loves the moniker of terrorists to like he want he tried to earn the moniker of terrorists. That's why we want to make sure what we actually is, is a is a big floppy Norsh fucking pussy.
Starting point is 00:05:36 That is a spree killer. Well, he's a spree killer. So we want to make sure we put it in that context. Yeah, he's a spree killer. Just because you got a stupid manifesto doesn't make you some kind of high falut and Osama bin Laden type. Okay. I know you think you want that, but you don't have the infrastructure. As a matter of fact, Osama bin Laden had friends. Yeah, he did. You know, like he does it. That's how unlikeable Anders Bravik was. Yeah. At
Starting point is 00:05:57 the end of the day, Al-Qaeda is still hanging out. They're all hanging out. They're going, they're having barbecues. They're hanging out. They're doing shit. They're playing games, they're playing soccer and shit. There's a lot of stuff besides terrorism that Alcada does is kind of got they have a community outreach program I got more guys in there. That's the term but this guy Anders Bravik He couldn't even convince other haters to like what he hates mm-hmm piece of shit Indeed correct to make matters worse the immediate response by the Norwegian authorities to Breviks'
Starting point is 00:06:26 killing spree was bungled on a level that nearly surpasses what happened at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas in 2022, where a shooter with no experience in firearms managed to kill 21 while police waited outside. Hey, those cops were scared. And you didn't even think about the cops. I think about those cops, and those kids just started life. And those cops knew what they would lose. So it's so hard.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I will not defend those children. Breviks spent well over an hour on that island, casually murdering teenagers and young adults before police finally managed to make their way out there to stop him. This was despite the fact that Brevik actually tried giving himself up twice, basically telling authorities over the phone, okay, I'm done, come get me. Come again to me.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But when they didn't, he resumed killing anyone he found by first shooting them with a rifle, then putting two pistol bullets in their head, all in the pursuit of a misguided and misinformed quest to rid Norway of those he held responsible for their increasing Muslim population and let's be clear Norway's still pretty white So I don't really know what he's talking about a lot of this stuff He made up and a lot of the stuff obviously he made up from his fart filled gaming chair While playing World of Warcraft well
Starting point is 00:07:44 He made up a lot of it himself other people made it up for him a ton of obviously he made up from his fart filled gaming chair while playing World of Warcraft. Well he made up a lot of it himself, other people made it up for him, a ton of it's made up, well getting a little bit of statistics later on to dispute all this fucking horseshit that these guys paddle every single day. It's all white, white people, white snow, white... What is fool's what? Yeah, the pairing. The pairing. It's all white. It's very interesting because he's like, ha, you know, it's again, it's just an example of somebody who has not stepped past this computer screen that believes he has a full read on the entire society at large, where it's like, no dog, you sit inside all day.
Starting point is 00:08:22 You don't do jack shit. You're not a part of society. No, you can't judge society based on simply reading shit on the internet. Because guess what, man? It's wrong. And all of this, especially this right wing, what they do to sort like, we're talking a little bit before the show, because there are obviously left wing fascist ideas along with right wing fascist ideas. There is left wing fascism, but I never understand why right wing fascists think that the only thing that you could do to combat left-wing fascism is to replace it with another type of fascism. Well, the thing is that this guy isn't even, there wasn't even left-wing fascism. No, there wasn't. Like he's not, he's fighting against nothing. He's fighting against ghosts.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Yes. Yes. He hates Muslims and he killed my kids. Yes. Now as far as his personality went, Brevik was a narcissist of the highest order, a failure in everything except the act of murder, a continued blight on society from the moment he was born and tragically pathetic in every way. Have you seen his trench-drap beard? I feel like that's the first example that you're not the Ubermensch. If you cannot grow the connectors from the mustache to the beard, I don't think you're going to be the king of Norway. The Norwegians have big thick-ass beard, famously.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Up until he began earnestly preparing for his assault, Brevik lived with his mother and spent most of his time online in a location he himself dubbed the Fart Room, and he was so off-putting and repellent that he was kicked out of every real-life organization he tried to join. Of other miscrants. Yes. Like, literally he would specifically go to where it's pretty easy to be included and specifically get cut out. Fart room does, you know, make me, you know, kind of, that's funny. Yes. But it's the only time he actually had a sense of humor in his entire life. One time. Yeah. And in Norwegian, it's Fatsrum.
Starting point is 00:10:12 It's even funnier. Yeah. It's even funnier. As a result, Brevik became a creature of the internet. In his later years, he spent most of his time either playing World of Warcraft, voraciously reading extremist right-wing blogs and message boards, or taking pictures of himself cosplaying as a knight's templar or a special forces op while wearing his trademark vacant stare. He has that copyright. And actually if you try to do an Norwegian vacant stare, which
Starting point is 00:10:41 is like, I will not, just to be, to try to get sued by Anders Branden, I'll try it now. You can't see it, it's only visual. You can't see it, but it's- You have to look at, you have to go to our Patreon. That's right. To see that trademark vacant stair. Come for me, you Norway lawyers.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I don't know if they even, do they have lawyers over there? They have to wear, they'll have to sit in a bucket or something. They'll be like, do they talk to a duck? They throw a penguin if it lands on its belly, he's guilty Well if Brevik wasn't spending his time online, he was writing his rambling plagiaristic highly repetitive manifesto Which ran a staggering 1500 pages. You feel each page. Yeah, I can really do So who'd he plagiarize just out of curiosity. Other right-wing dickheads. Okay, cool. Yeah. He called because he said his was the ultimate compendium of right-wing thoughts. Yeah. Well, this quite possibly
Starting point is 00:11:35 makes it the longest spree killer manifesto in history, although the tedious nature of the text certainly reflects the tedious personality of the author. T-D-M is the medium in which he works. And he, Natalie asked me this morning, because I was like, oh, this fucking manifesto. And we're going to last two days. And she's like, well, has there ever been an entertaining manifesto? And I said, well, from our episodes, Christorn. Christorn or... Great manifesto.
Starting point is 00:12:01 No, never. The great manifesto. You remember? Oh my God. It was fucking pain in my life. It was terrifying when it happened. Storn or never great manifesto you remember oh my god Terrify when it happened around killing people he drops Jeff Ross's name. I'm working for him at the time Yeah, we're shooting a TV show. Yeah, he's running around LA killing cops. He's like I love you. We're like what the fuck Never turn away a fan But before we get to the formative years of Anders Brevik, let's acknowledge our main source today.
Starting point is 00:12:26 For this series, we're relying on the definitive and pleasantly exhaustive book, One of Us, by Azneus Sarastad, which could have just as easily been titled Portrait of an Asshole. That's this episode title immediately. Now this book is really fucking good. Yeah. And it really does place the context of Anders Brevik and how he got like where he came from. It's really step by step and a very interesting read and also very funny because she fucking burns them in every corner. Oh yeah. I mean the subject can be tedious.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Anders Brevik himself can be tedious, but the book never is. I mean it's props to the author for like writing a story in such a way as to make it like fascinating. You know to look into like how does one become an Anders Brevik. I'll tell you how. Don't get good at anything. That's the first obstacle. And so let's get into that portrait by exploring the family that produced one of the most abhorrent people of the 21st century.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Now when it comes to the biggest influence in Brevik's home life, it was undoubtedly his mother who helped make Brevik into the type of person who was capable of doing what he did. Yeah, mom of the year. Yeah, her name was Venka Behring, born in Norway just after World War II in 1946. After spending most of her early years in an orphanage because her mother was partially paralyzed by polio, Veninka was eventually brought home, where her mother beat her mercilessly
Starting point is 00:13:47 and blamed Vinka for cursing her with a debilitating illness. Well, she was right or? I don't know. I don't know how, I guess maybe she thought that she caught polio from her daughter and that's what paralyzed her. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:13:59 How bad could the beatings have been? Seriously. Polio. Seriously. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't stop happening. I mean, if you get the wheelchair over there and you're into the upper body, still working. I mean, FDR could still punch you in the arm real hard. Oh, FDR is strong, motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Oh, yeah, he's got jacked arms. Yeah, he used to have this wooden elevator in his house that he would like pull up by himself. Yeah. It was like a bad act. Yeah, he makes him strong. Is it weird that polio turns you into a rollo? Yeah. Because of this misplaced blame,
Starting point is 00:14:30 Vinka's mother forbade her from having friends to make life even more miserable. And the members of the Bering family were described by neighbors as gloomy and creepy. And perfect, exactly. Exactly as ordered. Anders Brevik does not disappoint. This is like the land of gloom.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yes. No, this is a gloomy and creepy land. They kind of did talk about that. Because it was funny because I actually kind of thought that the weather in Norway might actually be very good. But they said like, I guess that is a stereotype that even the summertime it's very depressing in Norway. Yeah, I could see that. It's beyond the wall. You know, it's fucking upsetting.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah. David Thrones, you know. Yeah. Oh,. Game of Thrones, you know, I was like Berlin and now it's like David Hasselhoff and then I was thinking about Hitler. And no, they're all white walkers. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Game of Thrones again. I view them as the Gimli's. I think there's Gimli's. It's like when we went to Stockholm, I met Gimli's and I met Legolas's. And there was the two and the Gimli's came to our show and they said that the Legolas's wouldn't come to our show because they all of their too busy fucking the strong people
Starting point is 00:15:34 Mountains and they come from the north Down to our shows. Um we our show is in Sweden. Yeah, but that's what I mean Yar, but that's what I mean. No, I've had much a lot of experience with the Scandinavians. I know the Icelandic people quite well, and they're quite jolly. Are they considered Scandinavian? Yeah, definitely. Absolutely. I don't know. I thought it was just that cluster. I thought it was Norway, Sweden, Finland. Well, I mean they do see themselves with somewhat apart, but yes, they're very much Scandinavian. Yeah, because the Icelanders are like, they're like island people. They eat puffin and they live on lava. You know what I mean? Norway is the land of, like, not clocks, but it's
Starting point is 00:16:14 something like clocks. That's right. It is like cold Hawaii. Yeah. Well, after Venke Bering, Anders' mother, after she left home at 17, she was actually well liked by most of the people who know her. She was described as quick, clever, and considerate. But all that changed when she began having children. After having a baby with a Swedish man, Vinka married a cold and remote Norwegian named Jens Brivik. Soon after she gave birth to Anders, although Anders came very close to being an abortion.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Ah, so close! Yeah! Yeah, just right out of the- almost. Venka, after rushing into the marriage, noticed that Jens was distant at best with adults, but he was even worse with children. Yeah, why do you think if you're not good with adults, you're definitely not going to be super great with kids? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that's wrong, But dogs are probably fine.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah. I mean, you know. But maybe thinking that Jens would act differently with a child of his own, Vinka went forward with the pregnancy anyway, giving birth to Anders in 1979. I've always, and that's always been my advice. If you find that your marriage isn't working and you're having problems there in the set of your relationship, throw a kid in there.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yeah. Always works. It always does. It always does. Because you know what's nice is, you guys give you a chance for you both to focus your rage and your bitterness on a third party. You know what I mean? Who didn't ask to be here? Scapegoats. Exactly. Perfect. You know what? What's a baby goat? A kid.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Interesting. Her fears, however, were soon realized when gents showed no interest in the infant anders, and Vinka became even more distant and inconsiderate of anyone's feelings but his own. In other words, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Being an asshole can be genetic. Oh, it was definitely in the DNA. Yeah, because... It looks like a skinned apple And all believe they are the arian like they're always think that they're the pinnacle of white people Yeah, and then you look at them. It's like have you seen Tom Brady?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Like have you seen like you're not like, you know like you're like cuz it was maybe even I'm into high-dism That's what I call it. Oh, yeah, people say that against me Well people say that about you well, they said call me a short King which I find to be infantilizing well King is Very much a couple it's a no it is cuz it's I've heard you refer to yourself as a prince more than once Cuz I am I'm different. I actually am a short King others are not you're like the prize pig at the farm Doesn't know it's about to get killed. But get stunted right before he's murdered, which is the only thing I asked for.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Why do these guys all think that they're the fucking, like you have a, you look like a guy who orders paper for the office. Yeah. It's the old cliches that the biggest champions of the white race are always the worst fucking examples of it. Yeah. Always.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And so over the next few years, Venka fell into a depression that she'd struggle with for the rest of her life, in addition to a myriad of other untreated mental problems that were only made worse by the fact that her son seemed to be born bad. We don't talk about that a lot on the show because I do feel like, you know, it's difficult to say that children are born bad, but Anders Bravik deserves that he deserves that moniker he was a piece of shit I bet you he was a bad egg in the pussy
Starting point is 00:19:32 I bet you didn't like I think his sperm was a dickhead yeah like he is such an absolute utter total dickhead since day one and he maybe he was scary as a four-year-old. Yeah. After only a year, Anders turned from a fairly placid baby to a clinging, whining, moody, violent toddler. Meanwhile, Vinka had filed a divorce from Jens and seemed to be changed by the utter failure of her marriage. Subsequently, she became strange and aggressive. Yeah. Which are two, it's a terrible combination to be strange and aggressive Well, what happens when your baby is turns into Alfred Molina from boogie night? Your baby's become Tom the size more and it's walking back and forth throwing shit ever going like And you're like she's a fucking. You were just sucking on me.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah, you know he fucking ruined her nipples, man. Oh yeah. Those nipples are like at least a foot and a half. It's hard when you turn a breast into a fjord. See, in Norway, single parents can apply for something called respite care, in which children spend time with another family to give Overwhelmed caregivers a chance to catch the breath. It's a great fucking program
Starting point is 00:20:49 It's there to give a human being a healthy amount of leisure time. Yeah, take holidays connect with friends and family God forbid You have a fucking single parent has time to fucking relax for god damn second Oh, you mean like a fight, because you know what, man? Fuck you. How dare you have freedom? I'd borrow a kid. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I totally would borrow a kid. Yeah, yeah, be like, I'll teach him how to pick pocket and then like we'll go down there. I'll like I teach him how to hot wire cars. I'll get a Kia boy. Yeah. Roll this blunt. That'd be incredible.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Now, Anders and Venka were approved for respite care and Anders was assigned to visit a more stable family twice a month. Venka, however, couldn't help but make bizarre and patently illegal requests to the family helping her out. Because I don't know, like, we're obviously, we can't go into the full details of it, but Venka, like, she was weird. Yeah, she was very, very strange. And they just kind of let him to his own device because like she just told everyone at like just straight up like my baby scares me.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, it's scaring. It's it's like he's he's encompassing my entire life. And his father has checked out. Like he's checked. He like lives in London now and they're in Oslo. So he's a lower level diplomat. Yeah. Which I think just now, and they're in Oslo. So he's like- Well, he was a lower level diplomat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Which I think just means he fucks people in other countries. Reports back. Not good soggy vagina, painted hair, good conversation. Well, for an example of Venka's strangeness, she was obsessed with her son's sexuality. And therefore, paradoxically insisted that Anders be allowed to, quote, touch his weekend dad's penis on the regular.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Actually, I think there was a series of movies called Touch Your Weekend Dad's Penis. No, but she would ask him, and he's like, so do you mind, like, he doesn't really have a father figure around, so do you mind that maybe even he's around, he could maybe touch your penis? And like, what was the reasoning for this? the reason was that if he wanted to be straight
Starting point is 00:22:48 He had to be familiar with how a male body worked because he only saw girls crotches. Yeah, I didn't know I knew I knew my penis, it was all about, vagina's still a box of wonders. You just weren't trained right, man. You weren't trained right. I am the perfect man because I jerked off my grandfather once a week. And he taught me, he was in World War II. And it's important to see a greatest generation cock once. In order for you to understand what it's like to have a penis that beat Hitler.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Nice gray. you don't understand what it's like to have a penis that beat Hitler. Nice gray. He used to wear like three feet long underwear too. I do remember that about my grandfather. He was covered in powder. Yeah. That was the old days. Incredibly the weakened family didn't report Venka for these nonsensical and abusive requests
Starting point is 00:23:41 simply because they were just too embarrassed to talk to anyone about it. That's just weird. I guess in other countries they don't have cannoli Sundays. Please sir, please let my boy touch you please. I beg of you. I don't think so. Okay, I'm just a weekend daddy. Maybe we could have some sort of compromise where I just, I go pants less and I stand in like 10, 15 feet away from him.
Starting point is 00:24:12 And strangely though, while the weekend family described Anders as a sweet boy, he was a mildly psychopathic terror to his mother. Brevik would hit both his mother and his sister. He would smirk when he was punished, and he would shout, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt when his mother wrongly shook him out of frustration.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, he was specifically very aggravating. And they did say that four or four year old, he punched hard. Yeah, well, I guess at four year old, four year olds I guess don't have the intention to hurt a lot of times, but man, I guess a four year old just four year olds, I guess don't have the intention to hurt a lot of times, but man, I guess if you have it. No, four year olds can fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:24:49 They got the sharp nails and shit. They can fucking laugh. Yeah, they don't give a shit. They can fuck you up, dude. Yeah. But they, when do you, this seems like a question that's gonna get me in trouble. When can you start shaking somebody?
Starting point is 00:25:04 I say you can shake an 18 year old boy. Man, yeah, yeah, yeah. Once you turn 18. Once you turn 18, before that you can't shake him. Happy birthday! No! Fucker! First-quick test!
Starting point is 00:25:20 But worst of all, Anders would crawl into Venkkis bed at night and press himself against her Forcing his burgeoning and confused sexual desires onto his mother creating a sort of vicious cycle of Increasingly bizarre behavior on both their parts. Are we still talking about four? Yeah four or five He's trying to bang his mom. No, you know real weird with it. He's just getting real weird with it. You've never done the caterpillar game on your relative? No, it's funny. No easy. It's also like I maintain Anders Bravick is homosexual. And so I think that this is not an actual,
Starting point is 00:25:57 I don't think he actually liked women. I don't think this was a woman thing. I think this was a strange mixture of a, it is a search for affection. Sure. In a way, because he does not know how to receive affection and she does not know how to give affection. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Outside of the home, Anders was described as clingy and difficult, aggressive with how much attention he demanded from adults. But with children, he was remote. Described as invisible, silent, and scared, neighbors began calling him the Meccano boy because of the stiff, angular way in which he both acted and carried himself. You're obsessed with being neat and clean. You couldn't be like, you couldn't touch his stuff. Like he would like, if you took his toys, it's not that he wouldn't share is that they would take the toys and he just sit there
Starting point is 00:26:47 Silently unmoving as you played with his toys Gribby yeah, he never any one sister one sister. Yeah, like a younger sister. Yeah Vinka meanwhile was approaching manic in her behavior. From recollections, she ignored social cues and conversations and jumped from one subject to another, speaking inappropriately about sex constantly and laughing at her own stories while the person she talked to politely and awkwardly listened. Laughing at your own stories? I don't know what that's like. Yeah, I never heard anyone like that.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I've never done that in my entire life. No, no, no, nervous laughter. C word. By me, though, Venka and Anders were referred to the Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for evaluation when Anders was four. Their specialist found, quote, a boy who took no joy in life, who couldn't play, take part in games, or pretend anything. And that would go for the rest of his life. Anders Bravik is medically unable to have fun. Yes. And there's something about that that makes a little Nazi. Yeah. I don't know what it is. We were talking again, it was one of those conversations we were
Starting point is 00:28:00 having before the show of like, because Anders Bravik is the same, same type of nerd as the Nazis, right? Like just the same type in terms of like real aggressive and also proactive. Like it's a proactive, hyper focused shithead. And a lot of it is that got to do with the fact that they can't, they physically can't have fun so they don't want anybody else to ever have fun. So I guess they decide that like fascism is the only way. Yeah, I found out something really interesting about Nazis, They don't want anybody else to ever have fun. So I guess they decide that like fascism is the only way. Yeah. I found out something really interesting about Nazis,
Starting point is 00:28:28 specifically Joseph Goebbels, the head of propaganda. I was watching this documentary about this jazz band that played for the Nazis, played like propaganda songs like don't trust the Jews, the Jews are bad. Wow. And they'd be like broadcasted to fucking England and all in America and all over the place. But one of these guys in the jazz band said he once watched
Starting point is 00:28:48 a screening of The Great Dictator, you know, the Charlie Chaplin Hitler movie with Joseph Goebbels. So he's laughing his ass off the entire time. Marcus tells me this right before the show. He's like, you know, Goebbels was a funny guy? No, I didn't say it like that. What I said was, is I was also reading last night in the Garden of the Beast. It's Eric Larson book about American diplomats in Nazi Germany while listening to music that was forbidden by the Nazis for the can series we got coming up on No Dogs in Space.
Starting point is 00:29:25 to America actually did say like they said in their letters, Joseph Kerples was funny. That's a funny guy. They said he was witty. He was good. He was like good company. They actually said that he was the carrot top of the Nazi party. Which I was like, that's wild. But how insane is that? Charlie Chaplin didn't want to make that movie. Really? Yeah. No, he actually, he was real worried about it. And then he hit up the president, FDR. And the FDR was like yeah
Starting point is 00:29:45 No, do it. This is your job as like an American as a hilarious America Well as far as Breviks personality went he had no language for expressing emotions and he was unable to empathize with others Which honestly, it's not the craziest thing because kids around four years old, they're notorious for like pointing out physical abnormalities loudly and in public. Oh yeah, of course. I've had a kid just be like, yeah, ugly. You know, and you're like, I understand that then you obviously you beat the living shit out of this child and then everything moves on.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Oh my God, I'm so glad neither one of you have children. You're just talking constantly about beating children. No, we would never beat him in real life because of all the fucking implications. I'm shaking him. I'm not beating him. I'm shaking him. Psychological warfare. You're slapping him like hysterical. But eventually though, as we'll see later, Brevik would drop any pretense of living in the outside world in favor of a custom-made reality in which he was the savior of European purity. Now, as far as his mother, Vinka, went, she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
Starting point is 00:30:57 and could often be heard screaming at a four-year-old Anders that she wished he was dead. So that couldn't have helped either. No. But as a result, the center recommended that Anders be put into the foster care system. So maybe someone could turn this kid around. And I've always heard the foster care system is really where kids go to blossom. I don't know how it is in Norway. In Norway, I would imagine it's far better than the foster care system here.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I mean, who know? I mean, no, they are a you're seeing the the The advantages of a truly liberal government. Yeah, which is like but on the other hand Like it is interesting no matter how good people got it anywhere else or how any system works There's always like, you know in the Kabbalah and they talk about magical principles about polarity There's always like there's always if there's one extreme. There's always gonna be the other extreme So you have the most liberal, open-minded, socially-minded country in the world. Like, of course you're gonna have this like little enclave of absolute shithead Nazis in the center of it.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Well, soon Breviks' father Jens heard about the center's recommendations and demanded emergency custody. But after a court determined that Anders was not in immediate physical danger, the request was denied. Maybe recognizing that she was a hair away from losing her son, Venka began putting up solid fronts during social worker visits, and Anders soon gave the appearance of being a pleasant, relaxed, and likable child. Therefore, the case for putting Anders into foster care was also dropped.
Starting point is 00:32:24 What's up with the sister at this point? Sister doesn't get mentioned a lot, really. I think the sister sort of fades into the background a little. I actually wonder if there was a conversation, because a lot of this comes from the... I looked it up online. I couldn't find a lot about his sister. And I think the author probably had an agreement probably to not heavily feature What was going on with the sister at some point probably because everybody that was associated with the Anders Bravick
Starting point is 00:32:50 Wants nothing to do with him now obviously And so it's because like the sister didn't ask for this No, but there are all this also probably one of those fucked up things where like a lot of times the problem child of the family Sucks up all the psychological resources of the family and then the poor other kids kind of get left to the sun raising themselves with the Natalia Grace case you kind of kind of see that where you're like those other kids kind of just rotted on the vine unfortunately because all of this malicious attention went to Natalia where like this was like I mean it was just I hate the word toxic, but it's toxic.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yeah, but just a couple years later, something interesting happened to the Brevik family. When Anders was seven years old, a Chilean family seeking asylum from the brutal Pinochet regime moved into the apartment below. Now, while one might think that this is the origin story of Breviks' later hatred of immigrants and refugees
Starting point is 00:33:42 that one of the Chileans bullied him or made him feel inadequate, the exact opposite occurred. The young Anders became close friends with the Chilean family's youngest daughter Eva, and the two of them would play together, listen to pop music from America, Madonna, Prince, all that shit. Really, it was Breviks' Norwegian peers
Starting point is 00:34:02 that found him disgusting. I actually think that that's a feature not a bug with these types of haters because I think that they like how do you put it like they did embrace him. He was viewed himself as a fringe person or an outsider always. He's the ultimate outsider in his own mind. And so he commiserated with these other outsider groups and wanted to be a part of them. And as we'll see, he fucking blew it up each time. He was bad at it.
Starting point is 00:34:30 And I think there's something about that. There's almost like a revenge. There's like a subconscious revenge against these people that were the only people to open their arms to him. Like all these places he went, all these other like quote unquote, like refugees, like literal refugees open their like homes to him and and They connected with him and there's something about after the fact of because he's a total homicidal maniac like
Starting point is 00:34:55 It's like killing that guy too is that when he becomes Anders Bravik manifesto night Templar Anders Bravik It's essential. It's it's killing old him Yeah, as well Which is connected to all of these people the very people that you know that were only the only people that were nice Damn, yeah, he wants to fit in so bad. I think it's closer to that. That's empty He just he wants to impress the North like he wants the approval of the Norwegians It's like he's protecting the Norwegians even though they hate him. Yes That's what he wants to be he wants that that's what he wants to he wants to be that's where he wants to belong
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, he's ready to ditch these other people whenever We'll see we're gonna go through a lot of this because he does it again and again and again those fellow countrymen later recalled an intense child who had an Imagination not for play but for cruelty towards animals. In one case Brevik kept rats in a cage Just so he could poke them with pins and he would bizarrely catch bumblebees just to drown them. Fairly stereotypical Surour killer behavior. Yes, and while there are no specific stories Pet owners would warn their kids to keep their dogs and cats away from the Brevik boy In addition to animal cruelty though Brevik began making himself an all-around public nuisance.
Starting point is 00:36:06 He's like Steven Erkel if Steven Erkel was serious. He'd wander through neighborhoods, snap in the heads off flowers, he'd throw rocks into open windows, and he'd urinate into mailboxes and on door mats. As he got older, though, his main targets were the mentally challenged and any kid who didn't speak Norwegian. Again, anybody lower on the rung. Yeah. Yeah. So they can go because, you know, they always find it, what did they have said to LBJ said, if you could teach the lowest white man to hate the put somebody else below him, then you have them in your pocket. Yeah, I don't like that. Did LBJ say that? I believe that is what LBJ said. I might be wrong. I don't know. I'm just wondering. I said all kinds of awful things
Starting point is 00:36:46 Wiping his ass when he said it The worst example Brevick attacked a boy from Eritrea Rolled him up in an old rug and jumped up and down on the kid Man Eritrea Eritrearea, it's fucking horrible. Eritrea gets bad out there. Yeah, it is a very scary, scary place. Really? Yeah, and this kid had to fucking deal with him when he got there.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Yeah. That's the path for him. He finally got out. And then you met... And then you met... And then you met... And then you met... And then you met...
Starting point is 00:37:24 And then you met... And then you met... And then you met... And then you met... And then you met Anders Brabant. But interestingly, if he was caught and scolded by a woman, he'd take revenge with the aforementioned urination. But if he was reprimanded by a man, he'd show respect and seize his delinquent behavior. It's a mailbox, not a female box. Thank you. But you know, again, I feel that's why he's- that's my implication. It's like, he puts it under this idea of like a patriarchy that he respects men. But I think it's just because he doesn't, he likes them a lot.
Starting point is 00:37:52 You think it's because he's gay that no, I don't think it's because he's gay. That men say, I think it's a projection of this, of like the Uber men, like people that are misogynist, evil, like, you know, like, the Andrew Tate style. Like there's certainly, I think it's just because he's a misogynist Yes, but I think that in my mind like I Like I know that's common It's not that just homophobia means that you're gay on the inside and you don't want to tell everybody and tell anybody But there's just something to it like the idea of respecting a man so much like the body and
Starting point is 00:38:23 ideals and and like oh that's of a man of a man to men and they fight they grapple and they watch each other in a stream and they go to war together and they could they cold each other for warmth than the cold and there's something about that that it seems a little cuddly he's just a fucking pussy yeah like scared of men I think if he loves anyone it's himself oh yeah other nurses you know I don't think he's like actually like turned on Yes, of course. You know, like scared of men. I think if he loves anyone, it's himself. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. He's an utter narcissist.
Starting point is 00:38:47 You know, I don't think he's like actually like turned on by anybody, it seems like. He might not be. When it came to role models though, Anders chose the oversized fantastic four villain Galactus, gallon of Tah himself. Oh. Whose trademark was consuming whole worlds for nourishment. That was Galactus' whole thing. That's his thing. Galactus the world eater.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah, he's a hungry guy. He's going to be played very bravely in the new movie by Melissa McCarthy. Oh man, when the moon hits your eye, it is a pizza pie. Yeah, that's Galactus. In particular though, Anders loved Morg the Executioner, who took over as the Herald of Galactus after the Silver Surfer decided he could no longer do the job. As a result, Anders took the nickname of Morg when he actually began making friends in his early teens.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Again, very interestingly, Breviks' crew was mostly made up of immigrant kids, including a Pakistani refugee named Ahmed, whom Anders was quite close with. See, when Oslo had a large influx of Pakistani refugees in the early 90s, Anders bullied Ahmed in particular until Ahmed fought back. After that, the two became friends. Before long, almost all of Anders' friends were immigrant kids. Yeah, he had friends for a very short period of time.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I mean, he had kids that followed him because they needed someone to talk to. I believe that they get bunch of... Because like, as a nerd, I feel like there needs to obviously... I think that I need to remove nerd from Anders Bravett because I think it's an insult to nerds. Yeah, I think that nerd... He didn't study shit. He did. Unfortunately, he did.
Starting point is 00:40:24 But it's... There's something past nerd, but I know as a nerd, as a child, the nerds did group for protection in a way. But like, we were fun, you know what I mean? Like, I had fun with all my nerd crew. Eventually, yes, we were forced into a coalition, but then we did enjoy the coalition when we got there, because like, it wasn't just nerds.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It was always like it was like me. It was a couple of kids who didn't speak English very well. You know, a couple of kids that now you probably would say probably had autism. You have like another kids like now it's like, you know, I was in that collective and it was fun. Yeah. You know, I mean, we were the only that's the only one we could be with. Sure. But it was nice.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I mean, Anders was actually in the social strata above that. You did. Yeah. Now at the high school that Anders and his friends attended, they had four clicks that every kid supposedly fit into. The majority were of course the so-called straights, just regular kids in polo shirts, these fucking normal Norwegian. We call them what a preppies. Preppies, yeah. After that you had the shaved heads, the ones who wore camouflage pants and black boots Sometimes flirted with neo-nazi beliefs while listening to metal and you always flirt with neo-nazi beliefs There's always Is that boss?
Starting point is 00:41:49 The concerning metal remember that this was Oslo in the early 90s Meaning that Brevik quite possibly was going to high school with some of the members of the Norwegian black metal scene that we covered So many years ago the church burners the murderers. We need to get some kind of like high school as shitheads Norway cartoon high school as shitheads Norway cartoon. When you have like, Varg Vikernis and Uranimus, like all these guys hanging out and one like, like it's black metal babies. Yeah. When I was thinking that church, it's very flammable. Ooh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Brevik was also in high school during the murder of Oystein Arseth, AKA Uranimus, who died at the hands of the highly racist musician Varg Vikernis. Interestingly, when Brevik sent out his 1500 page manifesto years later, one of the recipients was who else but Varg, who'd recently been released from prison.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And he definitely was like, too long, didn't read. He released a statement. He's like, I don't like this Anders Brevik. He's kind of stupid. I think he's stupid. Anders Brevik couldn't even get Varg Vikernis to like him. Can you imagine that? Varg Vikernis is more likeable than you. Varg's stupid fucking YouTube account. That's fine now. That's fine now.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And then, um, wait, oh, whew. Piss me off. I hate this fucking guy. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him so much. But back in 1992, Anders Brevik was not one of the metal kids, nor was he a neo-Nazi. Instead, Anders was deep into the hip-hop scene. Which was one of the few white kids at his school to be a part of it. Yeah man, he got full on into rap. Yeah, I mean rap was huge in Europe. Like it got bigger there, it was bigger there than it was here for a long time. I've seen lots of racist people love hip-hop.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It's really weird. But Anders blows my a long time. I've seen lots of racist people love hip hop. It's really weird. But Andrews blows my mind every time. It's very interesting, but Andrews Bravick went full on, like, you know, like he was like, what they call it the rolling walk of the urban artist. You know what I mean? Like, he would like walk like a black guy, dress like a black guy, do the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:43:39 like listen to big cans and shit, like big pants. Yeah, what was even weirder is he actually had good taste. I mean, it's 1992, you know? the chronic doesn't come out until December of 1992. So at this point, it's mostly New York guys. And of course, he was listening to in 1992, KRS one, DJ Marley Mall, probably Eric B and Rakeem, like fucking classics. But as a result of being into rap, Anders and his other friends got into hip hop culture. They would try to break dance. They would try to rap themselves.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I just got. This is why, usually I hate social media and so happy it didn't exist when we were kids, but it would have been great to see these little fucks like fall on their heads. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. We tried to think they were cool. Think about, this is the level of
Starting point is 00:44:26 nursery where they broke it down. Rhonda's Bravik broke down. It's like, so it's hip and it's hop. Right? So hip means I'm keeping up with all of the local shenanigans and all of the different vernaculars. And so like he would do use, he would use Pakistani words and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:44:42 He throws some like, what they called. Slang, it's just slang. Yeah, just Pakistani slang. Can we compare it to, but then, something like that. He throws some like what they called. Slang, it's just slang. Yeah, just Pakistani slang. Can we compare it to, but then there's also hop, where you learn how to move your body in a sycognited fashion in the most funky way. It's kind of like, it's like, you go like,
Starting point is 00:44:55 boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And your shoulders go up and down. But my problem is I mostly just shrugging. And sometimes it feels as if my shoulders are getting attached to my earlobes. And I just can't, and I start to cry. I cannot do this. The bass is too much. So now hop is when I skin a rabbit. Oof, unhop.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Like, he couldn't break dance. He couldn't do the head spin, couldn't do the back. He couldn't do any of the spins. No, it's because his head's the shape of a fucking pin. Yeah. And his voice was too high and soft to emulate the Bronx rappers that he somehow felt had similar life experience to his own. Ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib, ahib There's so many words in faster sessions and they don't know how they understand them all
Starting point is 00:45:45 and they memorize them. There was some Europeans like rap guys out around that time. Yeah, Der Stinkerstein and you had like in, yeah, Ronnie the harrowing, a snow American. Canadian. He was Canadian. Oh yeah. Thank God. I didn't want to claim him.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yay. Now there was some fun stuff like the going on a summer holiday. If you want to go to swim, we go into London and New York city. And we bring a little piece of out. What is this? Yeah, I understand. It was European rap. Yeah, it sounds like a poem.
Starting point is 00:46:16 It sounds like a, it's not good. They weren't really that great. Well, I look back on it. Yeah. No, it's not good. Yeah. Bring a rang dong to a holiday. That's what we wronged. That's not what we did. All right. America did make things much cooler
Starting point is 00:46:29 in that fashion. Oh yeah. Well, we invented it. Yes. America did. Well, bereft of talent and body or voice, Anders and his friends formed a tagging crew going by the names of Spock, Wic, and Morgue after the executioner. From there, the crew haunted the city of Oslo by night, tagging buildings and bus stops. But in 1994, the Winter Olympics were coming to Lillihammer, so the city of Oslo cracked down on graffiti. So Anders and his friend Ahmed were arrested while tagging a bus station.
Starting point is 00:46:57 But since they had no priors, they only had to wash buses for a couple of weeks as punishment. That was, however, strike one. It's really weird about how seriously they took graffiti as a crime. They were really worlds coming. You got to make the place look good. It's really hammer. No stupid fucking Olympics. Who cares? We're focused on the graffiti.
Starting point is 00:47:18 How are they going to bobsled? Gilding to the game. I feel like that helps and shows how strong your mental game is. There's nothing else for the cops to do. Yeah, it's relatively safe. Oh, yeah, it's very safe. It's not like the Bronx at this time. Like, this is Oslo 1992. It's fine. You didn't tell me Anders Preveck didn't understand.
Starting point is 00:47:35 He actually didn't experience the same hardships as the urban centers of America during the 1980s and 90s. I mean, washing a bus in the middle of winter has got to be a fucking nightmare. You used to be a bus driver. experience, the same hardships as the urban centers of America during the 1980s and 90s? I mean, washing a bus in the middle of winter has got to be a fucking nightmare. You didn't use to it! Pretty soon though, Anders was arrested again, strike two, and as a result, his father's Jens began to get highly annoyed with his son, and Jens slowly began to go no contact,
Starting point is 00:48:01 mostly because he didn't really care about Anders in the first place, and I think he was looking for a reason to disown him. He hated his son. He hated him. Then for reasons unknown, Anders did the second worst thing a tagger can do. He painted over not only the tags of another tagger, but the tags of two members of his own crew. No, this guy, he's a true piece of shit. So this is going to be the running, the main running theme of Anders Bravix life
Starting point is 00:48:26 So within the graffiti world, I don't know if it's always like this across all of them But this is what they would be contextualized it in Norway was that they have what they call toys Which is what you're called when you start. So like you're supposed to go Put in some FaceTime in these various graffiti groups. You only get invited in, right? So somebody, because again, it's highly illegal in Norway. So you get pulled into these like kind of cool fringe groups and largely you're supposed to show up
Starting point is 00:48:54 and work your way up the ranks to King. King is the quote, it's considered the number one position in the graffiti tagging community, which is like essentially toys, you're supposed to kind of go to places where it's on your own places that you go and you you just write your name right you don't you start and then you start to expand. It turns into colored pieces stuff like that. A king is the one that goes does the big crazy with a call go on bombing rates where they
Starting point is 00:49:17 would go into like you'd see it like up on a big high bridge or you'd see it on the side of a bulletin board or like and it's a big thing. And so what they would say is that he decided that he wanted to jump to King because Anders Bravik believes, and this starts from them as a very young child right here, that he's the best. Nobody, nobody understands that he's the best yet. And as soon as they see that he's the best, all of these communities well established are going to fall to their knees and thank him for being all of these communities well established are going to fall to their knees and thank him for being there.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Like, and they're going to be like so excited that Andrew's brave because a part of their community. But then he decides to just act like he's in charge. And guess what a lot of people that are already in charge of a well established like group do and how they react to you acting like you're better than them. They don't like it. Yeah. And you get kicked out yeah did they beat the shit out of them no no they just kicked him out of the crew they're like
Starting point is 00:50:10 you know this was a marriage this was the Bronx they don't fuck this ass up exactly yeah this is Norway yeah and so it is they were like we will put we will frown we will frown but yeah he's just we're not friends with you anymore. That's the big thing. Him being a toy and acting like a king is going to be the thing that he does again and again and again. Yeah, it's him playing by his own rules. You know, it's like, oh, everybody needs to bow down to what Anders is doing because Anders is the smartest boy, the best boy out there. And he knows what's best for everyone. And I'm such a disruptive genius that everybody, I'm gonna blow the parameters open, which is getting why I'm not on Saturday Night Live.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Because I understood if they let me in there, they're gonna have to change the whole thing. It's gonna become the Henry Zabrowski Night Live. And I didn't want to do that to them. Which we all appreciate you not destroying an American institution. That's why I walked away. It would have had to have been on Friday if you were on it. They would have to because they'd have to have their own show and then I'd have my own hour the night before. And they tried that. It was a show called Fridays and it got cancelled. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Larry David. Kramer. Great. Well for this, Anders was kicked out. But when he began tagging alone, he was soon arrested for bringing dozens of cans of spray paint back from Denmark because they were a quarter cheaper in Copenhagen than they were in Oslo. And that's like a backseat driver thing because he was telling all these fucking guys, he was like, don't understand, the spray paint is cheaper in Copenhagen, we can go down, got it? And they're all like, well the problem is that it makes you super vulnerable, which is how he was arrested both times.
Starting point is 00:51:42 He would go onto the train as a moron teenager with these giant Duffel heavy duffel bags. Yeah filled very obviously if it's not spray paint. It's explosives. It's just like this big fucking thing And so it was immediately picked up both times because the fucking moron I remember in Tallahassee They didn't have 40 ounces. So they only had 32 ounces. So we had to drive to Georgia if we wanted to get some 40 ounces exactly like that That's how we lived our lives Well this arrest though was strike three for Anders so to avoid any real jail time He did the worst thing a tagger can do he ratted out all his friends Pretty soon all anyone could talk about at school was how
Starting point is 00:52:25 Morg had squealed and he got nothing but shit until the day he graduated. As he should have. While he spent much of his time isolated and lifting weights, kids ganged up on him, mocked him, and drew caricatures of him with an exaggeratingly large nose. Yeah, because I've never seen pictures of his original nose. Because he got a fucking rhinoplasty like soon after it. But that's the thing is that you can see from pictures taken at his last hearing that his schnaz, it's actually growing back. It's rejecting. It's rejecting the change. Well, if you look at his picture, yeah, he did sort of have
Starting point is 00:52:59 a large nose, but still, yeah, I mean, he is a big nose freak. I hate this fucking guy. I hate that, you know, rhinoplasty is Rhino Plasty. I feel like that's me. Of course. Yeah, yeah, like light, it's a calling lipo suction. Fatty sucky. Yeah. Unwailing. Have you been through your unwailing yet? Well, Anders back in his high school years was savagely, if inexpertly, roasted in his high school yearbook.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Oh, he is a fuckham, fuckham! Well, I'm not saying that he should, it's inexpertly. The roasts are not the best, but apparently, yearbooks in Norway are far more aggressive than yearbooks in America. They're allowed to talk shit? Yeah, oh no. Well, I guess so. I mean, on his they were.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It wasn't just people writing in his yearbook? No, this was like in print. This was in print. Yeah. I mean, on his they were. It wasn't just people writing in his yearbook, it was like in print. This was in print. Yeah, they're like gross to them. Anders used to be part of the gang, but then he made enemies of everybody. Anders staked it all out on getting a perfect body, but we have to say he still got quite away to go. Apart from that, Anders spent a lot of time in Denmark getting materials for his art and as often does stupid
Starting point is 00:54:06 Unprovoked things such as hitting the head teacher, which is true because he did smack his teacher as a little kid Yeah, and they all remembered it. I there's something about it being a snitch Obviously is a quality that nobody likes but there's something to because like what he didn't understand This is like an essential social thing that he obviously He's got a lot of issues, but I feel like this is one of those like social Misunderstandings he doesn't get which is like how you become a king in the graffiti world It's to take your time with a do a mafia right go to college Right you go to you take you do your time a lot of times
Starting point is 00:54:41 That's how guys get made in the mafia is that you go to jail You come back out you don't say anything Everybody's happy to see you they set you up Technically one of the number one ways to become a king in the graffiti world was to go to jail for your buddies and come out Because how long would you be in jail for six months? Maybe maybe you would come out and you would be in Norwegian jail Yes, which is like essentially jail The best jail in the world. They give you like pasta making classes, you go on a trampoline recess. Like there's a lot of shit in the Norwegian jail.
Starting point is 00:55:11 They sent you all your reading from school. Yeah, you go to school. He would have come out a king. Yeah, it's very ironic. He's a moron. Yep, he really is. Well, the piece then ended, the piece in the yearbook then ended by saying
Starting point is 00:55:24 that Anders was now a part of the much maligned fourth click in school, the losers. Oh yeah. Then to add insult to injury, Gensbrevik disowned his son because of his third arrest, and the two never saw each other face to face ever again. You never, I never agreed with an absentee father more before. He's right. Anders sucked. never agreed with an absentee father more before. He's right. Anders sucked.
Starting point is 00:55:47 I mean, you could also make an argument that maybe if he wasn't an absentee father and did his job, that maybe Anders would have just become like a guy who ruins people's days on the regular, instead of like being a guy who like ruined a country for a long like- Yeah, destroyed the heart of an entire nation. Yeah. Yeah, yeah nation yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe I guess I don't know I think Anders was special yeah I think that you could see why he was a fucking shithead you know I some people just don't need to be on earth yeah oh yeah he should have been in the abortion that should have been a part of the liberal Norwegian government's incredible female health program. This is a great advertisement for abortion.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Yeah. But perhaps because Brevik graduated high school at the bottom rung of the social ladder and was despised by all, he sought refuge in an arena where he probably thought people had to accept him. At the age of 18, Anders Brevik got into politics. Yay! He joined the youth-focused wing of Norway's ultra-conservative progress party, which defined itself through principles of smaller government, less immigration, and a more restrictive welfare
Starting point is 00:56:54 state. What is it with right-wing politics? Maybe, you know, educate me. Why all the losers go there? Like, it is very interesting. I guess it's cause like you get rejected for so many other groups that you just assume like, well, fascists have to like me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Well, I mean, because at the end of the day, a lot of the people migrate towards the right wing because that's where they're told that it's not their fault that they're a loser. That it's somebody else's fault that they're a loser. It's the state's fault. It's the state's fault. It's the system's fault. It's somebody else, somebody has,
Starting point is 00:57:28 you should be a winner, but somebody else has made you a loser. Well, it's also exactly, cause then he's gonna get his validation of like, you know, technically I'm a white Norwegian man. The whole world should be, every door here should be open for me. And I should have a much easier time of doing anything
Starting point is 00:57:47 than somebody that's from outside this country. Yeah, everyone hates somebody who wants to be in charge. Yeah, because of it. And it's like, I feel like if you're going to become a politician, signatures of like 20 people saying they're your friend. I want to see you. I want to see you. I want to like on Tinder.
Starting point is 00:58:01 I want to see a picture of you hanging out with God. I want to see you at a Japan night. I want to see you on a rowing team. I don't care if they're cool or uncool. Just prove to me that anyone likes you. I do believe our government should be like a scientist, a philosopher, a singer, a general. And then put them all in one room and have them decide everything. Well Brevik also gave in to his vanity and began declaring himself to be a metrosexual, which is a term our younger listeners may be unfamiliar with. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, it was big in the early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It was something in which straight men unapologetically paid as much attention to makeup and clothes as a woman or a stereotypically gay man. Yeah, it was continuing to sort of make fun of people who take care of themselves. But metrosexuality was different for him because he really put, he went deep in. Yep, started wearing makeup, bought really nice clothes. He would use Rogaine for his rapidly receding hairline. He lost that battle.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah, Rogaine is also like, I tried it for a while and it's so gross. It's sticky goop, right? Yeah, it's just a liquid. Does it make you just feel bad too? Well, it's liquid that goes on your head. No, right? Yeah, it's just a liquid. That doesn't make you just feel bad too. Well, it's liquid that goes on your head. No, it didn't make me feel bad. It makes you feel bad because you're doing it.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah, well, it stained my hats and stained the pillowcases. And does it also like abort? Immediately sterilizes a woman and touches it. Yeah, abort babies, yeah. Yeah, yeah, which honestly the best part about it. But the rest of it's bad, but it was like, he put on conceal. Now, these guys, like, at Norway, even the guys he was hanging out with, like, it feels like there is a real machismo streak
Starting point is 00:59:31 in some of these Scandinavian countries. Sure, yeah. And he's putting on full makeup like he's fucking John Stamos. Like he is hanging out like, and they zero in on this. And of course, there's very many like, it is not makeup, it is concealer. Which is like- I am naturally tan. I am naturally tan.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Because he used to put bronzing powder every winter. He used to bronze himself up. Like one of our favorite presidents. He was like always like, he was right ahead of the curve. And finally, he topped it off by getting cosmetic surgery on his nose, chin and forehead,
Starting point is 01:00:01 which created the unsettling expressionless potato face that we've come to know over the years. He's absolutely a potato face. I mean, more like upside down squash. Yeah, I could see that too. I could tell by no peanut. Yeah. Definitely a tube.
Starting point is 01:00:17 A tuber. He's a tuber. He's definitely a tuber. All those surgeries, man. You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. No, I'm saying. But you can make chicken shit salad dude looks like his own dick pic Fucking Scandinavia non-cut Hot body to me is actually I could see that popping up on top that could be your thing
Starting point is 01:00:57 The first Breviks seemed to be successful in his reinvention he became a popular member of the Progress Party He learned how to smile and in the work realm, he became a relatively successful telemarketer. But eventually, Breviks trademark overconfidence in his own abilities tripped him up. He left his steady telemarketing gig to try his hand at a number of unsuccessful business ventures, including a mobile advertising business that nearly killed someone. He, it's so, again, it's, it's this example of, I don't know how to put it. He's a toy actor like a king. Every single time he enters into a new sphere, it kind of works for a second. Yeah, it always, it, every time he arrived somewhere, everyone's like, yeah, Andrews, he's all right.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Like, I like that guy. And then it just, then it falls apart. Hours later. All right, like I like that guy and then that's the mass and then it falls apart hours later He joins in these businesses and he becomes obsessed with becoming a millionaire like that's his new thing Is that like it because that's why he's in the progress party ostensibly to begin with which is this idea of it's him That's where it because it starts light because first. He's kind of apologetic He says stuff like or a conciliatory or like, you know, not everyone in Islam is bad. Not every refugee is bad They were just they they happen there's side effects to their religion or what they do, right? That's one side and then the other side was like it was really more so oh in Norway
Starting point is 01:02:14 They hate millionaires They don't want us to make money like they do in America because he looked up to American conservative writers and this concept of unfettered capitalism He was just like we should be able to get be we should be able to be allowed to be Super rich in this country. They get free college. They do. That's the whole point. That's why it works out Also, there's plenty of rich people in Norway. It's very expensive But then he like show it like but there's again there's something about this. It was like you can't just be good in business He has to quote-unquote outsmart everybody. Yeah, everything has he has to undercut people every single thing has to be like a scheme and and a fucking heist
Starting point is 01:02:46 It I don't get it where it's like you can get rich quick. It's all get rich quick It's all get rich quick He's just obsessed with this like wanting to cut line and I think that's a part of this I concept of like I should be able to cut Line I am a quote-unquote straight white norwegian man Well, not only that like I should not only should I be, I should be able to, but I deserve to. Because I'm a genius and nobody understands that. I'm the one that's supposed to be able to cut the line. In fact, the line shouldn't exist for me at all.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Yes, and that's, again, that's why I'm not on this, I never wrote for The Simpsons. Because I never wanted to get in there, and I didn't want to disrupt that. They've been working for decades in there, and I don't want to get in, because they want to become the Henry's and Brouskis. Yeah, at the Anipyne, which is why I don't want to do this
Starting point is 01:03:24 to people, I don't put that on people. Now, I don't like to backtrack they want to become the Henry's Uproscasians. Yeah. At the end of it, which is why I don't want to do this to people. I don't put that on people. Now, I don't like to backtrack at all, but can I ask a question? Sure. How did his advertising company almost kill somebody? That makes no sense to me. I was about to get into that. Okay, good. He planned to take unemployed academics and make them cycle around the city with an advertisement placard fixed to a trailer. It's not unlike a scheme Kramer and Newman tried in an episode of Seinfeld. Revick's prototype however was badly built and the advertising placard blew over on the first day and almost killed a woman. This huge gigantic placard just
Starting point is 01:04:01 probably in the Norwegian fucking winter And he did it cheap He also did it that it was also pointed because he specifically wanted academics to do it because he already had this sort of like implicit Bitterness and angry towards people that did more things than him or have achieved more things than him And he was always being like you know it was good for these academics to have a day job to work on. It was like a weird thing where you're like, oh, you're trying to punish quote unquote smart guys with a medial job. But speaking of women, Anders had not surprisingly no luck with the ladies. Like many men who haunt the extreme right fringes, Brevik complained that Norwegian women were too liberated
Starting point is 01:04:45 and none of them would make the good housewife that Brevik wanted. So he went the way of the mail order bride and purchased contact details for 10 Ukrainian women in December of 2004. Which his boys obviously made the living fuck fun out of him. They roasted him to the end endlessly because they're like Norwegian women are everywhere. Like you literally could be with one at any point, you know? Like, and he was like, because he was young. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:07 He was like 18, 19 when he was doing this. And they're like, famously the hottest. Yeah, Norwegian women. Yeah, the Scandinavian women. Yeah, the Swedish bikini team. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Hey, it's so cold. Why would they have it there? I don't know. You know? They, they, they grow them strong. By 2005, Anders had settled on the most stereotypical Eastern European male They have it there. I don't know, you know, they're grown strong by 2005 Anders had settled on the most stereotypical Eastern European mail order bride possible a woman from Minsk named Natasha
Starting point is 01:05:33 She was real she did exist and even though there was an initial spark the couple soon hit the 90-day fiancee problem Which is that they got to know each other beyond infantile communications on messenger programs Yeah, after Natasha visited Anders and Oslo for an extended period She was soon calling him a chauvinist and he was calling her a gold digger. I bet you they didn't even kiss Maybe not. I I feel like he's maybe done four kisses. Yeah in his life. Oh, maybe yeah, and there were three of them were his mother The other was the weekend parents Or kisses in his life. Oh, maybe. And there were three of them were his mother. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. The other was the weekend parents.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yes. This fun time. One time. So what, so he was, did he have money? Yeah, he had, he was fairly successful. Fanka, his mom, his mom had money or? No, no, no, no. He didn't grow up rich or anything.
Starting point is 01:06:25 No, no, no. He grew up, well that was one of the things. He grew up in a fancy neighborhood because his diplomat father kind of paid for things, but they had no money. So he always kind of felt like an other. The Slums of Beverly Hills. Yes, gotcha. But soon after, Anders bought Natasha her plane ticket home, and Brevik thought that his dreams of love were through. I'm never going to be with a woman, ever.
Starting point is 01:06:44 But as he invested more time into the progress party he fell in love with a fellow conservative named Lena Langa Meyer I still will say love. I would not call it love. I would say he viewed I don't think he experienced as a human emotion. I think that he Torrents, so I think that he viewed her as useful to him. Hmm Like we can be good partners together partners because because she was a So I think that he viewed her as useful to him. Like we can be good partners together. We're good partners because she was also very interesting. She was a dark-skinned woman from outside, who was a conservative.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Well, in the years since high school, Anders Brevik had cultivated a strong hatred for Islam, although it's hard to really pinpoint the exact reason behind his Islamophobia, especially when you consider that his first real friends were Muslim immigrants. It's in the manifesto, technically, where it talks about how like if a family from Norway in the 1950s visited now, it's all the same things you see on Fox. It's also abstract.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Yes, it's all it's because it's fake. It's made up. It's right before the recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Yes, honestly, because I didn't need the 1,000 pages before that and that has been my criticism about recipe websites from the very beginning. Now, as we said earlier, Anders Brevik was a racist child, which almost always stems from racism at home.
Starting point is 01:08:03 But while he seemed to get over it or at least hide it in high school, it may have come raging back after he was kicked out of his crew, which was made up of immigrants. This hatred might have been amplified after he read it out his immigrant friends, because it was for this reason that Brevik was thoroughly shunned. But from what it seems, his Islamophobia was solidified during his relationship with Lena Langemeier and his time with the Progress Party
Starting point is 01:08:26 That's what it is Lena Langemeyer did grow up in Norway, and that's why he did have he liked her right the idea that because she was dark skin But she is an ardent conservative to this day Yeah, and has severely downplayed her relationship with Anders Bravik up to this day and has severely downplayed her relationship with Anders Bravik up to this point, but they definitely were like boyfriend and girlfriend for like a year, whatever they were. She's the only person that's had a relationship with him,
Starting point is 01:08:53 it seems like. Basically, but she's seen, yeah, she doesn't advertise it a lot. No. She's the mayor of Grimmshott. You mean she doesn't bring that up? Is she really a mayor? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:01 What? Deputy mayor. Deputy mayor. Hey, that's for Anders Bravik. Anybody who's seen Anders Bravik's penis, Is she really a mayor? Yeah. What? Deputy mayor. No deputy mayor. That's... Hey, that's for Anders Bra... Anybody who's seen Anders Bravix penis on purpose? Yeah, I mean, who knows? I was just saying saw, if he would washed once.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Yeah. See, the Progress Party was a deeply Islamophobic organization, and Lena Langemeyer was among the most ardent racists in an already racist organization Together Lena and Anders formed an echo chamber in which Lena would rant about Muslims and Anders would lecture her on what else But I ran novels It's just this shit too of like well They're just the most tedious and furiating couple on earth. Like you couldn't imagine being stuck on a fucking double date with these people.
Starting point is 01:09:47 What is with, like, I understand, I do know, I can't even say this anymore. I know that technically politics are supposed to be like, interesting, right? Like, people are supposed to hang out and it's supposed to be like, but I've never understood this sort of like, so you guys hang out.
Starting point is 01:10:04 All you do all day along is talk about how there are too many Islamic people in the country. And it's literally how you guys hang out. And you talk about conservative politics and conservative screeds and you read all these like dumb shit, long form political garbage manifestos that you're just into. And it's just like, why why because they finally found a person that kind of agrees with them I know but then they yeah and then it's just no one else wants to fucking hear it I know everybody else because that they would say they would let Anders Braver like his friends at the time
Starting point is 01:10:35 would let him drone on about his conservative politics but eventually some point there was like just shut up yeah shut the living fuck up and at the end of the day there were a lot of female Nazis there was there were a lot of just shut up. Yeah. Yeah. Just stop talking about it. Shut the living fuck up. And at the end of the day, there were a lot of female Nazis. There was. There were a lot of female Nazis. Because they're all pick-me Nazis. They're literally in their idea of like you because now you're, I'm special.
Starting point is 01:10:54 I get to be, I get to go right to the top of the class. Yeah. They get together. They just, they get together. People get together and talk about shit no matter how fucking awful it is. You're going to find somebody out there who's into it. Oh no, I downloaded that was at the Radar Speakeasy last night in Glendale and I gave someone a lot of information about Andrews Brabac. And I talked about Andrews Brabac and I talked about Richard Meares and the cult he was forming from behind bars.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And I got a long thing about John Wayne Gacy's father and then I realized I was talking and they were just looking. You know, and then it was just was talking and they were just looking. And I was just like, oh, we should go. There's like a sexy circus woman here. We should go look at that. Well, pretty soon Anders and Lena gained membership at the Oslo Pistol Club. And while Lena was already a pretty good shot from her time in the military, mandatory in Norway, Anders had to start from scratch because this portrait of patriotism had never even served See Anders had been ruled exempt from military service because he'd been registered as his mother's caregiver After she'd supposedly contracted such a serious case of general herpes that a drain had to be inserted into her head to suck out the bus think about this
Starting point is 01:12:02 He couldn't go serve in his beloved Norwegian military. He couldn't go. Because he had to go and drain his mother's fucksores. That is the ultimate. From her head. From her head. They had traveled, they had jumped. From her vagina up to her face.
Starting point is 01:12:22 And he couldn't go to war war because those fucksores were so full. They had to be trained by her son. Oh man. But predictably the romantic feelings between Anders and Lena began to cool after Lena was tapped as a possible candidate for office by the Progress Party while Anders didn't even make the list. That whole story is very interesting too because like it was very much like she kind
Starting point is 01:12:49 of liked him and he worshipped her or believed he worshipped her and then she was immediately like a superstar like immediately a political superstar and the writing on the wall was like they wouldn't even look at his application. She showed up like every day in these suits and he wrote this like big obviously as we can see quite prolific personal essay and then he they were literally like they wouldn't even read it. Yeah. Like again, he just thought that everyone was going to just flip out. They were like this is like he's going to be the new white nationalist Barack Obama and he just wasn't. Yeah, I mean by this point, Anders had begun his slow descent into the internet.
Starting point is 01:13:29 While Lena knew how to be a politician by networking, getting to know the right people, playing the game, Anders spent most of his time on the Progress Party online forums, arguing with people in post-peppard with emojis and exclamation points. As a result, he was never considered to be a serious member of the party, and when he was passed over, he went again to the message boards
Starting point is 01:13:50 to complain that those who gained power were not the most competent people, people like him, but the ones who were the best at networking, people like Lena. But at first, he was writing about how he was doing the, well, you see, to be a politician, you must have public skills, policy skills, lecturing a bunch of people on a bunch, on a bunch of shit he has no idea what the living fuck he's talking about. But just on online forums. Remember when you read something in an online forum, who writes it sometimes?
Starting point is 01:14:19 And so like, so, but as soon as he's passed over, of of course He's fucking idiots. They don't understand so before he's talking all confident and telling everybody the skills You need to have and then when he doesn't have the skills that you need to have it's all like that's fucking stupid Well by the summer of 2003 Anders posted for the last time on the Progress Party message boards to write that there was Going to be a civil war once Muslims were the majority in Norway. Where have we heard that? He soon after abandoned the party broke up with Lena and became even more isolated. He didn't even try twice. That's the thing, is that like you never tried anything twice.
Starting point is 01:14:58 You got to put your like, I just want to remind that to people all the time because we do have frustrated people. I have people who message me all the time wanting to get into stuff, wanting to do entertainment business or getting a podcast and stuff. And it's like, unfortunately, you have to keep showing up until someone tells you to leave.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Like that's the thing, you have to keep showing up. You have to keep trying. You have to apply again. You have to look, read, judge what you've done, pivot and do something else. Work on it. Yeah, you gotta work on it. You can't just keep applying You have to look, read, judge what you've done, pivot, and do something else. Work on it.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Yeah, you gotta work on it. You can't just keep applying and banging your head and doing the same thing over and over and over again. You gotta fucking work on it and then try again. Nobody's going to roll out a red carpet for you unless you were Dakota Johnson. Yeah, you're not gonna do it. You're Eddie Murphy or it takes a decade.
Starting point is 01:15:41 It's it. Yeah, that's how it is. Yeah. But before- And you're not Eddie Murphy. No, no, no, no. You're like no one is. I'm sorry. If you're missing right it, that's how it is. Yeah. Yeah. But before- And you're not Eddie Murphy. No, no, no, no. You're like no one is.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I'm sorry. If you're listening right now, you're not Eddie Murphy. None of us are. You know what I mean? Because you'd be too busy. You'd be extremely busy. But before Brevick disappeared entirely up his own ass, he gave one more shot at a get rich quick scheme
Starting point is 01:16:02 that actually worked, although it was entirely unethical and entirely internet based. In the fall before he quit the progress party, Anders Brevitt created a service called, which for the price of $100 or $295 for the Deluxe package, one could obtain high quality fake diplomas from the Institute of their choosing. These were of course sold as decorative diplomas to avoid charges of fraud. And he acted like he was so fucking clever thinking of this decorative diplomas thing. He made a lot of money doing it.
Starting point is 01:16:37 But it did run out fast because... After like five years! But in America they were already declaring this illegal and coming for him. They already, he was like, it was quick. He spent a lot of that time being pursued. You trying to steal money from universities? Yeah, they figured it out. That's who they sent to kill fucking Jeffrey Epstein. That's who it was. Hired by Harvard. Using a young man in Indonesia that Anders paid $700 a month, the service could provide diplomas for medical schools, doctorates, engineering qualifications,
Starting point is 01:17:09 and prize certificates. And he made hundreds of these a month and made a lot of money doing it. I bet people still have jobs from this shit. Oh yeah. Well, because ostensibly it's supposed to be you, if you lost your employment or your diploma and a move or it got destroyed, that's like what you're supposed to do. You get a replace by one of these services, which is I don't think that's you call the college You say print me a fucking copy. Yeah, but they he would say that as long as they didn't put the official stamp on The diploma then it was fine. It was just a it was for novelty purposes only
Starting point is 01:17:41 But after three years the orders for fake diplomas became too much for Breviks man in Indonesia to handle. So Brevik hired an art student named Mads Madsen to double check the work and fix the numerous mistakes the man in Indonesia was making. She was going out with like, Harvard. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Yule. Yeah. Yeah. So you went to Christmas University? Chick-a-Bells, baby. But in the summer of 2005, Madsen got bored and quit. And it's assumed that Brevik shut down his website soon after because the Justice Department was investigating the legality of fake diploma mills.
Starting point is 01:18:20 But while Brevik had given up on making headway in politics, he still wanted power. And it just so happened that his mother's second cousin, Jan Bering, was a member of the Freemasons. Well, he had some idea. A very, you know, an antiquated idea of the Freemasons. Yeah. Because it's like we view it as like, you know, obviously in my mind I'm like, with the Illuminati and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:18:41 But let's say that the Freemason re like stature Has lowered since the beginnings of the Bavarian Illuminati It's where old men go to pray and blow each other Was thinking in his head the Freemasons are gonna get me into the circles of the elite Yeah, the seat super secret places where the white men truly ruled. Yes, he was probably just sitting there for the spankens. We didn't know that there were spankens because you don't know and most of the time you're getting blindfolded, you don't know spank. Problem was, Yanns and Anders had never met, but that all changed during the Christmas holiday of 2005. But Yanns was highly reluctant to sponsor Anders as a member of the Freemasons because,
Starting point is 01:19:22 well, Anders was Anders. Eventually though, Yanns did agree to sponsor Anders as a member of the Freemasons. But the master of Yanns's lodge told Anders after a tour of their local headquarters that his membership would quote, take some time. So this is the thing is that he, but weirdly though, everybody kind of helped him. He went to his second cousin. He was like, obviously what I could do. And so then the head of the Freemasons like sat him ahead of a local Lodge yeah, yeah the local Lodge where he was trying to go to like cuz normally there's a bunch of processes You're supposed to have like two people vouch for you and then two people from the inside also like you gotta
Starting point is 01:19:58 You're going three times before anyone's allowed It's like a thing you have to do but like like technically, yeah, it took a long time, but still he kind of fast-tracked his application because he liked the second cousin. He's like, this is just an example of like, it was another group of people saying like, okay, we'll open ourselves to you. This is actually his white privilege.
Starting point is 01:20:19 He literally are experiencing it and then he blew it up. But he didn't get in a meeting. He took like a year for him to get in. That's true, they're all criminals. They look like they got a screen as out. It's a secret society where they have sex with each other. But he saw that as, because he didn't get it immediately, he saw that as being rejected again.
Starting point is 01:20:36 And so he retreated again into the internet where he would find one of the most seductive online escapes in history. A perfect world, a only, only world that makes sense. We're finally Orcs. Aw, cool. He isn't. He looks like an orc.
Starting point is 01:20:54 He does. He looks so much like an orc. You just give him the bottom tusks and that's a fucking orc. Yeah, he's orc from Mork. Just dipped in glue. Yeah. Ooh. Hahaha. The year was 2006. And just a couple of years before, Blizzard Entertainment had unleashed a pox upon the world called World of Warcraft. Yep.
Starting point is 01:21:16 And once Anders fell into the fantasy, it was a long time before he poked his head back out to take a look at the real world. I don't blame video games for anything. No. You know? No, no, no. Video games absolutely. But I'm close on this one. I'm a little close.
Starting point is 01:21:31 No. I mean, how many fucking horrible people has World of Warcraft kept from like running for sheriff? It's true. But it's also, it really has ruined a lot of people's lives. It's ruined a lot of people's lives. Yeah, so has lots of games. I know, but there's ruined a lot of people's lives. It has so much of games. I know, but there's something about the structure.
Starting point is 01:21:46 That's what they talk about is that it's the structure of World of Warcraft. There's so much stuff in there. Like it's really easy to lose yourself. Yeah, it really is. No, it's designed to, it's designed with the same- To suck you in. To suck you in.
Starting point is 01:21:58 It's the same as social media. It's the same, it uses the same sorts of techniques to like bring you back and make sure that you're always there. But I also know that World of Warcraft has created a social environment for a lot of people that would normally have one So I'm not besmirching that I'm just like I'm mostly joking, but yeah, you know tanders prep Well in World of Warcraft the most popular massive multiplayer online RPG in history Brevik played as a human mage under the name Anders Nordic, and he found that the routine of WoW, but World of Warcraft WoW, kept him busy and calmed him down.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Because the thing about WoW is that it does not reward casual players. Yeah, buddy. Don't even think about it, Eddie. I don't want to pop in for an hour. Don't even fucking know. No, no, because you're not a real gamer. Unless you are there for five or six hours. So what is a mage?
Starting point is 01:22:46 A mage is a magic user. Okay. Yeah. It's a wizard, but I believe a mage is actually different between a sorcerer and a mage. Sorcerer sound cool. Am I going to do it? I got laid last night. I let knowledge left me.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Oh, cool. Oh, how cool are you? Got laid last night. I went to a speakeasy and got laid. Look at how cool I am now. I had the exact opposite evening that Anders Bravac has ever had. It's Valentine's Day. It's scheduled sex. You can brag about it. Hey, no, we're talking about it. Scheduled sex gets derailed all the time, my friends. See, if you really want to get anywhere in World of Warcraft, you have to log in and play every day like it's your job. You also have to team up with other players to go on raids, and if you want to get really serious with it, you've got to join a guild of other players who would band together to
Starting point is 01:23:36 defeat high level challenges. Now, at first, Anders joined a guild, but he was one of the Kwy guys, didn't say much. But he soon became known as an affable, talkative fellow who was known for his cheerfulness In fact some players called him a tonic to depression. That was an actual quote. That's how sad they were Yeah, that's a sad they're like oh the a wizard is more learned mage But in real life Anders embodied the very spirit of depression. He lived with his mother. He spent 16 to 17 hours a day playing World of Warcraft. God, he's just cooking his balls.
Starting point is 01:24:13 And rarely left his gaming room, which he himself dubbed the fart room, which as I said in Norwegian, fotsrum. Yes, and that's the funniest thing he's ever said. Yes. The only thing he said that was funny ever. Except I could imagine he said it over and over and over again. Yeah. It wasn't funny. Very much. It's disgusting. Yeah. Because it probably did smell like farts. And it just, I think he also talked about the
Starting point is 01:24:32 view from his place. Like they looked out onto the sort of like Scandinavian prison yard style like housing that he lived in. Brutalist architecture. Brutalist architecture. And then he just like, there's something about it. I mean, probably didn't see shit. If he's in a basement, they got those windows that are on the top. Oh, no, he's not in a basement. You just assumed he was in a basement. Oh, okay. Yeah, he's, he's in a, it's like on the second floor, but I'm not supposed to come after people who live like this, because people get upset. But how would you expect to get better or do anything in this life if you're sitting and playing a video game for 15 or 16 hours a day? Like
Starting point is 01:25:11 you're an older, you're like in his late 20s. Like he just like, he rotted himself to death. Yeah. I think 15 hours a month. Well, I don't even know why 15 hours a week. I would even say is like, that's a hobby. That's a hobby. And I don't even know why 15 hours a week, I would even say is like that's a hobby. That's a hobby. And I don't even just play video games sometimes 10 to 15 hours a week. Yeah, you people play video even every day. I don't care. I'm an anti-video game, but it's just like this concept of like, it's like, you know, it's not good. No, it's not good at all.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Eventually though, eventually though, he earned the title of just a Taryus and became the leader of a guild called Virtue. A lollipop guild. His guild was called Virtue. Just a Tearyus Virtue. These are all like right wing dog whistles. Yes. Yeah, and he demanded that every guild member be present for mandatory raids every night from 7 to 11 p.m. But finally in February of 2007 after he'd spent a year in the fart room. A year, like a solid year in his room. Anders finally got a letter from the Freemasons telling him that he'd been accepted into the
Starting point is 01:26:19 St. John Lodge. Anders of course turned off everyone at his first meeting by immediately asking how he could acquire wealth and power In what his responsibilities were as a knight Yes, his sponsors meanwhile were just there to hang out at the club And they did not have any interest in answering this off-putting young man's questions Well, what he did was that he we again straight to how do I get to the giant circles of power? Yeah, like literally how do I get to where's day where's the fool like Lord here like who can I get in and they're like this is all about improvement of the self yeah this is all this is an inward search and he's just like yeah I'm
Starting point is 01:26:56 already up my ass though and so like I've already done quite the inward search but they like they're like no and then he went through like technically you the the initiatory ceremony of the went through like technically you're the the Initiatory ceremony of the Freemasons if you're a nerd it's kind of like Scientology or Mormonism where it's like kind of fun Yeah, you go in super secret room they blindfold you you got to talk this guy's got a cape on and a big hat Yeah, go into another place they they put you in another room you asked her these questions three You do all this kind of shit and it was like which actually like again for a nerd you'd you'd think you'd be like Yeah, yeah, I'm thinking it's a secret
Starting point is 01:27:29 Midge bass design it But then it turns out and she was like bored by it because it wasn't World of Warcraft Imagine if he like got in and like climbed the ranks and then he was like initiating people what a disaster that would have fucking turned It's or it would have been a direction in his fucking life. You should have tried to become a cop. He gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm trying to think of anything to make him not kill all these people. A chef. A chef. Yeah, cause chefs are out of their fucking minds. And you do nice things. Megalomaniacs. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Make him a chef.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Well, after Anders was made a brother of the first degree in the formal ceremony, which bored him, he only attended one more meeting the following year, in which he only complained about how slow it was to move up the ranks. In World of warcraft I did it very fast Well because in his mind world of warcraft was a perfect society now well It's I mean it's he's just grinding and leveling up and it's just there's nothing worked hard his whole fucking life It's not even working hard. No, it's not it's not a warcraft. It's not a fucking. I know it's a people it is a job It's not the video game.
Starting point is 01:28:45 I'll take your word for it. I mean, I would imagine he's the type of player who grinds and grinds and grinds his XP until he gets to a level in which it's very easy to... He's overpowering everything. I would imagine that's the type of player he is. Yeah, where he doesn't actually do any skill, it's just repetition until it it's like people who cheat in PvP Where it's like what the fuck are you doing? Why are you it's a one-play one-on-one? Why are you fucking using your bullshit on me when I'm trying to go in and have fun? And you're just coming in and cheating all the fucking time. What's the point? It's out and ring. It's supposed to be fun
Starting point is 01:29:21 No Carol Caroling is sitting right next to me on the couch. She's doing a crosswords. I'm playing Eldereen. She's just a wonderful way to fucking live life. But I do think she's putting the noise canceling on just because it's like, he likes to yell at his men. Why are you so intent on portraying Carolina as this poor put-upon woman? Because I'm, she loves me. Yeah. and she loves me! Yeah! Coni-coni!
Starting point is 01:29:46 But around that same time, as it always happens with Anders, his rejection caused a significant change in attitude. Because Brev- He wasn't even rejecting! Well Breviks cousin just stopped inviting him to meetings. Yeah, because he was blowing him off. He coldened all his fucking Freemason favors to get your ass in the Freemasons. But in Anders mind, he was supposed to be allowed to blow it off.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Of course. He was supposed to be brought in and then he just eventually stopped getting calls. And where before he was the so-called tonic to depression for his fellow WoW players, he was now rude and aggressive. He was the tonic of depression. Yes. Eventually, he left his guild and joined another. But all they did was make fun of him
Starting point is 01:30:29 and make fun of his stupid username, Anders Nordic. Yeah, because he put his name, his real name, and his location in his Internet identity. It's fantasy. It is. And it was true as anything. You could be, yeah, like Lord Clackx or from Frank's more creative. Yeah, I usually use Borax in my fantasy games.
Starting point is 01:30:50 That's fun. Borax? Yeah, Borax is one that I use. Garonia is usually what I use for the female characters. Borax makes Gack. I remember. Oh, wow. Gack's pretty good too.
Starting point is 01:31:00 In Baldur's Gate, I was fart. I remember... I remember... I what was it? In Chesswood Friends, I was fart. I remember in what was it in a chest with friends? I was blow your dad 56. Very good. That's great. I had in his spirit of true competition. Always thought it'd be great to beat someone and just be like, yeah, yeah, I blew your dad too. Yeah, I'm sucking your father, I'm ruining your family. I'm a man. But the thing about Breviks World Warcraft phase was that it wasn't just a year or two, whether he was the leader of a guild or a follower, this was Breviks life for five years
Starting point is 01:31:40 from 2006 to 2011. It's really like, in that way, obviously, we see where it led to, but it's kind of frightening. Like I have like- You can just fall into that for five years. What's longer than college? It's just gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:56 It's just gone. Like he was gone for five years. And then in there, in there, he became a fucking, what he became. Yeah. Now I had friends that felt like a big one when I was in college was before World of Warcraft was EverQuest and I have friends that it was the first MMO RPG it was before World of Warcraft and that yeah
Starting point is 01:32:13 I had friends two or three friends fail out of college because of EverQuest and just fucking and then they ended You know where they ended up Iraq Would sell in hot dogs The US back. Would Sel and Hot Dogs are illegal? I think Hot Dogs are illegal. On tour with the USO? No. Suffering from PTSD. Oh. Yeah, because I went to college from the years 2001 to 2006.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Yeah. Yeah. But that being said, the more social bridges he burned in his fantasy world, the more time he spent on extremist right-wing websites and message boards. Particularly, Anders focused on texts that were obsessed with the so-called Islamization of Europe. This is also known as the Eurebia Theory, in which it's said that Muslims are actively working to replace Europeans in European countries with the help of left-wing politicians. No, isn't it based off of one battle in the Crusades that they use as an example?
Starting point is 01:33:10 Like isn't there was something I remember that we talked about how I was reading something. I forgot what it's called, but there was one battle where it was the basically one of the big tenants in the manifesto is that the Crusades were defensive, not offensive. Well, Crusades are episode two. Yes, we'll get to that. But this concept of, like, they use that as the first example of the Muslims have always been trying to take over Europe.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Yeah. Well, these ideas were spread through horribly written books and blog posts that rival even the most insane 9-11 conspiracy tomes in terms of incomprehensibility. You never want to read the most dangerous secret. So bad. The most dangerous secret. We'll get to, oh you'll see, but that is fucking another one where I'm like, my eyes want to fall out of my fucking head.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Yeah. It therefore might not come as a surprise that their overly simplified, yet still extremely convoluted claims are utter horseshit. While these right-wing writers are insisting that Europeans are being replaced, Muslims only make up 5% of the entire European population, and that number is expected to rise to 8% by... wait for it? What?
Starting point is 01:34:21 When? 2050. My God! That's when they empty the prisons. God. Moreover, Breviks-Presish Norway isn't even in the top five for refugees or immigrants. Really, influxes of Islamic immigrants in Europe
Starting point is 01:34:35 are a sort of optical illusion, because Muslim immigrants, like a lot of immigrant populations, they concentrate in certain cities and certain districts. Or they put them in certain cities and certain districts or they put them in certain cities in certain districts Yes, England's population for example is six point three percent Muslim, but 37% of those Muslims live in London because it's it's London. Yeah Therefore if you go to London, you'll see a fair amount of Muslims
Starting point is 01:34:59 But they by no means make up a countrywide invasion force again We've driven across the UK twice. And I tell you what, it's a lot of white people. I didn't really see a heck of a lot. I felt urban in a lot of places. Yeah, when we were there last Christmas visiting family like London, yeah, very diverse. Oxford, very white. Oh yeah, not quite so diverse Norway is of course very similar even today as of 2023 Muslims make up a poultry 3.3% of the Norwegian population Less than 200,000 people yeah, but 55% of those people live in Oslo and Vika and Oslo was where Anders Brivik lived
Starting point is 01:35:46 people live in Oslo and Vika. And Oslo was where Anders Brivik lived. Lastly, it's not like all these Muslims come from some mysterious Muslim land where they all get along. You honestly Muslim land if you're going to go get the fast man. So difficult to see it. They come from a variety of countries, cultures and sects that in some cases fucking despise each other. And it's these differences that sometimes cause wars in the Middle East that create the very refugees that are immigrating to European countries. Now if you could, you were going to do your explanation of the Middle East. So if you could-
Starting point is 01:36:19 Where did it go wrong? What happened was now. What happened was now. Jesus! My thing is- What are we going to do about it? That's episode two. Oh great, we'll re-wrap it up.
Starting point is 01:36:32 We'll wrap it up and I'll really wrap up the whole Middle East thing. In my mind it's like the Jets, the Sharks, are like the Shiites. The other guys? And then there's somebody else in there and Mohammed comes in. Well, the point is there's not a monoculture here. It's not like all Muslims are the same and they're all working together in some massive conspiracy to take over Europe. They're there because another Muslim fucking made it there.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Started it there. Yeah, that's where they are. Or because America may have came in and fucked up their country. No. Restructured from a distance wisely. It may have deep there may have been a destabilizing force somewhere in their country that might have fucked everything up for everybody But the point is is that it's not a monoculture in any way whatsoever really as One writer put it the life of a Muslim immigrant in Europe is the fucking same as most people's lives. Work, kids, sleep.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Yes, that's it. Yeah, 95% of society. Yes. But as far as Anders Brevik and his compatriots were concerned, Muslims were on track to force every white Norwegian to live under Sharia law within a generation or two. This was not only being allowed to happen in their view, but it was actively being encouraged by socialists, Marxists, and somehow, feminists. I think it's because they won't date him.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Yes. That's one. But most importantly, when it came to Anders Brevik, he was not rejected by the people he connected with on these sites, like he'd been rejected by his tagging crew, the progress party, the Freemasons, and his World of Warcraft guild. Also remember, each one, he did things to reject his fucking self. Yes. So it's ill again, everyone rejected me, but you was the one that did all of the shit.
Starting point is 01:38:11 It seems like there's one thing in common with all these fucking things and it's your fucking ass. It's Anders Brevik. Yes. No, he always fucked up his own life. But in this world, he was accepted immediately because Anders Brevet could finally found the place where the dickhead reigned supreme and the bigger of a dickhead you were, the more popular you became, at least amongst the bottom feeders. Yeah, amongst the bottom feeders. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:38:35 that's on the right wing extremist blogs and message boards. And so Anders began less time playing World of Warcraft. Instead, he dedicated himself to adding another extremist book to the pile, and that book consumed him completely. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate university. That book, of course, contained a fair amount of rambling history. A fair amount? How about in its entirety? Particularly, Anders Brevik was becoming obsessed with the medieval crusades fighting force known as the Knights Templar.
Starting point is 01:39:09 And that's where we'll pick back up next week for Anders Brevik Part 2. We are gonna get into it's just gonna get real nasty. The next couple episodes are like we're gonna obviously go deep into his ideology next week, which everyone loves. And then we're gonna get into some real like truly harrowing violence His his mass shooting spree was truly horrible. He's fucking one of the worst guys ever live and we're gonna get real into it But we're gonna have laughs along the way It's just crazy that someone who did like one of the most insane evil things of all time can be so boring. Yeah
Starting point is 01:39:48 That's that is common These guys are all insufferable fucking assholes look at the Nazis like we're like I be I use it as a direct comparison Because of the area of the world and what he believed in but you know the those guys You know dr. Mengele we had a hard time with when we were doing Like it was hard to like pinpoint this man. The man himself was a very blasé, kind of empty canvas man. Yeah, because there's an entire interior world with these people, but because that's the thing, you don't know how much of their interior world is truly consumed by thoughts
Starting point is 01:40:21 of violence. Yes. And I think that's where they spend most of their time, is in a world of violence within their own head until it finally breaks out and touches everyone else. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because he was just by himself the whole time, no one paying attention to him. And that's why the cops did not see it coming. Stay tuned for more of that.
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Starting point is 01:41:21 Yep. It's clips. And you'll get to see fun clips clips and then those fun clips will take you to our patreon where you can see the full episodes don't just live your life by clips don't live your life by tick tock tick tock little by little spend some time settle into it really get sweaty yeah man join the tick tock yeah join the tick tock and then go somewhere else for the smith the bigger smell do you join a tick tock yeah you join. I don't- Or you follow a TikTok. I have never looked at it, but I hear ours is fun.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Yeah, yeah, it's good! And our Instagram is great too. L- P- at L-P on the left and be sure to check out L-P-N-T-V on Twitch. slash L-P-N-T-V. Yeah, we've got the good puttys back next week. Nice! On Thursday. Oh, yeah nice oh yeah we're beginning a plot we'll see a plot nice like a burial plot yes really you and Jackie yes honestly I would love to purchase a burial plot I think it'd be fun yeah are you gonna get buried I want a tomb yeah you want to do yeah I want to be frozen in a tomb I want to love you like landing oh no I'm gonna get buried
Starting point is 01:42:23 yeah I want people pay money to go see Oh, I'm gonna get buried. Yeah, I want people to pay money to go see me Yeah, no, I just I'm always fucking getting them tickets dog. I'm a tombstones free. Yeah, free baby Yeah, give me give me a tombstone put me in the ground. I'm good to go. I'm gonna throw his body out the freeway Well, how are you gonna be buried by these exhibit? Watching TV here. Yeah, you doing the lawnmower? Podcast body. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:42:51 It's $39.99 if you want to come pay your respects. Can you see how thick his wrists are from surfing the web? All right, that's it. Hell Satan. No, Helgi. Hell, none of these motherfuckers. Sure, yeah, yeah. Hey, Earlgi. Hell, none of these motherfuckers. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, anybody but them. Yeah. Help people who played fair on fucking Elden Ring PVP.
Starting point is 01:43:13 There you go. Yeah, thank you. Thank God somebody said. This show is made possible by listeners like you. Thanks to our ad sponsors, you can support our shows by supporting them. For more shows like the one you just listened to, go to

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