Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 564: Anders Breivik Part II - Mommy’s Little Monster

Episode Date: February 24, 2024

The boys dive right back into the story of Anders Breivik, his exhausting manifesto, and the final days leading up to the devastating 2011 Norway Attacks. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Holds Prime Age listening. It is I, NUMATOR 479. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee. And while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake and vivacious to give it so try our new plan from Spring Hill Jack coffee Reptilian in the morning our proprietary blend of lightly roasted Cocayo husks will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coaca with all your snippery new Thanks, honey I'm cold blooded! Mmm! Eggs to Spring Hill Jack and last hot gas on the left!
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm ready to get out there and eat some babies! Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton! There's no place to escape to. This is the last hot gas on the left. There's no place to escape to. This is the last talk. On the left. That's when the cannibalism started. What was that?
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'm going to start today with a bit of a controversial thought. Please. Uh, obviously we're going to get to some of the corrections. Mm-hmm. Various many corrections. It's been a week. What happened? People were wrong? No, never me. I blame society Mostly for for me. Yeah, all right, but which is honestly it's right on right on Andrew like is that there Andrew? Yeah, I don't know what he did use Andrew as a pseudonym, but we'll get to that. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Are we sure? I mean, oh my God. Oh my God. But this is my thinking, right? This is Bad Kid, sure. Andrew's Brevik Bad Kid, naughty boy. Yeah. You know, naughty boy, people, you know, punched hard for four-year-olds, extremely dangerous,
Starting point is 00:02:02 no one knew what to do with him. But imagine if there was just one magical afternoon where Michael Jackson could have chosen Anders Brafic. Right. That's how you actually pronounce it. Yeah. Brought him to Neverland Ranch one time and had the monkey rip in the shreds. That would be incredible. Either way, think about what could it would have done for that little boy to play with the llama.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah. Go on the train. I was looking at a bunch of old pictures of Neverland Ranch and let's say it did fall into disarray and it seemed that he was distracted by a lot of stuff going on. Obviously he was trying to go back on tour. He was feeling super sleepy. He was getting this, I'm getting my milk every night. But man, I just think about that. Like maybe he can do some of that joy.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I watched the old Michael Jackson Super Bowl performance that he did. And when he had all of those kids dancing and unison at his whim, I just thought, man, Anders Bravick should have been there. And like, man, I just feel like a little bit of joy, a little bit of, like could have like helped d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d- No, don't try to fucking... He's... He's... He's... He's...
Starting point is 00:03:26 He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's...
Starting point is 00:03:34 He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's...
Starting point is 00:03:42 He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... He's... I'm an idiot! And thank you for saying it. Boogers are delicious. You shouldn't say that anymore, because you blew my fucking mind to the top of side stories last week. Do you know that picking your nose has given people Alzheimer's? Yeah, I saw that fear. 91% of people with Alzheimer's pick their nose. I love picking my nose.
Starting point is 00:03:59 We all do. I love it. Yes, yeah, man. It's bacteria from your finger. Wash your hands first before you pick your nose. Wear gloves. Yeah, man, it's bacteria from wash your hands first before you pick your nose That's the great thing about picking your nose. It's an absent-minded thing I know but now you gotta think about it just a little bit one more thing to hyper focus on and I'm just thank God I am gifted with the superpower of OCD hyper vigilance that allows me to really dig it I just spin snort and fucking antibacterial soap and everything's fine Really get you fucked up
Starting point is 00:04:30 Here we are at Anders Brevik part two I don't like saying Bravik it makes me feel weird because I don't like putting the word brave into his name Oh, I can coward. It's not oh, yeah. Also. We could call him whatever the hell we want. Yeah, call mr. Tushy pants He should be mr. Tushy Pants. I would actually then go as far as to call him Panders Brevet. You know, like, but he's a, you know, it's hard because it gets Anders Brevik.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's how you get it Norwegian. Yeah, but I'm not gonna say anything. Also Iceland is not Scandinavia. I talked to my friend Addie this morning, who is an Icelander and I ran it by him and he said that Icelanders are culturally Scandinavian, but not geographically Scandinavian. Sounds like in the middle of somebody else's manifesto.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And that was from a man named Audustin Jorgensen. I don't, yeah, I believe him. But I got several strident, wooden emails from people saying that it is not Scandinavian. Yeah, his whole thing, yeah, and then he went on to talk shit about the Norwegians and the Swedish for them bastardizing the fucking Icelandic language, because the Icelandic language is the original language of Scandinavia. I'm starting to see what's going on here. I'm starting to see an inter-statehood
Starting point is 00:05:33 kind of rivalry happening and we are now in the center. Yeah, they got the three little droopy dicks that Scandinavia. Exactly. Culturally, but not geographically. I just don't know. I'm with everyone. Yeah. I don't know what you're gonna do. So by the time Anders Brevik turned 30, he'd almost disappeared into the world of online right-wing extremism completely, but he still had tenuous connections to the real world. According to former friends, when they took him out for his 30th birthday, the only topic of conversation Brevik wanted to spend time on was the book he was writing.
Starting point is 00:06:07 He was such an overbearing bore and piece of shit, 24-7. And it's just, it's hard, because I did some reading into online radicalization after this, because that idea of someone going away for five years and then coming out of a room of full of farts, like a different guy, is interesting, but it really shows that a lot of times, like, it's online radicalization is so much faster than in-person radicalization.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It is. We've watched it happen. But for a long time, I didn't understand why. I was like, so, but why? And, but it's really, there's like a, I might be talking a little bit out of school here. So feel free to correct me side stories But the idea that our biological brains, sort of the meat in our heads are not supposed to be subject to so many different thoughts at any given time. And that's much information at any given time. And that you truly, like back in the day, they used to have, you know, because we talked about when hate went online
Starting point is 00:07:05 They were like first up. Yeah. Oh, yeah storm march is one of the oldest sites on the internet Yeah, like they were right and as soon as the internet started there were hate groups online and started in forums But they always viewed offline evangelism as like crucial like you have to go to a gun show you have to go to a place You have to do these things you meet up with people someone has to hand you the protocols of the others of Zion. Yeah, because again, that's a, you know, locally source. But it's also we joked about last time about how, like, you know, even members of Al Cato would like hang out. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:34 They would go and have barbecues and shit like, and there was like a social contingent to the offline evangelizing of hate groups. But then, like, basically it shows that if you're online, it's so much easier to... Because there's no side quests online. There's no hanging out. There's no joking around. You guys are all just talking hate all day long, getting pumped full of ideology, and it ramps up the effects of being in this echo chamber where you have no other thought outside of your little world. Well, basically, it creates... It shifts your reality. Like, you have no other thought outside of your little world. Well, basically, it shifts your reality. Like, you have this own bubble of reality, and that's what Henry was telling me earlier today,
Starting point is 00:08:10 is the more you ingest this information, the more it becomes, oh, this is what the world is. Sure. Like, this is it completely, because our brains are trained to do that. Yeah, well, before the internet, there were checks and balances on what we read a little bit. Well, also, our reality is created by the information that goes into it and the data. So eventually if you, if that's the only data that's going into it,
Starting point is 00:08:31 that's how you're going to see the world. And then he's going out, right? So now he's spending all day inside. And he's going out. He's fucking playing World Warcraft 24 seven. He's, he's got no job, nothing going on. Uh, he, but when he goes out with his so-called friends, they all are like, when he starts spouting off his horseshit, all of his buddies are like,
Starting point is 00:08:50 you know, that's fucking wrong, right? Or like that's stupid or you're we don't like you anymore. Well, his buddies at this time, like he's keeping all this shit hidden. Like when he's at 30, he's going up for his 30th birthday. He's not talking about the Arabia theory. He's not talking about Muslims. He's not talking about the Arabia theory. He's not talking about Muslims. He's just talking about the Knights Templar. Cause that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:09:09 That sounds like me. Cause he didn't tell his friends that the vast majority of the book he was working on was extremist right wing rantings. He told his friends, I'm working on a book about the Crusades. And specifically I'm focusing on the Battle of Vienna in 1683. but focusing on this battle was a potent right-wing Islamophobic dog whistle if you knew the story behind the battle
Starting point is 00:09:32 Well, you know like his friends could probably infer when he started talking about the Europeans defending themselves against the Muslim Hordes that he's probably got some bad opinions Yes, but he's not out now openly talking about this shit. I just find it interesting. He's a coward. He is a coward. And I just find it interesting that he like did have to hide his right wing views, because he knew that they wouldn't be into his right wing views. And so every single time he would try to, he would, he began to be more and more
Starting point is 00:09:59 separated from society because he's isolating himself, because he's going back to the same places that all make him feel good about the horrible things that he's saying Do you think if he did it like without a gun or without a weapon at all like hand-to-hand Would that make him not a coward? He's just walking around Tom beating people up. Yeah, you just see another local psycho. Yeah, he's punching at people, kicking a baby, you know, like, you know, pissing on a water fountain. Now, the Battle of Vienna, the thing that Anders Breivik was focusing on, that has become a legendary milestone in the minds of extreme right-wing radicals due to the fact that it involved a Muslim force invading a European city and failing.
Starting point is 00:10:44 The way the right looks at it, the Islamic Ottoman Empire attempted to take the Holy Roman Empire city of Vienna, but because Europe came together to repel the Muslim hordes, never again did a Muslim Empire attempt an invasion of Europe. The reality of the Battle of Vienna is not so simple. No way! All of Anders Brovix's writings are a fucking grand nation of fortune. The Muslims are so excited to ride the Ferris wheel. Yeah. Yes, the Holy Roman Empire did include Vienna, but the empire itself was not a country in modern terms.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Instead, it was a collection of hundreds of territories throughout central Europe that each had its own ruler, with a single emperor ruling over the large, albeit decentralized, confederation. Got it? As a result, only about half a dozen out of the 1800 territories of the Holy Roman Empire participated in the Battle of Vienna, although it must be said that a lot of these territories were tiny estates ruled by imperial knights rather than major kingdoms or duchies. But even so, half a dozen isn't a lot, and the only European powers outside of the empire that joined the Battle of Vienna were Poland and a smattering of other Eastern European European territories like Transylvania. Oh shit Dracula!
Starting point is 00:12:06 Oh, dear! I guess the Muslims can't beat Dracula! I'm gonna be so mad if Dracula becomes like a right-wing figure. I'm gonna be really upset. I do not drink Jewish wine. What? Put away the man of Shevitt, Straculous Tom. In other words, while different powers did come together, this was by no means the great gathering of the white race that the extreme right believes it to be.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Nevertheless, it has become a potent symbol to the Islamophobic authors that Anders Bravik was consuming on a daily basis. It's just these, they're literally just like hacky tropes within the world of right wing thought. Well, they're looking at it like an action movie. Yeah, sure. They're not, everything is simplified and yet highly convoluted at the same time. Now around 2009, Bravik spent less time playing World of Warcraft and more time on
Starting point is 00:13:06 either a smattering of extremist right-wing websites or badly written, self-published books by authors who didn't even have the balls to use their real names. Of course! I find it interesting that they all have to hide something that they're all so supposed to be proud of. Well, it's the same thing with the Klan. It's like, if they knew they were right, they wouldn't wear the fucking hoods. Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But they were safe against COVID. And honestly, I think that's one of the nicest things that the Klu Klun's Klan could have done for themselves. Well, among the more odious writers was a guy who went by the name Fjordman, real name Peter Jensen. And most of his writing outside of his most popular self-published book, Defeating Arabia, could be found on a hate blog called Gates of Vienna, named after the aforementioned battle. Fjordman was Anders Brevik's favorite writer. Oof, oof, I love this guy, I want to do a meet and greet.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Apparently it is a dower. Meet and greet. The Brevik didn't reach out to Fjordmen immediately. Instead, Brevik cut his extremist teeth on the comments section of a far-right website called There Brevik found that writing hate-filled conspiracy rants about Islam and the Western media's complicity in its own destruction, that shit got a lot of positive attention. This is where I'll get into my little anti shitposting rant.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I'm talking about like, I did read a very interesting article from George Washington University that was like, you know, I keep seeing this, what seems like one of those like, your children may be in danger, watch an 11 to find out how you don't mean like that style. But I was reading this article that talked about how shit posting really helps The right wing. Oh for sure because in my mind like we were all black-pilled 4chan people like we all like in the very early days of 4chan Yeah, we were all like we anything that was like the most awful like I'd laugh at like, you know like you really cuz in your head
Starting point is 00:15:02 You're like, oh oh I'm exercising an ironic understanding of horrible things and but it really does create this amazing smoke screen for actual Terrorists and actual like people they're gonna go and do fucked up shit inside of these worlds because they have that release valve of like We're just fucking around it's just a joke like we're just doing it It's it's like a funny thing, it's a meme. Well, that's the things that Marshall McLuhan, the guy who coined the term meme, the original definition of the word meme is a unit of information.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And so you get enough units of information that are saying the exact same thing over and over again, then again, that becomes your reality. And the other thing about 4chan is that, you know, if you, it's the old saying is like, if you act like an idiot, don't be surprised when idiots show up thinking that they found people of like minds. Oh yeah, because half of these guys are just shitposting from their momma's basement, but the other half of these guys are wishing they could get out of their
Starting point is 00:15:58 momma's basement and go kill a bunch of people. And falling into right wing ideological rabbit holes is actually pretty easy, even when you're not actively searching for it And it's even easier today than it was back when Brevik was searching the internet for those said like mine Yes, cuz they discovered they can make a lot of money on it So now they just let it run unfettered. I myself for example Innocently mentioned a band that I'd been enjoying at the end of a side stories episode a couple of weeks ago And we said something about a band he liked and I was like, hey, I'm listening to this other band.
Starting point is 00:16:28 It's pretty good. Now the album, that was just something I was listening to while I was playing with my Legos. It's something that was on a list of albums to listen to from 2023. I was just going through it, you know, and just having fun. We know about your condition. And I'm having a grand old time because the album has a fun 90s vibe with the modern twist and bopping along trying to figure out which pieces go with what.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah, where do you put the dead bodies? This is from the Titanic. Yeah, this is from the... Yeah, well actually I was working on the Lego lighthouse by this time. Oh good, good, good, good. So you didn't have a naked Willem Dafoe one? So you should have built the lighthouse before the Titanic. The idiot's gonna crash. Do something. Not just sit there idling mine.
Starting point is 00:17:11 But I'm listening to the album and I'm not really paying attention to the lyrics because they're being sneered, they're being screamed, like every once in a while you hear like, I'm a girl, I'm a girl, I'm like cool, whatever. And the Lego lighthouse was using the bulk of my concentration. I even thought, hey man, I'll fucking look it up. Next time they're in LA, I'll go out and see them. But lo and behold, as soon as I publicly said I liked this band, I was informed that they were pretty much the modern 4chan version of Death in June.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Death in June, we're a post-punk turned Neo folk band from the 80s who claimed that the insane amount of Nazi symbolism in their music and imagery, that was just misunderstood. Yeah, oh yes! It really was misunderstood. No, it is Nazi. No, because most punks back in the day were swastikas, or named bands after Nazi atrocities,
Starting point is 00:17:57 i.e. Joy Division. They were doing it for either shock value or to draw attention to all the horrible shit that happened in the Holocaust that everyone was trying to forget. Well, ironic acceptance of horrible imagery. Exactly. Death and June, however, were more of the opinion that Nazism was a good idea that went awry with the Nazi purge of officers who weren't loyal enough to Hitler the night of the long nives.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Death and June was so dedicated to this event that their name is a direct reference to the date in which the night occurred. But you'd never be able to tell that just by listening to their music until of course you really get into it. And if you really get into it, you just might be swayed by that ideology. It's just a slippery slope, kind of. You know, you don't understand that you're just kind of... I did notice that Marcus was zig-hiling like a lot. But I thought... Zee-kring-hiling?
Starting point is 00:18:44 He was a hill. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But apart, I thought he was just-hiling like a lot. But I thought- Zee-Kron-Hiles? He was just like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. But apart, I thought he was just pointing to where the dish is. But this band, Just the band that I'm talking about, they're not Nazis, they're kinda updated for the times.
Starting point is 00:18:56 This band that I listened to while playing with fuckin' Legos, super fun, super energetic, fuckin' sometimes a driver on LA, la, la, la, fuckin' grape, blastin' out my windows, they have a song about the Christ Church shooting except they're pro shooting And as you may already know Christ Church was directly inspired by Anders Bravick That's all to say that this shit is
Starting point is 00:19:19 Everywhere and it's extremely easy to twist your ankle in a right wing hole if you're not being careful out there. It was like last week. I'll issue my correction. As I said, the term left-wing fascism, right, which is technically a fallacy. It cannot exist because fascism is technically a right-wing philosophy. But I should have used the term authoritarianism. For lunatic. Are they really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really close?
Starting point is 00:19:47 Yes. But I understand the concept of not getting, if you don't, look into the words. This is how right wing guys operate. You know what I mean? It wasn't in total because for a while I did think, I was like, well, what's the big deal about confusing the terms? Until I did get deeper into the manifesto with Anders Bravik and saw the term left-wing fascism
Starting point is 00:20:07 and watched that pop up quite a bit because he is trying to equate the terms. Authoritarianism is no better. And it's the same other side of it, but it's just this interesting thing of like, it's the terminology. You don't understand you're using the terminology. And then all of a sudden you're put in a position
Starting point is 00:20:24 where you're like arguing for some, like for semantics. That's like the one issue about like, you know, the left wing side of the political argument is like a bunch of people inner arguing with each other while then all of a sudden like some right wing dudes gonna come up and shoot you the back of the fucking head while you're all fighting over terminology. But I also get it.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I understand that that's how you slide into something accidentally. Yep. Now, as far as what Bravik wrote in the forums, he took Fjord Mann's lead and heavily discussed the Eurabia theory that we talked about in the last episode, in which Muslims were on track to replace Europeans with the help of the European elites. The problem with the Eurabia theory is that none of these people can give any plausible reason why the notoriously secular European Union would want to turn their continent into an Islamic caliphate. It doesn't track.
Starting point is 00:21:13 No. Really the only theory they can come up with is that the forerunner of the European Union struck a deal in the 1970s with the Middle East to trade oil for refugees and these supposedly all-powerful European elites have been stuck in their Faustian bargain ever since. It's just a bit of, that shows it's just about money. No, it doesn't work. It doesn't make any fucking sense. Now after Bravitt got popular on the comment section.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Such a happening place. One of my, you know, it's better than having love. Which is still going, by the way way and still extraordinarily Islamophobic, Brevik decided to use those comment sections to write an open letter to Fjordman. It read, quote, Fjordman, I've now worked full time for over three years on a solution-oriented work, compendium written in English. I have tried to concentrate on areas a little to one side of your main focus.
Starting point is 00:22:07 A lot of the information I have gathered is not known to most people. Bring it back. Bring it back. Yeah. A lot of the information I have got a lot of the information I have gathered. I try to do Norwegian. And it would stretch. It would sound like a lepre It was too sweet a chef. A lot of the information I have got is not known to most people, including
Starting point is 00:22:34 you. If you email me at gear2083 at, I will send an electronic copy when I finished it. Now I'd imagine Fjordman wasn't the busiest of bees because two days later he sent an email to year2083 at, the meaning of which we'll soon discuss. He wrote, hello this is Fjordman you wanted to get to hold of me. But I feel like he is so bored, like it is, he's like, hello this is Fjordman, I hope that you want to get to get a whole bunch of food. Well, excited beyond belief and damn near thunderstruck.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Anders immediately replied saying that the book was ready, but it would take a few months to, quote, prepare the practicalities for dispatch, whatever the fuck that means. He's got to wrap up the deal memo. Anders then said that he was choosing free distribution of the book to penetrate the censorship of the publishing industry. Exactly. And it seems like as soon as Fjordman heard the word free, his interest dried up and Brevik never heard from him again. Free hate?
Starting point is 00:23:35 That's what I deliver! Undeterred, Anders continued posting on, blaming his former political party's election defeats on the Norwegian media and classifying the Arab Spring protests of 2010 as, quote, Muslim riots. It's just so funny that all of these guys take strategies from people that they so-called are filled with hate for. You know what I mean? That they look at the Arab Spring and they see Twitter you working for the Arab Spring movement and then they're like oh great
Starting point is 00:24:05 We can use that for hate. Yeah, we can use that for our shit meanwhile like but it's just weird like you're stealing Their tactics, but you hate them. Yeah, of course. I'm much more of a fan of Irish spring Well to that point Brevig then started spamming the Facebook accounts of cultural conservatives and immigration critics, sending the maximum of 50 friend requests a day to build an email database for when his book was finished. About half of those people said yes to Brevik's request, meaning that there were a lot of conservatives all over the world who were Facebook friends with Anders Brev on July 22nd, 2011. And considering how most people don't purge their friends list on a regular basis,
Starting point is 00:24:49 a lot of them probably still are. Go check! They didn't kick Brevik off of Facebook? No. What are you kidding me? Well, maybe they did. I don't know. At least not until he was, you know, Anders Brevik. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to delete your account? I'm trying to save all my pictures of all my favorite flags.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And I cannot, I cannot save them. They won't let me. I've got, they still have a fucking horrible Facebook page up and they won't let me get rid of it. Technically you can download the pictures you put up so Anders could get all his flags and the pictures of him and his uniforms. He could get those. But thankfully, because Anders Bravick was probably never tagged in a photo ever by a friend, he actually won't be missing those. That's what's hard to get.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah. We should start tagging him in pictures of fucking vaginas and stuff. Ew! I do not trust any being born with a chasm! Really, the only people in the right-wing space that Brevik didn't want to associate with were people who had obvious Nazi symbols anywhere on their Facebook page. He didn't want neo-Nazis as friends, because apparently they were a bridge too far and way too obvious. It's confusing to me, because you read this fucking manifesto, God, I hate this fucking piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I'm so sick of reading about it. And it's this weird thing of like, I'm not racist. I'm not a Nazi. I'm not, it's just like, then what are you? How do you, why are you killing 77 people though? If you're like, if you're obviously, you're not a chef. If you're not a fucking, you're not in the bobsled team for Norway. Well, he's one of those people that are like, I'm not a racist.
Starting point is 00:26:30 They just don't belong here. Well, that's what that is. Yes. But he also fucking Zieg Heil in the middle of a courtroom. He did that again, Theatric Hallow. Well, he did that. He actually put it fist up. He did both, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:26:42 Well, he did the Zieg Heil, I think recently, but during his original trial, he just did the fist up, you know, which some people say that picture of him with his fist up in the air is the best piece of propaganda that he ever produced because he looks good. Like, he looks- I guess. No, he doesn't. He's got a chin strap beard. I mean, anybody with that beard is gross. In the context of the right-wing shitheads that look up to him, they can look at that picture and say, that guy looks badass. Ugh. Their bar is very low. I know, it's true, it's funny. It's true. Yeah. But when it came to paramilitary organizations, the one that Anders Brevik respected the most had been destroyed hundreds of years before. More than anyone, Anders Brevik idolized the Knights Templar.
Starting point is 00:27:28 The Knights Templar! Honestly, I love the Knights Templar. But it is a subject. Yeah, well you love the subject of the Knights Templar. Yes. Yeah. Now, put very, I wouldn't say you like, you shouldn't say that you love the Knights Templar. You look too bashful right now.
Starting point is 00:27:44 What do you mean? Well, they got a bad rap. They're cute or something. I the lightstem. You look too bashful right now. What do you mean? It's like you think they're cute or something. I don't know, you're nice. Are you a nightstem flower? Okay. Can I see your arms? Oh wow, so strong from holding your lance. They are misunderstood. Are they?
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yes. Are they? They were dedicated mostly to protecting pilgrims who were trying to take over the Holy Land and dedicated a slaughtering Muslim. But they were murdered on the whole they were Executed in the name of being Satanist since that they did but a ritual they did only Because they were executed because they were accused of being Satanist because they had all the money Yeah, took all the money and then they got I just saying I appreciate you like them because they're rich Satan
Starting point is 00:28:22 But before that there were a bunch of God fearing shitheads who slaughtered innocents. They were fucking like, they were like, wow, beer in here. They were the thing you hate the most. Nah, man, dog, not back in the day, man. They were killing people in the name of God. But they were also, a lot of them were paid. So a lot of them were, it was just a job. So, because they're mercenaries, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah. So what do you think about Blackwater? They were fine. Man, I want to thank you to our recent sponsor, Blackwater. It has been an incredible working experience with them. And if you need a private mercenary, you can use the code, lastpot, To put very simply and briefly, the Knights Templar were a band of warriors who have participated in the Christian Crusades against Muslim lands in the medieval period.
Starting point is 00:29:11 The Templars and others like them were seeking to reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim control and expand Christian influence through a holy war against the Muslim infidels. There were of course plenty of other people who participated in the Crusades for the treasure, but the Knights Templar at least at first, saw oaths of poverty, chastity, and obedience to the Lord, renouncing all worldly pleasures while they protected pilgrims and slaughtered Muslims. But they had to agree to that to get to go kill people for money. Within a century though, the Knights Templar had become a bloated, corrupt, and extremely wealthy organization that developed an early form of modern banking.
Starting point is 00:29:48 They created checks, and in the process became in essence the first evil multinational corporation. So you say evil, I still think that their, so the way they kind of were was like, they were a very oversimplification of it and my understanding of it is that they were kind of like the whack and hut-hut of the crusades Okay, we're like a part of what they did was that you'd go when they'd kill a bunch of people for you in the crusades And then they would do is they'd get all the treasures all the booty right all the loot after killing But in killing all these people and then they would be like so the parties they represented They'd be like so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take
Starting point is 00:30:25 your precious items and we're gonna safely carry them back to the homeland. And then they bring it back and then you go to show up. You're like, okay, where's all the loot that you guys are gonna give me from all the stuff you did? And you're like, here's the thing about it, is that we kill people on the whole, like, real fucking good, right?
Starting point is 00:30:45 And we have all your money. So now you're gonna have to figure out how to get it back. And so they were like, they were essentially like an armored car service. But then eventually when they went to go get it back, they were all like, nah. Yeah, you have to do the leap from the lion's head and choose wisely and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Well, that's the thing. It was a slow progression. Because at first, they were these, you know, very noble, at least they thought they were noble knights, they were protecting pilgrims. And then they, and then they started getting lands because they needed to have like kind of rest stops along the way. And then once they got lands, then that's when the treasure started coming through. And then that's when they started holding onto it. And before long, they're a corporation
Starting point is 00:31:26 You know and they're there to exploit people Now by the early 14th century the king of France was deep in debt to the Templars So he along with the Pope accused the Templars of worshiping Bathomet and licking each other's buttholes and such and such They probably were licking buttholes maybe but I But I think that just because the closeness of men in the trenches. Yeah. They didn't want it. I feel like you know, for a while, wasn't there like a
Starting point is 00:31:52 concept in ancient history of wanting gay men to be like soldiers because they would fight for your lover? Trojans, right? Yeah. Am I wrong? Those like an ancient- They fight naked together, and then they killed their lover,
Starting point is 00:32:03 then they'd fight harder. Yeah, right? That's cool. That's super cool, yeah. Nothing's like honestly, like what's more manly than fucking a dude in the ass? I mean, that's- Truly! You know?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Having another man go, eeww, eeww! It's extremely manly. But before they knew it, the head Templar Jacques de Molay was being burned at the stake in the middle of Paris. On the Kings say so. And the Knights Templar were soon after disbanded, thereby erasing the French Kings debt. It's about money! And that's the end of the Knights Templar.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah, but you know, I just like them because they were viewed as like a magical group. They, you know, they were just mad. They're hit men. Yeah, they're hit men. Now all the later corruption and dirty dealings are, of course, ignored by the far right. Because in their eyes, the Knights Templar are the model of noble Europeans who slaughtered the Muslim hordes because it was God's will. Whatever. Anders Brevik would go on and on about the Knights Templar in his book,
Starting point is 00:32:58 but he was by no means the first right-wing extremist to use the Knights Templar as a symbol, nor was he the last. I just think they like the name. The knight's Templar, and the, well the imagery is very cool. Yeah. Like it's very, it's very, when you think of an evil knight, a lot of times you're thinking of a knight's Templar. In the order of the solar temple. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:33:16 They were obsessed with the Icaionography. Yeah. They killed any dragons? No, no, no, that was George. There's a guy named George. He killed the dragon. They probably killed a couple of fat guys. Yeah. No, no, no, that was George. There's a guy named George. He killed the dragon. They probably killed a couple of fat guys.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Well for a recent example, the wannabe Nuremberg nerds with the tiki torches at the fucking, you know, at the right rally in Charlottesburg, they showed up with shields bearing the red cross of the Crusades. At that rally and online, they also appropriated a rallying cry from the Crusades. Deus volt, which means God wills it. Deus Volt has of course since become an alt-right catchphrase and somewhat of an obscure dog whistle. So sick of these fucking nerds.
Starting point is 00:33:53 There's so much cooler shit in the world. Yeah, like you know what's a cooler thing for a not hate group is going more deep, more deep, more deep from dude. Super cool. Yeah, that's cool! Yeah! Further back in the past, the KKK have always referred to themselves as White Knights, and they published their own newspaper, not so subtly called, The Crusades. And let's never forget the George W. Bush just after the 9-11 attacks, explicitly referred to the invasion of the Middle East as a crusade,
Starting point is 00:34:21 just before plunging us into the forever war. It's like we never learn. Yeah. But when it came to Anders Brevik in the Knights Templar, he, along with all the others, really only cared about the iconography of the order. And of course, the broad implications of attaching themselves to an organization that was explicitly dedicated to the righteous slaughter of Muslims. Is there a German word for the intense devotion to,
Starting point is 00:34:47 what do you call it? It's like deep research that's still shallow as fuck. Yeah. Like he does, like, that is a lot of fucking manifesto. It is. Pages and pages and pages and pages of course shit. But you watch, you're like. I mean there's an English word for it,
Starting point is 00:35:03 it's called cherry picking. Yeah, I guess that's what it would be. And then you look at the way he writes it because then you read it Because in his mind, it's all hype. It's all reasonable and it all makes sense But I'm looking at it immediately like oh no, this is a this is a definite interpretation of facts that you have twisted into all these non words But you know like cultural Marxism all these kinds which is like empty, air-headed bullshit. No, it's cherry picking. It's the same way that a pastor can have the Bible memorized
Starting point is 00:35:32 and no shit backwards and forwards, but can still ignore every single thing that Jesus ever said. Yeah. And it's just weird. Like, someone will convince themselves of something and then just search on the internet for days until they finally find one article that proves them kind of right. Yeah, I do it every day. Now the quote-unquote book that Anders Brevitt quote-unquote wrote is
Starting point is 00:35:52 in a word terrible. Very little of the political theory is of his own making and much of it is plagiarized from right-wing extremists like Fjordmann. Tidium is the medium. In fact Bre Brevik copied and pasted large swaths of Fjordman's works and repeated them multiple times to make sure his point was very clear. But like his hero Fjordman, Brevik was too cowardly to release his book under his own name, instead choosing to use the nom de plume of Andrew Berwick. No, I'm just saying there it is. But throughout the book, Brevik blame most of the problems facing
Starting point is 00:36:28 Europe on the left, using a term still popular with right wing talking heads like Jordan Peterson. Specifically, Brevik used the term cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism is yet another anti-Semitic conspiracy theory claiming that there is a massive academic and intellectual effort to undermine Western society and replace traditional conservatism with liberal values. Yeah, I hate cultural Marxism means like I never learned how to share my toys. He uses words that mean nothing. Multiculturalism. We see it now. Alex Jones, globalists, right? Like this concept of this giant conspiracy to destroy all national identities.
Starting point is 00:37:09 And first of all, who cares? I don't fucking, who fucking possibly fucking care. But it's like all of the two, the terms are all like mysterious. And they all like don't mean what they say that they mean. Like cultural Marxism makes no sense. You know, like I know that they kind of, they do sort of like in Marxist like thought
Starting point is 00:37:28 there is like, they want you to have, there is like a culture idea in it, but not like this. No. Well, cultural Marxism is all an attempt to destabilize Western society for reasons that are unclear and constantly changing. As far as the anti-Semitic angle goes, these ideas allegedly sprouted from an institute
Starting point is 00:37:46 for social research called the Frankfurt School, and the intellectuals who created them were allegedly Marxist Jews. Basically, cultural Marxism is an umbrella term for anything the far right doesn't like. To them, anything that isn't based in traditional Western values and doesn't place the white man at the top of the heap
Starting point is 00:38:03 is in effect cultural Marxism. They don't even like belly rings Yeah, they can't they don't want to see to be honest if they could they would take Zendaya and they would cut her up into a thousand I'm saying that this is what they want. This is America's princess. I know we must protect her We have to find out where she lives This is what they want. This is America's princess. I know. We must protect her. Yes. We have to find out where she lives. Yeah, let's go to her house. I think we need a post in front of her house to protect her. And if she comes out and asks her, if she asks us what we're doing, we're saying we're
Starting point is 00:38:35 protecting you from the night's Templar. Mademoiselle. Yes, I have my sword. And I have my action. And my bow. Where'd you come from? I was in your bathroom. Feminism, for example, is a prominent feature of cultural Marxism, as they say.
Starting point is 00:38:54 It's the reason why you can't find an obedient housewife. That's the reason! But it's also why you can't get a job, and why you don't do well in school, and why you don't feel masculine. Man, if it's just everything! In other words, the theory of cultural Marxism tells you that it's not your fault that you're a fucking loser, while also telling you that you're a superior specimen by virtue of being born a white man. It reminds me of the Mandela Effect. It's like, oh, is it an excuse? Why I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah, okay, I just remembered wrong. They didn't know the information. Yeah, paradoxically though, they aren't quite superior enough to figure out a way to not be a fucking loser. Yeah, that's curious. Isn't that the weirdest thing? Yeah. Yeah. Instead, Anders Brevik and other men of his ilk become focused on simple destruction instead of the hard work that goes into actually creating something and actually making something of yourself. I just want to give you a little slice of what I had to read to kind of understand it a little bit more where Anders Bravick comes from. How much did you read of it? A couple hundred pages.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Wow. Yes, I was not deserved that. I just pounded through. I go in there. I try to walk the walk of some of these peaches of shit. Yeah. And then you'd be surprised what goes in and what comes out. But so he did his own questionnaire of himself, his own personality questionnaire at the bottom of this and it's he was just like in it
Starting point is 00:40:07 It was like an interview with the head of the Knights Templar an organization blah blah blah. Yeah, we're gonna get to that Yeah, but this is the his answer to Question doesn't it worry you that 95% of all Europeans will openly just test you and call you a murderer and a terrorist answer It's human nature to be selfish, to seek admiration, love and affection. This is why very few people have the self-insight, the ideological and moral confidence and strength to act selflessly on behalf of their own countrymen on their own initiative without a solid hierarchical organization or country supporting and encourage them. And that's why he shot a bunch of teenagers in a park.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Cool. Yeah. Now, is there like even like anything close to like humor in it? No. Except if you go through his favorite bands. Yeah. He does do his, he does do his likes and dislikes. Yeah, we'll talk about that later.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Oh, I can't wait. The cultural Marxists, however, were only a part of the problem. The ones who let the so-called barbarians through the gates. In Breviks view, the barbarians were the Muslims that were insidiously replacing Europeans simply by outfucking them. In reality, though, while immigrant birth rates are high, that's how immigration has worked in every country forever. It's because fucking's free! But just like every other instance throughout history, the immigrant birth rate drops heavily with each successive generation and eventually matches the birth rate of their new home. Now all this bullshit goes on and on and on for a few hundred pages and
Starting point is 00:41:36 leads into part two of the book, Europe Burning, in which Brevitt copies, paced, and repeats multiple essays from Fjordman while also complaining that he's been forced to write this book by society. This method, however, is the same propaganda technique used by right-wing extremists for decades. By repeating his arguments over and over, Brevik was aiming to inspire others to take up his declaration of war against Muslims, and was evidenced by the 51 Muslim bodies at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, it did work at least once. And that's not even counting all the people who read his shit, believe it, and don't kill anyone. Above every other repetitive phrase, however, was the Thomas Jefferson quote about the
Starting point is 00:42:16 tree of liberty being refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants. This was the same quote Timothy McVeigh used before murdering 168 people including 19 tyrannical children in Oklahoma City in 1995. He... I hate him so fucking much. Which one? It's all of them. I hate him so fucking much. We've talked about one cool person this entire episode. Hey, Ahmed? Oh yeah, Ahmed. But we only talked about him
Starting point is 00:42:46 last episode. We haven't talked about him. We're about to talk about him right now. Ahmed seemed fine. But the ideological part of the book is where he fucks up. Because I think, truly, this may sound like a bit, but if you really wanted to be effective, you would have been making memes. because memes are a way to kind of Catch people it's bait. Well, this is before memes really became mainstream. It was like 2010 he's doing this around 2009 2010 it's not quite there yet quite there yet, but you know still like he could have been at the top if he did Pepe We be there'd be like nine of these I honestly feel so vindicated for hectic memes my entire life
Starting point is 00:43:29 Wait, do you see what emojis do? The third part of Breviks book though what everything was leading up to was his bloody severe manifesto Made entirely of his own writing Breviks described exactly who he was gonna kill and how he was gonna do it He wrote that he was going to perpetrate a bombing followed by a mass shooting, with the targets being not Muslims, but Norwegian journalists and cultural Marxists, i.e. a bunch of white people. These people, he said, were being charged with complicity in the cultural genocide of the native inhabitants of Europe by allowing a Muslim invasion, and punishment of these so-called traitors would depend on a ranking system
Starting point is 00:44:05 that Brevik designed himself. Why do they all have a ranking system? It's these fucking nerds! Because they have no clue of subtlety, they don't know, everything's black and white to them. Everything's black and white, everything can fit into a category that way they don't have to use
Starting point is 00:44:21 any of the critical thinking skills. It's also, it kind of matches a little bit like the concept of like racial sciences, where like if you put it in all these kind of brackets and graphs and data and statistics, it looks like it's official. Yeah. Do you think he didn't go after Muslims because he was like actually kind of scared of them? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. But he also, but You want to go after a bunch of unsuspecting people.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah. He went after kids. Yeah Yeah, well class a traders where leaders of political parties unions cultural institutions in the media their sentence was death Class B traders with a less important cultural Marxists also sentenced to death the comedians Class B's those were the teenagers and young adults you would slaughter on Utoya Island Class B's, those were the teenagers and young adults you would slaughter on Utoya Island. Class C, however, would be those who aided and abetted those in classes A and B. Those people would receive prison sentences and fines unless they capitulated before the deadline. January 1st, 2020. That date, Brevik imagined inamplard, secrets of the Night Stamplard. That date Brevik imagined in his fantasy world would be the date when the mass deportations
Starting point is 00:45:29 of Muslims would begin unless they converted to Christianity, got baptized with a Christian name and never spoke their native languages or celebrated their native culture ever again. And that's where Anders Brevik said the Nazis went wrong. It's because in the manifesto he said that the Nazis had a really big grand plan of deportation and they were gonna do mass deportations, but we as the avenging Allied powers We didn't allow them to to leave we we see we were too busy fighting them I've heard that argument and they so there was nowhere for the refugees to go. And then the Nazis, their hands were tied. So they had to kill everybody because,
Starting point is 00:46:09 but what they all they wanted to do was ship them out, which is, I don't think it was real. Yeah. Now, Bravik imagined that his attack on Norway would kick off a civil war in which autonomously functioning secret cells would perpetrate shock attacks. These secret cells would be who else but the new Knights Templar Whoa new formula say
Starting point is 00:46:30 This of a war would go until the year 2030 which is when phase two would begin from 2030 to 2070 the Knights Templar would begin collaborating on more advanced tactics to prepare for the final coups of all the governments in Europe. All of them. Phase 3, after the coups, would feature the executions of Class A and Class B traders, which is not coincidentally also the end game of QAnon. All this shit touches tips. But in Breviks war, these executions would go on for 13 years until the year 2083, which gave him the name of his book 2083 a European declaration of independence
Starting point is 00:47:08 From 2083 on there would be peace and the revolutionary brigades of cultural conservatives could finally build the ideal Society which sounds like a fucking nightmare as it always does. I love killing people and name This is the thing he constantly says which is it feels I don't know if that's always a right-wing thing like if it's always this concept of you're like We are saying the crimes that we're doing out loud that we are the guys We are we said in a text exchange before it's like it's hard that when you have to keep telling everybody You're a good guy. Yeah, most of the time means you're a bad guy almost always when you're saying like we're the good guys That means you're the bad guy. Yeah exchange before it's like it's hard that when you have to keep telling everybody you're a good guy, because like most of the time means you're a bad guy. Almost always when you're saying like, we're the good guys, that means you're the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah, and he's wrong. The lone actors in digital environments is this paper I read, which has a lot of this stuff in there, but I also find it because often I'm a lone actor in the digital environment. You're talking about your failed zoom auditions? You're scan each opportunity to get in a room I'm thankful for. You know what I mean? Even if it's digital. Again?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, you're not in a room. I'm in my room. Zoom and gloom. Well, in Anders Brevik's society, actual factories of surrogate mothers would be set up in countries where rent was cheap. And unsuitable parents would lose their children to patriots who would raise them correctly. This is almost exactly like the Nazis' Leibensborn breeding program, down to the requirement of producing at least 10 blonde-haired, blue-eyed children.
Starting point is 00:48:39 A couple of members of ABBA are a result of the Leibensborn experiment. Yeah, well, they're attractive. Super talented. It's the same shit though, because he then called Nazism an effect of left-wing politics, which is what they do, where it's like, it's the same shit. Well, that was exactly what that band Death in June were saying, is that, you know, like, before the night of the Long Knives,
Starting point is 00:49:03 there were some pretty good essay officers There were really into some left-wing stuff that was pretty good. That was pretty good. Yeah, like fucking Christ man Just like Hitler though. He doesn't have blonde hair. Yeah, no he does. And it's Brevik does I thought it was more like It's sandy bond. Yeah Shit fuck brown Yes Well in Brevik's world society would be chased and sexual abstinence would be the norm. Divorce would be penalized and fathers would be the defaults for custody of children.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I say only women should have the children and divorces should be mandatory. How are you gonna have more kids if you're not fucking? Well, that's the thing is that all of the kids are produced by the factories that are probably in like fucking Slovenia or something. Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, all of this, of course, the fucking chaste society, the sexual abstinence, fathers having default custody of children, this just sounds like Breviks own fantasies for what he wished
Starting point is 00:49:59 would have happened when he was a child, even though his father fucking despised him. Finally, though, when it came to his new society, every country would have its own version of Las Vegas, where they would be free sex, free marijuana, and uninhibited partying for those incapable of containing themselves. You can't be all wrong. Yeah, well, the marijuana in Vegas is definitely not free.
Starting point is 00:50:19 You know, it is very expensive. Well, this Breviks said was where the liberals and apolitical types could live, bookstores and brothels, in other words. Oh, this, Breviks said, was where the liberals and apolitical types could live. Bookstores and brothels, in other words. Oh, okay. Sounds fun. Yeah. That's a fun Airbnb difference.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Bookstores and brothels. Yeah, I love that idea. Get your dick sucked or reading a comic book? Now, anyone who joined the conservative side would automatically become a part of the brotherhood, but Anders assigned himself the highest rank, that of Justicius Night Commander. Fucking I, you got it, just fucking, it's a big fucking granny panty piece of shit. What does Justicius mean?
Starting point is 00:50:54 Justicius. Justicius means he's a judge. He is a very Justicius. Justicius. I'm gonna worry you come on out of my head. Justicius, welcome. Justicius. It'm gonna worry you come on out of my head. Justicius, welcome. Justicius. It's not a word. It's really fucking put me in jail for two nights.
Starting point is 00:51:11 It's literally not a word. No, Justicius is a word. I looked it up. It's like, or maybe I'm- It's judicious is the word. No, no, no. It's justicius. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Justicius. Justicius. Justicius. Yeah. That's him. Justicius. Oh, that's him. Just a sissy. Oh, damn it. Oh, man, my computer doesn't want to say it. I'm looking at it.
Starting point is 00:51:29 He's just just just just. I'm looking at it now. Am I concentrating on the wrong part of the story here? Maybe. Not just delicious. Just a searius? Yeah, it's not a word. Just a searius is the word.
Starting point is 00:51:41 No, he made up a new word for himself. What he's playing off of is just a Ciarius. Just a Ciarius? It means judge or justice. It's another one of those like fucking old English medieval terms. Lame. Yeah. Dumb.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Well, additionally, he also formulated the enrollment rituals for new members, which is pretty much stolen from Freemasonry. All one needed was a darkened room, a large stone as an altar, a candle, a skull, or replica skull if no real skull was available, and a sword. New members would then recite a passage from Breviks Manifesto, and boom, the conservative armies got a new knight. And always instead of AM, amen, remember you have to end with no homo. Like the KKK, Breviks also came up with neat names for his nights.
Starting point is 00:52:28 There was the distinguished destroyer of cultural Marxism, distinguished saboteur master. Not a single mustache in the group. It's all chinbeards. Yep. He would also give out awards for intellectual excellence and dola uniforms based on Freemason and military designs of Breviks own making. This is where I see the internet person in him where he made fun of Freemasonry openly. After he went through his process and he did his initiation right, he thought it was super lame and he told everyone it was lame and it was boring and he didn't want to go and it was his time.
Starting point is 00:53:04 But then you see, oh no, he actually was obsessed and it was boring and he didn't want to go and it was wisdom's time. But then you see, oh no, he actually was obsessed with it. He just didn't, but because it was hard and it was not necessary. You don't just show up, you have to go to meetings, you got to do all this fucking horseshit. Like, he, you know, that's lame. But then it's just funny that he then takes the stuff that he finds lame otherwise, but he's a massive fan of it. Mm-hmm. But while much of the manifesto is goofy and easy to mock, something that Anders himself foresaw, a large part of it is deadly serious. It gives instructions to would-be knights on how to maximize death and destruction, instructions that Brevik himself would later put to practice to great effect.
Starting point is 00:53:42 He wrote about how to purchase the guns you need, how to send anthrax by the mail, and how to use chemical weapons. Chillingly, he outlines the exact plan he would use on July 22, 2011, writing that one needed to make a loud sound in the east, then strike in the west, all while wearing a disguise. And indeed, on that day, Anders would use a bomb to distract authorities and cause chaos while he committed his mass shooting miles away Dressed as a police officer. I Feel that this is like the ultimate expression of this lone wolf terrorism idea
Starting point is 00:54:15 That has been floated because like it was Louis Bean talked about it He was a white supremacist to like any of leadership, terrorism, you know, and then the everybody else like ISIS was like super into this idea of what I think they call the term stochastic terrorism, any more of that idea of like you flood the market with a bunch of stuff that kind of like hints that it would be cool if you could do these types of things. It'd be nice if somebody killed a bunch of Democrats, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Well, a point Brevik emphasized though was the need for everyone to write and post a manifesto before committing a terroristic act, giving each and every reason why you did so. This should be paired with good photos that should be kept on your person for easy distribution, so the media won't choose to release photos that make you look stupid. Ironically, though, the photos Brevik chose for himself
Starting point is 00:55:02 made him look dumber than any of the media could have chosen. Because there's nothing like a doughy fuck in a military uniform acting like he's legit. Like that is one of the saddest things of the manifesto. Mm-hmm. If you were to die a martyr though, Brevick recommended that you also design your headstone ahead of time. Making sure to include a lot of angels, pillars, arrows, birds, lions, skeletons, snakes, crowns, skulls, leaves, and or branches. This is the kind of guy who just loves character creation, but he hates the game.
Starting point is 00:55:32 It's really weird. It's like he's talking about fashion. He's designing like two stones, like all things that he like seems like very flamboyant. It does. all things that he like, it seems like very flamboyant. Yeah, it does. It does. I find it, he tried to get involved with a bunch of hate groups.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And then when he shows up with this whole plan, it's like, it's kind of like when you pitch a show in television and they want you. And my way I started was like, oh, you got to show up with a show Bible and drawings and blah, blah, blah. And then it was like, but all of the stuff I've actively like moved ahead was like, but all of the stuff I've actively like moved ahead where it's like a funny random thing
Starting point is 00:56:08 I said at a meeting and they're like, that's the thing you gotta do. Where it's like, if you show up sometimes too prepared, especially one of these establishments, they don't want you to change the DNA of the organization. No. Yeah. Life from your grave. Well, finally, if you decide to become a martyr, be sure to treat yourself beforehand.
Starting point is 00:56:27 It's a lot like the 9-11 terrorists did in the week leading up to their attack on the World Trade Center. Like 9-7 was awesome. 9-7 was awesome. We're talking about 9-11 was horrible, but if you were with those guys on 9-7 in Florida at the strip club, that would have been a fucking blast. Sure. Brevik, for example, bought himself three extraordinarily nice bottles of wine as a little treat before carrying out his attacks. But unable to go too long without making a total fool of himself,
Starting point is 00:56:56 Brevik also included instructions on how to avoid exposure before your plan came to fruition. He wrote that one needed to tell your peers something embarrassing, like you're addicted to World of Warcraft or you're gay. Hypothetical things. I didn't apply to it. Like just, hey, it's super crazy. He's out of the thin air. Yeah. Brevik himself used both of these tactics, but he found the second method, the coming out gambit, to be hilarious. Yeah. He said it was hilarious because he made sure to say in his manifesto that he was most definitely absolutely without a doubt No questions done 100% Header Road
Starting point is 00:57:31 Dude, he's a fucking- He doesn't want to be around women ever He doesn't believe in premarital sex And he thinks that women should be dressed in like sacks Yeah, but to make a society where no one has to have sex with women ever again. And they only have to because the state is making them. Yeah. Because then he would be forced to. Yeah. Heterosexual people tend to like women. In my experience. In my experience. Not all. Not all. There are plenty of heterosexual men who fucking despise women, but you know, not a lot
Starting point is 00:58:03 of them think that women are icky. But a lot of times, they think- It seems like Andrews Brevick thinks that women are very icky. He is- he is- that's why I made a comment last episode about like, he might be gay, but then I do understand while like, obviously being gay is not like a part of his crimes and it doesn't mean anything necessarily. I'm just saying it because I hope in some way he hears this He gets because I know he's gonna be really really mad about it. Yeah, it takes himself very very seriously Is this show available on PlayStation? I mean it's available in Norway and he has full internet
Starting point is 00:58:38 Capabilities he literally can someone send this damn. Yeah, please if someone can send this to Anders Brevik. That'd be great I think it's emails like Andy B at now and if you're listening I want to lick your ass But speaking of personal traits Brevik ended the manifesto with a small self-serving biography in the form of a conversation with himself called Interview with a Justicier Knight Commander of the PCCTS Knights Templar. It's extremely so sad. It's so sad. This interview with himself begins with his own version of his family history, in which
Starting point is 00:59:23 he obsessively talks about the sex lives of each of his family members. This included his sister's alleged chlamydia infection, his stepfather's proclivity for Thai sex workers, and his mother's herpes infection. This was paired with estimates for how many sexual partners each family member had, ranging from 40 to 500. As far as his stepfather went, even though he'd given Breviks mother Genital herpes, Breviks thought he was, quote, a very likable and good guy if a primitive sexual beast. It's fascinating because he changes his childhood. He adds all like the way he views Jens, or
Starting point is 01:00:01 Jens. I forget how he pronounces it, but like his stepfather, like the one that he always wanted to be with. Or his father, that is his biological father. Yeah, Jens is his father. He wanted to be with Jens. And he was so in there. That's like, though, I didn't, I never feel sympathy for him, but his like delusional version of his past about how like his mom wouldn't let his dad be with him and how his dad would have chosen Like they had some disagreements back in the day But it was like mostly kind of talking about how he was this great man meanwhile like his father fucking despised him Hey, there's publicly said that he wished he killed himself
Starting point is 01:00:41 He rewrites it in this like fantasy world that like you know like all of these things that kept them from being together And maybe they could have been together if they you know like and it's there was like one moment of being like you sad little orphan Moving through his history Brevik backtracked his childhood friendship with Muslim immigrants specifically his time with Ahmed muslim immigrants, specifically his time with Ahmed. Brevik made wild claims, writing that Ahmed had participated in a gang rape in a park and had cheered every time a scud missile was fired at the americans during the first gulf war. Weird shit. To explain why Brevik was friends with so many immigrant kids when he was younger, he claimed that he only made alliances to avoid being robbed and beaten. This Brevik wrote is why he knew that muslims were dangerous
Starting point is 01:01:25 because he spent time in their inner circles. This little fucking traitor. And these guys were all, because those were the only people that accepted him too. The only people that ever were nice to him. Mm-hmm. He then also, he bragged about his hip-hop connections. Because he goes into this long bullshit thing about like dealing with Muslim gangs and like all this like crazy gang riding And it was like you did none of this
Starting point is 01:01:49 But this is the question violent Muslim gangs in European cities are not exactly a new phenomenon We hear about indigenous European youths getting harassed beaten raped and robbed quite often Tell us about your experiences during your vulnerable years 1418 growing up in the urban multicultural streets of Oslo. You know how fucking multicultural those streets are. Answer. Since I was 12 years old, I was into the hip hop movement.
Starting point is 01:02:15 For several years, I was one of the most notable hip hoppers from Oslo's west side. It was a lot easier to gain respect and credibility in Oslo West because of the demographic factors. Oslo West was the privilege and predominantly native side of Oslo with very few immigrants in contrast to the East side, which was less peaceful. Graffiti and break dance was an important part of our life at that time. It's just like, you didn't do jack shit! I was the most active tagger, graffiti artist in Oslo, as several people in the old school hip hop community can attest to. Our standard graffiti raid consisted of going out at night
Starting point is 01:02:50 in groups of two to three with our backpacks full of spray cans. We took our bikes, we bombed city blocks with our tags. And if you wanted girls and respect, then it was all about the hip hop community at the time. And the more reckless you were, the more respect and admiration you gained. And he was just talking about how everybody come he was then everybody loved him. Yeah. He literally was east side west side in Nisbana Festa. Yeah he didn't talk about Morgue Squield did he? Oh he well he talked
Starting point is 01:03:19 about how Morgue like how popular Morgue was. But he didn't talk about him fucking ratting on all of his friends Absolutely not no no no no he blames the state. Yeah, of course. Yeah, well concerning Breviks tagging days I did discover an interesting addendum this week apparently Breviks would plan his graffiti bombing raids with the precision of a general Looking at them like military operations. This of course would be the same way Brevik would plan his attack on July 22, 2011. And it's all good. No one asked him to do this. No. So he showed up with all these big crazy plans and they're like, Anders, this is fucking
Starting point is 01:03:55 dumb. Yeah, we hate this. Yeah, this is awful. You're taking all the fun out of it. You also just got here. You're acting like you're a toy acting like a king. But to top off his 1500 page manifesto, Brevik aped the profile format of celebrity magazines. He named his interests like snowboarding, fitness, bodybuilding, running, and women's beach volleyball. He liked women's beach volleyball.
Starting point is 01:04:17 He never, he didn't even watch Top Gun. He hated men's beach volleyball so much. Yeah, that's how 100% hetero I am. I watch ladies volleyball and I love when they get covered in sand. When he asked himself to describe himself in five words, he wrote that he was pragmatic, ambitious, creative, hardworking, and optimistic. Yeah, he's super optimistic. Six words, by the way. Remember the entire time that Anders is writing
Starting point is 01:04:49 all this, he was living in the spare room and his mom's duplex. And since he'd isolated himself from whatever friends he'd made in his 20s, the only person he spoke to face to face was his mother. Also, one of the one of the other truly saddest things was the fact that he kept writing as if the Knights Templar was real. And that his group was like, he met with the secret guys that trained him and that he went and they were like,
Starting point is 01:05:12 they had to check his, they had to like do a background check on him, see if he was legit. And he went to all these like recruiting areas when he was like 15 years old. And it's not real. None of it's real, yeah. Reportedly, he go on and on about his manifesto in the upcoming civil war and conversations with his mother
Starting point is 01:05:28 Although he made sure to leave any mentions of violence out of these conversations Nevertheless, he began having extreme mood swings because he started taking steroids That did make him violent in addition to being surly and distant In those last couple of years in his mother's duplex, Brevik would demand that all his meals be brought to his fart room, and he'd leave his dishes outside the door when he was done so his mother could clean up after him. When he did leave the fart room,
Starting point is 01:05:56 he'd sometimes cover his face so his mother wouldn't look at him, but other times he'd prance around the house wearing his military man costume, his knight's Templar cosplay, or his op suit all of which he designed himself. Where did he get the steroids if he has no friends? Well he does have acquaintances and he did have friends all throughout his twenties I mean that's the things that the progress party he was friends with those people with the right wing you know the far right wing party like he
Starting point is 01:06:24 knew people. I would still go as far right wing party. Like he knew people. I would still go as far as to say they stood, they standard him. Yeah. They allowed him to exist amongst them. I don't know, man, because I read plenty of like, I would, I read plenty of testimonies where people would say like, we tried getting him out. Like we tried having it like we tried getting this guy out of his room into the real world and he just
Starting point is 01:06:46 refused. He just retreated further and further into the internet. But you know what I would tell Anders Brevik? To have a friend, you need to be a friend. That's right. And so you need to show up for people. That's right. Weirdly though, at times Brevik would suddenly become very intimate with his mother by following her around the apartment or sitting too close to her on the couch Most inappropriately when his mother broke up with her boyfriend Anders bought her a vibrator then asked her again and again if she'd used it yet. Mommy, are you using baby's fuck machine? Yeah, yeah. He knew she'd used it.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Yeah, he heard the keyhole. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. I have noticed that you have not used the pussy annihilated her. Do not you want, do you not want your pussy to be fucking annihilated, mommy? Mommy, I know your pussy. I was in
Starting point is 01:07:52 Abachu's a rabbit it's the most popular one on sex in the city But once Anders decided that it was time to begin planning for his ultimate assault He did so with terrifying patience and a meticulous eye for detail. In May of 2009, a full two years before his murder spree, Anders incorporated a small business called Brevik GeoFarm. See, Brevik knew that he wanted to build a bomb, a massive bomb, something comparable to what Timothy McVeigh set off in Oklahoma City. But he knew that something of that size, using all the chemicals you needed to use to build one,
Starting point is 01:08:27 could not be constructed in the fart room. His idea was that he could use Brevic GeoFarm as a cover to rent a secluded piece of farmland, claiming that he planned to grow sugar beets. This would also give him license to purchase large amounts of fertilizer for his bomb. I knew that was coming. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:45 And so, after almost a year of earnest searching, Brevik finally found a rundown farm a couple hundred miles north of Oslo. He rented that farm from a guy who'd just gone to prison for operating a hash plantation. This arrangement was even better than Brevik could have planned because it meant that nobody was going to check up on what he was doing. His mother was also proud that her son was finally doing something with his life. And she was so relieved that he was leaving the duplex that she didn't ask questions either. Yeah, he was a nightmare to be around.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Finally, I could masturbate in peace. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah vibrators But she'd ask she tell her friends because they'd all ask what does Anders do? Mm-hmm. She's like well first it was like he lot he's writing his book and he is very engaged in it You know he is too busy writing this book, but then finally when he left it was this weird I feel like she was like aloof Medically, I don't know what that term is but there was something about her just being like, Andes is on the farm now. He's a farmer. He always wanted to be one like saying like weird shit about like him just going off and farming for no reason. Well, she was also extraordinarily self-absorbed. Yes. Yeah, she just, yeah, her head was up her ass. Yeah. And like people with troubled children, like once they show any kind of initiative in bettering their life,
Starting point is 01:10:03 they're just so excited. Yeah, ready to believe anything We're especially you're out of my house. Yeah, but that move was still a ways away Beginning in October of 2010 Brevig began preparing for the assault with an increased bodybuilding regimen and more anabolic steroids He also picked World of Warcraft back up when a new expansion pack came out Play and he played it so he could quote get his courage up just imagining him in a shitty fucking little made-up military uniform Playing World of Warcraft in his fart room makes me want to stick his head in a fucking toilet I know and then that has to be that's what gets his nut up is wow He also bought tons of protein powder and muscle milk to strengthen his liver and mitigate the damage
Starting point is 01:10:48 the steroids were doing to his body. And he combined classes at the Oslo Pistol Club with marathon sessions of Call of Duty Modern Warfare to improve his aim. He straight up said in the manifesto, he gave a big plug to Call of Duty. And he would, yeah, if you wanna be a lone wolf terrorist, he's like, Call of Duty really helps you dial in your aiming speed. He's like the worst fucking troll of
Starting point is 01:11:11 Noro-Norwegian history. Almost world history. He also began ordering elements for his bomb, using YouTube videos as instructional aids. Sourcing the myriad ingredients from multiple countries to avoid suspicion, he also began ordering elements from the bomb from multiple countries to avoid suspicion. He almost did too much. Yeah, and he also used YouTube videos as instructional aides on how to build the bomb. But in between building the bomb, Brevitt continued the narcissistic documentation of his journey, his struggle if you will, by editing a quote-unquote film that advertised his plans and his manifesto. Long, boring, and pointless, Brevik reportedly
Starting point is 01:11:53 cried when this so-called film was shown in open court during his trial. But after he had enough materials to begin constructing the bomb, Anders moved to his farm on April 5th, 2011, three months before his attack on Norway. Over the coming months, Brevik would work day and night on his bomb, breaking only to eat at local restaurants and to marathon episodes of True Blood, Rome, Dexter, and The Shield of all shows. The Shield was his favorite show. He loved The Shield.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Really? Yeah. Was it Michael Chickless? Yeah, The Commish. Was it that Shield or was it Michael Chickless? loved the shield. Really? Yeah. Was it Michael Chiklis? Yeah, the commish. Yeah. Was that shield or that Michael Chiklis was he NYPD blue? No. No. France. Dennis France. I did like Rome. I will say that. Oh, Rome was incredible. Yeah. Honestly, when I'm building my bomb, that is really kind of what I go to distract myself because I can't just be work, work, work all day long. Yeah, you just the FBI's coming to your house now. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no life all that well because if you've ever lived in the country you know that you're gonna have to deal with a lot of bugs and a lot of spiders one night brevick admitted that he found a spider in his chocolate scream like a little
Starting point is 01:13:11 girl and he thereafter killed every insect he found because there are spiders in my gloves spiders in here eventually brevick got a hold of six tons of fertilizer, although he made sure to only order three tons of the detonatable variety so as to not arouse suspicion. As far as how he paid for all of this, Brevitt maxed out every credit card that approved him. Now the work was difficult, granular, and full of frustrations, so by the end of May,
Starting point is 01:13:44 he decided that he would settle for a bomb that was half the size of what he had originally planned, which is a fucking godsend because the bomb he did build did enough damage on its own. But in June, a very under-sbrevic type tragedy struck. That month, a thunderstorm caused a power surge and his PC got fried, and it was this that caused Anders to pray to God for the first time in years. This is what he wrote in his logbook about the experience. Dear God, it's me, Anders. I explained to God that unless he wanted the Marxist Islamic Alliance and a certain Islamic takeover of Europe
Starting point is 01:14:25 to completely annihilate European Christendom within the next 100 years, he must ensure that the warriors fighting for the preservation of the European Christian Prevail. He must ensure that I succeed with my mission and as such contribute to inspire thousands of other revolutionary conservative nationalists, anti-communist and anti-Islamist throughout the European world. Thanks God, yours in hate.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Yeah, his big fucking, his big setback, his big struggle was that he couldn't play World of Warcraft anymore, couldn't watch True Blood anymore. He couldn't get his fucking blood up without seeing the incredible body of, what's her name, Ana? Pac-Wan. Yeah, she's that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:12 I guess he also needed the internet for his bomb instructions and such, but I think World of Warcraft was the biggest loss for him. I do, yes, it must have been. And yeah, losing Michael Chick-Less at this point? At this point, that fucking big point he had, that was Chick-Less at this point At this point that fucking big pointy head Yeah, that was that I mean if you're talking about a fucking a great example of the white race that fucking pointy had a Michael Check Michael chick list. Have you seen his butt? No, that was Dennis Franz. I mean either way same but that is a cop's butt
Starting point is 01:15:41 That is a man's butt his head kind of looks like a bud. It does. His head looks... I mean, it's very much a penis. It's a half a butt. You just put that one slit down the middle and that's gonna be a big cock. Both of them, by the way. Yeah. Also, though, but if Michael Chickless just want to come by the show, we're, you know, I don't think you look like a penis. I think you look like a strong cock. Isn't that cool? That's cool.
Starting point is 01:16:04 I think it's great. You're like a throbbing Isn't that cool? That's cool. I think it's great. You look like a throbbing cock of a man with a checklist. You look like the Edo too, the god-emperor of dude. Predictably, God did not answer Breviks' prayers. Fuck you, Anders. And the PC did not miraculously spring back to life. But nevertheless, Anders continued his work and he set off his first test bomb two days later A few miles away from his farm. It cannot be overstated how hard he worked on the bomb like that is also
Starting point is 01:16:33 I mean, I'm skipping over quite. I mean, it's there's a book. There's so much technical Talk about how exactly he made these bombs like he used blenders He crushed up aspirin like I mean, he really did. He worked for, I mean, he was on that farm for three months. I guess 70 days. But he worked up until that point, amassing all of the stuff. And then it took two and a half months
Starting point is 01:16:55 and learning how to do it and shit. Doing all that kind of shit. Yeah, it's always like the people you don't want to work hard do. And you can work hard on anything else. There was so many ways that he could have used this initiative. So many, so many different avenues.
Starting point is 01:17:10 You could have been a competitive world of Warcraft player and have made money. I don't think they do competitive world of Warcraft. They absolutely do. For money? Oh yeah. Anything that can be played. Now is this gonna be,
Starting point is 01:17:24 you think if the computer doesn't crash He just plays role the warcraft forever and never does any of this shit. Maybe or maybe he God just blame the weather if he met the correct man That just could have kissed him the correct way God God you know you could have been a fashion designer This could have been yens could have done that for us. What do you know? Yeah, the best. Yeah, 2024 Arena World Championship. It's big money. Wow, they compete for their share of $900,000 in total pricing.
Starting point is 01:17:53 He literally could have good enough at it. That was like the one thing he could have done. I don't know if he was that good though. I got a feeling he was a grinder. Like I said last episode, he just ground and ground and ground until he was overpowered enough. Can I ask, is there an inherent skill in world of Warcraft that you would need to have? Strategy yeah, I mean if you're the head of a guild then like you really do got a note
Starting point is 01:18:11 You'd he did know strategy and that's the thing about it is that he used that strategy to commit his fucking horrible crime So yeah He did it he did have an incredible mind for strategy, which could have been used for anything else. Honestly, we could use it for our marketing team. That'd be nice. On July 2, Breviks mother, Vinka, visited the farm, but all Breviks did was complain that he was an ugly boy, so he needed more cosmetic surgery.
Starting point is 01:18:45 He needed veneers for his teeth, and so ugly, Mama. He then drove her home and they shared a cigarette on the balcony. Finally, right. Yeah. Man, can you imagine sharing a cigarette with your mom like that? Like you just had sex with a sex worker and you're both French and you're just like sucking on either end. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Yeah, it's weird. Well, on that balcony, he demonstrated just how fragile his masculinity really was when he told his mother, don't stand too close to me. People are going to think I'm mentally challenged. The middle of nowhere. No, they're in the city. They're back in Oslo.
Starting point is 01:19:19 They're his mother's place. Yeah, because you lived in Green Point. You know the example of them talking about it. always like a 90 year old woman with a cart gun I'm guysie-bye. And then she has some like weird homunculus man. Oh, yeah extra going on. You want me you want me Yeah, I mean like that style like that's very I could I could see Anders fill in that role Yeah, they keep them dumb so they never leave. Yeah, I mean, oh, they just stay dumb And they just love life. Yep, but speaking of being at least socially challenged Brevik reportedly got into an altercation with a well-meaning Norwegian less than two weeks before his killing spree
Starting point is 01:19:56 While on a train to Oslo Anders started talking to a guy next to him about the Arabia theory This poor man responded politely with reason and actual facts, but Anders quickly lost his patience and began screaming on the crowded train that this guy was a communist. And you're like, uh, yeah, it's Norway. Um, yes, I'm a court-caught-carrying member of the communist party. I vote communist in every election. Communist party. Yeah, I do not feel that it's wrong. That's why I vote Communist in every election. When they arrived in Oslo, however, Anders gave the man his email address and phone number
Starting point is 01:20:30 so he could help him, quote, unquote, learn the truth. Incredibly, the man actually felt like he could help Anders, and he did try calling the phone number. But since Anders had such terrible handwriting, the good Samaritan wasn't able to reach him and promptly gave up. So you're saying that calligraphy could have fixed all this? I mean, he was too, he was probably too far gone at this point. Yeah, I don't think a fun quill is gonna get him back in the game.
Starting point is 01:20:55 I'm just screaming at someone for like 10 minutes and be like, take my phone number! Now you will have my phone number! I want to shake your hand! I want to shake your hand! I want to shake your hand! I want to shake your hand! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he gets riddled with cancer soon. He will. Eventually, I think at a young age, you will absolutely be riddled with cancer. Great. He also rented a van to transport the bomb and decided upon his murder weapons, a rifle, a shotgun, a pistol, and 3,000 rounds of ammunition. Fuck! Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Then on July 21st, the day before the spree, Anders left the farm in the van carrying the bomb and parked it at a garden center in Oslo now ideally Anders wanted to capture a former Norwegian Prime Minister named Gro Harlem Bruntland and make her read part of his manifesto live on television he would then make her beg for her life before beheading her on camera this plan however proved to be too complicated it's quite a bit of moving pots. So Brevik decided that the next best thing would be to set off a bomb around the time that the former prime minister was going to give a speech, and that would kill her.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Then while authorities were distracted by the bomb and the dead prime minister, Brevik would calmly travel to what he believed to be a hive of cultural Marxists, a summer camp for politically active left-wing youths. Didn't Gro Bruntland, wasn't that the person that was in charge when he was a kid? He blamed Gro. That was like a part of it. He blamed- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 01:22:35 a personal vendetta against Gro Bruntland. He's saying that he, she fucked up his neighborhood essentially, like made it so that they couldn't get benefits or some, some horseshit. She had like, I mean, she served three terms throughout like the eighties and nineties. Yeah, so yeah, she was very much the prime.
Starting point is 01:22:49 She was like, no, Clinton was the president of our childhood. Yeah. Yeah, he was, she was his Clinton. Oh, okay. Oh, well, yeah. So my president was Jay Leno. Have you seen this? Well, at the summer camp, he would commit what was at the time the world's deadliest killing spree.
Starting point is 01:23:07 And that's where we'll pick back up for the conclusion to our series on Anders Bravick. Yay! It's gonna get rough next week, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, I would say this ahead of time, that next week's gonna be full gold star. We're gonna be going through a lot of details, talking about how this all went down.
Starting point is 01:23:23 And it's still just sad that this is the result of extreme mediocrity. This is the plans of a loser manifest. And it's hard because I I was saying this Natalie earlier, that's just so hard when you meet a diligent loser. You know what I mean? Like these guys are the worst. Well, so many times it just comes down to a lack of imagination. Because that requires empathy in many ways, I think. I think having a true imagination requires you to maybe walk in other people's shoes and he refused.
Starting point is 01:23:54 He is absolutely the entire world is only for Anders' benefit or not. No, he's too stupid to find anything entertaining or funny. Yeah, that's true. He did not like comedy. He didn't like music with lyrics. He didn't like singers. Rap is all lyrics. But he dropped all the rap.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Then he got into something called like transelectronica. There was it wasn't trans. It was like something else. It was very European. Yeah. Because you used to see those coming out of Greenpoint all the time, especially Astoria. Big, huge Polish guy with the cans on at 6.15 in the morning.
Starting point is 01:24:23 All yours. Do do do do, isn't this killing your brain? Yeah, you got a, you have a very like 2009 view of green point. I love it. I miss that green point. I miss that green point. No, I'm Polish green point. I miss, yeah. That's why we need to keep green point Polish. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:24:44 We need to go, yeah, let's pick it up to keep Green Point Polish. We need to go to Antwerp and stick out in the woods. My ankle! My ankle! I twisted my ankle in an ideological hole. You can still eat at Karksma whenever you want. I love Karksma. If you ever go to fucking Brooklyn or New York, if you want the best Polish food in America, Karksma. Also, I love little Poland I'm still partial little Poland, but I also look a little carc's mom. I think the cell cuz tors trap. Oh, yeah It's a Korean. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you're so cuz you cranian. Oh, I didn't know that I love I love this
Starting point is 01:25:15 Oh, I think it's wonderful. All right. It's open 24 hours. I know but a little Poland. I really like little Poland Go to carc's mom. I don't know what carc's man. It's in point. Brooklyn That's on Green Point Manhattan Avenue. It's good fucking. It's incredible. Yeah, right over there I feel like you might have taken me there. I think I did did you get a big pile of meat? Yeah Well, that's Polish food. Yeah, but was it in ink was it a an unreasonably large pile of meat? That's what you get Yeah, Christine's overrated though's why we gotta keep Three Boy Polish. Yeah. Christine's overrated though.
Starting point is 01:25:47 I think that anybody can be Polish. It's about your attitude. Sure. You say this as a Polish man. Yes. All right. Now check out LPN Deep Dives Dune. This week you will be energized by a special piece of material putting on next week with
Starting point is 01:26:01 somebody who is intrinsically part of the new dune and also is a friend's show. And but I want you to go check out the LP and deep dive dune. There are a lot of people talking about it because dune's in the air. You can smell it. Yeah. And Dune man. Dune man. I am. Yeah. All you rude duners out there. Dune dune's right up.
Starting point is 01:26:20 LP and deep dives has its own feed now. So you can go check it out. Just type in LPN deep dives And then also check out good put because it has already been live and now it is on our YouTube And you want to check it out It's also in the VOD on our Twitch slash LPNTV and also if you want to see what we look like being big Go to our patreon donate the money and you see a you got ad-free episodes. I got my sweat rag You got a sweat rag You could see our faces jiggle as we talk about, honestly, extremely difficult subjects.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Yeah. You can go to slash last podcast on the left. And I have been told by the people who say that we need to make more money, that we give a lot of shit for very little. I don't know. I like it. I love it too.
Starting point is 01:27:24 But I want you to be so jam packed full of content. Yeah, you lose yourself. And then you are indoctrinating. Full episodes. Slowly but surely. Full episodes, interviews. We're soon going to be having some behind the scenes footage. There's going to be a whole bunch of cool stuff over on our Patreon.
Starting point is 01:27:41 So be sure to go over there to get access to all that. The LPN labs are bubbling. Yeah, you can watch Henry work on his manifesto. Yeah, it's great. Because you could see a lot of it's very physical. And follow us on TikTok and Instagram at LP on the left. Go to slash LP and TV to check us out and check out our YouTube channel for a ton of cool stuff. We've got about 10 episodes of the No Dogs in Space livestream over there on our YouTube channel. So you can go check those out. Yeah, there's a bunch of brighter side as well, so go check that out.
Starting point is 01:28:09 There's lots of fun shit. Everything's great. Tears of a clown's killing it. It's really good. We make good stuff. Yeah, we make good stuff. Go check out that shit. And email us at sizedoryslpotl at
Starting point is 01:28:19 Yeah, with your grievances. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, your grievances and corrections. Yeah, they actually read all the shit you complain about so go ahead go for it Well, not that I don't Some I get fun stuff forwarded to me and thanks to everyone at the Moog factory out in South Carolina for the amazing shit That they sent me so thank you very much It's so nice to know that so many synthesizers over the years have been put together while listening to our voices Yeah, so if you got a mug that's been made in the last few years, there's a little bit of us in that synthesizer. Ugh, it just sounds like it was laced with our cums.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Ha-ha-ha-ha! Hail, say! Ah, huggin'. Hail, uh, Anna and Elsa for Norway. The true heroes. The adults frozen. Oh, yeah! The adults are talking about the truth.
Starting point is 01:29:01 At least you didn't say fucking what's his name. Who? The stupid snowman. Olaf! I don't say fucking what's his name. Who? The stupid snowman. Olaf! I don't like Olaf. No one does. I like it! Olaf, not a fan.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Cut him out! Ha ha. This show is made possible by listeners like you. Thanks to our ad sponsors, you can support our shows by supporting them. For more shows like the one you just listened to, go to

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