Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 566: David Icke and the Reptilians Part I - The Biggest Secret

Episode Date: March 16, 2024

This week the boys begin the tale of one of the most well-known and divisive conspiracy theorists of the modern day - David Icke and learn how the roots of his bizarre and often anti-semetic take on "...The Reptilian Agenda" would set the stage and build a foundation for misguided conspiracy in modern culture.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Can you believe? Last podcast on the left is going back on tour. The road leads to here. JK Ultra is coming to these North American cities. We got Denver, May 16th, Seattle, June 8th, Washington D.C., July 13th, Chicago, Illinois, September 14th. October 16th, we got Boston, Massachusetts, November 2nd, right here in Los Angeles, California. And then on December 7th, we're going home to Brooklyn for a show at the King's Theater.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah, Brooklyn, baby! It's time for you to laugh again and open your fucking eyes. Yeah, at the King's Theatre. Yeah, look at the babies! It's time for you to laugh again and open your fucking eyes. Yeah, at the same time. There's no place to escape to. This is the last time. On the left. Why fuck your glaze?
Starting point is 00:01:06 That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? Okay, you wanna start? I don't know, are you ready to start? I've been ready. I'm't know. Are you ready to start? I've been ready. I'm already annoyed. All right, Eddie, first of all, first lesson today, you know what I'd like you to do. This is my middle finger.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Okay. Right now, I'm not telling you to go fuck yourself. Okay. It might look like it. Okay. But I'm not. That's the David Icke way to live, right? I want you to feel my middle finger.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Touch it. How does that feel? Solid? Soft. But also, but solid. Has it done a hard day's work in his life? I mean, it's a little mushy. But feel it. I feel it.
Starting point is 00:01:59 But you feel like it's here in this room with you. It is in the room, but it's not hard like a penis is hard. You're wrong. It's very hard. This is as hard as my penis gets. That's it? Wow. But I also, you're wrong. Because we're not solid.
Starting point is 00:02:13 We are perceivers. We are mushy. We are awareness. Yeah, I know we're mushy. We are not objects. We have no solidity. We are boundless. We forget this and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious
Starting point is 00:02:27 circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime. Don Mattingly. Welcome to the last podcast on the left ladies and gentlemen. My name is Marcus Parkes. Here with the sports reference is Henry Zabrowski. You know we are, there's a lot built up to the series This is big. This is a lot for me. Yeah, bring to the table. Look at what I have in my hands Yeah, his books. He has so many books in his hands
Starting point is 00:02:55 Of course Ed Larson is here with us as well and the books that Henry has in his hands are of course authored by the one and only David Ike the mastermind behind the reptilian conspiracy more like David Yikes and you say you're ready huh yeah so you've been keeping that in your pocket for what 14 years yeah I thought that if I went to Rikers Island on the bus like the worst thing you could do is like as you're pulling up he you just be like, looks like we're all headed to Yikers Island. All right, I'm going to go sit in the back near the bathroom so I can smell the shit.
Starting point is 00:03:38 David Icke is a troubling subject in the fact that today I have consumed up to now up to today I'm not exaggerating 20 hours of David Icke material right away of Saul just watching it just watching with my eyeballs and I am getting stupider. Yeah. Yeah you like it though. No I'm past that now. I was liking it. He likes the surface level. He likes the idea of it. But actually getting into it is a
Starting point is 00:04:11 fucking slog. Trust me. And I read Dianetics. Yeah. Alright. And I sort of understood Dianetics. I tried to read the Communist Manifesto, which was even more difficult to read because it's all fucking real. But this shit is, this is difficult, but you know what I did understand? I actually got a moment today where I understood David Icke a little bit closer because, you know, he begins all of his books with quotes, every, that's how he does and all of his lectures and everything that he talks about, you always got quotes to prove everything. And so what he says here is that as you you both, first of all, be warned.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Because ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius. So first of all, when you guys make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. Because I'm too smart. I'm too smart. So by making fun of you, I make you a genius. So everyone who's ever been made fun of in the history of the world is a genius. Yep. That is what David Icke unlocked. That is the power that he unlocked. Where did that, who is that quote attributed to? Anonymous. So you read that
Starting point is 00:05:18 shit on a fucking internet comment. There's yes definitely read that on a dove like little square of chocolate. You know when you open it up and it says stuff. But I understand that today because I was walking down the street carrying coffees for our staff. Which we appreciated. And then I was coming down the street. Didn't offer me one.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Nope. You weren't here yet. I was here. I was at the coffee shop before you. You were getting your salad. Yeah, I got a salad. You were getting your weak man's lunch. And I was sitting, I walked down the street and the fucking wind came, knocked my hat
Starting point is 00:05:47 off. Everybody's sitting outside of the restaurant. Oh, they laughed at me. Was it a snicker, a giggle? They literally pointed going like, they were inside the glass and they're all like, I saw what happened. Did you get your hat back? No.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Oh wow, you lost your hat? Yeah, it rolled into the middle of the street. One of my favorite hats. It rolled into the middle of the street. I got hit know what happened. Did you get your hat back? No. Oh wow, you lost your hat? Yeah, it rolled into the middle of the street. One of my favorite hats. It rolled into the middle of the street. It got hit by two cars. I should just fucking wait because I had a bunch of coffees in my hand. I'm not going to go out there and just become, I felt like a target. I would want to hit me.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Imagine the bees so wealthy. No. Did you let your hat? I just wanted to let hats go. A disposable hat. I didn't want to become a target. Did you go home to your hat dispenser and just pull another one out? No, you take the coffees, you put them on one of those outside tables, you wait until
Starting point is 00:06:22 they're all gone. You're like, oh, I'm going to go home. I'm going to go home. I'm going to go home. I'm going to go home. I'm going to go home. I'm become a go home to your hat Spencer and no another one out coffee She put him on one of those outside tables you wait till traffic stops you get your hat You guys slap it against your leg you put it back on your head No, I didn't want to be laughed at again because I didn't want to be shown just how much of a genius. I really am Fastest man within ten feet my ass fastest man within 10 feet could get his hat out from the street. No, fastest man within 10 feet knows it's better to save your energy for the show.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And I just didn't want to. I'm also one of those, I don't tie my shoes in the street because I'm so afraid someone's going to come up behind me and just grab me in my ass and start, not full on like rape. Nobody wants to. But like taking my like fucking wallet and shit and pulling my pants down like and laughing at my butt. This is the valley. Super chill. It's chill here, man.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It's fine. You're not in Fresh Pond anymore. I can't show weakness. It's not. Tying your shoe with an untied shoe is weaker than tying your shoe. No, but I learned from David Icke that accepting my weakness makes me strong. You know, people have been reaching out to me. They're like, Ed, how are you handling all the content? Is everything okay? Emotionally? All the murder and stuff. This is what pisses me off. I know.
Starting point is 00:07:36 You know, today is like what drives me completely insane. I can read about the fucking guys from Chicago lopping off tits all day. You can? Sure. Alright, let's get into the story of David Icke and the Reptilians. David Icke is a former soccer player and BBC sportscaster who for all intents and purposes lost the plot of reality after visiting a psychic in 1990. I'd let you say he only had a pinky grip on reality to begin with. In order for that to push you over the edge.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Clad in his trademark turquoise tracksuit, Ike subsequently wrote a book called The Truth Vibration. Truth, truth, truth, truth vibrations. Then he went on talk shows to tell everyone that he was the son of the Godhead, not the son of God, important distinction, and he had therefore been chosen to bring the truth to the people. But back in 1991, David Icke's truth was mostly about the aforementioned vibrations, good and bad, along with all sorts of other new age hokum that nobody would have paid
Starting point is 00:08:41 attention to had it not been for the novelty of the situation. Basically, David Icke's coming out would have been the American equivalent of Marv Albert making the rounds on talk shows to tell us with deadly seriousness about color energies, life forces, a 12,000 year old plot by mysterious forces to keep humanity down along with the inevitable end of the world as we know it. And I'll also tell you, yes, and I'll also tell you, I know for a fact that I was just checking to see if that sex worker was made of chocolate. And the experiment failed. Let me tell you about cockatiels and how they can help you heal from the flu.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Can't buy a bucket! You know, Ike simply, because in order to even buy the bucket I have to find one, is anybody working at these hardware stores? See, what many people don't realize about David Ike is that prior to his established notoriety he was more if a colorful, if anti-semitic British character for most of the 90s, writing various books about the power of love, as well as millennia long conspiracies and ancient civilizations, and this is all using bad science and worse history. And of course we will be delving seriously into the thoughts and processes of David Icke.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And I will say upon this dip into the swamp, I, uh, he's definitely anti-Smith. Yeah, I'm glad you were able to join us on that one. But you know what's funny is that Larry King does look like a lizard. We all know that. Larry King does, or did. Barack Obama unfortunately does have sideways eyelids. We know that for a fact, but that's again, that's because he's Hawaiian. But David Icke, he is a, you know what, because I realize we're gonna, you know, we'll keep my tongue firmly implanted in cheek. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Explaining the reptilian theories, but he is a, yeah, he's not innocent. He's an extraordinarily dangerous individual. Yeah, he's not an innocent man. Well in 1999, eight years after he came out as a new ager, David Icke went global when he released the book that has since become his double-edged sword because it both made him famous and it guaranteed that he would never be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain ever again. But that's his superpower. No shame. And we have learned in the 21st century is that not the ultimate
Starting point is 00:11:12 the currency that runs his whole fucking world right now. No shame. Well in 1999 Ike self-published the biggest secret which as many of you already know is how most of the world came to discover the reptilian agenda you know you can't name a book biggest secret well it's the biggest secret anymore it's the biggest secret until the book yeah now it's the biggest truth see yeah? Anything you say, I can say some stupid bullshit to tell you you're wrong. God is ass. Boomerang effect. I'm so stupid.
Starting point is 00:11:52 See? Now his fucking confidence is destroyed. No, but you're not stupid, Eddie. You're not stupid. You're just ignorant. Which is, David Icke really explains really well. It's not that you're, it's like you ignore because you don't know, because you're so deeply entrenched in the matrix. Look at your shirt, look at your hat, look at your face. You're so deeply entrenched in the matrix that you won't,
Starting point is 00:12:16 you can't see on the outside and it's not your fault because you are trained to ignore the signs that make you ignorant. I'm more ignorant. Who's going to be worse today, me or David? I don't know. I think it's all of us in a race downhill. In a nutshell, David Ike's reptilian narrative is that for tens of... Hell, a powerful man in a nutshell. I didn't do it though. I didn't say it. Well, you didn't say it, but you did it and I had to acknowledge the... narrative is that for tens of thousands of years, every government, every secret society,
Starting point is 00:13:03 and every multinational industry have been run by an alien race called the Archons. And these are all run either through direct rule or reptilian puppetry. First thing that you're incorrect about, Archons is just an example of one of the archontic forces that might be facing us and keeping us in this giant, what some people call a prison planet. Let me ask you this, if I would have said Draconians, would you have also told me I was wrong? Yes, because the Reptilians are actually the ones that are a part of this, but they're in a lower rung, the Draconians,
Starting point is 00:13:33 and that's all according to the thought processes of Maestapastore, the Encyclopedia of Alien Racists. Right, and if I would have said Anunnaki, would you have also told me I was wrong? Yes, because the Anunnaki are just the beginning forms of this. And like now we're dealing with reptilians, obviously they took over, but all of these are just the samples of archontic forces. Do the reptilians lay eggs? No. Unclear.
Starting point is 00:13:57 No, they don't because it's all psychic breeding. So they do a lot of DNA testing. They put into a bunch of labs and technology. But that's the draconians more than the reptilians. Reptilians are the foot soldiers of the draconians. Thank you very much. In one of their many forms, reptilians are semi-physical inhabitants from the so-called fourth density, which is a plane of reality that vibrates at a higher rate than our material
Starting point is 00:14:23 three-dimensional world. It is however a misnomer to say that the reptilians are shapeshifters. It is a misnomer. Rather than say Odo from Deep Space Nine who changes literal form, Fourth density- Shanked asung. Yeah, yeah. That's who I prefer to reference. Yeah, Mortal Kombat, that's much cooler. That helps it. Yeah,-called human suits when they're in the 3D realm.
Starting point is 00:14:49 This is why some YouTubers were obsessed with finding TV clips that supposedly showed these human suits glitching out. This was particularly bad in the Obama years, especially after the release of the famous Secret Service video. Oh yes, very very familiar. Also one thing that no one talks about with the transition from the Obama presidency to the Trump presidency was getting rid of all of those large flat rocks. That Barack Obama was commonly, they were all right next to the basketball court.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Well you gotta refuel. Hey, you can't regale the temperature. Well in other forms, the reptilians are aliens from the Draco constellation, physical beings who have been coming to Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, feasting on the flesh of humans and using them to mine for gold. Well, we made them in order to, well, reptilians, I'm not saying we, reptilians made them to dig for gold. The reptilians made humans to dig for gold.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yes. I didn't see that anywhere. You're not reading the right sources. Edrako is the dragon constellation, correct? Yes. So that makes sense. Yeah, it does. I'm connecting dots.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Literally, through the constellation. Exactly. When yet other forms, reptilians can also be native to our planet, although they, unlike us, come from the Earth's interior. Inner Earth life. Magma. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Magma. Now, like most alien conspiracies, the reptilians also control the world through hybrid programs, breeding with humans to create a reptilian custodial caste that comprises the world's royal and elite bloodlines. Well, mostly it's because they are allowed to work during the Christmas holiday when the rest of us Have time off true For example David Ike was the first person to say that the British royal family is a bunch of lizards and in one time You can't be wrong
Starting point is 00:16:37 That's a great claim to have Before me nobody was saying that the British royal family were a lot of lizards. They called them rats, they called them dogs, they called them lizards. Everyone was saying that Queen Elizabeth is just a female dog. But I know for a fact she is a sexless iguana. Now the reason why the reptilians have hijacked the human race tends to shift, for the reptilians are nothing if not multitaskers. The central idea though is that the reptilians are a naturally dominant species who want
Starting point is 00:17:15 to make the world a horrible place so they can feed off our bad vibrations. Or at least that's my understanding of it. There are warlike species that go across the various galaxies and they conquer worlds for resources and slave labor. And so by the time they're here, but they also work underneath the draconians. So the results of this is completely literally real, which is only what you were saying before is only one of the explanations. The rest is that all of this is psychic thought forms that are on an interdimensional aspect working for us and with us. Well, that's how he pivoted because when he first wrote The Biggest Secret, he was like, these are literal lizard people who are- Oh no, he's still talking about lizard people.
Starting point is 00:17:59 No, the literal lizard people are there. They're still there. Okay. I thought he pivoted to say like, well, I wasn't actually talking about reptilians. I was actually talking about psychic law forms. He was like, he basically says they go half and half. This is where we really get into the nitty gritty of learning nothing. This is where we really get into like we none of this holds. And he does change depending on who he's talking to and what thing you talk to.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Because I was watching stuff from 1993 and then I watched a bunch of stuff from 2010 and then I watched a bunch of stuff from 2022. And it largely, it doesn't change, but it shapeshifts. There you go. Well one thing that does stay constant is that the only way to defeat the reptilians, according to Ike, is to embrace his version of love, truth, and understanding, which of course can only be properly understood if you buy Ike's books and attend his lectures. I understand nothing!
Starting point is 00:18:55 I have thousands of pages, David Ike! Email me! Alright? Email me! Explain some of this shit! But if you follow David Ike's instructions, the reptilians will lose their psychic control, and if enough people break free, then the reptilians will lose the war that's been raging in the background of human history for thousands upon thousands of years.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And this is why Laurence Fishburne doesn't answer fan mail anymore. Because he says David Icke believes that we all need to escape the Matrix. But I'm starting to think maybe this is my against my too real to be kept inside mentality, though. But that matrix is like nice. It's cool. But outside the matrix is like where David Icke is. David Icke seems to just like not be doing good. So he doesn't like all those weird aliens are attacking the ship Yes, okay, but he's not though. He's in California. Yeah, he's not in here He's just outside of the matrix, but I think he just means outside of hire ability. He's outside of having a job
Starting point is 00:19:57 He said he has to do it all himself. Mm-hmm Now when it comes to talking about the elite bloodlines who control the world, David Ike gets into trouble areas. That's a good way to term that. Trouble areas, yeah, because he, like 99% of conspiracy theorists, just can't help but make the Jewish people a central character in their narrative. Jealousy. Well he's always like, yeah, a little bit weird, I'm a bit different, I'm a bit different right there, you know what I do in there, oh, you got little hats. Why you wear a full hat?
Starting point is 00:20:27 Well, it's because we did our homework in school and you didn't. Well, David Icke has spent his career denying that he's anti-Semitic, saying that it's not that all Jews are reptilians, it's just that a Jewish person is more likely to be a reptilian This is an argument that he will not and more importantly cannot back down from lest his entire argument fall apart So he's not like anti-semitic. He's semi-semitic You know what it is is that he came up with a bunch of imagery will obviously impact this over the next two episodes But he came upon a bunch of imagery that he thought would be really helpful in his I'm just gonna say Monologuing whatever you'd call his narrative his narrative because he's not a cult leader
Starting point is 00:21:15 but he's wants to be but he also kind of doesn't want the responsibility of Managing people he just he wants resources. He wants people to listen to him Yes, and buy you shit. And pay attention. And go into his lectures and do all this type of shit. But I feel like once he came across this idea of like, these reptilians and stuff, and there might have been a lot of people that have been like, you know, this is like a direct dog whistle, right? Like this is direct anti-Semitic dog whistle, like, this is like a whole, and I think at some point you'll point you see so like But maybe when did you think about that then yeah, maybe you think a bit a bit of that instead of like oh, maybe I should change it to cat people
Starting point is 00:21:55 Friendly dog people that want us to learn from them Well, it's a thing is that I guess you could say that David Ike sort of backed his way into anti-Semitism You could kind of make that argument. I'd say he moonwalked into anti-semitism. He did so by making classic old-school anti-semitic conspiracy theories the centerpiece of his world domination narrative, and he did so before he even started talking about reptilians. In other words, let's just say that David Icke and Heinrich Himmler had similar bookshelves. Oh, maogany!
Starting point is 00:22:28 But I think what's most telling was that when David Icke was constructing his reptilian mythos, it made perfect sense to him to think that Jewish people, particularly Jewish people in power, are subhuman blood-sucking reptilians who eat the flesh of humans. Basically, it's the blood libel story in another form. It's called globalists. That's the term they use. Yeah, that just means Jewish. Lastly, while there may be a wide, wide outside chance that David Icke isn't anti-Semitic, it is just using the framework of other conspiracies because he's a lazy, if prolific, writer.
Starting point is 00:23:01 There's a teaspoon of that. No. The vast majority of people who follow and believe David are most definitely blaming the Jews for many of the world's injustices. It could be said that David Icke is provocative on purpose because while his ethics are dubious, I do think that he believes everything he's saying in writing and that includes the things that directly contradict the other things. And there's a lot of things in David Ike's writings that directly contradict many, many,
Starting point is 00:23:35 many other things. He can't say the same thing twice. Every single thing has changed. Depends on how it just depends on the vibe of the room that he is talking to. But also this is we always ask this question when we've been doing when we've done cult episodes, this is different than a cult leader episode. No, there's a conspiracy. There's a conspiracy theorist episode. Yes. But I think about him and I really wonder where does his belief start and stop?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Well, I think we're going to cover that a little bit later on. Once we really get into his character, like, we'll talk a little bit about that. Because by being so outrageous, David Icke ensures that he's being talked about. And in talking about David Icke, you're talking about reptilians, which is what David wants. But above even that, I think what David Icke really wants, above anything else, is to talk about David Icke. I wish I was friends with Snoop Dogg. Everyone would know and they'd call me in. I do a bit of the Olympics. Wouldn't it be nice going there?
Starting point is 00:24:33 You could see me. Oh, smart man. Mr. Icke talking about the Olympics. Oh, fancy man, isn't he? Oh, he might be. I've been watching so much of him. Yeah. And it's just that he always says when he talks about George Bush Jr.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Oh, boy, George Bush. He was called a boy, George Bush. You know, like he's got it, you know, we suffer. That's really fun. So without further ado, let's explore the story of David Icke himself, how he found his way into the reptilian agenda, and the incredibly negative consequences David Icke's work has had on the world since The Biggest Secret was published in 1999. Born in 1952 in Leicester, England to a working class family, Icke admittedly had a rough
Starting point is 00:25:19 poverty stricken childhood. So did Ozzy Osbourne. That was in Birmingham. You know what I mean. I know Birmingham, but I know Birmingham, especially back in the fucking 50s, was awful. Yeah, but that's what made fucking Medu
Starting point is 00:25:34 what he is, Frank. Yeah. But Ike does make sure to say over and over again in his various biographies that he's always been a persecuted soul, even if he has to use the tiniest incidents to make his case because let's be frank nothing happened in his childhood no of any consequence so I mean his father was a dickhead yeah the worst of it that was the absolute
Starting point is 00:25:57 worst is from Lester Bo Lester think. Honestly, have you ever been there? I could use some last lester. For example, when it comes to his persecution, the best example he had from his childhood was a time when he was falsely accused of throwing paper darts in school. I knew then! Oh, the mark was going to be on me then! Oh, a bit of a target on old David Icke then! And there was also another time when a baker unjustly yelled at him for stealing a cake. I would never steal cake. I only steal chips. I only like savoury. I don't like sweet. Everybody knows that about me, knows that single
Starting point is 00:26:35 thing about me. I hate sweet. I love savoury. How dare you! And that's the extent of his childhood persecution. Yes! Yeah, that's it. And nevertheless, Ike makes a big deal out of these incidents by saying that his astrological birth chart shows that false accusations and persecution were always going to play a central role in his life, which I think is how he deals with being constantly and mercilessly mocked the world over. Yeah, make it a feature, not a bug.
Starting point is 00:27:03 People like to make fun of me because it's in my astrological chart. And I also say this, you know why they make fucking fucking fun of you? Is because I like talking to them right now. No, no, I'm talking to a lot of people right now. All right. So I also like astrology. We're in Los Angeles. There's only so much. There's it's only you're going to hit into it. You're going to bump it to it as much as Capricorn, you know, you around ladies, you know, you're if you if you even want. Capricorn. You know, you're around ladies. You know, if you even want to talk to a witchy lady, you're gonna need to figure out how to do that. It's gonna be through astrology.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I'm on the cusp. But if you're one of these people that uses Chiron in your astrology, don't talk to me. Okay, it is the single most... I think it's one of the more Annoying things in esoteric. Yeah, this Chiron stuff. Have you looked into this at all? Is it isn't it that like if like if you're born under a Chiron sign you're like extra super special Yes, like it's kind of an indigo children type thing very much. Yeah Yes Well, Ike also proved himself to be a pain in the ass from an early age.
Starting point is 00:28:06 In one story, he played a tree in a school play, but when the kid who was supposed to chop him down didn't perform with enough conviction, David refused to fall until the chopping was more authentic. Yes, and motherfucker. When he was doing the... I had an acting class that was like old, like they would do. It's like I had an acting teacher who was great, but his whole thing was like, I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Whenever you'd see something you wouldn't believe. And so to get us to, for him to believe us, like he'd throw shit at us, like throw a chair at me, threw a bench at me in the middle of the scene, where you'd jump over, he's like, I don't believe you. And he was like 300 pounds, but he would like cycle around like a fucking jungle cat. Like he was a huge man who would get down on his hands and knees and walk around and shit.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Was this high school or Florida State? That's Florida State. Okay. Yeah. And then he, but just that idea of David Icke as a tree being like, oh, I don't believe you. Like a 10 year old. Like a 10 year old. On stage during a performance. To the point where his teacher had to pull him off afterwards being like you ruin the play for everyone David and he was like I'm in a
Starting point is 00:29:07 corner class. I'm a special boy. I'm gonna make like a tree and get out of here. You're funny. Ike is also almost defined by contradictions in his painfully dull autobiography. I spent, we spent a lot of money. Our man Neil on the UK. Thanks Neil. He got us this book. Necro Neil got us this book, the light of experience. This fucking book sucks. Yeah. I hate you David. This is a, this thing is a, yeah, it's too expensive. It's his autobiography. Yeah. Yeah. We spent 50 bucks on it. Oh my God. We should put it in one of those like boxes outside of a church where they give free books away. Did I tell you how I've been semi terrorizing a little library in my
Starting point is 00:29:54 neighborhood? Oh, you've been fucking with the little library. Not fucking with it. Just putting books in it. Yeah. Your books. Yes. You know, they're always gone. So I'm educating somebody to be an insufferable guy. Just an impossible person. In this dull autobiography, Ike claimed that he was always a different, more special boy than everyone else. He actually used the word special boy.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Yeah, he is. And that specialness made him shy. He claims that he prefers to be left alone, but that contradicts every profession He's ever pursued from professional footballer to TV personality to politician to author and lecturer Every job he's ever had has been a public-facing job. How dare you he's an introverted extrovert Okay, and that's like that's what you don't understand. I understand. No, you don't. I understand. I'm an introvert who is a podcaster.
Starting point is 00:30:48 No, but David Icke is so special. I mean, yes, and that's why he must talk at a minimum of 12 hours at a time. I have never met an introvert with so much to say. And he's staying is just, he just talks he talks he talks and he's just like get that little smile on his face. See it's a funny thing is that David Icke ironically is one of the people that introverts like me avoid because people can be draining. Of course. And he is the most draining human being in existence. He is a psychic Dracula.
Starting point is 00:31:26 But speaking of football, as I just mentioned, it's somewhat of a misconception that David Icke was a famous footballer. Yeah, I didn't know this. While he did play part time for a couple of minor pro teams, his football career was over by the age of 21 due to a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, or that's what he claims. My ankle was a bit of a biggity bug. And I do wish, I do wish that I could perform on the soccer field, because you know why? It is a true meritocracy friend. You show up, you bet on the other boy, you jiggle the balls. That's how I know it's good, because I'm jiggling the balls past the other skinny little boy
Starting point is 00:32:01 on the other side of the fence. But guess what? All of you don't understand, is that there's deeper, deeper thoughts to be had. I don't think I could be kicking this little jiggly ball. I need to be in my thought-sphere talking to you about truths, true truths, to vibration from a middle part. That's what you get, sir. It's annoying as hell. Can I, can I get anything else? Unfortunately, no. Probably just play defense. He was a goalie. He was a goalie. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. Well, that's the thing is that that's what he says that he found the most solitary part of the soccer field and he enjoyed
Starting point is 00:32:38 being the defender, the man who defends. It's because he wasn't smart enough to not use his hands. Yeah. Hey man, goalie, it's complicated. We're getting a lot of emails immediately. But he does have rheumatoid arthritis. You could tell now from his hands. Yeah. His hands are kind of gnarled. He's got the James Cromwell hands.
Starting point is 00:32:57 You remember that? Yeah, yeah. Where he was just like, he's still going. Yeah, he was. His hands look like a bunch of cruel bananas. Yeah, James Cromwell from Babe. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 All kinds of shit. Oh, who's the other guy? There was another old guy. They're all dead. Yeah, James Cromwell from Babe? Yeah! All kinds of shit. Oh, who's the other guy? There was another old guy. They're all dead. James Cromwell's alive! Yeah, he was in succession. He was fantastic in it. There was somebody else who had big hands.
Starting point is 00:33:13 There's another actor guy. Richard Harris. He's fucking, I don't know. He's dead. Well, after being interviewed by a local TV station about the end of his sports career, David decided to try for a job in media. Well, after being interviewed by a local TV station about the end of his sports career, David decided to try for a job in media. And by 1981, he was a full-time sports reporter
Starting point is 00:33:30 for the BBC. By the end of the decade, David, I could become a household name in sports reporting. He's like John Madden, you know, Dick Vitale, Marv Albert, Marv Albert. He was that popular. Yes. Yeah. Everybody knew who David, if you watched football, you knew who David Ike was. Okay. Oh man. So this is like, he's like their Joe Buck. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody knew who David, if you watched football, you knew who David Ike was. Okay. Oh man. So this is like, he's like their Joe Buck. Yeah. Or, you know, what's the name of a Michael son? Michael son. Al Michaels, Al Michaels. Yeah. Yeah. Like Al Michaels. Yeah. Oh, Michael's is great. But it known to that, but you know, to that extent, I wouldn't say he was like a Troy Aikman because Troy Aikman was a massive superstar before being a commentator
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yeah, he's just a guy who's just very good. He was he was very good at his job He was the power the very peak of sports journalism, which is having middle to low talent But in just being able to talk into a microphone. Yeah, he's really good at not shutting the fuck up Yeah, in fact his first book which was called, It's a Tough Game, Son, it was not about reptilians but about breaking into professional soccer. And by the way, the book title did have an exclamation point at the end. Good. How do you not know it's a father yelling at his son without the exclamation point?
Starting point is 00:34:41 Because it is important to yell that into your son. Yeah, it really is. And when you're reading the book to your son, you're supposed to like, while you close it, you hit him with it. Yes. That's why the back is blank. Because that's the hitting surface.
Starting point is 00:34:53 That's why I love punctuation. So powerful, can say so much. It's Defqon, stop! Ha ha ha. Ike's relationship with the BBC, however, was terminated when Ike, and the only thing he's ever done that I agree with, he refused to pay a tax implemented by Prime minister and perennial villain, Margaret Thatcher.
Starting point is 00:35:08 It was a tax that shifted even more of the tax burden from the rich to the poor. Thatcher hated poor people. But unfortunately it was mostly just cause he didn't want to pay money. Yeah. He didn't want to pay money. He tried saying that it was, he was trying to stand up for the working man, but I don't think that was the truth. I think he just didn't want to pay. I watched some BBC videos last night and they were graphic. BBC big, big, big black cocks. He's talking about big black cocks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:37 No BBW is big, beautiful way. The BBC is big black. It'd be quite graph. Very graph. They don't leave anything to the imagination. I actually prefer more of a big cock. Big black cops. Very graphic. They don't leave anything to the imagination. I actually prefer more of a hitchcock. One of them I think was a snake.
Starting point is 00:35:50 It's so much better when you kind of don't know who's fucking what or how they're getting fucked. I was like, you go in the other room and all you hear is OOF OOF Yeah, yeah, yeah. OOF OOF It's so much sexier to imagine. I don't need all this. Show me the card.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Show me the furniture. Well, while Ike's sports broadcasting career was winding down, he began experimenting with alternative medicine and new age philosophies to treat his rheumatoid arthritis. These were like the two things that really kind of started down. Because first it was, the reason why I think he did the tax thing was because he was leaning into the the the populistist no movement definitely and he was trying to look cool And I also just think that he was bad at his job. I think that eventually he just didn't want to do his job anymore
Starting point is 00:36:33 No, he was very good at his job, but if it wasn't special enough. It wasn't no it wasn't special He wasn't getting he wasn't special enough. He was just another guy Yes, you know and just another guy who talked about football on TV. But him getting into alternative medicine, new age philosophies, that's how David Icke launched himself down the slippery slope that ended in reptilians. Actually, it ends in 5G spreads COVID, but we'll get there. By the late 80s, Ike's interest in new age beliefs turned him on to the environmental movement and he subsequently joined the Green Party as a small-time politician.
Starting point is 00:37:08 After six months of holding a position as national representative though, he quit or he was fired depending on who you ask, because according to him, strange things started happening to David Ike. Is the Green Party the same there as it is in America where it's like kind of environmental friendly? I just want to like them so much, but you keep hearing about shit like this. Well, you want to like everybody, but that's, yeah, you want to believe the best in people, but David Icke, there's nothing.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah. He's a total utter piece of shit. Yeah. I was more talking about the green party than David Icke. Ralph Nader. Yeah. Ralph Nader fucking the enemy of freedom everywhere. Because of the fucking forcing us to fucking, that's keeping us, the enemy of freedom everywhere. Because of the fucking force in us to fucking...
Starting point is 00:37:46 That's keeping us in the matrix of the safety of our cars. Alright, how dare you tell me I can't fucking die? I like smashing my head against the windshield. It's one of my hobbies. Well, in 1989, just after Ike wrote his second book, an environmental work called It Doesn't Have To Be Like This, he claimed to have found himself followed by a presence, a presence so strong that David was forced to address it. He said,
Starting point is 00:38:18 If you are there, will you please contact me, because you are driving me up a wall. Pretty soon after, David claimed that the presence introduced itself in the form of a psychic named Betty Shine. I'm here for your money! Ah yeah! And Betty, more than anyone else, would be the one to send David Icke down the path that he still walks today. Betty Shine. Same world as I'm gonna go to Colonel Tom Parker of Esoteria. Betty Shine sent David Icke in. She sets him up. Where is Betty Shine? I mean, Betty Shine, she winds him up and lets him go.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Yeah, where the fuck is Betty Shine today? She's a temple. I would love to know. Author and, oh yeah, well she's an author and opera singer. Oh yeah, she did write. Yeah, she does claim. She loves the amphibian race. Frog people! Now David himself told two different stories as to how he met Betty Shine. In the first, David said that he and his son Gareth were having lunch at a cafe when someone recognized David from TV and started chatting him up.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Suddenly though, David found himself unable to move because he was fixated on a stack of books. He then heard his presence telling him to look at a particular book. Then David felt that the discovery of this book was behind the presence. In another version, David and his son were having lunch at a cafe when he had a tremendous urge to look at some books. And we get it. Yeah. Chosen almost at random David bought 13 British pounds worth of books and one of them was Mind to Mind by spirit medium and healer Betty Shine. Now Betty Shine she's got that how do you put it? She's got a big stupid face.
Starting point is 00:40:06 She's got like pan face. It's like a Barbara Walters face. But squished down more. Yeah. Cabbage Patch Head. Yeah, exactly. And she's on the cover of this book and she's smiling. So I feel like he's just like, Oh, look at that. It's my wee grandmum. Oh, I could trust her. She's got to be something in there. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Oh, mind to mind. I've got a mind. She's got a mind. That'd be nice right there. Talk right to my mind. That's easy. Take my eyes and ears out of the equation. There you go. Ike said that he devoured the book in 24 hours, then immediately wrote to Cheyenne requesting
Starting point is 00:40:39 some healing sessions. Unfortunately, I had to go back to the bookstore and buy one for reading. Within just a few weeks, Ike's rheumatoid arthritis was suddenly gone. But, well, that's what he says. But, I mean, the way, as Henry said, like, if you look at his hands today, like, that rheumatoid arthritis didn't go nowhere. Yeah, his hands are too, they're all fucked up. Wicked witch hands. Yeah. But while Ike believed she was a healer, Shine apparently had to prove that she was a competent psychic as well. And by the way, all of this comes from David Ike himself. Yeah. Like this is not, this is not even a, he's writing this as if this is like,
Starting point is 00:41:17 I don't know, like it makes sense. Like it's like a thing that like we, she should be proud of. Where it's been like, no, you got taken for a ride. By this woman that just was just so excited to fucking jump on you like a horse. Well, the thing about David Icke is that he shows his and, you know, in the parlance of Texas shows his ass a lot. Yeah. I mean, he really without realizing that he's doing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:40 He tells he tells exactly who he is. Yeah, like if he's Christ too, he wouldn't know if it wasn't for this chick. Mm-hmm. Yes, exactly. Now, to prove that she had the gift, Shine told Ike during a session that when he returned home, one of his two cats would have diarrhea. No shit! I've got to go home!
Starting point is 00:42:01 And sure enough, when Ike walked through his door, one of his cats was indeed a shitty little kitty. Let me check. Oh my god, did someone melt some fudge in this lizard box? That's diarrhea. This apparently was more than enough to convince David Ike. But perhaps the reason why the cat diarrhea was such a turning point in David's life,
Starting point is 00:42:23 and it was, is because during that same session that foretold the cat spl was such a turning point in David's life and it was because during that same session that foretold the cat splatters psychic Betty Shine was supposedly possessed by a powerful spirit. Quite suddenly while Shine was talking about something or other she announced that a Chinese man from the year 1200 named Wang Yi Li had appeared for the sole purpose of speaking to David and also Socrates was there. He's there he's always there. Yeah. Don't let him anywhere near your kids. So hold on. He's a smart guy. So she speaks Chinese then?
Starting point is 00:42:54 Well no. Do all ghosts speak English? Is that what happens once you die you know English? If you look at the amount of human beings, there's a lot more Chinese ghosts than there are any other type of ghosts. Yeah. Right? Maybe more Indian people ghosts. What does that have to do with Ed's point? What are you saying? The Socrates didn't speak English, right? No.
Starting point is 00:43:16 English didn't exist then. Ah, no. He's in there, he's talking, he's talking, he's saying, Eros, he's Seeky. But you don't know shit what these fucking ghosts are saying in here. No, but then Ghost Translates, there's a ghost translator in her head. Yeah. Alright, and also- And that's why she decided to come forth and say a bunch of stuff that if this was a different
Starting point is 00:43:33 time period, I would get to illustrate for you what she sounded like. I would imagine that she did not speak in Chinese, but I would imagine her choice of accent was highly inappropriate. Did you see what she's there? Depending on how method she gets with it. There's a whole paragraph that I'd like Eddie to now interpret in a way that I would have interpreted this 10 years ago. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Am I, am I reading it? No, you're not allowed to read it like that. Oh, okay. Yeah, you can't. Oh, I see. Yes. I remember your old personality. Yes, that is God.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I'm still in free speech jail, but honestly, it's been so fine. It's so nice that once I got the Quran, I really finally got to sort of come to peace with myself. Well, eventually we transferred you to Norwegian free speech jail, and it's a lot nicer. That's why I have the computer. Yeah. Well, during the session, Betty Shine channeled the spirit of Wang Yi Li so he could deliver a message to David Ike.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I just wish I had a recording that would play of it. Wang started with predictions, saying that a massive revolution would occur in five years time, electric cars would be used in eight, and that in twenty years, twenty eleven, there would be a different kind of flying machine Very different from the aircraft we have today. All right, then Betty describe it Very different from the aircraft we have today. Oh, no, I'm hearing that but say something specific quite strange to your eyes Double helicopter. What would have made the big kidded helicopter up my tree? There's already double helicopters in 1990. Triple helicopters. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Wang then went on the old environmental trip, saying that deep sea drilling was destabilizing the earth and that the sea would reclaim the land, therefore man needed to treat the earth with respect lest the earth reclaim itself. Same shit they always say. Which is all true and you know should be listened to but it's you know hack at this point. Oh David I have to tell you there is someone else here. Yes I am talking to Wang. Yes Wang is here and then Socrates of course puts up big ups to Socrates. Good to see you. Obviously, just we'll be right with you. But there's
Starting point is 00:45:47 another man here that if he was with Socrates, it's a some young guy. Another ancient Chinese master. Yes, he has something that some sort of substance that he would like to give to you. It's a sauce that he has brought with him from his homeland. Oh yes, definitely. Oh, let me taste this sauce. Oh, mmm, salty. Ah, very good. Socrates, I can see why you love the various sauces of this some young guy. So Yang continued, saying that yes, it was going to be David Icke's job to bring this of this some young guy.
Starting point is 00:46:29 So Yang continued saying that, yes, it was going to be David Ike's job to bring this message to the world. The reason why David was chosen was because Ike had passed many tests of courage like playing soccer. I mean, you got to flop. That's it. But that's acting. That's it. It's not being tough. He was a goalie. So at least the balls flew at him. Yeah. So I guess that, yeah, I guess he could have got hit in the face.
Starting point is 00:46:49 But it's all he did to become the new Messiah. I've heard worse explanations for new Messiahs. What are the trials that Jesus went through? Well, he was like- 40 days in the desert. Yeah, 40 days in the desert. He had to play with wood for a while. Yeah he had to suck all those guys off every fucking week because if not they were going to shoot him in the head.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yeah his wife was a hooker. Yeah that's hard on the ego. You gotta be able to be a strong person to date a sex worker. Well Ike was also told that he was destined to become a great healer of the world, a communicator, and that he would become very famous. Oh, what what what? Very famous. Sometimes David would have to learn the hidden knowledge he needed to impart, but, and this is key, sometimes that hidden knowledge would just appear in his mind. Where do you think my ideas come from? Yeah, it's very convenient.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yes. Oh, it works. He lives in a world where we're going to get more into this in episode two. His, the destructive concept of do your own research that is driving our very world into a maelstrom of chaos is what he is like, that is what is, all gags is, is that you decide what's real or what's not, fuck the experts, fuck it. It's about what you feel is correct.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah, no, in a hundred years time, the human race is still around, maybe 500 years from now, do your own research, I think is gonna be outlawed. Like the phrase, do your own research, it's like, it's gonna be one of those things like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, the research is done.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Read your own books. It's just like, but you know what it is, is that do your own research when you're buying a pair of shoes. Do your own research when you're looking for a deal on a TV. That helps. Also like looking into stuff. You read books and stuff. Just understand that when I decide how to buy a TV, I don't do my own research. I go to the guys that have like watched 15 TV. Yeah. I look at that shit. It's just, oh, you know, we'll get, you know, huh. Now, while I don't believe that the ancient spirit of a Chinese man inhabited the body of a British
Starting point is 00:49:08 psychic to tell a BBC sports reporter that he was destined to save mankind, I do believe that a woman claiming to be a psychic did say all of this shit out loud to a person who believed her. From what I can tell, it was this encounter that changed David's life. Because like all psychics, Betty Shine knew exactly what David wanted to hear. He wanted someone to confirm what he'd always believed. That he was a very special boy who was destined for very special things. And it can only be him. Because he's got the smile, he's got the fucking legs. Yeah, that body of his.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And he's got the mind and the voice. So he's not reptilian. No! OK. But he can see them? No! Like, you know, he can't they live them? They live, by the way, is real.
Starting point is 00:50:00 That is real. He says it. So it's The Matrix, so it's Truman Show. Yeah. Yeah, Truman Show, Matrix. Like, basically, David Icke watches movies and thinks they're real. Cool. What a nice life. Yeah, it's a fun way to live life.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, dude. And we're all just fucking orbs briefly experiencing humanity, which is why I will not submit to a breathalyzer, officer. Officer Well David Ike said that he was quote very Unsurprised by everything the spirit of weighing told him and he was equally unsurprised that Socrates one of the greatest minds in human history Had showed up for the event and someone must bottle this sauce This this this this this this this cream everybody Wayne come tonight in fact this revelation made David feel relieved because he saw himself as something of a Socrates can you imagine waking up every day I guess do you did you do that what with how
Starting point is 00:50:57 hard you work do you go wake up and be like I'm the new Socrates no doubt you feel you experienced out? I experienced. Yeah, a little bit of doubt. Yeah. What I and yeah, my abilities, just the tiniest bit. Good.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah. Not me, though. I know. I feel nothing. You hatless piece of shit. Fuck you. People only ridiculed the mediocre. Ridiculed the geniuses! On David's interpretation of history, which is wrong, Socrates was guided by a divine force
Starting point is 00:51:33 and was sentenced to death for it. But in David's case, even his reading of his own life is wrong, because the worst thing he's had to endure is ridicule. He wasn't fucking executed. He's still blabbing, talking shit to this day. They say sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. But I will have you know, I prefer to have my wiener hit with a stone, because one-star reviews are fucking my algorithm. I am Shadowband! And that is worth the death itself." But supposedly what sealed the deal for Ike, besides the cat diarrhea of course, was the confirmation of one of Wang's predictions. Wang told David that earthquakes would begin
Starting point is 00:52:17 to occur in strange places, and sure enough, David claims that four days after the channeling, a 4.9 earthquake shook the Welsh-English border. Now from there, I claims that four days after the channeling, a 4.9 earthquake shook the Welsh-English border. From there, Ike plunged himself into the world of esoteric authors like Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus, and he took those predictions that those men made as 100% correct. This even included Nostradamus' prediction that one day a giant dog from France would be crowned Pope and would actually fulfill his papal duties as a giant dog. For as little as the Pope does it might as well be a giant dog. I mean it's still gonna happen. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:55 We're about to lose another Pope. This guy looks bad. Yeah. I'd vote for a f**king dog. Big dog, I mean a giant dog, dude. Like a clip. And this pope was like, people are buying too many dogs, they're not having kids. Dog pope. He's anti-dog. Dog is French, dog's gonna come in. He's gonna be licking shit, he's gonna be smelling stuff. Yeah, dude. And then we put a cat in charge of the Greek Orthodox.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Amen. Yeah, dude, change it up. But since Ike... What I also love is that he did not read real Esoteria. No. He didn't read Madame Blavatsky, he didn't read Alistair Crowley, he didn't read any of the stuff from the Golden Dawn.
Starting point is 00:53:32 He went straight to the easy shit that you could get at a Hallmark store. He read the people that read those other people. Which and they are all... And the people that translated that shit into new age bullshit that's easy to to that's at the very it's easy to digest. It's not necessarily I mean it's not necessarily easy to explain but it's that sort of fucking new age bullshit where like David Ike does all the time where you just
Starting point is 00:53:54 say it as if it's true. Yes. And if anyone tells you if anyone tells you that it's not true all you have to do is give them a condescending look and say like well I guess you're one of them aren't you. Yeah. You know it works it works. But since Ike decided that all of Casey and Nostromus's predictions were true, he also decided that everything else they wrote about must be true as well, which is how Ike came to believe in the lost civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, also known as Mu. Now with particularly the works of Edgar Cayce, Ike added a couple more tools to his box of Esoterica, which is both a strength and a weakness of David Ike. Yes, because he's a folder.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Yeah, see Ike is the kind of writer who piles everything he knows into every theory he creates and connects all of it by just listing a bunch of factoids one after another after another. I call it the Cold Stone Creamery Effect. Where you get into conspiracy. Cause this is the problem right? Love Cold Stone Creamery. It's amazing. I really do love it. But also I feel like in some ways what's nice about having going to a place where there's
Starting point is 00:54:56 a set recipe for the thing you're going to order right? You have a bunch of people who went, again this is like reading research from people that like know what they document they put together flavor profiles to make sense the problems that with us right as big fat dumb pieces of shit right is that I go into the Cold Stone Creamery I'm throwing a bunch of random fucking garbage in there and it doesn't all fit into a cohesive dessert like meal tastes like brown tastes like brown and I've none unlike so that's what he's doing here.
Starting point is 00:55:25 He's putting gummy bears in, he's putting peanut butter cups in, and that doesn't make sense. Those two flavorful, those two things should not be together. I know some people are going to call me like a prude or whatever, but for me that makes you a dessert fucking pervert. And I actually think that you should be sterilized. Yeah. And also like Colesone Creamery, If you tip David Ike, he has to sing. Well, by doing this kind of information overload, Ike is able to overwhelm his readers with so much information that it starts making sense to people with weak critical thinking skills, only because he keeps telling you over and over again how much sense all of this makes. This guy's smart, he's telling me it makes sense, there's a bunch of this stuff that I don't really understand but it sounds good, so if he's telling me it makes sense, then it must make sense and therefore I now believe in reptilians.
Starting point is 00:56:16 What I believe is that he tried to see what sticks. Is that when this all came, and then he started going down this avenue, he's gonna go out on the- we'll go to the, his first public appearances, which has really fucked him up. But he writes in generalities in the beginning. The first three books are all vague vibes, crystals, horse shit. It's not till later on. But the first book is vague and crystals and horse shit. The second and third book are quite different indeed. Yeah, but he puts like, you know, in the light of experience, he puts some stuff from like Lumeria, but it's still, but it's not quite what it gets to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:52 The biggest secret. Oh, it's not quite there, but it's definitely, it's a lot of wink-wink, let's, you know, Rothschilds. You ever thought about them? Hey, you ever think about that? Hey, you ever think about that? But Ike's informational vomit also turns off the majority of readers who correctly see his writing style as pathologically compulsive, considering how many of his books, and how many of his, I don't know, dozens upon dozens of books, are often over 500 pages long.
Starting point is 00:57:19 You can't not say he's an extremely prolific writer and commentator. Well he's prolific. I was talking to Caroline about it the other day and she used a great word with it. Compulsive. He is a compulsive writer. He has to do it. He's self-published. You can't be prolific and self-published.
Starting point is 00:57:37 He didn't start self-published, but he got to be obviously because then people are sure to understand that. Trouble areas. Trouble areas. He's also like, people are sure to understand that. Trouble areas. Trouble areas. He's also like, he wrote out all the stuff. I find it interesting because it's like how, like, I hate to be like this, but like, you know, like Trump's an idiot's version of a rich person. David Icke's an idiot's version of a smart person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Where you're looking at all this stuff, it's purposely written, complicated, and then at first you think, oh, he must be brilliant. Look at all the stuff he knows. And then you read it and you're like, oh, he's just piling things. This is actually, it's unreadable. And what's the problem is that the dumb reader, and I'm not maligning our dumbs, like, cause it's hard. Cause you're just ignorant. But it's like, these guys are like, you, at first you think it's so complicated and you're like, oh, it's so stupid. I'm too stupid to read this. And then you're just ignorant. It's like these guys are like you. At first you think it's so complicated and you're like, oh, so stupid. I'm too stupid to read this.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And then you're like, oh, it's because David Icke's genius. He could put all this together. And I need him to explain to me what he wrote. And it just takes you a long time of pouring through when you begin to realize, oh, this is I've just wasted hours.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Yeah. And then all of a sudden you're standing in front of a synagogue with a machine gun in your hands Now within a couple of weeks of his first meeting with the spirit of Wang Ike contacted psychic Betty shine spirit of Wang I contacted psychic Betty Shine and told her that he'd been seeing weird shit. He'd been seeing images of eyes everywhere he looked. Betty probably knew that she'd hooked a big fish with a well-known television personality, told him that this was because his psychic powers were finally developing. And guess who was the only person who could help him develop those psychic powers further?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Betty Shine. I mean how else are you going to do it? In more sessions that I'm sure Ike paid a premium, Wang Yi Li kept returning with more messages. God I wish I could, I can't. I know, I know, it's so hard. The Spirit supposedly told Ike that he was supposed to communicate a message that would change the world, that he would write five books in three years, and that he had to quit
Starting point is 00:59:48 politics completely because politics were anti-spiritual. And it's not just because they wouldn't have him and nobody would vote for him. Yep. Shine, meanwhile, channelingly, supposedly continued to prove her psychic abilities in the same vein as the cat diarrhea prediction. In one session, she he said that the spirit of the book David was reading at the time was in great anguish as it lay against a newspaper in his suitcase.
Starting point is 01:00:12 The spirit of the book. The book was having a bad day. Yeah. The book, Shine slash Lee said, was much troubled by a story in the paper about bovine spongiform encephalopathy. That's mad cow disease. Fancy.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah. The article was not truthful. Whoa. The book, however, was truthful. What? And the book was upset because it was laying against an article that was saying the opposite of what the book said. You sound like me at the very height of my like OCD, like panic. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:48 Like that is such a nonsensical thought where you're like, Oh, I better go. I'm making, to me it's always like, Oh no, car me is going to be sad. You know, and this is a dog. Yeah. Then you feel like that, but you're just like, you're thinking this thing like this. Like they don't think like that. You look at car me's eyes and yes, she loves me, but she's also like chicken. Yeah, it's a dog. That's even, that's, but even that kind of makes sense. Yeah, dog would eat you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah. Carmi would absolutely eat you. Yeah, of course. So most of your dogs, all your dogs would eat you. I don't think Rambo would eat me. I just think it'd be hard to get through the skin. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I don't think Rambo has, yeah. He's got good teeth. He's got good teeth. He's got good teeth. He's got some. Yeah. Now after spending quite a bit of time with Betty Shine, Ike moved on to a psychic named Judy and brought along his wife Linda. Linda, by the way, was starting to buy into all of the New Age lifestyle shit just as heavily as her husband. Oh yeah. David and Linda were told that they'd been together in hundreds of previous lives going back to ancient Greece, where a mystical marriage tied their souls together for eternity. David and Linda by the way divorced in 2001.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Oh yeah. Yeah. About two years after the biggest secret. Well that was because there was extenuating circumstances. But from there, Ike received strong psychic messages to work with a psychic in Calgary named Deborah Shaw. Okay, I'm getting a vision. She's blonde, she's got huge tits.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I have to speak with her. Shaw taught Ike the secret rituals and ways of the Native Americans, whose spirits came and spoke with both of them after these two white people desecrated a burial mound by endlessly chanting above it. More deep! More deep! More deep! I find it interesting too because in the UK they find, which I do understand, like, they find Native American lore fascinating. Yeah. Right? Because obviously they came and they killed all of them.
Starting point is 01:02:42 But then, while they were killing all of them, they found a bunch of cool stuff. Unless they just put it on the British. It was also the Spaniard name. It was also the French. Yeah. But they came in, they found a bunch of cool stuff. And they're like, it seems like those people were subjugating might be like groovy or whatever, but fuck them. Right. I do understand. But they wipe them all out. But now they're like super interested in it. And so he does go through, he is a man of many hats. Yeah. I mean, he became a native American for awhile. Well, that's the thing is that he, he, he has a very, until he gets to reptilians,
Starting point is 01:03:10 he has a very like Sonoma journey. Like first he gets, really gets into native Americans and then he gets really into turquoise. And turquoise is different than teal. Yeah. Because you, I believe I'm a teal boy, you're teal and orange dolphins, coral orange and teal. Yeah. Because you, I believe- I'm a teal boy. You're teal and orange. Dolphins. Dolphins, coral, orange, and teal. Yeah, yeah. But teal isn't entirely different.
Starting point is 01:03:30 You know, teal gives off the energy because turquoise gives off the energy of generating- An old woman who lives in Phoenix. Love and wisdom. No, it generates loves and wisdom and teal invites the power of cauldry and choking in the fourth quarter. Oh, I see what you did there.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Let's see. Wow. Wow. Wow. I mean, I guess this year would just be more apt to say like choking at the end of the season. Yeah, yeah. Which in the fourth quarter of that last game, yes.
Starting point is 01:03:59 And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I mean, I know what I've been for. The last time the Dolphins won the Super Bowl, I was dead. Yeah didn't mean to do that. And it was, I mean, I know what I vane for. The last time the Dolphins won the Super Bowl, I was dead. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You weren't even come. It was around this time that David got fired from the BBC for refusing to pay the aforementioned tax. But now that he was completely unfettered, he could finally begin work on his third book, The Truth Vibrations, which is pretty much it's the new age pablum you'd expect it to be. It's awful.
Starting point is 01:04:27 It's nonsense. Truth, truth, truth, truth vibrations. It was very hard to hold the book because it was always shaking. Yes, no. But I sat on it and made my clit fucking huge. Well, this time is what David unironically refers to as his turquoise period because he began exclusively wearing turquoise tracksuits.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I almost bought one but I didn't want to go into debt. I didn't want to pay money for this series. You paid hundreds of dollars for the materials to David Ike directly and you're not going to pay a hard working American fashion designer who still makes turquoise tracksuits no I was looking at it is definitely made from pure petroleum from a bunch of children in India they look decent yeah I do hate that he wears like dress shirts under the tracks it makes no sense very British purpose of the tracks the polo shirt underneath the tracksuit is very British.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Yes. It's for going to tennis games. It's for stepping on lessers. Laughter Well things also started getting a little sexually adventurous in the Ike household around this time. Hey man, of course. When psychic Deborah Shaw moved in and entered into a throuple with Ike and his wife. This is when he's at his most interesting. Yeah. Because I think that he's, yeah, he's kind of full of some ideas, but he's dressed in turquoise.
Starting point is 01:05:53 He's getting his dick sucked twice a night, right? He's got a psychic lady who's been like, I bet tonight I have a vision we're going do butt stuff and they're all like whoa Let's see if that vision comes to fruition You know and then you have butt sex And when they all hang out in his family, but this is kind of when like if he just stayed in this lane Yeah, and kind of made some like you know got into maybe skin care Yeah, if he gooped it yeah if he gooped it it could have been fine Well the whole point of skin care is to make yourself attractive enough to fuck. Yeah. Yeah, or at least attack a try Moist enough to touch. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:32 Well as they told the press when the story broke that a Marv Albert type was in a relationship with two women Oh, yeah, this short-lived arrangement was called the turquoise triangle Way should have stayed in the spot. The turquoise triangle? Ah, these nami need big fucking apple, Adam's apple, British people. I'll say, man, they get freaky. Oh my God. These fucking weird ass crooked teeth, fucking backward swamp people,
Starting point is 01:07:00 they fucking, they suck like I like nobody's watching because nobody's watching. Because they start fucking at 12 and it's not interesting by the time you're 40. Yeah. You've got to spice it up. But it's like, you know the type of sex that only like a couple on TikTok has where like the lady is 300 plus pounds and the man's maybe like a hundred pounds and that type of twisted ass licking asshole sucking fucking, taking a crumpet, putting it up your pussy, like... I have four words for you.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Fred and Rose West. Yeah. Who are they? They are the peak of British sexuality. I'll send you some stuff on them. Thanks, I can't wait. I'll make sure I get my tea and crackers ready. Make sure you crumble them up, put it in a bowl, shove them up your ass.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Well Deborah Shaw, psychic Deborah Shaw, soon changed her name to Mary Shawson and Ike's wife changed her name to Mickela because she was an aspect of the Archangel Michael. David remained David. Oh yeah, of course, because David, I mean obviously it's the brand. But now that the turquoise triangle was out of the bag, Ike held a full press conference with his wife and Deborah Shaw to announce to the world that he was the son of the Godhead, not the son of God. Not the son of God. That would mean he'd be too big for his britches. Yep. That's right.
Starting point is 01:08:18 So he's the son of God's boss. No, no, he's the son of God's corporation. Can I ask you to Explain Godhead to me sure on this basically one It seems so David Ike he doesn't want you to think he's Jesus Christ Eddie. Okay. Okay, because that's he's not that he's too humble Also, Jesus Christ isn't real Exactly. All right in David's in David's cosmology Exactly. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:42 His reference in David's cosmology. He's not real unless he is. He's a spiritual creature that may or may not have been physical. Okay. But in his mind, they said apparently that he shines. She explained to him the Rosicrucian concept of the Godhead. Got it in there. You got the Rosicrucians in there.
Starting point is 01:09:02 The term son of God, right, in that time, in Rosicrucians in there. Right. The term son of God, right? In that Rosicrucian means someone who has purified themselves and developed such a high level of self-sacrifice that they have reached a level of consciousness that rises above bodily desires and selfishness to the greater good and the brotherhood of mankind. You know, sports journalists. That's what they always do. But that's the idea that it's not the son of the godhead means that you have done so good at being so cool that you get to, because all you want to do is help people like me. Like I'm a guy, I give and give and give and give and give and give endlessly. More than me letting the hat go, just letting the hat be free. All right, I don't, why do I hold it back?
Starting point is 01:09:49 All right, and I'm trying to accept my head. And that's why I took it as a synchronicity. I'm sitting here working all day, right? David Icke says, oh, look at the synchronicities, points you in the right fucking direction at all times. Guess what? Yesterday, heard the talking about Rocky on the radio, they were talking about Rocky on the radio.
Starting point is 01:10:05 They were talking about radio from old Howard Stern from a long time ago. And then I go to put on the David Icke video before it began the other day, and then a YouTube commercial, because I refuse to pay for YouTube Red. I won't do it, and they won't give it to me for free. And I went, and I, because I did,
Starting point is 01:10:19 the first thing they did was play a commercial that had the Rocky theme. Wow. Okay. What a coincidence. But who is the godhead? I think John Lovitz is going to play it in a Marvel movie. Now because of the bizarre nature of David Icke's press conference with his two wives, David Icke was invited to be interviewed on a primetime chat show called Wogan presented by a well respected journalist named Sir Terry Wogan.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Sir Terry Wogan. I don't know what the show was. Is it like, was it like Sally Jessie Raphael? No, it's like Joe Rogan. Joe Wogan. It's more like a David Frost. Okay. So it was a serious journalism show. It was a serious chat show. Yeah. Because the reaction, it felt like he went to be on, what's his name? Like he was on...
Starting point is 01:11:14 Cavett? No, it kind of felt like he was on Springer. Springer? Oh no. The environment. Yeah, the environment was a little rowdy. But no, Sir Terry Wogan was a serious man from what I could tell him. I might be getting a bunch of emails saying that he was like, I don't know, like John Cleese and I just don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:31 But from what I read, he seemed fine. Okay. See, in this, Terry Wogan had a household name who had quite suddenly lost his mind and obviously wanted to talk about it. So Ike was a no-brainer for a guest. Oh, yeah. to talk about it. So Ike was a no-brainer for a guest. But while Ike thought that this was going to be a national platform to tell people his truth, it was instead the most humiliating experience of his life. After Ike went on and on during the interview about the true history of the world being lost for 12,000 years, how the world was going to end but in a positive way, and that great disasters were going to befall Great Britain within
Starting point is 01:12:05 12 months, Wogan went in for the kill. Wogan asked as many questions he could through David Icke's steamroll style of being interviewed, but Wogan was also able to make a couple of jokes much to the delight of the audience. The atmosphere prompted this absolutely devastating exchange. You know the best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous. I'm delighted that there's so much laughter in the audience tonight. But just let me say this. They're laughing at you. They're not laughing with you. Fine.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Sheesh. And I can see how, like, we've had bombs. I've had seminal bombs. Right? Like, I've had bombs in my lifetime doing comedy that have taught me lessons that I needed to learn. Yeah, of course. Like, I've walked up, I've failed extremely badly,. And then you kind of like, OK, we need to revisit this. We need to think about how we're approaching
Starting point is 01:13:10 these various things. He decided that this was his ridicule thing is this is the moment where he's like, oh, this is my thing now. Yeah. Yeah. He doubled down instead of rewriting. Nobody has doubled down more than KFC
Starting point is 01:13:34 Than fucking David Ike. David Ike has sex toppled down. Yes. He doesn't he I don't think he's ever been up He is so doubled down. He is his head is sticking out of his mouth, which is up his ass. Nice. Now that 15-minute interview absolutely destroyed both David Ike's reputation and his ego making him a permanent figure of ridicule but it also hardened his resolve. Ike had two choices give up and backtrack or go all in. We're going all in! Yep David of course went all in and like a cult of one he would continually up the ante year after year with increasingly unbelievable claims. I think all to keep himself believing in everything he was saying. Cause that's the thing about cults. That's why cults get bad because the cult leader always has to
Starting point is 01:14:23 have something new. They always has to have something new. They always have to have a new crazy fucking thing for everybody to follow. That's how Heaven's Gate went from a bunch of nerds to a bunch of nerds chopping their balls off to being dead. You just have to keep, because you have to stay ahead of the crew. You got to stay ahead because if you lose them, they could potentially fucking kill you. You know what I mean? They could all freak out. So you're trying to constantly kind of monitor this group. And a cult leader always, in our minds, either has one foot in the belief system and one foot out. David Icke is somebody that
Starting point is 01:14:54 I am still puzzled. We keep talking of how much he believed because of the way he doubles down and how much he talks. But then partially I wonder if that is, again, another one of those things that he's doing on purpose. They say, look how real I am. I don't shut up. I think his thing is that he talks and he writes, but he doesn't think. And that's how he gets, and that's how he stays where he is. So is he popular? Like, do people believe and follow him? We're going to get into that more in episode 2 But let's just say that 3% of Americans believe that reptilians are real and they do run the government
Starting point is 01:15:32 Yeah, God so fucking depressing. I mean I was one of them for a long time, and I'm not putting against the reptilians But I also feel like you know don't they want to do something else don't they want to be in show business? They are Nice they want to be in show business? They are! Nice! Around the time of the Wogan debacle, Ike's throuple fell apart and Deborah Shaw left after she got pregnant. After she gave birth, Shaw told David that she didn't want him to have anything to do with their child's life, which was a request David honored. But from that, the media piled on by saying that Ike had abandoned the child and was inventing
Starting point is 01:16:07 a religion only to sleep with women. No! Although the likely explanation is that Shaw was kicked out by Ike's wife once the turquoise triangle got a little too real. I'm just going to put this again, even for David Ike, they don't work. Don't open your marriage. No. Unless you've already been talking about it for a long time and you both do.
Starting point is 01:16:26 That is my advice. Don't do it because it's hard. Because if David Icke can't keep two women happy and one of them thinks he's the son of the godhead, are you going to do it? I don't know. I've seen throuples work and I've seen throuples fail, but I have seen a lot more throuples fail than I've seen throuples work. You just got to get that dick game strong. You got to be good at texting
Starting point is 01:16:46 Know what proper emojis to use and then also, you know don't I think turquoise is not a sexy color Mmm, also don't name it don't name your throuple But after publishing a couple more books that were more or less harmless, David Icke pivoted to full conspiracy mode. Icke began writing about globalists, which as we all know is code for Jewish folk. He was looking for a model. He was looking for a model for his giant leitmotif conspiracy theory to fit in. Because he didn't really have much of a conspiracy theory at this point.
Starting point is 01:17:25 He had a very vague conspiracy theory. He was way into end of earth predictions. But it was always this thing where it could never be negative. It always had to be positive. The earth had to go through all of this upheaval because if not the earth would explode or he said not exist or some garbage. Something. And he'd been saying in Truth Vibrations that the Earth's history had been lost for the
Starting point is 01:17:47 last 12,000 years. 12,000 years ago, there was a great cataclysmic upheaval that destroyed Atlantis and Lemuria, and we've been working to get back to that truth ever since. But then that's the thing is that in order to keep that going, he had to ask, well, who were the ones that caused the cataclysm and who is it that's keeping us down and he has it was Venus Venus got too close when a new bureau hit planet X and split up and then we were made at Earth and then Venus came by too close to the forming planet Earth and then the ice
Starting point is 01:18:20 from Phoenix is the reason why we have ice on Earth. I hope some people die in the next episode. Well, a lot of people are going to like pretend die in this episode. Okay, fun. Let's go. Well, in 1994, Ike wrote a book called The Robot's Rebellion, in which he claimed that a shadowy cabal that may or may not be made up of extraterrestrials controlled the world. What do you think of that? Put that in your brain. Think about that one. This plan he wrote was laid out in the anti-semitic forgery the protocols of the elders of Zion which is the go-to text for anti-semitics who claim that the Jewish people are subhumans hell-bent on
Starting point is 01:19:00 total world domination. Are you familiar with the protocols? Oh yeah, he actually do not see his back tattoo. It's every word of it written on it. I was like, that is crazy to me. I got fucked up though. I put it on left to right. The protocols of the elders of Zion, just so you know, are the quote-unquote proof that Jewish people run the world. Yeah, and it was a forgery written by the Russian secret police like many many many years ago in order to justify pogroms. You know how many Jewish people I know that have asked to borrow money from me? Have they thought about going down to the pet store and talking to some of the iguanas? But Ike had an Because that's his big thing he's against banks. David Ike is so against banks.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Because of the Rothschilds. It's the thing, he's against the concept of you get, you loan money and they pay you a percentage, which is again, they get a percentage more on the loan. Usury. Usury. But that is, again, that's another weird like anti-Semitic thing. It's all, it's too much not, not anti-Semitic thing. It's like it's all it's too much not not anti-semitic Yeah, I mean, oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:20:08 Well, that's the whole thing about you know Jewish people my Jewish people got into banking is because they were pushed out of so many other professions That they kind of they had to figure out how the fuck to survive and back in the day Christians actually were against usury It's in the Bible. Oh, yes That's why Jesus destroyed the fucking all the guys in the thing. And when he was like, yeah, you fuck bitch. And he come out and he was like, I, and then he teabagged the guy. Which people also use as an anti-Semitic thing by saying that like Jesus was going into a
Starting point is 01:20:38 den of thieves, which some people think is code for Jews. But the thing is the reason why the Jewish people got into banking is because Judaism has no law against usury, has no law against interest. And so that's why Jewish people started banking is because that's, you know, it was a fucking service that needed to be there. Yeah, our money, pay the interest back, so on and so forth. But now of course you've got, I mean, how many fucking Christian bankers do we have today? Quite a few, even though in the Bible it says that you should not charge interest against the rules.
Starting point is 01:21:07 The banking mecca of America is Charlotte. I say we give the banks to the robots. Yeah. It's the same reason the Jews started Hollywood, because they were pushed out of every other fucking industry. Yeah. And they came all the way out to Los Angeles and they fucking started performing because it was the only thing they were allowed to do because
Starting point is 01:21:26 Performers were supposed to be lesser than people and now now we're better than that. We're better Do you think they just I thought they went to California because they're used to the desert Can we point out that you're Jewish I would like to point that out at this point. Well, he's half Jewish. My father's Jewish, my mother's Catholic, I'm an atheist. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Great. Yeah. So there you go, everybody. I'd still get angry. He's one of them. If I'm not able to talk about the Jews, I'd still get mad. But Ike had an explanation proving that all of this was not anti-Semitic at all. In his world, it wasn't the Jews that were behind the protocols of the Elders of Zion,
Starting point is 01:22:10 but the Illuminati. It just so happened that the Illuminati were mostly Jewish. This sort of I'm-just-saying logic would become a hallmark of David's career. What you think about that? Yeah. You give a little think about that? Well, I think that fucking Shine sounds like a Jewish last name. That's what I think that fucking Shine sounds like a Jewish last name.
Starting point is 01:22:26 That's what I think. Should probably change it from like Shine-Oli. Well, this sort of logic also got David dropped by his publisher after the Robots Rebellion. That's how it goes, bro. Yep. After the Robots Rebellion, Ike went even harder against the Jews with a book called And the Truth Shall Set You Free. Sometimes the truth sets you free from your publishing contract now while the anti-semitism in the robots rebellion kind of skated by and the truth shall
Starting point is 01:22:54 set you free was way too anti-semitic for his publisher who refused to print it and so Ike entered into the world of self publishing where he remains to this day because the only person to say no to you is you. That's right. And you know what I do every day? I say no. Bezos will put out any fucking book. Any book! But after the book in which he claims Jewish people themselves partially funded the Holocaust,
Starting point is 01:23:19 he unleashed his magnum opus. Flip over this fucking table. He unleashed his magnum opus. Flip over this fucking table. Yeah. He unleashed his magnum opus upon the world. This volume would make Ike famous the world over, exposing the hidden history of life, the universe, and everything. In other words, it's time for us to finally get into the history of the reptilian. As was laid out in David Ike's 600 page book, The Biggest Secret. Okay, so sit down.
Starting point is 01:23:46 This next segment should only take five or six hours. And we're really going to get into it. I still believe that he just found a fun image and he ran with it, but we'll get there. Fly from your grave. Now the concept of the Reptilians was by no means a David Ike invention. In the early 90s, a newsletter called the Cosmic Awareness, which was channeled by the founder of the Aquarian Universal Service. And that's as good as being there. Yeah, that's as good as experiencing.
Starting point is 01:24:15 They published their own version that was very similar to David Icke's. The way the Cosmic Awareness put it, many of the political leaders of our world have been switched with cloned robotoids that were piloted by interdimensional reptilians. This is pretty damn close to one form of reptilians that Ike discusses. But did they take 600 pages to describe it? I don't think so. It was basically a newsletter, which I'm sure David Ike read because he was in that scene. More interestingly though is the theory I've seen from multiple sources that says that the idea for reptilians came from none other than Robert E Howard, creator of Conan the Barbarian. I'm a massive Conan guy by the
Starting point is 01:24:57 way. I love Conan. I love the books. The actual short stories of Conan the Barbarian are great. I love the comic books and the movies of course. I'll watch any sword and sorcery movie that has ever been made, I fucking love them. And the guy that wrote Conan, Robert E. Howard, is this very interesting character where he was like closeted gay and then he committed suicide.
Starting point is 01:25:19 It was like a whole thing, but he's like, he's got this dark, crazy past. It's a great story. You'll love it. I'll get into that. See, I never went past Oliver Stone. I love the movies though. I think the movie's fantastic too.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Yeah, no, Conan the Barbarian's. It's incredible. Such an amazing, such an amazing. Drawing upon the writings of Madame Helena Blavatsky, Howard used her versions of Atlantis and Lemuria, amongst other theosophical ideas, to create a race of serpent men for Conan to crush and see them driven before him and to hear the lamentation of the women. Robert E. Howard's lizard people had human bodies and snakes heads but they could use their shape shifting and mind control abilities to infiltrate humanity from their underground hideyholes. Combine this with the description in the Cosmic Awareness and you've got the broad strokes David Icke
Starting point is 01:26:08 used to create his own reptilian race. I also don't think it was that big of a jump. I think that he was every single... let's just go out and say a con man. Like this is a con man where with Menamblovatsky and Alistair Crowley, part of what they were trying to do was give you some kind of mastery over whatever you think about magical abilities or the being able to harness the esoteric arts. The goal was to open up the coffers so that you can understand and then you can go and maybe experience some of these things on your own. And I think that like that's however you's however you want to deal with it.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Obviously, Madame Blavatsky had semi-occult, but mostly it was like a series of people kind of like taking care of her and she... But mostly it was like, not innocent, but it was like, it was kind of for thoughts for thoughts sake. And maybe you could get something out of this practically. I mean, the Nazis did take quite a few ideas from that. Well, that was the issue. It's been a big problem.
Starting point is 01:27:07 But the thing with David Icke is that I still feel that everybody's looking for their thing. Like what's their gimmick? And for a while he was trying the turquoise and it was dumb. And then he was trying the normal woo-wee-woo like, oh, we got to get out of our own way. You know, we're all psychic beings and we our own way. You know, we're, we're all psychic beings and we're going through, you know, every 10 years. Cause like, you know, the first time it was supposed to be 1997 was the end of the world. And then it was like 2001 was the end of the world. And he did all these good, then 2012 was going
Starting point is 01:27:37 to be the end of the world. All this fucking bullshit. And he can't put all this together. He couldn't really figure it out. I think that he, there were several things as that he found this. He also brings up Robert E. Howard, he talks about reptilians and just being an awesome villain in general, right? Because there was a lot of talk, if you look at other people, they've talked about alien abduction materials,
Starting point is 01:27:55 like people who have dealt with alien abductions have kind of talked about there being a gray and a mantis and a reptilian all hanging out, they're all a team of rivals working on the ship together. And people have talked about this, like seeing that kind of imagery. But he got into Gnosticism and he saw the Archons and he was looking for a thing.
Starting point is 01:28:16 He can be like, this shit's always been this way. So he saw the Archons and they were lightly described as dragon-like, as like lizard-like. And the Archons are the villain of the Gnostic world, which is this idea they're like thought forms that are coming to corrupt us. Like, and they're stealing our energy. I thought Christ was the villain of the agnostic world. I'll give you a book on Gnosticism. You'll go to sleep on top of it. I'll give you The Invisibles. You'll love it and understand it even better.
Starting point is 01:28:45 You may, you might. And then the, but he, I think he took that and he was like, that's it. And then he got into the, he started looking up, I think he went to the library and he's like, famous snakes. Like he just went, famous snakes. When will this come up? And then he discovered that the concept of the Anunnaki and the idea of drawing, the, you know, the, the idea of these like snake people and or, or lizard headed people, because his ideas, then you take every piece of what is probably, you know, Gilgamesh talks about lizard people. Other things talk about, like have little like dragon like characters. Sure. And instead of him saying in his head, Oh, this is allegory, poetry,
Starting point is 01:29:23 fiction for thousands of years ago. He's just like, Oh, now is allegory, poetry, fiction, for thousands of years ago. He's just like, oh, now I see. If I tell you it's a bit of a real, then maybe you think about a different. What do you think about that? I tell you it's actually completely real. Hieroglyphs, they weren't comic books. They were picture books. They just take it.
Starting point is 01:29:38 It's like a photography. A man came, big horse head man. He came into the room and everyone's like, oh, here he goes. And nobody's scared of him because they're used to him they make the big guy in the hieroglyphs he's bigger than the rest of them oh it might be symbolic that he was more culturally important that's where I got your ass in a fucking cage he was taller than them he was just physically larger than them and it's an exact photo representation of those people yeah he just kind of talks. Help me! Who the fuck was supposed to post this here?
Starting point is 01:30:07 I gotta break you out of this. Children of the Matrix, it says the most comprehensive explanation ever written of the reptilian manipulation of human society. It is 499 pages long. I've known you for 22 years. I don't think I've ever not listened to you more. Now one of David Icke's many goals with the biggest secret is to chart the history of the interbreeding tribe of bloodlines that control the world today thereby revealing the true nature of the capital G capital A global agenda.
Starting point is 01:30:44 This conspiracy is three-pronged. Remove those who are a threat to the agenda, use those in positions of power to enact the agenda, and create problematic events so the people in power can come forth with a solution, thereby subconsciously ensuring that the world has faith in the institutions that serve the agenda. And David acts like he made that up. He called it problem reaction solution. Yeah. He said he made that up. He called it problem reaction solution. He said he made that up.
Starting point is 01:31:07 It's called a false flag. It's been around for a long time. It's been around for ancient history. Over millennia, the bloodlines have created a network of mystery schools like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and secret societies like the Freemasons to covertly introduce said agenda, while simultaneously creating all religions to mentally imprison the masses
Starting point is 01:31:29 and give convenient excuses for wars when needed. And even though there are some women involved, like a certain HRC. Yeah, somebody get the balsa wood because somebody's cage needs to be relined. This is my favorite part. The conspirators are overwhelmingly male. And since they go back to Babylonian times, David Icke refers to them as the
Starting point is 01:31:53 Babylonian Brotherhood. Or Brotherhood of the Flame and Brotherhood of the Serpent. Yes. Basically everything of consequence that's ever happened in human history is due to the machinations of the Brotherhood. That's where you're a fucking idiot, Eddie. I feel like one, that's ever happened in human history is due to the machinations of the Brotherhood. That's where you're a fucking idiot, Eddie. Oh, I feel like one, that's for sure. The Brotherhood includes, amongst other lesser bloodlines, the British and European royalties,
Starting point is 01:32:15 along with all of their aristocracies, every duke, every... what are some of the other ones? Dowagers? I don't fucking know. Dowager's I don't fucking know how would your countess's there's also the Rothschild banking family the Rockefellers probably all the US presidents and most probably all the sheriff of Nottingham he was in it he was bad Martin Luther King senior And all United States bankers. But I'm sure you know all that, being the thinking people that you are.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Oh yeah, everybody's already fucking at their local bank asking for their money in Goldcoin. But what you didn't know is that there's a secret behind this secret, the biggest secret and that secret is that the global agenda is created controlled and guided by an alien race called the reptilian they're the guys yeah they're the dear the ones doing it it makes sense that they're named after a creature on earth but it has not always been here on earth let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, my friend. Also, one of the more biologically imperative explanations is that the lizards naturally they come from a world where instead of the primate getting consciousness, it was
Starting point is 01:33:37 the lizard. Now, as far as where these reptilians came from and when they got here, I quote ancient alien author Zechariah Sitchin in his claim that the reptilians came from and when they got here I quote ancient alien author Zechariah Sitchin in his claim that the reptilians were first known on earth as the Anunnaki. They were believed at first I think to hail from the planet Nibiru which collided with one of its moons to create our solar system's asteroid belt and from what Henry's told me well we already went through all that when Neptune... You want me to do it again? It's Venus. Well Nibiru clashed into planet X and then it split off into Earth and Venus and then Venus gave us our ice. That's why we have ice. Yes but Venus is hotter than Earth. Because it's closer to the Sun it was just on its way towards the Sun. On its way towards the Sun and it's why we have ice because Earth used to be
Starting point is 01:34:24 totally tropical and the only people who lived on Earth were black people. And on Mars, which was closer to the sun at the time, because it got moved out during the explosion, was filled with mystical, technologically advanced white people. And then when the shift changed, all of the, when Mars got knocked out of orbit, all of the magical white people from Mars jumped on the planet Earth, killed all the black people here, but then the reptilians showed up on the planet Earth and took all the white people fucked a bunch of them made a bunch of people then would go on to
Starting point is 01:34:50 become the black nobility those bloodlines would go on to take care of the planet Earth from then on so are black people not reptilians no no actually he said they were Barack Obama but he's half white yeah exactly no from what it's cuz he's from white for Yeah, exactly. No, from what... Again, it's because he's from Hawaii. From what David Icke says, the only royalty that is not reptilian is African royalty. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I can get behind that.
Starting point is 01:35:14 There's always something. That's the thing though, that's the hook. He's got you hooked. Now the beings known as the Anunnaki first came to Earth 450,000 years ago TO THE DATE before the destruction of Nibiru so they could enslave humans to mine gold, which could then be shipped to their homeworld. But the headline here is that the reptilian Anunnaki are the reason why there are so many serpent gods throughout human history.
Starting point is 01:35:39 David Icke discovered more about the secret history of the world from an African shaman named Credo Mutwa, who we mentioned in our sexual liaisons with the alien episode. Credo was the guy who had a bad experience with the greys and pissed on an alien's chest before being forced to have sex with a blonde monster woman screw on vagina. But outside of the greys, Credo Mutua had extensive knowledge of all the alien races that have been lovingly and meticulously catalogued on bibliotheca Pleiades these many years. These races include the Pleiadians, the Plejarians, I actually am not sure of the Plejarians. I think the Pleiadians and the Plejarians are the same.
Starting point is 01:36:21 You're being racist. Weren't the Plejarans, wasn't that a Dave Huggins thing? Let me check my encyclopedia. Continue. The Plajarrans are all represent all of his plagiarisms. Billy Meyer. Billy Meyer. Thank you. Billy Meyer was the Plajarrans. was he the guy that you know, the cleaning guy It's Billy Mays. Billy Mays fervent enthusiasm Yeah, yeah, Billy Meyer was a totally different guy
Starting point is 01:36:54 Yeah, he did created fake UFO photos and he convinced a bunch of people that he was like a guy but he had like he was Just some weird fat Swedish guy. Yeah. Yeah. He was a he had sex with a I think ask at yes, and jossy. Yeah, ta You know, there's all kinds of stuff going on. Yeah. No, he had fun. He had a lot of fun But this guy credo mutla also very interesting guy. He's a very interesting man Very very interesting, but he had knowledge of the draconians aka the reptilians Reptilians by the way control the by the way, control the Grays. You know, the Grays are the ones that they got...
Starting point is 01:37:29 And the Draconians rule the Reptilians. Mm-hmm. All right. Wait, the Draconians rule the Reptilians. But I think that... Don't the Draconians rule the Reptilian hybrids? No. That's Tesla.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Well, according to Credo, the Reptilians have controlled humanity for thousands of years, but they've been a part of Earth's history for 350 million years. Or I guess the Draconians. Draconians are the ones of the planners. The reptilians are the foot soldiers of the Draconians. The reptilians work alongside the greys. The greys are controlled by the tall greys and the tall whites. Well, all reptiles and dinosaurs descend from the Draconians, right? But some of these dinosaurs evolved into bipedal humanoids who maintain control
Starting point is 01:38:13 over the mammalian humanoids and those that are reptilians, right? The funky ones. The funky ones. You're Larry King. Yes. You're Larry King. These evolved dinosaurs also created hybrid programs that have been going on for hundreds of thousands of years That's how we got the Aryan race, which means Nazis are reptilians or at least the high-ranking ones were Hitler was definitely reptilian Yes, very much so he made sure he said that yeah He made sure that to say that Hitler was a reptilian therefore not anti-semitic. He's not anti-semitic. Because he doesn't like Hitler. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Proof. Now according to Credo Mutua, part of the reason why reptilians maintain control over humans, part of the reason, and tell me if this sounds familiar, is so humans can be harvested for their adrenaline. And the adrenaline of children is the most potent and sought after. It is. This is right. It's delicious. And those little fuckers, man, they go. Oh, yeah. I'm sitting there. I'm hanging out with my nieces and nephews and like they're running around.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Seriously, what the fuck will this stop? Are you going to actually you promised me you'd send me her pituitary glands. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, I got an ice cream scoop. I'll give you before you leave next time you see. It's the fucking check clears. Well this is right out of the QAnon playbook, or should I say that the 4chan pranksters who created QAnon took a page from the Reptilian playbook. Which has been around since the beginning of fucking time. This is exactly where the QAnon belief that Democrats harvest children for adrenochrome
Starting point is 01:39:41 comes from, because QAnon is nothing more than a cobbling together of the edgiest conspiracies out there, which makes sense considering how it came from the edgiest place on the internet, 4chan. Also, you know that Credo Mutwop believed that he was making prophetic sculptures, and there's a belief that he predicted that AIDS was going to be a thing because he made this like sculpture of a king with a huge dick and he had a bunch of lesions which looked like lesions on the dick that were in the exact shape as the AIDS ribbon. I mean all ribbons have the same shape, no? No the, yeah, like the little, the loop. What color is the AIDS ribbon again?
Starting point is 01:40:23 Red? Red. I know the yellow ribbon has the same shape as the red ribbon, the loop. The loop? Yeah. What color is the AIDS ribbon again? Red? Red. I know the yellow ribbon has the same shape as the red ribbon. The blue ribbon. Yeah. I don't know, buddy. It's on the dick.
Starting point is 01:40:32 How dare you? Ribboned for no one's pleasure. No, it's not. Now according to David Icke, there are three suggested origins for the reptilians. The first theory is that they're just aliens. Which is kind of, yeah, they're just aliens. The second is that they're interterrestrials hailing from the hollow earth. The third is that they're from another dimension and they manipulate humanity by possessing human bodies.
Starting point is 01:40:54 And that the only way they can be in this reality is by generating like a human body or puppeting humans from the other dimension. And it makes sense that earth is hollow because it's just floating in space. Otherwise it would just sink. Exactly! And... You are fucking catching on, bro. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Have you ever walked up to a hole in the Earth and just go... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Oh no, here it comes! It's Clued Earth! Country fucking 2001! Yeah dude! Woo! Fucking woo! Well David Icke writes that all three of these are true. Because Icke is incapable of making a decision when it comes to the narratives he creates. Because then it would be like all of them! You know why?
Starting point is 01:41:39 Because if not, it shuts off one of the lines and he can talk about it. Exactly. And he has no way to wiggle back out yep now in the extraterrestrial theory the alien reptilians that help control earth come from the Draco constellation making them the Draconian some of them do Yes, some of us do but don't all but Draconians They have wings right some of them have wings and some of them don't grand Draconians have wings Ah well the wing and ones are supposedly where the story of Dracula comes from dragon Draco Dracula I'm on it. Yeah fucking alpha draconians alpha draconians, okay? The thing is if there are a bunch of stars make up a constellation that each one of those stars is their own fucking
Starting point is 01:42:15 Galaxy and they could be millions of miles away from all the other stars. You think he's thinking too much Yeah, I think you're thinking a little too hard thinking too much. Yeah, I think you're thinking a little too hard. I'm trying to think! It's just ruining me! That's your first problem. That's your first problem is that you're starting to think about ivory tower science. Your science, yeah, yeah, it's called Victorian physics, mainstream lions is what you're helping right now. So your brain right now is like this, right? It's like a rock-hard, but you know what you need to do and it's tight. What you need to do is relax it. Relax it. To really let that information in there.
Starting point is 01:42:50 What you want to do is get that information in there. So I want to get fucked instead of fucked. Yeah. You need to be a bottom for knowledge. Yeah. You sir are living in a postage stamp reality. Postage stamp. Oh, you're just ready.
Starting point is 01:43:02 Oh, I know how it is. Because you know, I know how it is. Because you know, I know how it is. It's hard to be there. Sitting there, looking at your game shows, looking at your football games, looking at your little bippity booze. You're playing the little man. He's a hedgehog. Oh, I've never seen a fast hedgehog.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Now you tell me, oh, this one hedgehog's the fastest one of all. And he gets a little gritty. And you're like, oh, what are you telling me? Oh, it's because you don't want to look up because you're afraid of busting a little, oh, postage stamp sausage machine, factory lifestyle that you used to. Because your post stamp's over here, you're sitting on it with your tiny little feet, you jump over here. Guess what? Oh, so scared. Now I can see how the sausage is made. Oh no, I eat sausage. And that's why you're ignorant, suffering from dis-ease. know, I eat sausage. And that's why you're ignorant, suffering from disease. So why don't you tell me at what postage stamp reality sausage factory means? I mean, mail
Starting point is 01:43:52 me sausage. He just heard. Four seven zero North Hollywood California. We could put some dry ice with that too. A lot of sausage as a travel travel super well. Yeah. Well, I want no Jimmy Dean shit either. I know. No, no, no. Good sausage. Well, part of the job of the draconians is to breed with humans to make hybrids because those hybrids can easily be possessed by the interdimensional reptilians. But I could not figure out how the hollow earth reptilians fit in all this. They're like cousins. But how do they fit into the agenda?
Starting point is 01:44:27 There's plenty of space in the middle of the earth because it's hollow. No, but they're out. They were the ones, there are certain packs of reptilians that have been a part of. So when a split came off, when the people of Sumeria understood what was going on, were being subjugated by these lizard people, because that's the one thing that the top of the pyramid can ever control which is the base of the pyramid because the base of a pyramid if you remember it's four sides the square at the bottom yeah there's a the bottom of the pyramid is very wrong it's much bigger than my science project was like really bad everybody was upset but it's like the because the base is so much bigger than the top right there's so many more
Starting point is 01:45:03 people and that's the thing about the people at the top, as they don't understand, is that you have to control all of the people at the base. In the Anunnaki, they underestimated humankind. And the power of all of us, when we all combine our fucking thought matrices together, we're unstoppable. And the Anunnaki couldn't face it. So when we combine and we chase them off, some of the Anunnaki ran underground. And that's with the Forever, constantly monitoring the various secret schools.
Starting point is 01:45:28 The comic book store closes at five. So I'm like, I'm like really on the clock here. I'm just sure you wanted an explanation. This is if I don't come at this this thickly, the emails I'm going to receive, I already I know that they're coming. There's also people shutting off their cars because they don't understand. This is real. This is what you have to understand. The fact that the comics bookstore closes at five just proves that only people without jobs come. They're open until seven. Earth two is open until seven on Wednesdays on the day the comic books come out and they're there all weekend.
Starting point is 01:46:06 All weekend long. It's very busy on a Saturday at Earth 2. Well the breeding programs created by the extraterrestrial reptilians have, according to Ike, hard evidence. He says that the so-called reptile brain present in humans is proof that reptilians have been futzing around with humans for millennia and this claim is further proved by David's insistence that the pheromones in human women and iguanas are chemically matched. Okay I can see that. Is that why Miami's so horny? Oh yeah man
Starting point is 01:46:37 you look up in those trees nothing but fucking reptile pussy. That's all I think about when I look at an iguana and I think of its rough scales and its tiny razor sharp teeth and its claws, the first thing I think of is God, I want to fuck it. I'm going to rail that thing till it's a sock. You can make a flesh light out of an iguana. Oh yeah. You just got to fucking remove all the stinky parts. Yeah. You can make a flesh line out of anything. Cylindrical and wet. Anything's wet. That's right.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Thank you for listening. Stop the end of the episode. We're not even at the end of the episode. We're not even at the end of the biggest secret. No. Well, concerning those interdimensional reptilians, Ike says that they are directly involved in Satanism because when Satanists summon demons, they're actually summoning reptilians from the fourth dimension.
Starting point is 01:47:24 And the speech is the Aleister Crowley idea that when he was talking to Lamb, Lamb was the fucking alien entity speaking through him in Shandling. So, society's not real, but Satan is? Well, no, Satan is not real, Satan is a reptilian. Satan, well Satan, what we know is Satan is a reptilian. We don't know anything, Eddie, because we have always been, since the beginning of rational thought, in a prison, a holographic prison, created by reptilians. We have no view outside. We actually have never even known God, because the reptilians have kept us from doing so. Oh, okay. Yeah, but that's the thing,
Starting point is 01:47:59 is that the fourth dimensional reptilians aren't even the ones in charge. From what I can surmise, it seems like the whole operation is managed by fifth dimensional reptilians aren't even the ones in charge. From what I can surmise, it seems like the whole operation is managed by fifth dimensional reptilians. Which is why they couldn't do COVID until they got 5G. But he didn't know a lot about the CEOs of the reptilian agenda. He just kind of glosses over that, unless he's learned a lot more since the biggest secret, which I'm sure he has. It's all about you can imagine.
Starting point is 01:48:25 That's all it is. What you think about that? I can imagine. He just says some stuff and goes, hey, what you think about that? Roll that around in your bean. Roll that right around there. I don't think a lot about that. Oh, it's cause you're dumb.
Starting point is 01:48:35 You're dumb and I don't want to kiss you no more. I was thinking about it because you got a ladylike version, even though you're a bit of a dude, aren't you? Mm-hmm. Well, does anyone beat the shit out of this guy? I'm sure at one point. At some point, right? I wanna say he got cream pie'd.
Starting point is 01:48:48 Yeah. Not- Not- Not that. Not the old fashioned one. Over at the BBC. But as far as reptilians and power on Earth go- You must bottle the sauce!
Starting point is 01:49:03 Absolutely incredible. Oh, it's mmm, you're scrummy. Well, the sauce is a bit claggy. Claggy. No, no, no, sauce can be claggy. Unless you use the sauce to bake a cake. Claggy. There's a lot of stories we've covered with people putting common cupcakes and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:49:23 That is true, which I would imagine would make the cupcake very claggy. Did you know that the comic book store closes at five? As far as reptilians and power on earth go, Ike writes again and again that the British royal family are reptilians. As proof, he writes that Princess Diana used to call them lizards and reptilians. And she supposedly once told a close confidant who told David Ike that quote They're not human. They're not human which is why They fucking whacked her. Yeah
Starting point is 01:49:53 And Ike is one of those British people who were absolutely devastated by the death of Princess Diana for some weird fucking reason that I will Never understand. Don't step into these waters people find people Princess die people like she! People love Princess Diana. I love Princess Diana! She... He's just fine. What do you think is that she was a British person in a royal family that even... Like the bar was so low for humanity.
Starting point is 01:50:16 So that her just... How many landmines have you dug up? She was just watching it. I get it. She was watching it from the side. I get it. She did some good things, but people in England lost their fucking minds. I think it's because it was such a low bar for humanity for the royal family, and she
Starting point is 01:50:31 was like a crack in it. And they were all like, so like watch now, they all think that Kate Middleton's dead and it's just probably because she's got a colostomy bag. And no one wants to see it. Now over in America, the full-blooded reptilians are the Rockefellers and the Bush family. But what's interesting is that while Bill Clinton is not a reptilian, even though Ike says that all presidents were probably aliens... That's because he can play the saxophone, which is extremely difficult for a reptilian. Have you seen their lips? Yeah, in their tongues! Yeah, Hillary Clinton is the reptilian in this relationship, which I suppose makes the
Starting point is 01:51:07 Rodham family the reptile line. Oh yeah. David Icke, by the way, can't even play the skin flu. David Icke, by the way, was also the first person to say that Hillary Clinton was a blood sucking flesh eating subhuman. He can't be wrong all the time. I think we're looking at Bill. But he being the first person who said that.
Starting point is 01:51:29 But he was the one who put this into conspiracy thought. And that, and when Pizza Gate came out that said that this woman was eating flesh and this woman was drinking the blood of the innocence, that made sense to the fringes. And that gave Pizza Gate a little bit more conspiracy weight. And when QAnon came out, it fed back, which, you know, QAnon came from Pizzagate, it just all feeds back to David Icke. Well, definitely what David Icke has pushed into the new century. Yeah. But the most powerful of the reptilian bloodlines is also, just by coincidence, David says, the one that happens to be Jewish.
Starting point is 01:52:05 It's just coincidence. That bloodline belongs to the Rothschild banking family, who have been subject to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories for centuries and are still a favorite target of modern conspiracists like Alex Jones. Yeah, well, nobody like, it's weird. Like I'm not going to wear a shirt that goes like the Rothschild. Yeah, I'm not going to wear a shirt that goes like, the Rothschilds. I'm not like a fan necessarily. No, they're one of the oldest, wealthiest, and largest banking families in history.
Starting point is 01:52:31 You don't get there by playing nice. We're not saying they're like fucking great people or nothing. But the problem with the Rothschild conspiracies is that they're usually framed as the Rothschilds being the front men for Jews everywhere who are all doing their part in a plot to take over the world. It's way more like Larry David's the front men for Jews everywhere. Where does, where do they stand on the Koch brothers? The Koch brothers, their big thing is George Soros. That's a, because the Koch brothers, that's Republican.
Starting point is 01:53:01 They don't want to go too far on that side. They want to make sure that it's the Democrats. That's the enemy. So George Soros is a reptilian. George Soros is a lizard. Warren Buffett? No way, dude. No way.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Probably lizard. Okay. Jimmy Buffett. Jimmy Buffett. Not Warren Buffett. You know, I don't know if any of them are... Are they related? No!
Starting point is 01:53:23 Man, have they ever been together? They're fucking... Jimmy Buffett's dead now. They fucking coin both of them, I'll tell you that. Yeah. They very much do. I haven't actually seen any, no, Beyonce's a reptilian. Yes, we know that. Yeah. Beyonce's a reptilian. She's black. Wait, she's special. She's Illuminati. Yeah. She's Illuminati reptilian, but also a robot. Gotcha. Yeah. Taylor Swift reptilian. We know she's a Nazi. Madonna reptilian. Madonna.
Starting point is 01:53:48 That makes sense. Does it make sense? Yeah. She looks horrible. She's morphed into a lizard over here. She's just got a stylistic thing where she wants to look frightening. Well, Ike of course uses this concept to great effect by co-opting the Rothschild conspiracies
Starting point is 01:54:05 and slotting in the reptilians. At the same time, he claims that he can't be anti-Semitic because the Rothschilds aren't actually Jewish. They're reptilians. They're reptilians. Only their fathers were Jewish. But either way, Ike wrote that the Rothschilds funded the Holocaust, started the Atlantic slave trade, they run the KKK, they suppress secret disease cures and alien technology, and they've masterminded every attack on Christendom in history. Ike makes this claim in the same breath in which he says that Christianity is also a reptilian institution, but explains that away by saying that Christianity was co-opted by
Starting point is 01:54:41 the reptilians while also saying that Jesus wasn't real because the only mention of Jesus in historical records was written by a Jewish historian who was a reptile. The biggest secret now available on Amazon. You know, like you watch it's just, it's cause he never wants to be wrong. Yeah. So everything is included. Yeah. Now the method by which reptilians maintain control over the world is through an interconnecting web of secret societies who have been orchestrating wars, pandemics, and general mayhem for thousands of years.
Starting point is 01:55:10 This has been my big thing I've never understood about this entire... I mean, not saying that this doesn't make sense, but I've been having sometimes understanding this one thing about reptilians, which is why do they need the middlemen of all these secret societies when they can just show up and Rule us all with an iron fist openly and take over the entire planet with no literally little to no resistance Yeah, I think they like the game. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense Very small brains and their their brains are in the back of their necks. These are thinking reptiles. Yeah, these are reptiles who have evolved from thinking brains. We're not versus the Geico Gecko here. Oh man, he's British! Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Well the Freemasons are of course reptilian, as is the Skull and Bone Society at Yale. Skull and Bones, Ike writes, is a blood-drinking, satanic society consisting entirely of reptilian bloodline families. But there won't be a Jewish person to be found in there! No, certainly not. It's like the worst party in the world that I also kind of want to go to. Why, it just, like, it's a horrible party. It's not going to be good, but I do want to one time, let me go to fucking all, can't
Starting point is 01:56:20 I go to Bohemian Grove? I won't say anything! Just as long as both of you are okay with getting spanked. Hand? Yes. Stick? No. No paddle? No paddle. What does she look like? It's not the she.
Starting point is 01:56:34 Well, that's the bad thing. It's Prescott Bush. Yeah, I'm still alive. Yeah, it's going to be the ghost of Henry Kissinger. Whoa. Or actually it'll just be the corpse of Henry Kissinger because I, what I heard is that Grandpa! Get grandpa!
Starting point is 01:56:49 I heard that in Bohemian Grove, they actually have Henry Kissinger's corpse set up like an animatronic doll. And they just kind of get, they put them on like this big spring and they spring them back and they let go of him and he spanks you. So that way Kissinger can spank people for all eternity. Yeah. You lying? Nah. Where is Bohemian Grove? Supposedly.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Upstate. Upstate California. I'll take you. Yeah great. We'll go sometime. Well additionally, the Knights Templar are reptilian- Oh, these fucking bad dudes, they're back. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:57:22 The Knights Templar has got nothing to do with this man! No they're the Reptilian Enforcement Wing, but their main job is to protect the royal bloodline of the legendary Merovingian family. And you know, I did find that Knights Templar does exist, they just live in Indiana. Yeah, and from what I can tell by their website, and from them being from Indiana, it looks just like the KKK by a different name. Marcus. But they got big fun hoods and lots of jewelry and aprons. Mm hmm. And they said a lot of stuff and I didn't see. Yeah, there might not have been a black person in the group photo.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Yeah, they got a lot of like fun names for each other. Yeah, like different level of wizard, different level of tactician. Well, the legendary Merovinian family. Oh my God. It's so funny because you keep coming back to it like it's going to make sense. You keep coming back to the script like this is going to get easier to work through. It's just getting harder. And I wrote this. I do really applaud you for like actually sitting there and trying your absolute best to make
Starting point is 01:58:33 a shred of sense. I actually do believe I can already hear people screaming about how long we're spending on this, but I want them to understand the reason why we're walking it through is because of how much these ideas permeate through the rest of conspiracy theory thought from here on out. And so next episode when we kind of go into that, like that's why we're here so you can kind of see like this is this is what's in these quote-unquote secret books. This is what's in here that you don't like we're doing it for you. We're's in here that you don't like. We're doing it for you. You're doing it so that you don't have to go and get accidentally indoctrinated because
Starting point is 01:59:09 of this, because my brain's covered with a fucking crust. And it doesn't get in. Well, the line that leads us to January 6th runs directly through the biggest secret. And and this is like this is part like the biggest secret.
Starting point is 01:59:22 All this shit is about understanding conspiracy thought in America, where we are are not just America in the fucking world now yes because where the where America goes so follows the world unfortunately well the reptilian bloodline of the Merovingians includes the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses the second all Roman emperors every member of the British royal family, the Bush family, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Jesus Christ, although Ike again had already said that Jesus was a creation of a reptilian Jewish historian. But as far as the Merovingian legend goes, a Merovingian queen was pregnant by the king, but when she went for a swim in the ocean, she was raped by a quinotaur, which is an
Starting point is 02:00:04 aquatic bull with five horns and a fish tail. The resulting hybrid offspring, which was somehow reptilian despite being the offspring of a fish bull, replaced the first baby probably by eating it in the womb and became the founder of the marrow-vengean bloodline. Their present-day ancestors are reptoid half-breeds the womb, became the founder of the Mero-Vengian bloodline. Their present-day ancestors are reptoid half-breeds who regularly sell out the rest of humanity to the New World Order, which I suppose is the same as the Old World Order if, as Ike says, the reptilians have been running everything for thousands of years. That's the problem!
Starting point is 02:00:38 Is that it? It just says whatever! It just fucking whatever! And so this is an allegory, but everything else you read is fucking picture perfect fucking reality? As far as how reptilians stay in power, that's the job of the Rosicrucians, who I know you love. We did it.
Starting point is 02:00:55 They scheme and manipulate people and situations to ensure there's always a reptile in every driver's seat unless there isn't. Unless there isn't. JFK, for example, was not a reptile. Although it's never fully explained how we bypassed all these reptilian safeguards to capture the presidency. Catholicism. It's no one wanted yet.
Starting point is 02:01:09 Catholicism. Which I guess would mean that Joe Biden is also not a reptile. Yeah. No Catholics. That's right. No Catholics allowed. No, but he does need a salt lick because if not, he nutrients drop and he does fall down. No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:01:22 The Catholics are reptilians because the Pope's hat is shaped like a fish and that fish that's what talks about. That's what the fishbowl is represented. Literally what it's talking about in this just story. Honestly, if these motherfuckers want to go around ripping off the
Starting point is 02:01:35 hats of cardinals and bishops and popes, I'm all for it. If you got rage, go get the pope. Well, according to Ike, at least thirty three American presidents are of a reptilian bloodline, but probably all of them are also the pope. If you got rage, go get the pope. Well, according to Ike, at least 33 American presidents are of a reptilian bloodline, but probably all of them are also reptilians, except the ones who aren't. There's some that aren't, but the ones that are are. Yeah. Got
Starting point is 02:01:53 you. As far as the people sitting next to the seat of power go, it may not surprise you that Henry Kissinger was one of the planet's most active servants of the reptilians. I'll tell you what, that's so nice. I'll buy a bottle of something so important. I'll goop the little water bottles full. I'll go out. I'll go out. Clear your throat. Oh my god, I've never done it before.
Starting point is 02:02:16 Oh my god, I've always sounded like this. Oh my god, I've always sounded like this. Oh my god, I've always sounded like this. Sorry, Valbert. Yes! But when it comes to America, always sounded like this. Or Valbert. Yes. But when it comes to America, America, guess what? Never really existed anyway.
Starting point is 02:02:32 At least not in the way that we think it exists. We ain't solid idiots. And it's with the illusion of America, as well as how all this goofy fake shit has actually shaped the real world we live in today. It's with all that that we'll return next week for the rest of the Reptilian Agenda. Oh yeah, and it doesn't stop just because you sleep.
Starting point is 02:02:52 The Reptilian Agenda goes on all night, friend. They're nocturnal. Exactly. Are they? Well, alligators. That's why I advise you for the next several weeks, stay awake. Yeah, and if you're one of those fucks who got a lizard in your house, sleep with one eye open.
Starting point is 02:03:10 Just guess what? Today's their January 6th. They're gonna rise up and bite off your clits. So you have to be careful because that's all an iguana wants to do. It just sees you as a big old worm. Yep. And we're fucked. The more you worm, the more you squirm.
Starting point is 02:03:30 Yep. My dad said that. Good advice. My dad just say that all the time. Yeah. Sir Isaac Newton. Yeah. You reading all of this like explains to me why you like Dune so much.
Starting point is 02:03:40 Me? Yeah. Yeah. This is easier than Dune. For sure. But it's harder at the same time because doing this nice. I don't think it's nice. It's better than this. We go to is long last podcast. See some of the incredible visual jokes I did for you today. You're going to love it. Go to slash LP and TV to watch all of our new twitch streams
Starting point is 02:04:07 It's gonna be fun to do. Yeah, go follow us on the socials Instagram and tic-tac which hopefully soon be gone. Yeah at LP on the left. It's gonna take a while It's gonna be a whole thing. I know I know it's not gonna be that open and shut but didn't till then follow us Fuck yeah. Yeah, cause then I don't know why. And go and out, go out. You don't have to go anywhere. Go onto your computer and buy tickets to JK Ultra.
Starting point is 02:04:35 Last podcast on the left, new tour. We're going to be back out to several North American cities. Yes, several North American cities and of course we're also coming to Australia in August. We're doing and New Zealand. And so go check it out wherever tickets are sold. Yeah. Denver and Seattle are up first. Yeah. Yes. Yes. So go. We're coming. Yeah. And we might also be having a couple of other international dates to announce, but we're not going to be talking about that just yet. Very soon. Yes, spin the globe you fuckers. Yeah dude. If you see a lizard, kick it.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Yes man. I got two cool things coming down the pipeline here. First one is we're doing a second Brighter Side every week now. It's going to come out on Wednesdays and we're calling it. Are you ready for this? I'm ready. Brighter Side stories. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:23 He's doing it. Cross over. Unfortunately, we are going to have to sue him for copyright infringement. Well, that's between you and me and we'll talk about I'm going back. I booked a show kind of I just want people to come I'm working for free. I'm doing like 15 minutes I'm going to this place called Byrnes I'm working for free. I'm doing like 15 minutes. I'm going to this place called Byrd's Afrodisiac oyster Shack John Strickland's birthday, and I'm doing like 10 15 minutes on this show. I had to like talk my way out of the shows That's very funny. Yeah, so please come support. That's on the 23rd of March at 8 p.m. That's Byrd's
Starting point is 02:06:03 Afrodisiac oyster shack in Tallahassee, Florida. That's hilarious. I can't wait. I'm not getting paid. No, it's a free show. You're like war. If you want to buy me, if you want to treat me like the walrus from Alison, don't do this. He's going to get down. He needs to be careful. I got out! Give it to me baby! I love it! So I'll see you guys later. Alright, I'll see you next week guys. Hail Satan! Again.
Starting point is 02:06:31 Hail none of these fucks. No man. You know what I had said in a while? Magustulations y'all. Awwww. Thinking about that when I was driving and my mind was wandering the other day and I should have been paying attention. Well, magustulations to that. I'm always the only kind on autopilot have been paying attention. No. Well, mugu's relations to that.
Starting point is 02:06:45 I'm always kind of on autopilot. Yeah, that's true. It's dangerous in LA. People just walk out in the middle of the street. Yeah, pay attention while you drive. I let the car censor some. I'm the person walking in the street. The thing about you is that you can take at least one big hit. I can take a car.
Starting point is 02:07:00 I've actually been hit by a car, jumped on the hood, fell off and I was fine. I did too, but I was fatter. Yeah, I was fatter then. Yeah. I would not do well. I've actually been hit by a car, jumped on the hood, fell off and I was fine. I did too, but I was fatter. Yeah, I was fatter then. Yeah. Yeah, I would not do well. No, no. Just do butt first. Let it go in.
Starting point is 02:07:13 God damn, I'm already eating these oysters. We gotta get out. Oh yeah. This show is made possible by listeners like you. Thanks to our ad sponsors. You can support our shows by supporting them. For more shows like the one you just listened to, go to

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