Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 58: Cobra, The Light Aliens, and You

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

Henry explores his newest theory about the constant battle between the Reptilians who want to subjugate us and Codename: Cobra, the hero who represents the light aliens who only want the best for huma...nkind and pyramids and crystals and the Queen of England plus yetis.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last talk. On the left. Right above your glass. That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? Look upon me and weep with envy. The green eyed monster just turned his head.
Starting point is 00:00:29 That sounds same. Shakespeare was unreal. Shakespeare was to Sir Francis Bacon. Do you know that? And his team of 16 year old boy slaves. Thank you David Ike. Alright that's Marcus. I'm Ben and then with us as always.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Hey I'm Stevie Dicks. Stevie Dicks here. Oh I have an empty mouth. That's a bit of a problem. I can see how you got the last name Dick. You really inhaled those things. I love it when balls are so big. They hit me in my throat.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Oh wow. Sucking a man's dick. I saw a small porno that was similar to that last time. Well I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry that that continued. It's fine I liked it. I'm Henry Zabrowski. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:35 So Henry we got a lot of research you've been doing. So what are we going to be talking about today? I don't know why I get snotty when I come in this office. I think we have a mold issue Marcus. No no no. It is all your nasal cavity. I think we have a mold issue. I mean something smells weird in here
Starting point is 00:01:51 but I'm pretty sure it's bone marrow. Yeah that's probably true. That's what I'm allergic to. It's all the fucking bone marrow particles flying through here. I mean there's a lot of disgusting things flying through here. I have a lot of congestion going on. Yeah that's true. That's me breathing normal.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I just want to say this to listeners when he's off air he sounds nothing like when he's on air and then he doesn't make disgusting sounds. Yeah your persona sounds like an opera singer who is just like thrice divorced smoking about a pack of cigarettes a day drinking a six pack of modellas.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I will be Romeo. He will allow me to be Romeo if he met a republican opera singer. Get Larry out of here. I will be Romeo. I will be Romeo. He's still got that sweet voice though. He's back. Ben and Marcus didn't sleep I slept
Starting point is 00:02:39 and so I'm fucking full energy. I am not in the mood for it. Stevie Dick. What are you talking about? Everybody loves Stevie Dick. There's always time for Stevie Dick. Alright so I've been listening to a lot of Coast to Coast recently
Starting point is 00:02:55 because of the wonderful gift that I gave myself and it keeps on giving and giving and giving. And that was your subscription to Coast to Coast of course. Absolutely I love it. I've been calling in they don't take my calls. Why don't they take your calls? Because I'm just going like I pick up and I go
Starting point is 00:03:11 whew whew Florida State Florida State hang up on that guy. Yeah they screen me. I get screened out. Next time I'm just going to go Am I live? Am I live? Am I in the air? I always wanted to be on the air.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And so recently I decided I've put the David Ike book down We've been talking about this. I've been breaking it up a lot. You've been reading it for about nine months and you've gotten to page... 180? How long is the book? About 400 pages.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I'm giving it a break. I'm giving it a David Ike. You beat me with your wall of facts. It is very difficult to read. But the next page has all the answers on it. I know this. No I'm skipping ahead to the Princess Diana chapter next week once I'm done reading some just fictions.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I can't deal with the hard truths anymore. You uncovered a recent hard truth though now that's very interesting. Oh my god am I at the bottom of something big. Man I wouldn't say this is a hard truth. I say this is a bit of a comforting truth. Actually what this is is finally some hope
Starting point is 00:04:15 for humankind. Yes. Up until this point we have been the puppets of the reptilian agenda. Up until this point what we are is the genetic hodgepodge of reptilian DNA and the brown people that's the scientific term. No no no no. Genetic hodgepodge.
Starting point is 00:04:31 What do you call it when like let's say you just have like a pile of eggs on a plate and you jack off on them. Oh Milky Mishman. I know that one. That's what we were. And now we became into the warrior apes that were supposed to be we helped take out
Starting point is 00:04:47 the gold and then you know we helped them for a certain period of time. It's come to my attention. The reptilians we help for a certain. The reptilians of course ladies and gentlemen. That there is a resistance movement against the reptilian agenda and the war is going on right now.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Really. The war is going on right now. Well this is exciting. And the progression of light is winning. It is an inevitable victory for the light energies. There is no way. There is no fucking way the reptilians are going to ever be able to conquer the pure positivity life force that we are generating
Starting point is 00:05:19 using specific points on the earth's energy grid that surrounds us like a loving pair of mother's hands. Very nice. Comfort in. Control certain key points. We will get the proper 60% energy overflow that we need to do
Starting point is 00:05:35 to turn over the reptilians reincarnation machine which is what allows them to re-put themselves into the various important Jew families in the media. Oh whoa whoa whoa. Lost me in the Jew families.
Starting point is 00:05:51 What does the reptilian machine this machine that you speak of what does that look like? The reincarnation machine. It is technically called the incarnation grid and what it is is that they because of reptilians in life we are going to start again from the beginning
Starting point is 00:06:07 with a little taste of what we are talking about here the reptilians the reason why they can't show up in their full form is because of our dimension right. So they appear that's why they don't just show up yes yes because we can't they can't appear physically in our dimension
Starting point is 00:06:23 so how do we know that they are reptilians. Haha Marcos. The thing is that there is particles in the air they show up on earth as microscopic particles in air sort of like a chart situation
Starting point is 00:06:39 yeah yeah if you smell it if you smell that sulfur smell every time you are near me and let's just say I had like nine pounds of cabbage for dinner. Mix up with cut up hot dogs. Like I like to do. Like I call podcast fuel, right? I do a little explosive shard and you feel that thing. I love that you eat like a DeLorean from back to the future. That's really great. But the appears microscopic particles and that we inhale them, they attach themselves to our life force, which is even more deadly than anything else and turn us, they turn us into things, these beings called Archons,
Starting point is 00:07:15 which is the physical representation. So we're looking at people like the Jiroth child family. We're looking at the physical representation of what? Of the reptilians taking over human bodies. This is what I was talking about, the fourth dimension windows. How is this different from Scientology? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It sounds a lot like Scientology. This is Reptilians. This is something else. Tachyons and Archons sound very similar. Different. Very different. Because Tachyon is Scientology, right? What is Tachyons in psychology?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Tachyons are the ancient evil god was destroyed on earth and then he was exploded and then when he was exploded, it went up into the earth as particles and now the only things that are preventing humans from becoming true light beings is the Tachyons in our body. So therefore, Scientology through giving Tom Cruise money, you can be free of Tachyons. Let's just say it's not unlike that. It has much less money behind it. So let me go back. Let me go to the actual emphasis. Basically, I said, I listed to put coast to coast for four days straight. Marcus got the last call. I was sitting by myself. I was packing my house. I moved into my house and I was sitting and packing and working on stuff. Also, while I was on set, I would sit and listen to it on my headphones. People would be like, hey, what are you into? And I was just like, big foot spiritual energy creature.
Starting point is 00:08:43 They're like, thank you, Henry. You've got to be on set in five minutes. Thank you. And I, which is, it's difficult. Coast to coast AM puts you in a frame of mind, maybe more susceptible than normal. Yeah, you know what I mean? But at the same time, some would say it turns you foolish. No, no, no, no, no. I'm talking about opening my eyes to what is going on in America today. A man came on named Cobra. Is this mostly an American situation? Most is definitely. I mean, it's happening all over the world. I mean, London is still the beating heart of the Illuminati. That's where they are. That's where they live. Okay, well, that makes sense. I believe that. Because Prince Charles and the other bitch, they fucking take off their skin. The queen. Yeah, they like suck. They both have, because what's weird is, in the reptilian family, the men and the women have penises.
Starting point is 00:09:32 The thing is, is that the penis from the man reptile just fucking jams its way into the penis of the female reptile. So it's a thinner penis. No, no, no, no. Same size penis. It just one fucking forces its way inside the other fucking penis, and then it shoots its fucking black, hot, boiling sperm up into their egg sacs, and then they shout out all that, though the fertilized eggs through their cloaca. Well, I also watched a very similar to that last night. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, yeah, it's called slime eggs. Slime eggs, bitch. Yeah, reptilian queen's tail. It was very, very impressive. Well, so a man named Cobra came on who could not reveal his true identity, because of... His mother was right next to him. No, no, no, no. Because when they talk about it with the light resistance, the people really fighting these reptilians is that they, it's not about the messenger, and they never want the message,
Starting point is 00:10:30 the pure message they're trying to send forth to be sullied by any sort of personal characteristics of the messenger, right? Because it's not about that, it's not about personality, it's about the big picture. And he is saying that right now, in the streets of the world, right, they're going out there, and then we are fighting one by one a war against the Archons, which is essentially a gigantic game of risk. Yes. Right, and the idea is that the reptilians, using... What's Cobra's position in this war? Cobra is the human, like, representative. He's the PR guy, but he also can't speak his voice. So, on coast to coast, they put him on a use-as-cone, like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, positive energy. We use the positive energy to contract against the Archons. And, like, John Bell kept saying, like, all the time, John was just like, hey, man, we can't understand you, no one can understand you, because you couldn't really understand him,
Starting point is 00:11:24 in any way, shape, or form. But then the masking thing on the... Whatever it is, the voice changer kept breaking, so it'd be a middle of going, like, yes, in any way, you always start meditating, like, and then it was just, like, turning to... And then we went down to the... And then you hear, like, silence, and then... Is the transmission machine fixed? Is it fixed? Is the masking program fixed? I cannot continue unless the masking program is fixed. That was fucking dying. But, basically, using 45-year-old women's money and energy in time, they have these packages. When I put that... There was a part of the thing I put up on my Facebook profile, this thing about chromatic trips through Egypt, which is this idea of...
Starting point is 00:12:11 The way that we kind of touched a little bit on this last time, how there's now a school of thought believing that, you know, it wasn't... It's not in the David Ike universe. It's that there is... Back in the day, ancient Egyptians had, like, use of sound energy. And then where the pyramids were placed was using, like, in order to capture free energy from the energy grid that surrounds the Earth, which is, like, the ionosphere, essentially. But saying that the ionosphere is, like, a grid and that you put important things on the crossovers, like, on the matrices of the grid, and then what you can do is you can harness that energy and you can use that, like the Egyptians did, to create sound technology
Starting point is 00:12:49 that lifted the pyramid blocks and put them into place. Is that where ABBA came from? That sounds very good. Man, that would be such a... That's an awesome fucking weed video idea. Just like that, just, like, seeing ancient Egyptians use their fucking sound technology to float rocks. float rocks in the end, but basically what Cobra and his followers do is they put together these package trips. Little brothers. I love it. They put together these travel packages to go to Egypt and what they do is they lie their ways inside the Egyptian pyramids and
Starting point is 00:13:32 what they say is that the core belief of this resistance movement is that they have been using channelers, using people who basically said that an alien shows up in your brain and talks to you. My alien sounds like Laurence Taylor. I know that. Get out of bed. It's Arabian. He said that they were revealed the true plans from these group of Pleiadians and Andromedans, which is like anti-where the reptilians are from in Nuburu. These are people that believe that Earth is a crux on their bigger energy grid. Even the universal energy grid is that even though we're this far away, we're this bum-fuck redneck planet because we're in the middle of nowhere, that they say that, well, this is a very important
Starting point is 00:14:24 part on the universal matrices. That fucking energy grid. So they're fighting for it against the reptilians because the reptilians essentially are just parasites. Like they just go from place to place, suck up all the bad juju, suck up everything that they can. And what do they do with the energy? They are evil. Yes, yes. No, I see now. It all makes a lot of sense. So Pleiadians and the reptilians. I literally looked for that answer for like a while. I was like, hold on. I was like, in the end, I was like, well, what's the fucking end game? What's the end game? Yeah, there is none. There is no end game. It's just global domination. Just they're just in charge. Yeah, which you already are. Yeah, you can argue.
Starting point is 00:15:12 But so this all started. So basically he said that like, and so what he does is he charges these like 45 year old women, they go with him and they occupy the pyramids because the idea is that it's like a game of risk where you want to occupy territory where the reptilians started way, way, way back in the day using the guys of like the Catholic Church like David Ike always talks about and using like building giant monuments on important points of the fucking energy grid allows you to like gain access to the energy grid and then like kind of take over the fucking thoughts of the planet. Like you can like the vibes curses. We cannot use the Great Pyramid of Giza. Kathy is there. Kathy is there. Oh no, and she
Starting point is 00:15:54 brought scones and all the positive vibes created by these delicious scones driving me insane. Hey Cragnore, what if we just ate one of the scones? No, no, no, no, we must remain mad and evil. You know, I can just go out and get a scope. No, no, we must remain hungry for scones. That's what will allow us allow us to reach the end of our most insidious plot. Hey Archon, what is the insidious plot? Shut up! He's just torn apart by a bunch of razor wire. And that's the last time anyone questions my insidious plot. So they go to Egypt to occupy these areas in order to win them for the light side. You go, you pray in them and then what you do is that you create these sort of spirit circles that allow you
Starting point is 00:16:50 to welcome in the alien starships from Pleiadians and Andromedans because they need a physical like anchor in this dimension. And this is all real. And this is all stuff that Cobra said with his other guy. I forgot his name. It's like Robert Pucci or something. He doesn't have a code name? No. It's Cobra and Robert Pucci. Yes, literally. His partner did not have a code name. And he was just like the whole time John Wells was sitting there going like, well why don't you have a code name? Why is it so important for him to be secret? He's just going like, it's the message that's important, not the messenger John. Yeah, but you don't have one. Someone could just go and torture John Pucci or they could just
Starting point is 00:17:36 look up the financial records of the man who owns You can never even buy the website. No. He's still got blogspot. I mean, I don't know. But this is his own personal blog. Read the latest thing so we could show everyone exactly how far we're getting in the war against the alien forces. Yeah. All right. This is the rip, too. I put it on the last podcast Facebook page. I'm going to put more. I found, it goes pretty deep guys. And I actually think that this may be a last podcast breaking story. I think that we're the only ones who are going to tie all this together. Yeah. And it's true. We have this resistance movement because they don't really bring up David Ike when they
Starting point is 00:18:20 talk about any of the stuff. And so this is the other side. This is the, this is the Oh, so them fighting against reptilians. This is your theory. Yes. But they, no, but they talk, no, they bring up reptilians. Oh, they do. They call them archons and they call them draconians. Oh, the idea is that this is like it's, it's the same storyline. I don't know if maybe they read the biggest secret while in a particularly like upset frame of mind. You know what I mean? Cause that could also happen. I mean, I got a feeling Cobra spends a lot of time being upset. I think that Cobra is working at the fucking covador store right now. His mother like overcooked the bacon. I was like talking about how like
Starting point is 00:19:01 when our buddy Nick Chevrorella wanted all of us to call him viper. And I was just like, yeah, fuck her. I think we called him faggot. I think that became his new nickname. But the Cobra like just showing up, it's like, yeah, I'm Cobra. Cobra. Yeah, sure. It's your thing Cobra. You're right. Yeah, we're going to call you juice. Cause you're drinking juice. I don't even know why. Well, here's the, the newest liberal, here's the newest update from the aetheric liberation from Cobra. There is even more progress being made. The aetheric archon grid in layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles above and below the surface of the planet is slowly and in some cases not so slowly disintegrating due to actions of the
Starting point is 00:19:43 light forces. And there are more and more light beings present in those aetheric layers. In the meantime, the, the innermost surface aetheric layer up to 110 feet above and below the surface profile is still pretty dense with few occasional cracks in the matrix, which it seems though, but you just said pretty dense with a few occasional cracks in the matrix. You just seems like it's filled with cracks in the matrix. And what's the matrix? That's fine. Let's keep going. The main problem remaining is the aetheric elf harp technology. That is a big problem, which keeps the matrix in this layer in place. I want to know more about the aetheric elf. So a part of where this really believes in this is this echoes
Starting point is 00:20:25 David Ikes as well, which is talking about how the reptilians are in charge of the incarnation grid. So they allow themselves to get into places of power where they need to be. Right. And he says that the light aliens also do that on their way, but they do it like where like Robert Pucci, whatever the fuck his name is, the reason why he was reincarnated to where he was is because he was a really good friend of Dr. Fred Bell, who we'll talk about soon, who is a first generation contactee from one of the Pleiadians. But the the idea is that they that the reptilians have reincarnated their way into like into parts of political power. And they've used that in order to okay all of the harp technology research, right.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And then that harp technology is what helps strengthen the reptilian hold on the power points on the world's energy grid. Well, number one, I just want to say you would and Glenn Beck need to have a crazy off. And I want to see that debate. And I think that Glenn Beck might actually turn to your side. But so what are the Pleiadians then doing? How do you fight these reptilian? I mean, obviously you have positive vibes and occupy. It's just it's just some sort of hippie positive vibes. Yes, that's it. Well, and there there are several tools that are used in order to help accentuate these. So what's one of you actually want to look at? I'll give you some Pleiadian technologies. Let's let's hear.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Now these are these are things that have been channeled through through Dr. Fred Bell who died mysteriously in 2011 of a heart attack. Okay. All right. So Naomi, can we just all agree a heart attack is the least mysterious? No, no, no, no, or the most. Oh, yes. And he was exactly how this entire thing worked. It's the least. No, or the most or the most same. Okay. I never thought about it opposite. So what are some and so these were channeled to him. He is a famous he is an engineer. He says he's a doctor. But I mean, I don't really see really where the the total proof is that he was a doctor. He also said, what was the part of the bio like he said I forgot what alien he was speaking to to he he was
Starting point is 00:22:34 working on DDS 32. That would be DDS form 332. Yes, he was the one of the first to bring the awareness of it and I looked it up and you know what surprisingly enough there's not that much information out there. What's the little information that we have? Well, the little information that we have out there is that DDS form 332 was used by the military to report to the higher command of any unidentified aircraft activities. Okay. Once this profile was processed in a strategic air command center in SAC. So it's a paperwork. It's paperwork. That's all. So he just like generated the paperwork for it. Yeah, the print boy. He was the office bitch. Well, that's great. He was there on a fucking spreadsheet, like
Starting point is 00:23:24 making whatever page maker. Yeah, but he took his job very seriously. He filed the official complaint of an international government cover up to the general public of extraterrestrial activity over Americans guys. He filed a complaint. Here's where it gets interesting though. In Dr. Bell's Bell's last years, he was still working with the government when the need arose to tell people about government form DDS sure 332 just prior to 9 11. Dr. Bell was working with famed Dr. Stephen Greer in decompartmentalizing the various agencies that are working in concert with extraterrestrials on such projects as advanced propulsion systems and Star Wars weaponry. This project was known as the disclosure project and was being presented
Starting point is 00:24:11 to the United States Senate on the very day of 9 11 again. Again, that car turns up. It's not what was it 9 11 like 2009. Yeah. And the biggest thing was that it would the biggest roblox he dropped a cup of coffee in his lap on the freeway. That was made it very difficult for him to get. I can't be I can't know to believe me if I reek of coffee. That is a good point. Dr. Fred, you have written all your notes on a cocktail napkin that is soaked with whiskey. I was drinking whiskey and I was at a bar. All right. So this is the guy he's been. He was spoken with by aliens. He Robert Pucci, who is Cobra's fucking body man, was his research assistant and that Robert felt that he was reincarnated to this place
Starting point is 00:25:01 in life in order to help the resistance movement. So Dr. Fred Bell is in there with some of the Palladian technologies that we need in order to properly fight the reptilian brood. Here's something else. Here's a little bit of personal information about Dr. Bell. In his spare time, he very much enjoyed playing with toys, trains and vintage cars. They were all event of a big passion for him, as were his beloved exotic birds. At one point in his life, he owned eight. Well, he sounds like a real authority on this issue. All right. So what are some Palladian technologies? Again, it's the message as a more than the message. The message is all seem to be very lonely, sad, most likely obese people. You
Starting point is 00:25:46 look at the facts of the messenger. It's going to take away from the purity of fact of the message. Right. Right. Right. I agree. All right. This is from tacky These are advanced Palladian technologies. These are advanced healing. I think he's just using the word tacky on. I don't think I don't think yeah. No, no, no, it's just a different. Yeah, it's same. Same difference. Yeah, because Scientology still talks about Jesus, right? No, no, no, they're all aliens all the time. I love them. As we're slowly approaching the long prophesized golden age, the Palladians have asked our core group team at Phoenix group to start distributing their healing technologies to humanity. For
Starting point is 00:26:23 this reason, we have gathered the best Palladian technologies currently available on the planet and offered them through this website. We are in cooperation with you can't seem to find them on Amazon though. That's something that's was really difficult. We are in cooperation with Pyridine, Dr. Fred Bell's company for advanced Palladian technologies. He himself was a Palladian contactee and has received the design for the nuclear receptor directly from Simjase, a wise Palladian woman. And at one point he had eight birds. We are also in contact with a European inventor of tacky on technology that he has received directly from the Palladians. We are actively searching for large scale distributors of our technologies.
Starting point is 00:27:06 If interested, you can contact us directly at Phoenix group email address for more information in the future. You know when your time is right, I'm begging for distribution rights that it said things are really, you know what? In the future, when the time is right and it's safe to do so for everyone involved, we are also planning to offer free energy designs through this website. That's the thing is that like while they were talking and coast to coast, they kept talking about their free energy technologies and all this stuff. And they were like, and, and John Wells kept being like, well, how much does it cost? How much does it cost? He's like, well, you see, well, one day it'll all be
Starting point is 00:27:38 free. Nice. I kept saying that he would never say, but so let's go through what some of the items clarify one thing they were discussing. These tools are supposed to be used in the golden age. What is the golden age? The golden age was supposed to be after the grand portal was opened in December 21st, 2012, but there were problems in the energy grid. That's what Cobra said is that they went there. There was hinky-doos in the energy grid, which didn't allow the portals to be open. And then I'll go, I'll go into that after I'll get into the flack afterwards. After we talk about these technologies, what happens? From, the science of the future, creating health and energy for tomorrow. That's
Starting point is 00:28:18 their tagline. Uh-huh. First of all, they sell pyramid hats. They amplify your spiritual energy. Super fucking cool. I want one. Yeah, I mean, you can get- Did you see the pyramid? I love the pyramid fruit bowl. Yeah, the pyramid that you put over a plate of fruit. It's called the Vitamid. That's really brilliant. Yours for only $89 American. There's somebody who is dying of cancer and will die from cancer because he believes that's making him healthy. Yeah, and the cheapest one you can get is the fire dome. That's 75. But if you're really serious about your bullshit, you can buy the chrysillidome with diamond dusting for the low, low price of $995. Wow. It's kind of
Starting point is 00:29:02 a lie there with the low, low part. I just imagined him sitting in a couch somewhere covered in fucking Cheetos. He gives a boo-doop like a good thing on his phone. He sees order for the chrysillidome and he's like, oh, fuck, I got to make one of these. All right, let me tell you why this thing is worth $995. All right, here's what it promotes. One total crown enhancement, which means it's a nice hat. I'm going to start saying that every single time I see someone with a good hat. I got to say that that hat gives you total like fucking, I mean, 75% crown and crown enhancements. Not bad. Well, thank you, Henry. Dramatically improves concentration, meditation, and creativity. It is inspired by the psychic
Starting point is 00:29:49 enhancement work of Edward Casey and his studies of the Virginia Beach sand. They talk a lot about Edward Casey and all of this. It also promotes aerospace technology using proprietary deposits of copper, silver, and gold. And much like all the other hats, I made it on the toilet. It's just very exciting. Can you also look up a book called Sterpents of Light? I want to get that author's name. And this is another one of these. This is a guy who made the, I don't know, if any of your Facebook friends with me look on my Facebook page, there is a thing there called the Hidden History of America and you should watch it. It is written by this guy named Dunvelo. Dranvalo Melchizedek. Yeah, and this guy is Melchizedek.
Starting point is 00:30:28 He is a direct Conti of Thoth, which was the Pleiadian intelligence that Egyptians worshiped. What was the name of that one fella that you mentioned here that we were dealing with the hats? Fred Bell. No, not Fred Bell, the guy that you said that they mentioned a lot. Cobra? Edward Casey. Edward Casey. So what's Edward Casey all about? Is he too much? We can do a whole episode on Edward Casey in a future episode. Edward Casey is one of the most important occult voices. He was a prophet. He was a guy who was a psychic in the early 1900s and stuff like that. And he is very famous. He is basically the beginning of all, where Alistair Crowley was the beginning of all sex magic and where Anton LeVe came from. He is where all new
Starting point is 00:31:13 age shit came from. All the crystals and all of this shit with the pyramid. And you can buy crystals from They have 28 different crystals that you can buy. You can buy the Atlantis on sale marked down from $3,100 to $1,900. What? Is it from Atlantis? Does it say that it's from Atlantis? It says Atlantis is an energy quartz master crystal sourced from Ron Coleman's mind in Arkansas. What? Who's Ron Coleman? I don't know. It features a twin point and stands beautifully. They keep saying these names like you're supposed to know them. It's always like these people are just like, you know, and Ron Coleman's mind is brimming. You don't
Starting point is 00:32:01 know who Ron Coleman is? I can read my pamphlet. Can you give me $5? I typed Ron Coleman into Google and apparently Big Ronnie Coleman is an American professional bodybuilder who, that's not the right guy. No, that's not the right guy. Who owns a mine of the Atlantic gem, Atlantis gems. So basically on Coast to Coast you are listed as a guy. So all of this is like, when you go deeper into the research, I have a fucking shit ton of research that I went through and it's all reiterating same stuff. It's all very cuckoo dooku bananas and basically also referring back to a lot of... There's a lot to talking about the energy grid and talking about the earth's own Kundalini line if you're into
Starting point is 00:32:49 yoga and all that bullshit. Is it like a brassiere? It's this idea that it's the chakras of the body. It starts with the fucking head of your penis and it goes up to the socket. Every time you talk about chakras you immediately go to your crotch. Because that's the most important chakra because that is where all creative energies are done. You see how I touch my penis like this? Look at down. You see how I touch my penis like this? I'm literally touching my penis. What you do is you activate this. You activate your heart. You activate your penis. That's what David was talking about. The reptilians use sex, use sex rituals for a bad, but the one thing about these is light aliens is that they use sex rituals
Starting point is 00:33:28 for good, which means they bang a lot. They bang quite a bit. So it's like if you want to get laid, go to one of the... Like seriously, I bet that these Egypt tours with these 45 year old women is fucking pussy town. Now what we have to go to now is the portal conference. Oh yes, yes, yes. And what I love about this is... So Cobra's identity is fucking secret as hell because you never know who's going to find him and again you don't want to mix up the message or the message, but they also do paid conferences where they will show up and talk in London, Paris, Rome, Laguna Beach, Chiang Mai, Hilo, and Zurich. But what apparently what they say that they do is that it's a locked room. He wears a mask and then he
Starting point is 00:34:12 says hello to you. Is that a cobra mask? Yeah, like, ah, I fucking wish. And you go through... Should I kiss more or less? I don't know, your name's Cobra, so I just go with whatever feels right, whatever your character is going to be. I'm going to hit. I'm Stevie Dicks. Let me say that the blog is However, the conference site is And that costs like $7 a month. Yeah, they're on GoDaddy with that one. That's for sure. So this is a three day conference. Now this is what you pay for. You go meet Cobra and this is the agenda. And do we even know how much this costs? It does not say. I could not find a price. But again, Ben, when it comes down to the
Starting point is 00:35:01 resistance to get the reptilians, is money really an object? Well, for me it would be. So it starts Friday evening. Friday evening, introduction with meditation. Cool, cool. Totally groovy. Totally groovy. That's just what happens. Just make joints spread around. You're going to be fine. That'll be fun. Saturday morning gets heavy real fast. Starts with the Saturday morning liberation of the planet. Whoa, Jesus Christ. On that you get Galactic Wars and Atlantis. Quarantine Earth and Arkons. I took Quarantine Earth and Arkons last conference. Can I do a rest period?
Starting point is 00:35:39 You can do forces of light and forces of darkness. Oh, that's great. And when is free reading? That's right after resistance movement. Oh, that's right. Yeah. And then, of course, you get a break. Lunch. Lunch. I mean, how do you awkwardly segue from like resistance movement and saving the earth to like, okay, well-
Starting point is 00:35:59 Having ribs. Yeah, having ribs. Time for barbecue. Saturday afternoon, the event. Now, this is the other thing. They keep talking about this is the event. They keep saying the event, well, once the event happens, we'll be able to offer these technologies for free, blah, blah, blah. The event was supposed to happen on December 21st, 2012. But what they said is, is even though the event didn't happen, the December 21st, 2012 allowed significant building blocks to be made towards the event. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Good. Makes a lot of sense. Good. On that, you get the plan removal of the dark forces, the new financial system, new advanced technologies, disclosure and first contact, planetary light body activation, event horizon, and of course, galactic superwave and ascension plan. Yeah. Okay, that sounds cool. And then that's it for Saturday.
Starting point is 00:36:49 That's Saturday night. Time to get groovy. Woo! But at that, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, yeah, it's all just like, it's all just them sitting like quietly having like one beer in the fucking weird Motel 8 like bar. Exactly. Cobra bought one beer for everybody. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I hope everyone's enjoying that beer I got you. Yep, never forget who your Cobra is. Oh man, he's so good to us. I love Corona. Then after. Find your beach. Snake on the beach. Anybody get any mozzarella sticks? Anybody do this order of mozzarella sticks? I can't pay for this.
Starting point is 00:37:24 I didn't pay for this. You can just see Cobra like lifting up his mask to have a mozzarella stick and looking around to make sure nobody's talking. That's a hot mozzarella stick. So these Palladians are, is there more? No, they're still Sunday, man. Oh, still Sunday. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you wake up Sunday morning, starting on a positive note, planetary liberation
Starting point is 00:37:50 and you. Yeah. Your mission, the life you were meant to live, joining the light forces, deprogramming the masses, planetary liberation, meditation, healing the timelines. Now the healing the timelines thing, I do not understand. I don't know what that means or what they're even fucking remotely talking about. No. Can't even, can't even begin.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Healing what? Timelines? The timelines, see that's the thing is that the end game, I think the end game is, is that eventually they're trying to build a time machine to go back in time and prevent the reptilians from ever coming to Earth there by healing the timelines and going to a land in which Earth has always been positive. I want in. Yeah, it makes as much sense as I can.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Sign me up. And then of course Sunday afternoon, it all winds down, return of the goddess, experiencing goddess energies and the goddess vortex meditation. And that's just how to, how to achieve clitoral orgasm. And here's the league, the league. Everybody break out your rabbits. Come on girls. Adam and
Starting point is 00:38:53 Get some of your goddess energy goings at and put the code CCR for discounts. And the legal, the legalese at the end, non-disclosure agreement must be signed by each participant. No photography or recording, topics presented may be subject to change. Which just means it could go from that to like, how do we get Cobra's car started again? Helping Cobra pay for his utility bill. Why does Cobra's car have so much rust on it? All right. So that's Cobra in the news conference.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I want to know about these Palladians a little bit more. I mean, they're good Vibalians. These are good Vibalians. They're trying to control our future. They know that we're an important species to the universe and they want to make sure that they can help control our, our development. So I'd like to end it with a little bit about how, like, so they open up the lines. Finally, they got done with not being able to understand them anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And so they open up the lines and they had people call. And like, one of the things that kept happening was people were calling and being like, hey Cobra, um, I gave you guys a lot of money and, um, you said there's going to be big changes in 2012 and I'm really looking for something and nothing happened. And you keep making excuses and you keep saying that, that you say that there's like negative energy capsules that are keeping you from opening the portals, but it's get to a point where it's like, I spent a lot of money, Cobra, and it was just like you just like, you hear the people he ripped off like next to tear, of course, because he's
Starting point is 00:40:20 ruining people's lives. Cobra sitting around eating all the Wendy's he could shove into his Cobra mask. I like it. He's debating different his patterns. Yeah. But you know, I mean, these people for as much as they, uh, loved him, they have rebounded uh, in the exact opposite way and now they hate him and they feel, uh, you know, mistreated and abused.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah. Taken by him, you know, if you're going to get taken by Cobra, I just love the fact that there is, there is a whole B story and I'm going to go deeper and deeper and deeper into it. Yeah. And I'm going to join the resistance movement because this is what they said. It's like one thing that they're looking for is, um, they're looking for celebrity endorsement. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:55 They, they, they've been operating under a thing that's like, they know it's time to start moving out and getting the word out and they have the new, um, I forgot what the term is. I forgot what it was. It was like some like, they're doing a conference in Hollywood and they're trying to get these celebrities to come and it's like we petition Lee in order to caprio and we like, they were like saying all this stuff is like, we petition them to come and maybe like help us like bring some shed some light on the movement, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 We haven't really gotten any responses yet, but we think that if we keep pushing it and we're going to see, we're going to get someone like, you know, uh, you know, uh, uh, we're going to get a regular, uh, what's it go to a Pat Sajak, you know, but that's what I'm saying. If I get something and I become a celebrity, your celebrity star is on the rise. You have a show coming out here and you were just, you just filmed a movie. So I feel like you could be the face. I think it's going to be me.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Yeah. You're literally the only one with like mild sea celebrity credit that would do it. So it's going to be, just send them an email and I'm going to get some crazy butt out of it. Yeah. Yeah. So much 45 year old fucking primo tail, sexual primal later on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:03 They're looking different. Sure. You know, they're acting. They're sassy. Yeah. They're all around. You know what I mean? Like they've been there.
Starting point is 00:42:11 They've seen and done it, you know, but now it's me. Now they're seeing done me. They're like me coming in there, saunter and in there, prize pig, hard as the dickens. You are immediately hard. I'm ready to be the leader of the resistance. Henry's playing with a chakra over there in the quarter. I love a good boing noise. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Well, we'll get into some more names and some people that we talked about here in a later podcast. Oh yeah. There's so fast. We're the only ones talking about this right now. We're going to get in on it. If you want to join the resistance movement, send me an email, send, find the Cobra. Talk with Cobra.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah. He's out there to be talked to. Read his blog. Comment on his blog. Hard. Yeah. Let's go at his blog and tell him we're behind him. That's right.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And we're with him. Support Cobra. Because he needs it. He will. All right. Because he had to hawk his fucking laptop. Yeah. He's not doing well.
Starting point is 00:43:10 He is really not doing too hot. All right. Well, that's Mark as I've been, and then that is Stevie Dicks. Yeah, Stevie Dicks. I got calling my notes. Yeah. Get it out. I like that guy.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I've seen that happen. Macustolation. Macustolation. Hio me. Hio keen. Hail Satan. Hio me. Hio me.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Hio me. Hio me. Hio me.

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