Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 59: The B.T.K. Killer Part One: The Ball Game Explodes

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

We explore the career of one of America's most frightening and depraved serial killers, Dennis Rader aka B.T.K. Strangler. On this, the first episode of a two part series, we start with his emergence 1974 with the Otero family killings and continue until the beginning of his first hiatus after the murder of Nancy Fox in 1977.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last time on the left That's when the cannibalism started You'll kill again I'll kill again Oh You don't want to give me a discount on my croissant witch. Oh, I'll kill again I don't know what a croissant would do and you'll never find the bodies. Oh the little girl's shoes I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory. It's a croissant sandwich. Oh the croissant witch. Yes. I'm a respected customer I'm a rude quality treat me with respect here at this Burger King. I'll kill again
Starting point is 00:00:46 All right. Well, let's just start the show. That's Marcus and then I'm banning them with us as always He seems angry today. I'll kill again. Oh Let's not worry about my numbers Say no Let's just say if I do not get a discount on my coffee today Miss barista, there'll be another missing girl in this neighborhood because I will kill again. Oh I'm the BTK killer very interesting BTK not as scary as you might seem to be no no no no He's actually very nice. Actually, so I'm sorry about this. Yeah, that's what we will be talking about BTK
Starting point is 00:01:25 His full name Dennis Lynn Raider. Oh Lynn that middle name on this poor serial killer We were going to do another episode about something else today. I forgot even forget what it was Oh, it's something very interesting that we will do in the future. Yeah But then end up you know Just you know lopsy-dopsy just sitting there watching a documentary on the BTK. We're wearing pants. No pants. No pants What are you talking about? Hey, I literally was entirely naked except for socks laying in my bed. Oh, I sent you those emails Why did you keep your socks on? I don't know it's cold in my room, but yeah, you were totally naked except for socks You lose more temperature out of your feet. No, it's out of your head out of your ass. I
Starting point is 00:02:10 Think I do believe I do think you lose more. Yeah, that's true about the ass I had a pillow on my head. Okay, good So I'm sitting there and I end up watching this documentary by the BTK killer and it's scared the living Fuck out of me. This stuff is scary. So it's like well, let's cover it Let's cover it because you never really what in depth about the BTK killer. He's a fucking monster And of course BTK stands for bind torture by torture kill. Yeah In that order and exactly in that order because this guy's a nerd this guy is a nerd such a nerd And that's the thing about him too is that so it's like I realized and it's like why have we never given enough credence to the BTK killer?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Because once you get into his story, it's absolutely compelling. It's an amazing serial killer story He was never caught. He his his his Activity was a regular you I mean but in terms of like I was watching a documentary before he was caught But will he kill again? Mmm, and that's the best thing about being a serial killer that goes on hiatus is that any time you want you just go I'll kill again You just send a letter to the police and then they just get anything you want you could coupons to Walmart You get anything. Oh, yeah, free van shoes. You just go to vans and be like I'll represent van shoes
Starting point is 00:03:24 Or I'll kill again. There's a man with a fucking pillowcase hat on selling van shoes You can't say who he is. He's like you'll buy these van shoes or I'll kill again That's a good point. I feel like if you threaten to kill again, I mean you're gonna get whatever you need anything you want Yeah, that's a good point Cat and mouse game with the police this guy. It's an amazing story, but again the guy's a fucking nerd pussy They go fucking a horrible pinch-faced baby man. So start us off here. So he's in Kansas It's a lonely man's place not a lot of folks Let's set the the temperament for Kansas first of all what year are we in here? It's the year 1977 is when the first killing happens
Starting point is 00:04:02 Okay, 1977. All right. Now. Let's just imagine it's Kansas and the way the way we do this. All right, all right What's in Kansas? There's nothing right nothing there is dirt. Yeah, this is Wichita, Kansas population 500,000. So you hear this And that's the number one radio show in Kansas, you know, that's actually what they would listen to for entertainment Environment that the BTK killer was born in and this is why his brain seems a little bit dull a little bit slow And we were talking about how we never gave him credence before I think that's sort of why he's sort of your uncle's Serial killer not when you get the coolest guy around unless you I mean Gacy was a clown for Christ's it's also this was a guy who had to beg for Press attention. This is the guy who had to he had a fucking have a
Starting point is 00:04:54 A temper tantrum about people not paying attention to him when it was like son of Sam got that shit Oh out of New York post daily news. He was like the Lucas Brothers of serial killers So 1977 this is when he gets his first kill. How old was he here? That's a god. Yeah 32 when he first he started killing at 32 and at this time he was already married with just great children Yeah, cuz um Phil Hartman got picked up by SNL when he was 32. Ah, that's another good. That's a good good It's a good number. It's a good history. Yeah hitting your stride at 32 and isn't that said Phil Hartman is dead BTK still lives Yes, still lives doing
Starting point is 00:05:29 175 years in prison with a fucking frowny face on a smile buddy Yeah, ten consecutive life sentences, which is what's interesting about his sentencing is they even though he was caught in 2005 In nine they didn't reinstate the death penalty in Kansas until 1994 and since the murders took place before then he was not Eligible for the death penalty. What a grandfather man So 77 do we have any information on the first victim that he took or what was his life like up before he started killing? He was married. He had two children his life But his life up until that see when he was a kid
Starting point is 00:06:01 He is actually court is saying he's like I can't believe nobody noticed there was something wrong with me Because he used to tie himself up and this was a practice that continued on later on in his life This is when he just gave himself a nickname B We're buying yeah, he would he would bind himself Yeah, little geisha girl yeah and give himself like sexual release He of course he'd laid at animals and he continued that later on in his life There is a collection of pictures that I saw in which he would bind himself up and through a very complicated Rube Goldberg machine he would set up a Polaroid camera to take pictures of himself
Starting point is 00:06:38 What a sick while he was bound up and he had a he had a lady mask Like a really creepy lady mask that he would bet Huh have you seen these pictures? Yeah, where are they they're on that site that you sent me? Oh, yeah I didn't go deeply all the way. Yeah, I was really the entire fucking I found this insane Free website that was I mean again just the only the only thing you get primo fucking deep cut internet like BTK archive, it's amazing. Yeah as a matter of fact I think you started googling for it when you were fully closed, but then the website wouldn't let you do it until you got Newed oh, yeah, you also couldn't access it without cheeto dust on your finger
Starting point is 00:07:18 That was the other thing I had to be rectified It's an interesting day I just get the imagery of him at like a Sears family studio just like tied himself up I'm gonna get the manager. Do you want the stars background or the laser back in the woods? Okay, in fact, he did take all these in the woods Including one picture in which he took a picture of himself bound up in the dug-up grave of one of his victims Like he dug a grave for I saw that picture Yeah, didn't end up using the grave lazy motherfucker. No, but now was creepy as fuck cuz he's laying we're in that lady mask
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yeah, but we really should let's go deeper into before we getting all the details. Yeah, let's go mortar was personal life Yeah comes from and so yeah, yeah He's the oldest of four brothers grew up. He actually grew up in Wichita, Kansas. So he knew Exactly what he knew how the town worked. He knew everything And so he was living in Park City It was a suburb and he was working at a Coleman plant which Coleman makes wonderful camping gear as we all know Yeah, yeah, he's had a list a laundry list of the of the most boring jobs that you can have Which is just again the breeding ground for comedians and serial killers. That's true. It's either it's like a temp work
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, temp work makes you a killer or just want to share laughter. Yeah, and I'm sure the BTK thought he was hilarious Oh, yeah, he loves his jokes. He worked in it for a time. He worked at the meat department at a IGA supermarket I I haven't heard that name in forever. I worked at IGA really janitor Wow in high school. You're like the same guy interesting Yeah, and so while he was working at the plant He spied out his first victim or the mother of his first victims the Otero family Now he was quoted as saying when he saw her because he had been planning it for years This has been this had been something that was in the back of his mind
Starting point is 00:09:13 And he said when he saw this is something that he was quoted saying in an interview with a newscaster At cake TV Yeah, I also don't like the fact that all of his correspondence had to deal with cake TV I love cake, you know, you're sitting there. You're eating cake watching cake and then the body PT K killer news comes up Yeah, you're just gonna be like, ah now I can't finish slurping down all this icing. Yeah, or you can Yeah, and he was quoted when he saw Otero. He said that's when the ballgame exploded Oh, that's all game exploded. So he's meant he came his pants Best you for the you if I ever pretty much ejaculate ever
Starting point is 00:09:57 That ballgame just went ahead and exploded And that was a Julie Otero So he started did he when he was taking pictures of himself all bound up would he masturbate to those pictures of himself? That I don't know. I just think it made him harder than he masturbated. They talk about also when you go into the The details of his crimes as well was the same thing where the actions would make him incredibly excited And they think that he would either come while he was doing them or he would save it and get be rigid hard throughout the whole Process and then masturbate onto his victims. Yeah, the thing is also is that's got to be scarier than anything else So fucking madman scream at you with a rock-hard boner
Starting point is 00:10:38 Terrified terrified. Yeah, and that was the image that was in my mind the entire time the entire time. Yeah, so this first victim of his did he Well, it wasn't just a victim was an entire family. He murdered an entire family. Okay, and so what he would do was He was fascinated with children that that is they know that he wasn't a pedophile. Yeah, but there was something ever raped anyone He never raped anyone and basically he raped these women. No, no, no penetration whatsoever No, he was a pussy. I know this is disgusting to say, but it was just like he was not aggressive This is all your state voyeuristic. Would you respect him more had he raped these women? No, it's not even that It's just it's we were talking about this on the train coming up here There's there's a difference between this guy and something like a Dahmer and something like a gacy
Starting point is 00:11:23 Well, you feel like a Dahmer and a gacy have some sort of emotional hole that they're filling with their crimes This is a guy that was he just believed that he was better than humankind complete and told so like textbook sociopath He was a megalomaniac. He thought that he should have this conversation I feel like we should have this conversation with serial killer trading cards in our hands I want the Dahmer because he was a full personality So the so basically what happened was is that what he would do is it was very little it wasn't a lot of It was he he chose this family at random pretty much He saw her and then it could he worked with her as a Coleman plan. He didn't work with her. It was a big plant
Starting point is 00:12:00 He just saw her. Oh, yeah, and he's cooking his head So what he would start to do is he would start tailing them and he watched the family and he called these when he would choose A family he would call it his projects his projects. Yeah, yeah Yeah, he had fun. Yeah, which is also the same little names for everything I love the idea that it clicked in his head where he's just like working at the Coleman plant. He's like Eureka So he would tail this family for a long period of time so he was a stalker Basically, he wanted to gather as much information about them as possible And so what he would do what he did with this first crime is that he watched him and watched him and basically trying to find out
Starting point is 00:12:41 When it was a time when the father wasn't home and when the little girls and the the mother were home and he It was a boy and a girl and he Watched him. Yes, and he went up to the one of the kids one day and he was like hey And he showed him a picture of a person. It's like have you seen this person? Have you seen this person anywhere in this neighborhood? And she was like no no sick Well, thank you. Thank you so much and then he'd leave and then a couple days later on the day of the world's goof From that. Have you seen this boy? Oh, yeah Have you seen this boy?
Starting point is 00:13:13 Then he would go up to the then on the day of the murder He went up to the door and he rang the doorbell the little girl answered and he was like Basically, he had earned her trust by showing her a picture and he was like have you seen this person? She's like no, I told you know, but maybe you asked my mom She's like is your mom home right now and she's like yes, and then he'd walk he walked in Pulled out a gun and then basically it was the same run down every time. He's like I have a sexual problem But the thing is is I'm here. I'm not here to do it I'm here to rob you and so what do you do?
Starting point is 00:13:44 We'd separate them he put the kids in one room and then basically what happened was is that as he was tying up the mother The kids freaked out because they can hear him killing her Yes, and also the father was home in the back and he had no idea so the father comes in as he's tying up the woman They get into a struggle He overcomes the father then basically has to tie up the mother and the father and he strangles the mother Because what he would do with them is that he wouldn't actively strangle them He would put a plastic bag over their face then a cord then a pillow case and then a cord and the idea was so that you Couldn't get through the pillowcase to rip through the plastic sheet
Starting point is 00:14:19 So it's like he would just tie them up and leave them and basically it started like that that murder was a jag The murder of the family was a gigantic cluster fuck that it was this like one one problem after next because they Basically, he thought they were dead and they were just unconscious and they would pop back up because he said that it was so He's like it's so much harder to strangle someone to death than you think it is sounds like a comedy of errors So basically he eventually Did it did it did it did it did it did it did it he did it eventually after weakening them over time and then How long did this whole overdeal probably hours and it's in the middle of the day Oh, we're in the middle of the day and the very last thing he did was he hung the little girl up
Starting point is 00:14:57 The 9-year-old girl in the basement by a steam pipe and he said that the vision of her Begging for mercy was so sexually gratifying to him that he came all over Yeah All right, so he was slightly aroused by these so it's like this is a guy like I have chills on my spine like talking about this Crimes because it's like then then the police came and investigated and no one found anything and it was Silent it was the middle of a fucking suburban Neighborhood in the middle of the day and he did it and popped right back out and went right back to his life That's cold motherfucker and basically when it happened then a couple months afterwards
Starting point is 00:15:34 There was no there was just like they were like they've never seen anything like this in Wichita It was this crazy Ritualistic Like torture killing in the middle of this town that has something like ten murders. Maybe a fucking decade Yeah, it's a no locked doors type of town Yeah, right and then you basically got freaked out and that's when he started writing letters to the newspaper And he wrote the first letter. How do you go back to working at the Coleman plant after murdering and coming all over? Get to that fucking coldness and some of the later murders. It's insane. No, yeah
Starting point is 00:16:09 He just showed up. It was like hey as everybody doing you guys see Seinfeld this new show. It's hilarious. Oh my oh, no It's like 74. It's it was like Rhoda. Yeah, this is a big Rhoda fan Dennis has really awkward like Water fountain conversations. No, I don't listen to Dennis. Oh, okay. That's a good idea No, that's the thing about it He was the most normal of normal human beings. Well, a lot of times we say people are normal when they're quiet and no He was a he was a community leader. He was a Boy Scout leader. Yeah, he was a normal about a Boy Scout leader He was the he was the president of the church council like this man was a community like nobody in a million. Oh, yeah He was like Gacy very similar to Gacy in that respect in terms of well
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's Gacy was gregarious and people liked him which was because you know, he's a clown Well, yeah, and of course you have to build up community respect in order to slip under the radar No one expects Dennis to do that the church man and then the the next crime he tried the next crime He committed was against a Catherine Bright Catherine Bright now Catherine Bright was again just a pretty young girl and he did that he did the same exact thing he tracked and he tracked her and How how long would he usually stalk his victims for before he would kill them? It seemed like it was like it seemed like so he would pick someone and yeah, and then he would watch them and watch them and watch Them and then Catherine Bright. He did the thing where he broke into her house while she wasn't home
Starting point is 00:17:28 He watched her shower. He watched her smoke a cigarette in her living room Watch her go to bed and then he attacked her when she was asleep and like that is terrifying. It's the night-stalker thing It's exactly she is she like I know it's like this is kind of heavy It's harder for me even joke about it Literally scared the shit out of me last time reading about this because this is what we've been talking about This guy would break into these people's homes sit in the closet for hours because he's got the patience of the fucking Sphinx Because he's a psychopath wait for the perfect moment to get you when you're most vulnerable Actually, that didn't start until the next murder Catherine Bright was another fuck-up. Oh
Starting point is 00:18:02 Yes, Catherine Bright was her boyfriend. That was the one where the brother the brother was I know what I try to I'm sorry mix it up with the other one That was the one where he um He he had a gun on him and he pulled in and the brother showed up and tried to wrestle it from him And then basically he tried to shoot it. He shot him in the side of his head and like just knocked him out He thought he was dead and then he started like strangling Catherine and then he busted back in and then he shot him in the face still lived Yeah, wandered out into the street with a hole in his face fell onto a car as it was going goes
Starting point is 00:18:35 And then like that was when the cops came like five minutes later and he was gone and she was dead and after and after There's a sign that the city puts up like watch out for nearly dead people. You might Watch out for D and nearly dead people Interview with this guy as an adult looks fucking great for a guy who got shot in the face. Oh, he actually still lived Oh, yeah, okay, so how was he able to identify BT because he got shot in the face twice Yeah, but didn't he see the guy who shot him? No, he got shot. No, it was just like literally like you're you got shot In the side of the head you were knocked clean unconscious, right? You're just trying anything you can and help your your sister Who's in the middle of being raped? You just have to like you're like murder like you're going out and then essentially
Starting point is 00:19:18 Yeah, you get just shot in the face and also Dennis Raider is just pretty generic white dude That's true. Yeah, all right And you know the funny thing is about this is that he stabbed her This is the only one in which he used a knife to kill what in the only one which he didn't use strangulation And it was the only murder he never bragged about He wasn't out of himself. He was not proud of himself. I wonder if he did not do well He probably didn't get any sexual satisfaction over it. No, because he didn't get to visit. No, he came all over. Oh, he did He always did he and did he say the same? I have a sexual problem. I have a sexual problem
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's like the lamest Intro to kill you either say that or he would say I have a problem with sexual fantasies And then would he say anything to them before he would kill them Oh, where do we talk? Well, there was a couple times where he would what he would do is he would say I have a sexual problem. He would tell these women. It's like listen. I'm not gonna kill you I'm just gonna rape you. Let me tie you up. And so they would say, okay Yeah, okay Okay, yeah, that's fine. You were in my closet the whole day. I didn't even notice
Starting point is 00:20:21 And so he would he would do all that and then he would get to the point where he would strangle them in There's while he was strangle strangling them. He's like, I'm the BTK killer Man with a flair for drama He wanted to up the tension. No, he was like the Phantom of the Opera And so the next one that he tried to kill the next person that he that he murdered was surely by Shirley Vayan and this was another horrible story where it's like he he Did the same thing entry to the house through her kids by basically like just getting her kids to let him into the house Again, stop having children. They let murderers in your house. The she came in
Starting point is 00:21:01 But they went and he took the three children and put him in a bathroom lock tied the door shut Then basically killed their mother and as the children were listening to the mother get heard the little the older brother of the kids would fucking just snapped into action and Jimmy opened a tiny window got all of the kids out of the window through the bathroom and like they escaped Yeah, but he was again. He admit later on and he was gonna kill the kids and is the same exact thing So this is another to the woman. Yeah another group of people that saw him. Mm-hmm. And then escape I mean, I think he's the luckiest serial killer of all. Yes. How hasn't he been caught yet? Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:34 But the children they were they were all the children's description of them as unreliable all they said was you know He was he was a white guy, you know, he was a man Yeah, he was he was a man and another fucked up thing that he did is that he in order to keep the children occupied He made viand put toys in there and blankets to keep the kids occupied while he went fucking killed Oh, yeah, because again, he said I'm just trying to rob you Right kids out of here. I'm just trying to now. So this was another box So he's over three as far as in terms of killings go No, these are over it like the first three. I take it back the first three were all in
Starting point is 00:22:10 1974 like from Yeah, from Jan well the first two were January of 74 and April 4th of 1974 Surely Viand wasn't until three years later Oh, that's what they were saying and then what happened was is then he wrote a letter then he wrote a letter basically describing the murder of the Oterra family And and and it went ignored everyone was like well He's kind of because originally they had picked up these three guys who had confessed to being BTK killers They'd be trying to be the killer of these family and he wrote a letter saying those people are just trying to
Starting point is 00:22:41 Accept the except fucking they want to claim something they never did he's like Go BTK no because he wanted because this is what he wanted of course and so the next thing here This this is an excerpt this is from an actual letter the follow-up letter He wrote after he wrote a very graphic disgusting letter to the newspaper. I feel with to cake right cake Yeah, how many years after he killed the family did he write this letter three years three years? Okay, now this is a follow-up letter. Why don't they pay attention to me? This is the why don't they pay attention to me letter? Um, and I will I will read it now. I
Starting point is 00:23:18 Find the newspaper not writing about the poem on the viand unamusing a little paragraph would have been enough I know it's not I know it not the media fault the police chief He keep things quiet and doesn't let the public know they're a psycho running around loose strangling strangling mostly women There's seven in the ground who will be next? How many do I have to kill before I get a name in the paper or some national attention? Did the cop think that all these deaths are not relating? Golly not ascribe. No, no I also think he was writing these things
Starting point is 00:23:52 Badly on purpose to show to basically portray that he was uneducated Golly gee yes the MO is different in each but look a pattern is developing the victims are tied up mostly have been women Phone cut bring some bondage matter sadist tendencies no struggle outside the death spot no witnesses except the veins kids They were very lucky a phone call saved them I was going to tape the boys and put plastics bags over their head like I did Joseph and Shirley and then hang the girl God oh god what a beautiful sexual leaf that would have been Josephine when I hung her really turned me on her pleading for mercy then the rope took hole She helpless staring at me with wide terror-filled eyes the rope getting tighter tighter
Starting point is 00:24:36 You don't understand these things because you're not under the influence of factor X The same thing that made son of Sam Jack the Ripper Havery glatman Boston Strangler dr. HH Holmes pantyhose strangler Florida hillside strangler Ted of the West Coast and many more infamous Character kill which seems senseless, but we cannot help it. There is no cure no help except death or being caught and put away It is a terrible nightmare, but you see I don't lose any sleep over it after a thing like Fox I come home and go about life like anyone else and I will be like that until the urge hit me again It's not continuous, and I don't have a lot of time it take time to set a kill one mistake in it all over Since I about blew it on the phone handwriting is out letter
Starting point is 00:25:17 Guide is too long a typewriter can be traced to a short poem of death and maybe a drawing Later on real picture and maybe a tape of the sound will come your way How will you know me before a murder or murders you receive a copy of the initials of BTK? You keep that copy the original will show up someday on guess who and Then ask of that he goes on to give some suggestions as to what names he should have What are some of these suggestions the BTK Strangler? Oh, that's fun the Wichita Strangler you okay? I'm sorry just real quick. He was talking about this previously. I think I don't know if we I think in just private You can't give yourself a nickname
Starting point is 00:25:58 We're gonna give you the nickname you want never was called wiper No, definitely not no no this is this is a guy again. He is a fucking he's a megalomaniac He really thinks he deserves everything and he also just sounds like an entertainment industry guy I just know he's got the instincts of an ad guy from like ABC if he wants to be the BTK They're gonna be like okay. We're gonna call you the BTK chubbler. We're just gonna go with the chubbler He's like the he's like the cat dennings of serial killers. It's really got his finger on the pulse Oh, yeah, all right. What are some other ones the poetic Strangler? I'll get it right in a moment. I'll get to why he wants to call himself. He writes poems
Starting point is 00:26:38 Yeah, okay the bondage Strangler or psycho The Wichita hangman. Oh, I like the Wichita hangman the Wichita executioner. Here's my favorite the garot phantom What a fact The garot phantom is Phantom of the night. I mean, what is he does he think and these is thick the if is fixiator It reminds me of the guy from the Poughkeepsie tapes. You've ever seen that film I honestly think Vince McMahon should have just hired him to design pro wrestling names the a fixiator These are the garot phantom. Yeah worst names have ever heard. Oh, yeah, they're awful and then okay
Starting point is 00:27:15 And then after this he has his next victim Nancy Fox and Nancy Fox This one is interesting because as soon as he you know, it pretty standard stuff the same MO is all the rest of them As soon as he commits the murder, he goes to a payphone and calls 911. It's amazing and he tells them There's a homicide here Get police here. It's like it's at this address. Yes. Yes, number one. Yes, it's the garage phantom And so they trade and this is when caller ID was brand new people didn't even really know that it was you know a thing No, and they had a yeah, he did because the operators have it for 911 And they got the police got there in two minutes and there was just the you know
Starting point is 00:27:57 The receiver dangling off the hook dramatically because it's such a fuck drama queen, right, right? And then they just sounds like it sounds like a modern-day serial killer now all this stuff sounds like old hat But when this shit was happening huge it was It was nightmarish. No one had ever seen this shit before this guy was being like and that was a thing So it's like you have to you have to say it's just like he was very good at what he was doing But it's just and again, you know, and then how you get to be very good at what you're doing is you have to be a total Unrepentant disgusting monster. It's like you can have it like Dahmer had a problem Dahmer was fucked like he he was a lonely fucker who couldn't get laid
Starting point is 00:28:35 And he that's what he was doing is he had a deep dark hole of sorrow in the center of him that made him do what he did And I think and then you this is a guy well, and then this was yeah And again, it was just somebody who just loved the smell of his own shit like Dennis fucking raider Like this was a guy and it's just like don't call me Lin Yeah, you get the feeling really Dahmer's sexual sadism is I don't think it's extreme as extreme as BTK It's really just homosexuality mixed with a little corpse love He just should have been like he just needed medication and a therapist And if if someone had gotten to him early enough like he maybe could have been avoided because you see him in those interviews afterwards
Starting point is 00:29:11 Yeah, and he's been medicated and he's been talking to and you see him like he looks at horror about what he does Yeah, he does had no regret by this day, you know Dahmer might be running that fucking chocolate factory You never know just the big purple fucking top-head on like tasting all the chocolates and he's like more sweet cream And so after After the death of Nancy Fox, that's when he starts sending him poems And how was the death of Nancy Fox did this one actually go as planned or did he bought this one went perfectly? Okay, yeah, this is the one where he was inspired so he wrote a poem that was inspired by the old folk the old folk song Oh death, okay, so this is oh death to Nancy
Starting point is 00:29:58 What is that I can see cold icy hands taking hold of me for death has come you all can see Hell has opened its gates to trick me He's he's wearing of one of those old like New Orleans like masquerade mask Yeah writing it. Oh death. Oh death. Can't you spare me over for another year? I'll stuff your jaws till you can't talk. I'll bind your legs till you can't walk I'll tie your hands till you can't make a stand and finally I'll close your eyes so you can't see I'll bring sexual death unto you for me I mean it is not the best poetry. No and the next letter did they print that in the paper?
Starting point is 00:30:40 No, okay, did he but he said at this time they at this time. They still hadn't even Told the public that there was a serial killer wasn't it wasn't it's bad cop work Well, it wasn't until this this take this letter came out that they were like well We'll we'll give him what he wants because it's like because basically the sheriff was like I'd rather have him expressing himself Over letters over the over the television than killing people and we better take this poem seriously. It's written with a quill Yeah, yeah, so we're good. We got the seventh grade Mrs. Schrader seventh grade English class has been on it Right, they've been they've been going looking for themes on it uh-huh for for classes now, and they think there's a lot of winter imagery He did yeah, he did actually write one poem about spring
Starting point is 00:31:26 This is after he's got it's pretty shitty Oh, it's just a fucking old fart and a poem about spring the next letter. He wrote was about a woman I can't find her last name Anna. Yeah, I can't remember what it is But this is a woman who got away. This was a woman who bait it was it was the same exact thing He had hit her and he hid in her home for hours. He had stalked her and hid in her home He popped out and what's it? What's the exact breakdown because didn't she see him and just ran out of the house She saw him like she has heard like some crunching in the inner flower bed. Gotta leave the Cheetos at home, man Now I remember what it was. I remember what it was like the Carl Malone of serial killers
Starting point is 00:32:02 He was a winning the championship. Yeah, because the funny thing is he won with the Lakers the longer He goes on the older's victims get okay It's like first he I mean the youngest is nine and then and then the next one is 20 I think you realize is that they're easier and easier as he goes. Yeah, Catherine bright was 21. Shirley Vian was 24 Nancy Fox was 28 and then this woman Nancy. She was an older lady Anna sorry Anna Was just some woman that he had found older woman I think it was 40s 50s something like that and he had stalked her
Starting point is 00:32:38 He had found like and he said he would sit and lay down at night before going to bed And he would think about the murder and played over and over in his head till it became a reality Yeah, that's what you do he would see one person and then just become fixated on them for some x-reason or another and then like Fantasize it like no matter so it wasn't even sexual just about their ability to be killed It was all about fantasy and am I right? He's still married. He still has these two kids at home Yeah, no, you can do all this. We is three. Yes, there's three three. Don't bother daddy when he's lying down We'll actually get to that in a second. That's when it gets kind of creepy during the hiatus
Starting point is 00:33:14 So what he does that he memorizes him with the Jenga games in the rate of house Fucking heavy Yeah, and so clue he has his own card and clue and it's like every time that's weird dad Daddy in the game that he did it with the ropes in their house. Yeah, and then he what happens is he Knows that this woman goes to church on a certain day and then comes home and then she's alone however on the night that he planned to kill her she ended up going and staying the night with a friend and Went to the woman came home. She found that the back window was broken. Her phone line was cut the mat like that her shit was like completely disheveled and
Starting point is 00:33:57 She called the cops and like holy shit. You almost got killed by BTK and then after this and he wrote a friend of hers had that twilight party This is why like if anyone ever asked you to do some last-minute plans, maybe you should just do them Just always because you never really know who's tracking you right and trying to kill you at any given moment That's what I do. I always mix up my actions, so don't try and fucking come for me and this is you want to fucking come for me You're not gonna find me This is a poem that he wrote about her not showing up. This is called. Oh Anna. Why didn't you appear? Oh my god To us perfect plan of deviant pleasure so bold on that spring night my inner feeling hot with Propension of the new awakening season worn wet with inner fear and rapture my pleasure of entanglement
Starting point is 00:34:46 Like new vines at night. Oh Anna. Why didn't you appear? Drop of fear fresh spring rain would roll down from your nakedness to scent to lofty fever that burns within in that small world of Longing fear rapture and desperation the game we play fall on devil's ears Fantasy spring forth mounts to spring fury then winter calm at the end. Oh Anna Why didn't you appear alone now in another time span? I lay with sweet and rapture garments across most private thought Bed of spring moist grass clean before the Sun enslave with control warm wind Sinting the air sunlight sparkle tears and I saw deep and glad commercial like a little bit does alone again
Starting point is 00:35:31 I trod and past memory of mirrors and ponder for why number eight was not. Oh Anna Why didn't you appear now? This is again? I also imagine his wife after all this going up through going Like after being captured all the stuff she's being like, you know, he never once wrote me a poem You know with all this we would just sit in silence and eat chicken most nights, and he just I didn't know he was capable I don't know why he would just strangle me. I'm his wife. Yeah That's so weird and then the hiatus comes. All right now. How long was this hiatus 25 years and we don't know wait No, I take I take that back. Actually. There's still three more victims. This is my question Oh, okay. There was a hi from 1977 to 1985
Starting point is 00:36:14 We literally need to pause and do a second part of this episode and do a Hiatus and afterwards and capture do we need to are we running out of time? We're out of time actually So why don't we we should pause and we're gonna do a part two of this and go into his hiatus We're gonna go into the second half of his killings. Yeah, and into his capture, which is incredibly fascinating Yeah, and this is it's an amazing story This is just a you know to all you would be serial killers on there. It's don't be a pussy Yeah, stop with the poetry and don't say do what you gotta do a sexual problem I have a sexual problem you show you go. I'm the devil and I do the devil's work
Starting point is 00:36:54 Oh, yeah, I'll kill again. Yeah, that's my serial killer. They always the the I'm the what's it the cold feet serial killer Yeah, who never does it like I'll kill again. What do you do? You are you gonna kill me now? Do you have any food? Oh You would pretend to be any Tuckles lying around. Yeah, it was just the weirdest thing you just threatened to kill me But then he just ate all the beef and then we sat and he sat and we ate dinner with with the family and he's a nice guy He's funny. He's a comedian. His name is Henry Zabrowski. Yeah. Anyway, he's got a great new web web Webisodes series coming out calling Huffin it with Biffin stew. Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:39 So he's very nice and very entertaining. What is that coming up? By the way, February 1st February 1st Huffin it Mm-hmm. I damn to yeah featuring Marcus Parks in the role of Toaless Joe and Ben Kissel in the role of token Fucking creep. Yeah, well, you know, I get a blowjob from a cockroach And of course Holden McNeely is also the co-star of it from the roundtable and I was there as you guys shot And it looks absolutely amazing. Yeah, it really does. It looks great. Oh, we're gonna come back So we'll do BTK. Maybe we could do it like we'll do it. We'll figure it out. Yeah, we're part two We're gonna pick up again April 27th 1985 with Mary Ann Hedge One of his most depraved ones. I can't wait. This one is brutal. He's disgusting
Starting point is 00:38:19 All right, take us out with that spring poem though. Oh the spring poem. Yeah, let's hear that I mean, maybe we could put some music behind it. Yeah, let's have something nice to have the audience This is called tis spring out there Where does he get his ideas oh to walk among the new season to herd a robin's voice Hey, I'm a robin. Hey. Hey, how are you? To see a dandelion bright to watch a butterfly flight To smell a simple flower bud. Oh spring. Give this guy a fucking wedgie He's such a dork. Oh spring. These are the many reasons. Dennis L. Raider 416 2005
Starting point is 00:39:04 Oh, he's- Dahmer just killed people guys. Yeah, all right. He just killed people. He didn't write a fancy book Human zombies this way just one more one more. There's this one is called peas in a pod poem The green color pods at first were long and hollow. They had drunk- It's actually about peas in a pod Peas in a pod. I'm not even about a friendship or something like that They had grown from Mother Earth Anti-society into a wild vine they vine with pods long and curling upward had many follows How each pod had a unique pea but together walks a fine line DLR 419 2005 He just equated himself to a pea pod. He just thinks he's a pea pod. We'll talk to you next episode
Starting point is 00:39:46 Magus dilation. Magus dilation. Till Satan. I'll gain. I'll me. All right.

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