Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 61: The B.T.K. Killer Part Two: Detective Popcorn

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

The B.T.K. series comes to close as we cover his last few kills, how he got caught, and just how much of a terrible person in every respect that this guy is. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to this is the last time on the left That's when the cannibalism started What was that? Yeah, we're not giving you poop. I'm just giving you I'm just giving you a joke joke. You're the joke joke All right, okay, that's Marcus. I'm Ben with us as always. Oh, it's a pastor of y'all. He missed You know, man, I just I mean, I can't always be a different person. Sometimes I gotta be me I'm not a mean man. I am a performer. What is this character? That's preacher. Oh There's a little figurine of a comic book man. Yes, Jesse Custer. I guess look what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:00:49 He's like a preacher's nuts. Wow. He is really going to town on those figurine bin. Oh So many I gotta stop looking at it. What does your tongue taste like now? I don't know, man. It's it's like it's blood We're it's what does that exist? That's a thing no matter how much you wash blood off of a PVC plastic it just the taste always stays there. Well, speaking of do that, so it's for proof of crimes They do that on purpose. Well speaking of blood and terrible people and mean personalities. This is part two of buying torture killed Yeah, like an electric a bugaloo. We got a BTK he's coming back, but this time he's traveling back through time and he's got Napoleon George Washington hitler's sister get out of here in a fucking telephone booth
Starting point is 00:01:31 That's him and BTK and his best friend Ted and it's really going well for them sequel this is gonna be I can't wait so we are we are up to the point of his first hiatus We've gone through the Total of what seven kills four kills seven seven kills thus far man. He must be tired. I need a nap I've been filming a short film and I'm tired and I still haven't killed any women. You haven't ejaculated in a child This fucking weekend at least not outside of my second life fucking forum I've created for myself called the Dennis Raider fantasy camp Except my hit kid has got a bunch of dumplings in it and it's got a hammock that I tie I got its two poles
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's called an instah hammock. You stick it in the ground It's got two poles and a fucking hammock in the middle you can sit anywhere and make it a vacation That's what it says if you're on the train make it a vacation someone get this guy a pina colada He is living life on the beach I'm sorry. All right, so so mr. Raider is on his hiatus taking a little vacation in the years before a staycation So what is he up to now? So we just left off with Nancy Fox. That was a victim number seven This was the first good one. Yeah, this is the first time. He actually got it right This is the second time that you got his first time. He got her out with Shirley Vian
Starting point is 00:02:47 That was victim number six. No that that was a problem with the kids because the kids got out. That's right Yeah, okay, very very true very true Fox. I was like that. That's really interesting I did look do a little reading on that like kind of talking about how like the fierce pure one Yeah, he went out and he was like he said I have a sexual problem I'm what I really need to do here is I just need to tie you up and I need to fuck you and she was down now that she Was down. I'm gonna say I'm not gonna do this but it was out of her real sexual reality She was just like when she sat and spoke to cigarette Well, let's get a fucking over with and she went out and she got naked and then he fucking killed her
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah, he could have just had sex. Yeah, he could have just had an affair You really could and this was also the one where he went and called the cops. Yes, right afterwards and tall in that because this Was I think I was the first time he was truly proud of what he did like really truly proud like I went in I had a goal Mm-hmm. I had a something that I needed to do I went in I fucking did it It was the first time I roasted a chicken When it's like, you know, you're just so happy because I mean it's the same thing I mean I tied the legs together, right? Yeah, and you jam it full of fucking lemon rinds and rosemary Is he making a drink out of her pump pump pump pump pump pump salt and pepper it that sounds very good
Starting point is 00:03:56 Is that really fucked? I should be a bird kill and that was also him He stabbed her a whole bunch because this the strangling wasn't working for him So yeah, you do get the feeling that he stepped out. I have a sexual problem So he checked that off made her aware bind checked off the bind checked off the torture and then checked off the kill Perfection I keep reading exactly in what way did he torture them? I think the torture was mostly like the And then let-and-go you Also have to remember this is a name he gave to himself. Mm-hmm exactly. Yeah, it's true I just thought he was going like I'm a little teacup
Starting point is 00:04:34 They go he's sitting there going like And then you know like going showing her episodes the fucking journey like Jersey shore Yeah, whatever whatever the terrible show of the time. It's Rhoda I love strong women. I mean you will stay awake and you will watch Rhoda with me You know, I don't know what it is about you But I just go out and get a job and then he tortures me with this Rhoda. It was insane I sure hope he doesn't kill me. Oh the BRK find Rhoda kill And so in 1977 he takes a hiatus and this is also around the time that
Starting point is 00:05:12 The police finally put together a task force that is made specifically to catch the BTK killer They have two names. They go by either alternately the ghostbusters or the hot dog squad Why is everyone gonna have a dumb name? No, no, I'm sorry. This is the this is the task force This is the task force assigned to catch BTK Why do they call themselves the hot dog squad? Anybody else feeling they're not taking this seriously enough? Hot dog squad sounds like a gay porno It sounds like a gay porno or literally a group of fraternity members who have weird hot dogs on Saturdays
Starting point is 00:05:45 And they go to a different hot dog stand every Saturday. We're the hot dog squad This mustard spicier than the other mustard. He can give it a thumbs down hot dog squad out Yelp is gonna hear about this. It sounds like a well It smells like Ed has been a member of the hot dog squad for some time That's mostly just his Polish Well, I'm sure they actually go to Ed's doorstep on a regular basis. He's like get out of your hot dog Oh, man, I thought that it was a fucking hot dog farm the way your pit smell right fat pig I did watch Ed on the burn the other night and yeah, he is fat
Starting point is 00:06:28 He's not walking anywhere. No the opposite. He's a madman. He doesn't take he takes mass for transportation He walks everywhere. You should not be on the streets of Los Angeles It is the dangerous place and nor should you be on the streets when the BTK is around well Especially if you're sassy female fucking sashay and back and forth asking for it having a house going home from work Luda rode a light dreams with these liberal women. That's what happens Is before you know when it started when we started letting women play tennis those first badminton days Those seeds were planted. I think we can all blame this on badminton torture kill Yes, and it's also around this time that
Starting point is 00:07:09 Dennis Raider himself gets a degree in criminal science in the University of Wichita Okay, and this is not science Yeah, and the hot dog squad came somewhat close to him at one point Because all of yeah, I know I'm just gonna keep referring to them as the hot dog Lieutenant chart the commander of the hot dog squad Was keen on capturing the BTK killer after I finish his hot dog He says always pickin sesame seeds out of his fucking teeth But there's always another hot dog all this evidence is all mixed up with ketchup
Starting point is 00:07:46 There's red onions on my fucking gun. He pulls his gun. Well, it's not even a gun. It's just a condiment disperse machine If I hit the button here, it's ketchup if I hit the button here. It's man is it's crazy Man is in a hot dog And this is the only time that the hot dog squad ever came close to Dennis Raider because the letters that he used to send to the Newspapers and the TV stations and all that they were written on hot dog buns You would identify them by smell and texture. Oh, I will write this one in relish Well, they were all photocopies and at the time This is a somewhat this is something you learn
Starting point is 00:08:24 I think was criminal criminal science thing in the days Xeroxes would make print slightly larger every time you Xerox them So they couldn't be traced back to any one typewriter any model of typewriter, but what they could do is they could take the ink and Trace what kind of ink was in the toner and then they went to the Xerox corporation the Xerox corporation told them which printers in town Had that kind of toner and one of them was and but they were all public ones One of them was at the college where Dennis Raider got his degree and that's not even close And the other one was a public library where he like put his first note. Well now public that's no fear We have whittled it down to one in 25,000 people
Starting point is 00:09:03 We know he's had a university and at this time always go we're in hats covered in the fancy tied bows It's like he loves to bind he said I was also reading it like during that time He was also Boy Scout leader and it was a scout leader and he was especially good at teaching not dying Yeah, he was yeah, so he was propping up his social status with the Boy Scout things He was also imagine how hard he was teaching them like how to tie knots Yeah, I just like like rich at hard on like tying up a little boy. He's like and this is how you do it And make sure they don't struggle. I don't get another they just gives me a mr. Raider And we thought that this was for tying bundles of sticks together. No, I said faggots
Starting point is 00:09:45 That's a double in pondering And by the way, this is something that we haven't touched on yet this entire time He was a security guy. He was working for ADT security installing security systems in houses And this is how he got good at scoping out houses and in the proper way to break in again Don't let people in your fucking house ever never even family You have a delivery man something like that or a weed service man. They're the only it was the only people I trust Yeah, I just deliver the weed people the only people that they will never fuck with you That's true because it's always chill dudes with like a band name like like corks lever and he's coming over and he just wants to
Starting point is 00:10:29 Give you the finest orangutangie mangy that he's got yeah, you know, I got bingo monkey This is a really wild. Yeah, it's some purpley veiny fucking thick green egg fucking covered in salty crystals Oh, Henry is fully around. All right, so he's ADT. He's working with the Boy Scouts He's going to university. He has all of the accoutrements of somebody who is a successful member of a Witch talk again. I'm gonna say those are just all the those are the fucking signs Those are telltale signs anybody who's living a life like that is always fake right fake Especially a fucking priest and he spent his goddamn time in a church
Starting point is 00:11:09 I'll give you he was the president of the church board exactly if you're part of an administration of a fucking Wizards palace also known as a fucking dumb church You're most assuredly a murderer at least you have feverish night Hardness overly the little boys and girls scamping through there and you punish them and you hate their freedom I hate the way they dance and sing and talk But the first thing you go to your mattress push them down Yeah, I might convert to Christianity if there was a church called the dumb church That's got a fun
Starting point is 00:11:44 Reverse pants Thursday guys come on all my shit. He's got everything bad with him. He worked for the government Yeah, he's a Boy Scout leader. He worked for a church. Yeah, yeah You can imagine the hate hatefield sermons that he thoroughly enjoyed so from 1977 to 1985 He didn't kill but it wasn't what you would call hide is okay more of a slump Oh Yeah, because he tried in 1979 remember the poem that I wrote read last time. Yeah, Anna. Why didn't you Anna? Why didn't you appear? Yeah? Yeah, that was about something like a Davy Jones song. Yeah. Yeah, that was in 1979 That was two years after Nancy Fox. Oh
Starting point is 00:12:24 And there was so he sucks Yeah, and then there were a couple of women that he stalked in the early 80s that never worked out Yeah, because I mean the early 80s people weren't looking very good. Yeah, and so 1985 is too into it in the early 80s 1985 he comes back strong Okay, real strong with marine hedge aged 53 So how long I mean Beverly Hills cop to just come out. I'm sure that he was very excited to be out and about So we had a how long was the hate is from 77 to 85. So we have an eight-year haters. Yeah, well slump a slump So 53 year old marine hedge. She lived down the street from him was also a member of their church. He went good
Starting point is 00:13:17 He abducted her from her home took her out to a field dug a grave Planet or like she was corn planet Strangled her with pantyhose and as he's looking at her in the grave. He gets an idea He picks her body up takes her to the church and then put her before like the iMac or something But I could only have a musical device Right now listen to CCR he takes her to the church and he has keys of course And he props her up in separate let in the sexually suggestive bondage positions
Starting point is 00:13:54 Hell yeah takes a bunch of pictures of her and then takes her back And then just throws her off on the side of the road But not before taking a lot of pictures of himself in the grave that he dug all tied up with a woman mask on This is the equivalent of boasting about a robbery that you just did on Facebook Wow, why would you take only Instagram was around you know that he would have done it absolutely? How many likes he was like, oh, I'm gonna like somebody to get for this right. Yeah, no likes no likes Nobody gets no likes only the least most popular nerds in the world get no That's not me. I'm BTK the BTK killer. I'm the garage phantom. Yeah, well, this is the hot dog, but I've got a message to write
Starting point is 00:14:35 Well the pantyhose we're not in a runner-neck, but this was the only one that he ever actually strangled with his own hands Okay, well that was also Albert DeSalvo's calling card with the Boston Strangler Yeah, they used to always use pantyhose and do big elaborate knots and like leave them watching television Am I am I right to assume this is the first abduction situation? Yes, this is the this is the first one in which he abducts the first and only one in which he abducts a woman and takes her to a separate separate location and so sad because she probably thought she was going on a date Mm-hmm, you know, he's like you want to go out we'll go to a movie. We'll get some mall tits. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:15:11 Ted's Intense, but I am lonely there, too. Okay. Yeah, he abduct another one that we'll Get to here in a second. However In 1986 can we see the pictures of do the pictures? There's no way to see there's there's no pictures of the woman I mean, I'm sure they exist But because he kept everything. I'll get to that in a second. There's gotta be a there are pictures That's their pictures of him in the grave in those pictures. Those are fucking horrifying. We'll put those up Yeah, I'll put the BTK. I'll put that source page up on the Facebook page
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah, take a gander for that if you're not totally sick by the end of this Yeah, and then about a year later he goes up for Vicki Wegerly And Vicki real quick though after this last kill after this abduction He threw her on the side of the roadway where the cops still completely cold again. They must have been stunned completely cold So they and he was not linked to the previous crimes whatsoever. Not until later. Okay, I'm not No fucking clue. How do they have the sausage gang? Hot talk ban that's gotta stop doing this kind of why let guys who are willing to ah Be crazy I just said I just feel like it's the the go all the snacks that used to sing the songs on the movie theater
Starting point is 00:16:26 Intermission and they're all just police officers now Going after the BTK killer women getting murdered everywhere. It's got sick. Oh gee boss. I'm just a bunch of popcorn How am I supposed to find a BTK killer? It's a great voice over career sweet delicious butter all over Salted kernels Trying to sit down watch the movie Me greedy fingers looking for my pop corny kernels. Oh There's no way I'm gonna find that BTK killer being so delicious All right, well, you could do that forever and I would probably love it if you did
Starting point is 00:17:13 Okay, so we have our next kill coming in 1987 two years after 1986 About a year and a half later in September of 1986 Vicky Wegerly. He did this one This is when ace freely came out and with his solo solo album. Yeah, yeah, New York groove, right? I believe so Again the connections to be made people didn't notice this back then but now with hindsight now we see Vicky Wegerly this one is a pretty ballsy Strangled this woman to death on his lunch break in front of her two-year-old son Really no shit on his lunch break. I mean, you know, it's something he was working at the security company You know when Dennis comes back from lunch, you're still going like man. Oh, man. I am still I'm still pretty peckish
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah, you didn't go to eat in your lunch. This is like They call me the old bottomless pit, you know You always eat lunch on your lunch break I'm actually on this new diet. It's called murder during lunch Did you say it's a murder during lunch? No, I'm sorry. No, no, I'm sorry It's breaking breaking it and kill a woman during lunch. I didn't say that. No, no, but either way, I'm feeling great so And then finally his last victim Dolores Davis on my birthday January 19
Starting point is 00:18:30 1991 how old were you then? I was eight. Did you help him? Marcus we've got you a gift for taking you to Kansas What to do what to do? You're gonna be in charge of the torture. You know like this sorcerer's apprentice This one and this once again proves that he's the killer on the go He snuck away from a scouting trip to go kill this woman man. He's just trying to yeah What a fucking and and this is when he starts getting like stupid He this is when he starts getting cute like the woman was very a tidy woman
Starting point is 00:19:01 And so what he does is he goes in the bed in the kitchen and eats a bowl of cereal Because he's being a punny serial killer. He's being a punny serial killer. Seriously Hey Dennis Rainer Making fucking jokes all the time just killing people. It's ridiculous. It's we leave the jokes to us Dennis Why does it make me mad so much because he's not doing it, right? Cuz he's not taking it seriously you got a job to do bro. It's just gonna do it. It's like the guys I'm gonna do this like the guys who go to LA to do stand-up showcases
Starting point is 00:19:35 Uh-huh, just to get a television show or the guys and stay in New York and get funny You know I mean that's right out open mics. Yeah going out there to all comedy rooms, right? He's all PR like Jeffery Dahmer is the Mike Lawrence serial killers Who's it down to serial killers BTK? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, he got buying his looks a little bit of charm some wealthy family money I mean, this is bullshit BTK being punny after murdering a chick is the most offensive thing that he has done thus far in his life Where's the burnings like? Sweaty urges in the night when you're sitting there making jokes
Starting point is 00:20:12 Where is the bloodshot eyes looking in the bathroom mirror being like why do I do this? I can I wish I could see my own skull, but then I can't kill again Yes, I wish I was one of the victims of my own hands so I could feel what it feels like to be choked to death by myself Yeah, I mean it is ridiculousness and this will tell you everything you need to know about BTK right here Is that the reason why he stopped he stopped in 1991 because that is the year that he became a fucking dog catcher He became what was known as a? Compliance officer among around it was like some sort of apartment complex or something like that women have wronged me Yeah, well a dog is a dog has never wronged me. I am very upset about this
Starting point is 00:20:51 I know I know and yeah He became a dog catcher and just everyone had a story about this guy officer Rader who is just a horrible asshole Big complete power trip like just I mean just an absolute Power mad dog or pie. There was one. There's one woman who told a story he was start because I think he was starting to feel it kind of the urges again and She he was starting to just kind of get on her ass about her dog and her boyfriend moved in He's like yeah, you got to get rid of that boyfriend when you get rid of that boyfriend And she's like why won't you leave me alone? Just please leave me alone
Starting point is 00:21:25 She's like I'll leave you alone if you get rid of that boyfriend. No, no and then one day and then after just went on and on She came home her dog was gone She called up. She went over to animal control He had kidnapped her dog and taken it to animal control and had it put to sleep Whoa mother fucking monster You when he killed a dog But it's just like that's what that's what cleared him being a dog catcher that's what cleared him That's like it's like one of those things where it's like it's like that Russian version of heroin. What's it called Crocodile?
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yes, Crocodile We're just like oh, it's like heroin, but it like makes it Yeah, but it's like heroin, but it eats your flesh. Yeah, it's a crocodile makes you a human skeleton And heroin makes you Jimi Hendrix. That's right. Think about it You're being a dickhead and also during this time that this is the time when he built his tree house Treehouse about he built a tree house in the backyard and Neighbors said that he would very often go back into the tree house and they would see him looking through what seemed to be a scrapbook He had a chest
Starting point is 00:22:33 Like listen into like the what the boys of summer again You better sunshine lollipops and rainbows everywhere Yeah Now he was looking through all of his mementos all of his little all of his photos because he would always take you take driver's licenses He would take jewelry from all of his victims. He's a real Bart Simpson. I'm saying I keep all my fliers, you know And I have a whole closet at me too. So I understand that yeah, I suppose so so after 1991 He got his thrill by pretty much killing a bunch of dogs He never murdered another person did not murder that not that he ever confessed to or that we know what's he doing during this time
Starting point is 00:23:13 He would have confessed to it. He would confess. Yeah. Yeah, he left. Yeah, so what's that attention horn? So dirty. That's exactly what he's the fucking Kardashian of serial killers the last two victims. He never bragged about Okay, so what was going on with the media? I want to get into the media here So well, he was doing this from 85 to 91. He was sending a bunch of different messages to the media. He was sending Letters poems. He was sending these a he was connecting the dots from the 70s to the 80s to the 90s Exactly the media right exactly and he was also sending them cereal boxes with prizes inside He would make dolls Reenacting the crimes, okay, and he would put jewelry in there
Starting point is 00:23:54 He had a couple of driver's licenses from women that he killed going back We were talking about cake K a key ke the the news station It was that the channel that he mostly communicated that was the only one he can communicate with that and with one of the Newspapers, and is there any has the have the reporters discussed getting these message? Yes, there's one reporter that it was kind of the main guy who was Covering all of these stories right at the time. He's very relaxed about it But you mean you could he's just like yeah, yeah, yeah No, definitely was the story of my career night. You got to tell you if I could do it all over again
Starting point is 00:24:28 I'd do it all over again. Thank you very much. Thank you Dennis Raider It's been K a key. Get yourself a cut slice of the news Oh, yeah, of course, there's a guy cutting cake and it's like oh the Hindenburg. Oh JFK's assassination Another slice of the cake hot dog squad. All right, so So what what was the reporters response? I mean this how many how many? Letters was he giving was it monthly or yearly yearly? I mean it was most I mean it was fairly sporadic All right, it wasn't like let me see here
Starting point is 00:25:07 I feel like you know Dennis was probably very upset and this is why he had to write all these letters No one was putting together the dots that it's the same person and I think he was that's his fault We're exactly because he failed every he was too different And with every kill doesn't see every kill is not every kill is an individual art piece with him The other thing is as a what was his family life like? Completely fucking normal like I mean he was married for 30 years to the same woman No idea after he was caught She's a weird for immediate divorce. She had no idea any of it was going on their kids had no idea any of it was going on
Starting point is 00:25:45 They had the house Demolished that they lived I'm sure the only imagine being one of his children Oh, I tried finding more information about I found I found a little bit about his wife, but nothing about his children Yeah, I change your last name at that point. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I also think that uh, you know They they could be Titans of the the like sort of like of industry Mm-hmm. They'd be really good because if they say they talk about how like executives kind of have the same sort of a psychopathic Tendencies that serial killers have the idea of like being a sociopath really helps you in business does and politics. Yeah So he had the family life everything was going normal. He had the letters written to the media. So where does he mess up?
Starting point is 00:26:25 It's 1991 now. He's finished with the kills. He's got his you know, he's satisfied with his little dog catching career. Yeah I'm sure he's still spending about two three hours in the bathroom. Yeah It's like it's like, you know being an English teacher after spending years of trying to be a writer, right? He should have just gone He should have gone and taught a class about zero killers because he's not good enough to be one So here's how we fucked up. Okay from 91 to 2004 nothing Okay, like there's like nothing from him. Nobody hears anything from the BTK killer But in 2004 he's going through that Mickey Rourke
Starting point is 00:27:01 1988 yeah, when he was a professional boxer for like And so he this a lawyer is releasing a book about the BTK killer, okay And that's probably also when because I also know that that amazing Australian BTK documentary, which is also on online. I should post that as well Yeah, that also came out both being like and has he oh, yes, he's disappeared into the shadows, but when will he emerge? I also want to point out to our audience Henry was an elderly man today for his video shoot. Oh, he's currently peeling skin off of his face. It's pretty weird It's helping me discuss this. I was on the I tried to wash myself yesterday before doing our show
Starting point is 00:27:46 And I scrubbed my face and I forgot to look in the mirror. Oh, I wish you could see this I'm gonna take a picture of it Henry so then they can't see oh you can't you can't actually see it Yeah, you can see that that is absolutely I was on the train. I didn't realize I look in the window the train I had this fucking white Triangle of liquid latex like right over my under my eyelid I know it was just like oh, I didn't even think about it I'm not just sort of ripping off my face and I like because it pulls it like like
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah, yeah, I look and I see this woman. It's just going like oh It's make up Terrified all right, so 91 to 2004 yeah, and a book there's a story in the Wichita Eagle about this Lawyer who's about to release this book about the BTK killer and all that and then for some reason fucking Raider Cannot stand it and so he sends a letter Oh, he's like fucking Harry Knowles. He's all he sends a letter to the Wichita Eagle with the return address using the name Bill Thomas Kilman. Oh
Starting point is 00:28:51 I Fucking hate BTK Hate that. That's so stupid. What is wrong with him? It's like he writes for don't trust a bitch in apartment 23. Yeah, cancel Can we get a flush noise in there? That's enough And it but when he sent the letter he enclosed photographs of the crime scene in a photocopy and a driver's license from vicki wegerly the 1986 murder the man the woman that he strangled on his lunch break the actual driver's license on a photocopy of it
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yes, a photocopy. Okay. Yeah, I don't think he's gonna give away his goods Yeah, and so for the next God and tell about this is in March of 2004 And until Let's see here February 2005. He just keeps sending him shit like that. Just like oh just weird shit That's what this is what he does. This is what he does like the cereal boxes All that type of shit like it's just him. Oh, this is when he's jumped the shark. Yeah, this is oh He's absolutely jumped the shark on this. So what is I mean? I feel like the motivation in the back of his mind granted. He wants no variety. He wants fame
Starting point is 00:29:59 I think he also wants to be caught. No, I actually that's a thing Is that I feel like in the end? It's like he got exactly what he wanted. It's like he got caught like he had Well, here's how we got he never should have been caught. Here's how we got caught. No, he never should have been got caught Here's how we got caught he asked and letters And letters to police He asked if his writings have put on a floppy disk if they could be traced the police said no Oh my god And well the sausage getting doesn't lie the hot dog boys always tell me the truth hot dog squad always shoot straight
Starting point is 00:30:34 Absolutely trust me. I'm detective popcorn Do you see me all your flip floppies? Oh, I'll put some ranch flavor Flavor crystal Get me off and getting all up on your thumbs. I like him. Yeah, I like him too. It's good. All right I just got lost in the world of detective popcorn. I mean, I want to see an adult show called detective popcorn I want to see how he solves crime usually with buttery flavor Why is he always sleepy because I feel like he's like in bed. I mean, he's lard. I mean, how does fat talk? All right
Starting point is 00:31:21 And so he sent a floppy disk with his writing because apparently I guess he was tired of typing on a typewriter Yeah, and so he sent them a floppy disk and the forensic analysis immediately found that it was used by the Christ Lutheran Church and Man, I would have been I would have never stopped laughing and there was a reference to the name Dennis an internet search Determined that a Dennis Raider was president of the church council. They arrested his ass And of course and see it spooched all over a little girl back in 1974. They had his DNA on file So this man was I mean he was arrested and caught dead to rights. He wanted he wanted it Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:59 And so we gave him exactly one because in the end what he wanted is he wanted everyone to know his name You wanted to know that he was that right there He wanted to know that everyone to know the Dennis Raider did it and that he did it We're taking another picture of me pulling my skin But yeah, that's exactly what he wanted you want everyone to have some of the back and so you would know This is how this is how they caught him's like this is actually pretty I mean they didn't actually lie to him That what they did is they searched the metadata on the disk He had erased the disk from a previous huge use which someone had used a
Starting point is 00:32:37 Microsoft Word document for the floppy disk Okay, Bill Gates is the ultimate detective and it contained the word Christ Lutheran Church and the document was marked last notified last Modified by Dennis you have got to use a new disk. Yeah a piece of paper I'd be in a lazy piece of shit right use the hot dog bun that you've used for the past 20 fucking years No, no, no, he wanted it. He's so happy. He was so happy when he got caught. I hate that when they're happy Yeah, they should be happy Shouldn't be happy. There's no reason for you to be happy, you know I feel like it's and then he gave an extensive interview and then he has been all over the place
Starting point is 00:33:15 He you know smiles for all the cameras all these people clamoring to talk to him He got exactly what he wanted What were some of the media feeds into it as always what were some of the things that he talked about during these extensive interviews? I mean, I know goes into complete Dispassionate detail of all of his crimes. He loves talking about it He actually huffs and puffs like it's a pain in the ass, but it's not he loves Yeah, and they're when he's talking about Marine hedge the woman that he you know fucked in the church He's like I moved her to the trunk of my car
Starting point is 00:33:45 Such and like that's what he actually did that you're a court, bro You know you don't have anywhere else to be today so fucking either get some flamboyancy learn how to tell a story or just shut The fuck up and write it in a piece of paper He's like the only reason shows like Reba existed and shit fucking comedy Is you imagine the things that he enjoyed to watch that really got him going funny? Oh, we were um, yeah We were talking about this the other yeah, he's his favorite show. It's probably Reba. I'm sure yeah Oh, yeah, he's the worst person in the face of the planet. I was talking to Someone earlier today was talking about he was talking he was talking to a guy in an advertising and he's asked him what he's like
Starting point is 00:34:20 There was like talking about movies He's like you want to know my favorite movie is is the hunger games fuck off and it's just like yeah exactly That's what serial killers do like yeah, that's what people yeah if you have no genuine feelings. All right, so let's get it Let's get a total death count BTK. How many my favorite Wizard of Oz things is returned to Oz Total confirmed kills 10, okay Uh, it's purported to be maybe a few more maybe less. I don't know. He never confessed anymore So I don't think he did anymore. I think he would have he would have he would have confessed More importantly how many dogs do they have a number on that? I had the only one confirmed. Well, that's enough for me
Starting point is 00:34:57 They're on my way for life. Yeah, and he's a Senate He's sentenced to life in prison because Wichita as I said in the last episode Wichita I mean said the death penalty 94 of the last known murder took place in 1991 So now he's just in prison writing letters Writing poems about I heard he's also doing he writes a lot of the questions for the view He literally has Joy Behar's ear every joke that she tells us straight He's funny I but again, you know, this is a guy's story that in terms of you know for covering serial killers
Starting point is 00:35:33 This is a very important story. Do you show it like he was for a long period of time the perfect serial killer? Yeah, I mean like he did it. He did it exactly in a way. He was undetected Security company Boy Scouts exactly and yeah, he went to the Harvard University of what it takes to be a serial killer And you know, he was a total prick, baby, you know, like if you're fucking bosses like that He's probably a serial killer There was well, I know that when there was a church and loves Reba when he was a serial killer There's a woman that wrote a book called my boss was the BTK killer And she said that one time she he trapped her in her office. She said he just kept moving towards me
Starting point is 00:36:14 I said Dennis opened the door. Finally, he reached over open the door and with a complete change of personality He walked to his desk and sat down and acted like nothing happened. Oh, no, no, that's just hindsight That she's just putting it in there and then you think every time he's advancing. You were too ugly for him. It's too big Probably too big. She's too big. She's a pretty big girl. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no He never had eyes for it. Is it sad if you're too ugly for your serial killer to kill you? No, no, no No, he wasn't pretty enough to be molested by a priest. Yeah, and it could help me, you know That helped me to not be molested. I'm sure that would I cannot imagine how you would be if you were molested I bet I would be like silent. I'd be like one of those guys. He's like you're working at 7-eleven
Starting point is 00:36:55 Who do you think is kind of retarded? He's like 20 years old and he's just like you won't check you don't They won't Father Brandon used to put me down Put me down put my hand on the Bible. All right, fishes fingers So it is 99 cents slurpy money All right, back out of the store. Let's go. Yeah, let's go jerky, right? Let's just let's just take it Let's just take it. Yeah, hang out Friday. You won't hang out Friday. No, no, no. Can we get 15 on pump for? 15, you know what we're gonna push the car
Starting point is 00:37:33 Oh, we're just gonna 15 years old. All right. Well, I guess that wraps up BTK if you have any Again, you know, you're on about the guy. Um, if you're in a couple There's a man hiding in your closet waiting to kill both of you if you're a single woman There's a man in your closet trying to kill you If you're a single man, you're in a closet waiting to kill a couple or you're in a closet waiting to kill a single woman Don't let your children let people in the house fucking screen people. That's right Don't talk if your boss is a dickhead. He's a serial killer. He loves riba. He's a serial killer If he works for a church, he's definitely a serial 100% serial killer
Starting point is 00:38:06 If you work for a church quit it because you're gonna change and if you feel it all threatened Make sure to call Marcus Henry and Ben the brand-new hot dog squad Yeah, the hot dog squad. Oh, you're gonna enjoy me when I get caramel all over my hard, hard pop kernels I love it when the sweet, sweet, hot popcorn mixes with the cold caramel syrup What mmm? balance of temperature and texture Salted and sweet Lieutenant pepper dimples I'm here to go on your hot dog and help you catch a
Starting point is 00:38:46 My microphone This was the cutest fight And it's the exact reason why we have a lot of inaction in our hot dog squab, so if you guys would please stop We've got some serial killer crimes to solve Please. Oh, and by the way, I outrank you. What? I'm lieutenant. That's true Well, that's Marcus. Ben and then of course Henry. What? Yeah, that's you. Oh you pointed at me I mean you can't see that when you're listening to it
Starting point is 00:39:20 You pointed to me when you said Ben like you put yourself on me like you want to be me Do you feel like you're touching the sweetest teats? Oh, that is right He's got a new one a new fucking. All right. It's a new one in the stable. Oh, right That's ridiculous. Magusalations everybody. Hail Satan. Hail me. I'll game and I decided hail yourself Well, take you sit take some time to go. I said hail yourself. Hail yourself everybody All right, we'll talk to you soon.

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