Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 610: Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell - The Doomsday Murders Part II - Ticking Time Bomb
Episode Date: March 1, 2025The boys dive back into the story of The Doomsday Murders this week, focusing in on self-proclaimed "Ticking Time Bomb", Mother of the Year, Lori Vallow and the story of how her EXTREME Mormon led her into the arms of her partner in crime, Chad Daybell. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of The Last Podcast on the Left ad-free and get exclusive access to bonus episodes. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting
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From the boogie down streets of Queens, to a pile of beans, a new cock of piping hot,
Polish-Italian Java, last podcast on the left, and Spring Hill Jack coffee on rising from
the rubble with the new brew on.
Butterfly dudes, blue-eye blend, nothing to do with any moth-based entity, don't even think about it.
This is a Butterfly Dude.
Don't mind the blue eyes.
He's just Caucasian.
Our new proprietary roast might seem eerily similar,
but don't let your tongue deceive you.
It's a Butterfly Dude roast.
This is the Butterfly Dude's Blue-Eye Blend.
Entirely delicious, and not just the same beans.
Butterfly Dude's Blue-Eye Blend.
From the cocoon, to your room.
There's no place to escape to.
This is the last hot ass. On the left. Hehehehe. I just want to kind of maybe open up today's episode first of all talking about how you guys are handling your own
Demonic attacks inside of your home. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely
How has it been like have you been able to sleep?
I was trying to sleep last night, but demons kept jumping inside of my penis. Yeah and making it
big big like
Too big and I was scared of at first I was scared. Natalie was curious
Yeah, and she was scared then we were both delighted
Then we were confused and we went to sleep, but then I because I fell back asleep my penis deflated
Yeah, and so it's fine back to normal today smaller than yesterday
Interesting, which I also don't like that. I feel like in a way
It's like if we were too small of shirt
Have you tried rubbing it and rub it and rub it and rub it and rubbing it and rubbing it and rubbing it and rubbing it
And rubbing it all morning
And then I called my neighbor and he came by and he says have you been talking about Chad?
Dable and Lori Vallow and I said yes, he's like I had a demon come into my house last night and make my wife's
five inches long. And I was like is that good or bad? And he just
gave me two thumbs up and I realized he wasn't wearing any pants. So I actually, in a way,
that way it's kind of helping the neighborhood. But have you guys seen anything kind of the same
or different? Well I learned how to bless my own urine. Wow. Yeah and And so it's really, it's so I got holy water coming out of me
all day. So I'm doing great. Can you actually, would you like me to give me some, please
daddy, I want to be your hope urinal. Is that why you were laying down next to the toilet
earlier? Yes.
Welcome to the last podcast on the left. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm free of demons. Marcus
Park. You're free of totally? I'm totally free of demons
Oh, no, no, I I sold my soul many a year ago, so they don't bother me anymore
Whoa, yeah, you know what my problem is
You know what I never did when I was doing all that paperwork because obviously I'd have no need for it
Yeah matter of fact I could lose it I could lose the weight sure but I forgot to click finish on the doc you sign
Ah yeah, yeah, yeah That's how the devil gets you again But I forgot to click finish on the docu-sign
And we have the technologically impaired Henry Zabrowski, it's not me who's technologically impaired honestly How am I supposed to know it's always like at the end of some blank page?
Mm-hmm. I can't believe we all just agreed to just sign through the internet
Yeah, you know it's like we just cut that like the one thing that like really kept it real
We just have makeup my signature
Is just like a scribbled drawing of a flower
And we have long and for the old days it said Larson X that's what I sign
the old days. It's Ed Larson. X. That's what I sign. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's right. You still haven't learned to read or write. No, no, no. But I did learn that X is called X
and not line line. Wow. Man, you're really growing up. Yeah, man. Now I'm learning how
to play the line line the phone. I mean, the, the, the cell phone. And here we are for Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow, part 2.
So when last we left the story, Chad Daybell had finally gained a following of sorts in
the Mormon neo-fundamentalist doomsday community.
By appearing on Mormon Prepper podcasts and giving talks at new age seminars about the
impending apocalypse, Chad had gathered a small group of apocalypse-minded Mormons
who were on the same near-death experience trip as him.
These followers, however, were mostly women.
And amongst his biggest fans was his eventual partner in crime,
Lori Vallow.
Yep, we're meeting her today.
Oh, sweet, sweet Lori.
Finally, my life is complete.
She's gonna ruin us all. You know, Chad Daybell, what I do find interesting We're meeting her today. Oh sweet sweet Laurie. Finally my life is complete
You know Chad Daybell what I do find is interesting is that I actually I watched a really good in-depth
Interview with Heather Daybell his sister-in-law one thing in common with all of these exmos
They all got that Connie Britton yellow stone hair
Yeah, he's got the big hair that looks like kind of looks like a Tina Turner wig
He's got a bunch of four different oh Friday Friday night lights hair. Yeah
Like four different kinds of blondes in it. You know any mean it's very big. They all got also crazy fakies
Yeah, well why not big old crazy big bomb after you're out of the Mormon church, go ahead, have at it. Strap him on, man. It's more man.
It is! But now you're more wool man, right?
But Chad Daybell, he was like weirdly, the way she talked about it, it finally nailed something in the head for me.
He was so pompous, he thought that he was so cool, and the worst thing ever was that when he pulled
into Rexburg with sad Tammy Daybell in tow.
Yeah, when he's here for the new Jerusalem.
Oh yeah, when he showed up,
the worst part was that everybody loved it.
When he showed up, they became like very popular.
That's it, yeah, I said that last episode.
And they keep walking around and telling other people how their land is eventually going
to be theirs.
That is also wild to go into somebody's house in Idaho.
It lit no less.
Oh yeah.
And they're like, Oh yeah.
All of this will be used in this year for the, that'll be for the lazy river in the
And they're like, what?
But most of the people like, yep.
Oh yeah.
See you too, Chad. Well, that's because he looks like a peeled potato
He's gonna take him seriously. He's never gonna get this off the ground. I
Do think there was some of that being like that's fun for now
Yeah, and almost like a little bit of Mormon politeness as well like words
Like I'm not gonna tell this guy to fuck off just like it. Yes encourage him smile and just let it go
You also joke we talked a little bit about this
I'm not joking. I'm being a hundred percent serious Mormon politeness is a weapon
Yeah, much like there and they're in a region like Southern Charms. Yes
It's like their arrogance is what is going to kill this family
Now we spent the majority of the last episode telling the life story of Chad Daybell and while his life story is extremely interesting
It's pretty damn tame for the most part
because of Chad's extreme Mormon demeanor.
Extreme Mormon!
But, you know, Chad, he didn't really go off the rails
completely until he met Lori Ballo.
So today, we'll be covering the story of the person
who pushed Chad over the edge.
A story filled with death, sex,
betrayal, religion, and lies. This is the life lived by everyone's favorite Idahoan,
Lori Vallow. But Lori is only part of the picture here. As we cover her, we'll also
be covering her family in detail, because none of us would have ever known Laurie Valo's name had it not been for the influence of her parents and
Conversely the influence Laurie was able to exert on other members of her family like Patrick Schwarzenegger. Yeah
Particularly we're gonna be covering Laurie's brother Alex Cox who would in time become directly responsible for two attempted murders and
three actual
murders. Alex was just as, if not more psychopathic than Lori Vallow herself. And that's not even
to mention the fact that Alex was also an open mic standup comedian.
And which is worse? His credits include killing men, girls and boys. Please welcome to the
stage, Alex Conn!
Yes, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, everybody.
Kill my sisters' kids, please.
Anybody, I'm just so lazy.
Anybody here ever kill a man and fake self-defense
for their sister and then she doesn't even have
the good grace to sleep with you?
No words, still hard thinking about it.
Anyways, those Utah Jazz, more like the Utah-az.
We think you make sure to hit your waitress folks.
So Lori Vallow came into this world as Lori Cox in Loma Linda, California on June 26,
1973, the fourth of five children born to two massive Mormon
pains in the ass named Janice and Barry Cox Barry Cox is truly
extreme Mormon yeah this is the most extreme Mormon that you could meet yeah
also a horny ass name of all time Barry Cox
I didn't even get it. Berry cocks.
And guess what?
He might have a bit of the fritzel in him as well.
He truly was.
He put the cocks in his family.
See unlike Chad Daybell's family, Laurie's brood was far more relaxed when it came to
mixing the secular world with the Mormon world.
Janice Cox, Lori's mother, she wore high heels, tight leopard skin pants, short tight tops.
She loved to bleach blonde her hair. And Lori's father, Barry, he was a gambler who liked
to sometimes bring Lori along as a good luck charm.
You know, in the doc, Lori looks like a fucking iguana with a wig on.
Oh, you're talking about Janice? Janice,ice. Oh God, yes. Janice is Burt. She looks like-
I saw her lick her eyeball once.
You know when somebody looks like they're sins? You know, like they look like the thing that they
did bad. That's like what she did. Cause she really is. She's like a little like-
She's a Stephen King character
She yeah, yeah, yes, but you know, they were the fun family
They were considered the fun Mormon group because I'll her her cousin Megan went to go stay with them several times
And she said that Barry Cox took them all to see Rambo and she then obviously in the Mormon community
That's an extreme big no-no
But Barry Cox over it by being like that's the kind of way we're gonna be living soon in the forest fighting the
police one by one.
When he was ready to go.
And he loved prostitutes man.
Did he?
Oh yeah.
I didn't know that about him.
I love them.
I love them because it's not that you pay them to come and it's not that you pay
them to leave.
You pay them to touch and it's not that you pay him to leave. You pay him to touch
That's the key and they don't come home with you
Yeah, you're right
Well Barry and Janice Cox were also big fans of Hawaii and they'd often abandon their children for weeks at a time for gambling
Trips out to the islands who the fuck goes to Hawaii to gamble. It doesn't I didn't even know you could gamble in Hawaii
Apparently you can I guess if you go on like a cruise ship or something to gamble. Extremely so, and we're going to get to that later. But when Lori's parents
went to Hawaii, they would leave Lori's eldest sister at home to take care of Lori and their
other siblings. As such, Barry and Janice were always somewhat on the outs with the LDS church, subscribing
to the beliefs, but never really fitting in with the establishment.
For example, Barry once showed up at a church function after a particularly good trip to
Hawaii and screamed ALOHA at the congregation.
Shake my head!
Shake my head!
Shake my head!
I want to shake your head!
Come here!
I want to shake your head! Aloha! Shake my head! I want to shake his head!
Come here! I want to shake your head! Aloha! Goodbye and aloha!
He expected everyone in this Mormon congregation to shout aloha back, but he was of course
met with total silence.
Do you even understand that the national dance of Hawaii involves hips and tits? You know, but it's still sacred to the crabs.
As far as the Cox children went, most LDS members from their origin point in California
claim that they barely remember Barry and Janice's kids.
The siblings were also thought to be strange and off-putting by their peers, to the point where their house was a
near constant target for a good old-fashioned toilet papering.
Well, they already looked like a flaming pile of
I loved it
That was the ultimate Mormon kid-like naughty thing.
Yeah, that was the the big rebellion was TPing.
Now when you're talking childhoods Laurie Valos is a special case in the pantheon of true crime
There are no stories of extreme childhood abuse like you'd get with other psychopaths
Nor do you really see anything in her childhood behavior that would give any indication that she'd eventually do what she did
In fact the Cox family was wealthy when Laurie was said to be a spoiled child who was given anything she wanted.
The hitch in Lori's childhood, however, was that there was somewhat of a subconscious battle between her parents for who would be the bigger influence.
But it must be said that both influences were absolutely fucking terrible.
Lori's mother Janice, for example, was essentially a vapid trophy wife obsessed with being beautiful and staying thin.
Totally surface level stuff.
And she attempted to shape Lori Vallow in that same image.
See, Lori was somewhat of a chubby kid.
So when she was in sixth grade, her mother put her on a strict diet so Lori could be
put on the cheerleader track.
And when Janice Cox was the coach for Lori's childhood softball team, Janice would make
fun of Lori's weight in front of the other girls. As such, by the time Lori was in high school, she had finally
met her mother's expectations. She had indeed lost weight and she had indeed become a cheerleader.
She kind of morphed herself into a sort of like friendly and popular Barbie doll type.
It's fucked up because softball is like the one sport fat people can play.
It's really true. Because I was always taught as a chubby baseball player that you got to get in front of the
You got to get, and that's the only thing that counts.
You've got to block the ball with your body.
Doesn't matter if you use the glove or not.
You just got to stop the ball and that requires extra mass.
And Jackie also was a softball player and a lot of the girls were of that persuasion
as well.
And that's nothing to do about that.
It's a sport. You got to build up up muscle fat turns into muscle if you work it
right so my father told me my father told me that you're fat son and that
means you're strong naturally and you got to use it that's how we talk yeah my
father also told me I was big and disappointing.
You're not like your brothers.
Here's a spiral notebook.
Janice taught them all the trick of which I also thought was real.
And then I found out that apparently it is a massive eating disorder where she's like,
Yeah, the old Laurie, you never have to eat anything you wanted at all.
You don't have to swallow it. You just chew it Laurie. You chew it and you spit it out.
Jesus Christ.
Yep, that's what she did. So she would full and she also because it's Mormon,
you have to keep up all appearances. So again, if you're at any potluck or anything,
you got to heat that plate up. So it would just be filled with chewed food, but it would be at the end of the meal.
Oh, God.
What a horrible family.
Oh, the tiger went and leaving for the birds.
And now they like it and how a mother feeds its child.
But it also must be noted that even though Lori's family leaned more towards the secular
in their lifestyle, Lori was also a committed Mormon who attended LDS seminary classes every
morning before school, drinking in the indoctrination at every opportunity. But by Lori's senior
year, she had begun bleaching her hair blonde. Lori's not a natural surprise.
Okay, bitch. She does look like a natural two-tone.
She began wearing skimpy clothes and soon enough she'd taken a non-Mormon bad boy as her boyfriend. Oh yeah. After graduating, Lori moved in with her high school sweetheart and the two of them were
married in Las Vegas by 1992. After less than a year though, Lori was divorced following allegations
that her husband abused her. This made her high school beau the first of three divorces and five marriages that Lori
would have over the course of her life.
If I ever have a second marriage, the only way to be with somebody with something like
that is that they have to have like, I say three times the marriages you've already had
and several attempted homicides.
Because that's how you know somebody's got stories.
Yeah, because you know, after a while, you're interesting.
Wow. Oh, cool.
Yes. Say another one.
Lori, however, would not be the only one in her family to marry and divorce young.
Her older brother, Alex, also married and divorced his high school sweetheart.
But that wasn't the only thing Lori and Alex had in common.
See, Lori and Alex's relationship was what you'd call too close.
Supposedly, Lori told her junior high best friend that Alex had made sexual moves on Lori when they were kids.
But by the time Lori was a little older, it seems like Lori had decided she was into it.
From what Alex's first wife said, Alex would quite often talk about how hot his sister
It's just science.
It's just hot girl science.
It's not about being objective.
Yeah, I mean, she's related to me.
Yeah, but that's the difference is that that's in the end.
That's just what kind of legally keeping me from being inside of her.
But otherwise, objectively, yeah, of course, I'd fuck her mouth and I'd play with her butt.
This was in addition to frequently groping Lori, and this was with Lori's permission.
But the worst was when Alex would sometimes lift Lori by her waist and put her in his
lap and Lori would respond by enthusiastically bouncing up and down on her brother's crotch.
See, that's what Eddie missed out on, on being a single child and being an only child,
is that it's just so much fun to
Play Clydesdale with all your your brothers and sisters you guys
Didn't you got you used to play the earthworm game with your brothers right where you used to crawl between their legs and then they'd ride
You around right? Yeah, do that and then you and Jackie what what did you guys do?
You played like the elephant game was that was it what it was called like where where she would grab your your penis, right?
Pull it down to see how long the trunk could go
Okay, and some people are jealous of that scenario
And just cuz like I was an only child didn't mean I didn't have this relationship with my bishop
Really great for it helps fill in those gaps.
You're a fuckin' asshole.
You know, the family too is funny,
because I said this to you
as a little allegorical thought in mind,
but in the beginning, so like Lori,
you hear the story about how her cousin
and her went on a double date,
and this is before everybody really knew
that she was already kind of sleeping around.
And she wanted to make out with her boyfriend.
They went joyriding all night.
And one of the big famous stories, I guess,
of her childhood was that they were,
they saw a cat going across the street,
and her boyfriend was laughing and trying to get it.
And then they ran over the cat, right?
And Megan started crying and shit,
and they stopped the car and double-backed over it
to kill it, make sure it was dead. And Lori was laughing and all of this shit. And this
image hit in my mind of Laura Palmer. Yeah. Like this is Laura. This is literally the
beginning of this, this cycle. She's living a double life because Mormonism is forcing
all people within the religion to live a double life. But actually in the end she was Bob
all along. Yes. Is it bad for
Mormons to kill cats? Cause probably doesn't seem like it's against their beliefs. I'm
gonna look it up. I mean, do you really know of any religion where specifically killing
cats is forbidden? Yeah, I don't think so. Yeah. So go ahead and probably Jewish. Cause
according to the super old man that looks like he's made out of frozen cum, he says
that they're supposed to respect animals.
Okay, good.
Fly from your grave.
Now after Lori's first divorce, she moved to Austin, Texas to join her oldest brother
But while Lori got a nice Mormon job as a hairstylist, Adam had
delved fully into the secular world and had gotten a job as a shock jock radio DJ using
the name Bo nasty on K H F I FM.
That's awesome. I really like that.
Bo nasty, Bo nasty. Interestingly though, Lori's oldest brother Adam, and this is different from Alex, this
is not the open mic guy, Adam would actually be the first member of the Cox family to be
responsible for the death of another person.
Because in 2007, Adam Cox was one of three Morning Zoo radio DJs who hosted a stunt infamous
in the radio world called Hold your wee for a wee.
Keep on holding that urine, I can't see that yellow pearl come out of the top of that little
snark you got there or you're not going to get the wee. We all love wee tennis. It's true
No, it's, this is absolutely true. This story is-
So what happened? The guy, What? You can die from that. Yes, you can. Well, during the on air contest, 18 people drank as much
water as they could, as fast as they could, and tried to see who could go the longest
without urinating or vomiting. And the grand prize was a brand new Nintendo Wii, which
was brand new at the time and quite rare. And it's sold out everywhere. Yeah. And you
know, and a lot of these people, these 18 people, a lot of these were like parents
trying to get a weed for their kids.
But drinking a large amount of water in a short period of time can cause acute water
intoxication, which is a fatal condition.
And one of the contestants, tragically, the runner up.
I know.
He didn't win?
She didn't win.
And she actually died hours after she lost the contest
That's what they mean by second place's first loser. Yeah. Hold on. So did she lose because she died. No
No, she lost because she wasn't able to hold the water long
And she she peed and she still died. She still died. Yeah, I don't think I could drink a lot of water. Yeah
How fucking tough is my dick.
But before you say this is an innocent prank gone wrong, Adam Cox and the other DJs during the contest,
they discussed a frat boy who would die doing the same stunt. I think like a year or two, and a nurse actually called the station during
the contest to tell them if these people do this, they will die.
Adam and the other DJs, however, said on air that they were well aware that these people
could die.
You have to do it in the voice though.
Oh, we're well aware.
We are well aware that these people could die here on KHFIFM.
Every Monday morning we're going to be guaranteeing that there's gonna be
one person dying every single week.
Get the let out!
Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam!
Welcome to our new Get the Let Out competition
where we shoot you in the head and see if you survive.
And tomorrow's Tuesday and that's our poo for Tuesday.
Hold your poo!
Hold your poo!
Poo for Tuesday, we're gonna see if these people
can eat as much feces as human being possible.
And we're going to see just who is going to be the champion and who's going to win two
tickets to seven Mary three. It's stinky Pete. But yeah, they said they were well aware of these people could die, but no, they weren't
worried about it because the contestants had all signed waivers and they even took the
opportunity to make jokes about the eventual victims distended belly while she was obviously
in distress.
So like, Oh wow.
She looks like she's a three month pregnant over there.
What do you think about that?
I hope that she could get some kind of water-based abortion. I'm sorry. I be getting a letter
from my producer here. I'm off the air. They said one more abortion comment and you're
out of here, Adam. You knew about it. You, you got the memo. I guess I won't talk about what I know from about the program director.
But Adam and nine other employees were fired after the death and while Adam never faced criminal charges
He still maintains that he did nothing wrong
Adam Cox actually tried the Nuremberg defense
He said he was just following orders and he actually saw himself as the victim here.
But really all this is just to prove
that just about everyone in the Cox family,
not just Laurie, is absolutely fucking awful.
They are a bad set of fuckers.
Adam always, Adam does sort of get like lifted up
as like the good one.
Yeah, cause he wasn't a direct murderer.
If that's the bar, you're the one sibling that either was, well, Stacy. Lifted up as like the good one. Yeah, cuz he wasn't a direct murderer
You're the one sibling that either was well Stacy, yeah, I don't know what happened with Stacy But it's like this whole like that's all you ought to be better than yeah
Well, he did show up to the wake with a wee
Just so that the body has something to play while it's resting in hell
body has something to play while it's resting in hell. Heaven. Heaven. Heaven. Heaven. Well, you know, it depends if it was Mormon or not.
That's true. Now, from what one of Lori's friends from her younger days said, Lori was
always unsatisfied with her life and was constantly on the lookout for something to fill the void.
I will not live a life I do not deserve.
It would, however, take a while for Lori to realize that her mother's plan for her life was not gonna do the trick.
Now Laurie certainly tried her mother's way of existing in the world for many years. A life of marriage, kids, diets,
Hawaiian vacations, and shopping.
But in the end Laurie found that her father lived life in a far more satisfying way as
Barry Cox lived a very fundamentalist Mormon life
of arrogance, selfishness, and extreme delusion.
Extreme Mormon activity!
Excuse you, excuse you, excuse you!
Extreme Mormon, I will not have a cup of coffee!
I will kill your child!
Yeah, that's the problem with being too extreme in the Mormon world.
No energy drink sponsorships. None none
No, actually they can't have energy drinks. It's really just coffee
You can't you so you can have caffeine and Goryon, but it's coffee. That's evil
This is the thing about the the Coca-Cola was bad. No, you can't have sodas. You can't have soda
You absolutely can you have enough caffeine. I've got many emails about this. You absolutely can it is just coffee
That's how stupid it is Marcus
That's what I mean. It's fucking arbitrary. Yeah, it's fake
The whole thing is fucking fake soon as you hear a series of ornate rules from a thousand years ago
It's not fucking real. Well the the rules about coffee and tobacco if I remember correctly from our Mormon series
I believe that came as
a revelation because it was either one of Joseph Smith's wives or one of Brigham young's
wives who didn't like people drinking coffee and didn't like people smoking in her house.
So she complained and complained and complained until there was a revelation. It's like, Oh,
God told me we can't have coffee and fucking cigarettes in here anymore. Yeah.
And it's continued to this day that that is very much the arbitrary nature of Mormon revelations.
Oh, I thought they didn't want coffee because they just liked having sex with people while
they were asleep.
Is that wrong?
So while Chad Daybell was more influenced by the near-death experience slash end-time
side of fringe Mormonism, Lori Vallow came from a household deeply steeped in a particularly
Mormon flavor of right-wing extremism that informed the way Lori's father lived his entire
But perhaps what most influenced Lori's idea that she could bend the world
to her will and make things true just by saying them out loud was the fact that her father
was also that most egotistical and fantastical of American creations. Barry Cox was a sovereign
I'm a private nation. I am the governor of her private confidence. I am not a sovereign citizen.
That is a reduction of my power.
And he has been waging an ongoing one man war against the IRS since the 80s.
I throw a calculator into a river every day.
And so let's spend a little bit of time on Barry's sovereign citizenship and the particularly
Mormon brand of right-wing extremism he's subscribed to, because it really is these
two things together that explain the incredible arrogance and the magical thinking that led
Lori Vallow down her eventual path.
Now, a sovereign citizen is basically a person who doesn't want to pay taxes, but they justify
it by saying that the United States government is illegitimate, and they therefore claim that they are not subject to any government statutes unless
they consent to them personally.
You're also leaving out the people that have expired licenses that they don't want to complete,
expired registrations that they don't want to complete, people that don't want to deal
with child-
Oh, government statutes.
Jenny, any form of what they believe to be arbitrary government statutes like the regulations that
keep us safe on the roads. Basically anything that requires an errand they don't like. They
don't want to do it. They don't want to run errands. That keeps them from drinking while driving.
They're not a fan of it. I guess you know what much like an NDA no law can really keep you from
drinking and driving you can still express that liberty yourself with just your hands and beer in your mouth. And just remember that that's the last thing they can
take from us until the police shoot you in the head. Well sovereign citizenship is actually a
relatively new concept and its origins lie in a conspiracy focused white supremacist movement from
the 60s called Posse Comitatus. Posse Comitatus began as a reaction
to the Civil Rights Movement,
which they saw as government overreach
and proof that America as they knew it was dead.
Consequently, the movement was mostly focused
on not paying state or federal taxes
because they believed the government
had been taken over by the Jews.
Yes, you always pointed at him.
I think JFK was fucking president at the time, but it's fine, they're all Protestants, so it's fine. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo one day build, hint hint, a new Jerusalem. If this sounds familiar, this is pretty much the same thing Chad Daybell believed.
Just substitute white for Mormon and it's the same thing.
It's the same thing anyway.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The religion that didn't let black people in until 1978.
Yeah, now they always have, they always have one.
Naomi Perrigen, a really funny comedian said that bit the other day.
It's like she always lasers in on the one black person that is in every one of these
scenarios and always like, how did you get there?
And you know, it's not a coincidence that the Christian identity movement is big in
Idaho, which is where Chad Daybell, of course, decided to build his own New Jerusalem.
Now the Posse Comitatus movement faded in the 80s after a member got into an inevitable
shootout with federal law enforcement.
Happens quite a bit with these guys.
But Barry Cox, Laurie Vallow's father, nevertheless joined this highly racist right wing movement
and declared himself a sovereign citizen that same decade.
I saw a group of people, delusional, racist, anti-government, and my first thought was, finally, my people.
Just as Barry's daughter Lori is now defending herself in court for her second murder trial,
Barry Cox took one law class and believed that he could, acting as his own attorney,
validly argue in court against the United States government that he had no tax liability. Therefore, he stopped paying taxes in the
1980s. So how'd that work out? Badly! We're gonna get to that here in a bit.
What's to say I'm gonna do? I'm according to the... I'm looking at several of these old statutes here like
not gonna give it. I saw this is called go fuck yourself versus suck my dick chapter 9 through 14
I'm going to reference where I'm gonna say you can take my tax money good sir and shove it in my own cock and balls
Fuck you you fucking pieces of shit
That's all software citizens do. But more punctuation.
You're right.
Well, eventually Barry also became an author who released his very own ebook in 2019 called
how the American public can dismantle the IRS.
Here's the IRS's address.
Get a pickaxe.
All you have to do is start from the bottom.
Eventually the top of the building will over 421 in decipherable pages.
Barry mixes all the modern conspiracy keywords like cabal deep state and Satanism with passages
from both the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
And all this is to argue about why paying taxes makes you what else?
Here's another keyword, a zombie.
Oh shit.
The Z word.
First time we're going to hear it today.
I fucking hate when people suck so much,
they make you root for the IRS.
Isn't that sad?
Yeah, it is sad. It is sad.
Yeah, the NSA are suffering right now.
They're really scared for their jobs.
And honestly, it's just nice to be here
as an open member of the NSA to say,
thanks again, guys, and go Russia.
Yeah, we're coming for ya America!
Yeah you've gone from shill to straight-up member right?
Fuck yeah dude I'm out now dude!
It's really good I'm proud of you.
It feels good.
Yeah I don't have to keep the secret anymore it's been driving me nuts for years.
It's so nice to finally just be proud.
You got your espionage badge right?
Yes yes yes you'll see. You got your espionage badge, right? Yes. Yes.
You'll see.
This fable is known as the White Horse Prophecy, and it is key to the understanding of this
entire story to know that Laurie Vallow was raised believing that everything I'm about
to say is 100% the truth.
Now, the White Horse Prophecy is a sort of Mormon urban legend, a piece of apocrypha
not officially
recognized by the LDS Church as canon.
But it is said to be a prophecy made by none other than Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism.
The story goes that Joseph Smith revealed this prophecy to only one man.
This man claimed that Smith told him that the Mormon people will eventually go to the Rocky Mountains,
where they will establish a society of great and mighty people.
These people will collectively be known as the White Horse of Peace and Safety.
Joseph Smith continued the prophecy, saying that the enemies of the Mormon people, i.e.
the United States government, would continue to impose their will on the Mormon people
by making quote unquote obnoxious laws
in order to destroy the white horse of peace and safety.
Laws like no polygamy and no more marrying underage girls.
Wait, how am I supposed to get a girl?
Only girls under 13 understand me.
The Mormons are so impatient.
Just wait for them to be old.
No, that's the worst, Eddie, because then they're old.
Yeah, and you've missed the chance to indoctrinate them and train them and mold them to be exactly what you want.
You also don't get to experience their sweet precious bud of youth.
Hey white horse, nay means nay.
Now to protect the white horse, and it's important to know, the white horse is the Mormon people.
It's like imagine a Trojan horse horse and all the Mormon people are inside.
Kind of.
Okay, sure.
Smith said that the Mormons must continue to petition Congress constantly, but Congress
will refuse to give Mormons their rights and will instead govern them from the outside.
Now this might sound like the Mormons wanted to break away from the United States.
Yeah, Marcus.
But they actually very much want to be a part of our country.
They kind of have a have your cake and eat it too type of situation going on.
I think they want to own the bakery, Marcus.
Yes, I think so too.
Basically the Mormons were hiding behind the concept of religious freedom in order to do
whatever they wanted to do.
Mormons are therefore big proponents of the Constitution because the freedom of religion
clause in the first amendment works as a sort of loophole for all the nefarious shit they
get up to.
According to them, thinking that if you make it a religious right, then it should be protected
by those laws.
So you could make having a child bride a religious right.
You could make killing people because they're unsavable a right.
You can make these things because, and then their real goal in the end, let's face it, their real goal is total subjugation of all of us and a complete theocracy of the United States of America
But we're not there yet
They come only mainly just because we're just we everybody really likes tits
And I really think that's the main thing keeping us from a full theocracy is that we really liked it
So we like pussy and we like dicks and we like having a good time with like Budweiser commercials like we like it too much
Yeah, and that's the problem. That's what the Mormons don't understand
Well, and I also think that the Mormons their goal for the rest of this is not subjugation, but straight-up murder
Oh, they very much just like all of us to be dead
Well, the Mormon idea is they'll just close their eyes and have a peaceful sleep and wake up and will be gone and not have to really deal with the fact that we all were murdered
by God. So they're so lazy they won't even kill us themselves? No they start to! That's why we have
Laurie Vallow and Chad Daybell. That's a change. Be the change you want to see.
But didn't they just kill their own? Yeah well that was a beginning. That was a start. They stopped
being their own because they became zombies. Now according to the White
Horse prophecy the Mormons would live to see a day sometime in the future in which the Constitution would be
Nearly destroyed that it would quote hang like a thread as fine as silk fiber and by the way hanging by a thread
That's a Mormon dog whistle if you hear someone say this country is hanging by a thread that usually means they're a follower of the white
Horse prophecy it's kind of a little code so people know what you're talking
about. Glenn Beck used to say it all the time. Glenn Beck, Big Mormon. It's really
converted. Like when you click these things it's completely real. All of
these are like the hanging by a thread thing. You think that that's silly until
you start to hear prophets say it. Yeah. They talk about it. They use it as a term.
We had Senator say it. Orrin Hatch used to say it. Senator Orrin Hatch out of
Utah used to say hanging by a thread all the time
So when I hear something's hanging by a thread my instinct is to like help it
The way they think to help it is to tear the thread well once the concept well kind of sort of well
I mean yeah, you know yeah
Well once the Constitution is quote hanging by a thread that would be a signal for the Mormons aka
The white horse of peace and safety to rise up and save the United States from the rest of us sinners save the United States
Most importantly though the rising up of the white horse. You can't do air quotes on fucking radio
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Most importantly though, the rising up of the White Horse would be a sign that Armageddon
was imminent, as the White Horse is what else but a direct reference to the white horse would be a sign that Armageddon was imminent, as the white horse
is what else but a direct reference to the four horsemen of the apocalypse from the book
of Revelation.
Behold a pale horse and all that.
But that's all to say that the white horse prophecy directly ties the policies of the
United States government to the end of the world, and it makes the Mormons the central
characters in both the end times and in the story of America at large.
And the goal is to bring the end of the world here. They want it. They're really
excited for it because the tribulations are gonna kill all of us and then they
get to go live in their Mormon paradise. If the four horsemen never came to
America they'd have to race in the Kentucky Derby. That would be what a delight, what a get.
And it's pestilence by a nose!
And the nose has fallen off.
Enjoy your mint juleps everybody.
This will be your last one.
Now Lori Vallow grew up believing that the white horse prophecy was totally real and
that belief only got stronger throughout her life.
See, the White Horse Prophecy creates a sort of alternate universe for Mormonism's more
fringe members to live within, a world where Mormons are exceptional beings who sort of
but don't really have to live by the same rules as the rest of us.
In addition to the White Horse Prophecy, Laurie Valerie was also raised with the narcissistic
delusion of sovereign
citizenship, a world of magical thinking where she can live by her own rules and beliefs,
simply by stubbornly forging ahead. This is also a world of right-wing extremism,
because while the followers of the White Horse Prophecy say they want to protect the Constitution,
it's really the amendments that they have a big problem with.
Which is like half the Constitution.
It's a lot of it.
For them, the abolition of slavery, the implementation of federal income tax,
and giving the women the right to vote, those were the real assaults on the Constitution.
And the less conservative America gets, the more these people freak out
in increasingly destructive and dangerous ways.
Like, say, I don't know, killing your own children.
But hey, the killing of their own children was supposed to be for all of our good Marcus
Yeah, and that was in the original Constitution, right?
You want to vote kill a child that's a great way to do it
I feel like the only way you should be able to vote is if you have received an abortion
I think those are the only people who should vote
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I thought you meant like you had to bring like a child's corpse to the polling booth. If you can. Yeah. Please. Like that's
going to be one of the big, that's going to be one of the big new changes. So I've paid
for an abortion that had nothing to do with me. Does that make neck and vote? Was it for
fun? No, it was for what I'm just hanging out outside of the clinic. No, is this how
you met Julie? What am I? You meet women back Back in the day one of my cooks knocked up a waitress and I needed them both at work. You're disgusting.
You're literally Tom Harrison. That's disgusting Eddie. You did it for the most evil reason.
That's like William Randolph Hearst. Hey, take care of it. Sorry, just get it done and be here by 430.
Wrap it up, all right?
There's no time for crying.
All right, we'll all once just to make, we'll get past this.
Just listen to Ben Folds brick.
One time just for the fakes, we'll get through this once.
I put the petty in petty cash.
Also, Barry Cox believed in the concept of the lower 95.
That was a thing that he used to say all the time.
What's that mean?
So he said that they were in the top 5% of humankind.
The whole Cox family.
The whole Cox family.
Laurie, Adam, Alex, all of them.
They were better than everybody.
They were powerful.
They were hotter, more fashionable.
They were better than everybody.
That's why Barry only slept with them.
Why would you go out and get steak
when you have hamburger at home?
He literally is a...
But he would say that all the time.
Anybody did something dumb in front of him,
he would always be like,
that's the lower 95 for ya.
That was what he'd say.
And so he kind of also, this idea
that there are expendables here.
But again, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves and let's rejoin Lori Vallow in
the mid 90s in Austin, Texas. Now within a few years, Lori had gotten together with the
man who would become her second husband. And in April of 1996, she gave birth to her first
son Colby. As it was with her first first husband Laurie also claimed that her second was abusive saying that he physically and drunkenly assaulted her multiple times even going so far as to threaten
To kill her when she was pregnant which he very well may have
But in the end Laurie's second marriage was only a little longer than the first and she was divorced again by 1998
Laurie however wasn't the only person
in the Cox family having troubles,
as it seems like the Coxs were in a near constant
state of crisis throughout the mid to late 90s.
They love drama.
The Coxs love drama, and everybody around them.
I also feel like, I'm just gonna go out
and say a big old blanket statement,
Mormons love drama.
Because their lives are fucking boring.
They have a very popular reality show. Yeah. Very fucking true. Yeah. The easiest way to inject
drama into your life is polygamy. And fucking. Yeah. Just literally fucking. And these guys
all would fuck, inner fuck. The Ward drama sounds so fucking exhausting and so stupid.
And the way that they talk about their wards
as if they were mystically placed in Rexburg.
Oh, you were mystically placed in Clarkston, Idaho?
The only people that were mystically placed
in Clarkston, Idaho were the fucking Robins.
Like literally the birds.
You are not, you just were born there.
And then they're like, well, it's our ward. So so we have to stay here and so they all have to inner fight and
take it super seriously and everybody's up their own fucking ass now where do
the Mormons stand on divorce cannot be divorced that's why they kill so many of
their wives that's where they kill them well okay because the stakes are so high
those are the things to remember is that that's also what's horrible
Is that your entire family lives in the ward?
That's where your home is
It's the only thing you've ever known the religious family that you've surrounded by that's the only group you've ever known and
Every single one of these sins every single one of them involves some form of excommunication
Slash extreme punishment slash extreme way to get your penance
I read a book called the miracle of forgiveness, which is a horrendous book, which is the one
of the let's not get too far off.
I'm not.
Yeah, sorry.
Basically, they say the homosexuality is bestiality and it's just a black mark on the whole.
It's there though.
Well, you are an animal.
Tear you up.
Excuse me.
Let me get my lube.
I just have my anal jelly here waiting for me anytime I need it.
Swiss Navy brand with clove oil.
There's nothing better and there's nothing slipperier than a sailor from Switzerland.
You want to poke some holes in a man? Join the Swiss Navy.
We didn't get paid for this. Someone just sent this in the mail.
Yes, someone sent us a big extra large bottle of Swiss Navy anal lube.
Yes, they sent it in the mail.
Let's get into some of the dramas of the Cox family in the mid to late 90s.
First, Laurie's brother Alex got excommunicated from the LDS church after his ex-wife made
claims of sexual promiscuity, which put Alex on the ounce with the Mormon establishment
for good.
And I think how Lori Vallow and Alex got around this, correct me if I'm wrong, how they got
around divorce is that until Chad Daybell, every man that Lori Vallow married was a non-Mormon.
They were all, they all, not all of them did.
Most of them converted, but not all.
So I think because she was not married within the church
and was not like sealed within the church
to another like lifelong Mormon,
there's all kinds of fucking loopholes
and you know, ways around it.
And it's not like, you know,
they're in a sort of like FLDS community,
like a fundamentalist community where you know
They could be murdered for doing something like divorce
They're kind of living with one foot in the secular world and one foot in the Mormon world
So there's no Mormon chapels in Vegas
Oh, yeah, there must be a temple in Nevada. Yeah, there's definitely a temple somewhere temple
I'm saying like an all-night wedding chapel. They don't do it like that. No, they don't do it like I mean It's I I wish it'd be fun
They were value to get married in Vegas twice, but she's I also feel like with Laurie
Specifically see Mormons again. They're so obsessed with appearance and they're so obsessed with it that like I think sometimes they let people slide
That are really quote-unquote good looking Mormons could be well around the same time that Alex was quote-unquote good-looking Mormons? Could be.
Well, around the same time that Alex was excommunicated, Laurie's older sister, Stacy,
was also going through a divorce in addition to a custody battle with her husband and a
rapidly deteriorating mental state, and that mental state was incurred by growing up in
what her husband called the psychological hornet's nest that was the Cox family.
Concerning Stacy Cox, because of Janice's constant fat shaming of her children,
Stacey developed an eating disorder and it declared after having her only child that all food was poison.
As a result of Stacey's delusion and the lifestyle that went with it, her daughter's teeth grew in without enamel because of a lack of
calcium and her husband would be given custody because of Stacy's instability and neglect. But as we'll see time and again, the Cox family does not take kindly to one
of their own being crossed. At one point during the breakup, Barry Cox showed up at Stacy's
husband's place of work, slammed him against a wall, screamed Mormon scripture into his
face and stuffed divorce papers down his shirt. The whole Stacey saga only ended when Stacey fell into a coma and died in May of 1998 at
the age of 31 after years of being in and out of the hospital because of her eating
disorder and because of complications from type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes, you need food.
Oh yeah.
That's the major part of it.
It is.
Yeah. It's the main part. It's very
dangerous. And there's a lot of talk here of why was Barry Cox so angry? Part of the
reason the husband. Yes. Part of the reason why is it seems is that during the divorce
proceedings, they he the her ex husband wanted full custody of the kids because he says,
I don't want my kids to be anywhere near the Cox family, which seems to point some truth to the fact that Stacey might have floated
that Barry Cox molested her as a young girl.
And that might have gone through the entire family.
And Barry Cox flipped out because this man was releasing all of these family
secrets in discovery, which is what you have to go through
and all these divorce and custody hearings.
So everything that is private that mentions
any of these things would have to come
to public, to literally public record.
Anybody could look it up. So later on
they are post-divorced.
There is now this story that is
floating around that Barry Cox,
Janice Cox, the other siblings,
but Alex, were on vacation in Hawaii.
is not feeling well. She is not also
mentally not feeling well. Alex Cox has a meet with Lori Vallow's cousin Megan. They
haven't seen each other a bunch of years. Randomly Alex Cox calls her and says, hey,
let's hang out tonight, which is what they used to do all the time. They used to get
takeout and watch rented movies. Is it normally Alex Cox and Marcus has told me to not do this see Alex Cox sense of humor
Was it very similar?
To a time period that we went through in the 2010s
And he loved doing Asian accents and Hispanic accents like all the kind of stuff
And she said it used to be really bad to watch movies with him because that's all he do
Throughout the movies that he'd pick out a different race of somebody in the movie and he'd act them out, right?
He'd do all this fun things. It'd be far better. Is it be far better if you weren't giggling through all of us
I'm just saying is bad. It's bad, right? Yeah, but she said this time he was oddly quiet and he said I got this weird
Email from Stacey. She said I took a big shot and I went to sleep. And then she was like, what do you mean?
He's like, let's go check it out.
So they found Stacey's dead body.
And it seems really fucking suspicious that he knew over anybody else.
And then she was sick for days.
The family never came.
She was on quote unquote on her deathbed and the family just never came.
Well, they stayed in Hawaii on vacation.
Very suspicious.
Soon after Stacey's death, the government finally came for Barry Cox.
After years of so-called paper terrorism, in which sovereign citizens like Barry clog
up the courts with frivolous lawsuits and endless paperwork, Barry was finally sentenced
to a year in prison for tax evasion and was ordered to pay a quarter million in back taxes.
I do not have if I do not have the money available at any point in my natural life.
I would like to have anybody who's ever not said that to a creditor to do it once.
It's really fun.
You've done it.
You taught me like sometimes you just, I used to pick it up and eventually be like, I have
I remember one time talking to a credit card like debtor and I was like, so if I, if I
pay you, I can't pay my rent or buy food, but then I just have paid you.
And they were like, exactly.
And I was like,
conversation's over.
Laurie, however, was still attempting to live the life of her mother's world because at 27 years old,
Laurie met and married her third husband, a man 16 years her senior named Joe Ryan,
who converted to Mormonism for Laurie. Soon after his conversion, Laurie was pregnant
again, and she gave birth to her daughter Tylee in 2002. Tylee, of course, would be
one of the two children that Laurie would one day come to murder.
Now, Laurie's third husband, Joe Ryan, was said to be quick to anger, and the marriage
fell apart fast. He was again abusive, but instead of leaving her husband like she did
the other two, Laurie began to inch closer into the world of her father
She threw herself into Mormonism completely and got real weird with it real fast
During the early 2000s Laurie could be found dancing by herself in an empty room
Filled with mirrors while listening to religious music which Laurie said was her form of meditation and her way of getting closer to God. Now that's a, that's a Laura Palmer scene right there.
If I ever fucking heard one. Oh, you heard just like, Oh, Jesus got your hands on my
face. Oh, Jesus got your finger in my pussy. It's too bad. Instagram live wasn't around yet. Do you think question, TikTok saves the kids or?
Or gets into the grave faster?
What do you think?
Does it do it?
Podcasting certainly didn't help.
No, podcasting accelerated the whole thing.
Yeah, podcasting made it way worse.
No, I think, I think we're talking about a zero sum thing
here, I don't think TikTok helps or hurts.
But the thing about TikTok, you could see that she's hot. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah Paris, but she's not hot
She's not that hot. She's not calling her so hot. Well, just cause it's in Idaho and she's standing next to Chad daybell
Yeah, yeah, anyone looks hot when you're standing next to an uncooked pancake
A dollop of a man he is
A dollop of a man he is. He's a dollop.
Well, even stranger than the dancing was Laurie's increasingly bizarre beliefs about the dead,
such as her belief that her daughter, Tylee, was the reincarnation of Laurie's recently
deceased sister, Stacey.
Laurie also began edging into the more esoteric side of Mormonism, Daybell territory, when
she claimed that spirits from beyond the veil were giving her daily instructions on how to live every aspect of her life. Now this really goes to show
you, you never really know what the people you see on TV are thinking. You
never do! Because it was around this time that Laurie Vallow appeared as a
contestant on Wheel of Fortune. She placed second and won over $17,000. She
solved one puzzle named four characters on the love boat.
Um, the captain, the captain, Mr. Pete.
Yeah. Mr. Pete.
Uh, who's the guy that checks vaginas to see if they've been disturbed?
Oh, uh, snapper Jake.
Miss God. He's great.
I wonder if she got along with Vanna Whitehorse.
Whoa, that's a. God. He was great wonder she got along with Vanna Whitehorse You know you joke about that but I would imagine that she saw some sort of sign in that and certain Vanna White's name
You know like that she probably did these people see signs and everything they see their own worldview
Reflected back to them and you know Vanna White just has to deal with it when she goes and shakes her hand.
Do you think that anyone ever met Pat Sajak and he was like hi I'm Pat Sajak and then
they would be like Jack.
And then he jacks him in the face.
Does you fucking disrespect me.
I do.
People come to me with nothing.
You spin a wheel and walk away millionaires.
That's the little known fact about Pat Sajak.
Massive bareknuckle boxer.
So we got the job.
It seems like Lori was enjoying the attention she was getting as a few months after being
on wheel, she entered the miss Hayes County beauty pageant and she won, which made her
eligible for the miss Texas pageant.
When Lori was interviewed by the judges though, she made a statement that at the time was
somewhat innocent but in hindsight is fucking chilling.
When Lori Vallow was asked what made her tick, she said quote,
Being a good mom is very important to me.
And a good wife and a good worker.
Being all those things together is not easy.
So basically I'm a ticking time bomb.
I feel like there's so many game show contestants
that have killed somebody.
A lot.
We talked about one like a month ago.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, a few weeks ago.
Yeah, the newlywed murderers.
It happens a fair amount.
Yeah, I mean, it's just you take any sample from anything and there's gonna be a fair amount of murderers in it. Yeah. Yeah. It happens a fair amount. Yeah. I mean, it's just, you take any sample
from anything and there's going to be a fair amount of murderers in it. Yeah. Yeah. But
plumbers Rob, of course being a ticking time bomb, that's not a winning answer for the
miss Texas patch. No, it's frightening. Yeah. Now because of the frequent physical abuse
and some alleged sexual abuse committed by
Lori's third husband, Lori filed for divorce from Joe Ryan in August of 2004 and engaged
in a lengthy custody battle for her daughter, Tylee.
Now Lori's son, Colby, did say years later, he said it very clearly in the Netflix documentary,
that Joe Ryan was sexually abusive, and physically abusive, but Lori Vallow took these allegations to the next level during the custody fight,
telling investigators that she would rather kill her children than give Ryan custody.
But after multiple investigations found that not only had there been no sexual abuse, but
that Lori had been coaching her kids to tell abuse stories, it was decreed that Joe and
Lori share custody
of Tylee when the two of them were finally divorced in 2005.
There is a very disturbing line through which is obviously we believe everybody.
You want to believe people when they say they're getting abused, right?
But Laurie Valo, you can't take away the end result of all this away from the way she treated
people her whole life
Yeah, she used people as tools and she really did I want to say get a kick out of ruining people's lives
She did it several times. It is not just within this context. She used to lie. I guess that's what it is
I'm steeped in all the other side stories about Laurie you start to see this whole picture that she
really would turn people against each other all the time. And she'd lie all the time. She was
probably close to a pathological liar. Everybody got a different story about what she was doing
and who did what and what at all times. So at some point, I think that Lori is, I think bad things happen to her,
but I also think she's massively full of shit. So I think that you just, it throws doubt
on all the stuff that she talks about.
Well, I think, I mean, if you talk to Colby Ryan, you know, like, he said clearly like
he was physically abusive. He also said he was sexually abusive. So I think she had a pattern.
I think she definitely did have three abusive men in a row, but her fourth husband, Charles
Vallow, I don't know if she always made up stories about all of these guys because she
didn't do that with Charles.
She did though.
But not in the abuse way.
She did.
She said that he molested Tylee.
Did she say that?
She throws it around, she kept throwing it around.
And it's just like when you drop it three times.
That's when it just gets to a point where like now you're trying to hurt something.
It's like weaponizing.
You're weaponizing something.
I don't know what it is, but you're doing something.
I don't know what the fuck it is.
And again, if she didn't kill her kids, it'd be different.
Colby seems on the level though. He is. After watching the doc. Yeah, he does. Yeah, he does seem on the level. Yeah.
He has the whole podcast where he talks about this.
Yeah. Well, not too long after her divorce, Lori filed for bankruptcy, owing three quarters
of a million dollars to creditors, including, like father, like daughter, a hundred grand in
back taxes. Wow, proud.
Yeah. All of that was fixed, however, when in back taxes. Wow, proud! Yeah.
All of that was fixed, however, when Lori met her fourth husband, the long-suffering
Charles Vallow.
At 49 years old, Charles was another older man.
As such, he already had two sons of his own and had just divorced from his first wife
when he met Lori.
Described as tall and strikingly handsome, Charles Vallow seemed to just be a normal dude,
middle of the road guy, a financial planner, earned about $250,000 a year.
But that big salary meant that Lori had solved her debt problems, and the two of them frequently
joked about her being a gold digger.
Now I could see how people could make that assumption, because Lori and Charles were
married within just a few months of meeting each other they'd like met in the fall
2005 married in the spring of 2006 by then Laurie Vallow had her fourth husband
Whom she married in her second Vegas wedding the fourth wedding is a Reno wedding
Weddings Provo wedding
First wedding so it's got be a big deal obviously.
Second wedding, you should probably
kinda keep quiet about it. I think the second wedding
is the quietest one. Third wedding
is secretly, that's done inside of a
one of those places where you stop
and you just get the form. And then I think
fourth, you could do it again
big, being like, no, this
one. I think the third one is the
one when you make the big statement. I think the third one is the one when you make the big statement.
I think that the third one has to be bigger than the first one because you've got to prove
that you love that you really love this one more than the other.
And the fourth one's circus, circus.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I can't wait to my third.
It's officiated by a champ.
How fun is this?
How nice is this?
You got the banana?
You got the banana for the pastor?
Charles Vallow's ex-wife more or less said that Charles could be a bit of a bastard,
but in the ex-wife's view, Laurie was just as unstable.
It's still an ex-wife's point of view, unfortunately.
The ex-wife never felt safe having her two sons around Laurie, and claimed that Laurie
would drug her kids with Nyquil and sleeping pills just so she wouldn't have to deal with them.
Even so, Laurie and Charles were exactly what each other wanted.
Charles Valo wanted a young trophy wife and as a 32 year old beauty queen, Laurie fit the bill.
Charles meanwhile paid for Laurie to go to Hawaii whenever she wanted and she finally had a daddy who would succumb to her every whim.
Okay, you just made it jump.
You know, you said it too, like, you noticed what you just said?
The idea that she'd make it a habit to drug the kids with Nyquil and sleeping pills?
And how do you think they fucking Tylee and JJ went down in the beginning?
I think that you could immediately see a line through, and you know what?
Or like a Casey Anthony's Annie the Nanny type thing?
Yeah, and I also think that their separation,
I wouldn't even call him gold diggers because he's handsome if he was he was big and fat it's different Charles
Vallow was handsome. Oh, no. I don't think Laurie Vallow was necessarily a gold digger
I think she just liked someone to take care of her and Charles Vallow by all accounts do it by Charles
Well by all accounts like truly loved Laurie Vallow. I mean bucket
Unfortunately, he truly loved Laurie Vallow and he mean, fucking, unfortunately, he truly loved Lori Vallow.
And he was, you know, more or less a fine man.
Yeah, yes!
Yeah, he wasn't like the best guy, but you know, he was alright!
He was just a guy.
He was just a guy.
Like, that's, I think at the end of the day, that's what Charles Vallow, Charles Vallow
was just some fucking guy.
And as much as dudes love bomb, women love bomb too.
Why don't we go in there, cause like, you'd be surprised what a well placed piece of lingerie and a fucking
20 minute blow job can do to a man's psyche. It's like, I know it's ridiculous,
but it really can break a man down.
Now life was good for Lori and Charles Vallow even enthusiastically converted to
the LDS church. But while Lori could have just settled into her new life,
it seems like she was addicted
to the drama. She very much had it out for her ex-husband, Joe Ryan, and in 2006 she
made an official report that Ryan had sexually abused her children. Again, detectives and
social workers found no evidence of molestation, and social worker reports noted that Lori
appeared to be coaching Tylee to make accusations. But that was not the only thing the social workers noticed.
Laurie Vallow was quite obviously feeding her children fanatical Mormon dogma in addition
to telling them stories about ghosts being real.
And she even told government officials that she consulted with a dead lawyer about her
custody case when the spirit came to visit her in the night.
It's me, your representation. Abraham Lincoln.
And I'm here to tell you, don't go out to see a play.
That's my first piece of advice. My second piece of advice is, suck him while you got him.
Because he's gay.
Yes, I know. I'm well aware. he's gay. Yes, yes, yes. You know that? I know, I know.
I'm well aware.
He was gay.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
No, but also, this is not really fringe Mormon, Mormon dogma, man.
You know, like, I did not realize how-
No, I said fanatical.
I did not say fringe.
Is it crazy?
I did not know that they actually literally believed in reincarnation.
Well, it's, the reincarnation thing is, I look this up, and it's a gray area,
where the church doesn't officially say that you are reincarnated, but you can take the idea of
pre-mortality, which, you know, we're going to talk about pre-mortality a little bit later,
but you can take this Mormon idea that you existed before you were born, that you existed
in the presence of the Heavenly Father before you were born, that you existed in the presence of the heavenly father
before you were born,
and you return to the heavenly father.
And so some of these things can be interpreted
by saying that you kind of go back and forth
between earth and heavenly father,
even though it doesn't clearly say that,
that's certainly how Chad Daybell interpreted it.
And that's definitely how Lori Vallow interpreted it.
So you certainly don't believe that you just become dirt.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, about the Cox family that inspired violence when one of them was seemingly threatened, and it was around this time that Laurie's brother Alex stepped into the ring. But while Alex was
definitely a psychopath, he was also an absolutely ridiculous person. See, radio DJ Adam Cox was not
the only member of the family to try his hand at entertainment. By 2007, Alex Cox was living in
Phoenix, Arizona
Working a day job installing porta potties, but at night
He was also one of the worst open mic stand-up comedians in town
Open mic stand-up in Phoenix
As per the memory of one of Alex's friends back in Phoenix, Alex was a bit of an impressionist. Ran the gamut of impressions, both baffling and hacky.
Not me!
From cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny,
Daffy Duck, and Homer Simpson
to movie icons like Hannibal Lecter
and weirdly, Mrs. Doubtfire.
And everyone knows the best stand-up sets
are always repeated phrases for movies you've seen.
And doing weird-
Movies and TV shows. That's the way to do it because then people go,
oh yeah, I remember that, try bite fruiting.
Yeah baby.
Yeah baby, she's a mine baby.
That's Holden's bit, all right, don't steal that.
That's Holden's stolen bit.
That is his stolen bit.
Can't steal the stealing.
But Alex's friend in Phoenix also said that Alex was always a little off mentally and
very easy to manipulate.
Particularly, this friend said that Alex was easily manipulated by his sister, Lori.
In a display that was described as both awkward and weird, this friend said that Lori would
parade around Alex in a bikiniini obviously trying to titillate him
It's just nice to see all you other brothers look around. You don't got a sister built like that
Knowing that she's representing me everywhere I go my hot big titted sister
Alex does this song right up my ass actually let me adjust it
Actually let me adjust it. UGH!
Let me adjust it!
Now as I mentioned earlier,
Alex would be directly responsible
for many of the deaths that occurred around
Chad Daybell and Lori Valo's orbit.
But it seems like Lori had been going
to Alex to do her dirty work for decades.
Did you ever hear the story
about him getting a head injury?
No. Big ca- it's just
fucking obvious. Is it short? No, it's just he had a car accident and he came back never the same
That's what they all said. It was that there was a thing in here where he was in a coma for two days after a car accident
And he came out and he was fucking just a shell of himself. So after his NBE he didn't become a god
No, unfortunately, he wasn't shown the preview of the rest of the world
by god. Nope. Well in 2007 Lori Vallow manipulated her brother into driving from Phoenix to Austin
to attack her ex-husband Joe Ryan. Although it's said that what Lori originally had planned was
far more sinister. See Lori had been firing up Alex for months by telling him that Joe Ryan had been molesting
her children, so Alex became obsessed with taking vengeance without Laurie ever having
to convince him to actually do it.
So after Joe had a supervised visit with Tylee at a facility one day, Alex Cox suddenly appeared
before Joe in a parking lot as Joe was walking to his car.
Alex began yelling, then pulled out a Taser
and buried it deep into Joe's chest
as a sharp crackle filled the air.
After being tased, Joe fell to the ground
but quickly got up and started running and calling for help
while Alex got in his Pontiac Grand Prix and drove away.
But this had not been the plan.
Lori Vallow and her daughter, Tyleylee were actually watching the whole thing unfold from Alex's car
because Lori had orchestrated the entire attack.
According to Adam Cox, aka DJ Bo Nasty, the plan was to kill Joe Ryan that day by tasing him,
throwing him in the trunk of the Pontiac, driving him out to a field, shooting him, and burying him.
What is it about Pontiacs and murderers?
Casey Anthony also with the Pontiac Sunfire.
I just think it's got a fun look.
It's got a vibe.
It's kind of like a, it's vibey.
It's flirty. Nice big trunk.
In the end though, Joe still came away from the incident
with a broken wrist and severe chest pains.
The tasing caused him to suffer heart problems
for the rest of his life,
and he soon after developed a nasty drinking problem
to deal with the horrible shambles
that his life had become.
Now, this is just, it's fascinating
that she watched the whole thing,
and she kind of orchestrated it.
I'm so jealous of this relationship.
I want to commit a crime with Jackie.
I want to commit a crime with my sister. I bet you guys have committed like five felonies together already and don't even know it.
In college? Yeah. In Tallahassee.
No. I want to kill my sister.
It's fun to do.
Look how close they were.
They were fixing each other's underwear.
Henry was innocent in college.
Jackie, not so much.
Yeah, she was the one that did the dirty things
I was making art
You know, it was probably easy. So if Barry Cox most likely molested all these kids
It was probably really easy for her to convince
Adam or was it Alex Alex to Alex to fucking go after this guy for molesting her kids
But they had a very open sexual relationship.
Barry Cox and Janice Cox used to talk about their fucking with their kids.
The kids used to repeat it to the rest of the family as funny little jokes.
They all were always inappropriately touching each other as a family.
And so it came from the up top.
And then Alex also said in his standup that he did it in the nuts, not in the chest.
Yeah. Don't exaggerate.
Every stand-up says like, you know, I was on my way to the veterinarian today. It's never real.
Stand-ups are fucking lying to you guys. Yeah. Not all of them. I mean, you know, only, you know,
I mean, Hassam and I's just a truthful man. Got him! Now later, Laurie admitted that she had searched the Book of Mormon for some justification
to kill her ex-husband without guilt or retribution from God, and she believed that she'd found
it in a compilation of Joseph Smith revelations. Doctrine and Covenants live at Red Rocks.
Yeah. The passage said quote, and then if he shall come upon you or your children
or your children's children into the third and fourth generation I have
delivered thine enemy into thine hands. This line Laurie Vallow believed was the
Book of Mormon telling her that it was not only morally fine to murder her ex-husband,
but religiously sound as well.
And it's written down.
Now Alex Cox was naturally arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for attacking Joe Ryan.
He was given a paltry sentence of 90 days, but even that, Alex thought, was too harsh.
Poultry sentence of 90 days, but even that Alex thought was too harsh
He thought that he should have been hailed as a hero and he even worked his nearly fatal assault into a bit for his stand-up Comedy routine you got to write what you know, you know, I mean vile massively almost killed
He should have wrote all about what was like to almost kill your sister. There's some funny shit in that I bet
Oh, man, he must have missed at least eight minutes. God, I wish he was on the moth.
It's a fucking terrible routine.
Like, it's out there, you know, you can see it,
but yeah, it's just him warbling on about it.
I thought I was gonna get a medal.
Yeah, apparently it's a felony in Texas
to taste a pedophile, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
I am surprised that it is.
Do you wanna play it? Do you wanna play any of them stand up? No, I don't wanna give him a single bit of pedophile. I am surprised that it is. Do you want to play any of them? No,
I don't want to give him a single bit of fucking air. At least I get paid for it now. No, he's
not. Now this incident seemed to bring Lori and her brother, Alex even closer because
soon after Lori convinced her husband, Charles, to move the whole family to a suburb of Phoenix,
just a few miles from where Alex lived. Life however, was relatively uneventful for the next few years.
But in 2012, Charles Vallow's nephew fathered a baby who was born premature.
The nephew and the mother were both addicts, so social services put the baby in the care
of Charles Vallow's sister, Kaye Woodcock.
By addict, do you mean like chocoholic?
I mean like heroin-aholic. Oh
That's so much worse than chocolate way less delicious
Maybe meth-aholic. I'm not sure they were never truly like they were never that clear about it
That's my sitcom meth-aholic if it's 2012 it that still that's still kind of like that in between time between meth and heroin
Yeah, you're right. Yeah, and, yeah. So, could be either. Could be both!
Well, the child was Joshua Jackson, better known as JJ.
Now, Charles' sister Kay was too old to raise a baby,
so a few months after gaining custody,
Charles and Lori adopted JJ, and as a result,
JJ Vallow would be the other child
to die under Lori Vallow's care. Now two years
after they adopted JJ, Lori finally realized the Cox family dream when she
convinced her husband to move the family to Hawaii, which was also a bit of a fuck
you to Joe Ryan, because Joe Ryan had actually moved to Phoenix to be closer
to his daughter. But it was in Hawaii that Lori Vallo and Chad Daybell's paths
first began to cross
I can feel the vibes. Yeah, I can feel the waves. I can feel it
Oh god, just fucking those little got those Mormon underwear getting wet
Yeah from how human it is getting really wet gotta peel that off to get to that fucking gauge
You will follow the island regulation!
Just want to say aloha!
I just want to say aloha to him!
In Hawaii, Lori discovered the world of Mormon near-death experience books, and she became
a particular fan of the ribbon-twirling author we mentioned last week, Julie
Rowe, who was published by Chad Daybell's company.
Lori Vallow also became a huge fan of Julie Rowe's podcast, which led her directly to
the Eval message board that originally gave Chad Daybell his first big boost.
From there, Lori Vallow discovered Chad Daybell's books and his podcast appearances, and Laurie
had soon read every book Chad ever wrote, including all of his awful fiction.
The members of the Avow message board, by the way, were also big believers in the White
Horse prophecy, and it's likely that this website was where Laurie Vallow discovered
the story about the 144,000 Mormons who would
survive the apocalypse to witness the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Dude, Julie Rowe is fucking insane.
She's crazy, man.
She's, have you seen her tick tocks?
I have not.
I have fallen into that hole, man.
Julie Rowe is absolutely ape shit.
Looking great.
Yeah. I mean it.
She's tight as hell.
And she's a...
You love all these women.
There's something about these dangerous ass women.
Julie Rowe kind of looks like the woman who plays Callie on Grey's Anatomy.
She does.
She does.
And she's... but the earthquake's still coming.
Earthquakes still coming.
Any day now.
Any day now.
It's so weird because she seems so rational in the dock and then she'll just say the craziest
shit out of nowhere.
Yeah. Dude, you should watch this interview
I did with the East Idaho news with her an hour unadulterated
Uncut Julie Rowe and she is fucking nuts
But she puts forward to that Chad might have been kind of angling for her to be the number one wife
Before he met Laurie Vallow, which is not blonde enough
Nope be the number one wife before he met Lori Vallow. She's not blonde enough. Nope.
But at the same time that Lori was starting to fall
completely into the highly attractive world of fantasy,
her real life was getting more complicated.
It soon became clear that the child she and Charles adopted,
JJ Vallow, soon became clear he was severely autistic
and he had to be constantly watched
lest he sneak out of the house and wander the neighborhood.
Charles Vallow worked all the time, he traveled a lot for work, so it became Lori's responsibility.
Lori's son Colby also got married in 2018, and his new wife soon noticed the strange
relationship Lori had with her son.
Lori was terribly jealous and was said to have treated Colby more like a boyfriend than
her own child.
After Colby got married, Lori became distant as if her son had left her for another woman.
It's not like my mom at all. She was never like that. She never called anybody. It was
with a whore. She never just said being like, they're trying to take, they're just trying
to take my son from me.
It is like, I remember the first, when my, I broke up with my longterm girlfriend and it was
the first Christmas with my mom afterwards. She's like, now that you don't have your girlfriend,
it's nice that I get more presents.
Thanks mom.
It was like crying next to the Christmas tree.
Well, additionally, Charles and Lori's marriage was starting to show some wear
When Charles's mother died Laurie refused to go to the funeral saying that she was somehow too busy
There's stuff floating around man. Yeah, it's hard for her to go right you can't just be in like you just drop this funeral on me
Wanted me to go you would have told me two weeks ago when I had already not done because I have to get my belly
No, it's a some kind of process where you get your belly frozen. Wow, it hurts apparently I bet
But the one piece of good news from Laurie's perspective was the objectively depressing death of Joe Ryan
His decomposing corpse was found in
a Phoenix apartment after he'd been dead for weeks. But when Lori was informed of the death,
she couldn't have been happier telling her sister-in-law that Joe was evil and needed
to die.
Now, because of, he's the guy who got tased, correct?
Now, if he got chest problems after that, they could have tied that to them probably.
It's almost certain that Joe Ryan died of a heart attack because Alex Cox tased him.
Now why wouldn't he get arrested for that then?
Because they would have to press charges in the first place.
Yeah, it's hard to prove that.
It's hard to prove, but I knew immediately.
But that's the other thing too, is that at this point Joe Ryan's just a corpse in a fucking apartment in Phoenix
You know, he said he's as far as the police are concerned
He's a divorced man with a bunch of pictures of his daughter around his apartment
Bunch of liquor bottles around who died of a heart attack and no one cared about Joe Ryan. No one gave a shit
I just gotta say I'm looking at this whole crime scene and I gotta say, what a life.
Can't wait to do this myself.
Something to look forward to.
But you'll notice this is a running theme with Lori.
She likes to deal out death.
She likes to say who needs to die and who deserves to live and she's been doing and she did this
for a long time before she met Chad Daybell. That sort of thing was already
in her fucking brain. Oh, they were just ready to meet. They were ready to be
together. They're almost there. Now by 2018 Laurie Valo was 45 years old and had
become absolutely obsessed with the Mormon
near-death experience world.
Besides the works of Chad Daybell and Julie Rowe, Laurie was also a fan of a book called
The Second Comforter, written by a man with the unlikely name of Denver C. Snuffer Jr.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That was the guy that molested Big Bird, actually.
It was very sad.
Episode of Sesame Street. That was the guy that molested Big Bird. Actually, it was very sad episode. I was really rough. I remember when Denver C snuffer jr. Molested Big Bird.
I do. He was Oscar the grouch's roommate, right? Yeah. Yeah. Drifter. He lived in the
trash can next to it. And the second comforters also would save my marriage. You know, me
as well. Yep. Get that second second comforter. Ladies what saved my marriage. You know me as well.
Get that second comforter ladies and gentlemen.
It's a game changer.
It really does make your life a lot better.
I also do the second comforter.
I have to.
But in the Mormon world, you can't be into the near death experience trip without also
falling into the end times obsession because these two subjects were intrinsically linked
by the time Lori
arrived on the scene. So after the Valo family moved back to Arizona, they don't live in
Hawaii anymore. The back in Arizona, Lori joined so many other neo fundamentalist Mormons
and becoming a doomsday prepper.
Makes sense. Cause Arizona already looks like the set of Mad Max. True. Now by October of
2018, Lori Valo had found her way to a Mormon
End Times class taught by a writer and so-called life coach, a woman named Melanie Gibb. I hate
Melanie Gibb. Yeah, Gibb, you may remember, had been inspired by Chad Daybell and had opened a
local branch of the Doomsday Prepper organization, preparing a people in Arizona. It's preparing people. He made
them know them better as pap.
You fucking ass. You fucking idiot. I knew it was coming. You fucking I knew I knew it
was coming. You can't get me on you while you sleep. I'm gonna watch you sleep. That's
getting me. That's getting me. Yeah. I saw him get you. If you do that, I'll say you got me.
Well, before long, Lori was a committed member of pap as well. And with a receptive audience,
her bullshit very quickly took off to the next level at pat meetings. Lori would claim
that she no longer needed to sleep because angels would wake her up throughout the night
to instruct her on how best to do God's work. She lived on angel energy.
That's cool. You know, I mean, if you're going to live on anything, might as well make it
an angel energy. It sounds cool.
No, it doesn't. I mean, it's, this is Charlie Sheen talk. Yeah. You know, like the idea
of like angels, angels, angels, they just sleep before me. Yeah.
And it makes sense that Melanie Gibb would make it past the apocalypse because everyone
know that Gibbs are great at staying alive.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Except for the one that died of AIDS.
Would he die of AIDS?
He didn't die of AIDS.
No, he didn't.
No, one of the Bee Gees died of AIDS.
Three of them died of AIDS.
Three of them died of AIDS.
Three of the
I thought Barry Gibb died a very good
I remember now Jimmy Carter ran him over with a car
Visual joke you guys can't see my act out of it. Him driving the car, that's Jimmy Carter.
He's surprised that I'm gonna die face.
Obviously influenced by Chad Daybell,
Lori also claimed to be a personal witness of the resurrected Jesus Christ.
And she said that she was regularly visited by the dead spirits of family members.
God, she said, had also given her so-called
pre-mortal memories.
Pre-mortal, as I said earlier, that's a Mormon term
for the time people live in the presence of Heavenly Father
before we're born on this earth.
But in Lori's pre-mortal life,
she claimed that she'd been a warrior for Christ,
fighting the forces of darkness in the pre-mortal world
for millennia.
And by the way, also, every time Laurie, it fucking drives me nuts.
Every time Laurie Valos says the word millennia, she extends it into four staccato syllables.
Yeah, it's fair.
I got it.
But when Laurie said all this crazy shit to a gathering of Pat members, she got not blank
stares or polite nodding, but raucous applause.
It's like when I do shows in Florida instead of LA.
And so, the week after Lori was completely and totally validated for her extraordinarily
arrogant beliefs, Melanie Gibb took Lori to a PAP conference in St. George, Utah 15 guest speakers were on the bill
But the one that Laurie Valo wanted to meet more than any of them was her favorite near-death experience author and podcaster
Chad Daybell
Yummy yum, and as soon as she saw him the first thing she thought in my head was man. Oh, man
I want a slice of that mormon
yeah I want that bowl of yogurt of a man
nothing I want better
to gargle the pouch of fat underneath his belly button
so that I can properly serve ooh, Chad
I bet he comes oatmeal
oh I hope he does
because that's the only thing I can eat according to my religion.
Tammy, are you ready for my cream of wheat?
Yeah, yeah.
Now, I saw the Mormon girls website and I feel like some of it is different there because it seems there they really want to make sure none of the seed is wasted.
Do you think that normal Mormon ladies, do they, is it like doctrine to swallow I
Don't know if blowjobs are necessarily Mormon friendly side stories lpotl at
I would actually really like to know I think I bet they are
Probably fine. I mean, I guess it's between a consenting father and son then you find I imagine if they're not using the vagina
Should be all good to go. I feel like it's the opposite
No, yeah, cuz they the big Mormon thing is soaking. Yes
Yeah, but I just don't know if you swallow if it makes it legal because that is food guys then you're making food
Yeah, we done talking my come Yep. Okay. Now Chad... We are the ones!
But Chad claimed that right before this conference in St. George, his so-called spiritual voice,
the one that supposedly guided him in his everyday life...
That's me!
This voice told him that he would meet an extraordinary woman at the conference that
day. A woman who would change his life forever.
One day you will meet your Debra.
Dearest Chad.
No Chad, Debra will make you happy.
She will.
Ray Ramona Yoda.
Well, conveniently, Chad had made himself totally free to meet whoever he wanted that
weekend, as he'd left his wife and five children back home in Rexburg, Idaho, aka New Jerusalem,
for this particular conference.
And there ain't no such thing as cheating at a pap conference, because what happens
at a pap conference stays at the pap conference
and then it gets out and it kills your children.
But the pap conference does sound like a bunch of women in their feet in a bunch of fucking
the big pap smear conference.
Oh, there it is.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, I guess it sounds like that.
Guy going in there with, don't they use a hook?
Yeah, they use a hook.
What else do you think about pap smears? What else do you think happens down there? I love them in the germs
Yes, Pat smear yeah
Germs Nirvana all that mm-hmm goes good on a everything bagel. I love
Yum so after Chad went before the pap conference and gave his halting awkward speech about the end times
He sat down at his table to meet his fans and sign his books
There was tens of them. Mm-hmm
And who else should saunter up to Chad sit down with a big smile and a lot of adulation, but Laurie Vallow. Hi
Laurie told Chad that she'd read all of his books. And from what Melanie Gibbs said, Chad and Laurie had instant chemistry as if a lightning
bolt had hit both of them.
And indeed it does seem like Chad and Laurie went from zero to a hundred almost instantly.
Well, Chad and Laurie were inseparable for the rest of the conference.
And before the weekend was over, Chad was telling Laurie that his spiritual gifts had revealed that they had been married
seven times before in previous lives. Laurie, Chad said, was one of the chosen
ones and together they would change the world. Chad also told Laurie that she had
spiritual powers that only Chad could unleash in full so they exchanged
numbers at the end of the conference and continued
communicating after they parted ways. That's just how you flirted an end times conference.
Yeah. You got, you know, we've been married seven times. Also, if like anyone's going
to commit adultery at a conference, it's the end times conference. They're not expecting
to live much longer.
Well, that's the whole thing, right? Is that they all, they all now believe every single thing is the end justifies the means
is that it's all careening towards everybody's going to be dead anyway.
And it does, it adds a sense of urgency to everything you do.
Absolutely everything.
So it does tend to make you make bad decisions, decisions like, Hey, why don't we kill our
spouses or Hey, why don't we kill my children? children you know because you just think not a lot of time left
We got to get this shit kick-started, and it's not really gonna matter anyway. They also believe that there is no
Pause between this life and the next life. Yeah, they believe the next life is as real in is as
Concurrent as this life, so you won't miss anything. Death is not
Yeah. Now, as we said, Chad was a bit of a dud in both personality and looks, or at least
that's the case by non Mormon standards.
Me? I'm the human version of parcheasy. Everybody's favorite sit down game. Good, quiet, long game.
Lori, however, couldn't stop talking about Chad on the way back from the conference,
saying that she was attracted to him, quote, on a spiritual level.
As far as what attracted her, Laurie was obviously a very black and white person, and in addition
to pumping her up, Chad had also given Laurie a very simple way of slotting black and white
thinking into her belief system.
Chad claimed that he'd come up with a system to tell if people were dark spirits or light
spirits, which was yet another concept he'd stolen from the controversial NDE book, Visions
of Glory.
In Visions of Glory, Tom Harrison had said that during one of his NDE's, he was shown
people whose only purpose on Earth was to commit evil deeds, people he unimaginatively
called EVILS. to commit evil deeds, people he unimaginatively called evils.
Everyone Harrison claimed has levels of light and dark within them.
And we all have to ascend above the dark in order to gain light levels.
What I don't understand is, and I know I'm trying to make sense of something very, very
Yes. So if you are light and you die Does that mean that the numbers down to?
999 people that are saved see the 144,000 only happen after the rest of us are dead
Yeah, and that's even still debated as to whether or not what that number means
So if I'm light and you're dark and I die does that mean that you have a chance to take my light?
It makes no sense
Well the big lesson with this honestly the visions of glory like the real hidden thing is the idea that when you do bad things
You allow these evil spirits to gain agency over you yeah, so it is your fault
Evil spirits to gain agency over you. Yeah, so it is your fault
That's the key here is that no dark see light is like in his world If you're a Mormon already in a capital M Mormon Mormon, you are a light but a dark person is allowed
Dark energies to enter them through the top of their head
if you like that's the thing if you if you watch pornography and you masturbate at the moment of
Ejaculation the top of your head opens up and a dark spirit comes in because they were all edgy
Well, they could demons want experience coming because they're disembodied. They never had bodies
They're disembodied spirits
And so they have to jump into you the moment you come and this is all real according to them
Then when you come the dead the devil gets to be like come and go we
When you cum, the devil gets to be like cum and go wee out of your dick and it gets you experience the whole thing because devils love cumming out from the inside of balls.
So does that answer your question?
Come here, I want to shake your ass.
So I assume that after reading about the light dark system and visions of glory, Chad developed
his own system to classify people into light or dark categories.
The more light you were, the more aligned with God, and the more dark, the more you
were aligned with Satan.
But as we said in the first episode, Chad really did turn Mormonism into a tabletop
RPG, and he quantified how light or dark someone was by giving them a number between 4.3 and
negative 4.3, or 4.3 and negative 4.3 or
4.3 light and 4.3 dark
Now Chad had chose the number 4.3 because it added up to 7 and 7 is extremely important in both Christianity and Mormonism
Seven days of creation seven tribes of Israel so on so forth also him and Laurie been married seven times
3 though does not add up to seven. No, it's a number in and of itself.
4.3. A four and a three add up to seven if you add them. If it's just 4.3, that's just
a number. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if you take the four
and you take the three, then you add that together, then that makes you, to think, is
it, in Chad's,? Hey, hey, fuck me
In Chad's world of like fucking New Age numerology and making shit up as you go along like the four and the three
Represented heaven and earth so if you are four point three light that meant that you're spiritually perfect You have an equal amount of heaven and earth in you
But if you're four point three dark, then you're perfectly spiritually imperfect, I suppose.
Although it would have been a fuck of a lot cooler if like the most like dark you could be was 6.66 dark.
Yeah, that's called branding. Yes, it is.
If he was actually making this into a tabletop RPG, which I actually think you should do at home.
Sure. I think the Lori Vallow, Chad Daybell at home game would be really fun.
And that's, but that's how you do it. You'd probably roll for it
Yeah, but I think six point six six has to be the end of dark. Yeah, it has to be
But then that's the thing is that you can't it's gray skull, but you can't name
Yeah, but you can't but if you were six point six six dark that makes you like a bigger number than like four point three light
But that's because you'd have to always more powerful than good in the beginning
But in the end they always lose.
It's easy, you could just make it 7 light and 6.66 dark. So that way there's no equality there. Let me call Chad.
I actually have some numbers through my bosses.
Now all of this again sounds very stupid. Yes. And it only gets dumber from here. To tell who was a light or dark spirit,
Chad used a magical artifact, a golden owl
necklace that he believed was a gift from God. Chad would ask the necklace questions,
and it would swing one way or another to suss out the light or dark tone of a spirit. Sussing
out tones, however, was only part of the owl necklace's power. Chad would also bring it
out during those gatherings he'd host at his
home, and he would use it to tell people things about themselves and their past lives, things
that made Chad appear to be very spiritually connected in the Mormon world. The owl would
swing back and forth for a yes, or swing in a circle for a no, but according to one of Chad's
former friends, Chad would find out who was coming to his gatherings beforehand and Google everything that he could find out about him.
Then he would pretend that that information that he gathered on Google came from the necklace.
The worst part about asking the owl is that all the hours of like, now tell me magical
owl is Tylee dark.
Who Tylee who Tiley hours of this. It's very cute. Yes. Only did involve the
deaths of all these children. It would be entirely. I wonder what he did when he went
to Hooters. Oh yeah. He was like, I was everywhere. But
I do think that Chad did actually believe in his own bullshit because after Chad got
back to Rexburg, after meeting Lori, he immediately took his owl necklace and began a detailed
light and dark spirit analysis of Lori's whole family, including her ex-husbands and her
dead relatives. Not surprisingly, Lori Valley herself was 4.3 light
Spiritually perfect. Whoa, guess what Chad Daybell 4.3 light
They really are both of Lori's parents and her dead sister Stacey three light on earth
But Stacey since she'd gone to heaven. She was not 4.1 light
That's like your survival rating and in the naked and afraid. Yeah, it doesn't really make sense either that one either
No, they just make up those numbers very arbitrary. Yeah, also not surprising was Chad's appraisal of Lori's ex-husbands
Her second husband was too dark while Joe Ryan was on the totally opposite side of Lori's spectrum at 4.3 dark
He's dead. Yeah, he's still 4.3 dark. Well, he was 4.3 dark. He's dead. Yeah, but he's still 4.3 dark.
Well, he was 4.3 dark when he was on Earth.
That's awesome.
I was so smart.
You're cool.
Also, guess what that is?
Folk magic.
It's fucking the same thing that Joseph Smith did.
It's another fake bullshit, like,
it's literal old timey con man shit man shit magical objects play a massive role in
Mormonism they continue to this day like you can just say like oh, yeah
I have a magical object cuz Joseph Smith had magical objects
You know and you can just say whatever the fuck you want is and you know as long
I guess as long as you kind of talk a good game and stay within the bounds that everybody is expecting you to stay within
of talk a good game and stay within the bounds that everybody's expecting you to stay within, then you can get a long fucking way in Mormonism with a magical owl necklace.
Oh wow, we gotta do it!
Sure, we can get one.
Interestingly though, Chad was all over the place in the beginning when it came to quantifying
the people who would end up dead as a result of his and Lori's beliefs.
Charles Vallow, Lori's then current husband,
started at three light and their adopted son JJ
was even better, he was a 4.2, damn near perfect.
Tylee, however, Lori's daughter, she was 4.1 dark.
And I believe that this negative rating may have been
where the first seed of getting rid of everyone
keeping Chad and Lori apart was planted. See, almost immediately, Chad began blowing copious amounts of spiritual
New Age Mormon smoke up Lori's ass, and Lori's ass was just about as wide open as it could
possibly be to welcome it in.
As wide as a swiss sailor. Laurie's brother Alex soon joined his sister as a follower of Chad Daybell and within nine months
of Chad and Laurie's first meeting, Laurie's fourth husband Charles would be dead by Alex Cox's hand.
Charles would be just the first of four people to die as a result of the fantasy world Laurie
and Chad would soon create
together and it's with the creation of that world that we'll pick back up next
week for Chad Daybell and Lori Valo part 3. Wow man man I just fucking love this
whole goddamn story so fucking much. It's incredible. It's a crazy story but the
four-point thing it just makes me so like insane with anger. Yeah, you don't like D&D
You don't like it when it results in child's death, but it's just it's just it's as judgy as you can possibly get and it's
Stupid it's really doesn't make any sense. It's just like pulls it out of his ass and everyone's like yeah, that sounds great
And whoever said before was completely incorrect Andy Gibb died of a drug addiction and Barry Gibb
still alive. And there's also whoever, whoever said all this, whoever said that. And Maurice
died of a twisted intestines. Yeah. I don't even know how that happens. I guess it's comes
from fucking Saturday night fever. Go to slash last podcast on the left to watch video episodes of every single
episode we do. And don't forget to go watch side stories for free over on YouTube. And
once you got those apps open, go on over to tick tock and Instagram and follow us at LP
on the left. And if you still want more from the last podcast network, go over to
slash LPN TV to see us perform bullshit live and go back to our YouTube page to check out
everything after the fact VOD. And don't forget to come out and see us on tour. That's right,
man. We're going to be in Nashville soon. That is March 14th. We're doing the fricking
rhyming dude. Can't wait. I'm so so excited for this the rhyme is the most beautiful venue in the entire country
It's incredible. I can't wait to be there and then their weird Confederate Church
Right after that on the 16th that Sunday we're gonna be in Huntsville and Henry and I
Coming for you, NASA
I also told there are several competing
German restaurants and there's an entire German town that we can go to that is just outside of
Huntsville as well. Well if they are competing they need to hit us up and compete for our business
because we're big and we buy lots of sausage. I can't wait. So this NASA headquarters, not headquarters,
but they had a sudden influx of German population around 1945
I've heard some reason yeah ages had to find a bunch of different seem to be they were very demanding client
Yeah, and they see particular. Oh, yeah
And they just seem to create a lot of they found a way for them to be really comfortable
Yeah in Alabama now that I thought think about it the Nazis were quite fussy. No
They really really were yeah, really I call them pains in the ass
Maybe they were just upset because they're all the cuckoo clocks driving them crazy. Yeah, I can never sleep
All right well hell Satan everyone because Satan actually won't kill your kids
Yes, nothing to do with your fucking kids. Yeah, hell gene. You never killed a single child. Yes and hell gene Hackman
Well, we don't know yet. What do you mean?
You don't know whether it sounds like carbon monoxide poison. Oh, it's all that completely got debunked
No carbon monoxide poisons actually highly suspicious. They have no idea what happened inside the wall. I'm still
Please let's not get into a Chris Benoit situation here.
With Gene Hackman, with a kid with a wife.
He was 95!
The wife was found mummified, she'd been dead for days,
and they found him, they might have followed,
looks like either she died suddenly,
and then he fell, and then he had pills,
and then the dog ate the pills, is why the dog died,
that is like one thing that they're saying,
but otherwise they don't know,
because the doors, the front door was open that
was what's also weird so somebody could went in there for days the door was
apparently the same tune for science