Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 62: Thought Form Energy Ghosts

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

Henry skypes in from Los Angeles to give us updates on the Black Dahlia murder and to teach us about Tulpae, the imaginary ghost friends you can create in your spare time for fun and profit. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last time. On the left. That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? I don't know. Alright, we're ready to go. Alright, that's Marcus. I'm Ben with us as always from LA. We started this? Yeah, we started it, buddy. Good, good, good. Who are you? Oh, my name is Hollywood Boulevard, Henry Zabrowski, coming you straight through the streets of the dirty, dirty, shitty city of Hollywood, California. Very nice. You got LA update for us? Yeah, millions of dollars. Are you skyping in? Yeah, Henry Zabrowski is skyping in. So this will be our first experiment with it. I think it should work out perfectly. Henry, I hear you have some LA Evil to tell us. Oh, I so yeah, so I'm out here. This is an evil town.
Starting point is 00:01:03 This is a haunted place. Everywhere you go, you're just like, you know, there's always like a man walking down the street. He's got a Snoopy hat on and he's got like, you know, headphones like connecting anything. And he's just going like, you got the star quality. And I'm like, bro, I just, I'm trying to get a taco. You know, this is this whole fucking town. So recently, there's been a break in what was one of the most famous unsolved crimes in all of true crime history, the Black Dahlia murders. Now, I thought that was how carrot tops move. I pulled this up for the Black Dahlia. Anybody who's not aware of the brutal crime of the Black Dahlia murders, it's a young woman named Elizabeth Short was basically there's a lot of conjecture about
Starting point is 00:01:48 whether or not she was like a prostitute or she was like just a normal woman. Back in the 1940s, there was a really hard decision making process to tell whether or not a woman was a prostitute or just modern. How do you know? How was that a difficult process? Did she take money before sex or did she not take money before sex? Well, here's some of the finely fitted skirt. Well, here's some of the gory details. This is how her body was found. Short's body was severed at the waist and completely drained of blood. Her face was slashed at the corners of her mouth. And she had multiple cuts on her thighs and breasts where entire portions of flesh had been removed. She was washed and her body was posed with her hands over her head and her legs spread. And here's a
Starting point is 00:02:37 fun fact. When you have your mouth slashed from the corner of your mouth on, it's called a Glasgow Smile. Yeah, absolutely terrifying. You know, also just imagining a Polish person smiling is very sad. No, that's Scottish. Oh, I'm sorry. Another barbarian race in the fucking shitty Europe. I like that they just completely tore apart. They're like, well, now clean her up. Goddamn it. Yeah. Or she could be smiling. Yeah. Why does she look so sad? It looks like we just like cut off half of her body. Make her smile. She also, this crime was possibly linked to several other things, including another guy called the Cleveland, what's his name, like the Cleveland Marauder, another, the Cleveland torso murders, which was another group of murders in which women were
Starting point is 00:03:25 just sawed in half, which takes a lot of energy. It is. It was also known as the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run. That's a fun one. That's gonna be my Shakespeare play about my life. I feel like all the cuts of meat here at this butcher shop are really human like. This is good taste. You know, what though? I love it. I love it. I'm going back and just like, calm down, Martha. You're getting very intense about the meat. Don't look at me like that, Martha. No one knew what was going on, basically, because it was obviously that she was murdered in another place. Because when they found her, she was totally drained of blood, horribly mutilated. And now recently, the son of the man who owned the lot that she was found, his name was George Hill Hodel,
Starting point is 00:04:10 a Los Angeles doctor. His son has become a very famous true crime author. His name is Steve Hodel. And basically, he's going back through, he's pretty much convinced that his father's the murderer and he went back with forensic dogs. Because apparently, back in the 1940s, especially in LA, this was an incredibly crooked town. Yeah, right. Much like, I mean, everywhere in America in the 1940s. And this guy, Hodel, was already a principal suspect in the investigation. And the detective had even planted a bug in his house to list for incriminating admissions. But before authorities brought charges, Dr. Hodel abandoned his family and relocated to Asia. And did you hear what they recorded? It's like one of the most 1940s confessions I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:04:59 It's just like, suppose that I did kill the Black Valley. They couldn't prove it now. They can't talk to my secretary because she's dead. Cracking wall nuts the whole time. But they're so basically they've been found, they've basically found a bunch of forensic evidence that's pointing the fact that it was probably his father. They brought in a bunch of dogs in there because apparently they never did any sort of forensic investigation whatsoever, because he was so well connected at a multimillionaire in the 40s. And you know, basically, they totally slandered Elizabeth Short's name saying she was a prostitute. Essentially, everyone kind of believing she deserved whatever she got. So there was not an extensive investigation.
Starting point is 00:05:37 What's some of the forensics that they found out, or that they used? I can't really find anything, but they're just saying that there were traces of Short's remains in his basement. And he died in 1999. And the son has been trying to get this going since then, which is also just kind of baffling to me. The fact that it took, I don't know why it's taking this long, but apparently now they're saying it's pretty much definite that he is the fucking killer. Well, they're bringing the corpse sniffing dogs into the house. They're looking for any kind of traces whatsoever. Apparently these corpse sniffing dogs can pick something up
Starting point is 00:06:12 60 years later. You know how scary that would be if you're an elderly lady, but you're still alive and the dog just goes up to you and starts sniffing around and then barks. All right. You're gonna run around or crotch. Oh, this pussy died 40 years ago. Oh, you won't like you. Would you know all police weren't like this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:32 In other L.A. news, there's also some belief that there are some missing confession tapes of Charles Manson, and he may be responsible for like 20 more murders. Ooh. Who started this room? Up in the numbers. They are up in the numbers. Who's saying that? Are these just people saying that? Where's this thing?
Starting point is 00:06:50 I just saw this thing. I just handed it out. I feel like if he had any more murders under his belt, he would have spoken about them at this point. I mean, he's desperate for attention. He loves the camera. That's at least a couple of other interviews to get him out of solitary confinement if he confesses to 28 kills. That's totally true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I'm pretty certain that that is bullshit. He's a dead lawyer. He's a dead lawyer, says family member, told him of other murders in tape. So everybody involved with whoever had the proof is dead now. So it doesn't even really matter. Right, right, right. It's total nonsense. Well, let's continue on with some more total nonsense, Henry. You sent a great email out
Starting point is 00:07:28 and it was a very... What total nonsense? Hold on, let me close my window. The constant helicopters that hover above L.A. are fucking... Is it a drone? Look out. They're blowing people up now. They're blowing up American citizens, Henry. Get out of there. I think that there is a helicopter on my roof. Did it land?
Starting point is 00:07:44 I don't know. Are there ATF agents breaking through your window? It's loud up here. Have we cracked something too big? Oh my God. They're fucking onto me, man. They're reptilians. So I've been sitting alone in my room quite a bit. So I've been going out. I've been going out. I've seen people. I'm trying to. I'm trying
Starting point is 00:08:03 to have a good time. You have not been going out. I mean, it's a font of dumb shit. Yeah. But also some of the best magic ghost murder stuff on the face of the planet because everybody who is here is an absolutely total wacko. Right. In terms of especially if you live out in the desert.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah. And so what I've discovered, I mean, reading a lot about on this fantastic website called ghost that I think everyone needs to check out. It does. It does current paranormal news. Henry, I just have to. I just have to ask my age old question. Were you wearing pants? Never.
Starting point is 00:08:43 All right. He does. Was I wearing pants? Was I wearing socks as the question? Were you? No. As nude as the Irish. That's good.
Starting point is 00:08:55 It was. Well, I don't think the Irish are nude on purpose. Actually, you know, nude fucking Irish, dumb Irish wear suits to bed. They go naked to work, but they wear suits to bed. Oh, yeah. Because if not, they clawed each other like a bunch of monkeys, the dumb Irish. All right. So let's get back to this.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah. And so I've been reading a lot about, you know, new theories on the idea of what ghosts are. And I read this fascinating article that it started here basically about an experiment that was done in, I believe, Philadelphia. Hold on. I'm just pulling it up again right now because I forgot to lift this up. We're basically a group of scientists and researchers got together and they purposely
Starting point is 00:09:38 created a ghost. Now. Okay. Was this before, after the circle? Investigating deeper into this idea, you know, like, are ghosts true personalities? Are they independent of where they're from? Are they independent of the people that they're haunting? And this is pointing towards this idea that ghosts are just manifestations of things going
Starting point is 00:09:57 on inside of our brains. Okay. And then so this was started by, what's this guy's name, Dr. Wilson Van Dessen? Yeah. I believe it's the, what is his name? It's someone. It's yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:10:09 This is the normal one. This is Dr. Joel Whitton. Joel Whitton. Yes. Ah, this is part of the Toronto Society Psychical Research, huh? Psychical Research. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:23 This is what I do here now. I'm just going to get deeper into this, so that every single person I meet thinks that I'm totally insane, but what they don't understand is that I have my finger on the pulse of what's really going on. I think that they were right the first time when they called you insane. So basically, so let's start with this first story. Basically these researchers got together and they, is it possible to create a ghost? So these are the type of familiar ghost experiences that you could say are good, that constitute
Starting point is 00:10:57 familiar hauntings, you know? Some researchers. A group of teenagers gathered around a Ouija board receives a mysterious message from a person's spirit who claims to have died 40 years ago. And then, you know, a paranormal society conducts a seance where they contact a ghost that communicates through table wrappings, right? Which again, it seemed to be a lot of fakery and, and, and, and shankarism back in the day. Shankarism?
Starting point is 00:11:22 They're taking up words. Okay. Yeah. It's fine. It is fine. Yeah. So that was all, that was all a bunch of bullshit. So this group of researchers, some researchers are out there trying to.
Starting point is 00:11:32 And they basically, they're saying like, so, like let's purposely create a ghost and see what happens. So the first task was to, they wanted to create a fictional historical character that they could contact. They created a person named Philip Ailesford, all right? Yes. And so what they started doing was they, they would put together a bio of this guy. And so I'll read you the bio of this character that created Philip was an aristocratic Englishman
Starting point is 00:11:56 living in the middle 1600s at the time of Oliver Cromwell. He had been a supporter of the King and was Catholic. He was married to a beautiful, but cold and frigid wife, Dorothea, which is a great name for a woman who doesn't fuck the daughter of a neighboring nobleman. That's the whole bio? No, no, no, no. One day when out riding on the boundaries of his, of his estates, which is what aristocrats do, he came across a gypsy in camp and he saw they're a beautiful dark eyed girl, raven
Starting point is 00:12:26 hair, gypsy girl named Margo and fell instantly in love with her because she smelled like a dog. What? On her back. Are you making that partly to live in the gatehouse near the stables of Diddington Manor? Diddington. Diddington. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:43 For some time he kept his love nest secret, but eventually Dorothea, the woman with the frozen vagina, realizing he was keeping someone else there, found Margo, the dog woman, and accused her of witchcraft and stealing her husband. Philip was too scared of losing his reputation and his possessions to protest at the trial of Margo, and then the dog woman was convicted of witchcraft and burned to the stake. So the woman with the frozen vagina killed the dog woman out of jealousy for this Philip character? Yes, and absolutely.
Starting point is 00:13:11 They basically rounded out it, and then they say that Philip was stricken with such remorse that he committed suicide in this house. And so what they did was, as they sat there, they began. He cast himself from the battlements in a fit of agony and remorse. Interesting. Which again, only aristocrats can really feel. Which is screaming through yards and yards of wool. But basically, so what they decided to do is they would set up these séance, they began
Starting point is 00:13:39 the formal sittings, and they would sit, and they would fill out the bio of Philip. They would sit, and they would talk to Philip, and talk to Philip, and say things about Philip's life, repeating all the stuff. Basically as they were going, it worked. There was a boom, boom, two big wraps on the table, and basically they would see all these crazy sort of poltergeist behavior would show up in the room. But the thing was, is that they would ask you questions, and it would start speaking through a Ouija board, this entity which did not exist before, and it would do physical
Starting point is 00:14:14 things in the room. But its limitations were it couldn't imagine anything outside of the bio that they created for it. Ah, so they gave him a woman with a frozen vagina and a dog-faced girl. They could have thrown him in a nice pretty gal every now and again. Absolutely, yeah. You could have put a Jenny McCarthy in there. Oh my, Hollywood has changed you, my friend.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Jenny McCarthy. By the way. I was just saying, just that's for me. Real quick off subject, have you seen any porn stars? Because I was there for a week. Remember that porn star we saw pumping gas? Yeah. Oh, so hot.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, that's right. No, no, I haven't. Get out of your house. Put some pants on. I can't live in this house. You can't. You can't live in this house because the helicopters, they follow me to the taco stand. All right, lunatic.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So if I am reading between the lines here correctly, the only place you've been going since you came to LA is the taco stand. Like, listen, listen, they know me, they know what I like. Yeah, I'm sure you go to the taco stand every day at 9am with your head shot in tow, and you give them your head shot, and then you're like, do it again. In a briefcase. In a briefcase. You just walk down the 405 freeway, and I just flash into people.
Starting point is 00:15:25 You're like the McCarthy of comedians. That's great. No, me and Edward, I'm here with Ed a lot, and we go and take up space at restaurants here. I'm sure you do. You guys took a nice trip to, what was it, Knott's Berry Farm? We did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 You guys both look real. Fat. I mean, appropriate. Yeah, you guys look perfect at Knott's Berry Farm. I know. Hasn't he gotten fat? I was watching the burn the other day, and I'm like, I know TV adds 10 pounds, but it looks to add like an entire whale to him.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I mean, that is astronomical. Yeah, he's out there. He's enjoying himself. I don't know if he is, but either way, let's get back to this Philip ghost character. So basically, I was reading about this, and the climax of the experiment was a seance conducted before a live audience of 50 people. The session was also filmed as part of a television documentary. This seance was recorded for a live studio audience.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Fortunately, Philip was not stage-high, performed above expectations. Besides table wrappings, other noises are on the room, and making lights blink off and on, the group actually attained a full levitation of the table. It rose only a half inch above the floor, which seems more of a David Blaine kind of thing, but his incredible feet was witnessed by a group and the film crew. Unfortunately, the dim lighting prevented the levitation from being captured on the film. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And here is basically, so the Toronto organization of cyclical research basically pointed towards like this idea that we Krakos. And the Psychical Research Center was headed up by Dr. A. R. G. Owen, Dr. Arrg. Arrg. Arrg. Arrg. Arrg. Arrg. his fucking mother named it when she fucking bumped her vagina on the end of a
Starting point is 00:17:07 table. Arrg. Arrg. And a child was born. But so as I was reading this, I was like, this is really interesting, but it reminded me of this concept that I keep seeing pop-up, like reading about like different ghost theories. And one of this is an ancient, like it's a Buddhist principle in an object known as a tulpa.
Starting point is 00:17:29 What's the tulpa all about? A tulpa is a, it's an autonomous consciousness, which also exists in a self-imposed hallucinatory body, which is usually much of your choice. Now basically, it's this idea, it's the same exact thing, where using concentration and using meditation, you conjure a being, like you basically put all, you put a personality into a space and eventually it materializes to you and then becomes a totally separate entity to you and can help you memorize things, can help you, like basically, you know, it remembers every single thing you've ever done with it, every single thing you've ever read
Starting point is 00:18:12 with it. Is it Facebook? It can be your confidant, it can be your enemy, all this dumb shit. Okay. And so what are some of the steps to creating a tulpa? You know, I'm not totally sure. So again, what I love about the internet is that if you look, you receive a whole bunch of dumb advice.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Right. But this was actually recent. So a guy named Irish created this website called Yes. And the heading on it is, for science. For science. He just posted this last year, okay. New information has come to light.
Starting point is 00:18:57 New information has come to light, dude. This is the first time you've ever trusted the Irish though. What's going on, Henry? This is my problem is that I just, if only he would just, if his name had been China, I would have been fine with it. Right, right. They got all the information. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:13 But I mean, at the same time, I can't smell this guy, so I'm fine with him calling himself Irish. Ah, okay. You know. He's like a nerd too, like an annoying nerd. You know what? I don't believe it. I don't believe it.
Starting point is 00:19:24 The guy who has the tulpa website, Prince Charming. And there's an extremely, extremely long FAQ. All right. So basically, so this man's making the argument that ghosts are not real, ghosts are created by man's imagination. How does this make you feel in regards to the ghost conversation? I don't particularly want this to be true because I like the idea of ghosts to be a real, you know, group of folks that live in another world.
Starting point is 00:19:51 But it fits back into more of the idea of how much our consciousness are involved in what goes on in reality. When in terms of like, everything can be explained and go back into like, well then ghosts can totally be scientifically explained because it's all just refractions back of like how we deal with the goop that is reality. Uh-huh. So it's been a lot of time, a lot high in this room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I firmly believe that's true. So how does this make you feel? This is my favorite example of his, of Irish's ultimate nerdiness because they put it on here instead of saying tulpas, they say tulpe, t-u-l-p-a-e. Man, if you weren't going to read this, I was going to. Yeah, you want to read it, you read it. So he's got a gigantic FAQ and there's a lot of information, a lot of questions that you just say.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I noticed because he has a lot of frequent questions, but then he keeps saying in the form of a question, just refer to the fact and then you realize, oh, it's because all it is is fucking questions because it all may be total fucking alone person bullshit. Yeah. And so the FAQ on general information, the third fucking question is, where are you putting a Latin plural on a Tibetan word? Nerd. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And he's like, there are four main reasons for the Latin plural, and then you get one, because tulpas, topi, and whatnot, sound kind of awkward. Two, because Tibetan words don't really correct suffixes for plurals, they more or less change the word in some cases. Oh, I'm not the milk out of his hand. Yeah, exactly. You can still be able to know what you're talking about so they don't think the words are different things.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Three, because on the Wikipedia page about tulpe sort of implies that thought forms are tangible and by adding the Latin plural suffix we're sort of separating ourselves from that belief, four, because Irish and I had decided a couple months ago that it sounded coolest. That whole sentence needs to be finished with the words, geez mom, geez mom, get out of here. No, this is, so basically what he says is in order to do this, he has like a little set up his guide of how he created his tulpa, which I can only imagine looks like a 14-year-old Asian girl.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Okay. Because he doesn't describe what his tulpa looks like. I'm going to make my tulpa look like, I was thinking like a, you know, just a pair of floating boobs. No, that's a nice tulpa, yeah. How big, like a normal sized pair of boobs or like a Joe Canik? Four foot across. Four foot across.
Starting point is 00:22:21 With Gilgit Godfreyd's voice. Wow. Wow. Why are you going, Henry? That sounds like a terrifying tulpa. Yeah. I like that. That's what I'm going for.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Good. So at the very beginning he's just like, this is why he got into creating his own tulpa. I was bored and found this whole tulpa ordeal a year ago or so and decided I wanted a companion of sorts. So the idea of a tulpa really hit home. So this is also the caveat that he has to put at the very top of this. I decided on a form and the type of tulpa that I wanted and what I'd use a tulpa for, basically companionship.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I found that in this stage, it is best to get rid of ulterior motives and thoughts such as making a tulpa just for sex or making a tulpa just so I can beat the shit out of it. These are bad and counterproductive and usually result in a tulpa that will try to hurt you mentally. Interesting. So again, I mean, all this is, is that he's just talking about making an imaginary friend. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 That's all this is. Yeah. But it's the idea of you, it's again, this idea of self hypnosis where if you create it to the point where it can totally like, because you know, they say like people in solitary, they talk to your brain for a period of time and then they begin to talk to you back much like I have been doing here. That's what I was going to ask you. How lonely are you right now on a scale of not talking to yourself to talking to yourself?
Starting point is 00:23:41 LA is the equivalent of just being in a, in a, in a hibernation chamber. Yeah. It's a horrible place. You could go outside. There is, it is a sprawling, a wonderful place full of chicks with huge bosoms. Yeah. But I can't be boogie boarding all day. I can't be served by the way to work.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I'm pretty swazy into this. We're not talking point and break over here. No one's asking you to go to the ocean. Come on. It's cold in the ocean. I don't have my swimsuits with me. All I have is my black t-shirts with dead women on them. Ah, yes.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Good, good, good. Maybe it's best to stay inside. Oh, you got to see my new wide zombie t-shirt. It's pretty sweet. I love it. I absolutely love it. And it gets my, the appropriate reaction here. So what he does is he creates, he comes up with this concept of a wonderland.
Starting point is 00:24:28 You create a land for your tulpa to live in. And basically you just fill it with thought, fill it with thought, fill it with thought. And you say, you say things such as, you know, like you tell it's history. You have it speak to you, blah, blah, blah, in your brain. And then he says, after a while, he started feeling a funny feeling in the back of his head towards the spine. And then that's when you start showing up in front of you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You know, really going through this entire thing and reading it, you could replace the word tulpa with Furby and it would make these same exact sense. So have you tried? Can my Furby work as an alarm clock? Again? Can, well, my Furby kill me slash harm me. Cut my Furby and fuck it. Because that's what this is about.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Will my Furby get jealous? Furby's do get jealous. The Furby, the whole thing's getting jealous, but it's very, it's very intense. So it's like, is it true? Is it not true? Like, I don't know. Like, I don't know if you're, because there's also a big debate. It's like, are you just inspiring schizophrenia on yourself?
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah. I think it's just imaginary friend time. Yeah. That's all it is. Have you got a sting in the back of your head going into your spine? Have you tried this yet? Have you created a tulpa? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:25:43 What I've been trying to do is I'm trying to set up a thing called a, it's a, I'm trying to think that what's the proper term for it. It's called a ghost mirror. It's called a psychomantium. Okay. And what's a ghost mirror? And which is you just put a mirror in your room and then you need flickering light and then you look at it until you look at the mirror until you see ghosts.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I mean, what I like most about this thing about you being on Skype is that me and Ben can give each other disapproving looks about you without you saying. It's different when I'm in the room. This is hard not being in the room. Yeah. No, it's, it's fun. It's interesting not to see you so that I can really like fully understand who you are as a person.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Because I feel like- That's just truly how I come across all the podcasts to humans is how you're hearing me. Right. Yeah. You're charming in real life. You're cute and squishy and lovable. And then now I just feel like you're sad and lonely and weak.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I am. I am filled with tacos. They keep me. They keep me so nice. I also got some new stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah. I went all the way uptown, I got this, like, again, farm fresh, perfect weed that you can only get here. Oh, nice. God. See, that's a good thing about LA. That's the first nice thing you said. So there's famous examples of this in history.
Starting point is 00:26:59 There's a woman named Alexandra David Niel who was like a fucking woman's revolutionary traveled the world and basically was one of the first women to ever meet the Dalai Lama, like all this stuff. And she said that she created a tulip that looked like a gigantic sort of fryer talk-like creation. And the problem with it, it was this big, it looked like me with the fucking wig on where it's like it was this big jolly fryer talk character. And then they, the problem was is that these entities gain, like, they gain sentience and
Starting point is 00:27:33 they get to leave you and they're not a part of your personality anymore and you can't control them. And this guy, this essentially this creation of hers, became evil and became like skinny and hawk nose and stuff. What? It took 20 years to destroy it with mind bullets. With mind bullets? Wow.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Where do you buy those at? Can you get those at Walmart? No, no, no, no, no. You like make mind bullets. That was the guy I was talking about too. It's like, if you make your tulip and you don't like it, well, first of all, you should start thinking about why you even made a tulip in the first place. But second of all, if you've got to get rid of a negative tulip, then, you know, you're
Starting point is 00:28:05 really going to have to come at it with some pretty severe psychic assault because it's pretty permanently etched into the universe's fucking fabric. It sounds like an RPG game. It is an RPG game. Okay. It's another thing or two where you can create items for your tulpa, which is, that is RPG talk. It is.
Starting point is 00:28:23 It is. It is. It is. It is. It definitely is. So, how do you create a mind bullet? I mean, it just seems like you have to have a mind pack or a lot of it's like you just ignore it and then a lot of it, you literally just go like, go away.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Go away. Okay. So, when you're in a new place, the new roommate and you're sitting alone in your room and you just hear like, go away, go away in the other room, I'm certain that that's pretty difficult. So, it's just like exorcism, where you just yell a bunch and that's a mind bullet. The whole time your parents are- You're not even stupid.
Starting point is 00:28:59 You're stupid tulpa. Your parents are eating dinner in the dining room very quietly just wondering if you're ever going to have a girlfriend. What did we create? He's an odd boy. Because that's the other thing too. A lot of these dudes also be like, can I make my tulpa like animated? Like a squirrel?
Starting point is 00:29:17 And it's like all this stuff and he's just like, yes, yes, you can, but you just have to be aware that you're going to have to put a lot more energy into making it really fit into normal environment. But yes, you would definitely make an animated tulpa if you wish. Fucking losers. And it's all definitely in the type of languages. If you wish. If you wish.
Starting point is 00:29:36 If you wish. These fucking guys. I love them. Yeah, they're great. They're great guys. So have you tried to go to the mirror yet and create that? Do you have a mirror in your room right now or are you going to go purchase one? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I mean, I have a little mirror, but it's a little circus, like it's a little circus mirror-y. I have this room in here. I think it's a little belt because I look a lot fatter in it than I should be. I just want to say, we've discussed what you've been doing in LA. Knott's Berry Farm was mentioned, and I believe four trips to the taco stand. So perhaps wearing pants, right? Bone marrow last night.
Starting point is 00:30:19 So it's different. You had bone marrow. It's the worst thing you could possibly eat. Oh, my God. It's like God's mayonnaise inside our bones. That's the meanest thing a human God could ever do. Putting mayonnaise inside the bones. Because that's where it's most delicious.
Starting point is 00:30:38 You got to crack the bones. What animal do you get that out of? Oh, I think I had it. That was out of cow, but you can get it out of any animal with big, thick bones. You can't really do it with chickens. I think you can suck on chicken bones until they turn into liquid. That's like a desert thing. It's like an African thing.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Now this is different here. We choose the biggest, thicket bone, and we stab it in half, and then you just scoop all the stuff out of it, and they put a bunch of chimichurri sauce on it. So it was really spicy. Well, speaking of food and Los Angeles, and ghosts and dead people, Henry, why don't you tell us the story? You're currently, you're living with a roommate who pickles everything. I have to do this.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I have to do this. I have to do this. He pickles everything, and recently we will cover this. Can you tell the story today, or do you want to tell it later? Later. You want to tell it later? We'll save the pickle story. But we're talking about the tulpas, of course, and it could be argued that if this bullshit
Starting point is 00:31:40 is real, then, like, I'm assuming that the roommate is probably in the kitchen right now. Interesting. You know, the thing is, Henry, he is definitely more creeped out by you. Always remember that. Yeah, it's just really weird, he just brings his mirror into his bedroom, he looks at his lights. I was actually sitting here yesterday.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I was thinking about, everyone who lives with me must be terrified of me. Yes. You nailed it. Anyway, get back to the tulpas. To the tulpas is that if all of this presposing, if this bullshit has any kind of truth to it whatsoever, then, of course, it has to do with some sort of energy that you're projecting out into the universe that a lot of people say that ghosts are merely left over energies from our brains.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Energy can either be created nor destroyed, so therefore, when some people die in particularly fucked up ways, that energy is burst out into the universe in concentrated forms, which become ghosts that haunt people. Sure. And I think that's incredibly valid, and I think that in the end, it does sort of tie into all of this, and just this idea that we affect our environment by just having consciousness. No, I see that, but with the energy situation, then that goes against what he's talking about with the tulpa, where it's created by yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Isn't it when you die, your energy goes out? That's the purposeful creation of a ghost. That just shows that if it actually can happen, if you can create an autonomous personality with just your own brain, is that you can manipulate reality with just your world. So he's not arguing another existence of ghosts, which just happened naturally. He thinks that they both exist, but he thinks he can create them as well. This is all coming from me now. Oh, this is all you.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You're the nerd I need to discuss this with. So a lot of people say that ghosts are negative energies that come from us. Tulpas, I mean, that's a positive energy, because you're creating something that you're creating a buddy. Unless it looks like Fryer Tuck. Unless it looks like, well, that's still positive. Well, no, because then it loses weight and it gets a beak for a nose. That's what that woman's story was.
Starting point is 00:33:45 That's a problem. I think you should just go ahead and make a little Japanese girl with long black hair and no face, just so you can get past the scary part. Just setting the bar low, aren't you? Yeah, definitely. So this comes from So let's go over right now, negative energetic imprints. Ooh, let's hear about it.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Actually, let's start with thought form energy, which ties into the Tulpas. This is negative energy. That's what I do when I make my thought form energy. I just sit alone in the room and go, you're adorable. In situations where a person holds strong, emotionally charged thoughts or even beliefs and hold them for a long period of time, they can create a separate energetic form called a negative thought form energy. This energetic form, which can attach to people and things to sustain and magnify be the originator's
Starting point is 00:34:40 own energy, and besides drawing upon their energetic resources, it can affect the energy field of the person who created the thought form of the energy field of their environment in a negative way. So, what this is saying is that people can create involuntarily negative Tulpas. Okay. Oh, definitely. Yeah, the people can... It's like Kathy at work who's always fucking up the schedule.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You're doing it. Yeah. So, in addition to consciously creating positive thought form energies, people can also create negative thought form energies involuntarily, and that is another explanation of what certain ghosts are, which could also work into poltergeist, like say, you notice that a lot of poltergeist activity happens when there are young girls going through puberty or divorces and houses. A lot of strange just fucking horrible shit going on, that's when the poltergeist fucking activity happens, so it could be argued that poltergeist could be negative Tulpas.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Interesting. Definitely. And I'm actually very much into that. I actually think that that's very true. I think it's all accidental. It's as energy doesn't know what to do, and then, you know, it's kind of trapped in this room. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Right, right, right, right. So, what are some negative energies? There's also adversarial energies. Oh, were those negative energies you just went through? No, no, I just went through negative energetic thought form energies. This is just negative, this is adversarial energies. These are outside of ourselves. These negative energies.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So, where do they say this stuff comes from? Is this sort of a more of the idea that it's like interdimensional? Yeah, this is the idea that all energy comes from one place. They don't call it God, but it is essentially God. All energies come from one place, and there's no evil or good energy. There's more, it's more of a positive and negative energy, and energy can be manipulated throughout human, like by human consciousness. Okay, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah, that's how it's manipulated. So adversarial energies, they create adversity in our lives by magnifying or energizing our negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and as a result of our actions, some adversarial energies attach to and amplify the negative feelings of ghosts and earthbound spirits. When people die before that time and stay behind, they as ghosts or spirits can still feel anger, frustration, hate, and sadness, particularly when they realize they are trapped there. So you're just talking about pissed off ghosts that feed upon your energy.
Starting point is 00:37:09 It's kind of like the energy that you put out when you're pissed off or something. Those spirits absorb that energy, and so therefore they become more fucked up, they become more aggressive. Yes. Yeah, that's like your friend Mindy trying to explain to you why you're still single. Right, right, right, right. You could put it out there, but it's also what the research center was also talking about when they created the Philip entity, is that they actually don't know, that's
Starting point is 00:37:37 the big question left behind, is like, are we actually, there is room for do we make these things, or do when we give them credence, when we give them attention, do we allow spirits that otherwise exist to take for? Right, right, right, right. And they also argue that curses are negative thought form energy. Oh yeah, absolutely. Every single time, yeah, I just tell an old bitch on the street to go fuck herself. That's what I'm doing, I'm fucking throwing ghosts at her.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's very possible that old bitch will be an old witch though, and she can curse you. It's very dangerous, it's a risky maneuver around the other hand. I guess that's why homeless people always scream about how they're throwing ghosts at people. That's what they're doing. Oh, that's my friend.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yes, but curses are a two-way street, since it happens at the expense of the one who creates the curse, since they have to feed it energetically to keep it alive. Ah, it's like when you use a special move in a lot of those old video games. Yes, it hurts you at the same time. That's the reason why I wear my safety hat, every time I go out and do curses in the neighborhood. Uh-huh. Have you ever thought that a homeless man that you passed on the street wasn't not you? You know what he's talking about?
Starting point is 00:38:50 I just walk around, I have this in-and-out bag on my head, and I walk around and I tell various store owners how I'm going to throw ghosts at them unless they give me coupons. Okay, and how many coupons do you currently have? Two coupons. Not bad. Is one from the taco stand? Absolutely, because the thing that's going to come down to is that you can get a lot in this town just by yelling alone, because they're not really used to people yelling
Starting point is 00:39:13 at them. Yeah, that's true. So, if you just walk into a place like, you're going to get it, you're going to get it, and then they normally give you stuff just to have you leave. Right, which is a very, it's a good thing to do, it's a small man's maneuver. I have a two-fold strategy, I go in, I yell, and I berate them. I look at my coupons, I leave. Come back and it took CEDO, right, given everybody a $5 bill, tell them, I'm sorry for my rash
Starting point is 00:39:40 actions, but I wanted to see if they're good people, but now I'm willing to spend my millions of dollars here at their establishment. The best part is that both of those things are a lie. Yeah. Very interesting. Well, is there anything- I'm a born actor. You are a born actor, you're a brilliant actor, however, the audition's been going. That's fine, that's what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Good, good, anything else on these television- Television is bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that is the ultimate demon creator television. And these industry people just don't want to hear about Tulpas. Yeah, they don't want to know the truth. They don't want to hear about the fact that I'm reading this great guide to modern shamanism. Yeah, what have you learned from that book? It's just more like, it's thought and insight and hearing exercises in order to increase your shamanistic powers, so it's like one of them, one of the exercises was like, pick
Starting point is 00:40:33 a color. Notice that color every single time it appears in anywhere you go during the day. It's a crease your awareness. See, I'm trying this. It's just like, it does rub it out wherever you can. Rub it out. See, I'm starting to think that this podcast is unhealthy for Henry. It is unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Because it normalizes behaviors. No, no, no, no, it's making me a whole person. Yeah, I agree. I think that, yeah, all right, well, I guess we can wrap it up. So go out there. I'll go create detail of other stuff too. And then I'm going to have more and more LA True Crime for you guys. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Everyone can't wait to hear about it. So go create your own Telpa and, you know, Facebook us and let us know how it went. And yes, please. If you, yes, if you've created your own Telpa, try to draw a picture of it. Take a picture of it and send it on in. That sounds great. All right. Well, that's Marcus.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I am Ben. And then over there in LA, we got. Magusalations. Yeah. Hollywood. They'll say. Haugen. How me.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Yeah. Hile yourself. Yeah.

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