Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 64: Bonus Material: The Jonestown Death Tape

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

On this special bonus episode of Last Podcast: we present to you, in its entirety, the Jonestown Death Tape, starring the Reverend Jim Jones! Listen in to hear the last 45 minutes of 900 people's live...s. Needless to say, it is very disturbing.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no place to escape to. This is the last talk. On the left. Rise from your glades. That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? All right, that's Marcus. I'm Kissel.
Starting point is 00:00:11 With us as always. Sunset Boulevard. Henry Zabrowski. Ah, this face made the pictures. It did. It made them and broke them. Hey, have you had any good celebrities? Have you had any good celebrity sightings recently, Henry?
Starting point is 00:00:31 You're just jumping right into this, man. It feels like I'm on The Tonight Show. This is amazing. Is this what it's like? Are you Johnny Carson? Yeah, dude. I am back from the grave. I'm here to haunt your nightmares.
Starting point is 00:00:43 You're like Johnny Carson if Johnny Carson was sat on by a taxi driver for 25 years. What are you talking about? That's insane. Fucking jerky. You're Johnny Carson if he was turned into a fucking seven-feet of jerky. That's very rude. My skin is nice. It's not dry at all.
Starting point is 00:00:59 It's wet and moist. I know. I know this. I know. That's why your employer keeps fucking catching you jerking off and rubbing lotion all over yourself. You're too moist. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Take it easy. Take it easy. I get dry in the winter. What I would have, the scream that would have come out of my mouth if I walked into my bathroom and I saw you using my expensive lotion all over your big, veiny, clotted legs. All right. Well, let's not get a little bump in the bill over here. Apparently, you don't want to talk about your celebrity side.
Starting point is 00:01:30 No, no, no, no. I'm not talking about me lathering up. I was in between meetings. In between taco stands. So much power. But I sat next to a certain Mr. Gladiator, Russell Crowe himself. I sat next to Russell Crowe and he smells like a bag of old kangaroo shit. He is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I mean, what do you think he thought that you smelled like? I mean, I smell like we were saying I smell like baby powder. Yeah. And hope. And hope. Oh, yeah. And I was eating an egg and bacon sandwich. What was he eating?
Starting point is 00:02:07 Some salad. So he wasn't actually just eating kangaroo shit as most Australian men do. Australian men suck. They're big and they are smelly and they can't get any place if they can't fucking surf there and there's generations of rapists made them. Oh my goodness. Come on. That's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:02:29 People worse than the Irish. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Marcus, is that the meanest thing Henry's ever said about somebody tropical Irish tropical Irish? The Australians.
Starting point is 00:02:41 All right. Yes. Yes. All right. Well, speaking of stinky meat and sweaty men, today we're going to talk about Jim Jones and both Henry and I are on Skype right now. So we're going to play you much of what Jim Jones said to his unbelievably captive audience. Very much so captive.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Now, remember again, this is ramping up to their final moments. So whatever sort of convincing arguments that he would have had have already come and gone. These people are pretty much trapped. I think some people tried to escape, but mostly everybody that was involved in there died. There was one woman, there was one old woman who was able to escape by hiding underneath a bed because she knew immediately when they did Code White Night, like that was their number one code as far as everything's gone wrong, everything's shit. Code White Night.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So she heard that, she had her under the bed and this was not the first time that he had declared Code White Night and he had already tested them once to see if they would do it. He'd already done this whole spiel before to see if they would actually commit suicide and it was a whole fake thing. What were the true circumstances that led up to Code White Night? Do you remember? Yeah, absolutely. The true circumstances was that there was a congressman whose daughter, I believe his
Starting point is 00:03:58 daughter was a part of the cult and he went down with a couple of other family members whose family was in the cult just to investigate, just to see what was going on. And Jim Jones was at the very end of his rope at this point. He is doing a lot of coke. He was starting to lose control over everything and he was just spiraling out of control and this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. And then people were passing notes to the congressman because he hung out with them for a night.
Starting point is 00:04:30 People were passing notes to the congressman, yeah, get us out, I want to leave right now. How scared are you if you're that fucking congressman? Oh, no, absolutely. How scared are you? Oh my God, so terrified. I mean, especially because initially you get a note and you're like, oh, this is definitely a woman's phone number. She's a saucy Hollywood blonde.
Starting point is 00:04:47 She wants to blow me. I'm a congressman. They're in the middle of nowhere. There's not a good fellow about. And there were 20 people that eventually, around 20 people that eventually left with the congressman. There were two planes that were going out and one of the planes actually got up off the ground and there was a dude, there was a mole planted on that plane that planned
Starting point is 00:05:08 to shoot the pilot in the head, but they were able to wrestle the gun away from him before he killed anybody on the plane. However, the second plane with the congressman, they sent, well, there were also journalists out there. There was people from ABC News, there was a cameraman, I think a reporter, and one other dude on that plane that was able, one of the dudes was able to escape into the woods after the shooting started, but the congressman and all the journalists just got fucking riddled with bullets from assault rifles.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And so that's what Jim Jones said. He started, he did Code White Night and he said, the congressman is dead. We all have to kill ourselves because they're going to, the government's going to come in here. They're going to slaughter all of the children. They were going to, you know, they're going to make life hell on earth for us. And of course, you'll hear all of this stuff in the tapes because it really is the last one.
Starting point is 00:06:05 You'll hear all, you'll hear all that stuff, you've listened to Glenn Beck's new radio program. This Code White Night situation, it just reminds me of sort of a fire drill that might happen in school, you know? Also, is that not the name of, is it not the name of a Daniel Stern Damon Wayans film? White Night, right? That was, you're thinking of Black Night and it's Martin Lawrence. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Please, please, Henry. That's ridiculous. I mean, you're saying this is the ramp up to it, but there were still people arguing against it all the way up and almost all the way up until the end. And some people did have to be shot. And in fact, Jim Jones himself, I found out Jim Jones had to be shot in the head because he wouldn't take the Kuwait. It was one of his followers because he couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:06:56 He couldn't commit suicide. He was too much of a bitch to follow his own suicide pack. Yep. So did he order someone else to shoot himself, shoot him in the head? Yeah. Jesus Christ. Yeah. I mean, that's a good job to have though, you know, after you shoot Jim Jones, you can
Starting point is 00:07:12 pretty much just drop the gun and slowly walk away. Yep. He killed himself immediately afterwards. But that's a leader's job is to delegate, delegate, delegate. I found it with, he can't be doing all this stuff himself. And if you'll listen, if you'll listen on the tapes, if there's one thing that you'll notice, there's this weird music played throughout this weird, like you can't really figure out what it is.
Starting point is 00:07:35 It kind of sounds like organ music at some time. What it actually is, is that what someone had done, it was this whole thing was taped on reel to reels. Someone had taped over a Delphonics record. That's horrible. The Delphonics is an old soul group. And someone seriously couldn't get a new tape, like for the moment. So what you hear, there were no new tapes.
Starting point is 00:07:59 What you hear in the background is, you're looking at an old DHS porno and it cuts to like family memories. It's like you jumping on trampoline, your mother, you know, sucking down tea. Yeah. So what you hear in the background the whole time is an old Delphonics album played at half speed. Wow. I feel like people in North Korea love the exact same life as the folks of Jonestown.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Oh yeah. I mean, except, you know, at least they had parties all the time and they have parades and stuff like that. So you think if you had to choose between living in North Korea or living in Jonestown, knowing the way that Jonestown ends, you're sticking with Jonestown? No, no, no. I'm sticking. I'm going to North Korea.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I'm going to North Korea. Yeah. I can't take the heat of Africa. I'm going to fucking Africa. It was Africa, South America. Same difference. There is a world of difference. But you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:08:48 But in terms of climate, it's the same thing, you know, and you got antelopes in both places. Anywhere up in the U.S. soil for Henry is just Africa. You should see him in Canada. It's absolutely confusing. Yes. Oh, I hate it. I can't. All these African whites running around with their Canadian accents.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Where is the dreaded African, the dreaded African moose? Why is that fat American dressed like he's going on safari? I'm cold. I haven't seen a single tiger here. That's terrible. I want my money back. Yeah. I feel like you go on vacation and report back like every single Jewish grandmother reports
Starting point is 00:09:31 back after vacation. I do. Yeah. I do. It's just like, oh, very good, but so affordable. All right, guys, well, let's get to the tape. All right, buddy. Enjoy yourselves.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Be creeped out. Jim Jones is Jonestown massacre. And don't get convinced after listening to this. Don't drink the Kool-Aid. It's over. Yeah, the moment is past. It's not real anymore. No one will respect you.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And I'll say, if my own experience is any gauge, that if you, for maximum enjoyment, get really stoned and look at pictures of the devil while you listen to this. That's how we did it. I could say that about anything. All right. We'll see you guys next week. We're going to have a full episode coming up next. We've got a creepypasta episode.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So wait around for that. Okay, in the meantime, here is the Jonestown death tape. Yeah. Kill yourselves. How very much I've loved you. How very much I've tried my best to give you a good life. But in spite of all of the I've tried, a handful of our people with their lives have made our life impossible.
Starting point is 00:11:00 There's no way to detach ourselves from what's happened today. Not only we're in a compound situation, not only are there those who have left and committed the betrayal of the century, some stolen children from others and they're in pursuit right now to kill them because they stole their children. And we are sitting here waiting on a powder keg. I don't think this is what we want to do with our babies. I don't think that's what we had in mind to do with our babies. She was dead by the greatest of profits from time immemorial.
Starting point is 00:11:40 No man lay, takes my life from me, I lay my life down. So to sit here and wait for the catastrophe that's going to happen on that airplane, it's going to be a catastrophe. Almost happened here. Almost happened. The congressman is nearly killed here. But you can't steal people's children. You can't take off with people's children without expecting a violent reaction.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And that's not so unfamiliar to us either if we, even if we were Judeo-Christian, if we weren't communists, the world, the kingdom suffers violence and the violence shall take it by force. If we can't live in peace, then let's die in peace. We have been so betrayed, we have been so terribly betrayed. But we tried, and this Jack B. Moffin said, and I don't know where he's at right this moment, where's Jack, he said, if this only worked one day, it was worthwhile. What's going to happen here in a matter of a few minutes is that one of those people
Starting point is 00:13:00 on that plane is going to shoot the pilot. I know that. I didn't plan it, but I know it's going to happen. They're going to shoot that pilot, and down comes that plane into the jungle. And we had better not have any of our children left when it's over, because they'll parachute in here on us. I'm telling you, just as plain as I know how to tell you, I've never lied to you. I never have lied to you.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I know that's what's going to happen. That's what he intends to do, and he will do it. He'll do it. Fortunately, being so bewildered with many, many pressures on my brain seeing all these people behave so treasonous, it was just too much for me to put together, but I now know what he was telling me, and it'll happen if the plane gets in the air even. So my opinion is that we be kind to children and be kind to seniors and take the portion like they used to take in ancient Greece and step over quietly, because we are not committing
Starting point is 00:14:07 suicide. It's a revolutionary act. We can't go back. They won't leave us alone. They're now going back to tell them more lies, which means more congressmen, and there's no way, no way we can survive. Anybody who has any dissenting opinion, please speak. Yes, you can have an opportunity, but if our children are left, we are going to have them
Starting point is 00:14:40 butchered. We can make a strike, but we'll be striking against people that we don't want to strike against. We'd like to get the people who cause this stuff, and if some people here are prepared to know how to do that, you go in town and get them, but they don't want, there's no plane. There's no plane. You can't get your plane in time.
Starting point is 00:15:05 He's responsible for it. He brought these people to us. The Indiana Myrtle, but people in San Francisco will not be idle over this. They'll not take our death in vain, you know. Yes, Christine. Is it too late for Russia? Here's why it's too late for Russia. They killed.
Starting point is 00:15:31 They started to kill. That's why it makes it too late for Russia. Otherwise, I'd said, Russia, you bet your life, but it's too late. I can't control these people. They're out there. They've gone with their guns, and it's too late. And once we kill anybody, at least that's the way I've always, I've always put my lot with you.
Starting point is 00:15:52 If one of my people do something, it's me. Now they say, I don't have to take the blame for this, but I don't live that way. If they deliver up Ujjara, who tried to get the man back here, Ujjara, whose mother has been lying on him and lying on him and trying to break up this family, and they've all agreed to kill us by any means necessary, you think I'm going to deliver them, Ujjara? Not on your life. No. No, you're not going.
Starting point is 00:16:20 You're not going. You're not going. I can't live that way. I cannot live that way. I've lived with for all, and I'll die for all. I've been living on hope for a long time, Christine, and I appreciate you always being a very good agitator. I like agitation because you've got two sides of one issue, two sides of a question.
Starting point is 00:16:47 What those people are going to get done, what they get through, will make our life worse than hell, will make the rushes not accept us when they get through lying. It goes so many lies between there and that truck that we are done in as far as any other alternative. Well, I said, let's make an airlift to Russia. That's what I say. I don't think nothing is impossible. Well, how are we going to air...
Starting point is 00:17:16 You can't believe it. How are you going to airlift to Russia? Well, I thought they said if we got it in an emergency, they gave you a code to let them know. They gave us the code that they'd let us know of an issue, not us creating an issue for them. They said if we, if they saw the country coming down they'd create, they'd give us the code. They'd give us the code.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You can check on there and see if it's on the code. You can check with Russia to see if they'll take us in immediately. Otherwise we'd die. I didn't want to, as you say, to these people. But to me, death is not a fearful thing. It's living this treachery. I have never, never, never, never seen anything like this before in my life. I've never seen people take the law and do their own hands and provoke us and try to
Starting point is 00:18:06 purposefully agitate murder of children. You know, Christine, it's just not, it's not worth living like this. What's living like this? I think that there were too few who left for 1,200 people to give them their lives for those people that left. You know how many left? Oh, 20 odd. That's, that's a small...
Starting point is 00:18:28 20 odd. 20 odd. Come back. They had to, what, here? 20 odd. But what's going to happen when they don't leave? I hope that they could leave, but what's going to happen when they, when they don't leave? You mean the people here?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah, what's going to happen to us when they don't leave, when they get on the plane and the plane goes down? I don't think it'll go down. You don't think it'll go down? I wish I could tell you you were right, but I'm right. There's one man there who blames and rightfully so Debbie Blakey for the murder, for the murder of his mother, and he'll, he'll stop that pilot by any means necessary. He'll do it.
Starting point is 00:19:12 That plane will come out of the air. There's no way you fly planes out of pilot. I wasn't speaking about that plane. I was speaking about the plane for us to go to Russia. How... To Russia. Do you think Russia's going to want, no, not going to, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's... Do you think Russia's going to want us with all this stigma?
Starting point is 00:19:40 We have some value, but now we don't have any value. Well, I don't see it like that. I mean, I feel like that as long as his life is hope, that's my fate. Well, some, everybody dies. Some place that hope runs out because everybody dies. I haven't seen anybody yet, didn't die. And I'd like to choose my own kind of death for a change. I'm tired of being tormented to hell.
Starting point is 00:20:05 That's what I'm tired of. So I want people's lives in my hands, and I certainly don't want your life in my hand. I'm going to tell you, Christine, without me, life has no meaning. I'm the best friend you'll ever have. And once, once I have to pay, I'm standing with you, Jarrah. I'm standing with those people. They're part of me. I can detach myself.
Starting point is 00:20:32 My journey says detach myself. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I never detach myself from any of your troubles. I've always taken your troubles right on my shoulders, and I'm not going to change that now. It's too late. I've been running too long. Not going to change now.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I mean, the next time you get to go to Russia, the next time around, what I'm talking about now is in the dispensation of judgment. This is a revolutionary suicide council. I'm not talking about self-destruction. I'm talking about what we have no other road. I will take your, your call. We will put it to the Russians, and I can tell you the answer now because I'm a prophet. Call the Russians and tell them Steve will take us.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I said I'm afraid to die. I don't think you are. I don't think you are. But I look at our babies and I think they deserve the lives. I agree. You know? They deserve what's more that deserve peace. We all came here for peace.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Have we had it? No. I tried to give it to you. I've laid down my life practically. I practically died every day to give you peace, and you still not had any peace. You look better than I've seen you in a long while, but it's still not the kind of peace that I wanted to give you. The point is the food continues to say that you're winner when you're losing.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Win one, lose two, what? I didn't hear you, ma'am. You'll have to speak up. That's just what he thought. He said that. Come on up and speak it again, honey, come up and say it about what I talked about. It's taken off. No plane is taken off.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It's suicide. They have done it. Stone has done it. Somebody, somebody, can they talk, can they not talk to San Francisco? See, the stone does not get by with this infirmary, this infirmary. He has done the thing he wanted to do, to have us destroyed. When you, when you, when we destroy ourselves, we're defeated, we let them, the enemy, defeat us.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Did you see, did you see, I lived to fight no more forever? Yes, I saw that. Did you not have some sense of pride and victory in that man? He would not subject himself to the will and whim of people who tell, they're going to come in whenever they please and push into our house. Come when they please, take who they want to, talk to who they want to. Does this, that living, that's not living to me. That's not freedom.
Starting point is 00:23:33 That's not the kind of freedom I saw. But I think where they made their mistake is when they stopped to rest. If they had gone on, they would have made it, but they stopped to rest. It's over, sister, it's over. We've made that day, we made a beautiful day, and let's make it a beautiful day. We win when we go down. Tim Stone has nobody else to hate, he has nobody else to hate. Nobody will destroy himself.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'm speaking here not as the administrator, I'm speaking as a prophet today. I wouldn't step in this seat and talk so serious if I didn't know what I was talking about. There's no way to call back. The immense amount of damage is going to be done. But I cannot separate myself from the pain of my people. You can't either, Christine, if you stop to think about it. You can't separate yourself.
Starting point is 00:24:31 We've walked too long together. I know that, but I still think, as an individual, I have a right to what I think, what I feel, and I think we all have a right to our own destiny as individuals. And I think I have a right to choose mine and everybody else has a right to choose theirs. I'm not criticizing, I'm not turning this, what's that? That's the day, that's what 20 people said the day with their lives. I still have a right to my own opinion. I'm not taking it from you, I'm not taking it from you.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Christine, you're only standing here because he was here in the first place. So I don't know what you're talking about, having an individual life. Your life has been extended to the day that you're standing there because of him. Oh, it's like, there she has much right to speak to anybody else, too. What'd you say, Louis? Well, you'll regret it this very day if you don't die. You'll regret it if you don't die, you'll regret it. Too many people.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I saved them, I saved them, but I made my example. I made my expression, I made my manifestation, and the world was ready, not ready for me. Paul said I was a man born out of due season. I've been born out of due season just like all we are, and the best testimony we can make is to leave this goddamn world. Please, please. You must be scared of that. I'm not talking to her.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Will you let her, let me talk. You're talking to her. Would you make her sit down and let me talk while I'm on the floor, or let her talk? Properly tell the leader what to do, it really isn't right. I've listened to you. You asked me about Russia. I'm right now making a call to Russia. What more do you suggest?
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'm listening to you. If Russia gives me one flight, a bit of encouragement, I just now instructed them to go there and do that. If you would be no fucking good in Russia, God damn it, don't you know what you're doing? All right, now everybody hold it, we didn't come, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. I'd longer maintain. To lay down your burdens, I'm going to lay down my burdens down by the riverside, so we lay them down here in the side of Guyana, what's the difference?
Starting point is 00:27:19 No man didn't take our lives right now, he hadn't taken them, but when they start parachuting out of the air, they'll shoot some of our innocent babies. I don't insist on this, Christine, because they got to shoot me to get through to some of these people. I'm not letting them take your job, can you let them take your job? You want to see John die? What's that? What do you mean you want to see John, the little one who's keeping you?
Starting point is 00:27:42 I want to see... Christine, are you saying that you think he thinks more of them than other children here? John, John. That's what you're saying? What you're acting on, do you think I'd put John's life above others, if I put John's life above others, I wouldn't be standing with the John? I'd send John out, he could go out on the driveway tonight, because he's young, they're young.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I know, but he's no different to me than any of these children here, he's just one of my children. I don't prefer one above another, I don't prefer him above you Jara, I can't do that, I can't separate my stuff from your actions or his actions. If you'd done something wrong, I'd stand with you, they wanted to come and get you, they'd have to take me. They're all ready to go, if you tell us we have to give our lives up, we're ready, I'm pretty sure all the rest of the brothers are with me.
Starting point is 00:28:44 A month I've tried to keep this thing from happening, but I now see it's the will, it's the will of Stalin being that this happened to us, that we lay down our lives in protest against what's been done, that we lay down our lives to protest in what's being done. The criminality of people, the cruelty of people, who walked out of here today, did you notice them walk down, mostly white people, mostly white people walks, I'm so grateful for the ones that didn't, those who knew who they are, but there's no point, there's no point to this, we are born before our time, they won't accept us, and I don't think we should sit here and take any more time for our children to be endangered, because
Starting point is 00:29:36 they come after our children and we give them our children, then our children will suffer forever. I have no quarrel with you coming up, I like you, I personally like you very much. People get hostile when you try to do it. Oh well, some people do, but some people do, put it that way, I'm not hostile. You had to be honest, and if you wanted to run, you had to run with them, because anybody could have run today, they would want to do. I know you're not a runner, and your life is precious to me, it's as precious as John's,
Starting point is 00:30:16 and what I do, I do with weight, and justice, and judgment, I've waited against all evidence. That's all the texting. What comes now, folks, what comes now? Everybody hold it. Stay peace, stay peace, stay peace, stay peace, what's come, don't let it, take Dwyer on down to the east house. Everybody be quiet please. So you've got some respect for our lives.
Starting point is 00:30:52 That means sit down, sit down, sit down. I know. I tried so very, very hard. We're trying over here to see what can happen in Los Angeles, who is it? Get Dwyer out of here before something happens to him. Dwyer, I'm not talking about you, Jarrah, I said Dwyer, you're nobody going to take you Jarrah, I'm not letting them take you Jarrah. Together, folks, it's easy, it's easy, yes, my love.
Starting point is 00:31:55 At one time, I felt just like Christine felt, but after today, I don't feel anything because the biggest majority of the people that left here were white, and I know it really hurt my heart. It broke your heart, didn't it? It broke my heart to think that all these years that these white people have been with us, and they're not a part of us, so we must end it now, because I don't see- It's all over, it's all over. What a legacy, what a legacy.
Starting point is 00:32:53 About the Red Brigade, the only one never made any sense anyway, they invaded our privacy, they came into our home, they followed us 6,000 miles away, the Red Brigade showed them justice, the congressman's dead. Please get us the medication, it's simple, it's simple, there's no convulsions with it, it's just simple, just please get it, before it's too late, the GDF will be here, I tell you, get moving, get moving, get moving, don't be afraid to die, if you feel 50 people land out here, they'll torture some of our children here, they'll torture our people, they'll torture our seniors, we cannot have this, are you going to separate yourself from whoever
Starting point is 00:33:37 pushed out the congressman, I don't know who shot him, Speaker Pete and those had a right to go and they had a right to, how many are dead, oh god almighty god almighty, Patty Parks is dead, I don't know how in the world are ever going to write about us, it's just too late, it's too late, the congressman's dead, the congressman's dead, many of our traitors are dead, they're all laying out there dead, I didn't, but my people did, my people did, they're my people, and they've been provoked too much, they've been provoked too much, what's happened here has been too, this has been an act of provocation, yes, if it's any way it's possible to have them to give Ted something to take him, I'm satisfied,
Starting point is 00:35:03 okay, I said if it's any way you can have them to give Ted something so he won't have to let him go too, okay, and I'm satisfied, that's fine, Ted, yes, yes, yes, I said I never wanted to give you guys, and I appreciate you for everything, you're the only, you're the only, you're the only, and I appreciate you, please can we hate them, can we hate them, please move, West Virginia with TGDF, I think they saw it happen and ran in the bush and dropped the machine guns, I haven't in my life, but there'll be more, you got to move, are you going to get the medication here, you got to move, Marcell, there's about 40 minutes, you have to move and the people that are standing there in the aisle go stay
Starting point is 00:36:26 in the radio room yard, but everybody get behind the table and back this way, okay, there's nothing to worry about, everybody keep calm and try and keep your children calm, and the older children can help love the little children and reassure them, they're not crying from pain, it's just a little bitter tasting, but they're not crying out of any pain, Annie McGown, can I please see you back, I used to do before I came here, so let me tell you about it, it might make a lot of you feel a little more comfortable, sit down and be quiet please, one of the things that I used to do, I used to be a therapist, and the kind of therapy that I did had to do with reincarnation and past life situations, and every time anybody
Starting point is 00:37:21 had the experience of going into a past life, I was fortunate enough through father to be able to let them experience it all the way through their death, so to speak, and everybody was so happy when they made that step to the other side, you can do but step that way, it's the only way to step, that choice is not ours now, it's out of our hands, if you have a body that's been crippled, suddenly you have the kind of body that you want, it feels good, you've never felt so good family, I tell you, you've never felt so good is how that feels, and I do hope that those attorneys will stay where they belong and don't come up here, why is it, what is it, get what, it's hard, it's hard, only at first, only
Starting point is 00:38:42 at first is it hard, it's hard, only at first, living, you're looking at death, it only looks to, living is much, much more difficult, raising up every morning and not knowing what it's going to be the nice bringing, it's much more difficult, it's much more difficult, I just want to say something to everyone that I see that is standing around and crying, this is nothing to cry about, this is something we should all rejoice about, we should be happy about this, they always told us that we should cry when you come into this world, but when we are living and we are living in people, I think we should be happy about this, I was just thinking about Jim Jones, he just has suffered and suffered and suffered, he
Starting point is 00:39:38 is the only God and he will even have a chance to enjoy his death here, and I want to say one more thing, this is one more thing, the excuse that's gone is many more here, that's not all of us, that's not all yet, that's just a few that has got a chance to get to the one that there's a 10 on this door to, it lies to, so I'm looking at so many people crying, I wish you would not cry, and just thanks father, just thank him, I've been here about, I've been here a long year and nine months, and I never felt better in my life, not in San Francisco, but until I came to Jonestown, I've enjoyed this life, I've had a beautiful life, and I don't see nothing for us to be crying about, we should be happy,
Starting point is 00:40:45 at least I have, that's all I want to say, wouldn't be alive today, I'd just like to thank dad because he was the only one that stood up for me when I needed him, and thank you dad, I'm glad you're my brothers and sisters, I'm glad to be here, okay, please for God's sake, let's get on with it, we've lived, we've lived as no other people lived and loved, we've had as much of this world as you're going to get, let's just be done with it, let's be done with the agony of it, it's far, far harder to have to watch you every day die slowly, and from the time you're a child to the time you get gray, you're dying, dishonest, and I'm sure that they'll pay for it, they'll pay for it, this is a revolutionary
Starting point is 00:41:56 suicide, this is not a self-destructive suicide, so they'll pay for this, they brought this upon us, and they'll pay for that, I leave that destiny to them, who wants to go with their child, has the right to go with their child, I think it's humane, I want to go, I want to see you go though, they can take me and do anything, whatever they want to do, I want to see you go, I don't want to see you go through this hell no more, no more, no more, no more, we're trying, if everybody will relax, the best thing you do to relax is that you have no problem, you have no problem with the thing, if you just relax, the children here, a great deal because of Jim Jones, and the way the children are
Starting point is 00:42:53 laying there now, I'd rather see them laid like that than to see them have to die like the Jews did, which was bitter for anyhow, and I'd just like to thank dad for giving us life and also death, and I appreciate the fact the way our children are going, because like dad said, when they come in, what they're going to do to our children, they're going to massacre our children, and also the ones that they take, captured, they're going to just let them grow up and be dummies like they want them to be, and not grow up to be a first just like the one and only Jim Jones, so I'd like to thank dad for opportunity for letting Jonestown be, not what it could be, but what Jonestown is, thank you dad, it's
Starting point is 00:43:59 not to be feared, it is not to be feared, it's a friend, it's a friend, are you sitting there showing your love for one another, let's get calm, let's get calm, do us, we have nothing we can do, we can't separate ourselves from our own people, the twenty years laying in some old rotten nursing home, taking us through all these anguish years, they took us and put us in chains and that's nothing, there's no comparison to that, to this, and robbed us of our land, and they've taken us and driven us, so we tried to find ourselves, we tried to find a new beginning, but it's too late, you can't separate yourself from your brother and your sister, no way I'm gonna do it, I refuse, I don't know who fired the shot,
Starting point is 00:45:07 I don't know who killed the congressman, but as far as I'm concerned I killed him, you understand what I'm saying, I killed him, he had no business coming, I told him not to come, let's get him out of here, let's get out of here, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's I would suspect die was a degree of dignity. Lay down your life with dignity. Don't lay down with tears and agony. There's nothing to death.
Starting point is 00:46:14 It's like Max that is just stepping over in another plane. Don't, don't be this way. Stop this hysterics. This is not the way for people who are socialistic communists to die. No way for us to die. We must die with some dignity. Soon we'll have no choice. Now we have some choice.
Starting point is 00:46:43 You think they're going to allow this to be done and allow us to get by with this? No. It's just something to put to rest, oh God. Mother, mother, mother, mother, mother, mother, please. Mother, please, please, please. Don't, don't do this, don't do this. Lay down your life with your child, but don't do this. Free at last.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Please, keep your emotions down, keep your emotions down. They will not hurt if you'll be quiet, if you'll be quiet. It's never been done before you say it's been done by every tribe in history, every tribe facing annihilation. All the Indians of the Amazon are doing it right now. They refuse to bring any babies into the world. They kill every child that comes into the world, because they don't want to live in this kind of a world.
Starting point is 00:48:20 So be patient, be patient. Death is, I'll tell you, I don't care how many screams you hear, I don't care how many anguished cries. It's a million times preferable to stand more days of this life. If you knew what was ahead of you, if you knew what was ahead of you, you'd be glad to be stepping over tonight. Death, death, death is common to people. And they ask them always, they take death in their stride.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And that's to be dignified. If you quit, tell them they're dying. If you're adults, stop some of this nonsense. Adults, adults, adults, I call on you to stop this nonsense. I call on you to quit exciting your children when all they're doing is going to quiet rest. I call on you to stop this now. If you have any respect at all,
Starting point is 00:49:08 are we black, proud, and socialist, or what are we? Now stop this nonsense. Don't carry this on anymore. You're exciting your children. All over and it's good. No sorrow that it's all over. I'm glad it's over. Hurry, hurry, my children, hurry.
Starting point is 00:49:30 All right, they just not following the hands of the enemy. Hurry, my children. Hurry, the seniors out here that I'm concerned about, hurry. I don't want to leave my seniors to this mess. Quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly. Sisters, but now I am. There's no pain now. No more pain, I said Al.
Starting point is 00:50:01 No more pain. Jim Cobb is laying on the airfield there at this moment. Remember all of the moments that she came over and killed me if her son was in the somber. These are people's epitodes of hate. All we're doing is laying down our life. We're not letting them take our life. We're taking their lives.
Starting point is 00:50:27 We just want peace. All I'd like to say is that my so-called parents is filled with so much hate. In churchry, I think you people out here should think about how your relatives was and be glad about that the churches are being laid to rest. And all I'd like to say is I thank Dad for making me strong to stand with it all and make me ready for it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 I'm good. All the two are taking a drink to go to sleep. That's what death is, sleep. Whatever, I'm tired of it all. The loving thing he could have ever done. The most loving thing all of us could have done. And it's been a pleasure walking with all of you in this revolutionary struggle.
Starting point is 00:51:18 No other way I would rather go on and give my life for socialism, communism. I thank Dad very, very much. Dad's love and mercy and goodwill and kindness and bringing us to this land of freedom. His love, his mother was the advance guard to socialism. And his love, his first nurse is to go on forever
Starting point is 00:51:39 onto the fields of life. Where's the vat, the vat, the vat? Where's the vat with the green steed? The vat with the green steed in, please. Right here so the adults can begin. Egg you don't, don't fail to follow my advice. You'll be sorry. You'll be sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:01 That we do it and that they do it. Us trust you, you have to step across. We used to think this world, this world's not our home. Well, it sure isn't. What we were saying, it sure wasn't. We don't want to tell them, all they're doing, if they will tell them, is sure these children, can some people assure these children
Starting point is 00:52:29 of the relaxation of stepping over to the next plane? We've set an example for others. We've set 1,000 people who say we don't like the way the world is. Please stop. Take our life from us. We laid it down. We got tired. We didn't commit suicide.
Starting point is 00:52:52 We committed an act of revolutionary suicide by testing the conditions of an inhumane world. We're not going to survive. We're not going to give up. We're not going to stop. We're not going to give up.

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