Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 71: The American Curse

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

Ben, Henry and Marcus talk Boston Marathon conspiracies, plus all the horrible disasters and mass killings surrounding the dates of April 15th - 20th in American history (total body count: 1,412) and it all ties in to The Shot Heard Round The World

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think it's a human problem. I think the problem that's going on right now is that humans just gotta go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, humans are, humans are the issue. Yeah, we're not doing too good. It's not so much guns. It's just fucking human brains. Yeah, that's true. Um, all right, we're good to go. All right, that's Marcus. I'm Ben. Welcome to the show with us as always. We've got that guy over there. I think that it's important to see when in certain times that are happening right here in the country. That's right. I'm trying to do Ted couple. Ted couple. Ted couple. It's unfortunate. We'll just say some information unfortunate event that happens in their country in certain periods of time on the third week
Starting point is 00:01:00 of April. Happy birthday, Hitler. It's good to see you. Ted, you've certainly changed. Oh, you know, I love to smoke weed and celebrate Hitler's birthday. Wow. Retirement has really got your brain like. Oh, yeah. Have a margarita when I wake up in the morning. I'm Ted couple. Ted couple. The weed has made you respect Hitler more. No, that's what it that's what's happened to me. That's Hong Kong. Henry's a brass and Ted couple impersonation. It's just weird to start the whole thing with it. I thought it was a great impersonation. Is that good? I'm fine with it. I'm going to get there. No, you did Lauren. Um, you need a 400 pound man. Is that it? Is that good? Yeah, no, he's going to love it. Let's sit
Starting point is 00:01:49 couple on one of the was up commercials. Man, he was sorely needed. Is he dead? No, not yet. I mean, just on the inside. Did they even wheel him out for special events anymore? No, I think he mostly mostly stays at home. He had quite a scandal go on. But of course, he was big in the news and the news media this week, it's been full of gaffes bloopers and it's been a real shit show. CNN completely messed up the Boston marathon bombing. And that's what we're going to start off. Fuck the whole thing. Basically, we were going to come at you with that. And I know that I was I was excited as much as other people were excited to do some coverage and alien implants and various but rape made by aliens
Starting point is 00:02:25 in space because it's fun because it's nice to read about, you know, because it's what's really going on. And the kids love it. The kids love it coming down to us. But now, thanks to our news media, we have to cover what's happened. And aliens will be butt-raping and aliens will be, you know, getting rednecks, picking them up in the sky for a very, very long time. So we'll definitely have time to get to aliens. We've got the government making stuff like the Boston Marathon explosion happening in order to cover up what's really going on, which is, which is aliens butt-raping the Harlem Globetrotters. Really? The Harlem Globetrotters are right now. They are being terrorized by aliens. This sounds like a Scooby-Doo
Starting point is 00:03:03 episode that got denied. Yeah, because of all the rape in it. Who was it? They take off their mask and it's an alien wearing an alien mask? Yeah, and he's got a big hard dick and so he's like, Roar Roar Roar. And then it's just like fucking face fucks. Fucking Scooby, what's his name? Scooby, right? Scooby-Doo. Does he have a kangaroo pouch? No, he's a dog. He's a dog. Dogs don't have dogs. Oh, I know. Not even Great Danes. You know, it's interesting. CNN covered the story so poorly that it almost makes Alex Jones covering the story so poorly seem better. So I know that you guys covered some of the straight information on Top Hat recently. So we are now, today is for- Although I'm fairly certain we pinned it on Sasquatch.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, we did. Oh, okay. So today it's 4.20, first of all. I'm so stoned, I want to cook it. Oh, yeah. International pussy eating day. Is that right? Yeah, bong hits. You know what, I just, I want some weed instead. That would be nice. So it's 4.20, last night in the wee hours of the nine o'clock in the night time, we saw them, the orchestrated theater of law enforcement go and capture the final refugee. What's his name? The 19 year old? His name is Zocar Zarnaya. Oh yes, he's cling on. Yes, he does sound like Zocar. Zocar. And his brother who was killed was named Tamerlan. Tamerlan, what's his name? So he, like a festival place that might have roller coasters, Tamerlan. Tamerlan. Yeah, you get a funnel cake, go
Starting point is 00:04:38 down there. And fucking blow up some runners. Oh, that's Tamerlan. I don't like that other part, I don't like that other part. So I'm here for the elephant ears. You can imagine there's just some super feck, I in Boston sucking down one of those ho-hoes that he got while watching the marathon and just like a piece of like glass or a nail landed on something. Some ruin my hoagie. My hoagie. My hoagie. It is terrible. You should have just more baseball games. That's what I say. Let's fight in more baseball games. Up the baseball games. Boston was an absolute horror show. It was, if it was written by Sam Raimi or what's the other fellow, George Romero, everyone was on lockdown all day yesterday
Starting point is 00:05:13 while they were hunting for this guy. Meanwhile, we have the, so basically while we were reading it, it's like you got, you know, you got your lame stream news media. You know what I mean? You're looking at your, the lame stream. We're looking at, you know, the New York Times, liberal rag. You know what I mean? And they were out there, they were trying to be responsible with their news sources. They were fucking not making snap judgements like a bunch of pussies. When I go on, I get the hard, straight, fucking real info. Alex Jones in the front lines out there. By the way, he's digging in. Yeah. And he's given that real concrete speculation. The largest conspiracy theory that I discovered this
Starting point is 00:05:54 week though, after Googling Alex Jones quite a bit, there was not one website that doesn't claim that he was born in 1974. He pretends to be 39 years old. He's got really good people. There is no way Alex Jones is 39 years old. I think that his hairpiece is 39 years old. Yes. Cause he got that at 23. It was Sammy Davis juniors. Oh, is that right? Yeah. For a long time. He retired it and then he picked it up. I didn't know you could get second hand hairpieces. Oh yeah, especially from people of different races than you. Isn't that some, it's very easy. What kind of race do you want to get? A nice little Asian wig? No, Pocahontas. That's beautiful. You're gonna be gorgeous. Full Pocahontas braid. Well,
Starting point is 00:06:30 I would love to be John Smith and be with you always. So what was Alex Jones talking about? Okay. So first of all, like back in the day, when this first started, 4chan started a big campaign, like surveying a bunch of surveillance footage and pointed out these various people wearing like one wearing a hat with various insignias on it. And the skull like a punisher. Yes. And he said that the 4chan made a big deal about it. Info wars hopped on him. We're like, these are suspects. Then the post pushed those pictures that they found on 4chan. They put it on the fucking front page. It's like a bunch of morons. Basically ruin everything. If you were not Irish white and you were wearing a backpack at the Boston
Starting point is 00:07:10 Marathon 4chan to the picture view. But at the same time, it's the Boston Police Department. They already were. Right. You know what I mean? Anybody who was brown there to begin with, there was nine of them. Yeah. That weren't runners at the front of the pack. Exactly. You know what I mean? Because the thing is, they are beating everyone in the marathon. You got a couple of people from Kenya. They're destroying everybody. And then they got in a helicopter and get the fuck out of Boston. Well, I think that's why people from Kenya do so well at the New York City Marathon and the Boston Marathon. They're just legitimately terrified of the NYPD and the Boston cops. As soon as we get done with this race, we
Starting point is 00:07:41 get back on the plane and we go to the safe haven of Ethiopia. Absolutely. Because cops are looking at them, going to give them the eye, like pointing at them, like, I'm watching you, you know? And they're like, oh, it gives me inspiration. A non-white, you better be here for sport. You better be here for sports. That's the only time we like you. Most of the time he's training, he's got a bag of sausages tied to his ankle and he's running through the jungle. Think about that. It's got tigers coming after him. Yeah, exactly. So these people are used to danger. That's why they're making record times. They're doing amazing. So where the conspiracies started, again,
Starting point is 00:08:12 it was a horrible national tragedy. Yeah. I'm going to put that out there as well. But I think that what happened here was a very useful event for our government to show just how powerful they are. I think that's what this turned into. And so Info Wars kind of hopped on the 4chan suspect wrangling. It turned out to not be the suspects, of course, because then the guy who got his leg blew off pinned the guys who actually did it because they found the surveillance footage. They showed them dropping off the bag, blah, blah, blah. Of course, Rupert Murdoch made quite a little goof because he put that on the cover of the post, which was amazing. Yeah. And then the idea was that what they found
Starting point is 00:08:52 with these surveillance photos is that they were actually a part of a privatized military group called The Craft. And now The Craft was not to be confused with the 1996 movie starring Feroz Abal. That I mercifully jerked off. Oh, so much. So these guys can't turn their hair different colors by just waving their hands over. They really can. Oh, these guys are worthless and weak. Absolutely. They couldn't plan a bombing. Life is a feather. Life is a feather. Life is a feather. Oh, I love that. You just go rock hard. Oh, yeah. I already was. I didn't need that. We used to play that. That reminds me of a memory in eighth grade. We played that game and everyone was getting lifted up and stuff. And then I
Starting point is 00:09:27 did it and then they couldn't lift me up. You break magic. Yeah, it was sad. There's a weight limit on that spell. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But basically every time I go into an elevator, I'm just like, life is a feather. It's a feather. I just hope it raises up. They found out that these were a part of a top secret military, sort of like black water. Was there not that top secret? No, because they have a website that we will read about. They have a website. They have a uniform and they have an insignia and a logo. And their logo is surrounded by their motto, no matter what your mama tells you, violence does solve problems. Yes. To their point, it does. Yeah. And this is from slash aboutus.html.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Thank you for choosing Craft International to meet your training needs. I want to find them on How About We. How about we go blow up the Boston Marathon. As a military or law enforcement professional, we understand your time is valuable. We are honored to be able to share with you the lessons learned from our instructors, whom have walked in similar paths as yourself and some of whom continue to still do so today. Lonely men. Through these lessons, experiences, in-depth studies, pain slash sweat slash tears. And in some cases, blood. They're murderers. They have set forth a curriculum rooted in solid fundamentals that have been time tested and proven under a variety of operational conditions. MK Ultra,
Starting point is 00:10:43 my friend. Our goal with our courses is to do one thing. Make you better by giving you the skills necessary to dominate your opponent and win. It's never about what we have done and where we have been. Only how well we can articulate it all to you. We strive to be true teachers and not merely instructors. We are humbled to be a part of your continuing search and refinement of your chosen craft. Thank you for your continued service, dedication, and associated sacrifices made in protecting a great nation at home and abroad. Respectfully, Chris Kyle, president. This is a very long running segment. I even edited this website. The last sentence of that should be, this message will self-destruct
Starting point is 00:11:18 in five seconds. No one's talking about these. There's a group of people that were at the marathon. I honestly don't think they have anything to do with the fucking bombing whatsoever. But what they're talking about is what they said, which again, which is broken in for wars. But this idea that they were constantly reminding people in the crowd that there was a drill going on. There was some kind of bomb drill. Which is, again, I mean, it's normal. It's a fairly common thing to do. It's extremely common. It's a perfect environment to train people because you have all these, you have your bomb dogs, you have all the stuff that you want to do, and they're all, it's the perfect
Starting point is 00:11:50 environment. By the way, if they did have bomb dogs, that's your last day on bomb dog duty. How don't you find two bombs? Yeah. There were seven bombs. Yeah, we're cutting all of them. Get out of here. It's the bad news bears, the bomb dogs. Yeah. So they just fucking like, yeah, there's like rag tag group of bomb dogs. They decided to come and like, pull something together for the fucking championship game. Boys, we came out of here to win the big game and you blew it. You blew it. That little boy is dead.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Because of you, Roscoe, because of you. What? One dude just brought his fucking wife's Chihuahua because she was like, he'll be great at sniffing out bombs. Bring them, bring them. Just had to bring the Chihuahua. But they pulled a lot. Info wars kind of covered all this. Basically, the idea, they ran the major storyline that it was a false flag operation in order to get our guns taken away from us. Yes. In order for Barack Obama to create the NWO, to come down there and we won't be able to defend ourselves against, you know, we won't be able to have our rifles against, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:45 the many helicopter super stealth drones that the government has, that we could definitely defend ourselves against. We're just having some guns, you know, 45-year-old, 350-pound man with a handgun. You think that you'd be able to handle when the tanks come rolling through. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's going to be a, I think you mostly just want the guns around to off yourself so the government can't take you alive. Yeah, what they're saying is that it's also, the other thing is that it's a distraction, or supposed to be a distraction from certain laws that are being passed. Because it's Sysma got passed. Well, it passed the House, but hasn't passed
Starting point is 00:13:17 the Senate yet. But the other thing that they were saying too about what disproves the whole thing is the fact that that gun bill didn't get passed. It didn't pass the background check. So it's like, what are you talking about, Ellis Jones? It didn't happen. Your fucking worst nightmare didn't happen. They're not taking your fucking guns. You know, I'm sorry. Yes, you have to keep changing your Wikipedia page because everyone's telling everyone that you're 54. You have to do it. You have to do it. Another situation that they think is a conspiracy is of course with the drones and all the extra cameras, there's a large push right now with the Bloomberg administration and shit like
Starting point is 00:13:49 that to get more drones up in the sky with cameras. And as soon as this happened, that was an immediate response by a lot of people. You know, because again, who benefits, right? If it's a false flag operation, who benefits? It's like, yes, it's an easily exploitable like event. It is a thing. It's like, I looked at it like last night, we watched live as they put the, the arrest of the guy and it's a, it looks like the end of Ghostbusters. You have, first of all, just the idea of, I feel like they're getting us used to the image of tanks rolling through American cities. Like you like all this footage of just tanks rolling through Boston, like officers, like climate fences, like up in your people's backyards
Starting point is 00:14:31 with sniper rifles doing all the stuff. And then worst of all, and then in the end, like once it's all done, they have all of this, like it looks pre-edited, like shots of the tanks rolling through the city with this group, the people of Boston, like applauding and like loving it and partying. And it's just like all these drunk dudes, like drink it beers and go like, well, you want to do this thing? And it's like, it's a, it's a propaganda film. It's a trashier moment than like a Chavez situation when he would roll through the streets of Venezuela, but everyone in Boston is just tanked. I thought the reaction after they caught him was kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:15:01 The whole thing reeks the high fucking heaven. Here's another thing that I noticed. I watched, I was switching, I had yesterday off, so I was switching between Fox News, MSNBC and CNN all day long, just kind of cycling through them, seeing what the different perspectives were. And they would start to run interviews of people who knew these guys, not just from family members, but also people who went to college with them, people who went to high school with them. And the people would keep, kept starting off and saying like, you know what, he was a great guy. Like he was a, you know, he was a trained to be a nurse. He was a med student.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, but then you hear the same thing with the Jeffrey Dahmer's neighbor was so quiet and nice. Yeah. I think Dahmer's neighbors were all terrified of him. That's why he's my favorite serial killer because everyone's like, super creepy. Definitely thought he was eating small tie guys. I just had no proof. But as soon as they started getting into that, the news channels kept cutting it off. Like they would just be like, yeah, but not cutting it up, cutting it off to say anything new or cutting it off because there was breaking news, just cutting off and going back to the
Starting point is 00:15:58 same bullshit as before. I'm not saying there's anything behind it. I'm just saying it was weird. It gave me the news. Well, you can't sympathize with it. This whole coverage of it, this whole thing, just the whole thing just gives me a fucking it like icky feeling. CNN was also very cautious because after that rape case that happened, I think it was in Ohio or whatever those were, those two guys got convicted of raping that girl. They had all these correspondence on being like, those boys lives are ruined. I can't believe. So
Starting point is 00:16:22 I think CNN was like, I don't, we can't be the pro rape pro terrorist news network. So if they say anything nice about him, we got to cut him off. But then again, what's his name? Dr. Harder. His fucking older brother was being pimped by the FBI as well. It's the same thing we were talking about. Well, they've been on the watch list for a couple of years now. Yeah, but he was kind of semi-goated into doing something along these lines. They said that again, he like jumped off the storyline and then like made this thing happen. But there was, it was like 49 of 150 botched terrorism cases over since like 9-11 has happened, have
Starting point is 00:16:54 all been FBI led. They train the guys, they give the guys dummy C4, give them dummy like bomb jackets and shit. And then they send them out and then they arrest them. And then it's a big fucking cameras everywhere. Cause that's what it looked like. The end, like watching it live, like watching them arrest him live, the fucking ceremonial thing of the ambulance, they had kept the ambulance away and they're like, they're holding off the ambulance. And so they know for sure that we, that there's a conclusion to the event. And they're like, and here comes the ambulance. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Here is they're opening up a case, open up a safe. It's all fucking choreographed. And then you've got that. And then you've got the, you get the feeling there's some FBI guys like right before the marathon started, like, so you gave them all the fake bombs, right? Yeah, absolutely. Oh, let me just unzip the bag and he looked at it. Shit. Oh, this one's got all the fluffy toys in it. I think we gave him the, the great Boston switcheroo in 2013. Oh man. If all the, if all the pound puppies are in this pressure cooker, that's an old, that's an old reference. I like it though. It's truly very hard for me to not, not find not a comical edge to it, but it's like, I
Starting point is 00:17:57 look at this whole thing and it makes me sick to my fucking stomach between, between what the news agencies were doing with the response of various comedians on Twitter. Everyone's so self-righteous and full of shit. The whole thing became a gigantic media event. And I know that that's like what the way things are going right now. And that's what it's supposed to be. But it was like, we were joking the other day, but imagine if they had fucking Instagram during 9-11, like if they had Instagram and Twitter in 9-11 and they were like taking pictures and tweeting about fucking 9-11, it would have been disgusting. We were a Janet Jackson nipple slip away from this being a halftime show. I mean, Madonna
Starting point is 00:18:31 might as well, well have been slowly climbing up some bleachers because it was a way too fucking much. They, they, that was the thing. And after they caught him, everyone's like, we're getting hammered. It's like the tragedy still happened, but they're like, but we got one more dead, which is, that makes it an even four, which is awesome. I guess there's five because there was another cop who got killed and we're going on six. So as soon as the death count got to a proper number and we got a couple of the bad guys, it was absolutely thrilling. So at this point, it's like, when you look at the various conspiracies, we're like wrapped
Starting point is 00:19:01 into this, I could see why people get really crazy about Aurora and Sandy Hook and the, you know, and I really do believe that there is, is there somebody with the name Sandy Hook? I'm sure there has to be a bad name at that. But the idea last year was just bad for people named Sandy. Oh yeah, definitely change it. But, but I can understand why the, the MK ultra hangover. I'm starting to really believe in this idea that like what happened with like the, the, the, in the fifties and the sixties when they just, when they decided to start fucking with the human consciousness in order to create military tools. I think that it's stuck. I think it's, I think it's a thing that they continue to use. I think
Starting point is 00:19:40 it's a thing that bled into our fucking pharmaceutical problem we've got in this country. Like like the idea of like giving some of these people like drugs, we don't need it. This is just an example of, I don't know what happened. I don't think it was a conspiracy. I don't think it was a false flag incident. I don't think the government made the Boston marathon bombing happen, but I do think that they used it in a way that was really fucking convenient. There's one thing the government is good at. It is opportunism. Yeah. Like seeing immediately when something happens, like, okay, how can we spend this to our advantage? It's, it seems like they have a list of shit that they want to do and they're just waiting for certain
Starting point is 00:20:17 to fit like the parameters. Like, okay, now that this has happened, we can, I will say man, that is a checklist that I want to see. Oh, yeah. I want to see the government check blow up the Boston marathon. Ah, check. That's great. Absolutely. Yeah. What's going to be this? Destroy all circuses. I'm just wondering what's going to have to happen for us to just get hamburger Tuesday. I just want hamburger Tuesday. That's all I want. Why can't they just do something good for us? We need to cancel marathons. That's what needs to happen because we have Hurricane Sandy during a marathon. The thing is what it shows during a marathon. If people got exploded in a football game, we had two dead football players out there
Starting point is 00:20:50 at the NFL would be canceled. They also shows that fat people are safe every time. That's right because you stay in your house with a pressure cooker. That's like, you know, that's our friend. I make a pot roast in that. Every time I get a pot, every time I get a pressure cooker in order to make a bomb, I just put food in it. That would have been such a disaster to yourself. That's actually how Henry eats. He just like puts it in there and then he waits until it explodes and he licks it off the wall. What they needed to have is an FBI agent named like FBI agent Boyardee who goes in there and like it tells them just like, oh, you have the pressure cooker, huh? Oh, that's nice. I was thinking
Starting point is 00:21:26 about putting some nails and thumbtacks in there, but this is not the only thing that we're talking about today. Basically, I do want to say this though, too. Shout out to whoever won the Boston marathon because he's the ultimate victim. No one remembers. No one will ever know the winner of the Boston marathon, the year of the terrorist attack. But I was hoping to go into even more conspiracy theory stuff. And as I started researching, I just felt like in the end, it's not a conspiracy. It's just horrible event. It's now being written till it's fucking dead. However, we do have some weird shit to talk about. Outside of the Boston marathon is only one small tiny piece of what April 15th to April 20th means
Starting point is 00:22:05 in American history. This is a fucking icky spooky week. And it's been this way for a long time. There's things that we already know about. There's, you know, we remember, you know, Columbine. Hitler's birthday. Hitler's first birthday party, which I heard no one came to, which was the first thing that made him sad. However, his 50th birthday was declared a national holiday in Germany. I bet. Yeah. That's actually a very funny. There's a very funny comedians joke. And I rarely do jokes here, but he talks about how people say if I had a chance to go back in time, I'd kill Hitler when he was a kid. But you imagine if that was true in his entire childhood, like Jewish people were just trying to kill
Starting point is 00:22:39 Hitler, which it causes a lot of cost. So basically, we're going to talk about the icky spooky events all about the third week of April. And this is a bad time. Yes. We will it's a that's a clue into it. And the idea of like, what are some of the astrological symbols behind this week? I'm my birthday's May 1st. So I guess I'm in the clear. He's a Leo. Yeah, Leo. Taurus. Is that a Taurus? Yeah. You can tell because I'm so I'm I'm stubborn and I also enjoy you fucking insult me. Oh, by the way, speaking of that, thank you for pulling family guy and that other stupid fucking show because that's gonna stop a next terrorist attack. That was that was that's another conspiracy theory. That's
Starting point is 00:23:21 totally fair. That's totally fake. They know that together. But that's like I hated when when TV programs were like, we're doing our duty. We're gonna cut this program for a week. It's like, no, it's weird, the conspiracies with cartoons because you remember the Simpsons conspiracy? No, with what? With 9 11. And on September 10th, 2000 or 2001, they showed in syndication, the Simpsons episode in which Homer gets his car stuck in between the World Trade Center. And there's these weird little tiny clues to 9 11 within that episode. So Matt Groening made 9 11 happened. He was a part of the problem. He was trying to know that's what it is. He was trying to warn us. Oh, thank you so much. I'll see that for
Starting point is 00:24:07 the country. The whole country's first reaction to 9 11. Oh, I'm going to need a donut. Okay, so let's get in this 15th to the 20th of April. What a bizarre, what bizarre series of coincidence happened. Oh, by the way, speaking of family guy, watch your pretty face is going to hell. Don't swim. That's a real quick plug. We had a wonderful time on Thursday night. Hail Satan. Hail Satan. It really is. We did a lot of esoteric magic on an offset. There's a lot of weird symbols that we put all over in the sets. I don't know if you could see them. And when I fucking smoking sweet herbal painted up as a devil and I saw my fucking future. Hail Satan. Everybody see the show. Hail Satan. Your pretty face is going to hell. Midnights
Starting point is 00:24:47 and Thursday on Adult Swim. All right. So what's going on here? April 15th through the 20th. All right. What we're going to start with is on April 19th. Okay. The shot heard round the world. What some could argue is the birth of America. This is when John Starks was playing the Houston. We know nothing about the next. Okay, good. This is when the war between America and Britain's officially starts with the battle battles of Lexington and Concord. Okay. This is when it officially all begins. So it could be argued that this is the birth of America making America an Aries. Oh, yeah. Aggressive. Aborted. Also very, you know, like emotionally evocative and highly sexual. Oh, absolutely. So America
Starting point is 00:25:38 it. What is Aries? Aries is highly emotional. It's very aggressive. It's very intense. It's the ram. Yeah. The tourists like I was saying it's stubborn and a lover of creature comforts. Like the car. Henry Zyrowski is as big as a Ford tourist. Ford tourist is a car and obviously humans aren't supposed to be the size of cars and they weigh but you know pretty face is going to hell. Thursday is an adult swim in the night. So Aries is the ruling planet of Aries is Mars. Okay. Mars is God of war. The dark side of America as far as Aries goes selfish and quick tempered, impulsive and impatient. Afghanistan. Full hearty and a bit of a daredevil. Hot dogs. And here's another funny thing. Hitler is also an Aries
Starting point is 00:26:30 but what an Aries is called an Arian. So let's go through some of the events starting from April 15th. We didn't like black people during Hurricane Katrina. Think about that. Yeah. That does make sense. That's harp. So now we're going to go through some of the horrible events. Yeah. I was just having a conversation with Wolf Blitzer about Wolf Blitzer and see it. What? No, not with about him and during Hurricane Sandy, he had a quote. He says, so much poor, so much sad, so many black. That was just quote, which is very, very funny when he was looking at the Superdome. Anyway, continue on. Wolf Blitzer Wolf was in a werewolf. I don't think a Wolf Blitzer belongs on last podcast to the left. Yeah. Save it for top
Starting point is 00:27:15 hats. Yes, sir. All right, let's go. April Ford Taurus, which is, of course, a guard. It's kind of funny, though. Huffing it with Biffin Stu on my damn channel. April 15th, 1846. The Donner Party sets off from Springfield, Illinois for California. And the first thing, little Jamie Donner was just like, I'm hungry. And he's just like, just wait. Just wait. There'll be food on the other side. 1865. Abraham Lincoln dies. Boom. What day is that? April 15th, 1865. He was shot on the 14th and he died on the 15th. 1912. He was the John Lennon of the 1800s. He really was. Can we go back to the Donner family really quick? Why are they? They just ate a bunch of people. They ate themselves. They ate each other.
Starting point is 00:28:03 They ate each other. In the Colorado mountains, they got stuck. Yeah, they got snowbound and so they ate each other. And they were just big Herbert Dommers just sitting in the back and eating fucking sweets and sucking on ham haunts. And he's just like, buddy, I just hope that nothing bad happens on the trap. Me too, son. Me too. Just rub yourself with his butter. And by the way, I looked through all the grade days and important dates in history from April 15th to April 20th. All of this stuff is American. All of this stuff happened to Americans. The rest of the world does pretty good in these times. We started off on a bad foot in the first place. We fucking killed the Earth's first hippies.
Starting point is 00:28:50 We killed all of them and then just took the place. It started bad. Americans got a problem. It's human beings just have a problem, as we were saying before. It's like the problem is in guns and bombs. It's us. It's us. It's all us. And the cats and the dogs and the giraffes and the lions are going to be much happier when we're gone. See, that's the thing. You check it out. April 14th, nothing happens. Okay. April 21st, back to normal. April 20th. I checked up until like the 23rd. Yeah. Totally fine. But April 15th to April 20th, that's when shit goes bad. April 12th or April 15th, 1912, fucking Titanic goes down. Oh, I mean that just made a great movie. 1502 people dead, 119 Americans dead. 1927. 119 people
Starting point is 00:29:34 died, huh? Is it that same? 1927, the great Mississippi flood, the most destructive river flood in U.S. history, 246 people in seven states die. 1935. Seven states had that flood? Yeah, seven states. 1935, the Black Sunday storm, the worst dust storm in the entire Dust Bowl. I've read extensively on the Dust Bowl and especially this one. And this one is weird because for the longest time, the Dust Bowl was, I mean, it would just be constant dust storms all the time. People was getting the dust pneumonia. They were drowning in their own sand, essentially. And on Black Sunday, shit had finally calmed down. People were thinking like, oh shit, maybe it's over. Let's go out. Let's go enjoy outside. Every time.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And then I read one eyewitness account of these people. They were going out to have a picnic and they just saw off in the distance just this black wall coming towards it. It had a top. You could see the top of it. But this entire black wall just coming towards them. And let's see here. It displaced 300 million tons of topsoil in the prairie area. Woody Guthrie wrote a song about it. On the 14th of April in 1935, there struck the worst dust storm that ever fell to the sky. You could see that dust storm coming. The cloud looked like black. Did he even once write about pussy? No. He's just an encyclopedia of information. Good stories. I don't think anyone died during that storm. But still, it was just a horrible
Starting point is 00:31:13 day. If you're in the paint stripping business, that's not so bad. No work for a little while. If you're in the dust gathering business, just get a basket. Oh, it's free merchandise. Now if you're in the dust, you get a bunch of bags of dust. Thank you, Claymore. If you could please go back to your hut. This is a dangerous dust storm. In 1855, McDonald's opens its first restaurant. Oh, that's so bad. You get it? You get it? I'm making a point here. It's the same. It's like a political thing. It's destroying America. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Obesity. Oh my God. Ford, Taurus, do you think that there's somebody with this dust bowl? So like some town just had some dust and then they woke up and then
Starting point is 00:31:58 there was no more dust? Did they have to, like, where did our dust go? Exactly. It went to Texas. It's called National Maid's Day Off. I mean, it would take me quite a while to explain the geographical and ecological reasons behind the dust bowl. Let's just say we got it. My ancestors went through it. I read a lot about it. It's very interesting if you're interested in that sort of thing. I love dust subjects. That's why we have a new podcast all about dust and dust related issues. Which is called Abe Vagoda's fucking library. Yeah, Abe Vagoda's library. And then 2013 is the Boston Marathon bombing.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Let's move on to April 16th, 1947, the Texas city disaster, which is not well known. It is the worst industrial disaster in United States history. 581 people died when a tanker pulled into Texas City, which is a port in the Gulf of Texas. It pulled in with on board. It had small arms ammunition, machinery, bales of twine, ammonium nitrate. Bales of twine. Oh, this business is going to be huge. The bales of twine does play into it quite a bit. And ammonium nitrate, which is, of course, used in blasting caps and fertilizer. And then several boxes are just dry brush. And then the lighter shipment was on there. Just throw anything that can catch on fire
Starting point is 00:33:26 on the same shipment. We're theming it here. So there were men that were loading these big bags of ammonium nitrate onto the ship. And they said that the bags were warm to the touch prior to loading around 8 a.m. smoke. Hey, Larry, do you ever think that our job is dangerous? I tell you, I just know that as soon as I'm done with today's work, I'm going to get Sarah Beth to marry me. I think she's going to love you forever and ever. I think so. I think we're going to spend the... God damn it! Around 8 a.m., smoke was reported coming out of the cargo hold over the next hour. Attempts
Starting point is 00:34:00 to put out the fire or put it under control failed as a red glow returned after each... Pour some shoe polish on it. Oh, no, that's flammable now. Oh, no. Yep. After 9 a.m., the captain ordered his men to steam the hold. Meanwhile, the fire had attracted a crowd of spectators along the shoreline. The first Kardashians! They believed that they were a safe distance away. Spectators noted that the water around the dock ship was boiling from the heat, and the splashing water touched the hull of the ship was vaporized into steam. 9.12 a.m., the ammonium nitrate reached an explosive threshold, and the actual explosion was the size of a small nuclear bomb. It was the largest explosion
Starting point is 00:34:41 on American soil. Nearly a thousand buildings online were leveled. It destroyed the Monsanto Chemical Company plan. Apparently, those are things they contained it, but when El Roker shit his pants in the White House, it was almost that level as well. It ignited refineries and chemical tanks all along the waterfront. The bales of burning twine added to the damage because it was flown out into the city, and that actually set more buildings on fire. You'd think that's the safest thing on the boat. 10 miles away, people in Galveston were forced to their knees. Windows were shattered in Houston, 40 miles away, and people felt the shock 100 miles away in Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And then this week, we also had the explosion in West Texas on the fertilizer plant, which is again, we're also finding a massive weird set of coincidences using poopoo explosions, which is very big. It's a poopoo problem in this country. And there's some footage that I saw that is totally real that's fucking just evidence that a missile was fired into it that made it explode. And that happened on April 17th. And on April 16th, 1990, Jack Kevorkian participates in his first assisted suicide. Oh, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:36:00 That's fine. That was his job. But then in 2007, the Virginia Tech Massacre, the largest shooting screen American history, 32 people dead. Highest game score, you know, he's got the thing at the very top of the fucking arcade game. We'll see a Texas problem. Yeah, it's a big Texas problem.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah. April 17th, of course, the fertilizer plant in West Texas, also the Bay of Pigs invasion begins and the Bay of Pigs invasion begins and ends within this five day period. Which also very interesting. That's very interesting. My grandfather knew a lot of information about that because he was head of travel for Pepsi during the time. And PepsiCo was one of the main funders of the Bay of Pigs invasion because it was done outside of the government's influence. Exactly. It was Cuban exiles, a whole big embarrassment for the country.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I'm sorry, but I just have to say, like, I just pictured the Zabrowski family on a beach. What do you call that? Your pretty face is going to hell. Yeah, that's what you call a park. A swim. Zabrowski's on the beach. It's a big park. It's what we call a parking lot. Yeah. That's the real Bay of Pigs.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Yeah. It's great. Yeah. See, I still think it's just a restaurant when I think of Bay of Pigs. I'm just like, oh, give me that bacon. Give me that sausage. April 18th. I'm just talking about pig's dick to get that bacon taste. Whoa, man.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Whoa. Just show me a pig. I know how to make a pig smile. April 18th, 1880. This is a smaller one. An F4 tornado struck. Marsville, Missouri, killed 99 people, injured 100. And in 1983, that was when the suicide bomber destroyed the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in Lebanon, killing 63 people, which is a pretty big event in America's involvement with the Middle East, which builds on to our later wars. Big shit. April 19th is another huge day. Yeah, because that was Osama bin Laden's like big, like his big, like his first credit.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah. That was his letterman appearance. His debut. That was his adult. That was his, your pretty face is going to hell. April 19th. I don't swim. Thursday is a midnight. April 19th.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Osama bin Laden. Oh. April 19th, both Waco and Oklahoma City, two years apart. And also the day that Charles Manson was sentenced to death. Wow. Yeah, but then he shaked it. Yeah, he totally shook that off, which is a victory for America. Is Manson still on death row?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah. No, he's just sitting in his square. He's just sitting in a box. But is he technically on death row? No. No. He, they court him out for parole hearings every like seven to 10 years. Man, that's. He just did another one. They were like, no, you know, and he shows up going like, I'm a tarantula.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And they're like, okay, we know, we know you're fucking tarantula. He's like, ah, the newspaper's telling me, I got a poo poo in the bucket. Ah. You do have to poo poo in the bucket. You're like, okay, yeah, poo poo in the bucket. Thank you so much. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I think we're going to let him go this time. Yeah. Here's an interesting thing about it is because the days between April 15th and April 20th, they're the 16th through the 19th. Those are, you know, the bad shit happens, but they're not quite as concentrated as the first and last days. April 20th, because I knew, I fucking knew when I was researching this, I combed through birthdays, I combed through everything, trying to find some sort of serial killer connection.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Yeah. And I fucking found it. Yeah. April 20th, 1836, U.S. Congress passes an act creating the Wisconsin Territory. Oh, so they made it. Yeah. It's like the, oh, exactly. It's the dirt breaking ceremony for all serial killers.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Is that the worst thing that happened through these five days throughout history? Oh, God, no. It was actually, they had originally wanted to call it cholesterol junction. Ah, yes. But then they knew like, oh, no, no, no, let's not immediately doom them. And then all the dudes that were trucking in there, they were just like, which one's a cow? Which one's the mother?
Starting point is 00:39:45 Yeah. I'm not really sure. Well, you can have your way with either. 1914 is the Ludlow massacre during a Colorado coal miner strike in which the police, oh, the police opened a machine gun fire upon a crowd killing 19 men, women and children. Damn. Just mowed them down. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:02 And it was, I believe it was, that was ordered by Rockefeller. 1999, you got Columbine. Illuminati reptilian family bloodline. Yes. Again, that's where it comes back. Black nobility. Alien butt probes, everybody. Black nobility.
Starting point is 00:40:18 The name of the royal families in Britain that became part of the reptilian elite. There you go. 1999. No one believes me. There you go. That's my stock response to everything. This is what people do. This one comes down to, yes, you know, I sound crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Sure. But sometimes the truth is more strange than fiction, right? And then also, it's so easy to ridicule that which you are afraid of. And so I understand, yes, ridicule me, laugh at me, but I will prevail when I see the reptilian ships coming down with Cronos and Bloggdor. Bloggdor's going to be there. Revealing Barack Obama as his skin separates, and you see he's a giant Gila monster, and he rapes Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:41:03 What? Is she a reptile too? No, no, no, no. A hapless woman. A deeply vulnerable woman, as they all are. All right, 1999 Columbine happened. Boom. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I remember that. Yeah, it smells like Teen Spirit, a fucking school shooter. 2010, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explodes, the BP oil spill. Oh, okay. Yeah, killing 11 people. The oil spill lasted six months and made extinct the Louisiana pancake batfish. Oh, the pancake batfish is gone? No longer exists.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Which is the problem is that it already affected the ecology there because it ruined their brunches. Yeah, all of their undersea brunches. They're like, how will we do it without the pancake? Why do we even have the syrup fish around? There's no pancake fish. And he's just like, I'm so full of syrup because nobody's going to milk me. I mean, he's got to get milked. Let me get down there.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Yeah, suck it on all the syrup fish. They're losing all the way. Here's the big thing on April 20th, Hitler's birthday, April 20th, 1889. Oh, Hitler, we are so happy that it is your birthday. You know, he's like, I want a hot dog. Immediately want a hot dog. Whatever he wants, whatever he likes, it is his birthday. We've made a new prison for you, Hitler.
Starting point is 00:42:20 It's not small enough. He wants the smaller prisons that eradicate it. It's a hard day. Both Hitler and George W. Bush like painting. And also, according to 4chan right now on a search through this morning, there is a worldwide, there is a citywide drill going on in San Francisco right now that's going on throughout the day. And they are pretty certain because it also lays upon one of the faults, one of the major faults on the earth that could be construed as a lay line,
Starting point is 00:42:49 which we talked about before, the energy grid that most important points that are like temples, the pyramids, and various churches are all built on these certain cruxes and the energy grid. The bottom door, which is a great gay bar in San Francisco. And so right now we're just kind of waiting to see if something's going to happen there. And I think let's begin to wait. Yeah, I've checked. Nothing yet. Is something happening?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Is something happening. Just do a quick Google. Oh, no, I did. I did. Let's see here. Maybe San Francisco is going in. I want to break this news on the podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Let's see. Refresh. Maybe. Has something happened? Are there people walking around without shirts on? That's a sign that something might go down there in the dark. A few mean like a limbo contest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 God, that's so fun. I can't limbo for shit. San Fran sounds great. San Fran's a wonderful place. Is there something going on in the hate Ashbury? Mmm. A lot of Starbucks. Probably one just got built there again.
Starting point is 00:43:48 A picture of Lindsay Graham. Oh, Lindsay Graham. Think about that. Oh, she's got flowers in her hair. All right. Well, it seems like nothing. Wait, wait. No.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Nothing happened. God damn it. Nothing happening just yet. But it's in the other thing. And then we also had someone actually, and I'm pretty certain that that story, the first time I saw it, was on our last podcast Facebook page.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Yeah. Was when someone posted that a man on 4chan had threatened to shoot up a bunch of people at a mall and then he did it. He did it. Yeah. 4chan is, there's something to it. There's definitely like the unconscious of the internet
Starting point is 00:44:27 people throwing information all on 4chan. I watch it now all the time to kind of see. It's like Info Wars apparently uses it as its main fucking information source. I like it. It's great. It's fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Even though they're kind of, do you guys see the weirdo in the robe? No. There was one guy that they just, 4chan kept just pointing at. He's just this fucking weird, about the size of Kissel. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Wearing a brown robe and carrying a backpack. Was it Kissel? On his arms. No, no, no, no, no. That guy, they're really strange dude. Yeah. He just looked like he was just. Out of it.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Out of it. Out of it. He was just drunk watching the marathon. That's amazing. Out of beard. Oh. All right. Well, I guess that wraps up this episode.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I don't have a lot of conspiracy theory talk. If something happens today, then I mean we won't talk about it until next week, but you know, be vigilant. That's right. If you're in the San Francisco area, you know, just look out for anything like super suspicious, like a man dressed as a woman with a big rainbow wig on.
Starting point is 00:45:26 That's terrible. Rolling down the street and with fucking roller skates on, giving you like free condoms. That's a big thing. That's a red flag. Calling himself Molly, selling drugs. Yes, yes, absolutely. There's another thing, yes.
Starting point is 00:45:37 In San Francisco, if you see a man dressed up as a clown selling ice cream out of a fucking store. Not ice cream. You might have a bunch of 90-year-olds all sitting there going to buy an ice cream and they're eating ice cream. They're acting like it's flying. They're all like laughing and like smoking weed
Starting point is 00:45:46 because it's 420 in San Francisco. And everyone's having a good time. That's a red flag. That's a red flag. That's a red flag. I totally agree. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Well, that's Marcus. Henry Zabrowski. I am Ben. Be vigilant. Be vigilant. Protect America. Be aware. Hail Satan.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Hail Satan. Hail Gean. I think Satan's the only one who can help us at this point. Oh, absolutely. Because God ain't doing bullshit. Yeah. I'm wearing a Satan shirt right now. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I'm wearing my Satan body. I mean, my body made for by and for Satan. For Satan by Satan. All right. Well, I'm going to go ahead and hail yourselves and check out your pretty faces going to hell. Thursday. Thursday is at midnight.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And Huffin' It with Biff and Stu. Yeah. My name channel. Yeah. I was on the last episode. Tollish Joe. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Yeah. My parents won't talk to me. All right. Well, it's good to stop such a close relationship. Oh, yeah. You know what? I have it with your parents. I was sick of them.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah. You know, I just don't. Cut them out, buddy. That's what I do. I don't talk to a single fucking person. And when I'm not here, I'm sitting in silence. I think that's true. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Hail me. All right. Okay. Magus Dalatians. Magus Dalatians, everybody. Good night.

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