Last Podcast On The Left - Episode 72: Alien Implants and Abductions

Episode Date: February 17, 2015

The lid gets blown off the world of alien implants and Henry talks about the horrible life of author and alien abductee Whitley Strieber. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:01 There's no place to escape to. This is the last part. On the left. That's when the cannibalism started. What was that? He's talking about the fucking end times. Second comment. He's talking about the proper incarnations of benevolent Pleiadians into humans.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Do you think he did that on purpose? I think that he channeled it. Okay. I think he's Michael Jackson. Who's saying that song? Was it the Jackson Five? Was it Jackson Five? Because if that's the case, I firmly believe they are aliens.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Joe Jackson was only tough enough to whip those greys into shape. They were abused professional children. Right. So they're like aliens. But the thing is it also just shows how carefully placed abuse can make some of the best pop stars who ever existed. Look at Rihanna. Look at her. She's only gotten stronger.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Are we recording Marcus? Yeah. Alright, that's Marcus. I'm Ben. With this as always. Who is that fella to my left? Oh, don't hit me no more, Chris. Don't hit me no more.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Wait a second. Rihanna. That's Rihanna. Is that me being Rihanna? No, that was great. What song does she sing? I'm Rihanna. Rihanna, Rihanna.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Is she the one who does like shine bright like a diamond? Yeah, yeah, that's her. Shine bright like a diamond? That's me. I'm Rihanna. Harry Zabrowski. What happened here? It was great.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I think we're just sliding into a chasm here. The train just popped off the tracks. I think it's pronounced chasm. No, I did like chasm though. My goodness. Man, I'm so excited for this episode today. We're going to be talking all about aliens. We're finally back to some real news.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And this actually does feel like the most real news that we've ever covered before. Some real stuff. Were you here for last week's episode? Some real stuff we're going to get into today. I mean some real things, some important hot button issues. First of all, before we even get into this, you know, I'm just going to first like, No, no, no, no, no, no. The truth is out there.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I've been watching a lot of X files recently. I've been drinking white Russians, smoking weed and watching X files every night before going to bed. You know, that's a really healthy thing for someone of your psyche to do. I drink about two jelly jars full of white Russian before going to bed. I love that a weight of measurement for you is a jelly jar. How many ounces is in a jelly jar? I don't know. How much jelly can one eat over six months?
Starting point is 00:02:52 A lot. You know, I've been also up in my jelly intake. Good. But I'm getting focused. Well, I'll tell you, whatever past life your toilet had, it was bad. Because your toilet is currently living a toilet hell. I really think that my toilet was Mengele. Yeah, it must have been. It must have been.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So let's talk. I am just fucking poop raping that toilet. Well, I'm sure he's figuring out everything that's wrong with human beings. I took a, I must have took a six pound dump the other day. You know what? Let's edit it out. That's disgusting. No one wants to think about it. All right. Today, we're getting into a new subset of the alien genre of thought, alien implants,
Starting point is 00:03:32 and also some of the meaning behind alien abductions. Sadly, it's got a lot to do with the reptilians today. The big thing is also to remember, like when we talk about this, is that we have what the government refuses to reveal. Absolutely. They're weak-minded. But we've had close relations. She was up to 12 different alien races. The reptilians are just one of them from Alfred Draconis.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And yes, they're a part of the NWO. That's a whole other thing, you know? But then again, who am I to say? I'm just a puppet. You know what I mean? I'm just another radio puppet of whatever reptilian ghost is floating in my brain right now. Absolutely. So let's start off talking about the grandfather of this sort of alien implant type situation,
Starting point is 00:04:10 what not, a fellow named Whitley Stryber. Now, I listened to one of the most compelling episodes of Coast to Coast I've ever heard in my life. Whitley Stryber was on recently. He's been on Coast to Coast many times for years. He's one of the most important figures in alien research. What makes him so important in alien research? He wrote a book called Communion, which was also turned into a movie starting Christopher Walken, which is terrible. How was Walken in it?
Starting point is 00:04:35 He's stuttery and walken. He's Christopher Walken. He has been playing Christopher Walken like a minstrel show for approximately 30 years. And by the way, can I just say this? No more walken memes. I'm sick of walking into a bar. You know, this is me walking, whatever. No more Christopher Walken puns.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I'm over. We get it. His last name is Walken. He's a mean man. He's very mean. He hates his life. What's up? He did kill Natalie Wood. He's a fucking murderer. He's a murderer.
Starting point is 00:05:02 So everybody who's listening to this, if you live in Los Angeles, go to his house with big signs that say, Christopher Walken, who murdered Natalie Wood? You. You did it. You did it. You did it. No more of these boots were made for Walken. No more walken memes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 No more of these. He's a murderer. He's a killer. He's mean to Hong Kong, Henry's a bros. No reason to be mean to somebody with such a sunshiney face. Somebody who only walks around just want to put a smile on people. Only want to tell people about how, you know, maybe, you know, a different alien race is inside of you and that's why I don't like you. We're gonna get to that.
Starting point is 00:05:35 We will be getting to that. Okay, let's go back. So, Whitley Stryber, he wrote this book communion, which is about his various abduction scenarios. I'm just gonna read through where it all started with Whitley Stryber. So he was actually abducted. abducted yes okay he was a well-known author he wrote several horror novels he wrote the the howling the book for the howling or it was another one it was it several werewolf books okay they got turned into movies before twilight and
Starting point is 00:06:02 all those other werewolf yes destroyed the werewolf before and hemlock grove yikes yikes is that is that show bad they're raging home wire werewolves all gay crombie and fitch ad turned into a toy into twilight style it's awful I like Roth is done well the Eli Roth just directed the first episode of him he's a bad rap for it's awful the werewolf is a badass beast creature from hell let's start making them right again yes all right so Whitley striper he had a cabin in the in the woods I forget exactly oh it was in northern New York okay and he experienced one night and an incredible an incredible abduction it was
Starting point is 00:06:41 1985 he was a security conscious guy he was like this a very paranoid weird guy as a survivalist of sorts and he even said on this interview is that he was the last person in the fucking world who had ever like copped to the idea of aliens being real that anybody that believed that aliens was a fucking moron right he said he specifically said it in a drunken argument with his brother-in-law his brother-in-law gave him this book randomly just being like aliens the truth and in space and he was just like fuck you you're a moron I'll never do this oh that's when you pull your sister aside and be like why the
Starting point is 00:07:14 fuck did you marry Tim yeah what are you thinking cuz he's got that long down Whitley you know what you know what that's fine he's a nice guy I don't care so we activated his security system at 11 p.m. on December 26 also very interesting 1985 what was the security system just twisted sister would play it was a bunch of cans yeah yeah a bunch of cans like tied to a thing of Kurt Cameron yeah a big like life-size cut out of Kurt Cameron like in front of the door family ties just starts playing on the TV someone's in my living room so he his alarm system goes off in the middle of
Starting point is 00:07:51 the night but his wife doesn't wake up okay he wakes up and he's like there must be something someone's robbing my house someone's coming for my novels think about it's not true no one ever robs a novelist no no no they have to walk down into the living room and he sees a creature next thing you know he wakes up and he is in his woods okay he's out in the middle of the woods he's got a pain in the side of his head and a pain in his feet and his pain in his foot and he is no idea what happened so basically he comes home he thinks he's had some kind of episode and he goes to a doctor his doctor like checks him basically like
Starting point is 00:08:23 his diagnosis is is that he had a seizure okay so something's still not sitting right he's incredibly uncomfortable all the time he keeps not a hammer and dreaming not a hammer okay no he wasn't Ed Larson that's good man his hemorrhoids are just like too fucking like it's like you could see the redness of his hemorrhoids through his pants yeah just watch a video about on orangutans butts and it's pretty much Henry yeah that's it don't do that don't personally like that that's the one fat man physical ailment I do not have yes um so he goes to the doctor the doctor checks out all he's like well maybe you
Starting point is 00:08:59 had some kind of seizure so he goes to a hypnotist eventually because he's having these nightmares and in this dream like basically in this session he is visited by four different alien races one is a tiny robot one is a short stout fat little man uh-huh yeah not me I wasn't there you know could have been a doppelganger of me sure the prototype of me if we want to say my DNA strain was built from some sort of alien hybrid race or you could say I keep jumping forward or a future version of you that has traveled back in time super yeah exactly the superhuman theory exactly did these aliens make him less greedy did he learn
Starting point is 00:09:38 a valuable lesson no longer a miser it ruined his life like it ruins everybody's life okay so he they stuck a needle into his brain they stuck a needle like through his eye into his brain okay they stuck a tube up his asshole hmm and they put they put an implant in his ear when he said is that during that time two people two humans dressed in lab coats came out of the from the side areas and they they opened up his ear and they put in this white disc into into his face right and ever since then he would be like it as the years progressed in that cabin constantly abducted like it was he doing
Starting point is 00:10:16 something to get abducted was he out there like people doing ghost adventures like where are you go come on I'm out here all naked and things with this asshole up in the air the thing was he said that he kept it secret for years he didn't tell his wife that he was experiencing these things because he was pretty certain that he had been raped he was like I had been raped by a man in the woods and my brain is processing it this way he still refused to believe it and if you want to know like what do I keep secret in life like that's one of the experiences you keep you do that if you've been forcibly raped in the woods
Starting point is 00:10:47 yo yeah that's sad it's just like you can't be like oh how's Gregory doing in school oh no he's doing really good I was raped yesterday oh that is a shame isn't that bad oh I can't believe that you're a grown man huh and then it's just weak like that forced you down like that hmm were you just yelling a bunch maybe a scene for me did you think that you wanted it at any moment did you enjoy it were you wearing a fishnet top you fucking slut yeah you know you can't wear those at night so so Willie is not admitting to himself that he is violently raped by aliens yes and basically like over time it keeps
Starting point is 00:11:23 happening over and over and over again to the point where he finally tells his wife she says that she's experiencing the same thing where it's like she'd wake up in the woods and it got to the point where he's like I need to make some sort of peace with these creatures or whatever's going he called them the visitors for a long time he would never even say the term aliens because then again we live in an alien shaming like society because if you want to believe that the MJ 12 set this up fucking in the 1950s which is the idea that in order to fully suppress the idea that aliens are abducting people or visiting
Starting point is 00:11:57 earth at all is that you have to ridicule anybody who says anything about aliens right so essentially j-12 the Majestic 12 group that were a part of the original alien cover-up crew okay Roswell okay well that's a whole other episode yeah we'll get into it like we could do nine episodes just in what we're gonna talk about today yeah so Whitley and his wife are gonna rape tonight and they start like trying to commune with the visitors and got to a point relief you know as soon as is like rarely as a man when you find out your wife has been raped are you like thank God oh man you too that's beautiful mate
Starting point is 00:12:33 like they got to bond over something that usually tears relationships apart but this was really if the Night Stalker her just dressed up like a big alien right it would have been perfect it would have been almost fine yeah absolutely you know but he he came to terms with it and now he sort of like supports these visitors come okay for a long time he could almost conjure them they would sit and they would try to make contact with visitors like basically just thinking about it which is now you'd call remote viewing we didn't know that they were doing at the time sort of projecting your consciousness up to like
Starting point is 00:13:06 speak with the visitors to deep meditation type situation and that they would come and he brings scientists from all over the world to stay at his cabin they were seeing stuff he said this fucking crazy story about how he he would specifically brought this again but then it's always like an anonymous person that he brought to his house because his job is too important to remotely be connected to anything alien wise he was like an editor of a big-time magazine is what he said he came to stay at the cabin crack when it was still in print and absolutely you know Alan Smith he was on all the covers yeah it was the
Starting point is 00:13:41 head pussy hair editor of my god he was he was doing very very revolutionary stuff why does but my pussy hair looks super brown why does but magazine need a pussy hair editor yeah because it was in the background because it comes through in the end yeah yeah it's set dressing that's a tough job you do want to keep you know you got all these curly cues all in the way your butthole track yeah let's just clear the path right it's it's it's it's it's it um that's right I remember the big the big hairy butt 70s but it's the 80s now boys let's get it done right but clean oh yeah yeah you could eat off that fucking tanked so he's
Starting point is 00:14:24 bringing I don't want to know how you eat I'm sorry that's what I do if you're ever with me sexually that's all you're gonna hear it's like a carnival that's the police coming because she's scared so he's bringing so he brings a bunch of very high-end very influential people to his cabin in the woods yes so the editor is sleeping down in the basement he has another separate couple sleeping in another room okay he basically they're all sleep Whitley's a straight he doesn't he doesn't experience any of this the couple see an entity like in the room it pops up in the room they wake up and there's a full visitor in the room okay
Starting point is 00:15:06 and they they're they've seen it several times now so they're like kind of calm with it they're like okay they were just like we know if like we know you're here we give you permission to be here like you like granting it like like psychic thing and they were like is there something that you want me to do for you the visitor said to him and that he had the whole house wired with cameras so he could try and capture this but this is still 1985 this is 19 yeah so okay so it's like a pound camera right a beta tape in it mm-hmm so as they were maybe she's they were like if you could do something for us could you walk
Starting point is 00:15:40 down the hallway mm-hmm to downstairs go downstairs to the editor's room mm-hmm show him that you're here so what they met an alien from another world you could ask him anything you could ask anything that he would want to do because they wanted to play a prank though for all intents and purposes on the editor that they wanted to do a camera thing you scare my buddy come down he's gonna love it there's gonna get a fucking kick out of this gonna be crazy what he did know was it no I don't want to know the secrets of the universe they had lying that whole hallway with banana peels so I think and you should see there's
Starting point is 00:16:11 several YouTube links of those like the Benny Hill thing coming on and some galing is like slipping down the hallway so he asked so he walks past the cameras of course nothing gets caught but he walks down to the editors like bad he sits on the end of the he wakes up and there is an entity sitting on the end of the bed and then Whitley's describes it sometimes what these aliens do in response to fear is that like anything it we'll talk about this a lot just in terms of abduction scenarios like all together it's like anything it's like people who have visions of the afterlife your brain makes things the
Starting point is 00:16:44 way your brain wants it to be like how you when you watch something you're gonna you're gonna get whatever you give yeah so a lot of times when these visitors experience human fear what he says that they do is that they reflect it back and so when he popped up he was incredibly scared this entity on the thing and according to him it literally it had its back turned to him and then it turned to face him and its face turned into this fucking hawk creature face this is like crazy huge thing like literally like and then snapped disappeared he literally went ran screaming from the house so he was
Starting point is 00:17:24 just like they came out to him and he's just like I can't fucking be here I can't see I can't deal with this shit and he's scared the alien away yeah yeah always remember the alien is more scared than you are but you're gonna see this a lot in all abduction scenarios you're gonna see people seeing cartoonish UFOs like in one abduction scenario I looked out his window and he saw two raccoons the size of tigers in his tree yeah like they were sitting there like in his avocado tree and the next thing you know he white he wakes up and he's in a field oh that just happens that happens in Mexico
Starting point is 00:17:57 they're huge over there absolutely man or raccoon concerted like a costume just like gotten done like handing out menus for some sort of raccoon themed garbage pail restaurant yeah yeah it's a good restaurant you got to check it out racoonies racoonies right I love racoonies you just dig through it's just like great pretty much filled with stew yeah dig your hands in it just five dollars every different hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot that is good stew better it is good stew I'm so glad oh Apple cores mmm via and so he experienced this a heavy amount for his entire life and then I mean of course
Starting point is 00:18:37 Whitley was the one who saw the two large raccoons or this is just that was another scenario that involved like implants and and he basically and we'll get an implants here in a second in a second he it shattered his whole life even says this like everybody who's experienced a sort of alien phenomena as we've we know we've talked with like Jeremy Vaney like all these people who have experienced these type of things their life is never the same he's been bankrupt like four times was successful before this yeah he was a screenwriter and sci-fi author and then he wrote communion which was a massive
Starting point is 00:19:08 hit and now it's just he's just been dragged through the mud for years and years no one believes him he's really reasonable he set up a bunch of stuff he basically made that pilot that I put on the Facebook page alien intent where he tried to make his second research squad like they were a bunch of superheroes which are not there's a bunch of 50 year old men sure and it's ruined his life right so let's so now Whitley was he you you mentioned earlier had an implant placed in his ear did he ever go to the doctor to figure out he went to a man name on with his implant he went to a podiatrist named dr. Roger Lear a friend
Starting point is 00:19:40 of his podiatrist what do they do I keep saying podiatrists whenever they introduced Roger Lear and he created a website called alien which covers all different sorts of implant like research and Marcus you have some information let me let me go here let me just in general implants is it that is what is now being considered the main evidence of alien abduction okay a lot of people experience so it used to be anal bleeding is still in there but now with the implants are just like what you could say is like actual evidence it's not just you know you're ashamed of your rape story sure this is things that are
Starting point is 00:20:18 found in people Whitley was telling a story about not just his own implant but a man that he had met because it's like now what his job is is that he runs this thing called his website is called okay and you can report sightings or encounters there anything from a CE1 to a CE5 we'll get in that later mm-hmm and he he's you know people come to him constantly and a man came to him basically he had an implant in his chest that he didn't know was there until it was fucking with his radio he was he he knew that he was having abducting dreams and that one day it's like his every time he turned on
Starting point is 00:20:56 his radio it would be like like static and all the sudden it wouldn't work anymore so he just didn't care until it was messing with his Mets game yeah basically yeah because it's you know his son's college tuition is writing on that game right right right so he should never bet on the Mets never bet on the Mets his son didn't go to college I mean he has an implant yeah so he went to Roger Lear and they basically found out that he had this implant that was giving off an FM signal okay inside of his body they dug it out they they analyzed it and it was made out of this meteoric iron iron that's only found
Starting point is 00:21:31 like on meteors that we've discovered from other like everything that's landed on earth and that by the time they pulled it out it didn't have any sort of FM signal anymore but they saw it like it like it literally popped up on the screen like when they gave him an MRI it was on like hot one oh one oh one point four or something I'm walking I'm walking on booking yeah thank God I love this song you wouldn't listen to 24 hours a day every day so but it's it's very interesting what they found in the same thing Whitley Schreiber also had an implant put in his ear and then when we said they carved it open it was a disc
Starting point is 00:22:11 in his ear when they cut open his ear they went to retrieve it it moved it moved down into the bottom of his ear like through his cartilage and they got a piece of it and so the same thing with the other implant did it move on its own or did they like shove it down there was this a living he's a podiatrist you know when it comes down to these podiatrists he's just hacking into people right yeah yeah I mean you want to hear some of Dr. Lear's credentials oh of course all right well he is board certified on four different boards here wow the National College of Foot Surgeons yeah the American Board of
Starting point is 00:22:45 Podiatrics Sports Medicine yeah which means he can smell athletes foot yeah it's like a dog like a bomb sniffing dog and smell a bomb he can smell athletes foot the American Board of Foot Surgery all right and the American Circulatory Society and the Society for Non-Invasive Vascular Technology well that's a long one he is one of the world's most important leaders in physical or it has been said oh yeah he rocketed a bar yeah by his mother and his father that he is one of the world's most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of ufology he and his surgical team have performed 15
Starting point is 00:23:21 surgeries on alleged alien abductees this resulted in the removal of 16 separate and distinct objects suspected of being alien implants and I'm gonna start putting up pictures of these alien implants you can get what they look you could see what they look like they're very interesting just a quick but more or less safe than a back room abortion his implant surgery I mean it's essentially like me doing it right you know like if you let me like get a shot I mean I'll get it out sure I don't know about it like a fruit or something yeah absolutely I'll drop it on something drop it on my burrito I got a fucking
Starting point is 00:23:52 taco in one hand the other way and I'm just like hey what is this thing no he's legit he can eat and do this I do all my surgeries with a meat thermometer and by the way Dr. Lear has logged over a thousand hours on television including the Osborne's variety show journey into the void show number seven the Bronx bunny show ah what's the Bronx bunny show I don't know I don't know I don't know yeah I don't know that BBW show goddesses on your queens public television yes the paranormal borderline show let's talk paranormal with Tracy Peters shit we're the only good ones yeah we're the only good paranormal
Starting point is 00:24:31 program it's donut Wednesday on let's talk paranormal and of course 101 things removed from the human body which also just include like a light bulb it's just like a hundred light bulbs of people's asses and then an alien implant exactly somebody just loves sitting on for the rice but with the one thing that they found about the one thing that's crazy about these implants yeah is that they're covered in these protein strings these like thing they call like filaments or cilia that are alive it's so they're like the whatever locomotion happens with these implants could come from these weird strings on the outside of them
Starting point is 00:25:06 that are made totally out of organic material but they're woven into the metal somehow right and the other thing is to is when they find them they're always in clay they're encased in flesh itself which is a very strange thing to see inside of a muscle that they were saying like human skin doesn't grow inside your muscles like the actual like what what you have on the surface and they found these things wrapped in skin it's very interesting it's very strange it's like where the fuck do these things come from are they tags you know there's a lot of theories yeah we want to go through some of the alien scalpel
Starting point is 00:25:41 message boards oh absolutely the alien scalpel message board Marcus you said you looked at over hundreds and hundreds of comments yes I did I went to which is Dr. Lear's website and he has a wonderful message board on there and here's one from Nick hello last night I believe I was abducted and tested on by aliens of the coup talk our planet well that is just we already know it's a guy I believe a movie said Pleiadians yeah at least that is the only thing I can remember them saying I woke up confused they were just choking on a chip or something I woke up confused in a very slight
Starting point is 00:26:20 discomfort I felt as though I had sore muscles on my upper right arm okay after close inspection I could see red patterns sort of like stop signs but more complex it was like an impression of something I saw those pictures they have them in that gallery yeah the gallery is really interesting it just everyone on there is a psychopath yeah they quickly become too light for it to get pictures however I'm convinced I have an alien implant what should I do the next one just chill out just take it easy don't tell anyone pop a brew bro yeah sit back smoke a bowl and fucking enjoy the vibes go on alien scalpel write your message
Starting point is 00:26:54 and then just like get on with your day and play bio shock infinite you know this next one is one of those guys that Henry you were talking about in which their lives are completely ruined is I'm so go back real quick though with the stop sign stuff is there any what what's the is there any symbolism there no it seems like whatever it I mean it's a hexagon you know it's okay I mean the hexagon is a useful shape it is one of the most unusual phenomenon like it like people being picked up by the something's happening I truly this is something of all the things we talk bullshit about this is something I
Starting point is 00:27:26 actually believe you do with a very amount I truly believe that this is actually happening it's a phenomena we did something that we cannot remotely understand so just we go on the hexagon is just a common symbol that aliens place on people yeah yeah I come into a whole puncher yeah okay sure sure so you know I'm but Battlestar Galactica all of the the corners of the edges are cut off and all the pieces of paper it's like that okay that just to keep you from getting cut yeah it's nice they also do it for retarded children in school I've heard about that yeah I mean they always gave it to me and I was like me
Starting point is 00:27:59 he was smart yeah you're so smart next I just was a dare I was you know a late bloomer yeah one could argue not yet bloomed but I wouldn't say that all right well the sad one coincidentally is named Ben I don't know why why do people think I'm sad by the way I don't know but every time they draw a picture of you they're always always sad oh do we think that fella yet by the way what an incredible thing I forget the fella's name here if you want to find on the Facebook page but an unbelievable last podcast on the left drawing of course he took Collins Collins work and he made it you know it was just fantastic so thank
Starting point is 00:28:36 you so much for taking the time out to do that it was pretty it's pretty fucking special it's Josh Josh Rogers thank you so much Josh that was unbelievably nice Josh Rogers took the design my friend Colin did years ago who actually if you remember quickly he did it first did it for the show big fat scary that we used to do absolutely yeah I just want to say I'm not that sad not that please I'm getting all the pussy I'm doing good however I am salsa stains all over your shirt I don't have salsa stains on my shirt Henry made that up Henry's making that up I look like a radio hmm however I am that creepy yes yes yes no you
Starting point is 00:29:16 nailed everybody yeah that is that I'm charming and handsome yeah and just like your picture mm-hmm here at the exactly picture so thank you charming and handsome thank you so let's get with Ben's comment on aliens scalpel dot com hello doctor please help I want my life back I want to have kids one day and have them be safe I've been searching for this for a long time I wanted to report that I had been taken in my sleep they were pink and had nostrils like elephant trunks short ones I woke up in my backyard in the middle of the night and they were there standing across from me they hit me in the stomach then I woke
Starting point is 00:29:50 up in my bed ever since that night I had started to experience joltage in my body jolted joltage it didn't mean much at first also there was a big thing for jolt cola yeah yeah the jolt yeah it's like you've been abducted and raped by aliens jolt cola get jolted the first time the pain was overwhelming and I had been researching the alien phenomena for quite some time until then nowadays five months later they're aware that I know who they are they torture me they jolt me and do all kinds of stuff like burns in my body never heard the word from the the Nabisco company who owns jolt cola yeah something like that and itching I
Starting point is 00:30:30 can't explain it please do help I'm willing to do anything for this thank you for listening oh well it's nice and polite and up next is my favorite commenter that I found Ben was just getting bullied he's just getting bullied at school that's all yeah yeah he was just getting the shit beat out of him by somebody too bad yeah and this is my my favorite commenter that I found Scar Jay now Scar Jay runs the I was reading about it he actually runs the research website his real name is it's right here it is Steve Colburn Steve no no Steve Colburn and Scar Jay are two different dudes oh okay yeah yeah Steve
Starting point is 00:31:05 Colburn I know Steve Colburn he's the guy that moderates it and he always he answers all the crazy questions this is just a guy who's just a heavy he's just he started he just started put he started posting in like November of 2012 and then just kept going this is his first and he is illiterate by the way I gotta do stuff yeah and why did you think they were the same person Henry I just thought that he also wrote this with this breakdown report on alien scalpel oh I see a subject case yeah Colburn Stephen Colburn is what is it what Colburn Stephen Colburn Stephen Colburn yeah yeah he just posts under the name Colburn
Starting point is 00:31:42 oh this is from Scar Jay okay remember going to sleep one morning then one hour later I awaken in some kind of cubicle enclosure both capitalized he said a job yeah he went to his he just woke up in a stamp job it also sounds like he does a lot of meth because he went to sleep in the morning like how usually that's a nighttime activity the aliens put me inside like putting a mouse into a glass tank cool I did not see the aliens BTW you know you were being abducted and you are seeing and understand alien amazing stuff it's not a silly dream and you know your mind would never do this to you when I
Starting point is 00:32:29 awaken I never turns on a human when I awaken in that cubicle I heard a alien sound like a hurt sound or high-pitched sound then boom the cubicle the aliens put me inside shattered from that sound to a shockwave then I instantly died whoa and fallen down in the cubicle it felt like getting your head blown off with a cannon or shotgun that's just that you've heard of the explosive head syndrome no that is a thing that's very true it's a it's a loud popping feeling in the back of your head right before you go to sleep I get it sometimes yeah it keeps you awake for hours oh my goodness but that's perfect I love being awake
Starting point is 00:33:17 cuz then I could just get back to my research yeah no reason to talk no reason to kiss anyone I love no no research no yeah that's good I love getting those text messages at 430 in the morning from Henry Zabrowski and by the way the know what that was his head being blown off with a cannon or shotgun it was loud and windy oh makes sense then I was coming yeah someone just farted on his head while you're sure and then they drew penises all over my face every day at day camp it was awful I think it was those Burberry boys then I was coming back into my body you see about to wake
Starting point is 00:34:01 up for my nasty abduction it took me about one minute for myself to come out of the abduction okay then I awake it in my bed and freaking out I have had varies of examinations test with the entities and I have and I even have an alien son if an alien son that's actually very common is this right it's a lot of talk about in the gray abduction the graze when the abduct people the the idea is that the graze are trying to make human alien hybrids and that's a part of it and a lot of times they'll show you a little boy well why wouldn't ask your son why wouldn't alien species that you could argue is good far more
Starting point is 00:34:34 advanced than us you know stupid human ways want to breed with us don't do we want to jump right into that immediately I got a little bit more with scar Jay okay let's get some scar Jay stuff and I've got one more comment that I have to read about Dr. Lear he says is someone asked can you remove the implants and he says no it cannot be removed what is the matter with you people I'm a podiatrist I don't know how to do surgery you are like a bunch of rats or animals that keep trying to remove the tag that was attached to you for specific reasons you were like animals afraid and everything this is Dr. Lear say no no no no no this is scar Jay
Starting point is 00:35:14 and here's something that could go into what we're about to talk about if it's Scarlett Johansson oh scar Jay says there is nobody nearly that attractive blogging on her commented on this site no way and he is someone who claims to have spoken with aliens he says I think the animal and animals I think the aliens haven't planted various of species in the universe not just human beings I was told that a gray told an abductee they too get abducted by even higher much higher aliens and aliens like a Russian doll of an abduction an alien get abducted by other aliens yeah higher aliens and aliens even abducted
Starting point is 00:35:57 even higher than who abducted the grays I heard it's the aliens from space jam yes yes they call me they get well they have a very important basketball game and the grays are great at that three-point shot mm-hmm the the grays abducting us humans look good so the grays do know how we feel I know grays are good I know very well I have a son who is half gray and seen human work with the grays I am certain grays are good I just think that's that's just becoming is to his racist term for mixed race yeah that's the thing knocked up a Puerto Rican girl I think that's a way to get into a fight in the Bronx oh
Starting point is 00:36:38 definitely and the last one is from a man named Kyle three years ago I was abducted six months ago I began resident expert Kyle okay cut his cut his mic cut it cut his mic cut his mic thank you Kyle that was very interested in form of the free Cheetos okay just get him out of here slater tubular all the fucking bottle water that I can drink thanks guys mm-hmm I told you nobody in Hawaiian shirts should ever enter okay they're all like Kyle six months ago I began feeling fucking UFO concert every UFO conference is going no Hawaiian shirts oh
Starting point is 00:37:27 oh I just wear my good shirt come on y'all I just want to take a look at the UFO baby so we're just a bunch of fat guys with no shirts on inside yeah they've got lockers outside like please deposit Hawaiian shirts here that'd be a pretty saucy conference well Kyle says six months ago I began feeling pain in my left wrist holding a magnet above my wrist makes the pain reoccur and also allows me to manipulate this object in my left wrist my left wrist also sets up metal detectors I have lost my job and cannot keep my family together my wife and five children need me if I have children if Dr. Lear would offer his
Starting point is 00:38:11 services and remove this then I will offer an exchange vision and inside I have been given please contact me for possible appointment I also have a good running fuel efficient car 28 miles per gallon if Dr. Deal if Dr. Lear still needs one he's trying to sell a car in the most roundabout way of all time to maybe pay child support for his children who probably just buy drugs Dr. Lear posts a thing about how he had to he had his car broke down and he had to take the bus every where Dr. Lear's fallen in some hard times all these guys they're all just like Whitley Striper like the whole coast to coast being like he was
Starting point is 00:38:52 next to tears he's just yeah I can't sell a book no one no one will speak with me my boy got divorced oh my god it's like that you better be speaking the truth bro or you're fucking you're done yeah they sacrifice their entire fucking lives but do we want to talk about bibliotheca pliades at all oh absolutely where's this talk about the the alien abduction just sort of like theories behind it like in general sure Willie Striper has come to finally fully believe that what it is which it which is also the view of Dr. Steven Greer who did this amazing documentary called serious it came out three days ago I
Starting point is 00:39:30 think on Tuesday it is whenever with that what day is today Saturday ah very good a number of days ago I don't really follow normal cycles yeah no every time you say I'm never missing time like the aliens it's mostly just I I sit right I mean that's the thing like I don't know how I got to Saturday and be like well what'd you do I just smoke like a lot of weed like I eat all this food and then there's the delivery menus all over my apartment son kept going up and down that was what was weird for me why are you fucking with me like if you want to hang out alien documentary why you got to keep going up and all shadows
Starting point is 00:40:05 get like hours hours and hours later my friends stick around if you don't want to be my friend then fucking go up and stay away but Dr. Steven serious though it's s-i-r-i-u-s it is an incredibly compelling documentary about the discovery of a five inch long organism that may or may not have alien origins I will we'll get into it at some point this story got some mainstream press it's a very interesting look because this is Dr. Steven Gurus put together a legitimate thing there's a thing called the disclosure event like the People's Disclosure Act that they're trying to do they set it up 12 years ago once we
Starting point is 00:40:39 have a whole bunch of like high-level witnesses like former military guys one of the head admiral admirals of the FAA these are top tier guys who all said that they've seen stuff and then the government's covering it up sure and they both have this same idea this like what what Dr. Steven Greer it does is a more official version of what Whitley-Streiber did he does he's come up with this class of encounter called CE5 right so now like all like alien that is an acronym for something yes close encounter of the first second third fourth and fifth kind right and so that's what it is you know the first
Starting point is 00:41:14 kind it's just like the movie it's how they've always done it in UFO circles the first one is seeing a UFO no contact and then the second one is of course share yeah this is very interesting there we go that's for Ed Larsen burner roaster fuck you you rich rich share but it's CE5 CE5 is human initiated contact okay and what did Dr. Steven Greer does the same thing with Whitley-Streiber is this idea that they are contacting aliens using remote viewing I'm gonna say the visitors they always say visitors and what Dr. Steven Greer did is that he he collected tones that they found like weird electromagnetic
Starting point is 00:41:57 noise samples that they found at crop circles they record it and then they play it while doing like intense like hours-long meditation and attempting to contact and stimulate an alien conversation so like while like like in a scenario and they record everything with these crop circles like we've seen how they're made you know that people do it with like you know the long please some of them are done that way but but even if they're made by people they're still there to attract aliens right at the same time but it's also I feel it's a chicken-and-egg scenario where some were made by unknown sources and then humans
Starting point is 00:42:32 started picking up and the idea is is that they're trying to inspire communication okay right and that's a part of Whitley-Streiber kind of beliefs now is like Whitley and and Greer do they think the crop circle they're standing it was made by aliens yes they do think they do think so okay yes and this and like and take that however as you want it I don't know I've been watching a lot of stuff on crop circles we'll have to bring Micah Sherman and he's apparently an expert he is I've talked to him about it before this man knows a lot very interesting but but then again but the idea is that
Starting point is 00:43:01 they believe that aliens are they're peaceful and then they are here to guide us into the next evolutionary step right and that what Whitley-Streiber has come to peace with is this idea that like they're just trying to show us that there were all one in the same so when we come to like and in the same abduction scenario we see stuff like what Striper would talk about when he would like meet with people were talking about abduction experiences a lot of times that they would see like loved ones of theirs like people coming in to like you know the like their grandfather would come in and tell them like I'm
Starting point is 00:43:34 fine like while they're in the scenario he sees it over and over again and then it's just some more of this idea that we are in a there are multiple universes there are multiple existences it's all about perception it's if you want to do this idea that like matter is not a stable thing it's a vibrational pattern and they are just a part of it and that they blip when they are vibration and ours mesh we can see them and interact with them and that they're trying to inspire it and a lot of it like what they say is that there's a massive government conspiracy because these aliens have this technology that would
Starting point is 00:44:09 essentially buck the whole industrial complex of the center are all the coal any coal-based fuel anything would be done because his aliens obviously work on some sort of gravitational or free energy device so with these implants and things like that are they trying to make us closer to singularity yes that what that's all about sort of or like you know it's it's more like how technology could be easily easily like woven into a natural living like together blended all together yes I know there is one man who came out the other end of an abduction experience better than he went in and has actually
Starting point is 00:44:47 been able to use it to his advantage that would be Grant Morrison yes yeah Grant Morrison is a I mean you saw the documentary they did talking with the God which is amazing it's beautiful it's the mystical spirit experience in general it's this idea of reveal it's what they talk I was reading I'm reading this book by Colin Wilson right now called the occult and it's kind of dealing with the same thing you're reading that on the subway yeah in front of people yeah and they're fine with that oh yeah I got my Batman hat on I'm reading no it's terrified I mean I'm not getting dates oh no no no you know
Starting point is 00:45:19 that they don't you don't get casual encounters when you're reading the cult that's true that's no no no but it's kind of this idea of men come and talk to you it's sitting back and falling in with the flow like once you fall in with like the flow of what's really going on like you do the will to imagine or whatever it's called the will to break reality and then you can see the puppeteers behind that and a part of that is illustrated like Grant Morrison basically kind of says that like the mystical experience is easily funneled through the alien abduction scenario because that's how we see it in our brains yeah so
Starting point is 00:45:52 Grant Morrison is an author yeah he's a comic but yeah I mean he's a comic book writer who wrote the Invisibles which is I think the Invisibles is like for listeners the last podcast if you've never read the Invisibles it is the best it's beautiful it is beautiful is the best part if you like this show the Invisibles is the best comic book you're ever gonna read in your entire fucking life and it is amazing was he making comic books before he was abducted yes yes for years they were just bad no they were fantastic they were so good so how did it improve his life when he got because I mean it worked into like the
Starting point is 00:46:23 Invisibles I mean we could actually do a whole episode on the on the Invisibles and on the Invisibles alone like I mean like fiction suits and it's esoteric magic based superheroes okay yeah yeah it's it's fantastic how we started writing it's incredible it's it's I could go on about Grant Morrison let's go back to one thing that I mentioned earlier about how why aliens would want to come and have a earth baby a mixture of a baby because you would assume that they're superior beings what's the reasoning behind let's go through some alternative opinions about the alien abduction scenario then if we want to
Starting point is 00:46:58 this is found on a great website called was it bibliotech a pliades right bibliotech a pliades the easiest website to remember and spell and write this guy's got some fucking ideas I mean he calls himself Montauk okay so I guess it's after the month where he's no he's where he's from oh yeah he's from Long Island it's a very interesting idea so there are some people believe that it's just kind of more of an earth Gaia concept turned into a universal concept okay imagining that you know the Gaia theory is that we're all just one giant organism and the earthing is with that and instead you you put that out to the
Starting point is 00:47:35 entire universe that's what Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Whitley Streiber talking about but Montauk has some other ideas so we're just like the implants on the earth and the earth just like wakes up and it's like man I just had the worst fucking dream it's like what your bed must feel like when you wake up in it oh yeah if you're dead out of me you know yeah every night I'm visited by the show your fucking green semen what come on it's yellow well here's what Montauk says about today's abduction literature yeah it smells like what I had for dinner marble that's nice he says the most glaring feature of
Starting point is 00:48:16 today's abduction literature is the lack of black people yes okay even with Barney Hills an exception which Barney Hill was involved in the Zeta reticuli incident but yeah like Barney and Betty Hills a very famous abduction scenario mm-hmm and but then where he starts off as he talks about how like we're all from a all humans are here like as a we are again we're alien hybrids of a various different alien species because the idea was that aliens alien soul right there's a lot of these talk about there was another theory this because there's another guy who wrote a whole thing about how what graze are graze are robots
Starting point is 00:48:52 right and that graze are here because they love humans because they're natural we were born with souls and this is idea that aliens do we're not born with the ability to evolve as far as the genetic of like creation they made with monkeys here on earth they made humans in order to create the perfect evolutionary vehicle for themselves yeah and the way they do that is like Scientology they shoot their souls into us and we're all just shells of different alien souls but apparently the most pure ones happen to be the white ones okay okay and the reason why racism exists is because some of us have alien ghosts that don't like
Starting point is 00:49:32 alien ghosts to make other ones which is like anybody else who's brown or or yeah yeah exactly so the aliens lack a soul so there's sort of like that Ken Jennings character they don't lack a soul they lack the evolutionary potential potential to have a soul okay but there are that's why they need us yeah and there are a lot of course like a lot of different kinds of aliens that that at least 12 at least at least 12 but up to now you know but there are also the negatives which are a big part of it within who are some of these negatives well the negatives are just assholes when they talk about the resurrectionists
Starting point is 00:50:12 are also a part of it ascended masters is this idea of people on earth who are channeling high-powered like alien entities in order to give human knowledge is in some of them a super positive like a Jesus Cristo and then some of them are negative like the I mean they say Lucifer but I'm just gonna say again they'll say everybody that's ridiculous that graze do the abducting and the rest follows the abduction program is an elaborate plan conducted by the agents of Lucifer and collaboration with the Illuminati and NWO politicians to genetically engineer a hybrid race who body whose bodies will
Starting point is 00:50:48 allow only infernal souls to reincarnate on earth who is in the Illuminati I think it's all run by those God fearing Christians with a little kid under his dress that's right fucking right in this fucking bullshit Satan's over there trying to make us all happy with cotton candy and knowledge is power and that sometimes you gotta eat and pussy indeed make a woman happy for Christ's sake the rest of humanity will be eradicated a kept for slave labor the existence of Lucifer is logical for we know that not all entities are equally developed meaning there must be the highest and weakest of entities and Lucifer by
Starting point is 00:51:28 definition is the most powerful of negatives this is just I you know it's slander it's bullshit it's bullshit this is a whole thing is on stand for this if it's at the end all the horrible agents of Adele she'd be suing them mm-hmm she absolutely would be she's a beautiful voice and you know who she went to get that beautiful voice Lucifer himself Satan himself who would have helped you but I want God doesn't listen to nothing I will give you the most beautiful voice I will also make you obese because Satan believes in equal in she's everything yeah equaling out to be perfect and if you're going to be very
Starting point is 00:52:04 obese you will have a beautiful voice you could be very thin like Kate Moss Kate Moss can't sing for shit so think about that well but it's very interesting the again the abduction for now it's it happens in every single culture and by the way the NW must eliminate resistance now rather than wait another 20 years for a hundred percent of humanity to turn ignorant sheep rather than the present 97% majority because later will be too late according to astrological alignment timing and location on the earth and also according to an elite banker that I have some sort of connection to the war
Starting point is 00:52:39 is coming the war is coming a member of a very large bank of a New York City like spoke with me about about several insider news high-powered masons that talk with them and said the war is coming the Homeland Security's ordered over a million different guillotines in order to commit the sort of ritual murders in order to bring about Satan's new reign I mean I don't know if it's true but the fact that a man told Henry all of this is true can we just say that he's he's a manager yeah we have to keep him secret yeah we'll keep it's got a great name though I wish I could say yeah it's a great name but the manager at a major
Starting point is 00:53:16 bank so let's just this we're gonna wrap it up now we have to wrap it up I feel like we have a couple more episodes in there with this aliens absolutely I you don't even fucking get me started I know human relationships anymore I think we've gotten you started for the last hour I have been talking about aliens to every person I meet for the last seven days don't talk about it don't talk about them to everybody I just got to people got to know and we will inform you more and more in the episode serious to documentary it's very important it's I honestly I this is again the most fat thing I could say it's the next zeitgeist
Starting point is 00:53:51 it's the next the like the most important that is then you can say it's a very important conspiracy theory documentary it really wraps up everything that's going on in UFO culture right now and it's very true I can I can see the line of logic they want they want to repress the truth about aliens because it will buck all it will buck all the money they're making on coal it's only true it's only true they've got the technology we have free energy technology they use sound waves to make the pyramids okay well we're gonna wrap it up there and of course if you have your own alien abduction story please share with us on
Starting point is 00:54:23 the website and of course you can email us at cave comedy radio but pictures but pictures anything you want to show and thank you once again Josh I should listen no and no but pictures in real unless you're a very hot chick and I will mention over 18 over 18 we have some very attractive girls that listen or ladies women women say women let's say women we want we love your list very strong-willed men and very strong our audience is the best you literally we have the best people in the face of the planet let it's listening our podcast we're spreading the truth and you know I get said because Henry gets a lot of
Starting point is 00:54:55 personal messages you can message me you know you can message me I'm fine and I'm always hanging out there's a lot that's me for advice they are scared of let's just get this done all right Hail Satan everybody I'll mean I'll gain Hail Satan Hail Satan hail your set the truth spread the spread the disclosure to the government hail yourselves everybody we'll talk to you soon goodbye

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