Last Podcast On The Left - LPN Deep Dives: Dune / Episode 14: Dune Part 2 (2024) - Movie Review

Episode Date: March 7, 2024

Power over spice is power over all... Only the water of life can free what will save us... Alas! Rude Duners Rise Up! Dust off your stillsuits because Dennis Villenueve's Dune Part 2 is conquering box... office's worldwide and the Worm God himself has been summoned once again! Join the God Emperor Henry Zebrowski as he goes toe to toe with his human wife Holden McNeely for this spoiler-filled breakdown of Dune Part 2... You are not prepared for what is to come...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Put your right hand in the box. What's in the box? Pain. Stop. Put your hand in the box. I hold your neck, I'll go on your body. Stop fear. Fear is the mind killer.
Starting point is 00:00:18 And fear is the little death that brings total liberation. I will face my fear. I will make you pass over me and over me. But Duke will die before these eyes and they'll know, they'll know that it is I! Then follow me, a heart-tonguing, weak, jump-assist, do! The Sleeper Awakens! First of all, before we get into this, I just want to do my express it vocal warm-up for the show sure Oh good now. I'm fremen two towers. They were two towers, but there was a building seven
Starting point is 00:01:02 I love an undulating cry. Like a kindling the wind. Elton John. Yeah, absolutely. And then he flipped that song to be about Princess Diana. It was originally about Madonna. But no, Marilyn Monroe. And then this song, you can't change about...
Starting point is 00:01:16 Oh yeah, Marilyn Monroe. Yeah, Madonna's still alive. Madonna should be dead. I'm glad we started like this. Because, yeah, because you're completely immediately wrong. Madonna's an old chimney That's the song. It should be written about her. Hey old chimney glad you're not dead You know I am too but today we're not here to talk about the differences between Marilyn Monroe Madonna and princess die
Starting point is 00:01:38 Dooners rise up dooners get your fucking still suits on and suck the shit water That you have made with your body through the tube into your nose And make sure when you're out in the open desert you have to breathe in through your mouth and breathe out through your nose What is this water world come on? I'm on actually it's a lack of water world, but it's raining in Los Angeles today I hope it's men. It's decidedly Unlike Arrakis welcome welcome to LPN deep dives, dude. I am your god emperor Henry Ziprowski. I sit here with my human wife Holden McNeely here again We ride the worm there you go. Let's ride the worm
Starting point is 00:02:21 Do you think that they allow Ernie'm your gurney, Halleck. You are. You really are. I do think when they put together the group of people, they're gonna do the undulating cries on the soundtrack. Like, do you think that they get, like, like how do they pick those guys? Like, do you think they drop a bunch of hammers on a bunch of people's feet and see who goes, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
Starting point is 00:02:43 you know what I mean? Cause it's fucking, they really, they hit those undulating cries very, very, very hard. Look, it's trained professionals. You know what I mean? Have you ever seen IOs got talent where the people come up one after the other? Now give us, what is your name and age? I am Boussoul. The base of the tower.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Oh, fantastic. What is your goal in your career, Musul? I will unite the tribes. All right. I will be named more deep, the desert mouse. All right, big. That's a bit advantageous, but start whenever you're ready. OK.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Get what you got. My little buttercup has the sweetest smile. But we are here today to talk about Dune 2. Now Dune 2, we are back. I'm so happy. I got to see it. I got to see it twice. So nice. I saw it twice. I want to just initially throw it out there. I think when you and I got to see it, we got to see it early screening.
Starting point is 00:03:38 You tried to get a chant going of Dune 1. You tried to get a chant going of Mahdi. You know when one I was really high so I was really immediately uncomfortable by the whole thing but I think right I remember this correctly we were all collectively blown away when it went to do part one right yeah we're
Starting point is 00:03:58 like what what what the fuck cuz again that was a we were surprised yeah now we know that dune 1 covered, honestly, about a third of the book. Yeah. So I knew that Dune 2, depending on what the H he was gonna do, Denis Villeneuve, because now I know how to say his name, I want credit for that. There you go.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I want French Canadian merit for that. Alright, there you go. Here's your fucking badge. Thank you. Yum, yum. But so we were like, well, Dune 2's got a lot to cover, unless now I had heard A for mention there was rumors that there's gonna be third Dune movie. So going into Dune 2, I was a little concerned
Starting point is 00:04:38 that we were just gonna get the second third of Dune. Oh, God. And then we're gonna be like part two of three. I thought that when they got to, there was like a point because all see the movies, it's long, but suitably long. It got ramped up as it went. We're going to go longer. Just so you know, before we even begin spoilers, we're going to be talking about the entire film around everything that happened in the movie. People get mad either way. I liked how there was sand. Yeah, I mean, maybe worm. It's most of the reviews, you just gotta say it because Eddie just barely said a thing about True Detective season four. And a lot of people got upset.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Women in that one, huh? Yeah. Was that the thing? No, Jodie Foster's good in it. We just said in the end is that it wasn't supernatural, but then everyone freaked out. That's spoiler. Uh, women in that one, huh? Yeah. Was that the thing? No! Jodie Foster's good in it. We just said it in the end, it was a supernatural, but then everyone freaked out. That's spoiler. But it's also, then we realized it's actually not a spoiler at all. It's actually not a spoiler, because actually there's like a lot of other shit in there
Starting point is 00:05:37 and it does sort of hit. That's the actual spoiler, is it actually kind of doubled back? And it kind of hits. Spoiled it. I'm just telling you, that's the extra spoiler. Nothing. I I'm gonna spoil everything that you've seen tar Fucking stupid tar was spoiler Maestro guess what happens in a maestro shark jumps out of the water eats his fucking dick Well, it's start tar your opinion that tar is stupid is not a spoiler spoiler my friend
Starting point is 00:06:03 Tar is backwards rat if I can sneaky ass movie that nobody cared about yeah yeah yeah part of the one we're big worms that one though that was a surprise that was straight she took those hooks out and she was like I cannot I not only can I compose I can ride very good I think you have a future in the business. You move on to the next round brah knock. Yeah, mod bitch. Now, so back to Dune 2. So, at the very beginning of Dune 2, I was a wee bit concerned because as the movies go and you're like, oh, they got a lot of ground to cover. Oh, we're gonna do and then the surprise third act of Dune 2, I think is one of the most exciting
Starting point is 00:06:45 pieces of sci-fi action film since Empire Strikes Back. This is definitely the Empire Strikes Back of the sequence of films because now we know that Denis Villeneuve plans a third film. Yes. So Dune 2 has just a general sort of like mock-up. We now, it covers the last two thirds of the first book of Dune. And can we just back up real quick? I just wanna say in general, general thought about the movie. It was like a action ballet or something.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It was so like music filled and so like my seat, the soundscape in the theater, really is the movie to see in the theater. My seat was like rattling the entire time. I was in a way that I love because this is what's funny is I bitched about Tenet so fucking hard. And part of that was how obnoxiously loud it was. But what are you, what's complaining about? Tenet.
Starting point is 00:07:40 It's the entire movie. I hated Tenet so much. I love Christopher Nolan and I recently rewatched love Chris Rinaldo I rewatched tenet and then rewatched in Inception, uh-huh. I don't know if it's good. I don't think it is I don't think either one of them. I think in sections. I think you're good, but but It did ten it was so bad It made me rethink and said my thoughts it made me question everything how I felt about Christopher Dawes' director.
Starting point is 00:08:07 That's what Inception did to me. I watched it on a plane recently. And I rewatched it and I was like, wait, is this just like trying to sell like this overly masculine, badass, complicated puzzle box thing? Well, it's an hour and a half of exposition. Just to set just- Just to set up an action scene. Yes. So Dune 2, what they do great. They nail it. They do the opposite of it, even though the sound was oppressive, I was there for it. It was beautiful. It was like just-
Starting point is 00:08:33 They hit the ground running. They hit the ground running. Now, just so you know, so Dune 2, we get a lot of, I get a lot of messages. People say like, oh, you know, these companies pay you for good reviews. I wish because I would I take that fucking money
Starting point is 00:08:47 I'm gonna go straight to goddamn China. Hello, fresh bitches. Yeah, buddy. But It does work man, hello, honestly, it's a really wonderful meal service I just did a sponsorship with about twitch to thank you for giving me buddy. Tell it fresh. See where you can be We can do it. We can do it. But Dune 2, this is my honest review, is that it was not, I hate to say, it's not surprising. Denis Villeneuve is an amazing director. And what I also love is that we get to sit here
Starting point is 00:09:18 and critique the extremely hard work of some of the finest artisans in filmmaking making. And we're just too fat dumps. Yeah, totally. We should. The only thing we are allowed to critique is fucking sandwich artists in Subway. Dude, and I'm allowed to. And I do. Absolutely. And they raise, and they're raising their prices. I read them the filth. Go to Subway. It used to be meatball. Now it's chicken baker ranch. And neither at this point
Starting point is 00:09:41 is having eaten there for so long. Don't eat there anymore. Yeah. You don't want to do that anymore. Okay. Just eat the meat. Just eat piles of meat. Okay. We're doing that tonight. And tears of the front. Yeah, that'd be fun.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Um, but, uh, so at the top, it was like, it wasn't, again, I'm not surprised, but Dune one, my main takeaway from Dune one was that it was beautiful, stylistically, but it did feel like I, I was excited. I was happy to see it. Loved Baron Harkin in loved You know at the time like I love Timothy Shamile. I'm a ding dong as young Paul I thought that he was good as the sort of confused man of Rebecca Ferguson is A dunkalicious. Mm-hmm. She's an incredible Jessica and she's beautiful and she's powerful all in the first one Johnny You're like, oh, what are you gonna do with Zendaya? Obviously they need to bump it up. The main true speed bump in
Starting point is 00:10:28 doing one is touchy. Watch it. Watch it. Someone that might be identified as my brother works for a company owned by Jason Momoa. So I like his, uh, tequila. The vodka is fine. It's good! The vodka is good! His vodka is good! Okay. You know, I...
Starting point is 00:10:51 I'm trying to say this in as many... I think that he seems like an affable man. Okay. That's a nice thing you said about him. He's a generous boss. That's another nice thing you've said about him. Um, but I still feel as if he's not Duncan Idaho. It's hard to okay I will say. Because you notice they steal the attributes from Gurney Halleck that are in the book and they give them to
Starting point is 00:11:13 Duncan Idaho. Duncan Idaho is supposed to be sort of this mysterious dude that's in too deep with the Fremen that's actually sort of uh kind of inspirational to Paul but he's dark he's twisted he's so loyal to the Atreides that he's the only one that would accuse Jessica of being a traitor, which they took all that out of the movie anyway, right? They have Dune one. And he was also, and he's so loyal to the Atreides to a fault that he becomes the number one assistant
Starting point is 00:11:40 to the God Emperor of Dune, Lido too, as the last remaining piece of the atreides, like pure, pure loyalty, baxom that they have, that the entire family abides by, right? So we now know that Jason Momoe is probably going to come back in dune 3 if it does come back. I was going to say, everything I was going to maybe say feels like a spoiler about- This is spoiler town, baby. Okay, we're in spoiler city.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And we have no just- Even the future books. Even the books. Future books. They better have read the books at this point. Okay, I don't think he's like so bad in that instance of the first film as but, but I have a hard time visiging him doing the things that he will be doing,
Starting point is 00:12:20 hopefully in these future books. But also, isn't it kind of hard to see Shyamalan and a giant Well Shamalam I think don't wouldn't be in I guess he wouldn't be right it would probably be Barry Keegan They're gonna make somebody else right? It's definitely gonna be Barry Keegan. It's gonna be what Paul said yeah, yeah So the that was so my main issue with doing one really
Starting point is 00:12:41 Unfortunately was just the I felt just Jason Momoa was five, was a little too bro-y, I brought in re-watching Dune 1 before going into Dune 2. It still is the one thing that sticks out. And also, they kind of like zip-zop-zop through the, the, his original meeting with the Fremen. They kind of like, very quickly, Jessica's brought into the fray, they're like, oh, the weirding way. And then, like, but I also love Javier Bardem's performance in Dune 1 but altogether It wasn't a complete film Dune 1 kind of felt like obviously we're missing something because we're really not there It really just it really was just the first third of the book real quick about Mamoa 2 is but you have to remember Demographics and I understand we have goth boy lust coming into the into the theater and blocks with Shyamalan, but we needed big
Starting point is 00:13:27 Strong into women man lust. They're trying to make dune palatable to women to what to to Non-sci-fi nerd women the gay man. Yes, yes, yes, but you know So you know what the thing is is that the way that I feel that they should have done that Which is what they did in dune, too, which is bring the Benny Jesterit up front. So Dune 2, I am endlessly impressed. Now I've seen it two, two times, about how much Dune they got into the movie. And how weird it is. They went there.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I love that. They also, well, I spoke with David Dasmalchen. We did a little interview with David Dasmalchen talking about his experience on Dune. That is what's missing in Dune too, is fucking more mental action, because there's no mental action. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:14:16 We've all seen David Dasmalchen filmed where he was him torturing Dr. Yui in the first movie. And it was fucking, like he was saying, he had a whole like villain monologue and it all got cut for time even know how much they explain I'm trying to remember it's all a wash a little bit now because there's just so much information I remember what we likes and I rewatched the first tune the other night and there's a mint hat moment like right in the beginning for your house like yeah and I'm just a
Starting point is 00:14:43 pause I was like do you know what a mintat is? She hadn't, so I explained the old butlerian jihad and everything. And then you fucked for hours? We fucked. I got in her butthole, dude, when she never lets me into that hole. Damn it. That is a forbidden hole right there. The worm rides again.
Starting point is 00:14:58 That was the thing. She was like, get the worm bucket. She was like, get the popcorn bucket. Get it. I was like, what do you want to do with it? You know what I mean? It was amazing, dude. Yeah, so that was awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:08 But anyways, besides that whole butthole moment, it was cool to explain her to that and be like, yeah, this is this whole other layer to this thing. You don't even know like watching these movies. Had they ever really explained the butlery in G-Hod? No, they would not. No, no, that's the, why would they? It would be like inception at that point.
Starting point is 00:15:23 They'd just be like, and then this is the background. That's the, more background. You know what I feel like know. No, that's why would they it would be like inception at that point. There's like and then this is the background You know what I feel like they should do especially for doing three give up pamphlets Honestly all of the stuff in on even give us glossaries so people can really get into it. They did that for something What did they do that? They know they did it for um the hateful late. Yeah, those programs I was really cool when they when they did the 35 millimeter or do the fucking John Waters thing hand out smello vision. I would love that.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah, just scratch and smell the inside of a fucking still suit. Still suit you scratch and sniff that's merch that we're leaving on the table. Dude, that's fucking shit. We're leaving on the table. I can't believe I'm criticizing anything after they did the fucking worm mouth Popcorn bucket because I can't get it. Yeah, cuz I couldn't fucking find it. Oh, huh?
Starting point is 00:16:10 I actually have some friends that are reaching out really me this might be too much Yeah, I know she doesn't deserve Dave Bautista might be able to get me one. I'm trying to get some in were in Rhodes did he was so fucking good All right, so let's start from the top Yeah, so Princess Irle on is now kind of shown more in this movie Florence Pugh plays Princess Irle on I like what they did with Princess Irle I think that she did a really good job because you forget and when they don't really Expressively talk about in Dune 2 But I think is great that they do it without expressing it they They show not tell, which is that she's Benny
Starting point is 00:16:45 Jesserit and what she's gonna do in Dune 3. Essentially, this is all setting up. The storyline of Princess Errolion is gonna set up her position in Dune Messiah if and when they get to it. Then you have Christopher Walken. It begins with them talking about like obviously the now that the Harkins have the dude, which is also love. I love the movie. Hard starts with the fucking all of Harkin and owning our king guys coming in out. Um, Christopher Walken needs to maybe maybe needs to take a break. He was I look scared and tired. Yeah, I love him. He was maybe the only Yeah, I- I- I- I loved him. He was maybe the only person in there where it's like, I always love him, but I felt like I was watching Christopher Walken
Starting point is 00:17:31 in a Dune movie as opposed to like, his character. Everybody else was on Arrakis. Yeah. He was on a set in Los Angeles. He was Christopher Walken, like, and I know that's easy to say, because he's very specifically himself and most of the things he does, but I don't know how to define it how to describe it He yeah exactly yes
Starting point is 00:17:47 He's not plugged in he was like I was waiting for him to ask where like craft services. Yes. That's how it felt That's how it felt and then what I also love about this and then it jumps into some hardcore from an action Yeah, and you made that noise when that from an action And you made that noise when that Friman action started. Yeah. And I was like, whoa, it's tool time here. We know the proof that happened right now. But they, uh, they jumped right into an assault of the Fremen against the Harkins. And because we know that now that Paul is in the desert, he's going to go from this
Starting point is 00:18:19 child that is trained by the Atreides clan to being kind of brought into the ways of the desert. The people, the Fremen people, believe that he'd know it anyway. They do a cool device where Chani is sort of teaching him the ways of the desert played by Zandia, which I actually thought was a really good choice for her character.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It was like, cool, this is what we do. But they showed how much the Fremen kick fucking ass, which I think is really important. Because I rewatched the David Lynch's doing in the theatermen kick fucking ass. Which I think is really important. Cause I rewatched the David Lynch's Dune in the theater, it was awesome. I mean, I went and you forget, and now when it's there, like it's kind of rinky dinky.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You forget how in the end it's like, it's two and a half hours of monologues. And then it's just Kyle, what clock I'm going, and we're gonna get him. And then they just like, it's just the end of the movie. And then it rains. And you're like, what the fuck? But this you showed that the freemen are a deadly fighting force. Yeah, Zendaya is
Starting point is 00:19:10 Like at first she's like, I like this guy my one thing about Timothy Shyamalan Ding Dong is that I love Timothy Shyamalan Ding Dong as sad young Prince. I love him as Mystical like confused about the prophecy. Less convinced in terms of a warrior way. Can you imagine him being able to tear open a sugar packet? Right. Never mind beating the living shit out of another giant man. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:19:36 That is the only thing. He does good movement. And he did like fun in the fights, like you could tell like he worked hard, but it's still just like, you're a fucking 100 pounds soak and wet. You are you're a human bookmark. Yeah, and you're literally going to go and you're going to fight the sadookah.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Now that he's where he's at in the movie, then you're back to believing it. Like you're back to believing him when he's like just in charge and he's just commanding people to do things, masterminding know, making these hard sad boy decisions, you know, that makes sense. And one of the big choices that Dune 2 made that I also loved was that now we also know that Jessica is pregnant. Yes. We know that she's got full of cums and it's, it took, right? And they can talk and they can have a chat. They can talk, but they, they kind of did it in a classy way, which is, you know, like fine for me, but I kind of want a fetus going like, Hey, I want to be Gilbert Godfrey. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, look who's talking
Starting point is 00:20:34 or something. That's what I prefer. Yeah. But they what they did really fucking good in doing too is that water of life sequence. Now, he heard so they've the the Fremen, they go through the whole rigmarole saying that our Reverend Mother is dying. If you want to be a part of our community, you're going to need to take her place. That is still Gar to Jessica. She basically says, okay, I have no choice. Meanwhile, like, you know, Timothy, Shama, Lama Ding Dong goes to play with worms with Zendaya. And so she goes in that that cool sequence of like the creepy old Reverend mother. She goes in, they called her the Sia Dina. That's the their version of the Reverend mother, if you remember. But one of my favorite bits in the whole movie was watching that fetus gets splurged with blue, because partially I right before the
Starting point is 00:21:22 movie, I don't know if you heard me. I was fucking moan. You were moaning and ecstasy Yeah, that was weird. I thought was like is he coming? It's my new come noise they go Say before the movie though, it was a lot of fun people screaming about worms. Well, that was our so that was really surprising Because la is famous for having kind of like uptight audiences as far as I'm concerned That's like people are going, where are the worms? And I got a laugh. I forget what trailer it was that we even watched, but it was this big action trailer that the id, because people were screaming for worms,
Starting point is 00:21:55 at the end of the trailer I just went, no worms. I said everyone laughed, but that was the problem. But then that spurred other people. You inspired a bunch of dickheads. I inspired a bunch of dickheads, but they all got shushed in the beginning. But I actually just feel bad because I set them up to get shushed, and I'm sorry for of dickheads, but they all got shushed in the beginning, but I actually just feel bad because I set them up to get shushed and I'm sorry for the dickheads. That's why the comedians told me editing. And I was drunk, so I should have had less sense and said more things.
Starting point is 00:22:16 No, that's comedian instinct. I know when to hold them. I know when to fold them. Yeah. And you know when to scream, where are the worms? Yeah. Now they go, the water of life sequence, that's what I love. So the babies talk to it, but like when it gets a part of what I was and I've been mad about which is the
Starting point is 00:22:30 erasure of blue when it comes to spice right so in dune 2 and the beginning of dune 1 you see to them they make the spice look a bunch like shiny crystals. But my thing is that, you remember flavonoids? They used to put in gum. Flavoflavonoids, yeah, yeah, totally. They had that whole thing where a bunch of women wanted to marry him or be with him or whatever. And then they all got, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:22:55 But these guys are, they got sparkles in there. And my thing is, is that spices fucking blue, which is why their eyes turned blue. Why in the living fuck with their eyes turned blue Sorry life the spice water right isn't fucking blue right and they go and look for the spice and they look for the shiny patch And it's like what is this shares underwear drawer? I am looking for fucking blue Spots that's where the spice should be now. Why why is this so annoyingly important to you I don't know I Don't know it's consistency. I mean I think that's why you know what it is is that it's this guy read the book
Starting point is 00:23:34 He's making a movie. You know what it's it's stripping the uniqueness of the book Yeah, that's it's like making it but Denise feeling of he does it Denis Villeneuve. He does it. He makes the water life Blue as hell. Yeah, and I was like, thank you I made the water of light blue as hell And I think my favorite thing that like felt the most like the books is how psychedelic that sequence was and now it was all How darkly psychedelic like anytime we're dealing with like a Ben A. Jester it anytime we're dealing with it is We it is space Witch City in this way that I'm just so fucking about.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I feel like that's my favorite thing about these movies is that they exist and they're the big blockbuster of the moment and they're fucking dark and weird. Really weird. It's just so unpalatable in a certain way and people are fucking down. We don't need to be over explained stuff We can just like through you could just throw shit at us. That's crazy and big this movie should prove that you can stop
Starting point is 00:24:32 spoon feeding us Garbage and and talk about jumping away from the same old same old formulaic structures The MCU and everything recently which I've just have so much fatigue on much less with sci-fi and Star Wars and everything. I was there, Star Wars, I forget what movie it was. I think I was watching that fucking Luke Skywalker origin movie, right? And, uh, or not Luke, sorry, Han Solo origin movie. I made it through half the, they were, they were doing the thing they always do. And I said, if I have to watch in a Star Wars movie,
Starting point is 00:25:03 a group of people like sneak into a base to steal a person or a piece of data and then all hell goes loose and they have to shoot their way out I'm fucking never gonna watch another one. You do this every goddamn one of these movies I have to watch you sneak into a base and then shoot you it was just so The same thing over and over again. Well, we know is just Especially flying or completely off of it absolutely superhero fatigue is real and it is slowly but surely happening Let's grind it to a halt. Let's grind the content machine doing goddamn all hell. Yeah, madam web. Let's do it Let's fucking do it. So Johnny then comes in so now they're setting up all this prophecy stuff
Starting point is 00:25:41 What I also loved about doing is that they talk about the concept of the Benidjusserate planting religious stories and these various like old school hierarchy, all these like across the universe. Real quick, you're talking about this. Is this water life drinkable? Okay, great. All right, go on. Yeah, if you want to, honestly, that'd be great. want to honestly that'd be great. Hiya! Oh my God, my balls are turning blue. Tell me the fucking future dude. You're gonna die man.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I knew that. I knew what was gonna happen. So, Jessica's like, they do a really good job of like, because Timothy A. Shyamalan Ding Dong is going like, oh, Motha M'soya, right? Because he doesn't want, he's trying to be, he's trying to be, what's his name? Who's the guy in Texas that ever
Starting point is 00:26:33 he's trying to go always going against Greg Abbott? Texas Frank. Who's the guy, the Beto? Texas Pete, the hot sauce guy. Timothy Shyamalan Ding Dong is trying to make Paul like Beto. Okay. You remember from Texas that guy that people like? Waco or what is his name? John, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Beto? No, man. I don't know names. I'm just going to say fake names. Beto or Rort. That's the guy. Yeah, okay. He's trying to make him like super fair or whatever and being like,
Starting point is 00:26:58 No, Mummy. No. The Ophemian Moçaïv self, right? And she's just like, no, you're going to do as prophesied. Because she believes she like survives the water of life. Like as we know, I'm not going into plot points because you guys fucking know the books at this point. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But the Stilgar is played extremely well by Javier Bardem. Stilgar is the one like, I loved how they sort of did this mechanism about the prophecy and that a the all of them kind of Trying to figure out whether or not it's real whether or not like and still are being the true believer and like the one moment of actual comedy In the entire movie is still gars, which is great However, your bar damn kind of comes onto his own in this because I'm the first one he kind of see more like a general Guy, you know like because it's everybody who's like not white is in the Fremen's, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:48 So, you but the rest of them was like, he was he's great in this movie. But and then also Zendaya, they used the Chinese characters. One of the big changes that they did in Dune 2 was that they took the Chinese character and they made it like that's the ticking clock. They call it sometimes right? That's like a term they use in television where it's like there's a character that moves the plot along by coming into the room I did it for heroes stillborn. I came in in the room and I'd go like guys But everybody else have cool stuff to do right and I'd sit there all day doing nothing And then I'd come at the end of the scene go guys we got to get out of here Right and that was like the only function I served it was to end scenes or to like move plot along. And so Zendaya, it's a little bit of that because she's always, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:30 I feel like I might get a lot of hate mail for this, but wouldn't be nice to see Zendaya smile. You know what I mean? Wouldn't be nice to see her just have, she's got such a beautiful smile. You know, she's always frowning. It's a question. She's a grimace herb. She's great though. Yeah, she's a great Wonderful actor like she's a she's got screen presence like she is awesome to see You know as a guy as a man, I just want to see that smile smile Give me a smile. Baby, what you so fucking saying? Just stab him in the neck.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, by the way, just because I've gotten shit for this before, it is Zendaya, not Zendaya. And I know it's a dumb correction to give you. No, it's not. It's not. It's annoying. Well, I'm going to be saying it. I've already said it way too many times.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I just was going to, I was like, what was I going to say to you? No, good. I'm glad you did this now. I'm glad you corrected me after we've done 25 minutes. It's a more positive thing. So it's like dying. It's the day. It's the day. It's the day. But she's a wonderful actor. And, um, but, like, her job is to come in as now. So for Chani, Chani's the one that is like the doubting Thomas voice of the friend. She also didn't have a lot in the part of the, in the first movie.
Starting point is 00:29:41 No, she had no- In terms of what it covers in the book is not really much Chani in general. So she didn't really, I don't know how she would have been given more in the first movie What it covers in the book is not really much Johnny in general so she didn't really I don't know how she would have been given more in the first if you see what we're gonna get to the end of the movie But I think that what they're hinting at I'll talk one second to the ending I think there's a hint of what they're trying to do with Johnny for the third film But I love her position in this movie Because she's trying to sort of like she's the one grounding Paul first Paul's on the fence again where Timothy Shamile and Ding Dong really sings as that he comes in he does the push and pull when he really sings he starts
Starting point is 00:30:13 going right in the worm back and forth I'm right in the worm and then like I'm Willy Wonka here to say I like making chocolate every day. I was like wow I hated that rap sequence. Don't bring up Willy Wonka here I hear him sing a song. I want to see it. It's a Paddington director. I like I like Paddington I like musicals. I didn't like Paddington thought that was fucking stupid. Yeah, how about it was stupid and dumb Paddington too? Yeah. It was great. He did it. What about the Porn Parody? That bear got fucked. There's a Porn Parody of Paddington?
Starting point is 00:30:50 I'm sure there is. Fucking whoa. Yeah, called Paddywagon. To get back to it. So now they are the next best part, which is so we now see Chani. So they're all saying, oh, you know, the MoD, the Lisa Nargali, the more deep, at least an
Starting point is 00:31:05 angry, the voice from outside, he is going to know the ways of the desert. Chani is teaching him the ways of the desert on the slide. She kind of loves Paul. He's got that fucking long down to them. Like they kind of little quiet ones, a little gangly, quiet ones that have the big, big old. What? Yes. You know, what's nice is that what's nice about the first seeing it, the first time is that the second time I knew that the kissing scene that they do
Starting point is 00:31:30 is when I could leave and go to the bathroom. Right. And so that was like, I was like, thank you, Denny. Yeah. This is exactly what I needed. It's like, I kind of feel like, not that it's done on purpose, but it kind of sort of feels like it's directly in the center of the movie when they kiss for the first time.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And it's when all the dudes got up and go to the bathroom. Man, I... That was when I went to go take a shower. The piss I took when we watched it together was like 15 minutes. I know, Sylvain would have been mad at you. It was crazy how long. I was pissing that entire time. It was crazy. So, then we need to now bear in Harkinen.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Beast rabbit. Beastan what Dave Batista does in this movie is so fucking great freaks me I mean, he's just so yeah, so good But he does this thing which I loved what they did with beast raban that they made him weak So he in the first one. He's this frightening guy He is that first scene where he bashes that guy's fucking head against the console, which was awesome, right? And then he shows though that like, oh, he's just like, weakling.
Starting point is 00:32:32 He's like not like, he runs away at all the conflicts. He like runs away, Beast Raban is in there. He's not doing the final fight. And then they introduce, well, I think it's the sleeper best part of this entire movie. Soon to be my favorite actor fucking Austin Butler as Fade Routh is fucking good and then
Starting point is 00:32:56 You can do anything If you don't know he played Elvis But then what he did apparently I didn't mean to say it was, if you don't know, he played Elvis at the movie Elvis. And he could, he said he could drop the accent. He could drop the accent. But then what he did apparently, we talked a little bit, we did the David S. Malchin interview, but it's fucking great, where he, I guess, prepared a Stellan Skarsgard impression. Yes. So that he would sound like Stellan Skarsgard. Yeah, I saw this.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And he was great. He surprised the director. I gave him a surprise ability. And there was a couple of moments where he said something and I was like, you know, he just sounded like Billy Skarsgard. Like, he's like, he's so good at the thing where I was just like, is that Pennywise?
Starting point is 00:33:36 And I was like, no, he's very scary. He's great. He does less than more, which is so much better than anything else. Again, super happy. They did the lady Fenring plot. Like one of my, also finally still in Scar's guard gets to do something good. I feel, how do I say this?
Starting point is 00:33:54 I feel like he was wasted in the movie. I feel like Baron Harkinen wasn't really properly celebrated, but I'm glad that he did finally kill two people. Yeah. Not boys. Yeah, they didn't really lean into the boy thing. No, everyone's fucking got me. I feel like that's so good because it's so scary. I didn't test well.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I don't think people liked it. But then he... But it's upsetting. It makes me so villainous. Finally gave him the scene where in Fade Rautha, the thing where they have Dr. Yui, they do the whole like the last two guys from the Atreides family and Dr. Uwee and Fade Rautha is gonna like fight them for his birthday. They go to Getty Prime, which is fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:34:31 The Black Son is so cool, like making everything black and white. I love the globule fireworks. Everybody did. I love a big messy sploochy fireworks. But Baron Harkineninen when he is looking down and he's just like, you're so show me what you're made of. And he does this like little smile and then when he knows that we now know that Dr. Uwe is in drug and he like sucks on his like little hooker thing was
Starting point is 00:34:57 like, I was like, that's awesome. That's Baron Harkinen. And late Fenrin gets fucking gooped in. That's very yeah, yeah, yeah, and later in getting fucking gooped in mm-hmm They just like that was also showed the power of the Benny Jester it I love I love all of the Benny Jester it's all the Many gestures shit is my favorite shit I think with a Harkin and shit was my favorite shit in the first movie the the Benny Jester it stuff in this is so Fantastically nailed and I could I like but intense and dark Denis Villeneuve knows dude Yes, he knows the books I think at first not that it was ever truly worried because he's a master filmmaker But the first one you're like, okay stylistically they kind of named I like the style and I like the vibe
Starting point is 00:35:37 But still it's like, you know, we got a lot of doing to get to that's how it kind of felt I've been one like doing to I was like this guy fucking knows exactly what's going on. Cause he does all of the biological political stuff that the Betty Jesser does. Like that scene with Lady Fang Ring being like, the blalala nisacord, which like, oh yeah, she got that cum. And then fucking fade Ralfa.
Starting point is 00:35:57 That scene is great with Lady Fang Ring. And she's walking through the hallway and he's like, oh, you're lost. And then he comes behind her with the knife. It's fucking great. It's the minimalism of the dialogue, meeting with the maximalism of the soundscape and visuals. Right?
Starting point is 00:36:11 And that is working so well for me. And I think again, not to keep shitting on it, something like Inception, but like I almost, like my memory of the movie, there's no like, it's like, if you had said to me, the next day like, wow, there was only like three lines of dialogue in that entire movie, wasn't that crazy? And I would have been like, yeah, that was like amazing. Like, and yet they're telling all of this story, you're getting all of it.
Starting point is 00:36:34 It's beautifully done. It's completely, completely done. And then I love the trip to the south, all the stuff where Jessica is getting scary. I love Jessica getting scary, knowing that something scary is coming We are starting to kind of feel the sort of icky feeling of maybe this this holy war that Timothy Chamol I'm a ding dong is talking about like he does good job with that It's still more like brown bring on the holy war dad because I'm excited to see it of course now fade ralpha the attack on sih tabir is great uh, the uh, Ige Tabir is great. I would say one of the weird things is, I love the reveal of her being Baron Harkin and his daughter.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah. We wanted to talk a little bit of the fact that Timothy Shamilam and Ding Dong fucking was roasting Austin Butler for his skincare routine. Yes. But if you look at that, that's a lot of makeup. And I know what it's like to add to put things on every day like this And it does irritate your skin Timothée Shamala And you get to go over not having intense skincare routine as well Timothée because I don't buy it
Starting point is 00:37:39 Perfect Kardashian 67 Perfect compo- Oh, I get it. Oh, I don't do anything. Cause you're banging a Kardashian. How old is he now? 67. Yeah, it's crazy. Oh, he's 28 years old. 28. It's gonna age out soon. It's not 28 again, but except for we were all puffy
Starting point is 00:37:56 and chain smoking cigarettes. I look like dog shit. We look probably at our worst at this time that he looks his best. Yes, he's doing very well. And he will continue to look good. He will do well. And Kylie Jenner looks like she's 95 years old.
Starting point is 00:38:08 She just looked like, I don't know how that happened. I don't get it, but they get to look smoothie together. And I guess it's really nice. Yeah, they get to... They both get to not eat together. They get to purse their lips together. Yeah, exactly. And smoke cigarettes at the Beyonce concert.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Another great part about this movie. Wait, did I just say she soft launched her breakup? Yeah, she said, I don't know. Fucking, I don't even know. I don't know. It means nothing. It means nothing. But I great another awesome factor of doing too is with the unfortunate lack of Jason
Starting point is 00:38:43 Momoa. Okay. You see how that sounds good? Is that a... It left room. with the unfortunate lack of Jason Momoa. OK, see how that sounds good? Is that a it left room lying for the incredible performance of Josh Bro? Yes, he killed it. It left so well for it. They play the ballast set and everyone like, oh, yeah. When he played the pull of the ballast set, I think that the whole movie should have because still Gunnar Gurney
Starting point is 00:39:05 Halleck is the guy that actually has the fucking, he has the older brother relationship with Paul. Yeah, he's like the badass like jock older brother kind of life. And also he's great, you know, he's he does great in this movie. I love the concept of him hating all the smugglers, which they played really well. And then Paul drinks the water of life, which is really great. Johnny's forced into the prophecy, which everyone's mad about, she's super mad about, but what are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:39:36 I feel that, because like, I also like kind of like that push and pull, but it also, there is a little bit. One of my sort of pet peeves with any superhero movie is the like, I'm not gonna be Batman. Right. I don't want to be Batman. And you're just been like, all right, now we gotta start the Batman thing.
Starting point is 00:39:51 It's talking about you. They've been singing you. And the little thing. Yeah. Which has been like, where's the Batarangs? Yeah. That's what I say. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Let's come with the fucking. Give me the toys. I want the toys, bro. Yeah, yeah. Where's the Batmobile, dude? Boy, play the dirty the toys. I want the toys About your bullshit, I want you to kick the Joker's ass Yeah, I just want to watch you lift weights for that's it and then go whatever yeah, what happened the old training montage Where's the training? Convist of your emotional core actually there was a bit of training montage in this there a little bit a little bit
Starting point is 00:40:23 But there was a bit of training montage in this. They're a little bit, a little bit, but there was no like, you know, yeah, you can make it. I'm gonna let you down. Exactly. Motivational. Make it on. Can you make it anywhere? I want to sell me chocolates. I'm really wonka.
Starting point is 00:40:39 I can't believe I'm on this desert called a rocket. God, Marcus dressed up as Willie Wonka for the makeover stream. And then he, he was starting to do this character that we realized it was Billy Wonka. Like he was going, yeah, I'll fill you. I'll fill you. It was Billy Wonka, the candy landlord. Yeah, I'll fix you. God, please. Sposal. Or was it the unknown who the evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls?
Starting point is 00:41:00 I don't know if you're familiar with Willy's chocolate experience. Oh, yeah. We covered that a little bit on side stories. Yeah, it's very funny Now we got Anna Taylor joy Spoiled as good as she's gonna be a Leah. We'll see what that's gonna head towards you saw that in the future Um, I loved all this. I love the the southern Fredman was really crazy. You know what they did great again. I tell a lot of greats is the You know what they did great again. I tell a lot of greats is the worm writing They actually made it look dangerous and crazy of course and they made it really really
Starting point is 00:41:36 Like you have to know the worm writing. I mean, isn't that the whole crux of the hole? I mean the whole fucking thing Relies on the worm writing being cool looking and crazy. It does right it does in my mind I mean, I thought that they really showed how difficult it would be to write a word. Even to the book. It's just like, Oh man, I might, it might happen. It might not happen. The next 400 pages, but if they get on those fucking work, you know, for a file, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, worm it up. And then they do it. And he describes it really well in book But yeah, but I also I do want to bomb that don't be crazy I want to do good like obviously it's been on the tension on this trial
Starting point is 00:42:10 And I want to say I stand with the people that feel that the worm wranglers Should be held accountable for the amount of worms that eight people on this set and yeah It might be it might be the fault of some of the producers I was gonna say it really comes out to worm special what is the chain of command? Yeah, right what's a chain of ownership here if we are not so if the worm Wrangler isn't Telling the actor that the worm is cold right how the how is the actor supposed to know that I'm gonna ride this worm all the way They're supposed to be rubber and they had real actual They had the real knife of shy Halued on set.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah. When I'm like, I feel like how did it even get to set? And they didn't even check it. It was supposed to be made out of butter. It was supposed to be made out of cake. I feel like that's where the checks and balances system kind of fell apart. But hey, you know, when it comes down to it, if you want to make worms real grill, you're going to have to break a couple of eggs, right up top. Wait, why? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought you in on that.
Starting point is 00:43:06 I brought you in on that. Um, so, uh, we'll get to the- What is eggs? What does eggs have to do with idiots? Eggs. Don't you fucking worry. Uh, this is so- they're- hopefully they're gonna do well, dude. So wait, the worms lay eggs is what you're saying? It's a bit.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Okay. It's a fucking bit. They lay eggs is why you have to break the eggs to release the spice. To face my legions of Sadoka. Now, can you give me lottery numbers? If you drink more of the water of life? 14. Z. I think I'm getting bad, bad numbers the prophecies in abortion So we go So we get it to they bring Christopher walking so yada yada yada Leads up to the best sequence of the movie. So at this point truly
Starting point is 00:43:59 But that's what I was kind of saying before where not the movies the movies going for like two hours or 15 minutes I know it was just like all right He reads the rides the worm and I was like, oh no They're gonna cut this off before we gonna have like it's doing three gonna be just this battle like is that all it's gonna be That's what kind of thought there was gonna do but thankfully I was like they they started picking up the face and the worm attack Onto Erika great fucking and the worm attack onto Erichine. Great. Fucking killer! They show up, cavalry shows up.
Starting point is 00:44:28 It was good. Everybody gets fucking murdered. And then Irulan comes in again. A little moment that takes me out, Christopher Walken shuffling into the throne room after they have taken him by... Who should have played him that role? I feel like you can stuntcast it. You know, who should have been meant, you know, who really should have been if this was back in the day, if we could have done it.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Paul. Paul Rubens. Paul Rubens. Somebody like that, like a loof weirdo, like maybe some other because Christopher Walken makes sense, unfortunately, 10 years ago. Yeah. You know what I mean? We're like, he's a little, which I also kind of why I think why they did it is because you're supposed to kind of see that the Shadam Emperor is kind of at the on his last legs and all this kind of ending. But they also doon to did great and explaining a little bit about the
Starting point is 00:45:20 Land's Rod. They never said the term, but they kind of talked a little bit about that. Now I really want to talk about my, and then the fight between Fade Rautha and Timothy Shamelam and Ding Dong was really good. These are my only, I have only one real gripe with the movie. After that, the stuff after that with the whole like sequence of- The only gripe I have is we've come this far and we've done so much doing and you're not going to have a baby kill Baron Harkinon Uh-huh. We had the only thing is that the is that I miss having that that is the best sequence upon rewatching
Starting point is 00:45:54 The David Lynch's dune. I just cackled. It's great and that's it We have to be like you will have to face the revenge of my brother like and then she's like that's my favorite It is the absolutely trying to avoid the revenge of my brother like and then she's like that's my favorite it is the absolutely trying to avoid the Darth Vader no like yeah I understand so well up to now very such a fucking risky move to try to have that happen right and it might have made the movie more talked about for years to come but it has given us another movie because he cuts to the embryo made people being like, this is weird! And you're like, this is Dune, bro.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Wait till fucking the next two books where you have two five-year-old twins that talk with the minds of a million-year-old people. We're not just sneaking into a base to steal a princess for the fucking 12th time. No, a baby kills the main villain. Yeah. And it's incredible. And also, are we going to do the thing where he sees through the eyes of his child? Remember the end of Messiah? Like him seeing through the eyes of his child, nor to kill Skytail? Right. Are we going to see that? And this is kind of where I think that they're going to set things up a little differently for Dune 3. So now, the very end, we now know.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Yeah. Paul is one again. Paul is one, the good guys one. And this is where we really see. The guy, question mark? I don't know. This is where Denis Villeneuve truly understands Dune. Because Dune Messiah shows that yes, if Luke Skywalker wins, eventually Luke Skywalker is gonna be a sell out.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Right. It's what happens as soon as you get to the set. You're just gonna become the dictator that you so fought against. You're gonna become dad. You're going to be. You're gonna have to. We all do it.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I found myself the other day, muttering under my own breath, what my mother used to say, which is like, all I do is clean. I told you, she said, all I do is clean. And I found myself saying that the other day and You will find yourself doing the same Paul Shamalama ding dong because you're gonna end up becoming he finally hints that oh it actually might not be good
Starting point is 00:47:56 That the prophecy has come to pass because yes now the treaties do have the power of Arrakis But it ain't Duke Lido that's got the power of Arrakis. It's Paul. And Paul is nuts now. And so he does this great fight with Fade Routha. That was fucking, that was really good. Because then he also did the thing, you notice, he did the thing that Gurney does to him. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:18 In the first movie, where he gets stabbed in the shoulder, but he stabs him in the belly. Like it's the same move that Gurney does. So cool. Totally awesome. Cool wink. Didn Like it's the same move that Gurney does. So, cool, cool wink. Didn't love when the Lady Ghostbusters showed up. Though that was a weird way to try to get that reboot to happen again. And I was like, I don't think this is appropriate at all. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Leslie Jones is like- Just like seven minute long improv going like- Yeah, quick talking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was totally weird. It was unexpected. Totally bizarre. Yeah, I. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was totally weird. It was unexpected. Totally bizarre. Yeah, I did feel, yeah, that the dude and lady ghost
Starting point is 00:48:49 busters crossover is going to surprise some. Is that when they just kept going, make it happen? Can we make it happen? Can we make it happen? And then Paul Feet comes out. Paul Feet comes out, and he just talks about his grandchildren and how he hopes to build a legacy for them and how good this of course, that was just like Native Americans.
Starting point is 00:49:07 We took the land. He said a whole thing about a weird, but he called me like, But not me, I'm Italian. They broke this. I'm from Italy. They broke the seventh wall. It was fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:18 That was crazy. When they showed up behind us. The theater is shaking everybody's ass. That was fucking crazy. I was like, is this, and everyone kept saying, no, this is still the movie. This is still the movie. And I was like, man, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:28 But the end of Dune, I think is setting up. Cause you remember how in Dune 2, they're taught in Dune Messiah of the Books. Yeah. They set up the- I've specified. Yes, in Dune Messiah of the Books, they specify that there are people
Starting point is 00:49:44 that are rising against Paul like within the Fremen like the thing that the Fremen is fractured. I think they're gonna make Johnny a light villain at the beginning where she's gonna be Like revolting against Paul, but then he does say in that scene she'll get over in time So I do think that they do have to do the thing where she has babies because that is the prophecy is that if she gives birth, she dies, which I think is a part of, because that's supposed to be why he's so like, I think it's also interesting because it also shows the priorities of Frank Herbert because in the original Dune, he's mostly just sad about how his wife's gonna die. And not about, like, he does think about the billions
Starting point is 00:50:26 of people that die in the Holy war, but he's way more concerned that Chani's gonna die. I read a really compelling article that was talking about how Villeneuve, Vinny, Denny. I'll say Denny, do you think he eats at Denny's? And he's like, hey, I'm Denny, you know what he tells the waiter or whatever? Anyways.
Starting point is 00:50:43 You just got your French-Can Canadian married badge taken from you. So I think that he, from what I was reading, at least from what this person speculated, is that he was sliding stuff in his movie version more towards this whole concept of like making the whole thing about this like anti-white savior thing, right? Which is what the books are about. Trying to be, trying to say. The whole point of the books are to say that. The whole point of the books say John F. Kennedy is a fucking don't trust that guy. It was the whole point of the books, right? Be careful of the...
Starting point is 00:51:16 Charismatic, pretty young, you know, person. We are too quick to fall along with, you know, what they want to say. Especially somebody who says they're going to show up and wrap it all up and fix everything and doing it. All you got to do is storm that building. All you got to do. It's actually way more than that. Storm that building. It's actually way more.
Starting point is 00:51:34 But, but, but, you know, I think that is definitely what they're trying to do with this. And I love that, especially when he comes in and there's that Freeman football team, right? And they're really bad at football. And he comes in and he shows them how to be really good at football. First of all, we gotta learn, there's the Flay Flaker. But that's totally...
Starting point is 00:51:50 I thought you flicked the dick from the other... But genuinely, like, I love... It's refreshing to see that, because you see so much of the... Of just the white savior trope still happens. And have this uncomfortable ending instead of the ending where Johnny is with Paul and everybody's party. You know, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. And everyone's just-
Starting point is 00:52:14 They do a very, very good job. You get a sinking feeling of- It's not an Ewok party at the end. Yeah, it's a sad, upset feeling, you know, because of him going, putting his bone in that and- Now my question- Lawrence. Yeah. Now my question is, he won't put his bone in that and now my question. Yes. Yeah. No, my question is
Starting point is 00:52:25 but you won't put his bone in Florence or but having her around at least you can look at it but she can't no touch. No touch and yeah, God, that's gotta be hard. Now, what do you think next season? Next season, that's what I'm saying next season on yeah, undoing. Do you think that they are going to have Skytail? You think we're gonna have face dancers? That must be. Man, I hope so, man. Face dancers, because remember, because like in the books, they're fucking weird. The face dancers are a completely incredibly important. But they're like a little goblin guy. Now, are they not more fundamental to the children of Dune than Dune Messiah? Dune Messiah, remember, it starts with like the Reverend Mother, Reverend Mother Guyam Skytail, that's the face dancer that Nincenewitz is in, and then it leads to the Gola,
Starting point is 00:53:08 because they help facilitate the Gola, uh, Duncan Idaho, to come to Paul, because that was the first thing was supposed to betray him, was that if he tries to unlock Duncan Idaho's memories, that then the Gola Duncan Idaho is gonna kill him. And then this is what we were talking about before of like, it just might be difficult to get Mahalo, Jason Momoa, do the mevalide haunting Xenon clone. He's gonna have to take some Stella Adler classes. He might need to learn some. He might need to learn from Dave Batista. Honestly. Because Dave Batista, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:53:44 He reaches down deep into some kind of animal person. I don't even, it's fucking amazing what he does. I don't, I believe that he's like not human. I believe that he's like an, a vault, like a weird other type of. He's a great entity. He's a truly just a great performer and a fantastic guy. Cause that's the thing, and then in Guardians,
Starting point is 00:54:03 he's like funny as shit. He's great. And he understands comedy, comic timing. He's like funny as shit He's great stands comedy comic timing He's saying now though he wants to get like the only thing I will see is a saying now It's because he's saying he wants to get more serious which I do understand He wants to do more serious stuff, but he was great and Blade Runner 2 Yeah, he was also good. That was like one of the honestly the only fantastic part I really liked it later in 20 49 was that yeah whole sequence. I loved it and I like Ryan Gosling in it I just felt like Harrison Ford was too old for that. And every minute, one thing
Starting point is 00:54:29 about it, Blade Runner 2049 too, is that everyone else was in future close. Harrison was a teacher. I just don't think he was. Yeah, I think he just, he just was collecting money. Yeah. He's the, yeah, he's the walk in experience of that movie. Um, guys, this was like, I, I don't know. This was just, it's so good to experience of that movie. Guys, this was like, I don't know, this was just, it's so good to be back. Doing three, we're gonna do this again, obviously. Any final thoughts before we leave them? Yeah, I feel like your name's Gary or Sam,
Starting point is 00:54:57 you should see this movie. I think that, you know, I wanna try seeing it in different ways and wanna try to cut my dick off and see it or like eat a bunch of hot sauce and see it, something like that, you know, I want to try seeing it in different ways. I want to try to cut my dick off and see it or like eat a bunch of hot sauce and see it. Something like that, you know? Yeah, good coaching. Shout out to the Texas, what's his name? Uh, Bopert or whatever his name is, the guy we brought up earlier.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah, yeah. Greg Abbott. No, but she, yeah. Better or worse. I did see Beetlejuice the musical and we did make a lot of jokes about how I was going to vape in front of a pregnant woman. Did you do it? No, but we got pretty lit up, dude. Lex and I did. It was good. It was good. Oh yeah. Beetlejuice, the musical is pretty refreshingly solid. You know what I mean? I
Starting point is 00:55:33 know that we have too many of these licensed properties that we keep making out of musicals out of them. But also, Tim and they set himself up for a pretty interesting project. I'm not bullshitting you here. He's proven himself to be able to star in a musical. He's proven himself to be able to star as Paul, the tradies in Dune. Maybe some years down the line after they're completely done with this franchise and they want to revisit it with song. I think he'd be fucking great. I think you could bring back most of those guys.
Starting point is 00:56:00 You'd probably have to replace like Johnny, whatever. I don't think Zendaya's got pipes. I, I don't know if she does. I, Timothée, my problem with Timothée is singing. It's very thin. Right. It's very thin. Yeah, yeah. Because he did that. He does like, he does a version of the, what's it the, uh, Rain, Juppsen, Rose. What's the song in it from Willy Wonka, the original? Oh, oh, uh, uh, it's, The Cutting Man, Can't Not To Me.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Well, the Pure Imagination. Yes, he sings that song. And he sounds like a computer singer. Like, it doesn't sound like a man singing. But Timothy, Shyamalan, and Ding Dong, you have my dune seal of approval. Yaaaaaah! Ah! My!
Starting point is 00:56:36 Yaaaaaah! Blessed be. Blessed be. Blessed be the maker. Blessed be his water. I genuinely do want to say this. All bullshit and jokes aside, me being a constant piece of shit aside Mm-hmm. I don't know how you do that, but it's fine. It is absolutely movie
Starting point is 00:56:49 I went we saw this movie at 10 30 p.m. I now have a toddler my bedtime is like 11 I mean the movie started at my bedtime when I should be considering turning the lights out We we had had several drinks We also had much food thing eating at the Barney's Beaneery. And it was bad, you know, not bad food, but it was bad. Chicken nuggets. Yeah. It was not a food that makes you be able to like get up with a pep in your step. But what else, what is food that's going to get you up with a pep in the step of that?
Starting point is 00:57:21 We're going to have salads at eight o'clock at Barney's Beaneery. I only had on my person at that point, Indica edibles. Yeah. So I ate a bunch. I was, I wasn't up on 20 milligrams of Indica edibles. That's a good amount for me. I like to keep the tolerance low. Man, that movie did not feel like two hours and 45 minutes. No, it zips right past, man.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I absolutely had a moment. We both did, like, closest to the end where we were, like, just because it was 1.30 in the morning. Well, the worst, honestly, my main issue was that there was 45 minutes of trailers. Yes. 45. Killing me. And they're not even sci-fi movies. Killing me.
Starting point is 00:58:06 It's all just like Anne Hathaway. Twisters. Twisters to sci-fi. It's core shit. It sounds like what you do to fat kids at camp. You apologize to Jackie right now. Look at Anne. And look at board of that movie.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Do you know your sister was to be a tornado chaser? That's always been what she wanted. She fucking... Not only if a tornado was chasing her way in her fucking vagina. She has multiple tornado tracking apps. multiple. I just hear in Los Angeles There are no tornadoes here. So so I will just say this movie was like a breeze It was it will absolutely suck you in. I am such a talk about superhero fatigue I have over two hour movie fatigue. Oh, yeah me too and this
Starting point is 00:58:43 Talk about Super Irfidee, I have over two hour movie fatigue. Oh, yeah, me too. And this did not feel like it. In Avatar 2, I went to the bathroom two times, and I hid in the bathroom. I literally was just sat on the toilet, just being like, can this be over? I kept, Tenet was the first movie I got to see in the theater after COVID. What's not exciting about Pandemic? Hold it, what's not exciting about Tenet? I kept making up excuses to leave the theater like
Starting point is 00:59:07 Maybe miss smoking cigarettes. I'm a tartare. He's miss smoking cigarettes And I think more importantly than any of that with how formulaic the shit in the theaters is it is a massive Hollywood blockbuster That feels like a wholly unique experience a real movie and it's it's dude man Yeah, it's dude man It is like our fucking current Shakespeare or whatever you want to call it is like our epic beautiful Amazing ship but done in a way that makes you go fuck you motherfucker Yeah, man, that's my last final take Can we leave it to you see some dude go by David Lynch is doing on DVD. Yeah, bring him some money
Starting point is 00:59:42 Okay, cuz David Lynch needs it. He's gonna be Edibles for that one. Definitely. Loose. Yes. And he is unfortunate. The end of that film is not good. But the one thing that also I will say,
Starting point is 00:59:54 you know what I do miss? Space navigators. Yeah, that was shit was good. I miss a little bit of the navigators in this, but maybe we'll see some navigators in dude three. I'm open. Uh, please let me read for be jaws. Didn't even That's what we're doing. No, please just let me now. We're just doing request to be in the movie
Starting point is 01:00:13 Mr. Villanueva, I learned how to say your name. Can you please just let me be be jaws I'll just be like a dumb freeman that doesn't you know, you're not gonna be a friend. You don't think they're gonna a dumb fremen that doesn't, you know. You're not gonna be a fremen. You don't think I can play a fremen? I feel that. You don't think I can play, oh, whoa, Henry. Whoa, Henry, doesn't think I can be a fremen, interesting. I don't, no, it's not the skin color,
Starting point is 01:00:33 I think it's your body. Wow. Because I don't know if you look like a man that can carefully and civably traipse the way the desert. Whoa, Henry, fat shaming again, wow. That's the opposite of whoa. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I'm just saying that you need, I'm just saying that you need to, I'm just saying that you just don't, I don't know if I yet believe that you're one of the Fadaken. I could play Fangor Slime skin. Yeah, yeah, that's the Fremen who's not good at anything. You wanna buy some of my socks? They got holes in them.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Honestly, the reason why it's just, it'd be even worse to try to make him leave. Because just the racket he would do. I know of sick magic. He's called three worms already this morning. And it has been difficult, honestly, on all of us. Because we gotta keep catching these worms. So go check out Dune 2, give him your money,
Starting point is 01:01:21 and tell him Last Podcast Network sent you. Yeah, it doesn't do anything. I mean again We don't get screamer dinner dinner dinner rise up rise up bitches and so now the sleeper Awake You died in 2029. God, it's not drinkin' that. It's not drinkin' that. This show is made possible by listeners like you. Thanks to our ad sponsors, you can support our shows by supporting them.
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