Last Podcast On The Left - RE-WEAPONIZED: An Interview with George Knapp & Jeremy Corbell

Episode Date: September 4, 2024

In this final dispatch from Contact in the Desert 2024 Henry & Ed sit down with friends of the show and legends of the UFO world - investigative journalist George Knapp and documentarian Jeremy Corbel...l of the WEAPONIZED Podcast join the show to discuss all things UFO, why the truth about UFOs is such a secret, the current state of UFO disclosure, using psychedelics to connect with ETs, and of course another game of Inside the Alien Studio. Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes and get exclusive access to bonus content.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, that's podcasting the left listeners. Fantastic. Today's going to be great. I'm one of your hosts, Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. Hello, and we have the privilege to be at Contact in the Desert hung over at a UFO conference. It feels good.
Starting point is 00:00:21 You feel good. Be here. We're sitting here with two legends. People there like we are very, very excited to I'm a little too hung over to be in front of you, Mr. Nap, but I, but I'm fine with it. This is it. This is life. But we're sitting here with investigative journalist George Knapp and documentarian Jeremy Corbell of the weaponized podcast. It is largely besides ours, the best on the on the internet. We're good. Don't have to prop ourselves up in front of these men. But it's so good. Thank you
Starting point is 00:00:55 so much for talking to us. Had we known what the setting was, we could have been hung over as well. Proper preparation for this. Would you guys not? Because are you a part of your church? I have been down that road over my years. I mean, I live in Las Vegas. Oh, can I ask like living in Vegas? Because I've been trying to convince my wife to let us move to Vegas, and she keeps saying, no, we're going to die there. How do you live the point?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Yeah, I know. But how do you like live in Vegas? Like, what's your regular role in Vegas? I'm a homebody. Yeah, these days, you know, but when I first moved there, I tried to embrace all that Las Vegas had to offer. And you can the fact is you can only run so long, so hard, so fast, for an extended period, and you got to stop. Yeah, the town keeps going. Humans, you reach your limit.
Starting point is 00:01:45 God, I learned that. Four or five years in. He's unkillable. I have tried. I've dragged him around this earth. He is unkillable. That's so good to hear. Honestly, it's very good to hear. It's a great place to live. Las Vegas is a great place to live. No, I love it. You know, home prices, for example, Southern California.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I've seen friends of mine who will spend a million dollars on a 1400 square foot home that's 150 years old. It really depresses me, to be honest with you. You can buy a 4,000 square foot home for half that price. We're going to Vegas, you hear that? You hear that, Natalie? We're going to Vegas. I want to go, I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And it's a real community. Oh yeah. Families, schools, neighborhoods, and it's a great place to live. I mean, if you want to run with the town and visit the strip and go crazy, there are plenty of opportunities for that, but most people do not.
Starting point is 00:02:39 The only time people who are long time locals go to the strip is when family comes to town and they need to see a show. And they're forced. Yeah. It's like Times Square. Yeah. My dad lived in Reno,
Starting point is 00:02:49 which is kind of like California's Bakersfield, I guess. Yeah. I love Reno. Reno's got a lot of spirit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That means, you mean ghosts. Yes, it's haunted. Word on the street is that I've always thought
Starting point is 00:03:01 there should be a good UFO comedian and you went up on stage yesterday, that correct on Friday? Yeah Friday? I did a did nice 15 minutes before Tim Crawford of UFO TV and it went really well You honestly you did very very well. I was very happy about it. There were several old ladies I could have yeah, they were ready to cart you out So silly They were ready to cart you out. They wanted to. They were all like, he's so silly. Saying that he's silly. I can't believe a silly person.
Starting point is 00:03:30 So he crushed it at a UFO convention. That's a good start. It was good. Do you feel like when you were in the mix, like out, like when you guys are together, like, like, because now that you're you're becoming sort of like an investigative team, would you call it like that? Yes. Do you feel it like that? Yes. Do you feel like almost your level of recognition? Does it make it difficult to kind of get in on stories like more so back in the day? Like, do you feel like as an investigative journalist that
Starting point is 00:03:57 because like your profile is raised like it's harder to get info or is it easier? It's easier in one sense and that a lot of more people will seek us out at other places other than something like this. To get around here, we're being followed by a TV crew right now for Jeremy's show. So walking around here, they've been able to document. You can't go two feet without getting stopped and swamped and selfies and autographs and things like that.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You guys are like Elvis here. Yeah, it's somewhat. You guys are holding like a knife. It is an espo convention though. Yes, I mean, that's how I feel, yeah. People are very nice. It's nice to be able to interact with them and see them in person and they seem to enjoy
Starting point is 00:04:36 having a chance to talk to us, but it is hard to get anything done somewhere like here. But in the larger sense, having a higher profile, people who have information that is verifiable larger sense, having a higher profile, people who have information that is verifiable and important, they seek us out, they know how to find us, and it's paid off in a big way in the last couple of years. Yeah, that was honestly something I really wanted
Starting point is 00:04:55 to ask you about, is like, you guys seem to get everything first, you know, before anyone else, and you know, it's like, how, like, is it because of your reputation, or is it just because you have these contacts that we don't know about or what? Combination contacts. I mean, I've been at this a long time, Jeremy and I together have been at it a long time now. Mine dates back 3536 years. And I just happened to be in the right
Starting point is 00:05:18 place at the right time. Lucky to be in Las Vegas. I had no idea when I moved there, there was a Dallas Air Force Base, the Nevada test site, let alone a place called Area 51. And just being in the right place at the right time to meet people like Robert Lazar, Bob Bigelow, John Alexander, Colm Kelleher, Las Vegas became the unofficial capital
Starting point is 00:05:40 of UFO research for 25 straight years. I couldn't tell a lot of that stuff when it was happening, but I was allowed into these circles and because I kept my word, you know, because I kept my word and didn't report things that I would learn along the way until it was the right time and I had the okay to go, that word spread and people would trust me
Starting point is 00:06:01 and it's spread now. And the same thing is happening with Jeremy. He's a guy who could be trusted to keep his mouth shut and to live up to agreements and and not burn sources is most important. What does the government think of you guys? Do you feel like you get extra attention? Because I was saying this because I do wonder whether or not like. You're just bad at taxes. That's why you got on the. Oh, from government.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah. Yeah, both overt and covert. I mean, George and I have great sources within every. It's funny when I was just starting to kind of learn from you, you listed off all these agencies and acronyms. I had no idea who they were. You know, just all these three. But we have such good collective now independent
Starting point is 00:06:44 and collective sources within agencies You know, just all these three. Give me a good piece of intel that's not too suspicious. Year and a half later, come to find out that person's real job. That is a real thing. There is a high level of interest in UFOs by the United States government. There is, this is not just fun and games. I mean, it's a fun UFO conference rat,
Starting point is 00:07:16 but it's the real deal shit. When you're breaking stories, like George has been for 35 years on UFOs, and I have been for about 10 years with George, of course there's interest. We've had covert and overt approaches to us from agencies, which is kind of frightening to me that George and I will be in a skiff giving a briefing, like a secure location for government, giving a briefing on the current state of UFO stuff that we know.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It kind of makes me feel like, what the fuck? If we're the best resource for some of that. So the real deal to your question, the real, let's be serious for a second. state of UFO stuff that we know, Where they're from, that is not sci-fi, that is not a throwaway statement, that shit is real. Now, we're not feeling pressured, like we're journalists, we're never giving up sources. My mom said to me, you better fucking go to jail if ever someone asks you something like that. I mean, real deal, we protect sources,
Starting point is 00:08:16 but we got great sources, both within government and others. Just to add to that, we know for sure, it's been publicly confirmed that at least two Department of Justice investigations have been launched because of images that we made public. We are supposedly not the target, but it is hardly reassuring to be told you're not really the target.
Starting point is 00:08:37 We're trying to figure out where this leak came from, and it might be more than two, but two for sure that the Pentagon has confirmed, yeah, the Department of Justice is looking into this, what we made public. Which I get, which I get though. Do you feel like they have to look from the outside in? Do you feel like it's because
Starting point is 00:08:53 the secret keeping mechanisms are so complex that they don't even know who's got what from the inside? Is that why they go basically look to civilians? Absolutely, it's stove piping. They stove piped. So this program, OSAP, they basically look to civilians? Absolutely, it's stove piping. They stove piped. So this program, OSAP, that we've reported on a lot, that we made public in 2018, it was within the DIA. And the number of people that knew
Starting point is 00:09:15 is less than three hands and fingers, less than 15. The top people at DIA knew, the people who were involved in the program knew, but the guy in the desks next to him on either side, they had no idea. And it wasn't until Senator Harry Reid tried to turn it into a special access program that the rest of the Pentagon and the intelligence community knew what they were up to. And as soon as they found out, it was all hands on deck and they pulled out the knives to kill it.
Starting point is 00:09:41 But yeah, there are stovepipes that keep this information restricted. Other intelligence agencies don't know. Other people in the same intelligence agency don't know. But the thing about pipes is they leak. Pipes get leaks. They do, it's true. Because, well, also the stuff's too juicy. Like on some point, like that was like one of my main
Starting point is 00:10:03 true contentions about like the concept Like on some point, like that was like my, my, one of my main kit and caboodle. People take their security oaths very seriously. They're not trying to screw over US government. These are people that work in that position who really have access at that level. They are true patriots. They understand there's a real threat from foreign nations. Like even for us, the idea of foreign nation could hack whatever access we have to stuff we haven't vetted yet, let's say. Let's say we get dumped a bunch of military videos. The big threat our agencies will say, the biggest concern they have, we're journalists.
Starting point is 00:10:56 They know we're abiding by the law of journalism. But what if a foreign nation were to access things that we have access to because we're dopes with our computers or something like that. And then before we can vet it, then they get a heads up, something we shouldn't put out or something. But that's a real concern is that other nations
Starting point is 00:11:15 are truly fascinated with the current state of technology and how far we've progressed with alleged reverse engineering programs of non-human technology. Whoever does that, they fucking win. The second somebody can replicate some of these technologies we see, that is a world dominating power.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So I'd say that's a real sincere threat is that other nations would try to fuck with journalists more than even the US government. I would add too to your example of JFK, the number of people, if that was a murder approved by CIA, the number of people who knew about it is pretty small. And the people who pulled it off, if they actually murdered the president,
Starting point is 00:11:54 what do they think is gonna happen to them if they tell somebody they murdered the president? Fact is, a lot of the information about what's hinky about the JFK investigation has come out. Same with UFOs. The broad strokes are out there. Leaks have happened. Witnesses have come forward.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Documents have been produced. The public, if you take the time to research it, the evidence is there. But until there is an official confirmation the president steps forward, or until they make some demonstration that's unequivocal, undeniable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You know, people go about their normal lives and don't pay, pay that much attention to it. There have been leaks. It is out there. If you pay attention, you can connect the dots, but most people don't do that. You know, especially listening to what David Grush was saying and a lot of now, like the new thing now is like, I love the new term NHI right that cuz that's new I love on human intelligence yeah I love that term so they're kind of saying let me let me let me see if this is true or not like that there was they're intimating that there are aliens in the government she's a spicy lady
Starting point is 00:13:08 and honestly she has my vote she seems like a lot of fun I know she's got some bad policies but at the same time I love her attitude gonna kick his ass she knows I've already spoken like I've only openly talked about how I was in the theater No, I know if like let's say the NHIs all around their aliens quote-unquote biological aliens in the government like honestly like Why the living fuck do we trust them? Why do we why are we working with these guys? What is he like what could possibly be Because there's a booth out there. Have you seen the anti alien booth? It's very funny.
Starting point is 00:13:48 The guy with the alien with a line through and says our turf. Yes, he basically he goes so far into the anti retrofitting like or like making alien technology for ours saying that well now we're in we're dependent on alien technology and we need to create an independence from alien technology because we're in bed with the enemy you know but so it's like my question so are our physical aliens bad like why would we want to deal with them you're like I'm a journalist I actually You're like, I'm a journalist. No, no, no. I actually still need to see what's up. I'm a journalist in training.
Starting point is 00:14:28 OK, so check it out. You said a whole bunch of stuff that I was unaware of. I didn't know aliens running our government. No, they're not running the government. I think they're like working the McDonald's at the Pentagon or something like that. That makes more sense. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Look, what is the specific question you have on that? Why would we trust them? If we know that. Yeah, I wouldn't trust them. If we know things about aliens and we know that they're aliens, why the hell would we trust them? Yeah, just to answer that real briefly, which is that to the best of my knowledge,
Starting point is 00:14:58 the people that have the highest level of understanding, far beyond mine in Georgia, what's actually going on with UFOs and the craft and the technology level of understanding, far beyond mine in Georgia, what's actually going on with UFOs and the craft and the technology is that there has been stories told to them, believe it or not, I don't know, I wasn't there, by NHI. Now, they do not trust the government folks that I would say were in a position where that could be true. No fucking way do they trust what they've been told. You know, you can go into a preserve and, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:29 or you can go into like a farm and, you know, give a cattle some antibiotics and give it water. But you're going to end up eating that motherfucker. So how can we trust the intent of... They could just be lying to us if this is true and this is real. Yeah, sure. Yeah. and the most extreme version of it There's still a truth to it So if it is indeed true that there are non human intelligences that actively work for the government
Starting point is 00:15:54 It's like do they get benefits like do they go do they get fucking health insurance? No, that was a thing people say that we have like ETS in our government. Yeah I don't I haven't heard that one. I don't find that to be credible that there like ETs in our government. Yeah, that they have. I don't know anything about UFOs. I haven't heard that one. I don't find that to be credible that there are ETs in our government. I would say this about aliens, and when we say aliens,
Starting point is 00:16:13 it's non-human intelligence doesn't mean ET. Yeah. Whitley Strieber once said to me, they are the true architects of the secrecy. Our government and other governments lie to the public. They've deceived us, but they're the architects of it. They set the template for this. They've been around probably forever,
Starting point is 00:16:30 as long as we've been here. They are secretive, they are deceptive. They take on different shapes and forms. They mess with our brains, our perceptive abilities. They hide, they abduct people. I believe those stories to be true. I physically abduct people and conduct medical experiments on them.
Starting point is 00:16:47 We don't know why. They haven't told us. They have the ability to make themselves patently obvious. They can appear as the Phoenix lights and sit over major cities and show us that they're there. They don't. Why are they deceptive?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Why are they secretive? What is the long-term plan? Where are they from? What have they got in mind for us? You know, we get people who say they've communicated, they've received messages from them. And often it's like alien editorials. Look, quit screwing around with nuclear weapons.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Take care of your planet. You're poisoning yourself. Sometimes seems like they're a lot more interested in the Earth than they are in us. Take care of yourself as if they have a long-term interest in the Earth than they are in us. You know, take care of yourself. As if they have a long-term interest in the planet, not necessarily in us. Could also literally be like a real estate plan.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Where you're like, once y'all monkeys, wipe yourselves out, then we're gonna move in. Once we get these bad tenants out of the apartment, we can rent it for more money, son. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we can flip this. And dude, we're the greatest show in the solar system. Earth is just wild, man. Look at what we fucking do. I mean, I could imagine this is just tourism. Oh, yeah, I like that concept. That's like one of those things that they talk about. I always like the far flung,
Starting point is 00:17:58 like the people talking about agendas, because like, obviously, we can't know. Like Richard Dolan just did a whole thing on Alien Agendas where I was, like, listening to him and he was kind of saying, but you're just you are guessing right. A lot of this is the drawings of several of the women that we have seen here at the festival, right, where they are normally drawing up. And a lot of times they do end up looking like an ex-boyfriend or husband, like a long long flowing blonde hair, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:18:25 but you know, it's just interesting to see that like, we can try to apply some kind of sense to something that literally couldn't make sense to us if we wanted it to. Now, when you were saying about they're probably, if they abducted people here, don't you think that if we ever got advanced enough to go to another planet and we saw a non-human life form,
Starting point is 00:18:46 we would abduct it just to test on it. We'd take soil samples, we'd bring home, I mean, what did they do when they got to the new world? The Europeans got here and took back all kinds of plants they didn't have in Europe and took slaves and look at this, look at this goofy species we've got here. Can you imagine if ET, the little alien from the movie, what if it landed instead of with Henry Thomas and all these cute ass nice kids?
Starting point is 00:19:08 What if it was like Dylan Klebold? If it was Philly, yeah What if it was a bunch of evil little kids just kicked it to death? Punch the gas there's earth go We can't go back there, they killed my son. Yeah, I don't know, we're pretty cool. Human beings are pretty cool. I don't know the fascination.
Starting point is 00:19:29 There seems to be an observation program. I mean, look, all jokes aside, this UFO thing isn't new. It's been happening for a long time. We call it by different names, but these reports of craft of unknown origin that can all do all this amazing stuff outpace our greatest Warcraft today. It's been around forever, man. So whatever's operating this machinery, whatever intelligence, if they're drones, if it's AI, if it's cybernetic organisms that were made and printed in a 3D
Starting point is 00:19:56 printer out of biological flesh, who fucking knows? Don't know. But I just know this is nothing new. And these reports have been repeated over decades and centuries, and it's one of the uncharted territories human beings have ever had to deal with. Terence McKenna, the father of ayahuasca, psychedelics, and a really interesting guy, a deep thinker, he thinks that we're interacting with an intelligence that masquerades as aliens over the centuries.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It takes a lot of different forms. Are there really 150 different kinds of aliens? I mean, big tall ones and Aryans and reptilians and insectoids and little tiny grays and tall grays. And are there really that many different species or do they assume a different form or they make it look like it's a different form in our heads? Yeah. Yeah. I like the idea that maybe it's an overarching intelligence that takes different forms and messes with us. Well, I also love Terrence McKenna's concept of the constant search for novelty, that the universe has a novelty upset,
Starting point is 00:20:57 like it's constantly making new, but that overcomplication will also, it's sort of like cancer. It's a never ending growth of newness that makes things constantly like fractally more complicated, which is partially why, but it's like, it's got something to do with how we think about ourselves. I love Terrence McKenna.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's one of my favorites. Mushrooms are great too. Hey, hey, you know, it does help. Dennis McKenna, his brother, if you've never had him on the show, he's a really interesting guy. He and his brother,
Starting point is 00:21:28 the Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss was an article, a book that they wrote together. And he's carried on the work. He has an institute that promotes psychedelics and what you can learn from it, and believes that you can interact with alien intelligence through the use of these substances. Have you ever used ayahuasca?
Starting point is 00:21:46 I have not, no. Would you ever do that? Would you ever do DMT? Yeah, would you ever do that kind of stuff? But it'd have to be a special kind of a setting because I know about the approaching and- Steve or whatever, you know what I mean? I don't want it to be there.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I want him to be- I don't want to be a group of people where I have to have excrement coming out and barfing at the same time. The camera crew won't be there while you're puking your guts out. Honestly though, that's some good, you haven't seen George that moment. Like, yeah, George fetal next to a bonfire might actually be really odd. He's made of like Superman titanium steel, the aliens would be scared of him, man. I don't know what would happen. This is really thank you guys so much for sitting, having kind
Starting point is 00:22:28 of an informal talk about this. I know one one thing I was going to try to see if you could vaguely explain to Eddie was about the new learning about the stuff. I'm having a difficult time explaining the concept of what the US government is. There was a bill that was, I guess, proffered by Chuckie Schumer. And then it just didn't, it got gutted and ripped apart and they're
Starting point is 00:22:52 trying to redo it, right? Isn't there like a new bill? There's a new UAP bill. Just introduced in the last couple of days. It's a, an amendment to the NDAA, the national defense authorization act. The Schumer amendment that was proposed last year was ambitious. Now Schumer, of course, was the deputy and longtime friend and assistant to my friend, Senator Harry Reid,
Starting point is 00:23:11 longtime Senate Majority Leader, who is responsible for so much of what's happened in the UFO world that we now know. These secret programs that started in Las Vegas many years ago was because of fun. Was because of him. So I had a front row seat, even though I couldn't report about it. Jeremy and I have done a lot of work on that since,
Starting point is 00:23:31 but Schumer respected Reed. After Reed dies, he goes whole hog into the UFO field and produces this incredible legislation that basically said, give us everything you've got. Yeah. And we're gonna use, and if you've got, they gave a grace period to aerospace companies that are suspected that do have this stuff stashed away.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And they got it from government folks and agencies and give it back to us. We want it, we want you to turn it all over. The eminent domain aspect of that legislation is what killed it because there are a lot of people out there who've got bits and pieces of something interesting. They've been paying for the research themselves.
Starting point is 00:24:11 These aerospace companies themselves, they've been funding the research, haven't made much progress from what we've learned, but they've had it for decades. They're not willing to just give it up. So they use their influence to kill it. I think the new version of legislation has eminent domain again,
Starting point is 00:24:26 and you will see the power of the Pentagon come forward. I mean, they have bases in every congressional district. They have ways to influence members of Congress. They have all these aerospace companies give a lot of money to key members of certain committees who are chairman, who can kill legislation. And I suspect that's gonna happen again. Yeah. Well, all I suspect that's gonna happen again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Well, all I can say is we love Boeing. I have nothing against Boeing. You'll be flying home on Boeing. Yeah, oh yes. Yeah, Noah and Ike, some of my favorite planes. So I have no problems with them. My new Air Max is made out of a piece of a Boeing and I'm like, that just terrifies me.
Starting point is 00:25:01 They write it on it. They said it's made out of a piece of the Boeing plane. You're like, this should be on the plane. But yes, I was just saying like to wrap your head around it. This legislation wasn't written in a void. You know, there's direct knowledge of the people that helped craft that to go after the corporations that work with DoD as contractors who have, I'll just say hardware,
Starting point is 00:25:30 but people came on our show and admitted in the DIA, full craft. So think about it this way, you don't have to know every detail of it, but the fact they were motivated at the highest levels of government legislation being like, we know you have it, big questions start coming. called Kona Blue. So in 2019, I co-wrote a book with a guy who had been at the DIA. His name is Dr. James Lakatsky. He and his, the project manager, Dr. Colm Kelleher, had been part of this program, OSAP, that was based in Las Vegas, run by the DIA,
Starting point is 00:26:35 the largest acknowledged government funded UFO study ever. It got into a lot of other weird stuff that came with UFOs, but it was hugely ambitious. They created the largest UFO data warehouse in the world, some 260,000 cases, all correlated, all put together, a really valuable resource. They produced more than 100 highly detailed engineering reports about things like the Tic-Tac, about human effects, when humans get too close to UFOs, what it does to them, serious health effects that have been really well documented
Starting point is 00:27:11 by medical doctors, those reports, not one single page of that stuff has been made public, but the work was done. And part of the contract that OSAP had was, look, Bigelow Aerospace in Las Vegas was supposed to get some of the goods. They made massive changes to the aerospace plant. It was a condition of the contract that they prepare to receive special materials. They never got it.
Starting point is 00:27:38 When they went knocking on the door to ask for it, that's when the program got knifed and got kneecapped. A subsequent report, a program was proposed by the same people. They took it to Department of Homeland Security in 2011 and 12, spent 15 months working it out. What the documents just recently released earlier this year show is that this program, codenamed Kona Blue, was looking for the goods. And they use sort of code language, but it doesn't take much to read between the lines. We are looking for special materials of unique origin to analyze. We want
Starting point is 00:28:11 to collect UFO information, analyze this stuff, see if we could duplicate the technology. Documents now available. Arrow, the current UFO program, the cover-up agency by the Department of Defense, tried to use the Kona Blue document to discredit all these whistleblowers who gave testimony about crash saucers and reverse engineering, but in fact it backfires because that program never existed.
Starting point is 00:28:35 It was stopped before it could get going, but they convinced the Department of Homeland Security this stuff is real. We've got it, let's go get it. Fly from your grave. That's so fascinating. I feel like it's it's so interesting how so many of these issues boil down to humanity. We're like they kind of want credit like everybody it's not that they are like even keeping it because they're like the high falutin it's going to destroy the fabric of American society. They're literally like no, that's our shit.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah, like that's our shit. We're going to try to get something fabric of American society. It is, there's no intention of any of those agencies, group or individuals to tell the world about UFOs, that it's real, there's a presence, it's been happening a long time. And the reason for that has still eluded us. Every time we get to that top moment, we feel like we're about to get a straight answer. It's ominous.
Starting point is 00:29:41 They're like, don't kick the lying dog is something that someone,'t. It freaks me out because it is held so tight. Why out of everything in this world is this held so tight? And that I don't have an answer to yet. I don't. Yeah, because open discourse amongst everyone would only improve our knowledge. Thing is, there are inherent national security
Starting point is 00:30:03 implications for this. There's just no getting around to it. There is a race for this technology. The highest level people who've worked on this that we have met and talked to and got to know really well say, there is a race for it. We're trying to figure it out, duplicate it, and the Russians are, and the Chinese, maybe the Israelis, maybe the Iranians, maybe a couple of other countries. There's a race for it, and whoever gets it first wins.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And so our government might want to acknowledge at some level that this is real, but they never want to tell how much we know or how much progress we have made or haven't made to our adversaries because there is competition and the consequences are serious. There also is the unanswered question of what it is. We all say we're ready for the truth.
Starting point is 00:30:47 We can handle it, let's hear it. We don't really know what it is. Are we a farm? Are we a zoo? Are we an agricultural product? Did they genetically manipulate us to become who we are? And if so, where does that lead? What's the long range plan?
Starting point is 00:31:01 We have no idea, but I mean, once you open that door, the questions never stop coming. You can't just be a little bit pregnant kind of a thing. long-range plan. mountain of questions, you know, like that this is going, how much this is going to change stuff, how much this is like, you know, like what you're gonna have to deal with. What are the big answer is like? Well, we don't know what they are. We didn't know what they do. We kind of feel like they might be mad at us, but we don't know anything else. What government wants to say that? What president wants to make that announcement? You never get anything else done. How do else done. We don't really know. We don't have 360 air dominance now. They admit UFOs, UAPs are real. They fly with impunity within a restricted airspace that can turn on and off nuclear weapons. have been foiled or come out. These are real. And so from there, the questions are already starting to boil.
Starting point is 00:32:23 There's also a human element to it. I was told this by a congressional investigator who worked on the black budget many years ago. He says, look, he went out there at 51. I gave him a briefing, go here and look around. He couldn't find what he was looking for, but he came back convinced it is real. We do have this technology.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It's stashed away. And he said to me, look, when this comes out, people are gonna go to prison. I think a long time ago, when this comes out, people are gonna go to prison. I think, you know, a long time ago when this coverup, our government coverup started, there was probably a legitimate reason. We'd just come out of the World War II, Cold War was beginning.
Starting point is 00:32:53 How do we tell the public about this, you know? What do you say? So we'll keep it secret. And since then, they've told so many lies to the public, to Congress. There's probably hundreds of millions of dollars from legitimate national security programs that have been absconded and moved into something else
Starting point is 00:33:09 without permission. People would go to prison for this if it all came out. And I think that was part of what the Schumer legislation would have done is given them a- Given them an out. An out, yeah, like a whistleblower. Straight up, Lockheed Martin wanted to divest their, Lockheed Martin has to divest their,
Starting point is 00:33:25 Lockheed Martin has UFO materials, likely a full UFO. We know it to be true. Lockheed Martin tried to divest, take it out the back door, bring it in the front. One of the Canadian parliament members, the guy Larry, an MP, he wrote this letter, it's like, we better get ahead of this. If we don't get ahead of this, our nation's not gonna trust us. So that's the kind of where we're at, man.
Starting point is 00:33:52 This is like easy way or hard way. Hard way is they, the easy way is they stop lying and give the basics just like we do about the nuclear programs. Nuclear bombs exist. We're not gonna give you the schematics, how to build them. Same thing needs to happen with the UFO presence, the UFO reality. And if it doesn't, it's going to happen the hard way. And the hard way is going to be leaks
Starting point is 00:34:13 and whistleblowers and you know, shit that's uncontrolled. Oh yeah. It was catastrophic disclosure. Yeah, that's a weird term. I don't know what that means. That is catastrophic. Just disclose it. It doesn't matter. Easy way or hard way. But they have really good recruiters in these intelligence agencies because if you gave me even one of these secrets, I'd just be walking around like, you know what I know? You don't know what I know. It's crazy to not just get home. I mean, because I know they do get off on it.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I think that's where you got to, you have to have somebody who gets off on keeping secrets. That is true. But also, so there is an element of that, like the Gollum ring, like people like, I know this and I know the secret. We've ran into that. But there's also people who are true patriots and see the dangers outweigh. Here's the deal as journalists, I just forget about patriotism. It's like a thing. I forget that people really do get up every day. It's going to become red dawn with aliens, bro. But I mean, as journalists, I'm following in his footsteps. It's like, thing. I forget that people really do get up every day. It's gonna become red dawn with aliens, bro. But I mean, as journalists, I'm following in his footsteps. It's like, you know, there's a public need to know the fundamental truth.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Nobody has right to hold back something that is natural in the natural world from the global and American public. That's bullshit. Ain't nobody my daddy. I never asked somebody not to tell me about the world. So that's where I'm at. I'm less ticked off by the secrecy than I am by the lies.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Absolutely dumping on the public and misleading them and flat out lying. And ruining people's lives along the way. Making it a laugh factory. This is not something for serious people to seriously look at. That was a deployed misinformation, disinformation campaign all
Starting point is 00:35:45 the way back from the day. You can trace that back. You're supposed to not take it seriously. You're supposed to be a mockery if you even ask the question. Now where we are in 2024, it's a different world we're living in. When he started, they made jokes and cartoons about him being the crazy UFO guy. Green men story. Now people are appreciating, you know, when you really can break some of this news, but it's, it And now. There's a little green men story. Yeah, and now people are appreciating
Starting point is 00:36:05 when you really can break some of this news, but it's hard, it's not easy. There's a lot of roadblocks to getting the truth out about this, whatever it might be, and I don't claim to know it. Yeah. And now, I guess there's no way to really prove this, but how much alien technology is in everyday life,
Starting point is 00:36:19 you think? Like, do you think any of it or nothing, some, none? I don't know of any for sure. You don't think we got Wi-Fi from it, that's what they say? Well, I mean, Phil Corso, before that name went public, I was gonna write his book. We had reached out to each other and-
Starting point is 00:36:35 Oh yeah, from the day after Roswell. From the day after Roswell. So I knew him four years before the book came out and we were working on it and he shared with me some claims. I mean, I think they became exaggerated in the book that out and we were working on it and he shared with me some claims. I mean, I think they became exaggerated in the book that was eventually published, but he said, night vision. We got to jump on night vision from the eyes
Starting point is 00:36:52 of these beings. He said we got fiber optics from them. Yeah, I remember that. Transistors. Yeah, from the ship. A lot of really major industries and major consumer products and things that we use every day that he said were given to national labs
Starting point is 00:37:07 and private labs and just said, hey, we've got this stuff. The assumption was it was from a crash of some foreign plane, Russian technology that the CIA had got and they dished it out to industry to develop. Now you look at the history of those particular products, no company wants to say, oh yeah, we got this idea from aliens, it was all our idea. Yeah, we got it from apples. I think the examples could have been used
Starting point is 00:37:30 to inspire some research on our part. I've heard stories from direct people that, Jeremy and I know, that a Russian UFO crash had been used to develop a weapon that they'd just been dying to use. I don't think it's like a mass annihilation kind of a weapon, but you see these examples where Russian craft are flying really close to our ships
Starting point is 00:37:51 and they come close to knocking down our spy planes and they're just like begging for us to engage with them so they can unleash this thing. I don't know what that weapon is, but I'm told it's real, that they got it from somewhere else. All right, well, they're in the middle of a war right now. Wouldn't they be using it? You should be using it.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yeah. When do you unleash that? Supposedly we have all this technology that's so far advanced in 25 years in the future and it can fly to Mars. That's what Ben Rich is hinting, that it could go to the stars and take ET home. When the hell are we going to break that stuff out? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:24 I feel like if China has the most exclusive drones of the world, they would definitely right now being a big like saying fuck you Biden in the sky. You know what I mean? Like and then zapping in the sky. Like why would they hold back? The truth is even with the 2019 events off the West Coast huge UFO event swarm, we don't know whose technology those
Starting point is 00:38:43 trans medium vehicles from pilots from the helicopter huge UFO event swarm. The throttle is the material science, this goes all the way back to Bob Lazar. He says, there's no way. There's no way we can physically make this at this time. One day we will be able to, but now, not now. So maybe we have some evolving to do before we can get there. All right. Hey guys, last podcast on the left. You guys are fucking legends. Thank you. You are. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:47 That's very nice. Thank you for having us on. You guys were wonderful. Thank you so much for talking to us. We didn't even get to our stupid game. That's fine. That's great. I'm glad we did.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Do we have time? Do we have? Do you mind? Are you guys? I love stupid games. As long as I get to have a beer and stand on my head. I'm game. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:40:03 It's very, you know, It's called inside the alien studio What is your favorite word Nordic Actually my favorite word is onomatopoeia What's your least favorite word is onomatopoeia, but I don't know how to spell it. That's a great word. That's a great word. It is a great word. What is your least favorite word? Sometimes fucking George Knapp. Oh, that's so, unbelievable. That's proper nix.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I don't know. Gurgle is not good. Yeah, gurgle is a better word. I don't got a least favorite word, man. All words are good if used right. Go. What turns you on? Nordics. Yeah? I married one
Starting point is 00:40:54 yeah, you're a foes man. I'm a freak. Oh yeah. What turns you off? It's like cycling. I spiritually don't got to do it. We don't got to worry about it. George. All right, you've or you've done enough in this life. Yeah, like a strong enough. Yeah, you can easily tell us the hard way. Yeah. You don't gotta worry about it, George. You've done enough in this life. You're strong enough. Yeah, you can easily tell us. Yeah, at any point you can crack me in the mouth. I know it's easy to say. He just gives me a sign and I do that.
Starting point is 00:41:14 He ain't gonna hit somebody. And I'm good at it too. What sound do you love? Why you ask me first? This is so much pressure. Ask him first. He just told me he didn't want to answer. Snap, crackle and pop.
Starting point is 00:41:27 That's good. He likes a serial man. My little like 10 pound dog howling like a coyote. Oh, that's good. What sound do you hate? I'm not doing the hate game, bro. You can ask him. I can't, nothing comes to mind.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this. What's your- Hold on, hold on, I got it. This is not your fault. 90% of the time, it's out of my own fucking voice. I nothing comes to mind. I'm sorry. I'm not very good at this. What's your hold on? Hold I got it. This is not your fault 90% of times sound of my own fucking voice. I am tired of talking Yeah, I refuse your job though. Yeah, it's unfortunate. What is your favorite curse word? I'm a big fan of the f-word because it's so versatile. Yes. Yeah, it means everything What profession other than your own? the F word because it's so versatile. Yes it is. Yeah, it means everything. What profession, other than your own, would you like to have?
Starting point is 00:42:11 I always thought I was going to be a lawyer. Yeah, I thought I was going to be a lawyer in college. Hand model, it sounds like the easiest job in the world. It does. What's a profession you would not ever like to have? Hod carrier. Because I've had that profession and would not ever like to have? Yeah. Because I've had that profession and I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Also taxi driver because I was really bad at that. I can't even that's one of the most dangerous jobs. Driving now would be terrible. Plumber because I'm always doing plumbing man. Yeah. Plumber. It sucks. Wrist deep in poo poo is nowhere to go.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Oh my other people poop. Unless you're getting paid good money. That's like my business man. It's real estate. Oh my God. How many times I have to uncl Oh, my other people's poop. You're getting paid good money. That's like my business, man, is real estate. Oh my God, how many times do I have to unclog toilets for other people? All right, so this is the only controversial one. If heaven exists, what would you like God to say
Starting point is 00:42:55 when you walk through the pearly gates? You can bring your dogs and cats with you. Oh. How many dogs and cats do you have? I don't have any dogs, but I got six cats. Wow. When my wife leaves me, I'll be the crazy cat man of sunrise mountain. Don't go near the old nap place. You'll get toxic plasmosis. Good job. Nice. Try to do it again. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. That's great. Guys. Thank you so much for doing this. Way
Starting point is 00:43:27 smarter than I thought it was going to be. Thank you for bringing it done. But like, honestly, man, thank you for bringing effort. Thank you. Thank you guys. I'm worried about you. Your first UFO convention. You know, if you consent to probe in, have a good time. Oh yeah. Hopefully you get some interesting experiences. You know, if you consent to probing, have a good time. But hopefully you get some interesting experiences. You know, I learned more. Dr. Cohen probed me last week, so I'm fine. More than I need to know about. I learned more from people that come to these
Starting point is 00:43:53 than what George and I report on. So there's a lot to learn by engaging with the people here. We have lots of fun, laughs and jokes, but there's some really, really in tune people who really are passionate about this. So you're going to learn a lot from people that you meet at this thing. And also two striking young men like yourself,
Starting point is 00:44:07 you could probably get lucky here. Hey, you know, I saw a couple of widows that were really looking for a way out. They hadn't been hugged in a long time. So thank you guys.

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