Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Bad Mormons
Episode Date: March 19, 2025In the wake of our series on The Doomsday Murders, Henry and Eddie are joined by our in-house Mormon Investigators, Some Place Under Neith. Natalie Jean and Amber Nelson join the show this week to dis...cuss more stories of Mormons gone bad in the cases of Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrandt, and Tim Ballard. For Shows, Merch, and More Visit: LastPodcastOnTheLeft.comKevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of Last Podcast on the Left ad-free and a whole week early. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting
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Hello, Florida.
Your favorite son and biggest baby are coming home to bring you the laughs you deserve.
Everyone likes to poke fun of the Florida man.
Everyone likes to use Florida as a punching bag.
Whenever an alligator on meth eats an old person, that can happen anywhere.
As a famous Floridian baby, I feel your pain.
So that's why I'm coming home to let you know
it's okay to be who you are.
It's okay that the rest of America is scared of us.
It's okay that books are illegal in our schools.
It's okay whenever it gets cold it rains iguanas.
I'm here to support you.
So come on out.
March I'll be in North Florida,
and in May I'll be in South Florida
and Orlando. It's the Invasive Species Tour. Ed Larson, me, is coming to Florida in March and May.
I'm coming to Jacksonville, Panama City, Tallahassee, Marco Island, Dania Beach, Orlando,
and Key West. So lock up your public subs and start singing the Miami Dolphins fight song because we're
going to party like it's Florida baby.
Tickets at
There's no place to escape to.
This is the last time.
On the left.
Side stories?
That's when the cannibalism started.
Side stories!
Okay, we're rolling.
Honestly, it doesn't even have to be a good excuse.
I mean, at least give them the grace of coming up with a fun story about why you have to kill them
I've always said lie to me like if you're gonna kill me Natalie if you're gonna kill me
Just lie to me. What do you mean? Like don't do it like the what's-her-name the Cory Richards? Well, like oh
Come here in the kitchen. I got something to show you that's's how you wanna get killed? How I wanna be killed, Natalie,
is if you surprise me with a dinner.
And then while you're wearing lingerie, right?
And then you put poison in this very elaborate dinner
you've made.
I've really thought this out.
And that at the end of it, as I'm fading, right,
you then, you just one, you go, one last kiss.
And you one last kiss, because then in the end,
I didn't know what was coming.
Not like Cory Richins, where it's like her husband knew
that he was fucked, trying to kill him for like months.
She did lie.
No, but then she kept trying to kill him.
Get it done, Natalie. Here's the thing, Natalie, no offense, you don't cook did lie. No, but then she kept trying to kill him. Get it done, Natalie. Right.
But here's the thing, Natalie, no offense,
you don't cook meat well.
You know, and so you're-
Yeah, if I brought you a steak, you would know.
You would know something's up,
especially because you devised this entire plan now, too.
But then in a way, when you see it happening,
it's almost like a piece.
You know what I mean, knowing that, oh, my end is here.
I put you in a bathtub, like a bubble bath,
and Natalie was like alright Henry
Do you want some toast and then she throws it in there? That's like Adam's family style. Yeah, that's fucked up, Amber
I can cook it if you want and then like and like we just put like a curtain over the kitchen
It'd be hard to keep Henry out of the kitchen. I'm just a quick lives in there. Yeah
But you know if you need I can come in I'll make the really nice dinner you Henry
I made this for you. I won't even you know I won't look
I'll just I'll hand you the food like this and so you know I won't see the lingerie. I love it
Just don't let me see it coming. Yeah, and then if you want we could just two in the back of the head when you're on
The toto oh my god, honestly that's nice scrap everything. I just said
You need to go on that thing. Yeah, you need to go while you're going sniper rifle through the bathroom window as I have just
Completed my time on the dodo. That's a tough shot
You can't see through the glass in that in that section of the bathroom. Well, Natalie
That's why we're starting to go to the range soon. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we're gonna get pregnant
So we're gonna get trained and it's for the coming apocalypse. Thank you
Thank you for being about time that you've come to realize that we're all gonna go together
Yeah, and we are gonna go together as a family. Well, you are what 144 thousand, right? Absolutely. You can tell it's on my jersey
My name is Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. Hello. I am a four point.20 dark. Yeah, he is he's got
Blow smoke in his face, man
Fucking demons are coming for you. Yeah, if we went to a gun range LPN trip, who do you think would freak out first? Yeah, you you you already freaked out at a gun range with my wife
I started crying and I thought they were gonna kick me out. We got to get you stronger. I love that
They enjoy it. They film it. You're like, you know, I think it was a you went and you're like has anyone ever tried to rob
This place and you're like we are covered in guns. No one is robbing
But we're sitting here with the effervescent investigators and journalists
Rods the B's these but the broad and broadcast these state broads
Who would one of them is my favorite and the other ones my other favorite
I'm sitting here with Natalie Jean and Amber Nelson of someplace underneath
of someplace underneath.
Yeah, you guys.
Welcome back.
Excited to have us.
I am.
This is thrilling to you.
You've been on last podcast on A Left Proper.
Now you're doing Side Stories.
I think you're the only guest to do both.
Wow. So how does this show differ?
Do we make more sounds with our mouths?
We could be way dumber on this episode.
Yeah, no, people love the choo-choo.
You're really helping.
This is great.
This is honestly allows our audience to feel like they're in different environments. That's why you go eee eee. That's what environment I'm in. Yeah that's for our talk board people. Tabaggen. A rollercoaster?
A swing falling down a hill. We're at the beach. Oh you're at the beach? Yes. You're
at the beach. Is that the cyclone?
What's the squeaky sound?
That's not a bird!
That's not a bird.
That sounds like metal screeching on metal.
More, Mormon, Mormon!
Hot dogs, we want your hot dogs!
This is important, this is what our audience likes,
but one thing that they also like above all else that is Mormon based true crime
Now someplace underneath for the last I want to say
Three years has been covering Mormon based crimes. You're doing a special run right now
Well, yeah
depends on how you look at it because the reason we ended up doing this season as Mormon focused is because since we started the show, a bunch
of cases we were covering just happened to have LDS members attached to them.
And I didn't even know what the difference was between them and Jehovah's Witnesses when
I started, you know, just like one of those ones.
And so then when they kept appearing, I was like, what's going on over there at that church?
And it turns out a lot.
It's a lot because when you live under these like high intense rules, you're going to go crazy.
Yeah, yeah. And it seems that even though, you know, especially now that we've been covering
Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell for a month, I've gotten many messages over this period of time
from what they say. We kept saying capital M Mormons, right? People that are
practicing Mormons within the church and we got a lot of messages saying, you know, you keep saying
to us that our central beliefs as a church are kind of outrageous, but there's plenty of casual
Mormons and then you start to look into casual Mormonity. A Jack Mormon Jack Mormon if you will a Jack Mormon and you're
like entities oh you do but they over specifically are not there are the
belief systems very crazy yes they like their special underwear is like sweat
pants it's still the same yeah yeah they do our special panties but do they what
can you tell me about that they're called Garmin please Yes, please and I'll show you some other form of documentaries
If you want to get they have Mormon porn
Documentary. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, it's called Mormon girls. Oh, really? I brought it up several times on their series. Really? Oh, yeah
I'm in and out when you talk. No, no, you'd think you would like this great rub
Don't do this in front of my wife. There just is. I just wanted to see if there was.
Yeah, I know, just creating facts.
No, it's Mormon girls with a Z.
That's how you know it's cool, street-wise.
Well, there's a huge fetishization of the,
the religion in general is constantly thinking about sex.
Even though they're like, don't do it, don't do it.
Never, never, never do it.
Don't think about breasts.
And then it makes you either go crazy
or very horny all the time because you're like,
I can't touch myself, I can't touch myself.
I can't touch myself.
I can't do it.
It's naughty.
It's very naughty.
So that makes sense.
There's a bunch of porn about it.
It's so weird because they're so restrictive,
yet everything we always talk about is all the polygamy.
Well, the polygamy is not in the mainstream church anymore,
but it's still sex-based.
Everything is about sex and purity
and maintaining your chief your chiefs.
And like the girls from a young age
start getting these classes about not being chewed gum
quite literally.
They like, they talk about.
Yeah, cause they said, if you get that's the same,
no man wants to chew pre-chewed gum.
Right. So just like putting us as gum.
And it's so weird as a girl in that religion to be like,
you gotta be pure, pure, pure for the rest of your life
But then you're also expected to have a bunch of kids like where do we think the kids come from?
Yeah, big sloppy loads of come we're just come baby
and then also we they have this unique aspect of having universities that are
Exclusively Mormon base, which is like really rare for a high-control group
Well, and we've got the Catholics the Christians, don't count them out.
That's not a high, what, in BYU?
I'm just saying in terms of don't count out,
in terms of how powerful and how horrible
other religious institutes can be,
like the Jesuits.
We're doing a whole live show on the Jesuits
and how they have tried to manipulate society
using a university level education,
but they had the same,
they had Catholic money and respect.
They have, I mean, Mormons have more money than Catholics.
But I'm saying-
No, more than the Vatican?
Well, they've been-
I mean, they're at least comparable to the Vatican.
They are hoarding money.
Right now, the Mormon church is sitting
on about $200 billion.
That's a low estimate.
Yes, and so they are also specifically,
Natalie hit me to this,
they're specific Mormon hedge funds, That's a low estimate. Yes, and so they are also specifically Natalie hit me to this their specific
Mormon hedge funds, which is that's a whole movie in and of itself
Billion there's a yeah. Yeah, it's probably more than that. And so they believe that they are sitting on this money We don't know why and that's a part of the reason why one of my big
Theories about Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow is that they were actually a part of the Mormon deep state
that was trying to flip the Mormon,
legit Mormon leadership
so that they can get a troll of the month.
That was never gonna happen.
Well, they got close because of the tap from Tom Harrison,
and because the two of them got like,
and Tom Harrison was close.
I gotta say though, they're still technically that,
they're the Mormon belt kind of bumpkins compared to,
they have an entire branch of their church
called Ensign Peak that is an investment firm
that is literally, yes.
On Wall Street.
Those are savvy tech people.
Those are people who make them the billions.
And those are the people who are actually running stuff, including the guy who is the CEO of Neuralink,
who is an active Mormon.
We were just talking about Neuralink getting the chip in you.
No, I ain't getting the mark of the beast.
My favorite part about Ensign Peak, though,
is that they call all of their investors bishops.
Yes. Oh, that's nice.
It's good when you can actually, like, really buy your way in.
Yeah. Well, especially those,
because what they believe is that they use our secular ways in order to make money for the church
They're say the Catholic Church is about the same. Yeah Wow
You know and the thing is though the Mormon Church is all in America. And so
And we will the 260 billion dollars is American
Like Argentina and well, I know they have missionary, you know know, the missionaries that go out, like, you know,
I saw Book of Mormon, it's a blast.
But the thing is, if we tax that shit, that's like 30 billion dollars.
We're not gonna.
It's wild though.
That's like, that's everything right there.
That's education.
That fixes everything.
If we just fucking tax it.
It's almost like con artists.
Star churches.
And that's the reason why they want to get a hold of this money because once they get a hold of it
They can do whatever they want with it
So and they can really fuck shit up if they would like to
But that's kind of the beginnings of our conversation. So obviously Natalie our how our home
It's really lots of Mormon packed with this shit. That's great
And so we are up to our my my receding hairline is filled with more manatee.
And so it's this this.
Yes, it started with your exploration of other cases
that got you to the LDS center of all these other various like, you know,
missing women case.
But there's one big case that is right now
probably going to be revealed to be massively intrinsically
tied to the Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow case.
Chad Daybell looks like a more manatee.
He does.
He does.
He does.
But that would be the Ruby Franke and Jodie Hildebrandt case.
Now do you guys want to explain a little bit of what the hell this is?
They were two lesbians torturing children in their basements.
Oh yeah, about time lesbians, way to step up.
How fun, you've been out of the playing game for so long, you've been so respectful,
just fixing cars and building walls, you know, now you're getting there, you're killing kids.
Yeah, just scissoring and like...
They ruined Sex and the City, the television series.
They were both lesbians in the way that Joe exotics husbands are homosexual what that is to say
Jodie Hildebrandt by seduction hold a bunch of women that they were lesbians. Yes
so it wasn't
Strictly two people in love. What are they besides lesbians?
They are what are they called child fit their mental fitness coaches. Yes, connections with an X. It's still on Instagram
Go check it out. You can look at it right now on Instagram. Now that came from so that's a combined effort of Jodie Hildebrandt and
Ruby Franky, but who are they separately? How did we get here? Okay, so what is the actual case?
We've been covering Ruby Franky since 2022 because Ruby Franky is a very famous
mommy vlogger
in the vlogger sphere.
Many mommy vloggers are Mormon.
It's a huge part of the LDS culture.
So she's one of them.
And that's a part of your family exploitation series.
Right, and she on camera would say things like,
oh, my child in kindergarten forgot to pack their lunch
today, guess they're not gonna eat.
And say like, nobody better feed her,
so she learns her lesson, that kind of thing.
Right, make her teenage son sleep on a beanbag chair.
And this is wrong how.
I know, I mean.
I sleep on beanbag chairs.
I had a futon for many years.
That's a horrible way for a child to sleep.
Oh yeah.
That's just because you were too big for a room.
And that was punishment, even though his exploitation
was paying for the home they lived in. But yeah, so we're both very against family vlogging
in general, it's extremely dangerous.
And that-
But it started with Ruby Frankie's channel,
Eight Passengers.
So Eight Passengers was a very famous channel
and it became known to the outside world
because she was just kind of proudly showing
horrible stuff that she was doing to her kids.
Well, it like ramped up.
It went from her sort of doing quote unquote
regular mommy blogging, which is just showing
your children on camera.
But that's all it really is.
It is using your children as bait for people
to click on your video for you to monetize it.
Well, for example, she was one of the families
that YouTube had to change some of their rules about
because parents like her realized
that they were getting huge numbers on things
for like showing your kid getting their first bra,
shaving their legs for the first time.
I don't, you know, I can't put my finger on like,
who would be tuning into that,
but they were very popular.
I'm sure there were some senators.
I'm sure.
They just wanna see how they can raise their daughter.
Right, yeah.
Yeah, to get them all ready to go.
So they were making boards of six figures a month
sometimes on videos like that.
And as the LDS training
mixed with the I think the like madness of like the dopamine hits of doing this and getting
all this attention this positive affirmation she started a spiral and that's when Jodie
Hildebrandt kind of stepped in who was already doing a bunch of her own things that were
crimes but she never got punished for them.
So it seemed to start with Ruby Frankie did an extended punishment on her son for some kind of
Infraction between the kids and it seemed like her son was the quote-unquote star of the channel. He was very popular
Yes, he was viewed as like the one that the audience liked the most they like to see her son on
JTT of the family
Was he talented? No.
He's mischievous.
There's nothing that happens on these channels except you watch them in their intimate moments.
So like, it's hard to know whether he's talented.
Maybe he is.
He just exists on the show.
And so what happened is they had this extended punishment where his room was taken away from
him and he was forced to sleep either outside on various surfaces on the home.
And so when this became known, it went viral all over the internet.
Because she was so at that point had been abusing them so deeply that she posted it
herself and like didn't think anything of it.
And people were like, what do you mean he hasn't had a bed in eight months?
Well, lots of people love that type of punishment.
Unfortunately, they wish we would go back to it.
Well, that's what it feeds.
Right now, Arnold Schwarzenegger is getting praised for how horrible he was
to his children. Yeah. And look at what he did. He made fucking a terrible actor and
something else. They're literally like talking about how he would like burn their shoes if
they left them in the wrong place and stuff like that. And everyone's like congratulating
him for being strict, but it's like, that seems like it's torture. I mean, it's kinda fun.
It's so weird that people hate kids
and you can like willingly say that
and treat them this way
and that's like one of the last few bastions of bad morals.
Why do I fucking, pardon me,
that's like with Schwarzenegger it's okay.
Cause he's, he was, he made himself
from just his pectoral muscles.
He became a governor because of his pectoral
Yeah, I wish Ruby Frankie would have given us at least one blockbuster. She's gonna do this church exactly
Yeah, and that's where we're married. Oh, he has a Nazi father. Aren't it's what you nigger
Austrian from back in the day makes sense. It's hard. It's it was hard avoid. It was hard to avoid
So Ruby Frankie so it happened is that she had this problem with her son and then he wanted to be a child
That did not want to flog and that was not acceptable. Absolutely not because that's how they make their money. And so she decided to
Introduce her son to Jodie Hildebrandt's therapy. She got recommended to by church people. So this is all deeply connected
So now Judy who is Jodie Hildebrandt?
Jodie Hildebrandt is a woman who is a licensed therapist or was until jail.
She's now incarcerated for aggravated child abuse.
And she is a part of a much bigger issue within the LDS
culture, which is she is a therapist who engaged in sex
addiction therapy.
Very similar to Tom Harrison, very similar,
like in that same whole world, the idea of like,
having to inspect your children's behavior
before they get to be a proper Mormon.
Well, that, and just adults too.
In the Mormon world, sex addiction can mean
your husband will accept porn once a month.
They call them a sex addict,
and they send them to literal meetings like AA 12-step
I'm sorry, my computer's just heating up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. Just even you just call.
It's just cough.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's like hot to the touch. I'm sorry.
Oh, I need you to watch porn to kind of just, you know, take the edge off a little bit.
Yeah, yeah.
But they'll send you in these meetings with actual child predators, because they equate
that as the same thing.
So sex crimes, I should say sexual sin.
We covered this with a little bit talking about in our series about the miracle of forgiveness
and how they say any form of sexual outside of marriage, anything outside of marriage
is considered the sin next to death.
It is.
It is openly said that you can literally go to the Latter-day Saints website right now
and see that in writing.
So child molestation, having sex consensually with a same-sex partner, masturbating.
And bestiality is considered the same.
I mean, literally all of it is the same.
So if you end up in one of these sex addiction centers
or in these 12 step programs in the church,
you might be somebody who is a weekly masturbator
next to somebody who had kids in their basement
and got out of jail and is on the sex offenders register.
We call it masturbator, my nickname in high school.
My name is honestly, there's a part of me that says,
if you masturbate once a week,
it's even worse than masturbating every day
I prefer you masturbate every day because if you're mad, but if you're feel like there's something about like well, it's Tuesday
You know, I mean like there's something that like ha ha ha finally. It's masturbation day
That's why I don't have you have mandatory masturbation meetings for people who aren't masturbating studio three
That is what we've been doing recently. is like and I want to say I wanted to
Say thank you to the wives. They've been doing a really wonderful
Masturbation accountability meetings for us to make sure we have yeah, because they said it's just so much better than doing the act themselves
Yeah, yeah, thankful. So Julie's so thankful. So thankful. Yeah, I just want to say thank you took care of that
Yes, you know we now we can move on now
We can have dinner just I mean if you don't took care of that. Yes. Now we can move on. Now we can have dinner.
You just, I mean, if you don't,
you're just climbing up the walls like an exorcism.
I have to.
Yeah, I know.
Now, this is, and that's life.
Also, you don't have to masturbate every day.
You don't necessarily listen to Henry.
It's probably best if you don't.
No, it's fine if you do.
But it's fine if you do.
It is fine if you do.
If you need to do it.
It's totally fine if you do.
You go out and you do it.
Live from Northway.
So Jodie Hildebrandt was one of these therapists.
There is a huge network of therapists in the LDS community
who make millions of dollars from these people who
come in for their services that are not-
Because Jodie Hildebrandt costs big money.
Jodie's house when she was arrested
was valued at 6.5 million I believe.
When everybody has a sexual addiction,
yeah, they're all gonna go to her and give her money.
And they charge you out the fuck
and talk about it out of the dick and balls.
They charge you up, and it's crazy too.
And they, it's coming for the husbands.
50 bucks every time you jerk off.
But it literally, I mean, yeah.
I'm just kidding.
Oh, I believed it.
I'd just be like, here's $250, right?
We'll see you next week.
I just need you to hold on to that, right?
It's tens of thousands of dollars
they're giving these people.
And it's church, it's church recommended.
So the church is telling them,
when they go to their bishops, they go,
I touched my Peter, I touched it.
And then the bishop goes, you need help.
Let me give you this.
For science?
That's the first thing he asked.
Was it for science?
Are these real bishops or are these the appointed ones that are just like rich people?
There's no actual clergy in the LDS church.
It's only people who have, so it could be your plumber is also your bishop.
They are people who have never been to school and they have other jobs
So you're going and talking to this guy who might also be like doing your HVAC about your masturbation including kids
They're going to these dudes. That makes me scared for like tattletales because what if they work at CVS and they see me getting plan B
Yeah, that's what they do. That's, yeah. It's a high control group.
They work from the inside.
I was, that was one of the, it's not funny.
I don't know.
But I was watching Hidden True Crime.
Whenever Henry says it's not funny,
that means it makes him laugh very hard.
And it's horrible.
But it's not funny.
But there was a guy in one of these groups
that was talking about how he was paired. He's a full-grown father,
business owner. So one thing they do, right, they kind of kick the husband out, right?
They kick the husband out of the house.
Well, under Jodie's practice, yes.
Right. So they get rid of him, right? And then they have to go on these weekly accountability
Zooms where they all talk about how they're not masturbating and how great they are at
not masturbating. And then they are at not masturbating.
And then-
That was Ruby Frankie's husband.
That's Ruby Frankie's husband,
who is the fucking biggest bitch of all time.
He is such a fucking-
Throw tomatoes.
Fucking bitch. Throw tomatoes.
Throw to that man.
Fuck you.
What's his fucking name?
He is so full of shit. Kevin.
And he's making money on this documentary series,
actin' like he did anything. Look at this bald prick!
People, some people defend him. I am a 100% Kevin hater.
Anti him! I am anti him. He obviously knew what was going on. He got kicked out of the home and then he started, he just decided to be like, well whatever.
But one of the stories I was reading that wasn't funny was a full grown man was paired with a 16 year old boy and he had to him and the 16 year old boy had to call each other every
week and him being like yeah there's girl Becky in class today she was wearing
a low-cut shirt I really had to think about it me one the other goes like yeah
yeah fucking with my 401k and I had a really stressful week. And he had like talking to me at six zero,
oh that sounds really bad, better not jerk off.
I'm not thinking of jerking off.
No I'm not Billy, I'm not, definitely not.
It must be hard for this guy not to jerk off
when he looks like a clitoris.
He is garbage, this guy's a fucking moron.
I cannot defend this man. Like he makes me crazy
Yeah, I don't I think that cuz so explain even further. So now how are we here?
So now Jodie Hildebrandt well
We you know fast forward a little bit
How we even know about these crimes is the fact that we saw but there was ring camera footage of an emaciated little boy
Coming out of a home
Which was and Jody Hildebrandt's mega mansion ringing the doorbell and saying can you get me in touch with the police?
I have a personal matter. I need to speak with the police. This is the neighbors ring cam
This is a close by person and it's in Utah. So he had to walk through desert rocks. He's barefoot
He had to walk like half a mile handcuffed and like duct tape over the handcuffs
to like cuts and bruises.
He was covered in blood.
Push him into cactuses and stuff as a baby.
And he was Richard Hamilton style tan,
which is from working in the backyard.
She'd have to work in the backyard for hours and hours
and stand in the backyard and do all these things.
Cause they probably believed,
much like how we're gonna get to now, connecting to Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow is that by being
naughty children they were letting evil forces into them and the only way to get rid of the
evil forces in all of these children this is the heart of Jodie Hildebrandt's and Ruby Franke's
program was that you have to severely punish them in order to make the goodness come back which doesn't seem to work
No, I mean it's that old thing
It's like when people I always bring it up as like if you hit a bad dog
It makes them a worse dog, you know, and I know these are children and not dogs
But it's just an expression that I've always like yeah, sometimes it turns them into Michael Jackson
But then they also turn into Michael Jackson exactly well very rarely
It's and also then they sometimes turn into the Michael Jackson if you know what I'm saying. That's what I mean
That's what I just said yeah
Michael Jackson and then they turn into Michael Jackson. Yeah, that whole Michael Jackson is the case of he said he said okay
Direct eye contact
It's called listening.
I'm listening. I'm listening.
Yeah, and I think also on that point,
I think it reflects more on the person who's hitting
than the person who's receiving the hitting,
that that's saying a lot about your character
and how much of a child you are.
But one of the things I don't think is always mentioned
is that the reason that Kevin, Ruby's husband,
and her eldest son Chad had to leave the house
according to Jodie Hildebrandt, their therapist,
who was becoming enmeshed with their family,
which she had done to multiple families before this.
But that'll be the big, one of the big reveals
is that Jodie Hildebrandt's been doing this
for a long time.
Just never to a family vlogger.
So it was very insulated inside the LDS church.
But this is like, I think they had like almost 2 million subscribers on YouTube
Yes, you would watch it and it was two women sitting on the couch talking about accountability and like punishment culture
I mean other connection with an axe and meanwhile there like there's two kids in a safe and a human-sized safe
Yes, you like behind right here behind them and that behind that door is a human-sized safe for two children are locked
And they're like help me mommy help me help me mommy. I'm hurting. I'm hurting
And if you watch the body cam footage is some of the haunt most haunting you'll ever see because they walk through this
The cops are clear in the house
They find obviously Jodie Hildebrandt's on the phone with her lawyer because of course she has a very very powerful lawyer
They go walk through they find a little boy just sitting in a walk-in closet it was a
little girl looked like a little boy in a walk-in closet they she was emaciated
they the cop was so heartbroken he just sat with her trying to get her to
respond and talk to her because she'd been conditioned to know yes and then
they're walking through the hallway and they're looking for two more kids and
there's two more kids in this fucking house They're just one well
Oh, was it just one two total because the one because the one other one was a escape
And then they start hearing noises in one of the bedrooms and hear that they are listening to videos in the bait
They hear videos and sounds of the kids crying
Coming up from the vent and then they have to find where the vent goes and they find them inside it. They find the kid inside a safe. Whoa. Yeah. So in the body cam, they're not in the
safe, but they are in the safe. Most of the time we just don't have body cam footage of
them in it. She was in a closet. Sorry. What's in the safe? Their preppers
LDS people are preppers in general it is
Meant to be a place if there's like zombies coming you can close yourself in or you can close a zombie in or a prisoner
In and has a bed it has a fridge and all this stuff
But no way to escape no way to get out and no windows or anything
so the reason this even happened in the first place, I think is we should mention because
we're talking about sex addiction, is Jodie told Ruby that her husband is engaging in
sexual sin, he's masturbating, he wants to have sex with her all the time, that's not
okay because they're not making kids, whatever.
And then the eldest son, who was forced to report any sexual feelings to his therapist and his mother,
confessed that he had masturbated.
Jodie convinced Ruby that that was the reason that...
Jodie was being possessed by demons
because she was having full-on...
In the Frankie home, having full-on, like,
exorcism thing.
Like, com-ghosts.
It's very similar to the Krugerstorp cult that we covered where
she would be pretending to be attacked by demons and go into these fake
seizures and these fake sort of motions and they and she'd be like this is what
your son's masturbating is doing to me. And so because of that Ruby is totally
like oh Jodie is one of the saviors. Jodie's trying to convince everyone that she is...
she's writing the next part of the Bible.
Well, yeah, what are the...
So that's one of the big things that also got revealed.
What are they called, like, the jet papers?
The pen papers.
The pen papers.
And so, because they've now completely, like,
just spun out into this idea that now Jodie is this, like,
ethereal being who's going to lead everybody
out and this is all LDS stuff by the way.
Ruby's convinced they kick out Kevin, they kick out the eldest son, they kind of kick
out the eldest daughter too and then spiral out and we're watching it online, people who
are covering this, she takes her family channel off the offline and then it returns with just Ruby and Jodie
on their connections bullshit.
And so that's when the two women are sitting on that couch.
They're at Jodie's house.
And they have, I don't know how to explain these videos.
I really feel like you need to go watch them
because it's these two like, they look like, you know,
Martha Stewart-ish like kind of ladies being like, hi everybody, it's so two, like, they look like, you know, Martha Stewart-ish, like, kind of ladies being like,
hi, everybody, it's so great to be here.
No, they're pure evil.
And then they just spin out into,
you need to beat your children,
the demons are in your children,
and you have to beat it out of them.
And they're talking like that.
See, my mom beat me for fun.
Yeah, exactly.
And you know what?
And it shows, because it really did build a fun attitude in you. It did, she threw a phone at you, right? And see my mom beat me for fun. Yeah
Because it really did build a fun attitude in you Yeah, she threw a phone at you right? Oh, yeah through a phone hit me the back of wood
I mean we all got we all got beat with the phone
Yeah, then you get hit with I got hit with a phone, but it has a cord on that. Yeah, mine mine was cordless
Now I know, um, so
even if the kid was being
quote unquote good
and not masturbating,
this other woman could just be like,
he's masturbating!
And the kid is like, I'm not, I'm not!
This is not the first time she's done this to a family,
so she methodically
gets the men. Yeah, Sometimes the mom can even accidentally sit
on the dishwasher, and if she even gets kinda wet,
Jodie starts twitching.
She shouts at your door.
Jodie doesn't, you got any wet pussies in here?
Yeah, here's some wet pussies right here.
Oh no, no.
Here's some slushy wet pussies up in here.
No, guys.
She loves the wet pussy.
She does not want a boner around her
by a fucking 10 mile radius.
Jodie Hildebrandt don't like the dudes.
No, she despise, she loathes men.
Which I don't understand, man. Dudes are fucking awesome.
Fuck you, man.
Dudes are fucking awesome.
Man, I fucking, look at my gains.
Yeah, you got a muscle.
I got fucking gains, dude. Dudes fucking rocks. Yeah, man, you got a fucking clam under there. Look at my game
Dude dudes fucking rocks
Clam under there. Yeah, fuck that shit man. Jody's just has a metal real man
She is prison guards, you know
She's in a lady she's gonna be in a lady prison. So she already is Yeah, doesn't mean there's not male guards. A lot of them are, they're more, they're thick women.
So obviously because she's LDS, she has never come out openly as a lesbian because you are
not allowed to be gay in the LDS church.
See what they have, what she has is not lesbianism.
It's very different.
Well no, when she's with the women, it's not lesbian sex.
They are normally, I can even see what she's saying to them because it sounds it's very similar to Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow
Where they use the past lives I could see her using past lives
I could see her using saying stuff like I was I can literally see her say I was a man in a past life
It's okay for me to be doing this to you
because we're enacting the same thing.
Because look at Lori Vallow in that new interview she did.
That's the first thing that she says
is that it was totally cool for me and Chad to fuck
because we had already been married for several lifetimes.
31 different lives.
Yeah, so it doesn't really matter.
Just like ice cream flavors.
You can just make it up if you have enough money.
Yeah. Amber gets it. Yeah, if you have enough money exactly. Yeah
Yeah 350k to get into heaven. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, you can even get I mean technically what Ferrari you can get
I mean, it's a good investment drive it right through the turn only you know for these bitches
I don't want to be in the same heaven as Ruby Frankie and Jodie Hildebrand. I want to go up there and get man
You don't want to be there with Josh Dugger? I wanna jerk off in heaven.
You can.
I don't know if you can or not.
I don't know, in LDS heaven, I don't think you can.
What would you rather?
I think clouds are made.
Burning forever, but you can jerk off,
or no burning, and you can't jerk off?
How do you jerk off while you're burning?
It's just one of those perks.
Yeah, I mean, if you're burning forever,
I guess you figure it out.
You're used to it.
Yeah, you're like, you will eventually acclimate.
Yeah, that's true.
I mean, I was on your pretty faces going to hell.
I'd rather be hot than cold.
So yeah.
See, I prefer to be, I don't like being cold,
but I'd rather be cold,
because then I can put on a sweater.
I don't know if they have sweaters.
It's hell, you're right.
Might just windbreakers.
Check out adult twigs.
Twigs, your pretty faces going to hell. This is pretty good.
Tallahassee what's going on?
Ed Larson here from last podcast on the left to let you know I'm coming to you.
That's right.
I'm going to be at the nine to six bar and grill on March 23rd doing some stand up and some music with my good friends
Evan Rossi and Danny Bedrosian, you know, the keyboard player from Parliament Funkadelic.
What? He's performing live with Ed Larson in Tallahassee? Yes, it's happening. So come
on out March 23rd, Tallahassee, Florida to to see Ed Larson, Danny Bedrosian, and Evan Rossi
perform at the 926 bar.
You might just get a public sub.
Now, we talked a little bit about
how do all of these things touch Mormon tips?
So, yeah, the wrap up of that whole story
is after they start to spiral, Jodie and Ruby
start to kind of move into Jodie's house, which is five hours south of where her minor
children still are.
And she's just letting the kids sleep alone in the house.
This is Ruby Frankie.
The kids are alone.
The neighbors see this.
The eldest daughter tries to stop it.
The youngest, I think, was eight or nine.
Okay. Old oldest was teens.
And the eldest daughter who had completely rebelled
from all of this, who was the only smart person
in this family, I think, other than the children.
She has been trying to call CPS, she's called the cops.
Nobody is doing anything about these children
being abandoned.
And eventually Jodie and Ruby take the two youngest kids
from Ruby's house all the way down to St. George
to Jodie's house, and that is where they began
torturing them for months and months.
And the only reason they got rescued
is that little boy saved them from death.
They were gonna die.
They were slowly killing them.
Well, what we're seeing now too,
is we know for a fact they had a plan to buy real estate.
They were going to buy land.
They were going to leave.
Further out in the desert, yeah.
They were already calling,
they were already starting to use the terminology
that we saw in the Chad Daybell, Lori Vallocase.
Zombies. Zombies.
Ruby Frankie used the term zombies.
Were they ranking them by numbers?
That was specific Chad Daybell.
That's his jazz. He put a spin on it
We talked about this there is something that they did because Chad Daybell, which we said on the show
Was unable to imagine like he literally couldn't imagine things every single time he came up with something
It was connected to something to pop culture. So I believe that the zombie demarcation
something to pop culture. So I believe that the zombie demarcation came from the Walking Dead, because I think it
was one of the only things that they were sort of allowed to watch that was vaguely
And I think that they watched it.
I think they had heard about zombies.
I also believe Ruby Fanky and Chad Daybell used that short term terminology in order
to cover up crimes by if anybody asked all of this stuff about
zombies, they can be like, Yeah, isn't that ridiculous? That's why we were saying we were
playing around on text. See, I disagree with you on that point. I know we're just going to agree
to disagree on that. Because I think that they took that extremely I don't think they understand.
I think the way that they are raised inside of this fantasy world of the L that extremely, I don't think they understand, I think the way that they are raised
inside of this fantasy world of the LDS culture,
they don't really comprehend the difference
between pretend movie terms.
Is it like religious autism?
Well, it's more like religious scrupulosity,
I think, personally, but.
Well, scrupulosity is also born out of fear, though.
That's what I looked up, it was more born out of fear.
So like, Laurie Vallow, Chad Daybell, Jodie Hildebrandt, you think that they really believe what they're
I think that they have to method act to the point, especially with like Lori. I think
that they know ultimately what they're doing is wrong, but they can't connect to that part
because then they're child killers. I think they have to accept.
It has to be correct.
It has to be right.
That's what we were saying last night. Watching Lori Valo. Lori Valo is now in the point of
Her life where it must be correct Chad Daybell definitely had a foot out
I think Chad knows a lot more than it was bad
He told everybody different stories even up to the very very end Lori Valo is now obviously staying in character
But up until then Chad Daybell has been the only one really breaking character but this is why I do think that it does serve
two purposes. What we're seeing is what they don't understand is what you call
the satanic duality which is this idea one of these things that you do where
you're saying this funny cover-up thing like Like you're saying this idea, you're calling it zombies. So that
you each other, it's code to each other, and it has the added ability if someone stumbles
along it, they can be like, oh, what is this? And they can scoff it off. Where they do take
it deadly seriously. But they know, they know they take it deadly seriously. But what they've
learned from every single secret school
throughout all of society is that you have to make
the exterior look ridiculous so that nobody will venture
and see the secrets from within.
Because, God forbid, we all save ourselves, Eddie,
because we'll crowd up the Mormon afterlife.
Because that's all they wanna do is get to the afterlife
with the least amount of mouths to feed.
And that's all they want to do is get to the afterlife with the least amount of mouths to feed. And that's us.
The way I look at it is if you have, I don't know, multiple burner phones, you know you're
doing something wrong.
It's like you went to a kiosk in the mall several times.
You know, Mitt Mobile's rates by hand.
But like you were just saying about Chad, Laurie's adult son who escaped the fate of
death, he talks about her all the time and says, yeah, also Laurie would tell me, his
mother would tell him these visions she had and he would quite not, he wouldn't say to
her but in his head he'd be like, we just watched the show with this scene in it like
two weeks ago.
That you just incorporated this into your life.
But I think he thinks that she thinks that like
their messages to her, like I don't think she's just going,
I'm gonna trick all these people with this.
I just think it comes down to their Mormons.
I agree.
They've never had to do anything creative in their life.
And it is just a lack of creativity.
They're already told these things they need to believe that don't make any sense.
And I'm not trying to say that people who are LDS are stupid.
They're not.
But the leadership benefits from them not learning outside of the bubble.
Oh yeah.
Believe me.
That's what I say to you.
I mean, there's got to be like good Mormons, right? Oh, yeah
Most the majority of them are lovely people. It's it is just more understanding
Which I've even said to some of our casual Mormon listeners and what they call Jack Mormons
They that that I do understand why you're in it. I do understand if you've been born in it
And it brings a lot of comfort. I do understand that a lot of the societies themselves, you'd even consider to be vaguely nice, if not blatantly
racist and homophobic. You do walk through them and you'd kind of be like, Oh, what a
nice town this is. Well, this is a nice place. All these people are so friendly. And I do
think there is, they believe there's room for casual Mormonism, but it's just the base
beliefs are so fringe that you...
And so all encompassing.
You have to do so much to maintain Mormon, like your temple recommend and everything.
Like you could be Catholic and go to church on Christmas once a year.
And you're still in.
As long as you're confirmed.
And you're sending the check every once in a while.
But Mormonism, 10% of your income every time, and they'll find you. They literally have finance meetings with you at you know sending the check every once in a while Yeah, but more of it is I'm 10% of your income every time you don't find you they literally have
Finance meetings with you at the end of the year if you have not paid 10% of all of your income
They know what you make they know how much money you've given them if God is real. He'd take it out of my account himself
I agree
If God is an actual entity you would delete them you just take the money. Also wouldn't God just make up money?
Wouldn't God just use his magical abilities and just give them fucking money?
That's why the hoarding of the billions, which they say is supposed to be for the last days.
Zion, yeah.
Makes no sense.
Nobody needs money.
If it's just you.
What do you buy it from who?
For what?
If you need to come to the end, what do you need a checking account for?
If the earth split open and Jesus is here?
Money's not real. It's literally it's not if it's real a handful of elders. One of them is 99 years old
Nasty he looks like a skinwalker and they sit in a literal throne
But amber
Okay, the last single woman member
of this network.
Should I go let him finger me?
With his cryptkeeper hands?
If you could just take one for the team.
He wouldn't even know.
You could probably just put an orange next to your legs.
If he took a.
If he took a.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha, sweet, acidic.
Ha ha, I knew, I knew old woman's tender juices would bite upon my knuckle.
I knew it would bite.
If you could get in there, you get real close to him, right?
Laurie Valowen, be like, I'm the new one.
If you roll in from out of town and be like, a vision I talked to Jesus last night We rode together on a scooter here this morning
We I know him. He's my buddy. Jesus is my fucking
Lager fucking dojo. He's my fucking my fucking lay down do anything soldier, right?
He might just kind of let you take the whole thing
Maybe it's me. Give me that big give me that bank account, baby
There's two dudes waiting and there's the top guy then there's two underneath them
And they're the ones who get it and the youngest one is 91. I believe
Total I mean this it would make you take you a total of 20 minutes to fuck each one of them to death sure
Issue is they don't touch grass. How do you get to the tower? I just look in catering outfit. Oh
Yeah, all right dress up in a catering outfit HVAC you hide inside of a thing you wait for August
They need their AC have a Mormon. Oh
Nelson's little
Acroid from nothing but trouble. Yeah. No, I think I actually said that on the show before what's nice about Russell
Nelson is that he can remove his lips from
His face to kiss you you actually don't have to get close to his teeth and throat man
It is about his band-aid see the top
You it really is about your inner thoughts in your inner world and they do make your face because I bet he wasn't bad-looking
But he's just hatefulness. I don't know he looks like a crypt keeper. He's 100 years old.
Honestly, it is frightening the fact
that he's 100 years old and he is that still upright.
This is old, he doesn't look like this anymore.
It's amazing that your hearing goes, but your ears grow.
Oh, buddy.
You know, it's so unfair.
Yeah, it's so weird.
Why do ears get bigger?
It's already happening to me.
It knows it too, yeah.
It's happening to me, I'm getting the big chunks of,
I'm getting the pop-pop hair.
I'm getting the big chunks of white sticking out of the bottoms of my ears
I love it, and you got I mean whenever we were born. He was already a geriatrics man. Yes, that's crazy
If you want to see what he looks like now you can look up his hundredth birthday parties to see the condition
Dearst Amber you already have my last name. Who's the Mormon?
Dearst Amber, let me comb your hair.
Do they have a Tom Cruise?
You know, like how Scientology's got Tom Cruise?
Mitt Romney!
Mitt Romney's their guy?
Well, Tim Ballard was, which we're about to get into heavily
on someplace underneath.
But Tim Ballard, he did a little bit of the finger popping,
Well, he did couples, the couples ruse. He did. I think he's right now has nine accusers. Yeah, he did a little bit of the finger popping right well. He did couples the couples room
He did he's I think he's right now as nine accusers. Yeah, he used a he was doing a of course
Oh god get him off there. I can't look at him anywhere. He looks like a preacher from poltergeist, too
This is much better. Yeah, I
He's blood like you can tell he's a bloated alcoholic Tim Ballard has the same
I definitely don't want to cheat on my wife face that RFK jr. has oh yeah or a Tim Ballard is a man that is a he's an
up-and-coming power broker inside of the Mormon Church he was yeah got
excommunicated he looks like he had a great time in 2002 he did oh I bet he
did and then he ran an anti-human trafficking I think I think it was
it was called sound of freedom the movie the movie's called sound of freedom that
organization is called operation Underground Railroad, which he stole from I think it was
Leila Davis
Davis so he made sound of freedom. Well, he produced it which is a movie that's supposed to be about him
That is completely propaganda
Yes, I remember when it came out
and everyone bought tickets and didn't go
and all that shit.
Well, the church bought a bunch of the tickets.
The church, and they had all these TikToks
of people going into the movie theater and being like,
there's no one here, but they said it was sold out,
looked like they don't want us to see it.
And I was like, no, the church bought the tickets.
Yeah, because they wanna make it look like people are seeing.
Yeah, you fucking idiot, you're fucking blowing the cover.
You're blowing the cover. There was one with the cover
There was one with the air conditioning was out and this woman was on tik-tok being like they don't want us to go see it
Because the AC blew out the government is doing big propagandas like they could do more than just shut off the AC
Yeah, the movie wouldn't even be in the theater. Yep
But so Tim Ballard doing his operation underground railroad what he was doing to help women that were quote-unquote being
trafficked is that he would have them go into his own personal hotel room and they would do a Mormon
Thing that is supposed to be during the Mormon post-apocalyptic
Scope which is or I also believe they do it on mission it missions to what?
We're the concept of the conceit of the couples ruse
No, that's something totally to Millerllormute up. Is that just a thing?
So the idea is that it just brought up in visions of glory visions of glory has the couples ruse not called that
Right. I did that you would travel the world with a woman
That's not your wife
But you have to pretend to be husband and wife so that people don't know that you're a Mormon Avenger.
So Tim Ballard's entire-
So they want you to just travel the world and lie to everybody?
No, well they, okay, so they, Tim Ballard, guys, this is so intensely deep, but we can't
talk about it all today, but Tim Ballard would say he was going to rescue children in impoverished
countries because, you know, there's no child molesting happening in the LDS church.
That's not where you would want to stop the child molestation. You want to
go to some other country outside of like people who are professionals in stopping human trafficking
and do it yourself because you're special.
And he would offer the families be like, I'll give you $4,000 for this baby. And like they
would be like, yeah, cha-ching, cha Chaching. And then so essentially he's trafficking the kids.
Yes, he is.
And he was using, the way he would go to find places
to find the children that he had saved was using a psychic
who was an LDS housewife who followed him around
and told him her thoughts about where he should go.
It's a child right here.
I think I smell a child.
And where would he go?
I forget which countries. I I want to say like Thailand
I can't remember off the top of my head. Oh, it's easy to find kids in Thailand
But the church and LDS members were he made like a I don't know like 50 million dollars in donations for this group
And then he would bring these guys out
Columbia in Mexico Mexico in the entire time. he was taking these LDS women who are naive, who want to be, they
want to save children and they want to help.
And he would say, okay, I believe that you can do this with me, but you have to listen
to whatever I say.
Because if you don't, the kids are not going to get saved.
And then he'd be like, we need to make the traffickers believe that we are married.
And they're watching us so closely that they know what we're doing in this room. And yes. And then he'd be like, we need to make the traffickers believe that we are married.
And they're watching us so closely that they know what we're doing in this room.
And yes.
So we have to practice intimacy for when we go out there.
And so I'm going to take a shower together.
And then slowly was escalating to sex.
And these women don't know anything about consent.
They're like, wow.
Well, they don't like they didn't like it.
Oh, no. But they're like conflicted because Well, they don't like, they didn't like it. Oh, no.
But they're like conflicted because they think they're
saving the world's children.
Well, they got told that.
Yeah, and if you say no to this man, you're a bad person.
But it's not even just that you're a bad person,
it's that you're putting the whole mission in danger.
Yes, you're, you're, you're, what's it called?
You're compromising the mission.
Yeah, because you won't take the slippery salami.
You won't lay there while he rubs his denim pant
leg down you.
And when they would push back and say no,
he would freak out on them and be like, because of this,
that kid's gonna die.
And so after a while, a bunch of them went, wait a second,
I feel like something's wrong here.
And eventually they started a lawsuit against him.
And it was only at that point,
the church excommunicated him, but the church, there's a bunch of heads of church who knew what he was doing. Oh, definitely let it happen
But all they thought that he was gonna be president United States of America and also the next prophet
So all that to say Tim Ballard is connected to Laurie Vallow and Chad Daybell and is connected to Jodie Hildebrand
These are all taught by the same people. They're all
connected to Jodie Hildebrandt these are all taught but the same people they're all approved by the same people Tom Harrison is a big old center point of
all of this thought visions of glory that old fuck and Maurice Harker there's
a couple people who connects them and it looks like you'd scare me in the dark
no this like he just looks like a light he looks like the last thing Gene Hackman saw
Masturbate that's what they see in their minds
Russell Nelson Winkin it's weird. I see you have a low seed pool today
There are a lot of Mormons, It's a growing religion, I believe.
No, it's shrinking.
It's shrinking.
But there are still a lot, right?
And it is a very American new religion.
Like you're right earlier, it is around the world
with missionaries, but it's an American religion
because Joseph said, trust me, bro,
and then found these plates.
And it does profit off of capitalism.
And it was starting.
Utah was becoming a state at the same time.
Mormons moved to Utah.
And it was, you know, they believe Jesus came to America and all that stuff, right?
They believe 17 million members.
But I think that it's was the way they've gotten away with all this shit for so long
is that Mormonism just seemed like such a fringe thing that they've been able to like hide in plain sight
Because I didn't give a shit to look into any of this
They're also goofy and you think that like that's all it's a skill saw they use the facade of being wholesome looking
This is one of those things. I try to tell our audience all the time like
You got a real like you really don't
Want to believe how easily you're fooled.
I am too! I am, I'm not better than you.
It's just more under, once you kind of understand like how insidious it is,
how quickly they kind of gain your trust and you kind of think that they're normal and fine.
And it's just hard. That's why even when I was talking about the legal advocates,
I'm saying this for everything.
People need more scrutiny over your personal relationships.
I know you guys get a ton of pushback
about talking smack on religion,
but the issue is not that religion is bad,
but the way that it's set up in this country,
it kind of welcomes in con artists because there's no oversight if you get financial well, there's no tax
They don't pay taxes. But secondly if you say something is under a religious blanket
Nobody can push and challenge it which means the worst human beings are gonna float to the top and do horrible things
Under the guise of religion and we just have to go, well, it's America.
It's freedom of religion.
We can't really mess with that.
Let's all say one nice thing about Mormonism.
Before we end.
This is a very brighter side thing.
This is great.
Say one nice thing about some form of organized religion.
Organized, oh, not Mormonism.
Yeah, which is organized religion as a whole.
Yeah, maybe that, yeah.
Maybe that's easier
They have nice buildings. They're pretty yeah, a lot of greed went into
Go in I should be able to go in it done. I want okay. You can't go into a Mormon church
No, you can order the church. You can't go into the temple
I went inside of the DSLC one you can go inside of it
But only so far the church the temple you have to go through all of these
Processes including wearing the underpants to get into the temple because I'm not you get your underpants. They do
Yeah, you get shard on it. You can get shard on one of them did the
Any of the if you shard anywhere that's why they call them pews. Yes. Thank you. You're right
Yeah, cuz of the shirt another another influence there. There's garments there. Oh, okay
Yeah, you ever seen a woman getting sprayed with him while she's in a hose like while she's in one no No, you should do that. Yeah, is that in your documentary?
It's in one of them memories. Yeah, no, they're like a hole where the girls underwear is or does she take off the bottom?
They're um, but they're shorts
They used to be one piece until I think the mid 60s or something like that again because of the short revolution of
2012 well one of the influencer privileges
the Chart Revolution of 2012. One of the influencer privileges that the church overlooks
because the influencers get people into LDS culture
is they never wear their garments.
They are allowed to dress seductively.
Right, like Nora Smith, she's Mormon.
Yes, the garment thing is kind of weirdly up for,
it's a contentious thing right now.
Well, if you're a normal, everyday temple holder,
you have to wear them temple holder you have to wear
them still. Yeah. You have to dress like that but I wanted to say one I can say
good about Mormonism. Napoleon Dynamite came from BYU and they were all
Mormons. It's all worth it. I love Napoleon Dynamite it I can look up the temple because it does look like the eye of Siron or Sauron. Oh, yeah
Yeah, no, the temple is honestly strikingly beautiful the og big boy temple. It's quite big. It's quite beautiful
Yeah, see it looks like
That's the DC one. Oh, that's the main one is the main one's pretty beautiful
We drove by one going to Southern California and I was was like what is that and it took me a second. Oh, that's the Mormon temple
No, this is they so you like the architecture. That's not I don't mind it
It's just one of those things that I just again
I just feel like one solid neutron bomb will really make that place a nice
It's spot like I'd like to be in that place. I want to I think that we could knock out a bunch of those walls
I think we could put a great pool in there. I think that we could have a great rooftop bar
Like that's what I want is that rooftop bar right there?
I think that we could put a roller coaster like they did on New York, New York
Yes on the top of it. I think some of these were not supposed to be able to see but of course the internet made it
So this is the only thing I will agree with on Trump is that if Trump could buy them
I want that into a Trump Tower
Oh, yeah, that is what needs to be
That's what needs to be a Trump Tower if I could get that and the Vatican being a Trump Tower
He I'm actually pro him. Oh the Vatican like if all people are always asking if humanity was
Existent that stopped happening. What would you do if you're walking around? I would get on a boat. I'd go to Europe
I'd find the Vatican, walk around.
That's it, that's where you'd go.
Yeah, first and foremost.
I got a brighter side for Mormonism.
Are you ready for this?
When I used to go to Spring Break in Panama City
every year when I was in college,
they would often host free pancake breakfasts,
and I would get free pancakes every morning
thanks to the Mormons.
And then they come and they talk to you
and you know, you're so drunk you can't really pay attention.
So I thank the Mormons for the pancakes every morning
to soak up the booze from the night before.
Yeah, and that's, you know, and I,
literally until we started doing Chad Daybell
and Lori Vallow, I was like, Mormon's pancakes!
That's what I thought of them!
The most insidious indoctrination of all.
Wow, it worked on him.
All of those people handing you pancakes
probably were missionaries, and they paid to do that.
They weren't getting paid.
And they're not allowed to eat the pancakes.
He's been writing in Mitt Romney ever since.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hold on a second.
What should the Satanists cook for everybody?
Oh, I mean hot dogs.
Honestly, Satanists, we're not cooking.
We're gonna make, it'll be like a cocktail or something.
My main positive note about Mormonism
is thank you for inspiring
the incredible web series Mormon Girls.
Thank you for that work that you brought.
We would not have that if it wasn't for that.
Yeah, I couldn't, I tried to watch Big Love
like several times and I just never could do it.
Watch Mormon Girls.
Big Love is just like those numbers.
I hate that sentence.
Even though it's like three words long.
You said you love watching children.
Yeah, but I like atheist children.
And that's what we do here at Side Stories.
Yeah, I wish we could get the terms boys and girls
out of pornography in general.
Well, it's with a Z.
So that's how you know it's street smart.
Oh, okay.
So you see, it's cool that way.
They're hip, they're like taggers and skateboarders.
And then there's the Bop House.
You guys should look into the Bop House.
No, don't, no.
It's very scary because it's like a porn show, but it's for teenagers. They're like taggers and then there's the bop house. You guys should look in
Because it's like a porn so but it's for teenagers like teenagers to watch it's so weird I don't want to go down this route is
The 17 year old child and these are more
I've collabed with a 17 year old child. And these are Mormons?
No, no, no.
Sam or just bringing this up?
Sam or just bringing this up?
Just leaving.
Just brought up a, to be honest,
the capitalist part of me says, go for you girls.
The other half of me is like, get the boys out of there.
You ever see the porn version of Boys in the Hood?
It's actually, it's a bunch of Klan members.
You know, cause they're in hoods.
How is that a porn?
Oh, I mean, well.
Gay pornography.
Yeah, gay pornography.
Boys Inside of the Hood is what he's saying.
He's talking about a gay pornography film
featuring the KKK.
But that's actually pretty funny.
Do you know when I went to Dachau?
Thank you, it's funny when you got like really
Let Amber segue into Dachau.
When I went to Dachau.
Please, Annie, please, Annie. Yes, Amber, please. I can't wait. What
happened at Daco, the boys of the hood, the gay, gay, gay, gay pornography reminded you?
Made me think of, well, all the guards would rape each other. So you would have like the
– Horrible guards.
Horrible guards. The Jewish people –
Get in and watch yourselves.
No, no, no. The Jewish people. You can't even watch yourselves.
No, no, the Jewish people were like horrible,
treated badly, and then you even get to the guards,
and even then, there was a hierarchy structure,
and there's one guy raping all of them.
And that's why you listen to our show.
To learn all new stuff.
That's why you gotta go listen to someplace underneath.
I love that you can get this out on this show,
and then we don't say it on
That's the goal here for some reason they get mad when ladies say things
Yeah, you guys get a you guys definitely get an extra amount of of of flavor sent your way
But also if you weren't then you wouldn't be saying anything important
That's the thing is that and I will say to all of and I will I will defend my beautiful wife
Because I've seen the people put all of your like you said a lot of stuff about Elon Musk
And all of the boys got so angry
And I just want you to know that if you are upset about anybody criticizing Elon Musk
You're such a worthless little bitch that you should probably go fuck off
I've been I've been canceling any of my lifts that are Tesla's.
Yes, and we'll be petty.
We're gonna continue to be petty,
and just you are gonna have to suck it up, Buttercup.
Yes, Cena has a Tesla. I won't get in it.
No, no, Cena's looking to sell it.
Because we all hate it.
And so, and again, I'm not really into the black cube
on Instagram, social media.
But you know what I mean, like, I'm not into the stupid
social media protests. Ice Cube is his name. Yes, thank you. I'm know what I mean, like I'm not into the stupid social media protests.
Yes, thank you.
I'm sorry everyone.
Didn't the monkeys with Neuralink kill themselves?
I have no idea.
I don't know anything about Neuralink.
No one, don't use it yet.
It's the LDS church wanting to put chips into your brain.
Also, we also haven't really
talked about what I'm going to talk about on Side Stories
about the Scientology rise in the government as well,
which is actually in the middle of right now.
There's a whole Scientology revolution happening.
They're all getting in there.
They're really figuring it out.
It's the time for them for sure.
They are loving it right now.
Also, that guard at Dachau
that was raping all the other guards,
I heard the reason he was doing it
is because he wanted to change the name of Dachau to Cockow.
He's been thinking about that ever since you said it.
Yeah, what's it like, work makes the day better? What was that on the gate? is because he wanted to change the name of Doc out to Cockow. Yes. He's been thinking about that ever since you said it.
What's it like, work makes the day better?
What was that on the gate?
Work will set you free.
Work will set you free.
Life will not live.
Oh, you know what? We'll take that out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's fine.
Let's take that out.
Let's just take that out.
We have to end.
Now we have to end.
We're going to end this episode.
Just bleep it. Keep it in the bleep it.
Yeah, we're just going to...
Let the people imagine when Amber.
Yeah, let them know, okay?
Women are allowed to be, we need more inappropriate women
because guess what, we have a, they say in a mug.
Well behaved women rarely make history.
Yes, bitch plans.
Yes, listen to Someplace Underneath,
their series on the LDS Church is amazing.
How long is it gonna go?
We have, we've 18 episodes completed,
but it's not even close to done.
We're just getting onto the abuse.
The LDS Church is insane.
I'm sorry, but it's wild.
Are you gonna do the Catholics next?
I don't know if we have the money in the legal budget
We will go to because I have
Scientology there, you know cuz I told you is pretty litigious I've never been sued for the by the Catholics for anything LDS has only got 200 years under its belt
So it's a lot easier to cover everything that's happened so far. Yeah, the church is legacy. It's the nepo babies of religion
Yes, yeah, and just like the nepo babies
They don't cut the mustard do they we go to slash last podcast on the left give us money
Go to our tick-tock go to tick-tock on that thing. It's at LP on the left. It's not going away
No, it's where all of our horseshoots is not all of it some of the horseshoots there
It's the other horseshoots on slash LPN TV where we are live every week every other Monday
You can watch Amber and Natalie do
Yes, it's like 5 p.m
Pacific 8 p.m
Eastern and then when they are done they go onto our YouTube channel go and check it out and go to last podcast on
The to buy all of our live show tickets were better than we've been before. Yeah right now
It's a crushing I'm in Florida dot com to buy all of our live show tickets were better than we've been before. Yeah, right now. Guys are crushing it.
I'm in Florida this this whole weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
I'm in Jacksonville, Panama City, where the pancakes are and Tallahassee, Florida.
That's all it takes, Mormons.
You want to get on this good side and just bring some buckwheat to the comedy show.
Like to the comedy show.
Yeah. So if you want to come out to any of these stand up shows in Florida, please do. I just bring some buckwheat to the comedy like to the comedy show Yeah
So if you want to come out to any of these stand-up shows in Florida, please do
It's his invasive species ed Larson tours, Florida tickets are available at Eddie
Also, Amber and I have a wonderful podcast we've been doing for about 13 14 years called the brighter side
It is available on the last podcast network
If you're not listening to it, you need to it is a cynics
Look at optimism and I love doing that show with you and it's so much fun
also, we have Hoopa goo goo, which is the HGX to the Hoopa goo goo game, which is
Every other Thursday on the last podcast twitch channel LPN
TV or is it slash LPN TV and the replays are available on YouTube so make sure you check those out
You better Crescent City and Crescent City. That's the other show that my beautiful wife is on with my sister Jackie Zabrowski
Also a beautiful she's fine. We should get Jackie here and have like a big situation
Oh, so I could be completely surrounded by the women that control my life. Yes. I think that'd be great. Yes
Yeah, we'll get my wife in here, too
I'll just I'll just
Slowly fold it is nice to watch you fold. Yeah, it's good. It's better than looking at your fault
I'm sorry, Natalie. I won't apologize to Henry. I will apologize to you. She has to choose my faults.
The people like when I make fun of Henry.
I'm aware.
I am working on it.
I'm working out my tits just keep getting bigger.
Yeah man, that's how it goes.
I know. Well, see you from the land of big tits.
I've been Henry Zabrowski.
Signing off. Hail Satan. Oh, hell no buddy.