Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Charged Lemonade

Episode Date: December 6, 2023

Henry & Marcus bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news - starting off with universally loathed tyrant skeleton-man Henry Kissinger Dead at 100, The Pringles Poop Tosser of Ohio face...s charges in court, Investigation into UK Necrophile David Fuller reveals shocking new details on crimes, The US Senate's proposed UFO 'controlled disclosure plan', Arlington VA Police investigating massive residential home explosion after reports of an unhinged man firing flares from windows, a second person dies after allegedly consuming Panera's new "Charged Lemonade", "Sliders", Street Light Phenomenon, Listener Emails, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 POTATIC POTATIC HOLD, Primate Listening! It is I, New Mator, 4.79 According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee, and while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake invitations, you give it. So try our new glare from Spring Hill Jack Coffee.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Reptilian in the morning. Our proprietary blend of light-airosted coca-o-hasts will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coacca with all your slippery new aims. Yee-eeh! Thanks, honey. S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S Thanks honey No I'm cold blooded Exist bring you jack and last hot gas on the left. I'm ready to get out now and eat some babies
Starting point is 00:01:00 No place to escape to this is the last talk on the left side stories. Yeah. That's when the cannon was started. Side stories. Yeah. When are we going to get to the point and we're getting to ironic eating. Right. We're getting to ironic eating. It is beginning. I know that it's coming down the pipe and I just don't want to know. I'm afraid of the
Starting point is 00:01:31 day that it begins. There was a whole like running joke in the newest season of party down about ironic eating. There's going to get to a point where there is a restaurant that is serving bad food on purpose. Yeah, they're going to do it. I don't know, I don't know. We can't stop it. We can't stop this drink. No, it seems to be like a natural part of the death spiral of modern societies, ironic food.
Starting point is 00:01:53 We're gonna get what that happens. Mm-hmm. Once you have to eat stuff that makes you sick, I'm gonna do like, isn't this cool? Isn't this cool that I'm the only one of five guys that eat this, make me sick? And you're paying $500, the fucking meal, to eat horrible food.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It's gonna happen. They're making shoes that look specifically bad. They make it cozy and look bad. They're going to the bad generation to reproduce to close. They got rid of the little glasses for a reason kids. I would love to have some little glasses. My name is Marcus Barks. Welcome to side stories.
Starting point is 00:02:20 I'm with Henry Zabroski. What do you have against little glasses? You know, I am being, it's true. I actually, I root for the Zoomers. I want you to do good. Yes, I want you to do good, but I do know you guys are picking the wrong fashion. Make new stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Oh my God, you're 40. You're doing the same thing that people did when we were fucking wearing 70 shit. Would I like? No, I love the new stuff. I do like, there's one brand called Mischief that did the big red, like, Super love the new stuff. I do like, there's one brand called Mischief that did the big red like Super Mario boots. Those are fun because you're making actual like future clothes.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I think that's really cool. But that's still based on Super Mario brothers that came from 1985. And they're still coming at us. They're still looking for us very precious, elder millennials, check of approval. Check this. What, you got it, go work, Mishkiff.
Starting point is 00:03:05 They did a good job. But, you know, I like all the new stuff. It's just more the, it's the floppy hats. You got floppy hats. You got to be super skinny to make big wide leg jeans look good. Like, it's not the same. I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I don't know. Floppy hats. I mean, you remember I dated a floppy hat woman for years and that was like in the like 2010s. That was like 2012 or so. Floppy hats have been around since Coachella. It's true. Yeah, ever since Coachella started sucking,
Starting point is 00:03:30 that's when floppy hats have rained supreme. And also in a lot of Native American wear. Yeah, oh yeah, a lot of that. Well, they got shame did not doing that anymore, but the floppy hats remain. They do, but you know what? Again, I'm trying not to. I am being open to the Zoomers.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Just anything but bore me. That's what I say, man, dazzle me. I am being open to the Zoomers. Just anything but bore me. That's what I say, man, dazzle me. I can't wait. I want a new shit. I have a fantasy in my head that every decade I get older, I will buy one outfit that is completely utterly current just so that I can arrive in young spaces and be like, hey, kids.
Starting point is 00:04:04 You know what I mean? It just me, we're like, what? Like, do the Steve Boshemi, like me, and all the dumb children. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I thought, I, ever once in a while, like when a new trend, when a new style comes around, like I look at it and I think about it,
Starting point is 00:04:17 I like, I go to the website and I put it, I put it in my cart and I'm just about to click on it and I think I can't do that. Dude, I'm too old. I'm too old. No, you're not. You knew, wait until you're makeover episode. When we do that on this stream, my last stream in the left we're gonna be coming back.
Starting point is 00:04:33 When we come, we're going with last couple of weeks up to the holidays, but when we come back after the holiday, we're gonna do this makeover episode and I cannot wait. I can't wait for it. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm gonna show you what you look good at. I'm going to show you. You know, I'm going to have somebody else come.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yes, please have somebody come out. Somebody else come in because you know, it's just getting to be where it's it's hoodie and t-shirt every day. I look like a man who, um, right podcast, podcast, yeah, you can slowly becoming the physicalization exterior of Dan Garland at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. Anytime someone asked me what I do in LA and I say podcasts, there's never been a single person who said like, wow, that's a surprise that he's go.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Hmm. Yep. Yep. I can tell by your salo skin. I guess so. That tracks. Talking about. And your velvety deep voice.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Yes. And I'm talking about current trends. Now what we said in the last couple of weeks, again, great stories out there we're gonna get to, but we were trying to avoid some poopoo stories. And not only can that not happen, unfortunately, because we got one that we're gonna cover. It's too good.
Starting point is 00:05:37 But speaking of other trends, which I'm not gonna say we started because that makes me, that's not good. Mm-hmm. A lot of necrophilia back in the news as well. And maybe it's because of the holidays. I wouldn't say we're trend starters. I would say that we are manifestors.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yes. We manifest thing. We see this happen all the time when we do an episode on something and it gets a particularly good response from our listeners. We notice that those things tend to show up in the news immediately after in one way or another. We're not doing this on purpose.
Starting point is 00:06:10 We don't know why it's like this. It happens a lot. Like last week, again, the side stories curse, those second, the episode comes out and ReKissinger fucking dies. And we just got, we didn't get to say fuck him. But so here's that. No, fuck him. I got, Henry Kissinger. Like I've got I'm actually on a text chain with like two old friends of mine from college. And I just got a text while I was at the comic book store
Starting point is 00:06:34 that just said Henry Kissinger is dead in all caps exclamation points. And then we just talked about how fucking awful Henry Kissinger was for a while. It was very it was freeing. I texted my wife. Unfortunately, it's like Henry Kissinger. Holy shit, Henry Kissinger was for a while. It was very, it was freeing. I texted my wife. Like, unfortunately, it's like, Henry Kissinger, oh, he did Henry Kissinger's finally dead and she just texted back, yay! I mean, unfortunately, it took 100 years. A hundred years. And that shows the power of perival.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah, and how if you just never change and you just believe your right, because that's what it is. It's the stress for your life. Yeah, I'm not giving an absolute shit what you're doing because you're just thinking about yourself And you're your own career goals and he was also quite a womanizer. I Kind of like that about him. That's the best app so far. That's the best thing I've heard about it I'd put Kissinger if you're we're talking like top 10 most evil people of the 20th century
Starting point is 00:07:23 He might be in the top five. I mean, of course, you've got, you got your Hitler. You got your Stalin. You got your mouth. You got your unmovable goat. You can't do anything about a man because that's your Jordan. Scottie Miphan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Yeah, top three. Even Jordan had to have the mustache. Yeah, he had to do it. Just to show he's the number one evil. I'm the number one Michael Jordan. Yeah, but then you got your Paul pot. But of course, Paul pot is closer to it related to your Henry Kissinger. Very much so.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yeah, very much so. Cambodia. I mean, this is the man who prolonged the Vietnam War long past when it was supposed to end just because it was good politically. Yes. I mean, this is a man who does not, did not, did not. Did not. Did not, did not, Kissinger did not give a fuck about anybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Destroyed countless lives. And directly millions upon millions of lives destroyed or affected or fucked up. He's dead. And it's just the ripples of evil that this man put out. He's finally dead. Dead motherfuckers. Here's what I'm thinking. Here's what I'm hoping.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I mean, I know I'm not original. And. No, and the Henry Kissinger hate. I mean, I know I'm not original in, but Henry Kissinger hate is not like, you know, the sonic youth of hate. But what I'm getting to is I know I'm not original in saying that nothing's been quite right ever since David Bowie died. Sure. After David Bowie died in January 2016,
Starting point is 00:08:39 everything has kind of seemed off. Right. Yeah, you know, we're doing fine. But what I'm thinking is that maybe Henry Kissinger's death is a sort of book in, of a strange period in the 21st century. I think it's a great thing to talk about in the bus stop. And I think that'll help. I think you'll connect to a lot of guys out there that live next to a dumpster.
Starting point is 00:09:02 The fucking balance of the universe, man, has been off. Cause like Bowie's gone, he was such like a fucking like trippy, hip, good energy in the universe. And like super bummer, super bummer energy. No, there's a woman with a gen in her pussy right now that I could introduce you to you guys can really hit it off. But no, I agree. I agree. Yeah. I mean, I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah. I mean, I don't know about the idea of like, because David Bowie, he didn't want this responsibility either. He gave us, he didn't want us to deal with the aftermath of his death. That's why he made Black Star, because he wanted to give us something. So that's why like I'm not gonna put everything
Starting point is 00:09:39 that happened on him. Oh no, you know, he was sick. But that's the thing, man, is that like power only belongs to people who do not want it. I mean, David Bowie did not want the power. And yet he wielded it like a wonderful sort of light in re Kissinger power hungry, evil motherfucker lived to be a hundred years old. That's how that works. That is how that works. So good out there and conquer somebody guys. If you That's my new long life, like tip. If you just get out there, conquer, rip it up,
Starting point is 00:10:08 don't care about the consequences. You know what, no one, I don't know if anyone... I should be in a blue zone, at Blue Zones show. I don't know if anyone's ever tried that, it's like a cancer treatment. If you've lived a great life and you like get bone cancer suddenly, try being a shitty person for a while
Starting point is 00:10:22 and see if it works. See what happens? See what happen. You never know. Now, guys, uh, this next story is continuing themes. So unfortunately, we were not going to talk about poop away. We weren't. And I didn't want to talk about poop anymore. I'll talk about poop all day long, but yes, I understand that not everyone likes to talk about poop all day. But then this I want to talk about poop all day long. But yes, I understand that not everyone likes to talk about poop-po everyday. But then this story just comes, and there's nothing that we can do fucking about it
Starting point is 00:10:50 because it is our duty here. Right, so this is the story this comes from WKBN. That comes. In Columbus, Ohio. In Columbus, Ohio, Epstein country. Oh, Ohio lawyers sanction over feces filled potato chip can. Now, the reason why we're covering the story is not Ohio lawyer sanctioned over a feces filled potato chip can now. The reason why we're covering the stories, not because of the poop.
Starting point is 00:11:09 We're not getting them the granular details of the poop. And it's because of it's one of my favorite excuses I've heard in a while. Yeah. I know I own the attorney. It's got a license to spend it, which is good, except because he threw a potato can to read a chip can. It's a Pringles can fill with this shit into the parking lot of a victim advocacy center called Haven of Hope. It's awful, right? And he said they were like, well,
Starting point is 00:11:34 you know, we have all this videotape of you shitting to a Pringles can throwing it over a fence into the poopu area over here now designated as a poopu area and he said that is I can't fucking believe that you would even think that I would do something like that. He said yes, I do have a habit of placing my waist in a potato chip can't and randomly throwing it from his car, but how dare you think I would remotely even imagine to throw this into the haven of hope area, which is the victim advocacy group that is working with the client that I am in a court case against. So I can't believe how would you think that? How would you think? Oh, would you possibly think that? No, he said that unfortunately that was his drop zone that day.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And he's just and that's the thing is the thing is he was just at work already. For again, but I didn't know how we got to the advocacy center. Well, yeah, I mean, it might have just been on his way to work, but the thing is, it's one of those things where you admit to a lesser crime so you can get away with the big crime because he says, yeah, do I should in Pringle's camp? Yeah, I asked my daughter, asked my can. Yeah, I should. Ask my daughter. Ask my secretary. Of course I do. I shouldn't Pringles can all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I'm a busy guy. I'm on the go. What I do, I love Pringles. I'm recycling. This is my version of composting. Because that's the incredible part about it is how many Pringles do you have to eat where you have enough empty Pringles cans around
Starting point is 00:13:03 to fill said Pringles can with shit every time you need to vacate your bow. I want to look up what this guy looks like and then decide because I think that if you look at this guy and you could tell because I my first bet you eat that whole thing. You eat that whole thing. I don't think he's I don't think he's just gonna waste the chips. Jake Blake see nope they got his thing. Oh, his office is closed.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Oh, with him, no, but while you're looking that up, I mean, the thing is, look at this guy. This is the guy. Oh my God, he doesn't look like he eats that many pringles at all. Yeah, wow, what a fucking bitch. I think they eat.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I don't believe that man. I think he's wasting pringles. Man does not eat, that. What a fucking bitch. I think that he, I don't believe that. He's wasting Pringle. That man does not eat. That is not a man who eats as enough pringles to make a habit of shitting in Pringle cans and throwing it around town in random places. It's a random thing. Maybe this is where we're being bigoted. And we don't think that a, I'm going to say bigoted against rich fancy looking people. Yeah, that we think that he wouldn't take down an entire Pringles can just to shudder it because I am gonna say I'm gonna throw some I'm gonna cast some down. I don't think he does this all the time. I don't think this is a regular. No, I think that he did it one time. And he for some reason thought that this was gonna work. I do think he ate the entire can of Pringles.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I'm gonna call that. I think he ate the entire can of Pringles. I think looking at where he was gonna shit, probably building up the shit. Right, yeah. Yeah, fucking yeah. They say once you pop, the fun on stop, guess what, it's definitely not gonna stop.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Not for me. Now Mr. Pupu Blakesy. That's me, no one knows. But then he, uh, my, the other thing I'm part of this is, it's the whole, um, over the can, into the, having the poop go into the Pringles can. So you just put that right up against your whole. Yeah. Because that's what I'm thinking is that it has to be mostly empty. Yeah, right? But does it? We're not supposed to do
Starting point is 00:15:11 this. Is it just come out? Like in my mind, is it just come out? All right, well, all right. So sometimes mine goes everywhere. Right? And sometimes it's a per professional unit. You need to start taking prebiotics. Oh, yeah, no, but no, I'm mostly per professional upright. Exactly as you want it. Postes stamp version, right? It normally comes out. I've been really good.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Just a little, like a little submarine. Yeah, same here. Now, the thing is that if you bring those old items, you're stressed. Yeah. Like, I guess it's just wild to me. Personally, I know when it's gonna be, I know when there's gonna be like an area.
Starting point is 00:15:55 When you, just, I guess you just, I guess it's when all the chips have to go, I don't know why, I guess there's like a physics thing that I don't particularly understand. Or like, I know with the pressure of it, like, how do you keep it in? Like, you just, nothing it's gonna go. I guess it doesn't come out like a fire hole.
Starting point is 00:16:09 No, I know exactly where my butthole is. I know exactly where I'd put the Pringle scan in order to let it slide in there. I mean, if I'm doing that in the first place, I'm not gonna be worried about getting shit on my hands. I'm not gonna be too precious with that. So knowing I can't have shit into a victim's advocacy, like Park and Lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Throwing a can of shit into a victim's advocacy,
Starting point is 00:16:27 my park and lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's not. He's having a bad, yeah, he's having an off day. So he's not really worried about it. My question though is, do you think that he put the top back on the can before throwing it into the victim's advocacy center?
Starting point is 00:16:40 I would say yes if you know anything about pipe bombs, we have to build pressure on the inside. So you do need to cap it doesn't work unless there's a cap. Yeah. So I don't know whether or not, because I would say, again, if I'm doing it, and I'm not, if I'm not, you haven't, I'm not doing it there, but I'll go to DC where you shit in the can, right? I think if you're tossing it over a structure,
Starting point is 00:17:05 you need the top on. Yeah, I'm thinking so. Yeah, because otherwise it might, it's gonna get everywhere. It's gonna get everywhere and then, you know, the whole effect. And then you're just, but on the other hand, now you're just literally,
Starting point is 00:17:14 isn't finding a shit smeared Pringlescan just as bad as finding a shit filled Pringlescan? I would argue no. I would say that shit smeared, you're like, that's this could happen anybody. But if it's, feel, there's intent. Oh, yeah. That's a message.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah, that is true. That is true. But he has got his license currently suspended. So that didn't work out for him. His law license or his driver's license. His law license. I because that was that's not how a lawyer's supposed to behave. What's incredible is that the decision by the high court to suspend his license wasn't
Starting point is 00:17:48 unanimous. No, I can't. There's at least a couple guys been like, now for those of you that first who have not committed this sin, you may cast the first stone. Like none of us have. And he's just like, what if I have committed this sin three times? I think, all right, sir. Sure, justice are Patrick DeWine.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Oh, wow. That was the guy who voted against it. Yeah, it says that justice are Patrick DeWine concurred in judgment only. Huh? He did not join the opinion, but he just was there in judgment. Maybe he was taking a shit.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah. That's the other thing is I think he definitely, he was, he had to have like bought the Pringles in order to eat them and shit in the Pringles can and throw it because otherwise, when they're just shit in the store where you buy the Pringles. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I don't know why you do. I guess it's because you want it hot. You want a hot. You want to fresh off the presents. So that's our poopy story for the week. For the week. And just don't do that. Sure. That's my lesson to you. Don't do that unless you're just shitting in Pringles cans.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And do it all day. And let's just doing it. You just get on it. Yeah. Absolutely. Don't involve anyone else. Yeah. Yeah, keep it for you and your family. All right. Um, now another thing that didn't stay in the family. It's another recurring theme. The last fucking month. Necrophilia. Yeah. This guy does not have a friendly mug shot.
Starting point is 00:19:10 He is upset. Does not want to be in the police station. Former banner health employee, or Edson, after glad you said it in appropriate conduct with a corpse. And this is according to man, only in Tucson. Well reported by Tucson, a curtain phoenix. Oh, by the time I get to phoenix, you that corpse better be warm. Now, I guess it doesn't get warm unless you put it in the oven. A former security guard at Banner University Medical Center, phoenix was arrested in his facing charges of crimes
Starting point is 00:19:43 against a dead person. So again, it's one of the states where it's illegal, which is good. Now, he said they, they, two witnesses believe they saw this man inside of the, with the morgue area. He goes with the name of Randall Bird. And so they saw him in the morgue. Randy bird. Randy bird. Yeah, you know, I like them not tweeting. Um, we, uh, he said that he said he was, he was sweating profusely. He was acting very nervously. Found him. This guy works in corpse intake. He's secured a guard and he helps the corpses go in there. And they said his uniform was messy and his pants were in zip. Now this guy actually had
Starting point is 00:20:21 a pretty credible excuse. I said, he said that he was in there and he just so happened to have a medical episode where she collapsed, he fainted. He grabbed the victim's body as he fell, pulled it off. I think happened to open it up, happened to disrobe sections of the body in the flurry. And then in such a hurry and such a panic as the body fell on top of him, he lifted it up and he put it back on the thing, which is why he says you can find his calm on there. Which seems to really
Starting point is 00:20:56 be the smoking gun really does. And also the fact that he was sweating profusely inside the freezer. He could have a glandular issue. He might have. It's really the come. It's really the come. And what's interesting about this is the age of the body.
Starting point is 00:21:13 79. Oh yeah. He's 46, good old Randy Burr. Oh God, I just, maybe, I don't know man. Everyone makes me upset. As you look at this guy, say, yeah, he doesn't look happy himself. He looks like he's not super satisfied
Starting point is 00:21:29 with his current situation. He looks terrifying. And he looks like a man who is ready to get a lot of shit in jail for going to prison for necrophilia. He looks like he's practicing his tough look. Oh, so I'm gonna roll this back a second. Do you think it would have been better if the corpse was younger?
Starting point is 00:21:47 I think it's interesting that the corpse was older. But you mean like you would you think it would be more like you get it more? If the corpse was something you'd find physically attractive. Not me personally. I'm talking about Randy Bird. But you're just saying, so you're saying he's desperate? You're saying this guy? I'm saying like he's just like, because that's what I tell him is that if he was going to go have fuck with the seven, fuck the 79 year old person's corpse, I'd be like, I have a little patience
Starting point is 00:22:17 there, buddy. There's actually a NCAA tournament coming through and sometimes they have problems with their a-ordis. Well, if I make it serious for a second, I might give you my reasoning behind that. Great. Well, a lot of guys that sexually assault old ladies, it's something that happens with fair regularity guys breaking to old ladies' homes.
Starting point is 00:22:42 They sexually assault them. It's not good. No, it's fucking horrible, but a lot of the reason why they do that is because those old ladies are the most vulnerable women in our society. But this is just a corpse. This is just exactly that. This corpse is just as vulnerable as any other corpse. It could be a general, it could be a fucking cockroach spaniard.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Exactly. Which tells me that this 46-year- old man might have some sort of geriatric fetish. I think it's got to do with the corpse. I think they he wanted the corpse. There was any corpse. Any corpse would do. It was just so happen that he was caught with the 79 year old corpse and he may have, you
Starting point is 00:23:19 know, performed such actions previously on corpses of all ages. If you look at the guy that again, to bring him up again, that is truly one of the most prolific necrophilia. So we know about David Fuller. He was across the board. He was. It's across the board. And I actually have seen that yes, there are people we talked about this on our episode.
Starting point is 00:23:37 They do have types that they seek in terms of their necrophiliac impulses. They have things that they want to they have a terms of their necrophiliac impulses. They have things that they want to, they have a type of corpse. They want to be around and be with, but I don't think that, I think largely beggars can't be chosen. I think so, but David Fuller. So a full British government order inquiry
Starting point is 00:23:59 came out a couple of days ago about David Fuller. We covered him on our necrophiliac episode. He was a guy who murdered two women in the 90s, wasn't caught for that crime, or he murdered two women in the 80s, and wasn't caught for that crime until 2020. And he was fully in the Necrofilia game up until 2020, 15 years he was doing that shit.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Yeah, dude. Yeah, 15 years from 2005 to 2020. It was a old head. But concerning his type, the only corpses that he passed over were corpses with infection who had died from some sort of infection. Well, those really could get you sick or people who had died from COVID. Wow. Show as he masking does work.
Starting point is 00:24:46 That's incredible. Yeah, I mean, he actually, he would go through the logs and he would see how each person died. And if someone was like COVID. You're like, ew. No. No. Or it's like, oh, man, it's like fucking,
Starting point is 00:24:57 it's like opening your door dash app. Like, you really want that Vietnamese sandwich. You didn't realize that it closed 15 minutes ago. And like, oh, man. Yeah, man you didn't realize that it closed 15 minutes ago. You're like, oh man. Yeah, man. Yeah, because I think that he was otherwise, he didn't have a lot of screwpals. No, he had no screwpals.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Nine to a hundred, nine years old to a hundred years old, that was the range of his victims. So, he had largely has to do with the being corpses. Yes, for him, it had absolutely, there was absolutely no real discerning between discerning over who his victims are actually going to be. But they are also, they're going to figure out how to fix these loopholes because basically the main thing, we talked a little bit about it. I want to say a couple of sides stories
Starting point is 00:25:37 ago. You did last one about they, they're basically saying, we need to figure this out. Yeah. Uh, it seems like a lot of gaps in our system that allow these guys to kind of just show up like basically the main thing seems to be that they came back after they did the big study was like, we can't allow people. We don't know to be with the corpse. Um, which is I hope so. I mean, again, we don't care what happens to our corpses when you die. You can suck my dick. You can fucking chop off my head. I don't know. But mine's gonna be in a tomb. So you're gonna have to get to it. Yeah. Me too. Mine's gonna be in a grave. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But this guy, I mean, as far as just letting people in and out, like he occasionally came to the mortuary to do maintenance on the refrigerator system. So he was like kind of a face, but he entered the department on his own. In one year, he entered 444 times. Yeah. That's some days multiple times a day. on his own in one year he entered 444 times. That's some days multiple times a day.
Starting point is 00:26:28 He would leave and come back and leave and come back. Yeah, he had a lot of time. I actually I would imagine those were the days when he was actually doing work because he had to go out to his truck and get stuff. He might have. Either way, it's not good. We got to talk about these people.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Show them a corpse and put the thing. Remember, you ever saw that, a special about how they were rehabilitating pedophiles? So what they would do is, I've talked about this on the show before, but they would basically to see how far you along you were in your treatment. They would tie a little lasso-like instrument to the variant of your cock. They would put unicubical and show you videos of like kids getting blasted with hoses, eating fish, it's bad, I'm just the idea of like, who's signing these kids up for this b-roll? I mean like what horrible age is somewhere
Starting point is 00:27:15 within Hollywood that is like setting up these videos? And then they basically, no, no, it's just for commercials. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you buy this online. True probably, you buy it from a stock footage website. I imagine. Absolutely. commercial. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that you're just this idea that you are not in control of your impulses so much. You're so afraid of your impulses, which is a union psychology is all about being afraid of the shadow and embracing it, understanding that it's a part of your life, that it's
Starting point is 00:27:56 not something to be scared of, but you just have to know that your brain's going to make you, you might say a bunch of fucked up shit and you have to understand it's just a thought. Oh, yeah. Um, that's bad. That's horrible. You want to be there. That's a terrible way to live your life, my God. Yeah, that's why. Again, milfs.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Surround yourself with milfs. They're like, oh, I see his milfs. They're all ever there everywhere. All right. So, uh, I wanted to speak of milfs, but I got nothing here. I wish I did. Um, now this next story, I wanted to show this you live. Should I do first? The problem is that one's a nothing burger story that I wanted to cover next,
Starting point is 00:28:32 which is the UAP congressional hearing. They're going back deeper into this idea. They're trying to create a UAP, I get sort of like a transparency act that old Chuckishrooms was working on for a period of time to get the United States government to create a more streamlined open process to find out what are people saying what do they mean when they say that these UIPs are everywhere and they're all over our military and what are we doing about it? And they have got it at act and it's probably not going to go anywhere. Of course. And David Grush is really mad. Of course. Of course. He's really mad because he stuck his neck out. He did everything he could, but you know, they're talking about their, I feel it was a term I saw that was called catastrophic disclosure.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I've heard that is being floated around now, which is people now asking for people to go like, fuck you, but to spill all the government secrets, which is, I just think is not going to go well. No, I don't think so either But we'll see what happens. Yeah, I actually heard some theories about people saying that like if disclosure were to happen Then that would be the sort of trigger on like whatever alien Civilization is buzziness and fucking with this and all that as soon as we disclose it and everyone sees that the game is and they see that the game is up They just fucking demolish us and wipe us out the game is and they see that the game is up. They just fucking demolish us and wipe us out.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I feel like they don't give a shit. Yeah, I feel like that. My feeling is that they are there and they are a part of our life. They're so deeply fully embedded already. Like let's say we go to the very top of David Grush's new revelations, which is aliens are amongst us and we deal with them. Oh, I didn't know that he had come that far. Yes He is now saying that they are here in the government and
Starting point is 00:30:10 You're also but I had the same realization that I had when I was like when I used to get hyper fixated on Reality being a hologram. No, it's just being like Well seems to be working Like I do believe still there. I, you know, reality is thin. It's the old saying is like, what does that have to do with the price of fish? Yeah, it's fucking, it's like, I still go, I got work, I got to do these ads, I got to do it. I'm still alive continues to roll on.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So I will philosophically muse upon it. But like, if there are aliens out there and they're in their government, they've been there for a while. Yeah. And I feel like the way they know to not react is to not react. So in the government, you mean like in government jobs are like senators.
Starting point is 00:30:54 No idea. Across the book. God knows. I don't know. So like poop, poop, booties, you might be an alien. You're up. I think you're the side. Are you my bad alien? be an alien. I think you're saying I you might be an alien. He, uh, how you feel like it's,
Starting point is 00:31:09 we'll see. I think a lot of you want me to get more wrapped in like kind of crazy about this, get the pan fluke's going, but there's, there's a part of me that believes that we're still not going to be allowed to see whatever the fuck this whole picture is. No, and it's not about the government not telling us because the whole picture is a fucking galactic worldview reality consensus shield, baby thing, baby, that we don't understand. And you know what I mean? It's one of those where we have to like, we just don't understand what we're in. We're fish in water. Don't that mean walking around in reality and we don't know what the reality is. Yeah. Well, I'm going to pull it out as far as disclosure goes,
Starting point is 00:31:48 quibona, I mean, really, who benefits from disclosure? Nobody. Nobody. As far as being in the government, nobody benefits from disclosure. Because it's all the shit is tied into it. If this is real, if we always say 1%% is real that there is a gigantic bison team secret government structure that has been working on this for a long time. You think now they're like, oh, you showed a couple of videos. We've been doing this for a long time. We probably
Starting point is 00:32:15 sent them to you and we don't even remember. We probably leaked them to you and we don't even remember because we don't want to deal with all of you guys burning everything down if these things just show up We are like we're trying to stay ahead of it Let me put myself into a brain of a guy deep in the NSA who's doing his job really hard And he hates it everybody's judging him and he's sitting there being like you don't think we're trying to figure out How to get our heads around this fucking shit. I got to deal with Charles Schumer I literally got to deal with these guys. They know it as any idea. He's fucking the government is saying it's like Hail Mary like literally it's the mother Mary like it's fucking Jesus Christ coming out of his soul
Starting point is 00:32:55 It's fucking shit his face shit. What am I doing here? What are we gonna do? I thought I didn't know we were gonna get there We did get there. I just did get there. It is it is the truth. I didn't know we were gonna get there. We did get there, I just get there. We did get there. It is the truth. I don't know. Or is it some big sinister plot and we got, then David Grasch has got to, he's gonna solve it on Rogan.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I think, like I don't know. I don't know. I mean, just as frustrated as everybody else. Well, I think it's just more down to the point of like why would a senator give any more than 10 minutes time to this when they're too fucking busy trying to figure out how to get kickbacks for putting a military installation in their fucking district? Who gives a shit? I don't know, like they-
Starting point is 00:33:34 That's where they're everyone's saying that they don't care. They don't bend- Nobody in the government benefits from disclosure, so why would anyone give 10 minutes time to it when they don't benefit? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe they again, it's just some longer con game we're dealing with China and Russia, but again, that's past my pay grade. Yeah. And I know that it's just fucking dead.
Starting point is 00:33:54 We don't got anything to worry about anymore. Yeah, we got them. Yeah. I'm not great. All right. This is all right. I want to do this other story. Now, this story is a good old fashion. So, this story, I want to do this other story. Now, this story is a good old fashioned. So, you know, UAP stuff will never be wrapped up. We're gonna be doing this for our lives. Next story. So, this, it's just how it's gonna be.
Starting point is 00:34:18 What I love about this next story is that it is one of those stories that you're like, is this the ending of a movie that we don't know the rest of the plot to yet? All right, because this guy, we don't even know what the fuck happened. We don't really know what's going on right now,
Starting point is 00:34:36 but it does happen in Arlington County, Virginia, which I believe is the fancy part of where people go to hang out outside of Washington, DC, it's a very fancy house, a house explosion, rocks neighborhood near Washington DC. Now, knowing there were, the police had arrived to, uh, to serve on a search warrant. So apparently cops got a call.
Starting point is 00:34:59 This guy was sending, I guess apparently, I'm gonna say man, but I don't know yet. We don't know who the identity of the person. There we do. His name's James U56. I thought that they had stopped that. Just came. Well, it's posted on CNN as of an hour ago. Okay, so all of this brand new news. So everything will be different tomorrow. So this guy was apparently shooting flares and out of his home into other neighborhoods. He was shooting these flares out. The cops arrived.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Is it something like 85 shots of flares? Cops arrive. He is barricaded inside. This person is barricaded himself inside of his own home. We believe it is this person. He start to hear shots going on from inside the house. Now this was in the 800 block of North Burlington Street. The cops called up the guy.
Starting point is 00:35:49 They were there, stayed outside and they're living, but like, you know what the loudspeakers are like, come out, come out. This is for four hours. And then an 825, this happens. They're outside, you can see. Whoa! Fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Shit! This thing is, that was a big ass explosion. That was a cartoon level. Like, if you watch it close, you see that front door goes in a solid straight line out. Yeah. The roof just lifts in a solid piece off the top of it. Wherever, whatever that guy did, he probably cut up.
Starting point is 00:36:24 You must have just pulled the gas line. We can see like the left side of the house explodes and the rest of it collapses. It was and you very, I very rarely see an explosion of this size in a domestic situation. Oh, that's a beautiful like, this is a very fancy neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It's a very fancy neighborhood. It's like not too far away from like the Macalister's neighborhood and homelong. Very similar. It's got that same feel to it. It could be in the next door neighbor. Stop, fuck it. So pit.
Starting point is 00:36:55 So pit. But there is more information on this man now. And we're starting to find out exactly what his motivations were. Oh, you listed his address in multiple linked end posts. He did? He's yes, which are filled with rambling and at times incoherent conspiracy theories against government officials, law enforcement media outlets. And in one post from Friday, his neighbors, who he accused of being spies and collecting
Starting point is 00:37:23 his information for unnamed handlers. Oh, so he's not, he wasn't doing good. Oh, so there's no, he didn't do this for fun and profit. He didn't do this because it was a meme. I would venture to guess that a stockpile blew up. I would venture to guess that this man had stockpiled a lot of shit for various reasons.
Starting point is 00:37:50 And you said that he spent hours firing flares out of his windows, I got a feeling that he might have had a palette of flares. And one of us did that. Yeah, dude, you fucking get a bunch of flares all at once. Yes, it can, if you get enough of them in explosion like that, I'm sure. So right now, dude, you fucking get a bunch of flares all at once. Yes, it can if you get enough of them an explosion like that Sure, so right now yes, if you'll notice when it does a good when when you're looking at the aftermath of the explosion You see these flare like
Starting point is 00:38:14 More things come by flying out. Yeah, you see these flare-like objects Unless he just had them in there and he just the whole house went and they're because it looks like a gas explosion We'll get there Holy shit. But the way, yeah, you can see you can see all these flares coming out. Look at all those flares. Wow, you can't see all the flares coming out. So I think, and you can see the way it like blasts out forward first.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Like there's this huge blast forward and a blast and it turned blue. It's a gender reveal. That's incredible. I know it's fucking his massive, massive box of flares blew up and probably blew up something else in the fucking process. All right, here we, this is what it's saying right here. We know that he was the owner of the house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And they are fairly certain it might be him because of the aforementioned posts, right? The idea is that he is sending federal lawsuits against his ex-wife. He posted, yeah, all of the paranoid rants in 2018, he filed a 163-page federal lawsuit against his then-wife, younger sister and a hospital. Um, yeah, so yeah, biographical details. Yeah, putting it against as well. Um, you referenced many attempts to contact the FBI. Yeah, I thought looking good for him, but they have not yet identified the human remains that they found in the home. No, but I, if I were, if I were to guess, I mean, this is gonna be my speculation. We'll see if maybe I'm sure the bomb score, what is the arson department, the fire department,
Starting point is 00:39:51 the fire marshal, the inspector is gonna tell us exactly what happened, but I put my money on flare explosion. Flares, and honestly, maybe help a little gas, be surprised, don't do it, guys. It's really very dangerous. Yeah, very much so. That's a fucking, that story, fucking. That little gas. You surprised. Don't do it, guys. It's really very dangerous. Yeah, very much so. That's a fucking, that story fucking. That's just one of those.
Starting point is 00:40:08 You see that explosion and you just like, you forget you should never, you don't know your neighbors. You know, like you don't know anybody. You don't know what they're going to do. Everybody's fucking nuts. I mean, I know my neighbors. They're both, they're all very nice people. You only know someone as much as they'll let you know them.
Starting point is 00:40:24 That is true. Like know them that is true Like supposed that's true. I mean I tell I'm looking my eyes one Do I know you know me? I am curious That's one thing I know about you all right in the final this final story Talk about being curious because I haven't had this yet now.. All right, and the final story. Talk about being curious, because I haven't had this yet. Now I'm fucking afraid to.
Starting point is 00:40:47 This is side stories premium. This is right down the fucking pipe. And, because we covered a lot of food-based crime here. Sure. Right? The fact that Subway is still not telling us what's in the tuna. We don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:41:01 They say it's protein. It's protein, right? Still don't know. You know, the bread's plastic, subway. Sure. Right? You know, you know, this is fucking really crazy. Now, a lawsuit is blaming on a, this is on Panera bread. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And I like Panera bread. It's fine. It's good. It's good if you're, if you need it. Right? Like I like it, but I don't mind it. I like the freshly made sandwich. If you need sustenance, it's fine. It's good. It's good if you're, if you need it, right? Like I like it, but I don't mind it. I like the freshly made sandwich. If you need sustenance, yeah, I don't mind it. You know, but this charged lemonade has, they, again, we're putting it all together,
Starting point is 00:41:37 but it's killed two people, which is the most that lemonade has ever killed anybody without there being poisoned inside. Allegedly. Allegedly. Allegedly. And one thing to argue that there is inadvertently poison inside of this. It's a lot of it. It's just it's complicated. It's just the fast food-based crime. So we have to cover it. Now, this drink, so they are serving a new drink called charged lemonade, which I have not seen. Apparently barely, it just sits amongst the lemonade, right? So you have it varies, if you go to a panero bread,
Starting point is 00:42:08 if you're not lucky enough to have had a lot of experience inside of a panero bread, right? A lot of options, drink options. It's nice, one of them is charged lemonade. Doesn't stay on it that it's an energy drink. But this thing is more than just an energy drink. This thing has, now like, I find it to be, this is very interesting.
Starting point is 00:42:25 It is at 390 milligrams of caffeine. This is one. This is a large, this is a large 30 fluid ounce. Yes. A large charge lemonade has 390 milligrams caffeine, which is the equivalent of a red bull and a monster energy drink plus the equivalent of nearly 30 teaspoons of sugar. Now, do I believe it should be illegal for them to offer it? No, no, because that's our right as Americans. Yeah, to make our hearts beat fast enough to explode out of our days. Days listen to us. That guy, James, you, whatever his name was, he was a probably adiponera bread at some point,
Starting point is 00:43:02 writing an angry, expletive rant on LinkedIn and enjoying a charge lemonade. I wouldn't separate that from him. I wouldn't either. And you know, it really is our right as Americans to have the most horrible energy drinks possible. We want WWE too. But we also, we know how to police ourselves. We changed the fucking formula to for loco.
Starting point is 00:43:22 We changed it from the original and super dangerous version that makes it really violent. We changed it ourselves without Congress having to get involved. Oh, it took, was four or five people died. Right, in the process. And we listened to the customer. Yeah, they did. They're like, we're killing you.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. But this poor man, Dennis Brown, um, he, he drank, he drank three of them. Uh, three lords suffered a fatal cardiac arrest. Now, the belief is that he has an undecided, according to this is an unspecified chromosomal deficiency. Uh, he has disability, is a mild intellectual disability. He lived independently. He worked on his own and, but this is a problem. He said straight up, I can't have energy drinks, high blood pressure. Yeah. This is really where the sort of lawsuit comes in is that it's not labeled an energy
Starting point is 00:44:12 drink. Yeah. It's just labeled as a lemonade. And so you might not know that it's an energy drink when you're drinking it and that you're just thinking you're sucking out a bunch of lemonade because I'm like if you if the audience saw What I do to a cold brew now you'd call the hospital. Yeah, you know, I mean like cuz I drink up I'll drink to Trentus like that. Yeah, you get a lot of it in you I put slut. I suck it in and I've been I have to pace myself
Starting point is 00:44:40 I literally have to say like I'm like I, like I have to go to Henry, stop. No. Right? Because I'm driving myself literally insane. Like I'm literally going nuts. But he didn't and you shouldn't have to die. For Pinarello, Brad. No, not for a drink. No amount of a drink you have at a fast food chain. Yeah. Should kill you immediately. No, it should just wait. It should take years. It should take a really long time. You should have diabetes first. And then and then guess what?
Starting point is 00:45:09 You also help health care economy. Yeah. And then you get to help all these other hospice care economy. You're helping us. You're helping the rest. Yeah. But if you're dying on your way home from the Pinarab Red,
Starting point is 00:45:18 that's not helping anybody. You know, that's not doing anything. Poor man. I feel so bad. I feel so bad for. But there's a truth is that it's doing anything poor man. I feel so bad for so bad for but there's Truth is that it's number two. Yeah, that's fucked up Right, yeah, because all it took was that one time for that old woman to get her pussy burned off
Starting point is 00:45:34 Yeah, right cuz that was bad one We know that that was super super bad the McDonald's lawsuit. You're talking about yeah And and her vagina was saved eventually it went back to Factory Yeah, and and and her vagina was saved eventually. It went back to the factory. If right. It went back to work after it was fused together by the the scalding hot coffee that was important to her lap. This is kind of crazy. So the other person who died,
Starting point is 00:45:56 there's a college student who drank Panera bread, charged with lemon, acericats, who had a heart condition. And this is, she gets to a point where, which is all this very sad, but do we need like a capital X dream drink at just a sandwich place? Like a place, because the one chip challenge
Starting point is 00:46:19 is killing people too. Yeah, right? So I also believe in that you know it's open, you don't have to drink the charged lemonade. It's not becoming the new water, but you don't know that it's charged. You don't know this. Look at the up the energy. So it does it. It says up the energy, but I don't think people understand that it's like, it's a lot of energy. Yeah. Because it sticks to these tubs of
Starting point is 00:46:41 other lemonade. So unless you happen to notice, because I think you could just get a normal cup and fill it with that. And yeah, you almost have to, don't drink it. Don't drink it. Nobody drink it. Because I mean, unless, of course, some people, they need their monster. They need their rock star, right?
Starting point is 00:46:57 I do understand you're working hard. You got there, you got to get your little jump. But see what you're putting in your body because it's the fucking hell you. Incredible things that Panera's taking, like, Panera's taking no responsibility at all. They just, cause I, I can see why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Cause you're like, it's there. It's just a drink, but you just have to, I think it's more important for us as troubadours, storytellers, to make sure our audience knows, right? You gotta protect yourself. Yeah. Because lemonade tastes delicious. Lemonade's absolutely delicious.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I love lemonade, especially when it's hot outside. You know, it's one of my favorite things in the face of the planet, but you gotta really just think about yourself first. I mean, Panera bread is saying, we view this lawsuit, which was filed by the same firm as the previous claim to be equally without merit.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Pinarist stands firmly by the safety of our product. Oh yeah, I don't, because again, you can have one. And you're vaguely fine, you're crazy. I feel like you're bright, but just be careful because if you have a hard condition, you're gonna really fuck you up. They did put signs up afterwards though. And they put something up in their website.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Good, that's great. Good, we're doing something. But it's just wild to me. It's just wild that you can, you can have a thing that can kill people. Just I had a sandwich shop. It's a sandwich shop. Yeah. Just sitting there waiting because it, I guess if you have that much caffeine, it does a must-fuel manifesto. Like this is not, that is not a get up up and go I guess if you're dealing with kids You might be super fucking super tired. Yeah, but I would man if I drink that I'd have a fucking panic attack
Starting point is 00:48:31 I'd lose my mind. Yeah, and I'd wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. All I did was drink lemonade. Yeah Oh God, I got fucking I call my I call my psychiatrist. Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah. I'm having uncontrollable panic attacks that make me feel like I'm gonna die. Oh, again, fucking like, up the roll, yeah. How the fucking clomps, bro. I'm sweating, sweating, you know, like, really fucked up. Yeah, I've had this weird, unhealthy anxiety attachment to Panera bread. Meanwhile, like, he's fucking down the fucking charge when I do. Yeah, man, we gotta fucking go.
Starting point is 00:49:04 We gotta go, dude. We can get fighting Yeah, he's doing this take a step back Here we go. Um, this is really all I have for this week. It's enough. Yeah, I think it's enough right It's a there's a lot of shit going on. I mean, there was the man who crashed his own car into his own home over a dispute on whether or not to sell it. But, you know, that's just a, that's a Charlotte County Florida man being a Charlotte County Florida man. You just got to be careful if you fuck up your own house. Cause guess what? It's still your fucking house. So guess what? You got to fix it before you sell it. I will say about him. His
Starting point is 00:49:41 he said, quote, I meant to do it. I did it on purpose. Most fun I had in a while. Is it he smoked weed as much as humanly possible? And he loved destroying his own home. Yeah. And I wouldn't take that for a moment. No, I wouldn't either. Here we go. Let's look at some listen to emails.
Starting point is 00:49:58 The main one that we have was talking about some lovers one inside details. I don't know if we should go too deep into it because it's like the basically the gist of it was saying this was from someone who they were monitoring love as one and they have talked to various people who've got out of love as one and they talk a little bit about how the documentary that had just come out kind of glosses over some of the darker aspects of what Amy Corlson was talking about
Starting point is 00:50:24 when she would do her long rant. But in my mind, I kind of inferred that it's getting pretty dark in there. Well, you couldn't really, the thing is that you couldn't infer. But it's from the group members perspective that are still selling merch. So it's very, very difficult for them to see maybe that what they were doing was extremely dark and bad. They're not going to say that they were cool with Hitler. No. And this person in the female saint, they're not going to say that they were doing was extremely dark and bad. They're not gonna say that they were cool with Hitler. And this person in the email saying,
Starting point is 00:50:47 they're not gonna say that they were anti-Semitic, extremely so as this person is saying in this email. Yes. But the interesting thing about it, I was right. A girl Sarah, she is from Lubbock. Yeah. Wow. Confirmed. So weird.
Starting point is 00:51:00 How did you know that? Because of that for where she went. With the t-shirt. Wow. The ReckimTech t-shirt. No one from from that's not from Lubbock or the surrounding areas is going to be wearing a Reckham Tech t-shirt. We got to be careful again. You never know.
Starting point is 00:51:13 It's hard. We've talked about love as one for a while. I do get the idea of you wanted to check out. Never check back in. Have someone else tell you what to do. Sounds comforting at first, but next thing you know, you're hauling a corpse around, perhaps in Christmas lights, and you're like, how did I get here? And I also find it really interesting that nobody was having sex with each other. It's no sex. No sex at all. Well, I mean, I know like Amy Carlson was getting railed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Like by various fathers throughout. It seemed to be a very, but nobody else is having sex with each other at all. That's insane. There wasn't a lot of other quote unquote alpha males. Yeah. There was a lot of, you know what we saw,
Starting point is 00:51:55 especially with Joan Sounds. I think there's always like a bunch of goons that are a part of the upper structure. They're also helping you going a little Nazi like, you know, when you're kind of keeping people in. And those guys are also sort of like allowed by the leader to have sort of sexual lasons with people because that's what keeps them in the play
Starting point is 00:52:14 and then they get to physically kind of keep people scared. Sure, you know, that allows, you know, that's another control keeping mechanism. No, with this, there was, you know, the guy with the beard and the guy MP, or FM father multiverse. Oh, yeah, father multiverse, who was a second father. Yeah. And apparently there was, there was another father,
Starting point is 00:52:35 father God that wasn't talked about in the, in the documentary at all. We talked a little bit about possibly selling crack. I want to say that we talked a little bit about it when we did our relax fit. There was talk more talks about the father God, but then when the new documentary came out, it was all about the new fucking, the bad last father. The last father God, the scary father God. The very, very scary guy.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Honestly, I mean, with these documentaries, usually I say they go on too long. I think this one was too short. Well, you and I are also directly with the subject. And some people think that watching Colt members warble, not as interesting, but I find it interesting. I find it interesting. Because I really want to know what's going inside your head
Starting point is 00:53:17 from your perspective, because it helps us kind of understand Colts on the whole. Like as you see what their thought patterns are, you're watching, especially something like this, when the head dies, and you see what their thought patterns are, you're watching, especially something like this, when the head dies and you're watching the cult continue to operate that somehow, you can kind of tell it has enough of a foot outside of their experience
Starting point is 00:53:36 to sort of see that what they're doing, this also sort of supporting themselves. Like it is a business and it is a community and it is a house that they all live in in a way. Where there's like practical things that have, but which is weird because now God's gone. So you guys don't need to be there anymore. But the infrastructure remains. Yes, and then you guys are also all still operating under the same way.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Like you're still just doing it because keeping the grift going is literally what it is that is supporting. Yeah, of course. Very interesting because you don't see a lot with with a lot of these colds. Next year I'm struggling. Next year I'm still going. I think that sections of next year I believe they are still going because I know that next year I'm a small bill woman. She's going. Yeah, she's, she's going to, she's flipping. Yeah. But she did already flip. I think Keith Rineria. He got, no, Keith Rineria is in prison for the rest of his life. Yeah, he's gone. Yeah, he's, he's gone, gone. But the things about next he was that next he had really high overhead because they had to pay rent on all those spaces. And it's all these high end shit. They were doing
Starting point is 00:54:40 all this like, doing, do in Scientology games without the Scientology flow. Yeah, but love is one. I mean, it's all they need is a trailer and a fucking, and a subscription. That's it, yeah, it's all about stripping down. Yeah, stripping down, get your You can send out your colloidal silver jars to whoever the fuck wants them.
Starting point is 00:55:00 He is at it, yeah, he's in jail for 120 years. Yeah, yeah, he's got a hundred, $1.75 million fine, so you can work on that jail. Yeah. he's in jail for 120 years. Yeah, yeah, he's got a hundred one point seven five million dollar fine Which you'll work on and jail. Yeah, and then we have another story now I want to hear what people there are. Let me see what people think about this. I don't know This is a scenario someone to ask if we have any of our listeners have heard about this I'm a single mom of three kids my oldest son is just starting to drive So now that he's paying more attention while driving with me
Starting point is 00:55:22 I don't feel too crazy to say out loud The multiple times per week and now even more frequently per day. Multiple streetlights turn mostly off when I drive under them or near them. Sometimes they turn on. I live in a small city near Cleveland. I am constantly driving my kid is around mostly between two or three towns nearby. So last time when I was with my 11 year old daughter, we counted six different streetlights going out in one day.
Starting point is 00:55:45 It's an A at count to at least five. Am I completely insane? Probably. But my kids and I laugh about it. And I just had to ask for them. I have never heard of this. It's not happening to me. Non-monon.
Starting point is 00:55:59 It's not happening to me. It's never happening to me. I'm putting it to the audience. I've never, I've never, I've never, I don't know if you're being followed by the infrastructure of your town. All right I've never, I don't know if you're being followed by the infrastructure of your town. All right, it is, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:09 It could be that the Ohio infrastructure is not wonderful. I do maintain that like Indiana when I had long COVID and we were trying to do that. What? Sliders in the street, like phenomenon. Sliders? What is this? Are we talking sliders like,
Starting point is 00:56:24 Sliders. If phenomenon is? Are we talking sliders like sliders? If phenomenon is known as street lamp interference, it's possibly a psychic event that's just being about to be recognized. Interesting. So this is a personalized psychic event. And they call themselves sliders. Sliders first, four street light interference.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Apparently this could, wow, street light interference, like trying devices. Yes, surely different from the French electronic devices. Yes, so let me ask you this two questions. Listener, you can email us back. Number one, have you been drinking charge lemonade? From Penelope. Because that might be a symptom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:58 But it says here, appliances such as lamps and TVs go on and off without being touched. Light bulbs constantly blow out when the slider tries to determine them off or on. And spiders, spiders, watch us stop working. You never on time. That's why she's late. Credit cards and other magnetically encoded cards
Starting point is 00:57:15 are damaged or erased. What causes this phenomenon? So any attempt to pinpoint a cause for SLI at this point would be mere speculation, according to A reasonable speculation for the effect is if it is a real one, might have something to do with the electronic impulses
Starting point is 00:57:29 of the brain. Does anybody else experience this? Signed stories, L-P-O-T-L, the, because that is fascinating. Because I know, I've dealt with people that do the thing where electronics hate me. Yeah. And it's just like, no, you're fucking
Starting point is 00:57:44 or just destroying shit with your aunts. Now, some people truly electronics just do not work around them. They just can't get that there's something about their makeup. Maybe it's their tood. That's not it. I could be in it. You could need a tood adjustment. Like we could look at that.
Starting point is 00:57:59 But research at the Princeton Engineering anomalies research lab that's, suggested that the subconscious can indeed affect electronic devices. Sure, that's really been trying to say, all right, it's a Dan Acker, I talked about for fucking years, dog. All right, that's why he got divorced. Yeah, she couldn't handle that shit anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:16 She had an uninstother, uninstother thing. So human being would get divorced like this. No. Wow, that's really interesting. Yes, please. No, thank you for sending that my way. I hope that we get some more people that are saying they experience this because that's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Side stories LPL at If you are a slider, let us know and let us know what your experiences are. Or if you all have a plate of sliders, you can send them my way. Or if you're a fan of the show sliders, which we obviously are. We are. We are. I mean, Jonathan, the re-stayb, you see me.
Starting point is 00:58:53 It's me, Jeffery O'Connor. I mean, Jerry O'Connor. Jerry O'Connor, they're absolutely fantastic. It's a great show. All right. So, if you're in the Los Angeles area and you have nothing to do for Christmas, I got something now you can do. on down to the knitting factory know how December 22nd
Starting point is 00:59:11 Come out doing classy night out at Larsen and I we're gonna make a home away from home We're gonna joke about a lot of stuff. It's gonna be really gross. Yeah, yeah It's gonna be great. I love classy night out. It's always fun. I'm really excited on check out slash LPNTV. We are making stuff every fucking week. And I'll announce here, December 14th. We're gonna have a bit of a good put Christmas puttacular. We are putting the family back in the presents. This is going to be a full, we have a Christmas special.
Starting point is 00:59:42 We got special guests. I think it's gonna be really fun. December 14th on slash LPNTV at 5 p.m. PS2. Let me ask you about good put. Have you guys started to go into like that? When you say pudding, you go into the British puddings at all. That's not putting here.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Okay, so you're only... That's putting there. Okay, so you're not willing to bring that sort of pudding into your purview. It has nothing to do with good put. It has literally fucking nothing to do with good put because a putting over there is their version of putting. And guess what?
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's fucking wrong. Done. Because we have putting. Yeah, we do have putting. But why don't you also check out their putting? Because this is America. Last I checked, last I looked at my fucking, last I smelled my fucking tits.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I'm American as hell. But didn't you have like chicken, teaka, masala footing at one point? They pudding is allowing itself to be open to other cultures, but it is in and of itself, it is American. American, so it is pudding. So it's gotta be like,
Starting point is 01:00:44 our pudding. So it has to be a viscous, a viscous liquid of some sort. He put it. He needs to be a putting. All right. Here again, we're not in great fucking British. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Because they're wrong. They just invented it all, but guess what else did they fucking did, man? They still got a stupid ass fucking king big sausage fingers. I can't wait Man, I'm going to England to visit family over Christmas So much fun. I can't wait to say happy Christmas to people I'm a grace my skin. I'm a grace bus. You're gonna live every day when you're in the UK going And you're gonna love when someone goes over goes I
Starting point is 01:01:23 Fuck back to yeah, I'm I fuck back to you. Yeah. And then you can laugh. I'm gonna laugh and laugh. And if any of you out there know something cool that's going on in London on New Year's Eve, it's not a house party. Not a house party. Not your buddy Ian's place.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Something like a show. Something cool. We're looking around trying to figure out what you're doing on New Year's Eve. Society's stories, LPL, If you know of like a cool fucking gig somewhere. Yeah, Doc, we can have a good old time. They would love it. I'd you have any other announcements?
Starting point is 01:01:49 Uh, operates and sunshine at your local comic book store. Go check it out. Yeah. Issue number three is going to be coming out this month later on here in like a couple weeks or so. So make sure to go to your local comic book store and ask for it by name. Ask them to make a pull list for you. Oh, yes. Yeah. And if you're looking for other cool comics to pick up while you're there, James Tinian's new comic, Debian is really fucking cool. It's like a Christmas horror comic. It's very fucking cool. I recommend picking that up. The new Dan Closed Book Monica is incredible. Yeah, it's so fucking good. It's one of the best things he's ever done. The man has never missed a step.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Everything he's ever put out has been fucking amazing. I'll check out some shit. Yeah, check it out. Go to your local complex store. There's so much cool shit out there right now. So yeah, go check it out. I do have a plug. Go and check out my stupid movie that I think is really good.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Called How to Ru in the Holidays. It's on Amazon. Anywhere you can go rent go rent I'm very happy. I love all everybody you made it is so much fun I just I get to play and I stay on brand because I'm a neighbor who eats Christmas perfect so I love it I'll say I love it. I love it Get out of here! He'll say, Aggie. This show is made possible by listeners like you.
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