Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Death by Mukbang

Episode Date: July 24, 2024

Henry & Eddie bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news as a cheating scandal rocks the Hot Dog Eating World, a 24-year-old Chinese influencer dies during livestream Mukbang session, ...Australian woman who decapitated mother continues reign of terror causing prison guards to resign, the Olympics using cardboard beds to stop athletes from having sex, Listener Stories, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Who's Travis Kelce gonna date next? Don't know! Oh, Ariana Grande wants to meet Jeffrey Dahmer's parents? That's inappropriate! You're gonna hear about a lot of that stuff on page 7, hosted by Jackie Zabrowski, MJ Neffel, and Holden McNeely. And you're gonna love it, because you're gonna hear all about celebrity gossip, and you get lots of different blind item tips in there, and you're gonna hear a lot of Holden talking about his life
Starting point is 00:00:29 Yeah, and you gotta check it out I think if you go and you listen to this podcast you're gonna learn a lot about how Ariana Grande like sitting on Spongebob's lap Why though why though doesn't have a lap weird-looking man, huh? You can listen to stories about Ariana Grande you listen to stories about Tom Brady, he's mad about the roast. Let's do it on page 7. It's got my sister Jackie Zabrowski, she's like me but more Hillary Clinton like. MJ Neville and Holden McNeilly. Check it out on Last Podcast Network where all podcasts can be found on your phone. There's no place to escape to. This is the last on the left side stories.
Starting point is 00:01:14 That's when the cannonball started. Side stories. Yes. I'll be doing more of that when we get there. I got this week, I got a lot of biosphere talking, a lot of shadow biosphere. It's crazy what's in there, dog. A lot of stuff that we can't see. That's because of the shadows. Yeah. Very dark in there.
Starting point is 00:01:39 You can't see inside that biosphere. I need to get my biosphere flashlight. The shadow stuff's really very, very interesting. I was reading the story. We recording? Oh, this is great. So this MIT psychologist, which I think is hilarious, he came out and he was like warning against this big idea about falling in love with AI. Okay. Yeah. He's like, don't fall in love with AI because they have to talk to you, but it's really funny. You could falling in love with AI. Okay. Yeah. Where he's like, don't fall in love with AI. Cause they have to talk to you. But it's really funny. I can see how you could fall in love with AI.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh, very much so. But it's really funny the way he talks about it. Cause you think, oh, misinformation, you know, we're going to let the, the robots in too deep. Like, cause that's what it is. Is it because it's stealing the, or the way we codify our brains, but no. In too deep is what we're going to be doing in these robots. Honestly, just make them, make them good at it.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And then people will line up. So do you think they could put an AI brain in the sex robot? But the reason why the psychologist weren't against it is he's just straight up says do not fall in love with the AI because it just pretends and does not care about you, which sounds like the most emotional, he's hurt. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He made this AI and he did not understand no one will have sex with him
Starting point is 00:02:50 and he thought that maybe finally, if I've engineered a personality, maybe I can connect to it. It's like the same, it's the same warning you give to people that don't fall in love with someone who works on Wall Street. Ever once. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 No, no, they say look for. Pretend to love you and then they'll just leave you. Oh yeah, or anybody looking to try to train you in a sport. Especially when you're 10 and they're in there and they're telling you, oh, how great your legs are, how great your arms are, you know, and they're filling up your torso and they're telling you all this stuff
Starting point is 00:03:19 about how you're gonna jump better, you're gonna jump bigger than the other kids. Never listen to them. They're just lying to you, they're looking for money. Every adolescent coach should have to fuck a grown woman in front of a group of people, just so we know they like fucking women. Welcome to Side Stories, my name's Henry Zabrowski,
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'm sitting here with Ed Larson, one of the best points you've ever made. And I do agree. Oh, you wanna be a coach of the Boca Jets? Oh, oh well, have sex with a grown woman then. Let's see it. Let's see it. Okay. I want to see you get hard and make love to a traditional Christian woman. Because I gotta see, I gotta see what you're capable of. All right, because you know what it is, honestly, even if you are a pedophile, hide it. Yeah. Don't do it at work.
Starting point is 00:04:04 No. Don't do it anywhere, but yes, especially not at work. Super don't do it at work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like that's a texture of crime. On top of that, it's child labor. Then we're getting them taxes. And that's when the IRS is really gonna get involved, and that's when a lot of people get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Once you're messing with people's taxes and stuff. Yeah, man, IRS, man, stands for in some real shit. really gonna get involved and that's when a lot of people get in trouble. Once you're messing with people's taxes and stuff. IRS man stands for in some real shit. Yeah dog. Well, I guess today I must've forgotten to put my long legs on. Just me. Did they steal that from us? We saw long legs. No spoilers. It's very murder-fist. There is a little part of me that was like,
Starting point is 00:04:48 did these guys see Dollmaker? Yeah. Did they know? Because- There's a good chance. The fact that the term, and there's no spoilers here. No. The term evil satanic dollmaker was said
Starting point is 00:05:00 in something that I was not in. Yeah. Makes me feel like things are getting close. It's getting a little close. It's getting a little close. It's getting a little close. You know, we posted it last year. Oh, we did. On the Instagram.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It did great. Oh, it did. And Nick Cage, if there was someone I wanted to play the Dollmaker in a film. Other than you. It's him. Yes. I want it to be him.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I would actually cast him over you. No offense. I would as well. How are we going gonna get this made? Do you think we're gonna get it made with me as the doll maker? No, I would need to be who'd I be? One of the boys. Yeah, you'd have to be a boy. Yeah, that'd be one of little boys No, he didn't do the little boys didn't know his family's your family. Sorry. I mean it's boil those spoilers here He killed an entire family Sorry, I mean it's boil those spoilers here. He killed an entire family
Starting point is 00:05:50 Many of them, but you don't even really see it. So it's not really a spoiler go check out long-leg It's very good, but it's definitely way more of a thriller Yes, and I thought it was gonna be I think a lot of these movies as much I really like long legs. I give it you know like four to five stars. I say four to five yeah Yeah, but you know I find a lot of times times with horror movies They just don't stick the landing. Well, I I do that's my problem with the genre The general is how you know a horror movie sticks the landing is they don't show it to you I think that's the key is that if you go the third act my imagination is scarier than whatever you got This is you're gonna show me the shit that he said in private to me and his wife Yeah, Eddie is fucked. Yeah, man So if you want to try to get to the center of this man's dark labyrinth of a mind, we need to have something
Starting point is 00:06:34 Extra. Yeah, I had the word dicked for this. Yeah. Oh, yeah, absolutely standing up I really don't feed me fuck me feed me fuck me. I ripped off my own butt pussy lips. See? That's his own, that's just from his mind. That's off the dome. That's the scariest thought he could think of. So don't come at him with no half-ass scares. All right, because to scare him means
Starting point is 00:06:58 that you have to scare his idea of himself. No! Oh, my long legs are on! Oh, cuckoo! He's great in it. I mean I love it. I can see how people would hate it though. The Guardian gave it a bad review and I'm like shut the fuck up. Shut up British go away. Fuck you. Get out of here British talking about our American movies. Yeah you leave us alone. Whatever British you haven't helped anything else. Yeah you fuck it you don't have any countries countries attached to you You know who would be good who that this is where good Nick Cage as the evil dollmaker would be good as was name
Starting point is 00:07:30 Who's like how's Lee? Oh? Lee Lee I don't know what you're talking his name in the movie. Oh, I don't know I forget but he I've actually heard He's on the short list for Kamala Because they need a white. You got a vote for Kamala Harris. Hello. Yes please. Have an abortion. Yes please. What we need is more puppets. Listen if you're going to have abortions I'm loving it. Got to do it over zoom. Show the world.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I love that about him. Love his verb. Actually heard she's calling up JD Vance herself. That's great. Yeah, we got to cross that out. He's going to run for VP on both sides.
Starting point is 00:08:14 On both tickets. I can't wait. It's going to be amazing. I can't wait. I did a little bit of research too, more so into it's amazing that we've only been in this week for 10 years. Yeah. And so I went and I was reading about the, you guys remember that we had an attempted
Starting point is 00:08:31 assassination of the former president of the United States? When was this? Oh, 10 days ago. I looked into it deeper because guess where that story went? It's gone. It's absolutely gone. It's so funny. Like even when it happened on Saturday, we record on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:08:46 We put this out on Wednesday. No one gave a fuck. No one. It was already gone. Half the podcasts in the world had like banked episodes for the summer. I feel like the Reagan assassination attempt is more topical. Oh, Hinkley is way more in the news. Hinkley's trying to sell tickets right now. Yeah, he was the first one. Did you see he made a tweet that said?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Violence should never enter into the political sphere like he did an anti Violence political violence tweet, which was just like first of all he has Twitter Guy who tried to kill the president of the United States has Twitter He gets to just go post about like he's trying to book shows. They should give him OJ's account They all man let him run it every once in a while like he's trying to book shows. They should give him OJ's account. They all man let him run it every once in a while like he used to do with Take Notaro. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Have other people come in Casey Anthony gets to run it for a while. Former killers get to take over OJ's account. Nothing would make me happier. Hello Twitter world, Casey Anthony here. Hey just so you know, I'm single and a vagina is open for business. Oh my god John Hinckley said give peace a chance. Yeah, he literally says- Which is a John Lennon quote.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And then straight up, which he ain't wrong, he says give peace a chance. I was like, his top pin tweet is, listen to Airplane Over the Sea by New Drew Milk Hotel. It's my favorite novel. It is great. It is great. I mean, it's a phenomenal novel. And John Hinckley is really on the pulse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Wow. And it's true because it says first, violence is not the way to go. Give peace a chance. And the second one was him decrying the use of cancel culture against him and his music career. Yeah. It's a fair statement to say he's a victim of cancel culture. Well, I mean, make your concerts free, man.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, dude. Do it on the street. Show me, impress me. I listened to a couple of songs. They are hauntingly interesting. Are they good? Yeah, they're fine. Is he better or worse than Manson? This is a Marcus question.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I think that even with the Manson stuff, I think it's like fine as a novelty. I tried listening to it. He's got a nice voice. His lyrics make no sense. I don't think he has a nice voice. Well, if he wasn't Charles Manson and if he was somebody else, you might say he has a nice voice. Maybe. I think you might. I have his most recent album on vinyl that I bought.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Manson? Yeah, Manson's album that he made in prison. I bought it on vinyl for me and Marcus. Yeah, to sit and listen to. I think I got you one too. Oh yeah, that's right. I just don't have a, I don't have a vinyl player. Yeah, I know it's more of a memento. Yeah, I have it sitting up. And it's one of the things that I regret buying it.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah. Yeah, because you're like, oh, I just gave a hundred bucks to Charles Manson. Nah, he didn't get it. They go to like victim associations or the record companies and stuff like that. Don't worry, if there's a group of people that are bigger vampires than serial killers,
Starting point is 00:11:22 it's the record companies. I think they figured out and make sure that he didn't get any of that money. They really get that locked out and every penny they have access to. But originally, so I was talking about looking up the assassination and more about the assassination attempt
Starting point is 00:11:37 and kind of what all went into it because it was so mysterious. And I think in the end, my final take, because it went up and gone, we really have no, there are no real political motivations behind old Tommy Crooks. We know that the last thing he looked at was pornography. Can't find out what porno it was,
Starting point is 00:11:55 but I actually have never related to somebody more. Yeah, I mean, that's the last thing we looked at. Oh, every day, before I go to sleep. I must see two penises in a vagina just so I go to sleep. Yeah, and that's got nothing to do with the state of the country. I'm more of like a nostril sex. Oh you like it Hey, he just that's him. That's what he's allowed to do again or movies if you're gonna confuse and scare Eddie It's got to be worse than that. Yes, it has to be worse But the it seems like he just literally walked up a ladder. He was there hours before.
Starting point is 00:12:26 They had flagged him as a possible problem. He was carrying a rifle around, a huge bag and a scope, and they saw him look through. Do you hear it on video? People being like there's somebody on top of that building, a bunch of cops don't care. That one cop went up, saw the gun in a very just hearken to the heroes of Yuvaldi. He saw that gun and he did what any cop knows to do, run away so that you could continue to be a cop in another day. I will say he was dead to rights. His hands were on a ladder. He couldn't have pulled
Starting point is 00:13:00 his own gun to protect himself. That's his job. But what, to get shot in the head for no reason? Unfortunately, yes. It's his job to confront a man with a gun at a rally. That's his job. That's what he's supposed to do. He's supposed to take that bullet so that other people can hear the bullets come and shoot the other guy that is bad guy. This is why cops need grenades. Oh, hey, I've been saying it. Cops need...
Starting point is 00:13:21 He could have gone down that ladder, tossed a grenade on the roof, and everything would have been fine. If we were allowed to live life how I play Halo, it could have gone down that ladder toss a grenade on the roof and everything would have been fine If we were allowed to live life how I play halo would be only grenades but so yeah, and what apparently is one of the biggest nothing burger burger stories of the year somehow I Really continues to be so and there is nothing there It really just seems massive total catastrophic a failure of the Secret Service and the local police and I think it's largely to do with the temperament of our former president. And that maybe-
Starting point is 00:13:53 Well he has his own personal security staff that obviously has been fucking with the Secret Service forever. Absolutely. And they told them, they knew that there was an active threat 10 minutes before he walked on stage. I can, and maybe this is, this is total, this is obviously total conjecture, if you go to our former president and you say, hey, we want to hold because we want to do XYZ,
Starting point is 00:14:15 and then that man probably says something along the lines of, I'm going to get this fucking shit done because I gotta go fuck, because he probably doesn't listen to a single thing that anybody has ever told him ever, so he probably ran out there to be out there as fast as possible soon as they told him not to go Mm-hmm, so I will still say I believe he brought it upon himself So we'll get there and we will we will find out but we do know that that Tommy Crooks was also looking where Biden Was gonna talk and he was looking at a bunch of other stuff, so it was not president specific yet seems like. Yeah, he was just down to kill anybody.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yes, and then the Secret Service- And then he got his AR-15 very easily. Very easily. Super, super easily. And it's also a super easy gun to shoot. Yeah. Looks fun! Yeah, I've never shot an AR-15. It seems like only a child can use it.
Starting point is 00:15:00 You know, it's very, very fun. Very, very fun. One day, one day, Eddie, you and I, we'll defend the great nation of Burbank together. There are so many AR-15s for sale in Burbank. Very, very many. Very, very many. But yeah, that was it. That's all the kind of research I did on that. There was really, and then nothing else really came out of it. Isn't that fucked? Yeah. And then, but I will, one more update. I did get some good bear advice. Oh, there's plenty of bear advice. I'm not talking about being on Scruff, because we all did learn about that.
Starting point is 00:15:34 We do know that that's for men of the more hirsute qualities. Yeah. And apparently they are on Scruff. It's a little bit easier maybe to find a friend. Yeah. You know, versus just sex That's what I heard
Starting point is 00:15:49 That's the thing, you know, you guys got it all figured out they really do man We're wrong just cut women out of this whole ordeal. We don't have to ever deal with them ever again Have an app seriously dogs Second app or dudes can go she fucking hang out Imagine like being able to have sex and just like there's not a woman there. Wow. Unbelievable. What would that be like? Just another fucking cool ass guy. That's what I like seeing, man.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Just me and my fucking boys slinging come on top of each other. You want to get a burger? Fuck yeah. Yeah, I'm already having one. boys slinging cum on top of each other. You wanna get a burger? Fuck yeah. Yeah, I'm already having one. Yeah dude, I fucking, I came, I'm gonna take a nap. And then we can go to Burger Town together, dude. It's the easiest name, but that's not the update. The update is about bears.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Now, according to this, so I said the perennial advice for all bears, which was according to this, so I said the perennial advice for all bears, which was brown lay down, black attack, white good night. Yes. And that apparently is woefully over exaggerated and not correct anymore. Okay. So there's new stuff here. It says here, you suck a bear's dick. No. Yeah. No, I'm reading it wrong. So this is what you do. So encounters with grizzlies are circumstantial. This is according to one of our listeners. Yeah, grizzlies will fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Oh yes, but now I'm also seeing that apparently grizzlies and brown bears are largely the same. Yeah, they're sim- they're friends. They're similar in their- and they are- a lot of times a grizzly can be confounded for a brown bear and vice versa. It's like a golden retriever in a black lab. They're close. Different colors. Yeah, but they're not the same. Now encounters with grizzlies are circumstantial.
Starting point is 00:17:33 A normal grizzly taken by surprise or a mama with cubs will be territorial and will want to neutralize the threat. Back away slowly. Don't run. And only if you are attacked. Cover your neck and hide your face and be quiet. However, a Predator Grizzly, usually one that attacks a campsite, wants you to be food laying on the ground.
Starting point is 00:17:54 So, you have to fight back and be more trouble than it's worth to them. If you're in a group of three or more people, always stick together because they don't like groups. Black bears are generally shy unless they're too used to associating with people with food or otherwise really abnormal. A black bear that associates people with food will attack in frustration or perceive people as prey. If a black bear is aggressive, it is only because they want to eat you. And you have to fight back and never lay on the ground because they will sit on you and eat you
Starting point is 00:18:25 while you are still alive. Lots of noise. Yeah, you go, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh! No, real big. Oh, I see, don't forgot my long legs! Fuck you, fuck you! Oh! No, cuckoo!
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah, cuckoo, cuckoo! Sorry, I'm doing the Nick Cage acting. At what point do you say to Nick Cage, like, love what you're doing, Scott, we can't understand you, we don't know what's happening. It's in the bag. Cool cool. We're moving on.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Cool cool. I think we got the scene. Yeah, you're actually right, Nick, actually we did great. Good work, yeah, yeah. Do you think we can give you one with the line with- We're wrapped. Yeah, you're right, you're right. You're right, Nick, it's over. Back to the bears. Most importantly
Starting point is 00:19:07 of all, just carry bear spray and have it ready in bear country. It's extremely effective against bears and other aggressive animals. And it teaches them to stay away from humans, which potentially saves their lives, their lives, in addition to yours. Be careful because bear spray rhymes with hairspray. Don't bring the wrong thing. Don't bring hairspray unless you're trying to cut their hair and being a fun, creative person in the forest. That's right. But never try to do a bear's hair without them saying yes,
Starting point is 00:19:38 because that's bear rape. Yeah, and you know. That's bear hair rape. That is bear rape. There's a sad bear in Florida that we're not supposed to take selfies with it's cuz it's honestly it's a very sad story We were gonna cover the story. I just briefly wanted to bring it up while we're talking about bears Yes, it's extremely sad. DeSantis recently made it legal to kill bears in Florida. So, thank you But technically I think that bear is asking for it. Yes, so there's a bear just sitting sadly by a pole
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah, people are taking pictures of it and it's because it's extremely distressed because its natural environment is being destroyed. Yes. And it has nowhere to go. So it's a young adolescent bear, and it has nowhere really to spread, and so it's sitting by a pole because it's all fucked up. But then, that's also the type of bear that's more likely to attack you because it's got nowhere to go.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I saw a fun bear story on Instagram Reels I'd like to talk about. I don't know if this is real, but I love the story. An albino grizzly bear. They found it in Montana. So they're like, this polar bear is like too far away from up north. And so they took it and they brought it back to the Arctic. And then it's like, why isn't this polar bear getting along with the other polar bears? Because it's an albino grizzly bear. Whoa! And so somebody noticed and they sent it back to where it's from.
Starting point is 00:20:46 They sent it back? And then someone else found the bear and they're like, this polar bear is lost. And then they sent it back! Again! And then someone said... What the fuck? Why would you do this? The unluckiest bear in the world.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Yeah, that's what they're called. The unluckiest bear in the world. Albino grizzly bear mistaken for a polar bear sent to the Arctic five times. Jesus Christ, that's a children's book. That is a children's book about not understanding people's origins. Just keeps getting captured and sent back to the Arctic. At this point he must be like, do I get a diamond status?
Starting point is 00:21:22 Like, do I get scooped up by Delta each time? That's amazing, that's extremely sad. It's very sad, but also unfortunately hilarious. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You can tell it's a grizzly bear by the shape of its head. Yeah. A polar bear head looks very different than a grizzly bear head. It does, it is a thinner head.
Starting point is 00:21:43 It definitely is a grizzly, it more looked like a a normal but not a polar bear. Yeah, what's white? Mm-hmm either way. Well, have you spoken with Kamala Harris about running for vice president? All right, these are the updates you want to do let's do these first stories. Oh, yeah, here's an update Yeah, yeah. Yeah, This one's a big one. Um, you know, we were talking about they cut out Joey Chestnut. They banned him. Well, so I will say, I do find it interesting, is that Joey Chestnut did go and get an advertising deal with Impossible Meat. And then he broke away from the OG hot dog eating championship because it fucked with his ad deal that he made, right? That is really why he did, he didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:22:30 But then- But Nathan's banned him. Well, because that, but it was all a thing because there was a little bit of a marketing kerfluffle. He said he's willing to come back. It is a marketing thing. They're gonna come back around and do some form of Joey Chestnut comes.
Starting point is 00:22:43 If he comes back, I'm definitely watching. Of course. Yeah, yeah, because there's no way they didn't suffer a loss. Yeah. This year, not having Joey Chestnut involved. I know that he didn't. Yes. He's banned from Coley Island. He takes his high. Yeah. Cause now he's going on a Fort Bliss. Where's Fort Bliss? Oh yeah. He went to an army base and took on like four people at once and beat him. Of course he did. He's literally a better athlete than Tom Brady. He literally took on like four people at once and beat him. Of course he did. He's literally a better athlete than Tom Brady. He literally took on the army and won. We pitched him into trying to roast
Starting point is 00:23:09 for the Tom Brady Roach several times. We said we gotta get him in there. I legitimately pitched Joey Chestnut and no one listened to me. It should have been him. And then I ended up not working on the roast at all. That's what happened. That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:23:21 All right, but. But, because, I mean not because, but happenstance, cheating scandal rocks Nathan's 4th of July hot dog eating contest. This shit's coming out now. This is like two weeks after the fact they're looking back over footage. This actually came out on July 10th, but I found the article late. Oh, um, but this this man by the name of weary Stole a plate from a competitor to inflate his total weary denies the claim Although he admits there might have been some confusion Nick weary the fourth-place finisher didn't even still fourth place This is the thing. I feel like that's such a loser move
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yeah, that's such a loser move to cheat in fourth place and it's still good fourth place. I'll get fourth place! This is the thing, I feel like that's such a loser move. That's such a loser move to cheat in fourth place. And then still get fourth place. Still get fourth place. That's fucking- You don't even move up to third. That's garbage. And, you ready for this? His wife won the women's competition.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And she ate 51 hot dogs. So she ate more hot dogs than he did legally. Yes. Wow, she's hot. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. No, she's very attractive. Well, she's attractive, but he's gross. He's gross. He's got a... I hate the sight of this guy.
Starting point is 00:24:28 He looks like a... He looks like a xenomorph. Yeah, he was credited with eating 46.75 hot dogs on July 4th, but that figure grew to 51.75 on the Major League Eating website. Oh dude, this is about... This is something else, buddy. This isn't even about the... This is not about the hot dog eating competition. This is about an in-house competition between him and his wife. And I think his wife, the more she surpasses him, I can kind of see the fact that she might be not as attracted to him. Not, and not, oh, of course she's definitely fucking way better person than he is.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And I'm sure they will break up by the time this episode comes out. If she found out, and if this is how she finds out I hope so, please come to the show. What's her name side stores LP o TL a Her name is Mickey su do su do you tell Mickey su do we want to talk to you and I think you should leave them That's the thing and once the reason they're saying the reason he did it is once you eat more than 50 hot dogs, you go into another bracket in the major league eating. 38% tax bracket? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah, no, or no, does it affect your taxes at all? You just become a more, technically you become, let's say, an official professional fat fuck. Yeah. Right, like if you get to 50 hot dogs in one sitting, in that amount of speed, like that is, I mean that is a lot, that's an insane amount of hot dogs. Yeah. So, so he said, if the MLE determines I was miscounted, then fix my number.
Starting point is 00:25:59 My placing did not change if that was the case. I would never want to take placing or number I didn't earn, Weary said. I would never cheat a contest. But he did though, didn't he? I mean, where these five hot dogs come from? I want to know, so does each plate, so each plate is five hot dogs on it and at the end they count how many empty plates there are and then they minus however hot dogs are all left on the last plate. My question is, is there are no... So in a hot dog or any sort of major league eating competition,
Starting point is 00:26:29 I'd love to know. Sidestore is There's no form of... We should talk to Barry Rothbard about this. Oh yes, yes. I could talk to Barry. Actually, we know some competitive eaters. Yeah. Bring them, bring them in.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I wonder if there is, like they do in other sports, like is there no slow-mo cam? I mean, well- Is there no, like- I think it's so chaotic up there. Is there no camera above? I'm actually surprised if there's this much, if there's this much advertising involved and prize money involved, they don't have some form of, like, above camera watching
Starting point is 00:27:02 their actions. Because it would be so easy for them to bring in empty plates if it's that amount of chaos at the end because that's the idea, right? It's like he's obviously playing off the chaos. Where are you gonna hide the plates? In your shirt? How do you know what kind of plates they are
Starting point is 00:27:15 before you get there? They fucking learn how to come, they learn how to cheat in professional chess using automated butt dildos. I know. They will figure it out. Yeah. They know how to will figure it out. Yeah. They know how to get the plates in there.
Starting point is 00:27:26 These are these people who sit and thinking about, they sit and they think, how can I get the plates in there? All day. Look at Tommy Crooks. He had a dream. Tommy Crooks just wanted to do one thing, shoot somebody that would make him super famous.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Right? And then I guess it worked. He looked for the gap. Right? So the same thing. This guy, he obviously knew he was going to do this because he's a bitch and he's upset about the fact that his wife ate more hot dogs than him. But guess what? Your wife's a better person than you, dude. Yeah. She's a better athlete. She's a competitor and she's a winner.
Starting point is 00:27:59 All right. And I think that she could be a model. And I think that if we come down to LPN, honestly, we're starting a modeling agency. Oh, yeah, that's right. Yes. Yes, we're starting a modeling agency. I'm looking for, honestly, my big thing is, remember, you've seen Tuchuki? I have no idea what you're talking about. Mark has showed Tuchuki on the stream. He goes, Tuchuki.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Oh yeah, I love Tuchuki. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember T Chucky. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember to Chucky. It's T-U space, C-H-U-C-K-Y, Rob. To Chucky is gonna be my first guy. Okay, you're hiring to Chucky? I'm gonna, as a model.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I like guys the shapes of loaves of bread. I love, I want to Chucky. He's my name, just be Chucky. I'm too Chucky. When you say it like that I remember. Yes, I want him to be the thing. I want him to be on television. I want him to have a, you know, he doesn't have a social media presence, I guess. But I'm going to find him and I want to put him on some sexy heels and a corset and I want him to be the new bisexual tiny person, fucking representative of the country.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And if I get a tall, slim woman who's eating hot dogs, fucking, that's incredible. The first Toffee? Yeah. You know what Toffee is? Yeah, thin on the outside, fat on the inside. Fat on the inside, yeah. And that's good for modeling.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Is it? I don't know. I imagine it catches up with you. I mean yeah, it's bad for your health Eating hot dogs competitively is the same as tasting heroin competitively. Yeah, it is the same amount of destruction You're doing your body you think so Hot dogs are probably Even though I know Jackie already can hear Jackie fucking screaming like a petulant Henry I'm so mad she's not in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:29:50 he got messed up nitrates are why she sounds like that yeah if she didn't eat that many hot dogs she probably wouldn't be like why you always making fun of me Henry right, hot dogs are considered unhealthy because they are high in fat, sodium, and preservatives. That's right, Rob.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Thank you. They also contain nitrates as a food preservative. You're poisoning yourself from the inside out. But, at the same time, they are delicious in moderation. That's right, man. As are all things. What do you think is the right amount of hot dogs to eat before it's too many? I say three.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I, in one sitting? Yeah. Technically, if I'm going to eat hot dogs, I've decided that day is for hot dogs. Okay. You don't mix and match? Oh no, I do. Okay. If I'm eating hot dogs though, yeah, I'll end up eating two. But the way I do it, I'll do two to three but if I'm eating three the last two Probably haven't had a bun. Yeah, that's how I cheat No, what I do I do at a barbecue two dogs at a hot dog stand three to four You just hang it out. Yeah, you hang out in front of a hot dog stand like you're an old-timey restaurant Again, it's different. That's a restaurant. Yeah, If you're just standing outside of a cart, housing a bunch of dogs, I feel like eventually
Starting point is 00:31:07 people would assume that you're some kind of weird... Well, I'll buy them and take them to a bench, and if I gotta go back, I'll go back. No more for you! Are you kidding me? They love me! No more for you! The World Health Organization has classified processed meat like hot dogs as Carse was it say that word for me carcinogenic to humans
Starting point is 00:31:28 Okay, and eating just one hot dog a day could increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 18% Yeah, but that's a hot dog a day. That's 365 hot dogs a year with Joey chestnut doing to build up his way to the hot dogs That's why he's switching to the impossible meat. That's what's hard. Oh my god. His asshole must look like the fucking plague Oh, you know his asshole must be the same exact size and shape of his Rosie O'Donnell's face or just like this like he's got one of those things where if he if his shit could press out cookies Like made his shit right in his shape. They would be in a swastika Yeah, it's cool and not because he's anti-american just because of how all the polyps would force be in a swastika. Yeah it's cool. And not because he's anti-American
Starting point is 00:32:05 just because of how all the polyps would force it into a swastika shape. Oh man a swastika made out of hot dogs. Complicated. How many hot dogs is that five? Let me do the Swastika hot dog. I think it's six. No, yeah, because well I would cut, technically do you call them wings of a Swastika? What do you call that? I would cut... Yeah, Rob, Google how many hot dogs make a Swastika. Oh, it doesn't say...
Starting point is 00:32:41 Oh, new search item. This will be fine. This will be fine. Oh, yeah. This'll be fine. It's an ancient. Your swastika spelling is horrible. Yeah, yeah, you need to work on that, Rob. You need to be able to say that more. At least, thank God it does it autocomplete.
Starting point is 00:32:54 No, they don't know. Yeah, they don't know. They haven't done that science yet. We'll have to make a Quora entry. Yeah, they'll have to do that. That's what those writings will do. If I give it to like a breast cancer thing, or if I give it to one of those things,
Starting point is 00:33:04 be like, hey, can you also do some research on how many hot dogs it takes to make a swan? No one's done it no for dogs why just why is there swastikas on that one hot dog? Yeah, hold on. Let me hold one of these hold one of these up. I gotta count real quick one two three four five six seven eight Whole package eight hot dogs or like a couple footlongs Yeah, I do this certainly don't use Hebrew National. No, they actually will not form into a swastika Now this is an upside down cross though, man. I want to they oh, yeah It always does work satanic hot a satanic barbecue is actually a really good idea Yes, I wanted to stay in the athlete world for a few seconds if you don't mind. We want to talk about the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:33:51 We want to talk about the Olympics. Yes, the Olympics. Olympic diver Tom Daly and more show off that the cardboard anti-sex beds athletes get aren't really, are strong enough to hold sex. Isn't that idea, they are specifically anti-sex beds? Yeah, they made beds out of cardboard for the Olympic athletes because the Olympic athletes, as everyone know, fuck a bunch. Whenever they go to the Olympics, they just bang each other.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Because they're the hottest people in the world. And they do nothing but train and work and they're all nerds. They're trained for fucking. Yeah, people don't know that they're also like socially Inept is the first time they all get along with some with everybody. Well, everybody's the same Everybody's a workaholic everybody's like the type of dedication it takes to be an Olympic athlete is insane Even though even the losers are winners. Oh, yes, of course cuz you had to be you had a win to get there
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah, you know when to go lose on the international stage. Yeah, but they so basically they started this in 2021 in Tokyo. They started making the beds for the Olympians out of cardboard to keep them from fucking so much. But the beds apparently in Paris were made too well and they can fuck on them. I think they could fuck on the floor. Yeah, they'll be fine. Yeah, they could fuck on the floor. Yeah, they'll be fine Yeah, they'll fuck in the bathroom. They'll want them to not fuck is my question. I do believe I said this before
Starting point is 00:35:11 I know for a while they were talking a little bit about They're spread about it the spread of STDs who cares think that that is technically an issue Do you think chlamydia makes you a worse weightlifter? No, but it will it's yes. Yes, you think so Yeah, if you're pissing goop, you're not your head's not gonna be in the game But you're not gonna get the goop until next year But that's you know, it takes them know the goop comes pretty fast If you get an STD if you fuck someone with an STD at the Olympics that STD is it gonna show up on you? Until like at least a month later
Starting point is 00:35:43 But I do believe that sometimes if you do trends that when you do get an STD something like herpes in that moment It feels more like you're sick like you get sick first and then the thing comes up from what I've heard We obviously don't have herpes side stories LPOTL at Can herpes not can herpes really hurt your skiing? Yeah, I'd love to know um because yeah in 2020 the tokyo olympics um they said they they had no sex uh sex ban was placed because of the covid 19 pandemic so there's like sure that makes sense but also what i'm all getting covid but i also think that there is there's more human things here at play i think it's stuff like more human things here at play. I think it's stuff like two people might share some intimate knowledge about the way they're going to approach a sport that
Starting point is 00:36:30 is probably considered proprietary for each country. And so think about how often we sent, we talked about this with the Manhattan Project, there were sex workers that were used specifically to get a guy fucking hard as fuck. Like you get him as hard, you get him right to coming. And then you go like, so where are you going to be on Thursday? And then you start getting all the covert information from him because you're fucking, you're holding the comm in your hands, right? We're like, all it takes is one person. Maybe, maybe this is, this is planning too far ahead,
Starting point is 00:37:00 but it does seem like you could go and seduce somebody from another team and then find out stuff that they're planning to do. I feel like I couldn't even tell you my own name before I come. That's exactly it. But then, but I do think that you black out and you'll say anything you think you'll say. And think about this. Let's say you let's say for some somehow you're in the Paris Olympics back area, which I think you'd be there because you're a caterer or a janitor. I'm definitely cooking.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah. And now you're there and you're you're some kind of caterer and a woman that is there. Like let's say though, there's a, okay, let's take this out. Let's say at the Olympics, there was a catering competition on top of it. Okay. Right? And you have an award-winning. Sliders. Sliders.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Award-winning sliders and the recipes you have for your sliders are very, very secret. And you have, it has taken you all the way to the international stage of slider making. You want to know the problem with me as an American slider maker? My secret recipe includes Russian dressing. What the living fuck! It's collusion! Carl Muller! Where's Muller at?
Starting point is 00:38:07 I don't even remember him. I don't know what he does. Now, but think about this. Somebody could seduce you and try to steal those secrets from you and then they using it for their own. I still feel like that's real competitors. That's real competitors. That will take anything. That's what you're in the sea of. But do you think a gymnast has a tip that another gymnast doesn't know? Maybe. Like a gymnast like has a tip that another gymnast doesn't know maybe I bet you each there has to be like Things that people do in competition that is different that give us people edges all the time Yeah must be because they always like look at like, you know, Bill Belichick right wasn't he kind of famous for being a cheater?
Starting point is 00:38:39 Yes, and so like it against the Dolphins when they were the worst team in the league But mostly it was like it's it's it's not even so much cheating as it's like win at all costs Yeah, that's what they'll do. Mm-hmm. These losers You can't trust them. I will say what's happening though. This is summer Olympics, right? Let them fuck it starts this week I love the Olympics. You don't care about sports that much. I think the Olympics are a lot of fun I'm more interested in just kind of like just sports or whatever, but mostly I watch it to pass time Yeah, and I do get interested in certain players. Mm-hmm. I'll watch them. Yeah do things know what I like about the Olympics It's like the one time every four years that you can like yell at another country, you know
Starting point is 00:39:20 The people from another country know it get mad. Yeah, that's what what it's for. Yeah, I guess the Olympics are coming up there and we're not really doing a lot of coverage here but. Yeah. Speaking of Olympics, this is a sport that really needs, I'm really just even angry at the fact that this is not at the Olympics. Mukbang. Yes. Now those of you that say that mukbang, which is the act of binge eating large piles of
Starting point is 00:39:44 food for people's pleasure on the internet. People say that, oh it's not a sport, it's just you getting big. Then tell me, why did this person fucking die doing it? Unfortunately we lost a great mukbanger. Top one, Mount Rushmore of China of mukbangs. Yeah, Pan Zhaoting, a 24 year old Chinese streamer specializing in mukbanging, eating large quantities of food for viewers enjoyment, died during her live stream due to consuming too much food.
Starting point is 00:40:15 This is pretty crazy. So I do not know. It's also what's interesting about- There she is. They give her name, but they cover her eyes in this picture for some reason. Yeah, I don't know why they don't, because they cover. There's something extremely sad about this picture of this young woman just housing a chicken tender while her eyes are blurred out. Like she's a,
Starting point is 00:40:32 she's an Epstein. They'll give us her name and her age, but they won't show her picture for some reason. I don't know. And so in China, which I do find it was interesting, they had cracked down in the mukbang streams in 2020 because they viewed it as a waste of food. Yes. Well, they should have been busy with something else. You're right. You're right. And then to be like the offenders they were taking people were getting fines up to 10,000 won, $1,400 American, but they're still very popular. Mukbang is everywhere. I think that mukbang is still like people seem to like it. I think it's the you know what I think
Starting point is 00:41:03 it is about mukbang, of all of the other weird kind of, it's not necessarily a paraphilia, but like something like this, like an eater thing. I do understand because I do feel like the lady or man looks like they're doing it in like a feverish pace. Yeah, well it's supposed to be sexy, right? Well it's supposed to be, yeah, you're supposed to see their effort, watching them expand, seeing them covered with the food. Why do I like Joey Chestnut, but I don't like mukbang?
Starting point is 00:41:31 Because Joey Chestnut, ah, is a hero. What's wrong? What is going on with my brain? You know, honestly, you know why? I think that you and I are very, maybe in a way, there's a toxic masculinity inside of us mm-hmm that searches for competitions to win yeah and we like that Joey Chestnut uses it as an objective to win 16-time champion he is a man that largely has no other abilities right he's a true American hero he arrived and he made hot dog eating his moon landing.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And he made a life out of it and he went and he won. He's not some loser. He's not a third placer. He's not hiding in fourth place stealing plates from his wife. He only wins. Right? He only wins. Right? That's why we like him. The thing about this lady, just mukbang, my thing is eating with no goal, that's what I do. Yeah. So why would I care if you do it?
Starting point is 00:42:28 That's very true. I do that, I eat with no goal 24 seven. When's the last time you got sick on food? Oh, not that long ago. Yeah, me neither. Yeah. I ate too much sushi recently. We went to, honestly it was really good,
Starting point is 00:42:41 it was a restaurant in the valley, it was some Italian place and it was really nice, but we way over ordered and I just to, honestly it was really good. It was a restaurant in the valley. It was some Italian place and it was really nice, but we way over ordered and I just fucking, but I was in that mood where I was like, I'm not taking it home. I'm eating it fucking here. I want it now. And I ate all of it and I was upset with myself.
Starting point is 00:42:58 This night horse came to dinner. Yeah, and also I think it's the word mukbang upset, is an upsetting word. Yeah, sure, sure, sure. So this is the thing- Rob really wants us to read this. So mukbang, it's the word mukbang upset is a setting where sure sure sure so this is the thing I really wants us to read this so mukbang. It's a South Korean term It translates to eating show or eating broadcast It's a popular online video genre video where a host known as a mukbang eats food while interacting with viewers
Starting point is 00:43:17 Now this is why they this according to Google's AI Why they like mukbang entertainment they say they they say mukbang creates a sense of community. Vicarious satisfaction, satiation, some viewers watch mukbang instead of eating. Ooh, that's sad, that's not good. That's not good. That's not good. Parasocial effect, they say mukbang can have a similar effect to watching television characters.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I don't know what television you're watching. Homer Simpson. I guess, but even he's not eating most of the time. Most of the time he's doing foibles that lead to adventures. People like the sounds of the eating, which I've heard according to some of our more, I'm gonna say, ignorant reviews of Good Pud, where they seem to attack the sounds of eating, but they don't understand that's the sound of life. That's the sound of the blood rolling through our veins. Yeah, good put.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Go check it out. And the education. People sometimes they say mukbang videos can sometimes be educational. I don't think that's true. No. Yeah. It's like, oh, tacos.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Where are those from? Taco town. Let's eat some. All right, so this woman, Panzeung Ting, the thing about her was that this woman was fucking crazy. She used to be a waitress and people used to mukbang at her restaurant and she saw that they were getting gifts and stuff so she's like I want to be a mukbang. Why am I working?
Starting point is 00:44:32 She ended up killing her. She literally was like why should I work work? I want to be a mukbang star. So they became, but apparently he's very competitive and so Pan kept struggling to be more extreme so technically Pan had already been hospitalized once with a ruptured stomach. Her stomach's ruptured. They don't say what food that she was eating. We do see chicken tender. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I am hungry. I'm looking at that. I'm gonna say it looks pretty good. Now this is here, so she continued to stuff her face. At one point she was hospitalized, she was diagnosed with gastric bleeding. The food was undigested, that's how they know it killed her. That's the brutal part, it expanded her stomach, she ate herself to the point. Pan started coming up with all sorts of extreme challenges, such as eating non-stop for at least 10 hours a day, consuming over 10 kgs of food per streaming session.
Starting point is 00:45:24 So eventually, when they found her and she died, alive on stream. She collapsed on stream and she died live. We all die alive. But she was streaming live. She was streaming live. Which is technically weirdly what she was searching for. And I will say, just so you know, This is the never-ending series of diminishing returns that all internet content creators are flashed to maybe this is how I
Starting point is 00:45:52 Let Rambo go out muckbang muckbang you make some money on muck banging for Rambo He'd fucking go he would like to go out. I know he'd be sad He'd be like the guy I was watching that Ren fair documentary Which I didn't particularly like but I like the first episode. Everybody really wanted to want wanted me to watch it and I just couldn't get into it. I'm sorry, but the one thing- I don't even want to go to the Ren Faire. I love the Ren Faire. It was just honestly, sadly, I watched it and I thought it would be more pleasant and it's more unpleasant and sad.
Starting point is 00:46:16 It makes me sad. But the guy that ran one of the- the guy who's like the main focus of one of the episode, he's an old old man and he said I wish there could be a service that I could call and die how I wanna die, which is, he's like, I'm 98 years old, I wanna be fucked to death. I want a woman to ride me until I just die with her on top of me, it's the only thing I care about, and that was what he was spending
Starting point is 00:46:40 the last months of his life looking for. Should go to Cat House. I know, but Cat House, they get mad if you die in there They he was looking for someone whose one job was to literally come and suck and fuck him until he just died and she knew She was gonna be there and sucking and fucking him until he died JD Vance JD Vance would love to fucking suck him till he dies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:47:06 Because doesn't he do that with Peter Thiel? Yeah, I think JD Vance... He has sex with Peter Thiel, right? I believe so. Yeah, Peter Thiel's like owns him. I don't know if it's sex as much as it's just straight fucking. Just cum? Yeah, I don't think there's any kissing.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Yeah, he's eating cum. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But some people love eating cum, so I hope he does. Yeah, I know it. I don't want to kink shame JD Vance. No, love that. He loves it. He's got a big bare face He looks like he's got the perfect beard to collect a bunch of little icicles. I've come let's from a big old billionaire I think that he loves it. I can see the frosting and then by his lips And maybe hopefully good for him. Yeah, make me an effigy. How do I get in there?
Starting point is 00:47:41 I'm good for him. Yeah, make me an effigy. How do I get in there? Fly from your grave. No, these guys, so Pan, sadly, she's gone, but according to the Olympics, they're still not gonna let it in there. Because they- No mukbanging.
Starting point is 00:47:54 There's no mukbanging, and I think it's- You know what the new sport is this year? What? Flag football. Is that serious? Yeah. Isn't that weird? Flag football?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Who gives a shit? In France? Yeah. Isn't every country adds something shit? In France? Yeah. Isn't every country adds something they're known for? Yeah. But didn't we add like break dancing? We're going to add, in 2028 we're adding break dancing.
Starting point is 00:48:12 L.A. is. Flag football? Yeah, flag football. In Paris? Yeah, no, I don't know why. I guess they're too scared to play normal football. That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. Why would you, I don't think of flag football in Paris. I think of that in Columbus, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Yeah, or like on college campuses. Very strange. It's a flag football. Oh, but it's for ladies. And men? Is it co-ed teams? No! Nothing's co-ed in the Olympics. That'd be cool. Co-ed Olympics? That'd be awesome. Yeah. Obviously the lady eaters are just as good as the male eaters. Okay, we now know for a fact, and that sometimes the husbands have to cheat because they're fucking bitches.
Starting point is 00:48:53 That's right. And that's dumb. And that was dumb of them. All right, here we go. I do wanna talk before we get out of this. So just so you know, I send stuff to Ed. Yeah. Often. And it's usually really upsetting. And I, I send stuff to Ed. Yeah. Often.
Starting point is 00:49:06 And it's usually really upsetting. And I like to do it to him. Because I think that- For those of you who don't know, when Henry and I were roommates back in the day, he used to put pictures of dead people in my pillowcase. Yes. Yes, I did. But it was fun to do.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Right? I thought it was funny. I would wake up in the middle of the night, and I pull a picture out of my pillowcase, and I'd be like, fuck, not another dead woman. But it was just because I had access to the pictures. You had access I pull a picture out of my pillowcase I'd be like fuck not another dead woman But it was just because I had access to the pictures you had access to the pictures because you're working at a photo lab at CVS And a lot of people were taking pictures of dead people and then they're not Funerals they were not these are criminals these are pictures of funerals and they wouldn't pick up the pictures They wouldn't pick up the pictures and Henry would take them home and put in my pillowcases
Starting point is 00:49:40 Scared to share it out of him and honestly was going on for like 20 something years So I send him stuff from time to time to also now that we got to right now You have to read the stuff I said now you employ me to torture me Yeah, and I like that about a disarrangement. Yeah, I'm happy about it because I sent him It's actually a nice arrangement. It is and we're having fun. Yeah. No, I this story is This came out last year But I can't believe I missed it and the only reason why I wanted to talk about it just real quick was more just showing what I send to Eddie.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I'll send you off on your own adventure because I never went into this. Jessica Kamelari, who's serving a maximum sentence of 16 and a half years right now for beheading her mother, Rita Kamelari, and this is in Sydney, Australia. So I do wanna, when we go, see who else we know about. This woman, Jessica Kamelari,
Starting point is 00:50:27 the only way to really describe her is that she is the female Mike Myers. She was born extremely violent and spent her entire childhood extremely violent. Just fighting women. Fighting every woman. Yeah, a couple dudes, but she liked dudes. She was obsessed, sexually obsessed with men. Yeah. Hated women. So she would glom on the men
Starting point is 00:50:49 inappropriately. Like, so starting as a little girl doing stuff like grabbing men by their crotches, weird with the teachers. Yeah. Weird. But then at the same time becoming extremely hostile and getting kicked out of every single help home. And I mean every single place she gets it getting put in and she can get kicked in and then she's caught almost every woman she ever saw Jessica Kamalari then gets to be an adult and she gets like big she's Bella gunnysides yeah this isn't like an insult to be all people she's just powerful and scary. She's built like a fucking line.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Brick shit house. Yes, I think the term. That's the term. She is like she got a big scary smile. If you look at her thing, yeah, she attacks people by grabbing them by the head and smashing their face down to the ground, usually ripping the hair out of their heads. She did it time and time again, and she kept doing it and attacking people. Then she got into phony phone calls where she saw numbers.
Starting point is 00:51:51 She would fall in love with somebody. Yes, and what she would do is she'd fall, she had this kind of form of synesthesia apparently where she would see numbers in a sequence of numbers and they would make her feel a certain way and she'd become obsessed, and she'd dial random numbers in the phone. That's how she got the numbers. She began to make thousands of calls to various people. People in Indonesia, all over the world. Everywhere. And then she'd get fixated on one person for a while and call them, I'm
Starting point is 00:52:21 not exaggerating, they're saying upwards of 300 to 500 times a day. Yeah. Calling and calling and calling and calling and calling. And when they pick up, if it's a man, she starts saying about how I want you to fuck me, I wanna fuck, I wanna suck your dick. Seeing really really intense stuff. When they finally say like, ma'am I don't know who this, please stop, it slowly turns into, I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna behead you, I'm gonna play with your guts.
Starting point is 00:52:43 She starts getting this obsession with horror movies. It's Baby Reindeer Meets Halloween. Yes, it is. This lady's scary! Eventually, she attacks a bunch of people at a... She's like, the mom has done everything possible. I think Rita Commulary, the victim, did everything in her path. Every single thing she could possibly do. This is one of those stories like in Adam Lanza's style, where Jessica Kamelari, in no uncertain terms,
Starting point is 00:53:08 was just born incorrect. Yeah, no, she's just a violent person and is going to be violent no matter what. She then, her mom, finally in the last straw saying, we are going to institutionalize you, it's over. Jessica Kamelari flips out, uses over seven knives to stab her mother in the neck, face, and upper torso to the point. Over a hundred times. Over a hundred times, breaking knives in the process.
Starting point is 00:53:33 She had 95 defensive wounds. That means she was alive for most of the attack. Most of it. And then she literally used her body weight to then twist her head the rest of the way off. And then called the police on herself, and I the rest of the way off. Yeah. And then call the police on herself, and I believe we have the 911 call. Yeah, no, it's upsetting. Yeah, she called the... She took the head and brought it into the front yard for a little while.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Yeah, she was playing with the head for a while. Yeah, yeah. She said it was self-defense. And then she had a neighbor call the cops for her. Yes, because she went to a neighbor saying, help, my mom tried to attack me. I defended myself. And then the neighbor saw that she was covered in blood with a decapitated head.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And I tell you what, that guy kept it cool. He really did. Because he really was like, you might want to send someone to the house right now. You might want to send someone. And then, oh, so you have the 911 call? All right. It's not that long. It's only two minutes. You might want to send someone. And then, oh, so you have the 911 call? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Alright, it's not that long. It's only two minutes. Hello? Hello, this is Alison from Police Emergency. We just received a call from this number. Yes, I need you to get the ambulance and the police out and out immediately. To which address? 128 St. Clair Avenue.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Please come. I need you. This is our immediate, our life or death situation. Which suburb or town is that in? St. Clair, St. Clair, St. Clair Avenue, please come. I need you. This is our immediate life or death situation. Which suburb or town is that in? St Clair. St Clair. St Clair. Ok, so 128 St Clair Avenue, St Clair. What's the nearest crossroad, please? What's the nearest... Listen, can you talk to the neighbour on Bluff Street? Can you just talk to him?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Rochford Street, is it? Could you? Because my hand is bleeding. Thank you. Can you talk to... Oh! My finger's broken! What's happening? what watch that straight if that could you come on in leading it can you talk to talk broken what happens i don't know what that that that they are all about that she did that that i mean it's pretty far ahead and when plan they are open the door
Starting point is 00:55:19 she said that the campaign called the uh... people in the land and that she's a premium she had a private uh her mom. I think Okay. Yeah, she had a fight with them So did she just say her mom tried to stab her I don't know Yeah, can you please just come in immediately? Yeah, can you please come immediately please? Okay, so she believes that she may have killed her mother. Mum has had enough of me because I admit I've been a challenge
Starting point is 00:55:53 and this ongoing thing's been going on for months anyway. She had enough of me. She grabbed me by the hair and dragged me from my room all the way to the kitchen and she got a knife and she tried to stab me with it and I grabbed the knife off her because I thought she was going to stab me so I stabbed her back and I was so heated up with anger I just kept stabbing and stabbing and stabbing her and I took off her head. Yeah yeah yeah it's the way she kind of lightly drops that in at the end
Starting point is 00:56:20 so she is uh yeah that's also her move that she like said her mom did. Well, she's exactly someone by the hair and pull her down. It's literally all that. That's what she did time and time again. She then so she's arrested. She gets up, goes to jail. When the when the EMTs come, she starts screaming, can you put the head back on her? See, that's why everyone's like, you know, so they thought that maybe there might be some issues here. So they went and she when she was arrested she got
Starting point is 00:56:45 tried for and then they they due to her honestly she is mentally she has a she obviously is some she has a learning disability. There's definitely something well she had a 55 IQ. Yes so there's something going on here that's beyond that right. Yeah. And so they came in they first said well we can't try her then as it like essentially like completely competent So she got some she does know the difference between right and wrong because she lied about what happened and she tried to cover it Yeah, yes And so yes She definitely also relieving out the fact that there was a little kid there that she sliced in the face who lived and that
Starting point is 00:57:19 Kid lived and that kid tried his best to save his mom and also she didn't he the kid went in hot hid And yeah, and then the cops found him And that kid tried his best to save his mom and also she didn't he the kid went and hid and saved themselves And then the cops found him But I it's just interesting because at first they were they she got I want to say she got like 25 Years, and then they appealed they brought it down 16 and a half years since she's been in prison She is attacked a half a dozen people more. She just attacked two prison guards at once This chick's fucking intense. Yeah, she got fucking pulled on people's she got it She attacked two prison guards recently. They have not added to her time yet. She ripped the hair from their heads. They have quit
Starting point is 00:57:57 Working at the prison. They've quit being prison guards because of working with her. I imagine it's hard. That's how frightening she was. Yeah, it's a weird situation. She's gonna get out. Because obviously this person should not be amongst society. What do you do? But I also don't believe in imprisoning people their entire life.
Starting point is 00:58:15 You and I are the same in that way. Well, what do you do when somebody I feel like it's a broken human. If we were all dogs, the dogs would kill this dog. Yes. Right, but we're humans and so we can't do that. What do you do with somebody like, we actually, I thought it was interesting how like we had that one letter where he said his son was talking about these cannibalistic impulses
Starting point is 00:58:32 and they got him into therapy, but you really got to get him very, very young. I feel like this woman would have attacked people no matter what. Yes, they have to then respond to the treatment, which is extremely difficult. So what do you do with a very, cause we do know there's a very small section of population that are broken. This level of, I'm going to say, is it broken? Is it unhelpable? Like there's something about like somebody where they're too far gone, like a Ted Bundy or like one of these things. What do we do with these people? Well, we killed him Well, we did eventually after he escaped and ran away and did a bunch of stuff. So he you know So I just thought that was a fuck. They're crazy story. It is an insane story. You could go into it
Starting point is 00:59:16 It was one of my favorite one of my favorite true crime Websites, I believe it's dreading to the story on them, which is great. So shout out to Sydney, if you know her, come to the show. Her name is not Sydney. That's Jessica. Jessica's from Sydney. Yeah, from Sydney. That's what I'm saying. We're going to be performing in Sydney. Well, she's in jail for at least a couple. She'll be in jail for another 10 years, at least.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Yeah, but I'm saying, you know, some of her friends. Oh, yeah. If you know her, yeah, come on by. Please. Also, six people. There's actually not much more to the story. This is another mystery that I hope to uncover more over the next couple of weeks. Six people entered into a Bangkok hotel at this little room. So essentially they all got together for a meeting. Seven people and six were found dead and they can't find the seventh person. No, they now believe that the person that poisoned all of them was in the room.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Oh, okay. They do believe that whoever was that poisoned them was in the room and died as well. Oh, so now they're trying to figure out which of those six people that are dead was the one who poisoned everybody? Apparently, well, what I think it is is that there's information that we just are not privy to yet because they're going through it. And it's in Bangkok. Yes. There were six so there was six Bangkok.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Yes, there were six people in a hotel room. They got room surface together. Apparently, one of them was some form of investor and that the others were people that had given this investor a certain amount of money. And I guess according to some rumors, one of the theories is that an investment went wrong and that something happened here. And one of if it wasn't the person that was in charge of the theories is that an investment went wrong and then something happened here. And one of if it wasn't the person that was in charge of the investment or the person that was like brought the group in because a lot of times with investments what will happen is that like
Starting point is 01:00:54 one person will like bring in like a couple of people from the outside with them into a situation. So it sounds like I don't know who it was that then poisoned everybody. So they know that there was a white powder found on the food. There was a woman that had answered the door. They brought a bunch of room service before everyone else had walked into the room and met up for whatever this meeting was. There was a woman that appeared stressed that signed the check for the food that came in before whoever that person was then poisoned all of the cups that was spread about because they all had a cup of tea, they all immediately died.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Yeah, they didn't poison the food because some of the food is still covered. Yes, so I don't know what happened. We don't know what happened. We don't know why just yet. But the idea of like everybody's getting poisoned is like not how you make a good return. You really do. And I'm going to say this as a person who does invest pivot. You don't get to kill everybody. Like, just know that what I learned is super obnoxious. And I think that people do say this and they say this as a thing. And I don't know why where they're like, look for the success in your failure.
Starting point is 01:02:00 They were like, oh, I actually prefer to fail because I learn more with failures than with wins, and that's, I don't like that. You know what would be cool if we just stopped making cyanide, why do we even make it anymore? Rats? Is it a rat poison? Look it up.
Starting point is 01:02:17 What is the actual purpose of cyanide? I think it is just to be a poison. I think it is just to kill people. Yeah, but I think it's to kill not people, it just does. You know what I mean? I think that it's just, it is for, oh, it's used to manufacture paper, textiles, plastics, and pesticides.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Well, you know, I think we can find something else to make that stuff with. I don't know. Pest control. Medicine, it's used in emergency medical situations to lower blood pressure. Yeah. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I mean, at this point, it's obviously too much of a problem. Well, no. I mean, I find it, I feel like that's one of those things it's just a- It's super cheap. Chemicals don't do anything wrong. People do. Oh, there we go. Chemicals are innocent.
Starting point is 01:03:02 All right, Mr. NRA. Chemicals are innocent. I don't know. I'm saying chemicals are innocent. Guns are not. Guns have mean thoughts. Yeah, you think so? Because look at cyanide, technically can be used to help. So could a gun. Well, but it's helping by killing.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yes. See, cyanide itself can be made into medicine. Unless you're shooting down streetlights. That's just fun. That's awesome. That is fun. Yes, that cyanide itself can be made into medicine unless you're shooting out streetlights. That's just fun. That's awesome. That's that is fun Yes, that is just that's harmless fun No one's getting mad about not being able to see the road at night There's nobody gonna be upset about that. I think it'd be different if you could also use as a gun as a spatula Ladle like if there were things Lidl, like if there were things that you... Toothbrush.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Toothbrush. Oh God, that's how you know the dentist doesn't like you. Here's your prescription. One Remington full mouth. All right, let me do some listener emails. Listener emails. What do you fuckers have to say to us? Bet you a bunch of fucking cool ass shit.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Lot of penis bifurcation that I'll be hitting on this week's episode of Lost Podcast. Yes, that doesn't, that's not today. That's not today. You have to wait two days to learn about flaying penis. And you're also welcome because we didn't do the story but the guy with the dog fucking room. Yeah, there was a guy who fucked a bunch of dogs
Starting point is 01:04:22 and we decided not to talk about it even though we're not talking about it. But that's as far as we'll go. Yeah, there was a guy who fucked a bunch of dogs and we decided not to talk about it even though we're not talking about it. But! That's as far as we'll go. All right, here's a great story. I just want you to know that we hold back sometimes. Scruff is enough. All right? We hold back. We're responsible. Here we go. Here's an alien abduction story and I love it.
Starting point is 01:04:42 To preface, I am an engineer by trade, with no known mental health issues or psychiatric problems and no history of drugs. If you have to say that, I don't, you know, believe you. No, it's good to do it at the top of an alien abduction story. If this was a job interview, you'd be like, alright buddy. I finally told my boyfriend this story when the topic of psychic phenomenon aliens came up between us and he suggested sending it in. I will say I just talked, I was just watching a talk with the CIA guy, Jim Semivani, you
Starting point is 01:05:13 can't trust any of these guys, but he was alien abducted and he said that there's a term, what's a term that he uses? Or it's, there's a psychological term for it was absolutely physically real. Okay. That's how he experienced it. I was at a very low point last March. Stuck in a job I hated and dealing with other normal life problems. My job at one point made me move 5,000 kilograms, 11,000 pounds worth of 25 weights in a night. Right? I had to move 55 pound weights. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:05:46 11,000 pounds of 55 weight dumbbells. I had to move in one night. Nice. You're just pretty strong. Yeah, you're strong, girl. You work for York. Ooh. Now it sucked.
Starting point is 01:05:57 That night afterwards I started to wake twice in the night when I'm physically, typically, a heavy sleeper. I fell asleep for the third time and I had a dream that I was back in my childhood home's living room. I recognized that I was dreaming when I typically don't dream at all, but I felt like something grabbed me and started moving me down a black tunnel full of pulsing yellow light. It felt like getting grabbed by a vaudeville hook from a cartoon. I was falling but also moving sideways.
Starting point is 01:06:24 The next thing I knew, I was in a room that felt like a cross between a hospital ward and a children's nursery. The floor was made out of translucent cubes and bright colors like red, yellow, and green, but the walls were sterile gray metal. I was sitting on what felt like a gurney. The architecture of the whole place was bizarre. The only door I could see looked more like it belonged in a submarine with a porthole window in the center. I wasn't there long before two humanoids that looked to be about three feet tall walked
Starting point is 01:06:56 into my view. They looked like they were wearing rumpled and oversized, dark gray business suits on top of silver bodysuits that covered everything from the neck down. Their skin was a sickly gray color and their faces looked… scrunched, but not unkind. I wasn't strapped down or anything, but I felt like I couldn't move. I didn't feel afraid of them. One of them said in a voice that I heard in my mind,
Starting point is 01:07:20 You look like you need help. It was in my skull. Like it was in my skull. One of them grabbed a line of clear tubing filled with a bright pink liquid attached to a needle. They went behind me, and the needle went into my spine directly between the shoulder blades. I felt every movement as it entered my spinal cord and lit up the nerves there. It hurt, but I didn't cry out or make any noise. Even now, over a year later, I can still remember the sensation. I don't remember much after the needle stopped and they started pumping in the pink fluid. When I woke up and checked
Starting point is 01:07:56 myself, there was no visible marks of what had happened. For days after, every part of my body was sore from moving those 25 kilogram weights except my back. That horrible job ended abruptly the next week and within two weeks I found a much better one. My life has been on an upswing ever since and in basically all aspects. So I don't know what happened or if aliens really were involved last year, but if they were it looks like they gave me the help I needed.
Starting point is 01:08:23 You know, I am in the camp that of aliens exist. They're cool. Well, that's called your SIEM from the Central Intelligence Agency. What are you talking about? They don't want us to believe in them at all. No, it's because, and I do believe this, because I was just watching a thing with the CIA,
Starting point is 01:08:40 Jim Semi-Van, it's like the main issue with the quote unquote UAP slash NHI situation is that the way he put it, I don't know how to believe this guy at all, he was in the Tooth Stars Academy and I was just watching this thing. He basically said the truth about what we know about aliens is essentially if someone came to you and told you your father wasn't your father, he's your uncle, but it's times a million. And I was like, that doesn't really make a heck of a lot,
Starting point is 01:09:14 I don't even know what that means. I don't think that makes sense. He says the word is undigestible. I know what I talked about with you today about how he's like the news is. Like pans, chicken fingers. Yes, he said the news, ha ha ha, for her. He said that essentially the news about aliens
Starting point is 01:09:29 is both going to ruin your day and you can do nothing about it. And it's most likely not gonna affect your life at all. So why no? So that's kind of what they're saying. And I do believe that what I hinted at last week is actually getting closer to closer what they're talking about. Is that there are people walking around, and I do think that's one of the things that they're saying,
Starting point is 01:09:51 is that they don't even know that they're aliens. That they're walking around and they have a different DNA, and they are walking around and they have a different origin, that they're from another dimension. What if one of them died or committed a crime, then we'd have the weird DNA. Not always. Really not always. If you think about how often I was like, because when I read about that Lydia Fairchild story and this idea of someone having Chimera DNA, and you realize the stuff where it's like,
Starting point is 01:10:15 unless you commit a crime, or if you're in one of these things in which your DNA must be sequenced, there is no reason to look at your DNA. And the majority, the grand majority of human beings haven't had their DNA Are you think 23 and me is in on it? Well, or that's not what they're looking for. They're looking for something else Well, if they get one and you're like this isn't a human Well, it probably have people send stuff to I bet you as a corporation. They are gonna send you Stuff. I also know for a fact they'll send stuff and say the DNA is not viable. Oh, okay They will definitely tell you if they've you have done the quote-unquote if you've done the test wrong
Starting point is 01:10:51 Yeah, your spit is green essentially like you can do the test wrong and then the test is not viable They do that does happen. I do believe they send you something back But I do think a lot of times they'll just populate it because it's a company and it's people doing it. So it's like it's not a government agency. It's like it's or even with a government agency, it's people doing it. So on some points there's definitely half ass marks. I definitely think you can send stuff in and have it not register. And they're like, ah, it's junk. It's like this. Just send it to this thing where it's like, who knows? I'm saying that's obviously that's a crazy shit on the face of the planet. And I'm saying it like that is a very esoteric and fringe concept load I'm
Starting point is 01:11:26 talking about, but it's just more just understanding what does weird mean, what does understandable mean? And maybe it literally is just like, we can understand it and that they have no, these things have goals that are not, we don't feature in. They don't consider us. Yeah. So if you're an alien and you send in your blood to 23andMe, they'll just say you're from Newfoundland.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You're from Brents. Yeah. We are from Brents. Wow, another side story, it's another riveting day of news. And you know, we really boil down to it, because I love to read the news. I love, I live the news. I love the news, I live I love, I live the news. I love the news.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I live the news. I make the news. When we don't have news to do, we go out and do it. If it wasn't for the news and menus at restaurants, I wouldn't read. The meat piles were us, buddies. And we're going to laugh about it. We did it. Also, yeah, we didn't get into any of that.
Starting point is 01:12:23 There was more. There's another meat pile. I don't want to talk about it. Canada, yeah. We're going to wait. We did it. Also, yeah, we didn't get into any of that. There was more another meat pile. I don't want to tuck in Canada. We're going to wait. We're gonna wait. We got a lot more information. People talking about me piles. Uh, there, there's a war out here. Yeah, we're coming to Australia. I want to see your meat piles. You better roll your, they're pretty free with them over there. Last time I went to Australia, I see people like their boobies out there. Yeah. New Zealand, New Zealand, Auckland on August 6th. And then we're going all over. We're went to Australia, I see people like their boobies out there. Yeah. New Zealand? It's a sexy town. New Zealand, Auckland on August 6th. Yeah, man. And then we're going all over.
Starting point is 01:12:48 We're going to Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne. Can't wait. Perth. I cannot fucking wait. I'm going to be the girth and Perth baby. Yeah, baby. Don't worry, there's others. Adelaide.
Starting point is 01:12:57 And that's all of them. Those are all the things. Yep. Yeah, yeah. Those are all the shows. I can't. Go to to buy those tickets. We're still there.
Starting point is 01:13:04 We've already done our extra stream for you Australian people. Those are all the shows. Go to to buy those tickets. We're still there. We've already done our extra stream for you Australian people. So you've loved that already. You loved it already. You loved that. You loved that. And then we got new Last Podcast coming this week. Go to the slash last podcast on the left to give us money to watch us perform,
Starting point is 01:13:21 watch our lips flap back and forth. Go on the stupid socials at LP on the left and go see our Twitch streams, slash LP and TV Go check it out. They're on our YouTube number 13 side stories in Chicago at the Park West We still got some tickets go see it. I want to give a special shout out to K Quat room K watch row ceramicamics sent me this beautiful mug. I love it so much.
Starting point is 01:13:48 It says, uh, regressive porn laws ruined my sesh. Now I only jack off to But just so you know, there is no pornographic material in He doesn't sell that. No, but you can buy these Ham Daddy hats. Yep. He is selling, he is really selling them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love them. You go down there, help him. Help these ham daddy hats. Yep. He is so he's really selling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll go down there
Starting point is 01:14:05 Help him help his family. I love it. Yeah. No Julie's Julie's been doing great over there She's been making all kinds of merch support his wife. Yeah No, it's what you like wives. Yeah, if you like wives go to Eddie tunes comm and support mine. Where's fucking wife Yes, you pieces of shit Okay, cuz none of you supported Melania! That's right. Yeah! That's good about her! Ben, you saw that weird kiss they did? Oh my god, what if she's Kamala's running mate? That would be incredible.
Starting point is 01:14:32 I don't care, do you? Donald! Donald! Barret looking very stretched! Hail Satan. Hail Satan! Hail Satan! No!
Starting point is 01:14:44 No! No! Look!

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