Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Found Frozen

Episode Date: January 24, 2024

Henry & Marcus bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news beginning with an update in the ongoing TikTok "Tunnel Girl" saga, new info emerges on "The Jellyfish" UFO, 3 Kansas City Chie...fs fans mysteriously found frozen outside home of friend, Mississippi Mom facing murder charge after police find son’s body hidden behind a false wall, 'Anger Management' Therapist guns down man in street - stuffs body in car trunk, Listener E-Mails, and More!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Holds, Primage, listening. It is I, Numator 479. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee. And while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake andivacious to give it so try our new plan from Spring Hill Jack coffee Reptilian in the morning our proprietary blend of lightly roasted Cocayo husks will have you immediately energized about emerging from the pain cloaca with all your snippery new Thanks, honey I'm cold blooded. Mmm. Eggs to Spring Hill Jack and last hot gas on the left.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I'm ready to get out there and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton. There's no place to escape to. This is the last hot gas on the left. Side stories? Yeah, this is the last on the left side stories. That's when the cannibalism started. Side stories. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It's very, very, it's very strange because it's also about like how the Trump was an outsider, like everyone got mad in the books because he became president But he was never a politician, but he fixed everything Mm-hmm by fixing the economy and it doesn't really make any sense. Yeah, but it's also like it's just all like very familiar Yeah, and but it burned probably not paying attention to like in the end like this person becomes the last president of the United States And the entire thing collapses. Yes, Cool. But no, he fixes everything. We don't need another president. Oh.
Starting point is 00:01:49 He's fixed everything between it and now he's permanent. So what is replaced? Who runs the country afterwards? Honestly, I think it's just fucking Obamacare. That's it. Welcome to Side Story. Oh, that's how we started. Maybe it's how we start.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Do you want to start with like that? You know, it's interesting.'s interesting. It's no one heard my run up about this series of coincidence. It's about an ancient book written about a character named Baron Trump. They go into who happened to get Nikola Tesla's time machine. It's a long story. We're gonna have to break this down. John Trump, they got a, it's a weird connection to the Trump family, to Nikola Tesla's fucking It's a weird connection to the Trump family, to Nicola Tesla's research legacy. It's definitely real. Any mentions of the book about this Baron Trump being a six foot seven goon? Unless, I didn't see the cover. I didn't see the cover.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Who knows? You see him? You see Baron Trump? He's massive. He's big. He's huge. Did you see him? He has to carry his dad now and massive. He's big. He's huge. He's fucking... Oh, did you see him like, he has to like carry his dad now and shit?
Starting point is 00:02:48 He's a big guy. He's gonna kill a nurse. I'm so afraid of what this guy's gonna do. God knows. Especially if he's not being watched. Exactly. He needs to be watched 24-7. I guess that's what Milani's doing. I'm Marcus Parks and Henry Zabrowski coming out with the hot future predictions. You never know about who Barron Trump is gonna murder. coming out with a hot future predictions. You never know about who Barron Trump is gonna murder. Well, it does remind me of the Uber driver that did tell me that Donald Trump had access to. He found that there was time traveling goggles. This is completely real.
Starting point is 00:03:14 This was told to me in an Uber, which I was like, oh great, you're driving? Yeah. And he said in the basement of the White House, there was a secret technology that Donald Trump defied the secret industry against, right? He went against the intelligence committees and he said, no, no, no, no, I gotta go look at this. And it was time traveling goggles so he could see into the future about how great a president he was gonna be.
Starting point is 00:03:36 That great? While he was president. I mean, while like, you should have been engaged in the president. President Trump. We have a lot of information that came in, but pushbacks, but also a lot of reconformations. It's very interesting. And I'll take the pushbacks. But do we want to start with the pushbacks? Because I kind of feel like I need to address these people because I feel like I've offended many, many structural engineers and biologists.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Marcus obviously fell in love. I did not fall in love. Fell in love. I may, I might have become enamored with the concept of digging in your own yard. Digging in your own property. I became enamored with the concept. I know you love this idea, the tunnel lady. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Her account was called the TikTok tunnel lady, known as engineer dot everything on Tic-Toc has garnered a lot of attention and a lot of appreciation because people love her can do attitude. She wears pearls. She, you know, she wears like 1950s dresses. She looks immaculate and she's digging this giant tunnel underneath her home. And she's being stopped by the state because there is no regulations happening while she's building a tunnel underneath a very populous city. And it seems like that this was stopped for very good reasons. Very much so. It's a topic known as hobby tunneling, which I do. We talked about this last episode about freedoms.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah. We love freedoms. We want you to be able to express yourself. I too wish I want to be able to tunnel anywhere I want to go I do too I feel that the earth we you know once again the government's proving Pocahontas was wrong Because I but I do feel because the United States government Technically owns the land of the core that is underneath your home. They own the mantle. Do you know that? I know that mineral got that they't have, it may be in cities, but way out where.
Starting point is 00:05:26 But people do sometimes buy the rights underneath your house. Yeah, it's called mineral rights. Yes, and then, but then they own it down to the lava. Mm-hmm. Right, because then it depends on how deep you go. Ain't that weird. It's really weird.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So I feel like you should be able to tunnel through it, but apparently what it really does is destabilizes an entire city neighborhood. Because we got some pushback because obviously Marcus fell in love with the lady. I didn't fall in love with the lady. I became enamored with the concept of tunnel digging. I heard it in your voice. You didn't hear anything.
Starting point is 00:05:53 You heard me be very excited about digging, which we all know is one of my favorite things in the world. But ever since we talked about Marcus' erotic obsession with this woman, my enamor with the concept. I understand, I understand. My wife is going to fucking rip your throat out. I'm sorry, Carolina. I'm sorry it's like this. She listens to the show every week.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Well, she's- She keeps tabs on you. She's listening. She's working out right now and just becoming mad. She needs to report the tunneling later and get her stuff taken down. No, she, it's, I understand. Okay, we all wanna dig tunnels,
Starting point is 00:06:27 but I got a lot of people saying, number one, people are obviously straight up, which is kind of insulting, one email. Well, I'm not shocked that Tongue Girl has charmed Marcus. I do feel like I should probably call out how absolutely wrong you guys are about her project. And they go on to talk about the working in Construction and about how like all the various things she completely fucked up because she was in the middle of the city
Starting point is 00:06:54 She lives in a quarter acre, which means a cave-in would reliably harm her neighbors Her neighbors are also people that were hesitant because some of them were immigrants So hesitant to come to the government and talk about what the hell was going on next door All right, she didn't do any soil analysis, which is interesting. She doesn't know how structurally sound her tunnel actually is. She has actively dumped the sludge from wet drilling back into the water table, which is at minimum an EPA violation.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Oh, the villains from Ghostbusters. That's a bad idea. That's a bad idea. Now, I mean, I would imagine that the soil, if she's working in very like clay rich soil, then that's gonna be a good thing to tunnel because it's much structurally stronger soil No, I didn't say like a sandy soil. Why is that though? Why would that be because it's good clay though denser? I don't know I do but this is why we can't tunnel
Starting point is 00:07:36 This is why we need you need to have soil analysis and people go But they're also saying that the structures were completely fucked up But also with this story we got many stories of people tunneling. Hobby tunneling is big. And people that have lived their whole lives, like this one story about the moleman of, it's in Hackney, the moleman of Hackney in London, it was by the name of William Little,
Starting point is 00:08:00 he dug a series of interconnected tunnels underneath his London home. And a lot of people got mad at that because it was London. It was the center of a giant city. And he just got it in his head that he wanted to start digging. I got to start digging, right? He dug out these series of tunnels. I think he said it was 65 different tunnels that led from his house
Starting point is 00:08:24 out into the rest of the city. Yeah, on deep as 26 feet. I mean they said it was 65 different tunnels that led from his house out into the rest of the city. Yeah, as deep as 26 feet. I mean, which is crazy. Yeah. It's great. And it does. Again, it's fun. It sounds like the fucking verbs, but they said that the neighbors complained that the ground would shake because again, he's fracking his own house. We did this last time. He's destroying the structural integrity over the the earth itself
Starting point is 00:08:46 Underneath the home and then they said he hit out hit a power line And he took out an entire the entire neighborhood power which also hilarious and the guy does look like a mole man He absolutely looks like a mole man. He inherited this house in like 2006 I think 2006 but he spent many many many years. He spent 40 years. Actually, he inherited this thing in the 60s. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. That's a lot of tunneling.
Starting point is 00:09:15 From 1966, can you imagine that? You're in London, 1966. Oh yeah. Ya, baby ya. Ya. Oh, you got in the mold on that. Twiggy. Twiggy was there. She would have hippest... Oh, yeah....Baby Yaa. Oh, you got the mold on that? Oh, Twiggy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Twiggy was there. She would have slid right through those tunnels. One of the hippest, coolest times in the 20th century. Oh, yeah. In places. And you're digging a tunnel. You just don't care. Don't hurt your tunnel, Matt.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You could have been down in Soho. You're going underneath. You could have met the entire collection of the sex pistols in their accoutrements. That was 10 years later. Just fucking saying. You could have met them entire collection of the sex pistols in their accoutrements. That was ten years later. Just fucking say it. You could have met them when they were children. And you could have been like, Sid need to be responsible. They said you need maybe go to school, that's it.
Starting point is 00:09:55 What's his real name? His real name is... It's like Esther, right? Or like Reginald's? Oh, no. It's Sidney's the name of his hamster. His real real name is up. Don't tell me it is John Richie. Oh, alright. That's John Richie. Yeah, good. Well good But they they got rid of him and now some artists the big fancy pants. I'm in Richie John Simon Richie I will that's what William little could have been doing but he did yeah dog underneath the ground because he was unfuckable
Starting point is 00:10:23 He needed a better shirt. I was looking at this, he really did need different clothes. They didn't put him in jail because they find him hundreds of thousands of pounds that he could not pay. And then, apparently though, they actually for a while, he was trying to break back into the house and they couldn't. The government took it. But actually, I'm incorrect, he was not in jail. They just put him in an apartment and paid for it That's incredible. They have different ways of doing things out there. It's nice because he obviously was gonna wherever he's going He's tunneling right you gotta put him in a place where he can't put him in the basement. Can't put him in jail No, it's gonna tunnel out. Tunnel out and he's gonna follow right behind him So you have to make sure where he is. It's extremely difficult for him to tunnel
Starting point is 00:11:02 Technically, he should just not be allowed to have a shovel or pickaxe ever again. Yeah, of course. And I think well that could have been worse than death for him. And now it's been, and I actually found something that was, it's an interesting little phenomenon in England that I didn't know about. It's called air hunting, H-E-I-R, like air, air, air hunting. That's what the Nazis did. Then afterwards. That's air, air hunting. That's what the Nazis did. Then afterwards.
Starting point is 00:11:26 That's air loom hunting. No, no, air hunting is finding properties in which there's no known relative, for the property to be passed down to. So they go and find the air and show them, hey, this is your property, but a lot of times there's also like this, it can be a scam,
Starting point is 00:11:45 it can be like a middleman type things, like I found that you own this property, but if you only, all you have to do is give me $500, and I can facilitate that, so a lot of times it's a scam, but sometimes it's not. They even have like a TV show called Air Hunters, where they go and they find people and say, you own a castle now.
Starting point is 00:12:03 You own a castle now, I own a castle now. And you're just like, fuck, the taxes of this castle are going to fucking kill me. Oh my God, the financial burden of my family. Get away from me, air hunters. I'm very scary. That's also, we do that with estate sales. And then our country, which is like,
Starting point is 00:12:21 we are right on top of it, it's foreclosure sales. So if you can't pay for it, then someone come sneak your house out from underneath you and have the price. And then it's theirs. It's theirs then. And now you have nothing. My legacy. But that was that.
Starting point is 00:12:34 There was also, so tunneling is around. A lot of people are, you know, again, it's mostly just, we talked about Virginia as if it was just rolling hills. This is back to the Tunnel Girl and engineer everything. And it's just because you have to be careful when you're in the city. I'm going to give everybody, if anybody out there that's looking to do some DIY tunneling, I'm going to read you one sentence from an email that we got that's just going to tell you that you, unless you are an engineer, unless you work specifically
Starting point is 00:13:05 in construction, you're not going to teach yourself how to do this because just listen to the amount of jargon there is in this sentence. The amount of blowout on the already compromised joints, which lack any sort of strong ties, will absolutely collapse at the most minor suggestion of burden after she hammers the ends of fiberglass rebar, terrible idea that sends stress fractures down the length of the rod, into the cobbled mix of sedimentary rock.
Starting point is 00:13:31 No idea. She states that's secured with grout. We're fucked. That means you're fucked. That means you're about to be buried underneath thousands of pounds of rubble. And I do know that if she's using grout, that's used for fucking holding tile to the wall.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yes. That's not gonna offer any structural value and we got to be careful because I know we're coming against girl boss nation Yeah, but I know and it's not that she I'm glad she's a lady doing it They say hobby tunneling is a mostly male endeavor But when it comes down to it sometimes we gotta get the government involved no matter what you say to yourself I wish it wasn't that way either. I wish there was never a regulation ever. So you say freelance tunneling needed a little bit of girlboss? That's what I get.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I'm going strong now. And I'm manning all him, him. I see you in there. That's what gets motivated to get the proper permits. Get the proper permits. Unfortunately, you must get the proper permits get the proper permits Unfortunately, you must get the proper permits and if you don't get the proper permits then just make sure that you do it out in the middle of nowhere Make sure you know we're no one is anywhere near can be I'm your tunnel upper Washington the Dakotas so much of Texas so much of Texas Alabama
Starting point is 00:14:42 So many please go to the desert! These are new sins! Yeah, buy yourself seven acres, get yourself a house, and then do as much tunneling as you want. Tunnel all day long. Yeah, and then if you get buried in your tunnel and nobody finds you for weeks and weeks and weeks. That's your right. That's your right.
Starting point is 00:14:57 You're allowed to do that. You're absolutely allowed to do that. And hey, maybe you're going to find some oil. Hey, who knows? We never know. Black, old Texas State. I tell you, you find a bunch of corpses Yeah, that's what I wonder about the dude in London is like this
Starting point is 00:15:08 You know London is a city on top of a city on top of a city Yes, and they're still finding like Roman artifact like you know And all kinds of shit when they do construction in London And I'm wondering if you found anything just like fucking incredible Like did he find like bones of plague victims because I know those are everywhere in England I think he was a bit off his rocker. Um, and he probably just threw that shit out Because it's like he's doing a lot on her. What's she doing? He's we all live all live undergrounds more and it's not yours anymore
Starting point is 00:15:38 Romans mm-hmm more and so he just probably threw in the trash probably just being like garbage It's like, tunnel! Is there anything that's done, ain't tunnel! I don't make sure, I'm like, tunnel. That's tunnel. That's tunnel day. That's tunnel. Alright, I also got some pushback on the support
Starting point is 00:15:57 from our boys overseas about the jellyfish videos I was showed on this week's UFO, uh, very serious UFO mandate. Right. And you obviously didn't take it very seriously, neither did Ed because Ed's ignorant. I- And he doesn't know yet, very serious UFO mandate. And you obviously didn't take very seriously neither the ad because I had ignorant and he doesn't know yet. But you know better. You know better. I know, I know UFOs.
Starting point is 00:16:12 You know, I know UFOs and you know that I know UFO videos. The jellyfish videos. However, you got to listen. I'm not sold on the jellyfish videos. I'm gonna send you some videos. You got to settle in. You got to listen to the witnesses, but I got it. It's a really good information.
Starting point is 00:16:26 So those of you who don't know, Jeremy Korbal and George Knapp on their weaponized podcast, and a lot of people, I said the joke on the stream, but it's true, it's the Sydney Sweeney of UFOs right now. Everybody's talking about it, it's hot to trot. Everybody's talking about the Jellavish UAP, and it kinda got broken on the Jeremy Jeremy Corbel George Knapp podcast Weaponize where he showed a video of this jellyfish UFO that was seen over a
Starting point is 00:16:53 US military base And it's it's creepy looking and you know, but a lot of people assume, you know like oh, you know It looks maybe like balloons I don't know if it looks like balloons because it's very stabilized and it's moving in kind of one cluster without like wiggling around But I did get so but obviously I was roasted As soon as I showed the videos I was roasted because they can't because I understand it's vulnerable being in here being in my space Yeah, being here with me in here is vulnerable. I appreciate being invited in I do I do but I'm also I'm but I'm a true. I'm a true friend. It's always gonna tell you the truth. I'll take it. I do, I do, but I'm also got, I'm, but I'm a true friend's always
Starting point is 00:17:25 going to tell you the truth. I'll take it. I'll take it. I'm always going to tell you the truth. I'm not going to patronize you. Thank you. I'm always going to treat you with respect. But, but, but I'm not sold on the jellyfish. All right. Well, this is a response I got for again, from our boys overseas. I'm an active duty intelligence specialist and I can confirm that jellyfish vid is legit That video got passed around different MFV PED cells to see if anyone could figure out what it was and everyone I've talked to can't figure it out when Jeremy Corbill showed it It was the first time I saw the video outside of skiff a couple interesting things
Starting point is 00:17:58 I noticed as an analysis in this video throwing out all these acronyms. Yep. A. L. B. C. P. T. Dude. That's how these guys fucking legit. All right. The more acronyms the more true it is. All right. Here we go. A couple of things I noticed as an analyst about the video. Number one, it's like an hour long, the original, including when it goes on the water. They saw it go in the water. So this thing was tracked for a significant amount of mission time. Two, the texture changes on the IR sensor. Swish, swish, swish. The texture changes on the IR sensor.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Swish, the texture changes on the IR sensor considerably. So there's temperature fluctuations throughout the video. I are being infrared. Yes. Could possibly be the sun hitting the balloons. I don't know. There's some minor changes in the physical shape of the object as it flies with the air, but not in the manner you'd see in something amorphous like a sheet
Starting point is 00:18:43 or a bunch of balloons. Number four, if you look really close at the tentacles of the jellyfish they seem rigid like mechanical arms or an antennae array other than that i have no clue what this thing is i just know it came from a legitimate dod asset and received a lot of attention so it's interesting it is interesting i mean if i were to compare these creatures to anything it has a very world the world's feel to it. What's very um, it's of them Are these things Object that is intelligently Piloted from far away or is this another example of a thing that that's the thing by all it or do you or is it like bio
Starting point is 00:19:20 Electronics something yeah that it is a it is that what you're seeing in a jellyfish UEP or what we see with like orbs and stuff like that is that there's not a little guy in there driving it. He's not doing that, all right? But that it's the thing itself, it's something. Okay. Or the idea of also had this, someone who was reading this the other day
Starting point is 00:19:42 about this concept that like we are here in a dimensionality, in this dimensionality, or we're here in this dimension, but the shit that travels through is like, they walk into a room at another place and then they're here, but they're not physically here. It's like a mirror image of something from another dimension. That's like popping into our dimension. It's like they walk into,
Starting point is 00:20:05 they can explore us from there wherever they're at. Okay. They can explore us easily without getting here because it's an interdimensional thing. We just don't understand. Gotcha. So this could be something like the... Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Well you know, we demand to be taken seriously. What do you want from me? You want me to lie to you? You want me to be taken seriously. What do you want from me? You want me to lie to you? You want to be somebody else? You showed two jellyfish videos. One was the thermal imaging video. Over the military base. Over the military base in which it's moving very, very quickly.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's moving very fast. And then you showed one in which... That one was not as good. The one from the Spanish document where it was not not as good the one from the Spanish document was not quite as good And let me say it's the one in which the jellyfish is slowly floating Through a neighborhood through a parking lot. Yes, it is largely ignored by everything around it. It's different Yes, I feel like except for the automatic light that went on when it went by it's closer to balloons Yes, I will admit it. But at the same time, is it not interesting that it looks just like the other fucking thing looks similar? It came
Starting point is 00:21:11 out. It looks just like it. And it looked and it came out and it's it is very similar. So that's why I included it. Is it like these were entirely entirely separate things that when they were years apart. So that's why that one the video I showed was from 2018. So why is it the same object? I find it interesting. And that's the other thing that I wonder about is that if it is a biological entity, why is it trucking so fast? It's got a place to be. Yeah, I guess so. Can we get a haircut? Look at it. Obviously it's a mess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:40 He's gonna get a haircut. He's gonna get his like, lines done. Yeah. Yeah, he's gonna haircut and he's gonna get it's like Lyme's lines done. Yeah Do you think there's any sort of like truck to the the theory that earth is like kind of an interdimensional highway? That we are just like one stop like a basically we're a stop on a wormhole. I feel like we all are aren't we That's what Cheryl Crowe was talking about Ever all of us are on an interdimensional highway. That's it. Every day, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Every day. Her, when she was banging Lance Armstrong, she knew what was going on. Forgot about that. What did Cheryl Crowe know about the juicing? But I find any theory that puts humans at the very center of it, like egotistical. I get that. I feel like anything that's like Earth's a special garden that every alien, every alien that's ever been wants to be here.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I just think that we are conscious and because of that, we experience these other things. And that maybe that they're still too, I get in my head because we don't understand consciousness and we know that it's some kind we know we have clues that it's remote yeah it's not maybe it's one of those things that all consciousness and things that experience and have consciousness like experience each other right and that we are all like intrinsically tied remotely because we all are thinking creatures and then maybe it's just kind of why we're all we're like loosely tied and
Starting point is 00:23:06 that they show up back and forth because we are we are another opinion of Reality-making consciousness within the universe and it could be that in the past We were much more closely tied to that consciousness and that we were able to see things Organisms we were able to see things much we were able to connect with those sorts of, you know, thoughts, beings, whatever. And they were zooming out. And then maybe when, as we've gotten more technologically advanced or societies become more complicated and stuff like that, like what that does is sort of like focus us more here on these quote-unquote, my bills. these quote-unquote, my bills. Oh, I have to go to my dialysis. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:47 And not thinking about life. You know what I mean? As a whole on a galactic scale. I was watching this fucking great document, this BBC documentary series the other day that was the, it's kind of, it's like the sequel to that book that we used for our Black Plague series, the Time Travelers Guide to Medieval Europe.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Great book. He wrote a sequel called The Time Travelers Guide to Victorian Europe. Ooh. I love it, cause that other book was great. Yeah, and he also made like a three-part documentary series for BBC called The Time Travelers Guide to Victorian Europe. And it's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Ooh, I'll watch that. You'll love it. That's good, nerd shit. The first episode is like, imagine you're a peasant and you go back man I think that we have much more time to think and hang out Then people did that because it's like the way he describes it is just this never-ending struggle to survive This never-ending so just like always having to do one thing or another
Starting point is 00:24:43 But on the other end they did have time to things like because if you were a peasant in Victorian England You would be spending much of your time in a dark hut And no candles no Candles were highly expensive and something for the nobles so you would spend much of your life in darkness That's one of those when you win everyone's says like, oh my god, 2021 sex. And it's just been like, we're fine. You know, it used to be much worse. If you were lucky, you would own two folks, a ladle, a pot,
Starting point is 00:25:15 and maybe a cot to sit on. Oh my God, you slept on an earthen floor. Yeah, it's been like, I just, your studio apartment look good now. But now it is hard because maybe they did have more time to think maybe just What else do you do all day but ruminate? Wait for the colds to burn once the sun goes down and you're also in this room It's like and also the hut would be constantly filled with smoke because you have a And also the hut would be constantly filled with smoke because you have a concept. Yes, you'd have to go outside. And you'll look at the stars.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And you just have a little hole up top that lets all the smoke out. But I would recommend, I think it's on the BBC Select. It's really, really fucking good. But yeah, that's, you know, we don't want to go back. It goes off on shit for, like, I know we shouldn't talk about it. I promised I wouldn't. No, you're fine. No, we're allowed to. We got the mandate. We were told. I know we got the about it. I promised I wouldn't. No, you're fine. No, we're allowed to. We got the mandate. We were told. I know we got the mandate, but I promised I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:26:09 But that is true. But we are, how do you say it? Predisposed to be obsessed with shit. Because we talked about it during the Black Plague series because as humans, in the book sapiens, that keeps coming up. I know it's very hacky. I think a lot of people, it's like this thing that keeps coming up with a lot of people
Starting point is 00:26:26 But I it's just fascinating because there was a line in a book that kind of like hit me They're like, you know the movement from foraging to society Helped nothing. It's helped. It was an absolute bulldozer. Yeah to all animal and human life But we can thank them But no one can tell them like you know our modern society is built on the backs of all of these people who died bad In a the switch from foraging to industrialization So we're just like we get to go things. You know because we got this shit. You know what I mean? I got my cold brew.
Starting point is 00:27:05 You know, got a bunch of hats. Yeah, I get to complain like, my monitors aren't right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, no, we all get to complain about bullshit. Yes. But yeah, life was far, far harder. But you know, as far as the, you know, not being able to see the shit that we used to see,
Starting point is 00:27:21 I still stand by my view that electricity is fucked up a lot of paranormal activity. And it's that fucking fear that I have that souls do leave the body. And they get destroyed in the shredding machine of wifi? Yeah, technically you're heading into, don't be careful. I'm not getting it.
Starting point is 00:27:39 That's getting to David, like territory. I'm not getting a 5G territory. I'm not even talking about wifi. I'm just talking about the electricity that it's around us always You go into heaven like you're like oh Like blasted the hell You just about to see you just saw like a paradise of your your perfect world
Starting point is 00:28:04 You're about to go to you just saw like a paradise of your, your perfect world you're about to go to and then you use cotton power lines like a fucking kite. Jellyfish UAP. Just like one of those and that's what they are. They're trying to be like, we never die. We get stuck here. That would be incredible. It would be. All right.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Do I get some true crime? No, I wouldn't do. I'm just going to do a true crime or mystery. Let's do the mystery. Let's do the mystery. Now, this got sent in. This story first got sent in a week and a half ago from a listener that is, I'm not saying, I don't remember if they are just, they just were friendly or they know one of the people
Starting point is 00:28:42 that are involved in this story. This is an extra, I, it's, how do you put it? Information's coming in. Yeah. We don't know a heck of a lot, but from what we do know, it's an extremely weird set of circumstances. And we don't really, I mean, you know, I feel like there is an Occam's razor explanation that makes it like it's entirely not fun.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah. Or then, or else we figure out, we will see, and we'll see where it goes. Now, I don't like how the New York Post immediately says it's entirely not fun. Or else we figure out. We'll see where it goes. Now, I don't like how the New York Post immediately says it's Kansas City Chiefs fans. Because it does feel like a Travis Kelsey, Taylor Swift style, trying to get the Kansas City juice onto the story. It might get a little bit of Kansas City juice into the story, but I think that having the Kansas City Chiefs fans in the headline Patrick Mahomes. No, what did he know? He was too busy winning. He's good. I know he's the best. He wins. He wins too much. Yeah. Well, that's the thing. And eventually
Starting point is 00:29:36 he'll fall will come Detroit, Detroit. We all want to know where Detroit, where do we we? I don't know how we got masculine here. Yeah, in the middle of this. But I appreciate that because it says Kansas City Chiefs fans, you know, and it talks about the playoffs. And if you're a football fan, if you, you know, watch the games, then you know that the game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Miami Dolphins last weekend was huge. Well, it was cold. Yes, very, very cold. It was four below with a 20 degree degree with a wind chill of negative 20 Yeah, kill the dolphins so immediately I know yeah, the dolphins couldn't use their fucking hands. Yes It I immediately know like okay super cold. I know that it was super cold that night. All right
Starting point is 00:30:16 So here the details on the bodies of David Harrington 37 Ricky Johnson 38 and Clayton McEaney 36 were found in a backyard of an unnamed man's house They were not named the man because they're not giving they're not yet a handle giving him any criminal charges We don't know where it's gonna head to but they came over to see the playoff game on January 7th They went to go see with their buddy the hung out as far as the guy who owns the house knows they left the house that night according to him They were then found two days later they sent him missing but they wanted to do a welfare check because they were like well they went to go to the game and then they never came back to the point where one of their loved ones broke into the house because they went to call the guy the guy who was not picking up
Starting point is 00:31:00 the house they were knocking on the fucking door the guy wasn't answering the door. So they broke into the basement and they were breaking into the house. They discovered there's three bodies of these, these men were frozen to death in the backyard. One was on the back porch, two were laying down in the yard. And this is where it gets really fucking weird because the guy then finally comes out, apparently like they'd been calling for weeks, getting get trying to get the police involved finally the police show up They knock on the door because it takes 48 hours. I think it's like it's 48 hours or it's 72 hours I forget what it is that you have to wait. I think it's taken down a four
Starting point is 00:31:36 I think that I think it's not I think it stopped for the most part and I think it's also a state-to-state thing and I think it's also A agency to agency thing. I think police's also a state to state thing. And I think it's also a agency to agency thing. I think police officers can kind of use their discretion. It's not like a hard and fast rule, but I think they use their discretion where it's like if somebody disappears, and if somebody disappears with a history- California has no specific time period before you wait.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah, I think it's state to state. And also like if someone has a history of disappearing a lot, then it's like, okay, we'll wait 72 hours. But if somebody is like, okay, they come home every night at eight o'clock, no, then there's no, and there and it's fucking seven PM the next day. Like, yeah, the cops will get involved. Yes. So the guy comes out. And first of all, they said that he he arrived, the police knock on the door, he opens up the door in his underpants and a glass of wine an empty glass an empty glass of wine and he says I don't know these guys you know they came he's like they were all like apparently as thick thieves these are very very close group of friends and he says that we came we partied last thing I know is I said goodbye to
Starting point is 00:32:40 them because their cars were still there two cars were parked down the street way on the street parking. There was no cars in the driveway. So there's no way to know out front that there were people inside the house. He says that he could not hear all the banging and the calling because he had his headphones on and there was a loud fan going at the same time. Now, I did is the most fake thing I've heard, right? That's fake. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I don't know because I do know they got together big game for the chiefs. Cute, right? I could see good hammered in the house, right? Maybe doesn't want to say it because his buddies froze to death and he can't deal with it. But so he literally like just was gone, right? I know one time my father came home from work. Um, and I'm not going to say I don't think he had, I don't know if he had drank, he had a long night that he had worked. We, but the family were locked out of the house in the pool. Like me,
Starting point is 00:33:38 my sister, he came in, he said hi to us and he went upstairs to go to sleep. He closed the back door. Didn't understand he had locked the back door. We were stuck back there. So at the point where my mom had a jump that we were knocking, bump, screaming. He couldn't hear nothing, right? He was just dead to the world. So my mom had to climb the fence to her neighbor's house, went over to where the fireman's house was right down the street. Got a big fireman's ladder. And it put up against the back of the house. It's completely real. Climbed up to the second floor where my dad was asleep and pounded on the window right next to where my father
Starting point is 00:34:09 was sleeping to which he answered, I pulled out his gun. And I'm literally opening up the door and pulling his gun out. And he was in our neighbor who was like, no, no, no, no, as if we were all like, daddy, don't shoot him, daddy. Like down, and it was really funny at the afterwards. But you know, you can be dead, dead asleep, maybe a little inebriated and you don't shoot him, Daddy. Like down. And it was really funny at the afterwards. But you know, you can be dead, dead asleep, maybe a little inebriated and you don't know. But what I find weird of all of this shit. No sign from these three guys trying to get in the house.
Starting point is 00:34:37 No, they didn't try to. They weren't freezing that and they didn't wake up like they didn't try to get in. Right. They either fell where they stood now. that's why the families of the dead people are now saying straight up like, no one's investigating this properly. No one is because they're basically right now, the cops have doubled down and said,
Starting point is 00:34:54 they have frozen to death. We don't see any outward signs of anything untowards in terms of a homicide. They're just calling it a death investigation. And I don't know why. I don't know whether or not it's because if they were poisoned, we would have some more of evidence of that.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Like you would have maybe see some frozen vomit. Maybe there's like physical signs of distress that would have been more apparent if they were poisoned. I'm not sure, but it's really fucking crazy to think that you would be that cold. Like let's say you did get locked out in the backyard. Mm-hmm. You could have went anywhere. Like you could have walked away like how drunk were you like to the point where you would stumble out and just
Starting point is 00:35:31 Pass out onto the into the backyard. That's crazy to me, too Like you're your your Kansas City local, you know, it's super cold Who's going out there to do that like like when you get trapped and then like let's say that didn't happen So your buddies go out there and they freeze to death and they don't do anything to save themselves And then I guess you wake up and you see it because the one thing about the guy who owned the house So he had a bunch of dogs So they were like trying to let him out like you would have let the dogs out at some point And then you would have seen your buddies frozen like in true detective. Yeah, which is fucking scary as fuck
Starting point is 00:36:02 What if he walks the dogs up front? Maybe yeah, very possible. But I don't know whether or not there's a ring cam. This is all the kind of stuff we're gonna find out like as more evidence comes. But that's what I find really interesting. I know that hypothermia can come fast. May I give an explanation, my possible explanation?
Starting point is 00:36:18 This is the Occam's razor. I'm trying to Occam's razor this a little bit. So first of all, Kansas City's average winter temperature in January is higher 39, lower 21. Not that cold. I mean, that's cold. I mean, that's pretty standard like Texas. That's cold for me. Where I grew up, 39, 21. Yeah, that's like, that's pretty, that's pretty standard. The types of cold that they had, that shit happens like once a decade. Like it's very. I'm probably gonna happen more often now Yeah, it's gonna happen a lot out more often now. Yeah, it's gonna happen all every winter
Starting point is 00:36:50 but it's negative four degrees and With the wind chill in Kansas City that night. It was negative 20 shit and in those temperatures Like people like people in the Midwest like people in Wisconsin all that like they take that shit seriously because you can In temperatures that low you can die going out and getting your mail Like if you're not dressed properly if you don't have the right if you don't take the right precautions You can die and that type of temperature very quickly That's number one. They're not used to it. They don't know how dangerous
Starting point is 00:37:25 it is. And it's nighttime. Number two, they're drunk. And the thing is about drinking is that drinking gives you the illusion of being warm when in fact your body temperature is lower. Yes, it says it takes about 20 minutes. Well, yeah, really. Okay, hyperthermic envelope and it's a little five minutes in temperatures of minus 50. I mean, if you're not dressed properly at 30 below zero, hyperthermic can set it in about 10 minutes. And we don't know how well they were dressed. We don't. But I would imagine that they're probably not going to be wearing like Mount Everest clothing. No, no, no, no, no, no, yeah, they're not I
Starting point is 00:38:06 And it's interesting and so for me it's quite possible that these guys their buddy Passes out on the couch passes out dead cold But they go outside. They go outside grass. They go outside for a smoke, you know, maybe just smoke a joint Maybe maybe to smoke a cigarette something like that that They not they the door locks behind them. They're trying to get in they're trying to get in they're knocking They're knocking their keys might be inside in their jacket pocket They don't have the keys to their car This is a brand new interview with the guy that have the house actually just found this the fact that his friends cards were Sold side he'd only learned that they died when the fiance of one of them broke into his house according to the man
Starting point is 00:38:44 He says that they thought that maybe they returned while he was asleep to hang out in the living room Maybe they didn't want to go to a bar or hang out somewhere else And he said he worked from home with his two dogs. These two dogs were at his father's house So they weren't there for two days the families of the victims say they bombarded willis with phone calls and Facebook messages But he says it's the last thing he saw at the very end was he was just them breaking into the house. Yeah. But we have not.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah. Because his attorney is the guy who owned the house and straight up saying, I did not have anything to do with this. Of course. Yeah. He's trying to figure out what to do because I don't know if he did. I don't think that he did. I think that, but we're going to find out everything once they do the autopsies on the body.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah. They'll see if there's any sort of poison or anything like that But I really do think they got locked out and they couldn't and they they got Literally why would they not have if you know you're gonna freeze it, but I don't know if you know Like I don't know if you know you're gonna freeze today I don't know yeah, and I don't know and how and that's the things that how drunk today. I don't know. Yeah. And I don't know. And how and that's the things how drunk are they? I don't know. It's playoff drunk. Yeah. It's playoff drunk. It's playoff drunk. But I will find out we will definitely find out there is now go fund me for one of the funerals which is really, really sad. And my heart goes out to the family. I'm not saying that you know that they're grief or they're they're incredulousness
Starting point is 00:40:00 about all this is like it's stupid or anything like that. You want to know what the fuck happened. Of course. Absolutely want to know what the fuck happened. Of course. You absolutely want to know what happened. Well, simply the fact that it happened so quickly, and these are people that have lived their whole lives in a temperature that's going to get cold, you know what I mean? Like in a place that has a hardcore winter.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And the fact that like the guy didn't answer the door for two days is super weird. Yeah. And the fact that they just, it's just the way their bodies were found and that they did not even attempt to break back into the house. Because I mean, and because how drunk do you get?
Starting point is 00:40:35 These are guys that go see football every week with their buddies. Maybe they also got, were really high. They might've gone out, they might've gone out back to smoke a joint. Who knows? I mean, that's a, because you ask, you know, because when you're at these sorts of things
Starting point is 00:40:46 or at somebody's house, do you want to go outside? Does everybody pass out at the same time? Well, that's the thing is that the guys, does everyone literally go, you don't sit there with- The guys are found in different places. No, two of them were standing, we're laying next to each other in the field.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Maybe they were laying down to look at the stars. What is this? Is this the end of a Wes Anderson film? They might have, I mean, they might have- Have you and I, have we ever, at the end of a night of drinking, even back in the day, ever sat and laid in negative 20 temperatures? No. To look at the stars.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Would you say? Because we only ever got drunk in bars and apartments in Brooklyn. But I'm just saying, and you ever, have you sat with another man and laid down with him in a field to look at the stars like you were both in Fival? When I was younger, yeah When like when I was in high school college you're out there. That's different. Yeah, these are 39 year old men Sometimes the magic just don't go away. No, bro. The wonder go away You know what I know about the in, it sucks to lay on the ground. You know what I know about the N39? It sucks to lay on the fucking ground.
Starting point is 00:41:48 That's what I know, it hurts your back. I don't know, they might have gotten stoned and had a moment of joy that ended up in their depth. Absolute garbage. That's when you never do that. I don't know, but okay, so that's the Occam's razor explanation is that they went outside the door lock behind them and the cold overtook them
Starting point is 00:42:04 before they were able to do anything about it Yes, that's the Occam's razor explanation. Yeah, your explanation the windigo It's that easy When to go came to Kansas City the Kansas City windigo came to see the fucking the hubbub about again Travis Kelsey Taylor Swift bl lively he's there They all want to see her. They all want to see Patrick Mahal if it happened to the three of them Now would have been interesting The when to go came for Taylor Swift Travis Kelsey and obviously would do horrendous
Starting point is 00:42:37 Effects at the Kansas City Chiefs offensive line. Yeah, but same time if I could Blake lively mysteriously frozen to death, that's your show. That's fucking awesome. Yeah, I'd love to see. Right, I'll buy a ticket. What happened to Blake Lively? What happened to Blake Lively?
Starting point is 00:42:55 Whatever happened, whatever in the world happened to Blake Lively. She's popsicle now. And you know, America's sweetheart. Now, she's a fucking fudgicle. I didn't even know, I thought Blake Lively was a country music star. It's all the same It was a man who's Ryan. No, no, no, that's a warm all Blake Lively. That's Ryan Reynolds Yeah, oh, yeah, she's beautiful
Starting point is 00:43:25 But but Blake Lively sounds like a man with an acoustic guitar wearing a hat talking about red solo. Hey to disappoint you. It's a mediocre actress What like Shelton is who you think like I'm thinking about shell, but that's not Blake Shelton to me That's Gwen Stefani's husband. That's right cheater dare you Or am I thinking about Gavin They're all they're all they're all bad. Oh when's going gonna get hers when's going gonna get her prints when is she well cheats then be now they're happily married Okay, they seem to be doing well. I'm looking for holes in that all the time though You want let's do which one of these true crime is you all right well before we do
Starting point is 00:44:04 So now we're gonna wait more information is gonna come in we're gonna find out more about the story I'm gonna keep up on it. Yeah, we're gonna keep up on the story We absolutely have to keep up on it and and I know we we got a little thing common as far as like, you know updates on stories We got we got a little thing common, you know A new project in which we're gonna revisit some stuff. But God damn, I wanna talk about Natalia Grace so badly. I know. We're gonna get into Natalia Grace. I just want everybody to know that
Starting point is 00:44:30 like we're gonna get into it, we're gonna talk about it. We're gonna do a big blown out thing on it. I got a lot of opinions. Because she talks like the daughter from National Ampuns Christmas Vacation. You know what I mean? But she's very, I feel extremely bad. I issued my broad apology already to Natalia Grace, but there's a lot of shit going on in there.
Starting point is 00:44:50 There's so much shit going on. And we're going to cover that because, you know, because as soon as you're re-aged somebody, you can't take it back. Yeah. It's so, because the government has decided already, the fucking crazy. That's one of those things about like we everybody makes fun to me Maybe about the idea of like, you know realities perception do the shit But you see this like hyper abstract concept of the government can tell you how old you are and then boom you're that age
Starting point is 00:45:17 Legally nothing else you do nothing. Whatever you do You can't take it back because the government decided you're this age if that that's not fucking a magic ritual, I don't know what it is. You know what's good about that? Early social security benefits. Yeah. Because they've always been famously generous. Right side. That's me.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yep. Always. Yeah. Think about it, Natalia. Retirement's coming up. Right? Re-age me. You get that 10 years early.
Starting point is 00:45:44 We should re-age us to 65. I want to be 53. Why? I don't know. Sounds nice. That's, I feel like... It sounds like a piece... 53 sounds like a peaceful age.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I feel like we get resexy in our 50s. I feel like that too. Right? 40s are kind of whatever. I think it's fun to be 40. Yeah. I mean, when you get back in your 50s, you're going to be like... People are going to be like, ooh. Oh, wow. Man, look at him 40. Yeah. I mean, when you get back in your 50s, you're going to be like, if you're booking,
Starting point is 00:46:05 like, ooh, oh, wow. Man, look at him. You know what I mean? Take a second look at that guy. You buy your third divorce, right? And then you have braces, freel braces. Oh, you're fucking just making me way, mate, you're doing it. I have so much love to give.
Starting point is 00:46:21 All right, let's do the boy. I'm man in the box. All right, let's do the um the boy Man in the box All right, the man in the box a woman was charged with murder after the body of her son is Discovered in a wooden box behind a false wall. This is a hardcore bitch This woman is mean according to a statement from the Gulf for police department on Facebook Sunday, and that's fucking horrible Yep, Jerry Lynn Roby 66 who also goes by the last name Israel is right out Was arrested on Saturday in charts with one count a first-degree murder police said they found the body of John Alan Gather 42 in a wooden box behind a false wall in her Gulfport home Oh, yeah, it was hidden by the idea of a false wall
Starting point is 00:47:08 We've talked about this. I want it real bad. Yeah, I've been talking about a lot lately I really want one, but I know that you know, you should put your son in it This woman and him we don't really know what happened This woman is that this is the only murder this woman So they they went looking for the son the missing report persons report came in Couldn't find them. Is it like oh, you know, she was us like as they were talking to her She became more and more uncooperative. They didn't learn that Roby had previously been arrested a convicted of murder in Florida in 1995
Starting point is 00:47:40 Which where she had quote-unquote? Subsequently made several attempts to dump the deceased subjects at different locations throughout Florida which means it was cut up into pieces. Oh okay I thought it was like that like that scene in the Batman, the Adam West Batman movie where he's trying to get rid of the bomb and he keeps going place to place like oh no the nuns oh no the babies! Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah put them in a Burger King stall. They're like, ah, I don't know, that is not good. And they take it over, putting it in a car, rolling it through, fucking, like a drive-through cleaning service, and you're like, ah, is that working?
Starting point is 00:48:13 No, it's only with several pieces. And so they went in, upon discovery of this information, detectives obtained a search warrant. And as soon as they got in there, she saw the cops. She just started jamming pills in her mouth. She started taking a bunch of pills. They had a tug tire and take her immediately to the fucking hospital because he tried to commit suicide. And then they found the deceased body. This lady's fucking mean, mean, mean. And you can look at her face too. She looks it. Oh my God. She looks like the skeleton of a witch. Oh god, she is so... it's the hair?
Starting point is 00:48:45 And she does have a kind of a witch's nose. Oh yeah. And she is very... she just looks like somebody who'd multiple murder it. Oh yeah. Now according to Ducre, who I believe is one of the police officers that are involved in this, Robie attempted to cover up the crime by writing notes to family members posing as her son. Sup, bros. it's me, Derek. Sup dudes, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:49:10 How's it hangin'? Low into the left? Haha, now how that is, so anyways, I'm alive. This is the one that really gets me. Police said multiple homemade wooden boxes were found in her home and inside her garage. So does that mean? Multiple fucking deaths. Does that mean that she made many attempts before she finally got the box right?
Starting point is 00:49:32 And so she'd been planning the death of her son for a long time? Or do each of those boxes have an occupant? A name? Like, did she have a box, a person for every box? Yeah, this one's for Biden. This one's for, you know, it's like for every box? Yeah, this one's for Biden It's like it's all different in this one's for Charlie Murphy. You already got him. This is for secretary of state Blinking Blinking on I I wonder I actually also in my mind first thing I think of is Well, yeah, I do have a collection of wooden boxes. It seems my son in his endless curiosity
Starting point is 00:50:08 had got himself trapped in one, sadly, that I must have just. And I didn't hear him yelling. And we were we had a pot burst. You see, this is how you do. And then you be like, how you made this idea of being like, you see how easy it is to trip into one of the boxes. And if just so happened, the lid came closed down a pond and then the hypothermia sets in at negative, a negative, tend to hypothermia sets in very quickly, you know, and then she starts, you never know. You never know. And then she just ends like that.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And Mr. Bean just waited to death. Where do I put my boxes? Behind the wall. Where do you put your boxes? I don't have a wall to put them behind. Honestly, a lot of times they just stay on the floor. Yeah, that's true. You know, or they go where they have to go, or I open the box, take out the contents of the box, fold up the box.
Starting point is 00:50:55 That's right, and then you put it in recycling. I actually view more of those little boxes that she's made, it's caskets. Yeah, they're not boxes. Because they're wooden boxes. Yeah, but caskets are wooden boxes. They're crates. Yeah. Because unless you're Indiana Jones, Ikets are wooden boxes. They're crates.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Yeah. Because unless you're Indiana Jones, I don't know why you need multiple wooden crates inside of your home. That is unoccupied? Just a bunch of wooden crates? I think they're human-sized boxes as well. Yes, that's what I'm saying. They're crates.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Yeah, definitely homemade wooden boxes. Yeah, like what would they be for except for you're creating a corpse farm, you know, or an amateur cemetery? Yeah, amateur cemetery, that's an amateur cemetery. Yeah, yeah amateur cemetery. That's what it is. An unlicensed graveyard. An unlicensed graveyard. Oh John Wayne Gacy, always a German. All right, here we go. And then we got another really fucked up story. This is a good one because we all have therapists here. Some of us multiple. Yeah. And this, what do we know about therapists we've said this before love my therapist of mine plural love them however
Starting point is 00:51:50 They're all nuts. Well, you don't know they're in her life. You don't want to know your therapists in her life I believe my therapist is incredibly sane. Well, I did. Yeah, there's there's many there's much evidence to say that She's an incredibly sane sweet caring kind person cold presentation Nice though that they she does it right because again lie to me. Yeah, don't bring me in Let's just imagine everything's fucking I read Okay, but this guy shows that sometimes if you wanted to be an expert in anger management What you got to do is be king and lord of anger Management what you got to do is be king and lord of anger
Starting point is 00:52:30 Because it's really important because this how else will you understand anger unless you yourself? Are the angriest man to ever live everything about this says? See in red it really every action is just see in red not thinking about your actions not thinking about the consequences Just fucking going from action to action not thinking about your actions, not thinking about the consequences, just fucking going from action to action, not thinking about who's watching you, nothing. This is just C in red. This is an open murder in the middle of the street by a therapist. Now, a therapist specializing in quote unquote, hangar management, gun down man in street, stuff, body and car trunk. He's a 46 year old therapist by the name of Travis McBride. Looking guilty
Starting point is 00:53:06 in his mug shot. He kind of does the, he does a little bit of the innocent being like, you think I might have messed up. But he shot a man multiple times by the name of Clinton Dorsey, who was a homeless man that apparently they got into a conflict and according to witnesses, they saw Travis McBride shoot this man empty a clip into a body in the middle of the street middle of the street. Shoot shoots him. He falls down. He walks up. He finishes the clip into the guy's body and then look around
Starting point is 00:53:42 like he's in a heist movie drags the body and puts it in the trunk of his car. And then he's cleaning up like he tried to clean up the street. No, no, no. First he dragged the body into the woods. And he's like, ah, I don't see anybody seeing this. Once he gets the body out of you, then he goes- Fuck Travis, get the fucking shit to fucking gather Travis! You're a doctor! Then he goes and cleans up the blood spot on the payment Then he goes back then he goes back to the woods and puts it in his trunk and phone
Starting point is 00:54:14 Every single action has multiple witnesses Yes, they're all watching C and red They're literally all watching him go do the stuff and so he says He says that the man threatened his dogs. Which I understand. Okay. I'm very protective of Georgie, very protective.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I'm not going to empty a clip into you though. Nope. You know, not just for saying it. No, you know, just the threat. You know what I mean? What are you going to do? You know, even if like you hurt my dog, I'm not gonna kill you. I beat the fuck out of you. Yeah, I will physically harm you. But I'm not gonna kill a man.
Starting point is 00:54:51 It's just over a dog. So she came. I'm not John Wick. He's not. He's not. I'm not. But he's got the fucking body for it. I do. I've been working out. Now, these guys came, they're the woman of witness who's scared of McBride. So, McBride had come to her home of seven or eight the previous night looking for this man, Clint Dorsey, who she described as a well-known homeless man who lived in the woods across the street from her house. Now, McBride told the woman that Dorsey had done something to harm his dogs. But the thing is that she saw him, he was packing then. And then the next day when she saw him shoot eight to nine shots into a body,
Starting point is 00:55:32 she got really, really scared. And so she immediately called the police saying that this man has gone. And she not only was he trying to hose the ground down, I guess grabbing a hose out of a front yard of another house, he started closing the ground down. He then was digging around looking for the shell cases. This is a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:50 To open, I mean, openly. You might as well have sent a Zoom invite to your murder where everybody is watching from their homes as you're like, God damn shell. You know, these nine millimeter shells are smaller than you think. You know you know like people going through he said that he dumped a bunch of shit into a nearby car wash And it was just like the fact that he dumped them in the fucking he dumped them in the truck and then just parked the truck and You know me like he sits he sits inside his truck. I was like, okay, Travis, we might have gone a little farther. But now what we're going to do here is remember the present is a gift.
Starting point is 00:56:34 That's what's called the present. We need to really think about how our goals are made to be aligned with our actions. And how did murdering that homeless man affect us today? What we want to do is number one, obviously made us late for several of our actions. And how did murdering that homeless man affect us today? What we want to do is number one, obviously made us late for several of our appointments. A number two. Make amends. You gotta, I gotta go make amends. So let me just go, let me go to the trunk. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But he dumped them in there and then they just found it in there. Well, he dumped it in there and he dumped them in there and he just parked it in the car wash parking lot and left
Starting point is 00:57:04 the car and then police very quickly Tracked on the car and opened up the trunk like there's the guy very much a dead man. They're very much a dead man in there Yeah, Nissan hatchback. Yeah, great commercial for that But that is a yeah, it's a fucked up story I did again You just never know and I love the fact that they're all like his areas of expertise. Yeah, we're PTSD anger management and depression Yeah, we're gonna use practices website, which is still up Yep. Oh, yeah, very much starting point mental health. Oh great service. Yep. People love it. Oh, wow
Starting point is 00:57:37 Travis has been able to help you. Okay. Yeah. Wow Behind every successful woman Yes, herself That's one of the signs. That's nice. It's one of these. An increase in self-awareness is a major step towards better self-management.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Being more honest and rational with yourself during a tough time may not encourage positive thinking in that moment, but will certainly encourage personal growth and more positive outcome. It is important to have at least one loving, trustworthy, wise person in your life to give you constructive feedback. Listen to their counsel, implement, and have faith.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Hey, Barry, what if I told you all, hey, yeah, you know how I always said the whole thing about that wise person, you gotta talk about this shit you do, yeah, all right, oh, I fucking shot a guy in the chest nine times in the middle of the streets, a bunch of witnesses, what should I do? Wipe him all out? Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Yeah, no loose ends Cool, just wanted to be sure. I gotta kill this neighborhood. All right. Yeah, it's the entire neighborhood. I think the entire neighborhood Oh, he does have a really cute dog though. He does. Who's now an accomplished a murderer? Now needs to think about what because that dog help nothing and no one look at that. That's therapy dog I love therapy dogs. Yeah, so that therapy dog did nothing. Oh that dog's nothing and no one. Look at that, that's Therapy Dog. I love Therapy Dogs.
Starting point is 00:58:45 That Therapy Dog did nothing. Oh, that dog's, it's like the exact same size. It looks exactly like Georgie. It's very similar in shape to Georgie, and guess what, it did nothing. It's got a little bone in his mouth, and it did nothing to help. Georgie would have done nothing as well.
Starting point is 00:59:00 No, no, she does nothing. Dogs, dogs are beautiful. Yeah, they're perfect creatures. I love my dog so much. Great little she does nothing. Dogs. Dogs are beautiful. Yeah, they're perfect. I love my dogs so much. Great little cuddle bear. But that's otherwise useless. They're not stopping. Absolutely useless. Fucking Rottweiler. Right. I have two dogs that are a liability. Right. I love my dogs. Yeah, but they will slow us down. Yeah. Georgie provides love and entertainment. Yes. That's it.
Starting point is 00:59:25 I provide the safety. Yeah. That's bad for everyone. As do I. Some week. Give in. Yeah. Well, I mean, you would give up pretty fast. We'd be torturing me. Yeah. You know what I mean? I'm not gonna fucking I'm gonna tell you where the studio is. Yeah. I'm gonna tell you where you live. Sure.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yeah. And I'd understand. Yeah. Yeah. But I'd tell you ahead of time. Yeah, I'd call you up. I'd be like they're coming to you. They're coming, they're coming. They're coming, grab the axe, grab the axe. They're coming to you yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Well, let's get some letters. Yeah. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da Alaska. Now, I wanted to get into the Alaska material. My buddy Billy Wayne Davis, the very, very funny comedian, is currently in Alaska right now. Great guy. And he is talking about how, number one, it's super fucking, it's very surreal being there because of how it gets dark so early and all that kind of shit. And also, they are, it's talking about staying in the, he's staying in the hotel that we talked about.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Oh, cool. The historic. Yeah, the historic. And so he's going to give me a we talked about. Oh cool. The episode the historic. Yeah, the history Yeah, and so he's gonna give me a report about if he sees anything He stayed alone in a hotel in Juneau and he said it was scary as fuck Yeah, and one of the big notes that came back after we did our last triangle episode was talking about how the hauntings in Alaska are fucking real Yeah, but a lot these are really a couple of these there's gonna talk about these two because these are fucking great So number one, this is a I want this is the phenomena that is across the world
Starting point is 01:00:49 Let's have an a Jesus character show up. I like to show up in Alaska So this is in the spring of 1993 my punk skater friends and I would frequent downtown to find spots to skate and hang out This is in Alaska was Anchorage One Friday an outsider seemingly plucked from the SoCal surf scene, rolled up to us in the vintage skateboard. Unfamiliar to our Titan skate community, he claimed to have skated all the way from Fairbanks, a perplexing 360-mile journey. Our skepticism grew, but we invited him to join our weekend escapades. The mystery deepened. This is nomadic stranger, devoid of a backpack or visible wallet. Effortlessly conjured food and cannabis.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Simply out of the thin air. Apparently the weed in Alaska is good. Yeah. 1993. That's a, I mean, just being able to have weed all the time in 1993. Weed for me, dude, man. Sucking on the fucking stoner, Jeannie. It's incredible.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Around five or six. He simply stated, but nonchalantly providing for every need, he became an integral part of our group from Friday afternoon into the early evenings of Sunday. And around five or six PM, he simply stated that he had to go home. He rolled off into the night.
Starting point is 01:01:56 His abrupt departure that evening only added to the intrigue. Puzzled by his origins, my friends and I eagerly sought answers. Weeks later, encountering some other skaters from Fairbanks, we eagerly inquired about our elusive acquaintance, detailing his appearance, movements, and uncanny ability to materialize necessities.
Starting point is 01:02:12 To our bewilderment, the Fairbanks skaters disclaimed any knowledge of such an individual. The enigma persisted, prompting us to dub him, skate Jesus, a mystical figure who skated into her lives, leaving behind an unsolved riddle of origin and purpose. Very interesting. Is this upon your claim that Jesus is encrypted? I still think that Jesus was a creation of the Roman state.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Now this is another one. This is a good, good, good, good, good, good one. This is true story about a United States military tested chemical weapons on live primates. And how in doing so they might have inadvertently created a group of monsters that still haunt the forests of Alaska to this day. Check's out. Yep. For several years, I worked as a contract wildlife biologist on multiple Alaskan military installations and associated training areas. These training areas are massive in size and encompass wide swaths of mountains, forests and swamps that are remote and undeveloped even by Alaskan standards. Now while I worked at one such
Starting point is 01:03:14 military base near Delta Junction, it was known among land managers that a site within a restricted area of the installation had previously been used for testing chemical weapons and biological agents on primates during the Cold War. Physical case file records available in the historical office confirmed that these experiments were conducted for nearly two decades in the 60s and 70s. Furthermore, the decrepit monkey cages where some of the primates have been held in captivity were still visible near facilities where obsolete or surplus equipment had been dumped.
Starting point is 01:03:45 To say these cages were grim is an understatement. And when I visited them, they looked like a cross between a high security insane asylum and a dystopian children's playground replete with corroded iron jungle gyms, steel anchors for chains and shackles, and clinical white paint that had long since faded and chipped under the elements. My work sometimes brought me deep into remote areas of the installation. And for one such project, I was doing grid survey work that required me to travel to a section of mountains and forest where there were no records
Starting point is 01:04:12 of roads, development or any historical other land use. A blank spot on the map, so to speak, like in where the pyramid is at the center of Alaska. That actually probably powers it. Reaching this area was long and difficult, and the forest there was dick. Thick. It was dick. It was a dick in the forest of dick. Fuck you. Thick, dark, and unwelcoming. It was somewhere in this area that my work partner and I hiked out of the dense brush into an unnatural clearing in the forest, and in the center of the clearing
Starting point is 01:04:44 was one of the monkey cages. This cage was larger and somehow sadder. Surrounding the clearing were rotting observation platforms, long since abandoned. There was no usual sounds of birds or wildlife and the heavy silence in the clearing was unnerving. Despite the feeling of unease we felt, we went closer to investigate the monkey cage. As we got closer we realized that unlike the previous cages we had seen, this one had been destroyed from the inside out.
Starting point is 01:05:12 The steel bars had been spread and bent outwards, even some snapped off at the base. The outer clinical rooms had been ransacked, the cinder block walls had been scratched and chipped by clawing hands, and the observation platforms still had old utensils, pencils, and rotted paper in them, suggesting that the abandonment of this site was hasty and unplanned. Smaller trees in the area had been snapped, and the bark from others had been clawed and scratched in a way that was distinct from the manner in which the local wildlife will sometimes mark a tree. Furthermore, as we walk the area, we realize this monkey cage was a central hub for a network of primitive trails that ran through the trees and a tall grass surrounding us. We quickly left and quietly kept the story to ourselves. So what
Starting point is 01:05:55 happened there? We'll never know. But what I can tell you is this. Since the 1970s, Delta Junction in this area of an interior Alaska has had a lot more reported sightings of Bigfoot than any other part of Alaska or the Yukon Many Bigfoot hunters have focused on this area as a place to search because of the mountain of reports and to this day They're continued to be anecdotal reports and strange signs in the dark forest outside of town That's extraordinarily interesting. Is that fun? If true. If true, of course.
Starting point is 01:06:27 If true. Hey, here, everything's true. And I looked it up. Chimps and gorillas and similar animals can survive in very cold temperatures. Absolutely. So it's very, it is possible. They adapt like us. That there's some sort of chimp hybrid thing.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah. Who knows? I find that very interesting. I mean, I wasn't going to say chimp hybrid saying, I'm just going to say chimps. Chimp hybrid. Okay, this is man chimp. I know for mean I wasn't gonna say chimp hybrid saying I'm just gonna say chimps Chimp hybrid I know for a fact this is a man. I know I had a dream about him and it's real This is it's interesting because there was another report that did was Tracking black bears along the sides of bigfoot sightings So they've been like there's now a new thing to say that they do believe that maybe some of these like truly
Starting point is 01:07:04 Soteric sightings could be black bears. But we've been saying this for you know, no, we don't know. Who knows? It could be anything. Yeah, sure. There are black bears there. So it's a big fit there. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Right. So they all hang out in the same spot. It's not like the ones can be, it's not like they got different fucking neighborhoods. It's one forest. So yeah, the black bears are going to hang out where the big foot hang out. Maybe the big foot use the black bears as a fucking smoke screen. You think so. You think that the bigfoot is smart enough to hang around the Black Bears so people can blame Bigfoot sightings on Black Bears? So you think the Bigfoot's are plugged
Starting point is 01:07:32 into the internet and to the Bigfoot hunting community? Yep. They got in it. Why wouldn't they? And they're making plans. They're making plans around that. Or they just know we hide amongst the black bear. We hide amongst them. I have other animals coming because they obviously are reticent to have direct communication with humankind. Did you read Devolution by Max Brooks? No. It's the book that he wrote, one of his books after World War Z. It's kind of written kind of the same style as World War Z, it's about, it's kind of written kind of the same style as World War Z. It's written through a series of like journal entries of this woman who goes out to this like echo community.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yes. Where it's like this, it's this new thing, you know, a new way of living and a bunch of different couples are living in this like small isolated community in Oregon. And there's a volcano, they get trapped and then they get attacked by a fucking whole herd of Bigfoot. That's awesome. It's really good. I really enjoyed it. I wish it was real. It kind of went under the radar,
Starting point is 01:08:30 but it wasn't as big of a hit as World War Z. But I really enjoyed it. I thought it was, it's a great horror book. People have a hard time imagining an angry Bigfoot. They really do, because for as far as I'm concerned, I live every day imagining Bigfoot smiling. That's right. That's all I do. I imagine him hanging out,foot smiling. That's right. That's all I do.
Starting point is 01:08:45 I imagine him hanging out, laughing, and he's laughing. You know what I mean? You do laughing with him, hanging out, getting that sweet, sweet Bigfoot reefer. That's right. Because you know, he's in Oregon, man. He's in Northern California with the fucking... That fucking sticky nicky is fucking sweet as all hell.
Starting point is 01:08:59 You got them sticky orbs, man. You got that sweet, sweet, like, ooh, got that ganja, that cotton bud of buddha And then you like then you love the fact stone big foot hanging out. Yeah, I mean just don't let me your woman See will have sex you'll make a move. No you will and you'll be like well when in Oregon Yes, you got to do it, you know, and then you're then you're gonna see that for the rest of your life. You're gonna imagine, like, you know, you think it's like a funny- You're wife having consensual sex with a Bigfoot.
Starting point is 01:09:30 It's just like, and then her moans of pleasure, and you're just sitting there being like, man, this was fucking bad, dude, and like, she moves out there. Yeah. She's wearing nothing but Birkenstocks and an enter here sign out in the middle of the fucking forest. And you know, and you did that to yourself. Yeah. Because you thought it would be kinky.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Mm-hmm. That's where you fucked yourself, buddy. That's right. I got one letter for you. This one is... Oh, you got it? Oh, I got this letter. I really want to take this one down because this is related to the story that we covered
Starting point is 01:10:03 a couple of weeks ago. It's one of the most terrifying stories that we've covered here. This one's called Death by Sana. I heard the story about the old couple that died from the broken heater and were cooked to death. And it reminded me of an incident that happened to me about 20 years ago.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I was a house painter on a job in an affluent neighborhood. When we arrived at the large multi-million dollar property, we were told that it was being prepped for sale by the bank. But the previous owners were an older couple that had done home improvements in preparation for retirement. They had expanded the master bedroom to include an all tile giant shower
Starting point is 01:10:37 and a new sauna big enough for several people at a time to enjoy. Looks like old people having fun. Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Cause you get real horny. Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Yeah, you get real horny. Yeah, it turns out they had both gone into the sauna to relax and sweat it out in their new luxurious home spa. Unfortunately, they both became overwhelmed by the heat and died and went on to be cooked for many days in the
Starting point is 01:11:00 sauna. The juices cooking out and staining the tile grout along with leaving an odor reminiscent of a rotting pork sandwich. After seeing and smelling this, I immediately called dibs on prepping and painting the outside of the house. None of the guys on the crew who got stuck working on the inside were very hungry at lunch that day. That's so they were just in there the whole time? Yeah, they'd been in there the whole time and the smell stuck. Just wanted to let you know that it does happen and I believe probably more than you would want. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You never, the idea of having a home sauna is just they just, because you just become Shumai. Home sauna, home hot tub, hot tub is very dangerous. Well, you gotta be careful. I think about honestly what happened with Matthew Berry. Obviously, you know, he had a bunch of ketamine and then he played pickleball all day and then he had a lot of other issues. Oh, there's yeah, there's many issues.
Starting point is 01:11:52 But still, you have high blood pressure. You got to be careful. Yeah. I was in one the other day, not to brag. You once had access to a hot tub. Yeah. La dee da. La dee. I was there. All right I know a lot of people want to be me they want this life
Starting point is 01:12:07 But I went in there I went in the hot tub and I did get severely dizzy. Yeah, it did happen Did you have high blood pressure? Yeah, because but also like I I thought I could do it like I used to right? Could you sit in the hot tub for an hour? Mm-hmm. It's bad It's bad. That's how you die. Well, this is a great way to end. It's great way to end. Hail Satan We're gonna have news coming up very soon with many, many things. There's many things coming. A lot of things. We're working on a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Yeah. But at slash help. PNTV to watch all of the shares this week. We are back with brighter side. It is going to be up on Wednesday. Tonight is going to be live on the channel. And also we are coming back next week, I believe, with Goodwood. And we're also coming back next week I believe with GoodBud. And we're also coming back next week with NoDogsInSpace live. We had to
Starting point is 01:12:49 postpone it for a week because of the studio move. But hey we're there now and the book's spoken. It looks a nice. And don't forget if you are a Patreon subscriber you can watch last stream on the left every Tuesday at 6 p.m. PST 9 p.m. EST and actually interact with us through the chat and watch it as it happens, and you get to watch all the things that have to get cut before it goes on YouTube. You get uncut. Uncut.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Uncut and laugh. The European style. All right, hell Satan fuckers. Hell game, yeah. Goodbye. This show is made possible by listeners like you. Oh, hell, game, yeah. Goodbye!

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