Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Killdozer 20th Anniversary

Episode Date: June 5, 2024

Henry & Eddie bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news but first the boys recap their weekend adventures at the world's largest UFO Convention "Contact in the Desert", the 20th Anniv...ersary of Marvin Heemeyer's "Killdozer" rampage, Chad Daybell sentenced to DEATH, Robert Pickton DEAD, Prince King The Serial Sling Shot Assailant DEAD, Deranged Minnesota man kills sister over pregnancy, then chopped her up and left body parts around the neighborhood, A street fight erupts in flames in Mexico, Listener E-Mails, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hold, primates listening! It is I, Numitor 479. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee. And while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake and vivacious to give it. So try our new blend from Spring Hill Jack coffee reptilian in the morning our proprietary blend of lightly roasted
Starting point is 00:00:31 Kokaios will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coaca with all your slippery new eggs Thanks, honey I'm cold-blooded. Mmm. Eggs to Spring Hill Jack and last hot gas on the left. I'm ready to get out there and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton. There's no place to escape to. This is the last hot gas.
Starting point is 00:01:03 On the left. Science stories? Yeah, it's a buck-n-or-glade. No place to escape to. This is the last. On the left. Side stories. That's when the cannibalism started. Side stories. Yes. Coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, fuck, come, fuck. Just preparing.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Just preparing. It's important. I was trained to speak. Kim. Kim. Kim. Kim. Fuck. Kim and fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Fuck. Come and fuck. Fuck. Come. Today is the day that we. Were your headphones in by the way? Yes I hope they were. I hope they were.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So today is the day after the day that this whole country came together, not 20 years ago. What are you doing, man? This is crazy. To watch a man by the name of... So many of us have talked to you. Marvin Heemeyer. A difficult man, yes. Was he fined by the US government?
Starting point is 00:02:02 And then he, in his most patriotic fashion, did he write pay to the order of cowards into it when he paid for his fines for not having a septic tank? Yes. I bet they fucking cashed it. Is that something we can learn from? Unfortunately, no. But the years Marvin, he, my, not letting me overflow my shit container. That's a brave stance for a man to want to sit in his piles and piles of his own shit. Let me guess unwived. No,
Starting point is 00:02:35 no, couldn't be wived if he wanted to Marvin. He Meyer 20 years ago on June 4th, the year 2004, he, people say terrorize. Some people say, I just say alternatively celebrated the town of Granbury, Colorado with what the old, the SWAT team can only call his unpregnable machine, the kill-dozer. He did over $5 million in damage. I have been told, I was between, it's, it's big. It's a lot. It's a lot. He committed, he gave himself the inside of his own kill dozer. That means he shot himself in the mouth, putting his gun in his mouth. People didn't know what Henry was talking about.
Starting point is 00:03:21 And yes, he did not call. He again, he did not murder anyone, but it's not like it was for lack of trying. I will say that. I will. It was attempted murder for sure. He tried to kill a town. He tried to kill an entire town. But in the process of that, no, I'm just saying, but in the process of that, he taught us all that sometimes a reasonable person is driven to do unreasonable things. Yeah. That's all, that's all, sometimes it's the only excuse you can give. Dose or be killed.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yes, thank you, Eddie. Welcome to Side Stories. My name is Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. Yes, brought to you by No Dose. Yeah. They have yet to be brought on. Which is what you should do in Colorado
Starting point is 00:04:04 and what he was on. Yes, and they have yet to bring, we have yet to bring brought on. Which is what you should do in Colorado and what he was on. Yes, and they have yet to bring, we have yet to bring them on as a sponsor. And they seem to still be vaguely hesitant with our pitch of pairing No Dose with the ironic celebration of the Kill Dozer. And they said that they, they're not ready for that. Even though technically they almost killed Jesse Spano. Jesse Spano, No Dos? You remember that? I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Oh! Was that No-Dos? I thought those were diet pills. Well, it's something. It was diet pills. We took a lot of No-Dos when we were kids. I did, you know. I loved it. I was trying to get Henry to jam a Sudafed in him before the show today, but he wouldn't do it. No, because I have to go to sleep later on tonight. It's too late in the day.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And I have just showed them how not cool I am anymore. All right, and I can't do this. I can't pull back the veil anymore, especially after we just came back. Trying to give Henry a Sudafed, and he's like, I couldn't possibly. I just have to go to sleep. I have to go to sleep tonight.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Okay, it's a 24 hour active, powerful Sudafed. All right, yes, my nose is runny because there are seasonal allergies. Okay, I can't do this. We just came back from contacting the desert. You just cod. God, you just sandbag that by showing people how physically weak I am
Starting point is 00:05:13 by having allergies. They're not supposed to know that. I was cured by the wall of flame of knowledge. I take Claretin every morning, it's fine. I know, but apparently, I don't know, buddy, I think you're weak now. So I went to contact the desert. I made myself stronger., I don't know, buddy. I think you're weak now. So I went to contact myself to make myself stronger. Yes. But we just came back. We, we should not need
Starting point is 00:05:31 this anymore. We met many, many powerful healers at contact in the desert. Oh yeah. You guys got to go check it out next year. Hopefully we'll be back. It seems like we did well enough. They were, uh were it was illuminating Um, did you know 9-eleven was done by space lasers by aliens? Yeah, there was we learned about that I do not know that I did that it's so interesting you go into one of these lectures because you think it's gonna be so crazy It's hilarious and then you leave wanting to fight the person that's called ufology. Welcome Eddie It's your first lesson This was it really was it they did a good job
Starting point is 00:06:08 Contact in the desert like they left like one or two truly insane people left in there which is great kind of has to be there of course even though I hated that man I think that he should have been there yeah of course that was his right it's Contact in the Desert is his home he is supposed to go and do a stage show this is completely completely real where he plays on an electric guitar, a song called the new American anthem. That was all talking about how Rudy Giuliani felled building seven in order to hide the evidence of the Jewish mafia. Yeah, that was one of the parts that bothered me. It was a big moment.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And then when he set fire to the effigy of the world trade center with his own homemade 3D printed laser. That's when you got me back. Man, so I saw the twin towers on his like display. Oh yeah, he was proud. And I went over to him because he defaced a bunch of our hail Satan stickers. We had guys, one of my favorite parts of the entire weekend. We developed an enemy.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Each one of us, honestly, it kind of... You did not. people like everyone like me Well, cuz you know what it is about you. You're obviously neutral Yeah, but you did not put you we were wearing several sports jerseys at contact in the desert Yeah, and I don't represent people were dressed up on ironically as full Starfleet Like they had Starfleet costumes on yeah walking around they would only speak in character. It was wonderful It was exactly what I wanted. But the truth is everybody was looking for some kind of agitation There were people getting up in people's faces Rob had a weird enemy
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah, the old man who kept like insinuating Rob was moving too fast He was so insulted by Rob's youthful, his Rob's youthful speed and then haunted him the rest of the time. And then there was a man in a neon green hat and me and him literally had a religious war over stickers between our two tables. And it was wonderful. I've never felt so edified. Satan won. We definitely won the weekend. Oh man it was cool. So he didn't know I was a part of our the Hail Satan table and I went over to go talk to him because I was just I'm like I knew he was the guy who was doing it so I was just curious and shit and I go over I'm like oh so this is so what's this World Trade
Starting point is 00:08:22 Center you got built here? He's like oh oh, I'm gonna burn it down with this. And he like literally pulls out like a handgun laser. And I was like, what's that? It's like a laser gun. And I was like, oh yeah, it's a laser gun. I was like, where'd you get it? He's like, I made it with a 3D printer. I was like, oh, cool man.
Starting point is 00:08:38 He's like, yeah, and I'm gonna burn the twin towers down with it later. And I was like, oh, these paper ones? He's like, yeah, but what are they made out of? And he's like, flash paper. He's like, Oh, wow. Very good. He had a tank. I mean this outside of the venue. He had his car that was like decorated with all of his, he had a wrap of his like weird business. I don't want to talk about what his business was. He can't completely nail down who this guy is. But so on one side of it and had a sexy gray alien in a Bikini lay in there like honestly asked it for an invitation to fuck it
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, like very strange very sexy, but then on top of it. He had his own Self-fashioned laser gun turret cannon like huge like not it's not an exaggeration Four and a half, five feet. They had an assault rifle, four aliens and aliens alone. It looked like a 50 cal but laser. He said it was a laser gun because that was the first thing we were asking was like there's a man who has a mounted machine gun
Starting point is 00:09:36 in the, this is a motel. Yeah, this is a resort. Yeah, this is not. It's not a motel sex. We're not in the middle of the fucking desert. This is a renaissance, you know, I use my Bonvoy points. But that just shows just how high the stakes are. I was like, so what's the, you got a laser cannon on your truck.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And he was like, yeah. I was like, what's it for? He's like, protection. From what? I literally said from what? He's like, whatever comes up. The IRS. That's what that means. And that I understand. But yeah, that was just one section. You know how long it would take him to hurt you with the laser? It took him a, I mean it. We sat in the demonstration when he had the flash bang paper World Trade Center and he used the laser on it. The minutes that went past were some of my favorite minutes I've ever experienced with
Starting point is 00:10:20 us as a group. We all bonded. Every one of us were sitting in this room because people were taking it deadly seriously sitting in silence and we're all like, Hmm. I'm like, so I'm trying to like, is going like, my God, Cause he's just sitting there talking about it. We learned calculus click to click, click, click. Yeah. Cause then he's the only person to smart enough to reason with the aliens. He invented drones. He's a pilot. He invented certain types of missiles.
Starting point is 00:10:46 He's psychic. He's a mathematician. Yeah, then he was like, do not ask me any math questions. He did! He said specifically at the end of it, he's like, you'll notice in my Q&A, because of my Abramic knowledge and how the Oshetaric diaries were downloaded into my brain, I can
Starting point is 00:11:02 answer any question that you have. I have unlimited omnipotent intelligence, but don't ask me to do multiplication because I cannot do it. It was just like, and we're all like, yeah, yeah. He was super funny. But remember not to an audience member had to help him put out the fire. Oh my God. Yeah. When the guy came up and the fire finally burns on, burning fire, it's finally lit up, which is it's flash bang paper. And so he shot the laser at it for several minutes. I mean it two minutes.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I started filming it with my phone to try to get, and then I was told to put my phone down, but just to see how long it was and just the first chunk of him struggling was 45 seconds. So it's like in silence in a conference room in the middle of the afternoon, there is nothing like that silence. And so we're sitting there. Yeah, so while he's doing it,
Starting point is 00:11:53 and then it finally catches fire and then he can't put it out because I remember it also started late because they were like, oh, apparently he's got a lot of props. All the volunteers came out. They were like, he bro, no, unfortunately, he asked us to go find a flame resistant table.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Like what? So the thing bursts into flames and then he can't put it out and then two guys rush up from the audience and they're all like, patting the World Trade Center. Pouring his coffee on it. That's right, he poured Nala over the burning train. Oh God. The best time.
Starting point is 00:12:24 We're going to, our panel was great. You met Russell Targ. All right. So this is also one of my favorite. This is another good story. So everybody was really patient with us. I went around and I talked to everybody. There's a lot of people that we were told to stay away from that were actually extremely friendly and ended up being fine. We're gonna have a bunch of interviews that are coming out of this and I think that are legit good. I got to meet Dave Foley. Yeah, I can't believe it. We got to do an entire podcast with Dave Foley.
Starting point is 00:12:49 He was fucking amazing. So much fun. So funny. I can't wait to have people hear that. We, I, it was like, it really was an amazing trip and we can't wait to go back. But so my, one of my main missions was to meet Russell Targ. And for those of you that don't remember, Russell Targ was a part of Project Stargate. And he was the part of the, essentially the lead researcher and head of what was Project
Starting point is 00:13:14 Stargate, which was our psychic spy program that we had made. The book, The Man Who's Dared Goats is based off of this whole story. That was one thing Russell Targ did. But the number one thing that Russell Targ did that I was trying to get in touch with him was that he was one of the OG, OT8s that worked with LRH. He was a guy that was hand trained by LRH. He also then would, he worked for NIDS for Robert Bigelow.
Starting point is 00:13:37 He worked on the Skinwalker Ranch. He also then worked for Project Stargate. He also then got purchased by Tom DeLong to work for the To The Stars Academy. And I was ready, right? Because I was told that he wasn't doing interviews. I was so excited. I rarely see you nervous.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I wanted to talk to him. I was just like, I know that I wasn't allowed to corner him, but I just thought like, maybe if I go and like, you bought a book, yeah. And hung out, like maybe he'll tell me something. Because like I just wanted to ask questions about L Ron Hubbard. And as we were talking, so of course, like everybody at the festival, which was really nice to feel at home, it's the info dump capital of the face of the planet.
Starting point is 00:14:19 There was more people info dumping and other people's faces. I felt really at home as a person with ADHD slash OCD, whatever I have. But it's nice to watch a lot of people yell at each other unironically. And so I was doing the same thing to Russell Targ. I walked up, first thing I'm sort of being like, I've been following your work a long time. I work for a thing called Last Podcast on the Left. We have pretty far reach. I've actually talked about your work for years and years and years. I've read your diagram about remote viewing. I know that you teach it. And I was learning up to do it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And then finally, as I'm talking about it, he's staring there like, ah, ah, ah. Let's just say he didn't look 100% fresh, right? But I was like, oh, but this is OTA, right? This is a guy that technically, according to L. Ron Hubbard, he can fly. He's definitely not gay. Oh, he's
Starting point is 00:15:06 90. He's 90. He's a rough shot. He's an old 90. And so he was like, this is a man that literally should be able to walk through walls. He should have psychic powers beyond all belief. And he's sitting there, he's sort of looking at me, I'm talking, and finally his handler goes, stops me dead sentence, he's like, who should he make out the book to? And I was like, Henry. And he's like, his name is Henry. If you could, and he's like, ah, ah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 He's like, his Henry, H-E, like screaming in his face. Like three inches from his face. And I was like, okay, this is... We definitely had to pay in cash. They wouldn't accept cards. Totally fine with it. Fine with my experience. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:15:58 take a picture of the signature and I'll show you guys because it's rough. But yeah, Russell Targ, what a special angel. And we're gonna miss him. Man, I wonder who's gonna live longer, Rambo or Russell Targ? Rambo's looking great. Rambo's looking great.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Saw Travis Walton, he is also tired, but wonderful. I loved him. He's great. I saw his speech. You missed that one. I went and saw him. He was great. I didn his speech. You, you missed that one. I went and saw him. He was great. He was, I didn't realize like the logging community, like that he was in how much they were kind of crazy. I love how Eddie gets introduced to little factoids.
Starting point is 00:16:36 But yeah, no, apparently like when it gets, so he got out of the truck. If you ever seen fire in the sky, he was abducted by aliens. And then he gets out of the truck and he's basically like drunk and trying to fight the aliens. Yeah, it's pretty good. Like he gets out of the truck, he's like, Hey, you fucking alien sons of bitches, you come down here, you son of a bitch. He's yelling and they like fucking beam him. But like turns out the week before he tried to fight a bear. Yeah, that's true. That came out, which is great. That came out in his talk, but we didn't hear on the episodes.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Apparently he'd be pretty aggressive with non-human entities for a long time. He's jumping out of trucks trying to fight random shit forever. He's fucking nuts. And then he claimed that the aliens, they brought them up after they kicked the shit out of them. They healed them. Yeah. And he hadn't been sick since, But we know he wasn't feeling well
Starting point is 00:17:25 last week. We know that he wasn't available to communicate, which because we were trying to get an interview with him, but we couldn't hear back. And there was a lot of people that were worried. And I was just praying to God if he arrived at his panel naked, covered in gel. Oh my God. It would have been unbelievable. That would be fucking awesome. Perfect. I mean, that's an entrance. That's an entrance. But he spoke very slowly. Yes, he did. It was like, oh, how are you making this story boring? This is an incredibly fascinating story.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Again, welcome to Ufology. None of his slides were even close to lining up to what he was talking about. This is your first one, buddy. This is your first one. I'm so excited. But I love him. He was playing guitar by the drum circle all night. Dude fucking closed out the bar. That was also the hang is just the dumbest thing on the face of the planet. You just look around. So approachable at the bar till
Starting point is 00:18:16 two in the morning. All the UFO guys are just getting hammered. George Norris singing a song Rob got some coverage. I couldn't be happier with this year's contact in the desert and hopefully we will be back next year because that was so, that was a wonderful experience. Everybody's insane. I had no idea what to expect. And the moment we walked in, there was guy, Jimmy Church is on stage, like emceeing,
Starting point is 00:18:37 just like a welcome party. And then he brought some guy up. I don't know who it was, but the first thing I heard was him interviewing someone. He's like, I'm just here to find out that if aliens don't believe in Jesus, do they go to heaven? Yeah, dude. This is very specific questions.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I got like material for at least three other episodes because I want to talk about the concept of a bunch of books and you walked out of there with like 20 DVDs. Oh yeah, dude. I have you are going gonna be filled with nonsense. Full of it. And new shit too. I love this concept. There was this thing called,
Starting point is 00:19:11 I believe it was Steven Schwartz, working on a project about teaching AI how to remote view and how it comes down to the concept if the future is what they call broken or fixed. So if the future is fixed, if it is on a track, and if there's no such thing as a, how do you put it? So if linear time is real, okay. And the future is happening no matter what, and the events that happen, the future are going to happen no matter what. And there probably on some level might be a way to get some
Starting point is 00:19:47 on some level might be a way to get some look into the future, whether it's a some kind of machine or some kind of travel, because then you're saying like, okay, so things move forward, we just have to figure out how to properly move or look forward. And they say they have the various intellectual property, the intellectual technology using remote viewing, like teaching methods, which I got to, I'm going to be so psychic at the end of the summer. I got three different DVDs that are going to teach me how to be psychic. A psychic told me I was psychic. That's the first thing you know. She's fucking lying. That's all I said with Russell Tarr,
Starting point is 00:20:16 you don't know my name. I had a lanyard on with my name. Like you're the fucking psychic spy. But then if the concept that if the future is broken, which means every single action we take affects what's going to happen in the future. So there is, there, there is that side, which then they believe there's no way you could train. There's no way you can really do it because, because then there was one guy that said like, I'm going to dial all this in for when we do the episode, but that they believe that you can accurately use remote viewing to look into the future nine months, nine months, and that's as far as you can go. It's like, oh, you're pregnant.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I know you're going to have a kid in nine months. That's it. Well, that's if you're right about she being pregnant. You better be. If you're just guessing as a psychic That's right at nine months. No. Yeah, you would know I guess today's the day You just about to have a baby child, that's fun. Well, that was our update from contact in the desert. Oh Yeah, oh Eddie you got a gift from Rob I got a gift was this from Rob a fan sent it in Well, that was our update from contact in the desert. Fly from your grave. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Oh, Eddie, you got a gift from Rob. I got a gift. Was this from Rob? A fan sent it in. A fan sent this in? All right. What do we got here? Oh, it's a tortoise. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And it's the only tortoise that you should probably have. Oh, it's so cute. Did you see the footage? Oh, it's a completely recycled tortoise. What do you mean? It's made out of tortoise shells? No, no, no. It's, I don't know. It's the, it'sise What do you mean it's been out of tortoise shells? It's got a recycle symbol on there's a note in the thing. Oh, that's great. That's a very nice thing And honestly, I think that's the only tortoise that you should have because if you see that footage of the tortoise busting through a fence
Starting point is 00:21:56 Oh, oh, yeah, that thing's fine. Well, they got to put the concrete up. Everyone knows that hey Ed I listen to side stories and you said you wanted a tortoise I hope this now this for now this plushy will temporarily fill you with tortoise love. Thank you so much. Ham Ham Ham, Red Martinson. You're the best Red. Good work. Thank you for, you know what? This is going to sound weird. As I get older, I like stuffed animals more. I think-
Starting point is 00:22:21 You're moving on. You're moving on. It's not a good, I don't know. I don't want to be here. I've been into them. You're turning into John Wayne Gacy. Well, this guy's showing this guy's going to have a good spot in the house. That's good. No, we just like chachkis. Yeah, I like chachkis, but I don't like stuffed animals.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I've been in stuffed animals. I don't know why. That's true. We got some updates. Let's take a look at this. I got a Grogu. Fuck him. And I'm gonna know I was told not to legally.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I can't. Um, so last week was a pretty slow news week. So a lot of stuff didn't happen. So there's really not a heck of a lot to talk about. Oh, that's wrong. Um, Chad day bill was found guilty and sent into death. That guy done. Boom.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Bye. He's not going to get anywhere. He might appeal. I don't think anything's going to happen. I'm sad that Lori Vallow, it's not happening to her too, but I'm also, honestly, I am against the death penalty. I'm against the death penalty as a whole, so I'm not, I don't know if the feeling is that I am happy, but it's more just I'm glad that the story is over.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I am glad that the grandparents of JJ and Tylee feel they have some form of closure, and fuck him. And I hope that I can't wait for him to go to jail forever. And he can appeal and appeal and appeal. And that's great. The one thing that blew my fucking mind is that after we did that update episode with Jeff Gwynn talking about the talking about Waco and talking about the Dave Koresh, I really do think so. You're not fully caught up to date with Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow. They are two doomsday cultists that killed, basically they created a whole D&D world
Starting point is 00:23:53 where they created soul points of light and dark and they made people like, people were light and then they go dark and then they turn into- Oh, I just thought he killed his ex-wife's new family. See, you're saying it as like it's just a normal crime, which is what happened. You're just saying like a thing. That's the thing that happened. They said that the kids and all the people that died turned into soulless zombies and
Starting point is 00:24:12 they had to kill their bodies to save their souls. So that was the idea. But then of course not. They just went to go, fuck. It's the first time Chad Daybell had ever gotten a blow job. He got it from Lori Valo, who was in what we've said before. She's in Idaho 11. So he was so excited to meet it. It blew his mind.
Starting point is 00:24:28 No, actually in the end, weirdly that his first wife was also in the cult a little bit and then she got found out that she wasn't going to be wife to the prophet pretty soon, which is why she was murdered. Everybody else was murdered. They're all going to jail. Fuck them. But I do wish that they stayed alive. I'm mad that they're getting the death penalty. But I have a concept now. But only one guy got the death penalty. Only one.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Chad. Chad. But the thing I'm realizing now is that you're watching both of them have the way they one of the big pieces of evidence in the trial was Chad Daybell talking on the phone to Lori Vallow in quote unquote code. And they kept talking about the blueprints for their so-called contracting job and that they were waiting
Starting point is 00:25:09 for these blueprints to come through. And she kept saying stuff like, you said this job was only gonna be this amount of time and you only said that this job would get us maybe have a 3% chance of us getting into trouble. But now you're saying it's, he's just still like, it's all going to the plan, just follow the blueprint. And I'm realizing what that meant.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Jeff Gwynn was talking about how David Koresh, one theory he had, it is fascinating, is that the fires inside of the compound at Waco were set as like, utterly, this is a tertiary, it's sort of like, it is a full on capital T theory. So, cause like, Jeff Gwynn was broken down, there was three different things that could possibly be. One was that the fires were accidentally started
Starting point is 00:25:54 or purposely started by the ATF, right? That happened during that. The number two, they were purposely started by the branch Davidians to fuck themselves up in a suicide, like basically in a suicide move. Right? Well, he was probably dying anyway.
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's what they're saying that they were coming in and this is it. This is the time to go. But Jeff Gwynn had a really interesting theory that he, that one of David Koresh's favorite transcripts or sections of the Bible was talking about walking through fire, unhurt, these flames are going to purify us. And the word fire was in a lot of the stuff, which is like, it does come up with a lot of Pentecostal religions.
Starting point is 00:26:31 It's in the Bible. Fire is a very important image and symbology, but he used it quite a bit. And there's a little bit of his thought process is that David Koresh and them set the fires at this moment when the doomsday prophecy was coming to pass, thinking the fires are going to go, we're just going to walk through the flames and we're not going
Starting point is 00:26:49 to be hurt. And so there's a little part of me that thinks that Chad Daybell and Lori Valo still have this thought that God's going to spring us out. It's all going to happen. They're got the whole, all of the catastrophes that Satan's supposed to bring are going to happen and they're just going to be raptured out of jail because they're the bosses. They're going to be Arians in an hour. They are going to be fucking, Lori Vallow is going to be fucking selling her own version of like a Jade pussy egg soon from jail. So good riddance.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Bye bye. Next one. Robert Pickton. Dead. See you later. Jesus fucking Christ. Also happened. It is not our fault. Side stories of course on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:27:29 This is the schedule. Yes, I understand. Big news does come out on Wednesday. For the sake of fucking Christ, did just fucking one thing happen just when... It doesn't matter. I know, I'm not gonna bitch. All right, it just happens.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah, Picton, why couldn't you die on Tuesday, you pussy? That's what I needed from you, dude. You fucking rat-faced bitch. You could've done one thing for this world. One thing is to give me the conclusion to the story on the minute that I needed it. But he's fucking dead. He went, he was, gotta broom up the nose.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Which you gotta remember, the people were asking how is that possible. It's because the broom was sharpened. It was sharpened, yeah. And then, you know, enough force, it works. Oh, you just jam it up in there, man. Yeah, it gets up in. You'd be surprised what I could do with the spoon.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Get me angry enough? Yeah. Good put. Coming back soon. Yep. And also Trump got arrested. Trump got arrested. And the other guy died.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Which guy? The slingshot guy died. One of the honestly, truly where I want to really focus on is that we talked about a local, again, again probably similar Prince King similar to Marvin Heemeyer a Man that is a local hero. This is a local hero. He was terrorizing the zooza, California with a slingshot we covered him last week and He's he was 81 years old anyone irregular farts
Starting point is 00:28:44 He was a fart subs He's he was 81 years old. Anyone a regular fart? He was a fart. I don't actually he's actually extremely lucky again that he didn't kill anybody, but he was doing it all from his backyard. Yeah, which is kind of hilarious. Like the idea of sitting in your backyard and just shooting it. Obviously to crime. I'm just saying like in the most innocent way fashion.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Yeah, it's a fucking crime. But it's like he fired him off into the sky just from a seat in his fucking backyard. I totally understand the feeling. My drunkest days, you know, I'd light up a Roman candle and just walk outside and shoot it. Yeah, but a Roman candle's fun. So you think slug shots aren't fun? Well, he made them not fun, but unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:29:20 I guess he was bad. So he pleaded not guilty Tuesday to several counts of vandalism and was released on his own recognizance. he was ordered to stay 200 yards away from effective homes and not contact any alleged victims He was his own house. So he wasn't even he don't worry. He didn't want to visit his neighbors Yeah, cuz he was just attacking them. He does not he looks like a man Mm-hmm that would hold a one-man war against a neighborhood because I didn't get the picture of him the last time but that definitely looks like a reasonable man
Starting point is 00:29:48 driven to do unreasonable things, quote unquote. Yeah. Oh, he does look like a nasty son of a bitch. He looks like a difficult man. I didn't see his face. I didn't get to judge him, judge him like a piece of shit. Yeah. I mean, he had a lot of problems.
Starting point is 00:30:02 He's got, you know, of course, whatever. Our attorney said that he suffered from a number of medical ail Yeah, I mean he had a lot of problems He's got you know, of course whatever attorney said he suffered from a number of medical ailments Including a heart condition and nerve issues and his legs in his back, which is why obviously why he wasn't jumping over the fence He was allowed to go home and pick up medications isn't that nice and then he just fucking died Yeah, and you know why that is stressful. Maybe you know why he died, you know, let me put this way The slingshot was keeping him alive. Oh yeah. My dad smokes three packs of cigarettes a day.
Starting point is 00:30:29 If someone takes his cigarettes a day, he's gone. That is literally what a doctor said to me, which is not true. I don't think that's true. But the doctor was like, you know, if you take, I mean, it's a Florida doctor. So the Florida literally was like, cigarettes is his whole life. Do you take away his most of his life? And what else is he going to do? It's like, I'm his whole life. Do you take away his most of his life? And what else is he going to do? It's like, not smoke cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah. But yeah. But the withdrawals would be pretty tough on him if he stopped. That's the thing. I don't know if he can make it through the withdrawals. And so think about this. How dependent this man came upon his slingshot as a way to engage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Blow off some steam. That was his way of getting out there. And I just... Do you think he even knew that he was actually doing any harm? Yeah. Yes. I think that he's...
Starting point is 00:31:13 I think that, iron... I think satire aside, I do think that he was a huge fucking asshole, right? But I understand the impulse. You know? But I don't want to hurt people that don't serve to get hurt. Yeah. My revenge is exact. Let's move on. The, the last update is the Orcas. Turns out it's not malicious. No, well, it's not. It's not not malicious. Well, they're playing. They think that they're playing.
Starting point is 00:31:41 They are. They think that Orcas have developed a game where they're destroying the game. We don't like the game. They are playing a game. They're very similar to Prince and they're saying from Azusa. They're very similar to this idea of the slingshot guys. They're like, Oh, this is funny for us. Yeah. But they're killing people. But you know, but they get nobody killed anybody. I've killed anybody. No, they just sink a boats. That's it. Everyone's lived. No one's been killed. Do we know that for sure? Yes. I know that for sure. No one has ever been killed in the wild by an orca. Only in captivity. What?
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah! Really? Yeah! They're not violent. I thought they're cult-calou- Towards humans. They kill the fuck out of some other things. And they love trends. That's the other thing. Orcas love trends. And so this is like a trend that they're doing by ripping apart these boats. Weird. Like TikTok.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah, exactly. And then so they're saying that this trend will actually... Wow. There are no documented reports of wild orcas killing humans. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? But anyway, so they're saying that there's a trend
Starting point is 00:32:42 that these orcas are doing. That's why it's only in Europe. And so they'll eventually get bored of it and stop doing it. And there's a trend that these orcas are doing, that's why it's only in Europe. And so they'll eventually get bored of it and stop doing it. And it's only done by teenage orcas. Like older ones won't do it. It's fascinating. Yeah, and like they know that orcas like trends
Starting point is 00:32:54 and like, you know, there's like more popular ones like because they found there was this one orca that started wearing salmon on her head, like a hat. And then all of her friends started doing it too. And then eventually after a couple of years,. Whoa like pogs! Yeah yeah wow that's crazy. Whoa yeah it does have a salmon on its head. What? Yeah so he just got things with salmon on their heads. Yeah it's an arca hat. What? They don't have access to the hats like we do. They don't got heads.
Starting point is 00:33:28 That one's got it though. Yeah, yeah. Whoa, it's got a salmon on his head. Yeah, they put salmon on their heads. That's fast, whoa. They found one, that trend ended, but they did spot one recently. Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:39 That had a salmon on its head. Did you just find so much about whales just trying to find out more about yourself? What are you talking about? First of all, they're not whales. They're porpoises. Okay. So go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Killer whale is a fucking racist stigma. They're orcas. You know, hey, this is your fight. You're in the whale. You're in the whale community. I got that right. So this is your fight. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Let's get to some actual news stories. Again, I have a sister. Oh yeah. You know, I have a sister and I cherish her. I cherish her and I'd do anything to protect her. Sometimes- She wishes the thing that you- This is the, this guy, but some people go too far.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Yeah. Cause my thing is, is that your sister is your sister. And I think that we talked a little bit, you know, this is a common theme that's come up on last podcast and left talking about this sort of a, these family issue based documentaries where step sisters and step brothers get to know each other into an intermittent fashion. I think that these, this is the first time we're seeing that shit lead to something horrible. It's not helping. I don't think it's helping, but he would know. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Who knows? As us being accusatory. Yes. Cause some people, again, I don't know. Some people could separate art from the artists. All right. So this guy, Jack Joseph Ball, what a protective brother. He's charged with two counts of second degree murder, second degree, which I don't even know how that's
Starting point is 00:35:11 possible of the slang of his sister, Bethany Israel 30 and her unborn child. Now what he's saying is that this guy loved his sister too much. She went to dinner with him, I guess to tell him she's pregnant. And then the sister never came back. And so when they went to go get her essentially from balls house, this guy named Jack Joseph ball, when they went to go back to his house to get her, saw him mysteriously running away from the home covered in blood. When they went inside, whole place smeared with blood. They saw a bunch of cut off body parts
Starting point is 00:35:50 and then he was just leaving pieces of his sister in front of neighbors homes, around the neighborhood. Now, he was eventually found, bloodied, covered in blood in the backyard, attempting to kill himself with a knife. He had a wound in his knife, which showed he didn't have the courage to go all the way through it. When they went through his bullshit,
Starting point is 00:36:10 after the fact, they found several rage-filled journals talking about his sister's lost purity, saying that she's no longer innocent because she got bagged up full of cum. Yeah. Now, that is- But she's also seven years full of cum. Yeah. Now that is... But she's also seven years older than him. And married.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And as I think it's just a whole life. And so yeah, I think he went too far. And I think that you want your sister... Yeah, I understand. It is always kind of weird for me when people tell me to try and for a baby, because that means I know this act of cum here, you know, like it's here. But yeah, you shouldn't go this far. You know?
Starting point is 00:36:53 I mean, yeah, no, this is obviously incredibly upsetting. I think there's so many things, because I think you're right that there is a sexualization. He had some kind of fascination, definitely with his sister. I don't think the documentaries are helping because the thing about the documentaries, which I want them to understand is that I've seen plenty of things lead to lovemaking and they're completely, totally rational. Like, yeah, you could probably get your dick sucked by a real estate investor. You probably, some people might have had sex with a gynecologist or two. I don't know. I am going to step in real quick. I know a lot of re-olders. Please don't try and fuck
Starting point is 00:37:27 them. Don't try unless they offer first. You want to be in a place, the keys, you get them on the couch. Now you get them on the couch. You start talking about their ex-boyfriend. They say it's so hot in the house because they haven't been able to possibly do it. Do you help them to get their jacket off? You say, oh man, you must work so hard as a realtor. Yada yada yada. And then so there's that thing you got. Um, there's a lot of professions that lead to lovemaking. Yes. The family. There's just so many, Oh my God, a masseuse. That's what I gotta do. That's what I do with Natalie.
Starting point is 00:37:58 So yeah, of course there's a masseuse angle. No, no, no, you know, specifically normal masseuses. Don't try and fuck them either. No, I'm just saying you probably shouldn't try and fuck anyone who's currently working. No, no, I'm just saying they got to offer it. They got to offer it. I'm just saying there's a lot of opportunities for sex, even unhired the bus driver. All right. Who's not a position taxi cab driver.
Starting point is 00:38:21 All right. That's a, that's a job. What's another, what's not a job? What's just hanging out? What's just hanging out? What's just hanging out office coworkers, sex worker. Ew. That's so base. So, so no, I'm talking about in the scenario, buddy, they're all sex workers. Plumber their asses out. I'm talking about the jobs that they're playing in the shows in the documentaries.
Starting point is 00:38:41 We're watching. TikTok challenge. People try to put their finger in plumber's butts. Oh yeah, that'll go well. That'll fucking go well. Rob, you're a plumber. Anyone try to stick a finger in your ass? Never. Rob, just don't.
Starting point is 00:38:52 I wish. I don't think you wanted it because anybody who's willing to do it is going to look like Mario. All right, from the Mario brothers. Hey, look like there's an opening over here. I'm going to get in the tubes and go to another world. Oh no you're making the goop on me. Just me and my turtles. Yeah, that really does help. You know what honestly leave all of the people that come in your home to work alone.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Again let them offer sex. If you want it, you should wear like a lanyard. It's like, home workers, it's okay to fuck me. Home workers, it's okay to fuck me. Dude, Postmates totally ruin people fucking Pizza Boys. Yes, that's why I say Pizza Boys is another great example. I know, but they don't exist anymore because of fucking Postmates. There's still just people you can call. Just for pizza? For a lot of places. Yeah, you can call the place directly? Yeah, I can still do that. If I wanted to, I just don't exist anymore because of fucking Postmates. There's still just people you can call. We just don't. Just for pizza?
Starting point is 00:39:45 For a lot of places. Yeah, you can call the place directly? Yeah, I can still do that. If I wanted to, I just don't. But they don't have a guy who works there anymore doing deliveries. Old school pizza guys do. You think so?
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah. All right. That's me. That's my opinion. But some people only question it. But I feel like when it comes to delivery pizzas, I might know. I'm going to turn that on. Fly from North Lake. All pizzas, I'm like no. I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Fly from Northway. All right, so this next story again leave your sisters alone. Second one is this is very Fascinating. This concept is interesting. Okay. The UK is running out of goats The UK is running out of ghosts. Oh ghosts. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm taking it back. I'm just gonna edit it UK is running out of ghosts. Oh, ghosts. Yes. Yes. I'm taking it back. I'm just taking this. I'm just going to edit it. UK is running out of goats. UK is running out of ghosts. Okay. As the old spirits are dying off. This is according to the paranormal expert, Dr. Paul Lee. Um, I honestly, I wonder, I do think it's interesting. I believe this. He's saying that since 2020, this is according to Dr Paul Lee, since January 2020 I've been contacting all the reportedly haunted locations on my app and asking if the residents, owners
Starting point is 00:40:55 or staff have experienced any unexplained activity. So far I've had almost 800 replies, and even some supposedly highly haunted places like Corliss, bro Castle and South Yorkshire the Eddington Park Hotel and Stanford said to be one of the most haunted hotels in the UK and Fortnum Mason and Piccadilly say they haven't experienced anything in the last few years. He has a theory that the energy like a battery or something like is running out like these ghosts are essentially like dying on the vine sort of like the Chandelier and the and the duster and the clock from Beauty and the Beast
Starting point is 00:41:35 Oh, yeah, where they're not the last petals about to drop Yes And they're doing he's saying that but he also believes that ghosts can be recharged, which I actually do believe that's true. It seems what he's saying. How do they get recharged by someone being scared of them? I think that what he's saying is that, which I also believe the new Kirk's talk about, which is that again, we're part of the haunting process. These people are saying that nothing, they haven't seen anything haunted in a long time.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah. But that might be because at this point it's kind of old fashioned. There is no fresh body in there that actually does believe what's happening. Or it also sort of sounds like these are places where not many people visit as often. But also ghosts do go dormant for sometimes decades before we appear. They talk about it all the time. And then New Kirks talk about the idea that maybe that if there was more ghost hunts in earnest, that's sort of what helps prop up these ghosts. Like you showing up with the machines, researching it, actively pumping like psychic energy into this room
Starting point is 00:42:38 that it's real. Yeah. That's what fuels it. So who knows? And you're just saying that like, I think this is more of a push of like, please come on my tour. Yeah. Like, why are you not on my tour? Like, if you don't come on my tour, he's using the use it or lose it tactic, saying, do you want these ghosts to die?
Starting point is 00:42:56 This is a cool thing. Now, it's a ghost tour guy who lives in London, and he has to kill people all the time to create new ghosts for his tour. That's our show Cut it out. You're gonna air lift this up and out We can't give it to the they can't give it to the British We can't let him have this Because I love this idea. I think that he's he's
Starting point is 00:43:21 Well, look at him. Yeah, he can end up killing people to try to get on his ghost tour. Well, unfortunately. Yeah. I'm not saying that he seems, he just seems like maybe I'd get some point. If you're saying that ghosts are dying, scared of anyone wearing a Millennium Falcon shirt. According to Torbo, LOL, this is on the comments. Highly recommend they talk to a person who actually sees earthbound spirits. There are still a plenty of ghosts. Thanks, Torbo. Spirits always be around us. That's according to cute boy Hereford. Spirits always be around us.
Starting point is 00:44:01 America still has plenty of ghosts, though, so. Don't worry about that. We're jock full. Come visit. Come visit some of our best cities. You're going to love Charleston. No, you're not. You're going to love St. Augustine. I mean, they got good food. St. Augustine. Yeah. Seafood. Have you been to St. Augustine? Yeah. I love St. Augustine. Really? Yeah. It's really cool. I thought it was just like a place where like old ladies go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why do you think I went?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Come on. Clean up. You just tell them I'm on the Grim Reaper. You suck my dick. You won't go to six more months. That's sad. You shouldn't lie to an old woman. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Do you want to tell us your story? Yes, this one's been, this one's my favorite story of the week. There, there's, there was a city of Morea in Mexico had an interesting street fight this week. I love the street fight. I love a street fight. It was amongst the street performers.
Starting point is 00:45:02 There was a mariachi band and a fire breather. And I think it seems like it was a dispute over territory because you know how these guys, they're like, you know, this is my corner, get off of here, you can't busk here. Yes. So there was a fight, but then the fire breather decided to breathe fire on them.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Ah, cool, yeah! During the fight, here's a- Hey man, that's what happens when you pick with a guy whose mouth is dangerous. Yeah. There's so here is a, um, a video, a video. Whoa. Yeah. So you checked this out, Henry. But then the guys gets them in a headlock, but he lit a couple of them on fire. Holy fucking shit. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Whoa, we set these guys on fire. What the fuck? Yeah, man. Yeah. Whoa, it's just music, man. Whoa, he went full Mee-Lai on them. Yeah, man. Why do that? Because, you know, why develop a skill if you're never going to use it? Yes. But there's often fights between buskers
Starting point is 00:46:08 and sometimes they prove to be fatal even though this time they were not. Yeah, that is, so they're not dead? No, they're not dead. I mean, they're not well. They're not doing great. No, man, I can't even believe, man, Mexico's a fun place.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Do they have a full on fire breather as a busker? I've never seen a fire breather as a busker. I think they're not allowed in America. I think you need to have a... Let me look this up. Can I be a flame fire breather as a busker? Yeah, it does seem, it does seem like difficult to control. It's hard to have in a public space.
Starting point is 00:46:42 This happened outside of a taco restaurant called El Inferno. Does that actually help? I think that actually helps. It sounds like they were like, this is gonna be the funniest idea ever. But the fire breather was the only one who went to the hospital. But because he got his ass kicked.
Starting point is 00:47:01 The Mariachi members were fine, but even though they were burnt. Oh, same here. Oh, yeah, you could do fire breathing. You can? You just have to have a permit. Oh, okay, good. Yeah, wow. That's cool. Have you ever done it? Fire breath?
Starting point is 00:47:15 I've put fire in my mouth. I think I tried once and I lit my hand on fire if I remember correctly. Yep, that's why you don't do it. Yeah. That's a good lesson to learn early. But that's the only thing, it was just a that's the only thing it was just a turf war Yeah, it was just a turf war over busking area. God that's sad, dude Miss people gotta come together because they could have been playing the mariachi while he fire-breathed
Starting point is 00:47:35 Yeah, but they had you you know, how do you split up the money later? You give him his little slot? Well, he doesn't want one fourth. That's the thing if If there's three mariachis in him, I say they split it evenly. Can I say? He gets 50%, they get 50%. I'm kind of surprised that he did as well against three mariachis. A lot of those guys are hardcore. Well, he still, they still kicked the shit out of him. Yeah. And he had to go to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:47:59 But he did set him on fire. Yes. Yeah, it's even rough. They're not going to fight him again, that's for sure. No, no, no, no, no. We've all learned a lesson. And by the way, he probably should get the El Inferno territory. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He won.
Starting point is 00:48:12 He should change his name to El Inferno. Oh, then he can talk about this forever. He could literally be like, this is what I do. Yeah. Just bring me to places you don't want people to be and I will get rid of them. Oh yeah, there's, there's very, very, very. Here's them tuning them up. Yeah, they got them good. Yeah, that really is bad. You people to be and I will get rid of them. Oh yeah. That's very, very funny. Here's them tuning them up. Yeah, they got them good.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Yeah, it really is bad. You gotta be careful. Man, everyone's just, that guy's just watching. No one's stopping it. All right, there's some people who step in towards the end. Kinda, yeah, but you know, he just lit them on fire. Like, you know, that's gotta be worth something as far as fights go.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You gotta let him get a couple in if he lit them on fire. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah, he lit them on fire. So yeah, he didn't do bad. That's a great video. I can't wait to see that again.
Starting point is 00:48:55 I don't always like seeing people get on sudden fire, but when they live, it's fun. Yeah, yeah. No, exactly. If he didn't live, I probably would've only talked about it and not made you watch it. Yeah, but that's cool. Thanks, Eddie. No problem. Really good story. it. Yeah, but that's cool. Thanks Eddie No problem really good story And here's another story that's actually pretty short. It's once in a lifetime
Starting point is 00:49:11 Man finds heavy mysterious object in North Carolina mountains. Mm-hmm. Um, that's funny because Ed was here the whole time. No I'm sorry. I'm doing this to you. That's why honestly look great. I'm the I'm fat. I'm the one who's projecting I'm sorry I'm doing this to you. No, that's fine. You honestly look great. I'm the, I'm fat. I'm the one who's projecting. Come on. I'm doing it to you.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I gain weight. It's okay. And I'm saying things about your body and it shouldn't be saying it. You could borrow my t-shirts again. That's insulting. That's insulting. So in a surprising turn of events, a North Carolina man has found himself at the center of a local mystery after discovering an unusual object that some people believe may have originated
Starting point is 00:49:52 from outer space. I don't think there's any way it came from outer space. No, absolutely not. But it is mysterious. It's definitely mysterious. Yes. Because according to Klontz, he said that now Justin clounce, that's the man who found it. Right. And I'm just shocked as to what it was. He says in
Starting point is 00:50:11 each once in a lifetime, you know, you don't happen every day, which I don't really know what that means. Yeah. So him and his coworkers stumbled upon the object along a remote trail in Canton. The object was covered in burnt carbon fire and heavy duty metal plates held together by thick bolts. The only way to describe it is that it looks like a prop. It looks like something's from the outside of a set or it looks like a, some, something that would go on the chariot of something. It's got like soot on it. It sort of looks like a bunch of bullshit was burnt on top of it, but it just looks like it's art directed. Yeah. It has giant lug nuts on it.
Starting point is 00:50:47 It looks like a steampunk door to an evil train. Yeah, I don't think aliens have bolts. They don't. Actually, every single time you see a UFO, one of the main things they talk about is how they are seamless for the most part. So this is, so they just found this very heavy. It's got like a two to three inch piece of metal.
Starting point is 00:51:06 It's a giant two to three inch piece of steel. It's several hundred pounds. This guy, Clance, he said, no, we don't know what it is. We just know it's not from up there. The object was so large they had to pull it out with the, with his truck. Oh no, with his lawnmower. Yeah, with his lawnmower. Yeah, they pulled it out with his riding mower. Yeah. And so he said, you wouldn't even believe it was one million chance. I didn't even find it. All right. Because he'd landed near the trail and if it had, I wouldn't have seen it. But it didn't land there because none of the trees were fucked up or none of the, there was no burn marks or anything. Yes. There were no signs of fire or damage. I looked,
Starting point is 00:51:41 I looked up in the trees, according to Claus and it just landed perfectly in the trail and threw an opening into woods. Yeah. It's just a big heavy object. It's just a big weird thing. A big weird thing. It looks like someone was testing how to use these bolts through different materials. Did you ever see the back in the day where someone was doing the like the metal obelisks They were like do as an art project where people think things that look like from 2001 They were hiding these obelisks and like difficult to get to places and people were finding them on Google Maps and Earth Google Earth and shit like that. I'm gonna stop you real quick. What's an obelisks?
Starting point is 00:52:30 The Washington Monument is an obelisk. That's an obelisk. Yes. So it's like a pointy dick. Okay, great. A monolith. These are the monoliths. I remember the monolith thing. These are the monoliths. The obelisks have a, I think that's the difference. An obelisk has a top. Maybe I'm correct. I don't care. I don't care about shapes. And so this thing was a, I feel like this heavy object, this was revealed, these monoliths as an art project, and a bunch of guys said they'd been doing this for a long time, and it's just funny that people have caught up to it now. And so I feel like this is, someone's gonna come out
Starting point is 00:52:56 in the next two days and say what this is. You think so? Yeah, I think that this is gonna be, I think there's gonna have an unfortunately extremely prosaic answer to what this is. Why would it be all the way out in the middle of the woods? Cause guys, people fuck around everywhere.
Starting point is 00:53:11 It's on a trail. It seems like it was just trash. It was just on a trail. Yeah. So I don't know. I don't know. Well, I'm glad they got rid of it. So nobody trips.
Starting point is 00:53:22 It's big. Also like, what are we going to do now? I'll look at it now. Who's looking at it now? I don't fucking care about this. Yeah, we don't. It's fine. You don't have to. You don't have to.
Starting point is 00:53:36 This is not, essentially, the word is this is not interesting. But at the same time, it is in many ways for this. It's amazing what news finds you. Yes. Because it's like some dude found a piece of metal in the woods in North Carolina. And now it made it to this show. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Yep. Oh, yes. Yeah, I'm done. Any mail we want to get to? Yeah, let's get some mail. All right, mail we want to get to? Yeah. Let's look at some mail. All right. So we got a lot of feedback on the meat, on the meat.
Starting point is 00:54:11 So we had a bunch of things. Obviously last week I was having fun with it and I said throw meat everywhere. And it's apparently it is, it is litter. Food waste is litter. Um, I used to work for my state's DNR, Department of Natural Resources, the nature cops. I was told by one of the leading officers that even throwing out an apple core from your car while driving down the highway is not allowed. The plant material may not be native to the landscape and basically throwing any material, even plant animal byproduct
Starting point is 00:54:38 is a fine offense. So apple cores or litter? Is that what we're trying to say? That's what we're saying to say? Anything that is not totally not foreign to the environment. All right. So what about this? How about an orange peel and an orange grove? Is that litter? Buddy, I we're headed in an apple core and an apple orchard. I have no fucking idea, buddy.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I have no idea. All right. And that's what I'm going to do from now on. I'm bringing little baggies with me Yeah, I'm tying them my belts and covered in trash. But now you're wasting plastic. I don't fuck the plastic. All right, it's too late. It's one or the other. I'll hold on to the apple cores with my two hands. I'll walk back and forth. I'll wait till... can we dump them in the ocean? Apple cores? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Now everyone's saying no. Absolutely toss apple core in the ocean. Fuck this. I don't want to talk about this anymore. You get a handful of apple cores and you start throwing them at deer. Now everyone's saying no. Absolutely toss apple core in the ocean. Fuck this. I don't want to talk about this anymore. You get a handful of apple cores and you start throwing them at deer. I'm already mad. Now here is literally probably the best explanation we received.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Now we did get, people said straight up that the HVAC theory does hold weight. Yeah, of course. HVAC company might have done something like this with some giant walk-in fridge that failed, right? They went and they dumped it out somewhere in the middle of nowhere. But this I think is actually very interesting. I was listening to this week's episode about the piles of meat left on the side of the road.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I wish this wasn't my area of expertise, but here we go. My dad's entire livelihood has always been based on collecting and distributing stolen meats off the back of trucks. From hearing this story, it seems like a deal went bad, and the police were on to those operating this quote-unquote business. Whenever meat is stolen from the back of trucks, the first job is always to remove all packaging, making it impossible to identify where it came from.
Starting point is 00:56:21 From there, it can be repackaged or sold however to whoever the fuck buys stolen meats. So I'm guessing someone had a large amount of stolen meat and needed to get rid of it quickly and that's why it was dumped. Something similar actually happened to my dad a couple of years ago. I didn't return home from work one day to find him at my house with dozens of frozen hams outside of their packaging. He wanted to use my dogs as a disposal method. Safe to say I said no. So don't worry. Dad's could be pieces of shit. Those poor dogs. I still want to hear now. Now I am so hard for a proper meat heist movie. We got to do it. It hasn't happened. The idea of a meat heist is such a to do it hasn't happened the idea of a meat heist
Starting point is 00:57:05 There's such a fun idea this whole thing obviously this is mafia people getting hurt or whatever Definitely need an age an h-fat guy very much so need an h-fat guy truck guy and then the guy who's got the meat mm-hmm Instead of oceans 11 it could be obese 11 Let me do this one last story. Alright. It's Poltergeist. When I was eight years old, I experienced a poltergeist. I remember it vividly.
Starting point is 00:57:36 My family just moved into a rented house in Bigfoot, Texas. Oh, that's cool. Anywho, my mom left me at home one day for the first time ever. Bear with me as I explain how the scenario came to be. My two siblings had been sick the Friday before and my mom gave me the option to stay home with them, but I had tested. I was in the production of Cats
Starting point is 00:57:54 and I simply could not miss my chance to crawl across the stage silently. Did you get tested for rabies? I didn't have any lines, but that's neither here nor there. Monday rolled around and my siblings felt better, but my mom gave me the option to stay home with her while the other two went to school because she had caught whatever us germ pods were passing around.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Of course, I opted to stay home. The only caveat was that my mom needed to drive my brother and sister 30 minutes and back to drop them off at school in Lytle, Texas. Being my first time staying home alone, she looked at me dead in the eyes and said I was not allowed to go outside for any reason. I had to stay inside the house or else. I agreed. As soon as my mom left, I plopped onto the couch and turned on Jerry Springer, as any eight-year-old kid would. Yes, absolutely. Of course, I remember this.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Now for context, to my left was the front door, straight ahead my brother's room, and to the right was the remainder of the house. Kitchen, parents' room, bathroom, and my room that I shared with my sister. Now it's important to know two things before I explain what happened next. First, my three-year-old brother had a noisemaker in his room. The sounds ranged from a creepy heartbeat for newborns to ocean rain. Second, my mom had two tacky plastic pigs that stood right outside the front door. One would oink if the lights switched on or off. I can still see its red eyes. The other was motion-censored, oinking if anyone walked in front of it. Moving on. The speed and veracity of the incident still
Starting point is 00:59:14 puzzles me. I know the order of things, but it all happened so quickly. It almost felt simultaneous. First the TV flipped off. Next both pigs started oinking, then my brother's noisemaker turned on and started switching slowly from sound to sound. Heartbeat, ocean rain, boom. I finally jolted up from the couch and ran out the front door when I heard an extremely loud sound coming from the direction of my room. The best way I can describe it is that it sounded like a hairdryer turning on directly in your ear. Unexpectedly, I knew it was coming from my room but the noise totally encompassed me and I blacked out.
Starting point is 00:59:48 The next thing I remember, I was huddled outside by the coals of a bonfire we had the night before. I saw my mom's suburban pull up quickly and her hopping out visibly angry and concerned. I remember her asking why I was outside. I remember her demanding an answer, but I don't remember responding. I shared what happened to me with my mom years later. She still insists that she would have never left me alone, and that's where the conversation always ends. And it's how moms do it. Oh yeah, they lie about what they did to you.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Always. Yeah. I would never do that. Yeah, well you did. I've been talking about it for weeks at therapy, mom. Yeah. Well, God bless. God bless.
Starting point is 01:00:21 What a day. Lot of news. Bigfoot, Texas, by the way, is a very small place. God bless. What a day. A lot of news. Bigfoot, Texas, by the way, is very small place. Very small. Says they had about 450 people there. And it's a bear. It's barely a place. Hey, you don't go, you know, good for them.
Starting point is 01:00:35 That's cool name. Which is amazing. All right, guys. What an incredible day. Wow. Live every day knowing that the truth is out there. Here. Right. Out here. It's out here. Yeah. It's out here. It's the West coast. Unfortunately. So you're just going to have the laugh knowing that at least you don't have to deal with some of the difficult
Starting point is 01:01:00 people I had to deal with this, this weekend, but if you spent some time around them, you'd learn to love them. Cause they keep their hearts on their sleeve. And yeah, maybe sometimes they might go completely, totally, utterly insane, but they're entertaining for a couple months before they do something really fucked up. Isn't that nice?
Starting point is 01:01:22 That is a nice little way to wrap up this. Your thoughts with Henry, like Springer at the end. Really works out. So go to slash last podcast on the left to see us talk. Hear us talk to help us go to tick tock at LP on the left. Help the China. They love us on there. And go to last podcast on to buy concert tickets for us. We are going to go.
Starting point is 01:01:51 We have already... The Side Stories are selling. You better get it. If you want to come to these Side Story shows, we only got two this year. Yes. They're selling hot. So far. Yeah, so far.
Starting point is 01:02:01 We'd love to do more. We're going to try to probably book one. Yeah, September 13th. But not in the cities that we've already booked them. Yes. So we're gonna be out. We're so fucking excited. Honestly, some of the work that we've just done,
Starting point is 01:02:11 that we just put together a cool new panel that I think is gonna be another good traveling stage show. I'm just having more fun on stage than ever with you, Eddie. It's just so fun to do. Dude, it's been blast. We're just having a blast. Last week was hilarious. So fun.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Come see the show. Come check us out. September 13th, Chicago Park West, the day before our sold out show in Chicago for last podcast on the left. So you missed that one, but you can still catch side stories on the day before in the 13th of Chicago.
Starting point is 01:02:39 And on December 6th, we'll be in Philadelphia at the theater of the living arts. That's the day before the show in Brooklyn at King's Theatre. Can't wait. It's going to be amazing. The Philly show is like close to being sold out. Yes. The Chicago one's got a little more seats left.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yeah, but come check it out. It's going to get there. Yeah, we can't wait. And come see us in Iceland if you're listening to us in Iceland. Yeah, dude, please come out to the Reykjavik show. We have no idea what's happening with that. I think it's going to be, I'm so excited for that. I can't wait. I've never been to I Reykjavik I can't wait to go. Yeah, and Marcus is like the William Randolph Hearst of Reykjavik
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah, please be careful with volcano if you could if you stop that up that'd be great yeah, I'll say Anybody got to that's your freedom. Yeah. All right. I'll say. I don't want to hell anybody. You don't got to. All right. That's your freedom. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. That's your freedom.
Starting point is 01:03:31 That's what boys died overseas. Prince King. Hail Prince King. You don't have, no, he's an asshole. I like him. You know, we just all want, we just get it. You know what I mean? I get it.
Starting point is 01:03:39 You're the Niemeyer guy. I'm just saying I get it. I like a swing, slingshot guy. You're giving me shit. You're like a guy who built an entire killdozer. It's because I like- That's who you root for. I like the Will slingshot guy. You're giving me shit. You're like a guy who built an entire killdozer. It's cause I like the willpower. My guy has like ball bearings that he shoots off once a fucking month.
Starting point is 01:03:53 But he came closer to killing people than Marvin Niemeyer did. No he didn't. Yeah he did. No he didn't. Did he drive into City Hall? Hey listen. With a bunch of kids in there? No I mean they shouldn't have been in there.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Was he shooting a gun at gas? He was shooting a gun at the gas station. Yeah But again, it shows the bullets bounce off all the gas meters That's the power of american manufacturing. All right, because that shows it's hard to blow up a bunch of gas tankers Isn't that nice? Yeah. Well, how about the fire breather? Yeah, hail the fire. No, he's your name three guys Why they kicked his ass? How about the you know, we didn't hail the fire breather. No! He can name three guys! Why? They kicked his ass! How about the... you know what we didn't cover but we'll just do it right now? The dog who accidentally ate the meth that was running around like a crazy person but
Starting point is 01:04:33 then he was fine. That's a dog you can like... Fucking hail that dog. Yep. Until it starts smoking its own teeth. And we're all fucked. This show is made possible by listeners like you. What?

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