Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Mo Money Mo Problems

Episode Date: April 3, 2024

Henry and Ed are joined by Holden McNeely for a very special Side Stories this week as P Diddy faces charges in massive human trafficking scandal, Instacart Driver fatally shoots Actress Angie Harmon'...s dog, the man arrested for impersonating Firefighter at deadly North Carolina structure fire, a UK woman mistakes a hat pom pom for a wounded baby hedgehog, Listener E-Mails, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello! Ed Larson and Amber Nelson from the Brighter Side here to check in with you see how you're doing. Is your day more disappointing than a gas station sandwich? Are you trying to put one foot in front of the other in a glue factory? Did you try to throw your air fryer in the bathtub but nothing happened because you were too lazy to plug it in first? Then the Brighter Side podcast is for you! Oh yeah! Each week we take nasty, dooky, stupid, dumb... Stinky, no good, doo-doo factory... Boo!
Starting point is 00:00:32 ...caca-like topics and try to find the Brighter Side. Hey, Amber, what's the Brighter Side of waking up chained to a bed in Russia? Um, at least they have free healthcare. That's right! So start your weekend off right every Friday with the brighter side on The Last Podcast Network. You beautiful babies. ["The Last Podcast Network"] There's no place to escape to.
Starting point is 00:00:58 This is The Last Podcast. On the left. Heh heh heh. Side stories? Yes, the blood of North Leaves. That's when the cannibalism started. Side stories, yes. Oh, shit! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo What a special day. You know what they say, especially in show business,
Starting point is 00:01:28 there's no second chances. Not in this life. Some people, maybe some people do get multiple chances. I am a... Charlie Sheen, Robert De Niro. Lots of people get lots of chances. I like second chances. But Holden McNeely gets two. Holden gets as many as he needs. Well, he gets the second, this is his second chances. I like fourth chances. But Holden McNeely gets two. Holden gets as many as he needs. Well, he gets the second.
Starting point is 00:01:45 This is his second chance to really wow the people. Oh, is he here to ruin your podcast for you again? Yes, he is. Yeah! Now, Henry did give me the note right before we started to not be me for this recording. And I actually- So today, as an executive producer, I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever heard. note right before we started to not be me for this recording and I actually today as an executive producer I feel like it's one of the best notes I've ever given well you also said be him so like I want you to be you But don't be you be less you Today I will be British Brian. Hello. I got herpes. I need you to eat him out me also You know right before we also talked about
Starting point is 00:02:25 how Marcus said that Holden- You didn't respond to British. I didn't. I only responded as British Berry, will you eat me herpes out me arsehole. I said right before, I said, don't be you. And then right before also we were discussing that Marcus said that Holden was the loudest single person
Starting point is 00:02:44 that he's ever recorded. Yeah, yeah Marcus said that Holtan was the loudest single person that he's ever recorded Yeah, yeah, and I've tried to be the loudest and it's still holding. It's the throat I think I think I got me up. He's my try to prolapse me also with the vacuum cleaner We prolapsed his asshole. Oh, yes, I'm just here I'm just here to do this. Thank you, DeTranche. Thank you. There's no subtitles. Thank you for the translate. Welcome to Side Stories.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Hi, I'm Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. I got a new chair. Yeah, because you were too fat for the other one. I was too fat and it was squeaking. No, it was still not squeaking. Wait, hey, let's not stress this thing, man. I'm making sure it works.
Starting point is 00:03:23 If you brought another chair to the verge, I'd say get me a stable one, the one that I can't ever move around. Yeah, another one that you can really, let's say you were being electrocuted in it, that you would be able to hold your jerking, snapping body back and forth. Yeah, Madeline was so nice, too, our studio manager.
Starting point is 00:03:40 She texted me. She's like, so what kind of chair would you like? We're only thinking about getting you a new chair. I was like, it's because it squeaks and I'm too fat. And she's like so what kind of chair would you like we're thinking about getting you a new chair I was like it's cuz it squeaks and I'm too fat Call me fat Look for the one that handles the Chair stories, this is white. Yeah, this This is a white one, I like this! I didn't know how we got it in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah man, I'm surprised it came through the door! That's fucking amazing! We're also sitting here with Holden McNeely. Yeah, fuck yeah dude, I'm back motherfuckers! Yeah man, holden. I dropped my new hip hop album, fucking Shoot Cops is what it's called. Wow! I feel like it's a dangerous freshman.
Starting point is 00:04:23 What's the title track? I did it once, allegedly. It's not good. It's not good to just put it in a song. This is in Chicago. Chicago, they are killing people just to put it in the rap songs. There you go.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Have you done any research? I believe it's called. It's bleak. It's called like Skrill. Yeah, yeah, I actually did read that Rolling Stone article. Yes. And it's very, very scary. People are killing each other just for them to not be posers within their own songs.
Starting point is 00:04:50 But hey, you know, I get it. People come for you fast on the internet. You got to make sure that you are walking the walk. So if you're talking about killing people, you better be doing it because it's not it's like going into it. It's like wearing a Fleetwood Mac shirt. And someone says, oh, you I Also love Stevie fucking clicks or whatever Yeah, and I remember back in the day people used to fucking kill people and then become rappers Yeah, you got to earn the street credit first dude before you start doing deals and getting sponsorships and shit like that
Starting point is 00:05:23 Or it's like with Snoop Dogg. he was way famous first and then he shot the guy accidentally, then you go through court, get off, remain innocent, then you're innocent, then write a song about it, he's making money on money and he got to kill a guy. Murder was the case that they gave him. Yes. Murder was the case that they gave him and that goal with herpes and we owned all things. He's got herpes in his own asshole. I asked him to not be himself.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So we do have some good stories today. Sure. We have some good stories today. One obviously is Diddley Diddy. Yeah. Oh, that's what I'm calling him. The Diddler. No, Diddley Diddy, right?
Starting point is 00:06:04 I actually would prefer to call him by his birth name, Sean Combs. Diddy the rapper, former known as Puff Daddy, also formerly known as- I didn't know that he's not known as Puff Daddy anymore. That's how far I'm out of the loop. It's P. Diddy, it's J. Lo, it's Ye. I've heard, I thought P. Diddy was a nickname
Starting point is 00:06:22 for Puff Daddy. No, that's now his full exact name But when was the last time he actually put out an album that he doesn't have to because what mostly he's really can Honestly concentrating on human trafficking. Yeah, so now we're seeing I don't know obviously we there's a lot of information flying out there a lot of conspiracy theories We don't know exactly what went down with did he we know his sons are now arrest not arrested there being like kind of consider taking away and cuffs yes, but then his drug
Starting point is 00:06:54 mule that look like a guy you see this guy got arrested city that drug mule no no he should have had years. He should had this guy a who looks his name is Brendan Paul and he looks like a guy who tell the police everything. And so if you look at him, look at this guy, this is you who you want your drug mule to be. Look at him. He looks like an intern advice.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Oh, yeah. Like this is not who you want your drug mule to be. You know who you want your drug mule to be. And this is free advice to our listeners, old woman. Or again, I like the mule idea, a dog. A dog that you can teach or actually no, a monkey at the zoo that knows some sign language. Oh, that would be incredible.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I wish that if we could have that is. They do do that. They do fill animals with drugs and bring them across the border. Of course, yeah, they hollow out snakes. I love to see that. That's true creativity. If these monkeys then know sign language,
Starting point is 00:07:51 and then they can work for you, a lot of cops don't speak sign language. And that's what's great. Keep yourself from being ratted on from within. Look at this. He looks like a shitty side character from Breaking Bad. Yeah, he looks like a guy that wrote somebody that I used to know.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah, Brendan Paul is his name and he is probably... Was he mulling it inside of his giant forehead? I don't know. I think he hid it in his... Guy looks like his own bobblehead. He has Bart Simpson-like hair. And the drugs might be in there, but that man right there is for certain, telling the police every single thing he knows
Starting point is 00:08:25 about Puff Daddy. I can't believe Puff Daddy trusted this guy. Well, you know, it's a how do you again it's hard to find a mule. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Thank you and it's hard to find a good mule. You have to find, hopefully you find an old lady with terminal cancer that's looking for a thrill. Yeah. So how many cups of piss do you think P did he's drank in his life? I think that he at least, I think he tried P. once and now more so wants to watch other people drink P. That's why they call him P. Diddy. Whoa, there he is. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:08:53 There he is. I got a joke on it. Thank you, British Brian. That's the kind of stuff you can wait to hear on page seven. Yeah, absolutely. It's always that content. It's those hot takes. Always those hot takes.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Always those hot takes. Always those hot takes. Always those hot takes. But one thing seriously I will say is that, you know, Diddy said he was upset at the amount of force that arrived. It was like a hundred police officers that arrived. What do you think they're going to do? Fucking be calm about it? It was Homeland Security, but he was, you know, they destroyed the house as they do. Yeah. But what has to be noted is that for them to get this type of warrant, so specifically, they have to come to a judge and say, we're looking for these specific things on these gigantic pieces of property.
Starting point is 00:09:38 So number one, they have specifics that they're looking for. So there's either some form of straight up evidence or some form of they have something credible to say that that object is in this house and that has something to do with human trafficking. I think it's Tupac's bones dude. It might be dude. It might be. Oh my god what if they find out that he killed fucking Biggie during this. Well they know that he's attached to that too. They've been talking about that for decades too because he famously asked a group of gang bangers, I hope someone kills this man for me, and someone went and did it. So we'll see.
Starting point is 00:10:15 More of what I want to say, the reason why the cops arrived in such force, for Homeland Security arrived in such force, is because you have to round up all the staff and you have to round up all the staff. And you have to round up all of this. It's like you don't know if there's, like you could show up to this quote unquote compound. Yeah, it went peacefully and everybody went, but you don't know. Like someone could come jumping out of a room to start shooting everybody. You say that's where the evidence is and shit. So that's why they arrive the way that they do.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But they would not have come to these fucking fucking to his houses if they didn't have something If they on some kind of an idea that what he had they would find looking for in this I bet they found some girls hair at the very least He's a he's just fucking it's just weird to have another person that was like Some kind of like I guess he wasn't cuddly. When we were growing up, he was way more like Mace, Mo Money, Mo Problems. Like-
Starting point is 00:11:10 Speaking of Mo Money, Mo Problems. That's what he has. Yes. Well, I think we also, Sina and I right before the show, we're also saying, I think it's important if you're gonna be human trafficker, that's gotta be your first priority. Yeah, you can't have a side gig.
Starting point is 00:11:23 You really shouldn't also- You gotta pay full attention. Yeah, you can't have a side gig. You really shouldn't also full attention Yeah, you can't also be super famous look at R. Kelly. We got him bad news bad news again loves a peepee Yeah, it's hard to come out with hits when you're moving people in a sexual nature to other people Well, it's a lot of it's a lot of Calls, it's a lot of emails all the songs he's pitching It's like I fucking sold a girl. I sold a girl girl to a millionaire Did he love him? I love the energy love having you back in the studio again
Starting point is 00:11:54 Maybe some of these lyrics could be more allegorical and not just a direct description of your crimes shot a guy who got in my way Even tried to rap, Holden. You didn't even try to. That is the music genre that Diddy is in. Now, because for his punishment, he has to freestyle a rap about Diddy's human trafficking. People don't deserve this. You, hold on, you're leaning back like a king.
Starting point is 00:12:24 It's just like, fucking, what do you mean? You told him not to do this? Let me drop a beat. Yeah, drop a beat Let's see if we can find a beat. Yeah, get a beat. Well, this look you don't want to do it yourself. No, no No, no, he's doing it. He's the guest. He's doing the hard stuff today Give me the fucking beat and I'm gonna tear this up with my fucking dick, dude I'm so over first of all, I haven't heard your dick rap in a while. I've had so many people be out there on the fucking TikTok and shit just being like, Holden's fucking dick don't smoke. His dick don't have the bars.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You're so loud, your voice like ricochets inside of my brain. You're killing me. It's like a 22 bullet. You're so loud, I'm gonna hear you tomorrow. It's like a bullet. It's like a 22 bullet. You're so loud. I'm going to hear you tomorrow. Yes. Here we go. This is this is just for your own entertainment and his punishment. Holden McNeely is going to freestyle a rap about Diddy's side hustle as a human trafficker.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Wow. Wow. West. Wow. Wow. West. Oh, I am. I think this is so done. Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West
Starting point is 00:13:38 Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West Wow Wow West One more time, bring that back, bring that back. Uh, uh, wah-wah-wess, wah-wah-wess, Jim West, Desperado. I ain't got a tiny little man in my pocket. It says that it wants you to lock it and squawk it. No, you were right, you were right. So many girls to another million.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Cut the beat, cut the beat. You know, thank you though. What was that, man? I feel like I can't even get to the fucking chorus. Two chances. I asked him to not be him I'm forced to know I'm forced to unlock this. This is a very serious topic, right? No, no, I'm glad that you I asked for this but so did he uh, we obviously you're innocent till you're proven guilty Yeah, so you think that's how usher got his name by ushering the people living out of his house
Starting point is 00:14:37 And you saw the Beaver video where he's like why don't we hang out anymore and Bieber's like 15 and he's like yeah Let's get some girls. Yeah, and she's like you're 15 year old and then also the there was the other weird thing with 50 set Just came out and said something else. I was super weird now. Did he do it? He's putting out did he do it as a documentary about everything. It's literally called. Did he do it? Wow? Yeah. Yeah, that's amazing I feel like he's a lot of shit, dude, but he also got shot nine times. Hell yeah,, dude. He's been shot nine times. He's been shot nine times. Hell yeah, he did. He don't give a fuck. Well, we'll find out. Obviously, things are going to play out.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Diddy has very powerful lawyers, I'm certain. I'm certain Alan Dershowitz is involved. Is he still alive? Yes, I imagine that. Yeah, oh yeah. But no, I think the Dersh might be dead. I think the Dersh might be... I know that the women were so happy to have sex with him. That's what they all said. I think the Dersh might be, I know that the women were so happy to have sex with him.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That's what they all said. They were all clamoring to be the one on Epstein's Island to get the Dersh fucking situation going. Hell yeah, love that concept. Love that shit, dog. 85 years young. Oh, he's still alive. So he'll be able to be right there for Diddy to hire him.
Starting point is 00:15:41 His ears are bigger than ever. Yeah, and this is, so we'll know. Who knows knows it sounds like Diddy sons might be more so implicated and we'll we'll find out as this plays out But it's not looking good. How old are this? Well, that's an offhand question. Ask how old this is Are they 20s? Yeah, they're of age. They're there. They're in there. I think so. I'm not in juvie right now No, they're not children skipping marbles and stuff. No Justin Dior and King Combs. Whoa. 26 and 30.
Starting point is 00:16:12 So there you go. Wow. I'm really sad. And also, I'm not even gonna bring, I don't know why I'm bringing this up, but it came up this week and I just wanna lightly, I'm gonna talk about this more next week because I'm gonna do more research, but we talked about it in the show,
Starting point is 00:16:24 the concept of Havana syndrome, which was this thing that diplomats in Cuba were saying that they were experiencing nosebleeds, had violent headaches, nausea, but it was compared, it was paired with this sound, like something that sounded like a modem firing up or like this. And so, and this is recent. This has been over the last couple of years. So the United States government did a big quote unquote investigation saying, we wonder whether or not this is some form of sound weapon either from China or Russia.
Starting point is 00:16:53 But now it's looking like there is, there's first of all, there was a whole thing saying that Havana syndrome wasn't real, that they weren't experiencing this thing that first happened. Now they're saying that they think that there's evidence that Russia's intelligence community was using some form of sound weapon against diplomats. They believe that there is evidence that shows that, but it's also looking like the CIA is also using it. So everybody's so overdoing it to ourselves. So we don't know. So that's what the CIA keeps trying to get me to go to a karaoke night over there. You get that brown noise yeah I love the brown I miss you brown yeah yeah the brown noise man everyone said square pusher was what
Starting point is 00:17:34 they said he played the brown noise one of his shows everyone chatter the brown noise everyone shits their pants yeah wait my thing is up with the brown noise is that if you're playing the brown noise, don't you? You come pre-diped. Well, I think yeah, yeah you wear a fucking diaper Made a big diaper out of I'm gonna go to the theater of war with a diaper on yeah Yeah, you got to protect yourself. You think that most soldiers probably wear bulletproof vests side stories LP O TL the are you a military person? Have you ever worn a diaper out to kill people? And just to make sure to? No, that's a diaper to kill people.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah, it doesn't. Then you should. This is different. Yeah, but you, the brown sound. If you're bringing the brown noise and you know you're delivering the brown noise to a crowd. If you're bringing the brown noise, if you're bringing up brown fuck. You bring the diaper.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you get the diaper. You should hand out diapers., are you? Is the brown you should hand out types side stories LP o TL a Even real. Yeah, I don't know. Are you involved in the Havana syndrome? Situation, please email me. I want to know about it, man But this is I really only reason why I'm bringing it up is because it came up today This whole report came out saying that there's probably some evidence for it to actually like it is a thing because we've been saying
Starting point is 00:18:44 It's not real. There's a little bit of like diplomats. I was like, oh, diplomats just want more attention. Oh, you know how it is. They're always showing their mid drifts. You know these diplomats, they're always on their fucking unicycles and they're in the fucking mall
Starting point is 00:18:57 and they're doing their fucking TikToks in front of the fucking like Spencer's or whatever. And you're trying to go in there. And it's the really tall one too, like we get it. You can do the tall one, which is so dumb and annoying. Who the fuck gives a shit? So yeah, but now it turns out Havana Syndrome might be real. I think that's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:12 We'll get into it next week. I want to learn about this a little more. Yeah, I'll send you on a trip. Because this is going to affect Florida if anywhere. Well it's named Havana Syndrome because it was first quote-unquote discovered in Cuba. That's what I'm saying. It's going to affect Florida because it's right there down in miles away I say fucking gotta hit Mar-a-Lago with the makeup shit their pets. All right
Starting point is 00:19:32 Angie Harmon, okay. She you might know her from Law and order or Rizzoli in the aisles, which I have no idea what that is Rizzoli in aisles I believe is a is a I believe that's a Fast and the Furious property. What? No, what? It's not? A Rizzolion Isles? Perhaps, oh here we go, perhaps their strikingly different personalities make the relationship
Starting point is 00:19:55 between Detective Jane Rizzoli and medical examiner Maura Isle so effective, Jane, the only female cop in Boston's homicide division is tough relentless and rarely lets her guard down Yeah, yeah fast and furious movies if they have spin-offs. It's always like Luke and duh. Yeah Yeah, it's never more than a few syllables of simple anyway, it's the car driver shot her dog stories like fuck it's crazy Talking shit. I mean it might have been half German Shepherd, half Beagle mix. Well, dude, this is also, guess where this happens. You know why this is also very appropriate?
Starting point is 00:20:31 North Carolina. Yes, it's Holden's hometown. Charlotte, North Carolina. Yeah, that makes sense. We love it. Look at that dog that got shot in the head. Yeah. It's a cutie pie.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It was very cute. But apparently it was, it had to go. This is, it is really fucked up. It's not a, it doesn't look like a dog I know it's half German Shepherd, but it's this is not No, it's not a scary dog. No, no, no bites you you're fine. So according to Angie Harmon She said that she she thought that the driver of this this Her Instacart saw the homes ring camera was charging inside and knew he was not being recorded.
Starting point is 00:21:06 So the police investigated this and just let this fucker go. Which I have dealt with in the past, especially in the south, with cops and dogs. They don't care. They could not possibly give a shit. As far as they know, like number one, they're not coming for somebody, this is kind of private. My father got bit really bad by a dog, by a dog off leash in Florida. And I went to go try to figure out what to do
Starting point is 00:21:31 against this person that had multiple dogs that were off their leash. The multiple times these dogs have run out, fucked up with people. And the cops told you to kill him? Well, the dogs are just like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He handed me his gun.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I was like, what? He was like, kill the father? I was like, no, my father should stay alive. And he was like, all right, well, I handed me his gun. I was like what he was like kill the father. I was like no my father should stay alive He was like alright, but it turned out that dog was also a cop Yeah, then I really complicated, but then it turns out the dog not only was a cop was one of those hooker cops right? Yeah, where's like you me around the corner. We're gonna get my suck your dick. Yeah, yeah I know you up get me around the corner. You got to ride in the car with me for a little bit We could talk about this Meet me around the corner, you gotta ride in the car with me for a little bit, we could talk about this.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I'm not meeting you around the corner. No, dog, you know what? You and me are going to the fucking Cinnabon. And we're having a conversation about, yeah, you might be a dog who's learned how to talk and knows how to fucking suck dick. Yeah, well, I guess what? Well, do you want to be a prostitute or not, dog? We're doing it at Cinnabon.
Starting point is 00:22:22 The guy who shot her dog, he had a woman's profile picture and the name Merle, which could be a man's name, Merle Haggard, you know, so it could be a man's name, but it also, but it had a woman in his profile picture. And then after he shot the dog, he just kept saying, yeah, I shot your dog. Yeah, I did. Well, this is, well, this is the issue that I dealt with. Yeah, man. What's that? Well, this was the issue I I dealt with. Yeah, man. But this was the issue I dealt with with my parents is that the guy was completely unrepentant about the dogs
Starting point is 00:22:50 could not care less. The police was like, well, you could file a report or whatever. But essentially the dog has to kill somebody for us to do something about the dog, which is you're like, I don't want you to destroy the dog. This is like the opposite though. Yes. This is one of those. Yeah, they went extreme. Because this dog went to destroy the dog. But this is like the opposite though. Yes, but this is one of those, yeah, they went extreme. Because this dog went to- They killed the dog and there's no action. Well it's because the South legitimately wants nothing to do with these, these police officers
Starting point is 00:23:14 want nothing to do with these crimes for some reason. There is something, I think it's because it's either too personal, there's something about getting involved with pets and animals in people's homes. I mean, I'm very emotional about my dogs. Yeah, of course, you're not. That he didn't want anything to my dog. Oh, it's like a flip out.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I think I'd do time. Like, it'd be crazy. I'd flip out. But the fact that, like, yeah, he shot the fucking dog in the head and then was like, yeah, I did it. Yeah. Because he had a gun on him.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Well, to be fair, one of her Instacart items was my dog shot in the face. And I think that that is... I gotta get that off me fuckin'. Why is this an option? I didn't know I could just click this. Yeah, that should only be available on Chewy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Are they a sponsor? The um... Yes. Thank you Chewy. But yeah, no, um, yeah, her kids were in the house, like everybody was home And this dude's fucking unloaded on and in no charges. He must have had a concealed carry or something Well, he yeah, he's like, I just don't understand how you set up
Starting point is 00:24:19 That's what's hard is that you were trying to set up i just attacked you. I know the audience can't see that though So if I ignore if I don't acknowledge i'm filming it Yeah, but things do tend to not if you want to to see Henry's Mike attack You have to go to page Set up What was I saying? But I don't have to say this speaking of chewy. I don't get blue chewy Why are we trying to get all these dogs hard with this? I don't get blue chewy. Why are we trying to get all these dogs hard with this?
Starting point is 00:24:50 Do we did say no to blue chewy? We said no we don't believe in the company But why can't the police get this guy if you have no signs of the dog was attacking you and then you get to you Get to just shoot a dog you get to just do that? Yeah. That's weird. It is weird. But hopefully something happens to this guy. But it seems like nothing's gonna happen. Even though she's a Hollywood elite. That is actually wild. Yeah, that is crazy. Well, it's cause it's in Charlotte,
Starting point is 00:25:15 and they specifically, part of me actually wonders whether or not, because it's Charlotte, because it's North Carolina, we love our Southern listeners, but they might have a little bit of an issue with Hollywood people and celebrities. Charlotte loves money, it's a banking town. They like money.
Starting point is 00:25:31 They don't like liberal, outspoken. Charlotte's Lucy Goosey. No, it is absolutely not, my friend. I love that the two of you are the two people talking about what Charlotte's like, and I'm just sitting here completely silent. What do you think? Charlotte is very clean cut if you want Lucy goosey Asheville, right? That's all the show and everyone's like you don't go I was in Charlotte for five days I hung out with your wonderful brother, right? Right? We went and got a hammer. They don't even do drum circles
Starting point is 00:25:58 They do circles where everyone's literally just suck it like has a genital in their mouth around in a ring and they kind of crawl around Yeah, yeah, Charlotte those really clean cuts. So yes They just suck, like has a genital in their mouth around in a ring and they kind of crawl around. Why even ask him? Yeah, yeah. So Charlotte does really clean cuts. So yes, there's a lot of like big money. So therefore there's more conservative stuff, but it's not as trashy or whatever as you think of with like, let's say. No, I'm not saying no.
Starting point is 00:26:15 South Carolina is the trashy one. Yeah, yeah. South Carolina is a dog shit state. It is everything wrong with the Carolinas. I don't agree. I love South Carolina. I love, I like South Carolina too. I'm just saying that I think that they look at Angie Harmoninas. I don't agree. I love South Carolina. Dog shit. I like South Carolina too.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I'm just saying that I think that they look at Angie Harmon and they maybe don't care. I think that they look at this dog and it's not a working dog. It's not a muddin' dog. Right. It's not out there. It's not out there voting. It's a beagle German Shepherd. I'm sure they probably would shoot it if it's out there voting.
Starting point is 00:26:40 What? It's a beagle German Shepherd. It can go hunting. Yeah. Yeah, but that one doesn't look at this dog Yeah, look at this dog sitting on his all-white couch. That is not and the hunting dog that's all could fucking rip up a possum It looks afraid though. It doesn't matter but so cute I will say at least Angie Harmon we can go back through her credits because at the end of this article
Starting point is 00:27:00 I think it's funny is that they talk all about her getting the dog getting shot and all how the police aren't doing anything about it and then it just straight up other TV and movie credits during a career that dates into the 1990s roles in ancient agent Cody Banks never buried in Barstow sell me secrets and Chuck and on her IG page she describes herself as actor director producer mom Glue I just feel like oh, I feel like you want to be you want your credits to be those are credits like boring credits You know that's what she does What were you in it's just like Chuck never heard of it fucking Boise blue or whatever the fuck that was I don't know I know Angie Harmon. I see I walk Angie Harmon. She's a known quantity because of law and order
Starting point is 00:27:44 I know her from law and order. I don't know law and I know Angie Harmon. I see I walk Angie Harmon. She's a known quantity because of Law and Order. I know her from Law and Order. I don't know Law and Order. I never watched it. That's good. But she didn't deserve, she didn't necessarily have, she did not deserve to have her dog shat. Yeah, and the guy, you know, he said he acted in self-defense, but he did not have a scratch or a bite or his pants weren't even torn. Yes. Yeah, so he was not attacked. He was like, maybe the dog was running at him and he just pulled his gun out and shot it by the way This is a really bad thing to mention
Starting point is 00:28:10 But I will say starts it if you wanted to go on a bad rabbit hole No, I don't I don't so we don't even need to shoot dogs His new website it's cop Yeah, it's And yeah, it's... But yeah, no, they do it all the time. It's like, law enforcement does not care at all. They shoot like Maltese and shit.
Starting point is 00:28:36 They don't give a fuck. They like their dogs. They like their canine units. They are well taken care of. Yeah, no, because those dogs kill people for them. Man, I was watching the fucking. They call them the good ones. Yeah, I was watching the fucking, what's this puns? I love my dash cam and my body cam footage. I was watching one where this dude,
Starting point is 00:28:52 he was real drunk, right? And he left the scene of a crime, like he left the scene of the crash, and he ran away from the cops and they chased after him. And what he did was he was running through this field, right, they were like, he couldn't do this field sobriety tests but he could like run through this field and then they just like saw him and he thought he could hide by just standing against the
Starting point is 00:29:12 door like he's on this like house he's standing in his door and they just released like three dogs at him yeah man oh man they got him good dog you gotta be careful out there but he didn't have a gun on him and those dogs are trained to do that I don't think I'm pretty certain his dog's names like caramel or something I don't know his dog was ready to fight for its life that day Oliver Oliver and I just want to say really quick is they know you guys are dog people I don't know any dogs. I want people coming after me for the aspersions. I've cast during this story You know I'm saying I fucking love dogs cats are the ones that fucking suck
Starting point is 00:29:48 But I wouldn't want them to because they have sandpaper tongues an entire tour about based off Saturday Make money with no the whole internet's always like look how annoying this cat is isn't it the best thing ever never goes Yeah I really can't deal with your anti cat spiel because we have done the anti cat spiel Ah and it people are mad about I personally I used to not like cats right and then I lived with a bunch and now I think they're cool. They're fine. Did they get together and form into a dog?
Starting point is 00:30:27 No, no, no, no, no. We kept killing them and getting new ones. No, I'm just kidding. The uh. Yeah. Wow, wow, Wes. Does Verano mention? I asked him to not be him.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Either way, I hope this Merle guy gets slapped to death. Yeah, he needs to get jacked up. Yeah, that's crazy. I can't believe he's not getting any Consequences for that. Well, that's called Just fun. Living in America. That's what it's called bitches. All right, do you want to do which one you want to do next? Um, I mean this one's real quick if it's all right. I mean this guy was arrested for impersonating a firefighter Oh, I love this fucking guy. Have you seen this? Look at this guy. Hold it. Look at this. So high looking. That is the highest face I've ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, dude. He looks like dab. His eyebrows are somehow above his hair. His name is Christopher fucking Christopher Victor Maglino, 37, so you can still have fun in your mid to late 30s. On March 27, 2024 at approximately 12, 10 a.m., members of the Morganton Department of Public Safety responded to this, to an address where a neighbor, so there was a fire, there was a structure fire, and a neighbor was, when forces arrived, when the fire department arrived, they saw him outside, this dude, in a firefighter's turnout gear. Full FDNY gear.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yeah. Like, not a fireman with a garden hose. Just spraying the house. And they, I don't even know how he got the gear. He wasn't a fireman. No. He's not a fireman. And so they like-
Starting point is 00:32:01 They leave those trucks unattended all the time. I guess. They're fucking naps and shit, these firemen, but then this dude showed up I'm a little I joke and so it's gonna steal of outfit. Hey guys, why aren't you these fucking houses fucking so hot, man? You gotta be careful, dude. I brought my hose from home When they showed up they're like, thank you and he's like I'm gonna do it and they're like, okay Well, you have to leave. Oh, wait a second. Oh, a woman was, oh, this is brand new. This is a good update. Thank you. A woman died in this fire. Oh, so this just isn't as fun anymore. This
Starting point is 00:32:34 got a lot more interesting. So he's impersonating a firefighter right outside of it. Originally, apparently when they arrived to the structure fire, they started putting out the fire and we're basically we're like, we're good buddy. like we're good buddy and he's like I'm helping I'm helping. Was that all right first of all maybe I missed this did he set the fire? Doesn't say he set the fire. I am gonna say now though now that we know that there was a woman dead in there I actually wonder I wonder whether or not What is the motive here like did he just want to like he just wanted to pretend to be a firefighter genuinely? See, at first we thought it was a funny story about like a guy.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like there was a guy- Then the woman died. Do you remember in New York- We just did ten minutes on a dog and shot in the face. We can't make fun of the- We don't know where the dog was shot. We don't know where the dog was shot. But you remember in New York, the guy that kept stealing the subway buses and the trains
Starting point is 00:33:23 and he would drive them against- and everyone was like getting upset because he was just like this man that was just doing this and he was kept getting arrested for it again and again. In my mind, all those could be silly. Oh, he's Mr. Fireman. He thinks he's catch me if you can. He thinks he's like in this cool, yeah, movie or something. What I think would happen is that now if there was somebody that was dead inside that fucking house, he
Starting point is 00:33:42 came outside, either somehow had a fire, but he set the fire, somehow has this firefighter outfit and thought maybe he would leave unnoticed. That maybe he thought that when the fire was over, he would leave as one of the firefighters. Maybe there was, or it was not an audition. Well the thing is you can't show up first. Yeah. That's a weird one. You kind of have to of easier way in yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:34:06 Yeah, totally it's like when I got to perform in the circus that one time. Oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, I dressed like a merengue dancer. It was great You just do not have the belly of a merengue dancer. You know of the belly button. Yeah, that's what they kept yelling at me Yeah, there was like what the fuck is this shit? Yeah, you got the belly for this shit, and I was like I kill cop allegedly motherfucker Yeah, good keep adding the tag of allegedly. I think it really does help Throwing in my mix CD and shit, dude. It's like a killer's fuck. Do you get you might get on my album get on my level? Listeners well, so this guy still hasn't been charged with murder yet, right? No, he's not charged with murder
Starting point is 00:34:49 I don't know that he is three the resisting delay obstructing a public officer impersonating a firefighter There was a dead woman in the house that was killed. So if anything, what if he I mean like he's there trying to help Yeah, he might just be trying to help, but I would think that actually- But at the same time, maybe his obstruction is what got her killed because they couldn't, they were dealing with his ass. Yeah, they were like, get the fuck out of here,
Starting point is 00:35:12 what are you doing? Cause of the fire remains under investigation. All right. There you go. That's what's gonna happen. It's a cold case, or it's a hot case, either way. This is a cold, hot case. Okay, there you go. I do have this story about a woman that rushed
Starting point is 00:35:26 what she thought was a sick baby hedgehog to the vet. Thank you Rob, you sent me this. And then found out that she had been for several days caring for what was a hat pom pom. Yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that one too. But that's just her being fucking stupid. Pretty bird, pretty bird.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Pretty bird. She seems like a very sweet woman who probably could save someone in a different situation Or or is it just she always looking for it because it's a pom-pom Yeah, you look at it. It's very much because she thought she found a cold first of all if it's that cold It's not a hedgehog. Yeah, or it's dead It's not gonna be revived by the vet unless you're taking it to the poor things guy or you're taking it over to what's his putz there was there's been several Frankenstein themed films this year
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah, there has been this has been a year for Frankenstein themed films, but I feel like yeah, they had dogs not coming back No, not at all if it's stone cold and the odd and it doesn't move all night Shoot you know shoot it wasn't shooting them for several days. She had it for all day It's a really it that's so fun. It's a hat pump It does kind of look like a little hedgehog But the thing is it's so like but the problem is like she did a good deed and now the fucking world knows she's an idiot Fuck like she tried to help this hedgehog and now everyone around Earth is like what an idiot This is the problem if you're an idiot, right? Like let me say you're a well-meaning
Starting point is 00:36:49 Pure idiot that sees is that I don't even because her name isn't even mentioned. It should not be mentioned Let's say you are a well-meaning idiot and you do do something like this Unfortunately, like yes She sat and fretted over this pom-pom for probably about 36 hours. And she tried to feed it and didn't feed, didn't do anything. Do you think she was hammered, maybe? I don't know. Or maybe medication or edibles. Weird detail, she was dressed also like a fireman but with the crotch cut out.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Really weird. Weird. Really weird. Hedgehog goes here. I actually don't really understand because then the flames can get to your pussy. Right. This doesn't work. But if you're a well-meaning idiot
Starting point is 00:37:29 and you spend a lot of hours trying to help and then you don't, you haven't helped anything. You know what I mean? You're actually, you're taking away from what you could have been doing. You know what I mean? Yeah. So it's worse, it's definitely way worse than helping. For sure. Yeah. It's almost worse than hurting. I mean, this woman tried and
Starting point is 00:37:50 like the woman who found my god, that's the woman who knows that's the vet. That was the one who told everybody. She's the one who's like, she's very sweet, but I can't believe she did this. This is a pump up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She was very excited. My stethoscope. That's so funny. I mean, one would sayom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was very excited. Here's my stethoscope. That's so funny because she, I mean, one would say at first glance, she doesn't look like the brightest bean in the bunch. She looks like a vet, which is like, I've seen vets across the board. That's a woman that spends a lot of her time with hamsters and gerbils.
Starting point is 00:38:17 That smile is just so like... Her best friends are parakeet. Okay, and that's what that looks like. Her hat looks like it committed the crime Yes, can't wait to get home so I can read my stories to my bird That sounds like a peaceful Existence right I hope to have this but yeah that pom-pom is fucking not a hedgehog Week is what you get. Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong,
Starting point is 00:38:43 idiot of the week. Aw, Henry, so mean. You fucking, I got you, bitch. That's just a pom pom. Yep. No, honestly, you're very sweet. But I do think that you might need a refresher on animals. On what a living, breathing thing can be.
Starting point is 00:38:58 What a creature is. What an animal is. What an animal is. I mean, I've been there. I've wanted something to be real to be real like so hard before Man, I'm our one time We brought a baby bird was kicked out of a nest and then Julie found it in the street and she's like you gotta come Help me you like woke me up. I'm like
Starting point is 00:39:14 drunk, you know There's a baby bird that we went there was like she like stashed this bird like that fell out of a nest It's like no like days old and's just sitting there and I'm like, baby, this thing's gonna die, don't worry about it. Then we brought it to the, we called the shelter. That's very sweet. And then we brought it to the shelter. See, that's a hedgehog right there.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Yeah, there you go. It's a cute little hedgehog. Yeah, well, I'm sure they brought it inside and killed it, is what I'm trying to say. But I brought a Rambo for not eating it. That's great, that's great. He sniffed it a bunch and he didn't eat it. See and he definitely would have.
Starting point is 00:39:48 He was thinking about it. One time I tried to date a dresser just because there was a wig sitting on it. Yeah! Well that's just simply because you need more help identifying what a woman is. Yes and I think there is a gas leak. I saw some black mold in the apartment the other day Yeah, and especially cuz when he was walking on her hands. Yeah What's going on? How is this happening? This is why last time I was ever at Holden's house
Starting point is 00:40:14 He was looking at his dress. She's like, let me get in the drawer I want to just talk about this for two seconds because I want to see what comes back if that's okay, so Side stories LP o TL at that I say correctly. Well, yeah You know that um alright, so a trailer hauling Bibles was intentionally set on fire on Easter Sunday nice in Tennessee Seems like a cool same thing and that's what they're claiming the outside this church it's like a weird church the pastor Greg
Starting point is 00:40:53 Locke it's a non-dominant the denominational non-denominational which is a non-denominational evangelical protestant pastor that is like three different denominations also a non-domi-mami... It's a racial, evangelical, protestant pastor. That is like three different denominations. I know, I know. It's also a non-Dahmi-mami church. It's a submissive... Submissive, mommy church.'s very to be whipped and chained. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I'm the permissive father. So this guy who claims this was an act of attack against him and his church seems like he's also a suspect as the person who burnt the Bibles. He absolutely burnt these Bibles. I'm just going to go ahead and just say, this guy doesn't need- I did a brief look on him and he's a bad man. Yeah, Greg Locke does not need us to defend him.
Starting point is 00:41:33 He is such a fucking flaming piece of shit. He was president January 6th. Yes. He told the people of his church if they showed up wearing masks during COVID that he would kick him out of the church. Oh, yeah, sure. He held a Harry Potter book burning party at the church.
Starting point is 00:41:51 So he's burned books at the church. He knows how to do it. He knows that deal with it. You know, and so this guy, he's done a lot of weird shit. I haven't had time to really, because this just came to us as like, cool, Bible's burning outside of a church on Easter. But then it was all done in front of a quote unquote camera. So he had all of the footage. They watched it all happen. And according to Greg Locke, who is again an evil person, this is his description of
Starting point is 00:42:17 it. He was just like, he said the culprit would be getting in quite a deal of trouble soon. All right. Now he says right here, he hadn't personally viewed the security footage yet, but it went on to describe it. He's got his hazard light on at 5 58 in the morning. I'm like, wow, here's the most polite crook I've ever met in my whole life. I've never met, you know, polite satanists, two people laughing in the crowd. Well some of us are very nice. Yeah. I feel like I've met a lot of polite satanists in this community. And then he unhooks the trailer.
Starting point is 00:42:45 He douses it with gasoline, with fuel. And then there were probably like 200 Bibles. I don't know where he got them. Maybe it's from you, you fucking moron. How do you know how many Bibles are there? It's ridiculous. And also, I went on Reddit to learn more about this guy. Apparently, someone claims that when the Barbie movie came out he took a baseball bat covered in Bibles and wrapped it in plastic cling film and destroyed a Barbie Dream House
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah Amazing is he a door dash driver? So yeah, I just want to know if you have any stories about this preacher, if you're from Mount Joliet, Tennessee, please write in and fucking I want to learn about this guy. What subreddit is that? He seems like a fucking nightmare. What subreddit are you onto? Like weird church guys? Like who knows? Or atheists. Nightmare what's up, right? Are you on to like weird church guys like?
Starting point is 00:43:52 The thing is someone put it out in here in which I totally agree with Atheists wouldn't burn the right. No, they don't give a shit. The Bible is just a book. It's just a bunch of poetry Why would they care about burning the Bible's? Nobody does this no no leftist does this. Yeah, no, they fucking do fun things. No, they harass us. Don't you understand? Leftists harass other people on the left side of the spectrum. They don't go to the other side. No, I let's like let's kind of cleanse the palate because we're hearing towards the end of the show. We're about to do another.
Starting point is 00:44:21 We're going to go through some listener emails just real quick, and then we're going to wrap it out. But to button this, I think it's time for you to give you a third shot at rapping. All right, now this is you, and I wanna say like, it could be anything. Let's choose it, choose it. Angie Harmon. Angie Harmon, yeah. That's the topic. It's Angie Harmon is the topic.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah. You're going for it. Okay. You're Mr. Harmon. Someone shot your wife's dog. Or just about Angie Harmon, the woman, the actress. Just about her, yeah, yeah. Law and order.
Starting point is 00:44:53 About her. Look up her, you know, her. Yeah, yeah. Give me some. Her credits are. Can I get, yeah. Can you read me? Rizzoli and Isles.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Read me her Wikipedia a little bit. Uh-uh, uh! I'm coming to my, coming to my, coming to my pets. Yeah, drink a piss Drink it. Drink it. Look it. It's a goody bag. Can't believe Strong and mean I really like it and I turn others green Can't you come to the mystery show? I don't know, I don't know Don't like my dick so I slice it up
Starting point is 00:45:30 I cut it with the razor and I cut it up Up, up, up Are you out of words? Okay, yeah, we- I cut my penis, yeah, I cut it up Yeah, we go, thank you That honestly, that really, that really takes us out. She played Commissioner Barbara Gordon. Oh, wow. Well, I got hold on Batman
Starting point is 00:45:50 I think they watch nights. It wasn't mentioned in the song, but I felt her. Yes nor dogs You did hold out you didn't let me finish real quick Chantilly lace Thank you. Oh, that's very nice. We opened with Chantilly Lice the other day. Nice. Wow, thank you Holden, really good stuff. I'm really good and big, and I feel like, y'all have been talking about getting juiced. Well, I've been taking juice, but I haven't really been doing the workout stuff,
Starting point is 00:46:14 but I still think I'm getting big. That's what the body changes. That's what the body changes. My back is covered in pimples. It's literally so, it oozes. It's like, it's so gross back there. If you take roids, you gotta work out. You have to work out.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I just just get a good fatter. I don't have the time a little bit, you know? You have to, you really have to take a look at it, okay? And I, I'm concerned for your health. My knees are like shedding too It's been rough out there, but thanks to my juice man Robert acres really appreciate you, dude It's all lies every single thing that can be literally discounted Your name is Robert acres is not we're not and if you want to email him it's Robert dot acres at gmail
Starting point is 00:47:01 I honestly email him see what he does It's Robert.acres at Gmail. I honestly email him and see what he does. Oh, there's Robert.acres. Oh, there he is. Is that him? Is that him? That's him. That's him.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah, yeah, he's the Juice Man. Wow. Wow, yeah, he's looking good. That's what he looks like. Yeah, he's the Juice Man. Of Loyola University. Oh, Chicago. He used to go by OJ, but he had to change the name.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah. He doesn't look like an OJ. Yeah, yeah, and weirdly enough, before that he was White Bronco. Whoa, that's a cool name. Yeah, yeah, but then he again had to change, kept having to change it because of issues. All right, let me read this one little letter.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Let's go ahead and listen to your letters. All right. It's been nice hanging with you. It really has been. Yeah, yeah. I'm a big fucker. Hell yeah, oh, there we go. A decade ago, I worked at a legion in Canada, specifically for members of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Most of the customers we had who came in were regular pilots who, you know, who had previously been members of some branch of the Canadian Air Force. We mostly we most hadn't seen combat. I was a 19 year old girl surrounded by 50 year old men. So somebody says that good. So if someone says I'm full of shit sure Anyways one of the retired guys was a pilot who flew scientists to Antarctica He said it was his favorite job And then he loved it because the penguins were so friendly since they have no known land predators the penguins in Antarctica
Starting point is 00:48:17 They're run up to the plains, and they run up to people and they say hello Yeah, no fucking penguins work. Jesus Christ. I just don't know if you... Trying to explain using hand signals at me and shit. Just don't think that you do, alright? And what I'm told, there's a few other pilots and they were drinking because there's nothing else to do in Antarctica. So, he went out and one penguin was following him everywhere.
Starting point is 00:48:39 They thought this was hilarious and took the penguin to the plane and then he followed in after them. Well, they thought they had a penguin and he didn't want to be a flightless bird anymore. So one of the pilots gets the penguin and puts it in a seat and they take off. And they told me at the start he was fine, but as the altitude increased, he started seizing. Probably because he's a flightless bird. He's not meant to be that high. Along with the fact that I believe that where it was, it wasn't pressurized the same. So they started going down to land, but the penguin, he just dies on the plane.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Now the pilot is so scared that he's going to get in shit for just killing a penguin and for flying the plane drunk. So he makes the decision to push the penguin out. Someone will come and find it later. And he pushed it out. Where? Yeah. And when they returned, they said they were all sad, but they figured, hey, no one will find the penguins out there. It's on the ice. They left not long after, and I didn't think about it ever. So a while later, the pilot goes back,
Starting point is 00:49:32 and the scientists are freaking out. Why? Because they found a single penguin that looked like it had just been massacred, out in a place where there was no known ground life. This was amazing. And they were wondering why the hell the penguin and how and what? Brought the penguin out so far so the scientists are out there
Starting point is 00:49:53 Research all this I love this thing Like the fucking penguin getting splattered yeah, yeah, oh my god That poor penguin so what happened? That's it. That's the whole thing not punished Did they talk to the scientists? No, well, I think that we just found out them. Yep. Yep There we just whoever this person is just did this no long. I didn't know how you fly a plane drunk. I Guess it's I mean you got to be good at it. You ever see flight with Denzel Washington. No, I remember I mean you got to be good at it you ever see flight with Denzel Washington. No, I remember Fluid upside down bro saved everyone's life I know but he was all I can think about now and it's got to be so true all I can think about now is who?
Starting point is 00:50:31 Who working on this plane right now is brutally hungover. I mean all the all the time all the time. I don't know It's great. It's not it's not frightening at all. Especially with doors just falling off of shit Yeah, not frightening at all, but they don't get paid enough. They deserve a better wage before we need to fucking put more constructions on them. I agree. I agree, Eddie. But I feel like they should dress like future people too. That I agree with.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Space helmets and the money. If we can dress them like either space people or Oompa Loompas. And I want to show halfway through the flight. Yes. Three songs. Nothing crazy. show halfway through the flight. Yes. Yeah We'll pay them more. Yeah. Yeah And he does that with his butthole yeah, I would like it so live every day sitting with your best friends for 20 years Oh, yeah Love love that you've had friend. You've loved that you've had friends for 20 years Then you could share memories times love japs with you know I mean
Starting point is 00:51:35 Yeah, dude Yeah, man well now she fucking died No way did did she? No, she's alive. I would have believed it. I think she's alive. No, I think she's alive. Not by XX.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Yeah, yeah. But in college. No, the college. She's alive. The bad, yeah. Well, I won't say her name, but we called her bad her name. They're all, yeah, they're all still alive. I see them all.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Good for you, man. Yeah, yeah. And laugh knowing that you can't catch me, dawg. Okay. Can we shout out real quick before we go, Joe Flaherty, man. One of the funniest dudes in the world passed away. Jackass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Jackass! One of my favorite scenes of any movie. He's great in Billy Madison. Joe Flaherty. Yeah, man. He was the best. I loved him so much. Can't believe we lost him so young.
Starting point is 00:52:22 82. 82. He's out there. He's got those. 82. 82. He's out there. He's got those wild eyes, man. He's so funny. He's up in heaven making God. Ask him what he's up to next. And it's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:52:34 So we got a couple of plugs here. Go to slash podcasting left to watch us do the show visibly. Then you could go to TikTok at LP on the left. Maybe not for much longer. Yeah, because they might get rid of TikTok. Yeah, they're going to buy it. I'm hopeful. Would you keep it going for China? What? Would we keep it going for China?
Starting point is 00:52:54 I've been asking China to buy us for years. But they won't have us. And I was just like, because that's the thing, I don't want to help China. I want to directly benefit from China. Do you know that the relationship with China is getting better because they sent us a couple of pandas back. Oh, wow. An envelope or they sent a couple of they took our pandas away in the middle of the pandemic. Oh, I remember when they took the pandemic, the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, exactly. They took our pandas away and now, but they sent us to back. And so now we got pandas again. So things are good with China. Yeah, I just get I I want to be paid. I'm worried if we get rid of TikTok, they're gonna come for the pandas. No, they're not. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, we already got the pandas,
Starting point is 00:53:32 I fucking dare. I don't know why we're giving the pandas back, by the way. I honestly swear, I swear to God, if we're gonna be giving them back to China, we might as well just shoot them in the back of the head. There you go, Dordache, what are we doing? Instacart, come on.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Why are we giving them back? Yeah, I know, we're keeping these pandas. We're keeping these fucking pandas. We We're keeping these fucking dead or alive. I'm having this panda bear. I'm either having its guts and its calm voluntarily or I'm having it by hand. Worse, I'm sick of being bamboozled because they eat bamboo. All right. I couldn't even.
Starting point is 00:54:00 That's dumb. I have to do this every day. I have my information. I don't care. Oh, he even... I have to do this every day. I have my information. I don't care. Oh, he's sad all the time. I'm glad you know that now. Yeah, it doesn't help. That doesn't help China.
Starting point is 00:54:11 But again, pay us. We will come do podcasting there. We will start a podcasting network for you China. Just send an email. Sides stories, Are you China? Are you looking to buy a true crime podcast? We're ready to go.
Starting point is 00:54:24 And then we have to go to and we're live. Last Podcast and Left is going to be live. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. We got some shows coming up. Come see us live. Oh, and we can't announce because this is the day. Yeah, we can't announce. Netflix is a joke. Eddie and I are going to be doing Side Stories Live at the Masonic Lodge in Los Angeles on May 9th at 9.30. It is going to be our first time ever doing it.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Just you and me up there. I'm very excited. I'll be on it too. Just give me longer conversations at that time. I'll be on it and get the cut of whatever that payout is. Jackie is booked. Contact in the Desert is also I want to tell you. So guys, I want, I am.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Before we go on, you can get, if you're on the Patreon, you can get access to tickets early on Wednesday, which is today, and then the actual tickets are on sale on Friday. Yes, so please come out. Please come see Eddie and I Do Side Stories Live. But this is actually really important, and I do want to ask my audience
Starting point is 00:55:25 to support us doing this. So we are going to be doing, for the first time ever, they're allowing a comedy act at Contact in the Desert. So Contact in the Desert... Tell people what Contact in the Desert is. It is the number one in the world UFO UAP conference and last podcast on the left has been booked to do not on just all we're doing a live podcast We're doing a live panel
Starting point is 00:55:50 But if this thing's gonna be ape shit I mean it if you like what we talk about with aliens every single alien celebrity in the world is going to be there George Norrie George Knapp Thomas James Thomas Jane Dr. Avi Loeb is going to be there. People who have problems with him. Whitley Strieber is apparently not super friendly, but we'll find out. There's Travis Walton.
Starting point is 00:56:11 We're going to talk to you from Fire in the Sky. Dave Foley. Dave Foley is going to be there. Richard Dolan. Nick Pope. So what I'd love is for you guys to come show these people what we're all fucking about because we're going to be doing a very serious look at UFOs. And I have it, it's in our contract, we're not supposed to ridicule anyone.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Even though that's our job. But we'll find out what that means. But we're going to be talking to vendors, we're going to be out talking to people. So it's like comes to the, it's not only a beautiful resort, but this shit's going to be- Palm Springs, right? Yeah, this shit's going to be fucking wild. There's a late-night parties Apparently people get fucked up
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah that contact in the desert and it's not like it's different than a comic-con because it's not comic-con's just fans of this stuff These are people that have met aliens and they are hanging out with you. They're gonna be real weird Don't ask them necessarily every one of their political thoughts, but you're just gonna wanna stick to the aliens. Stick to the aliens. Talk about aliens. Talk about aliens. We're gonna have a good time.
Starting point is 00:57:12 And we're doing two shows. Two shows, yes. Yeah, no, I can't wait for that. Marcus was thrilled to find out. We're gonna be doing two shows. It's gonna be awesome. Yeah, also, good plug. Page seven, Wizard and the Bruiser.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Thank you. slash Holdenators Hoe. Awesome. Yeah, also good plug page 7 wizard in the bruiser. Yes slash holdenatorsho. The first time I did this show I tried to plug it and they looked at me weird for do over I forgot No, no, no, I'm glad you did it Page 7 wizard in the bruiser check us out tears of a clown every other Wednesday Yeah on LPN TV in brighter side live whenever tears of a clown isn't on at 630 every Wednesday Yeah, spun is now on there every Wednesday, too So we're having a lot of fun at such as TV go fuckers watch the fucking shit. Fuck you. Yeah. Yes He'll see
Starting point is 00:57:59 Hower hail that dog who got shot. I thought yeah, I feel bad for Oliver take What was I want to hear what was more annoying his British herpy guy or the hip-hop I want to know yeah side stories Just come in here and have fun and don't listen to these people. They love you no matter what they say. They just don't know that they like you. I don't like the man's voice in his voice. They just don't know that you're funny. But they sort of understand. We think that you're funny.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Oh, also, I launched my website, Very nice. Go check that out. Yeah, go listen to it. All my shit is Go check that out. Everything, all my shit is in there. It's in that one spot. So now I don't have to plug anything. I just say go to the website. Yeah, that's great. It's perfect. That's real easy. Oh yeah. T-U-N-E-S. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I-E also. Eddie, E-D-D-I-E-T-U-N-E-S.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's actually kind of more complicated than you want it to be though. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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