Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Soder Stories
Episode Date: February 26, 2025Henry and Eddie bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news with the help of very special guest Dan Soder! But first, the boys get prepped for Huntsville. THEN, Passengers spend four ho...urs seated next to a dead woman on a Qatar Airlines flight, a Meme Coin Rug Pull ends with a deadly live stream, a Florida Man armed with a Chucky Doll is arrested for causing chaos, a severed human hand falls from the sky in Ireland, the boys open Elvis cards, Tour Dates, and more! Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of The Last Podcast on the Left ad-free and get exclusive access to bonus episodes. Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting
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Hello, Florida.
Your favorite son and biggest baby are coming home to bring you the laughs you deserve.
Everyone likes to poke fun of the Florida man.
Everyone likes to use Florida as a punching bag.
Whenever an alligator on meth eats an old person, it can happen anywhere.
As a famous Floridian baby, I feel your pain.
So that's why I'm coming home to let you know
it's okay to be who you are.
It's okay that the rest of America is scared of us.
It's okay that books are illegal in our schools.
It's okay whenever it gets cold it rains iguanas.
I'm here to support you.
So come on out.
March I'll be in North Florida,
and in May I'll be in South Florida
and Orlando. It's the Invasive Species Tour. Ed Larson, me, is coming to Florida in March and May.
I'm coming to Jacksonville, Panama City, Tallahassee, Marco Island, Dania Beach, Orlando,
and Key West. So lock up your public subs and start singing the Miami Dolphins fight song because we're
going to party like it's Florida baby.
Tickets at The last on the left side stories
That's when the cannibalism started side stories, yes
Man I am getting more and more excited to go to Huntsville. I can't wait. We're going our way I can't't wait to do this I think one of my favorite things here it says is we are found really
Very interesting, you know
We asked last week to get any sort of recommendations of things to do in Huntsville and we were super excited
We're like, okay
And we got a lot of messages and we're like so happy and one of my favorite one is this
We said you got to come to Huntsville and you have to eat at Hildegard's well like oh, what's that?
I'll tell the guards. Yes, don't sound very alabama
No, it doesn't sounds really good and they said which I think is like it's I just like how they put it
It's a local German restaurant that is deep roots in Huntsville since the great German influx on or about
1945 no, and my thing was is that, what is that,
what is that some familiar?
And it's like, oh yeah, it's because the Operation Paperclip
scientists that we purchased had to move to Huntsville.
Did we purchase or take?
And then we move in to Huntsville, we made of Americans, and then think then think about this then I'm like now I'm super excited to go. Yeah only just because
How good does German food have to be for ex-nazis?
To sit and like it. Mmm. I mean like I'm not saying it's good that it serves Nazis
And we made a schnitzel, dude.
We revamped them into Americans, so it doesn't really count. So because we we went to the moons on their back
But if you look at this like this food looks so good and it has to be good because can you imagine
serving it to Wernher von Braun and watching Wernher von Braun take one slice and him look at you and just be like
We have a wood for someone like you and they're all like
It's like shaking and stuff. He's like an excellent cook
I love how it looks like all Alabama like they just cover it in gravy. Dude. That is what that's a vener schnitzel
Yeah, exactly what vener schnitzel is. I love vener schnitzel. This is oh man. We're gonna eat all over this
Welcome to Side Story. My name is Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. Fuck you. I want to talk about the shit me too, man
And I do I understand that it might be some people might be upset about it
But I just love the concept of what they just called local German influx after 1945, which is if that was just sort of
Coincidence was it? I mean like how many like what? I mean, we've got a really good question like it's probably like what like probably like 10 science
I'm guessing this is me just like guessing out of the top of my head. I'm guessing scientists and their families
So it's probably like a hundred people it says how many scientists?
1600 German scientists engineers and technicians the United States from 1945 to 1959.
They took us to the moon, baby, because they had the eye and the price.
These guys' operation, we went, that's what gave us our big advantage over the Soviet
And these guys went straight to Huntsville.
And that's kind of nice, honestly, in a way, for them.
It is a good place to stash a bunch of Nazis and no one's going to pay attention.
No one cares what happens in Huntsville necessarily because they keep it a secret NASA never a straight answer. Mm-hmm
All right. Well, yeah, they're all going downtown straight talk. But at least in the very end. Yes, we know
horrible atrocities
For sure a world war
All their fault, but still I want the bratwurst. I want bratwurst so bad
I don't care who has to die for me to get it.
Also, I don't, you know.
I just don't care.
I've recently, Julie showed me pictures of when she went to Germany recently, way before
we were together, and she was like dressed in a bunch of like German lady clothes, you
know, like the white shirt with the, you know, the chest teething a little bit.
You want to have sex with a humble figurine?
She looks very good when we dress her like her people can we go side stories lpotl at
Can you send me where I can get a genuine?
Beer wench outfit for Ed's wife yes, I have for sizes saved in my phone
Can then can I get one for me yes?
Cuz I'm gonna buy one random stand next door
I mean you would look good as a little boy dressed as a little German boy. You don't think I don't got the fucking
What's German you got calves? What's German for breasts?
Yeah, I got crazy Bruce Bruce. Yeah, man, I got fucking Bruce. This is how the fucking I got a day
I fucking got sighs. Yeah, I die. Oh, I got sighs die Bruce's and you could just go. Yeah, you slapped me into that
These are these of age women. I just found your
Yeah, I think I think I'm finally gonna roleplay. I am I'll be a little
Jewish, you know like
Running from you know hiding in the know, hiding in the woods.
So you're going to be Adrian Brody from The Brutalist?
No, I'm thinking more Daniel Craig from Defiance.
I'm just going to say anybody that survived WW2 in its way and was of the Jewish persuasion,
Eddie, I'm going to say this in the most gentle way possible.
You might need to lose a couple of pounds.
Oh well, you know, so it was needed to cook.
See if you dress as this, you see this is a later Hosen.
See I don't want to dress as a German.
I want to be like, I need a hat.
Yeah you want to dress in a Holocaust uniform so that you can have sex with a weird, you
know, weird fucking twisted fantasy that you want to do or you want to have Julie act like
some kind of like Nazi sympathizer that you're having sex with because her tits are out.
She's not a Nazi sympathizer having She's a Jewish sympathizer
Because she's having sex with a Jewish man
Yes, but no but a lot of them did that and then they would go and sell them out
Yeah, like Ilsa the she dog of the the furor I wouldn't let them touch her
But she's German. Yes, Rosing. Well, this is a lot. Well, so what does this say sexual sexy Nazi role-playing? Okay
As long as you're a proud Jew
Can you I can't even I can't read it what does it say here?
All right says there's nothing wrong with introducing Nazi role-play in the bedroom according to Josephine Dalton
to Josephine Dalton. There's no Nazi role play!
Journalist Mark Oppenheimer wrote about it.
She's German!
Not every German was a Nazi!
Mark Oppenheimer's writing about this?
But he scolded the letter writer for being a self-hating Jew.
Famous sex writer Dan Savage called on Oppenheimer, who is Jewish, to answer the unusual question
on his blog Savage Love.
The letter writer, a Jewish woman in her 20s, found herself in quite a pickle with her German lover
Oh see, this is way different than what I'm trying to do
She wanted to ask him to fulfill her Nazi roleplay fantasy, but was scared he would be offended yet. Of course. That's the fear
Oh, yes, how long no, I have to wait. I'm talking about a German that hides the Jewish people. Oh
Okay, that's different. You didn't set it up like that.
That's what I'm talking about.
You didn't set it up like that.
I'm working on that.
I'm dealing with, this fantasy's being happening
as in my mind, as in life.
Why are you doing with me and Rob?
You should be doing with your wife.
Well, you know, I come, I cook the ideas around
and I present them to Julie later
once they're fully cooked.
See, this is good.
Do you think that she's gonna be excited
that you and I worked out your Nazi role play with her?
Nazi era role play
You're gonna have to go and do that with her you're gonna have to go discuss that and say Henry loves this idea
Yeah, like the second like anybody. Yeah
On the show. Yeah, Henry really was excited for this idea
I bought her a German hat once like one of like the ones that kind of look like Peter Pan
A little bit she wasn't happy about it. She didn't like it. No, but you want your day
Yeah, a hat it's not a sexy article of clothing. I'm not trying to take it
Well, it is if it's the only thing you're wearing
Actually, no, I find strange
Can you imagine that? I don't know why I don't know what it is about like again, it's a nude woman
I'm already I'm engaged I don't really why I don't know what it is about like again. It's a nude woman. I'm already I'm engaged
I don't really care but something about a nude woman just the top hat on it with just a Peter Pan hat on actually
I'm looking at this Rob. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah, because it looked like she's
She's like a little girl that got transformed magically into an adult
And that she's still the little girl on the inside. Hold on you weren't a lost boy
She's still the little girl on the inside. Hold on you weren't a lost boy
Now she's a found woman yep, she is he found her and well, I'm really glad we we explored that
So this is but we can't wait
They have the local mill art center, yeah, lots of artists and studios
Galleries to check out. I have a record store to make cigar box guitars
Huntsville space and Rockets Center than that. We know they won't let us in we've already asked and they said no Yeah, they won't the NASA said Henry can't come I can't go anywhere
I can't know right cuz you can't right? What was the last time you actually Oh, I come. Yeah. I come my friend. Don't you worry about that. I it'll come out. It
was, it was what NASA told us. No, it was DC NASA. So maybe Alabama NASA has as smaller
Technically the LA was the California NASA said said that they might But our connect there got a new job. And so yeah, so I are our LA NASA connect got a new job
So we can take us somewhere. I'm excited about this, but we do have to take a plane there and it's been horrible out there for planes
Yeah, and I did want to bring up this one story. Okay. I've heard something about this several times
Which is you know that if you die in the air
There's really not much they can do for you. No. It's how Carrie Fisher died. She had a heart attack on the airplane
Yeah, yeah, no one did anything
Well, I think they punched her in the chest a bunch of times they tried to bully under no
Can't believe that they would do that, but this sometimes it happens and honestly these people all traumatized
But I actually think it's kind of fun. It's amazing. She couldn't force the plane to land right? Yeah, she could have
She wanted to she could have taken the rebellion to the god
No this story some people say they are they're all traumatized, but I actually think it's kind of funny
Okay, Mitchell ring and Jennifer Colin were on a Qatar air airways flight from Melbourne to Doha the Qatari capital last week
Okay, but ten hours into the flight a woman exited the restroom collapsed and died right in front of them. That's very horrible
That's horrible
And they say according then they did everything they could you know, they pumped her legs fished her on her mouth
They kissed her a bunch. Yeah, and she never came back Hello upside down go all everything you do to a woman sometimes also with a woman too if you ever I mean
This is a tip out. This is for I don't want anybody. I don't want anybody to push back
Yeah, I don't think that you never get pushed back. No if you want to wake up a woman who's asleep or is dead
Twist them like radio dials. Yeah,. That's how you know if she's dead
Alright now every time. There's a fresh dead woman always do that
Try to change the volume on her yeah, that's all yeah, and sure that's how you get that
Show you find out when they're not because most people will respond to that mm-hmm
All right, so can't do that in the air you got to turn the air
You got to put it on airplane mode you do you're right?
So they did everything they could according, then they said they looked a little frustrated
Right so they didn't know what to do is that which I don't really know is I guess because her body was right there
Yeah, because my thing is sure he paid for a seat
Just you should put the dead woman back in the seat she paid for well. They didn't put her in the seat
She paid for no they decided because she might have been
of the larger persuasion.
It seems that they physically could not
get her back to her seat.
So they just plopped her in the seat
that was open next to this couple.
So they said straight up, can you move over, please?
They said yes, no problem.
And then they just placed that lady in the chair
that they were just sitting in.
So she just laid there, absolutely dead.
Well, Qatar Airways is not Delta.
No, it's not.
But Qatar also, you're in the middle,
you're over the Atlantic Ocean.
So I do understand why you have to,
well, I guess no, you have the Indian Ocean.
But it's like, I understand why you can't necessarily land.
No, you can't't so they said the couple
The couple of somewhere else to sit well
This is the worst part is that they got stuck in they got stuck in while the because it cuz this is the thing
Was the lady the lady was really big let's put it this way. I think that some people maybe not me
If a body was placed next to me
I think that some people might be very reticent to get near it or go past it me
I'm straddling the thing if I have a zegashin. I don't know. I'm just going alright. I know it's dead. Okay. I know she's dead
Go by I'll give her the little papal was doing the dead body thing and like shitting and puking
I don't pissing and stuff the dead body thing. Yeah, you know like it's like a dance move
Well, I mean when someone dies you just like shit yourself. Yeah, you ventilate. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, she she probably she could have definitely well tell me she just came out of the bathroom. So I think she was empty. Oh
And then she came that's what was keeping her alive. Oh
Sad that sad I should think about that. No, hopefully I don't have a shit that keeps it's keeping me alive inside of me
Oh, yeah, you got one. You never know what's gonna come. Oh, wow. That's scary to me. I have a question
Okay, what would you guys rather sit next to a dead person for four hours or a screaming baby for four hours dead person?
I think yeah, the first hour would be kind of tough. But once you get used to it, it's just a dead person
Yeah, they're just sitting there. It's not it'd be different of the dead
But the dead person haunts you forever the baby you get relief as soon as you're not by it anymore
Is it just odd to say that I don't think it would haunt me at all? Yeah
I think that I'm on a plane and there's different rules
I think that if I saw someone die in front of me, I saw someone die in front of me in an emergency room
I have I watched someone collapse and that did end the panic attack that I was in there for
Because I realized I shouldn't be in the emergency room. You're fine. Yes, and then I've seen dead body
I saw a dead body in the train
And I'm not really that
Scarred by it. Well, the thing is I didn't go to war. No. Well, yeah, those were normal dead bodies
They weren't like hacked up or anything like that. I think this woman
I don't know why they put her in that seat. Why don't just put her in a bathroom
I think they just shut the door
I think they just are trying to get her in a seat cuz they want her corpse lying like a log in the center of
The fucking aisle. Yeah, I think they wanted to plop her in her with seats as some form of respect
I imagine I don't know. I don't know though cuz I mean definitely if here's more than one bathroom, you jam her in the bathroom, you
shut the door so no one has to see it.
That's exactly what you do.
Or you find a way to put her down with the luggage.
So she stays cold.
That would actually be nice.
Or you put her up in the galley, where you can literally cover her in ice.
Well, we've already established you can't, like, we're you put her up in the galley where you can literally cover her nice Well, you can't we've already established you can't like we're not lifting her up
Well, yeah, yeah, but they could ask people to help. I've had someone help
I've had the is there a doctor on a plane on a flight before but they said the worst part was that when they were stuck
After the flight emptied they were not allowed to leave their seats because they had to wait
until the medical officer came on
and worked on the dead body as they were stuck next to it
because they didn't want to cross over the body.
They just wanted to make sure
that she was actually dead, I imagine.
Yeah, we again, twist the nipples, slap her face a bunch.
Like that's a big thing, you don't do that a lot.
In old timey movies, remember how they used to do that a lot?
There was a lot more like slapping people. Yeah
Oh, yeah, you're hysterical. They slap you. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, it's not allowed anymore
But probably working a couple occasions, but if I thought that you know, you just give a fucking couple jabs to the fucking dead body
It's not living but again, but at that point she's dead. She's dead dead
Yeah, so we're ours, but don't worry
They said they went on to complete their trip to Venice Italy because they said, you know, they're pull
Yep, they said they're really trying to make trip to Venice Italy because they said you know that people yep
They said they're really trying to make the best out of a really hard situation mm-hmm
But you know they just moved on but he said you know we're on holiday
So we're just trying to have a good time. I'm what are you gonna do go home?
We're going to Italy that's what I'm telling my fucking wife being like hey listen
Yeah, we saw a corpse today
But guess where we're gonna see another corpse if I have to lose all these thousands of dollars on the fucking trip to Venice
We just man. I hope they didn't miss their connection
Hopefully Qatar Airways good guitar
Qatar Airways over. I don't know I
Think it's Qatar. I think it's Qatar
They didn't give them anything after this nothing no when are you Well, when are you gonna go back to Qatar? What are they in Hamas?
Qatar Airways it goes all over that area of the world. Oh, okay.
Because that's what that's probably the flight that they had to connect to connect over to Italy. That's a long flight, Melbourne, Europe.
Yeah, no for sure for sure. You got to stop somewhere. Yeah
in Europe. Yeah, no, for sure. For sure. You got to stop somewhere. Yeah.
From the boogie down streets of Queens to a pile of beans, a new cup of piping hot,
Polish Italian Java, last podcast on the left and Spring Hill Jack Coffey are rising from the rubble with the new brew.
Butterfly dudes, blue-eye blend. Nothing to do with any moth-based entity, don't even think about it. This is a butterfly dude. Don't mind the blue eyes, he's just Caucasian. Our new proprietary roast might seem eerily similar, but don't let your tongue
deceive you. It's a Butterfly Dude roast. This is the Butterfly Dude's Blue-Eye Blend.
Entirely delicious and not just the same beans. Butterfly Dude's Blue-Eye Blend. From the I blend from the cocoon to your room. Well, we learned nothing, have we?
And now it's time to have one of our favorite people on the face of the planet join us.
Yeah, baby!
Very, very excited.
We have a guest in studio.
His name, Stan Soder. Live from North Lake.
Ladies and gentlemen, this man to my right,
we just appeared on his podcast.
So as is the custom of all comedians across all nations,
we then invited him to be a part of our podcast.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the incredible
New York based standup comedian, Dan Soder.
Yes! That is so funny
That really is our only tradition in comedy. Yeah, it's like I have prepared the couch for us to podcast
You showed me your podcast and now I will podcast with you disregard my roommate
Sorry if the TV's loud he's going through something tit for tit. Yeah, it's great. I love being here
I love being at the last podcast
The studio is our evil. This is fucking unbelievable
Unbelievable, who's your favorite killer on our wall over?
Uh, I mean Casey Anthony easily look at that smile also know she's getting away with it dude when you guys did the episode
Because this is and I've said this but it's true
This is the only podcast I consistently listened to and I have for years
But the Casey Anthony one you guys did where the cops go into her job
Dude, and she's just leaving them around like like she worked at Universal Studios and did not is the craziest shit
I've ever heard it's some of the things that in this show are just a gift
It's like a gift where you find out like I mean obviously it's why we do this
Sure that when you start like opening up the hood and looking into the actual details of these people's lives
It's fantastic the idea of like a pathological liar's life is an amazing
Labyrinth, yeah, and it is it's a fun circus
Remember you've you've been with one right? I've I've met pathological liars and what's crazy is when you think you have them nailed down
They like squirm out. Oh, yeah, and that's what's amazing about her is that scene specifically that I'm talking about is they had her nailed down
They got to an end of a hallway and she was like
I've never worked. I don't work here
They go alright well that doesn't mean you murdered your daughter
It's just wild yeah, it was that is
So it's fun to be in the studios and like look around to be like, oh, look at all this. So all the fans that are listening,
I'm taking this experience, this experience is for you
as well.
He shat already.
I did, I went in and I touched myself,
but in a piss sense, not in a sexual sense.
Did you get a chance to masturbate to the Jack?
I always have to.
Did Jackie try to scoop up JFK's brains?
Yeah, I go. Oh fuck
By the way, I went to the grassy knoll for the first time. Oh, congrats. Did they remove the X? No
I think because of the because of your guys's look at all the conspiracy theories I believe that's how I arrived to my belief that it was the Secret Service member in the jump seat
So the Cadillac and it was too early in the Secret Service's life that they could admit that they made a colossal
Fuck up like that. I will not believe that a juicy secret of
We killed JFK could have ever lasted long enough because what do we know about CIA guys as soon as they're sick they start telling
Soon as they think they'll have a bad cold and they're so serious things up like we definitely killed some people in Serbia
Can I get you anything Richard he goes I would love some chicken noodle soup also we did it by the Luther King, Jr
Also, we did it by the Luther King Jr. That was us.
And she goes, what?
It's a head cold.
He goes, I just had to tell somebody in case this goes.
Yeah, in case this goes completely terminal.
It was me with the sniper rifle.
I shot him on that balcony in Memphis.
I just can't believe that the secret would ever lay that long.
No, it wouldn't.
Have you all ever hung out there and walked around, though?
You haven't?
No, I worked in Fort Worth at this hotel where he stayed at.
I was working the hyenas, jealous.
The hotel they put you up at is very loud about like, this is where JFK stayed the night
before he got assassinated.
Like every elevator bank, every floor, they're like, JFK stayed here before he got assassinated like every elevator bank every floor they're like JFK stay there before he gets shot they scream it but I never went to the grass
well like the Watergate in DC now it's all super cute yeah they're all like
like the main bar at the it's called like the break-in that's what I was gonna say
break into comfort I am not a crook. You're like, that doesn't even make sense.
What do you mean?
You're a hotel key, it's a flashlight.
You should.
But the, so I was behind the fence on the grassy knoll,
and I'm looking at the X, it's a perfect shot.
Well, that's what they're saying.
It's the perfect shot.
It really is.
So when you go and stand there, it's just like,
it's even like a good prop, like it's perfect.
When you went this time, did you see what I loved about?
With the first time I went to Dealey Plaza was the conspiracy theory buskers. Oh very
They try and like take you around and show you that's their ghost tours, dude
It's the best it's they stay they stand on the grassy knoll with like lanyards and like piles of newspapers
And then they're just on loop.
It was just all black men when I went.
I know exactly, it's the same guy.
He comes up to you, he just starts kind of saying the beginning of the story, right?
And then he's like, if you want to hear the rest, that'll be $15.
And then you're like, you can pay the man $15.
Marcus and I did it. We paid him money.
And then we both sat with this homeless man
as he described the events of the conspiracy theory,
and then we started pushing back,
and then we're now talking with the man,
and then he's yelling at us, being like,
you don't know better than me, you don't know better than me,
and we're all like, I'm sorry sir,
like I just, we're just visiting,
this is just, this is an important place
for our relationship.
The thought of you looking at the grassy dole
and then a guy with a cigarette bouncing
in the corner of his mouth going,
you know that's where they did it.
And you look and you go, excuse me?
And that's how he gets you in.
That's how they train each other.
They go, it's the opening line.
It's the opening line.
Jackie shouldn't have worn gloves that day.
What did you say?
Well, let's sit down right here on my knee and I'll tell you a little tale about a man
from Boston.
A lot of Irish brains spilled on that X.
And you go, oh my God.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
I declare.
Tell me more.
Now I'm glad that you even said this because this is, I'm so glad to have you here.
I'm glad to be here. Because cuz this is I'm so glad to have you here I'm glad to be here because you get Hughes on billions for us
And he knows like even just you heard that like even just saying that about the pitch, right?
Like he knows all about the pitch. It's and what you got to do to get in there dastardly people. Oh, yeah, dude
I mean, you know, I worked as I did head hunting for a very small period of time and I was fired immediately
in if you wanted to, your character from Wolf of Wall Street
might have hired my character from Billions later on.
Very similar in the idea of doing the stockbroker as idiot.
Which is fun.
Yes, it's very fun to just go like,
hey, what if you're a complete moron, but we're very rich
Yeah, all of them and then you find out that's literally the heart of all of the stockbroker king like industry is all fat fucks from Queens
So confidence where there should be none. It's the same guys that with that failed cop exams
Like became stockbrokers, but it does work, but how do you feel about crypto?
I don't know what it is. I don't trust what it is
It seems like there's a lot of people that are just getting absolutely
Just wrecked. Yeah, they buy these like mean coins the one
I know the most famous one is the hawk to a girl
Oh hawk to a girl and then she was she finally made her chair her very tear-filled
Apology because she didn't understand she-filled apology cuz she didn't understand
She just didn't understand she didn't know how to a girl. This is innocent. I do believe that she had no
Someone I do believe that I don't think it was a Kaiser so's a thing where she goes
And then she walks off and she goes excellent
Talking about blowjobs in the street to stealing millions and you being the person what a bond villain
I didn't expect to see you miss sucks me
Little known secret, I'm actually
a hero's actual.
Oh, there's nothing that drives me wild
like a little hillbilly girl.
It seems as if you, yeah, the rug pole with her,
and you're right, I don't think she knew what she was doing,
but I also did not feel like there were any victims in this.
No, it's only idiots idiots only idiots lost their money
But now this is this is why I wanted to bring this up this even the subject is because this this story really made me laugh
Now this comes from Twitter. I don't know if you're aware. Okay. It's an app
Crypto trader known as Mr. Fuck you
Shot himself live on Twitter.
Have you not heard about this yet? No. It's great.
It happened yesterday.
We keep meeting under these crazy circumstances.
Oh yeah, by the way, right before we even get to the story,
when you had us on the show, the Luigi Mangione shooting
happened like hours.
Hours before, so everyone was like,
why didn't they go harder in the paint on Dan Soder's show?
And I was like, it's because we didn't know
what the fuck was happening. The body wasn't tagged yet
Legitimately. Yeah, you guys came over at like 1130 a.m. The murder happened at 630 a.m
So there's chance he was still en route to the morgue. Oh, yeah, I'm fluent was not in that CEO yet
It wasn't cool. Yeah
But so so you can hear it a little bit back
All right
So take it back a crypto trader known as mr. Fuck you he shot himself live on Twitter after losing his last
$500 and a meme coin rug pull on Friday night now what he said this complete utter chode
What does that mean by the way? I don't know what a coin rug pull
I'm going to say they took his beam coin from him
What they do is pump up a coin a fake crypto version of a coin, right?
They pump it up
They all put the money in and the goal is to get out and sell
Right at the very top which normally happens within about 8 to 12 hours. So
Now is everyone trying to sell when they get to that top. It's a
No matter what a stock. Yeah, yeah. It sounds like no matter what.
It's like you know we're short of stock.
I believe it's like that.
So no matter what, people are gonna get fucked.
Or if you're in at the end.
If you know it beforehand.
Showing up at the end of the gangbang.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Why is everything so soupy?
Oh my God, someone, can we put the air conditioning on?
Does anyone got a towel?
It's also, yeah, you go, it's warm, but it's also kind of like damp in an unsettling way.
She's alive.
Would you like some cortisone?
I just, you just sit down next to her head, are you sleepy?
That is, so that's cryptocurrency.
That's cryptocurrency, yes, yes.
And it's literally cryptocurrency.
It's that guy being like, well, I'll still take my turn.
I guess I'll kiss you.
But this guy, he says, okay, he says he wanted to, I guess, promote this new meme coin, so
he had a revolver in his hands and he says, if I die, make me a meme coin.
The gun then misfired
Twice and then on the third time it blew his fucking brains out
And then it shot the brains out of the back of his head at which then and then the stream
lasted for another 30 minutes as
Guess what happened the meme coins started getting printed to the immediately did a bunch of them because he was also known as I'm really poor online
This is him with an AK 47 and a fedora
There's exactly how I imagined mr. Fuck you both in life and in death. What it is a cheap shitty gun
Yes, it is a was that was that was that a Kalashnikov? It's an AK that is an egg without a stalk
Yeah, without the back end of it. So you see what they sing right here according to mr. Fuck you his life
He also went by I'm really poor. He's 23
And he said he was going through through some mental health struggles
Obviously they some believe that the community in the community believe the suicide was tied to a breakup as he used to talk about his
Shorty, but suddenly he stopped referring to her no more shorty
No, it's about two weeks ago, and then it turned into a full of meme coin circus you have a thing called mr. coin with the
developer sending him 70% of the total split supply just before his death and
then reactors and crypto Twitter were actually really interesting because a
lot of people were of course like just jumping in so a lot of people made money
on meme coins based upon his death in the moments after his death. That is literally the reason that Damien Lewis's character
in Billions is a horrific person is because he was trading
as 9-11 was happening.
That's the idea, right?
And that's the exact same thing
that these people were doing.
Oh yeah.
Tragedy strikes and people go, make money off it.
Oh yeah.
The only part, and this unfunny situation obviously someone took their own life
It's kind of funny. It's funny that he took three times that he went like this
I just think there we go. I don't mind this trend. I think that this could be
Continuous like we could lose some
be a continuous, like, we could glue some grandpa extras.
Yeah, grandpa, what was cryptocurrency? You go, it was quite the watch for about 10 years.
And then they all die.
I just feel like it's a, what are we gonna do?
Because I know it's the idea of like,
money's fake anyway.
Yeah, sure.
And then crypto's like a new fake money.
And so now we're supposed to all believe
in the new fake money,
but also it's making people kill themselves.
But if he was gonna kill himself anyway,
why shouldn't people make money?
That's a good point.
A true businessman.
What a capitalist.
He goes, I'll tell you this.
Train him.
What are the resources here?
Can we take them?
How do we buy in?
I think it's like, the thing about, yes,
all money is, and I mean, you could go further and say,
like, once we got off the gold standard,
then all of a sudden, now money truly means nothing.
Once we stop giving shells for blow jobs,
then everything's been downhill.
Money's not real.
Everything goes crazy.
Money's not real.
And it's proof that money's not real.
But this is like the most manipulated,
like, up and down, and I guess it is similar
to the stock market when you see stuff happen and then all of a sudden
Everyone's like money's down money's up
but this is just like so warped and crazy and it is silly because it's called like the
Like sloppy top coin. Oh
Hundreds of thousands of dollars even millions of dollars are getting slapped around with these dumb shit little things
Which is the it seems like the smoke screen. I brought this up a little bit in our Anders Bravik series
But I do feel like this is my it's like a boomer situation here that I'm forced into yeah where
several very big studies showed about how memes
Radicalize young men faster than any other form of media.
That's great.
That's because we hate to read.
It's because memes, making it funny,
and making it palatable, make it extremely easy
for it to slide in, and then,
how does this sound familiar?
It's only a joke.
I'm just saying it's just a funny thing that I'm doing.
This is just, I'm doing it like.
I wasn't serious.
Yes, and the problem is that if nobody ever is serious
Eventually you're going to it changes your worldview in a way eventually if nothing is remotely sacred all of a sudden
You're 21 year old making money off of some dipshit suicide
Yeah, because it's because you can well because memes turned you into the Joker yes where nothing is connected and everything is like okay
I'll just kill everybody and become a goon Lord you do you become a good lord it really and it's these young guys are like well
I can make a life-changing amount of money
Yeah, I mean do the craziest thing is when Trump did that right before his inauguration
And you're and you're like listen I am I hate all politicians
I think they're all scumbags, but if Obama tried doing that they would have bled out of their dick. He would have been they would have set him on fire
If it had gone, I've got a pretty good one. It's called the berry corn
Now the berries up and by the way, everyone's feasting. Everyone's eating. Everyone eats
on this. We all up team and then you run polls. I don't know what happened. I'm going to bed.
You know me. I gotta get, I'm going to play some basketball. I gotta get it. I gotta hit
the hay.
Well, how much money was made on this meme coin? Whoever, whoever held the Trump coin, like someone had like a, like a lot of it, which
is also funny because they announced the coin during a crypto, that crypto conference that
Snoop was performing.
So Snoop was the distraction where they're like, he's like, Hey, Hey y'all, y'all crypto
tizzles ready to hear some rap hisses
That's actually a very interesting way to put it I actually do wonder if it is even like that like literally like
Snoop's gonna now do 15 minutes. You want to hear gin and juice live and we're literally going to short this in the next 15 minutes
Like we're gonna get this done. Seven of us are about to make 60 million dollars each. Yeah within two hours
Yeah, oh, yeah, everybody else he's sick, but I just more it was just looking at him, too It just looks like such a fucking you know
How do you say like does anybody look at their baby when it first comes out of their vagina?
And they look at them in the bassinet and be like my son one day is gonna commit suicide on Twitter
Face of somebody that would wait to take something as sexy as Bud Dwyer and make it not cool.
Yeah, buddy, come on.
At least Bud Dwyer did, like, local corruption and was like, he had, like, a ton of shit
against him.
He wasn't just like, my girlfriend left me and I'm not making any money.
Now, if all of you are afraid of guns...
Which I just don't even understand.
It's like the story of every person who's ever made it.
Yeah. It's like, that's the buddy, I mean, if he had just, well, I don't know if. It's like the story of every person who's ever made it. Yeah, it's like that's the buddy
I mean if he just won't I don't know if you can get gold chains and a gun, but you're wearing a ten dollar hat
Well, I can aggravate it. That's a rich boss hat. Yeah
That's like these kind of pictures that kind of like I'm broke as fuck, but then what was his other name is like
I'm really poor. I miss the fuck you and I'm really poor. So look at those two emotions
Right. He's sad and he's angry. That's bipolar. Yeah, that's like
He's that he wasn't like mr. Angry isn't bipolar. I'm just saying that when he's sad. I'm really poor
Yeah, when he's up when he's mad, mr. Fuck you mr. Fuck you. That's where he puts the foot or does that mr. Fuck
Right there
Really poor with the Louis Vuitton hats of the side
Yes, because he is poor because he spent $1,000 on a stupid hat hate when people shave the top of their mustache
It's really great you Unless you're John Waters,
you have to be a professional homosexual
to have a pencil-thin mustache.
You are not allowed.
Or you better fuckin' own a haunted house.
Yeah, go then.
You better have a haunted house.
That's so funny, just going, what are you doing?
Taking care of the top mustache?
She's like, that's weird, buddy.
It's like 1925.
Oh, why don't you kill yourself?
He goes, that's it.
Holy shit.
That's the song.
That's, we'll be rich.
That's how I make the money.
That's the meme coin.
Hey, why don't you kill yourself with your stupid mustache?
Say that again?
Wait, it's just what?
I said take out the trash, kill yourself,
your stupid mustache.
That's an amazing idea
I'm gonna get on Twitter
Just was shorty just go to trust me go pick up paper towels and cleaner
So we just want to say again rest in peace
Just to fuck you and I hope that you guys you gooners and you goon dames. I'm gonna think women goon you get you gooners
You women gooners if you even exist
I hope that you go out there and you you know celebrate him every day by buying a revolver. Yes
It was very nice. That's really good. Look at send-off. Thank you. I got another story at a Surfside, Florida
This one's fun. You're gonna love this
You know this what I like about it is you're like
In the drug movies where the guy tastes the cocaine and he goes, that's good shit. It's a Florida story
No, Florida Bama shit
That's pure Florida. Oh, yeah. Well this one kind of pisses me off and I don't know where I stand on it I've actually gone back and
forth in my head twice already so maybe you guys can help me out 35 year old man
terrorize the community of Sir side Florida with the Chucky doll no what I
like it was standing outside of a market and then he was like waving the Chucky
doll of people and then eventually he got arrested for disturbing the peace
I see I just like it's just a doll but look at it. They call him a
Serial fictional serial killer. That's what they call that. They call Chucky
I'm a serial killer. He said he's waving around a fictional serial killer and it's like no, it's a doll
It's fine. It's a red-haired doll. Yes, but I want you guys to see the I want you guys to see the news report
But when we get a chance here soon as they take it way too seriously
Oh, I just wish it was a real little redheaded boy. That would be great in overalls
Child abduction story you better watch out or I'll hit you with Sean
Creepy crime a man arrested after some bizarre behavior.
And cops say it wasn't child's play.
In fact, body camera video you're
going to only see on Local 10.
Police say the man you see right there holding a Chucky doll
was using that toy to scare people outside of a market.
Please watch.
Seems fine, right?
It's whatever he's doing.
Having fun?
He's just fucking with Chuck E. Merch?
He's a fucking weirdo. He bought a costume for him!
What are you do-
Oh, this is the worst shit I've ever seen.
He was just happy to expense this for Halloween next year.
How is this helping?
Take a look, damn, he goes...
God damn it, I will love this forever if he stops and he goes,
You don't understand
I'm trying to get my soul into the body
He said the doll is fake
Get the call
Someone is waving around a Chucky doll and scaring people outside a local market when
cops say the suspect couldn't get beer.
They warn the guy but Chuckie is back.
No not the movie.
So this is my question.
Did he actually believe in the magic of Chuckie?
No he's literally running around outside this market
holding a Chucky doll and be like,
I'm gonna get you motherfucker, I'm gonna get you.
But the thing is, he said it was in response to him
being not given beer at the restaurant,
so he went home to get his Chucky.
You know who could solve this?
A murderous little doll.
Oh honey, you know who would never, ever betray me?
You know who I could find, I could call to my side Charles stab him
This news report sucks so bad yes that they are trying to push the fact of the storyline of child's play
Onto an insane man. This guy should be stripped of all press credentials.
What is this man doing?
He's just holding your costume up.
And it doesn't have the mask, it doesn't have the thing.
This is the worst reporting I've seen.
Whoever set up this camera shot, there's a reflection on him
that you just can't stop watching.
It's like they have like a street sign behind the camera
and they're flashing the sun at him.
See what I mean? Yeah, I do see that. What is going. Yeah, he looks like he's in a JJ Abrams
It just looks like the reflection is weird. Yes. Oh, this is a thing that shouldn't have been like
It's crazy guy with a doll down the street. Don't go there
Yeah, but like why does this man get arrested and it's because he has a record
I think he has a very long record
Multiple DUIs. Yeah, but assault and batteries is no man better than his past
I know man grow past his fucking where he's
What if it wasn't a Chucky doll what it was like a giraffe doll should it be allowed to do that
Jeffrey from Toys R Us is pissed. They've been liquidated. I wonder if some of his DUIs were Chuckie like he got
You would even believe this thing man, it's a danger. He's a crazy driver. I know the killer that's inside him and he's nuts
Which is the idea of his goal like was he going hey
I know officer which is the idea of his goal like was he going hey?
Just the idea of calling the cops on him is very strange. Yes, hi 9-1-1
You're gonna have to listen to me. There's a man with a tiny porcelain redheaded child
Outside of this door. He's an Oshkosh Pagosh is any swinging around
Also the reporter going like stories about Chuckie. There's a
Spirit Halloween down the street
Guys check this out. Let's go live right now. He's opening the costume like that's not the doll the only way This is honestly police worthy is it you take two of them chain them together?
That's a nun Chuckie and then that can actually be extremely extremely
You also got to fill in with lead
Are those heavy Chuckies those are illegal in the state of Florida?
Can't have a weighted Chucky
Wild remember Teddy Ruxpens. Yeah, those things fuck you up. My favorite diss ever was our friend Jermaine Fowler
said that my voice sounds like a Teddy Ruxpin
running out of battery.
Ha ha ha ha!
I cannot hear that.
He said that over 16 years ago.
Check that funny.
He goes, damn, you sound like a Teddy Ruxpin running.
He's like, I wanna read this shit.
Yeah. Ha ha ha! No, it's because you like a Teddy Rubskin. And he's like, I want to read this shit. Yeah.
You know, it's because you have a beautiful, real radio
Running out of balls.
Man, I miss my Teddy Rubskin.
But I was angry.
And whenever I tried to hug him, I'd give myself a concussion,
because it's a robot.
Yeah, it is a robot.
You forget that he is a skeleton.
You do it too hard, Eddie.
And he was very cute, so you'd want to like squeeze him
He's just telling me stories. Everyone else tells me a story. Let's me hug him. Why can't I hug this guy?
Scary Eddie, yeah. Hmm. Yeah, I love you Teddy
There's another story we have one more of these storm where this one's I figured you'd have some fun with this one Dan
so These tomorows this one's I figured you'd have some fun with this one Dan so
Garda or Gert Gardai. I don't know. I don't speak Irish. No, you don't
It is yeah
Continuing to keep an open mind on the discovery of a severed hand at a school in North Dublin on Friday
It is understood that a human hand may have been dropped into a
schoolyard at Our Lady of Immaculate School in Darndale by a bird from its beak on Friday morning.
This sounds like an Irish folk tale.
You know what they say when you find a hand in a schoolyard, and it's got the marks of a beak,
it means that good luck, it's on its way.
Oh, suck on this pinky.
Oh, never take a bodyless hand in a schoolyard or else you'll have 20 years of bad luck.
Well, a prominent theory in the investigation is that the hand may belong to a local male
child who suffered a horrific burn injuries in a gas container explosion at a bonfire
on Thursday night.
You can do when what point in the night do you say hands gone?
Yeah, no reason to look.
No one James your hand is gone.
God gives you two until you lose them.
You know that's nice though.
You got one still.
Hey, I shake me hand.
At least you have this one and it's your hand shaking on
They could not definitely confirm at this stage that the hand was discovered at the school belong to the boy
Why does he just go down to go? Yeah, that's me. Yeah
Where that watch How big's the hand? It's like how many children are missing hands? It looks like one of the ones you buy at a football game.
With the number one sign.
It's absolutely a giant black man's hand.
This isn't me son's hand at all.
It looks like his Lamar Odom hand.
It looks like Dom Shaquille O'Neal dropped his hand here.
Maybe the bird was just trying to bring the hand back
to where he thought it belonged.
He dropped it at the school. Or the bird was like, look at this hand back to where he thought it belonged You drop it at the school or the bird was like look at this feast that I got damn it. I dropped it
I can't get that thing back up. I mean a full hand
Just at the wrist. Yeah, yeah, it just popped off. It exploded and then a bird
I do think it's exactly what you said
I think a bird picked it up thinking mmm yum lunch and then they pick it up and then it's hard for a bird to do it
The bird don't go back birds are lazy
They always come talk about the early bird and the worm and stuff like that
But I think largely I've seen birds drop shit all the time really give up. They just don't really care
thought of someone coming home
hammered from a pub and then being like
Can't find me down low either,
and then looking up and watching a hand drop out of the sky,
and going into the yard, and you go,
what the fuck, I'm scared, just run home.
He's like, it's time to get sold.
Oh fuck, oh I'll tell you what fucking got me on the wagon,
a hand falling out the damn sky.
It's from the clothes.
Yeah, the birds dropping hands
But how do they not know if it's the same child? They should just go and line it up I think it's cuz the child like maybe it's cuz he's embarrassed or was the hand mauled?
I don't know. I mean it blew up from a gas canister explosion so I imagine it ain't pretty. Give it a shot
Also, what's this 12 year old doing around gas canisters?
I mean what kind of dangerous life is this kid leaving Europeans?
Europeans are have more fun. Yeah, they drink wine at dinner. They play with explosives
Yeah, I'll always remember we went to Berlin and we were walking around and you know
It's this big like it was like an EDM festival slash
environmental protest
That's very funny. There was nothing like seeing like 14 year olds look so classy drinking white wine
They're all like drinking white wine. They're all I hate I'll be like I didn't even know what I didn't know
What wine was I couldn't even tie my shoes. Yeah, they're all like very very cosmopolitan
And they're all like enjoying each other like clinking glasses
You've never been to an art exhibit at the age of 14? Yeah, they're all just so very cool.
Well, school was not in session,
so no children saw the hand, so that's nice.
I mean, that's sad though for them,
because I feel like that's a fun story for kids.
Like, I feel like in Stand By Me, yeah,
like the idea, I saw Human Bones once
when I was a child, it was awesome.
Really? Yeah.
Where'd you see him?
In Forest Park in Queens.
We went up there and we went to,
my buddy and I went past a bunch of at the time
They're walking around the railroad tracks
But we went through a bunch of police lines my My neighborhood in Queens had a very sudden influx
of Haitian population over a very small period of time.
And it really changed the neighborhood
and it brought in a lot of voodoo
and brought in a lot of like practices.
And we had like several voodoo head shops
in the neighborhood, which were awesome.
You could see it, like you could go into,
it's like, it was like a bodega
and then you'd look past the guy and there'd be a room behind him where you'd have all the
Paraphernalia like that you go and you get it all there's nothing cooler growing up if you had voodoo stores
Oh, yeah, you're like 10. You're like, can I see that?
Like no no no no no no you and then I go and I we went to see we went to this place that was all cordoned
off and
There was blood all over the in this like they did animal like it was one of those things where they came hard down
Cops came down hard on the Haitian populations
Obviously because of racism and also because they were doing a lot of animal sacrifice with no licenses
That's really funny to get a license for animal sacrifice you have to get it I mean that's just fine you have to do it in a certain place
yeah you have to do it because like apparently yeah you can't do it at
forest you can't do it in your walking up going you got the forms you ain't got
the forms to do this you should not be out here a chopper this fucking goats
heads off listen I want you listen I love mama more they just as much as
anybody else all right every day I give him give him a room and I smoke a cigar to Papa Papa evil
Okay, buddy. Listen if I could bring back a zombie I'd be doing it
I bring back my father a lot cuz he was the best part of my life
I need the paperwork or I'm taking you fucking in
Remember all the places that would sell chickens all over New York?
I mean, dude, in Astoria, they sell like everything.
You could get like goats and shit.
Yeah, they were cracking down.
The chicken ones where they would.
Your feathers would be literally shooting
out the side of the building.
When you'd watch Brooklyn and Queens especially,
you would see the trucks unload and you would be like,
like I remember on 39th Avenue in Queens walking by
and being like, oh, those are hundreds of chickens
and they're all still alive. And they're like, ah, ah, ah! And you walking by being like, oh, those are hundreds of chickens and they're all still alive.
And they're like, ah, ah, ah!
And just walked by like, oh, fuck.
I always wondered if those were more expensive
than a rotisserie chicken at the store.
You never bought one?
No, I never bought a live chicken.
No, we bought, we did it once.
We got one, they pre-killed it.
Oh, really? They kill it for you.
Oh, they kill it for you.
Yeah, you go there and they literally go like, eh? And then you gokilled it. Oh, really? They kill it for you. Oh, they kill it for you. Yeah, you go over there and they literally go like, eh?
And then you go, kill it.
And then they go like, they snap it, snap.
And then they take all the fillers.
Did you watch?
And they pluck it.
They pluck it and stuff.
Yeah, they clean it all up.
And then you take it.
How much was it, do you remember?
I want to say it literally was like $10.
But I do think then I brought it too because it was with Carly and then I think she cried.
Well, I mean, she's a very nice person.
And also watching it go like
Bang I just got hungry cook it or do we like use it for a sketch or something we used it for a sketch
One time that we did a photo shoot with, I remember that.
Oh, and then I remember the time that we did a sketch where-
So you don't think about it, what did we do with the pig head?
Did we just throw it in a trash can in the village?
That's what we did when you got all the pig intestines for the Buttwiser sketch
when we thought we needed to have real intestines.
There was no way we could ever fake it with any form of makeup.
And so they covered me in real pig intestines and we destroyed this costume
We fucked up the John's whole living room
We did all this shit just because we're like no, dude, it's fucking hard. No, you were hardcore
Me like you know man fucking art. He's like no the audience doesn't know that
Didn't look real. I remember it being really thin and be like, oh, that doesn't look real
Fuckin real, but he like didn't look real. I remember it being really thin and be like, oh, that doesn't look real Oh, it is real
No idea the disgusting lengths we went and the audience a lot of audience don't know what it's like to have a real butcher
Cuz I used to go to a real guy that I remember when we used to ask when we asked for the pig guts
And the guy was like, yeah, he was so excited
Made my Tuesday shift easier
Right there. Yeah, wow. I love that guy deliver were sandwiches those things would slow us down
He made his own liver worst you eat liver worst
No, oh Dan. It's great. Are you an advanced meat man? Not really get sick. No I can hold on head cheese
What's that? It's like a meat jelly
Fucking head, dude, I remember listening you guys going to Scotland and you said you liked the blood blood sausage the white sausage
I don't know what it is. I think it's calm
Yes, because that that's head cheese so it's like essentially it's it's a meat jelly
I'll tell you right now by the very fat Ford. I could do it if I had a
Cracker oh yeah with mustard yes, you put the mushroom. I could do that
Yellow or French
It's a cold meatloaf. I like a spicy ass mustard like a casquiasco
I like a fucking polish must would I look stupid doing it with like a French's no, I mean French's is shitty mustard
There's nothing stupid. Yeah mustard. Let's not get in
I mean the deli mustard if you're gonna have mustard you eat deli mustard
You like shitty. Yes, that's he's a liar. He's alive. You're allowed to do whatever you want
Yes, that's just he's a liar. He's a liar. You're allowed to do whatever you want
Somebody would it's because there are people with they grew up with I just I like it. Yeah, I fucking like you're gonna Just listen, I want to squash this. I didn't realize you were gonna cry
No deli mustard I would do that I would absolutely do head cheese. Yeah, man
I love all that type of shit anything that's for about haggis. Yeah, I love it. You loved tag
I love I actively like haggis. Yeah, I love it. You loved tag. I love I actively like haggis
Yeah, it's good if you get it good
They don't get in you're not gonna eat it here. Yeah, I know I like LA is no like LA is not well
We were in Edinburgh for for I lived with Sean Patton and we would hang out every night me Sean Patton Langston and
Emmy Blotnick, and we were like,
should we get Haggis?
And we pussed out.
Buddy, you know, let's not do it.
I mean, you just get a bite, you know,
and then you throw the rest in the trash,
like a real American.
Ha ha ha!
You would be wildly surprised how good it is.
Because it's just, it's a horrible name,
and the ingredients are a nightmare.
Yeah, I mean, but so is a a hot dog and I like hot dogs.
Exactly, it is basically the same flavor profile
as a hot dog.
It's heavily spiced, good texture,
comes out like a solid disc.
There's people that are absolutely disagreeing
with you right now.
Yeah, I love it.
They're like, no.
So there is this part, I wanna hear about this,
this kind of relates to what we're talking about.
There was a wild game dinner in rural, Pennsylvania this week where they a crow, okay?
They had bear stew
raccoon a dewy sausage stingray casserole
Head skate no skate is basically. Yeah, it's like sting. Yeah, I think I've had skate before that was a game
No, it's like it's yeah, I think I've had skate before was it gamey. No, it's
Much going on there. Yes. Yeah pull the meat out all the bones. It sucks. Yeah, they're rabbit kielbasa
turtles snapping turtle salami
smoked eel beaver shepherds pie
Pie sounds like the worst porn I've ever
She actually got her pussy blown off
The groundhog chili dough does sound pretty ground. Oh chili see none of that
The only thing that really skeaves me out is that I've heard bear meats really gross suffered bear meats very greasy
They said it was cow because they put it in like a stew. Yeah, I guess that makes
This also sounds like a joke. It sounds like the back of a roadkill cafe sure
Without the clever names gave up on a roadkill.
It's a raccoon omelet.
Enjoy yourself.
You guys used to call it like skis skis skin and turf.
Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no.
It's called rat.
It's rat burger.
Oh man.
But they say the things they have the biggest trouble cooking is predators like Fox and coyote
They said they have a coyote smoked ham and then half the people loved it half the people hated it
Yeah, I bet I don't why one want to eat. I think dog in general is not necessarily. Oh, it is that dog
Yeah, I mean they're like close enough their dog adjacent for sure, but they live a different life
They have they I mean they live tough lives. Yeah you see a dog and then you see a coyote
It's like when you see a dog, then you see a wolf and you go
No, these aren't even similar wolves are giant compared to dogs and coyotes are just like oh you poor son of a bitch
They always have matted fur. They're always like
Feels like how it's just and we were just in Dallas with Marcus's family
and there is a good thing about,
I always sort of feel like maybe I could be a man,
and then you meet all the ranchers,
and then you're like, oh, I'm not a man.
Oh, yeah, I just get in there,
squeeze as hard as I can with the handshake,
and just be like, hopefully that's good enough.
His father has one eye,
and he still works 15 hours a day.
He beat the shit out of us.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, look at that.
He's like, help!
But it is, when you shake a man's hand like that
and it just feels like tree bark.
Like it's not like a real hand.
You go like, are you made of oak?
Yeah, and you want like my hand feels like,
like essentially the hand of like, you know,
It's like a soft.
Hillary Swank.
I have Hillary Swank's hands.
He goes, I've never met a princess before Yeah, I have Hillary Swank's hands Never met a princess
My god, Jr. Henry's hosting a 90s talk show
Let's bring them out
Bring them on out
Sweetest most beautiful Dan. Oh my god. You guys are the best
What a cherished time this was to spend this with you took to go from the creek in the cave to this to go from me
Listening to you guys as I play college football 25 on my PlayStation 5
And very quickly I want I wanted to do this is a note this is Rob's idea and I think it's fun
Yes, is it the end of your shows? Yeah, you do a card. Yeah opening segment. Oh, yeah
So Rob went to the local hobby store
Yeah, and he got a pack of cards to open that I figured that maybe we could describe and I've never seen this before it is
the Elvis collection
This fucking rules so these are so I'm just gonna give this to you. Yeah
You guys you guys get a pack and then we'll just go through some of the go just let's go just see what this is
It says cards of his life. It is the Elvis collection. I love Elvis. I love the ones of a toilet
If you get the peanut butter if you get the peanut butter and banana sandwich you get another pack for free
I thought you did and I hurried to open my pack. Did you see ever see his interviews?
I'm fascinated with Elvis like ever seen his talks with his or the interview with the his cook. No, she's wonderful
It just really came out. Yeah. No, it was like a couple bunch of years ago
Oh, yeah, mr. Elvis he used to wake me up every night and he said miss B
I want my peanut butter sandwich now and then she'd go and talk about how she like I always knew he was hungry
I could hear him wrestling
After taking three of those blue pills
He would be so excited so excited dude, I got a I got Vegas Elvis having a cup of water
Health conscious Elvis Elvis
That's good, healthy Elvis. Health conscious Elvis.
Elvis, and on the back they have these little descriptions
of the cards and it says, Elvis never was one
to tell a string of jokes during his Vegas shows.
He left that to the professional comedians who opened for him.
But that's gotta be crazy to open for Elvis.
Oh my God.
People are just so mad that you're there.
He goes, hey did you ever think about doing
at the end of that Lincoln joke?
Having it to where like, you do tags buddy? You're there did you uh do you ever think about doing at the end of that Lincoln joke?
If you could avoid any suspicious minds
For example after sipping from a glass of water he would say to the audience during the show You'll see I drink a lot of wall wall. That's because the desert air is very dry and it affects my throat
I've also got some Gatorade. It's supposed to act 12 times faster than water looks as if it's been used already to me
But if it aids my Gator what?
Printed a quote that makes no sense him rambling
Looks like piss and I drink it anyway,
is what he said.
Looks as if it's been used already to me.
But if it aids my gator, oh,
and I bet that got such a laugh to me.
Oh yeah, everyone's like,
what, he's talking about his fucking dick?
Oh, oh, he got a gatorade.
I got a hologram card, look at this.
Whoa, it's Tupac.
It's now or never
Literally struggling to open
Do this this is so funny yet to like pull it apart yeah, cuz you're the expert yeah these sometimes for on Dan Sotars podcast Just so you know on his
Saturday mornings we open up cards with the and we've stopped doing it with everybody because I think we've kind of reached the point where you go
Like you know you're talking about
saturation point yeah you when you were talking about
Bobby Bonilla, and I love my Bobby Bonilla bit
And I also still Harold him but at some point the time does go and you can't always do the same bit always oh
Wow, I got smirking Elvis childhood home
childhood home childhood home
Shotgun shack and he was born in it January 8th 1935. Oh, he's a he's a Capricorn
To how do you say that miss?
Someone just got so mad at me see this is the live series
I remember this one's like this these are part of the same live show that he did these are that they come back tours
You know, I do find it interesting that he never toured internationally
Really? He also invented the live stream
He never toured internationally. No, what a pussy. All right, this one's no it's cuz the Colonel wouldn't let him
That's what it was. I would call him in this one was wanted. This was him on the shrieking tour
This is what all the girls would see him
Colonel Parker's inspiration to have Elvis do a benefit concert for the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor
1961 turned into a total triumph show for all concerned first off show was hot
Elvis stood at the microphone and sang if his life depended on it secondly the fundraising triggered an outpouring of public support
Cuz Elvis had it like that see this is the kind of shit. I like see this is the version of Elvis
I like the most which him big thick belt on yeah, just at work. Yeah, he's relaxed where Elvis relaxed wherever whenever and however
He could here see him participating in an early 70s Easter egg hunt at his home in California.
Given his demanding schedule, it's a wonder that he ever got to relax at all.
There were songs to record, movies to make, concerts to do, and on rare occasions, television
specials to consider.
In spite of this picture, it should be obvious that Elvis never put all of his eggs in one
Oh my god.
That guy wrote that and pushed away from his desk and went, well that card's done.
Yeah, yeah, it's done.
Well, print that fucking thing up.
I'm gonna go home and have sex with my husband.
I got one here.
Is this him explaining how it's okay for him to call Priscilla
even though she's only 16 years old?
He goes, no.
He goes, no.
Now, here listen.
Here's the deal.
You have to understand.
She's the most mature woman I've ever met.
14 going on 40.
Now, here's the deal. I know it weirds out some of the boys because she still likes her
building blocks.
But I told them, hey, hey, hey, hey.
I go, how are you supposed to build a home if a girl don't like to build blocks?
They go, God damn Elvis, you really got me with that Gatorade joke and then that your
bride isn't a child
The old fliparoo they thought they had me in the first half knock alive
Honestly, thank you so much for joining
Do wish that these were I do wish we had a little bit more of the food involved. Yeah
Garbage pail kids over there too. Yeah, one of you guys just in case you started jumpsuit, dude
Look at that my dream man. Look at blue blue. There's alligator, which is
Max axe and then we have here. This is shaggy Aggie
This is making fun of women with underarm hair
Yeah, and this one here is referring to a in execution
This is a garbage pail kids those of you don't know this was a thing that we liked as we love chills
I love garbage because they took the cabbage patch kids and they're like what if they were dac and twisted and we're like, yeah
Thank you
What if Satan made his own garbage pail?
Buy it buy it, but this I find to be ignorance
Pure ignorance, I think the pedophile series with Elvis is way better
They should mix them in the same deck
than any cabbage. Hell, I'm gonna tell you, they should mix them
in the same deck.
Oh no, I got stinky McLunky and then also,
oh God, Elvis kissing a 13 year old.
Hey, hey, listen, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
America later on.
She has the lips of a woman, don't forget that.
And here's one of Elvis giving her father a Cadillac.
Oh, here's a thank you.
Hey, nothing makes you forget about your little baby girl
like keys dropping into your palm.
How you tell me, what was it like keys dropping into your palm. Oh, you're telling me
What was it like what she was in your balls?
Go sweet dearest soda
Listen to the soda podcast and check them out
He's on tour this weekend in San Diego on the 28th at the Balboa theater. Which is a great theater. Great place to see a show.
And then you're going to be in San Francisco on the second or the first?
Yeah, second.
On the second San Francisco at the Palace Fine Arts Center and then of course Grand
Rabbits Michigan, GuildaFest on March 8th. Go check out Dan Live, one of the best comedians
on earth.
I am.
Your HBO special is, it's literally the only special I've watched twice. Oh, thanks. Yeah, it's so good
I fucking love it. It's just awesome to come out here and be able to do this. I love you guys so much
Please tell Marcus I said hi. I will proud of you
by the way Marcus produced a podcast for me and micro scene in like 2008 and
Man, we should have held on to that
Day jobs yeah, he was a mover that he was a mover I was a waiter, and we just coming in bitch about stories, but we really didn't know how to podcast yet
We're going now. We're seeing his fun. He's still correct. Yeah, I love my Christine very much, but
Tell Marcus I said hi. I'm so proud of you guys
This is so cool to see you guys have your own fortress in the city of angels, dude
Thank you so much for being here check out the goddamn show. Yeah
It's the dance order soda podcast. I'll be listening to you guys
Bye as I play college football and yell about it. Yeah, dude
Bye fucker
What an amazing time we had oh I loved Dan he's the best Yeah, dude. Okay, right. Bye fucker
What an amazing time we had
Oh, I love dan. He's the best. Oh, nothing makes me happier than old new york buddies, man
I love them. They they really it's it just it warms my heart. Yeah, it's good to see him still around
It's still around. He's fucking doing amazing scratching it playing theater solo. He's doing great. So go to slash last podcast and left
You can watch us go through the whole card scenario. We're having so much fun
Also, go check us out in the big flop with Misha Brown. We talk about
Joe exotic and we really we really fit in with his audience
Go check it out. He was super funny. It was amazing. I had such a good time talking to Misha. He was so fun.
He was very sweet man.
Very, very sweet.
And then go check out all of our horseshoes on Twitch. slash LPNTV.
We have Good Pud Live this week.
At 6pm.
Yeah and next week we got Hoopagoog Games coming back on March 6th with MJ Neffel, the
wonderful Rob Hayes and Olivia Grace. It's gonna be a lot of fun
Oh, yeah, it's been a lot of fun and go last podcast and left comm and buy tickets to see us live our shows better than ever
H you next Tuesday we're going to Huntsville
Yeah, March 16th, we're gonna be fucking fucking chilling there. Side story's going big, baby.
We're going to have a lot of fun.
Come check us out.
We're going to eat some Yeoman food.
We're going to have diarrhea.
Come, please.
Watch us entertain.
We are coming from hot chicken to schnitzel, seeing what's better.
I'm very excited, because we're going to be in Nashville
with last podcast at the Ryman two days before that on March 14th.
I'm done with hot chicken. You're done with hot chicken
It's a prank. We've talked about this for the show for years. What are you talking about? Hot chicken?
It's a prank played on local play from locals on to us. Well, you get the mild. Yes. Yeah, you get mild
I have to get the money. What are you talking about? Yeah, you stole don't get the ridiculous one
I don't know delicious. I kind of was a bar. I think it's your fault. I like barbecue
We know the last time I went extreme with it. It was very bad for me. Yeah
Yeah, you can't do that man. It's bad for you also
Right after Huntsville. I'm going down, Florida, baby. I'm starting my invasive species tour on March 20th
I'm gonna be in Jacksonville the 21st and 22nd. I'm gonna be in Panama City, and I just found out
It's gonna be in Panama City, and I just found out It's gonna be spring break
Yeah, if you want to watch your boy get destroyed by a bunch of drunk horny 18 year old
Oh, you are going to be you are not gonna be in the comedy club, right?
They're gonna rip me to shreds if they do come and then the night after that on March 23rd
I'm gonna be in Tallahassee, Florida with Danny Bedrosian back at our old
Stopping ground. Oh what used to be brothers so far now the 926 bar and grill I'll be playing there
All those tickets are available on eddy tunes comm also we're gonna be doing in May going back to Florida
I'm doing some shows in Naples and Key West by myself
But in between that Henry and I got a couple side stories live.
We're doing O-Town. We're coming on to Fort Lauderdale. Yeah. Come and check us out. O-Town,
actually the tickets are doing really well. Yeah. But come check us out in Fort Lauderdale. I have
no idea what in the living fuck that's gonna be like. Oh, it's gonna be great. I've done that
place a little. Daniel Beach Improv is a great comedy club. I really love that place. I've done
it a million times with Jeff and I can't wait to come back home and see my people
And I'm gonna be there. I got the public strokes and hands. You guys are fucking ready for it. Yeah
Okay, wait, then also Atlanta we added a second show at dad's garage. Yes, we did make sure you check that
We sold out the first show and I we haven't actually announced this yet. No, we have it are on sale
Make sure you go check it out. They are available
Last podcast and I'm gonna say a thing that I don't know what it means yet. They're gonna be different formats
Yes, no, they're gonna be a different show. So if you want to come to both they will be different
Yes, which means that Henry and I are gonna riff both of them. Yep, and it's gonna be you know, but you're gonna help us
They're gonna have a structure to see they'll be a structure. Yeah
You know structures, you know, we do you've seen as long yeah
All right, he'll Satan everyone. Yes. Hail Dan Soder. Yeah, he did good fucking like