Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: The Fourth Top

Episode Date: June 19, 2024

Henry & Eddie break down this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news starting off with a case of alleged racial discrimination as lead singer of beloved Motown R&B group Four Tops says hospital p...ut him in straitjacket after not believing he was in Four Tops, Karen Read and the mysterious murder of John O'Keefe, Atlanta Bus Hijacker interviewed by News Station 45 minutes before hijacking, The other, other white meat: Snake, Chinese Zoo Tries to Make Obese Leopard Lose Weight - Fails, Listener E-Mails, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On Wizard and the Bruiser, we find all those crazy little moments in geek history that made the things we love into inescapable cultural behemoths. If you love video games, movies, comics, and anime, this is the Elpien show for you. But wait, Holden, it's not just educational. Shouldn't we talk about all those crazy boner jokes we make all the time? No, Jake! No, we will not! Fair enough. Last Podcast Network presents Wizard and the Bruiser.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Find it on your favorite podcast app and hit that little subby dubby button. Ooh, we would love it if you did that. Oh, that would help us out so much. God, wouldn't you love to do that? Don't I sound like the kind of person you want to help? Like hit the button. Like just do it.
Starting point is 00:00:43 There's no place to escape to. This is the last podcast. On the button. Like just do it. There's no place to escape to. This is the last hot cast. On the left. Side stories? That's when the cannibalism started. Side stories. Yes. Oh, shit! I will not take four-top slander.
Starting point is 00:01:29 No. Anywhere within. I can't believe we have to even have this conversation. 24-inch space around me is a four-top safety zone. Alright, well if you have anything to say about the four- Tops to me in a negative light and you're within a two foot circle of me, you best back up. Because then I spin punch. I spin punch.
Starting point is 00:01:53 If you try to tell me that Bernadette is not one of the top pop songs of all time. It is so goddamn good. Underappreciated. They love them. Love Bernadette. You know, I've seen four tops greatest hits compilations that Bernadette was not on. That hit it, Rob Bernadette. She must've been hot. No, I don't know. She definitely was
Starting point is 00:02:23 screaming. She was there. That's for certain side stories. You're welcome to it. My name is Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. Hey, how you doing? And a part of a reason why we came in hot today is because I feel that this entire bullshit country of ours is suffering from the four tops erasure and what they still mean to this country. Now for those of you that don't know, the four tops are currently are an American vocal quartet and they range and they came from old-fashioned Motown, USA. How many are there?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Demoning how many I've had. You know what I mean? Honestly, it's a good way that that is a really good drunk test. How many tops are there? But it was originally lead singer Levi Stubbs, Abdul Duke, Fakir, Ronaldo, Obi Benson, and Lawrence Payton. And they have been together. They were together for over four decades, performing amazing hits from 1953 until 1997.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And it's been such a, it's really sad, but they're now out on the road. There's still one original member left. His name is Abdul-Duke Fakir. He's still out there, but today we wanted to start real quick with a cold open story about how one of the singers of the four tops was not believed. And this is where I want to start being like,
Starting point is 00:03:44 believe all Motown singers. Absolutely. That is where hashtag believe all Motown singers. You don't know, you just trust him. If he's coming in and he's got sparkles on his socks, he's a Motown singer. Now this guy, Alexander Morris. Now he is suing a hospital.
Starting point is 00:04:02 He's the newest member. And by newest, you mean probably been there for like at least 15 years. Well, he's been there since 2018. Oh, and he's newest. I mean, he is like the, he's the, the one who's going to die last. Well, I don't know. Not anymore. We'll see. And so he came in, he's, he's doing the lead singing for right now. The four tops here on the road, constantly, always working, never tiring. He had a lot of problems.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Alexander Morris has had a lot of cardiac issues. He's 53 years young. It's sad. You know, it's actually not that far from us, but he's taking, you know, we had clear symptoms of cardiac distress. He went into Ascension Macomb Oakland Hospital. This was in 2023, April of 2023. He said he was having problems, difficulty breathing and chest pains. And he said they put them
Starting point is 00:04:50 on all of this stuff. They were going to put all the, they started the emergency process for him having a heart attack. And then he said, Hey, which is also, it might be a bit much. This is the thing when I, any celebrity, this is my people out there from people out there that are vaguely well known. Before you say, Hey, listen, I got to be protected from the fans. You might want to say, handle my heart attack first. Yes. Right. Just being like, well, get the heart attack of the way name put into the hospital records because he said, because people, so TMZ comes that shit. Like people, like they release the information that, you know, people are coming to the hospital, especially on the West coast. And somebody like him knows like, but it is interesting because he was like, Hey, I don't want anybody to know the
Starting point is 00:05:32 four tops are in the emergency room. Because as we know, and I know Gen Z I've seen tick tock. I know you guys are all like, Oh, smokey Robson can't sit down. I know how it is. Absolutely. I know. But he said, Hey, due to my security, I'm concerned about being out here after my name being on there. I'm concerned for stalkers and fans. They definitely have stalkers. Everybody that unfortunately, yeah, they got sexy. And instead of believing this man and saying like, Oh, you know, they just assumed immediately, Oh, he's completely insane. And he's checked him into the psych ward. Just straight jacket. Oh yeah. They made him take all of the stuff out of his pockets. They, they should have
Starting point is 00:06:16 to check his ID as he's having a heart attack. And he's like, look at my ID. It says it's a four tops themed driver's license. Like it is incredible. I didn't know that they sold those by the way. And I do want one of those. I want a podcaster. I want a licensed podcaster driving flies driving license to talk. I kind of want a four tops one. That would be sweet. So he said, Hey, I'm a member of the four tops. They said, no, you're not. They went, they gave, and then they just fucking forgot that he was having a heart attack. They put him through all this like psych ward bullshit and now he's suing Side okay. Yeah, you almost side. It's horrible. It's horrifying. Yeah, and what do we know Eddie?
Starting point is 00:06:51 What do we know if you're gonna lie about being a Motown singer? You're gonna say temptation that you're in the temptation Yeah, what are we doing here? Because there's 14 of them. Yeah, all right Yeah, if you're gonna choose Motown guy, of course, I think there's five of them 14 of them. Yeah. All right. Yeah. If you're going to choose Motown guy, of course, there's five of them. And plus the band, plus the funk, but I didn't know which one was considered the notation and which was considered band member. Well, the band members are the ones that play the instrument, but they don't play any instruments. They don't even play a drum. The funk brothers are the same people who play on the four top songs. No shit. Dude, you never see. No. Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:25 No, they're one of the best. They have more hits than any other band. This is not from the wrecking crew documentary, right? No, they have their own documentaries. Standing in the shadows of Motown. Oh yeah. I gotta see that again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's unbelievable. Oh, that's great. But it's sad because four tops being erased from pop culture. This is because of this is because of the erasure of four tops. Yeah. And we just have to remember and you guys got to remember and yeah this might sound like old men talking but no it's fucking important. Yeah. No honestly if you've never heard of the Four Tops get the Reach Out album. It's so good. Sit down with it. It's too good. It is so good. Walk Away Renee is one of my
Starting point is 00:08:02 fucking favorite songs ever. Hit it Rob. Yeah baby. And when the sea is dry That pours away Hey, cut it, cut it, cut it. We can't, we're gonna get sued. We're not drive time yet. Soon, but not yet. So yeah, this was just one of these stories I saw
Starting point is 00:08:22 and I was like, I can't believe these fucking monsters. And I can't honestly, I can't necessarily pick out the four tops, but I'd recognize if he told me that he was, he says that the security guard ordered him to sit his black ass down. That is not what you say. That is wild. Anybody, anyone, anyone, especially one of the tops. Oh my God. Right? No one says this to the fucking any members of the Commodore. It's shooting teeth by the way. Yeah dude. Fuck seriously. Seriously. Has anybody said this to a members of the miracles? All right. So check yourself before the wreck yourself. And I only hope the Vandellas are treated with more respect.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Absolutely. Now, next... A little bit of updates. All right, so we got a couple of great updates. Number one, chickens, we asked, as I always do, because why look up science? Now while we're talking, you don't want to interrupt these precious bits. Honestly, I feel like these emails teach me more than if I went and researched it myself. This is what I'm saying. Is that when I say people make fun of me for making ridiculous
Starting point is 00:09:32 requests of the side stores, LPOTL, the Gmail. It's better than Google. Oh, so much easier. Yeah. Because then I arrive and they're already curtailed. So I ask straight up, what are eggs from a chicken? And and they are it's periods Yeah, chickens just have them every day apparently. Yeah, dude, that's gotta be exhausting Every day a chicken squirts out an egg. That's four to five years. So brave. It's almost like a punishment
Starting point is 00:09:59 I think the chicken should be president The chicken can go through that. The chicken be able to handle Putin. Oh yeah, absolutely. Every single day you luck off the excellent funny stuff. Sounds funny. Yeah, sure. Funny little chicken based joke, but that's actual hardcore fucking international politics.
Starting point is 00:10:20 All right. And this is all about chicken cross the road to go kick the shit out of Vladimir Putin. Kill a bunch of spies. You should get the fuck out of Ukraine. That's what that chicken did. But yeah, chicken eggs of periods. So I've been at three periods this morning. Yeah. And a roost roosters, roosters do fuck them to fertilize the, I mean that I knew that I knew I just didn't know where to straight up eggs. What I didn't know was that sometimes a rooster will fuck a chicken and if the chicken don't think the rooster's hot She'll squirt out his jizz That was an email
Starting point is 00:10:54 That's true quality. See you try to fight that Supreme Court with her chicken president Because chicken president will make it very legal for every woman to squirt out the comment of the guy They don't want fucking have the baby of. All right. You know, that's called a wet abortion. Isn't that funny? So, but yes, thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Side stories listeners really honestly learn quite a bit. People brought up again, the rotisserie chicken mystery, which we've been covering. They said it was also really weird is that it was a hundred yards away from the trail. So someone had to walk away to dump all the rotisserie chickens. What I also got was a very couple, sensical responses saying that like, they probably went bad.
Starting point is 00:11:36 This guy just went to go dump them. I've also got more and more. But there are trash cans. Dude, our listening audience, and I mean this, is of all the weird, dark industries to be a part of, like, I have not gotten so many messages about like ever talking about like hardcore drugs or bootlicking alcohol or trying to help people get abortions across state
Starting point is 00:12:00 lines, that kind of stuff. But I've received so much email about family members of our listeners being involved in the illegal meat trade. And how much illegal meat activity happens in this country. How often rotisserie chickens are just sold out of the backs of cars stolen from grocery stores, which makes a lot of sense because we have a lot of people worth... I always feel bad when you see this, like, you know, I like my body cam footage, but it may always feel extremely bad for people that are arrested for buying, for stealing groceries. I find that extremely sad because that's like one of those things where there's got to be a way
Starting point is 00:12:38 for them to have that food. Like that's fucked. Like they should be able to like keep the food. If you're stealing from a family market, I don't like it. But if you're stealing from fucking Kroger, you got to take it. Unfortunately, some people got to eat and that's how they got to do it. And it's really fucked and it sucks. But like they would a lot of stuff. But it's interesting. There's a whole side market for stuff like this. The people are selling meat that they either get somehow and they just sell it.
Starting point is 00:13:02 So there's a lot of it. And I want in. Yeah, man. Yep. No, no, it's not the mob worked with a lot lot of it. And I want in. Yeah, man. Yep. No, no. It's the mob worked with a lot of me. No, I want in. I want in. But you hear very little about the mob and meat anymore. For some reason, I feel like they're just, you know, not as active as they used to be in general. They are not. They're mostly in the waste management.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It's waste management and construction. And a lot of times they just flip the legit. Yeah, there's too many cameras now. But keep the illegal activities up unless you own the cameras and then you own and then the cops come and you pay them off. Yeah, because you but it's mostly, you know, it's illegal shipping. We'll find out once I'm in there. That's right. New Mafioso Henry Zabrowski.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Just join it. Just try to make a little independent mafia. Can't we support our independent mafia? I'm sick of this Main Street mafia. Fuck yeah dude. What about the little guy? Yeah. The little guy is trying to make it in the waste management business. The Missouri mafia. There has to be some. Yeah. Well, St. Louis is a lot of mob. Yeah. Yes it does. Yeah. a lot of Bob. Yeah. Yes, it does. Yeah. What do you got to do? All right. What do you, which do we do first? Let's talk about Karen Reed. Yes. Thank you. That was what I meant. Now I got a lot of mail asking for us to talk about Karen Reed in this trial. Now for just a quick sum up, I've watched a couple hours
Starting point is 00:14:21 of the footage. I've been watching the police testify. It is very interesting. So for those of you that don't know, Karen Reed is 44 years old, out of Mansfield, this is Massachusetts. Apparently, they are involved, and they have allegedly, and they've pled not guilty to charges of including second degree murder and the death of her boyfriend, John O'Keefe, who is a Boston police officer. Now, where all of this stuff gets really complicated is that essentially Karen Reed and John O'Keefe went out after a night of drinking. Now,
Starting point is 00:14:56 this is a bunch of Massachusetts cops that are literally drinking and driving all night partying and doing a bunch of stuff that they're not supposed to do. So these cops, you see footage, Karen Reed, John O'Keefe kind of joking back and forth at a bar. You see this footage at the bar. They then leave. You then don't hear anything else for hours. We know that Karen Reed, John O'Keefe and several other police went to go to some other second location for the nightcap. Yeah, that house party afterwards. The after party. The after party. And so apparently during that time period,
Starting point is 00:15:28 John O'Keeffe got lost in the shuffle. So John O'Keeffe was supposed to arrive at this family of police's house, which I believe is the, and the house was owned by this fairly well-known police officer in the Boston area. So it was like a club where they also kind of went to go to hang out.
Starting point is 00:15:45 And so Karen Reed and John O'Keefe were supposed to meet there. They apparently outside of this quote unquote party, they say that they got maybe some form of altercation. We don't know. They had been fighting. They had been fighting. We know that through their text messages.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Absolutely. But you know, cause there's nothing more I gotta say, I imagine more reasonable than a Boston police officer and his very intense girlfriend. I've known lots of police officers. They do date intense women and they are, they yell, they yell, they yell. And so they went out there and so they had this party. And so then John O'Keefe then is hit by, according to them, she backed him over with her SUV and killed him and drove off. Left the scene of the accident.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Now we're like, this is kind of where it all spills out. So when the scene of the accident is this police officer's house, this is a different police officer, a different police where they all want to go hang out. This kind of like vaguely famous police officer, this guy that they've all known for a long time, a reputable guy. And so now they're saying is that obviously the prosecution is saying Karen Reed killed her boyfriend in cold blood in an accident and then left them to die. And mostly it's because of a misspelled Google search that came from, I believe it came from Karen Reed. They believe it came from Karen Reed.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It says how long someone die in colds, ostensibly. Right? And so they're thinking, she got into this fight with him, left him unconscious on the fucking lawn, and then expected him to freeze to death, and I guess be covered up by snow. Well, not a lot of quote unquote thinking was involved. But Karen Reed is presupposed
Starting point is 00:17:20 that this group of police officers have framed her for murder. Now, it's the entire trial. It's fishy as fuck. The whole thing is that there's so much more than what you laid out a bunch, but there's so much more. It's a lot. It's stuff like why was the glass found from the broken taillight that hit John O'Keefe supposedly? Why was it under the snow? Why did they have to go dig and look for it? Apparently several days later, it wasn't found on the night in question.
Starting point is 00:17:51 And then there's the weird, all the guys that were all hanging out, they're all saying, we didn't hang out. We didn't go and we were, he was there and they were there. They were there. That's kind of this big discrepancy about trying to prove whether or not he was hanging out with that group or not. They don't know. Why was John O'Keefe covered in dog bites? He was bitten by a dog a lot. And the guy who it was a German shepherd and the guy who owned the house used to own the German shepherd and the dog has since been given away.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I believe yes, they gave the dog away. So like that, what's that? I don't know. And then he also had the, Michael Proctor was the head investigation, also then was forced in an extremely entertaining slash humiliating fashion, forced Reed these texts that he sent to his cohorts at the police station. I don't know if it was necessarily coworkers,
Starting point is 00:18:44 but people he knew, awful shit about Karen Reed Reed saying every word under the sun about her. You know what I mean? Like calling like really, really intense, but again, that's not against the law to hate on somebody, but especially if you think she killed a cop and you're a cop. And of course you're not going to have nice things to say about her in private conversations with the fucked up piece. He said fucked up shit. He said stuff like looking through her phone now. So sad, hate that I can't find nudes like shit like that. So he's all pieces of shit. So they're sort of torpedoing Michael Proctor's character,
Starting point is 00:19:15 but also trying to put this story together. But also it's not a lock about whether or not the cops did it. There is still that Google search and there is still like, they are still trying to say that the injuries match getting hit by a car and they have experts on either side. Except for the dog bites. Except for the dog bites. Don't know where that came from.
Starting point is 00:19:34 So it's a mess, but it's fascinating. And so we were, to me, this whole trial is more about like, how much evidence you have to roll into a courtroom in order to convince a jury that police have fucking framed you for a murder. Well now she's trying to take the stand. Oh, of course she wants to take the whole thing. And I'm, I'm interested to see, but it is a very, very like, but it's lots of weird shit going on.
Starting point is 00:20:02 There's a lot of weird shit going on. I don't necessarily believe. I think everyone's lying. I think that there is a real story here that is much more fucked up that we just don't know about. You could like cops do cover for each other. Yeah. All the time, especially, especially if they can kind of validate what's happened.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Like let's say it was an accident. We all know the thin blue line exists. especially, especially if they can kind of validate what's happened. Like let's say it was an accident. We all know the thin blue line exists. That's what they do and the idea is that they... But then, but to convince a jury of that is extremely difficult. Yeah. Because we are trained to trust the police and people like that, that go against the fucking... The grain grain essentially. They literally are like
Starting point is 00:20:46 fucking with their own perception of the police in order to hide behind it. Yeah. So I mean, who fucking knows, but if anybody's got a case against the police, it's this one. I've never seen, I haven't seen one go like this because normally like you hear frame people scream frame all the time and it's So difficult to prove because you got a piece it all together I mean, I imagine like you could do that Google search knowing that he was walking in the snow Or hoping he's dying or it could be one or the other you could be concerned or you did Did not you maybe you don't. Maybe you're so hammered. Yeah. You don't understand that you just killed your boyfriend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:31 God it's very possible. Utterly possible. Because you could do all of the shit. She could have been like, as a mailbox. Uh oh. You know like, mailbox made a funny noise. I mean. I think it's crazy that a police officer doesn't have like a ring camera outside of his house. Well, he probably did. I just got rid of it. That's the thing. If there is, if there is information on that ring camera that would have fucked with the police's story. Yeah. They would have to leave that. And I'm sure that the inside of the house probably doesn't seem like it was a crime scene at any point because Because they didn't. And then because when they showed up and they were like, oh, this is accidental, accidental vehicular homicide. And because the two of the paramedics,
Starting point is 00:22:14 one says that Karen Reed said something along the lines of, I did this, I did this. And we just don't know whether or not you could take that as a confession or not. That was like one of those. That's like a big contending point in this. And they then because they immediately assumed it was accidental vehicular homicide or whatever that's called manslaughter. They did not go in and investigate inside. And then they got the super important cop that was inside the house came out and said, all this stuff happened out here, which I totally understand,
Starting point is 00:22:41 because he knows what happens when police come in your house. Guess what they do Fucking ripped out the curtains they fucking rip up the good like it's horrible It's bad what they do to your house, but he also had other bruises that seemed like he didn't get hit by a car There's a lot of weird shit seems like he was beat up too There we don't know because that's the real main story line is then what happened to him Is it like these guys all dislike him because that's what they're trying. That's what's hard It's not they're trying to say that the crew that was hanging out that night could have killed John O'Keefe themselves Because they didn't like him, but that has to be set up too
Starting point is 00:23:16 I have to see that as a juror me I love being it all-powerful juror at home Yeah, it's my favorite because I I just go like, life dance. Like as I'm watching, it'll be like, I don't believe you. You're so ready for jury duty that you'll never get it because of that. If we could do it over Zoom, that'd be great. You know what I mean? Honestly, if we can kind of fold it into my schedule, I would really enjoy it. If I could just do, honestly, you know what I'm best for jury duty?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Around 1130 after I've had a couple. Because that's when I'm really dialed in. That's when the opinions start to flow. Really ready to judge. Can I give a hypothetical for this whole situation? Yes. I think, you know, there's no proof of any of this. This is just my- There's no proof.
Starting point is 00:23:56 We're still just talking about a trial. We are two fucking idiots. Yeah, yeah. Just talking about a trial from the side. Yeah, no, I don't know anything. But I will say that what if the situation where she hit him? He's fucked up screaming in the front yard. They come outside They already don't like him and then just finish the job. I
Starting point is 00:24:19 Don't know any you know Yeah, that is very possible You know, like that sounds crazy. No way. Eddie. Oh yeah. That is very possible. But the thing is that you have to set up a motive because that's the key. Why? What did he do to fuck? If I hear something about those guys, but I need to know a hint as a jury member of what it is that the, why would they just kill their buddy?
Starting point is 00:24:41 Why if it did not happen accidentally, why did they just kill their buddy? If he was, if he wasn't, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's crazy. And they easily could have went over to her house and banged out that tail light and took the shit back. They already show you that how if Michael Proctor did one too, when they came back, they found that big piece of glass that came off of the back tail, tail light. They'd found it under the snow. He was like, Oh, look, it's over here. And he pulled it up. And then also, then one of
Starting point is 00:25:09 the other police officers swear that they had prior footage of the car, the SUV in question, and the tail light was already cracked. So we don't know. Again, it's all of this. This is really could be one of those where the jury is going to have to decide. Nothing's the full lock right now. I wouldn't be surprised if there's another trial. I mean, it might definitely could be a hanged jury. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:34 It's not going well. It's just like, you know, it is, it's fascinating because you're watching it really is it comes down to that character assassination too. It's like once you watch the cops all being like, it's hard to believe them. Once you hear, once you see them calling a woman that's you're supposed to be your friend's girlfriend and you're calling her the fucking British fun word, right? All over your fucking text chain. No one's going to like you anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah. I think I just for everyone, just throwing this out there, not that I want to help criminals ever, but never text anything. Ever. Ever text anything. Don't instant message. Don't email. You know, I've been doing recently.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I write in the flesh color tone of my belly and that by just pushing my finger in and then it goes back to pink. There you go. Yeah. So you don't even know records, no records whatsoever. None. And you are pink. Getting pinker. Vividly so. Vividly so. So yeah, this story coming out of Atlanta is completely insane. It really is. You can probably start with the main story and then we'll cycle around to where the, where this guy started. Yeah. So like the main story is there was a fella who was not in the best of moods and he hijacked
Starting point is 00:26:53 a bus from downtown Atlanta with 17 people on board while holding a gun to the driver's head. Whoa. Like Keanu Reeves speed. Well, I mean the opposite. I mean, Keanu Reeve, there was a bomb on the bus and everyone who was on the bus was like, you know, like trying to be safe. It's like speed. Sure. The, so this dude, he's, I guess he's bipolar and
Starting point is 00:27:17 he's been arrested 19 previous times. He is a full violent. He's been through a lot. Crazy guy. Yeah. And he killed one of the people, one of the hostages, he shot one of them and they died. And eventually he, you know, he got caught and he got rid of the hostages. He gave him back and all that stuff. But the weird part is right before he did this, there was another shooting in downtown Atlanta that he was a witness to. And then he was interviewed by a reporter about being a witness to this other separate crime that was not him. You know, we're going to see him.
Starting point is 00:28:03 We got the footage because they released the footage of the interview. So we'll listen to the interview of this gentleman. His name is Greer. His name is Joseph Greer. Now he was, he was out in front of the Peachtree center mall, which is really, really sad because that's like right near the convention center, which is right near where dragon cotton is done. So it's, it's, you know, it's fucked up. Atlanta's intense. I mean, you know, people get shot all over town.
Starting point is 00:28:29 This doesn't mean we feel better. Yeah. I'd say there's someone was shot down in LA live recently. It just happens. I know, but I'm saying like, I've been there where he's talking about it. I mean, he personally kind of sad. I mean, it's like when you meet a celebrity one time and then it's you die and you're going to have a great Instagram day.hmm. You know I mean, yeah just for one day that is nice. So there you go. There's that let's go Let's go to this video. It's the interview by a interview by a reporter 40 minutes before he hijacked the bus first plus targets it tell what happened because I this is making me a snitch I feel like you know saying, you know, I'm not snitch on nobody wrong. There's somebody bad
Starting point is 00:29:04 This is Joseph Greer, the man I met on Tuesday afternoon after a shooting at the Peachtree Center Mall Food Court. At that time we got behind the side is I'm sorry, I'm in the crew. It was how this is well sparkle thing. So so you ran in him at that time because I've also heard shooting. I don't have a gun dog. This is the man authorities say hijacked a bus later that day bipolar. Let me tell you all that. I'm all the medication for like two weeks, but great, he gonna give it to me. So I'm leaving out of the thing.
Starting point is 00:29:29 So I see the shooter, you know what I'm saying? I guess the shooter, to me he a little, cuz I'm 6'5, 285. So this is the first guy on the scene right here with the curly hair, with the waves. He the one who stopped me from being. The shooting at the food court Greer says he witnessed happened around 2 15 yesterday afternoon. I interviewed Greer around 3 45 for about four minutes before having to get back on live tv at 4 20 that same afternoon Greer is
Starting point is 00:29:51 accused by Atlanta police of boarding and hijacking a bus and killing a passenger 58 year old Ernest Burr jr. Throughout our conversation it was tough to keep Greer on track. So you saw you think the shooter Yeah I don't I mean talking crazy. And then the cop talked to him, and he ran. That's when the whole shoot happened. He tells me he's bipolar, had been off his medication for two weeks, and is in a quote, manic episode.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Right now I'm in an extreme mode. And it's like, when I see him, I was in extreme mode. So I was already in this for two weeks. So it's like, he two weeks in, he about to get stabbed. I got knives. I got that on me. You know what I'm saying? Like, I protect myself.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I can't get a gun. Pulling out and showing me what looked like a utility knife Yeah, so he uh, he's not doing well and he's yeah He kept talking about how like he could he could take care of it himself But he was in extreme mode and he would have went over there He's lucky that he didn't get over there because it was an extreme mode Then he showed the report of the knife and then he what we said when we were watching the video before Because we're like, he keeps
Starting point is 00:30:46 saying he doesn't have a gun over and over and over again. But then he hijacked the bus with a gun, which makes me think he had a gun like the entire time. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So I think that most of the time, It was a defense mechanism. The only correct decision this man made was not telling a person
Starting point is 00:31:06 on camera. He had a gun on him. We kept saying that he couldn't have one and couldn't get one. Yeah. And he was, he was doing that thing where he was like holding a watch. He was going to sell it, but then he was like gesturing with it. He was just gesturing with it. He's in extreme mode, buddy. He can't keep a watch on. First of all, where is he going? Did he have to catch that bus? Is that why he needed the watch? Yeah. I mean, who knows what even made that escalate to the next?
Starting point is 00:31:32 I tell you what. It's jealousy. He was watching another crime happen and everybody was getting super, he's getting all his attention. He's sad because it's FOMO. FOMO. That's the whole thing. He wants to fucking be, he wants to be in there. He wants to fight John McClane. He thinks if he steals a bus, Keanu Reeves will show up to stop
Starting point is 00:31:53 him on the bus and then he'll get to meet Keanu Reeves. Because guess what? He's always in Atlanta filming. Is he? Oh yeah. I mean it's a good idea. That's where all the stars are. They don't even live here anymore. That's good for them. In LA. It's all like all we got right now is like weird right-wing influencers He got a very intense Russian oil money Mm-hmm and and nipples. Yeah, lots of nipples. That's what LA's got covered that thigh meat too You know like where you see like it's not as much as that my but not still not the same knee high socks And they got the short skirt and it's got that little bit of thigh You know time with that look what you know
Starting point is 00:32:32 Like when a lady wears like really high socks and she has like a shorter skirt on and then there's that little bit of thigh Like Britney Spears. I mean, yeah lots of lots of people like weird like you do not like that Lots of people. Like weird like you just- Do you not like that? I mean I'm just never noticed- You have to know what I'm talking about. Well I never noticed it as like a look. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Like a normal look. Like all the time look. Like I see it as sort of like if you're dressing as a sexy nurse. Oh yeah, sexy nurse is definitely weird. Or like sexy compression socks. Ooh, sexy diabetes. Sexy diabetes with a rest use looking good. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I'm going on the plane, baby I need my my squeezy socks. Yes, guess what baby your ankles on the only thing are gonna be swelling on this flight. I Looked like I must got diabetes at the dickin balls Because they must need some sugar. Yeah speaking of swell you looking nice Atlanta Speaking of swell, you looking nice. Nice. Atlanta. Atlanta. I do think it should be harder to steal a bus. I mean, you have a gun and you put a dude in a headlock and you put the gun against his head. I feel like that's difficult.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Well, what if you do a thing where you make all the wheels shut down and make it so they can't drive? You hit the brake? Or take the key out. I just mean there's like a fail safe thing that you pull out or maybe there's like a thing with bus drivers where they have to only your ID can turn it on. Like you have to put your finger down like you do with a MacBook. Oh you want special fingerprints? That would be cool.
Starting point is 00:33:59 For the buses. Would that be cool? Yeah it'd be great. But at the same time he's got a gun to his head. And so you just put your fingerprint, you start it for him. I'd be like, this bus is my son. If you steal this bus, you may as well steal my wife. You might as well just kill me. You're going to take it. Oh you are huh? Yeah, I Give it to you Make sure you cradle the trigger
Starting point is 00:34:46 Where do co-captain You will be able to be right driving this bus for the rest of our lives Thank you so much. Mr. New co-captain What's your name? Joseph? That's the best name I've ever heard, Joseph. Tell me where you want to go. Make sure to pull the cord when it's your style. Ding ding. You're funny, Joseph. So you're not really gonna kill me, right? There's no way to do that to your favorite bus driver. He did kill a different passenger. Yes, well that guy was annoying. There's a chance, I guess.
Starting point is 00:35:31 He was distracting. Yes. You definitely should always say nothing when the guy hijacks the bus. I'm in my lane, got my hot AirPods on. Yeah, I probably wouldn't even know. Oh, yay! You should get up and go to your stop. You know, like you guys being aggressive. Yeah. Well, anyway, gotta go talk about come
Starting point is 00:35:54 my bus stop us here. Better go do my job where I talk about come a lot. We have fun. You ladies come. Honestly, this is for my show. I need to know. All right. Well there's a new white beat in town, Henry. Oh no, I don't need competition. Yeah, man. No, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's, it's a new thing. It's been going on and it seems like it's really helpful. There are plenty of these farms in Southeast Asia. Yeah. And it is Python meat. Now it's partially because we got a Python infestation going on in the Everglades. This is something that we should be adopting, but we're not. Well, cause this side. So what is it saying that we should be able, we should be eating snake meat? Apparently it's a really good
Starting point is 00:36:50 idea to eat Python. Why? Well, for one thing they, it's a healthier meat. It is? Yeah. Cause it's muscly. It's like, it's like a white meat. Have you ever had snake? No, I've never eaten snake. I want to try it now. I've had snake. Was it Python? No, it was just snake. Yeah. So when I tell you this story, I told you this story. Where were you?
Starting point is 00:37:13 I was doing your pretty faces going to hell and one of the makeup artists that was the human side, not the demon side, but they had to hit a snake with their car and then cooked it. They ate a bunch of roadkill snake. Okay. And I a bunch of snake out of a paper cup on set. You, before you did a television show, before you were on camera, you ate snake out of a paper cup. Cause adults win. That is irresponsible. It's not real television. I wouldn't eat snake before doing this podcast. Just a television show. You should know you need, if you're going to eat something crazy out of a paper cup, you need time in case you need to recover. I just went right to set. I did it on my way to set. I just ate the bunch of snake and it's not very good. Well,
Starting point is 00:37:55 continue please. Why it's great. Oh, it was hit by a car. And then it was a makeup person. Oh yeah. I'm sure it was delightfully cooked. Boiled rattlesnake and you're fucking sitting here complaining about it. I won't let him come at you, Katie. And I'm sorry. I don't know who you are. But yeah, so I guess with Python what's good about it, because Rob just pulled up on Southern Fried Python. Yeah, no, it looks really good.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Ooh, big chunks. The thing what makes it such a good farmable animal is how much they grow and how little water and food they need to survive. We're already going to get pushback a lot from our snake community because our snake community feels very close to their snakes. But these would be ones that you're making for eating. So they wouldn't be as friendly. It's almost, it's there.
Starting point is 00:38:41 They're kind of pitching it as a good replacement for pork. Well, because people plus pork is bad for the environment. The main thing with those big animals is that they're bad for the environment because the fart. It's easy to pick up and clean. It is. Yeah. There's just little pellets. Really? Yeah. And they barely, you don't need any water. Wow. They need 90% less sustenance than cows and pigs. No, and I know that this will be a shift. And they eat like rats and shit. So they eat the vermin. So what are they saying now? So they were using this in Asia and how much meat has this replaced in Asia?
Starting point is 00:39:17 That I don't, that I can't answer. But they've studied about 4,600 Python. So it's relatively new and it was farmed in Thailand and Vietnam. They were tested, the effects during feeding regiments, the snakes were fed once per week. And they're never force fed. No locally sourced food, including wild caught rodents, pork byproducts and fish pellets are regularly measured and weighed over the 12 month period. Can I talk about an X factor here that I'm a little concerned about? Just the farm full of snakes? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah, no, no, no. It's the idea of a field. Yeah. Which is crawl with snakes, right? And then also like- Containing the snake seems like it's the biggest issue. I feel that like pigs are cute, right? And that's fine.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And that farmers are already, how do we put this different? Well, I mean, they're not- Farmers are different types of people. I imagine a snake is harder to fuck than a horse, a cow, or a pig. But is that good or bad? Well, you think they're gonna be sexually repressed
Starting point is 00:40:21 because they're not fucking the animals? Is that what your theory is? What do they do then? They live their lives like a normal human being. But if they, if they, you brought this up. I didn't bring up fucking the animals. No, you did. You brought up fucking the animals. You brought up fucking the animals, Rob. Did he not just bring up fucking animals? I can't even remember anymore. You brought it up. I. Shut the fuck up. But look here, the snakes are in cages. It's a farm. Yeah, it's a farm.
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's a snake farm. And to me, Python's, Henry. Thank you. I was jinxed. So I wasn't allowed to talk. But it's like, I know, I understand that this. Yes, I see what you're saying. The snakes, I just feel that it would make them worse.
Starting point is 00:41:10 But no, you postulate it. If you postulate that they are fucking these animals enough for it to offset other activities that they do. And now we're saying we're having an unfuckable animal is the animal that they are gonna raise. we're saying we're having an unfuckable animal is the animal that they are gonna raise. What happens to the people? I have way more faith in farmers than you do. I never said anything about I'm saying I want them to do what they need to do to take care of themselves. Oh yeah? So that's
Starting point is 00:41:38 what they got to do. I don't blame them. Julie's out of town for two weeks. Yeah. I'm masturbating. That's what you do. Well, yeah. You know, you're not a farmer. You don't have these tight horse pussies waggling around everywhere with no mouths to tell everybody what's going on. We did recently learn that horse genitalia is very similar to human. I'm saving that letter. Yeah. Well, for our letters section. We'll get to it later. Yes, we'll get to it later. But I think yes, having thousands of snakes around seems dangerous and crazy. If you go in, that's right. Because how many pounds of meat can you get per snake?
Starting point is 00:42:14 Well, I mean, I don't know how big a python, but pythons can get up to like 15 feet, 16 feet long, sometimes even 20. So you just go in and you come running out, running out screaming like your pee wee hermit. If you forget to feed a python for months, it lives and doesn't lose that much body weight. Now, but if you keep feeding it, they grow fast. And so like, whereas like a cow, you'll need to have it around for a long time. Whereas like a python, it'll grow and within a year it'll get huge. What website is this Rob? Now python meat now that's how much is that for? Wow it's a hundred dollars a pound. That's a lot. That's a lot for python meat. That's a
Starting point is 00:42:54 lot for python meat but it would be cheaper if it was a more oftenly farm. Of course. Now I think now the one thing that strikes as weird to me is how do you cull all these snakes? Do you have to gas them? Oh, I imagine you just strangle them. You fight them with your own. I feel like that's gotta be an issue. Like how do we go in the guy? You get the guy with the big hands. Oh yeah. The psychopath shows up and like, I'm just so glad to do something. Roberto Durand. It's just so nice to have something legal to do. It's nice to have a job that the government can know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And like, and it's all he does is fucking strangles snakes. Or punch them to death. Do you remember? When? When? When? Slam them like a fucking old belt. You got to snap them.
Starting point is 00:43:42 You got to snap them. I think gassed them probably. I don't know. I don't want to eat anything that was gassed. Yeah, probably not. Probably not good, right? You probably shouldn't pull their brains out one by one. No, it seems like it'd be difficult. Put your backs against the wall. The best part is the snake is all back. Which way is the back? Which way is the front? Face the wall, you dirty snake! Face the wall, we really eradicate you!
Starting point is 00:44:09 I think they have to kill him with hammers. That's what it sounds like, yeah. Yeah, but uh... What? Yeah, you have to bash their heads in. I thought that was a bit... You have to kill these snakes with hammers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 So in order to get the supposedly fucking sustainable meat there has to be a psychopath that has to go out To a field with snakes no more cow farts. No more pink rivers of pigs Now I got the guy with the snake hammer that I can't put back in the fucking hold Now I got the guy who's so used to killing thousands of snakes with a hammer. He's ungovernable Talk about he that's who needs the release. Not the guys fucking the animals. The guy's gonna kill someone. He's just gonna bash a bunch of snakes,
Starting point is 00:44:53 heads in with hammers. You don't think that- And then we'll eat the snakes. You don't think this is gonna be like Sealed Team Six where you're gonna train them to do all this shit and then he's not gonna know when to stop. Cause you know those guys- Well hopefully there's thousands of snakes. There's enough snakes. You'll be stop. Because you know, those guys want to kill shit. There's enough snakes.
Starting point is 00:45:06 You'll be busy after you kill Osama bin Laden. Are you allowed to kill anything you want? I guess. Side stories, LP, OTA, the Gmail, like, they allow to kill Americans just if they're ordered to. Right. If they're ordered to kill an American, I imagine they're. But I don't think they're supposed to. Technically, they're not supposed to come against us.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I don't think I don't know. I mean, you're using SEAL Team six for something, I feel like that's past my grasp. And I imagine they would kill any of us if they had the chance. SEAL Team Six would be good with this. Snake Team Six. Snake Team Six. That would be fun as hell. Yeah, absolutely. But I want to try this. I think it's no one, we don't really eat that many carnivores. And so I find that to be something that might be weird here. They're gross. We have alligator tail.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Well, they're largely. They're largely. We don't find them palatable as a species. Well, fish. We fish. Fish eat fish. But yeah, that's like not like a. Like a lion.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Yeah, no, I mean, a lion meat is not supposed to be very good. Yeah. Dog meat's not very good. Not necessarily, no. Yeah, no. I mean, a lion meat is not supposed to be very good. Yeah. Dog meat's not very good. Not necessarily. No. Yeah. No. Unless you raise them for me. Yeah. Cats. Yeah. They're historically extremely bad for me because of the parasites that cats carry. Dolphins you can't eat because all the mercury.
Starting point is 00:46:18 But honestly, I still feel like we need to take care of them because they're the ones that are our real competition. What do you mean? With who? Dolphins with us. What do you mean? With who? Dolphins with us. What do you mean there are competition? They got thumbs now. No, they don't have thumbs.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Yes, they do. Look it up, Rob. Who has dolphins have thumbs? Yeah, they had a dolphin shot with they saw a thumb show up on a dolphin. And my first thing is you need to shoot that thing in the fucking head. Oh, he's got a deformed fin. That's a thumb. That's not a thumb.
Starting point is 00:46:44 That's a baby beginner's thumb. If he was holding something, I would be, you know, he still like can only, if you play him in rock, paper, scissors, he can still only throw paper. Without trigger discipline, that dolphin is as dangerous as Alec Baldwin. I mean, yeah, I'm saying two thumbs. Yep. Wow. See, that's fucking bad, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I think he's just deformed. No,, he's got two thumbs. Yep. Wow. See, that's fucking bad, dude. I think he's just deformed. No, but it's got two thumbs. It would be different if it was on both, if it was on one, then you'd say it's deformed. That's bad. It's got thumbs. It shouldn't have thumbs. I think he is a deformed dolphin.
Starting point is 00:47:16 As soon as I see a second dolphin with thumbs, I'll start getting more worried. If there's more than one dolphin, but you agree. If we see a second dolphin with thumbs, we shoot it in the head. Why? Because it can't. It's beautiful. dolphin, but you agree. If we see a second dolphin with thumbs, we shoot it in the head. Why? Because it can't. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:47:28 No, it's not. It's not. It's plotting. We could train dolphins. We train them to fucking take our jobs. They thought they could train Adolf Hitler. Who? The Nazis.
Starting point is 00:47:37 He created, what are you talking about? Now you're just trying to piss me off. They said that he could train him. They thought that they could control Adolf Hitler too. All right. They thought that they could. They they thought that they could control it off Hitler too All right, they thought that they could they thought he was a boob this guy. Look at he's smiling Yeah, he's smiling cuz he knows he's got the fucking he could technically pleasure our wives Yeah, be sharp, yeah the foam is sharp, you know, they don't want to have sex for that wives You can just ask them.
Starting point is 00:48:05 You can be like, do you have sex with my wife? And they're like, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh. You throw her in there. Yeah. They'll be spoofing. They do have sex with humans. They do, we know. Yeah, we know about that.
Starting point is 00:48:15 We've seen the videos. We really have. I like the dolphins. Good. Yeah, I think we keep them around. If they get thumbs, we put them to work. We just, if I was a dolphin. How about fishermen? If I if I was a dolphin you try to get me to go have a job I'd be like they don't know you dolphins love a purpose like a dog. You put a backpack on a dog
Starting point is 00:48:34 It's having a much better day. The dog doesn't understand a dolphin knows it's getting worked fucking guns on the side They have dolphin military. We do we do have some with sensors and we strap bombs to them and stuff. Yeah. Which is cool. That I think is cool. And if I was one of those, I think that would be cool. But you know what isn't cool, which is sad? What? When being one of the most athletic, powerful creatures in the jungle,
Starting point is 00:48:58 but still being overweight. But dolphins? No, this other story. Oh, yes. Well, they're not. He's not in the jungle. We love this guy. This story is so I'm actually inspired by this story because I've never heard of it being like this, but it's it's a wonderful animal story.
Starting point is 00:49:17 This is a Chinese zoo. Now this depends to Huawei Park Zoo. Nailed it. Nailed it. Penzu Hua Hua. Penzu Hua Hua. Penzu Hua Hua. Park Zoo.
Starting point is 00:49:29 In the Chinese Shishuan province. There's this new leopard. Chinese, they call him Officer Klauhauser. Because of Zootopia. Because of Zootopia. And it is a very fat leopard. He's so cute. Now the leopard's very, very cute.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I really want to like just spoon with this leopard. It's 16 years old, which means it's between 16, 70 human years. So almost time for it to be president. Yeah. The zoo's assurances that the leopard was fat but healthy, right? Because it's extremely overweight. And I think that's what's really interesting is they tried to make it lose weight and it won't. Yeah, no, refuse to lose weight. They put it on a strict
Starting point is 00:50:07 diet. It's not losing any weight. It's just fat. It adjusted its feeding schedule, but they didn't know it could just get fat. He's so cute. All he knows is that it's he looks that he's got a dad bod. Oh, he's got more than a dad bod. And he's allowed to have it, but they're saying that they can't do it. They're saying right now they're just going to wait a month till he dies. Yeah, they don't care. He's 23 years old. 23 is the average age that leopards live to. He's probably the happiest leopard in that zoo. He looks happy. He looks like, I sometimes think that fat animals aren't necessarily happy because I know that it's physically uncomfortable for them. It's physically uncomfortable for me. I'm in a great mood all the time. I know. But you also I've seen you go like my knees, my leg, my belly.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Like, you know, it does happen. It hurts. It hurts to be happy. Yeah, of course. It's like how I feel. It's like, you know, if you had to be big, if you had a tail, it'd be wagon. Oh, for sure. But you're you know, but you're still like breathing heavy. Yeah, breathing heavy. Yeah. Rob does a lot of good work on this. He really does. He does. We have a Gandalfini like filter that cuts out the heavy breathing. You ever see the last movie he did with Julia, the Louise Dreyfus?
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah, he just kept breathing. It was love. You just hear him breathing the entire time. It's not good. But I hope for more for this leopard. Yes. I want them to be sure. Or at least go out like Gandolfini. Yeah, dude. Fucking bunch of fried prawns. Let's kind of look that up again. I think we've done this multiple times. I mean, yeah, his kid was there. Man, the booze, guess his acting spirit didn't jump into him. No, certainly not. Certainly not. No, because he really didn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Piles of fly food. Oh yeah. The final blowout meal. I always look at that. I love this fucking lasagna. Read it to me, baby. Drinks and you know, fucking foie gras. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Four rum shots, two beers, two pina coladas. It's not really that much. Everything Gand it, shum it, shum it. Everything Gandolfini ordered was fried according to the waiter. Yeah, you fucking, you don't know what's good, dude. It's doesn't say, I expected it to be bigger. Yeah. More, to be honest with you. I think he had, yeah, they had sh,
Starting point is 00:52:18 it was mostly it was because they had all the fried prawns. Yeah. I think he had multiple portions. There is a good chance this is how I go out. Yeah, I hope so, man. I want to go like that too. I want to go like that. Just not wake up.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I just want to do it when I'm 60 though instead of 50 like you did. Yeah, I want to get to 80, but I just want to not wake up in that way where you just have a big awesome crazy meal and just kind of die of smiling in your sleep. But I feel like it's not going to go like that. I feel like I'm just going to be screaming a lot. Apparently he was a madman. Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, there was like a whole doc about how much of a madman He is and they decided not to release it. No, sir. You just said he was incredible. Yeah, he's incredible
Starting point is 00:52:54 Well, no, he was great to the cast and he was very sweet and kind but he would like go missing for days Yeah, he was fun guy. Yeah He said his own schedule man, school, fun guy. He's had his own schedule, man. He's fucking Tony Sprano. You would give the, and he would give all the actors cash, crazy, crazy bonuses. Yeah. He told me, Mr. Vito told me a couple of stories. Like he showed me some of this shit he got from Genofino. It's great. Yeah. I love that shit. Oh man. All right. Well, do we get some, some mail? Let's do some more serenades. Um, all right. Well, did we get some, um, some mail? Now one thing I thought was interesting was that I got a lot of people mentioning the fact that when you do time travel,
Starting point is 00:53:33 the earth would also continue to spin. We talked about one of the main issues and how like probably in move and that one of the biggest fallacies of time travel films and any sort of time travel media Is that where would the earth then be when you move into another space? If the source is localized, if like, let's say you move in a, let's say the time machine is in a static period or space time point, right? Then that means it's going to stay there. So the time increases, but then everything else moves except for that static point You that statics point is more attached to outer space or but it is like actually on earth
Starting point is 00:54:11 Well, it's attached to you and your time. Yeah versus everything else So now all of a sudden you're yes, you are the same time and the space is in the same time But the location itself has moved because of time. Even if you try that's because you're in a space, space time is his own specific like measurement, right? Cause it's the amount of movable space. Right? That's where you're in. Well, isn't the universe always expanding? That's we don't know, but I've heard that we've heard a lot of things. Okay. We've heard a lot of shit, but we've said know. But I've heard that we've heard a lot of things. Okay. We've heard a lot of shit, but we've said that they've said that they there's one
Starting point is 00:54:49 idea that we're doing a grand sort of accordion like thing that we are constantly expanding. We may contract or some people they're saying that we're expanding. There's some expanding and we never will stop. We will never contract. There's some people saying that we're contracting. There's some people saying that we don't even, that the universe doesn't work like that, that we're abutting against other universes and we're seeing that's why universes pop. That's like one of those weird things. Also maybe this idea that our localized version
Starting point is 00:55:13 of time doesn't really exist and we are currently in another realm, like then we're in the simulation theory. Yeah, a lot of different ways. But the universe, I mean, it feels like it has to always be expanding. That's we, they, that is there.
Starting point is 00:55:28 There is rationale. Yeah. To say that because otherwise it's just endless everything or they're never, or there never was ever an end to anything. Yeah. And it's always been this way because technically the big bang theory is also a theory, but then why is it banging? Because God did it.
Starting point is 00:55:48 No, God made a big fault. So is God's or an alien from another species made us? See, that's my problem with God is are you telling me that God is in charge of Earth and all the other planets or do we got our own God? And he like has like a meeting with other gods for other planets. You're stumbling upon in a whole world of theology and philosophy. Yeah. And like, like it does the God for Pluto. He's got nothing to do, nothing to do. He's just picking his ass to fucking fuck all Jack dick. Yeah. But you know what? Just having this conversation makes me hardest Christ on the goddamn cross. You love it. God, I love this because it's important to really look
Starting point is 00:56:25 at the facts of our reality and how there aren't any. Yeah, no, there really isn't. We know absolutely zero because one of the worst parts about trying to have a quote unquote objective piece of information is separating our own consciousness from learning it. And how deep can you look into your own consciousness? That's why I don't leave Burbank.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Fuck yeah, Eddie. To answer Eddie's question, diapers do in fact conceal erections. Oh, thank God. You know, so don't worry. Our 80s are saved. We won't get canceled in the nursing home. The adult diapers cover a lot of real estate
Starting point is 00:57:04 and have a generous stretch. So leakage is minimized. Thank you. So really great. So you really can kind of tough it out there. So you don't have to bust through. You can just put it through the little material. So put it through the little tape hole and fuck that way.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Especially for some reason medically you no longer have a butthole. And it happens. It happens. All right. that way. Especially for some reason medically you no longer have a butthole. And it happens. It happens. All right. Now this is... Where do you want to move on to? Oh God. I just want to move on past my life, but I have to read these emails. The dick biting one? No. The reason why I'm even doing this is because the Armin Miviva series got such a great response and... That last episode was really disgusting.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yes. And, but this is worse because we got bad emails, but I love, I love our people. See, I don't find this worse than what Armand and Bernard did. Yes, of course. No, no, this is, this is literally nothing could be worse than what they did. Yeah. Bernard did yes of course no no this is this is literally nothing could be worse than what they did yeah So this is just this is less worse um My ex-fiance enjoyed having his dick bitten during blowjobs when we first got together I thought it was crazy, but I wasn't opposed to trying it I think these are two dudes
Starting point is 00:58:25 Wow at first I kind of bit softly. Um, it's why is it more understandable? At first I kind of bit a bit softly and he told me it wasn't hard enough and that's how I learned how resilient the human Dick is. I charmed on that thing hard. I chomped on that thing hard. I let the cars out. To the course of our multi-year relationship and every time I was surprised I hadn't drawn blood. One time he did tell me it was too hard and I felt the sense of accomplishment.
Starting point is 00:58:58 As the biter, it was more fun to do it when it was hard than soft. When it's hard. Yeah. Yeah. Even I could see the fun of that. Yeah. I've chewed on many dildos. Yeah. It's like a slim Jim or chewing gum. Oh yeah. When it's hard, it's kind of like chewing on a really thick rubber band. Yeah. Sure. Soft is exactly what you'd imagine biting a soft dick is like. I feel like you would have, you would have a chance of hurting your teeth when it's a soft one. Oh yeah. You can
Starting point is 00:59:20 definitely crack your front teeth together. Knowing how hard I would be biting down on a thing. I would be truly terrified if someone is able to rip off a dick with just their mouth I would be really horrified and after the relationship ended I dumped him after he got mad and threw my cat When I hooked up with guys, I had to consciously stop myself from biting their dicks because at that point It was just muscle memory now. I'm married and my husband doesn't even like oral that much It's wild to me that I went from biting into a cock multiple times a week to hardly ever having one in my mouth. But hey, that's life.
Starting point is 00:59:50 That's life. Hey man, tell me you don't know where you're going to be in a year. I'll tell you that you never know. Cause next year, guess what you might be doing? Chomping on a pussy. Chomping, chomping. Now they were a fiance. Thatomping, chomping. Arr, arr, arr, arr, arr, arr. They were a fiance. That's nice.
Starting point is 01:00:06 That's nice. Imagine that. You're about to marry someone and then they fucking throw your cat. I'd be furious. I'd be pretty mad how long you've been biting my dick. Well, they were required to bite the dick to stay in the relationship.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I'm like, here's for biting my dick all the time. Yeah. Yes. We got a penis info dump. Do I have to do this? No, you don't have to do anything. We could just go home if you want to. You're the boss. I feel that, because this is several paragraphs describing random dick facts.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Well, it's all about comparing horse dicks. This is like an equine surgeon talking about how similar horse dicks are to human dicks and how the surgery is on the horse. You're going to cut horse dicks off? What do you even use for that? Like a table saw? Hedge clippers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Something big. And you know what? There's nothing I like more than the fact that you sat and wrote this email out. And you know what? I'm going to come back around to it. I feel like if we give ourselves a little bit of a break on some of this material, because it's really just about how penises are tubes filled with blood. It's all it is. Which we know. Oh, I know. Yeah, fillable blood and I feel like biting it's enough
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah, bite is enough. Yeah Really really honestly and I just want to say thank you guys. Thank you because without your energy here We'd be lost, you know Well, they every day known for a fact the audience knows more than me and I love it I want to know more than me and tell me stuff so I can laugh about blood filled spongy tissue inside of horses that need to be cut open again and again and again and flayed open again and again and again. And then I guess you just get to live with that as an equine surgeon.
Starting point is 01:02:01 But you know what I gotta tell you man fucking keep your keep keep smiling keep shining Knowing you can always count on me Oh show Just walk away Follow you back go to For top, dude. Follow you back home. Go to slash last podcast on the left. They hear us do this live.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Gone not the same. slash LPNTV. Come and see us do this at Side Stories Live. We will be covering the four tops, the entire greatest, the greatest hits collection at our Side Stories Live. We will be doing it in Chicago. Park West, baby.
Starting point is 01:02:45 We're coming out last podcast, a lot of tickets to see us yelling and screaming at you. It's going to be great. Oh, we really are. Uh, this has been a lot of fun. Andy has been a lot of fun. You want to leave them with anything? Listen to the brightest side.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I feel like Amber and I really hit a groove. It's real nice. Oh, oh yes. And what's it tell us about good put. Oh, so just so you know, the original nine episodes of the good podcast for some reason that we put together during COVID are now bumped to the top of our Patreon on slash last podcast on the left so that you can get yourself ready for the fact
Starting point is 01:03:18 that good put is coming back. We got our stream is coming back on Twitch this week on Thursday. That's tomorrow. Yep. We're doing that at six o'clock That's coming out and then the good put cast will be arriving as well With it's gonna it's got hot puts and even hotter topics. Mmm talking about Rising fascism. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah good put. Oh, yeah Talk about be Hitler's favorite pudding
Starting point is 01:03:45 Jewish caca. He liked that boo boo. Well no, he hated them. He wouldn't eat their shit. Oh no, but he would... Here's a fun fact. He would choose a lady of the Jewish persuasion to come into his offices and then she would piss in shit in front of him.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Yeah? He would like that, yeah. Really? Yep. Weird guy, right? Yeah, he seems off. Yeah.

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