Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: The Gingerbread Man

Episode Date: December 20, 2023

Henry & Marcus bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news - starting off with a "Clue-like" case of poisoning at a Colorado Taco Bell, THEN - a New Jersey man decapitates mother, gets ...naked while singing “Jesus Loves Me”, DC man kills wife over pancakes, An unregulated penis enlargement surgery in Thailand Prison goes terribly wrong, the Mysterious Gingerbread Man caught on camera trying to walk into stranger's home, Solar Flare News! Listener Emails and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:08 POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE
Starting point is 00:00:16 POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE
Starting point is 00:00:24 POTE POTE POTE POTE POTE Tourment, we want you awake, invitations, you're given. So try our new glare from Spring Hill Jack Coffee, Reptilian in the morning. Our proprietary blend of light they roasted, Kokayo hasks, will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coaca with all your slippery new aims. Yeah! Thanks, honey.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Now, hot hot, I'm cold blooded. Mmm. Existing heel jack and last hot gas on the left. I'm ready to get out now and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton. There's no place to escape to. This is the last hot gas on the left. Side stories? No place to escape to. This is the last talk on the left side stories.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah. That's when the cannonball some started. Side stories. Yeah. I don't want to do this up top. I don't want to throw off your whole game here. Yeah. I can do it.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Try to rattle me. Try to shake me. I'm wearing Missil Toe deodorant. Hahaha. Missil Toe, scented. You know, you smelling it? You smelling it now? Actually, it's very pleasant.
Starting point is 00:01:37 You wanna kiss me? It's more peppermint than Missil Toe. No, this is good. Here, look at this. So I got right here. No, this is good here. Look at this. Oh, so I got right here also You know, you've got my kiss me hat. You've got a kiss me. You got a little headband You got a little headband that's got a little penis shaped But like a gonzo penis and it's got some mistletoe hanging off of it.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Fuck me. It's Christmas. That was you think of this. So you can walk up to, yeah, that's what it's said on the packaging. Suck me. It's Christmas. I got mistletoe fucking. You're not.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I got it on my hat. You haven't kissed me one time. No, I haven't kissed you one time. And I'm not gonna, I already, I just smelled your armpit. That's the fucking closest I'm going to come. I voluntarily, I just smelled your armpit. That's the fucking closest I'm gonna come. I voluntarily leaned over and smelled your armpit upon your request because your friends, it's mistletoe. There's a rule there.
Starting point is 00:02:33 It's more holiday. Is it not? It's mistletoe because mistletoe has more of an earthy scent and that was very pepperminty. I love it. I'd wear that all year round. Do you think I think they were loose with the mistletoe name? I think so. I think it that all year round. To be frank, I think they were loose with the mistletoe name. I think so.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I think it's like when they say Arctic blast. Or Iron Mountain. Yeah, the Arctic blast gatorade doesn't remind me of scaling the andes. No, because not a single person has dropped to their knees and started sucking on my armpits as I got this. And I thought that was the whole point.
Starting point is 00:03:00 That was the whole magic of crystal. Oh, so in your mind by wearing the mistletoe deodorant, you are entitled to armpit sucking. Yeah. Where are you saying this is not there? What's the point of saying that if he's out there and try to figure out who's going to be fucking following the Santa rules or not, these are Santa's rules. You think kind of me kind of give some sort of a wine steam like by. Yeah, it does. You know, the fact that these are Santa's rules and it's Santa's week and we're all fucking band-ditching to the rest of it anyway. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I'm not on board, but I love the mistletoe deodorant. I'm on board with the mistletoe deop. Please give me some. I'm gonna give you some. Please, I'd love it. And me one of those hats. Let's sizzle armpits. We can sizzle armpits.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Oh, you do, we got mistletoe, though. No, I don't. I don't got mistletoe. Why, it's got like a stick in the back. It does have a stab in the back. Yeah, yeah. But I do still have somewhat of the gonzo dick hanging off of my head. No, it seems to be a theme.
Starting point is 00:03:54 It's very Tim Burton asked for Christmas sialings. I believe that our employees may have bought these specifically to humiliate us. You humiliate us. Yes, no, of course, though. No, of course, no, no, but you know, here we are. And here we stand. And this is side stories, ladies and gentlemen. It has been, and it continues to be.
Starting point is 00:04:11 My name is Marcus Marksman here with Henry Zabrowski. And guess what? We got the pull back. Our incredible social media team went out there because obviously it was a big debate in the center of our fan base. A debate, I would call it uproar. I wasn't uproar, but unfortunately the people have voted.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And I hate it for the rest of you guys understand, but poop stories are back in the men. A vote went out. We're allowed to talk about poop again, but there's not much poop here today. Thankfully today, the only poop is the intention of poop. It is not poop itself. It is merely a man trying to elicit poop from another person.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Hey, that does not come. That does not come. That's what I do every day. Trying to elicit poop from your friends. For myself. All I want to do is elicit poop. Do whisper to your butthole, do you lean down and whisper and try to elicit the nuggets from within?
Starting point is 00:05:05 No, I just, I just sit and wait. I know it's going to come have some point like I'm waiting for a deer in the forest. Your toilets, your deer blind. Yes. Oh God. All right. So we got a lot of stories today. We have a lot of stuff to get to.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I don't know if you were watching this. Rob and I were talking about this separately, but there's a story that I do want you to look at for long, it's on long crime, the YouTube channel. Maybe for when we come back, that's because more evidence coming out about this guy, it claims to have been poisoned, but with rat poison by a bunch of Taco Bell employees. After he came back, basically, there was an altercation where he went into a Taco Bell. He said, Hey, I'm ordering this meal that normally comes with this specific style of drink.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I want to say it was a Taco Bell dessert drink. It was like a blizzard. It was something like a blizzard. It was like a bl- it was a Baja Blast. Baja Blast, yeah. But then when he went to go to talk to these guys and he wanted his drink, they didn't have the drink anymore. So he tried to say, All right, I know none of you have any control over this.
Starting point is 00:06:08 This is a corporate system put into your computer. There's no way to change these things, no matter what you do. But he said, how about in lieu of the Baha Blast, you give me a bean and cheese burrito, right? So he said, I'm going to come and do this thing. And the woman said, no, it doesn't work like that. But then he proceeded to do the truly upsetting move of saying, do you even know what in lieu of means?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Which created a massive altercation. He then left. There's body cam footage, all this kind of stuff. He then says, which is why I think it's fucking suspicious hours later. He goes to eat his food. And what do we know about Taco Bell food? You eat it within the literal seconds that it comes out of that oven.
Starting point is 00:06:52 You have to. Because if not, what is it turned into? It becomes congealed. It just turns into what it was before, which is a corporate slurry that you are legally allowed to consume. That is all it is. No, it turns back into food science.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yes, it's back to science, right? And so he waited many hours, but then he said he found rat poison in his food and came back and accused everyone of poisoning him. I think it's total bullshit. Well, total and complete bullshit. Very interesting, because the police came, it was like, clue, they shook down the entire came, it was like, clue.
Starting point is 00:07:25 They shut down the entire Taco Bell. They had everybody inside. They couldn't believe. And so they went and checked the perimeter. They did find a rat trap was busted open in the back of the Taco Bell. It did have scoop marks inside of the poison that didn't match the poison. That was in his mouth. However, due to the draconian, corporate laws that are
Starting point is 00:07:46 there to protect you, ladies and gentlemen, they found out, right? They could not none of them left the store because they're all trapped. So mysterious. None of them left us. What do you mean none of them left the store within the time period that it would have had had to happen? No one left the store. There was no evidence to show that any employee went out of the store to go to the rat trap. So there was no coverage onto the rat traps and via camera, but there's coverage from inside of the Taco Bell, which showed that nobody left. So, Quibono. It's a big store. Wow, that's incredible. It's a lot of evidence there. So we don't know. Everything's accusations flying around. I mean, but that's the. But we're, it's a lot of evidence there. So we don't know. Everything's accusations flying around.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I mean, but that's the thing. I mean, how hard do the forensic team work on the scoop analysis? All I know is, is that it filled some cops day and they probably got some free talk about one. Because they said, they said, they're scoops. The scoops. Hey, yo, no, no, this one thing I know.
Starting point is 00:08:43 You must never get scoops at the store. Yeah, man I fucking hate when they sold out because I'm like you little fucking bitches don't understand that a triangle doesn't pick up enough salsa But the other thing is is that if anybody knows scoops, it's Taco Bell employees because I would imagine that they scoop out the Refri beans with some sort of circular ice cream scoop. I still, and we've talked with us last couple of weeks, I stand by our fast-food employees. Of course. I know that we, I know that they know that we trust them. Yes, we do. And I know that if I went in like this and I had mistletoe deodorant on and I had this hat on, I'd get fucked and suck as much like in a handle. I'd have to say no,
Starting point is 00:09:23 because I'm married and I don't care that it's Christmas. All right, but I don't know if they would go as so far. This is what I'm saying. Why would you poison the guy? You just rub the food on your balls. Yeah. That's what you do. That's what you spit.
Starting point is 00:09:37 You spit it. You just spit. That's it. Just go for the classic spit. I don't see anybody going so far as, because I don't see the benefit here. Because you're killing him. you're killing a man. And it is very obvious that you can be trapped.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yeah, you can be, it's very obvious that the man is going to eat the Taco Bell, eat the rat poison. He's gonna crunch into it. He's not gonna keep going after he gets, because there's nothing. Well, I guess maybe there's tomatoes, there I guess a little bit crunchy sometimes,
Starting point is 00:10:04 but there's nothing you've wherever you've been that a tomato is crunchy. Well, I never get the tomatoes to talk about because they're awful. Well, I don't, yeah, I get nothing natural. Yeah, I get nothing, but something is crunchy as rat poison. He's going to notice that immediately. I mean, it unless you depends on him, I don't know what item he has. Yeah, I get, oh, there is the crunchy.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Is it there? Is if it's crunchy taco shell, then it doesn't fucking matter. You know what I mean? He's gonna and then yeah I might have a bit of a bitter taste that's what he say and then he bit into it and he was sort of going Ha Haken is guts up right oh yeah immediate revulsion. Yeah, but we'll see I mean this is just a I was just fascinated by this Yeah, because it was the game of clue was all the cops being like having to Find out who's schedule was what. You know, it was a long day.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It was a fun day for a cop, though. You got a little bit to figure out. You're not just walking up to a dead body and going, we're, yeah, it's not just you just be happy. Pryin' a dead woman's like half form skeleton out of a bog. You know what I mean? It's nice. You get to go to a living, you're seeing livin living people, it's a mystery. You're not walking into some
Starting point is 00:11:07 shut-ins apartment and finding the guy melted into his fucking armchair after being dead for four weeks. You're in Monk's tacos. You're having a nice time because you were all the old drug and he's like, yeah, you know, you at least you guys you all kept on the clock to Taco Bell guys because they were all kept on the clock. Yeah, that's nice. They were paid for. That's. That is very nice indeed. Isn't it? So where do you want to go first in our cavalcade of true crime stories today?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Man, I do want to, I don't think I'm not going to address as how many letters we got about people getting fucked in their clostomy holes. And the amount of different CDs that people have found inside of their clostomy holes. We did, that was the story that I wanted to bring up at the end of the last side stories, but since there was a no poop mandate, I wasn't, there was a, and I argue that this is not a poop story,
Starting point is 00:11:48 this is a whole story. It was kind of worse. This is an orifice story because it's one of those great urban legend, you know, my cousins, co-workers, aunt, you know, had somebody come into the ER and they had a class to be back whole and it was infected. And upon further inspection, you know, and they asked a class to be that co-hol. And it was infected and upon further inspection, you know, and they asked and asked and asked. And finally, my partner has been fucking the whole. And, you know, so, and then they, you know, patch it up and said,
Starting point is 00:12:15 you know, don't, don't anyone fuck your whole. You think it's for an anniversary? It's a figure like, when somebody gets to, you know, do anal for Christmas. No, I seem like an old for Christmas. Nothing I love better than having a nice thick breakfast, casserole in the morning, follow my bunch of eggnog and stock and chocolate, anal for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And I have a bunch of lamb and then we have a lasagna. Nothing. Prips the gut. Yep. Better than a fine Christmas meal. And at the end of the night, annual for Christmas after all that. I think that the Colostomy whole fucking was ongoing.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It seemed like it was ongoing. It seemed like it was something that both parties enjoyed and we're consenting to. Well, you know who's not getting anal for Christmas, unless it's in a bad way. Is Richard Bradley, Jr. 40, who is being accused of being a serial killer? My God.
Starting point is 00:13:11 But I also, once we get into this story, I'm gonna refute the label of serial killer on this map. Well, yes, because we, I don't know if it's a common discussion, but the idea of if you're doing something basically for profit, you know, because I do think that isn't technically serial killing based upon number of bodies within time period,
Starting point is 00:13:32 or is it also about modality? It's based on number of bodies. It is definitely based on modality, and it's also usually based on sex, because this is a, this is a, it's based on like a sexual or just sexual chart. You don't know what this guy's sure enough to yet.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, we don't, we have no idea, but this is also, this is a debate we got into during the Klinzki episode. Yes. But let's, let's get into the story and then we can continue this debate. This is one of those stories that I, how do I put this?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Like, I don't often, or have to be like, I don't, I want to say that I'm like the world's best reader. But as I go through like a bunch of different articles, I could not physically understand what was happening. And I'm thinking that some of these are just written by robots or people that I was going on. I found one good one because I did not fully understand that he has already been in jail
Starting point is 00:14:22 while they put together this entire investigation. Sure. So Richard Bradley, Jr., he's 40 years old. He was charged in 2021 with the murder of a young woman by the name of Brandy Blake that was found basically abandoned. She was in a shallow grave. And what they're saying is that they've since he's been in jail for that crime, they've managed to put together and attach what they're looking like is about three other murders
Starting point is 00:14:50 to him all under the auspices of telling them, are you going to go look for gold? Which is an incredible reason. I mean, that's the thing. You already got the name the leprechaun killer, the leprechaun killer. And I feel bad for warwick Davis. Because I don't want him to get lumped into any of this. I always wanted this about warwick Davis. How does he feel about his role in the leprechaun? I think that motherfucker cash is checks and pisses ass fucks pussy. I think that that's what that motherfucker does. I think he gets up every day proud
Starting point is 00:15:22 of hell of himself. He's a fucking he's the champion. Yeah. Okay. He's doing awesome. That sounds that sounds great. I mean, but it's still my favorite picture on the internet is from the the set of leprechaun in the hood. And they're teaching him how to use the bomb. Yeah, it's incredible. So this story is like it's very convoluted. So it looks like he told several people. So now when it came to Brandy Blake's death, Brandy Blake went missing early May 2021. Now a lot of people seem to run into bad luck around Richard Bradley Jr. when they come into a lot of money. So Brandy Blake had just won 20 grand at a casino. And apparently this is a common thing amongst the his victims was that they were carrying a lot of cash on them. And that's the one thing that I was a little puzzled about is that how did this guy find
Starting point is 00:16:11 out that these were people who routinely carried a ton of cash on them. Well, I feel like that was an important detail. It was people who were known to carry large amounts of cash. These are obviously parts of the, the investigation that we have not gotten this information. Because I went deep into trying to find more and I really haven't found anything because they're pending. All of these charges are pending. But what they're saying, I think is that's where the serial killing element comes in.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah. He was grooming people, trying to figure out, like grooming is not the term, but he was like casing people. Casing, yeah. And so he was trying to see, it seems to all people in his direct vicinity that he knew through friends, a friends, a friends. Some of them seem to have, I, again, I do not want to demean the dead at all, but some of them seem to have some connection to the drug world.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah. One of them definitely has a connection to the drug world. Yes. And I, and he, because he said like they took a giant one of the victims he's being attached to took a giant block of heroin in 15 grand. And he had with him after he said, we got to go bury this gold or do something with this gold that's out the middle of a field. And essentially saying, there's something about, I think, and the mechanism of you got
Starting point is 00:17:21 a bunch of heroin into a bunch of cash, right? And I know that about you. And I'm that about you. And I'm gonna have you, I'm gonna ask you to do this illegal thing with me, because I already got a bunch of like, conspiratorial, compromise on you. And now we're kind of like,
Starting point is 00:17:36 he was saying stuff to these guys of like, you're the only guy I trust. This is the only person I trust, and it's because it's like the opposite. It's because you've got a bunch of bullshit on it. Or is this like some sort of real life Nigerian prince email scam? Where that's what I'm thinking. Where it's like, hey, you've got this cash. And this heroine, I've got gold. I get a hundred grand worth of gold that needs to move because we looked up, remember we were looking at Boo-Yan? There was an episode that hasn't happened. We were pre-recorded
Starting point is 00:18:01 and you'll hear it. Right, but we were talking about Boo-Yan on it. And they were talking about how like, you know, like just one piece of Boo-Yan. It's like 10 to 40 G's. But he didn't say what kind of gold he had out there. Yeah, man, these guys weren't doing the due diligence. No one was there. There was no accountant. There was no, no one is there to look and into making sure the gold was real. Because I'm going to tell you right now, my, my my beloved audience the gold is never real The gold is never real never take the chance. You know what gold is real the stuff that's on your body currently Mm-hmm, you know or at the museum or in Knoxville Knoxville At the fortnot at Fort Knox there's probably a lot of gold in Knoxville. Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:41 Actually don't even know if there is there's still gold in Fort Knox. I think I don't is. No, I think there's still golden Fort Knox. So we put it on a space shuttle or something. Yeah, we put it in a space shuttle and it's orbiting around the earth. I am comfortable. Fort Knox still serves its original purpose holding roughly 147.3 million ounces of gold, which is just over half of the US Treasury's stored Boogey home. Marcus, have an idea. Or are we gonna fucking, are we gonna rob Fort Knox? Are we gonna do that? At me and you.
Starting point is 00:19:11 You said that. I was gonna say, I have something to talk to you about. I asked the question. Yeah, people ask a lot of questions. The hypothetical. I'm just saying, sounds like that gold's just sitting and waiting to be taken. I'm sure it, sounds like that gold's just sitting and waiting, it's gonna take a minute. I'm sure it's quite simple, simple as it is.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You gotta get a little guy. You gotta get a big guy. I just rode, we rode a high spot. We did, yeah. We gotta get a little guy, gotta get a big guy, gotta get the inside guy. The inside guy. And the guy who's made of gold.
Starting point is 00:19:47 He can sneak his way in. I'm talking about the guy from the last Austin Powers. Yeah, we'll get that guy. No, we'll get that. Okay. Yeah. We'll get Mike Myers to revisit his character and then join us in this heist after the pentavirate. He should try to do anything else possible. God, that show was bad. I feel so bad. I love him. He's my idol. You're right. But so if we go back to this, it's a lot of murky details. We don't quite know what's going on, but he's used this same M.O. for all of these guys. Like one was, like this one guy, he was a man and his son, a father and son that they, the father had come into inheritance and he somehow convinced the two of them to go
Starting point is 00:20:23 out and dig up this gold with him or do something with this gold. Because that is not exactly clear either, but it is interesting like that idea of, I'm going to get you out in the middle of nowhere, which means that none of these people have seen Godfather too. Yeah. You know, which is like, you never go. You never do that.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Never, ever. And then from behind here, yeah, fuck, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, tch, And a serial killer is, of course, somebody who murders three or more people with a sexual element involved. A mass murderer is somebody who just kills a lot of people, like Hitman, like those fall into the category of mass murderers. Dictators. Yeah, Dictators. This person, well, by mass murderer, I mean, somebody who does it physically with their
Starting point is 00:21:20 own hands. So, in some way, in order. So, a smithure, a mass murderer or a spree killer. Richard Speck would be a spree killer. Because he needed all it and like, and it go. He did it all in one go and there was no, for me also like a spree killer doesn't really have any sort of gain. You know, there's nothing to it. He doesn't really get anything out of it. Yeah, I know that. I had slip in and talk about syrup color. And I just like I just had a flashback to like 2011 at a house party in your house. And just you just like being super hammered.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Y'all are rich and spec it felt good. It felt really good. You know, it was like sitting at like Holden's window chain smoking. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because that's what we thought was the way to hide it. Yeah, yeah, the way, yeah, instead of smoking in the was the way to hide it. Yeah, yeah, the way we, yeah, instead of smoking in the house, smoke by the window. Yeah, smoke by the window. And it's not that way the house isn't going to smell like cigarettes. Meanwhile, like five shilitzes later, you're just smoking in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:22:16 But yes, it happened again and again and again. But yeah, I would say, yeah, because Richard's a spree killers, like, there's no's no real, what do you call it? Like material motive. You don't really get anything out of it other than I killed a bunch of people. And that gives me, and that gives me some sort of pleasure in some way or another. This guy, he's a mass murderer. He kills for a game.
Starting point is 00:22:39 He's not doing it because he's got, it's like a job. I'm sure he likes it. I'm sure he enjoys killing people, but he is doing it for some sort of game. That is very interesting because it says he are according to the Atlanta journal Constitution, they try to describe the difference between the three zero killer person who kills more than one victim and more than one location over a very short period of time. They said that actually more reflects the behavior of a spree killer according to the FBI and a spree killer is someone who kills two or more victims over a short period of time without a cooling off period. So they're saying serial killers mostly lies in the concept of cooling off period, which we've covered before. And yeah, because it said DC sniper was a spree killer and a mass murder is defined as the killing of a large number of people usually in one place.
Starting point is 00:23:24 So like Martin Brian. Yes, he said in the, uh, the guy from Vegas, the Vegas shooter. So I don't know if we would put this guy in the serial killer category. He's got a job. This is his job. Yeah. This is this is, this is his job. Yeah. He's more in the, yeah, because there are plenty of people who rob and murder people. Plenty, plenty, and do it that as their job, but that does not make them a serial killer. No. Like for me, it just has to be some sort of... Sometimes it makes them search in general. Hmm. Questions.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yes. But I would say that there has to be some sort of like for lack of a better word, like... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... I... a standard here. The only word that I could come up with was wacky, but it's not wacky. It's not the word got to have a gimmick again. Kind of sort of like there has to be some element to it. Some special element like, you know, like a missionary killer, like who, who kills, because I think it's modality is the term. I think the idea why you're doing it and what you're doing is, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:21 there's a distinct difference between somebody who just shoots a bunch of people and then somebody who's trying to make a bunch of human butterflies. Yeah, exactly. You know what I mean? Because the human butterflies guy, yeah, obviously got a creative writing degree. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Well, Leonard Lane didn't have a creative writing degree. You wanted one though. You sure you fucking act like it. We still got to do that episode on cricket. We will. One day that will happen. You know, don't worry. It's not another thing we just promise. I swear to Christ. I'm right, so yeah, cuz swearing to Christ means everything to you.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You know me, you know me. Right from your place. Um, so let's do something a little Christmassy. So we're getting close. Now this is a serial. I love this story. It is, I miss this. I feel like this is a type of story that's been going in and out of fashion.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And it's like, you know, we had the Somerset Gimp. People got a little bit, people got mad about the Somerset Gimp because obviously he was kind of be touching himself sexually in a public space. People got mad. He makes people uncomfortable. It's against the law. We get it. There's also the clown guys.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah, the clown guys was a big guy. I missed those guys. That was 2012, 2016, 2014. Yeah, yeah, sorry, because it was before the election. Right. Yeah, it was back when things were like still like fun and fancy free. Yeah, and they're not anymore. Nope.
Starting point is 00:25:41 And I remember that, but the idea of things just hovering. People don't like, look at that movie. It follows the entire movie. Just to make it old person standing over there. But it's terrifying. I know it's a fantastic movie, but it's just because we're scared of old people. It's just because we look at that old person and we'll go, yeah. Because the scariest thing in that was when the big guy comes in the door. Oh, he had that jump scare. Oh, absolutely. But wasn't, but I mean, to that point, wasn't the whole point of that, uh, M night Shyamalan movie, like, was it called home parents, the visit, the visit.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah, where they get the diaper full of shit in their face. That was awesome. Like, that was all about the fear of old people. Yes, it's true. Yeah. And I am. But this is for this more about the thin skin. You're talking about this, but this is a, is more about things hovering people don't like when things hover
Starting point is 00:26:26 Mm-hmm, but I like it because also sometimes you know, it's just Christmas You know, do they even know it's Christmas time Sometimes you don't know unless a gingerbread man is just hovering in front of your home without leaving And so this is happening in all Arlington now we know we've got a lot of shit's been going on in all our LinkedIn Arlington, Texas. Oh yes, yes. It was a house explosion with the guy did all the crazy LinkedIn's and all the good, like the losses mine that shit.
Starting point is 00:26:51 But now it looks like they're getting invaded by one lost gingerbread man. No, if you see there's been video, this is where people's ring cameras. Now this is how the W USA 9 puts it. WUSA. WUSA. Imagine sitting down for dinner with your family and you get a ring notification. You check the camera, but it's not a delivery person or a neighbor. It's the gingerbread man. Like it's the scariest thing you've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:27:21 No, it's specifically used the article A. See, I just watched the ginger dead man with Gary Busey. Not a good film. It was on Joe Bob's Christmas celebration. It was fucking awesome on Shutter. But look at this. So now people watch this video. People were, they were like,
Starting point is 00:27:36 they were saying they were just enjoying their lives, living on North George Mason Drive. Just Wednesday, this week. And this guy, according to the witness, my wife said, hey, listen, this is guy. He didn't ring the doorbell. And this guy, according to the witness, my wife said, Hey, listen, this is guy. He didn't ring the doorbell. He's just standing there. And he's in his gingerbread man costume. And I'm like, gingerbread, what? So the neighbor, mom, because he said, what? He said, it's still out there. And so we look, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:27:59 show this video. Now, as you can see, there is a man. I'm, you know, there's really not much to describe with it. Can you look at this ring, Kim? He's just standing there, he's in this gingerbread man costume. I'm like, gingerbread man, what? So it wasn't something like... It's just a man in a gingerbread man costume. Someone was hiding, he's literally like walking in the middle of the street.
Starting point is 00:28:17 He's just walking up and down the street. Like, part of me thought, all right, well maybe it's like festive holiday spirit. So the man, all right. so the man was just hovering. It was just gingerbread man. I actually, part of me doesn't even, isn't that scary by him because he didn't have gloves on. Because if he had gloves on, I would find it scarier.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Well, I think he's holding something. I think he still needs to have, you know, because when you have gloves, you can't fuck with your phone. You can't, no, exactly. So I honestly think what it was, as I think he was supposed to go to somebody's house. And he was sitting at the front door and he realized that he's at the wrong house. And he stands there for a while trying to figure out where he's got to go. Where he's got to go.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Is this the right house? Because look, he's got a phone in his hands. Yeah, he's exactly. He's got a phone in his hands and he's people call the police on this. Yeah, because and guess what he did is that he did try to open the door. He'd walk up the door and he tried to open it and they were like, what the hell do you think you're doing?
Starting point is 00:29:14 He pushed on the door and they woke up and they were trying to think you're doing. And the gingerbread man didn't just mysteriously stand there. He did just say, oh, I thought this was my friend's house, but they still called the police on him because he was a mist. He didn't belong there. Well, he looks like the way he's walking away, you know that he fucked up something. He was supposed to show up somewhere at a certain time. Here I am.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I'm being paid to be a gingerbread man. I guess get run train upon. I went to Washington Avenue. I was supposed to go to Washington Street It does look sad. You know walk away is like because you know what it is is it like I'm a gingerbread man I thought they would be filled with joy ponsine. Oh, not no I just created fear of her where I went. Yeah, there's being a gingerbread man and the push on the door I think is innocent enough because it'd be another thing if they were inside
Starting point is 00:30:06 and they're heard like, oh yeah, if you were, or if you were, let me in, let me in, you've been naughty. I've heard people've been naughty in here. Or if he was trying to jiggling the door handle or something, like that's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yes. But just lightly pushing on the door, seeing if it'll open, knowing that there's supposed to be some sort of party noise going on and hearing nothing, he knew that he fucked up because that's the walk of a man who's gonna have to you who fucked up. I told him everybody I wasn't gonna fuck up this year at Christmas. I know I was supposed to be the gingerbread man of the gingerbread have fucked party. I knew I was supposed to be there, the center of it.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah. Yeah. Because apparently gingerbread also has got a weird sort of like the gingerbread man as a weird history where it was supposed to be. It was done in the old days from Queen Elizabeth the first where she used to have mock cookies made up of the men and women if her courtier and then if she didn't like them, she'd like bite the bite them and they all go like Because I guess that's I don't know if that's completely it but it does seem Like that Nice You need it if you as the nice
Starting point is 00:31:19 It's a bit chewy unfortunately doesn't have that That you want even more even hate this thing. Even more remarkable than not being bred. Gingerbread doesn't even have to have ginger. Fuck you. What is this? How long is this recipe? Jesus fucking Christ.
Starting point is 00:31:34 It's like the whole thing. It's like, it's got a little, it's got this whole thing, a whole, a whole dialogue. And then like gingerbread, bake for 20 minutes. Like what is this shit? As long as I don't have to watch Mary Berry shove a piece of gingerbread into her mouth, like it's the Millennium Falcon entering the death star. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:31:53 It would look like Luke entering the star like that happened fast Millennium, but because it was always like a slow thing like. Yeah. Well, and and proves mouth ain't looking all that great either. No, she's starting to look like a fucking skeleton shark as well. But this gingerbread man is free so far because we haven't caught him. He's anonymous. Of course, he didn't come in a cry.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I hope we track this gingerbread man down and I hope as a neighborhood they beat him beat him to death in a public square How dare he try to be a gingerbread man without a license? Yeah, because also that's I think We got to start talking about we talk about the Grinch's last week. Yeah, it might be we might need some Christmas license I'm so glad I didn't go for a Grinch at the party last week. I am extremely happy You did yeah, because we had a wonderful time Yeah, but that had a wonderful time. And can you imagine? That guy just was there. Can you imagine what would it like?
Starting point is 00:32:47 And that wonderful time we were having if a Grinch, a man, some actor showed up for just for 15 minutes. Yeah, you know, again, job graders. Yeah. We could have been job graders and we could have sat with that man in his stinky Grinch costume for several uncomfortable hours.
Starting point is 00:33:04 But at least we would have experienced something. Yeah, we would have seen something. Yes, we would have experienced something that something would have been an uncomfortable night with an out of work actor and a Grinch costume. That's my favorite time. I'm an out of work actor. That's what I would say to him. Oh, I'm not working either.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I mean, you would love that. God, he'd love it. He'd love it. All right, let's get into. we have a bunch of other fucking stories. All right, this one is a good, this is just fun. We can keep this to being, we'll do this, but this is a fun one. I'm fine with my penis.
Starting point is 00:33:34 And I think that our audience, if you look deep down inside of yourself, I think you should also try to find a way to be fine with your penis, no matter what it is. No, we have to accept our penis. It's also being too big is bad too. Yeah, that is true. But we have to be fine with our penis, no matter what it is. No, we have to accept our penis. It's also being too big is bad too. Yeah, that is true.
Starting point is 00:33:46 But we have to be fine with our penises. We have to accept it. Because you know what happens sometimes if you want to do something drastic to your penis, it's gonna get you in a lot of trouble. And you're not gonna like, there's no coming back. But sometimes it gets you out of jail. You never know.
Starting point is 00:33:59 It's for a short period of time. Now this isn't sweet, sweet, peaceful Thailand. Now this man managed to break out of jail. His name is, I'm gonna try to pronounce it. Thana Fajmoyat, he's 37 years old. He was submitted to the Bangalamong Hospital where apparently his genitals had gotten extremely enlarged due to prison penis enlargement injections.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Infected enlargement injections. This is my thing. Is that if I'm getting my penis enlargement injections. Infected enlargement injections. This is my thing. Is it if I'm getting my penis enlarged? Number one, at least two different recommendations. Oh yeah, you gotta compare prices. I've been a lot of stuff. I'm gonna see a couple of guys. I'm gonna need some, see some penises.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Yeah, first that have been done. Give me some before and afters. And I want, I don't wanna meet the guy. Yeah. I wanna meet the guy after. No, I want a guy holding up a newspaper in both photos. So I know it's the same guy and I know that there's time has passed. Yes, because a lot of times I have heard that if you do get a penis enlargement procedure, it destroys your dick anyway.
Starting point is 00:34:59 No, it just doesn't just doesn't work. No. And now you're doing it like the same reason, like, wouldn't that only hit me with about being a sneakerhead? She's like, you know, you only impress other men with this. Yeah. No other, nobody else cares. Nobody knows that these are shoes that are,
Starting point is 00:35:13 that other people should be like cognizant of. I know. I've never once paid attention to your shoes. No, you, exactly. But it's like me showing up with a huge, unusable dick. Yeah. Like the only people are gonna say anything is probably like the guy that's on there for the free weekend at the 24 hour fitness.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Like it's not gonna be like, because then you like yeah, you do have a big huge fucking useless dick and you show up to have sex with someone and then it doesn't work and then what does it matter? You might as well just be like, oh, can you fuck me with a Monet? Can you fuck me with a Monet? No. Can you fuck me with a fucking, you know what I mean? With flat screen television?
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yeah, no, no, no. Other beautiful things that are, you know, otherwise useless for sex. Yes. Oh, big flat screen television. It's interesting that you compare to Monet with a flat screen television. That's the, could be the same,
Starting point is 00:36:02 because guess what? You could show on a flat screen television. A Monet. What you're fan of is shit. I can what you could show on a flat screen television. A mona. Yeah. I can make my fucking TV a bunch of fancy ads. Yeah. No, if you get the alarm to be this at best, they're going to look like these floppy gonzo dicks that we have hanging on our heads right now.
Starting point is 00:36:16 It's just going to be bigger. Unless side stories, LPL, the, tell me your penis enlargement success story. But nothing would make me happier if I got a couple of good ones because all I've heard, honestly, it ain't that, you know. It's not a good idea. Yeah, because this guy, I mean, he did it in the worst way possible. They just put, they just put silicone directly in. And that's the, how you want to do it?
Starting point is 00:36:39 No, that's how they do button plans. And the silicone is always about, that's what always gets infected. It's not good. All right. So he got extremely infected. Um, you got really, really this penis, it was really expanded to huge size, but it brought him to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:36:52 So no one actually wonders whether or not he did the penis enhancement in order to get to the hospital. But I think that was a bad way to do it. Because guess what? He's about to lose his fucking cock. Yeah. He's and go back to jail so he gets out of jail. He goes to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:37:07 His wife, they have communications because he had a cell phone, a legal NGO. His wife brings a pair of bolt cutters. I guess inside her vagina, like literally like it. I don't know how she brought them in there. These people are quite free with their genitals. Very crafty. And then snipped his restraints on the chair,
Starting point is 00:37:27 only gone to hospital bed, and he jumped out of a window. And he managed to be away. He was free for a full 28 hours. And when they found him, he was just on the roof of the hospital. He was 20 meters away. Yes, he was just on the roof. On the rooftop of the hospital's psych ward, uh, 20 meters away from where he was staying as a patient. And he just went right back to jail. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:50 So, and he's gonna lose his penis. Yeah. No, most likely, most likely. I just, the idea of getting your penis enhancement in jail, it's like, what, what do you really, what do you really want to do in jail? Honestly, you work out. Talk to guys can tell the teacher to work out. You're gonna, You're gonna read law books, right? Or any other book. Yeah, that's what you stick to. You read a lot of novels, if it was me. Don't fuck with your dick.
Starting point is 00:38:13 When you're without, like, I'm not touching my penis with a doctor unless it's like Beverly Hills. Yeah, it needs to be really established. Super nice, yeah. Yes. No, and like you said, with references. With references.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah, but yeah, this guy's fucked. He needs back in jail. And he would say, well, he's original crimes were. But whenever it was, he won't be using his dick for it later on in the future because it is now gone for him. I need to look on his sad face. He's an excruciating pain. Then you really gotta be careful with it.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah, you got to be. I'll sit here like this forever. You don't think I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. On pancakes. We're going to go pancakes. Of course, we're going to pancakes.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Oh yeah, I'm out of pancakes. This story is incredible because this one, it comes with not just a story. This comes with decades of stories. This is decades of resentment. This makes me really sad. This story makes me sad. Because this is one of those sad stories where you like, you make it for so long in a marriage.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And by time you're in your mid 80s, it should just be kind of like the coast in part, right? Yeah. Yeah. You've accepted each other's picadillos. If you've been married for over 60 years, like what is even the point, but this guy, you finally decided he waited and he finally fucking snapped. Now this is from this in DC.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And this is after 40 years of marriage, these people. Wow. Jesus fucking Christ. Steven Schwartz, 85 years old, is accused of fatally stabbing his wife, Sharon Schwartz, 81 years old, because he did not want to eat the pancakes that she made. That's it. And then he stabbed her in the fucking back. Yeah, that's it. Now, and finally, it was too much. He grabbed the knife and stabbed her in the fucking back. Yeah, that's it. No. That's an argument. And finally, it was too much.
Starting point is 00:40:06 He grabbed the knife and stabbed her in the back. This is definitely not about the pancake. It's what I've learned about marriage. Oh, it's not about the pancake. It's never about this little thing. But you never have to stab anybody ever, because even at 85, you can walk out that door. You can always, I've been here more and more more people getting divorced in their 60s and their 70s
Starting point is 00:40:28 So sad. Oh, yeah, you know if you get to like it's like you do have that final rush because like you know He's joke about with Natalie about how like she's gonna have so many years after I die Yeah, you know, she's gonna have that 15 20 years where I die much earlier than her And she's just gonna be able to do it average. I have it a brilliant and quite a bit of life Yeah, during the time period so hold out for that ladies where I die much earlier than her and she's just gonna be able to do it ever. I have it a brilliant and quite a bit of life. Yeah. During the time period to hold out for that, ladies, he was just about to die. That's a thing, man. As if you're like 85, because at one point, you really do, like, I think you can put it off
Starting point is 00:40:54 and put it off and put it off. And then when you're like 80 and you're looking at the medical advancements that are happening all around you, maybe even a 30 years. Yeah, you could have another 30 years Had you think like 30 more years of this pancakes? Because he said he is this problem But I mean you can walk away. I'm not saying you should stab you're way for husband you walk away always walk away But it's interesting because you better be careful
Starting point is 00:41:21 Because it says his main issues were eating diversion and depression Mm-hmm. He said because he hates eating and had she was forced to eat the pancakes So he could get his fucking medication in his belly. Yeah, so you better be careful man All right, because I know you don't like eating but you can't kill Not over a fucking pancake stock one later interviews He told investigators that he and his wife were married for 40 years that he loved her and it prayed the killing was a delusion Yeah, cuz he said he was recovering from a stroke Yeah, and that might actually have had a lot to do with it
Starting point is 00:41:51 Oh, yes, I think that that's where the impulse control like when you lose that it's because you are your brain It's in flux. Yeah, he said his wife did not deserve to die and that he wished that he had died No, yes, cuz then he tried he did did it slightly, try to kill himself, apparently. Yeah, cause he didn't do it. Yeah. He didn't finish it. All right, it's extremely sad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:11 It's very, very sad. You gotta be careful. Yeah. All right, because you know, you know, you're, I guess, listen to him. He says he's not gonna eat the pancakes, don't make him. But I don't know, but that's, You can't force him to eat.
Starting point is 00:42:21 You can't force him to eat, but that's the thing. If he needs to take his medication, if he needs to take his fucking medication, he got you. Maybe you go like, well, then some need you can't force me, but that's the thing if you need to take his medication If he needs to take his fucking medication You go like well, then I guess you don't get your fucking life saving medication today Barry But that's the thing she loves him and she wants him to live or he might be a monster without his medication You might be yeah, you know because he's upset. Yeah, obviously stabbed her over fucking pancakes Yep, so you're the key KP super regular and you know how that happened
Starting point is 00:42:44 Wasn't take his medication. It wasn't taking his medication. Yeah, but you can't be super regular. And you know how that happened? Wasn't taking his medication. It wasn't taking his medication. Yeah, but you have to think about that. So you don't take that resentment. If somebody forced you to eat, you're out of the league to resent. Because it's not bare fault for making you eat your body needs to eat, Mark.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I know that. I know that. I eat as much as I can. I'm just saying, you might get two points, especially as you get older. You're gonna eat less and less. Bad that is true. You're just gonna eat pages out of an old notebook. I could just saying, you might get two points, especially as you get older, you're gonna eat less and less. Ah, that is true. You're just gonna eat pages out of an old notebook.
Starting point is 00:43:07 I could see you getting to that point, where you're just like, you're like, that was a spicy stamp. Ah, you're like, like, one stamp, you're like, that's a lot for me. I'm never getting the stamps. Coins maybe, but not stamps. Let me say when you're writing a letter to your,
Starting point is 00:43:22 you fucking, who? Brother? Yeah, sure. Yeah, I don't know when you would. I don't know when I would either. I just text him, call him. And maybe after the solar flare comes and it's just Kevin Costner has to deliver the post.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Dude, it's already fucking the solar flare came and went. Yeah, we had the hole, the butthole of the sun opened up and shot a far ahead of us. It did nothing to us. Yeah. And they don't know why. It's really weird. It seems like everyone's mother's just like,
Starting point is 00:43:47 catastrophic news about the sun and the moon. Yeah. There's always just something about like, the sun's spinning weird. And everybody, it's on the news for like a day and you're like, what does that mean? Like, there's a fucking, it seems to be a Hello Kitty is formed in the gases of the sun.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Like what, and then this like, you hear nothing else. Well, that's the incredible thing about us that we've really only been able to observe the sun specifically like up close for a relatively short period of time and when you consider the entire time that man has been using and staring at the sun, like we've only been able to observe it up close for like a few decades now.
Starting point is 00:44:23 So we still don't know like what the fuck is it going to do and how's it going to fuck with us? We have no idea. We're living. We're scared of the sun. And you wonder why we can't seem to figure out like universal healthcare. Why why we can't figure out like anything? Why we're in such a measma of problems right now.
Starting point is 00:44:41 We are still just scared of the sun. With knowledge comes fear. We don't know anything. And you don't know, but why didn't you tell me? Because I'm in the solar flare news algorithm, dog. You are? I listen to enough dumb shit that I get a lot of solar flare information. Thanks to George Norrie, where he's been like, you know, tell me, you think of the sun
Starting point is 00:45:04 got into a car accident. Do you think we put out some stuff? I, it is, I am immersed in sun news in which everyone is confused. Yeah. And nobody, and then no follow up, no like, even, you know, when I appreciate all you scientists, fucking nerds out there at science news, One follow up that says, just let you know, son's fine. Just wanna check in?
Starting point is 00:45:30 No, let you know. Yeah, we said a bunch of alarming stuff last week about the sun, turns out we don't know anything. No news is good news. I actually think it's the opposite. Some news is good news. Some news is that, well, I think it did affect a couple of things. Like what? I think it affected a couple of satellites
Starting point is 00:45:48 Like what When what happened is that why I fucking I'm trying to watch football It was a delay Mm-hmm on the Kansas City game there. Oh, there was a delay on the Kansas City is that with the solar flare was oh There's a geostorm warning. It's fucking strong solar event will cause Aurora's and disruptions. When two days ago, I did see jack shit. Satellite orientation, regularity irregularities may occur. Increased drag on low earth orbit satellites is possible.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Radio, high-frequency radio propagation may fade at higher latitudes. What am I supposed to say? You're telling me that's nothing? Do you mean tell me? The only people who are affected are the loneliest people in the world, ham operators. People that, in an ancient technology
Starting point is 00:46:39 that is no longer used. No, you're thinking about ultra-high frequency. This is just high frequency. So this isn't even that high. So who uses that? You know, sailors. Sailors? I mean, I do not get, because I sometimes use this weird,
Starting point is 00:46:53 like, kind of, I mentioned it before. This website that's not necessarily Ham Radio, it's the sort of shortwave radio that you use, the people used to use to use a list of the number stations. Oh, yeah. Because there's still a couple out there, and you can still find some there's still going. Are the main number stations still going?
Starting point is 00:47:07 There's one called like the blip that's still going but you can't really find like the seven, seven. Yeah, the old one. Yankee, hotel, hotel, hotel. Except for the one that said the dogs were landing on December 23rd. Yeah, that's still going. But for the most part, you can go through
Starting point is 00:47:21 the shortwave radio transmitter and you can find like boat captains talking to each other and like fucking Russian. Man, it's gotta be, you gotta say some stuff out of pocket I bet. I bet, but I don't speak Russian. No, God knows what they say, but you know, again, it's all to say, hey son, when you're gonna bother me, fucking wake me up first. Sure. Fucking piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Make me scared for no reason about stuff I can't do anything about. You think that I'll fucking think I can't do anything about. And then I'll fucking think I can't do anything about it. And I'm just scared of the sun. The flare was a class X. That means nothing. It means nothing. It represents the highest intensity
Starting point is 00:47:55 in the solar flare classification system. Solar flares are ranked from A to X, meaning that X is the most powerful. Is it triple X when it goes up like fucking ass? The classes are further divided by numbers, indicating their relative strength. X, meaning that X was the most powerful. Is it triple X when it goes up like fucking ass? The classes are further divided by numbers, indicating their relative strength. And X2, for instance, is twice as potent as an X1.
Starting point is 00:48:12 So we've got like an X3. Oh boy. He's fucking, we may lose you HF. These sunflower experts can kiss my armpits. All right, because that is something I am, I, that's a racket right there. These solar flare guys just walking around with an umbrella going like, oh, oh, soons getting angry today. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And 2017, there was a night stories LPLG What is your job, solar flare person? Yeah. And what is the solar flare that they say is going to knock out everything? How is it? How high does it have to be? Because in 2017, we had an X8.2. Dude, I just honestly scheduled for me. If you could, if you could let me know when that knock out everything. Where is it? How high does it have to be? Because in 2017, we had an X8.2. Dude, I just honestly scheduled it for me. If you could, if you could let me know when that solo player is coming, I really appreciate it. Schedule the apocalypse and total breakdown of society as we know it.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Yeah, just so I know I can make sure to get enough fucking high C for my home. I want to make sure I order an F-Ecto cooler off eBay because I know afterwards eBay is not going to be working anymore I got such a muller I'm a searcher. Muller, you're Do we have time for one more story. Yeah, I read this is one more story this guy um All right guy got issues with my mom and I know like Express them in that way, but mostly it's cuz like you know, I love my mom. You know, you slash over mother under mother
Starting point is 00:49:28 I don't know. Yeah, who fucking knows I love my mother as well, right? We all do get my armpits, right? But this guy kiss my armpits. I love my mother. I love my mom Right with this guy lost his fucking mind I'm gonna fucking kill mind in brutal way. He's not doing good. Yeah, he brutally murdered Jeffrey Surgent, 46. Yeah, so now this guy, he wasn't doing well. He's got bipolar, like you do.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Oh, well, I'm not sure if this man's bipolar is comparable to my bipolar, but I'm like, just like you. No, no, it's just like you. My bipolar is treated. It has been for many years. I care for my bipolar. It is not my fault, but it is my responsibility.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I agree. I agree. But I've been treating my bipolar two, which is I like to call it depression plus. Yeah, yeah. Just equal to depression. Yeah. It's kind of extra depression.
Starting point is 00:50:18 You get depression, but then there's that little extra thing that makes it just a little bit more horrible. So it's not gonna make you do this? It sounds like this man was bipolar one. Seems like this man. No, he was number one bipolar number one. I was number one in my class at my polar school. And also, I do want to say is that, you know, people with mental illness are far more
Starting point is 00:50:35 likely to be the victims of violence. Maybe the perpetrators of violence. I agree. The letter, I will say truly, it's the South Jersey news that you can trust breaking AC that leads with the bipolar diagnosis. So I don't know if it is would always be the most responsible news source in the world. Linda Cohen is really leaning into the mental illness angle.
Starting point is 00:50:54 But I'm going to read, honestly, Linda, you did a good job here. So I'll read it in your style, as I can imagine. And oh, she's city main who was hospitalized. Have to tell in police police he killed this mother while suffering from mental illness is now in jail. Jeffrey Sargent, 46, called 911 just before 4 p.m. Friday stating that he was bipolar and that he had just killed this mother.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I can't even believe such a thing. How horrible and how horrible is that? How horrible. How horrible it's horrible, especially right before the holidays. Right before the holidays. That was a favorite. And you killed them before she could do the other calendar. So police arrived to the apartment complex.
Starting point is 00:51:33 It's 308 6th Street to find surgeon nude in the hallway, lying on top of his mother's to capitated body. Now again, this is why the guys at the Taco Bell, those cops are having a much better day than these police officers. Yeah. And then he said that he was screaming over and over again about how he killed his mother and he was sorry, which is nice to hear sometimes an apology goes a long way. And then he began singing Jesus, Jesus loves me. Yes, I know. For the Bible tells me so. Yeah, it was just frightening. Me too. Tell us on the beat. Yeah, it's like it's like in Sidious.
Starting point is 00:52:10 What is that? Or be our great. He is great. And we are small. I guess he's asked us. Me. It's weird. It's a little Christian elf down.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Um, Oh, Jesus loves me. Oh, yes. Jesus loves me. It's real. Which is very big. You be in my mother's blood. That's what the Bible tells me so. Lot has sex with his daughters in a cave. We know what happens in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:52:41 So the main thing is, no, his son was killed because he saw his father's penis. It's and that was an allegorical. I think that was real. I think it was completely. Now he apparently they found him on footage, which is, you know, it's one of those in real life truly terrifying. Yeah. But in retrospect, you know, if you saw the movie you'd laugh. Yeah. And so it's like, you know, they said they saw his from the security camp footage.
Starting point is 00:53:02 This is the door of his apartment. Open up. They saw his stick his head out. Look back and forth like he was a lunatic. Tunes character. Bull his mother's to capitated head out the door. We're rolled on its own down the fucking hallway. Right. At a high rate of speed.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Oh, you know, this is why I said bold. Right. Then he then dragged. He was nude and he dragged his mother's dead body now to capitated out of the apartment into the hallway making it everyone's issue. And then laid naked down upon her body. Yeah. And it's just not good news.
Starting point is 00:53:35 It's not good news. It's hard for everyone because again, it is Christmas time and we are trying to get or getting people coming in. We got all these deliveries are coming in. It's very fucking, you know, it's a lot to do. This is and this man I'm looking at his mug shot. He's one of those guys that has a massive, massive head and a tiny face.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Wow, yep. His face is so tiny. He like, looks, he just looks like one of the, like a photo shot. Yeah, his eyeballs nose and mouth are within a two inch triangle. And then the rest of it's just straight up, mom killing dumb. He's got a very large head.
Starting point is 00:54:10 It is a very scary story. Yeah. And that's why I feel like one of my big messages this year is don't check in on your neighbors. Don't? No. Don't not even say hi. How are you?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Happy holidays. This guy didn't need friends. I really feel that Jeffrey Surgeon needs to help. But obviously, there's a picture of him in a mug shot where he's wearing one of what they call a suicide vest where they strap your hands to yourself. And so this man, I feel for this man in many ways, because I know that he was in the throes
Starting point is 00:54:40 of a probably very frightening mental health collapse. And extraordinarily so. He, I wish that I always had to say this man should have gotten help because in America, it's very difficult. It's extremely to get help for your mental health, especially if you don't have money. Yes. And it seemed like these people probably didn't have a lot of that. No.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I guess it would be better to say I wish this man could have gotten help. Yes, but then you also never know what that helps going to be because there's also bad therapists too that are like, yeah, why don't you kill your mother? Which is gotta be there's gotta be one or two that are like that everyone's one like see what happens. Come on. It's all the dice Take me with you. Let's go. Let's go to Mexico together but this guy is gonna Unfortunately, probably not gonna get the help you get the needs until he's in jail. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And that's why sometimes it, well, does it 99% of the time it doesn't help anything. Sometimes it does help you get back on the right track. Jail? Sometimes. Never once in a while. Well, you're just getting some medication. I don't think he's going to get, I don't think they get mental health med, like, I don't think they get that in jail. You medication. I don't think he's gonna get, I don't think they get mental health med, I don't think they get that in jail.
Starting point is 00:55:47 You know, I don't think so. I thought they like, they don't get calm down juice. I don't think they get that in jail. They get new to reptilian in the morning, coldly blood from Spring Hill Jack, like I'm drinking. Like you're drinking right now. I think that's gonna make it worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Get all hopped up. It's gonna give me a lot of ideas. It's like I got two mouths where my armpits are. And they both have been eating peppermints. You know what I wanna do is fuck and suck. Let's get some listen to email. I was about to say. You know I love it into small town.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Sometimes I mean you just got a guy. I wanna read this email. I live near Asheville, North Carolina, in an area that a lot of people would say is very backwards, red neck, and to be fair, it has this moment, like raccoon hat guy. I've only seen this guy once, but I was driving to my really dinky rural gas station for some stony snacks, and this guy was wandering
Starting point is 00:56:40 all over the road, which has so many blind spots and a high speed limit. So as we passed him, we noticed he had blood on him. It looked like he was on something. I don't know if it makes me a bad person, but he didn't want to stop to help him. Plus he was quick. Yeah. Oh, you don't get involved.
Starting point is 00:56:54 You're fine. Don't get involved. Don't get involved. Don't get involved. A man covered in blood that's quick. You don't need to stop for the quick guy. You really don't because there's a lot going on there. Just help your local, help your you, local men, help people.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Otherwise, give money to a chair. Also, yeah, help your leg. Because if a guy's quick, then that means you've been observing him and that means that he is making a ratic movement. That's called a ratic movement. Yeah, that's a quick. No, yes. When we walked into the gas station, I mentioned to the cashier.
Starting point is 00:57:20 It's a cashier. I told him who's worker forever and always tells me the gossip. And she just said, oh, yeah, that's just a raccoon guy. He likes to put dead raccoons on his head. My dead raccoons, she just meant roadkill. Yeah. He was wearing a roadkill raccoon just as a hat. Blood and all.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And we left the gas station. He was nowhere to be seen. He kind of disappeared like a red neck crypt. Um, then I just think that's fun for him. Fun for him. Fun for him. So it's like, how would you compare this guy to Squirrel Hunt and Sam? No, I mean, Squirrel Hunt and Sam had an entire lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And a job. This is just raccoon hat guy. This is not a, so you wouldn't consider this a life. It's not a job. We know that. It's not a job. But it's not a job. But it could be a lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:58:03 He has made it so. It's his lifestyle, but I think at the same time, it's an identity. If you asked him if he was doing it on purpose, he'd probably be like, what hat? You know, like as blood just dripped out of the same. So I don't know what you're talking about. And is it illegal?
Starting point is 00:58:19 No. No, there's nothing illegal, but being fashionable. Do you think that he could be charged to serving the piece though? I think that if this was downtown St. Louis, someone might call the police. Yeah, but a small town outside of Asheville. That's just a raccoon hat guy.
Starting point is 00:58:35 That's just him, that's just what he does. And then I did give this really interesting email about prions. These things are very, this stuff very scary to me. Yeah. Basically a long email about this lot of science. It's a lot of science. It's very interesting though.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I can try to sum it up for you. Yeah, if you can. Yeah, it's basically what this guy says that prions are very important to human life, specifically mammalian life, but certain diseases, and you know, prion diseases, and you have prion diseases, they are incurable and 100% fatal.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah, because it's a protein that does like a bunch of different shit prions. I guess they say they move around copper in our body, they help us with sleep and building muscle. But a prion disease is when you either consume or something mutates one of your prions that then begins to reproduce inside of your body.
Starting point is 00:59:26 It mists folds protein. Yes. And then you, yeah, you mutates one of these things and then you become bad and you die very quickly. Well, mad cow disease, that's a prion disease. Yes. Yeah. Chronic wasting disease.
Starting point is 00:59:38 This is interesting here because the chronic wasting disease, it says that it infects all species servants, the deer family. So I'm thinking that remember that part in the Hatfield McCoy's where I said that like all these deer were dying from a mysterious disease. It's something like this. I would think that it was something like this. The most terrifying part of it is that he says or he or she says that prion diseases are extraordinarily resilient to sanitation. Yes. To deactivate it, you have to soak it.
Starting point is 01:00:08 You have to soak an instrument in bleach for an hour, heat it to a thousand degrees Fahrenheit, or you autoclave it. What's the story about the surgeon that did a brain surgery, not knowing that the person had a prion disease. That's what they died of because it's so hard to, it's truly hard to diagnose a prion disease. And that the, It's mostly like it presents itself as dementia. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And then they went to go use those same instruments a year later and then transferred that prion disease to another person. Several years later. Yes. And they cleaned these instruments as you would normally clean surgical instruments. But yeah, the prion disease is remain for several years. I live. And I think it's a really good thing to read.
Starting point is 01:00:48 If you're not anxious, it's a good way to get anxious. Like if you just solve the bunch of stuff in your life and you go like, oh, you know, I'm finding them feel good. Here's a good new free floater. Yeah. They can just kind of pop up every once in a while because they, there are, they say the prime diseases can also be held in plant life. Which is great because the CWD deeply scares this writer because that's one of the basically the versions of a chronic wasting disease that humans can get because it's a
Starting point is 01:01:18 prior disease in a free ranging animal species that like to hang out in farm fields and it's found in 30 states. So we don't know if it can cross the species barrier into humans yet. We do know that deer can get it from eating plants grown in soil inflected with CWD prions. My God. That's great. So think about that. You just really let that roll around. And if you want to avoid that thought, uh, rents, how to ruin the holidays.
Starting point is 01:01:40 An Amazon. Chris is moving. I mean, I mean, it's on Amazon. Uh, it's a lot of, I think it's a Christmas movie I'm in. I mean, it's on Amazon. It's a lot of, I think it's a really funny movie. And again, I am playing a guy who it's Christmas. Yeah. So you'll like that.
Starting point is 01:01:53 And I would also like to address the email that we got about psilocybin in pain. This is from a psych researcher. It's very interesting. Yeah, it has a few publications under their belt, worked with people with severe addictions and trauma. They say that chronic pain and trauma go hand in hand. So if you have an unaddressed traumatic event, you're likely to experience chronic pain. Those, and they call the type of pain psychogenic,
Starting point is 01:02:17 meaning that the individual is likely manifesting this pain as a response to trauma, they have not fully contended with. And this person does say, like specifically, it's not a good idea to just take a handful of mushrooms and hope it all works out. It just don't work like that. But they said everyone said that. I think we did say, like we did Warren people, they get, they say, it's not a good idea
Starting point is 01:02:40 to just take a bunch of mushrooms across your fingers and think that it's going to disappear. But it does make sense because psilocybin is being used in certain areas to treat trauma. And in therapies, because they do believe that it can rewire some of the way your neural connections are like, you can restart them. And then you can maybe like,
Starting point is 01:02:59 relearn to live without the pain. Like essentially like, you've been sort of psychologically making the pain slightly. You know, and that now that kind of kind of help you sort of outthink the pain. But it is not, we don't know that to be certain. Yeah, we don't know that to be certain, because as they say that, like right now, the science, the research for psilocybin, when it comes to how it affects the brain is still in its very, very, very early stage.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yes. Although I will say that like when I'm feeling my, you know, my mood going pretty low and I'm starting to feel that depression start to kick in, I take one of my little microdosing pills, a pop it and that helps to at least, it doesn't get me back to where I need to be, but at least it keeps me from sinking even further. See, I just a little microdosing pill. It's not, I don't do like a full trip or anything like that. It's just a, I take it on an as needed basis.
Starting point is 01:03:50 That's why I use Panera Bread's charge limiting. Whenever I'm feeling a little for clumped. A little low. Yeah, I make sure I take two or three of those. And a deck really cuts the fucking edge for me. And then buttermilk. But just for me and then buttermilk. But just a whole bunch of buttermilk. Until I fall asleep, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I just can't ever drink buttermilk again after there was that ice cream driver when I was a child. What happened? There was this guy, because I lived in a really small town. Yeah, I know this is starting off like the Phoebe Kate story in Gremlins. Yeah, yeah, it sounds like you were forced to set a bunch of buttermilk by a man you didn't know.
Starting point is 01:04:27 No, that was just this, because it was a really small town. It's only like 400 people. So, you know, an ice cream man is not going to have a lot of customers. No. But this guy that nobody knew just one day showed up in a nice cream truck and just, that's the comic book. Yeah. And just started driving around the town.
Starting point is 01:04:44 And we were, of course, excited because we only heard about ice cream trucks like in TVs and movies. We'd never seen an ice cream truck before. So we're running up or really excited. And there's this old grizzled man. And this is like Texas summer. Like this is the data Texas summer. So it's like 105 degrees.
Starting point is 01:05:02 It's humid as fuck because I grew up in a rainy season. It's humid as fuck, and he's just sitting there drinking buttermilk straight from the fucking cart and barely paying attention to the kids. And every time he gives you a fucking popsicle, it takes another big swig of buttermilk. He was around for like three days, and then he was gone. Yeah, and you sped you ate the popsicles. Yeah, they were good.
Starting point is 01:05:25 See his shows in the end. You could have fought. You do. But you still win. Got the pops. You still bought those popsicles. You still watched a man drink buttermilk. I ate that Ninja Turtle head with the horrible gum ball.
Starting point is 01:05:39 That was my one of my favorites. Yeah, that was my favorite too. But yeah, I ate them. So live every day. Like your man with a bunch of buttermilk that's gonna spoil and you just suck it down while these children watch. And then as you're laughing your way to the ice cream bank,
Starting point is 01:05:53 you know that you've traumatized another skinny Texas boy that would go on to an amazing career. That's right. And that's what you do time and time again, because you love your job as creepy buttermilk ice cream man And you go from town to town inspiring skinny skeleton boys being like Do you write in your life? So you don't turn into me
Starting point is 01:06:16 Would I be here today? I don't know without buttermilk man. I actually don't know. I don't know either I don't know either. I don't say that the butterfly flapping its wings Perhaps that was the butterfly that flapped it swings that brought me here. Yes, it's also fallacy. It's a fucking fallacy. So thank you guys so much. She's been Side Stories. We'll see you after the break. Goodbye. Oh yeah, do we need to plug all the other stuff we'll do that in the last one? Yeah. You know what we got. Comic book stuff. Stuff. Okay. Yeah, I'll see you. Good bye. Stuff. Stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Okay. Hellsweep. Good bye.

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