Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: The Grinch

Episode Date: December 13, 2023

Henry & Marcus bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news starting off with an unusual sentence for a burrito-bowl assault in Ohio, $59 million wedding Groom faces prison after firing at Texas police, a golden shower gone wrong at Pennsylvania Days Inn, a Texas Grinch stands outside elementary schools with ‘Santa is Fake’ sign - denounces strip clubs, Space Dogs and the Psychic Sasquatch, Last Podcast Community Slider Stories, a mushroom miracle, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 POTATIC POTATIC HOLD, Primate Listening! It is I, New Mator 4.7.9. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee, and while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake invitations you give it. So try our new glare from Spring Hill Jack Coffee.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Reptilian in the morning. Our proprietary blend of light they roasted, Kokayoasks, will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coaca with all your slippery new aims. Yee-eeh! Thanks, honey. Sssss!
Starting point is 00:00:42 Nah, I'm... Ha-ta-ta-. I'm cold blooded. Mmm. Existing Hill Jack and last hot gas on the left. I'm ready to get out now and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton. There's no place to escape to. This is the last talk. Yes! On the left.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Side stories? There's no place to escape to. This is the last talk on the left side stories. I'm a child. I'm a child. That's when the cannonball some started. Side stories. Yeah. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, they say, like, as you get older, like, as you turn into, I guess, we're not old, old yet clinically. No, not yet. You're not old, old yet clinically. No, not yet. You're not even 40 yet.
Starting point is 00:01:26 No. And I'm just 40. I'm a baby. Well, I'm almost 41. I'm a child. You smooth, like a child. You should see me, man. Tee hee hee. Does that sound convincing?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Like I'm going to go with innocence? I know there's like, Tee hee hee hee hee hee. There's got to be at least five square inches on your body where there's no hair. So yes, you are a baby, you a child. Yeah, it's called my fucking forehead. That's what's happening.
Starting point is 00:01:48 That's where it's jumping from. But I'm finding that as a, like it was the same as a kid, where they say it gets cyclical. So you start to become kind of babyish because of the point where you become like you got a diaper and someone's cleaning you again when you're fucking 90 years old.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah, start a life. But you find it, I find it as I get older, like for it was about a 15 year period where I didn't have any like little cuts or bruises. And now it's all the time. I'm covered in little tiny cuts. Yeah. As why is that?
Starting point is 00:02:19 You know why it is, because you know one of the whole thing, one of the things that people are really afraid of when they go to old folks homes, when they go to nursing homes, it's because people skin always wear it. It's chaos off, yeah. It begins. Is that really what it is?
Starting point is 00:02:30 That's the beginning of it. Our skin is weaker than it once was. We're now on our way to our skin just ripping off and you know, just huge flaps. Am I not just emotionally vulnerable enough? Do I also have to literally be peelable? Like I'm some kind of fucking banana? Yeah, we're all ready to go, man. I'm fucking covering cuts of bruises all the time. I've never spent as much money on band-aids
Starting point is 00:02:51 as I happened to year at my 40th birth. And nothing is like, it's just gross. And it's gross. It's gross to have band-aids on you because now I feel when you see someone who's actually very elderly and they always have like some like band-aid on their face. And it's all like, I fell into the shower.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And you're like, oh my fucking god, is that what's happening now? This is the fourth facial melanoma I've had off in the last six months. My doctor started calling me scooper. Ha ha ha ha. Welcome to Side Story, Side Story. Scoopers.
Starting point is 00:03:25 We're gonna side stories ladies side stories, scoopers. I'm gonna side stories ladies and gentlemen, I'm Marcus Parks here with Henry Zabrowski. Sure you are. What do you got here for me today, Henry? What do you got? I got fucking garbage here. You honestly, we got some good stories. It's a nice, we're gonna get to one of the biggest responses.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And I mean it, according to Joel, who's going through the side stories emails, that the single largest listener response we have ever received in the history of side stories. And we're going to go through some of those responses. And no, it's not about the Klaus Meag. Because we're not doing it. We're not doing it this week. We're saving it. Yeah, we're saving it for the new year because we have had quite a, because Klaus Mibagnash did fucking come out. Oh, yeah, in space. Oh, they came out. They let us know. But we have had quite a few people complain about how much poo poo poo talk. So we're not content, poo content. We have it. So we're going to do it. We're going to refrain no matter
Starting point is 00:04:18 how much it pains us to do. So put it what does do with the listen, a response does bring us back to is star seeds, which is really strange, because isn't it funny? Because now we brought up several new cults. Like we brought up love as one. We talked about, what was the other big documentary that we just covered? Twin flames. We did the Twin Flames universe and they all use the same terminology. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I did not actually understand that love as one also uses a lot of twin flames. Yeah, I didn't realize that until I saw the documentary either. I mean, it's lightly sprinkled in. Yes, but I got a lot of messages saying like, hey, you know, like they do actively, it's the same sort of makeup genetically cult-wise, which I find very interesting, but Starseeds get in there too,
Starting point is 00:04:59 who are largely people that are extremely annoying. As we know, they are indigo children with apple watches. Starseeds, those are supposedly people whose parents were impregnated with aliens. Are they half alien? Are they full blown aliens? I don't know. Is it like a baby Jesus thing where they were put into the hand? They got a hit.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I think it's more more it's a spiritual essence versus an actual creation. Like they're not actually made out of meat. I believe an actual star seed, meaning yes, it connotes, this is the, canosie understanding that individuals who are identified as they were seeds from the stars, you see. There's seeds in the stars.
Starting point is 00:05:42 That's number one. You don't understand. And they, yes, star, I understand. Now, I don there's seats in the starts. That's number one. You don't understand. And they yes, star. I understand. I don't think you do because this came from the 1976 book, Gods of Aquarius. And they said that humans who came from a special gene pool linked to visits by extraterrestrials. So it's live egg. All right. Well, I'm sure Gods of Aquarius certainly isn't a circular fucking mess of the same bullshit going on and on for 300 pages like all those fucking books are.
Starting point is 00:06:08 But also it is true that PKD did sort of say that he might have been a star seat. If you ever had a hard problem with having your battery life last for a long time, you might be a star seat. And he might be one. And so was I guess, uh, uh, what's his name's Clark? Fuck an Albert Einstein guy. And who knows, we'll get it to, um, but my first story will start with stupid, but good justice. Now I think it's important. We want to start with this good lesson up top. People work fast with restaurants.
Starting point is 00:06:41 We defend them. Absolutely. Oh, day, I defend them. You know, we also got a lot of people pro-charge lemonade. We did get someone say, you will, you'll only pry my charge lemonade out of my cold dead hands. And I think that if you have a charge lemonade in your hands, I don't want to take it for me. Absolutely not. Because you're already out of pocket.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Many people have admitted to having an intense addiction to charge lemonade. They love it. And they're like, yeah an intense addiction to charge lemonade. They love it. And they're like, yeah, these you say you get used to it. The only point is riding the drag that you just kind of build a tolerance to it. And some people did break it down into a smart way. If you really look at the milligrams, it's like, they're all like, it's how your body sort of metabolizes it. And I suppose so, but we got a lot of sip club members out there that really are big on the Panera sip club. Yep. So yeah, I get it. I don't want to come in there.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It's like, God for a bit, you say anything about the Shrine. Yeah. I mean, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they all wall up. But we defend our fast food employees here. Always because you got to, I had Del Taco burger for the first time because I heard that that's the way you got to go. How is it? It's fine. But it's like fat burger where it's also just fine. It's fine. Yeah, it doesn't. But this is one of the smartest things I've heard a judge do, because it's really great and it's true justice.
Starting point is 00:07:55 But I also think once we talk about it, I think it also punishes the fast food workers, but let's get into it. Yes, Rosemary Hain, difficult woman, goes into a Chipotle and decides she ordered a burrito bowl. Now, if those of you that don't know, what a burrito bowl is. First of all, you need to go to a doctor. You need to go talk to someone else. You need to go and figure, like, maybe you've just been melted from a block of ice. This is the planet earth. The president is Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Don't scream. Wait, this year 2023, all right. You don't gotta order things off the television anymore. You can get on your phone. But a breeder ball, if you know, it's normally just like, it's you take a burrito and you abort it. You do an autopsy on the burrito
Starting point is 00:08:42 and you open it up and you spill its haphazards inside into a bowl. And the reason why you get that because you're lying yourself about how healthy the bowl is versus the burrito. It's a pile of burrito. That is what I like. I get a bowl every once in a while. I'm like, I ain't being bad, but it's still the same thing.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's a lump of stuff, but it's a lump of stuff in a bowl. There's women who received it from Chipotle and she decided that it wasn't up to her standards of delivery aesthetically. It aesthetically. She decided, that's just why, I mean, if you've ever been to a Chipotle, there's got to do that. You know, you're about to shellac your own intestinal lining with pure diarrhea and you're sitting here wondering, oh, like I actually prefer a little bit of green here to break up the brad. And you're like, nobody, it's all turning into a light tan shooting out of your ass hole in a splanking way anyway, right? Back to shit. Yeah, right back to shit. And so she didn't like the look of it. So she
Starting point is 00:09:40 decided she would take it to the manager and the poor manager, Emily Russell, just doing her job with standing out to get in an argument and you basically watch her pick up this breedable from several people They were filming around her in a circle and throw this breedable into her fucking face And it's very sad. Yeah, you do not do it heavy on the sour cream on that burrito ball It's almost like she ruined her own burrito ball With extra sour cream. Yes, ma ma ma I wanted to look like Peter North who's serving it to me. I wanted to be. With calm. Um, but she, uh, she, she, do it hard
Starting point is 00:10:16 at her face. She really did. And so the judge has decided in their wisdom, judge kill again. I'm decided that this is again, this took place in Parma, Ohio, and they said the judge, so you didn't get your readable the way you liked it and this is how you respond. This is not real housewives of Parma. No, this behavior is not acceptable. Nor would it be on the real housewives of Parma, which would be incredible.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Just the, what would the real housewives of Parma, which would be incredible. Just what would the real housewives of Parma, Ohio be? I don't know. I think it's, I think it'd be the one of them would definitely have their own nacho cheese line. But Gigi Gilligan then said, this is what they, she got six months in jail. She threw the fucking book at her, saying like, you got, but if you want to reduce your sentence, guess what you want to reduce your sentence, gets what you get to do.
Starting point is 00:11:06 If you put 20 hours a week for two months working at Chipotle, which I think is an amazing idea. It's a great idea, but can you imagine working with this person? You're in your fast food restaurant, you're in your fast food job, which you probably don't enjoy a hell of a whole lot. It's a job. It's a job. It's just a job. You're trying to get through
Starting point is 00:11:28 it. You're trying to get through your day. We're surprised. Like Guy Fieri, you make your way through these various fast food empires. It can get you can get skills. You can get skills that's like some places you still cook. Some places you really, you still like, there's like a grill and there's stuff like you learn how to do that. And then you can take that out of the place. Sure. But I'm willing to bet the majority of fast food workers are just trying to get through the day. I think so. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I believe in you. Yeah. And then this woman shows up court appointed and is just like like shackles. That'd be incredible with like a guard next to her like a police officer. You know what I do if I was the manager? Sit in the corner for eight hours. Watch me. Just watch me.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Just don't say fucking, don't fucking say anything. Don't get in my way. Don't get in my way. I got a rhythm here. Yeah, because you do. I imagine. Of course. Now I worked in fast food.
Starting point is 00:12:18 You absolutely have a rhythm. If you got somebody on that fucking pizza line that doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. And she's a big ass grump. Yeah, especially somebody who is obviously a pain in the head. Big perfect noise for this woman. Maybe you look at her, the perfect noise of this woman, when she's saying,
Starting point is 00:12:32 eeehh, and he's saying, he's hot near the frialator. He's like, yeah, fucker. It is hot near the frialator. It's hot every day near the frialator. Because guess what I'm doing? I'm feeding goddamn America. I am out here doing what I gotta do do delivering fries at a timely hot matter.
Starting point is 00:12:49 God damn right. Yes, because you, because again, we all like the fries. We're all trying to make it through. But I do, you might be right. Yeah, it's going to be more of a punishment for the people who work at the fast food at restaurant than it. But that's the thing. But you did some appreciation.
Starting point is 00:13:02 He did some appreciation. He didn't even, he didn't even sentence her to working at Chipotle. He just sentenced to her to work at a fast food restaurant. Well, I honestly think weirdly Chipotle is kind of more high end. Yeah, it is. I think that she's kind of got to go, you know, they're not a sponsor. Jack in the box. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no checkers. Yeah, checkers. That's how I was going to say she's got to go below Jack in the box. You got to be able to go below Jack in the box as checkers.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You got to be at a place where literally it's only next to a highway. It's only by an overpass. You know, like it is not there is no sit down checkers. There's no nice checkers. No, as far as I know we're about to get a flood of corrections. I'm sure. No, I remember there was there was there's plenty of sit-down checkers in New York and In the city. There is yeah, there was one on a Bushwick and Merdle
Starting point is 00:13:50 That we recorded our the common we recorded our album across the street from the checkers the checkers as good for Iso They were fine, but the rest of it's not good It was like it's that there was the checkers and then right next to it was the churches and then there was the boot like the place that the boot. The boat that was gotta go. It was a goddamn churches and cause talk about not only because I feel like in those places too is something like you go to churches and you're working there not only is it extremely difficult, but everybody around you's going to be calling you like they're going to roast and look at the entire time.
Starting point is 00:14:22 You should just be just brutalized by the most hardcore fast food experience at the airport. You need a work and I that's where she's got to go. A fucking airport burger can. That is exactly where she needs to fucking go. Because that's that's hard. No airport Wendy's. Even that just sent a chill up my spot.
Starting point is 00:14:44 But worst meal I've ever had in my life was like an airport Wendy's. It that just sent a chill up my spine. But worst meal I've ever had my life was like an airport Wendy's. It's so hard because again, I'm just feel like because it's like extremely hard job. It is. Especially if the airport. So we'll see if she learned anything. I don't know if she'll get three separate ghosts. So we'll arrive for her on Christmas Eve. And it's like that, you know, Wendy, a giant chicken from Chick-fil-A, wouldn't that be incredible? Actually, the cow, that's those things. Oh, yeah, that's right. The cow, the big one.
Starting point is 00:15:09 The more chicken cows, yeah. Yeah, those guys, yeah. In each one, convinces her, shows her the errors over her with, and then Dave Thomas shows up at the end, being like, do you want to end up in a setback to the orphanage like I did, Wendy? I would, what? I would think that I would think that the grimace would show up and just smother her to death, just sit on the face so she dies I didn't know I didn't know
Starting point is 00:15:34 Hey, so yes, I hopefully she does learn let's hope Let's talk about somebody who I'd learn nothing and this is Let's talk about somebody who I'd learn nothing. And this is, it's hard to throw judgment. You don't want to throw just people spend a lot of money on weddings because I think there are some people that believe it's the only time they will experience either this level of attention or it's a celebration themselves or it's like, it's just wild, right? Like what the amount of money, and like I think the more money that goes up in a wedding,
Starting point is 00:16:09 the more you're like, what are we trying to prove here? Right? Like really what's up here, because it's kind of supposed to sort of be about your love. Yeah. And I feel like you could spend a lot of money in a lot of other places, blah, blah, blah. But this was, this wedding deserves whatever judgment
Starting point is 00:16:24 you want to throw at it. Oh, without a doubt. This is the wedding is attached to a crime, of course, but the wedding went viral not too long ago. It was a five day long wedding. It was a wedding that actually lasted five days, not like five days, but the wedding itself was five days long. It occurred in Paris. This is crazy. And it was of course, I mean, the people that were the perpetrators of this fucking crime, of course, their Dallas Fort Worth people, Dallas Fort Worth people for the rest of Texas, like Dallas Fort Worth people.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It's like, it's a town of people pretending like they're not from Texas. See, I love it. I also being from Texas. We have I love it. Also being from Texas. We have a great crowd. We have an amazing crowd in Dallas, I'm talking about these rich mother fuckers like this, the kind who spend $59 million on a wedding. You heard that absolutely correctly. $59 million.
Starting point is 00:17:20 You people who live in Dallas for a worth, you know exactly who the fuck I'm talking about. Card dealership, Eris, Madeline Brockway, 26 years old, sounds like it. And so she become like, hit a big time TikTok account that kind of documented this.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And I know it is partly was, it was for content. Yeah. But just the idea of like that amount of money, which could have gone anywhere. You're talking multiple, multiple, multiple homes that you could have purchased versus doing this. But 59 nice homes.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I guess it brings people to your TikTok and that's kind of why maybe that was kind of run as a, this is an investment, but we're not even at the crime yet. But this is the, she made this one, it was $59 million. So this is just so you can even hear why we're even the attention that came to her. So Brockway, it's a daughter of Bill Ushery Motors CEO, Robert Bob Brockway, which I guess he runs many different like cardio ships across the country. Bob Brockway. And he was not reached for comment. No.
Starting point is 00:18:27 So millions of people watch online videos. This is now according, we got this from the Daily Beast. And this is the November 18th wedding. This is what was happening at Maroon 5, played live. A rehearsal dinner at the Palais Garnier Opera House. An overnight stay at the Palace of Versailles. The nuptials took place at the Chateau de Villeppe, where she wore a maid by the House of Dior to spec dress.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Guests were invited to attend a private party at Chanel's Hot Contour headquarters, and they had a lunch at the Eiffel Tower, which is not like how I had lunch at the Eiffel Tower, which is not like how I had lunch at the Eiffel Tower, which is I grabbed a drill and this is real where I Natalie was asleep. I walked to the Eiffel Tower. I had a sandwich from Starbucks. This is a different type of lunch that Eiffel Tower because I believe the Eiffel Tower cooked. So, this is, they also had a four dayorette party at this place called Aman Jeree some luxury resort, right? And now this is the bachelor at party is the most tone deaf thing.
Starting point is 00:19:30 It's like, it's like these people, the ultra wealthy in this country are begging for the people to rise up. Well, this is the issue, right? Like begging because you're just asking for people to be like mad with you. Yeah. because you just ask it for people to be like mad with you. Yeah, because they had a Marie Antoinette themed bachelor at party. It's like two on the nose. It's two on the nose. It's like you're pissing in the eyes of so many people in America who are struggling
Starting point is 00:19:57 every day. But now here's really why we're going after these people or even joking on these people. Because in the end, I guess you could do whatever the fuck you want with your money. But this is just what, you know, it's, you could do whatever you want. It's just the Marie Andrew. It's like, it's the point in the summit. It's just a little on the notes. So her now husband, Jacob LaGrone, or LaGrone, I don't know, I'm not quite certain.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Either one's horrible. LaGrone. So he's now, this is still a legit, but according to the NBC news, he is now facing three counts of aggravated assault against the public servant after allegedly threatening three police officers by firing guns at them. Now this is the earlier, I guess earlier in the year, so they were, they've been fighting these charges for a long time. And apparently they were having a domestic assault.
Starting point is 00:20:42 They were, there was some kind of call. There was a domestic, some kind of domestic disturbance call at their home. And when the police arrived, they got fired upon, which is not good. I don't know how he was in a immediately thrown in jail because he had enough money. He had enough money. And I think they showed up at a nice enough house because what it was is that people were calling, but the disturbance calls because they kept firing guns into the air.
Starting point is 00:21:09 That's what it was. That's over and over and over and over again. And like, yeah, in Texas, yeah, there's a lot of guns being fired, but not in a neighborhood, but not after nine eight, nine p.m. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're supposed to stop firing guns. It's fucking, it's horrible. It's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It's horrible. And it's annoying. Do you think even the super rich there do stuff like that? That's not just considered country. Oh, super rich have the best guns. But I mean like that style. Yeah. Of like shooting guns in the air and doing like, you know, being like kind of bringing the hoot, the hoot nanny. Oh my God. People like this, these Dallas Fort Worth rich fox, they like to pretend that they're, they're, they're country, but they also like to put like, oh, I don't come from that Texas.
Starting point is 00:21:50 But they don't, I come from Dallas. Like, I'm not from, like, I've had people from Dallas Fort Worth like look down on me when I tell them where I'm from. Yeah. And tell them like I'm from a small town, you know, like North Abling, like, I've actually heard them say, oh, oh, like, okay, you're from there. But you would say it was like, it's not that it's common, but they could maybe be like,
Starting point is 00:22:08 woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, like, are they doing that? I mean, they're probably showing off their guns to each other. Like that, I would say would be more common. Well, here are loud, my canoe gun is. Yeah, it's like, oh, look at this. Ha ha, boom, boom. And then he starts to fire the guns and, you know, they're showing each other like this big fucking,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you know, probably illegal weapon that they have. I guess that's what it is. And then we'll, we'll see how this plays out. But it's just way more when you found out like the details of that wedding that happen after all of this. Yeah. And they're still going after this guy. So we'll figure out what's going to happen with him. Well, the crazy thing is that these charges against him stack up to the point where he could
Starting point is 00:22:47 possibly, I mean, he's not gonna, but where he could possibly spend life in prison. Yeah, you're really not supposed to almost kill a police officer. People get real upset, especially like the police. The police and near the ones that are kind of in the, in the, in the, in the mode of arresting you for these crimes. Yeah. And he's been offered a plea deal that will reduce his sentence to 25 years. So they are actually, I mean, they're going after this guy. They're not fucking letting up. Because if he's been offered the plea deal and the plea deal is 25 years, that means that this shit is going to go to trial. Yes. Very much. So it's for 25 years. Yeah. And I guarantee you this guy is arrogant
Starting point is 00:23:25 enough to roll the dice. And I saw a picture of him from his wedding. This is the second time I've seen this. When did the David Koresh look get chic? It's huge now. It's massive. You saw, I got Domer glasses now. Yeah, but they're everywhere, but it's David Koresh specifically because David Koresh is because the difference is thick frames, small frames. Well, it's darker glasses, which are now becoming like cool. And then it's mullets that are now becoming cool. So shaggy haircut mixed with the the darker glasses, your crush. Yeah. That's how you have it.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So it's hips are outside and also you can't read anymore. And until you have like a, are you wearing stuff? Yeah. That's when you become a David crash. Yeah, and this guy absolutely looks like David crash. Yeah, and it's also, it's a very yuppie look. Go very much. Especially him, it's very like, he's very rich,
Starting point is 00:24:13 but he goes also, it's style. It's stuff. Before we get into some good old fashioned Christmas stories, because we're gonna, we're gonna lead him up to the holidays here, and I got two great ones. I just wanna just knock this out, just because we're not talking about Pupu, does mean we're gonna we're gonna lead them up to the holidays here and I got two great ones. I just want to just knock this out just because we're not talking about poop who does mean we're not talking about peepee. Now this story is just funny because this is just a classic side story story so you just have to kind of do we have to at least mention it where a man David Martin butz
Starting point is 00:24:41 is his name 66 years fun. He got upset with a sex worker by the name of Brittany Abu Seadeh, who he had paid $100 for the service of him laying in a tub at her peeping upon him. And then he paid such money, right? The event did occur. Everyone said, thanks, the high five. And then she, he then accused her of leaving with his wallet. So he shot at her car. I see. Yes, she was a parked outside After the golden shower eating potato chips when butts confronted her and fired a single bullet leaving a hole in a passenger side door. Why is it in my mind? After you've piss over a guy in a tub like eating potato chips like kind of makes a lot of sense
Starting point is 00:25:24 Were you just like it, you just seem like, man, it's not a fucking Thursday. Here we go. Well, while Butts said that he feared, Abbasade may have been reaching for a weapon while inside her car. He quote, didn't recall shooting his gun. It's so hot. You know how many times I think that? You have many times I don't know, but shot a bunch of guns today. Did I shoot a gun this afternoon? Let me check my hand.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I have one of those airport machines, right? I put it, I swipe my hands and I check it every morning to see if I discharge gunpowder. But that's just a quick story. Yeah, that's super quick. And mostly just because the man's name is buts, he's involved in a PP accident. I'm gonna say PP in altercation.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And then that's what you're gonna do. Because how many Butz are in this country? I would imagine that Butz is not that uncommon of a name. I'm looking up. Last name Butz. Butz meaning and Butz family history according to that. Buts name meaning, I'm variant of but with post medieval ex crescent is a reference, it's a reference to the short ridges of plowed land, the end of a common arable field or the plural form of but,
Starting point is 00:26:39 which is also we consider a tree stump. Great. So it's a humiliating name either way. which is also, we consider it a tree stump. Great. So it's a humiliating name either way. You're a ground man. You're a ground man. Just, you're a ground man. Yes, okay, you're a ground man.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Great. There are 0.05 people named butts for every 100,000 Americans. So not super common. It's just awesome. It's great. Do you see the idea of not changing your name, especially because like butt is one thing,
Starting point is 00:27:06 but if you're butts, if you're multiple butts, wow, it is the, as of 2001, it's ranked as the 16,589th most popular family name. So it's not very popular. 16,588 names are ahead of butts. Yeah, that's just, I love it. Why wouldn't you change it?
Starting point is 00:27:27 If you're not a comedian, or a butt doctor, like doctor butts, you can be an incredible name. Why not change it? But I mean, Ronnie butch, Dr. Ronnie butch. And there's plenty of people like the half the last name, Hyny. Like, Hyny is a pretty common last name. Yeah, Hyny is a fun name.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah, I think Hanky's a fun name. Yes. Yeah. All right, guys, there's a lot of fun last name, Haini. Like Haini is a pretty common last name. Yeah, Haini is a fun name. Yeah, I think Hanki is a fun name. Yes. Yeah. All right, guys, there's a lot of fun last name so we can go through. Can I go through? We can. But you feel that chill in there.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It's my, um. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, you know, I hate the holiday. Yeah. But I'm trying to, you know, understand, you know, it's good for a lot of people. It is. I love Christmas. I'm going to have, I'm going to try to, I'm relaxing in. Yeah. You know, I'm allowing it inside of me. It's like what they say when they, when the doctors say,
Starting point is 00:28:15 like, there's a little pressure here. Like it's like that feeling where I'm just going to, I have to relax it in. Yeah. You know, no, that it's coming, whether I like it or not. it in. You know, no, that it's coming whether I like it or not. I know it's coming. And so I'm fine with it, but what it is nice is that it does come with a glut of holiday news. And some of it's much better than than others. Now, I love over the last couple of years, there has been a lot more Grinch usage in, um, there's not much grinch usage in life. Like, there was a guy from a story we covered last year where a guy hired a grinch to do a Christmas party for his children and then the guy arrived and destroyed the fucking house.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Like, I remember it because it was one of my favorite stories because it was like, he hired a grinch and then the grinch came. Like a man took it way too seriously. He destroyed the house. The kids were screaming. It's, it's, it was great, the funny story. I'm certain.
Starting point is 00:29:13 From then on, that family. Yeah. And that's actually, that's good to hear because I was actually thinking about like we, we got a holiday party coming up and I was thinking about hiring a Grinch. And then when I saw what Grinches were left available, it was slim pickens and you did not want to have these people in your home. I'm gonna put this way.
Starting point is 00:29:32 You're gonna want to know your Grinch. You want to bet your Grinch. You're gonna want to know because it's like, imagining hire, it's truly, it's the equivalent of hiring somebody who looks like the Suicide Squadads version of Joker coming to your house. Like if you want to hire Jared Lido's Joker, like one of those guys who acts like one of those to your home, it's going to be really fucking bad. I basically, I just, you know, we just kind
Starting point is 00:29:56 of wanted like a singing to like we wanted a guy to show up for 15 minutes go and then we getting no, no, no, no, no, no, no, because now he's in your home. Now he's in your home. And I bet you he's just going to be like, if you go to touch him and stuff, being like, what if this Grinch calls the cops and then the Grinch just takes over your own your whole house? Oh no, it was a, I do remember that because we last year we hired that cramps cover band for my birthday in our home. And they were incredible. The teenage werewolves, they're fucking, they were absolutely incredible. I would, I would recommend booking them. If you need a cramps themed anything, they're fucking awesome. But the people they brought with them, they stayed, you don't pay a band to come, you pay them to leave. Just, it was just the man.
Starting point is 00:30:43 There was just one man in particular. He just did. He had a, an odor, a specific odor that was asking some very personal and uncomfortable questions. Well, then the fake lead singer of the cramps definitely was like, all right, that's time for me to go. I don't know that guy. And he just, he was just a man that I, we thought you all thought,
Starting point is 00:31:06 because I remember being like, oh, he must be with the band. Well, it was a friend, because like, the band was like, like the drummer was like, a big fan of the show and like, really nice dude. He was great, everybody was great. It was so cool, you was such a nice guy,
Starting point is 00:31:18 but they asked us, it's like, hey, is it cool if we like invite a friend? And it's like, yeah, sure, whatever. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. You know, of course. You find it like, yeah, sure, whatever. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. It's fun. It's a party. Yeah. Invite your friend.
Starting point is 00:31:29 But then that friend invited another friend because we all left. Yeah. Like everybody else was like, we were exhausted. It was like time to go. Like a band was leaving. We were leaving. And now it's just like, you know, but I was drunk. So I was like, we just got to get the hell out of here before we're stuck here as well.
Starting point is 00:31:40 We got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to go. We got to get you. We got to get the fuck out of here. We can see it's lingering time. Yeah. Yeah. It really wasn't that's the point in the night where you start to have that conversation, especially when you're dealing with like old punks that you start to find that guy who like comes up to you and knows that you're into it and he starts to say. Oh, my friends
Starting point is 00:31:59 are dead. That's where really great to admire a Grinch to arrive at the end of the night and make everybody late. Like a Grinch style bouncer. Yeah, no, it might really help. But the guy that I'm talking about that had the distinct odor, he was astaly, long before the end of the night because he was asking some very, and during the cramps, the teenage werewolves performance, like, I was watching, like, dance and having a great time.
Starting point is 00:32:26 But I'd see this guy out of the corner of my eye, like, zipping around my home. Yeah. Going back, like, I could see he was trying on your shirt. He was going to places that he shouldn't have done. And I had to, and I had to make this, like, decision, medication. Yeah, I had to make this decision in my head. It's like, do I want to go, do I want to enjoy this wonderful gift that my wife has booked for me? And that, you know, I want to be present.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Do I want to be present for this and enjoy this thing that she went to great lengths to put together? Or do I want to make sure that man's not like looking at Monday, where I draw. Like, it's like the mixture that I'm doing something weird in the back room. And I chose to enjoy my gift and and it urns his bliss. If he did anything weird, I don't know about it. You know, it's not a lot. He was asked to leave very soon after.
Starting point is 00:33:11 That's a house party. You know, that's the miracle of the house party. You just, you're in my house. Yeah, you always have to ask a man who looks far older than his years to leave early. You gotta go. And they always goes, yep. And you know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Now that I'm thinking about it, now that you've requested me to leave, and now it would mean I am staying here against your will. It's time for me to go. Yeah, you can always tell the guys who get asked to leave a lot, because they just know it's like, okay. I was expecting it.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's a matter of fact, I actually don't know when to leave until I'm thrown out. Honestly, your boundaries are far beyond what I'm expecting it. It's a matter of fact, I actually don't know when to leave until I'm thrown out. Honestly, your boundaries are far beyond what I'm used to. A lot of people let me get away with crazy shit. You be surprised. With this, this is the grinch that does not understand boundaries at all. Now there's a man by the name of David Harold Grisham. I would put him a little bit the same league as the anti-Zionist Elmo.
Starting point is 00:34:08 That is, he takes his philosophy to the street. According to his Facebook page, he is a pastor of a small group of street preachers who take gospel to those who will not step into a church. So to people who don't want it. Yeah, against their will. He's the arouses people. Yeah, he means he arrests people. And he has decided he has to take it upon himself
Starting point is 00:34:31 to tell the children of various places in the world that Santa is fake. Jesus is this real while dressed in a Grinch costume. Yes, specifically he's doing it in Amarillo. Yeah, he's a West Texas guy. You can tell, or Northwest Texas, he's a panhandle guy. He's a West Texas guy, you can tell, or Northwest Texas, he's a Panhandle guy. He's a Panhandle guy you can tell because he's got Shit in Amarillo,
Starting point is 00:34:50 he's got Shit in Lubbock, he lives in some town around there. This one specifically was in Amarillo outside of the Sleepy Hollow Elementary School. Is that very cool name for an elementary school, especially for Amarillo. But Amarillo is also a little cooler than you think it'd be. It's got a, I mean, it's like rough.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah, I bet. Real rough. But it's got a, a greedy charm to it. I love the, I honestly, one time we'll go. But it's going to the He is, he was, I guess, a former security guard in nuclear power plant until he was fired. And he was then, he had, he tried to host a Kuran burning, but he was foiled by a shirtless skateboarder who stole his book. And then he also he wanted, he did a he
Starting point is 00:35:33 launched a protest against the newly elected Houston mayor, a niece Parker, who was the first openly gay mayor of a major U.S. city. And then apparently he just would like film children. Yeah, waiting in line to meet Santa. He's not he's an Amarillo guy enough enough of his incidents of a curtain Amarillo to deduce. He's definitely an Amarillo guy. And but he said that he had a he was an atheist until his 40s. Then he had a piphany after watching M. Night Shyamalan's movie Sines. And then he believed that everything then finally made sense. And then it was all choreographed in his life. And everything around him was choreographed by God himself,
Starting point is 00:36:07 which is, that's a good get. It's hard to get God himself to choreograph your life. And he is a hideous, hideous mother fuck. He is a very, he's a bad guy. You know, you could tell because the first thing is, I mean, I'm just saying like physically, like he looks like a villain. Because he's also one of those guys. So it's real proud about putting a meme on his Facebook page
Starting point is 00:36:27 that is just a Jewish star from a Holocaust that says, unvaxed on it. Which really means you should take the rest of his device with a bit of a grain of salt. Yeah. So what this guy did is he hung outside of an elementary school dressed in a Grinch outfit with a sign that says Santa is fake. Jesus is real. Jesus is real, which is again, it's mostly just sad, but people are saying it's kind of just scary because he's hyper aggressive in front of the kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And, um, but we also know, didn't he lead like a one man fight against strip clubs in your like old hometown? In my, well, not hometown, but, you know, where I, you know, where I went to college back in Lubbock, Texas is that he, apparently earlier this month, he posted a YouTube video, an 80 minute video of himself engaging in a one man protest against a so-called swingers club in Lubbock. It was called the, I think he said it was called the 10 box with like three X's. It's, he said that it was in the industrial area of Lubbock.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And that definitely makes sense because the industrial area of Lubbock If you're gonna have a fuck club have it out there. Yeah, I mean plenty of there's plenty of room out there You just find a warehouse set up a bunch of beds like you know that like that place in Queens You know that place in Queens. No. Yeah, there's a place in Queens where it's just a bunch of mattresses set up I think it's in either flushing or a story. I think it's an story. I shot a thing in a really fancy sex house in Brooklyn. This is not one of those. This is the story of version of that. Yeah. Yeah. It smells like pizza. That's out. This guy looks like the version of if you want to see
Starting point is 00:37:57 my description of him, he looks like the a human version of the eagle from the Muppets. Tammy Eagle. Yeah, he looks like he looks like he does not look of the eagle from the Muppets. Sam the eagle. Yeah, he looks like, he looks, he does not look good. Well, this video we were about to play some audio from is that he is celebrating the destruction of a strip club in Lubbock called Jaguars. Now Jaguars is not just, it's not just a Lubbock strip club. It's like a chain of strip clubs.
Starting point is 00:38:23 There's one in, there was one in Lubbock. I think there was one in Amarillo and also one in Amalene. Great. And then they just sort of, you know, work all the dancers would work on a circuit and whatnot. Yeah. But the one in Lubbock apparently shut down. Apparently it went bankrupt.
Starting point is 00:38:38 The Jaguars in Lubbock. That's right. And I didn't know that there were, it was one of only two strip clubs left in Lubbock because when I was in college in Lubbock, there were, okay, there was nibbles. Uh, there was players. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:54 And then there was the bunny room. I think that's what it was called. It was like, I think it was the bunny room. Yeah. And then Jaguars, I believe, came after. I feel like the population of Lubbock has been dropping, right? No, the population Lubbock is rapidly rising because of the yellow stone influx. It's huge.
Starting point is 00:39:10 They're just rapidly expanding. I'm not really sure how or why, but they're rapidly expanding out into like the suburbs. The Lubbock that once was is now being left behind in favor of a new Lubbock, an economy that is based entirely upon all of them feeding each other. No, yeah, it's all just restaurants. It's all just restaurants. It's just, I don't know how, I don't know where any of this money is coming from, but
Starting point is 00:39:31 apparently it's, it's, it's based upon. There's a man standing in the field somewhere, it's going, Tesla's coming. No, you are. We're Tesla's coming. Yeah, I don't know what, how the fuck this is going to sustain itself because it's an entire economy. It's an entire economy built on feeding each other and an entire economy built on building new homes for people who are making money from building new homes. Yes. It's like it's going to
Starting point is 00:39:55 hit a fucking wall and it's going to be rough. But as of now, apparently this maybe this does say something about the eventual economic downturn of Lubbock that one of the only two strip clubs has closed down Jaguar's has closed down. It is the building has been torn down and this man is celebrating. And this video is actually how I found out that all the strip clubs of my youth are gone. And so sad. I'm sorry to the time. And the only one left, I had not heard of but has probably the worst name for a strip club I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Good. All right, Facebook, Saints, Facebook, Saints, YouTube, Saints. As you can see behind me here, they're tearing down Jaguar Strip Club in Lubbock, Texas. This is an answer prayer folks. Right now they got equipment on site destroying the Jaguar Strip Club. There's only two strip clubs in Lubbock, Angel Witch and Jaguar hour down to one. So I just need to be praying that angel witch gets destroyed next. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I'm like, what is angel witch? I don't, angel witch cabaret. Wow. I've, it's, they've got, they have, it's one word, it is a, wow, it is just a shed. Oh wow, yeah, it's B-Y-O-B, that means, in love of Crolls B-Y-O-B, that means it's fully nude. Oh. Look at this Instagram ad word.
Starting point is 00:41:26 So woman like bending over next to a turkey for their, she's putting her ass on a turkey for her, their pre Thanksgiving, letting everyone know, hey guys, we're open. I actually don't mind. Yeah, I don't mind either. Oh, wow, there was a, someone got shot at Angel Witch.
Starting point is 00:41:42 So sad. That's a story. That's not the surprise. We're exactly, I gotta see exactly where Angel Witch is. So sad. That's a story. That's, that's not the surprise. We're exactly, I gotta see exactly where Angel Witch is. Honestly, if you're looking for Turkey and butt, go down to the, I want to, let's push this man. Wednesday, you got to go down there, man. I bet you they have a Christmas dinner as well.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Go to Angel Witch Cabaret. Joy yourself. I'm certain and tell them. That's podcasting left sunshine. Yep. Yeah, right? Oh, no, I'm looking at her. Oh, yeah, between 82nd and 98th off 87. Yeah, right? Oh, no, I'm looking at her. Oh, yeah, between
Starting point is 00:42:06 82nd and 98th off 87. Yeah, that's nice. As they originally just changed their sign. If they just changed it to Lubbock's only gentleman's club. Guess who is rooting for more strip club destruction besides this weird street preacher, Angel Witch. They can't wait to see the rest of them all getting knocked out because they, they become the number one. Yeah. It needs better signage. If you look at the picture of it, it doesn't need better signage because it looks a little bit just sort of like a place where you just store a plane. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's, uh, that's starting to get, that's not too terribly rough. No, that's actually, that's not a, okay, now that I look at it, yeah, universe.
Starting point is 00:42:45 According to five reviews, I'm new, yeah, that's rough, that's real rough. Now that I'm looking at, that's real fucking rough. There's got a bunch of reviews here, according to this, there's a lot of them, honestly. There's more than I thought. More reviews than you thought. There's a bunch of reviews on this I just found.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Little bit, oh, I parked in, oh no, you guys are, we have to have an employee, oh no, I'm sorry, you have to get an account to this strip club review website. But I'm just not going to do right now. I'm not going to do live. But yeah, it looks like most people are saying it was, it's a fine alternative to go get some adult entertainment and a town that doesn't have a lot of it. No, he really, it really doesn't.
Starting point is 00:43:19 At one point, there was a glut of adult entertainment. We could go anywhere we wanted. You really, you know what? It's it shows. That's just the economy We can go anywhere we want it. You really, you know what? It just shows that's just the economy with butts. We never know. I'm North way. Now I have a Christmas story that I have and told you about you.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Okay, I'm happy. I'm happy. I like surprises. This is going to be beginning of something. I think that we're going to end up covering in a more depth because it was right before we started recording. And I always do one last little sweep and I'm just like a can't. I'm so mad that I just found this.
Starting point is 00:43:51 We're going to get to this. Something's coming. Something's coming, friend. All right. It's not just Santa Claus. All right. Okay. There's something coming this summer, 23rd.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Okay. Oh, we got to think about what we're all doing. Okay, so you heard that there's a solar flare coming? Is there? Yeah, it hit and did nothing. Okay, there's waves of solar flare coming, but it's not that. It's not that.
Starting point is 00:44:14 But there was a big solar flare. But you hear that? You hear this? You see this? You look at this, I didn't see this. Yeah, you hear about this. It's big, the sun fart. I saw there was like a big hole.
Starting point is 00:44:23 That's what it is. It's like a butthole opened up It shot a fart of solar energy at us and did nothing But they thought it might okay, but we still don't know But it already hit us. It's got nothing to do with us. Let's go right here and tell them right? So but December 23rd something's coming now 4chan is not good for a lot anymore Yeah, 4chan is good for very yes, but When it comes to top of the fucking moment, alien news, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Okay, all right, so there's a post, the camo. Now since deleted, very suspicious. Now, it says, I'm an amateur ham radio operator here in Northern Wyoming. Ooh, and I play around in the over 16, one gigahertz range. I came across some weird beeps and squelches around the 1.685 gigahertz range. I'm also a bit of a ham radio guy. I've got a website and I like to...
Starting point is 00:45:15 You're definitely a ham on the radio. I like to go through all the different frequencies looking for beeps and squalches. That's the fun of it. I bet you do. But you do. But you miss this. So I've been listening in on this case, and to maybe if it's a trucker or another amateur, and so I like talking over the radio and civilian channels, but other few days of monitoring, I got this female voice from this weird channel.
Starting point is 00:45:39 It sounds like a temporary number station or something, but I chop the recording up into a five minute video with subtitles. The transmission is not very long, but it seems to contain a lot of data, right? And so I couldn't get the actual video because the guy had pulled it down, but they said it was like the description of it's a bunch of numbers being read in a woman's voice. Nine nine nine seven four fourteen three four 16 15 23, 42. Exactly. No, can you make it out?
Starting point is 00:46:08 There's a lot of people wondering what it is. So you see the series of these numbers, right? So the numbers were like 61, 6E, 206E, 6A. This guy broke it down. He said, it's hexadecimal code. According to this guy, random and anonymous person, they're always correct. Always, especially if they say that they are. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:31 And so here's what he learned. He was breaking it down. It's the numbers. He says, really make sense. It says, earth time, break 1800, UTC 7 break December 23rd, 2023 break latitude 47 break Longitude negative 111 break You know us break. We know you break, right? First of all, that's a little bit
Starting point is 00:47:00 They sort of getting really into it. I said but the more of like, but he took some time to break down the entire message. Where is that location? I don't know. You gonna look it up? No, of course. Okay, well then what is it? Longitude, okay, longitude. Here we go, look at this.
Starting point is 00:47:15 So, this is what he says. A lot of people broke this down. So latitude 47, longitude negative 111. Latitude 47, longitude negative what1 latitude 47 longitude negative what? 111 111 You know us we know you and here's the completed message We are like you We have lived among you
Starting point is 00:47:38 Embrace us for we mean no harm We are like you but with fur We are like you but with fur. We are like you, but canines also. We love you. Please love us. So, space dogs are coming. And a man has actually come forward saying that it might not just be spaced dogs, but a type of close to human race that might also have some form of dog-like creature that is with them. The interdimensional Sasquatch. Interesting. What does the latitude launch do you say?
Starting point is 00:48:20 It's summit county Utah. All right. It's Utah. Now according to, now this is a breakout of stuff that we're really going to get into. We're going to do a series on this because I'm the, there's a man by the name of son Bo True Brother. Why, I can't believe entirely that it's been speaking psychically with the Sasquatch Nation. And they have messages that send us.
Starting point is 00:48:41 And I think what this is, it's that we're finding it gonna get something, something to find the book brick. On three thirds. I think it's some fucking, and it's pomeranians, from another dimension are gonna arrive with the Sasquatches. About 80 miles east of you,
Starting point is 00:49:01 a lot of Salt Lake City. We gotta go. We gotta go. If you are in the area, I wanna know, side stores LPL, the, Los Salt Lake City. We gotta go. We gotta go. If you are in the area, I wanna know, side stories, LPL, We gotta find out. Are these people gonna fucking show up? Cause I believe it's around the hour 1800.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yeah, so dinner time, it's based. Which is when I serve when he had car me, dinner. They don't wanna get around 6, 6, 15. Oh my God, Joji too. Someone get the just for dogs. Correct, so here, now this is just a quote. We're gonna get from, we're gonna do an entire series on this.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So keep believe there is an intergalactic series of Sasquatch that I've been trying to communicate with us. And this is brother Samba. Samba true brother. Samba, excuse me, Samba true brother. This is one just a little section of the messages that these guys got you trying to deliver to us. What we want to emphasize overall is their need
Starting point is 00:49:52 for your human people to reconnect with the wisdom of your soul and real line with the intelligence of your heart, reactivate new genetic star sheets and soul memories, recover your psychic abilities. And evolve collectively into a higher spiritual consciousness. Yeah, man, they're Mary Ann Williams. I mean, that'd be all of that always sounds really nice. I'm not against it.
Starting point is 00:50:17 But you do understand it mostly requires a calling. Yeah, there's always that this guy, right? So we just showed a picture of Sunbow. This is a gun. He is definitely mostly Sasquatch. Yeah. I mean, he looks like he lives in New Mexico. Hey, but we're going to get into adjacent. We are hollow bone. Like birds, like birds. I use big foot, big foot are like birds. Yes. Yes. Yes. So they're massive, massive frames. We really got to do this by the largest primates on earth have bones that are hollow.
Starting point is 00:50:51 This has to come, we got to find out if this was real or not. I need to find out if these fucking space dogs are arriving with them. If a space, because this is the, the coordinates that they gave, it's like in the middle of an extraordinarily rugged national forest. We got to go.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It's like a mountain. We got to go. This is fucking, it's just huge. Because I don't know whether or not they are with them already purchased the book. I already purchased the book, Rob. I just got this. There's an entire book on this. It's called the Sasquatch Smash into Humanity conversation with Elder Kamu.
Starting point is 00:51:23 It's by some bow as told by Sasquatch elder Kamu. Yes. That's the writer. Interesting. That's the real writer is the Sasquatch forward by Kewani Loparitas, MSMH. This is, oh, wow. This is amazing.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Sasquatch is claimed to be modified from giant lemurs. Right. So this is according another one. This is according that our people, like yours, was bioengineered by the star elders, but we are born many aons before you were our conceptors added to their alien genetics, like DNA of the most evolved and adapted with the species of that era, a giant lemur. Now long extinct.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Psychic sasquatch. Well, this is the, the book that the person who wrote the forward, uh, this is their book, the psychics assquatch and their UFO connection at the cart. Add it to cart because I am so excited. This is where I just love. I love this like a sass watch. I want him to show up for Christmas. They can come to our house.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Oh, wow. This person has a master's degree in science. That's, he does like anybody can get it. Jack Lapper, seed us MS masters of science. We'll get there. Hell no. Let's get him on the show. Can we can we get him on the show? Can we interview this guy? I want to talk to a psychic Sasquatch because if he is indeed psychic, I don't know what's coming. The psychic Sasquatch provides us with
Starting point is 00:52:41 revelations about these gentle creatures and the astonishing truth about their connection with extraterrestrials and why they cannot be found. Let's not let's they can't. They literally can't be found. We're going to stop. We're not spoiling any more. No, because we're doing this entire show. We're doing this. The psychics ass squatch in you.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I just want you, but again, if you're seeing space dogs, take a picture, give them a tree. You know, be nice. Be nice. You know, and you high can't wait, take a picture, give them a treat. You know, be nice. Be nice, you know. I can't wait. I wanna be some space dogs. Yeah, I would love to meet some space dogs. I bet you'd be more entertaining than ghost dogs.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Well, ghost dogs, just, I don't know what's this worst movie? Ghost dog. Have you ever seen ghost dog way in the Samurai? I try, I always fall asleep. I think it's one of those where it's got a better one sheet and it's got a better idea. And the concept alone is fast, it's awesome. Yeah, but it's Jim Jarmusch a little bit.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Well, I like Jim Jarmusch. Well, it comes to Jim Jarmusch. I'm pretty much down by law amongst my favorite movies. I fucking adore that. I like coffee and cigarettes. Yeah, and coffee and cigarettes is also amazing. But you know what the fucking X factor in both of those movies is?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Tom Whites. Yes, very much. Yeah, you get fucking X factor in both of those movies is? Tom Whites. Yes, very much so. Yeah, you get Tom Whites, but Jim Dermouche without Tom Whites, yeah, I'm fine. Yeah, it's because he's the special, but also like a Harry Dean thing. I love a Harry Dean thing.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Just replace him. Oh, here we go. Let's get some listener emails. Oh my God, we're gonna do the fucking avalanche of listener emails. We received, I believe Joel counted 317 emails about people who believe that they were sliders, which is what we talked a little bit
Starting point is 00:54:12 about the phenomenon last week about street light interference. Sliders. Sliders. And if you will believe that they experience electronic interference because of just something inside of them. That something goes on streetlights go down. When I'm talking about we receive again and again and again, people saying they're driving
Starting point is 00:54:31 past streetlights, people saying that they, that their cell phones never get reception, people saying that their battery life drains super fast on an object wearing on their body, longer than their friends do. And they said they've always had this and they've always had like, quote, unquote problems with technology, which I, you know, I can see, I do know people that have broke, you know, like broken so many important pieces of technology. And again, it's not just because they love chaotic lives, but sometimes it is. Yes. But you could see there, you know, you wonder, you wonder, but what I did want to highlight because we had so many people who
Starting point is 00:55:03 believed that the phenomena is real and have experienced it, because there was a thing that was famous that came out of it that was called the Pauli Effect, which also was used by PKD, which is interesting. He used a version of it as about psychic powers canceling each other out. Like one was the tell telekinesis and clairvoyance
Starting point is 00:55:23 can sort of like fuck with each other. That was like a concept. The average was awesome. He get it for those you don't know it's okay, Deck. They know. And if they don't know, I don't want to talk. You know, but the but Paulie effect is apparently it's a big deal because it was based off of the actual theoretical physicist who is very smart Wolfgang Paulie who said that day this is from the 1800s or whatever. It's a long time ago who said that he experienced a lot of electronic interference. So there's like, it was really fun. It's like he became kind of like famous for it. So the point where like they actually got they named the phenomenon after him.
Starting point is 00:55:57 He kept saying that things would fail around him. And a famous story, they said that they tried to show, they tried to make a big joke about things failing around him. And so they had this big party and what they were going to do was fake that this mechanism holding a chandelier up bailed because he was there. And then when they went to go drop the chandelier in front of everybody, the machine didn't work.
Starting point is 00:56:19 So they couldn't drop that. They couldn't do the thing. And so that was one of those. Interesting. He said that he had the failure of his card during a honeymoon with the second wife, right? He said that this is obvious that was happening here, right? But there's like, but I do think it's interesting because there are a lot of people who that believe
Starting point is 00:56:33 that it is very much happening to them at all times. But we got a lot of people. We did go, well, truly in the smaller side of it, people who were like, there is some maybe explanations. Which I think is good for people to know because I also like a mystery, not being debunked. As do I. Well, I like certain, I like explanations. I'll say that. I don't necessarily like mysteries being debunked, but I very much like to know why the world is the way it is. theories. Yeah. But theories why? Because why? Because we talk about spontaneous combustion. There's a lot of theories, but there's no really like true explanation.
Starting point is 00:57:10 So we'll get into it. Number one was that they are, there are a lot of people believe that it means that you're star-seed. Um, this is a, it's interesting because, so this, we got an email from a power distribution engineer. So they say they tend gently deal with this for their job. Street lights turning off and on is an old problem with high pressure sodium lamps.
Starting point is 00:57:31 As they age and wear out, they will turn off seemingly at random. Though if you sit and watch a single lamp for a while, timing is pretty consistent. It's similar in concept to a flickering fluorescent bulb near its end of life, just slower. This is nothing to do with the presence of an observer and everything to do with the fact that power utilities around like a place like Cleveland haven't upgraded many of their
Starting point is 00:57:52 streetlights to LEDs because a lot of sliders said it's never really happened with LED lights. It only happens with the old school lights. Sodium lights. Sodium lights. And so a spot, according to this listener, I spot check the couple of random locations in the area on Street View and that does appear to be the case. Now there's a lot of people that believe that those things that just shut off, when you approach lights and they shut off, there's old days, apparently this has been around a while. People talking about the slider concepts is the beginning of the internet that was very much a star seed concept. So it seems that really the line of that thought is that it first was star seeds and then
Starting point is 00:58:28 it was indigo children. So star seeds is more of an older term for an indigo child. Yeah, but sodium street lamps, they are actually just supposed to do that. They do just eventually die out. Well, it's because if they get too hot, they sort of dim out and they sort of, and they just sort of go out for a second so they can cool back down again. Yes. And then they cool back down again. And then they turn back on again.
Starting point is 00:58:46 And I think it's one of those things where one of the listeners did point out that it's confirmation bias where it's like, if you're looking for it all the time. Oh, sure. Yeah, it's one of those, it's the whole like, I just bought a red car and all of a sudden. Yeah, everybody's got red cars.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Everyone's got red cars. Everyone's got the red car that I got. Yes. Yeah, and I tell you anytime I see a guy in that other Subaru, I give it a little Hong Kong. There's a lot of them. They're obviously this LA. This is a good town for over the West Coast, especially. You'll see it a lot.
Starting point is 00:59:12 But this guy also put his like, this is a little bit of a message from your friendly local IT member that he also said, because this person worked in IT, the vast majority of folks are just not very kind to their machines. I'm going to explain to users that it is a bad thing to put a space heater next to a computer and an enclosed space. I've had to explain to someone who was confused whether a computer was no longer working, that the screeching noise coming from a bell bearing in a fan in was not in fact normal. And as a guy in IT, I usually have the opposite problem. When I get there, the computer doesn't do whatever the user says it was doing. IT guys joke about it, but it's honestly because nine times out of 10,
Starting point is 00:59:50 just restarting your PC, what a fix, whatever the issue is. They did try to turn it in. I did. I did. I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I fucking did. But that's that.
Starting point is 01:00:03 That is all. So, so there is some form of theories about why, but I say keep feeling special. I say keep feeling special. Keep feeling special. Mine. And this is where we got a lot of people that were part of the SIP club.
Starting point is 01:00:15 And so I have this one last letter. So I'll read this one last letter. My name is Michael. And in 2005, I was in a pretty bad car crash. I fell asleep driving across the central lane, hit another car, head on, damn. During this accident, I broke my left arm. As a lefty, I was mad.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Both legs, both ankles, tore about 80% of my right foot off. Basically, my foot was on the accelerator, and when I crashed, my foot went left, and my bone went right. Oddly enough, though, during the ripping of my foot, mostly off, there was no blood. So the doctor wanted to amputate, and my wife at the time told them to
Starting point is 01:00:50 try to reattach my foot, which required I get air-lifted three hours to a shock trauma unit in Baltimore, Maryland. I woke up a day later, and many casts. My right foot was in a halo brace, right? It's screwed, since all of my bones had held it together with basically connects toys due to the swelling. They couldn't use a regular cast. Now, as a much physical therapy and learning to walk a second time, I was told that at 30 plus years old, I now had the arthritis of a 90 year old due to the injury to my freshly
Starting point is 01:01:16 repaired foot, which is sad. It's one of those. So fucked up. It's hard. So during the next few years, we're like back in, you know, like 50 years ago, like all these people that lived with the swore will pain, like you just you know like 50 years ago Like all these people that live with this horrible pain like you just died But now that we have all this we have all this technology to save people now you can live in pain Yeah, but we don't have the technology to keep people from living in horrible excruciating pain for the rest of their lives
Starting point is 01:01:37 Acupunk sure Do you ever tried meditating? During the next 15 years I went was in constant pain every day. As long as I was awake, I was hurting. I could tell you the weather was going to change three days of head of time. I was on Vikin for three years, cortisone shots in my joints, my ankle, they elevate the pain along with various pain-reducing roots. I was told my options to help the pain were to a, fuse the bone together, walk like Frankenstein,
Starting point is 01:02:04 be amputated, see, get a replacement joint, put in, learn to walk again and get a replacement one when I'm older due to wear. And none of these options gave me any hope. Um, the doctor said it was just be hard. It was, there was no guarantee I'm not going to be in pain anymore. I tried everything I could to think of with the pain, pill shots, physical therapy, medical marijuana, and nothing seemed to help.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Recently, I was given the opportunity to try an eighth of psilocybin mushrooms. I could think of with the pain, pill shots, physical therapy, medical marijuana, and nothing seemed to help. Recently, I was given the opportunity to try an eighth of psilocybin mushrooms. And after 15 years of being in pain, I gave it the old fuck it. Why not? I had a trip. The next day I noticed something, all the pain in my ankle was gone. I took six years to woke up with the usual bobby pain. It wasn't there.
Starting point is 01:02:40 So I started testing and I found I had flexibility that wasn't there before. I was ticklish and both my feet now. The former bad foot has no pain and I'm no longer ticklish. I took those mushrooms about three months ago and so far zero pain. My wife is in the medical field and she's kind of confused as to what the fuck happened, but I'm not questioning it. And they hasn't taken any mushroom since and he doesn't want to flip because he says he want to flip the switch back. But it's like, I don't know if that means anything. Side stories LPLG This is not like a science thing.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Like we're not saying to take mushrooms to fucking fix your pain because I don't think that that works all the time. No, it doesn't work all the time. But you get it possible. You can try it. But can something happen inside the jelly of your brain that like make something else turn on like that? And if you think about phantom lens syndrome, you know, where people feel pain for a limb that
Starting point is 01:03:29 is no longer there, you know, and that's a brain impulse that's like your pain, you know, receptors being completely fucked up. Believe them, they do a thing where they do and they do sort of like therapy where they put you in front of a mirror and then you can kind of like practice moving that phantom limb. I know we talked a little bit about it, but that's still, you know, your brain is malfunctioning. Yes, but how do you fix it? Like, how do you snap it back?
Starting point is 01:03:51 I was just, it takes some fucking tunes, bro. Yeah, man. You should be balls, though. But I would love to actually get some responses. It's like, why the hell would that fucking be a thing? If that is indeed a thing, or is it just like some people it happens, like someone who would like, has, they have like a weird event all of a sudden,
Starting point is 01:04:08 they have like a Chinese accent. Yeah, that's true. You see them all the time, or somebody, yeah, that has, they get into a car accident and all of a sudden they're really mean. Yes. I wonder what, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Okay, so we did promise no shit stories. No, we said nothing. No poo poo. No poo poo. No poo poo today. But this isn't. No poopoo is safe. Let's say the poopoo. But this technically isn't poopoo. They're going to shut off the show. Everybody was mad. Everyone said that we broke the promise of media. It's more of a whole story. No, no, no, no, it's a horrible. Let's wait. We'll come back to it. You know, when we
Starting point is 01:04:40 say that we have several Christmas episodes. All right. You promise. Yes. Oh no, we're gonna do a Santa Pooh's section. All right. If you promise we can come back to this one. I think it's a good one. I know which one you're talking about. Because I love, I'm just such a sucker for like a story that comes from like my girlfriend's co-workers cousin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:00 No, I love those stories. Okay. All right. So we'll, we didn't make a promise. We already broke it once. I won't break it twice. It's good. I'm just. So we'll, we didn't make a promise. We already broke it once. I want to break it twice. It's good.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I'm just saying that I'm doing this. We have to earn it again. I'm doing this in a protest. I'm doing this in a protest. You know what that shows? You're a good producer. That's right. You could produce it because you choose in the show.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I am. You choose in the show over your own wants and needs. I am. And I really appreciate that. All right, because you got to love everyday being your own boss. That's right. And I really appreciate that. All right, because you got to love every day being your own boss. That's right. Because if you don't, man, your life's gonna fucking suck. All right?
Starting point is 01:05:31 Because guess what? Because I laugh every day. I laugh and then I fire myself. And then I love. Rehire myself. Yep. That easy. Every single morning.
Starting point is 01:05:39 I fire me every morning. That's nice. Yep. Every morning, I hate me. That's nice. I beg for my job for myself every morning. That's nice. Yeah, every morning I hate me. That's nice. Yeah, nice. I beg for my job for myself every morning. Hahaha. This is, we have a lot of stuff coming up.
Starting point is 01:05:51 December 22nd, come see Classy Night Out, me and Ed Larson. We're gonna be at the No-Ho Knitting Factory. I believe that is on Ticket Master or Eventbrough. It's one of those. Usually look up, you can see something. Classy Night Out at the Noho knitting factory. And when else we got OSS two? Is it out?
Starting point is 01:06:09 Operates and sunshine issue two is out. I believe issue three comes out this Thursday. Yes. Yes. Coming out soon. Go to your local comic book store and ask for it by name. And then, um, is there anything else to plug? Reptile in the morning, buy our new coffee.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah. Over at Spring Hill Jack coffee. It's absolutely delicious. And check out all of the Twitch, Twitch's over at slash lpantv. Mm-hmm. We got plenty of great ones over there. You're doing the good, put holiday special this weekend.
Starting point is 01:06:33 So good, put, we're putting the family back in Christmas. It is this Thursday. Check it out tomorrow. Check it out. It is at 6 p.m. P.S.C. Is it 6 p.m.? We're gonna have a lot of guests It's gonna be a lot of fun and I think we're all gonna learn a lot. I bet you will I think we will am I gonna learn anything? No good
Starting point is 01:06:53 Nothing I can't take anymore. No, no, no, no, no learn nothing. Hey, Elson. Okay It's been lovely being with you. It's been lovely being with you help me Okay It's been lovely being with you. Help me. OK. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. K dot com.

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