Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Vaginal Kung Fu

Episode Date: April 10, 2024

This week on Side Stories! Henry & Ed try to wrap their minds around the practice of "Vaginal Kung Fu", Bible burning scandal Pastor Greg Locke spits hot fire, Parents of Michigan school shooter Ethan... Crumbley sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison, Polish Priest jailed after man collapses from too many erectile drugs at cleric’s sex party, Man pleads guilty to stealing former Hot Dog Stand coworker’s identity for 30 years, Gypsy Rose files for divorce, Listener E-Mails, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hold, primates listening! It is I, Numitor 479. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee. And while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake and vivacious to give it. So try our new blend from Spring Hill Jack coffee reptilian in the morning our proprietary blend of lightly roasted
Starting point is 00:00:31 Kokaios will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coaca with all your slippery new eggs Thanks, honey I'm cold-blooded. Mmm. Egg's a Spring Hill Jack and last hot gas on the left. I'm ready to get out there and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton. There's no place to escape to.
Starting point is 00:01:01 This is the last hot gas. On the left. Science stories? Yes, but no glades. No place to escape to. This is the last talk. On the left. Ha ha ha. Sign stories? Yes, I love your glaze. That's when the cannon blossom started. Sign stories, yes. Oh, wow, yes!
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes!
Starting point is 00:01:23 Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Oh, wow, yes! Hmm man, I had one of those dreams last night that I destroyed my favorite pair of sunglasses You ever have one of those dreams where you destroy something Yeah, something fucked up really bad happens And you like I was so thankful when I woke up and I was like new then I was dreaming Oh, yeah, because then you got your sunglasses back and it's like nothing happened But it's more that I was upset about my actions that led to the sunglasses being destroyed But I don't remember what it was I was doing. I just moving on my knees in an asshole parking lot. Just going no
Starting point is 00:01:53 No And I was just looking at my broken sunglasses And I don't think I was crying about the sunglasses as much as how much of an idiot you are I don't know if you ever had that well you have a lot of violent are. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a war on. I don't know. Have you ever had that? Well, you have a lot of violent streams. I have violent dreams. I also get the dream a lot where like we're about to go do a sketch show and then, you
Starting point is 00:02:14 know, I'm walking on stage and you're like, no, we're doing this sketch. You don't know your lines. Oh, yeah. It's always that. Yeah. Back in that day. And then I had like this other dream that we were doing a show for a bunch of orphans and they were like in the mezzanine and they were like jumping from mezzanine to mezzanine.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Like they were just so restless and we're trying to perform and stuff. And then like one of the kids fell and died and then all the other kids started to jump off the mezzanine and kill themselves during our show. Welcome to Side Stories. Hey, I'm Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Ed Larson. He's got great dreams. I love the idea. I don't know why Mass suicide by a bunch of orphans in the middle of the show is kind of romantic. Yeah, it feels like it's a my chemical romance Music video, you know, I really it's the kind of thing that happens in Bali Yeah Yeah, once they're done dancing once the music stops the orphans get sad again
Starting point is 00:03:05 So this week on side stories fun updates lots of lots of stuff going on lots of stuff going on a lot of show to Get to number one you remember how what I love it one of my favorite things about side stories Which now you've seen and I still love it It never gets old when we spend about, 15 minutes talking about a thing or subject and it's all wrong. And then the next day, like provenly, immediately debunked, torn apart. One of my favorites. We're only as good as the news we get. And guess what? The news ain't good, friends. The news ain't good. But Angie Harmon, number one is a Republican. I was wrong about that. Did not know. That's fine. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Who cares? So Angie Harmon we covered last week, her dog Oliver was shot by an Instacart driver. She named her dog after an orphan. Yeah, I guess. And then she- The most famous orphan. Yeah, the most famous orphan of all. A hungry child. Yeah. Always name your dog after a hungry child. And-
Starting point is 00:04:02 Can I have some more Instacart driver? Yeah, that's what happened, and then he was just like no this is fucking socialism dude and shot him in that no That's that's unfair to socialism. I said for the socialism But the apparently all that was wrong because they said that the instacart driver had Shot the dog without any provocation that the dog did not rush the Instacart driver. There was no indication apparently, originally, according to Angie Harmon, that the dog was ... She said originally the dog didn't do anything to the driver. Now it's kind of coming out. There's a police report that immediately came out and said that the dog did attack the Instacart
Starting point is 00:04:38 driver lightly. I mean, I still think shooting it is overkill. It's half vehicle. But you know, yeah, it is a family dog. Yeah, no, I mean, I don't think shooting it is overkill half-beagle, but you know, yeah, it is a family dog. I mean, yes, you don't have to shoot it. That's cause Angie Harmon sucks. Does it mean her kids needed to get their dog murdered in front of them?
Starting point is 00:04:56 Honestly, it might teach the kids a lesson. It might help them. I mean, it will probably create several Eric drums, but in the meanwhile, like they're going to start hunting dogs start hunting dogs In like I didn't know how fun this could be Thanks, mommy, and she's like I'm in Rosalia Niles. I don't know I feel like I still lie on the same way I felt even with the new information Yes, I still think that this is a car drivers a bitch
Starting point is 00:05:22 I just don't think you need to shoot the dog. You don't need to. We know. You don't need to shoot the dog. I don't care how, if I get bit by a St. Bernard, I will let it live. Well, I'll punch it and then run away. St. Bernard, so I might kill you. Let's just move past the dog death. There's a whole bunch of cops murdering dogs.
Starting point is 00:05:39 We know. We learned they're spending a lot of money. They're spending a lot of money on these murder dogs. There's a lot of cops murdering dogs. I promise you we wouldn't talk about it, but it is a lot. It's a bummer. Hundreds of dogs a year. Yeah. It's a bummer because they're considered property. No one seems to give a fuck. It's a lot of bad information. No one likes it. It's really, really bad. The it's, it is really, really sad because dogs are considered property, but they're not their little children. And they have souls, and they dream.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah. And they dream about us. And you know what was interesting about what I read about the expose on the cops shooting the dogs is that in the past 70 years, not one cop has ever been killed by a dog. But cops have killed multiple people while trying to shoot dogs.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yeah, yeah. Including other cops. Yeah, this is bad. Yeah, yeah. Including other cops. Yeah, this is bad. No, I don't like it. It's hard to make humor from it. But it's not funny, it's just insane. Do you know the name of the blog or whatever it was, so people could read it at home?
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah, if you wanna read about this. Get really fucking, you wanna get really, really upset. Oh yeah, it's on Criminallegalnews. upset. Oh, yes on criminal legal news Criminal legal news org the DOJ police shooting family dogs has become an epidemic cool and Dale Chappelle whoa Interesting whatever any relation so that's that update again everything we say is wrong the next day We know what's not wrong Is having holding McNeely on side stories. Yes, we have tallied Truly some of the we got a lot of responses about holding McNeely
Starting point is 00:07:15 Guest starring on last week's episode and I'm gonna say some real polling was done real polling And I'm gonna say he pulled the squeaker real polling was done real polling. And I'm going to say he pulled the squeaker. We're looking at a 53% approval rating for Holden McNeely on side stories, which means he's coming back. Yes. We're going to come back. That's a Biden W guys. You fucks. Sorry. That's what we're looking for in November, dude. That's as good as it's going to get. All right. Lesser of two evils. Yeah. He be so he did win that on the vitriol coming forth though that is anti Holden. It's wild. It is very we hear you. I'm gonna put it in the unreasonable category but for those of you that just listen to it you know they
Starting point is 00:07:57 get it it's like again whatever keeps his family safe and if him getting it out of his system yeah on the show does it, then we've already done our job for society, haven't we Ed? That's right, that's right, that's right. Hail his daughter. Hail his daughter. This is for his daughter. That's why we have him on the show. Remember that next time. The man who talked about a minute and a half wrapping about how he wants to cut his own dick off, he's a father and he's a husband. Yeah. So think about his family think about his family He doesn't but you can So that's another thing. He's so I guess he's gonna come back at some point holding McNeely is back on the menu
Starting point is 00:08:34 All right, we got a couple other updates a lot of show here a lot of things going on another update is Ethan Crumbly's parents in an absolutely astounding move, this is a this is a once in a life, this this might set precedent. This might change everything. James and Jennifer Crumbly, the parents of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbly, have been sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison for manslaughter for essentially aiding and abetting their son in his school shooting. So they they got guns for him.
Starting point is 00:09:05 We covered a little bit about the trial. Watch some of this trial footage. It's extremely heartbreaking. Jennifer Crumbley was too busy getting her fucking, getting trains ran on her in various parking lots to care for her son's fucking mental issues. He was desperately crying for help and instead they bought him a shotgun.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Which, as far as I know know doesn't always make you happy. Like, but at the same time, you know, buying a shotgun, let's save it for innocent people. Yeah. They wanted to, they wanted to give them 28 months, but they, uh, but they ended up getting 15 years. Yes, as they should. I'm glad they got the book thrown at them. Jennifer Crumley is saying, I will be in my own internal prison for the rest of my life. Before I address this court directly,
Starting point is 00:09:53 I want to do something that I have never been able to do. I want to say, I can't imagine the pain and agony for the families. I physically cannot imagine things. I have no mind's eye." That's not true, she didn't say that. They have lost their children and what they're experiencing and what they're going through, she doesn't add. She doesn't end that thought. She doesn't end that thought at all.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I wonder if the father will end up in prison with the son. There are, oh they, ooh, actually I don't know. I feel like the father is going to be put in Isolation as well. They're both in isolation even crumple these for certain in isolation Yeah, but why would they be isolated from each other? Well, they will definitely split up I actually think that they side stories LP o TL a I don't know I wonder because I feel like the Menendez brothers are separated. They do separate, they do tend to separate people that they would view as being bad influences
Starting point is 00:10:49 on each other. Like the idea that Ethan Crumbly and his father would sort of talk about, you know, I don't know how that works. If I was the father, I would beat the living shit out of him if I saw him in prison. Of course, but Ethan Crumbly, I think, is an indifferent set altogether,
Starting point is 00:11:04 because he's there for felony first degree murder murder where they're going in for manslaughter. So I don't know if they'll go in the same prison system. I don't think it works like that. I think that they might go to a smaller, less security mode, but like a medium security prison versus a maximum security prison is manslaughter a violent crime. It's an accident. It's not cuddling. Yeah. I mean, it's not a professional like, but It's an accident. It's not cuddling. Yeah, I know. I know. It's not a professional like masseuse. But it's not murder. It's not homicide. It's manslaughter. But, you know, it's got a cooler name.
Starting point is 00:11:32 It does have a cooler name. So I don't know. I actually don't know. That's a very good question. Alright. I think a manslaughter is a violent crime. But largely, it's about the intent. Yeah. Yes. Mans slaughter is a violent crime. According to FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting, you see our program which defines violent crimes as those that involve force and the threat of force. Sure, done. Done?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Don't need you, side stories. LPOTL at Email me about other things like, do you have poop stuck inside of your butthole? Yeah. Now, we have... One thing I will say about the crumblies is they look like they don't leave too many crumblies behind Well, she's just more unpleasant looking Say what you will about Jennifer crumbly. She was getting that butthole fucking
Starting point is 00:12:18 Team dude. Yeah, she was getting out there. I just like it really tiny James James is tiny. James wasn't given Jennifer what she wanted. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He wasn't pleasing her. He wasn't pleasing her. That's why she had to go out there and she had to fuck whatever she could fuck. She was doing it parking lots and hotels. And that woman is an unpleasant woman.
Starting point is 00:12:36 But she might be, who knows? She might kiss like a champion. I don't think so. You don't think Jennifer Crumpley doesn't kiss good? She has no lips. Yeah, but sometimes a thin lip woman makes up extra for chin action. Slaps that tongue in and out of them. Man, I love sucking me some chin.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I like a flat-ass chin, brother. Another update. We have another update. A lot of stuff today. We got some great information on Greg Locke. Some of it that I wonder whether or not we will, we should even say, like I did get a message. I'm just gonna say it.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Just say it. I mean, we don't know if this is true. Of course not. But we did get a message about this. Craig Locke's meth dealer and the person who met his meth dealer and how Craig Locke would continue to proselytize at his meth dealer, which is honestly, that's
Starting point is 00:13:25 a good way to go. Because if you can, as a preacher, if you can mobilize, if you can mobilize the meth community to do your preaching for you, you're going to get quadruple the preaching. Yeah. That's a discount amount of gums flapping because that's street team. That is the street team. Literally, it's a literal street team. And then you could talk to other meth heads and convince them.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Do I feel like it's easier to convince a meth head that Jesus is real than somebody who's just sober? Sure. Why not? They want out, right? I mean, if you're a priest and you're giving people meth, that's going to make them believe in God. Cool. Yeah. See, that's fucking dope. Right, man? Smoking teeth for Christ. Fucking dude. That's what you got to Cool. Yeah. See, that's fucking dope. Right, man?
Starting point is 00:14:05 Smoking teeth for Christ. Fucking dude, that's what you got to do, friend. But Greg Locke, just for those of you a little reminder, last week we covered how Greg Locke is a preacher for Global Vision Online Community. That was one of, that's the Global Vision Church is the name of his church. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:22 There's the, I was looking at the online community Facebook because he got a great quote from one of his followers. He runs this little shit-ass fucking mega church in the middle of nowhere. They found a trailer of Bibles that was burnt on his property, and we at Last Podcast on the left are pretty fucking certain he was the one who burnt the Bibles. And we're going to talk about the various fat communist
Starting point is 00:14:46 pigs that were burning Bibles on his property. We also know that that's probably horseshit because I got great messages talking about, oh, you mean the field that's surrounded by Greg Locke's personal security team? That's where they found? Yeah. And it was a, it was a trailer, like a trailer which which ain't cheap and Then you got to write it bibles. It's a big prank. You could have done the same prank with ten bibles Oh, you could've done one 200. You just need one
Starting point is 00:15:15 200 bibles is like who are we doing this for God doesn't care. No, exactly. God didn't write it. Atheists would not do this No, atheists get laid. Atheists have thing to do. Well, not atheists. Atheists are also annoying. I find anybody who's any purer of anything slightly annoying. Yeah, I mean, I'm an atheist, but I don't even really believe in that. I don't even believe in atheism.
Starting point is 00:15:36 That's the thing. I don't really just believe in anything besides portos in the valley. Amen. And Satan, the power of Satan, but also the power of Satan would be expressed through the power of baked goods. Would it not be? Yeah, I guess I'm more agnostic. I'm fully agnostic.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I'm agnostic about all things. I'll give you some- But you're a Satanist. Yes, but Satanist is way more of, I view that as a societal position. Like I'm a person that like, because we don't't believe Satanists don't believe in a deified Satan We believe in the symbolism behind the hypocrisy of the church and also it's fun to say you're Satanist because it still does Continue to get people mad in the country, which is all we want. Yeah, because we're contrarians by nature Sometimes that pleasant. Yeah free Bible lessons. I saw on the street today. Oh yeah, I saw those guys.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Free Bible lessons. Oh yeah, and she's like, oh great. Yeah, thank you. I wanted to say I'm a Satanist to them, but then I chickened out. I need to get more Nebraska balls. Nah, you don't want to. And my thing too is that it depends on how you're channeling them. If you come to me, I say, I'm in league with Satan.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I literally just say those words. Yes. I'm in league with Satan? What does that mean exactly? Because to them it sounds more frightening. Yeah. I'm in league with Satan. I literally just say those words, yes. I'm in league with Satan? What does that mean exactly? Because to them it sounds more frightening. Yeah. I'm in league with Satan. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:50 But it's also, I always say, bark it up the wrong tree, brother. Yeah. Hell yeah. Woo, yeah. I always listen to Stephen Colbert's advice about character acting. Wear your character as light as a cap.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah, but he's also a God freak. Yeah, he's a strange, he's got a lot of stuff going on there. I don't wanna know his inner life. So we have some, that was not only the only updates we have about Greg Locke. So I got a good message. This is just an example of just some of the people that love Greg Locke.
Starting point is 00:17:17 This was a post online on the Global Vision online community, the Facebook group for his church. I recently found out I had a demon in my womb put there by witches to attack my ministry, having babies and raising them as godly warriors. Every time I got pregnant or after I had a baby, Satan would try to kill me or cause a lot of problems such as give my husband severe depression. Today I did deliverance on myself with the help of Isaiah Saldivar's video. I felt the demon through my skin. It was writhing under my hands while I was telling it to go. I said, go demon! I had to be firm with it.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I was very stubborn. Satan himself told it to stay. After demanding it to go, I felt something cough, right? It coughed. And then it went still to try and fool me. But God said it was still there, so I carried on. Then I felt a release, I coughed again, and then peace. It left me, I feel amazing. There you go. You see, again, she did it herself. She worked it out for herself.
Starting point is 00:18:18 But Greg Locke, it's not just inspiring with his words. He's also inspiring with his music. Oh my God. You think Holden McNeely has bars? People thought that Holden McNeely's rap was the best part of his appearance. Yeah. And I was shocked by that.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Cause it was my least favorite part. You made him do it. Yes. And I had no plan to do that. Also, Rob can detest that. There was no plan to have him rap. 100% on the fly. It was just trying to get, it was like, it's why I imagine why his parents put a gameboy in his hands
Starting point is 00:18:50 So he has something to do. Please shut up. So now this next video we're showing here. So Greg Locke he God he's good. God is good, isn't he? Mm-hmm because we did not did not know is that Greg Locke was started off life, I guess, as a child rapper. Yeah, Heaven M. God. I hate that. So, but then he- No, Rev Rhymes, Rev Rhymes is his hip-hop name.
Starting point is 00:19:17 He did this later on, so this was a video from 10 years ago, so for a while, I guess he tried to revamp his child rapping ways. And then he made a new Song you meet this rap called victims of the traffic by rev rhymes only 15,000 views I'm kind of surprised by But here it is a little chunk just so you know because you know we like to keep it real here at the Breakfast Club Five fingers of death there are more people in the bondage of slavery today than at any other time in the history
Starting point is 00:19:51 of the world. 40% of all of our missing children in America are caught in sex trafficking rings. The average individual that is trafficked is sold for $90. It's a discount. 75% of them are sold by someone that they know very well. Oh, shit. Yeah. Dude, you know he's a badass. It's a discount ass shoes. Standing in a fucking puddle. He don't give a shit. Yeah, he shoots a wedding. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:17 There's an evil in these streets, but people, they keep walking. The government is hush, h hush and preachers ain't talking Everybody's quiet as a mouse Cuz you don't get concerned unless it happens in your house No, it says Nashville On a subject that ain't nice That's enough our kids settle them out like they merchandise We've overlooked it like a big misplacement. Not thinking about the girls beat up naked in a basement.
Starting point is 00:20:49 There's no hope for victims, only danger. Forced all the time, having sex with a stranger. I know that sounds so dirty. You'd rather turn your face, but you can't sit there silent as to preach about his grace. It's going to take an army. I don't think he paid for location fees. It's become an epidemic that's now 30 million strong.
Starting point is 00:21:06 My friend, this ain't no game. Don't act like you can pause it. Imagine it's your kid in some dirty dude's closet. I'm not apologizing for being too graphic. I don't like human trafficking. It's time to break the silence for the victims of the traffic. Oh, shit. Damn.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Oh, shit. Did we add that? Oh, yeah, good work, Rob. But it does end with a giant explosion. It does. So if you guys were worried about the overwhelming power of Greg Glock and worrying about what he was going to do, like I would be, because that type of rhymes, that's what connects to the Zoomers. The Zoomers I've've heard they like pizza parties. They like rap music
Starting point is 00:21:46 They like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a lot of the zoomers They're really into pez fidget spinners as long as you really center that yeah, Greg Locke He's coming for her kids and we got to be careful because those times types of filthy ass Fucking honky licks or the shit that fucking gets people radicalized. Amen to that. So we gotta be careful man. Speaking of fun priests and preachers. Oh so we're done with yeah I think we're done with the updates. If you have anybody has any other Greg Locke information. I want to know. Side stories LPOTL at I I don't like him. I don't like him but I'm kind of obsessed with them. Yes you
Starting point is 00:22:24 have become obsessed but that's good. Yeah. It's good for the show. I don't like him. I don't like him, but I'm kind of obsessed with them. Yes, you have become obsessed, but that's good. Yeah. It's good for the show. All right. So check this out. This is from the motherland. A Polish priest. Oh, budgie budgie. Oh, tiny bushy. You get me. Oh, you give me a kiss. You make a soup from a pair of feet. A Polish priest is in jail after a man collapsed after having too many erectile drugs at the cleric's sex party. Holy shit, it sounds like it's Father Diddy. Got him!
Starting point is 00:23:01 That's father diddy. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So, um, yeah. So apparently this Polish priest has an orgy at his own home. That's awesome. And then he was pumping this dude full of erectile, the starchy drugs. Look at the smile on his face. He looks like he's sitting on one right now.
Starting point is 00:23:19 His name is Gurs Gors, Karsak, Karsak, Bishop of the Diocese of Susnorsk. Step down in 2023 following the scandal. Dude, I don't know why it's a scandal. If everybody's an adult and they're just straight fucking, that's like normal almost. I think if you need more than one Viagra, maybe don't go to a sex party. Dude, how many Viagras would you, because you've dabbled. A many viagras would you because you dabbled a long time ago I mean you would eat like a quarter, but you dab But you but I'm also a normal man and you like did the horny goat weed stuff you do this behind
Starting point is 00:23:54 I tried that this like when I was like 20. I tried the gas station shit Yeah, and that just made I thought I was having a heart attack. Yeah, sure. It's not good Yeah, I don't you ever popped a Viagra? I've never taken a Viagra. Never taken, I've taken half of one long time ago. Does it make you hard instantly, or is it one of those things that when you are a Viagra? It takes like 20-something minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:15 But is it then, are you just in hard until you come, or can you choose? I mean, you stay hard after you come. And then you're ready to go again. And then it takes longer to come. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But then, does it just, it's just hard
Starting point is 00:24:30 and you're like, hopefully somebody's here for me, stick this in. Yeah, well yeah, well hopefully you have a plan when you take it. Yeah, you can't just- Or if you're not just willy-nilly popping it. Sometimes they're like, I was thinking about just taking one and going to a movie.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I remember one of the funniest things I ever saw was some kid in my high school took half a one right before football practice. His dick was just like pressed against the cup the whole time. He's complaining about it. Yeah, I feel like it's something that's not good. What is that? What are you looking at?
Starting point is 00:24:57 You're looking at the updo. I'm seeing Rob pulled up a bunch of over the counter dick bills. I'm sure whatever I took is illegal now. Oh yes. Because usually they can sell anything and then the FDA gets to it and then they got to change one ingredient or something. Now this priest who is referred to, the guy that was his Tomazi, right? Now, you sell Viagra illegally. Obviously there is a, you know, do we know it's Viagra or is this, could this just be what we go with? He said erectile drugs. So we don't know that it's actually for eyes. You're trying to cover up their fucking pads
Starting point is 00:25:30 Do they what is what is a Polish fire? Wow, look at this, oh it's a lawyer it is. It's called male enhancement. Big boy. Nine times. It's got a walrus on it. It says time size stamina. No headache. $55. If you have to advertise, no headache. It means it gives you a headache. Well, just the idea of like, I don't know if Natalie would appreciate me becoming a king. King Kong here. King Kong. Just even this idea of, I think that some women might be fine with the idea of a silverback gorilla pumping this idea of, I think that some women might be fine with the idea of a silverback gorilla pumping away at him.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I think for the most part, most women would say, I prefer the gentleness of a man. Yeah, please. I think Julie's favorite part is when it's over. No, it's that it even happened in the first place. I think that's important. It's about the journey.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Explain it to her the next time. It's just an extremely short journey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this priest has to pay the victim 15,000 zloty, which is Polish money. Yeah. Yeah, but which translates to 3000 euros. Whoa. Damages for having to go to the hospital. Well, I guess he could have, you know, I feel like this is one of those things too we're like if it's just adults having an orgy and
Starting point is 00:26:51 They have to figure out how to get their jollies out. This could have been done under the table He could have paid this guy off to the side. Oh, you're really gonna be if you're just happy if there's no kids here I don't blame them at all. It really seems like it's a victimless crime. Well, yeah, if everybody... Well, that guy passed out because he gave him a bunch of erectile pills, but it sounds like he's asking... But he might have taken them himself for all we know. But also... He just threw the party.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Wasn't he just asking for the erectile pills? Was he saying, Mawr, Mawr. Me need... Me stem meets more crotch... Mawr crotch... Me eat... Yeah, I need more for my taste, of course.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I need to have my penis be punched And then you're like, all right Grigor, you know, I mean like they gave it You just could give him whatever he wants cuz if not, he's gonna join call the potato-based vodka Yeah, and then the bishop stepped down Also, oh, yeah, cuz it sounds like he was there but he was seems like he was there But yeah, they gave no reason for his right Resignation he has the smile on his face like he's watching his wife getting eaten out by another man Yeah, what does he doesn't have a wife? He's a priest. That's what's awesome about being a priest
Starting point is 00:27:52 Yeah, every woman in your congregations her wife. Yeah, they don't mention if it was all men or you know They just say it was an orgy. I think it might be dude based I think so too, right they might be some of the I do feel like in Europe Because you remember with brulasconi. Yeah, they didn't even mind the bunga bar I think in italy, they didn't even really care about the bunga bunga parties. He got He's no they cared but I thought they said that they liked that about him. I thought they were like Hey, that's a much spaghetti president. I think some people were like that. He like a make a peachy Oh, you know how to know no comps. He makes a gnocchi on a butter.
Starting point is 00:28:27 He was removed from office. Yes. But I thought that was like for financial reasons. I thought it was way more for other problems. I thought the Bunga Bunga party, they all kind of understood. I thought Bunga Bunga parties was a thing that was happening across the boot.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Yeah, I think so as well. I don't know. But we don't know for sure. I don't know for certain. Don't know for sure. But we do know that this Polish priest was throwing rectum parties in the rectory Everyone's a consenting adult. I think it should be allowed and celebrated in a European fashion Which is having a cigarette for breakfast. Have you ever seen like a priest?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Domicile like where they live. It's a dorms kind of? Yeah, it's horrible. Yeah, and it's basically they just have a bed and a dresser. Yeah, all it is is a secret keeping closet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I mean, I imagine it's good for sex. Do you really think, I mean... It's just a bed. What else are they going to do in the room?
Starting point is 00:29:18 I have a light nun thing, obviously. Yeah, you're into it? But more so, I just want... Too baggy. Yeah, but I like it, none of there. Yeah. But more so, I just want... Too baggy. Yeah, but I like it. None of there. Yeah. But the idea of being horny in a rectory, like look at this man. Look at this pedophile. There's this man who's sitting here, priest at nuns. He's sitting on his little cot. He's got his little thing. I hate this man. I look at him, he's got a little checkerboard little thing. He's sitting here. I don't like a priest out of costume.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Don't lie to me. It's like a police officer. I should be able to say, are you a priest? And then you have to tell me, even though that's like a priest out of costume don't lie to me it's like a police officer I should be Able to say are you a priest and then you have to tell me even though that's also a myth I also don't want to see your socks never if I see your socks. I know you're a priest. I know you're a fucking priest All right, we got some other stuff here. That's a horrible story No, actually I think it's I think it's pure. I feel like this guy was, you know, basically they're just in trouble for the drugs. Yes. And I think if you were in Europe, you should encourage your priest to have sex with adults. All priests should fuck adults. I think we're on this. I think we can lift the entire idea of celibacy, but I don't know why. I don't know why we're not there yet. Or, you know, you could also have women be priests.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Blech. You're not going to church. You don't give a shit. Who cares? I'm not having ladies in there. Honestly, I think women, there are some women priests. Not Catholic. Not allowed.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I thought there was like... Well, there's like, you know, Baptists and shit like that, but Catholicism doesn't allow... That's why they're all nuns. I know, and then they surprise why they attract a bunch of weirdos. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. And now there's no nuns. They're losing nuns.
Starting point is 00:30:51 No one's signing up to, we're gonna see the end of nuns in our lifetime. I hope that we do. I'd love to see the end of nuns. I dislike nuns. What's the point of doing it? You don't even get to preach. Yeah, you get nothing out of it.
Starting point is 00:31:04 There's no like, you get nothing out of it. There's no like- You get nothing out of it. You get nothing out of it. You just have to like mop the floors all day. Well, it does help if you're just kind of, I feel like if you're a strange person and I think that it's good for you to have a kind of structured environment
Starting point is 00:31:14 for you to go be in. I think that anybody that chooses that type of like truly restrictive monastic experience is probably on the whole deeply unsatisfied with life or themselves or something else going on, looking for purpose. I do think that some people do believe in the higher calling aspect,
Starting point is 00:31:28 but then they're trapped inside of an extremely corrupt system, and then they go there. And I just think a lot of nuns are just fucking mean. And I am famous for a line where I said, all nuns are lesbians, but I actually think that some of them are also pedophiles. There you go Have fun. There you go. I got hit by a nun. Oh, yeah, Dolores. She's fucking dead. All right, here we go We got another great story. Now. This is I thought this story was fascinating and it's very very interesting
Starting point is 00:31:59 Because we covered a little bit with Natalia Grace and we talked about how the government It's wild how the government, it's wild that the government almost has magical properties over our identities and how if the government decides, like Natalia Grace, the government just decided she was 22 and then it's done. It has now happened. Legally, magically, she has transformed from a little girl to a 22 years old person and it's, but it's interesting, but it's also, it works with identities. You can squat on an identity. Like you would squat on a piece of paper. Oh, I love this story.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And you could squat, like there's a way to do this. And this is an example of like how the legal loopholes that go around the esoteric nature of literally our names and identities, like how they can make decisions that like affect who you are as a human being, and because it's on a piece of paper, it has now become like real.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah. It's very interesting. This is probably the most extreme case of identity theft I've ever heard of. Well, it's also because of the, it's kind of like a ramp up and it's like nothing fully, like how do you put it, over the top bad happened until the very end and then it just started spiraling. So this was a high level Iowa hospital systems administrator by the name of Matthew Kierens was admitted to stealing a co-worker's identity and posing as
Starting point is 00:33:27 William Donald Woods For more than 30 years. Yeah, and he was able to get away with it because William Donald Woods Became homeless. No, this is it's wild. So so just here we go remember this So Matthew Kierens is the guy who's now being prosecuted for identity theft. The man whose identity he stole was a man by the name of William Donald Woods. Billy Woods! Great hip, great rapper. Great rapper, great rapper name.
Starting point is 00:33:55 They met while they were working at a hot dog stand. Now this happened, it was about 1988. They worked together at a hot dog stand in New Mexico From then on no way. It was good We talked about street meat Albuquerque street meat But William this guy Kieran's is gonna face you could face up to 32 years in prison for this and he must pay a 1.25 million dollar fine. So he worked with this guy worked with William Billy Woods at a hot dog stand and then he then would use Billy Woods name and likeness
Starting point is 00:34:36 Identity in every single aspect of his life in every way Yeah, since 1988 until now employment insurance he got a social security number a driver's license titles loans credit He got a social security number, a driver's license, titles, loans, credit. Basically what found out is that William Donald Woods didn't know that someone stole his identity until he was already on the street. And then he found out by like, you know, cause a lot of homeless guys still like will have bank accounts. Like they're guys are like, they still have a life. They're still a human being. And so he went in and he found out that he was in $150,000
Starting point is 00:35:06 in debt and he's like, I have a grocery cart. There is no way I'm $150,000. I would have seen some of that cash. Yeah, and so yeah, $130,000, but not that that matters. When you're, you know, $100 is, you know, a thousand dollars at that point. It started in 1990 where the Kierans was working in a newspaper carrier for the, as a newspaper carrier for the as a working as a newspaper carrier for
Starting point is 00:35:27 The Denver Post and that's when he first got an ID in woods his name the next year Kierans bought a vehicle for $600 remember back in the day. Oh my god Man, I sold a car for 75 one time. Yeah. Yeah Wow, oh, yeah The one that was stuck in the in Holden's parking lot for months Where it was like the last time you parked it and you're like now it lives here. Yeah Lost a lot of good t-shirts in that. Yep. And so he came forward so that happened and he's basically he realized he bought this car and then His checks bounced. So Kieran's was already being shady the checks bounced
Starting point is 00:36:05 he then took that stolen vehicle he stole a video that he basically ran with after his checks bounced and then his car broke down and he abandoned it and there was immediately an arrest warrant in Woods's name so this immediately happened he immediately made Woods a criminal by leaving this thing behind it is crazy and then he started he then got a job together. He created a fake resume. This is the power of a fake resume. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I'm actually gonna say this as advice, lie more on your resume. I hate faking till you make it. The problem is that's how fucking the wrong foot gets cut off. As long as it's not in a hospital, at the insurance company, like think about where you're going. If you're gonna go work for a graphic designer,
Starting point is 00:36:48 you can lie. You think so? If you're gonna go work for media company. If I got a shitty graphic pack, I'd be bad. Yeah, it's the thing, you don't find out until you get the first paycheck and then you go. You run away. The key is how long can you keep the grift going,
Starting point is 00:37:00 but then the grift, slowly but surely, turns into a job. If you can swing it. You just have to be good the first couple of weeks is super crucial But just if it's not like not what this guy did so he got he managed to fraudulently this Kieran's managed to fraudulently obtain woods's birth certificate Which you can do by having now set up a bunch of various things because he got some car loans, he got some stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:29 He then got a job faking an entire resume as a high level administrator in the hospital's information technology department. This is for the Iowa City Hospital. Over the next decade, he would earn 700 grand in that role as a legit just guy working at the, in the IT department while the actual woods is homeless. He is homeless. Kieran's, he uses his woods name, social security date of birth. He got eight vehicle and personal loans from two different credit unions.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Uh, and then he just realized showed up one day that he, so he, so now the real woods gets his notice that he's 130k In debt. Yeah, he then goes like well, this isn't me He's like, here's my social security card. Here's my California ID card and essentially they're like well This other guy was already you first so that guy's you well And he went to the bank and then he presented all this and he's like, listen, this ain't me. And then the bank called up Kieran's and then asked him the security questions. Yes. And then of course he answered them right.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Because he knew he created all the security questions. And they fucking put Woods in jail. Yeah dude. For being himself. And so they- 428 days. Yes. He went into prison.
Starting point is 00:38:42 The dude fucking like, this is crazy. As long as you have no conscious There's so many things that you can get away with because he did it first He got woods detained in a publicly funded California mental hospital because he said this guy's harassing me I'm obviously Billy Woods. This guy is faking it blah blah blah and then finally finally This guy's in jail. Someone finally listens to this guy. He gets out, he's back to being homeless again.
Starting point is 00:39:08 LAPD failed, who comes in? Iowa. But Iowa had to go, so this guy. Private investigator. A private investigator gets involved. Eventually somebody's like, we gotta look into this, and this private investigator tests the original Woods's DNA against his father's DNA.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And they got the actual evidence of this is this man. Yeah. It is wild. Also, Kieran's fucked up because he used a different middle name a couple times for some reason. But if you start all of the accounts, it is so difficult for all of that to get unwrapped because when after Woods, the original Woods, got out of jail for being himself 15 months or so he was told your
Starting point is 00:39:51 name is now Matthew Kierans you are this guy you are not you and it was for a while and it finally all got unpacked and so now he's in jail they got the right guy in jail Matthew the Matthew Keerans is in jail, and he has to pay everybody all the fucking money that he has stolen. But he doesn't have it, he's a fucking crook. And that's the key to being a crook of how in the very end, how you get away altogether
Starting point is 00:40:16 is by then claiming like you don't have the money. Like a certain president we used to have. Where you just go and then you say you don't have this money, and then you're like, can you squeeze blood from a stone, sir? You have to like do that shit. Man, I feel so bad for the real Woods, man. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I hope someone takes care of him. But it's nice is that when the detective cornered Kieran's, the first thing that Kieran said the guy stole the identity was my life is over Everything is gone. Yeah. No, no, he had nothing. He knew he was fucking done. Yeah, man. He's a piece of shit man He I will say That's a wide neck He's got a he's a big man with a big head and somehow that neck is wider than his head I think he looks like he could swallow his own head. He has, to be frank, he looks like he's a thin head.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Yeah. He has a very thin head. It is, he is a thumb based person. Yeah. That is a thumb man. And he's gonna do well in jail. Oh yeah. I think he's gonna do very, very well in jail.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah, he'll go in under the name Adolf Hitler. Sure. No. Fly from your grave. Alright, do we have, what's next? We have a lot of stuff. There is a lot of stuff. We got the vaginal weight lifter. Well, the thing about the vaginal weight lifter is...
Starting point is 00:41:36 Jesus Christ. Please, not when you're talking about the vaginal weight lifter. Why? God damn it, Henry. A bunch of stuff came up. Yeah. Now I, there's a story, it's an old story. Unfortunately this got sent. Not that old.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Two years. It's more just I'm discovering the concept of vaginal weightlifting. I didn't, I didn't know anything about this till today. I had seen it on the internet but I did not know, like I had heard of vaginal weightlifting but I did not really know like what it entailed. And this is a story that came from two years ago. Yeah. So like, can I, is it like, does she have like two like,
Starting point is 00:42:14 Do you see the picture? Like clips on her. Do you not see the picture? I see the picture, but I'm trying to figure, Is it her lips? What you're looking at here. Or is there like a rod in her and she's squeezing it with her muscles?
Starting point is 00:42:25 We're gonna put this in social media. Can you please, if you see here, you notice how she has an item hanging out of her. Oh, the walk of fame. She has an item hanging out of her choo-chee like she is a grandfather clock, right? Yeah. What she is doing right there.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It's like swinging from a rope. What that is, is a yoni egg, which is what Gwyneth Paltrow uses. It is clenched inside of her vaginal muscles. With her vaginal muscles. So this isn't like, see I was picturing like jumper cables hooked up to her lips,
Starting point is 00:42:50 and then she was just like stretching them out with a bowling ball. No. No? No, no, what they do is they grip it. You see, she grips it with her vagina muscles, and it seems that, and so this was a story where it seems that, so this is the
Starting point is 00:43:05 story where this came from, a woman by the name of Kimberly Horlack, I believe that's how you pronounce it, that she was 50, she runs, 50, 50, she runs intimacy retreats and she can lift with her privates, she attacked a census worker, this woman came in, she was a six year old woman and she attacked her, Here's a photo of the, you know what? I covered, this is where I recognize this woman. I showed this video on the stream once. This is a video of her carrying her own surfboard with her pussy to the beach.
Starting point is 00:43:35 You have this other one where she's carrying a bunch of lemons. Good for her, but what we have, more so, is a guy, then I got into- Lemons, a lot easier than a surfboard. That's what I'm saying Yeah, once a warm-up. So I got I started looking and so come on Look, I was like I saw that the story was old and I was like, well, you know This is not the same but then all of a sudden I found that and I looked up
Starting point is 00:43:58 Vaginal weightlifting and then that took me to a term called vaginal kung fu Oh, which has come up quite a bit. Now, notice that it's, it is, apparently it's got nothing to do with fighting. It's got all to do with lifting things with your vagina. Kung fu. Yes. But I am also really afraid of
Starting point is 00:44:19 how strong these vaginas are, and will it hurt the penis? Yeah, I don't need a vagina that can lift a surfboard. This is a diagram. You see how it is a little weight with the line going all the way up inside of her vagina. What she does is that she shoves the anchor point all the way up into the top and then the weight dangles
Starting point is 00:44:36 from the rope as it goes all the way out. Now this is a piece of- And why does it fall out of her? Because she's gripping. So her vaginal wall muscles are very strong. Yeah, buddy. She according to this, we do have to do. I'm here to infuse more
Starting point is 00:44:51 passion into your life in bed. This woman's horny as I'll get out the woman that runs this. A woman runs. I mean, you have to be to figure out you can do this. I found another woman that runs dangling from the bottom of hers.
Starting point is 00:45:04 She's a guy. We're going to the police. It's intense. But I found another vaginal kung fu master by the name of Kim Anami. Okay. And she, yeah, super yeah. You can tell I spent nearly a decade living off-grid, from pirate boats off the coast of Vancouver to the wet sultry jungles of Indonesia. It was there, caressed by the warm air, like an omnipresent lover, that I shed my pseudo-self and came into my life purpose.
Starting point is 00:45:28 I gave myself a new name, Anami, Sanskrit for the Unnameable One, the highest plane of God. In endlessness I found my identity. It also symbolizes to me the idea that there's always another level to go to." Wow. And she puts weights in her vagina. As you can see, she's holding that five pound weight with her vagina, and it's that incredible. But she also wrote a musical.
Starting point is 00:45:49 So this is a clip of the musical that Kim Minami wrote that is a celebration of all the powers of your vagina. And I think it's important because is Women's Month over? Yeah. That's sad. Yeah. I'm angry about that. I think it should be women's year. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Well, she was... She assaulted this woman on... On the coming parade, whatever that means. I think it's something Australian. Let's take a look at this song. Bunch of ladies laying in the grass. Touching each other's breasts. Orgasm-atopia.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Doesn't it sound like it the way Eddie says it? Orgasm hits her like a train of a train. Oh, she's a breath singer. Mmm. Heeey. Coming all through her. Oh Never I see a papaya After a few pumps and baths She did it with every lift in Of her yoni eggs
Starting point is 00:47:08 See the- Oh, there's the egg! That's the egg. Every lift she made I think it's actually a parody. There's a rock. There's a rock. From the-
Starting point is 00:47:13 There's a rock. This is not a parody, buddy. Kim Minami! This is Florence and the Machine. She's a par- I think she is- This is a parody of Florence and the Machine. She is re-written lip. Oh.
Starting point is 00:47:22 The- So she's like a weird owl. That's what it is! It is the dog days are over. She's covering Florence and is rewritten lip. So she's like a weird out. That's what it is. It is the dog days are over. She's covering Florence in the machine. Yeah. Oh, my God. Wow. So you were right.
Starting point is 00:47:33 It does. That's how little we know about Florence. Florence. Florence, I fucking. I'm sure no I'm certain that it works I actually don't know I'd love to know side stories LPOTL at I I've seen the jade egg. I don't want to talk about the jade egg King shame, but no, it's not it's not King This is a vaginal strength friend one of these women are gonna be president thing one of these women is gonna be a judge on a circuit court Because she's looking at her vagina in the mirror. I Think it's nice. It's a prison move. I don't look at my butthole in a mirror, but that's just cuz I'm saving myself
Starting point is 00:48:23 But um, we can stop this now, we can stop this madness. And then the, but SidesoriesLPOTL at, do you lift weights with your vagina? I would love to know. And I'd also love to know if you've used the Yoni Egg, what's it like? Yeah. Is that hurt?
Starting point is 00:48:38 I heard that she tied the 60 year old woman to her Yoni Egg and dragged her down the street like a fucking rag doll. That would be incredible. See that's just film it. Film it. Show the rest of us. All right. I think we're at listener letters time. We're at listener letters time, but we have some more stories. I feel like that we should save for next week. We have a lot of stuff. There's some good shit in here we didn't get to. Oh yes. There's a quite a bit of stuff. We have that. We have a lot of stuff. There's some good shit in here we didn't get to. Oh yes, there's quite a bit of stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:05 We have the drug made out of ground up human corpses. Yeah. We've got the... The judge's wife who shot the nephew. For staying too long, which is incredible. It's a great story because, again, their guests are horrible. Yeah. I hate having... even though I like that I can, I hate whole guests are horrible. Yeah, I hate having even though I like that I can I
Starting point is 00:49:27 Hate every second of it. I love saying you can stay at my house. I Absolutely, utterly hate the reality of it. Yeah, so I could see where the woman's coming from by shooting the guy Yeah, also, yeah, you got it. If you're saying it's almost house. You got to pick up your shit You know, you got to bring groceries you got to do some stuff bring a gift people to show up and like expect to be waited on hand and foot Bring something to the house Absolutely. Yeah and pick up your trash Yes, I remember one time I had someone stay over my house and I watched them blow their nose and threw the tissue on the counter Infuriating lose my mind infuriating. All right. Well, let well let's get some emails I'm a 9-eleven dispatcher I am a 911 dispatcher for a county in New Jersey
Starting point is 00:50:11 it's a difference and I have a vulture story about a year ago we started getting 911 calls from motorists passing by a house in one of the towns we dispatch for the callers were reporting hundreds of vultures on the property all over the house, yard, and circling above. People were asking for the police to do welfare checks because someone had to be dead in the house or somewhere on the property. After numerous responses, an officer finally told us there's no problem at the house. The man that lives there just likes the company of vultures more than people. So he goes out to collect roadkill and brings it back home to his flock of vultures. We now have a note for the address. He's a chef. We now have a note for the address to
Starting point is 00:50:58 not send police for reports of vultures anymore. So they are nature's garbage collectors and they are everywhere and apparently better company than humans. Wow. So hide bodies at this guy's house. Oh yeah. Cobb's ain't coming. Can you mention loving vultures? Cause I don't know they all like reek of carry on as well. They, they're ugly to look at. Yes. But if you're buddies with them, you know, I I'm friends with ugly people. Hey, most of my friends are gross. Yeah. Now we also got great responses about the brown note, the brown sound. Or are you going to skip that you don't know shit about juice? I'm going to save that for the stream.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I'm saving the stream. There is boiling in juice. No, there isn't. There is? No, there isn't. It's in there. There is heating to 195 degrees, which is not a boiling point. I'm saving it for the stream.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Okay? That's where juice conversations are. Juice conversations are in boiling I'm saving for the stream. Okay. That's what shoes conversations Just conversations aren't here. It's wrong Make a lot of different notes about the brown note But the idea of a frequency weapon that can be used to make you shit your pants And I got it's all over the response to God. We're all over the place Like one is like saying the Brown definitely doesn't exist. That some people are saying it might have been debunked.
Starting point is 00:52:07 There's some people saying that more so is that this type of directional energy weapon that's like a sound based weapon would actually be difficult to direct. That it would be, it would have to be done very short in a short span, like a very close area. You would almost have to like resign yourself to being a victim of it in order to order to use it but the biggest response I got back was the
Starting point is 00:52:28 concept of what if our soldiers don't particularly care if they shit their pants we had this guy basically said when it comes to a large full-scale wolf warfare this is from a one of our whatever boys overseas right there's apparently is a lot of shit and the military Yeah, it's an army's worth of shit Yes I know that there are diapers because I did bring up the idea about tactical diapers last week as well there are diapers But they're not for pooping in it is to save your dick and balls from IEDs
Starting point is 00:52:58 So they just can they do wear them sometimes if they were on Chastity belt Yeah, they wear that when they're on the patrol when they're trying to go look for IEDs so they don't have to sit on their helmets anymore Yes, yes, so they basically have new armored underwear, and it's apparently extremely uncomfortable I'd still wear it So here goes so I guess Yes, it helps so with the American spirit of the modern-day Infantrymen would render a brown note weapon system completely useless.
Starting point is 00:53:27 The following is good news that should inspire rather than concern. I can tell you right up front, no research, no studies, just pure exposure to boots on the ground infantrymen, they don't care if they shit their pants. A huge percentage of them have already shit their whole ass at the bar, home, strip clubs, restaurants or even in training. Poop humor is a massive part of army culture and a successful BNWS attack on troops would only solidify camaraderie and boost morale. Inventory soldiers are often young, polite, maybe even meek or physically uninspiring.
Starting point is 00:54:03 But similar to a colony of ants, they become one large organism of sheer intensity and blind operation. Already fueled by monster energy drinks, a mental spank bank of dancing TikTok girls, fear of getting in trouble by superiors, and the constant pursuit of battlefield glory, a coordinated BNWS attack would only light a fuse of inspiration that would detonate a bomb of self-defecated, organized, and weaponized horde of young men who simply don't give a fuck. Our enemies know this. I would say fewer as resilient in a pair of poop pants than the American infantry men.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And for this reason, and many more. Americans can peacefully sleep at night knowing that young men and women, diaperless, are selflessly prepared to answer nature's call and the call of duty. Man, that guy is well written. I love this letter. Yeah, yeah. My country tears of me.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Yeah. I know football players piss themselves all the time. Yeah, but that's for fun. Yeah, but in the game. Because you can't really go all the time. Yeah, that's for fun. Yeah, but in the game. Because you can't really go to the bathroom. Yeah, you just gotta piss. And if you gotta go, you gotta go. I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Yeah. So, let's do it. That's also what my grandfather said right before he died. Let's rock, baby. If you gotta go, you gotta go. And I guess it's 50. Oh, I got big news for you. What?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Your girl's getting a divorce my wife Gypsy Rose Blanchard filed for divorce from husband Ryan Anderson three months after three months after prison release. You know, I think the pressure was a lot for her. I think she might've been groomed by a man outside of jail for sexual Congress outside of jail. Maybe it's cause he dyed his hair. I think the bleach blonde hair is not a good look. He looks like Andrew Poon and then TMZ coming in last minute man with this. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Gypsy Rose Blanchard is making the split from her husband, Ryan Anderson official as she just filed for divorce. Yes. She says that it was a lot. I think it was a lot for her all at once. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:18 So I think it was a lot for her. Hopefully she, I mean, or, or she's anti fat because that's a big husband. She's out of prison. She's got some fame. She's like, I gotta ditch the fatty. She's already trading up. Yeah, I think she's getting too big for her britches. I have a- He's lucky she didn't kill him. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Ha ha ha ha ha ha. We'll see. You know who I think needs to get in there? Who? Like a fun old school guy like Simon Rex. Simon Rex? Brian Austin Green. Yeah. She needs a taste of a zeniel.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Okay, okay. You know what I mean? Simon Rex got the red rocket. Yeah. And ex-fiance got matching tattoos following separation with her husband. Oh, she went back to the ex? She went back to the guy that killed her mother? A different ex that she met while she was in prison.
Starting point is 00:57:03 God bless her. Wow, she's busy. Ken Urker. in prison. God bless her. Wow. She's busy Ken Urker Awful awful. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know They met up in New Orleans for dinner Tattoos and sightseeing I think that she just needs some time away from this I think I hope that she takes some time away from this fucking poor fat man He went out his whole family. It was just like do not marry this woman. I legit is like I am in love with her I know for a fact that next week. We're gonna get a message about how he's a fucking psychopath
Starting point is 00:57:32 I think that he's not a nice guy and this guy's old the new guy's old So this guy's also a manipulator. I think that she just needs to be go away He looks like Joe Gatto from the impractical chokers. Who, the new guy? The new guy, yes. This is not good. It's not good. Well, I just wish he should take some time, walk away from the spotlight. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah. Yeah, Ryan got super argumentative with her, apparently, is why she's divorcing him. Yeah, I think that it's different when you when you're wooing a Not I'm not gonna say also marriage is hard gypsy rose. There is just hard sometimes you got to work through it So you got to argue you can't argue a crazy you already killed your mother, okay? So you can't get out of every argument that way but killing everybody So we'll figure out this goes Let's see. I think that she's got to, she's cruising for bruises.
Starting point is 00:58:25 So live every day. Oh God, you can't marry the first guy you meet when you're out of jail. I think that you gotta live every day knowing you're working. She got married while she was in jail. I know. I think that you should live every day knowing that, you know, there's plenty of fish in the sea, especially once you're out of the fish bowl and back in the water. You know, and you gotta love the fact that you get all different types of fish, and it's not just the fish you're used to,
Starting point is 00:58:47 you know, it's not just the fish you just were talking to behind a bunch of plate glass. It's a bunch of new free fish, bunch of new fun, successful, eyes on the open road fish that are gonna maybe help you, you know what I mean? And then you can laugh at that fish. As long as that fish's got money, help you later on in life.
Starting point is 00:59:03 You know, and help you kinda get used to a normal life outside of prison because you are Probably kind of messed up from that process. Oh, it kind of looks like they're just plugging the Lifetime show Yeah, I think that yeah, the even Ryan was like, you know, you can see I don't want to talk about it But you can see it all on the Lifetime show. Yeah, you literally did it was all for the show. Yeah Yeah, so she she might I think she needs a break And I hope that she gets her break. I don't think she's going to know considering she's on a Lifetime show. Yes About this she did it was all for entertainment. Yes I think the divorce was written it might have been yes. It seems that she is doing a form of social media acting out
Starting point is 00:59:40 But that is her Liberty Absolutely American. Mm-hmm. She's allowed to make a spectacle of herself. That's the American dream. You still you still love her I was never attracted to her. I didn't say you're attracted to her you can love someone. You're not attracted to I'm not talking about sex Love I'm talking about. I've never been a fan. I love you. I'm not attracted to you. Thank God I've never been a fan of her. Oh, I thought you were you talk about her so much. You tell you grace Oh, yeah, well, I'm a fan of tight great technically. Oh, I thought you were. You talk about her so much. Talia Grace. Oh yeah, well I'm a fan of Talia Grace. Technically, yeah, I would say I'm a Grace head.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I like her work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd hang out with Talia Grace. For sure. We'd hang out, smoke some, fucking rip some butts. I'd smoke cigarettes again and hang out with Talia Grace. That's a goal. Right?
Starting point is 01:00:20 Get a fresh pack of Camelites, Talia Grace, Big Gulp, hanging out, eating some nachos. The problem is she gets caught with those cigarettes, she's going to have to finish the whole pack. Hey, I think she'd like it. She's a smoker. I think she's a smoker. Well, go check out slash Last Podcast on the left if you want to watch us
Starting point is 01:00:39 talk. And you can go to slash LPNTV to watch all our things on Twitch. You know, other things coming up soon Side stories live side stories life may 9th at the Masonic part of the Netflix is a joke festival come check us 9 45 p.m. Yes, we are going to figure out new stuff for the road. Yes. It's gonna be fun hang out with us We're gonna have a good time. We're gonna fucking try some new shit. We're gonna have a friend stop by and Yeah, yeah, no one so I'm super pumped I can't wait. I can't fucking wait and
Starting point is 01:01:08 Really what a beautiful space to I mean the Mason so much one Yeah, and you still can get high in the graveyard right before the show which is one of my favorites It's one of the best go see Joey Ramone go You know blow smoke in his face man leave a cigarette for Judy Garland These are things you can do before you come to our show But then problems the birds come and they start smoking. The peacocks? Yeah, birds get fucking cancer and that's sad. I want to give a bird cancer.
Starting point is 01:01:31 You go to last podcast on left that come for all of the rest of our live show tickets. Go check us out on J.K. Ultra. Our new tour. We are going to various cities in North America and Australia and London and Reykjavik and Reykjav. Two shows in London, one in Reykjavik. So why don't you get out there and get them tickets, okay? And again, I'm not accepting any more corrections until you send me the correction with the ticket confirmation number in the email.
Starting point is 01:01:58 You can correct me on any piece of information, pronunciation, but you have to send me a picture of the ticket you have purchased. And then I will respond. You're just doing this so you can be wrong more. Yeah, and sell tickets. This is great. This is actually a great marketing ploy.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yeah, because I'm wrong a lot. Hell yeah, suck it you fucks. Ha ha ha ha! Hail Satan, misinformation's awesome! Ha ha ha ha!, who's good today? No one. No one. No one was good today. Bye for now!

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