Last Podcast On The Left - Side Stories: Vampire Facial

Episode Date: March 28, 2024

Henry & Marcus bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news - starting off with the catastrophic bridge collapse in Baltimore, 'Vampire Facials' at Denver Spa linked to string of HIV Inf...ections, Long Island's "Hot Dog Hooker" makes headlines again with another arrest, PMO: the rare disorder that causes you to see people's faces as 'demonic', the Bakersfield man caught on camera holding severed human leg, Listener E-Mails, and MORE!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hold primates listening, it is I, Numitor 479. According to our studies of your puny mammalian race, we discovered you like very good coffee. And while it is our evolutionary purpose to cause you psychic torment, we want you awake and vivacious to give it. So try our new blend from Spring Hill Jack coffee reptilian in the morning our proprietary blend of lightly roasted Kokaios will have you immediately energized upon emerging from the pain coaca with all your slippery new eggs
Starting point is 00:00:40 Thanks, honey Thanks, honey. Hot, hot, I'm cold blooded. Mmm. Egg's a Spring Hill Jack and last hot gas on the left. I'm ready to get out there and eat some babies. Get out of the way, Hillary Clinton. There's no place to escape to. This is the last hot gas on the left.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Side stories? Yeah, you talk. On the left. Side stories? Yeah, you're fucking with the leg. That's when the cannibalism started. Side stories. Yeah. Oh, wow, yeah. You got it.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Anything you want. You got it. You got it. Anything you need. You got it. You got it. You got it. Anything you need. You got it. You got it. Anything at all. You got it friend. Baby. You got it. So the prodigal son has returned. Marcus Parks has deigned to come into the Side Story Studio, which is what it is when it is not currently the last podcast on the left studio. I requested he did to come on the show. He did. I requested this. He did. And he was like, where am I? What do I do? Right. But he was good because he's having difficulty with his dogs are fine. By the way, I want to bring this up He did go to the vet we know Julie his wife had to jump on Instagram after he talked about Rambo eating the entire
Starting point is 00:02:14 taxidermy crocodile head And he was shitting out teeth and everyone was getting upset because they were like, oh you didn't call a vet But he Julie's father's his wife's father's a vet. They called him. He said, as long as shit's coming out the front and the back of a dog, you're fine. Yep. Coming in now, but I'm glad to have you back today. Yeah, I'm very happy to be back. And you know what I think we should do? First of all, this is side stories. I'm Henry Zabrowski. I'm sitting here with Marcus Parks. Yeah. And I actually do think that we should start not seriously, but our hearts go out to the people in Baltimore. Oh, God. What the hell is going on with this bridge collapse?
Starting point is 00:02:54 We know what we know now about this bridge collapse is that there was some form of electronical malfunction on the barge that was coming underneath the bridge the one thing about the bridge Which is like it was I think something like 20 people are dead We don't know what the number is yet with the bridge collapse last hour there were six missing Yes, and there's a lot of people talking, you know, obviously conspiracy theories immediately jump out But I honestly think one of the biggest issues with this is explaining how like that bridge was allowed to be at what I believe was called fracture fail. Like there's like this term that they use where essentially one loud fart would take down this very, very crucial bridge.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah. Very busy, very, very busy bridge. And then it all took, it all came down. So this, this barge was coming through from Singapore. There was electronical malfunction on the barge. It crashed into one of the pylons that support the bridge. They called it a partial collapse, which I think is spin like crazy. I woke up this morning and I walked out. Carolina was already awake and had the news on. I'm bleary eyed and the very first thing I see when I wake up I turn
Starting point is 00:04:05 a look at the TV and I see a bridge collapse. Well, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:04:17 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Yeah. And yeah, this thing just collapses. It really does collapse. We're watching the video right now. We love Baltimore so much. We do. It's one of our favorite cities in America. That entire bridge went down. The entire bridge went down. This is not a partial collapse. I'm watching the entire bridge collapse into the river. This is not a partial collapse.
Starting point is 00:04:35 This was also the only route for hazmat waste material to leave the city. Jesus Christ. So our hearts go out to Baltimore. We love that city. Can't wait to come back, which we are gonna do. And we're not taking the city. Jesus Christ. So our hearts go out to Baltimore. We'd love that city. Can't wait to come back, which we are going to do. And we're not taking the bridge. So we're going to have to get there by helicopter. But you guys, I hope that everybody is okay. Unfortunately, I hate to say this, but at least it happened at night. It happened in the middle of the night around 1 30
Starting point is 00:05:02 in the morning, which probably saved a lot of lives, which is also, but still it's extremely tragic. And uh, Marcus is actually getting on a train tomorrow to go help. And so he said that because he's wants to go by train. He wants to see the country. I wanted to take six days because I don't think no one's in any hurry to get this thing fixed. I'm going to take six days. He wants it. Cause I don't think no one's in any hurry to get this thing fixed. No. I'm gonna take my time. He's gonna, his main thing, what Marcus says is he wants to be there to help emotionally
Starting point is 00:05:32 after the fact. And he said mostly he's, he was weirdly saying he's got a hotel room, it's gonna be in the downtown area, La Quinta, he's looking to talk with single mothers. Which is really interesting. But honestly, it's nice for somebody to sort of really focus on the single mother. Really focus on the single because there's going to be a lot of people in Baltimore affected by that. I really do.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And they really I mean, seriously, though, like it's going to like it may end up killing shipping in Baltimore permanently. Well, not it's definitely not going to be back for a minute. So I hope that Baltimore is OK. And avoid bridges. That's a good way to, is that a good way to start the day? A good way to start the day. Avoid all bridges.
Starting point is 00:06:11 As many as you can. Dixie, we need help. Country needs help. We need to get in there. You know who we need? What? The Avengers. But I'm not talking about the actual superheroes.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Robert Downey Jr., Chris Helmsworth, the other guy. Scarlett Johansson. Not him. I actually think that he's the helpful guy. I think he's a great actor. I think he's a great actor, but I don't know, he's not my go-to guy. I actually think that Robert Downey Jr. would be very helpful. Because he's the most not a Scientologist, but could be a Scientologist guy in terms of energy and effervescence. He's a chameleon He can kind of get in anywhere. Yeah, and it's like his it's the way he changed the week Cuz remember he was like sleeping people's homes. Yeah before Iron Man. Yeah. Yeah couch surfing. Yeah, it was awesome Yeah, but you break into people's houses and shit. Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:01 I'm this old Robert Downey Jr. Oh wait no, he used to break into people's houses? I didn't know about this It was when he was like really off the rails with drugs when he was fun break into people's houses and shit. Yeah. I'm this old Robert Downey Jr. Oh wait, no, he used to break into people's houses? I didn't know about this. It was when he was like really off the rails with drugs, when he was fun. That's when he was like a fun guy. Yeah. Um, all right. So you came in here today. Do we want to start with why you're here today?
Starting point is 00:07:15 I mean, I texted you at 9 a.m. You did. On Sunday morning. You did. And I woke up, I was like, oh God, what has happened? Yeah. Is this, yeah, is this bad news? No.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I mean, it wasn't. It wasn't bad news at all It was a story that Carolina told me about This story is incredible. It's terrifying. It's strange It comes out of New Mexico health officials say new HIV infections have been linked to a salon that performed so-called vampire facials, okay Almost five years after the business closed and what got me was thecalled vampire facials. Okay. Almost five years after the business closed. And what got me was the term vampire facial.
Starting point is 00:07:49 So have you never, see what's funny is that I am with my beautiful wife. Yes. She loves all forms of, like she does IVs, she does all this stuff. I'm pretty certain she's mostly still my full organic wife. But at this point she could have been replaced by chemicals. I don't know what goes in and out of her, right?
Starting point is 00:08:11 But she has done these vampire facials before. These things are insane. I mean, basically what they do is they take blood from your arms. I also believe that my wife would be just as beautiful without them. I don't think that's even the reason why she's beautiful All right, I think she keeps it tight she's working hard on it Yeah, my wife was horrified to find out that her dermatologist doesn't oh yeah, of course these things. This is a legit Treatment that people do but you're explaining it, but you're supposed to be licensed. Oh, well, yeah You can't just be like yeah
Starting point is 00:08:52 She's okay if I do with my own mouth with a straw so what people do is they draw blood out of the arm and then they put it in a sort of Centrifuge and it separates the platelets from the plasma and then they take those platelets and they put them in a bag I think. They're not like plates, they're goop. They're other goops. Yeah you put it in a bag, you put goop in a bag. You don't put goop in a cup. You don't put goop in a cup.
Starting point is 00:09:20 But if you put the goop in a body you gotta put the goop in a bag. I guess so, it would be nice to have a bag I think you'd be nice to have a cup because that's reusable. Yeah, that's true But you can use a big make wash it out. Did you dump the stuff in the goop? Dump the goop in the fucking garbage can continue So they get these micro needles and they put a bunch of tiny little holes all over the person's face And then they take this blood There's these people your own blood and they smear it all over your face and then they take this blood, these platelets, your own blood
Starting point is 00:09:46 and they smear it all over your face and let it seep in. It injects in, it goes into your blood. Now, my thing is that how are people getting HIV because it's supposed to be coming from your blood. I would imagine that people, I would imagine they were using the same equipment over and over again. Is there any research as to why, like how that HIV is being like actually spread around because that is what I find interesting Yeah, I looked it up. I wasn't able to find like an exact either
Starting point is 00:10:14 They're mixing up blood. Yeah, it might just be mixing up blood because I actually don't even know side stories LPOTL at I'd love to know what part of the blood has got the dirt in it. I would imagine that it was just them improperly cleaning the equipment. I mean, the micro needles, you know, if you, because if you do the micro needles on somebody and then you don't properly clean it, AIDS, I think, or HIV could probably survive quite a bit. And then you need the next person gets the micro needles and then they get HIV. Side stories, LPOTL at Do you do micro needles?
Starting point is 00:10:46 We actually have a lot of, I believe the term is estheticians, estheticians in the audience. Like my friend Heather. What's an esthetician? Somebody who works with skin. Dermatologists? Dermatologists is someone who does, I believe lumps and fucks. Like lumps and esthetician is the one that does all of the stuff that it's like salon stuff. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Yeah, it's all about like an aesthetician is a professional who performs facials, applies makeup. And my friend Heather actually has been working with this one that does what's called, it's like gender affirming, aesthetician work in Pittsburgh. And they talk about this style of like I would love to know how this could possibly happen because I wonder if number one do the machines even work if they're gunked up because the needles are so small I don't know like how much material like literally blood is needed
Starting point is 00:11:38 in order to transfer HIV like how virulent doesn't have to be also does it come from a like I also don't understand how this procedure would work without it being your blood I mean at the end of the day you're still getting just any blood you're getting blood smeared all over your face So, you know who knows if it works or not. I mean, it doesn't necessarily look great Yeah, but as far as this place goes, I don't think this place does not really seem like they're on the level It's called VIP spa. That's it. It's just called VIP spa. Very important people. Very important people are there. You're going to say Rob? Oh, that is what it is. Oh, improperly disposed of in multiple trash cans and stuffed in drawers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So yeah, there's just going to be a lot of cross contamination in there. It's just cross contamination. They're not properly disposing of their biohazards. I never want to see the sentence ever again when it comes to a doctor's office. Unlabeled syringes, quote unquote, loaded with unknown biologics were stored next to coffee creamer and cheese slices in a snack refrigerator.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yeah, that's not good. Unlabeled vials of human blood next to the mayonnaise doesn't seem to be the best way you wanna do this. It's not a doctor's office. It's just a fucking spa. It is just a spa. It's like a place you go, it's like a place you go for a facial and a massage
Starting point is 00:13:01 and they're also, they're doing fucking, I mean, this shit used to happen in New York all the time oh yeah so many different stories of like women getting those like Brazilian butt lifts and getting like the illegal silicone injected into their butts and then they die because they get an infection yeah they've got to go to a professional when it comes to this shit you have to go to a person with a license you just need a license yeah some kind of license a piece of paper what we learned from on Nurse Brave It, because actually you can print that shit up really easily, and you actually could be totally fake,
Starting point is 00:13:29 but hey, lie to me. At least like, give me some pomp and circumstance like this might actually be a doctor's office. Check this shit out. Just check your people out. But I know many people that are in this service, like that do, that do est Esthetician work and so it is a highly skilled job But you have to be skilled to do it and it is people up real easily like this you can give people HIV You can give people HIV which is that's why it's like but I'm not gonna say it gets it because I feel like a lot Of people love this new. It's a journey People changing I think that's what we are definitely going to see in the future in terms of how humanity is going to change. I think transmetropolitan is probably still the most,
Starting point is 00:14:13 one of the most accurate views of how humanity will progress through the future and the way we identify ourselves and what we do. So I love when people fuck with the way they look. Sure. I'm hoping we get llama people. Like I want llama people. I want cheetah people. I think that's fun as fuck. Oh yeah. Spend a day as a dolphin. I dream about that fucking panel. Oh yeah. I want you because I love that because I think that's kind of what where we're going to expand our minds. I don't know again. I don't know if it's going to help the job market, but that's not what it's really about. It's about you fight. I love the personal exploration people trying to do stuff like this. This is just stuff I just don't understand.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I want to know where the first vampire facial came from. Yeah. Who was the first guy that was like, what if we may... harvest their blood? And maybe... it will make you beautiful. Or...
Starting point is 00:15:04 you will become... a demon incarnate. I don't know who does that. Oh, Dr. Barbara Sturm did it. Oh, wow. Well, I mean, just do the same thing that you did. Just do it with a German accent and you'll be fine. The blood helps simulate collagen production, which can reduce fine wrinkles, scarring, acne scarring and brown spots. Yeah if you put it in German it's the blood helps stimulate
Starting point is 00:15:31 the collagen production which can reduce fine wrinkles, scarring, acne scarring and brown spots. We have found a finer solution for your old skin. No this is a very, yes that's it is interesting that's interesting I don't know why. Yeah. I don't know how we for your old skin. No, this is a very, yes, it is interesting. That's interesting, I don't know why. I don't know how we got here. Well, it's because I, for some reason, got fascinated with this shit at 9 a.m. on a Sunday. Not you, I'm talking about the fucking vampire facials,
Starting point is 00:15:54 but hey, whatever makes everybody happy. Yeah. Whatever you gotta do. Hey, I'm down for it. Whoever wants to do it. Women love pain. Maybe not just women do this, but people who like beauty like to hurt.
Starting point is 00:16:06 You have to. I guess. It all hurts. Look at me. I do nothing that hurts and I'm incredible. Look at me. I'm aging like a pecorino. My god, man.
Starting point is 00:16:16 I went to a fucking, I went to a store a couple of days ago to get some new like t-shirts. I went to a thrift store, a vintage store to get some t-shirts. Okay, wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm wearing one right now. It's pretty nice. I like this shirt. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's good. Screaming. But I went into the dressing room. I took some shirts in there with me. And one of them was a little youthful, let's say.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I was like, I could maybe pull this off. I just showed you in the makeover episode. You can be youthful. I don't know, man. I, cause that's the thing. I put this shirt on and it was like, kind of like a low cut and it had like a bunch of skulls on it. And it was like super cool. And I was like, man, this is like some I totally fucking wear like in my twenties. Like let me look, let me check this out.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And I put it on and I looked in the mirror and the, for the first time ever I saw a 40 year old man. Like I saw, like I looked and I don't see it though. Mark. Like I look, I see a young fresh. I see it though. Mark, I see a young, fresh, I see the boy I met. You see the boy. I look at you. I just see old Marcus. I don't see this. That's really nice of you to say it really is. I don't see the dressing room mirror said something very different. You're a liar. All right. It has no idea what's going on.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Context. If I was what about contact? If I was 25, I would have bought like my favorite shirt ever on Saturday. And I would have wore that and I would have wore it for five years. But now, it's too... You can age gracefully, and I gotta I'm gonna be one of those guys that I'm gonna age gracefully.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I'm not gonna turn into a fucking Johnny Depp type where I'm wearing a weird hat with a bunch of feathers on it. Mark it Rob. Can we isolate this? I'm not wearing a vest and a bunch of necklaces and a lot of rings and hats. I think rings and hats are a lot. They're really a lot, but I can't be that guy.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I got to age gracefully. I'm going to give you a piece of advice. I got to dress gracefully. You are already. I'm going to give you a piece of advice that I gotta dress gracefully. You are already. And I'm gonna give you a piece of advice that I'm learning. This is specifically to the men out there. Buy something that is way outside of your comfort zone that you would wear, that you're afraid to wear.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And you're afraid it's gonna make you look like an undercover police officer. Or a groomer. A child's groomer. I was gonna say a desperate aging man. Yes. Yeah. Yes. We, we have many examples.
Starting point is 00:18:31 We're in Los Angeles. I know. We're in the capital of desperately aging men. I did not want to be one of those. No, of course not. But what I say is you do something slightly outside of your comfort zone. You put it in the closet, give it like a year. One day you'll just pop it on.
Starting point is 00:18:44 You're wearing it. You're used to it. You've been seeing it in the closet a lot. I've done like a year. One day you'll just pop it on. You're wearing it. You're used to it. You've been seeing it in the closet a lot. I've done that so many times. I just keep staring at it. That's what I do. I just make a choice about something stupid. And then I make a choice. I wear it out and I see how people react. I see how my wife act. And then I mostly, what I do is if I like my comedy, I'm shooting for 50% approval. That's really all I gotta get to.
Starting point is 00:19:08 As once I'm at, truly, 51%. Then I'm locked in. Because then the 49%, they don't get it, fuck them. Yeah, they can go fuck. Yeah. Because they're fucking stupid and they're wrong. I'm right. With the majority hanging in there.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Not a silent majority very loud Speaking to me engaging with me having others engaging with others all bringing communities together engaging thinking about me true That's how it is. I'm down every day not gonna buy that shirt Alright so we got ready we got some more stuff got, I want to do the story up top because Rob, I'm doing this one. We're like 40 minutes into the show. Jesus Christ. How long have I been talking? How long have we been doing this?
Starting point is 00:19:54 20 minutes. 20 minutes, okay. 20. 20. Now I specifically chose this story because Rob's from Long Island and he, I feel like this is a good thing. You guys, we all miss New York a little bit. Yeah, I do I'm feeling a little bit. I've been missing it a lot lately. But this is gonna remind you This is a little piece in New York now this story I I love
Starting point is 00:20:14 Woman once charged with selling sex as a hot dog vendor arrested on stalking charges now this lovely lady Katherine Scalia 57 I'm being sarcastic But this lady is really fun. This is before she was bad. So I just sent you a link. Now I sent you a link, Rob. We're gonna play this real quick because I just want the audience to hear
Starting point is 00:20:33 what we're dealing with here and who this woman is. Catherine Scalia, she was called the hot dog hooker after she attempted to offer lap dances in her front yard on Long Island. This is from 2014. This is the first thing that starts. Right. And so hot dog hookers, a very 2014 headline, hot dog hooker from 2016 Fox five. They, they, she got re-arrested again for offering lap dances from her futon in her front yard in Long Island.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Now this is a clip from the Fox 5 interview with Catherine Scalia. So you can just understand who this woman is and what her life goals are. A Long Island woman who became known as the hot dog hooker has set up shop once again, but outside of her East Rockaway home. All right, and once again,
Starting point is 00:21:24 she's offering more than just hot dogs. Here's Carrie Drew Get a wiggle with Chewena Remember the name Katherine Scalia We first told you about her nearly four years ago when she became known in the press as the so-called hot dog hooker Scalia sold hot dogs out of a trailer dressed only in a bikini and was busted for offering sex to an undercover cop. I solicited an undercover officer. I didn't know that was going to happen. You know, I told this guy to come to my house, I'm going to do a strip, we're going to have fun and you're going to go home and that's going to be the end. I didn't know I was going to be
Starting point is 00:21:57 in cuffs all over the news again. At the time she was sentenced to seven days behind bars. When I gave the undercover cop the lap dance, I had pants on. And when I did it, all I showed him was this. The very top of her breast. I didn't even go topless. Now Scalia is at it again.
Starting point is 00:22:17 They're real. These are silicone. Here she is, posing outside her East Rockaway home, offering lap dances to those who drive by. She is at his house. She says what yard. Swapping around. It's 36 degrees outside. It's 36 degrees outside. Offering lap dances to those who drive by. She is at her house. She says what she's doing is legal. To the younger generation out there, do your lap dances.
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's safe and it's legal. But those who live nearby have had enough. All right, cut it. Yeah, a lot of people are upset. Well, this time people are mad because she was openly soliciting lap dances on her front yard, which which again I think is fun. The strange thing to me though is that she has her, she's on her swinging chair offering
Starting point is 00:22:51 the lap dances but the swinging chair is facing the house not the street. The pillow she wrote lap dances here was perpendicular to the street however. That was more of the bulletin board that was bringing people in. Now Catherine Scalia is A pip. She's a bit of a pip. I mean Rob does that make you homesick? Nice lady, I think she's one of my aunts Now this is an East Rockaway. So now this was people, you should New York favorite. People love this person, but she has overstayed her welcome. So she is accused of repeatedly harassing a 51 year old male employee
Starting point is 00:23:33 at the Main Street Business Center. Oh. And at his home. Main Street Business Center. What the fuck is that? It is probably have you ever been to a good old fashioned upper New England area strip mall cyber cafe? That is exactly what this is. This is a cyber cafe where a man is running a cannoli based, God knows what this guy is doing.
Starting point is 00:23:59 He's doing cannoli insurance outside of this main street business center. Now. Oh yeah, they do drop offs for it's like just a FedEx, UP. It's a, yeah, just a man who's living here. Now this man doesn't want to say anything, but I do believe the man might not be of necessarily American descent. Um, this man who came out, uh, he came into this woman's come into the story and has now, um, exposed her breasts multiple times to him and then also made many exposed her breasts multiple times to him and then also made many anti-semitic remarks to him about the business in general. Now the one thing about the job is the man says, I have told her multiple
Starting point is 00:24:33 times to stop coming to my home and my job because it is stressing me out and it is not good for my mental health. The victim said, I am afraid that her showing up to my job and acting the way she behaves will get me in trouble with my boss and I fear I could lose my job. So because she keeps showing up saying stuff about like, essentially the man that she's stalking is not Jewish, but the people who run the business are. And she said a bunch of weird shit. And apparently she's come by 10 to 15 times a day to show him her breasts and then yell at him. Public nuisance.
Starting point is 00:25:05 She's becoming a real public nuisance now. I don't know. It sounds like a service I'd pay for. Show me your tits. Yell at me. That's a fine line when like from local character to public nuisance because usually that's the things that usually from public from local character to public nuisance. Usually it's when the anti-Semitic remarks start coming.
Starting point is 00:25:25 That's when it goes and okay. All right. Public. All right. Now we got to say it is not a fine line friend. I'm she was started. This local characters that are pub that aren't anti-Semites. She started public, right? Like that's the thing is that her stuff. I'm like, wow, she's got some good old fashioned Long Island boobies as well. I love her. I don't mind except with now that she's bad. I don't like her. I liked her then I liked her. I liked it. I liked it. I liked it. Now I don't like her anymore. Same thing with David Ike, but it was like this woman came. She is a, she, she is a flirt. And if you could see this picture of her with the hot dogs with her bosoms right behind the hot dogs again
Starting point is 00:26:05 I'm understanding the vibe. She is slinging but her sons were also arrested. So now she's being arrested She was well on her way becoming a public nuisance I actually think that she was always trying to be a public nuisance was actually too charming before To be one she wanted to be one. Yeah, you think so you think people set out to become public nuisances ah Interesting I feel like people think that they are the real thing and everyone else is the problem basically yeah But that's what's called a public nuisance yes, and the I was recently watching video because you know I like my body cam footage And it was watching of a woman Be arrested for streaking at a baseball game.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Right. And it's hard because that woman, you see this also in Reddit, they have the subreddit I'm the main character, I'm the main character. You see these people that are like, they woke up today deciding I'm going to be on the news for a bad thing. Oh, I got to get up. Oh, I got to be on the news today. And so this woman who's who was streaking, she's just a glad,
Starting point is 00:27:06 like she's like God's gift to men. They're all so. And she was like minor league game, minor league game. And she was like talking to the baseball, the police officers offering them to suck their dicks and stuff. And then think about police officers is that despite some of the documentaries I've seen, not a lot of it results in for some sex. So there's some documentaries I've seen where it doesn't go that way, but in other ones I'm watching it, it seems to be very professional.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And you'd think that like streaking would lead to the sex, but usually in the documentaries, a lot of the documentaries, the streaking definitely does. Well, usually in the documentaries that I see, it's for something like, uh, I don't know, shoplifting, shoplifting, They're shoplifting and then there is the one where they- Speeding. Speeding, yes. And then, what's another good one? The one where they were all at January 6th.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And then they all got railed. There has to be January 6th porn. Yeah, at this point- There has to be, right? There has to be, yeah. Well, I would, there's not a lot of Congress themed porn remember with Lisa Lisa and yeah that was nailing Palin yeah that was that was gubernatorial point oh Steven Miles who goes by sergeant miles in gay porn he was arrested at January 6 he's got a
Starting point is 00:28:20 while he's got a quite a wiener on him. Does he? See a bulge in there. He's doing that on purpose. He's fluffed that up. That's that. Yeah, he's fluffing He's like the pit crew on RuPaul's Drag Race. Those guys can't all have Penises that massive can they? They're also guys with like he's got like obviously super kind of long sucked out nipples because they've been playing with His nipples a lot. Ah Yeah, bless him. God bless them all. 40 years old same age as him. What do you think? Me and Sergeant Miles. Is it that much different? Far better shape than you are. He's in gay pornography. Similar body hair. I'll say that you have very similar body hair. See I now also watch in drag race a lot. There's not a lot of bear representation.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Everyone's a bunch of bears but then they make a bunch of barking noises at them. When the bear show up? Yeah. Or when the scruff boys come. Oh, are you talking about the pit crew? Yeah. No, there's really not, there's not too many bears at all in the pit crew. They're hairless. Yeah. They're quite smooth.
Starting point is 00:29:13 You're being very ignorant. Because I think hair makes a body interesting on a man. And a woman, I guess. Anyways. And my body is quite interesting because it's hairless. Well, you also, your bottom half isn't no it is But that's what makes it interesting the saturnus. It's very interesting just explore him. He's like a book Now this next story is another one that I got sent a lot. This is one
Starting point is 00:29:36 I don't particularly understand, but it's more like this is one of those sounds like a last podcast in the web story But it's really not But it's interesting to explain okay. It's the guy that had, um, he has this rare disorder that he causes people that he's causes to see people's faces as demonic. Yeah. And he sees, he can't see it on that. He's only sees it in real life. People have an extended long, weird mouths, furrowed brows, barely racistized. And then he sees people as demonic.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I guess he apparently had some kind of bacterial infection. He also had a head injury when he was trying to pull on the stuck door of his pickup. He fell back and hit his head on the concrete. So there was a lesion on his brain. By the way, they could tell how he sees people as different as a bunch of demons is that they see he looks at pictures of humans on a on a computer screen or printed out and he doesn't see the demon faces. But then he looks at people in life. He then describes what he sees to the doctors and they drew it. Well, he says that it really only works for him because it's different for everybody who
Starting point is 00:30:43 has this disorder. It really only works if the faces are it's different for everybody who has this disorder. It really only works if the faces are moving. If the faces are static, he doesn't really see anything, but if they're moving, then yeah. I mean, the way they look, it was described by our editor Ian as oblivion characters. Yes. Yeah, like characters from the video game Oblivion.
Starting point is 00:30:58 With a come to daddy, come, come to daddy. They look like Apex twin people. Yeah. Or it looks like if you're fucking're fucking around with like the smudge function with you know on Photoshop. It looks a lot like that too. It's kind of cool in a way but it's called. It's unsettling.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Let me see if I can pronounce this. It's called prosopometophorphesia. Let me see if I can do it. Prosopometophorphesia. prosopometa for me prosopometa more foes more foes more foes prosopometa more foesia prosopometa more foesia prosopometa more foesia
Starting point is 00:31:37 They put PMO right next to it PMO or PMO one more time time, prosopometamorphosia. I think I got it. Extremely rare. I think I got it, it's extremely rare. Extremely rare. Because it's the last time we're going to say it. It's a neurological disorder of perception, causes faces to appear distorted in shape, size, texture, or color.
Starting point is 00:32:00 So I would say this to all of our listeners. I think it's important. We have a lot of guys that have experimented in hallucinogens. You know, I have, we know a lot of people that have had extended visual hallucinations due to bad medication or like just straight up being cuckoo bananas for a while happens to all of us. Sure. But my main thing is, take a picture. Take a picture and then see?
Starting point is 00:32:26 If you think you're seeing something, take a picture of it and look on the camera and see if you see it on the camera. Do you tell the person that you're looking at what you're doing? No. No. That is my other big caveat. Do not tell them. So you first have to come up with an excuse for taking their picture.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Oh my god, I would remember where we had this lunch Take a picture. That's is then that's a free one And then you take a picture and then you can then look and see if they are transforming I just give yourself allow yourself the grace to say Maybe it not demon. Maybe it Kelly Maybe it my friend Julie. Maybe it not demon, maybe it Kelly, maybe it my friend Julie, maybe it not demon. I jump to conclusion it demon because yeah I see long scary smile face, I assume demon face, demon
Starting point is 00:33:15 eyes, but then I look upon the picture it a not demon. Then you're fine and then you can get back to your lunch. You better or doubt but then I do understand then you'd be pretty distracted Yeah, because now you're sitting at lunch trying to eat your salad every once while you look up and you see come to daddy I don't think it's gonna be good for you because this guy to Victor shower who this happening to this is also I feel for Him because what he said for a second there you stayed in in demon voice you know who this happening to What he said for a second that you stayed in demon voice you know who this happening to Man who did he did not to demon he is not a demon He is a man he innocent victim mm-hmm all right now according to the ears noses and mouths are straight back
Starting point is 00:33:56 But this is what he said my first thought was I woke up in a demon world God You can't imagine how scary it was I yeah, I can Because I wake up all too obvious knowing for a fact that we do live in a demon world God. You can't imagine how scary it was. Yeah, I can. Because I wake up all too obvious knowing for a fact that we do live in a demon world. But I don't have the excuse of propamorphomoporous and ambitionic gastronomy. I don't have that excuse. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:19 All I have is the fact that the truth has peeled back my eyeballs permanently. Yeah. I can't even go outside anymore. I'm with you, bro. I'm living back my eyeballs permanently. Yeah. I can't even go outside anymore. I'm with you, bro. I'm living in a devil town. Yeah. I didn't know it was a devil town. Oh lord, it really gets me down about this devil town. You know what's nice?
Starting point is 00:34:34 All my friends are vampires. When I wake up in the devil town and I look in the mirror and I realize... I too am a devil. Which is very scary. Actually, that's not a good realization either. Because if you wake up in a devil town, go to the devil travel agency and say, I gotta go. I gotta leave out of here.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Demon? I know, I'm conversing with a demon, but I do not know. Can a demon add this to my Sky Miles account? But yeah, that's a nothing story. Yeah. Well, it's a guy who had a weird, and he does it. He has the name of a man who would have this syndrome, Victor Schirra. Why it's, it's hard because it's like, it's such a bad luck thing too. It's a bad luck thing to happen to you. Hi, my name is Victor Schirra. I see demons. I see demons everywhere I go, but I cannot see them
Starting point is 00:35:23 in pictures. You know, like that's very frightening. That's a frightening life to lead. You know, and it does happen to people. So keep writing down Swivel, new worry alert. I should get a soundboard. No, let's add this. So far we have three new worries. We have a barge collapsing a bridge.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Anytime. We have contracting HIV through facial treatments. Through your need for youthfulness and beauty you get a wasting disease that is a burden for the rest of your life. And then you also suddenly have the ability or at least the curse to see demons in every person that you interact with. Could just happen like that? No idea. Boom. No idea. So that's three for three. Keep it in a swivel.
Starting point is 00:36:07 This next one, this is the one we were both excited for. We're just sad. Okay, well it's just, it's interesting. It's just, it's interesting. We were both excited for it. I want to say we were both excited for the story. I do like it. This happened in Bakersfield, California.
Starting point is 00:36:27 That was Carmi's from. Yeah. Yeah. And our employee Kelsey, also from Bakersfield. Aww. I sent her this story. She said that Bakersfield is the Florida of California. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. Now this video. So shit like this happens all the time. Cool. Now in this video, there's a video that shows a homeless man that he was with a severed body part that he took from a training accident site and just on on it like it was a turkey leg from the red thing he was carrying it around you did not see the video of him by the bit He's it looks to me as if sucking and look to me as if he is inspecting it
Starting point is 00:37:07 with his lips Inspecting it he's inspecting it. He's not Watched it multiple times. I watch it for the floppiness of the leg Oh, I mean it absolutely looks like a human body part that this guy's... It's exploded by a train! Now this guy, he's a man by the name of unfortunately, I shouldn't even say his name, I feel bad for even saying the dude's name, it's out there, it's from the sheriff's office. Rosendo Teyes, who was 27 years old, which is very sad.
Starting point is 00:37:40 He removed evidence from the scene. They found him at him, he showed up like a train blew up a person at Wasco, California. Um, and they, I guess he walked into the mission and he just had human remains. That's where they, but someone filled him down the street. Now, if you watch the video, I'm sorry. Well, he's just, uh, the walking into the mission. That was a different guy in Bakersfield who showed up with a fucking appendage. That guy showed up with a hand. Yeah, he found a leg. Right, so now if you look in this video, now watch this.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Here, you want to blow this up Rob? It's just so you can see it. Cause I want you to see, so they see this man, he's a little bit frightening, he's looking agitated. He is in disheveled dress He has again what looks like a big sloppy burrito in one hand But for some reason it's blurred out and like we can't really see the extents of it It's kind of kind of got stuff hanging on like strings hanging off it away And then he does okay He is eating on it that in that video right there. he literally chewing on he's inspecting it
Starting point is 00:38:45 because if he was chewing on it that would be in the story that would be in the story you're watching him commit cannibalism it's like like it looks like he's trying to keep like the owl from the commercial it's like no it's not I mean he is I do see him walk it when the cops show up I do see him like walking away with it as if like you're not taking this thing away from me Like this is my fucking leg. I found this finders keepers. It's mine. It's mine Just Casey other foot goes bad, you know what happens sometimes if you put this into a demon Got TMO
Starting point is 00:39:24 Tomopho-morphous. Yeah, I see feet sometimes they turn into demon This is second time this year this year and this is a it's March it's March this is the second time that a body part has been removed from a crash scene the executive is a director of that a body part has been removed from a crash scene. The executive director of a local mission in Bakersfield said that somebody brought a hand to the shelter three weeks ago, just days after a train hit a pedestrian in East Bakersfield. However, all body parts were accounted for in that train accident. Where do you find the hand? No one knows where the hand came from. I feel like the story that we're not talking about in this is this train
Starting point is 00:40:08 Intersection and what the living fuck is happening a lot of trains go through Bakersfield Yeah, a lot of trains go through a lot of places This is the most stories I've seen in one one go in terms of like a three month stretch Multiple people I actually side stories LP o TL a I'd love to know how many people are hit by trains each year. I think train accidents are more common than we may think. And they may also be suicides. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. Well, according to, wow, pedestrian railroad accidents, the leading cause of death on railways. Yeah, I don't think it's murder mystery. More than 7,200 pedestrians have been killed by trains since 1997.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Wow. In 2022, 954 people died after being hit by trains, an 11% increase from the year before. But I feel that if your one intersection right now that means three people in The last three months as one per month have been hit at this transit at this trip You are assuming that that hand came from a train accident Is it gonna fall from the sky? I'm just saying there's a lot of bodies in Bakersfield. According to results, right? If you think about the idea of causation.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Obviously, normally, in logic, causation is... Technically, I believe it's a fallacy. The idea that it's always like you can't always look at the previous and expend... It's Hume. Causation is not correlation. Necessarily, right? But at the same time... Or is it correlation isn't causation?
Starting point is 00:41:43 I don't care. But I do find it interesting. early, right? But at the same time... Or is it correlation isn't causation? I don't care. But I do find interesting is the fact that if you... In my mind, if there's been multiple people that have exploded at this train intersection, it would call... It would, in my mind, would say that that is from a previous human exploding on a train track. Well, you are assuming that it's the same intersection and it's not.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I mean, that's the mission that serves that area. It's two different areas in which the train hit. It's not the same intersection? It's not the same intersection, no. What are you saying? I'm saying that- It's the same city. I'm, yeah, it's the same city. Bakersfield's very large.
Starting point is 00:42:22 It's not large enough for people to die on this many people. I just feel like it's a high percentage across this across the country. If 954 people died across the country in 2022 and then three people, I'm just assuming three already have died
Starting point is 00:42:40 in just this. I mean, I don't know. Bakersfield has half a million, almost 400000 people. It's got 400,000 people. Less than Fresno. But I'm still saying this still shows that an impressive amount of people are getting hit by trains in Bakersfield. I wonder if Fresno has a- I feel like Fresno has a lot of trains going through. 66 people died in accidents at highway, railroad grade crossings in Bakersfield.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Huh. Wow. And that's out of- 66 out of 250. See, that's a lot, right? I think there's just a lot of trains running through Bakersfield. So you're saying the trains are the problem, that there's too many trains. You put enough trains in a populated area. I think trains are the safest way to go. We're on a track. So the track, you know where the train is going. It's super easy to avoid. It's more you know where the train is going It's super easy to avoid It's more you know where the train is coming from It's super easy to avoid a train
Starting point is 00:43:28 It goes chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga For miles For miles It's not fucking 1893 You got the coal The guy moving the coal in there That's interesting. I wonder.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Fresno train accidents. Why do so many people get hit by trains? Unprotected crossings. Sure, I can see that. Yeah, I can see unprotected crossings. Just, you know, not paying attention. Oh, dude, do you know that the sun might think? That the sun might have a brain, bro? Are you fucking...
Starting point is 00:44:04 Dude, you ever thought about the might think the Sun might have a brain bro are you fucking do you ever thought about the fact that like the Sun might have like a fucking like cranium well like shit like fucking happens no no listen to me dude and that's why like a flare fuck that did because the fucking fucking brother jealous of Earth Because I have so many more fucking people living on fucking Earth, dude. No listen this man. No, it's true. All right, here we go Let me find this article. Yeah, so I'm fucking good. Thank you. The sun's got a fucking, like, sun's got a fucking boner dude. Consciousness? Yeah, dude, sun's got a fucking boner dude. Like a big boner or like what kind of boner?
Starting point is 00:44:43 Like what kind of boner is it guys? Like a chubby or a half-by? So this is a thing called panpsychism. This is this idea that things, the concept is 19th century logical positivism. The idea that philosophical questions must have logical answers took a hold of the philosophical world.
Starting point is 00:45:04 And you say like well, maybe doesn't right? We have this one guy who's coming out here. His name is Julie or Tony Right now this is from 2004. He's Italian Now yes, it's kind of called integrated information theory of consciousness, right that maybe It's consciousness is everywhere right and this thing called pens a panpsychist Right believes that every single thing has consciousness at all as conscience right so this guy right his name Ben Gertzell Right he's been talking about this fucking shit for a while And he says that the link between minds and physical systems
Starting point is 00:45:41 physical systems and physical systems. I'm following you on this track bro, I'm waiting for you to tell me how the fucking sun thinks. Alright, the link between minds and physical systems seems to be through rhythmic electromagnetic fields, which of course are present in our brains. They are also present in and around the sun. And these could be the interface between the solar mind And the solar body of the Sun and it says that's why we've never been hit by the big solar flare Because the Sun has decided not to
Starting point is 00:46:15 So okay the Sun has spared us So the Sun is aware of what's happening. So the Sun is aware of like power grids. Yeah. And he's like, It's voting for Jesse Ventura. Weird independent thing. He's doing a write-in. Yeah, he's doing a write-in for the next election. OK, so the Sun is aware of power grids and how dependent we are on electricity and all that. And what it does to the menstrual cycles with the AIDS buddy, its best friend.
Starting point is 00:46:43 The Moon. The Moon who talks to him. to him moons in charge of periods Okay, sons charge your fucking dicks. What about all the other moons in the solar system? Like our fucking don't want to talk their fucking introverts. They're into they don't talk You know do it on yeah So you need life on the planet in order for the Sun to contact your moon No, it's just that they just don't literally they had a falling out there Those so they used to be like really good like all the moons and the sun.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Everybody used to hang out. They all used to look super close. But then this scene got fucking hardcore dude. What happened? It's just cause shit gets dark. You know what I mean? Shit gets dark, everybody's hanging out in the same place, everybody's fucking the same people.
Starting point is 00:47:19 So you're saying the solar system is like party monster. It's just gotten too much for that. It's like the New York kids club scene. There's a sign for a scene and the scenes change. The scenes change. And Phobos is like Michael Aylik, he killed a guy. I think it's more so like when they fired Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum from Project Runway and now they're kind of off doing their own thing.
Starting point is 00:47:36 It's kind of created a schism. What happened with RuPaul and Lady Bunny? Ah, I understand. It's like a schism. Yeah, or like when Santino came out as anti-vax like that sort of thing. That's a big reveal. Yeah When I showed that to Natalie she freaked out. Yeah, because I had her because we vote he always rubbed us wrong No, yes, Santino rubs everybody. He's got something going on. It's always so it's very strange. What's happening in that man's That's complicated
Starting point is 00:48:04 Isn't that a complicated story the P did he start talking about like that's to me It's like when I see the like the did he like human trafficking things kind of more so understanding just like how much of a fucking Incredible, you know all the stories about second thing that I saw in this morning, but then she's like that story That's all fucked up. They're going through things. did he's just hiding outside the Miami Airport hide behind a bush I'm calling much people like that's not good. He's fucking and he's doing something. God knows what he's doing means cat Williams, right? What else cat Williams correct him out? So cat Williams has been talking about pdT for a long time Everybody has been and I guess they've all just been on the same thing. And then what if I'd like to find out if the Sun was on Epstein's plane
Starting point is 00:48:42 What if? I'd like to find out if the sun was on Epstein's plane Because I want to see how far this goes because if the sun can think can the sun molest Can the sun molest Can the sun molest if this is the time to come forward if you are indeed a victim Of the sun Which is the center of our high if you are indeed a victim of the Sun Center of our hi. I want a cold space for you here, please yeah, let us know but yeah No, I think that they're all hanging out. I don't think diddy. I think diddy did bad things Yeah, and then there was the big dude. There's a shooting in Moscow big news. It's incredible. I mean incredibly huge
Starting point is 00:49:20 We're not gonna embrace. We're not gonna talk about it. No because I don't know how to do it in a way I mean, I won't make everybody upset. Yeah, it's a very upsetting. It's an extraordinarily upsetting story. Yeah, it's like the Bataclan shooting all over again. Yeah, it's not good. Nothing's good. But you know what is good? We're going back on tour. This is a good time for a plug, I think. This is a really good time. JK Ultra. See you in North America. That's right. Alright. Where are we at? It's time Where we at time for mail Sam some listener fucking emails Yeah, come on. Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah, yeah Yeah, I think little way in spine. Yeah, right. You can do anything. I don't think so I think a little it no he's no Okay, can we like um Willie Nelson yeah Yeah, I would say well no snoop dog killed a guy Snoop dog to cut Dr. J through you know who we can like? Eminem? I'm a champ. Oh, I hear you.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, yeah, he's fine. I like him. I tell that, you know, I like him. But again, who do you like though? It's more so who do you like? I think that we can like, um, no. Wow. Dead Air.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Full on Dead Air. Trying to figure out a single unbeknownst thing. Um, no. Wow. Dead air. Full on dead air. Trying to figure out a single unproblematic person that we can name off the top of our heads. I would imagine that most of the Tribe Called Quest is pretty great. You know who's great, who we can all agree on that's wonderful? Andre 3000.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Yes we can. Andre 3000. Yes. He is a curious man. He, we can. Andre 3000. Yes, he is a curious man. He serves art wholly. He is a beautific presence on stage. And his generosity as both an intellectual and as a heart forward artist is unparalleled. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:20 As Chuck Klosterman said, Hey, I was the last thing, the last thing that all of America agreed on. Love them. that all of America agreed on I love them. I love them. We never haven't agreed on anything since then so maybe if Andre 3000 I mean Come back to hip-hop we love the flute but come back to hip-hop I mean we love the flute but yeah you know there's Yeah, he needs to find himself before he finds us. I won't let I won't saddle my needs on him.
Starting point is 00:51:40 God no. No. No, let the man do it because that album is incredible. All right here we go. So first of all while Marcus is, I think this is really appropriate because we finally, this is the nail in the fucking coffin. Yeah. To this conversation about birds versus Godzilla. This is the last time I'm bringing it up because this is literally the last word and it is what I,
Starting point is 00:52:07 our fucking listeners are the best Yeah, now this was I love this this this letter. Yeah, this is from listener Jess. Thank you so much for this This is absolutely the last word like this is the expert the experts have way to have spoken And it is it's done after this now I'm reporting in from Gary con the convention that honors the life and work of Gary Gygax, co-creator of the original Dungeons and Dragons game. In attendance is Mike Murls, lead designer of the current and previous edition of D&D. He's got his own Wikipedia page. That's great.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I asked him to weigh in on the Godzilla vs. Birds from the Birds as we had just been hotly debating it the night prior over drinks. He has given permission for me to report his official ruling on this incredibly important topic. While the stats given to Godzilla are not official and were fan created home brew, Mr. Murls is of the considered opinion that by the rules of D&D 5th edition several thousand birds, such as Ravens, could indeed defeat Godzilla, or at least do enough damage to drive him away. Ugh, the reasoning confirmed.
Starting point is 00:53:10 A bird would have to roll a natural 20 attack in order to hit Godzilla due to his high armor class. Approximately one in every 20 attacks would roll the required 20 critically hit and do additional damage. Thus, 2,000 birds will land about 100 critical hits and so on. That's in a probabilability perfect world though. The birds are small and nimble, often able to avoid large, clumsy, telegraphed attacks
Starting point is 00:53:35 from the kaiju. Making concerted group attack with a goal in mind, the birds would most almost certainly dive bomb into Godzilla's soft fleshy eyes where they would do the most damage and ultimately if not kill him blind him so they would perish with each such attack he reminds us that in D&D all creatures no matter how strong have a weak spot and they would likely be the spot that would likely be the spot that hit Godzilla as it lacks scaly armor. I believe I may have brought up that point. Yes and blinded Godzilla's ability to attack or defend would suffer and he would likely
Starting point is 00:54:09 flee back into the ocean or trip and fall. If he stuck around, eventually enough birds would continue to dive bomb into his eye sockets, into his brain, and over time kill him. Now, my one thing is, can I ask this? I'm gonna ask this guy, if you can get this guy, hold this guy. Or anytime, with these guys, right? What happens, why do the birds get to choose? On what level are the birds conscious in their actions? What is natural?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Are you playing? Are we allowed to play the birds? Birds as NPCs? Would they naturally know to attack Godzilla at its scaly eyes? Does it exist as such? Would these birds being, you know, and then again if it doesn't roll the critical amount of critical hits, will the birds then be destroyed? You just said that this is the final ruling and
Starting point is 00:54:52 now you're asking a lot more questions. A lot more questions. It's never done. The digging is never done. However, I will, even though it does say that, this man is saying, it's more for my curiosity, this man man is saying and this is an expert saying that You know the birds could take down Godzilla. I will however have to stand by my initial ruling because it was 400 birds versus Godzilla. That's why I had several thousand. That's why we know yeah, that's how we know we were right That's why we know. That's how we know we were right on our show. I am just really, really excited that this debate has continued on and that we will, this is the magic of this.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I'm thinking though, next year we've talked a little bit about this, about what we might do for the March Madness next year. Because now we might be doing more, we love doing it yearly. But next time I think we're going to bring it down to earth and make it more Regular powers we've got to get more deep in the figure it did a little bit more and like actually do it with like 20 side of die Cool, wouldn't it? I think we then make everybody think that we're the coolest. I think everything we were the cool Who's the coolest guys ever in the world? Maybe we could also maybe we could have a DM come in and help us
Starting point is 00:56:06 That could be nice. We talk about this. Yeah, we do know that we know some very talented DMS We do. All right this next this next letter this came in response to our David Ike series when I was asking about the what is the specific mental Problem with people that view conspiracy theories and talk and they can't read something as allegorical they must take it specifically. Must take it literally. Literally. I'm a political science PhD student at WSU currently doing research on the political psychology of conspiracy
Starting point is 00:56:39 theories, political violence, and radicalization in America. Loving the David Icke series. Nice. I've not yet listened to the Anders Bravik series, as I'm currently doing a study on radicalization and the Great Replacement, which involves reading his manifesto, but very much looking forward to decompressing with your series after I finish that. What a piece of shit. Agreed. In response to Henry's question about what is a psychological mechanism that underlies conspiracy believers being unable to interpret information as figurative, he's likely asking about the need for cognitive
Starting point is 00:57:08 closure or to define briefly a psychological need for definitive answers in order to avoid feelings of uncertainty. This makes a ton of sense. Oh, like Sina and I talk about this, it's like one of those like the OCD things where you're afraid of the gap in the loop, where it's just like you just always want to fill the gap in the loop. An experimental study by, I can't pronounce this, Mishlecha and Kosciuszka has demonstrated the connection between need for cognitive closure and conspiracy endorsement in addition to a series of other correlational studies. Interestingly enough, the need for cognitive closure scale was developed by Ari Kruglanski, a big name in radicalization research, who's also described
Starting point is 00:57:45 conspiracy theories as radicalization narratives. I think Henry summarized it well when he said something along the lines of, if you actually believe this is how the world works, then what else are you going to do? However, there are quite a few psychological mechanisms that underlie belief in conspiracies. In the psychological research, these are broadly classified as epistemic, the need for information, existential need to avoid anxiety and fear and social finding community with the conspiracy believers, which we talked about the friends that you make along the way.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Some scholars have also suggested these mechanisms create a vicious feedback loop where individuals experiencing existential anxiety seek out information through conspiracy theories, which then prompts more existential anxiety and starts the process over and over again. Yeah. I made that point when I said that when people look for conspiracy theories, you know, out of a, you know, kind of a despair in their own lives, they only ever find more despair. They just find more.
Starting point is 00:58:42 It's always more despair. Nothing's going to solve, nothing's going to make you feel better about it. It is literally, there is no piece of information that's going to finally be the thing that puts your soul to rest. This then becomes amplified over time while simultaneously constructing an antagonistic out group that grounds in social reality, i.e. the Jews and leads to a range of dangerous behaviors. That's a very interesting stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:03 And I have a bunch of other like, I got a lot of, like, I'm gonna watch this documentary about conspiratorial thinking and misinformation. And it is very interesting, because we do want life to be more interesting than it is. And I also- And also simpler than it really is. Both, because it is then both, right? Because then it means that there's a daddy in charge,
Starting point is 00:59:21 there's some massive conspiratorial octopus that is showing you that life is not chaos, that there is a plan even though you don't understand it. One thing about David Icke that I will still continue to say is that, again, he co-opted reptilians. Reptilians are still free. Reptilians are just an alien entities and do I believe that reality is thin and we live in an interdimensional set of circumstances Absolutely, I believe in all of this
Starting point is 00:59:51 I believe all that can be true and also not have it be that the United States government Necessarily has like vats where they grow child sex slaves. No, and they ship them out across. I feel like there is a middle ground. Maybe, maybe there is. I think we can safely say that reptilians aren't involved in the government. No, they're hassling the Pleiadians. They're playing a much larger game. It's a bigger game. They're hassling the Pleiadians.
Starting point is 01:00:19 They're living underground. They are just, again, what we talked about last time, if they are anything, they are Mormon. If you watch anything about this fucking Ruby Franke, Jodie Hildebrandt stuff, they are fucking Mormon. I haven't read the, I haven't checked this thing out yet. The Visions of Glory is a book that we'll end up covering on a series because it is the,
Starting point is 01:00:38 we will have to do a series. I know that Spun, Some Place Underneath, has been kind of more dialed in on this subject. They're all obsessed with this one guy. I gotta find find out the proper name Natalie told me it's in the book I'm going through that they believe is the rightful prophet that should be in charge of more the the Mormon Church but this guy is a It's not good. Yeah, I would imagine so I imagine he's fucking everybody involved in it is bad and it's written under a pseudonym Mm-hmm. Um, Do they know who wrote it?
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yes. This guy named John Pontius wrote it. But then he wrote it also as a pseudonym. He wrote it as a pseudonym. But then he quote, basically it's the story of this guy that died and had a near-death experience. And then he had three separate near-death experiences and each one told them a chunk of the future of Mormonism and the world and These guys all wanted to happen and what does it involve? You know polygamy child brides All the were all the worship. Yeah, that's up. Yeah, that's up. And then the good stuff like what? Smiling I guess They smile a lot. They have that, they have that. I honestly think that that should not be theirs.
Starting point is 01:01:51 The smiling? I think they should get smiling. I mean they can share it. With who? All of us. Awwww. Love every day. Like Mormons owe you a smile. Liv, walking around, if you see a Mormon being like, where's my fucking smile today?
Starting point is 01:02:09 Where is it at? Don't hassle the Mormons. Where's my fucking smile today Mormon? Don't hassle the Mormons. And then laugh, buying them lunch. Right, because buy a Mormon lunch and flip him back to the other side. Show him a titty. Show a Mormon, we can him back to the other side. Yeah. Show him a titty. Show a Mormon, we get the hot dog hooker, to show breasts, her well-formed 50 year old
Starting point is 01:02:32 Long Island breasts to these Mormons. We can flip them. Come on. It's a lap dance. I had my pants on. It's not a crime. I had my pants on. Yeah not a crime I my pants on yes She's a she you know who's I only showed on my top half of my boobies I
Starting point is 01:02:50 Love that lady except for the anti-semitic except for the anti-semitic now. She's bad. I like not now. She's a local character It's great public nuisance bad. Yeah, can't encourage it. Yeah, not encourage can't encourage public nuisance Cm This has been another episode of side stories and what an incredible episode It's been I've nip in go to slash last podcast on the left to see us do this in person You'll see other things go to slash LPN TV to see all of our wares or twitch wares or streams On a YouTube channel, we're gonna be doing a no dogs in space live stream this Monday April 1st It's actually gonna be our anniversary
Starting point is 01:03:30 Real cute, but not your marriage no dating. Oh, oh, that's the county more buddy You know what that's it that I think not after marriage. It doesn't count anymore. That's the thing it's not gonna count until the end of the Intel our Marriage anniversary our wedding anniversary this year because in of the until our marriage anniversary, our wedding anniversary this year, because in November would be our fifth five year wedding anniversary. And it kicks over and then it kicks over. But until we hit the five year wedding anniversary, the dating anniversary still like counts as like a special day. I think it's just because it's for us, it's a very easy date. It's like April Fool's Day.
Starting point is 01:04:06 We'll always be like our like, you know, the day we went on our first date and we're together from then on. We had to choose to change our dating anniversary because it ended up being the same day her parents got married. My Natalie's parents got married and they got divorced. You can say it was 9-11. Yeah, God. You know how horny I am on 9-11. You never know when they're coming for us, dear. All right, well, yeah, I guess that's it. Go see us on Tor.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Go check and get those tickets. Can't wait. It's going to be fun as fuck. Yeah. Click Tor. Click today. Buy a ticket. Actually, it's under, I think it's under Shows. I'm not Tor on the website. She'll figure it out If you can't figure it out, then I don't know how you're gonna get out the door that comes with the show
Starting point is 01:04:51 Hell Satan, okay. Goodbye, buddy This show is made possible by listeners like you thanks to our ad sponsors You can support our shows by supporting them for more shows like the one you just listened to, go to

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