Leah on the Line - 1: My virginity story & your boy bestie wants to sleep with you

Episode Date: January 18, 2022

Welcome to the first ever episode of Leah on the Line!!! Today we discussed whether or not a guy can be your best friend without secretly wanting to sleep with you if he had the chance... What do you ...think?! I also tell you how I lost my virginity and gave advice on moving to London, dealing with friendship breakups and more! I hope you love this episode and join me next week for episode 2! Be sure to be following @leahontheline on Instagram to get involved or send your dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com ! Love you!!! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido. At your side.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's getting closer to midnight. I tried to get closer to you. Hi, everyone. Welcome to my first ever episode of my podcast. I've got the giggles. It took me about 10 minutes to say anything then. I've just been staring at the microphone having a bit of fright, but I've opened my mouth now so there's no getting back. Oh, hello! Thanks so much for listening. Oh my god, as as if you actually you took the time out of your day to listen to me there's something wrong with you first of all but also thank you so much and also thank you so much for the response to this podcast as soon as I announced it you was all so
Starting point is 00:01:17 excited and I cannot tell you how much that means I've wanted to do a podcast for so long right basically me and Jake my boyfriend we were going to do a podcast together. We had a name for it. It was called In The Dog House. If you and your boyfriend want to start a podcast, you can have the name. We're not doing it anymore, but we thought it was a great name. We had the whole logo designed. It was genius, right? We had all these plans. We filmed the first episode and then we also bought all this equipment. Well, filmed the first episode and then we also bought all this equipment well Jake did bought all this equipment which has worked in my favor now but yeah we we were really going to do it and then Jake's just decided one day that his heart weren't in it which is completely fair do you know what I mean like if your heart's not in it your heart's not in it ham but mine was and I
Starting point is 00:01:58 was devastated not like oh my god I hate you you've crushed my dreams but I was a bit like oh that's such a shame like we could have done something really quite beautiful together but you know it is what it is he didn't want to do a podcast with me actually this is what happened I was listening to the Jamie Lang private parts podcast and he uploaded an episode called podcast in 101 and it was all about how to start a podcast these basically podcast in 101 these are the tips these are the deal this is the deal and he was like you know do this do that make sure you like this and I was listening to it thinking the things I do to start a podcast such a shame that this isn't something I can do and I thought oh maybe I could do it with my best friend but then I was like we don't see each other
Starting point is 00:02:41 every week how's that gonna happen I was like oh I could always do it with my sister that'll be funny and then I was like well we also don't see each other every week and she's got three children so she doesn't have the time to sit down and chat shit with me and that's sort of the extent of my friendship so I was like it's just not gonna happen and then I thought to myself excuse me you don't need anyone do it on your own and then I thought no one does podcasts on their own I mean some people do but most people have a guest or someone to talk to and I can't have a guest on every week because a I ain't got the budget hun do you know what I mean but b I don't have the connections I have the friends and I'm just too awkward I think but maybe one day I definitely want to do guests one day but I'm just too awkward I think but maybe one day I
Starting point is 00:03:25 definitely want to do guests one day but it's just not something I could guarantee every week so then I thought what I do on TikTok is essentially a podcast it's just three minute episodes now I wake up I make a coffee and I talk about how my day's going how my week's going what I'm feeling I ask you guys what you're feeling we talk about everything like on my TikTok lives we talk about everything we have no boundaries me and you and I thought this is the perfect foundations for a podcast just do it on your own hun and lo and behold here I am I'm sat here in my boyfriend's office with one two three light staring at me I've got headphones on but a mic in front of me feel very professional very cool
Starting point is 00:04:13 and I'm doing a podcast you know what I mean and I'm gonna be so consistent with this because I'm excited and I'm really in love with it already I'm so in love oh my god do you love the do you love the artwork on the album cover on the front do you love it I love it so much I'm wearing the same top now because I literally just took the photos but I'm so excited about it anyway let's move on to the first segment so most episodes will probably involve me telling you what's happened in my week I am an actress slash singer slash failure at that um so I go to a lot of auditions so I thought what better place to come and talk to wait what what better place to come and talk about the auditions I've had than the podcast so I can be like guys got an audition next week can't even, and then next week I'm like, guys, had my audition, I got a recall, it was amazing, you know, hopefully it goes like that,
Starting point is 00:05:09 but lately it has not been going that way, anyway, um, so yeah, and also, I really want to know what's going on in your lives, like, that's one thing I love about doing TikTok lives, is I have so many of you now that are just, like, my regular friends, like, many of you now that are just like my regular friends like such only friends so you guys always say to me like I I'm pregnant or like oh I've got a job interview tomorrow or like oh first day a new job tomorrow so I want you every week to send me a dm on instagram send an email to leah on the line at gmail.com and you can send me good news that's happened to you oh my god you're pregnant oh my god you just got a new job oh my god you just got a pay rise a promotion oh my god the boy that you've been in love with for five years has just finally asked you to be his
Starting point is 00:05:54 girlfriend or oh my god your best friend is getting married and your bridesmaid at her wedding like i want to know i really i really want to know because i love the positive vibes when this ain't good going on in somebody else's life i I feel it. Makes me happy. Do you know what I mean? And you can also send me dilemmas, things you need advice with, because I'm definitely going to come to you guys for advice. I need someone to talk to. Like I said, I don't have any friends, so I need someone to talk to. I need the advice. Okay. I make myself sound like I'm literally hated by everyone have friends but like not friends that I'm like frequently seeing or spending time with do you know what I mean anyway we're back to you so you can always just like dm me well I'd rather an email because then
Starting point is 00:06:38 I can go to it and not get lost because I get dm saying like everything whereas when I go to the email at least then I know what I'm looking for what I'm going to find you know what I mean send me an email with whatever you have to say we're going to have a weekly debate which we are going to get into shortly so feel free to send in topic ideas anything that you want us to debate and discuss so yeah whatever you want to the emails basically just no hate very sensitive can't take can't take criticism it's one thing about me all right let's move on to the next segment which is the weekly debate now I put up an Instagram story on my Lear on the Line Instagram Instagram page and it says can a girl and a guy ever just be friends now nobody really likes my
Starting point is 00:07:30 response to this question and I've always had the same views and people don't often agree with me and they tend to get quite defensive which I get but I still I still do believe what I believe but I'll tell you my opinion in a minute I'm going to read some of your responses and I got a lot by the way I cannot even deal with how many of you responded to this honestly I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you're all like invested in this podcast already it literally makes me so excited I'm not already excited to upload episode 10 do you know what I mean I haven't even finished episode one yet anyway so you guys seem to all have taken the direction of if you were the if it was your boyfriend that had the girl best friend whereas
Starting point is 00:08:18 I was just talking like do you genuinely believe a girl and a guy can be just completely platonic god that's a mouthful for some reason platonic anyway you guys seem to think you can be platonic which I don't know but yeah okay here we go for sure they can but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed, especially if you're in a relationship. So this is, this is what I mean. Okay, it's like, what, what do you mean then? So do you believe it or not? If you think that there is a line that can be crossed, you, let's move on to somebody else's opinion because I'll get into mine in a minute. All right. As long as there's no history between them, somebody says,
Starting point is 00:09:07 from my experience, the girls can, but the guys can't. I feel you. One of my besties is a boy. He's good looking, but I could never go there with a sick emoji. Poor bestie. I fancy my boy best mate and we've been together for three years oh my god yeah but only when the girl has absolutely zero attraction to the guy I've had a guy best friend for 10 plus years and been with my boyfriend for six months my boyfriend's okay with it and trust us both my boy bestie has never pushed the boundaries the majority of my friends are guys and there has never been anything sexual personal experience the guy usually ends up developing feelings um one always catches feelings i took my boyfriend time to get used to me having a guy best friend my family used to find it weird um depends how close they are and how often they hang out um I have a guy best friend that I have
Starting point is 00:10:06 absolutely no sexual chemistry with at all so a lot of you are saying the same thing which is yeah you can be besties as long as you don't fancy each other but here is my opinion and this is where people come for me right but this is, this is what this podcast is about, opinions. So I believe that a guy and a girl can be best friends. Yeah, sure. But if you stood up naked in front of your boy best mate and said shag me, he'll shag you. 100%. 100%. Your boyfriend will have, I mean, your best mate would have sex with you if you give it to him or vice versa one of you you do the boy let's be honest would take the opportunity if it was there you know like I'm genuinely saying this because in most cases men are pigs okay no they're not I mean kind of I mean they're not anyway realistically a guy could be the most by the way can I just clarify we're talking about a straight male and a straight female being best friends okay if you get to know
Starting point is 00:11:24 each other and then you become really really good friends or maybe you've been best friends, okay? If you get to know each other and then you become really, really good friends, or maybe you've been best friends since you were like five, maybe your mum's a best friend, whatever your situation is, you're best friends. I'm not talking just friends, like, oh, yeah, we're just mates. I'm talking best mates, like, we hang out, just us two. He comes on mine, we watch films, he's my best friend. If you got drunk, there is always a possibility that you could have sex. I'm just saying, I'm just saying. It might sound absolutely disgusting to you, but I guarantee it probably doesn't sound disgusting to him. He might not even be the slightest bit attracted to you, undisgusted to him he might not even be the slightest bit attracted to you but a guy's not gonna turn down the puss do you know what I mean like he's actually not and if it comes from his
Starting point is 00:12:12 best friend he don't care it's not gonna stop him he will take it that is my personal opinion I really do believe yeah all right you can be best mates, you probably don't fancy each other, but he'd have sex with you if you offered it, or you would have sex with him if he got a stick out and was like, do you want to have sex? I mean, to be fair, a lot of girls would probably be like, put that away, what the fuck are you doing? But, I don't know, prove me wrong, have you, get naked in front of your boy best friends and send me an email let me know how it goes and all I'm saying is enjoy it girls enjoy the sex you're about to experience let's do a social experiment all of you get your vaginas out to your boy best mates and let's see how they respond. I really interestingly had a response
Starting point is 00:13:05 from a guy. So interesting. It's probably my one and only male listener. So shout out to you, honey. And he's a straight guy so he can help us in this situation. He says, don't get me wrong. I think my, I think my female friends are attractive because lads don't get to know girls they don't find attractive excuse me excuse me like you don't get to know girls you don't find attractive I think that's absolutely repulsive no okay I'm not calling you repulsive you're my one and only male listener and to be honest we could use the male perspective so please stay but is that not shallow like you're only making friends with people if you think they're fair I don't know if that's the case of all guys but also we are taking into consideration friendships that have been around for 10 plus years since you were toddlers whatever but anyway moving moving on with his with his uh
Starting point is 00:14:07 reply he says um but there comes a point where you know if there's anything between you or not and if there's not but you get on then why would you throw that friendship away fair fair enough of course never throw a friendship away. But what I'm saying is, Brad, his name's not Brad, but whatever. If said friend got a fanny out, you'd put it in. Like you just would, like you actually would. I know you would. Because you said you fancied her one day, but you're just saying there's nothing there so there don't need to be nothing there does there to have sex with someone for some people I mean for some people there might have to be something there but not for me I don't think I mean that um do I mean that I don't think there needs to be something there
Starting point is 00:15:02 for me to have sex with someone as long as I sometimes you just want to have sex you know anyway moving on I understand why some girls see it as a red flag and in some cases it will be but I just feel like it's not that deep I thought it would be interesting to share a lad's point of view hope you don't mind absolutely do not mind love you so much yeah I don't know it's really interesting I find it really interesting that you said that you have to find a girl attractive to even be friends with them love you so much yeah I don't know it's really interesting I find it really interesting that you said that you have to find a girl attractive to even be friends with them a bit shallow if you ask me honey but joking I'm not really joking don't know why I say joking I'm not joking um no it's it's not really shallow I, because I guess your instinct when it comes to a girl is
Starting point is 00:15:45 in that way. So you're becoming friends with them from default of it not being a relationship rather than it, you going in with the intentions of a friendship first. So in that case, you're not being shallow at all. Take it back. Hope you're not offended by my initial response. So yeah, let me know what you guys think um it's a really interesting topic I do believe guys and girls can hold really strong friendships because I love having guy friends I've always got on with guys better they don't judge you they they're there for you somebody actually said you can trust them with everything and my personal opinion is you can trust them with everything because they don't give a fuck like I could be like oh my god Megan posted a story the
Starting point is 00:16:32 other day and I'm sure it's about me it was so bitchy like he's not going to go over to Megan and be like oi Megs I I spoke to Leah the other day and she thinks your story was about her no he doesn't because he doesn't care. That is the only reason we can trust boys with information like this. Because they don't give a fuck. Like I said, they've just got Fanny on the brain 24-7. I'm making out like boys are all really shallow. And then I go to go, I'm only joking.
Starting point is 00:17:01 It's not the case all the time. But it's the case a lot of the time. Let's not actually lie. And also, a lot of the time with girls as well sometimes our only intention with guy friendships is we want a friend and sometimes we just also want someone to get the benefits from but yeah I've had so many guy friends but I'm telling you now there's not one straight guy friend that there wasn't at least two minutes of potential do you know what I mean like tell me you haven't looked at your guy best mate and thought could I have sex with you or when he gets a girlfriend like you've not got a little bit jealous have you not I don't know I get the feeling I don't know. I get the feeling, I don't know. Like I said, let me know what you
Starting point is 00:17:47 guys think, where you guys stand on that one. Really interesting topic of debate. Send me in your weekly debates for next week. I want to know what you guys want to know, what you guys would love to hear other people's opinions on. Let's get the debate topics coming in. people's opinions on let's get the debate topics coming in now moving on to the next segment which is dilemmas so you have all not all of you but a good a good amount of you not gonna lie like i'm feeling pretty important no i'm not but i'm feeling loved i'm feeling loved and appreciated for making the podcast basically put it that way and you guys all loved and appreciated let me tell you that so dilemma number one which one do I want to pick a lot I thought they were all going to be about boys to be honest but I'm really happy to see such a mix in dilemmas there's so much to to talk about so
Starting point is 00:18:37 many different you know topics okay dilemma number Hey Leah, so excited about the new podcast. Yay, I love you so much. Thank you. I'm so happy you're all excited. It means so much. It makes me more excited. Anyway, anyway, back to you. I've recently had a big falling out with a close friend. And to be honest, I know it's for the best because the friendship wasn't great by the end. But I'm really struggling with how to deal with the change in dynamics in our wider group I was wondering if you have any advice on how to deal with bestie breakups they're just as shit as relationship breakups can't wait to listen thank you so much for your dilemma I'm really sorry to hear about your friendship honestly I went through a friendship breakup last year and it still to this day is really difficult for me to cope with I it really
Starting point is 00:19:26 really hurts and upsets me still you feel so rejected don't you like when a friend breaks up with you I mean I wasn't like broken up do you know what I mean but even when something fizzles out like you feel so rejected and like neglected you like, was I not like a decent enough person that you would actually want me to stay around? But oh my God, back to you. Like, look at me just making it about me. Um, like you said, you know, it's for the best. So I say focus on that. Like you said, you know, it's for the the best like you've got absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of oh what do I do like I want my friend back like like you said it's for the best so my advice to you is focus on yourself focus on everything else that you have around you
Starting point is 00:20:15 um set your mind to something really positive that you can focus on and then you're you'll just adjust to not having them in your life because that's one of the most difficult bits isn't it it's like adjusting to someone being in your life especially a best friend they're such a massive part of your life like oh my god the best friend that I lost last year she was my life like literally my fully blown rock and the worst bit is it's like getting used to them not being around so I just think focus on yourself as much as you can make sure that you like who you are what you're about how you treat people what what you put your energy into and then everything else sort of just comes along on its own and don't take it personally
Starting point is 00:20:56 you know friendships friendships fizzle out for so many reasons and they're not always personal so I just think make sure you're happy with who you are, you like who you are, and like you said, accept people don't stay in your life forever, what's that saying, they come into your life for a lesson, blessing, or a season, that doesn't rhyme, lesson, blessing, or a season, that doesn't rhyme one bit, I'm sure that's it though, anyway, yeah, you're struggling to deal with the change in dynamics yeah I guess yeah like I said adjusting to them not being in your life anymore is that change of dynamic but you will you will adjust because at the end of the day you don't
Starting point is 00:21:35 really have a choice but to adjust they're not in your life anymore you said it's for the better so it probably is you have no choice but to adjust whether you know no matter how difficult it is you will adjust you just will and you're going to be absolutely fine and focus on everything in your life that you do have that is good for you and they weren't good for you and that's why they're not in your life anymore love ya okay moving on to the next dilemma bit of a twist in topics so this one is called city girl or small town life she says firstly i just wanted to say i'm so excited for this podcast oh my god thank you so much i've been following you since your first youtube video with jake and i'm so proud of everything you've achieved so far love you
Starting point is 00:22:16 oh my god oh my god r.i.p headphone users sorry um i'm looking for a little help and advice for the past few years one of my goals is to move to London I'm very close to being offered my dream job oh my god bestie and it would give me the opportunity to move here I love the city the atmosphere and there is so much to do however I don't know anyone in London at all if I moved it would potentially be on my own which seems very scary I found it difficult to find affordable places to live, where the best place is, how I would make friends etc. I come from quite a small area and I have never lived anywhere on a big scale like London before. It would be quite far away from my family, boyfriend, friends etc and that really scares me. I wouldn't want to share
Starting point is 00:23:00 a house with people who I don't know. I'd much rather be in my own space. Obviously, I know this is difficult due to pricing in London. I just wondered if you'd be able to give any advice and experiences on living in London. Affordability of places to live on your own in London and just how to have the confidence to go live that city girl life. Really what I'm trying to ask is, do you think it is worth me taking a chance on moving or staying where I am? Lots of love. Okay. I'm moving or staying where I am lots of love okay first thing I want to stress is you said very early in your dilemma um that one of your goals is to move to London now first of all I would ask yourself is your goal to move to London because the society and social media um all of
Starting point is 00:23:41 this has told you that that's what a successful life looks like. Do you genuinely love London and want to be there? Is there a reason you want to be in this city? Or does it just make you sound and feel like you've succeeded? Because I live in London, I've lived here for on and off like five years since I graduated uni. And I'll tell you now, I don't go into the central. I don't watch any West End shows. I don't go shop on an Oxford Street. I might do that once every few months, but I could do that if I was still living back home with my family in Somerset. I could come up to Oxford Street once every few months. So realistically, I live in this big city the rent is disgusting and I don't use the city
Starting point is 00:24:32 because I don't work in the city I don't work in central um and yeah it costs a lot of money to live here but I'm here because I'm like I said an aspiring singer actress and this is where every audition is they're all in London and it just made more sense for me to be here but if you're moving here for a job that you can get somewhere else in another city that is cheaper closer to home feels more like home you know more people I would also consider that and I'm not trying to put you off London because London is a lovely beautiful fun and it is the hustle and bustle of London and if that is what like you said if that is one of your goals and it's one of your goals go for it absolutely go for it but I will tell you now London is a very lonely place so if you're thinking
Starting point is 00:25:23 about moving here and like you said you don't you don't know anyone here it's far from your boyfriend your family and your friends it is a very lonely place now obviously you'll hopefully make friends at your new job you can download bumble bff and try and make some friends um you can go to cafes and just chat to people you can go to the gym and chat to people like wherever you try to meet people but keep in mind that a lot of people in London are lonely like realistically most people are here hi it's Fido start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget we have everything you need for an A-plus year.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Come check out our special back-to-school offers. They'll leave you with more cash in your pocket for the stuff you love. Select plans even include data overage protection, so you can go all out without going over. Don't wait. Our back-to-school offers are only available for a limited time. Go to Fido.ca or a Fido store near you and save all semester long. Fido.
Starting point is 00:26:26 At your side. Because they work here and most people move to her alone and it's very, it's a very lonely city and it makes you feel lonelier because of the hustle and bustle, you know, everyone's rushing around on the tube, no one's taking a nice little stroll and chatting to you, like, everybody is on a mission, there's thousands, well, obviously millions of people, but in one place at a time, thousands of people around you, and you feel like a tiny, tiny, tiny little person in this massive world, and you feel quite alone, so I would say, and you feel quite alone so I would say if being lonely is a concern for you then definitely really think about what you're doing but also don't worry too much because at the end of the day if you moved here spent a year here and thought you know what I'm lonely it's not for me you can move home
Starting point is 00:27:19 do you know what I mean you can always try things in life. Like there is no, there's nothing wrong with trying something and saying it didn't work and going home. I just choked. Sorry guys. And going home, that doesn't mean you're going backwards. It just means, if anything, you're going forwards. You move to London, you try something amazing and it wasn't for you. And now you're moving forward in another city or another town, wherever you live, you know. moving forward in another city or another town wherever you live you know um now you said you didn't want to live with anyone which I would go ahead and say isn't a great idea because obviously like I said London can feel very lonely so to go to work and then come home to your own flat like I don't know what kind of person you are to say but from your message it doesn't sound like something that would benefit you because I I okay I would genuinely recommend
Starting point is 00:28:15 go on spare rooms the website find some girls your age or girls with similar interests or guys whatever like anyone that you want to live with, you're not, you said that you didn't want to live with people, but this is what I think, I think go on there, and make friends with them, all get a house together, like maybe like a nice little group of three of you, no one's partying, like no, no, we're here to be professionals, honey, do you know what I mean, I mean, maybe you do want that party life, don't know we're here to be professionals honey do you know what I mean I mean maybe you do want that party life exactly what I mean find the people that are like you get a house together for like a year you can even do six months and see how you get on and then if you don't if you
Starting point is 00:28:57 really hate living with people then you can move out and you've also got those friends and nothing builds a bond like living with people so So yeah, I would, I would consider all different options and where you can go and where you can stay and where you can make your friends and what you're going to do to be socially busy. Cause that is important. I think if you move to a big city like London, try to be social and don't, don't spend too much time on your own because yeah like I said London can feel very lonely but you said this is one of your goals so absolutely take that risk go out and smash it but just do whatever you can to make sure that you have people around you like you have a support system in London do what you can to build your
Starting point is 00:29:41 support system in London that is my advice all right I love you so much okay moving on next dilemma this was actually my first dilemma that I received for the podcast so I replied to her saying you get absolute priority that I'm going to read this in episode one and I'm a girl of my word here I am all right she says so I've been single for 18 months now I and been on a fair few dates during that time last weekend I went on a date and we got on really well it's a miracle because I never seem to like anyone my issue is that whenever I actually like someone I stop acting myself because I'm scared of ruining things and that usually pushes the other person away it seems I'm able to keep boys I don't like interested because I'm my usual happy
Starting point is 00:30:25 fun self but whenever I like someone I lose my composure and I spoil everything how do I keep my confidence and keep him interested please help oh my god you are just blowing it for yourself aren't you right basically what's happening is when you don't really fancy a boy you can be yourself because there's no pressure you don't really care what they think of you and that they're obsessed with you because they get the real you and then when you meet a guy that you're obsessed with you go oh my god I need him to fancy me I need him to like me I need him to think I'm funny I need him to not know that I'm crazy because we all are deep down do you know what I mean so we put on this just we basically lose composure like you said we just lose all self-control and just absolutely blow it for ourselves so I honestly don't really know what advice to give
Starting point is 00:31:17 besides like don't do that it's so dumb just to be like oh yeah stop doing that like it's so dumb just to be like, oh yeah, stop doing that, like, it's, you're ruining it for yourself, stop, but then also, like, you know that, like, it's really unhelpful, but, okay, try and think about it, like, who actually cares what he thinks, like, yeah, he's fit as fuck, fancy the living shit out of him him but your validation doesn't come from whether he likes you or not and you know whether he fancies you or not isn't going to change how decent you are of a human being so just try and put less pressure on it like just think I don't care if he likes me like I actually I genuinely couldn't give a fuck but you do though don't you like that's not really gonna work okay I don't I don't know great advice thank you this
Starting point is 00:32:13 end of my podcast thank you basically my advice to you is you are so amazing and you're fit as fuck and you're funny. You are sexy. You're funny. You're loyal. You're honest. I don't even know you. I'm just trying to big up your self-esteem. But basically, this boy does not get to determine whether you're validated or not. So don't put the pressure on it. Just love yourself, love who you are, love him, love everyone, love life. And if he fancies you, he fancies you. Do you know what I mean? Take the pressure off a little bit. Think about it the way that you think about boys that you're not really that interested in. There's no pressure there because you don't really want them. So maybe try and think about it like that. Like who cares? Who cares what Ben thinks? Ben is fit
Starting point is 00:33:04 as fuck. But who cares? Because there's loads of boys that is fit as fuck but who cares because there's loads of boys that fit as fuck and they're gonna fancy you as well do you know what i mean so yeah take the pressure off stop being silly you're absolutely gorgeous and boys are gonna be falling at your feet darling all right moving on to the next dilemma okay hi i'm so excited to hear what's about to come on your podcast thank you i've never been in a relationship and i'm 22 i suppose i'm just scared of commitment because it's a lot i'm concerned because i don't really feel romantically towards anyone and never have i enjoy my own company so that's not a massive issue i have close bonds with some lads but nothing romantically in the and never have. I enjoy my own company, so that's not a massive issue. I have close bonds with some lads, but nothing romantically in the slightest, should I be worried? Never worry. Like, that is one thing. One thing my mum always told me is
Starting point is 00:33:55 worrying is the most useless emotion, and it's true. Like, imagine worrying about something, and then nothing even comes from it. Wait, I was listening to a podcast the other day, and then nothing nothing even comes from it wait I was listening to a podcast the other day and they said the most amazing quote it wasn't even a podcast what was it it might have been a tiktok oh I'm really sorry I can't even give creds to who said this but oh it was what sj wears on tiktok love you hun she said she heard somebody else say that their granddad always says heard somebody else say that their granddad always says um today is the tomorrow that we were worrying about yesterday and all as well is that right today is the tomorrow we were worrying about yesterday and all as well so about that whoa what did I just say? Anyway, something like that. God, I've gone really off topic. Basically, that is just on a side note on why we should never worry about anything in
Starting point is 00:34:51 our whole lives, girls. You know what I mean? Never worry, love you. But in particular, in this situation, you're 22. You're not interested in boys. Who cares? Are you happy? interested in boys who cares you're are you happy are you building on your your future yourself your life your career your friendships are you are you fulfilling other areas of your life because relationships just one part of your life it's not your whole part what you know my mom always told me back to my mom I going to talk about my mom a lot on this podcast. She's trained in counseling. She's an absolute lifesaver and she's going to get us through it all, girls, okay? When in doubt, I'll call my mom, do you know what I mean? I can always call my mom. Should I call her now? Nah, I'll call her another time. So she said to me, there should be five areas of your life.
Starting point is 00:35:48 All right. Your family, friendships, relationships, career, and yourself. Okay. Relationships is one of them. I am, I am guilty of making relationships the whole five. When I'm in a relationship, especially at the beginning, I'm obsessed. Here's everything to me. Here's my life. I want to be with them 24 hours a day. Like I have a problem. And I know I'm not the only one out there, okay? But she's so good at being like five areas of your life okay so this is my advice to you your relationship is only one area of your life if that's not something that you're even concerned about right now then don't worry about it don't worry about something that doesn't concern you you know and you said you enjoy your own company so you don't have the problem that you're
Starting point is 00:36:39 lonely or you want you really want someone to spend your time with like you said you enjoy your own company I hope that you have friends around you oh yeah you said you have close close bonds with some lads so you have friends although like I said not sure I believe in male female friendship so I'm gonna say that they all fancy you anyway um nothing romantically in the slightest do not be worried you do not have to figure that out at 22 like we are so young like I'm 24 for anyone wondering I'm 25 in August I accept presents but you know like you could meet someone when you're 35 and still have like 40 45 years with them you know like don't worry like enjoy your 20s your 20s are about you enjoy them don't don't have any regrets don't have any worries you're absolutely smashing life
Starting point is 00:37:35 and I love you and I'm proud of you okay moving on to the next dilemma it's similar but it's more about virginity okay so my dilemma is that I've never been in a relationship before. I'm 19 years old and still got my virginity. I've been talking to this lad who's 22. He keeps asking if I'd go around his house or for him to come around mine, but I've never met this boy before. And I just feel like his intentions are wrong. I've tried to hint about maybe going out for food or doing any other activity other than going around to both houses. I don't know how to know if he has just got intentions to sleep with me or if he is looking for something more serious. He seems so lovely and we're always in good
Starting point is 00:38:14 conversations but sometimes the odd sexual comment is made where I feel like I'm not too sure what to respond with because I either cringe at the comment or because I've never had a relationship like this. I just don't know what to reply with. But also because he is older and will have more experience than me. I don't want him to judge me because I don't know what I'm doing. Do you have any advice on what I should do? On what I should do or whether I'm just overthinking the situation? Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work.
Starting point is 00:38:38 You're doing great. Oh, thank you. I keep going to say your names. Like I keep going to be like, oh my God, thanks Beth from Liverpool. That's her name's not Beth, but do you know what I mean? I keep forgetting I say your names like I keep going to be like oh my god thanks Beth from Liverpool that's her name's not Beth but do you know what I mean I keep forgetting I need to keep this anonymous okay my first thoughts are I do think you're overthinking it I I really do um absolutely no problem with the fact that you're still a virgin and you've never had a boyfriend that that's not a problem that's that's completely normal I think that's common I wouldn't be concerned about that at all so don't worry
Starting point is 00:39:09 about that for one second um my only real concern in this dilemma is like you said he keeps saying about coming around his house or you go around his like you said it makes you think that he just wants to have sex with you and that gives me that vibe as well. But you also said that you're having a great conversation. But yeah, he makes the odd sexual comment. Now, I'll be honest. He's 22. That's normal.
Starting point is 00:39:34 He probably does want to have sex with you. I mean, he definitely wants to have sex with you. He's 22. You chat him. And he's making sexual comments. I wouldn't be concerned by that behaviour. So I wouldn't say that's anything out of the ordinary even if his intentions were to marry you he probably is still going to make the odd sexual comment because boys love sex and so do girls I love sex don't you don't you all love sex so yeah like I don't think because he wants to have sex
Starting point is 00:40:02 with you means that that's his only intentions at all. Like, like I said, everyone loves sex. But yeah, like he, like you said, he only really wants to go around each other's houses. I would rather, like, go, go out, go on a date, spend some quality time together. Especially because this could potentially be the first person you sleep with. I would want to get to know them a bit more, but then I didn't do that on my virginity, and I couldn't give a fuck, should I tell you my virginity story, guys, it's fucking gross, let me tell you my virginity story, okay, let's kick an episode one off strong, right, I was 16, and I was on those girls, I was like
Starting point is 00:40:43 petrified of boys, and willies, and even kissing, I had my first kiss when I was nine, and I was on those girls that was like petrified of boys and willies and even kissing I had my first kiss when I was nine and I snogged this boy hiccup sorry I always get hiccups that's one thing I need to get out in the open from day one I will get hiccups on probably every episode at least one hiccup anyway so yeah my first kiss I was nine it was like a proper wet snog as well and he was my first boyfriend I was absolutely in love with him we've been together for two years from the age of nine like what the fuck um I ended up having sex with him years down the line and it was fucking dreadful it was literally dreadful and then he told everyone that I laid there like a starfish and I was like it's because I was hating every second anyway so oh my god that's eight years ago that's fucking vile
Starting point is 00:41:24 I've been having sex for eight years. Anyway, let me tell you my virginity story. So I was 16 and I was one of those girls that was like, I am gonna lose it to my husband. I am gonna have sex in a bed full of rose petals and he is gonna caress me and love me and kiss me head to toe. Right. And he's going to be my husband and the father of my children. That's what I thought. And basically I went to, just going to go straight in there. I went to a travel lodge with my best mate and her boyfriend and her boyfriend's best mate. And were all really drunk the vibes were amazing just immaculate vibes we're all like just having the best time we were 16 so we couldn't go to
Starting point is 00:42:11 clubbing like we couldn't I just said go to clubbing like how old am I yeah we couldn't go clubbing couldn't go to a party we booked a travel lodge and got really drunk there and it was an amazing time highly recommend we were safe do recommend. Do not recommend underage drinking. Do not recommend at all. Anyway, and then me and best friend's boyfriend's best friend, let's call him, uh, Steve. I would never sleep with anyone called Steve. Let's call him, all right, we'll just stick with Steve because otherwise I'm going to just say his name. Let's call him Steve. Me and Steve get on like a house on fire. We are flirting. We're giggling. We're like wrestling. And then my friend and her boyfriend go outside for a cigarette. They smoked. They still smoke, but yeah, they went outside for a cigarette. And me and Steve
Starting point is 00:43:07 are alone. We start kissing, making out even. By the way, I will get back to the dilemma, but I'm just breaking it up with my virginity story. We're making out and then they come back in the room and then we get a bit more drunk, blah, blah, blah. have a great time. It's bedtime. We all go to bed. We've got a two, we've got a double bed and a single. Me and Steve are on the single, obviously, because they're the couple. And we make it out. And I did absolutely all of it with him. In that, I didn't. Look at me acting like I was doing the filth like we're 69 and I sat on his face like no like none of that happened it was literally the most pathetic like proper virgin sex I mean I was a virgin um and yeah we had sex and I'd never done anything I'd never I'd never
Starting point is 00:43:59 even seen a willy before and to be fair I still didn't see it I still never saw it that day because then like three weeks later I found out he was circumcised and I didn't have a clue I was like oh didn't know that so I probably didn't touch it either then if I think about it now but anyway yeah lost my virginity at 16 pissed up in a travel lodge to my best friend's boyfriend's mate um but you know no regrets felt right felt like that was what I wanted to do at that time and that's what I did we carried on having sex for a few weeks um yeah interesting interesting virginity story so don't worry about yours don't worry because yours no one's can be worse than mine unless you were one of those people that had sex in like a festival tent or something.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Your first time in a tent. When was Jake's first time? I don't even want to know. I don't want to know. That makes me so mad. Anyway, I don't know what else to say. I fucking can't stand the thought my boyfriend had sex. Anyway. anyway oh it makes me sick anyway back to you have a conversation so if you do go to have sex with him but you don't you really don't want to be fucked over you really don't you only want to have sex with him if it's going to go somewhere if you feel like that make sure you communicate that with him don't just do it and then he might go oh I wouldn't I weren't really looking for a girlfriend. Then you're devastated and you can't take it back.
Starting point is 00:45:31 If you really feel like I can't have sex with this guy and it'd be nothing, have a conversation with him. And if that fucking scares him off and he runs away, bye. Bye. Do you know what I mean? Run faster. So I think, depends how long you've been talking, don't worry about it too soon. But once it gets to a certain point and you feel like it's the right time to open up that conversation about
Starting point is 00:45:49 having sex with him, if you want to, let him know that you're a virgin and you're worried about it and nervous about it, but if you don't want him to know that, then just say, I really don't want to have sex with someone casually, it's just not for me, if this is just casual for you let me know it's absolutely no problem but yeah I just would rather know um but then if you also into casual sex that's completely fine just make sure you're having safe casual sex that's my only concern yeah that's a major thing be safe here girls yeah no stds um or surprise pregnancies guys do you know I actually take pregnancy tests every month because I'm on the mini pill I want to get off it so bad I have the worst periods but we'll have a period week maybe one week um we'll talk about that another day because it's a long story but
Starting point is 00:46:39 yeah I get the most disgraceful period so I'm on the mini pill and it stops my period. So I literally have to take pregnancy tests every single month. And it's quite thrilling. Like every month I'm like, well, could this be the month? And low key, I reckon Jake would be excited. I actually do. To be fair, I'm 24. I'm getting on a bit.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Do you know what I mean? Not really for a kid. I'm so financially unstable right now you know what I mean I'm not ready for a kid I'm so financially unstable right now it's actually quite sad but that is um not any of your problem so thank you guys so much for listening I have had the most amazing time chatting with you all remember leahontheline at gmail.com to submit any of your dilemmas any questions any debate topics anything at all whether you've got good news to share you just really want to share it with people because i care trust me i'm interested if you've got bad news that you just really need
Starting point is 00:47:36 some someone to console in is that the word consoling console? Consult? What's the word? Basically, do you know what I mean? I am here for you. If you need any advice about anything, if you need someone to just get shit off your chest, I'm the gal. We are all here together as best friends. We're all here for you. You, listening, you. Oh my God god don't you love you on netflix hello you you want me to notice you anyway fucking out yeah so you listening you yeah you i'm talking to you i can see you imagine that imagine i can see you right now through your window i'm joking obviously i'm joking why do i always feel the need to say window I'm joking obviously I'm joking why do I always feel the need to say that
Starting point is 00:48:27 I'm joking as if you fucking believed me as if you checked out the window checking I went there but yeah you listening all of us girls that are also listening all here for each other okay promise me that pinky promise and pinky promise into the mic okay
Starting point is 00:48:43 love you see you guys next week for another episode make sure you're submitting to get involved make sure you're following the instagram and tiktok at leah on the line love you guys so much have the best week bye Hi, it's Fido. Start the semester with a new phone and a plan full of data without breaking your budget. We have everything you need for an A-plus year. Come check out our special back-to-school offers.
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