Leah on the Line - 104: She planted underwear in my boyfriend's room?!

Episode Date: May 13, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello you guys, how are ya? How are ya? Justin Bieber's having a baby. Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber are having a baby. Why am I doing that accent? Oh my god guys, can you believe it? Jaylee are having a baby. Listen, I have to accent? Oh my god, guys, can you believe it? Jaylee, I'm having a baby. Listen, I have to say it. I did think it would be a Jelena situation. I kind of felt like a divorce was on the horizon, not a baby. But listen, I'm here for it. I'm kind of happy. Listen, there should be me holding your hand. There should be me making you laugh it should be but no how exciting is that I mean kind of exciting kind of like I don't know it freaks me out Justin Bieber not being a dad yet kept me young like I was like listen you guys if Justin's still being a kid. I can still be a kid. You know, he's a dad now. We're about to be. So I,
Starting point is 00:01:08 it's almost like, right. Okay. Let's, let's think about this. Um, uh, Vanessa Hudgens is having a baby. That's Gabriella Montez. She's no longer a child. You know, that kept me young, but she knows she's having a baby. Ashley Tisdale has kids. Sharpay had kids long ago. Ariana Grande got married and then divorced. But like, you know, the people that raised me, they're just not, they're not kids anymore, you guys. Just me being a dad, it feels like the final straw. I don't know how to describe it.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I was holding on to my youth through him because he was a huge part of it. Let me tell you that. Oh my God, was I a big, big, big, big, big Justin Bieber fan. I've mentioned it a lot. You guys already know, you already know. But listen, I hate to be that like fucking know-it-all, shut up, no you don't. But I i was kind of sus so i saw a video where hayley's dress was like blowing around and it's hard to see if she had like a baby bump or not but there was something about the way she was walking something about the way the dress was sitting even though it was windy and it was giving preggers but at the same time it's like could just be the angle like whatever you also let's not fucking speculate you know what I mean you never know someone's fertility situation
Starting point is 00:02:29 so yeah I saw that video and I was like sus but whatever and then I thought to myself okay if she's at the mat flat stomach you know looking not preggs She's either early doors and that video was wrong or she's just not pregnant at all and I've made it all up, right? She didn't go to the Met. I did think she was going to hard launch at the Met. I thought she knows just what she's fucking doing. You know, like Vanessa hard launched at the premiere. I can't remember where it was actually. The ground.
Starting point is 00:03:00 No, I don't even know. Anyway. I've got hiccups. Brilliant. It's because I had Coke Zero. Yeah, I thought she was going to hard launch at the Met, but no, she didn't even show. I thought, Hayley Bieber, if I know you,
Starting point is 00:03:15 you love the Met. There's something going on here. And I think it was actually like the next day or two days later, they posted the pics and the video on Instagram and the whole of the world was that should be me holding your hand do you know how sad that makes me but also so happy like I just feel like Justin's always loved kids you know look at me talking like I know him so well Justin's always been so good with kids you guys like he loves kids oh my god on the topic of Justin Bieber I need to know because I feel like this may be something
Starting point is 00:03:54 that like happened in a parallel universe because I cannot find for the life of me evidence of this on YouTube I remember when I was a teenager, there was a video of Justin Bieber being interviewed and they, they was basically just making a joke. I can't remember the guy. He had like that white hair. He's like an older guy. It was his show, but I'd never, I'd never seen his show. It wasn't like Jimmy Fallon where it's like a rec, I'm a regular viewer on YouTube. I'd never really seen his show where I don't know his name. Justin's on it. And they're talking about how like he's just gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And then they were like, can you read instant noodle instructions? And like make it sexy? And he was like, peel back the lid, stir. And was like, listen, I was probably older than I'd like to think I was, I'd like to, I like to think I was like 13, like 12, 13, I was probably the ripe age of 17, watching that, I was like, oh my god, it's turning me on, and he read these noodles instructions, like in sexy way that was the challenge and I was telling Jamie about it and I was like that's when I knew like I want to have sex I'm kidding I'm kidding but I was like that's when I knew like I love I love this man right
Starting point is 00:05:19 I already knew but it it felt like we we went up step. Like we've gone to a mature level of love here. Do you know what I mean? And I tried to find it. I searched high and low for that video of Justin reading noodles instructions. It's not on the fucking internet. I cannot find it. And I Google it. Nothing. YouTube, nothing. Twitter, nothing, nothing, nothing. It's like I made it up, but i didn't i can see him doing i swear like walks down a couple of steps yeah they have like sexy music playing peel back the lid yeah it happened and if anyone remembers that please shout me someone if you can even find it i would send you a hundred pound. I'm joking. I won't be sending you
Starting point is 00:06:06 any money, but if anyone can find it, please, if you just got a minute and you remember this and you go, wait a minute, I fucking remember that. Please help me find it. Also, what else is new in current events? Oh, Martha, if you've seen Baby Reindeer, if you haven't, girl, where have you been? But if you have, yeah, it's a tough watch. It is a tough watch. But I found it extremely interesting, like the rest of the world. And Piers Morgan interviewed the real life Martha. Her name's Fiona Harvey. And you guys on the world wide web are so good because you found this bitch oh I don't mean to call her a bitch I don't mean it literally I meant like this bitch like I've been this bitch like oh I'm scared I'm scared of her yeah they they found her and where
Starting point is 00:07:00 did you find her sorry it just reminded me of that Big Brother clip. Oh my God, my brain's going a thousand miles an hour today. And when I saw it, I thought, no, it's not her, is it? Went on her Twitter for this Fiona Harvey. I think that's her name. And she's got vile tweets. Like if you click media, you scroll down. It's fucking vile. The way she talks about people is vile.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And there's like racism, like fucking vile, right? And about people is vile there's like racism like fucking vile right and I was like sounds like her to be honest but whatever I'm not like invested turns out that is her right she has two twitter accounts and on the second one on the first one I seen where there was just like horrible tweets the only years I really went through was like 2018 so I think I guess the situation was before that or was it after I don't know because the second account is where she has tweets to oh what's his name Richard Gad right is that correct um and she's like literally the tweets are there like I want you to hang my curtains tonight are you receiving my emails can you let me know that I'm sending the emails to the right address did you receive
Starting point is 00:08:09 my letter today like spamming this this guy right anyway so she's on Piers Morgan's show I've never met the man in my life 10 minutes later I think we met two or three times and then he's like so you weren't friends no absolutely not we weren't friends no 10 minutes later I think we met two or three times and then he's like so you weren't friends no absolutely no we weren't friends no 10 minutes later i think that's quite a lot of tweets to send to somebody who you know you didn't know that well we were friends it was banter we were just friends well what is it then do you know what i mean she lied for her fucking teeth it was very interesting i'll tell you i was watching it getting quite annoyed because like I was like what are you talking about he'd be like okay so what do you say to the people
Starting point is 00:08:49 that call you a liar then she went no I don't lie no actually she'll go I don't I don't tell lies I tell I tell white lies like my neighbor she was, Scotland, the neighbour. I sound Irish. I sound like Olivia Neill, the neighbour. I actually sound kind of silly. Guys, I really want to get good at the Irish accent because what happens is, off topic, I find an accent that I love and I can't do for the life of me and I decide I really want to be good at it that's what I did with Geordie right I couldn't do a Geordie accent for the life of me whereas now like I can just do it on the back of my hand I love it I spent about three weeks listening to it practicing it I was like I want to talk like I'm from Newcastle I want that in me bones like I want to be able to talk
Starting point is 00:09:44 like that whenever I want and then that's all I'd hear in me bones. Like I want to be able to talk like that whenever I want. And then that's all I'd hear in me head. I'd hear the Geordie accent in me head. I couldn't get it out. So I practice it and practice it. And now I can do it. Obviously I'm not like fantastic at it. Like I might slip up every now and then.
Starting point is 00:09:57 It's not perfect. Especially if you are actually from Newcastle. You probably think, yeah, good effort. And the next one I've decided I want to do that with is Irish. And'm finding it hard and I'm baking and stuff working with floyer is the one thing that I just keep saying floyer floyer if you have that accent I'm just jealous to be honest it's such I just love it such a fun accent I will do it guys you guys will see it here I'll practice and practice and then I'll just fucking knock it out the park you guys will see it here I'll practice and practice and then I'll just fucking knock out the park you guys know me anyway back to Martha so yeah she was just I just feel like she was just fucking lying to be honest like she was like I've got photographic memory I've got photographic
Starting point is 00:10:36 memory that's my Scottish accent it's really good isn't it and then she was like he said what did you what did you graduate with like what degree did you get um i don't remember i don't remember sorry how do you not know what you fucking graduated with every single person that has a degree could tell you what they got like i'm sorry we can even remember a couple specific modules do you know what i mean, but my overall grade, oh, what did I get again, oh, what did I get, I worked really hard for that, I'm sorry, I'm just not buying that, I'm just not, hello, I'm Miss Hulu, and what's the story in Balamore today, who used to like Balamore, it wasn't just called Balamore, or was it called like, no, yeah, it was, it was just called balamore well it wasn't just called balamore or was it called like no yeah it was it was just called balamore what's the story in balamore isn't like weird when you look back at kids shows does it make you feel weird like when you hear the music it's like oh
Starting point is 00:11:35 god make it stop my favorite person on balamore was josie josie jump is my name singing and dancing is my game is that what she says? I don't know. Loved her. Every time she'd come on, I was like, yeah. Obviously, it makes so much sense, doesn't it? Like when you look back. I loved the singing and dancing one. You know what I mean? She's like in yellow. I was like, oh, I just love it. Good vibes, good vibes. I love her. I used to find the paint really annoying and the postman. Oh, get off. Do you know what I mean? Snooze. To be honest, I hated Bellamamore i only liked it when josie jump was on i also loved the tweenies that was my shit that i yeah i used to eat it up when it would come on the telly hey hey what do you say it's time to
Starting point is 00:12:18 come play with the tweenies what else was it do you know what there's a specific tweenies episode that i'll never forget and i absolutely loved and adored. I actually, when I got older, I tried to find it on YouTube. I think I was actually successful in that. So it was the episode where they went into a doll's house and Bella was like a doll on this platform. And she would like sing, I think. She was like a pop star. When I look back, I think, God, like singing was really like, I think she was like a pop star when I look back I think god like singing was really like I just loved it so much do you know what I think I actually might have said this we watched our um I actually think I said this on my first episode back we watched our old family videos the other week and my sister is like it's Christmas day right my sister is how old um it was 2006 so I was nine so that makes my sister
Starting point is 00:13:13 10 or 11 can't do the maths she probably was about to be 11 or wait or 13 oh who knows anyway she was about that no what am i talking about basically i was nine she was a few years older my brother is on his psp playing fifa i am singing high school musical and recording myself on the camera and i was literally going to the camera okay guys well we're going we're going out now so see you later see catch you catch you later see you when we're there and then I'll be like okay can you record me can you record me and then I'll do the choreography to we're all in this together don't you know where we are you're a star and I see that I do not remember the lyrics
Starting point is 00:14:06 you're a star and i see that i do not remember the lyrics um and then my sister was sat at the table drinking my auntie's beer being a little rebel she was going mom can i get drunk and then mom goes oh wait she's 12 because my mom goes no jody you're 12 and then we're just creasing because it's like everyone is the same nobody has changed in that do you know what i mean it's such crazy anyway yeah so back to martha um what do you guys think maybe i should have made that the weekly debate we could have really we could have really debated it and gone into it let me know if you want to let me know if it's not too late next week but yeah i hope you guys are all feeling really good today the sun has been shining here in the UK to my UK peeps it has been shining it's been gorgeous I'm actually going on a caravan holiday next weekend which I haven't done for years my sister loves it she's got three kids she loves it um and she was
Starting point is 00:14:57 gonna go with my mum and then I was like I'll come so I'm going and guys So I'm going. And guys, seriously, I'm such a negative Nelly because the last time I went on one of these, my sister loves it because the kids are so happy. And also like my happiest memories when I was a child involved these holidays. I loved it going to Butlins, going to Haven, Caravan Parks. Like they were just the best memories ever ever and so like my mum and sister love it for that reason whereas I go insane this like oh stick you because we're blue and you're yellow oh stick you I think shut the fuck up I actually can't cope like I can't deal with it it drives me insane so that'll be fun some it's different you know what you mean look forward to that'll be fun. Some it's different. You know what you mean? Look forward to that. No, I am actually, it's going to be a laugh, I think. Like me, my mom, my sister,
Starting point is 00:15:51 I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be a laugh, I think. So yeah, I hope you guys are all feeling good today. Thank you so much for being in my company. I'm absolutely honoured that you chose this podcast to click on and listen to today, whatever it is that you're up to. If you're at the gym, if you're going on a hot girl walk, if you're on your way to work, if you're on your way home, another day down, let's go baby. Also, I'm really in my fitness and health era guys. I, me and my sister, something just clicked and I feel like I can't undo it. Like I'm just so, I'm just hooked in this new lifestyle that I've developed. We play tennis now. We go for bike rides. We go to the gym like four or five days a week. Well,
Starting point is 00:16:32 to be fair, no, we don't. We go to the gym a lot. But I might go a couple more days with Jamie. And then if I can't get to the gym, then we'll do something outside of the gym. And yeah, it's really been good for my mental health which is the main reason I wanted to really dedicate myself to it um yeah it's been really good for my mental health so this is your sign you guys do fun activities go and hire out a tennis court with your bestie or your sister or your bf and play some tennis and just sweat it out. And it's really fun. And it's fucking knackering. I'll tell you that. All right, guys. So it's a normal Tuesday today. We've got a weekly debate and dilemmas. I'm so excited. So let's just get into it. Welcome to Leah on the Line.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Join me every Tuesday as I dial your number for the ultimate unfiltered bestie catch up. Whatever it is, we will laugh together and guide each other along the way. Head to learontheline.com and follow Lear on the Line on Instagram to get involved. Love you. Okay, everybody. So this weekly debate was actually sent in by one of you guys asking me to debate it because you sent in a dilemma that is extremely linked. So my question for you today, everybody, is the person you're dating says they broke up with their ex two months ago. Are you bothered? So what do we think? Two months. Now, I know, I know. Listen, listen same same same same I'd be like okay Mr Rebound do you know what I mean let me live like can you not can you just not use me for a rebound um however I um came out of a relationship and was seeing somebody else within that period of time.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Because I think your relationship can end way before you physically leave each other. There can be no love left. There can be no chemistry, connection no respect like whatever it is a relationship can end before it literally ends do you know what i mean so two months might sound like are you fucking for real but i do believe there are circumstances where they can literally feel nothing for their ex if they got broken up with however yeah no thanks yeah no no no hit me up in six months time minimum like do you know what i mean like because realistically you'd still be with them if you could and that's not for me so yeah but let's have a look what you guys say. Bestie, just go heal, somebody says. Yeah, I feel you. I do feel you, actually. Just because that you were checked out of the relationship doesn't
Starting point is 00:19:32 mean that you don't need to heal from it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No relationships end before they end. Oh, okay. No, comma. Relationships end before they end. As long as it's over it's okay yeah yeah yeah agree um yes i'm bothered but not enough to stop seeing them okay yeah fair like we can't just cut it off because you split up with somebody two months ago however i'm probably going to be a little bit cautious um i did this after a three-year relationship. Together five years now, I bought a house together. See? Sometimes time really is irrelevant. So you never know. Somebody says, you're a rebound, my darling. Yowch. I mean, there is that case as well. You know, she's not wrong. Brutal, but she ain't wrong.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Depends how long they were together, how they split up, and if they're still in contact, et cetera. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Sorry, if they're still in contact. Darling. No.
Starting point is 00:20:38 How long they were together is a great shout. Although, I don't know what's more of a red flag. Like, if they was together six years and then they broke up two months ago yeah it's difficult because it's like fucking hell you've been with this one person for six years and all of a sudden you're with me and what you're going to try and convince me that when we're having sex you don't think about her and when you're kissing me you don't think about her because naturally you do it feels wrong if you've been with someone for six years yeah and then you have sex with somebody new like you're thinking about her you like at least the first time do you know
Starting point is 00:21:10 what i mean the first time you have sex with me you know but if they was only together three months i find that a red flag as well i was like how can you ask someone to be your girlfriend and it lasts three months like how can you be sure like i want to be in a relationship with you and then three months later you don't like what do we not take this girlfriend title too seriously then like what's going on there am I making sense is that a fair point or is that totally unfair um no their actions will show me if they're obsessed with me and worth sticking around yeah I feel you it's like okay would I have cared would I have would I have felt alarmed if I didn't know that like is your behavior alarming you know um depends how long
Starting point is 00:22:00 they were together together nope you've got to move on at some point nope this was my fella been together five years now it depends how long they were together I feel like that is very fast and might make might make me a rebound yeah I don't think it's long enough to be over it I'm ready for something long term I feel you I do feel you in terms of like are you ready for another relationship like you've been single two months but you don't want to be single for at least a bit like you're ready to just settle down again because there are obviously situations where people are like me I was I was like yeah let's fuck it like to be honest at the time I was like bloody hell it's classic typical like I told
Starting point is 00:22:40 myself let's have a year on my own like no one's gonna affect my energy it's just gonna be me and then Jamie come along well actually I stood into his dms don't really know what I was thinking because I fancy the fuck out of him so I was just like messaging him I didn't really think like oh we're gonna end up boyfriend and girlfriend and then we just clicked too good really and ended up together and I thought classic I was about to end my I don't need no man era but you know what I do believe people come into your life when they are supposed to so I didn't really deep it I just thought well I thought I needed to be on my own but the universe said no everything you want to work on on yourself you can do in your relationship
Starting point is 00:23:26 and that's what I've actually managed to do so yeah um yes but not enough to stop seeing them a couple of people saying that um not at all I'd worried that I'd be the rebound but it depends how long they were together really um yes absolutely there's no way they've moved on so fast i've been in this situation before and i was definitely rebounds okay because getting under someone to get over someone is real like it just is and also getting under someone to get at someone is real you know um lol that's me now i'm not bothered as long as they make it clear they are over it and into me but mine did and then said he's moved on too quick so it needs to slow down oh that's a head fuck isn't it but then also like also fair but then also head fuck do you know i
Starting point is 00:24:19 mean if they were dumped i'm concerned if they did the dumping i'm concerned. If they did the dumping, I'm open. Yes, yes, yes, yes. If it was a long-term relationship, two plus years, then yes. Yes, because I remember how I felt two months post-breakup. This is the thing. I think every breakup is so different. I remember my first breakup was the worst breakup I've ever experienced. I was with that boy six months. I don't even consider him a boyfriend anymore. Like seriously, when people ask me how many relationships we've had, I don't even count that. It does not count to me, right? I was with him six months. I was a teenager. That breakup, I was on the floor. The anxiety I had was the first time I ever experienced anxiety. It was the worst experience of my life
Starting point is 00:25:07 to be fair no it wasn't but it was rough right and that's what I thought a breakup was I was like no like I'm never doing that again like I'm never doing that again and then I had my first long-term serious boyfriend four years the breakup was fine like it was painful as they are but we were so friendly we stayed in contact for like to be honest like a whole year we stayed friends for ages like ended on really good terms it was obviously complicated because when you start seeing other people sleeping with other people it's like oh god but I was like oh like breakups don't have to be the end of the world level pain. Do you know what I mean? And then the one after that, I thought was going to be the worst breakup of my life.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Easy breezy. It was like a couple of weeks of like, oh my God, I can't believe we're actually going through with it. But again, like in contact, friendly, fine, not painful, like knew it was the right thing on both sides. So I think it's really hard to look at someone who is two months out of a relationship and decide that you know how they feel because no matter how serious my relationships have been, I'm talking from personal experience, no matter how serious they've been, no matter how in love with them I was, matter how serious they've been no matter how in love with them I was they all felt different and I got over them in all different um speeds I guess because it depends on you and what what position you're at in your life and how you feel about not being with that person anymore if you
Starting point is 00:26:39 saw it coming if you wanted it if you changed as people in your relationship. So I think it's hard to decide that it's too soon if you don't know them in that relationship and what that breakup has been like for them. Because I think if you've only been through a breakup or two, you assume that breakups all feel the same and what you felt in your breakup, it must be what they felt because it's like well I remember my second month I was still on the floor I still wanted to get back together but then there's breakups where you you're six weeks out of it and you're like fucking dancing around the living room you know so you really don't know how somebody would feel so yeah thank you guys I loved your responses to that. I guess the verdict is that you're cautious of being a rebound
Starting point is 00:27:29 and it is bothering you, but let's just see, you know, I'm not calling it off. So yeah, lovely weekly debate. Thank you guys so much for sending in your responses. If you, like this girl, have any idea of a weekly debate, send me a DM, reach reach out via email
Starting point is 00:27:47 hit me up on my website leahontheline.com whatever method of contact you prefer um i love hearing your guys ideas for a weekly debate i find them so interesting so yeah send them in and let's just some dilemmas. This one, you guys, is scary. Like, I'm worried. I don't know what to think, okay? Hey, girly. So excited for the return of the pod. I really love listening to you. Oh, thank you. I love you so much. So, I have a strange dilemma and I need your help this is a long one I visited Asia for a wedding for almost a month with my long-term partner that is insane it was for a wedding but you were there for a month I love that um I'm writing this dilemma from the airport as I have something stuck on my mind we're fresh this is fresh this is current the holiday has been complete luxury something my partner has treated me to entirely including business class flights luxury hotels and dining and i do feel
Starting point is 00:28:52 so in love whatever he did forgive him no i'm joking the business class flights i forgive you i'm joking you guys know i'm just kidding okay The first part of the holiday was in a big city and dedicated mostly to the wedding. We were here with the wedding party most evenings. It's his friend's wedding, so I didn't know anybody. On the second day, my partner told me there was a stag do the following day. Oh, what a shame you won't be going. On the second day, sorry, on the following day, which he he wanted to attend but didn't want to leave me on my own as i didn't know anybody king i didn't want him to miss out so i said it was fine and i would sunbathe and order room service heaven literal heaven it's not really safe for me to leave the hotel alone as the night went on i made friends with a girl in the wedding party let's call her lucy we got on really well and lucy was also going to be one of the fun
Starting point is 00:29:51 going to be alone sorry the following night so we made plans to go for dinner and cocktails stunning we've got a female friend on the trip we're hanging out the next night i told my boyfriend about this the next day and he came clean about something. This is the girl that he lost his virginity to. Right. That's fucking brilliant, isn't it? The one fucking friend I've made and you've shagged her. Stunning. Whilst this shocked me, I decided to go ahead. Sorry. What happened? I decided to go ahead with the evening out. I got on with her, and this was over 10 years ago. Yeah, that's so true. Let's not be, you guys were just kids. No competition here. It's been 10 years. We got on really well. Why should it matter? Love that from you. The whole night was a disaster she was acting
Starting point is 00:30:46 different as soon as she got to my hotel i ordered us both a cocktail to the room and we didn't even get to finish them because as soon as she got to my room she wanted to leave and said she didn't feel well because of how hungry she was what sorry i'm yawning not because the story's boring i've had a long day all right i'm really bunged up oh sorry guys okay um okay i suggested we eat at the rooftop in the hotel rooftop restaurant in the hotel. However, she didn't want to. I was nervous leaving the hotel alone as girls in an area I'm unfamiliar with, but I scrambled around to find a restaurant in our area. Sorry, in the area our boyfriends was in. God, I can't fucking focus today. To make it a little safer. Okay, great. You're like,
Starting point is 00:31:44 okay, fine fine if we must go out to eat let's be near our boyfriends very smart view long story short we got lost the meal was a disaster and she was a totally different girl to the girl I met the day before the most annoying part was my partner didn't even end up going on the stag do he left early as he didn't feel well so he came to collect me in a taxi at this point i was starving and feeling really rubbish i forgot i'd ordered a special bar for our room something romantic where they fill it with rose petals candles and champagne whilst you look over the skyline bloody stunning yeah get me in
Starting point is 00:32:22 there my partner didn't end up getting getting in with me as he still felt unwell. So I drank the champagne and watched Netflix. Then we ordered some desserts to the room. A perfect end to a stressful night, you might be thinking. Yeah, sounds bloody lovely. This is where things took a turn. When blowing out the candles and tidying up the bath, I noticed what I thought was a lace blindfold that the hotel had provided. When I picked it up and looked at it, I realized it was a pair of Victoria's Secret underwear, which weren't mine. Not my size and definitely not something I own. She says they're ugly. They are definitely not mine. No, I'm joking. joking of course there were doubts about my partner
Starting point is 00:33:07 he was alone in the room for around two hours but doesn't know anybody in the city either this is somewhere he has never visited before so you've gone for your lovely little relaxing bath come back to the hotel room there's a pair of pants on the floor is that right am i understanding this right oh wait hold on you had your bath in the room i don't actually understand when he was alone yeah you had the bath in your room i'm not sure but either way he was alone in the room okay and you're thinking right who the fuck have you had up here upon inspecting the underwear they were also unworn if he had somebody to the room wouldn't these be worn and left
Starting point is 00:33:59 somewhere near the bed not near the bath hmm we have spoke this over and he suspects lucy he failed to mention things got weird when they were younger and she became obsessive okay martha she was also alone in the bathroom and was that the reason she wanted to leave the room so quickly oh my god yeah she had a plan she planted the pants and was like oh not feeling well let's go let's go i highly doubt it was the hotel as we were stopping in a five-star luxury suite in a reputable reputable hotel chain i also take photos and videos of everything so i know the underwear wasn't there when we checked in but am i being naive i never brought anything up to lucy as it was um a wedding and not appropriate but now it is playing on my mind please help what would you think about the situation and what would you do to get over this i feel like i need to overcome
Starting point is 00:35:02 this in my mind or will it be something i bring up in arguments in the future from a sad and paranoid girlie oh don't be sad okay love you I I'm not sure to be honest it's very weird I can see how it's driving you a bit mad I feel like I'd literally go insane I do find it a bit sus like okay they're unused come on there'd be at least a sweat patch maybe a bit of discharge you know like we know what a used pair of knickers looks like there's creasing you know you know what a fresh pair of pants looks like as a woman we know the difference okay so the fact that they're unworn they're in the bathroom and he was only alone for two hours your boyfriend sounds lovely i can't imagine he is treating his woman to business class flights or expenses paid month trip to Asia to shag somebody else while you're out for two hours.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I can't, I don't see that. Like I don't, but however, however, I know there are fucking sickos out there that do it. I know that. However, the fact that like he was out on a stag and then he's come home, he's picked you up and then you've just like hung out together, got some desserts in the room. He sounds like a really great guy and a really great boyfriend who loves the fuck out of you and doesn't seem like somebody that would cheat. However, like obviously I know sometimes it's always the ones where people go, wait, what the fuck? So you can't really rule it out. Let's be real, like not to be brutal you can't exactly say there's no way because there is there is way there's a two hour gap that we don't have the facts for and these pants showed up somewhere in between all of this right there's also little bitch lucy who is looking
Starting point is 00:37:00 a little bit suspicious however i do find it strange that she would do this, because unless your boyfriend is not telling you something, why would you sabotage my relationship? It got weird when we used to sleep together 10 years ago. You got obsessive 10 years ago, together 10 years ago you got obsessive 10 years ago and what you're gonna sabotage my whole relationship now at our big age at our mutual friend's wedding like i don't i don't see any of these narratives adding up and making sense i do feel like there's some missing info i feel like if i was you i'm quizzing my boyfriend a bit more. When was the last time you spoke to Lucy? You know, why would she have this motive against you or me? Why? You know, can you make that make sense to me? Because unless you can, the finger's kind of pointing in your face right now, babe.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Like, I don't know. I would just, I don't know if somebody can be that fucking like nasty you know you've been nothing but friendly to her once she's gonna come and plant some pants in your room over the fact that you're with the guy that she slept with 10 years ago like are you all right so I do I just do feel like there's information missing I don't know if you can talk to Lucy I feel like you kind of can't because if she did do it the last thing you want to be doing is I found a pair of pants in his room like what do I do because she'll be eating it up she'll be like oh my god he probably cheated he cheated on me back in the day probably cheated yeah I have heard some things if she did do it that is if she didn't you've also just now got a rumor spreading that your boyfriend cheated on you
Starting point is 00:38:52 in your mutual friendship group that nobody fucking wants going around and she ain't gonna fucking admit it is she she ain't gonna be like oh yeah that was me I just tried to scare you like she's not gonna admit it so i feel like you can't talk to lucy about it because we don't know we don't have the facts i do feel like it's one of the things where like we're probably not gonna get the answer and it's gonna drive you crazy i i understand that if you say to someone like oh I found a pair of pants in my boyfriend's hotel room but he said he had no idea what they were and I believe him I understand so many people would be like are you actually okay like are you missing brain cells because that man cheated on you do you know what I mean I understand from the outside it seems like you're
Starting point is 00:39:46 being naive to think that he didn't cheat on you you found a fucking pair of knickers in your hotel room like obviously what else has he done but I get it I do get it that it's just not making sense and it does it really doesn't feel like that's what's happened here they're in the bathroom they're clean they seem unworn so i get why you just in your gut don't feel like it's that yeah for me personally i'm quizzing my boyfriend a little bit more i'm saying look babe i'm not accusing you of anything right now but you gotta understand i found a fucking pair of pants in our hotel room you was alone in that hotel room for two hours nothing's making sense you're not making sense so unless you can convince me why lucy would do that because he's blaming lucy if that's brave because i could go
Starting point is 00:40:39 to lucy now and go look we both think you've done it even my boyfriend thinks you've done it i could and if you can sit here with your chest thinks you've done it I could and if you can sit here with your chest and say you think it was Lucy you need to tell me why because I'm gonna tell her I'm gonna confront her about it and I need some evidence otherwise if you can't do that I'm looking at you babe to be honest that's what I'd be doing personally because I would need some sort of answer i think i'd go fucking insane having no answer like i don't know if i could ever just chill i'd always think you little cheat do you know what i mean and i'd always just think whose fucking pants were they
Starting point is 00:41:22 where the fuck did they come from are Are you sure they're not yours? Are you sure? No, you're pretty sure, I guess. I'd know, to be fair, we'd all know. If you've seen a foreign pair of pants in your room, you know, yeah, they ain't mine. They do not belong to me. All right. Well, I hope this helped. If you have an update, this is definitely one I'm going to need an update for please please you have to send us the update learontheline.com same way you sent in the original dilemma love you so much next dilemma okay hey I miss listening to you and I hope you're doing well I love you I miss chatting to you Ichanted you. I have a workplace dilemma. I work from home, but I go into the office one or two times a week. My team is all women. I'm really having a hard time with
Starting point is 00:42:12 the dynamics. I thought I've been making headway and friends only to find out the person they were complaining about in the office last week was me about my work. Wow. I'm the first to admit if i've made a mistake and i'm not perfect they make passive aggressive comments or just don't talk to me at all i'm trying my best granted i don't live and breathe work but the hours i'm here i make sure to get everything done and help where i can i try not to care but it's 40 hours of my week where I feel like they're all waiting for me to, oh, I hate that. They're all waiting for me to trip up, um, and do something wrong, which isn't a nice feeling. Any tips on how to not care or give them a taste of their own medicine? I have corrected work of theirs, um, and not said anything. Well, and not said anything well and not said anything thank you okay bitchiness in the workplace
Starting point is 00:43:07 there's no fucking need do you know what one thing i really hate is when women are just nasty to other women like we're on the same team do you not get that like i'm here like I love women I'm a girl's girl that's hard and the fact that it's all of them against you is actually really mean is there nobody higher up that you can talk to otherwise to be honest I think you said like you've tried to just crack on and ignore it. Maybe it's a case of killing with kindness. Like you can't hate me. I'm fucking nice. Look how nice I am. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:53 You can't hate me. What can you say about me? To be fair, the fact that they're like, it's about your work is fucking mean. I guess you can go to somebody higher. You could confront them all in a really friendly way in a very vulnerable way and just be fucking vulnerable with them and say like hi girls um so sorry to take your time um I'm really having a hard time I feel so anxious coming into work at the moment I may be totally
Starting point is 00:44:28 reading this situation wrong I may have got it totally wrong it may be all made up in my in my mind but I'm right now I feel like I'm not part of the group and you guys maybe don't like me and that's it's really affecting me and really upsetting me um yeah and just come to them with vulnerability and kindness that is another option and just asking them at them to please be nicer to you like I support all of you like we work together we're all striving for the same thing there shouldn't be competition if you see me slacking if you see me making mistakes if you think that my work needs improvement tell me constructively and kindly and don't make fun of me and don't be mean to me because I'm a person just like you and
Starting point is 00:45:21 right now I feel really shit coming into work and I don't know I wouldn't want to make somebody else feel like that so I just wanted to let you know that that's how you guys are making me feel you know there's nothing beefy about it nothing like fuck you about it nothing like have a fucking hard look at yourself bitch about it it's just about you and how you feel and you have every right to feel what you feel. I know though that that is so hard and petrifying. I want to teach you guys a technique that I do when I've decided that I really want to do something like this is an example. Say I wanted to confront them about how I'm feeling and just have this conversation but I'm petrified. My technique is I literally count to three in my head.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I decide on the first few words that are going to come out of my mouth. And I just go for it. And then I know I'm in. I'm in. I've got to go ahead of it. And the fear isn't holding me back anymore. So I might go. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I'll just say like. Girl is it alright if I talk to you for a minute? Like that. And I'll go. Oh god. I can't. I can't. And I'll like walk up and down. I can I talk to you for a minute like that and I'll go oh god I can't and I'll like walk up and down I can't oh my god no fuck it I won't do it I'll be all right oh to be fair it's a Friday you know I could always have the weekend to think about it and do it on a Monday oh but I told myself I'd do it today right hi girls can I just talk to you for a minute hi girls all right if I talk to you for a minute and then i'll go right in my head three two one hi girls all right if i talk to you for a minute
Starting point is 00:46:47 sorry yeah and then that's it then and then you the conversation started and you're in and you go in and you've got you can't go oh nothing nothing i don't worry about it don't remember it's just silly like because then that's fucking weird and awkward so you're gonna okay shit okay let's just do this i've done it now so that's that's a tip you guys oh yeah but i honestly i hope you can resolve it but i also want to remind you that no workplace is worth your mental health i say this all the time guys you don't need to be miserable going to work and please do not let any employer any employment any workplace any employees make you feel like that's normal because it's not no job is worth your mental health there is so much more to life than your job and where you go to make money and if it's making you sad it's it's worth nothing it's worth
Starting point is 00:47:39 nothing so also don't be afraid to leave a workplace because of the team you know no matter how incredible the job is if in your gut you feel like actually I'll be happier working for a different firm a different company that might even pay me less I'll be fucking happier because I'll be surrounded by kinder people that support me and encourage me and I feel I feel more motivated and then I want to do better and then I'll move up in the position then I'll make more money than you ever fucking did. But you know what I mean? Okay, let's do one last dilemma.
Starting point is 00:48:15 This is the one linked to the weekly debate, you guys. How soon is too soon to start dating again? Okay, first congrats on the successful procedure and congrats on coming back to the podcast this sounds like you have your energy and spirit back and i'm so happy for you that is so lovely thank you so much second i have a question i would love your love your insight on how soon it's too soon to start dating again i went through a breakup about a month ago it was tough as all breakups are but i gained a lot of valuable lessons from it and have been using it to fuel
Starting point is 00:48:43 self-improvement and self-care i'm proud of myself for how far I've come in the past month and I feel I'm now in a place where I'm healed and moved on from my ex gorgeous but I know it can take some people a lot longer than a month to fully move on so if I start dating now will guys I date view it as a red flag that I've only been single for one month will they not believe me that I'm actually moved on and ready for something new what would be the period of time of singleness that someone would go oh sounds good and not think anything of it hiccups I would love to hear your opinion and also the opinions of any male listeners as well thank you love you bye okay so the obviously the weekly debate verdict was you know we're gonna be a bit cautious about
Starting point is 00:49:29 it but we're not calling it off so I think if you can explain I also don't know how men's brains work like I feel like they probably wouldn't deep it as much as us girls might they'd probably be like oh I don't know maybe they'd be a bit like oh CBA like she's probably still in love with him like maybe he might feel like that but then I do believe that with a lot of men it just kind of takes one conversation or even a couple sometimes of saying like you know I healed quite quickly the relationship broke down when we were in it you know it was the best thing for me to leave I've never been happier I'm in my healing era I'm in my self-love era that a guy would be like okay sweet do you know what I mean like I feel like they just believe you whereas us girls might be a bit more like
Starting point is 00:50:15 you little liar you just want to get in my pants you know so I don't think you should worry so much about it putting people off because I always say this if anything about you can put somebody off let let it like okay bye then do you know what I mean like this is me yeah I have only been single for a month and there is literally nothing I can do about that and if it's a red flag to you that's a red flag to you that's fine we're obviously not meant to be whatever you know and it's not personal so yeah that's my verdict to be honest I hope the weekly debate helped you with that one as well um I get it that it would be a situation of like oh my god like as soon as they say how long have you been single it's like oh a month and you're sort of dreading their response and you might be a little bit embarrassed
Starting point is 00:51:02 to admit it but also sit with your fucking chest babe and just be proud like you're sort of dreading their response. And you might be a little bit embarrassed to admit it. But also, sit with your fucking chest, babe. And just be proud. Like, you're in an amazing place. Headspace, spiritually, physically, mentally. And you should be proud of that. As long as you feel mentally and emotionally available, that's it. You're good. You're sweet.
Starting point is 00:51:20 You're good to go. And I love you. And I'm so proud of you. I'm so happy for you. Okay, guys. Amazing dilemmas this week. Thank you so much for sending them in. If you have a dilemma that you need my advice, the listeners advice, opinions, send in to leahontheline.com. And let's wrap up the episode, everybody. Okay, you guys. Oh, that was a little bit loud. i hope you guys all enjoyed this episode thank you so so
Starting point is 00:51:49 much for joining me today i've loved being in each other's company it's been beautiful it's been stunning get out there and enjoy the sun to my uk peeps if you're on your home on your way home from work fuzz in another day in the locker another day's paycheck if you're on your way to work you got this you got this babes roll them windows down let the air in take a deep breath let's all do a deep breath actually oh that was nice that was so nice guys i really i really want to go see a psychic oh i want to go see a psychic so bad, I want to go see a psychic so bad, I've got some questions, seriously, I've got some questions about my future, and I need you to have the answer, is what I would say, oh, all right, guys, I love you so much, I hope you'll have an amazing week, whatever it is that you're getting up to, take care of yourselves, take care of your friends, take care of each other, I love you so much, and I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new
Starting point is 00:52:43 episode, all right, I love you so much and I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you

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