Leah on the Line - 107: How to tell a girl she's being CHEATED ON & pain during sex is affecting my relationship!

Episode Date: June 3, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hello you guys it is a beautiful tuesday and oh my voice is kind of deep today hello it's kind of sexy guys sometimes i really wish i had like a husky voice, you know, like Emma Stone. Let's dance. Get up here and let's dance. Like she has a sexy voice. And the thing is, what's my voice like? Like, is it high pitched? I feel like it's very nasal, but it never used to be. And it definitely sounds more nasal when I do the pod and it gets more nasal throughout the pod so maybe it's something to do with the way I breathe to be fair when I'm sorry about that I'm always congested when I think about it not much breathing goes on through my nose god I'm gonna fucking pass out okay so let's have a little book club moment skip it if you're not interested I'm so sorry but I've had a lot of DMs saying that you're loving the book chats
Starting point is 00:01:10 so at the moment I think when I last spoke to you I was reading or had just finished it ends with us I think I was still reading it um Since then, I have finished It Ends With Us, It Starts With Us, and Ugly Love. I've read them all. And it's been a week. Listen, I have been so unproductive for the past seven days because I can't get my fucking head out of Colin Hoover's ass. Because everything she writes, I'm needing to read it. I just okay um I I don't think I'm gonna give any spoilers but just in case I accidentally slip there's a little slip of the tongue just as a little spoiler warning just in case so it ends with us beautiful love it um the ending without giving too much away I think it just ends where it should end you know like
Starting point is 00:02:07 she gave us a real ending rather than an anatole ending let's put it that way and reading it starts with us because I heard so many mixed reviews about it starts with us people saying that it's fucking boring nowhere near as good um and also because there were some people that felt passionately about the ending of it ends with us didn't want to read it starts with us because of the ending um i however feel like it starts with us made the ending of it ends with us easier um and you're you leave the story happier in my opinion it's quite boring in terms of the plot like the story surrounds atlas more than it does lily um which is fine but whatever and yeah the plot's quite boring the spice is probably like a two out of ten you know spice level sorry two out of five spice level um and yeah it's just like to be fair she does say
Starting point is 00:03:15 at the beginning like in the author's note she's like look I just wanted a book where we can just see people being happy and in love and like whatever but like that I thought you know there's gonna be like uh what's the word okay because in every film every book not every book to be fair there should be in every book but every film every good film every good book there is the thing that happens in the middle you know like the oh miscommunication we've broken up we're not speaking or like whatever it is like the hump that they havecommunication, we've broken up, we're not speaking, or like, whatever it is, like, the hump that they have to get over, and then they do, and then it's like, oh, yay, happy ending, every good film has that, that surely has a name, you know, like, that bit in the middle,
Starting point is 00:03:56 the, the part in the plot where it's like, oh, no, you know, like, it always builds up in a film, like, oh, shit, she's got a secret it's gonna come out eventually and it does come out and then it's it's this big palaver but then they see eye to eye and he understands you know that's it's in every film every book but i'm sure it has a name like that part of a plot has a name let me know if it does but yeah it starts with us didn't have that and so then yeah i'd give it starts of us like a three out of five three out of five it ends with us I don't know maybe like a three and a half okay so then it starts of us probably a two and a half out of five and it ends with us maybe like a three and a half out of five
Starting point is 00:04:37 um and then I read Ugly Love I actually just finished it this morning. I read it in a day. I started it yesterday morning. And I was up until 2am reading it last night. But I saved the final two chapters because I was like, I'm not ready. I'm not ready for it to be the end. I need to sleep on this. I don't want to rush this. So I slept on it it and I came back to it this morning and I finished it off oh without giving anything away again the plot again the plot not massive in the present day plot because the thing is with ugly love is you're going back six years every chapter and it took me a minute to get the hang of that when I first started reading that I I thought, CBA with this, like, every time it's Miles's chapters, his POV, it's six years earlier, and I was thinking, fucking hell, I don't care, I really don't care, like, I want to know what's going on with you, with you and Tate today,
Starting point is 00:05:33 you know, stop taking me back to six years ago, when you was with some other girl, like, but you do fall in love with that story, and you do, you get invested, and you need to know, but the thing is, okay, again get invested and you need to know. But the thing is, okay, again, I don't want to give anything away, but to anyone that reads it, obviously now we all know what it was, what happens, but you spend the whole book, like what went wrong? Why, why is, why does he not want to fall in love okay and you spend the whole book like i just fucking want to know and and i'm almost like rush reading and i think that's why i read it in a day because i was like oh for god's sake like just tell us tell us what happened tell us why like what happened to you miles like what what was so bad you know so i i was like panic reading it because
Starting point is 00:06:22 i was like oh fucking hell like this is going to be bad like and then you spend the whole time trying to understand it, trying to figure it out, trying to guess. I'm fighting all the urges in my fucking body not to skip and just flick through and have a look. And just what happened then? Just tell me what happened so I can enjoy the book because I can't enjoy it. Because all I can fucking think about is what happened six years ago. And you keep giving me a breadcrumb every fucking paragraph. But one weird thing about ugly love is Colleen's writing style is very different like she'll be like he's I look at him he looked
Starting point is 00:06:53 at me he kissed we kissed um like it was just like blunt like it was like he looks at me I look at him he steps towards me I step towards him kiss. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Like, it just, it feels so, like, blunt. And I can't explain it in any other words than that. But, yeah, compared to, like, it ends with us where she's like, The wind swished my hair as I turned to look at him. And I swear, his eyes sparkled when he looked at me. I take a step closer. My heart's pounding out of my chest so loud I swear you can almost hear it and then in in ugly love it's like
Starting point is 00:07:32 we looked at each other but I got past that I got past that it definitely helped me differentiate between characters because sometimes when I read a new book too soon after reading another book I'm reading that as Lily from It Ends With Us and it's going to take me a minute to to understand that you're Tate you know you're different we we're not this like cute little redhead that works in a flower shop you know we're a nurse so yeah I loved Ugly Love I loved it more than It Ends With Us so many of you guys said I would I have November 9 ready to go and I saw on TikTok that it's a good order to read them in because apparently Tate and Miles get mentioned in November 9 which is so fun because I'm so in love with them I'm so attached I was like telling Jamie about all the cute lines that it's in this
Starting point is 00:08:20 you know when she's like he said something cute to her right and then she's like they become my new favorite words and then she's like I tried to and no she goes anything that comes out of Miles's mouth become my favorite words and then she goes I tried to think of an ugly word arcs say arcs he looks at me what just say it and then he's good he's like arcs and then she goes arcs my new favorite word and it's like I love her bants Colleen come through with the bants in this book I was literally like crying I'm crying at this book I was literally creasing on my own yesterday but yeah I'm loving it I'm gonna give that book to my sister because I told her I'd pass it over if it's good because I don't think no I know for a fact she would not want to read it starts with us she would be so fucking bored in that I'm a sucker for love so I was just like happy to be there you know just happy to witness it
Starting point is 00:09:12 but yeah it was missing the drums I'm looking for I'm looking for a man in finance trust fund six five blue eyes no sorry I'm not um I'm looking for a book that I'm looking for a book with space what else drama toxic like that's what I'm looking for I'm looking for the next after because when I look back through my book collection after was definitely the most this is gonna sound really cruel no events but unprofessionally written and I'm saying that in terms of I felt like she didn't plan the storyline or the plot like she was just winging it and to be honest she probably was because I wrote fanfic back in the day it got 1.6 million reads might I add but I wrote a fanfic back in the day and you you uploaded it chapter at a time you most of the time
Starting point is 00:10:03 you had an idea of where you was going but you was fucking making it up as you went along and i could tell that that's what was happening with after so it was lacking plot and colleen she thinks her plots through she i love that from colleen because things like they all tie up tied together and make sense and you go oh that's what she meant back in chapter three the cheeky bitch yeah whereas anna todd's books don't do that however there's much more drama and i live for that so i'm after a book that is gripping sexy as fuck a little bit toxic like i'm i love it when he's like a little bit jealous like i said this last time not in the fucking real world okay no no no. I'm okay with less fucking romanticizing it in a book, whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I don't mind. But, yeah, not in the real world. When they're a little bit jealous and they're like, who the fuck? Like, in the book. Actually, no, that would be a spoiler. Never mind. So, yeah, I'm looking for books. Anyone has any recommendations?
Starting point is 00:10:58 I've loved all of your recommendations so far. Throw them at me. What else is new? I've been watching films this week right with Jamie and we have been watching the classics that I've never ever watched before somehow I managed to not watch the the classics right first one being The Notebook so I've never seen it I cried like a fucking baby it is so sad I swear I was loving it like loving it the whole way I was like oh I love it I love it and then at the end when it's like the fucking and I knew
Starting point is 00:11:35 halfway through that's her that's her I know I know that's fucking Ali the older lady who's like got dementia I was like it's gonna be Alan and he's gonna be fucking Noah I forgot his name then that's gonna be fucking Noah and he's reading them her fucking story their fucking love story and she don't remember it and I was like that better not be the case it seriously better not be the case um but it was the fucking case. Spoiler alert. And I sobbed, me and Jamie sobbed. Jamie sobbed like a fucking baby. We both did. It made me so depressed for the whole night. Anyway, and then we watched Fifty Shades of Grey. Listen, I haven't watched Fifty Shades of Grey. I think I was a little bit too young when it come out or a little bit uninterested or maybe a little bit too virginal. But yeah, so when it came out, I didn't watch it.
Starting point is 00:12:33 And then I thought, I'm just going to fucking watch it. That is the cringiest fucking film I've ever watched in my life. And you can just tell it's a book like you can just tell because you know in the books there's these cringy moments that are that belong in the books if you put it on a screen it's fucking cringe if it's in a book it's like oh I love that it's so sexy but we was absolutely crying because I guess in a book I think the Fifty Shades books are quite fucking thick as well like I'm sure they're like these thick books so again like the after film I found that when I watched after I was like Jesus Christ it seems like they move so
Starting point is 00:13:18 quickly like they've met once and all of a sudden he's like have you ever been touched before and it's like what the hell but like in the book they have a lot of tension it builds up over time and then when it gets to that point where he finally touches her it's like but in the film because they're rushing it because they got fit into two hours it seems like really unnatural and it seems like whoa how do we get here and 50 shades was given that like she works in a hardware store right he goes in and he's like buying fucking classics buying like rope and duct tape and all this shite and then he's like what else do you recommend and she's like for a diy um maybe some overalls to protect your clothing bear in mind they've met once and he goes yeah or i could just do it without my clothes on and Jamie was just crying like or I could just do it with
Starting point is 00:14:05 my cock out like what the fuck we're gonna do it with my balls out it's so weird like it was just like ew like if somebody actually said that to you or I could just do it with my cock out he didn't say that but he might as well have. You're like, okay. I'm reporting you. Like, this is so inappropriate. And then there was another scene. What was it? Oh, my God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Where she was like, are you going to make love to me now? And then he goes, first of all. She's like, are you going to make love to me now? He goes, first of all, I you gonna make love to me now he goes first of all i don't make love i fuck hard and then me and jamie just kick out i fuck hard doing like the rock on with our hands like i fuck hard and it was just the fucking weirdest film honestly it was so weird like oh and i actually could tell that when anna todd wrote after like this was inspired by 50 shades the ice cube like there was a few things i was like okay anna todd okay harden and tessa like it was just just, yeah, cringy, but it was, you know, it was fun. We enjoyed watching it. It was just so weird. Do you know what as well? I cannot watch
Starting point is 00:15:31 a sex scene without thinking about the fact that they had to film it. Like I'm so aware of the fact that you're actors, like I'm not buying this for a second. I'm not in this. I'm not watching it thinking, oh my God, he's fucking her. I'm watching it thinking, that's so awkward. You've got the biggest fucking crew watching you right now with cameras, booms, lights, you know, everything is surrounding you. And I'm looking at you like, you literally have your cock out.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Like, you're so naked right now. And then I think, oh, they probably put this little fucking shield. And then you basically see his cock and he puts his head like in between literally breathing on her puss. oh, they probably put this little fucking shield. And then you basically see his cock. And he puts his head like in between literally breathing on her purse. I think, Jesus Christ, I really hope she's not on her period. But like, I just watch anything and like, wow, it's so crazy that you do that. Do you know what I mean? Like fair fucking play to you.
Starting point is 00:16:25 But I just find it so mental. I look at it and i think there's no way you're not rubbing your tits like to be fair we see he's rubbing his chest against her bare tits and i think do you think they just shag like do you think not in the film in but like do you think they think it's you know it's probably easier if we just fuck just let's just make this not awkward we could just actually fuck for real, like in our own time. And then when we're on set tomorrow, it's like we've fucked, you know? But then maybe not. Did they have partners?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Because listen, if that was my man rubbing his chest against some tits, I don't care if you're Christian Grey. No, you're not, darling. You literally ain't though, are you? You wish. So yeah, that was fun fun what else is new um my hair is new go over to my instagram if you haven't seen it already um oh my god what else is new the freaking group chat you guys i made a group chat what is it with me choking on my spit
Starting point is 00:17:22 all the time i made a group chat on my lear on the line instagram um because I thought so many of you guys including me we all talk about how like we don't have girls like besties and a group chat and all of this and I thought we're always talking about like oh how do we make friends and you know we've got this amazing community in each other and I'm like let's bring it even closer together how can I do that and I'm trying to think right also I need to know if there is an app because I made this group chat right I put up an Instagram story saying like who would like to be part of this group chat um and it was like a poll like hit yes or no and then everybody that hit yes I had to individually type their name and add them to this group chat. I got to like 130
Starting point is 00:18:10 and then it stopped letting me. And then I added like 30 more the next day and then it stopped letting me again. And it took me about two hours to add a hundred people. And there's still hundreds of hundreds of you that still want to be in this group chat and obviously we want you to be part of it we don't want anyone to not be part of this group chat right that wants to be part of it so I don't know what to do because I also just learned that you can only have a maximum of 250 people in a group chat on Instagram so I'm like right okay maybe I could just make a few group chats I'm like this will take me years this will literally take me forever and I'm thinking there has to be an app so if anybody knows um anywhere I can download an app where like I could send you a link and then you download the
Starting point is 00:18:52 app and then we're in a group chat together and there's no maximum people you know we can send voice notes photos videos like whatever it is um because like how do you how do you add genuinely how do you add people to a group chat like in a big big group chat there has to be an app I'm sure there's an app like a group chat app I don't know because I thought Instagram is the best way nobody needs to give out their phone numbers but then yeah learning I'm learning that it's fucking long adding people to it um so yeah that happened but it's a great time over there and I can't wait to like bring everybody else into it it's a great time so many of you guys have like made really genuine good friendships like there's a couple of you guys going through a breakup um we have a new catchphrase
Starting point is 00:19:41 thanks to Gemma it is gee whiz I can't stop saying it she just said it one day like dead serious and it just absolutely creased me and now I can't say it gee whiz gee whiz that's nice gee whiz that's cute gee whiz that's crazy and I just can't and I have to do it in a southern American accent in my head gee whiz that is crazy so yeah loving that but it's a beautiful time that it's just a lovely place like so many people um are chatting in there and I hope there isn't anyone in the group chat that doesn't feel like they can speak if there is this is your sign send a little pink bow emoji um and it means if you listen to this episode it means that you just want to be like hey I'm in here by the way but I'm kind of shy
Starting point is 00:20:32 and then we can welcome you and love you with open arms and hugs and kisses um but yeah please let me know if there is a way I can make a bigger group chat so more of us can communicate and be part of it so yeah okay you guys this was a long intro but we had a lot of catching up to do on these books now it is of course a usual Tuesday a lot of you oh my god as well sorry to make the intro even longer I just want to say thank you so so much to everybody's response to last week's episode I can't believe how many of you can relate and how many people have resonated with of all the things we're talking to last week's episode I can't believe how many of you can relate and how many people it resonated with of all the things we were talking about last week feeling lonely and
Starting point is 00:21:10 like you don't belong and you can't connect with people it was so comforting for me as well like so many of you you guys are saying that oh my god like it made me feel so much better hearing you say it like it's so refreshing I've never heard anybody talk about that before I have never heard anybody talk about it either I've never heard anybody say them sorts of things out loud and it was scary it was really scary to do and it feels so comforting for me to know that you guys feel the same um and not all of you obviously but to everybody that that can relate first of all I'm I'm sad that you can't relate but also glad selfishly because I'm not a fucking freak but yeah um yeah I've never heard anybody talk about that I've never heard anybody say them sorts of things out loud so I was so scared that the response was just gonna be like yeah no that's not fucking
Starting point is 00:22:03 normally they're saying wrong with you but yeah happily for me a lot of you guys sent me some really amazing messages just saying that you feel the same lots of comments on TikTok so yeah I love you guys so much um let's just get into the episode enough waffling Leah welcome to Leah on the line join me every Tuesday as I dial your number for the ultimate unfiltered bestie catch up. Whatever it is, we will laugh together and guide each other along the way. Head to leahontheline.com and follow Leah on the Line on Instagram to get involved. Love you. Okay, everybody. So this weekly debate was actually thrown into the group chat by one of you guys and it is, when do you start to discuss your non-negotiables when dating? So do you want kids? You know, are you looking for a wife? Like all of this. Okay. Because I get it. Sometimes,
Starting point is 00:23:01 before I get into your responses, I'm just going to quickly throw out my opinion because I don't know so let me explain why I'm not I'm on the fence because sometimes like when you are dating it feels fucking it feels a bit mad to be like so do you want kids when you're like early doors it does but at the same time what's weird about that like we're chatting because we're potentially gonna be in a fucking relationship you know that's why we're talking surely so yeah it's just a little bit mad to think that it feels so weird to say are you looking for a wife but at the same time it's kind of important and like pretty a pretty normal thing to ask each other if we are dating because if you if you do want children it's possible that I may be the woman that gives them to you you know but on the flip
Starting point is 00:23:57 side what if I don't want children and let's not get into something if this if that's something you want and I'm not willing to give that to you or can't give that to you and you know vice versa so you know it does make sense to have these conversations early doors but I get it like it does it does feel a little bit like whoa one day at a time girl but why why one day at a time because I don't want to waste any any days if we don't want the same things, you know? Right, let's have a look what you guys think. When it starts to get serious, I find a lighthearted way to bring it up and see their reaction. Yeah, I guess as soon as we know, like, we're not just shagging, or as soon as we know this could potentially go into something quite serious, or I'm starting to actually kind of
Starting point is 00:24:42 get feelings for you, or we're starting to meet the meet the parents you know maybe that'd be a good time to be like before we do this okay within the first few months I'm not about wasting time yeah when you feel like things are getting serious near the end of the talking stage for me yeah you know what would be a good way to bring up early doors if you wanted to bring up early doors i think you know when you're having them deep chaps and you go like what what's your like biggest goal in life you know or like where do you see yourself in five years where do you see yourself in 10 years that's a good one because if if you say to a guy you know say you're like 25 and you go where do you see yourself in
Starting point is 00:25:25 10 years and he goes probably like living abroad or like doing a bit of solo traveling you know okay see ya like we probably aren't gonna be together but if he's like well you know hopefully i've settled down like to be married at that point you know maybe have a couple of kids then it's like all right i know what you want i actually i think i've just cracked the code guide just ask ask you ask them where they see themselves in 10 years but then if they're one of the people they go oh i don't even know where to see myself next week well think about it let's think about it you know i hate that response oh i don't know even though i do it myself i just realized that where'd you see yourself in five years literally fuck knows what are you talking about fuck knows but if i was dating someone i'd go you know you know
Starting point is 00:26:18 well i'll be 30 so i might be thinking about having a couple of kids i'll actually be 32 i'll just be 31 this time in five years but in will i be 31 yeah because i'm i'm 26 but i'm actually 27 in two months don't talk to me about it all right um first date this girl says you know what why the fuck not and also if you think it's weird piss off yeah do you know what i mean as early as possible I wouldn't want to waste time wanting something the other doesn't yeah and you know what I do actually think age would definitely play a part in this because if I'm 19 20 I'm probably not going to ask you if you're thinking about having kids because unless I plan on having them anytime soon or like at a younger age because for me personally I wasn't and I was not thinking about kids when I was 19 20 21 22 23 24
Starting point is 00:27:13 I wasn't thinking about kids right when I'm 19 20 so if I'm dating someone and when I was dating people back then I was not asking them if they see children in their future or if they want to get married because I wasn't really thinking that far ahead at that age. Whereas at this age, it would be important to me. This age, like if I was single, God forbid, and I'm dating again, I'd have to say to them, like, do you see children in your future? Is this something that you want? Because if not, like, I'm 37 soon.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Do you know what I mean? First date, CBA wasting time. Absolutely, though. Yeah, agreed. Very early on, no one wants to waste their time. ASAP, straight away, nine year relationship. Now the one that stays usually wants the same. Yeah, that's a great point. Like, if we, if I can say to you on our first date, do you know, do you want kids one day
Starting point is 00:28:17 and you say, no, fantastic. I'm glad we had this talk. Do you know what I mean? Goodbye. I'm glad we had this talk. Whereas if, if it's like, yeah's like yeah of course i do brilliant would you like to go on a second date do you know what i mean it doesn't mean i want to have kids with you necessarily it doesn't mean i'm like brilliant impregnate me that's not what i'm asking you i'm not asking you to get me pregnant all right billy i'm just want to know that we want the same thing so i'm not wasting your time and you ain't wasting mine all right um first couple of chats I don't want to waste any time I honestly say early on like the first few dates for me it's so important um as soon as my feelings are involved yeah early dating this is important for some people and can be a deal breaker yes yes it does um
Starting point is 00:29:01 from the get-go so I know it's worth putting my time into okay great point it's not just about like oh are we right for each other or like you know it's like it's I'm gonna dedicate some time to this and I know what I'm looking for and if it's not if it's not going to be with you at all like it's not even a possibility to be with you i don't want to even waste this time like i don't want to put my effort and time and feelings and emotions and energy into this situation when it's gonna feel like a waste i've got hiccups why did i yawn then that was really weird hiccuped and yawned. Took my breath away. Right. As soon as possible. I don't want to invest time in someone that doesn't want the same things.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Okay. 90% of these responses, as soon as possible. Okay. This girl says about the six month mark of being official. Wowzers, girl. But then like, if you was younger yeah i probably didn't even ask my exes when i was young do you want kids like um it's so important to me so when we first start dating yeah a few dates in as early as possible start at the start you're wasting time first day i want to know our thoughts align absolutely in the talking stage because why waste why waste time if you want different things for your future okay 98 i'd say are on the early doors babe early fucking doors i want to know come on do you want kids do you want to get married do you want to live in the uk or are you moving abroad
Starting point is 00:30:40 because i want to live in spain how we we feeling about that? Would you move to Spain? Sometimes I think about living in Spain. Obviously, you guys know I'm like, lucky Espanol, Espanol. Not even a little bit Spanish, turns out. Scottish, but still Spanish. It's fine. But I would like to live in Spain. Be bueno, suro este de España.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You know? Well, I'd like to say that, but I can't. I say, But yeah, sometimes I think about living in Spain. Sometimes I think I could open a little strip club. No, I'm joking. All right. Thank you guys so much for sending in your responses to the weekly debate.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I love you. You guys are all so helpful, so intelligent. intelligent all right let's get into some dilemmas okay everybody buckle up because we have some brilliant dilemmas today i'm gonna kick it off with this one to start it off okay hey leah sorry if this turns out to be a long one i've used fake names fyi okay i'm in a bit of a situation in january 2023 i started going out with a boy mike who i didn't fancy i decided to give him a go even though he was not my usual type because my usual type has fucked me over one too many times this guy ended up still fucking me over as soon as i managed to catch feelings lol
Starting point is 00:32:05 brilliant yeah don't even bother going for the nice guys by the way guys whilst i was with mike he invited me to his friend's wedding okay beautiful at the wedding i met a guy ryan who was completely my usual type and i was so attracted to him okay this guy had a girlfriend and I was obviously with Mike so I tried to take my mind off it yeah okay it's like sexy sexy boy but ends there side note Mike was not friends with Ryan until they met on the stag do so they had only officially met twice okay so no loyalties there from Ryan to Mike and vice versa. Okay, brilliant. So a few messaged me about a month after the wedding and asked if I wanted to meet up for a coffee. And we ended up
Starting point is 00:32:51 going for a dog walk. We got on really well. But obviously, that's the first time we'd met sober. It was kind of like a first date. We were asking each other what we do for jobs, where we went to school, how old we were. We said we'd meet up again and get together with the boys and have a barbecue but nothing ever came of it okay mike split up with me in august and sophie messaged me just to check i was okay but we never spoke since okay so we don't really have much of a friendship here it's like we met once we met twice whatever oh magpie salute back to the current day i posted a sexy selfie on my instagram story yesterday big fucking slay and ryan liked it i felt awkward because imagine i imagine sophie would be pissed off at that i checked his profile there were still pictures of them both together so presumed they're still together ryan a little bit fishy today comes and ryan messages me saying
Starting point is 00:33:47 me and sophie broke up and that she's moved out today fucking hell he fancied you at that wedding he fancied you at that wedding he's been waiting for this moment she's out the fucking front door he's straight in your dms i'm sorry the disrespect to sophie but still can't resist can he all the pictures I saw yesterday are now deleted from both their profiles I was normal and said oh that's such a shame you guys were great I hope you're okay call me if you need anything he has carried on the conversation and said I can't believe you've not found a new boyfriend yet. Okay, I'm not looking for a man. Let's start there. I can see where his conversation is going and I'm confused. I think we would be a great couple and I thought that from the day we met at the wedding. He thought it too. Ryan thought it too. But I can't work out where my loyalty
Starting point is 00:34:42 stand with Sophie as we are friends but have not spoken since August and have only officially met each other twice obviously if I did go there it's still too soon if she's moved out today however in a few months time if he's still trying what do you think do I need to ask Sophie's permission shall I go on a few dates and see what it's like before I mention to Sophie shall I just stay clear and avoid it altogether although I'm 27 I'm feeling like time is ticking I'm finding a man thanks for your help babe love you bye oh I think Ryan met you at this fucking wedding and he thought god damn it Sophie why'd you have to be here right now? I think he felt the chemistry. I think
Starting point is 00:35:25 he felt a connection with you. But like you, he was in a relationship. He saw that you were in a relationship. His relationship has now naturally come to an end. I'm not going to lie. I get it because it's like, oh, like it's a bit snaky if I, if anything comes of it because of Sophie, like she's so lovely you know we've met up we've hung out she was sweet when I went through a breakup myself but at the same time you met her twice okay once because you were pushed together and you actually met up once so what if Ryan is the man of of you know what if Ryan's your soulmate what if Ryan is the man of, you know, what if Ryan is your soulmate? What if Ryan is your soulmate and you're going to sacrifice fully being with your soulmate
Starting point is 00:36:12 because of a girl that you met once and a half? Did we count the wedding? You know, you met her twice, let's be real. And what if Ryan is your soulmate? I get it. It's not nice do i think you need to message her i don't know because you're not going to be friends after this like let's say you and ryan are going to give it a go you're going to go on a date you're probably going to
Starting point is 00:36:37 have sex you could even end up together right you and sophie are not going to be friends you can't be you can't be friends with his ex and she can't be friends with her ex's new girlfriend. So if things develop with you and Ryan, you and Sophie can no longer be friends. So what will messaging her about this do? She's just going to think, fuck you, you fucking bitch. She's going to think that whether you tell her or not. Maybe it's a bit nicer if you tell her. looks nicer from you does it change things for her no like it look you look like a nicer person by doing that however she is she's not gonna go oh you know like crack on babe like i really felt your chemistry like i'm sure you guys will have an amazing relationship she'll be like are you fucking joking me that's my ex like is there no one else and you know no matter what you say to
Starting point is 00:37:29 her she's not gonna it's unlikely she might you never know she might not actually be into this guy at all at this point but it's unlikely that she's gonna go go go for it babe balls deep hope hope he shags you hard like she's probably gonna be like you're a bitch but at the same time like are you a bitch no i don't think so like what you he shouldn't be off limits too because you might have once what if he just saw me you had this connection you had this attraction he clearly felt it too maybe i would just if you think okay here's what I would do I would meet up with him you know go on a couple of dates keep it private if it if it starts to feel like oh you know like we've got feelings for each other at this point or I can see myself getting feelings for him then I think it's worth
Starting point is 00:38:19 popping her a message to say like look I'm so sorry I know this isn't very nice to hear I just want to let you know that me and Ryan are seeing each other I know I know you're probably so uncomfortable with that I just felt like you deserve to hear it from me you know I totally understand if you're upset with me it just sort of happened naturally um you know like you know I'm so sorry if this hurts you and you could just send her a message to protect her feelings and just be be more kind towards her because it's not going to feel nice but I don't think you should be that selfless to sacrifice what could be true love for her that doesn't mean you need to be a dick you know just be kind but I don't think you need to tell her anything until it's serious because you could go on a date or two you could even sleep
Starting point is 00:39:09 with him and then go oh you know it was just an attraction thing we're going to leave it there and leave it there and you know you don't really talk to Sophie anymore anyway so you you probably wouldn't hang out with her and then it's fine and hopefully she wouldn't hear it from anywhere because you know realistically why why would she, I guess, as long as we can keep it there. And just leave it and it's fine. Nothing comes from it. She doesn't need to know because nothing come from it.
Starting point is 00:39:33 It's fine. But yeah, I feel like maybe if it gets a little bit more serious, maybe that's when we could just say, Soph, I just wanted you to hear it from me. I'm so sorry if you feel betrayed. I would totally understand if you don't ever want to speak to me again, but I just really wanted you to hear it from me I'm so sorry if you feel betrayed I would totally understand if you don't ever want to speak to me again but I just really wanted you to hear it from me you know I don't know that's what I'm thinking because I'm just a sucker for love and I think if she's not a friend like we met through through uh convenience and situation you you know, and we made a friendship. We decided to make a friendship,
Starting point is 00:40:07 but we met once and we don't really speak anymore. So what if Ryan is your soulmate? What if he's your twin flame? And that was just the universe's way of bringing you together through through mutuals, through being wedding guests, you know, because you were supposed to meet. And if you weren't dating Luke, Luke? No, what's his name? Who's your ex? Luke. What the fuck am I talking about?
Starting point is 00:40:33 Mike. If you weren't dating Mike and he wasn't dating Sophie, you would never have met. And that's why you were together. You know, you never know. I'm just a sucker for love. Please give me an update. I need an update to that one okay love you so much you got this all right next dilemma hey leah love you on the pod so much i'm so happy you're back oh i love you i'm so happy to be back this is a long
Starting point is 00:40:59 one hopefully it won't be too complicated okay there's a girl i work with and we'll call her ruby she has a crush on a bartender called james don't worry these are fake names okay stunning but james has a girlfriend we'll call her katie okay so james and ruby work together they've they've got some sort of crush but james is in a relationship with katie so nothing came of it until recently when James and Ruby slept together drunk and then on two other occasions. So James is having an affair at this point. James is cheating on his girlfriend now three times with a girl at work. It turns out James had told Ruby he loved her and was begging to see her all the time and her crush led her to be stupid james said everything he knew he needed to say because he's a fucking boy right um james has been going out with katie for four years for reference oh fuck since this they
Starting point is 00:41:59 have been flirting at work taking their breaks together and it just doesn't sit right with me james even posted a photo dump on insta with separate pictures of both katie and ruby in oh my god what's that saying was like you're dangling the carrot that's not the same that's not the catchphrase at all that's like when you're teasing somebody you know when you're like it's right in front of their eyes but they have no fucking clue what a oh my god what smug little prick imagine guys imagine cheating on your partner and posting them in your fucking photo dump with your partner in what a smug little rat rat um okay um okay where am i okay james is refusing to tell to tell katie what happened and ruby is blinded by his lies that they are gonna break up soon oh he's giving it the big end i'll leave her
Starting point is 00:42:52 for you i'll leave her for you literally everyone at my work knows but i just can't help but want to message katie i've also seen him be super flirty with other girls which makes me wonder has this happened before i know it's not my place but all these people know and she doesn't. How is that fair? James is also being really smug that Katie will never find out which makes my blood boil. Morally I just want to message this girl because she deserves to know but as I don't know Katie I feel as though it's not my place. But no one else will tell her. I've tried to speak to Ruby about this but all she does is make up excuses for James and it's clear that he's manipulated her i just want this poor girl to run miles away from james i'm also not worried about upsetting james because we don't really speak and it's and it's his own
Starting point is 00:43:32 fault please help a girl out i can't get this poor girl out my head you are such an empath and i love that for you i would be exactly the same i would be like you fucking prick you think i'm just gonna sit back and watch you fucking destroy some girl for a shag or 10 like you're destroying two girls here ruby needs to wake up okay but you know we'll leave her there because you know whatever I think I'm going to the girlfriend I'm being I'm being real and I don't often say that I often say like you know go to them and say you need to tell her you have to tell her this isn't right or I'd say go to Ruby and say you need to cut this off it's not fair but you've spoken to Ruby you also don't care about upsetting James which I love because why would you you know why are we protecting him?
Starting point is 00:44:26 I think that's what we need to remember. Why would I protect you here? I'm protecting James over an innocent girl who's been cheated on here. Like, why am I doing that? I'm going to Katie if I'm being real. I'd probably ask to call her. I'd probably text her and say like, hey, I know this is so random. You don't know me. But there's something I really need to talk to you about. You know, is it okay if I call you when you've got a moment? Because I wouldn't want to send that text. I wouldn't want someone to read that over text. I just think that's cruel. So I'd probably call her and I'd say like, look, if you want, I will meet you. Like we can sit and have a coffee somewhere. I'll tell you everything I know. We can, you know, talk about this together.
Starting point is 00:45:11 You may even become such good friends with her. But I would just prioritize her feelings 1 million percent in your delivery, in your response, in your timing, like everything about how you tell katie which i really believe you should i think you need to prioritize her a million percent um ruby i'm not prioritizing your feelings i've tried to talk to you about it you're not fucking listening right yes you are a victim in this situation in terms of you're being manipulated by a man but also you're you are still making your decisions and i can't support the decisions you're making james you're a prick in this situation i have no empathy or sympathy for you whatsoever and i i hope this comes back and fucking bites you i really hope it does the only person i have sympathy for and i'm fucking here for right now is katie yeah it's none
Starting point is 00:46:02 of my fucking business i shouldn't be getting involved but you shouldn't be putting it in front of me then you shouldn't be putting it under my nose because now it's my business now I can't sleep at night because of what I'm witnessing so you've made it my business if you don't like it it's your own fault that's how I feel so I'd text Katie on Instagram or whatever and I'd say like hey babe I know this is so random. Do you have a minute when you're free? I need to talk to you about something. And then give her my phone number. And then I'd say, what's up me? Or, you know, give me a call when you're free. I really need to talk to you. And then, because I wouldn't want to riddle her with anxiety in that first message. I don't want to go, there's something you should know call me because you'll be fucking shitting yourself
Starting point is 00:46:49 like you would have the worst anxiety your heart would be good pitter patter out your fucking chest um and then she'd have pure anxiety until she rings you waiting for you to answer she could be at work and she might not be able to call you for another six hours and she's got to live with that for six hours so I would just be really mindful of her circumstances and just say like um it's nothing to worry about probably I'd probably lie in the first message and say it's nothing to worry about I don't want you to worry or actually I wouldn't say it's nothing to worry about because that's just pure bullshit I'd say like don't panic like I don't I don't want I don't mean to give you pure anxiety but there is definitely something I want to talk to you about um call me when you've got time when you've got time I'd probably do this
Starting point is 00:47:29 about 7 p.m when you know it's unlikely she might be at work unless she works nights or evenings I'm not sure and then call her or she calls me and I'd say you're going out with James right yeah you've been together how long have you been together okay have you had any breaks like have you been on and off at all at any point and if if the answer is no I'm gonna say oh I was I was sort of hoping that wasn't gonna be the case because there's something that I've been witnessing and I think girl to girl you have every right to know and you deserve better and obviously it's gonna be hell she is gonna feel sick she is instantly gonna be like what just tell me what what and then you you do have to break the news but do you know what I think you're the better person because you're protecting a girl from being in a relationship with someone
Starting point is 00:48:20 that does not deserve her and I think build her up when you have this phone call with her build her up tell her that she's stunning tell her she doesn't deserve it tell her he's a fucking piece of shit anyway and she deserves better i think that's important you know i'm not being funny katie you're absolutely stunning you're gorgeous you do not deserve this i'm calling you because girl to girl i can't sit back and watch it and everyone's gonna be pissed off at me for telling you but i think you deserve it and I think that's more important than anything else and what anyone thinks of me right now to be honest you know so yeah that's what I'm doing anyway and I think anyone that can sit back and watch it fuck you man like I just can't that's so crazy to me all right love you so much I'm so proud of you for that
Starting point is 00:49:07 please keep us updated please please don't be cruel don't be cruel that's tight if you tell us all of this and then you don't tell us how it all goes down that's tight please don't be mean I love you I love you okay let's do another one hi lovely I just want to say I've been listening to you for years and absolutely love all your pods and you've really helped me get through some tough times oh i love you thank you for being here so long okay i'm a fellow endo girly and would love your help with my relationship slash sex dilemma so i had my endosurgery two days after yours oh surgery twin seven slash eight weeks ago yeah i don't actually know how long ago it was now
Starting point is 00:49:46 um and it went well but my recovery has just been so hard my pain tiredness and bloating has been horrid and although me and my partner live together and have been together for over a year and a half it's been tough on our relationship i've struggled getting back to myself and i'm nowhere near there still but my boyfriend's anxiety levels and depression has also been so high due to worrying about me and if I'll ever get back to the way I was before. Oh bless him. I'm looking through TikToks, Google, Instagram and more for some inspiration but honestly it's either people talking about being better after two weeks or never being themselves again. Do you know know what I found this as well is like I was comparing I was googling and comparing my situation to everybody's before because I wanted to know what to expect and it didn't help me because
Starting point is 00:50:34 some people be like I had a fucking hysterectomy and now I you know I'm whatever and some people were like oh but I went back to work the next day so I was like what do I fucking expect here what what I don't know what to expect so to be honest I think um comparing ourselves to everyone else is not it's actually not very helpful at all um so I get it I do I do actually totally get it um reading on sorry onto the relationship i love my partner more than anything and we are so close and honestly best friends as well as me knowing he's the sexiest man on the planet oh i love that however the sex just hasn't gone back to normal yet we used to have sex two or three times a week and we didn't have sex until around four five weeks post-surgery however i got unimaginable pain and cramps after we've
Starting point is 00:51:26 been trying around once a week maybe longer since that first time but it just doesn't feel the same I'm so anxious about the pain and cramps coming after the sex he is worried to hurt me and it's just not as connected what do I do oh babe okay I can completely relate and not in terms of my post-surgery because I consider myself very lucky that my recovery was fine but again like you there's so many people that their recovery was fucking rough so you're not alone in that but I can relate in terms of when before my surgery I used to get serious pain during and mainly after sex that like you I couldn't really relax during sex because I was so like is this hurting me am I getting cramps is it feeling like my stomach's stabbing me yet and then as soon as like we started having sex if I got like okay so for me, in my experience, when this was pre-surgery for me,
Starting point is 00:52:27 one of my main symptoms of endo was pain after sex. So what would happen is during the sex, I'd start getting like stabbing tight cramps in my stomach. And then as soon as we'd stop having sex, it was like somebody had gone times a million on that pain. And it was like somebody had gone times a million on that pain and it was like and I would be held over crying I remember once the pain was so bad that I felt myself slowly passing out right and I remember thinking I might even be dying here like this this passing out feeling I could also be dying like the pain is that bad and I remember thinking like whichever it is to be honest like as long as the pain stops that's how bad it can be that is how bad it can be that I was like I don't even know if I'm passing out right now but if it means the pain will stop I'm
Starting point is 00:53:18 not even fighting it that's crazy that's crazy that's how bad the pain is so after that one experience where it was so terrifying that time where I would rather have just been unconscious than conscious because of the pain I was terrified and I didn't have sex for a while after that because I was like no I'm not doing that again I'm not I'm never ever that's the worst pain I've ever felt worse than my periods worse than anything and then when I started to slowly be like okay let's see if it comes back every time I'd have sex after that it was like I was thinking am I in pain is the pain coming back am I right how am I feeling right now so you're you're tense and you're uncomfortable and you can't orgasm you can't like relax and enjoy it you're you're so you're clenched right your stomach is is hurt
Starting point is 00:54:07 and it's tight and that's going to cause more pain so it's such a vicious cycle right and i can can totally sympathize with what you're experiencing when you're trying to have sex because you want that connection with your partner you also want to pleasure them you also want to pleasure yourself you miss it and then you're having sex and you're like right am I in agony is this hurting me and then you you're so not in the moment that it's gonna make it harder and I think what works what worked for me was just accepting that sometimes because this was me pre-surgery like I said and I consider myself quite lucky that since my surgery I haven't really had that pain but it became very normal for me for a long time that anytime I had sex it was a case
Starting point is 00:54:53 of like right is this hurting me and I'd know pretty early doors if it was safe to go or not and if it wasn't I'd be like nope nope it's hurting me already stop and I would stop there because I didn't want to be in agony and I'd have cramps for a bit sometimes I'd have to just go and curl up on the toilet and I'd get a hot flush and I might even vomit from the pain but it was it just became so normal for me that I'd be able to communicate that with with Jamie and just say like let's just see if I'm in pain and if I was in pain it was like nope can't do it and we somehow managed to just not allow it to really matter do you know what I mean because it wasn't a case of like oh I don't want to and I'm not trying like I would just give it a go if I was
Starting point is 00:55:39 in the mood I would give it a go and I think to be honest I would actually recommend for you to go back to a doctor and just double check that everything's all right double check that you know I don't even know but I just would want to hear from a doctor like why since my surgery is the pain worse for me during sex why am I why am I in so much agony after sex like surely that's not normal you know and I'd I'd probably ask for another scan and just to check like I'm in fucking agony please can you just have a look for me um and you never know it could be something that they can just go oh yeah it's different like or this or this I don't know maybe you're on the coil and
Starting point is 00:56:15 there's something up with the coil whatever I would probably go back to the doctors to be honest with you but I think communication is so important and just to say with your partner like if I'm in pain we'll just stop and then you can do other bits you know I think that that's what's nice is you just do other bits you know um it's difficult because you don't want to have to just go oh well what do I do just accept that I can't really have sex that often but like no I don't think you should do that but I think don't just try try so hard to not feel so much pressure in that and just just to be like you know what because for me I just had to accept like my body is just a little bit different like for me I can't just fucking have mad rough hard sex because I get a lot of pain and i have something up with my body and it took a while for me to accept that the fuck my speaker just spoke that
Starting point is 00:57:16 was really creepy yeah it took a while for me to accept that but once i did once i knew like there's nothing to be worried about you know nothing deathly going on I know it's endo blah blah blah I knew before way before my diagnosis that it was endo um and once I'd realized I've had this situation for years it stopped scaring me and just became more like I just accepted it about myself and I think, you know, you're in a beautiful relationship. I found a boyfriend that accepts it about me and doesn't care about that. He cares more about, he doesn't want me to be in pain. So I think you found a beautiful relationship where you can talk about this. You know, he worries so much about you, which is such an amazing, green flag,
Starting point is 00:58:02 by the way. Look at me. he worries about you, green flag, like 10 points, what the fuck, Leah. But yeah, I just think, don't put so much pressure on yourself, understand that it's okay, and you know, take it slow, go easy, and then assess the situation. If you think, you know what, I think I'm all right tonight, let's fucking go to town, babes, let's go to town. But you know, if not let's okay no yeah i can't tonight and that's okay we can do other things we can pleasure each other you know so yeah i sympathize so many women listen to this can sympathize with that not just through endo like pain during sex is a symptom of many things for us women um and yeah it's it's not nice
Starting point is 00:58:47 it can definitely impact relationships and sex life but I think when you're with the right person it it doesn't impact your relationship um or no that's not true because it can no matter how right your person is yeah it is hard it does impact it that's not true but I love you um I sympathize massively for you um I'm proud of you you're doing amazing um and send you a big big hug and I love you so much all right let's actually wrap up the episode girls and boys what's happening girl you all right oh my god is that still in anyone's head or is it just me um i love you guys thank you so much for listening to this episode if you guys have any idea how i can do this group chat situation please let me know you guys are all so smart also does anyone
Starting point is 00:59:39 work at a holiday park because from my caravan holiday i want to be an entertainer I'll tell you why because the what they called like the team entertainment team there was like four of them um and honestly I want that job how does it pay well first of all but second of all it looks so fun because they it looks like they had pretty much creative freedom on the shows and they all had like their own sort of night like they had like their night and one of the guys he did like a cabaret and he just performed loads of songs and you better fucking believe like because it's like for kids and adults but kids it's for families right i have an excuse to sing all my favorite disney channel songs and disney songs and not be in it not be strange like
Starting point is 01:00:34 i could get up there and just sing high school musical and the kids would fucking eat it up yeah do you know what i'm saying like i can teach kids that we're all in this together once we I'm like come on pick up the page you guys are shit you're slacking come on where's the energy no I'm joking I would never taking it really seriously they're like four oh but I could just sing like I could just taking it really seriously they're like four oh but i could just sing like i could just i could do ariana grande i could do a bit little mix because one night they did a full little mix re-edition um i could do i could do hannah montana what was your favorite hannah montana song do you know what mine was
Starting point is 01:01:23 i want to be a rock star I used to love, she'd come out like that bus On the street Oh my god, that song was sick How does that go? Sometimes I walk a little faster In the school hallway Just to get next to you
Starting point is 01:01:39 Some days I spend a little extra time In the morning just to impress you guess you don't notice guess you don't need this ad you're not seeing what you're missing on the outside shying away on the inside dying to say i'm unusual not so typical way too smart to be waiting all round jamie's listening to me right now like especially with podcasting oh i love you hannah honestly if hannah montana went on tour i would give it all up for her i would literally i would sell my soul for a ticket can you imagine that oh yeah imagine the crowds you get the limo out front i could wear actual blonde hood i could wig i could actually be hannah i could actually be like hannah montana is it still on disney channel though because otherwise the kids will be like who is this bitch and that's sad let's
Starting point is 01:02:44 think about that that's sad imagine not actually knowing who hannah montana is what a sad little life jane do you know what i mean oh my god what's the other one that oh that dance move nobody's perfect you live and you learn it what else is a sick hannah montana she actually had some bangers, didn't she? What about that butterfly one? Butterfly fly away. That was sad. He could be the one. He could be the one.
Starting point is 01:03:16 She used to do that with her voice. I'm actually looking it up on Spotify right now. Just a Girl. I can't remember how that goes. Oh. If we were a movie no that was my favorite one fuck rockstar seriously you'd be the right guy and i'd be the best friend that you fall in love with oh my god no that was my fucking jam that was actually my jam i said youtube if we were a movie karaoke like oh oh my god in the end we'd be laughing watching the sunset fade to black seriously who wrote them tunes because they slapped rob Robbie Ray did. Robbie used to write those tunes. Oh, we love you, Hannah. Old Blue Jeans. No, this is also my jam, you guys.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Oh my God, are you actually joking? Don't copyright me. Oh my God. Oh my god. Good things take time. But really great things happen in a blink of an eye. Oh, am I going to get copyrighted? What a tune. Party like you were a million to one really and then she went whoa whoa do you okay say hannah which amelie we just need a couple whoa
Starting point is 01:05:15 whoa whoa okay yeah hit it oh my god imagine the amount of whoa whoa's they add on their file oh great times oh yeah that was like when it was sad and she'd be sat outside on the porch with her guitar thinking about her mom wasn't there another really sad song on the guitar where they're sat on the porch guys i swear oh this was my jam as well you guys yes cards and letters bff me and my friends used to sing our fucking hearts and souls out you got a million ways to make me laugh you're looking out for me you've got my bag it's so good to have you around oh my god what a fucking oh what a time honestly throw it back i miss it who no that's my that's that's Selena. Who's this? Oh my god. Oh my god, I remember this. Oh, this is the best day ever. Who's loving this?
Starting point is 01:06:45 I got nerve. Are you actually kidding? What fucking album? The Mad. And that's okay. Because you will be asking for me one day. Oh my god, if any of you are too young for this. Oh my god, I feel sad.
Starting point is 01:07:05 What's this? the other side of me oh my god what chain where's the one i'm trying to think of it's like a sad one jesse mccartney what was the jesse mccartney one from sweet life something about beautiful what was that i used to love that i remember it guys not the jesse mccartney one the sad one i miss you whoa whoa wait what was it it was called i miss you i need to find it i miss you i miss your smile The way I would sob to this. Still shed a tear every once in a while. It's different now.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Oh, my God. What's the Jesse McCartney one? Let me find it. Oh, my God, you guys. I'm going to skip it before i get copyrighted ready i don't want just anyone i want you and your beautiful soul no i'm sorry the way he was like the biggest heartthrob of Disney Channel to exist I was I was a Joe Jonas girl though I'm not even joking I feel like I was a Zac Efron girl and then as I
Starting point is 01:08:34 developed into my teenage years I was a Joe Jonas girl seriously I didn't get the Nick hype I was like he's literally like four years old you guys like he's like a kid Joe was like he was like so funny charismatic like I was a Joe girl and a Zac Efron girl and were you a Dylan or a Cole girl because I was a Dylan girl I used to love Zac over Cody um what other boys were there on disney do you remember the show jonas la what a fucking throwback apparently that flopped but listen i loved it i didn't like that bitch that played joe's girlfriend because in my head it was joe and demi forever and i didn't her name was chelsea i swear like literally fuck all that awesome win um and nick was going out with that other girl
Starting point is 01:09:27 and she had like brown hair she was really cute and then obviously poor old kevin was just single he was probably married to danny in real life like as he was filming jonas la um yeah what were the other boys what the other heartthrobs of disney channel um we had the sweet life we had the jonas bros the jill bros we obviously had zach um i can't even think of any other shows where there were guys in it on disney to be to be honest what about nickelodeon my oh I loved Kenan and Kel so much I loved Kel I had a massive crush on Kel I loved him so much Drake and Josh I hated Drake he used to do my fucking head in um I honestly what else oh iCarly, the classic, the classic. Come on now, Victorious. Are you joking? Loved it.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Lizzie McGuire. That was Disney. Lizzie McGuire. Do you remember the big red balls? What was the point in the red balls? Not too sure. Was that a metaphor? Not sure. And then the cartoon situation. I just hate when the cartoons would come on. Like go away. The episode of Lizzie McGuire that I always remember. Is there like a specific episode of every show that you remember? For me the episode of Lizzie McGuire that I remember so vividly is the one where she wants them jeans and they're like the coolest jeans ever and I swear they had like a seam right down the middle or down the side that was like thick really visible seam oh I'm not sure but yeah and then she got like a knockoff pair do you remember that uh that was a good episode the episode of Drake and Josh I always remember
Starting point is 01:11:16 is when they were in the tree house I remember that one and he's he hasn't cut the door out um the episode of victorious i always remember i remember quite a few of them victorious to be fair i was a little bit too old to be watching that to be honest but i still loved it so much salmon cat i wasn't a big lover of that i just sort of loved ariana grande so i watched anything she did but i thought the show was really like childish but then I was probably about 17 and it was made for literal eight-year-olds but whatever episode of sweet life I the episode of sweet life I always remember is when they filmed the welcome to the Tipton where everything is sweet that's what I always remember um what else I Carly i always remember the one where freddy and sam get together i was like the fuck why did you write this this was so bizarre like what a plot twist hey and neville remember
Starting point is 01:12:18 neville neville you will rule the day carly and gib And Gibby. I loved Gibby. Gibby was my favorite character in iCarly. What else did we used to watch? Sweet Life on Deck. Yeah, that's when Debbie really came into play on Disney Channel. What's her name? Debbie Ryan. Yeah, she really blossomed in that. And then it was Hey, Jessie.
Starting point is 01:12:43 I used to watch that, but I fucking hated it at the same time. It's annoying. She taught me that show. But I did love it and then it was hey jesse i used to watch that but i fucking hated it at the same time like it's a noise she taught me that show but i did love it and hate it um i'm probably oh my god i'm forgetting a classic you guys know what it is three two one wizards of waverly place selena oh my god another one the demi show sunny with a chance are you kidding how does that song go sunny with a chance i used to love that Oh my God, another one. The Demi Show, Sunny With A Chance. Are you kidding? How does that song go, Sunny With A Chance? I used to love that. No, I'm thinking of the one where she's like, I'm not a supermodel.
Starting point is 01:13:19 I still eat McDonald's, baby. But it's not that one. What was it? Some may say I No, that's the same song Wait a sec I've got it After the races
Starting point is 01:13:33 I'm going places Might be a lunch shot Not gonna erase it This is my big break And it's calling my name Yeah Why did she sing like that though? It's so rock on.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Oh, I love Demi. Honestly, I'm such a Demi and Selena girl. I was obsessed with them. What else? Oh, the Wizard Waverly Plays. yeah, I loved that, what was that, but the snappy things you can make there, that's what I said, everything is not what it seems, you know her boyfriend, was he Zeke, I can't remember, he was like the bad boy, he used to remind me of like, someone out of like, um, Greece or something, you know what I'm talking about,
Starting point is 01:14:24 it was like this like I think his name was Zeke but he should have been called Danny or something like that right he made TikToks talking about his time on Wizards he's he's actually a porn star now I think something like that anyway he was talking about his time on Wizards and like the first time he had to shoot a kissing scene with Selena and he just went in like tongue deep and they were like whoa whoa whoa selena does not do this and they had to like do it again it was really awkward apparently you guys should watch it absolute loss anyway oh who feels really like their inner child is just living and dancing around in their heart right now because
Starting point is 01:15:04 mine is what a long episode i'm so sorry guys well i hope it's a good thing actually i love you guys so much i hope you all had an amazing weekend it's now tuesday we had an amazing weekend sun was out for a lot of us we've had we monday's out the way tuesday let's get this fucking shit on the road right i love you so much i hope you'll have an incredible week and i'll speak to you guys on tuesday for a brand new episode all right i love you

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