Leah on the Line - 108: How to deal with draining friends & his ex is WATCHING ME

Episode Date: June 10, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello you guys what is up happy tuesday okay my my accent of choice recently has been the american and earlier i started to do a bit of aussie um and I realized I haven't done that in so long does anybody else talk aloud to themselves almost as if they're vlogging this is so exposing but listen there's a chance out there that I'm not alone okay so I'm just gonna fucking admit it sometimes when I walk around the house home alone I'll talk out loud as if I'm vlogging I'll literally be like so I don't really have much plan no I can't admit that that's so embarrassing no I do yeah sometimes I do guys sometimes I'll be like okay first things first I need a coffee do you think there's something wrong with me that I do that
Starting point is 00:00:56 not all the time it's not like often guys isn't it like frequent okay one thing I know that you guys do is talk to the mirror like you're filming a makeup tutorial. Or at least you used to. Oh shit, I just realised I haven't got my rapid brow on. I just caught myself in the mirror. Hold on, it's in here actually. This is not sponsored by rapid brow, but let's do it together. Oh, who wants a bit of ASMR ready?
Starting point is 00:01:20 For the headphone users. Is that good? Oh, a bit aggressive. Oh, okay. Right, anyway. Okay, let's put it on the brows, everybody. Let's see if you can hear it. Do you guys hear that is that nice guys sorry oh i'd quite like to do an asmr episode you know so nice and relaxing just whispering sometimes anyway the brows are done i'm really in my rapid brow game because well to be fair you guys already know that i'm a rapid lash advocate right again not sponsored although i wish it was but i also love rapid brow and the other week i was trimming my brows of scissors you know when you like brush them up and you just trim trim trim and i was really rushing it because
Starting point is 00:02:23 i thought oh how wrong can this go do you know what I mean it can go pretty wrong it turns out it turns out and now I've got like proper stencil like 90s brows so I'm filling them in a lot with makeup and going ham on the rapid brow making sure I don't miss my twice a day application so just looked in the mirror and realized my brows I haven't done them today so what do I have to update you on honestly you guys okay the American accent's low-key kind of annoying although I have been watching the Kardashians this morning that it could be that I love the Kardashians I just love them like if you're a hater like just get life like I just love the Kardashians they're just such a slay like I don't know I you know that spell that they have on like people in the world I'm under that spell like I'm one of those
Starting point is 00:03:21 people like I Kim could do anything and I'd be like that's fucking hot I just love them and I you know my favorite Kardashian's probably Chris she's just a fucking legend isn't she oh my god right I was listening to the basement yard podcast the other day shout out yeah I'm sure they I'm sure they're listening shout out frankie frank shout out joe i love joe and frankie from the basement yard okay i think they're just the funniest okay love you joe but like frankie is just like the sweetest guy i love that he's always like just gassing up his wife like i just love the basement yard right so funny as well i love their um british accent when they're like jason statham jason
Starting point is 00:04:07 statham they're just fucking brilliant anyway they were talking because joe is like the kind of guy where you can fall asleep he can just fall asleep frankie is like right tv off you know lights off tv off say good night turn over my eyes, I'm off to sleep. Joe can leave the telly on and fall asleep and wake up in the morning and it's still on. I've realised, I didn't realise there were people that fell asleep. After this episode, I did a bit of investigating in the people around me. Turns out people can just like fall asleep like and and it's an accident and you didn't make a conscious decision i'm going to fall asleep now that nothing has fucked my head up more than that i don't think i find that crazy like when people like shit i fell asleep eh what do you mean like if i want to fall asleep i have to make a conscious decision i'm going to
Starting point is 00:05:04 sleep even if I'm not a napper I don't nap right but even if I was like right I'm gonna have a little daytime nap like say I'm really not well or I'm hanging or something like that I'm going up to my room I'm getting on my bed I think if you nap in your bed in the day like you're getting under the duvet there's gotta be something wrong like that's criminal i don't want to be getting under that duvet until the end of the day at night time so that when i make my bed every morning i know i'll see you later babe can't wait do you know what i mean daytime i'm getting under the throw that is on my bed you know everyone not everyone people have a lot of people it's very common to have a throw
Starting point is 00:05:45 on your bed right right so yeah there's a throw on on a lot of people's bed i'm getting under that to have my very rare day daytime nap and i'm on my bed i'm laying on my cushion I'm not laying on my pillow I'm laying I'm laying on a cushion with a throw over me on my bed in daylight I'm not it's not getting dark right but I don't accidentally fall asleep like never in my life have I woken up and just been like shit fuck I fell asleep people do that apparently I find that insane people can just like oh my god I fell asleep like your mind must be so relaxed and just like like what's that like like to to your mind must just be so relaxed I'd love to know what that feels like like that's insane also like it brings me on to the people that don't have an internal
Starting point is 00:06:46 monologue like what I cannot wrap my fucking heat around that like I just can't please let me know if you're somebody that doesn't have an internal monologue you have to let me know okay back to the ASMR I'm about to put on some lip oil are you you ready? Oh my god, that's good. Okay, let's bring down the volume, Leah. Let's make this nice, okay? Okay, you guys, do you guys need some lip oil? This is a strawberry scented vitamin lip oil. Vitamin. Americans say vitamin. Okay, I'm going to put it on your lips now.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Just open up. Anyway. Anytime I do anything that involves cosmetics or anything while I'm just sat here doing the pod it's gonna have to be ASMR I just wonder how it's gonna sound when I compress the audio like are you gonna hear it anyway what was I talking about napping yeah now that my lips are all oily and my my brows are nice and um serumed that makes no sense let's get back to the chat so yeah people can fall asleep by accident that's crazy i have to consciously decide i'm going upstairs for a nap like i'm so exhausted that like i can't keep my eyes open and to some that might be
Starting point is 00:08:21 falling asleep but i can feel that i can't keep my eyes open I can feel that my eyes want to want to shut you know when you're reading your book or I don't know just any time that you're so relaxed that's like the only time I'm relaxed ever when I'm reading my book and I get so sleepy my eyes start feeling heavy and I'm like oh god I'd love to just fall asleep like my limbs start going a little bit oh I'm a little bit drunk and I think I'm gonna go to sleep now I don't just like keep I don't fight through that feeling to the point where I lose and I'm asleep and I guess is that what it means when people say that they accidentally fall asleep do you feel yourself getting all drowsy do you feel the eyes going do you feel it happening and then rather than going right i'm gonna put my book down and fall asleep you just
Starting point is 00:09:12 you just keep feeling it and then you fall asleep in your book is that what happens maybe i should try that but then still i wouldn't consider that like oh shit i fell asleep because i remember falling asleep i remember my eyes feeling heavy you know like I find it so confusing that people wake up and they're like shit I didn't even know I was falling asleep are you that unconscious that fast anyway it just blew my head clean off but I hope you guys are feeling really good today. It's a Tuesday, so good to be back. Of course, it's the usual episode, Dilemma, Weekly Bait, Weekly Bait, Weekly Debate and Dilemmas. I'm really looking forward to it, you guys. I've missed you so much
Starting point is 00:09:57 over the past week. I hope you've all had a really nice week, whatever it is that you've been up to. I did make a Discord server because you guys helped me when I when I said like how can I do this Lear on the Line group chat without it being over Instagram. Loads of you were like do it on Discord, create a server on Discord and I did and I'm, listen, I'm not loving it. The link is in the Instagram bio of Lear on the Line. If you click the Lear on the Line bio on on instagram there is a link tree and it's at the top to join the discord server it's maybe it's just because i don't know how to use discord i'm not a gamer girl so i don't understand discord but hopefully it will all come naturally
Starting point is 00:10:37 to us so yeah if you do want to join the group chat head to the leah on the line instagram page click the link in the bio and we'll do it there. Okay, you guys. I hope you're all feeling really good. I love you so much. Thank you so much for being here, my presence today. Thank you for having me in yours. Let's get into the episode. Welcome to Leah on the Line. Join me every Tuesday as I dial your number for the ultimate unfiltered bestie catch up. Whatever it is, we will laugh together and guide each other along the way. Head to Leahontheline.com and follow Lear on the Line on Instagram to get involved. Love you! Okay, guys, what are we thinking of Sabrina's new song? I'm loving it, you guys. I'm loving it. Please, please, please don't prove I'm right i'll tell you what though that's a song i cannot sing that is
Starting point is 00:11:28 such a hard song to sing it's all over the shop but i'm loving it i just she's just my fucking hero i love her i walk around the house going motherfucker why is it it's just like country it's got such a country vibe and i love it. I beg you don't embarrass me, motherfucker. I love it, mate. I, motherfucker. I just love it. Oh, I'm asking, baby. I want you guys.
Starting point is 00:12:00 But the ceiling fan is so nice. Oh, she's just such a little character isn't she she's such a little polly pocket like such little minks i just love her she's fucking pure bunt pure fucking fit mate i just love her all right uh weekly debate weekly debate so this was a request from one of you guys shout out i love you so much the weekly debate today is your friend is draining you with their negative energy what do you do we've all been there we've all been there and the thing is i'm sure every now and then some of us have been the the friend that's draining um and if so like do you know what i mean? Um, sometimes it's just life. Sometimes things
Starting point is 00:12:48 are difficult, but that doesn't make it not hard. Like it's bloody hard. It is really hard when you are finding yourself in this situation where your friend, maybe she's going for a breakup or maybe her mentality is just a little bit off at the moment. Things aren't going right for them at the moment and they're struggling to be positive or, you know, whatever it is. They've got their reasons, but that doesn't mean it's not draining, you know. So what are we going to do about it? Let's have a little read. Speak to them.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Be honest. Communication is key. No one can change without knowing. Great like they have no clue how they're impacting you unless you communicate that to them fucking hiccups oh i'm not as high and it's just like my brain's gasping for oxygen it's mental all right Brains gasping for oxygen. It's mental. All right. Stop being so responsive to them.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Take time between messages and not see them so often. Okay, so basically, in other words, is we're creating a bit of distance here. Yeah. Distance myself for a bit. Yeah, there we go. But then it's difficult because your friend needs you right now. Like your friend is fucking going through it.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And if you just pull back, who do they have? And what kind of friend does that make you? You know, it's difficult because although it's draining, what kind of friend does it make you? You know? Okay, carrying on. Remove them, someone says. Yeah, I guess. Like there is only so much you're expected to do for friends if they are completely draining the
Starting point is 00:14:25 fucking life out of you you know you can't be that selfless where you totally sacrifice your mental health and your happiness just for the sake of being a good friend you know um to be honest just try and lift my friend's energy ignore it and let it let it get to me because I don't like confrontation no so many people will be able to relate what would I do um um I think okay I think what I would do is try to make it obvious without having to talk about it without having to talk about it so I have actually been in this position and the way I tend to respond is you know say the friends like if I'm like oh let's go out you know let's go out tonight and they're like oh what's the point I've got no money I feel like shit I look shit I feel shit so fucking point then I'll be the one that's like all right negative nelly bloody hell fucking else like i held a gun to your head do you know what i mean only suggested a night out and it helps people
Starting point is 00:15:31 recognize their response to something without it being so serious and without me having to be like look um you're really draining the life of me um you know like I feel like especially in the friendships I have I we're close enough where I can just say bloody hell mate do you know what I mean like obviously I'll be here for you if there's something serious if it's something quite deep like something serious is going on maybe they're going for a breakup then my response would be different it would be like well you know it'd be good for you or if if they're if it wouldn't be good for them I'm like oh okay well I'm really craving a night out I might I might see what blah blah blah is doing you know because at the end of the day just because your friend's going through something doesn't mean that you have to go through it as well all the time you know
Starting point is 00:16:19 like we're there for our friends but we should also be able to prioritize ourselves um at times um so yeah i think i'd probably just be like fucking out let's come on let's cheer up a bit do you know what i mean but then if i was really struggling and someone said that to me it just makes me feel worse i think oh so you hate me so he's saying you fucking hate me in other words yeah thanks for that you fucking bitch how would i want someone to tell me that i think that's probably a good way to think about it if i was really draining someone with my negative energy i wouldn't want them to just distance themselves um I probably would respond better to someone just being like all right negative Nelly do you know what I mean and then I then I can be like
Starting point is 00:17:11 oh true that was so negative of me do you know what I mean because sometimes you don't even realize like I've definitely been through it myself where like I can get in such a negative headspace that it's not until a TikTok comes up on my for you page where it's like oh you know like you got a few things this way like bloody hell yeah I'm being a real I'm being really pessimistic at the moment I need to cheer the fuck up and sometimes I don't even really realize so yeah sometimes it's all right just to make a bit of bounce about um let's have a look have a word no negi vibes allowed here honey ask if they're okay as they seem a bit down recently anything i can do to help and ask if work is okay oh what a sweet friend
Starting point is 00:17:53 that's actually lovely like you're the first person so far who's actually thought to ask them if they're okay didn't cross my mind um is everything all right you're just fucking negative um i dump them i'm already dealing with enough negativity in my life well yeah i mean you know there you go i limit my time with them because i need positivity in my life yeah you know you are who you surround yourself with there is that as well been there done that had to block it off it was too mentally draining on myself cut them off um nothing i'm a people pleaser offload babe offload give it all to me um speak to them and ask if they're okay sometimes there's something below the surface yep distance myself completely it might seem selfish but my mental health is more
Starting point is 00:18:46 important to me yeah you know you know quietly distance yourself yeah that's the thing like sometimes people just need to go through something alone you know and we don't need to be dragged down we don't not when we're feeling the good vibes no I'll tell you when it's the worst when you're on the fucking good vibes and someone is just like everything is shit like if they're like a glass half empty person I personally find that really difficult to be around like glass half empty people so I remember I was working in one of the pubs right right? And this girl come in and she was like, I've had the worst morning. I like woke up late. And then she was like,
Starting point is 00:19:30 I nearly got run over this morning. I was like, but you didn't. Like you could have walked in and gone, oh my God, I'm so lucky. I nearly got run over this morning and I didn't. Do you know what I mean? And I said to her, I was like, you've come in and gone,
Starting point is 00:19:44 for fuck's sake, I've had the worst morning. I nearly got run over fucking this morning. I nearly got hit by a car. do you know what I mean like and I said to her I was like you you've come in and gone for the worst morning I nearly got run over fucking this morning and got hit by a car whereas like you could have been gone like you could have gone I've been so lucky this morning I woke up late but luckily I woke up you know only 10 minutes late could have been so much worse thank fuck I woke up 10 minutes later and then I nearly got hit by a car, but thank fuck I didn't, like, luck is really on my side today, you know, like, there is different ways to think about things, and yeah, I find those people quite difficult to be around for long periods of time, like, if they're just like, oh, you know, like, I just feel so shit at the moment, like, but it's, it goes on for a long period and you start to think
Starting point is 00:20:26 is that just you like are you quite a glass half empty person because I consider myself quite a glass half full person in in general life um I always try to see the the best in situations like even if they're bad I always believe everything happens for a reason I always believe that if something doesn't work out it's protecting you um or you know putting you aligning you with what is right so yeah I find people that do just see the negative things very difficult to be around and they're not the people I choose as my friends so to be honest in response to the to the debate if it was that where they're just like they look at everything in a negative light they see the worst in situations they whinge too much like obviously we can all
Starting point is 00:21:16 be fucking negative you guys know firsthand I can be negative but if it's that's their character they're not the people I choose to be around so I totally get the responses here um but yeah a lot of you are just saying mute them on socials you know like distance myself remove them quietly distance myself find out what's up I've been that girl and sometimes we just need a little help and love absolutely absolutely I guess the moral of the story is if you've tried and it hasn't there honestly isn't that much you can do besides protect your own peace after a certain amount of time so yeah all right guys love you so much thank you for your responses to the weekly debate as always let's get into some dilemmas hey okay before we get into the dilemmas
Starting point is 00:22:11 i actually have an update for you guys do you remember the dilemma a few weeks ago where she found a pair of knickers in the hotel room with her boyfriend and then there was the girl who they found out were like they had previous history with the boyfriend rumored that she was a little bit crazy a little bit obsessed with the boy remember this and we were like did she plant the knickers in the in the hotel room to try and split them up or is her boyfriend a lying cheating little rat you guys remember that okay we have an update hey girly so little update even though nickagate happened we did have a fantastic rest of the holiday nickagate i love it so when we got
Starting point is 00:22:54 back i confided in a girl who used to be best friends with lucy best friends is crazy she'll know her pretty well she confirmed she used to be crazy obsessed with my boyfriend following him to parties events and even falling out with other girls who went near him following him to parties and events is given where were you last night is that you reindeer yeah anyway even though it was years ago looking back on the night i got that crazy vibe from her so i have since forgiven him and we are in a really good place we did already have a house and a little dog and we have just bought another who is coming in a few weeks i'm so in love and happy and i trust him 100 thank you you for your advice. Love you. Here's a photo of me, my boyfriend and
Starting point is 00:23:45 our doggy Rhubarb and her soon to be brother Custard. Oh my God. Wow. Your dress is insane. Absolutely 10, 10. Stun, stun, stun. Oh my God. The dog. That's not my dream dog. That's honestly my dream dog.'s honestly my dream dog wow you look absolutely beautiful yeah he'd be silly to cheat on you let's be real no okay so we we've come to the conclusion that what was her name what did we call her lucy lucy um is to blame lucy planted planted the knickknacks. Let's blame Luce. All right. Love you, babe. Thanks for the update. Send in any updates to anyone who we've read out the dilemmas. This is your reminder. Stop what you're doing. Send an update. All right. Love you. Okay. Hey, girl, I'm loving having you back on the pod. I've missed it so much. I you thank you for being here still so this isn't a huge dilemma but how would you deal with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend from
Starting point is 00:24:50 a really long time ago as we've been together nearly five years now fucking hell um creates different fake Instagram accounts to try and stalk you like it's not first world problems but it's a bit annoying do I just ignore and keep blocking the accounts that she makes or do I reach out to her but I don't know what I would even say okay I am such a strong believer of like just let them lurk because let's not destroy our own peace trying to understand what they want what their intentions are like what they're thinking why they care like to be honest I think you can block someone they will make another account like if they want to see what you're doing they will find a way to see it whether that's through their friend's Instagram accounts creating another fake one whatever it is you can't stop someone unless
Starting point is 00:25:41 you go private to be fair but then still they could ask somebody oh can you screenshot her stories can you screenshot her profiles whatever it is you know unless you're willing to go private which I don't really think you should have to you can't stop people looking and the thing is let them look you guys have been together over five years like that's such a big slay um I think maybe she's just so curious and sometimes you can get really like addicted to looking at people's profiles and maybe she's just like got into a real habit and a real routine of like just checking in on you guys and what your relationship is like or maybe to her he was the one that got away and she loves him so much and wants to be with him and is waiting for
Starting point is 00:26:20 the day that you break up no matter what her reason is it should make no difference to you because you guys are happy together and like i said like if you block someone they'll find a way like they will find a way you know and who cares it doesn't doesn't impact us does it babe we're happy and thriving no matter who's watching you know what i'm saying love ya all right next day never Hey girl, so happy your pod is back. I missed you so much. Oh, I missed you. Thank you for coming back. So my dilemma is kind of a different one. My mum and stepdad have been together about eight years and they're due to get married next March. I've always had an interesting relationship with him as he's not always the nicest to my mum, but because I live with him, I just have to get get on with it and most of the time he is very pleasant to be around.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Recently they have been arguing so much in front of me and I cannot take it anymore. It's so horrible to witness your parent being shouted at she's not as confrontational as him. I struggle to act normal when the night before they've been arguing so much and now i don't know what to do we technically live in this house live in his house so i just feel constantly on edge he's not violent at all that's not what i mean by that but the whole time i just feel like i'm constantly on eggshells i'm due to move in with my boyfriend by the end of the year so there is a long-term solution but just at the moment i have no idea how to even act how do I act all happy with him when the night before he's been arguing with my mum saying horrible things p.s he is always
Starting point is 00:27:50 very nice to me and knows I'm not involved anyways hope you can give some kind some kind of advice love you I love you too that's a difficult one because it's one of the ones where it's like oh it's not my business but at the same time like when it's under my nose and we live together and it's affecting my mental health and the space that I live in it kind of is my business like if you're shouting to the point where I'm aware of it I can hear it I know what you're saying to her you're making it my business and therefore you're making it a problem for me as well and I get what you mean like you're in his house so you feel like you know you've got to be really respectful really polite which of course we do but at the same time he's not being that um I it depends on your relationships with these people it depends on your character and how you feel
Starting point is 00:28:44 comfortable because by the sounds of it you you probably don't feel comfortable doing either of these things but there are options to one talk to your mom about this and be like look I hear the things he says to you I hear it and I can't bear it it makes me so upset you're my mom like it makes me so uncomfortable I hate witnessing it I hate that he thinks he can treat you like that mum like it makes me so uncomfortable I hate witnessing it I hate that he thinks he can treat you like that especially in front of me um and it's maybe worth having a chat with your mum and saying like look you deserve better than that you know and is he working on this what is he doing to work on that is he going to is it an anger issue is he going to anger management is
Starting point is 00:29:26 he going to therapy like are you are you going to maybe couples therapy are you gonna work on your communication because you know first of all not only do you because you've said that you've got your long-term solution of your moving out right which is lovely for you but you're going to leave your mum behind in this relationship which which to be honest, I fear that would only get worse if no one's around. Because if he talks to her like that when you're there, I dread to imagine what he would talk to her like when no one's around or when no one lives with them. So yeah, I do think it's worth just chatting to your mum and just saying like, look, are you okay? you okay like are you happy are you happy with this guy and also if if you've already done that or maybe you don't want to do that you also have the option to step in I know this is difficult I know there's so many people
Starting point is 00:30:17 listening thinking fuck that I'm not getting involved personally I think I don't know how old you are but me as an almost 27 year old whoa oh that made my stomach turn if i was in your position at the age i'm at now but again everyone is different not everybody would react the same i'm just talking personally i would 100% be shouting downstairs, Oi! Who's talking to you like that? Pack it in! Like, if my mum was being shouted at by a bloke, first things first, she'll fucking hold herself. But obviously your mum's not confrontational like you said, she doesn't shout back. I'm shouting over that banister,
Starting point is 00:31:04 Oi! Pack it in! Talking to her like that. said she doesn't she doesn't shout back i'm shouting over that banister oi pack in talking to her like that i just i don't know i just naturally think i would like even if it's like my sister had an argument with her boyfriend and like he was shouting at her i'd be like what's the matter with you who do you think you're shouting at and i wouldn't have it but obviously there are so many people that would just be like oh my god and like really awkwardly hide in their room because they don't know what to do and they freeze it could be triggering for them um some people just like oh it's none of my business I'm not going to get involved I don't even know what they're arguing about it's not really my place
Starting point is 00:31:38 I just think mine would come from a place of protection like I would it would be like a reflex for me just to be like shut up shouting at my mum but again if if that doesn't if that isn't something you want to do I totally get that as well because again you probably escalate the situation make it worse um it might be worth having like a genuine heart to heart with him and just saying like I don't know what the issues are it's none of my business I don't know what the issues are it's none of my business I don't know what what's upsetting you or what's upsetting her or who's right and who's wrong and to be honest that's not important to me what's important to me is how it's impacting me and how I feel living under this roof hearing my mum's partner shouting at her um and you know have you thought about maybe that I can
Starting point is 00:32:28 hear it and how how I might be reacting internally how I might feel like it's very conflicting for me like I I respect you you're lovely to me but I hear a different side of you that I don't witness firsthand but I still witness it. And it's not nice. It's not nice to see, let alone what it must be like for my mum to experience. I'm asking you to work on that, you know, because it's a tough one. Because obviously your mum's choosing the relationship. She's choosing to be in
Starting point is 00:33:05 the relationship so you know what can you do besides those things I guess but I love you I'm thinking of you I'm happy that you have your future plans and stuff like that um and yeah stay strong I love you so much keep us updated with one, what you decide to do and how it goes. I'm thinking of you. Okay, next dilemma. Hey, Leah, your podcast is literally the most comforting one I've ever listened to. Your voice is just so soft. I love it. No one has ever said that to me before. No one has ever complimented my voice in all these years of podding no one's actually ever complimented my voice love that that's lovely thanks guys that sounded like i was digging out everyone that hasn't i'm just saying thanks to the person that complimented me okay also i so related to your recent pod about always feeling lonely oh babes me and you here's my dilemma up until feb 2022 i'd been single for four years and then i
Starting point is 00:34:07 got a boyfriend for six months but have been single again since basically i'm not counting the six months guy because i've had longer situationships and he was just a love bomber to be fair you done well getting out of a love bombing situation after six months jesus that's pretty good going from you love Love that. So let's just say I've been single five years and I'm 27. Anyway, my dilemma is that in the last few months, I've spoken to a few different guy friends, sorry, or ex flings, and they have said to me, you're not really a settling down type of girl. You don't seem to, you don't seem like someone that would get into relationships. And I'm so hurt and upset by them
Starting point is 00:34:45 thinking that. That's such a strange thing to say. Well I guess is that not just because you've been single for five years? They haven't really known you to have a boyfriend? When I'm in a relationship I'm so faithful and a little bit intense because I am that obsessed with one person. I know I'm a great girlfriend but the fact that the lads have just played me about for the last five years I think has affected my reputation and guys don't see me as someone who can withhold a relationship. Do you have any advice to change people's opinions on me? I've had at least six months of dating and the dating apps recently think that they may just think it's because I'm always obsessing over someone new but someone literally said it to me yesterday I'm so desperate for some company my mum even said the other day that she's sick of having to be my plus one and keep me companies on weekends but I'm
Starting point is 00:35:34 so lonely so I just want to skip ahead to being in love with someone love you bye oh love you okay I think it's one of them cases I don't think it's anything to do with you at all. I think I know people in my life where in all the years I've known them, they've never been in a relationship, right? So I can't imagine them in one. Like I have a friend who I've never known her to have a boyfriend. So the thought of her having a boyfriend is crazy, not because she's unlovable and because there's anything wrong with her at all but because in my mind she's like independent like she don't need no man and I can't picture it because I've never seen it it's actually no deeper than that I can't picture it because I've never seen it
Starting point is 00:36:17 so I guess it maybe it's a case of that like you people haven't seen you with a boyfriend so that's probably why they're like I just can't imagine you with a boyfriend because they haven't seen it but also if it is a case of like oh they think that you can't withhold a relationship and blah blah blah oh sorry I don't know where these yawns are coming from they come out of nowhere as well so aggressive anyway if it is that who cares like what they think is actually really irrelevant if they can't imagine you in a relationship it's literally so irrelevant because i don't exactly want to be in a relationship with you do i you know like all these guys that are saying that okay well that's good you can't
Starting point is 00:37:04 pitch me in a relationship perfect i don't want to be in one with you so that's that's fine but the guy that you do end up in a relationship with you know like you're gonna i don't know it's weird it's a weird one what i'm trying to say is very difficult to explain you will end up in a relationship you're not going to be single forever and then all of these opinions will just change like oh she has a boyfriend now and it's as simple and as boring as that and like no one's opinion will change your future like whether people think that your relationship go or not it's not going to make you or not make you one um and all that matters is that you're
Starting point is 00:37:44 not settling for less you're not settling for someone that isn't right just for the sake of being in a relationship you're looking for the right one and that's something to be proud of and the next time somebody says that to you say i haven't found anyone fucking worth settling down for and it's literally that not that i need to explain myself to you but that's actually quite rude what you've said to me so shut the fuck up no i'm just joking but you know what I mean like it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter you are lovable and worthy of of a beautiful relationship and if people can't imagine you in one it doesn't matter because you're going to be in one and then they won't have to imagine it they
Starting point is 00:38:18 can just see it and then what you know all. Love you loads. Good luck finding love out there. Not that you need it, my independent queen. Love you. All right, guys. Let's wrap up the episode. I beg you don't embarrass me, motherfucker. Oh, love it. All right, guys. I hope you enjoyed this episode thank you so much for
Starting point is 00:38:48 joining me and hanging out with me i've loved it loved every second with you guys like always you just you're the best company and i love it we just have such a good time over here don't we guys um what do i have planned this week i finally caught up on everything that was behind on. I felt like I had the most overwhelming to-do list of my fucking life over the last like three weeks. And to be honest, I think, I think I can say I've checked everything off the list. But I have that weird thing, right? Where I feel like if my to-do list is empty
Starting point is 00:39:25 and I'm not anxious or stressed about something, I'm like, nope, there's definitely something I'm stressed about. I've just forgotten it. And then I'll scan my brain to try and find it. That's how used to being stressed I am. That's how like I'm never relaxed ever to the point where when I'm relaxed I can't wait to yawn they're not like tired yawns they're almost like my my brain's starved of
Starting point is 00:39:53 oxygen it's really weird I guess because I don't really stop talking maybe that's why oh my god that's such a good point do you reckon I yawn so much because I'm talking constantly and I'm not breathing in enough oxygen getting a bit panicky now get a bit get a bit claustrophobic in my own skin does anyone else get that feeling especially in like the heat waves like you can't get out your own skin it's a horrible feeling isn't it anyway guys oh that's what's new my face I got my lips redone and they're still so swollen i swell up for like over a week it's insane i've always been like that weird anyway guys i hope you'll have an amazing week whatever it is that you're getting up to the weather is not weathering
Starting point is 00:40:37 in the uk at the moment like the summer isn't it's just not given summer like i'm sick of the clouds like actually go away like what what are we doing here you know you have your time of the year it's it's given greedy at this point like let the sun shine let the sun have its moment we are craving it i just need to feel sun on my skin i really want to go on holiday oh actually while we're here i really want to go to italy you guys always come through with good recommendations i don't know where in italy to go like at all i have no clue i want to go somewhere with incredible food beautiful beaches um and just lots to do so if anyone has a really good idea of where i should go hit me up um on instagram dm all right love you so much i'm gonna go i'm gonna shut the fuck up hope you have an amazing week um whatever is it you're getting up to and i'll speak to you on tuesday for a brand new episode
Starting point is 00:41:37 all right i love you Bye!

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