Leah on the Line - 110: He cheated on me when I was pregnant & reading Reddit confessions!

Episode Date: July 1, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey hey hey hey hey what's up everybody welcome back to a brand new episode of leo on the line sorry i was absent last week it wasn't even like a big dramatic i can't this week like i need to take a break it wasn't I literally I just had the most hectic week and it wasn't even because I was so busy and like I have no excuse besides I was so unorganized um and too easily overwhelmed basically I had an event that was at 8 30 in the morning that reminded me of that tiktok where it's like no no it wasn't there at 7 30 in the morning no because I went to pick up my leather jacket that left there you know amber anyway literally solved topic but yeah like i had an event at 8 30 in the morning and i thought the event was on thursday turns out it
Starting point is 00:00:54 was on wednesday so i had to go up on the tuesday which means i didn't realize that until the monday so i was like fuck i'm going tomorrow like i need to tomorrow. So I had so much shit to do that whole week before where I am now again a week ahead. I can't even remember what was going on. But it was just like, oh my god, I couldn't even find time to breathe. I don't know how but anyway, I'm finally caught up last couple of days. I've caught up with myself. I don't know what was going on. I'm too easily overwhelmed, I think. But yeah, sorry about that, guys. What's new? I started my CBT therapy for the health anxiety. I started it. So I've had one session. So the main session, the first session was mainly just like chatting about giving her an understanding of where I'm at, where I've come from with it, where it started, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:46 of where I'm at where I've come from with it where it started you know the patterns my safety behaviors and stuff like that she also had to like do the shit she's got to do where she basically had to like talk me through health anxiety and what that might involve and stuff like that um and yeah it was genuinely I felt she did warn me she she did say like, look, a lot of people, their symptoms can start to sort of get worse and you can be a little bit triggered for a while, especially at the beginning. And she was not wrong. Not even health anxiety wise, I just felt a bit depressed afterwards. Like, I don't know. I just felt really, really depressed and like, like, oh Jesus. Okay. Let's delve in, shall we? I don't know. It's, it's having to say the things that scare me, like having to address them and having to confront them and being like, when I was a child, I used to go to sleep at night
Starting point is 00:02:36 and think, hopefully I don't die in my sleep. Realize that's not normal. And also just things like, oh, you know, like if I ever see an advert on the tv I think it's a sign from the universe and then you know like just having these conversations although they're harmless in terms of you know it's not coming from anywhere triggered it and it doesn't leave me triggered as such but it does leave me I don't know feeling a bit mentally exhausted and drained just a bit like oh god that was heavy so yeah I it took me a couple of days to sort of come back from that and I don't really fully feel like I've come back from it yet but um you know I'm prepared for that I'm I'm aware that I'm probably gonna be uh confronting some heavy feelings every Friday if you're curious it's every Friday but I am really
Starting point is 00:03:29 looking forward to it I'm excited to like learn the new tools and skills and stuff that hopefully will help me in the future and anything that I do learn I'm 100% going to share with you I'll probably do a little debrief at the start of every podcast for the next eight or so weeks because I'm doing it for eight weeks so yeah for the next seven weeks it'll be nice just for me to fill you in on on where that's at and how it's going and stuff if I am learning anything useful or you know and we just share things over here don't we what else is new do you know what I want to ask you guys about I've been dying to ask you anytime that I have these sorts of conversations in my week I make a note of them in my phone to ask you guys because I'm like no I need to ask the pod about that basically I was watching a YouTube video and he was talking about when he when he had a lolly as a kid like a hard lolly not like an ice lolly like a hard boiled sweet lolly oh I keep
Starting point is 00:04:23 smacking my mic today I'm fucking running a fight with someone um yeah you know what lolly like a hard-boiled sweet lolly oh I keep smacking my mic today I'm fucking running a fight with someone um yeah you know what I mean like a lollipop right I feel like that doesn't have any of the name does it you know like ice lolly it's like ice lolly ice pop is that it ice pole ice pole that was what we called them ice poles anyway so yeah it was ice lolly and he said that anytime he'd eat them as a kid, he would eat the paper stick. He would eat the paper stick, the actual lolly stick, the paper stick. He would eat it, right? And he was talking about like it was normal. He was like, oh, the good old days and you'd eat the paper. And I was watching it with my boyfriend and he goes, yeah, I used to
Starting point is 00:05:01 do that. And I was like, are you fucking having a laugh what are you talking about what are you actually talking about and it's come to my attention that that might I wouldn't even say it's a normal thing I wouldn't even say it's a normal thing no it's but I think it's a more common thing than I would like to be you know to be true I think people did that maybe even still do to be fair my boyfriend is one of them people which I do feel like it is a bit of a guy thing and I know girls do it too I used to do it but it's definitely a guy thing where like you need something in your mouth like if you if you have like a drink that's got a plastic lid you know like the fruit shoe lids it's being chewed into absolutely next week do you know what i mean like it's being chewed and my mum she's like the fucking we always call
Starting point is 00:05:50 her like the the danger police you know like she's so on it like with all these hazards like she's just like oh can't do that he'll bang his head and poke his eye out with that it's like fucking hell mum um she was saying how like she would always say to us as a kid like get out your mouth you'll choke get out your mouth you'll choke you'll choke and die so it was always a thing so i was never allowed that to like chew bottle caps and bottle lids and stuff because my mom would literally will fucking smack me into next week but um yeah i feel like that is such a guy thing isn't it where you chew on things she would do it with anything though if you're running around the garden with a lolly it's
Starting point is 00:06:30 like sit down with that sit down with that you'll you'll fall and choke and die or like if you had a lolly and it come off the stick right it's gonna have to go in the bin now you can't have that nope can't have that what if you choke you'd think she'd like witnessed a severe choking like someone had a near death experience from choking I don't know where this choking hazards come from with my mum I have no clue actually on that note let me whiz back to the health anxiety chats right she sent me a leaflet my therapist sent me a leaflet about health anxiety to have a little read through which I did and it was really interesting because I've spent my whole life trying to understand where my health anxiety came from, where I haven't, oh fuck, touch wood. I don't even know if I can say this,
Starting point is 00:07:13 touch wood, touch wood, touching all wood around me. There, I haven't experienced, like I hadn't experienced as a child, like a significant loss for it to develop there and start there. I hadn't seen somebody fall, like as a child, I didn't grow up seeing somebody fall really sick. Or, you know, like I wasn't confronted with the whole life and death situation. As far as I'm aware, I lost my nan when I was young, but I don't remember it all. Right. So I've always been like, I don't know why I have these fears and thoughts because it I've never you know I don't know where it started I didn't see any I didn't see it I didn't see this happen and as I've gotten older I started to wonder if maybe I um I'm so afraid of it because
Starting point is 00:07:57 it's so foreign to me you know like because I oh god I can't even jinx it but yeah I've been put it this way touch wood and forever grateful to the universe and whoever for this but I've been very lucky you know in my life in terms of all of that without having to say it and jinx it um yeah so I was always really confused like what why where's it come from but yeah and then I started to wonder if maybe it was my lack of you know it was so foreign to me my lack of experience with it that it was so alien like I couldn't even wrap my head around grief and loss and death and you know like cancer and like all the scary ones um so yeah I always thought maybe it's that and then in this leaflet she sent me it said things that might cause it and it was just like a list of all these things that might cause it and obviously it's like the obvious like you know maybe you have been ill in your life or you've
Starting point is 00:08:55 seen you've lost somebody to a certain illness and it's become your fear or you've seen someone's health deteriorate you know a lot of death in your life or significant death in your life and the bottom one said being protected from these situations like hospitals and doctors and you know illness and death and stuff and I do think this is my mum all over right because when we watch the Kardashians we laugh because everyone blames Chris for everything don't they and Chris is always like great that's my fault of course it's my fault so my mum says all the time like oh my fault so she would laugh if I said this to her and I'm not saying it's her fault it's definitely definitely definitely definitely no one's fault but she would say that great my fault innit brilliant cheers um and it's not but I did think oh to be fair like my mum hated when we were ill like even if we had like a little
Starting point is 00:09:46 cold or something like she hated when we was ill so it would really stress her out and then I'm like maybe that's why I don't know maybe that caused a little or not caused it but me you know maybe it started a little bit there because I didn't ever go to the doctor as a kid I didn't go to the doctor and not because my mum was cruel and like didn't want me to get help like but I was very lucky as a child where I didn't need to like the worst thing I ever had was like um tonsillitis I had it quite a lot but I never went to the doctor for it ever ever ever do you know I've never had antibiotics in my life right touch fucking wood Jesus Christ i'm gonna get an
Starting point is 00:10:25 infection now oh no please don't but yeah i've never had to right touch wood oh so much jinx going on today the universe is going never had antibiotics no all right but um yeah so i'm like i was explaining this to my therapist like i've never been to well i have been to a fucking doctor but i hadn't it wasn't it wasn't like a frequent thing because I think I think a lot of people there's also people out there that go to the doctors too much you know where they're like oh you know I've got a little cold let me go to a doctor whereas I was brought up like unless you are literally you cannot get out of bed your experience and symptoms you've never felt before, we just get better at home, you just get better at home, and you do, thank god, luckily, we, you just did get better, and that, you know, grateful, lucky for that, so then I was thinking, like, oh,
Starting point is 00:11:15 well, yeah, you know, I was very underexposed to those environments, and in my experience, like, being in those environments meant that something was really wrong and something was really wrong with you and I was saying like when I when I do ever if I ever dare go to the doctor you know because obviously I've had to for my periods I'd sit there and I'd look around at everyone and all I would think is like I wonder how many people were here waiting for scan results today or like I wonder how many people were here to find out like that if they're you know whatever I don't want to say it but yeah like that's my thoughts like I wouldn't just think oh you know someone's here for a routine blood test or whatever I'd think like it's a really hard day for us all I know like but it's just not like it doesn't have to be um and I thought that was quite interesting and then the one loss I experienced in my life was
Starting point is 00:12:05 my nan and I didn't go to her funeral so I was protected from death and doctors and hospitals and stuff so I do think you know obviously I think my fear of death was always going to be there and my health anxiety was always going to be there but I do think it contributes contributes to how I view them scenarios and them situations today because it's like it's so foreign to me like it's so out of my like I was saying to her I said to you guys as well like facing this fear with the surgery I don't go to the hospital I don't go to the hospital. I don't wear the gown. I'm not the person. I'm not the patient. And that mentality was because I've spent my whole life lucky enough not to be. And I was like, you know, maybe it's because I was so protected from, not even on purpose. Like my mum doesn't have health anxiety. My mum didn't protect me from,
Starting point is 00:13:03 you know, she wasn't scared to take me to the doctor she wasn't scared for anything we just were lucky enough to not actually really need to and and she's the opposite of a hypochondriac she's a you'll be all right person through and through like even when my mum was bloody ill she's like I'll be all right do you know what I mean so yeah growing up with a I'll be all right you'll be all right sort of mum you'd think that I'd be the opposite of health anxiety you think I'd be a I'll be all right you'll be all right sort of mum you'd think that I'd be the opposite of health anxiety you think I'd be a I'll be all right that's sweet but yeah I don't know I think where I'm like a type 2 personality I'm an overthink I'm ultra sensitive hypersensitive
Starting point is 00:13:37 I think it all combines into why I have health anxiety and I do feel like I get it more like I always sort of felt like oh I don't need to figure out why I've got health anxiety I just need to figure out how to deal with it but sort of understanding why I might think the way I do has actually been more helpful than I thought it might this isn't all from one session by the way this is something I've been thinking about for a while but yeah I just thought while I'm having my therapy sessions it might be cool to unpack it I have had so many people asking me to do a health anxiety focused episode um and I would love to I definitely would love to do that but I think it's probably best if I do that at the end of my CBT so yeah because especially it'll all be up on the surface at that point anyway so it might actually be a really good
Starting point is 00:14:20 time for me to chat about it and then be able to put it in a box and move forward you know so anyway what else do I have to catch you up on oh books I have finished all the Colleen Hoover books that I wanted to read I do still have Too Late um which was massively recommended and Jamie picked it up for me but I don't think I really want to read it because it's a thriller and obviously I read Verity which was just hell and horror and it was so fucking boring that I can't cope and I need I've realized the only thing I like about reading is the romance to the point where if then if they're not in a scene together I'm whizzing through these pages until they are I will skip ahead and see right when's he coming back in or when's she coming back in because I want to see them together
Starting point is 00:15:10 so yeah if there's no romance I can't get on boards so loads of you recommended the hopeless series by of course Colleen um and so many of you recommended the twisted series as well so I was like oh which one should I pick up and I'm getting a bit sick of Colleen I'm not gonna lie um, and so many of you recommended the Twisted series as well. So I was like, oh, which one should I pick up? And I'm getting a bit sick of Colleen, I'm not gonna lie, because I'm finding them all a little bit too depressing. Like they're very depressing. There's always someone, oh, that's really loud, sorry. There's always someone dead. There's always someone dying. And you know, with my health anxiety, it's not my favorite thing to read about. So yeah, I so yeah I was like oh I think I think me and Colleen need to go on a little bit of a break um so I picked up the Twisted series I did also put on my story saying what do you guys recommend Twisted or Hopeless and Twisted won it was very close it was almost 50-50 so I probably
Starting point is 00:16:01 will move on to the Hopeless after the twisted series I'm halfway through twisted love I just you guys warned me about the spice in this fucking book and let me just right okay listen to this it's chapter 22 which is crazy because 22 is like my spiritual number and it always tends to be like quite a significant chapter in books maybe because it's about halfway I don't know literally what i think the world revolves around me am i actually okay saying that but listen to this i actually was nearly sick so she basically spoiler alert it's not really that much of a spoiler obviously it's a romance book we know they're eventually gonna have sex anyway this is just about sex all right so she's basically like look give give me that cock
Starting point is 00:16:48 she's basically like give it to me i'm ready i know what i want i'm not a baby all right just give it to me i'm a grown woman give me that peen and then he's like get up he said his voice soft but so commanding I obeyed without thinking. Are you ready for this? He goes, you're about to find out what happens when you invite yourself into the lion's den. Listen, I said, Alex, I've changed my mind. Like, I'll actually be sick, darling. But for me, I was like, no, I don't care how sexy you are if anyone said that to me I'm laughing in your face I'm laughing okay let's calm down on the lion's den talk right you know anyway and I've read you know I've read snippet I haven't read 50 shades I've read snippets. I haven't read Fifty Shades. I've read snippets of Fifty Shades. I've read After. I've read all the Colleen books now, nearly. And I was not ready for this. Are you ready? Are you ready for a little snippet? Okay, let me find the bit.
Starting point is 00:17:57 So it starts with him saying things like, oh God, please, I'm warning you, this is 18 plus, if there's anyone listening around that should not be listening okay there's any young ears he says you want me to take you sunshine he calls her sunshine and it's me and it proper gives me the ick i think it's meant to be sexy and cute it proper gives me the ick you want me to take you sunshine i murmured ruin you gives me the egg you want me to take you sunshine i murmured ruin you pound you into a pathetic mess turn you into my little fuck doll question mark you want me to take you sunshine ruin you pound you into a pathetic mess turn you into my little fuck doll yes yes i do no but listen and then it ends up with him oh right I don't normally say this word on the pod but I feel like I can because it's in a different context so I'm just going to warn
Starting point is 00:18:54 anyone to find that finds this word offensive I'm I'm going to go in with the c-bomb okay okay I pushed a finger inside her tight slick folds and was rewarded with a loud whimper do you want me to eat out this gorgeous cunt of yours oh my god if somebody said that to me we're getting down and jiggy yet and he says do you want me to eat out your gorgeous cunt i would literally be like back up mr aggressive there is no need to call her a c-u-n-t because she's a pretty little pussy all right no seriously why is it so is it just me or is it so weird to call it that in sex maybe it's an american thing maybe because here if you
Starting point is 00:19:46 use that word you're a fucking cunt like that's a we're having we're having it large we're having we're having a row if if someone says that word it's not a sex word in the uk it's really not and unless it is and i'm just a bit frigid which which I didn't think I was, but you'll have to let me know, guys, what you would think, because if someone said that to me, do you want me to lick that fucking cunt, mate? I'd be like, no, no, honestly, it's fine, honestly, don't worry about it, like, let's leave it, like, seriously, but it's good, the book overall is so fucking unrealistic, like, he's, like, a millionaire at 14, like, all of this, like, seriously, seriously, Anna, I can't, am I thoroughly enjoying it? Yes, indeed, I'm just finding it a bit more
Starting point is 00:20:38 eventful than the other Colleen Hoover books, like, I'm just finding it that finally it's a bit more fast paced there's a bit more going on and it's more like after in that way like I find that the Colleen books I've read a whole book and it's been a week it's been one week and it's a whole book what they're in love and a week like cba whereas this one is moving a bit quicker like we're skipping some weeks it's now been three weeks since i last saw him and it's like cool i can get on board with this timeline do you know what i mean so if you're into a little spicy spicy that one might be for you guys but yeah it's funny it's making me proper giggle when i'm reading it like i'm like oh he's licking her cunt. Anyway, anyway, you guys. So this episode is going to be slightly different today. I am going to go in with some dilemmas, straight in with the dilemmas. And then I've been watching YouTube videos of people doing this. And I thought, wait, why haven't I done this on the
Starting point is 00:21:40 pod before? It's so on brand. I really wanted to find some confessions on reddit and read them out because obviously we had the confession diaries over here but I feel like going to reddit they're going to be next level so we're going to do that today at the end of the episode so stay tuned for that but without further ado it's been lovely having a little catch-up that's what happens when we haven't spoke nearly two weeks do you know what i mean it's a 25 minute intro well actually it's 20 minutes but yeah i love you guys thank you so much for tuning in let's get into the episode welcome to leah on the line join me every tuesday as i dial your number for the ultimate unfiltered
Starting point is 00:22:20 bestie catch-up whatever it is we will laugh together and guide each other along the way head to leahontheline.com and follow Lear on the Line on Instagram to get involved. Love you. Okay. So I'm very excited because we have an update, you guys. So do we remember the dilemma where she was in the workplace, she was working with a guy and a girl who were sleeping together he had a girlfriend she was like do i tell her she tried to tell the girl to tell his girlfriend or she basically said you know we need to end this here it's not fair it's not fair on the poor girl and i said look tell the fucking girlfriend tell the girlfriend who cares like we don't like him anyway you tried to
Starting point is 00:23:05 do the right thing by telling them to tell her the poor girl deserves to know that that was the dilemma who remembers okay we have an update hey leah thank you so much for your advice i have an update for you however you'll be disappointed i wrote in about the cheating at my work that i knew about and how to tell katie that james was cheating on her with Ruby. So before I went to Katie, I thought I'd message Ruby once more as I just felt would be so much better coming from her. Absolutely. I back that all the way. She was really nice and said that she will and wants to tell Katie she just wants to wait until James quit our work. Oh, she wants to tell Katie, but she's going to wait until James quit our work, which he was doing a week later. Then fair enough. You know, I will tell her James is leaving in a
Starting point is 00:23:52 week. Let's wait for him to not be in this workplace anymore. And then I can tell her. Perfect. I can totally get on board with that. I actually understood her reason for doing this, as it would have been a lot easier for her if she didn't have to face him again. Absolutely, I agree. Anyway, in this time, I went away to Bali with my family, the most amazing place I highly recommend. Gorgeous. And thought this would all be sorted when I got back. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:18 However, I was shocked to see that James and Katie were on holiday together. Meaning that Ruby can't have told her unless she's just forgiven him okay let's read on um I haven't been back to work just but just before I left I heard that Ruby has been going around telling people that I was pressuring her to tell Katie and that I was making her feel uncomfortable which even led to my manager telling me to stay out of it oh my goodness not you becoming the fucking bad guy what the hell um now I'm back I don't know what to do I don't want all this tension at work but I just feel awful for Katie I feel so stuck as I don't want people to think I'm getting into other people's business and now I've been away it's been so long oh help her go out again please love you girl love you well that bloody backfired I hate
Starting point is 00:25:14 that because you know what that's so fake from Ruby like don't give me that bullshit about like yeah you know what you're right I'm gonna tell katie i'm gonna wait for james to leave and then i'm gonna tell katie you lying bitch like and also now you're trying to get me in trouble with my manager you fucking homewrecking little slut that's tough that is tough what do you do now especially now that your manager's asked you to stay out of it because if you don't you may now end up in trouble with your manager how you to stay out of it because if you don't you may now end up in trouble with your manager how about you stay out of it manager fucking getting involved for it's between me ruby james and katie no but your manager's saying that i get it because they they just want peace and love in the workplace but at the same time that is ruby and james's
Starting point is 00:26:04 fault for bringing a relationship in the workplace that is the problem that's why we don't do it guys because look now oh i honestly guess it just depends on what you think the consequences are going to be if you tell her because part of you could be like do you know what ruby i'll give you a fucking opportunity and you haven't so fuck, bullshitting about me to everyone at work, you absolute lying bitch, and fuck you, James, taking her on holiday, whisking her away, like, you, like, the fucking world revolves around you, love, I'm telling Katie, I don't care what the consequences are, I'll deal with it, I'm doing what's right, and what I believe is right, or we have to now put ourselves first above Katie sadly and let James and Ruby win and we just keep the peace in just for the the sake of the job because realistically by telling
Starting point is 00:26:56 Katie you're going to be putting her first you're risking a lot you're risking your situation at work with your manager with Ruby you you're also gonna now look like the gossip and the bad guy after um ruby's fucking spreading lies about you but you do believe that that's you know that's the difference between right and wrong or you put yourself first and i'm sorry katie i tried to help you I did believe me and you just trust that you know everything comes out eventually um the world works in mysterious ways and karma will get them both eventually so it's a tough call but I think it's the case of what feels right to you because we have to remember you could risk it all and tell Katie and Katie could just go you liar and ignore you and stay with James and then you look silly for
Starting point is 00:27:53 getting involved and she didn't even listen to you and then Ruby's gonna spread more bloody lies but on the flip side at least you did what was right and you can sleep at night you know it's easier for you to sleep at night knowing you know, it's easier for you to sleep at night knowing, you know what? Kate, you don't have to believe me. Ruby, you can say what you want about me. James, piss off. Manager, you shouldn't be getting involved either. That's what happens when you bring romance into the workplace, love.
Starting point is 00:28:16 If you don't like it, you should have probably done a bit more. A bit more monitor around the office, hey? Made sure that Ruby and James was never a thing in the first place. So actually, why don't you take a look at yourself maybe you're to blame for all of this how about that so it's a tough one but honestly i would go with your gut and what you believe is right and what will make you feel better what you will be proudest of um and unfortunately you have been put in a really shit situation so i honestly wouldn't blame you for either choice that you made what would i do i i mean it's so easy for me to say what i would do
Starting point is 00:28:52 because i'm not the one in your workplace i don't know how important this job is to you what you what the consequences would genuinely be like would your manager give you a disciplinary for this you know um you know we're supposed to be a team in the office we're supposed to be a team we're supposed to help each other's backs that was a slight sign of betrayal there from you honestly fuck off seriously but it could happen you know what people are like. They were just rather successful business than what's right and wrong. So it's tough. But yeah, like I said, it's so easy for me to say what I would do. But, you know, I think, let me put myself in a position where I'm in one of my old jobs.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Okay. He's sleeping with her. Oh, I wouldn't, I wouldn't want to tell her. Because I wouldn't want, I wouldn't, selfishlyly i wouldn't want all the drama coming back to me i wouldn't want all the beef i would do everything you've done in saying like look tell her or i'm gonna tell her but if my manager has now come to me and said stay out of it i feel like i would just look like a bit of a troublemaker if i if i then didn't stay out of it. But then also, I don't need to fucking listen to you.
Starting point is 00:30:08 I'll listen to you at work and what you advise me to do in that sense. But when it comes to outside of this office, I'll fucking do what I want, actually. Still could suck you though, I suppose, couldn't I? That is a really tricky one but please let me know what you do decide to do how she responds or how she doesn't respond we are on the edge of our seat invested in this with you um but you're amazing and i love you okay hey girl i'm such a big fan of the pod thank you but i never thought i'd be writing in with a dilemma me and my boyfriend have been together two and a half years we've literally had the perfect
Starting point is 00:30:50 the picture perfect relationship no arguments or big issues and have even recently bought our first home together absolutely lovely i've never felt so secure and loved in a relationship ever it really felt like everything was perfect until two weeks ago we went out with friends for the day and i could tell something was off with him hmm okay um i asked him when we got home what was wrong and he just came out with the fact that he wasn't sure how he felt about me anymore whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa tell that to the mortgage please okay you're two and a half years too late for this there's a roof above our heads with our name on it okay um he told me that nothing has happened to make him feel this way he loves living with me and i'm
Starting point is 00:31:45 the perfect girlfriend he even said he actually does still love me but his feelings are different now it's all so so confusing and out of the blue he went back to his parents house to clear his head oh that's so sad he was supposed to be gone for a week but came back after just a day saying he'd missed me so much and he knew he wanted to make our relationship work it's been a week since then and he's reverted back to feeling unsure and not knowing what to do i feel like my whole life is crumbling around me and i haven't even really been given a reason why people don't just change their feelings overnight like that and from what he's telling me i'm struggling to understand what has changed at all he loves me he loves our home he wants to be with me but he's considering leaving me what do i do i'm struggling to understand what has changed at all he loves me he loves our home he wants to
Starting point is 00:32:25 be with me but he's considering leaving me what do I do I'm struggling so so much I feel like I have no options thanks bestie love you okay this is tough and I honestly I have been in your shoes um where somebody said to me that the spark was gone. And for me, in that moment, I had this like feeling for a while, not to make this about me, by the way, I am going to bring it back to you. And I am going somewhere with this that hopefully is helpful. I had a feeling for a while, like, you're being distant, you're being weird, you know, the respect's not as there, whatever. I just had a feeling and I confronted it and I was scared to confront it because I was scared of the truth and the truth was that he turned around he
Starting point is 00:33:13 said look the spark's gone and I knew that was a gentle way of saying you don't actually feel much for me anymore you don't actually whether it be fancy me love me get excited to see me find me funny like whatever it is you might even have the ick whatever it is that spark you saying the spark is gone is is a polite way or a less personal way of saying that you don't feel the same about me anymore exactly what your boyfriend has just told you it was also also two and a half years for me but I remember almost feeling a bit relieved that he'd admitted it because I felt it and I guess that's the difference here because you you weren't feeling it right you were like wait a damn minute like where the fuck has this come from and I guess that's a good thing because it shows that he's a nice guy and he's
Starting point is 00:34:10 not trying to make you feel any certain way and he's protected your feelings but I was almost like I knew it okay and then I knew in that moment I my self-respect my hypersensitive overthinking brain would never allow me to be in a relationship with somebody who has said out loud to me that they're not even really sure they want to be in it and i i knew i knew it was over the the second he said it oops I hit my mic again beefing and although we had like a couple of days and even a couple of weeks of like you know can we make this work what is it is it that we're spending too much time together is it that we're not going on enough dates we're just around each other not actually spending quality time together and we tried to you know what is it what is it what it? And it got to the point where
Starting point is 00:35:05 I thought, I can't, I can't go back. I can't unhear it. I can't, I can't be with you. And I fear that in your situation, it could be the same because it destroys your self-esteem. It destroys how you think they view you sexually, you know, in terms of attraction, in terms of a future. And it creates so much uncertainty. That's really hard to say. Uncertainty. That for me can't be fixed. And I don't know if that's because I'm hypersensitive and you know maybe there are people out there that could hear that work on it together
Starting point is 00:35:50 and and build a healthier foundation and continue a beautiful relationship for me I was like fuck you've said that out loud now I can't be with you no more I don't want to and it was a case of like it's not that I don't want to. And it was a case of like, it's not that I don't want to be with you. I'm gutted. I'm gutted, gutted, gutted. It wasn't that. It was that I don't want to be half loved. I want to be fully loved. And if you don't fully love me, I literally have no choice but to leave. And that, that was what I was dealing with. So I think for you, it may be a case of like, look, ask yourself, like, do you want to be half loved? Do you want to be just, you know, do you think your self worth is
Starting point is 00:36:38 just as little as this, like someone to not be sure about you? Because I can tell you now you're worth more than that. I can tell you now you're worth more than that I can tell you now for absolutely fucking nothing haven't never met you in my life that you're worth more than that that you deserve someone that is just absolutely positively certain about you and if someone isn't I think it's hard to deal with especially if you didn't see it coming but it makes it easier to let go because it's like look I'm holding on to some to something that isn't enough for me like I'm letting go because it's not enough not because I'm not good enough for you or you don't want to be with me I'm letting you go now because I deserve to be loved more than this. I deserve to be someone to
Starting point is 00:37:26 be so fucking sure about me that they would risk it all for me. Do you know what I mean? So I think do not let this be a reflection of your self-worth and how you feel about yourself and how lovable you are because you're absolutely incredible and if somebody isn't sure about you let that like believe that like let that be enough for you to think you no matter how much I want this to work no matter how much I love you no matter how much you think you love me for you to say to me that you're not sure that's not enough for me and I think there's so much power in walking away from someone that doesn't want you like and it's not even that he doesn't want you clearly because he's come back after a day and this is obviously a really hard
Starting point is 00:38:20 decision for him and it may even be feelings that he can't shake which you know we've all been there when you're in a relationship with someone who's bloody lovely and you can't put your finger on why it doesn't feel right and why something's telling you to leave you know a lot of us have been in that position and they can be the most perfect partner in the world and you you cannot budge it and sometimes the feeling will go and then it will come back and you're like fucking hell like you know oh maybe we need to work on this and maybe if i change this and maybe if we start doing this it will feel right and then eventually you have to sort of admit like this feeling keeps coming back about not not being sure and it's not about you it's not about you at all and he probably hates
Starting point is 00:39:03 that he's feeling like this he's probably fighting it so much which is probably why he came back after a day because he's left said look let me just have a have some space for a week which isn't a bad idea at all and it's hurt him he's instantly feeling hurt and upset and in pain because he obviously doesn't want to feel these feelings which i can totally understand sometimes you feel them and it's really out of your control it's nothing to do with anyone I don't even get why it happens it just does and it probably was like fuck no no no I do not want to leave her like she's absolutely amazing that he came back after a day and the feelings have come back again the doubts have come back again so I think this is where you should turn around and say look I love you I think you know we could have had it all but right now the way you're feeling about me is less than what I deserve and I'm
Starting point is 00:39:55 gonna walk away and if you two are meant to be together you will and the universe will just find a way it may even just take this it may even just take this for whatever needs to change to change and things to fall into place the way that they're supposed to but i think find power in acknowledging that you deserve more than than that no matter how lovely they are no matter how in love you are no matter how sweet he is you do the the bottom line is he's not sure and you deserve someone that's sure and you if you walk away he might be sure in a month it could be the biggest wake-up call of his life and he is sure he's never been more certain in his life. He's on one fucking knee and he means it with his life. Or you could both go, do you know what?
Starting point is 00:40:50 Now I've stepped back from the situation. I kind of see where we were both going wrong or what wasn't working. And then you could either decide, let's try one last time. Now that we've taken a step back and, you know, let's try again. Or you could both be in a position where you're like, you know, leaving was the best thing we ever did for each other we weren't right for each other and we didn't realize until we walked away i just think the universe will take something out of your life if it isn't right for you um even if it feels like it is you know and i love you like i said this is never a
Starting point is 00:41:22 reflection of you or your self-worth don't ever't ever, ever, ever let it make it, let it make you feel like that, does that make sense, I don't even know, but yeah, I love you, and you're amazing, keep me updated with that one, okay, let's do another one, this is such a tricky one, and I'm currently in the middle of a breakdown as I write this, oh, fuck, babe, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here. But your podcast helps me so much. And I see you as a sister figure. And I really want to pour all my emotions out, to be honest. Let them out. I'm here. I've been in a relationship for around three years with this boy. And we have a beautiful four and a half month old together. I did the wrong thing. And I went on his phone. By the sounds of it, I don't know if you did the wrong thing. I think you probably did the right thing, if that's what phone. By the sounds of it I don't know if you did the wrong thing.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I think you probably did the right thing if that's what this is about. I know it was wrong but had so many doubts for so long and expressed this to him and he gave me the password and said that he had nothing to hide so if it helped me I should I should go on it. But I told him I don't want to but I saw the opportunity a couple of days ago when my head was spinning whilst he was sleeping and I went through it. I found out that I was right. This man at the big age of 24 was talking to girls on Snapchat. It's always Snapchat. I hate that app. Honestly it should be banned. I also saw dick pics on his My Eyes Only that were taken in December when I was heavily pregnant with his daughter. Of course, when I told him, he broke down crying. Why the fuck are you crying?
Starting point is 00:42:52 What are you fucking crying about? I'm swearing on a lot today. Sorry. Of course, when I told him he broke down crying, he said to me that he was scared at how calm I was. Nothing will terrify a man more than when you are chill, cool as a fucking cucumber, finding out that you've been cheated on, or if they've turned around and they're leaving you and you're cool as a fucking cucumber, nothing scares a man more. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are we not going to get a tear? Are we not even going to break down? Yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:43:22 no, that's fine. I can hear you loud and clear. Message received, babe. Nothing scares them more. But I was happy it wasn't all in my head and all the cheating dreams I had were for a reason. Okay, valid, but also to all the girls out there having constant cheating dreams. It doesn't mean that you're being cheated on okay um but sometimes it does sometimes your unconscious brain is just trying to scream at you okay obviously this is more tricky situation as we have a baby together and i just can't block him out of my life i honestly don't know what to do we had so many plans for the future with our little family and i of course love him so much he's now being honest about it all and never gave any excuses.
Starting point is 00:44:06 We discussed whether we should tell anyone or work through it alone but I told him to tell his family what he had done. Okay yeah and as of right now we're still together until I process it all properly and figure out what I want to do. Okay I can understand that, I can. I know the obvious answer is to break up with him but my heart hurts every time I think of it because I think of everything we've been through and every time I look at my little girl I break down in tears thinking of how she could she could have had a perfect family and now it's ruined and she'll be from a broken home I grew up with a single mum who absolutely smashed it and she's my absolute everything but I do also feel the impact of having an absent father and breaks me
Starting point is 00:44:45 thinking of my daughter having split parents. I do know you shouldn't stay with someone solely on the kids as it just makes it worse so I want to emphasize this isn't the main reason and I know I need to do what's best for me. I want him but I want to trust him and I don't know if that's possible. I'm so heartbroken I never thought he'd do this he was so big on his views with cheating so it's crazy it's always them ones though it's always the fucking ones that are paranoid about cheating it's crazy but it's all the lies that hurt the most i gave him so many opportunities to tell me if he has ever spoken to anyone whilst being with me as i had such a strange feeling and he'd look me straight in the eye and reassure me and tell me I had nothing to worry about. That's what makes it scarier, you know what I mean? I suppose my
Starting point is 00:45:31 question to you is, is it even possible to work on things after this betrayal? He tells me nothing physical has happened and he hasn't met anyone but his words mean nothing, although I can believe that as he works away and then sees us but i know these wormy cheats find time so who knows also if i do decide to break up how can i cope with seeing him all the time for our little girl like the thought of that breaks me because i want to i want comfort from the person who fucked everything up so so sorry this is really long there's so many more details i could add but this this is a short. This is as short as I could make it. Love you, Leah. Thanks for always making me smile. Oh, I love you so much. I'm so, so, so sorry that you're going through this and your heart's going
Starting point is 00:46:14 through this. What I want to say to you is you are fucking strong. Keeping it together right now while you're like raising a child is insane. Like, oh my God, you're amazing. It's tough. I get it. I get it. It's really tough because you convince yourself, don't you? You're like, well, I didn't even meet up with anyone.
Starting point is 00:46:39 And like, you know, he's being honest about it and he's promising me the world. And we can convince ourselves all the reasons we should stay. we can convince ourselves all the reasons we should stay but and I'm never going to tell you to leave especially when there's a child involved it's not my place I just trust that you know everything happens the way it's supposed to everything unfolds the way it's supposed to so whether you're meant to be with him or not will just happen in the right way and you will make that right decision whether it be now or in five years time you will make the right way and you will make that right decision whether it be now or in five years time you will make the right decision um i just think i get it about like the presence of an absent dad and stuff like that and i'm sure there's so many people that can relate sadly but i also don't want you to base your decision off of your experience with split parents because
Starting point is 00:47:28 there are a lot of people as you probably know that grow up with split parents and they don't feel an absence in their life and they feel extra love because maybe their mum's step no their stepdad their mum's partner their stepdad is an amazing figure in their life or their dad's new wife their stepmom's an amazing figure in their life and they have all these people around them to love them and so much love and just because their parents aren't together they didn't they didn't feel any less love so that is also um something to remember as well you know like just because you felt an absence doesn't mean that your child will oh jesus christ my microphone um but obviously it's important that you have had that experience
Starting point is 00:48:12 and it is also important to take that into account as well um i just think you are an amazing person you don't deserve it and the fact that you had to find it like he wasn't he wasn't owning up to you this didn't come out because he couldn't deal with the guilt and finally had to lay it on the table like you found it and if you didn't find it how long would this have gone on for how far would it have escalated is this it that's the question that's the horrible thing about finding secrets and lies and cheating it's like you go insane you're like is this it is this all of it what else is there who else is there what do they look like in comparison to me you know and it's a vicious vicious very damaging cycle of i can't trust you anymore and like I want to be in a relationship where I
Starting point is 00:49:07 can just fucking trust them you know like I don't want to I don't want to worry when your phone goes off I don't want to worry when I see a snapchat I don't want to hear the snapchat notification on my stomach drop I don't want that I don't want that life I just don't so it's really tough because I obviously understand all the reasons you want to stay um and I understand all the reasons you want to leave um so you know this is where we can write down the pros and cons of staying versus leaving and ask yourself is the cons of leaving guaranteed that's always important you know like we could write like oh i'm gonna be heartbroken for a year you don't know that you might not you might be right after six weeks
Starting point is 00:49:55 um and you could write a con as like oh my child would feel an absence in her life you don't know that you do not know that so yeah I think write down the guaranteed pros and cons why you want to stay with him what the pros are of staying with him and what the cons are of staying with him you know um what the pros are of leaving and what the cons are of leaving and weigh up and if you're not ready to make a decision now don't worry I remember I've said this a couple of times I saw a TikTok once that was like if you're not ready to make a decision now, don't worry. I remember I've said this a couple of times. I saw a TikTok once that was like, if you keep asking yourself, like, I know I need to leave. But when do I leave?
Starting point is 00:50:32 When do I leave? Not now. And he says, I have no idea who he is, by the way. But he says, like, if you're asking yourself, when do I leave? Now's not the time. You will just wake up one day, like for a wee at 3am and you'll be sat on the toilet having a piss and you'll think, I'm done. Enough's enough. This is over for me. And it will just hit you one day and you'll just, it will just be time
Starting point is 00:50:58 and it will just be right. So if you are going to leave him and it doesn't feel right right now, don't feel weak. You may have this strength one day where you're like, you know what? You fucking cheated on me. I brought a beautiful little girl into your life and you cheated on me. Do you know what I mean? And me and my girl, we, everything we need, you know, I just think you, you know, don't, don't feel like you need to make a decision right now just don't if you don't feel ready to don't um and also if you are gonna stay let him
Starting point is 00:51:33 fucking work like can we put this man to work please and I'm not talking like, kiss up to me for a month. I'm talking, you need to go above and beyond for me for a long time. You need to show me what you are offering me that the next man isn't. Why I should choose to be with you who has cheated on me over another man who would never. Tell me, show me why. who would never tell me show me why show me why the fuck i would do that and if i don't believe you see you later you know like show me prove it to me and you better put in an absolute shift mate an absolute shift okay that's my opinion keep me updated i love you so much i'm so so sorry that you're going through that but i'm you know you're just amazing i'm so proud of you you're so strong you should give yourself so much more credit make sure you are giving yourself credit look in the mirror now and just go and remind yourself how amazing you are and that you didn't deserve that and never
Starting point is 00:52:38 never forget that you didn't deserve that and stay mad you know i don't fucking deserve that from you and keep that energy because then you're less likely to to be manipulated and you know when they're all like i love you so much yeah you fucking do i didn't deserve that yeah i love you babe all right so i think we can move on to a couple of confessions. This episode is already going up to an hour, so I won't do as many as I thought I was going to do, but I'm going to read out a couple of these good ones. Okay, guys, you know what? Let's move into a new segment. Let's get a little music going. Okay, let's go into some confessions. doom doom doom okay let's go into some confessions guys this one is so funny okay are you ready for this
Starting point is 00:53:32 i faked an accent at work and now i'm lying to people about my nationality okay i was born in the usa and english is my first language. I'm as white as copy paper and they don't have a trace of Latin heritage in me. A few years ago, I started a new job and when meeting my co-workers, I was speaking with a fake Spanish accent. Okay, pause. Why? Like, I don't get that. Like, imagine, hola, hello, how are you? My name is Leah and I saw me today. Like, why would I just start doing that? Do you know what I mean? I don't have any idea why I did it. Maybe nervousness? No, nervousness is stumbling over your words and stuttering and tripping over your feet and being a bit shaky and your heart's pounding. Nervousness is not, hello, how are you? Nice to meet you today. I'm from Espanol.
Starting point is 00:54:40 That is not, I just said I'm from Spanish. That is not nerves but okay anyway i've been doing it ever since i got hired wow when was this a few years ago shit oh my god that's exhausting have you never slipped like imagine one day you're just like oh my god it's hot it's so fucking hot dude and then i what then you're like, calor, muy calor. Oh, sorry, sorry, um, okay, I've been doing it ever since I got hired, and now it's almost effortless to speak with this accent. This isn't the part i regret though lately as i'm meeting new people and feel more comfortable talking to people i get asked almost daily where i'm from yeah obviously because you sound like you're fresh out of fucking spain um i've noticed people seem really confused
Starting point is 00:55:41 if i tell them i'm from the area and usually say, oh, but you sound like you're from South America or somewhere. So as of recently, I just tell people I'm from Argentina. No, but why? Since that's easy enough for them to buy and not pester me about it, I feel like such a scumbag for lying, but I feel like I'm in too deep to stop now no you're 100 in too deep who is this guy could you imagine imagine he was working with someone for two years and all of a sudden he went i need to talk to you i need to talk to you about something oh my god that excited surrenders and he's like i'm actually from dallas texas i'll lie to you this whole entire time i think you're mentally unwell like i'd think there's something there's something missing like how has that
Starting point is 00:56:33 happened that's so bad do you reckon that's true there's some crazy people out there probably is true you know that's insane wow imagine that Imagine that though. That's exhausting. What did you tell them your name was? You're talking like you're from Argentina and you're like, Steve. All right. Okay. This one is interesting and I have something to add on this one. Okay. I'm a thief. I only steal from stores, but I constantly do it. I'm 26 female. I have a good job and could honestly afford things that I steal. However, it is something about stealing things and not having to pay for them where I get a rush from. My friends, the ones that do know, are super judgmental about it. Yeah, if I had a friend that was just like constantly stealing, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:57:23 I'm not going out with you. We're going to get arrested. Just pay. I try to stop. I just can't. I wouldn't say I'm a bad person and I would never steal from a person any opinions. Listen, girl, I went to uni with this guy, right? And he would steal in every shop we'd go into and i would say to him babes this whole stealing situation has got to stop
Starting point is 00:57:54 like when are we gonna call it a day on on this robin we'd go in like you're because it's given burglar like we live together i'm kind of scared of you right now, but he would go into a shop, right, and he would buy a little bit of lunch, Lucas Aid, Mildew, whatever, right, he'd come out the shop, and he'd go, look what I've got, and it's like a packet of chewing gum, and, or like a packet of Tic Tacs, and I'm like, And, or like a packet of Tic Tacs. And I'm like, okay. Brilliant.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Bad breath. Like, what? And he'd be like, stolen. And all of us was always just like, just pay, what is that, a pound? Back then as well. Oh God, that makes me sound really old to be talking about uni and say back then to be fair it was like 2017 that's crazy he i was like what is that chewing gum 60p and he he would say to me like they rip you off like that meal deal should not be three pound not that they're three pound these days but it was then like this meal deal should not be three pound not that they're three pound these days but it was then like this meal deal should not be three pound they owe me this chewing gum
Starting point is 00:59:10 and i was like you genuinely believe that logic and he would steal from every shop because he genuinely believed you've ripped me off because you're overcharging of course you do because you always need to be in profit like yeah mate that's kind of how business works I'm gonna steal this packet chewing gum I'm gonna steal these fucking box of tiktok tiktaks and yeah oh my god I've just deeped that there was no tiktok when I was at uni I would have been feral back in the day on uni geez it would have been so fun. I'm actually low-key kind of jealous of people that are at uni and have TikTok. Imagine that in freshers, all the people you could do all the trends with, so fun. Anyway, yeah, so honestly, I don't think
Starting point is 00:59:57 you're alone. I genuinely believe there's probably quite a lot of people out there that will just steal in every shop they go to. Has anyone ever stolen from a shop before i never forget when i was really really young and i went to claire's i didn't steal by the way let me just preface this by saying i did not steal i was in claire's with one of my best friends and claire's what a classic right fucking six pound for a pair of studs anyway we'd be up the road yeah we was up the road like we left Claire's and then was walking up the street and she showed me these really cute dolphin earrings and I was like they are so cute but I didn't realize you bought them she said I didn't I just took them she just moved here from Spain and I was like listen girl I do not know what they do over there in
Starting point is 01:00:45 Valencia but we don't do that here girl you can't steal that anyway next thing we know like she thinks she's off the hook like she thinks she's absolutely fucking cleared it mate we're walking up there we're walking up in town right she gets a tap on the shoulder excuse me empty your pockets i shit my pants i didn't literally what i could have i was like oh my god girl you're going in prison you're going a juvie and it was so scary right she empties her pockets she looks so sad she was such a petite little princess as well like she was such a sweet little gorgeous girl she still is but we were how old was we then we was in year six so how old is that like 10 and she she gets them out of her pocket and she shows them
Starting point is 01:01:38 to the police it's the police i forgot to mention that it's the police right she pulls out these dolphin earrings holds out her hand sorry they said come with me they arrested her a 10 year old 11 year old max arrested and she got put in the back of a police car oh i feel so sad for her and she's being waved we're waving at her like oh my god bye like and she's sat and sat in the back of a police car looking at us through the window like really sad like waving I was so scared for her I couldn't wait to get into school and see her the next day I was like what happened are you okay she's like oh my god my mom is gonna kill me she's so mad at me I think she was all right though I think it was probably they probably
Starting point is 01:02:31 just drove her home and then said to her mom and dad like she stole some earrings that she may have even got to keep them who knows but yeah that was really scary. It was honestly so terrifying. But I also stole a packet of chewing gum when I was, I reckon I was about seven. Because my oldest sibling, my oldest sister, why did I say my oldest sibling? My oldest sibling, I've just said it again. My oldest sister was the biggest fucking rebel you've ever met in your life, like, she's such a rebel, even now, but she's more of a mature adult rebel, you can't really be an adult rebel, because you can do what you want, but as a kid, she was the biggest rebel, right, she's like, you wouldn't take that packet of chewing gum, I was like, you're right, I wouldn't,
Starting point is 01:03:23 because I'm the biggest pussy in the world like I was such a little goody two-shoes and I was like yeah correct I wouldn't why would I do that I saw what happened to my friend at Claire's no actually to be fair this was before then and I was like no way I'm not taking that and she was like I am and I was like what you can't take that it was in Big tesco and it was when they had like packets of chewing gum like down the end end of the aisles like on a little rack and I was like you can't take that she put it in her pocket you can't take that and um then she was like just take one just take one and I think the like people pleaser in me was like I don't want her to be in this alone
Starting point is 01:04:05 so I took one I put it in my pocket and that's the only time I've ever stolen in my life on purpose I did once walk out of a shop where I had something in my hand not even that long ago me and my sister was in a shop and um we was finding a cap for her kids and we put it on his head to like measure it and fit it and stuff anyway he keeps it on because he's a kid and he's like thinks he's the coolest hat in the world and absolutely loving life with his new cap we go to the till like pay for everything pay for everything that we bought we walk up the street after leaving and there's a fucking tag hanging off this head i was like shit jody jody just ripped the tag off the hat she's like shit i didn't pay for that and we're like oh my god we're gonna be in so much trouble like
Starting point is 01:04:59 we just stole by accident scary times you guys okay right next one let's do one more okay this one's kind of gross i feel like should i do this one i want to choose one where okay real quick this one says i had a one-night stand with my boss at a retreat while he was married and i was about to marry someone else wow 33 female girl okay i feel like we need to do at least one that's lear on the line coded which would be surrounded by sex or masturbation so let's go one time when i was 10 me and my dad went to see a James Bond movie there was a sex scene and I got out my jacket put it on my lap and started wanking a senior couple was next to us somebody's commented did you finish he replies yes I'm so sorry I i don't know how true this is but also i know there are some
Starting point is 01:06:10 fucking mental people out there that would wank off in a cinema next to your fucking parent like oh my god i can't even get my head around that absolutely do you know what's really funny me and jamie was at the cinema the other day we watched um what's it called like bike riders it's not bike riders it's him bike riders night riders bike riders sounds like fucking kid like a kid's film riding bicycles the bike riders anyway the new um what's his face film tom hardy it is the bike riders yeah with like tom hardy um austin butler and jodie i can't never remember her last name whatever yeah anyway you don't it's not even important what film it was it's literally no relevance to
Starting point is 01:07:05 the story anyway i said what would you genuinely do if we was just sat in the cinema and you turned to your side and you just seen some girl like tossing off her boyfriend like clear as day like you just seen like fully tossing it and we was like oh my god i'd actually be sick i think i'd say like oh my god are you okay like what are you doing oh it's disgusting and we was like oh my god what would you have to do so it's kind of crazy that this confessions was one of the ones that i found after we was having that conversation but i know he was wanking himself but what would you guys do if he was in the cinema because i've heard so many people saying that oh i got fingered in the cinema like honestly i've heard so many people say that. Oh I got fingered in the cinema.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Honestly I reckon you're all lying. Like that's so weird. And sometimes when I go to the cinema. I think about these stories. And I think there's absolutely no way. I'm just not having it. So I don't know how true it is. But yeah. Sometimes I think about that when I'm at the cinema.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I think God. Has anyone ever been wanked off in this fucking cinema. In this very seat. Absolutely thank God. Has anyone ever been wanked off in this fucking cinema? In this very seat? Absolutely disgusting, mate. All right. On that note, let's wrap up the episode, everybody. Okay, I've absolutely loved this episode. I've had such a good laugh with you all today. I really needed it. Sorry about last week again. Total accident, to be honest. Wasn't planned. But yeah, I love you guys. I hope you all have an amazing week. Thank you for joining me today. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Hope you guys had a little
Starting point is 01:08:35 laugh with me or took some advice if needed. Let me know if you do eat your lolly sticks and let me know if you've read the twisted series because the thing is right about these twisted books is i get emotionally invested in characters and i know that the next book is about a different couple but they're in this book like it's about like i think the next one's about her friend the princess yeah yeah i said the princess. I know it's very cringe, unrealistic book, but I kind of, I'm kind of living for it. Um, and yeah, I'm like, I'm not interested in the princess, so I don't want to read a whole book about her, but then I always have that really stubborn mindset and then I will end up enjoying it. It's like Anna Todd wrote one about Landon
Starting point is 01:09:20 and his girlfriend. And I'm not interested in that because I'm, I'm invested in Hardin and Dessa, and his girlfriend and I'm not interested in that because I'm invested in Hardin and Dessa you know but apparently Twisted Love the first book is like the least good one apparently two and three are the best so maybe I will have to get on board but yeah I love you guys so much I hope you all have an amazing week whatever it is that you're getting up to and I will speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode. All right. I love you. Bye. Go back to school with Rogers and get Canada's fastest and most reliable internet. Perfect for streaming lectures all day or binging TV shows all night. Save up to $20 per month on Rogers Internet.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Visit Rogers.com for details. We got you. Rogers.

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