Leah on the Line - 115: It Ends With Us movie premiere debrief and film review!

Episode Date: August 12, 2024

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey you guys, what is up everybody? Happy Tuesday, how you feeling? Welcome back to a brand new episode of Leah on the Line. I've missed you guys. Boy do we need to catch up. Okay, how is everybody at first? Let's do a little check in. A little check in, what are we at 10 today?
Starting point is 00:00:31 Oh, did you hear me trying to get my phone stuck off the side then? I've got one of them sticky back covers, so that's nice. Yeah, how are you guys? Let's do a little check in. How are you feeling at 10 today? I'm like a seven today, pretty good, but I'm feeling like frustrated today because
Starting point is 00:00:46 I am feeling, what's the word, like creatively stuck and I don't know what to like film and I'm like, ah, like, but overall I'm feeling good. I'm feeling like things have actually really lifted for me. I was so low for actually most of this year so far. And recently I just feel so different and I feel really light and I'm laughing more and smiling more and I just feel more excited about everything and feel more grateful for things. And yeah, I feel like things have really taken a turn, which is nice in the mental health department. And how are you guys? I hope a lot of you or most of you, if not all of you,
Starting point is 00:01:31 are feeling seven or above, but obviously it's life. You know, we can't all have good days every day. If you're having a low day today, I'm with you. I'm here with you. Let's just feel it out together. I feel like we need to do a night out debrief, but it's a movie premiere debrief. Welcome to Lear on the Line.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Join me every Tuesday as I dial your number for the ultimate unfiltered bestie catch up. Whatever it is, we will laugh together and guide each other along the way. Head to learontheline.com and follow Lear on the Line on Instagram to get involved. Love you! So I told you guys last week I was going to the premiere and
Starting point is 00:02:09 that was honestly a test to my theory that if you put something good that's happening out there into the universe that evil eye is so real and it will all go to shit and I'm glad I tested that theory because now that superstition can be put to bed because it actually was an amazing night And I've just literally the whole week I've been like can't wait to tell the girls, can't wait to tell the girls on the pod and I'm so excited to do a little debrief with you guys. So if you haven't seen my dress please go over to my Instagram and have a look because I genuinely loved it so much.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I got it from SheSelected on Instagram okay and the theme was florals, which we'll get into to be honest. We're gonna have a real critique of the film and break it down and stuff. So yeah, the theme was florals, but I couldn't find a dress that I really like that was floral, that was very weddingy, and I just didn't feel like that was the vibe. I wasn't sure. It was a hybrid between a screening and a premiere, so I was like do I go super super glam? Do I go like wedding like daytime day drinks vibe? So I wasn't sure and then I found this dress which was like a white bandeau I Don't know a line dress with pockets. Can I just add and it had like three big flowers?
Starting point is 00:03:20 Printed on the bottom. One of them was a lily which felt extremely Relevant it's not the word I'm looking for but whatever. And yeah it was like it had little orange blue and green flowers and it was honestly I felt so like it was perfect and I was like I need this dress you guys and I loved it so much. I felt really nice in it as well which is so unusual because normally because I don't ever go to these things, it means I don't really get dressed up because I also don't go out, like clubbing or drinking, so I don't often put on a dressing heels because I don't go to places where you need to. So I always feel really uncomfortable and really ugly when I get dressed up because it's just like
Starting point is 00:04:00 not me. And then putting this dress on I was like wait I kind of love it like I look kind of stunning I was like okay I won't feel like a like dragged up dog on the day so that's nice and yeah I had a bit of a meltdown with what to do for my hair I ended up doing like a half up like loose curl which basically went straight because it was so fucking windy that it was like giving me a cool blow dry and some like two face framing pieces down the front and I'm glad I did that now because I know that when I feel insecure I play with my hair so if I thought I thought to myself if I do a hairstyle that I can't play with I'm not going to be fiddling out of insecurity and I'm glad I did that because I did like it. I'll tell
Starting point is 00:04:43 you one thing though we obviously like get pictures and stuff. I looked back at the photos when I was in the car on the drive home, I was thinking that's so weird like in all these pictures you can only see one earring, that's so weird like my hair must have just covered it in every picture and I lift my hand up to my ear and I was like oh no they are in and then I thought oh wait no this picture's mirrored let me check the other ear, no ear earring I'm thinking I have been on a carpet at a premiere all fucking night with one ear ringing yeah babes I was like right okay that's great and you know what's even funnier it's obviously my birthday in like two weeks obviously you guys actually like 10 days maybe nine days when this comes out,
Starting point is 00:05:26 I can't do maths right now, and my mum was like, she made it really obvious that she was gonna buy me some gold hoops, because my sister said to me, oh are your hoops like real gold, like are they real gold? And I was like, I think they're just gold plated, I don't know, and then later on in the evening, my mum goes, are them hoops real gold? And I was like, oh you're gonna get me some earrings
Starting point is 00:05:47 my birthday. And I said, mum, honestly, don't bother. Like, don't spend your money on something like that. They're very expensive. And I don't want you to spend that because I love these earrings and I wear them every single day. I'm very attached to these earrings.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Honestly, don't worry about the earrings. I fucking lost one. Literally two days later, I lost one. So now I'm praying to the God above that she is gonna find me these earrings now. Because I was literally devastated. I was like, that's just me all over, innit? It's just me all over.
Starting point is 00:06:16 But yeah, I've worn these earrings every day for about two years. I tell my mom, I love these earrings. I won't ever replace these earrings. And then I lose one. So that was a sign from the universe that better earrings are coming But anyway, so let's talk through the premier right my managers come in with me There's another girl in my management who was also invited
Starting point is 00:06:36 So we was messaging beforehand saying like I'll meet you outside. We'll we'll go in together So there's three of us. Okay Saskia who is the other girl in my management, she gets there first. She says I'm in a bright orange dress, I'm dressed like a highlighter, you can't miss me. So I get there. She does, she's an interviewer, like a presenter, that's her thing. So she does these things for fun. She just does them, right? Like it's nothing. So she's very relaxed, she's not got anxiety. I however was actually kind of hoping that I would be sick on my dress on the way because then I
Starting point is 00:07:10 wouldn't have to go and in my head I didn't quit because you know I had all the intentions to go and I was in the cab on the way there and it's not my fault, I threw up all over myself so it's not my fault. Yeah you know and I was like you never know, maybe this cab will break down and I can't make it. Like that was my mentality. I was so scared. Anyway, I got there And I found Saskia and instantly felt better. I was like, okay, I'm not alone now There's just something about being on your own in your own head with these situations that makes it so difficult And then as soon as I was in company, I was like I can do this. I said she finally I can literally do this
Starting point is 00:07:42 and Then anyway, she like is chatting to these girls and I was staring at one can do this, it's literally funny, I can literally do this. And then anyway, she is chatting to these girls and I was staring at one of them for ages thinking, I don't feel like I've met you because I don't remember, because I haven't been to loads of events, I tend to remember everyone I've met at an event, but I was like, you're familiar, but more than just like I've seen you on TikTok
Starting point is 00:08:00 and I'm staring at this girl like, I know her, I fucking know her and I'm staring at her I hope she didn't think I was staring in a rude way I did try to put a big smile on my face so she knew I was staring nicely But I was just thinking I know her and it was like her mouth and I was like I know that mouth I've seen you speak and I don't think it's on YouTube and I don't think it's on TikTok So I don't know why I know you and then this this thing seems to happen a lot at events because obviously it's full of creators and influencers So we see these people so often online that sometimes I see somebody so often on like tik tok or something
Starting point is 00:08:31 I don't even know their name. I just always see them and then if I'm at an event, I'm like, I know her face What do I know her face and you and you have to realize do I know you or do I do I just see you online a lot? Anyway, so I'm staring at her like do I know you and I'm like am I being rude like does she know me? Should I be like, oh my god. Hey, I haven't seen you in ages since blah blah blah whenever it was but I can't remember Anyway, it was bugging me and I'll send Saskia Who is that girl? And then she was just like oh like you've probably just seen her online Like obviously we're all pretty much creators like you've probably seen her and I was just like no, it's not that I don't know Why I know I don't know why I know her and it was bugging me for days and days and it was 24 hours later
Starting point is 00:09:07 I was actually at the cinema watching it again with my mum and I was like, oh my god. She was in locked in The foot asylum show on YouTube. She was in locked in I was like, oh fucking hell That's why I feel like I know it cuz I watched her every day for about two weeks It was bugging me like hell, and I text Saskia like, She's from lockdown! And then she was like, oh, has it actually been bugging you for a whole day? I was like, yeah! Anyway, that was irrelevant, but yeah, so we arrive, we're chatting, mingling,
Starting point is 00:09:36 and then we're waiting for Georgie. Georgie takes her sweet ass time, can I just say? And we're getting rained on, it's getting windy at this point, all three of us were in the queue, okay? And there's so many girls, and guys I say this all the time, at these places it's like, everyone's just fucking stunning, and you're just like, I'm hideous. And I'm looking around, and there was this one girl, she had a slick back ponytail and a purple dress. I could not take my eyes off her. I was like, she is everything I wanna be. And I was like, you know when you stare at someone too much that you're like,
Starting point is 00:10:13 God, she's caught me three times. She probably thinks I'm dogging her out, but actually I'm in love with her. I was in love. I was like, wow. She's gorgeous. She's so gorgeous. And then you regret not doing a slick because she's done such a good slick, but you know, you can't do a slick
Starting point is 00:10:30 because it would have been a bad slick and it would have been an egg slick and you can't undo a slick. You'd have to wash your hair again. So it was too risky. Anyway, I digress. We get him, okay. We get somebody who goes, Leela Vane.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I said, that's me. She goes, come with me. You're with me. You're with Sony and I was like Yeah, obviously like whatever So good me and Georgie and Saskia organum Saskia's invited with somebody else I can't remember who she came with but I mean Georgie was with Sony and she was of somebody else so they wouldn't bring us In together, but she was like fucking I'm coming with you guys and we basically snuck her in even though she was invited. She was invited and she does have a ticket and she did get her ticket let me just add but I was like that was like scarily easy to get you in with us. Anyway so we get in and there's a little carpet because like
Starting point is 00:11:20 I said it was like an in between of a screen and an premiere so there wasn't much of a carpet so we walk through and there's like all the fans behind the barriers waiting for the for the actual celebs and then you go in and you get your pictures taken and there was like security there who were like just one or two pics hurry up. I was like listen to me I will I'm here to watch a film and also to make sure that I've got some fire picks So if it takes more than one or two, it takes more than one or two darling. No, it wasn't really I was like, okay Yeah, that's fine. I literally was I posed for about 15 seconds and scattered away because insecure and Obviously everyone else was like I'll take my own time darling as they should do you know what I mean? That's why you get invited to get content anyway and then we hear a load of screaming at the front
Starting point is 00:12:09 and we're like oh maybe that's Blake I was low-key hoping to see Ryan Reynolds but he didn't go so that was nice um yeah we heard a lot of screaming and we was like is that Blake like who's just arrived and we couldn't see anyone and then the crew was like get in just get in the cinema We're like, oh my god. Okay. I'm so sorry Have you got a ticket for the film or have I? Just kidding, I'm just kidding but we um, we sort of had a little flirt with him just so that we could hang around for Longer we said no seriously. We just wait for a friend. Honestly, we're just waiting for a friend And then Saskia was like we're only little like we're just little specks of dust like you won't even notice us here
Starting point is 00:12:49 I'm not in the foyer and he was like what do you mean? You're not only little look at size your heels And I was like yeah, it's all in the new babe Anyway, so nothing actually happened. We just took more pics and then we went in and found our seats and We were one of the last ones in I guess because we was lingering in the foyer for a while because Georgie obviously is a manager, so she knows a lot of talent. So when she sees them, because she obviously came from another talent agency,
Starting point is 00:13:14 management before, she was with Off Limits with me. And so she knows like so many different people, so much different talent that was there. So she's like saying, hey, so like old friends, old talent, blah, blah, blah. And so it just took us a bit longer. Saskia went to her seat because where she was invited with somebody else, we couldn't sit together,
Starting point is 00:13:32 so that was heartbreaking. And then me and Georgie were sat in the, it was called like the stalls, so we had to go in separate doors. And we were like, enjoy the film babe, we'll see you after, to Saskia, her who was literally fine because obviously like I said She does this in her sleep, so she was like yeah, I'm good I got this and then we went in and you can sit where you want right and
Starting point is 00:13:54 You it is the most comfortable cinema you've ever seen in your life Like it's so cool being like me experiencing this is the first time I was like well well this is like what celebrities do I love it here and yeah you can say what you want but everybody was in like pretty much almost everyone was in their seat because we was one of the last ones in or at least like we just weren't early enough to get like the best seats so we ended up like the second row from the front which my neck said fuck you for that because ow and And then we sat to the right of the film, of the theatre, because you had to sit in a two, you couldn't leave like a spare seat. And there was obviously two of us,
Starting point is 00:14:35 so we had to find where there wasn't three seats, there was just two, so we got the two to the right at the front. And then we just catching, mingling, like catching up. I just said catching, chatting, mingingling catching up is what I meant to say You know like we like to talk about boy drama me and my manager So that's fun, and then all of a sudden we're like why is everyone staring at me? Why is everybody staring at me like hi guys like guys, yeah I know, my dress is so cute.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Anyway, I look behind me, Blake Lively is stood to my right. Literally, Blake Lively was stood next to me. And there's me like, why's everyone looking at me? I'm joking, I obviously didn't think they was all looking at me guys, just trying to be funny. And then I look to the right, it's Blake Lively. I thought, wow, there she is in all her glory, a vision in sparkles, by the way. And then somebody brings her this humongous,
Starting point is 00:15:34 red, fluffy jacket coat, gown that she puts over the top. I was like, wow, when you're famous, you can just wear that. Do you know what I mean? Like if I wore that, I would look like a bird. But it's Blake Lively, so she looks like a fucking goddess. Do you know what I mean? Like you can wear that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I cannot wear that. And then they get up on the stage and they have a little chat and it was so cool. I was just like, you know what? I could do this with my life, I think. And it was just so cool. It was just like, you know what? I could do this with my life, I think. And it was just so cool. It was like the biggest moment of gratitude I felt in so long, if not ever, when it comes to career. Like I was like, wow, like I love this. I can't believe I'm here. Like little old me, you know, who podcasts in my bedroom, chats absolute poo mate, makes silly little TikToks you know
Starting point is 00:16:27 and I'm sat here like I just had this moment of like oh my god I just thank you to everyone, to the universe, to all of you guys. I was just like having a moment of just like oh my god I could cry before the film starts just over the fact that I'm in this position. And yeah, to have a manager that feels like a best friend is so nice. Like she is just me. Like to be fair, we're so different and so similar at the same time, which is just a beautiful friendship.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And like, it's so nice to have a manager where I can just fully be myself with her and tell her anything and be honest. And like, yeah, she is just the best company as well, which is just like, anytime I get invited to anything, where I can just fully be myself with her and tell her anything and be honest and like yeah she is just the best company as well which is just like anytime I get invited to anything I'm like yeah will you come with me? So that's nice because my last manager I never actually met so that was crazy. So then Blake's basically saying like we didn't have a huge budget for this film. I can't remember much of what she was saying, I was just very overwhelmed and she said that they love the film so much and it's so special to them and just said
Starting point is 00:17:30 like if you love it please tell people la la la. And she said don't go and watch Deadpool and Wolverine this weekend, watch it ends with us. Yeah and then they left the stage and the film starts and immediately I was like well I need to piss So that's fucking great. I can't stand up in front of all these fucking influencers and beautiful stunning creators and just be excuse me Sorry, excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me. Sorry, could you imagine? So I was like desperate for about 40 minutes Before I decided to actually get up and scatter for a wee because I saw a couple of people go Which gave me permission, you know, I won't I won't be the first. I'll be a sheep Kind of contradictory for a leo. You'd think I'd be like hey guys if anyone needs a wee I got this follow me Look, this is how it's done. No, I waited for at least ten people to have a wee before I was like, okay I think I could do that. I think I could do what they just did
Starting point is 00:18:19 Even though I sat on the on the side and I was about to walk up to the left and go up the middle and Georgie whispered to me like, just go to the right and walk around the outside. And I was like, that's why you're my manager. You're smart. But yeah, so it was honestly so amazing. Like it was so incredible, the whole experience, seeing all these amazing people and just like oh it was just amazing. I just had I actually enjoyed myself Normally, I'm like, oh I survived that was you know, that was something but this I just enjoyed it And I just had like a good time And I think it was because I was in the company of Georgie and Saskia who are just fucking good vibes and just really good company and Saskia is the best right because she's like I'll go first and make it more comfortable for you like when it comes to like standing
Starting point is 00:19:09 in front of the picture wall and like getting your photo she's like I'll go first and I'm like this is why you're the best you know because I could never I'll go first I could never like I'm too shy and I guess because it's still so new to me and I've only just this year decided that I'm gonna start saying yes to these things because all of last year if I got invited to anything I got invited to London Fashion Week and said no. Respectfully I'd still probably turn that one down. I don't feel like I'm a fashionista like I just think that would be too intimidating for me but yeah like I get invited to things all last year I was like no thank you thank you that's so nice but no thank you and this year I
Starting point is 00:19:44 was like I get depressed over the fact that I don't have friends, over the fact that I feel like an outsider in the industry, over the fact that I feel intense jealousy every time an event happens and I'm not there, and then I get invited and say no, so I made a promise to myself that this was gonna be my yes year, and I was just gonna say yes to things.
Starting point is 00:20:01 If I could make it work somehow, no matter how difficult, no matter how stressful it might be for me to get there, I'm gonna do it anyway and that's what I did. And I've just proven to myself that like, you can just cope, like with levels of intense stress and anxiety and fear, you can survive and you can just cope. So this is a sign to anyone who turns down opportunities that deep down you would love to experience due to fear or anxiety or imposter syndrome or whatever it is, just say yes and just commit before you have a chance to decide why it's a bad idea, before you have a chance to decide all the things that could go wrong. Say yes, commit and promise yourself that you will not let these people down, whoever you've committed it to, and just go and just take something from everyone even if it was a fucking disaster
Starting point is 00:20:47 Take something from it. Do you know what? I went I got dressed up and I went and I did something that was fucking terrifying for me And I'll do it again. Do you know what I mean? So I feel like we should discuss the movie you guys So I personally feel like if you haven't read the book you would love this movie and give it a 10 out of 10. If you have read the book I feel like you would have some critiques because personally I do. And listen I loved it. It was a beautiful film. I watched it twice happily. It was acted amazingly. I think Jenny Slater was incredible in this film by the way, who plays Alyssa. And it was just amazing to see it brought to life. I think Isabella looks so much like
Starting point is 00:21:44 Blake. Like it's insane. They even have the same mole, which is insane. They played each other perfectly. And yeah, I think it was just amazing to see it brought to life. The flower shop was exactly how I imagined it. There were some things I feel like we could have left out.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Like I feel like we didn't need to see the funeral, the dad's funeral, because in the book she just says like, she tells us like, oh I just left my dad's funeral with nothing good to say about him. And I feel like that could have happened because so much important stuff for me personally got left out. The Bear and Boston Magnet could 100% have made the cut and I'm confused why it didn't because that is a crucial line in the book that everyone that's read it you go oh fuck she's got to the where'd you get this magnet from Lily part and it's terrifying when you read it
Starting point is 00:22:42 it's terrifying you're terrified for Lily and of Ryle and that line where did you get this magnet from Lily is so gut-wrenching and scary as a reader that I wanted it so bad in the film and when I was watching I'm thinking where's this fucking magnet I thought oh my god we're not gonna get that scene and there was a few moments like that that I just wish was truer to the book but for whatever reason they didn't put it in and I'm sure it was discussed like 100% I'm sure this was a topic especially with Colleen in the room and for whatever reason they made the decision not to include the magnet which is fine. I know in the book we all got a bit annoyed
Starting point is 00:23:26 with the diary entries, didn't we? But it made the whole just keep swimming storyline. And I feel like I wish they'd come up with a way that wasn't diary entries to include the just keep swimming because at the end of the film, I desperately wanted to hear Atlas say, "'You can stop swimming now, Lily. "'We've reached the shore.'"
Starting point is 00:23:48 And the fact that the screen just went black and we didn't get that, I was actually like, oh, well, okay. And yeah, that upset me. One thing I wanna say say, I want to talk about is I get that they made the domestic violence look like accidents the first time they show it. And then later on in the film, you see it a bit clearer and you see that he purposely pushed her down the stairs, etc.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And I get why they did that because they want wanna show what it's like to be Lilly, to be the person in the relationship where it does feel like an accident at first, and when they say they're so sorry and it won't happen again, you do believe them. And then it's not until later down the line where you can look back and go, wait a minute, he did push me down the stairs.
Starting point is 00:24:43 He did mean to hit me that time. And I think they wanted us to experience what Lily experienced. However, I don't feel like it was clear enough and I know that a lot of people were confused, they were like, was it an accident or was it not? And I think that's what they intended you to feel but then I think there should have been a bit more clarity later in the film that he 100% did it on purpose because it was still unclear just a little bit, you know? Like I wanted to see a push down the stairs so that it's like, fuck, what a horrible bastard, rather than like, oh god, like, it looked like he did that on purpose maybe. And yeah, I think they were missing that clarity. Also,
Starting point is 00:25:24 I think the biggest thing for me is anyone that's witnessed or been in a relationship involving domestic abuse You know that when you leave it's the worst part and the hardest part and normally the abuser Does not fucking let that happen, you know Like if in the film and in the book, but I guess less so in the book but more in the film she says what would you do if your daughter said this to you right all of that stuff and he says I would tell her I'd beg her to leave and never to go back and then he kisses the baby and says you have an amazing mom and walks away I'm telling you now that does not happen that they
Starting point is 00:26:03 easy it really doesn't. That's when that's when it gets worse because they can't control you anymore. They're like nah you don't leave me. You don't get to leave me. That's not how this works and that's when the abuse and the control and the obsession is the scariest and when somebody is walking away from an abusive relationship that's actually when they're the most at risk and I would love to have seen that in the film At least just shown because in the book we do see Ryle begging We do see that and I would like to have seen that in the film and not I'm not giving the impression that like
Starting point is 00:26:36 you know when you realize it's abuse just tell them it's over and then you're free because Obviously you will be free, but it isn't that easy, it isn't that simple and I think that that was quite um problematic for me. I was just like, as someone who's witnessed this, I was just like, I wish they'd shown that actually Lily and that baby would be the most at risk they've ever been in that moment when when she says it's over. Um but apart from that I did just love it and I enjoyed it. I think Atlas was absolutely incredible like I loved his character so much that I almost wish he was in it more. Like I just loved him and I would have liked to have seen a kiss with him and Lily at the end Atlas and Lily like I wanted to see the kiss It does make me feel like maybe they're lining up for and it starts with us. I don't know how that will blow over
Starting point is 00:27:37 But I just I loved the I Just loved the aesthetic of the film I just loved the aesthetic of the film. Like it was beautiful in terms of the apartments were amazing, blah blah blah. And it was a bit unrealistic because obviously we know that the books are like they are what you live in this fucking beautiful apartment. You know, like, okay, you're a surgeon, like, okay. But I still just loved it so much, like like regardless of the things that I think they were missing I loved the film so much
Starting point is 00:28:07 Now let's discuss the press and the promo because it's being advertised this this floral girly chick flick right it's flowers flowers flowers flowers grab your bestie, you know and Blake has been seen in non-stop floral flowery prints, the theme for the premieres have been floral, the theme for the whole thing has been flowers, and it's not a girly, flowery film. It's heavy and it's deep and it's, it should have, I feel like it should have felt scarier, like the film, and it should have, I feel like it should have felt scarier like the film and it should have been more portrayed as like a romance slash psychological thriller because the book, Ryan is scary and and like yeah I've just seen, I've seen a few people have an issue with that and yeah I think if you haven't read the book you wouldn't know what it's about
Starting point is 00:29:07 Really and Because I've read the book I knew what was coming right? Like so I knew I did it on purpose I knew he hit her on purpose. I knew he pushed her down the stairs on purpose Obviously we didn't get the headbutt which for me in the book was like such an intense moment And I think that was over the fridge magnet right the headbutt if I can remember such an intense moment. And I think that was over the fridge magnet, right? The head butt, if I can remember. And I loved the chest night at Atlas's house,
Starting point is 00:29:28 not chest night, what am I talking about? The poker night, chest night, what the fuck? The poker night at Atlas's house, I loved that when Lily went running to him for support and he just took her in and took care of her. I loved that. The moment that really made me emotional in this film was when Atlas says that he, I don't want
Starting point is 00:29:46 to even say it to be honest because I actually find it really upsetting, but when he says what he went to do at the house when he was a kid, when he went in there when he was homeless and she saw him for the first time, what his intentions were that night, that was the bit that got me, that broke my heart. And I think he delivered that line perfectly. He delivered all of his lines perfectly. He was my star show. He was my star of the show for me. Atlas was just beautifully played. That's hard to say. Beautifully played. That's hard to say. Yeah, Alyssa was beautifully played and they all played their role on like just unbelievably well but Ryle for me was just like wow, like I believe everything you're saying, I believe every word, I think you are this character.
Starting point is 00:30:37 One thing I will say is why was he just given like cowboy? Like there's something about Alyssa was just like giving cowboy in the ranch and I honestly think he'd make a great Kate if they ever make a Chestnut Springs series or movie series because he just gives Kate to me. Like I just love that. I was like I'm just saying a cowboy and yeah it was such a good film and I'm so happy that they made it. I've also heard that they're making a Verity movie, which you guys know, I did not enjoy that book. And I actually said it would be much better
Starting point is 00:31:09 just to watch it, because it was too boring for me to read, especially as a romance lover. Verity was so boring for me, but everybody else loves, loves, loves that book. And I kept saying the whole time, like, I'd rather watch this, like I would much rather watch this. It would be sick to watch. So I'm actually so buzzing that they're making a film
Starting point is 00:31:27 for that, I can't wait to see that. But will it be as exciting when we know the ending? Because that's what's so exciting about the book, is the twist. Because I know the twist. Am I gonna enjoy the film? I don't know, I'm sure I will. But I'm excited for that.
Starting point is 00:31:41 So yeah, that is my opinion and rundown of The Ends of Us, premiere and film. Beautiful. Enjoyed it, loved it. Just as someone that's attached to certain moments in the book, it was hard for me to watch it without some of the crucial moments and I know that so many people feel the same. But this is the thing, it's like, it's a two hour, just over two hour film, like they can't put it all in. And I did see somebody say like, it would have made a really good series, and I do agree. I do thoroughly agree. It would
Starting point is 00:32:15 have made an amazing series and I would love to have watched it because then I feel like we could have had full episodes from the childhood, from the flashback, from Young Lily, and the diary entries could have played more of a role because a lot of it may have been voiceover, you know? Like it could have been a beautiful cinematic series, but it was a beautiful cinematic film. And it feels good to have watched it. I've been so excited about this.
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's insane. But yeah, let me know what you guys all thought. Send me a DM with your opinions on this film. It's hot topic at the moment. It is hot press. So send me a dm with your opinions Um, let's get into some book talk while we're on the topic of it ends with us quickly I have been reading the chestnut spring series you guys and it's fucking amazing. It's absolutely incredible um I don't know if I said this but basically right, do you know what I think somebody needs to do?
Starting point is 00:33:08 I think, because on Amazon you can buy a multi-pack of a book series and I don't understand why you can't buy book two, three, four and five as a pack because I'm not buying the whole pack unless I've read the first one and liked it. If I've read the first one and liked it I don't want to individually buy each other book from the series because it's gonna cost me a fucking fortune. I'd rather pay £30 for all five books but the thing is is I now have double of the first book because it was way cheaper for me to just buy the whole series and get a double of the first book. So why doesn't somebody release a book series of two, three, four and five just in case you bought the first book alone, just as a little taste test, you know? But anyway, because I had double, I put on my Instagram story
Starting point is 00:33:52 saying does anybody want the first book from the Chestnut Springs series? I'll send it to you. And loads of you wanted it and I was really sad because I was like, well, I wish I had 500 now, to be honest. but I just picked the first girl to respond and I sent it to her with like some bookmarks and some sweets and some cute bits in there. So yeah, and it made me realise like I really enjoy sending people things because obviously I think I spoke about this last week.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I've started my InVinted account just to get rid of like all my clothes that I love, but probably won't wear again, but are still like really gorgeous clothes that I'm kind of sad to let go of so I put them on vintage instead as well as putting like 90% of my wardrobe turnover in a bag to take to charity I've got like 10% left that I put on vintage and um I'm getting carried away with these goodie bags that I put in. I'm buying shit to put in these goodie bags I'm literally not making a penny at this point I'm losing money
Starting point is 00:34:53 But I'm I just love it like I bought these little pink mesh Bags and I put like a little lolly in like a little sweet some hair bands hair clips Yeah, some bookmarks and some of them I've got like the little page corner bookmarks I bought like a multi-pack scrunchies, fucking little mini perfume samples like little mini Charlotte Tilbury's, I put lipstick like a made by Mitchell lipstick, I'm just getting carried away. I'm getting, it's like making party bags for a party and I'm enjoying making them so much that I don't, I'm running out of things to put on my vinted now and now I just want to make these little goodie bags. So that's fun and I'm trying to come up with something I can do where I can send things to you guys.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I was chatting to one of my listeners Georgia, shout out Georgia, the other day who told me that she's a page folder from when she reads a book she folds the corner of the page and I said babe that will not do and I sent her some bookmarks because I was like I can't deal with that you're folding your page corners uh-uh We need to fix that so I sent her ones that match mine cuz I got these little love hot ones They're actually on my Amazon storefront if anyone wants to see what I use I just choked again We are yet to have a hiccup and a yawn in this episode. I just realized mmm
Starting point is 00:36:20 But we've had like two days of sun recently guys. How pathetic is that? I'm fuming about it. And my niece and nephews, me and my mum, we wanted a pool day with the kids so bad this summer. My mum took a week off work to spend with kids, right? Like a nanny week, nanny and the grandkids week. The weather was dog shit all fucking week. And she was fuming because she was like, right, we're to the beach we're gonna have a pool day lalala had
Starting point is 00:36:46 all these plans and we ended up just not doing any of them and doing like inside things instead so that was sad and then it said all of a sudden it was gonna be like 27 degrees on Sunday and we were like fuck but the kids were at their dad's so we rang their dad and was like will you drop the kids off early on Sunday so we can have a pool day with them? And he was like, yeah, sure, of course. So we had a really fun pool day. But the thing is, is we tried to get our pool out and we blow it up because it's one of the ones where the ring blows up and the water makes it stand, right? And the ring keeps going flat. And I'm like, mum, every fucking hole, because
Starting point is 00:37:24 by the way, don't waste your money on a blow up pole, no matter how big it is, no matter how expensive it is, it will fucking break. It will 100% puncture, no matter how good, no matter how expensive it was, it will fucking puncture, right? I'm like, mom, we've covered up every fucking hole
Starting point is 00:37:40 in this pole. There's about eight slits, are they called slits slashes what is the fuck what am I talking about eight punctures in this pool and we've covered them all with duct tape with pool saving kits whatever they're called and it's still going flat and we're like mum this pool is fucked it's Saturday night we're trying to get it up ready so it's it's like going flat and we're like, mom, this pool is fucked. It's Saturday night, we're trying to get it up ready. So it's like, you know, full for the morning. We're like, well, it's not Saturday night,
Starting point is 00:38:11 it's Saturday afternoon, late afternoon, right? And we're like, fuck's sake, like, I'm going around breaking my back, squeezing the ring, trying to listen for a sssss, trying to hear where there's air coming out, sssss, trying to hear it. Oh, found one, cover it up. I got to a point where I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:25 there's about 20 duct tapes all over this pole. I think it's dead. So we're like, fuck, we're gonna have to go out and get a fucking pole, because these kids are coming around tomorrow for a pole day and we ain't got pole. So me and my mum go to the range. She finds the one she wants.
Starting point is 00:38:43 It's like, right, 12 foot pole, range. She finds the one she wants. It's like right 12 foot pole gorgeous They can proper swim in it. We're really excited Forking out for this incredible swimming pool. Okay, we go to the range that says they have nine in stock We get there. They cannot find these pools. We can't find them first of all then we ask a member of staff. He's like They should be on this palette over here. Oh, that's weird No, that's not that. Okay let me check the warehouse. That's weird they're not in the warehouse. They couldn't find them. They've got nine swimming pools missing right. So we're
Starting point is 00:39:12 like brilliant. Is there any other range nearby that has them in stock? He's like there's one like 40 minutes away and we're like okay. To be honest we've looked everywhere. We can't find another pool. Can you ring up and see if they've got any in stock? He said I can obviously do that for you. Of course. Yeah, that's my job. No fucking shit. I said brilliant He rings him up. He said they've got two left in stock. He's gonna put one back for you if you get that today We said mom get in the car We're driving to Dorchester And we drove and we get the pool it's fantastic
Starting point is 00:39:43 Me and my mom is like a pole, you know the pole ones? It wasn't a blow up one, you only make that mistake once. We got the ones with the poles. Does that have a name? I don't know. So we're building this fucking pole. It's 12 foot pole, me and my mum building it. Jamie's at football and we're building this stupid pole.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It takes about fucking 20 hours to fill up. Mom's like, this is gonna cost me a full show. We're having a nightmare with this pool, but anyway. So then they come around the next day and we had the best pool day ever. And today is kind of warm, like it's very cloudy, but it's kind of warm and I think they're gonna come around and come in it today, which is good.
Starting point is 00:40:22 So it wasn't just all that for one day. So that's a relief. But that's literally the end of fucking summer now. It goes back to 21 degrees tomorrow. Are you okay? It's pure cloud every day. We even have some rain, so that's nice. 20 degrees on Friday, 20 to zero in August.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Speaking of, my birthday's coming up. He was excited. Why would you be excited? I don't know why I said that I'm excited It turns out I have a lot of birthday twins that listen to this podcast so happy birthday to all of us in the next nine days, I think it's nine I Honestly don't know what we're gonna do though because Jamie the plans are in his hands. He's basically just said leave it to me and If that's not a fucking man of your dreams, I don't know what is I'm just dreaming every day with him But yeah, that has been my week you guys pretty crazy for me. Hey I'm excited on this Friday coming up this week. I have a one of my cousins is moving up north
Starting point is 00:41:26 So we're having like a really nice Throw in throwing a going away party for her. Well, she's throwing it. I'm not throwing it. I'm literally just turning up for the vibes She's throwing a going away party and we always have the best times there, you know them cousins that you have the best time and We're all going which is fun. Like all my siblings my aunties coming, we're all gonna go it's gonna be really really fun. I'm genuinely so excited for it, it's just always such a good laugh there. So yeah I'm looking forward to that on Friday and one thing I've learned is I always need
Starting point is 00:41:55 something to look forward to, that should be studied. Like if I don't have anything to look forward to, I enter this dark, dark space of I'm so lost in life and I'm riddled with fear and anxiety. Even if it's something as simple as like my auntie's down on Friday, that will get me through to Friday, that will get me through the week. Should that be studied? What does that mean? Okay, no one tell me. All right guys, well I hope you all have an amazing week Thank you for being part of this debrief. Thank you for being part of my journey of Becoming more comfortable outside of my comfort zone
Starting point is 00:42:31 I feel like it's actually really nice to have this like to be able to come on the pod and discuss it because It gives me almost a purpose to do it like Otherwise, what am I gonna have to talk about about my life when it comes to my future? My kids go, mom what did you do in your 20s? And I'm like, read lots of books and sat on my sofa and watched Keeping Up With The Kardashians, although it's called The Kardashians now isn't it? So honestly I'm just doing it for the plot. No I'm doing it because these are things I dreamt of. And it was actually on my vision board this year
Starting point is 00:43:07 to go to a film premiere. So feeling so incredible and grateful. Just love everything. And I love you guys. And I hope you guys feel appreciated by me. I feel like I say it enough, but if I don't, I love you. I don't know where I would be or who I would be without you, whether that comes to my career or
Starting point is 00:43:25 just as a human because you having you guys to come and vent to To pour out emotions with to share when I've had a bad week to share exciting news with like you guys are my go-to source for Support whether you know it or not like when something exciting happens to me I Straightaway think I can't wait to tell the girls on the pod. When something scary happens, when something, when I go through a life lesson I'm like, you know what? We're gonna use this on the pod. It's gonna be a good thing. And yeah, without you guys, I don't know where I'd be so I love you and I hope you feel that love and I hope you know how grateful I am for every single one of you, not just you as a collective,
Starting point is 00:44:06 but every single individual listener. You are all like the main character in your life and you bring like your day, you decide I'm gonna play Leah on the line right now. Like you make that decision and to be part of you like that is incredible to me if that makes sense. It just feels like, wow, we are just, we're just two peas in a pod. We're just besties you know and yeah I'm just grateful and I love you. I hope you feel
Starting point is 00:44:35 it. If not I'm not doing enough and I'll be better I promise. But I hope you all have an amazing week, whatever it is that you're getting up to. Send me a DM to let me know what you have planned and I'll see you guys on Tuesday for a brand new episode. Alright, I love you! Bye!

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