Leah on the Line - 19: Talking about all the things you think are taboo!

Episode Date: May 23, 2022

Hi babes! I absolutely love this episode and think it's so important to talk about this stuff. I hope it made you all feel that little bit more comfortable to express yourselves! Thank you so much for... all the love recently, I can't tell you how much it means. As always send in your thoughts/dilemmas to leahontheline@gmail.com! Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello! Hi everyone! Welcome back to a brand new episode of Lear on the Line. How are you? How are things? I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages. Sorry there was no bonus episode last week. I really sounded like I was going to do one again, didn't I? But I didn't. I've been in London all week. I got back yesterday. I've been so busy. I just had so much to do, so much to get done. Had a couple of auditions that I ended up not being able to go to in person because, as you guys heard, like in the last podcast I was so ill like oh my god I sounded like death so I ended up doing self tapes which wasn't the end of the world but I just had some stuff to do in London so you had to go to the doctors do some blood tests and stuff because did I tell you this
Starting point is 00:00:56 I can't remember if I told you but they remember I said that I am convinced I've got endometriosis so I went for the ultrasound as you guys know I spoke about a couple episodes back and I got the results back and they said I have PCO which if anyone doesn't know is polycystic ovaries um which I was not expecting because I don't have any symptoms of PCOS so I had to go for blood tests because apparently you can have PCO without having PCOS like you can have polycystic ovaries without having polycystic ovary syndrome apparently that's the thing i wasn't entirely sure about that but apparently it is um so they test for like the your levels of testosterone and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:01:36 because like that's part of pcos apparently you have like high levels of testosterone and stuff but it's also like you get like facial hair and stuff obviously because of the testosterone which i don't really get like i probably get like a little bit of fluff on the upper lip but don't we all do you know what i mean um and yeah and it's like severe oily skin like acne and i get like a bit of acne on my body but like not really on my face like my oh my god guys my skin has been so fucking bad recently it's actually making me so miserable my self-esteem's not great at the moment like I'm just not looking my best it's so weird because last week I was like I'm so fucking skinny and like sexy right now like I was feeling so attractive but I was like I am looking amazing like my body is really thriving and this week I'm like just put
Starting point is 00:02:21 me in a pair of joggers and a fucking hoodie because I am not looking good is that body dysmorphia no I'm not going to diagnose myself with that but I'm getting a bit insecure the last few days so we're not going to talk about my appearance but it's fine because do you know what I mean I'm I'm rich in life and in love and that's all that matters not in finances especially now that I've quit my jobs but we'll talk about that on friday i will definitely definitely i'm giving you my word well that was loud hello oh my god by the way let me finish that sentence i will definitely definitely get a bonus episode up on friday i promise um yeah what i was gonna say was in the last episode i did that thing where i was like wake up and do you know the amount of people that messaged me saying i nearly just crashed my fucking car because of you? So I'm so sorry. If you almost
Starting point is 00:03:07 crashed your car, I am so sorry. Like, what are you going to tell your insurance? I was listening to a podcast and do you know what I mean? I'm the one going to be getting sued. So yeah, please nobody get me in trouble. I hope nobody did crash. I'm sure you would tell me if you did. So yeah, this week, oh my God, I've really missed you. I've really missed talking to you all. How's things? I wish you could reply. I mean, send me a message.
Starting point is 00:03:30 As you know, I try to reply to as many of you as I can. Yeah, let me know what you've been up to this last week. I'm really missing you. I've been thinking of you every single day. So this week's episode is going to run a little bit differently. I'm not doing a weekly debate, and i'm not doing dilemmas so i put an instagram story saying let's get it up what exactly did i say i said okay next episode would you prefer a normal episode with dilemmas and weekly debate or an episode diving deeply into your taboo topics because i've had so many
Starting point is 00:04:03 lovely messages recently being like i loved the episode where you spoke about like all the taboo things so I was like let me bring her back let me bring her back so um that poll won by 82% so 82% of you I'm sorry to the 18% that just wanted a normal episode you'll get it next week I promise do you know what I mean but this week we're going to do some taboo topics, which is so fun. As you guys know, I'm very, very, very passionate about just getting rid of the taboo and the cringy and the like, the feeling around certain topics. Like, first one being, women like to have fucking sex, do you know what I mean? It's so annoying. Like like why is it that men are like sex is for us like we like we fuck the women no babe I'm I'll fuck you every now and then all right um so yeah we're gonna talk about things like that so if you're like in public and maybe you get a bit embarrassed about this kind of thing
Starting point is 00:04:59 maybe pop a pair of headphones in um obviously we're trying to crush the taboo but I understand a lot of you feel uncomfortable and it takes a bit of practice it's one of those things that's like you know it's not just all of a sudden these these topics of conversation are going to become normal it's going to be a process and i want to be part of that do you know what i mean if you know like me doing an episode and talking openly about these kind of topics that is what's going to help everybody else feel a bit more comfortable about things and you know like if you have an issue of your body you might feel just that little bit more comfortable to talk about it with somebody so yeah that is the point of this um because like when I was growing up people didn't talk about like female pleasure
Starting point is 00:05:38 and like sex being pleasurable for women and like all the all the topics that we're going to talk about here it wasn't really a thing so like if I didn't have sisters and if I wasn't brought up by a mum who made you feel like you could ask any questions and talk about everything I can imagine that for the people that didn't have that which I'm sure are so many it's so hard to to navigate being a being a woman when you're growing up especially as a teenager and like in your early 20s trying to like figure out what the fuck you're doing and how your body works and like your relationship with your body and stuff like that oh my god it's so hard to navigate so I want to be part of that if somebody doesn't have somebody to talk to about certain things you you know I want to be part of it I
Starting point is 00:06:19 want to be that person that you can talk to openly about things so um let's just go straight onto my instagrams i put up a question box and i said send me in anything you want me to talk about that you find a little bit taboo or cringy or a little private whatever and a very common one was period sex like really really common so i've had period sex but the thing is with me that when i'm on my period i don't get like full heavy periods because I've been on the mini pill for like fucking years please nobody tell me that I'm gonna die because I know it's dangerous and I have health anxiety so nobody needs to do that please thank you um so when I get periods they're not heavy anyway and I've never had a heavy period
Starting point is 00:06:59 in my life um so whenever I am on my period there's just such light bleeding that it doesn't i don't bleed during sex it will just more be after like that yeah there might be a little bit of blood do you know what i mean but it's not i've never been the kind of heavy in a period where there's going to be blood on the sheets maybe like we've made a mess like no but personally my personal preference is i don't think i would enjoy that so I feel like it's definitely a personal preference thing and it doesn't have to be like a like a society standard thing like it's not like who gets to decide if your if period sex is for you or not you know like there's some people that are just like no I don't want anyone to go near my vagina when I'm on my period because
Starting point is 00:07:38 not only is it swollen it's painful it's sore I'm not feeling body confident, it's messy, you know, like, I don't feel sexy, so I totally get why even women are like, don't come near me, I'm on my period, but also, you're very, your, your sex drives high, you're horny on your period, so I totally get why some women are like, fucking shag me, yeah, so I get it, but, you know, flipping the script, I totally get why whoever you're sleeping with might be like it's just not for me like it's a little bit messy and you know it makes me feel like just a little bit not not like nervous but like you know they don't want to hurt you they don't want to cause discomfort or pain they don't know how it feels for you it might feel different
Starting point is 00:08:21 for you um and also then some guys might just be like babe put a towel down i couldn't give a fuck do you know what i mean so i don't think it's something that should be embarrassing or like taboo i think it's just like it's up to you if you want to do it or not what's it got to do with anybody else you know it's literally personal preference so yeah um that's my thoughts on that one what do you guys think to that one let me know send me a message um getting the morning after pill it feels so awkward but it's so common and normal That's my thoughts on that one. What do you guys think to that one? Let me know, send me a message. Getting the morning after pill, it feels so awkward, but it's so common and normal. You know what? I think you should take pride in taking control over your body because we're lucky we have the right to do that right now. I mean, do you know what I mean? With the shit going on
Starting point is 00:09:00 in the world, we're lucky that we have access to the morning after pill i count myself very lucky um and i think you should take power and being like i'm making a smart decision here i'm thinking ahead um and it's it's your body and you have every right to do it it doesn't feel awkward for me i think the only reason i feel a bit awkward i've got the morning after pill once maybe twice in my life when I was a teenager and the only reason I feel awkward is because I just feel like they're looking at me like you were shagging last night do you know what I mean and like not that I'm embarrassed about it but it's just kind of like it feels like the elephant in the room but then if you think about it like they're like chemists or pharmacists like doctors they they deal with all this shit daily like they they don't care that you
Starting point is 00:09:46 were shagging last night if anything they're probably thinking good for you coming in on your own or whoever you're with and making this decision for yourself and just being smart do you know what i mean it's absolutely no shame in here not at all i think you should be proud of yourself for doing doing something like that you know it's better to be brave enough to do it than to get yourself into a situation that's difficult and sticky and then you've got to do something about it then and that's an even harder decision to make so yeah I think the only reason it feels awkward is because they just know I was getting ditched the night before do you know what I mean but oh my god how funny is the story right so with my first boyfriend we had sex and then I went to town the next day popped into boots got the morning after pill and then um just because I'd missed a couple of my
Starting point is 00:10:32 contraceptive pills so I was like I'm not taking this risk right now like I'm 16 years old um so you know go 16 year old me being very very smart and clever because I knew I'd miss I'd miss a couple like a couple of my contraceptive pills so I was like let's be smart here and then so I put it in my bag because I never liked to take it then and there I always used to put it in my bag always used to and literally did it once or twice but yeah I put it in my bag and then we got home that evening and we had a big argument um found out what he had been doing behind my back and um literally kicked him out of my house and broke up with him and then went to bed that night and I literally woke up at like three o'clock in the morning like I just had a nightmare or
Starting point is 00:11:18 something and I was like the morning after pill I literally forgot to take it and unconscious me subconscious me i mean unconscious i'm also unconscious subconscious me woke me up in the middle of my sleep and was like take that fucking pill bitch how crazy i literally woke up i was like the pill and i had i ran downstairs and got out my handbag and took it thank god for that because who knows what would have happened if i didn't okay next one um did losing your virginity hurt or was it just uncomfortable for me it didn't hurt um but that's because i didn't really have like a large penis until like probably like my fourth person all the guys that i slept with are probably thinking thanks a lot they won't listen to this
Starting point is 00:12:02 but yeah i didn't have any like painful sex until like the fourth guy just because none none of the weddings were very big I'm not even joking so no but then so many women are like it's so painful like oh my god and I also didn't bleed I wasn't one of those people you know they say like I've popped your cherry and like you bleed everywhere that didn't happen for me so yeah I literally just think every woman's body is different um it wasn't even uncomfortable I'm not even gonna lie like look at me the fucking humongous vagina I'm joking no I don't really remember it being painful I would just remember but to be fair like the first couple times that you have sex it's not proper sex is it it wasn't until I had my first boyfriend and we were fucking going at it that I was like um ow so yeah that's my um experience what about you guys obviously everyone's
Starting point is 00:12:56 different um only fans slash opinions on your boyfriend watching porn didn't we do a weekly debate about this um my personal opinions is only fans to me is completely unfaithful like i don't i don't know if i use the word cheating but it's unfaithful like if my boyfriend had only fans i consider that he that being he's being unfaithful to me um watching porn i don't have a problem with unless it's like you're choosing to watch porn over having sex with me which I just find fucking bizarre um but I know so many women are really passionate about it like so many I get a lot of dilemmas being like I hate my boyfriend watching porn I cannot stand it it makes my skin crawl makes me want to cry um so if you're one of those girls you're definitely not alone in that I just do think it's everyone has different boundaries and different things that they're okay with different
Starting point is 00:13:46 things that affect their like their self-esteem and stuff like that so yeah um how some people have a low sex drive totally normal yeah for sure a lot of people do have a low sex drive but then low according to who to be fair do you know what i mean like mine could be normal to one person or it could be like crazy high to another person or somebody could think Jesus Christ you don't have much sex so honestly like that is totally subjective like what's a normal sex drive do you know what I mean um but sex drive definitely comes down to like your stress levels your hormone levels um, like serotonin levels, like all of it. Like if you're having a shit time, you don't want to have sex a lot of the time, or sometimes you're having a shit time
Starting point is 00:14:32 and you just want to be railed. Do you know what I mean though? Do you know what I mean? Oh, but like I said, according to who, what's normal? Um, sex on a first date slash when should you sleep with a boy? That would be quite, that'd be quite a good weekly debate, wouldn't it? I'll definitely make that weekly debate. Uh, someone remind me because I'll definitely forget. Um, sex on the first day. I've never had sex on a first date, but am I against it? It depends on what I wanted. Like, it depends on what I wanted from that guy. Like, if I'm looking at you and I'm trying to marry you, I don't know, because, but then still, like, if I have sex with you, is it really going to change how you see me? That's what I want to
Starting point is 00:15:16 know. Like, if I sleep with this guy, is he all of a sudden going to go, actually, she's not for me, and then if he does, then you're not for me either do you know what i mean it's kind of a good test like if you see him on the first date and he still was giving you 100 you've got your answer there you know what he wants and then if you have sex with him and he gives you nothing after that you're like well now we know your true colors and at least i got what i wanted you know i was fucking horny as well so I used you darling so don't sit there feeling like you got the upper hand on me all right because I got all I wanted I had matching underwear on put it that way yeah listen if she's wearing matching underwear on a first date she knew she came to that date knowing exactly what she wanted all right um but yeah I
Starting point is 00:16:00 get why it's taboo like it's definitely one of those things that girls are like oh like is he gonna respect me like is he gonna think I'm easy but I think that gives that tells you a lot about him like if if you sleep with him and then he thinks you're easy and he doesn't respect you then bye like I don't respect you either from then but like from that I can't get my words out I mean I never can what's new there um but you know what i mean and like if if you sleep with him on the first date has that much of an impact on how he treats you then what the fuck like bye you know he might be like she was a horny bitch and i loved it you know just do what you want to do don't worry about how what what he's going to think of it if you go to that first date and you want to have sex with him have sex with him and how you respond to it will tell you a lot about him and his intentions with you in the first place. You know, talking to multiple people at
Starting point is 00:16:51 once, I'm all for it, to be honest. Yeah, I totally get it. Like when you're single, you're dating. But I also feel like I get really, I'm quite a jealous gal. Like if I'm, if I've slept with somebody, and then he sleeps with somebody else, I don't want your will quite a jealous girl. Like if I'm, if I've slept with somebody and then he sleeps with somebody else, I don't want your willy inside me again. Like that makes me feel sick. But then we're talking sex to be fair, but you're just talking about dating.
Starting point is 00:17:14 So like talking to multiple people at once. What do you guys think about that? I do think like dating is dating. You should be able to be seeing multiple people at the same time. That's what dating is. You've got to find the person that you're interested in. But when you talk, when you think about like old-fashioned like back in dear they were not talking to multiple people like when you talk to somebody from from
Starting point is 00:17:33 the older generation they're like you didn't have to have the conversation of like are we boyfriend a girlfriend like if you kissed you were together and you weren't kissing other people like that was we were together and that was my person and we we were together and now we've like now it's just like dating but then I do like it I do like that you can be dating and and learning different things about different people and what you want from somebody so it's a tricky one so I I think again it says it's a situation about boundaries I don't think it should be a too taboo topic um oh can you hear my brother he's just walking past my bedroom I'll be careful what I talk about right now and he's going upstairs yeah I'm living at home again so get used to this
Starting point is 00:18:25 all right my dog was barking in the last one now my brother's walking upstairs um yeah what was I saying talking to multiple people yeah so it's just again it's maybe it's a boundaries thing like I'm not willing to share your time and if you want to be dating multiple girls that's absolutely fine I just would feel more comfortable if I wasn't one of them or if you if you do want me to be one I don't really want you to be seeing other people at the same time it makes me feel a bit weird especially if you're sleeping with them I just think it's a boundary thing and you are okay with what you're okay with and I wouldn't say I class it as a taboo topic but I do understand because it is I feel like something people get a bit funny talking
Starting point is 00:19:05 about you know like they say like you should never have to ask a guy like what are we and I do get that I do get it I see both sides because it's like if you're dating a guy you don't want to go what are we like are we exclusive because they say like you should know like it should be clear but then what how's how's he gonna make it clear if he if he's not somebody that is just gonna lay it flat out on a table and say by the way i'm not talking to anybody else he might feel like that's not what you want he might feel like that's a bit much to to ask of you so i see both sides of that one that would be another good weekly debate like should you is it okay to ask a guy like what are we um let's see um i'm super interested oh we did that one we did that one i just love work gossip so taboo
Starting point is 00:19:56 to talk about but nothing better what do you mean what do you mean work gossip um mean what do you mean work gossip um sexual desires slash fantasies i mean as long as they're not like criminal do you know what i mean like who fucking cares everyone's into what they're into everyone's got their own like kinks actually to be fair i don't i actually don't do you guys have like weird kinks or anything i literally don't you know people are like oh i love feet and that like and that's obviously not weird when I feel like that's quite a common one but I genuinely don't have one I did always love the thought like if you used to watch my youtube videos you you already know this but I used to love the thought of sleeping with my teacher it didn't happen it was a dream it was a dream of mine but it didn't happen um so I guess that class is a kink right like teacher sex gross it's kind of gross isn't
Starting point is 00:20:48 it obviously when I was like at uni like I was like an adult so it wouldn't have been weird to like have sex with these men like I was like 18 well how old are you at uni yeah I was 18 to 21 so it's not like a weird fantasy to have but then like like we're saying a lot of this is all subjective like who decides what's a weird fantasy to have um i'd love to know some of yours oh my god please if you feel comfortable please dm me like some of your weird sexual fantasies i would literally love to hear them um um this person says i feel like most taboo topics just shouldn't be taboo i don't even know if that makes sense but i guess that's mine she says yeah honestly that is the reason i want to do this like why should talking about your sexual desires be taboo why should talking about sleeping
Starting point is 00:21:41 with a boy on the first date be taboo like why should period sex be taboo do you know what i mean like sex is so fucking natural it's literally we we are all on this planet because of sex yet none of us can talk about it it makes no sense to me um but yeah that is exactly i 100 agree with you um people's opinions on body count yeah that is weird isn't it like why do you care how many people i've had sex with what does that why does that change what you think of me and like why does it say anything about me it literally doesn't doesn't tell you anything about me as a person and like think about like this like i was in a three and a half year relationship and we had a lot of sex obviously I lived with him for three years so if you put
Starting point is 00:22:28 that into people I'd be classed as a massive whore but because it's with the same guy that makes me not a whore like it makes no sense I literally don't get it I literally don't get it but in a to be a hypocrite if I met a guy and he was like I've had sex with 200 girls I'd be like no thanks but I think that's because that's just an unnecessary number isn't it like 200 like was it your mission how has that happened that's what I don't get but yeah I do I do get what you mean but then I feel like we all are a little bit guilty of like I am interested like when I'm talking to a guy I'm interested I want to know how many girls you fucked I really do and I will ask and you know
Starting point is 00:23:05 I will tell you whether I'm okay with it but I've never met anybody that who's told me their body count and I've been like what the fuck like I'm always just like oh okay fair enough like even if they're like I don't know let me think of something reasonably high like if they were like oh 70 I'd be like fuck you now son okay all right um. What do you guys think about it? Does it bother you? Like, wait, did we do this as a weekly debate? Yeah, we did. We spoke about whether somebody's body count matters. Yeah. A lot of you guys tended. Wow. A lot of you guys said that, you know, it's not the end of the world, but if it's crazy high, then you are going to be a bit turned off by it. So yeah, I guess that one is a taboo topic,
Starting point is 00:23:51 weirdly. Money. Money is definitely a taboo topic, isn't it? But you guys know that I always talk about the fact that like, I'm unemployed. I literally joke about all the time about how I'm fucking 24 and I'm just broke and I have no life but maybe that's because I was brought up in a working class household like all my family are working class like my mum has two degrees like she's worked full-time my whole life and she we went to like after-school club and like you know like my mum's always just been working working working and we've never really had like an excessive amount of money so for me it's not been like a taboo thing because I feel like a lot of the time if you have money then it feels like a taboo thing because people judge you
Starting point is 00:24:37 and have their opinions on you and they think that you're showing off about it and people think you're flash oh my god I need to use the c word I need to be careful I don't ever want to use that word on this podcast okay it's just too much people find it so aggressive um but yeah so I get why people find it taboo because definitely people have their opinions on it but I definitely don't just because it's not ever been something that's had a significant role in my life like it's just always been like yeah we don't really have much you know like I have I have three siblings like my mum was a single parent with four kids, who works full-time, um, and has two degrees, like, she's, money's just always been a, not struggle, like, oh my god, I feel so lucky, I've always had a roof over my head, I've always had nice clothes, I've always had my
Starting point is 00:25:21 school uniform, like, always had food on the the table so I'm one of the most privileged people in the world just because I've got that but because it was always like we've had to not we my mum's had to work really hard for it it's just like I don't find it to be at all but then I totally get why people do especially if you earn a lot because it's kind of no one's business at the same time so yeah i don't think it should be taboo but i get why some people find it private and if you want to keep it private keep it private i know a lot of people that like they don't even know what their families make like they they don't even talk about money with their parents so yeah i think it is just a personal preference thing a lot a lot of this is
Starting point is 00:26:06 I suppose isn't it um let's see mental health yeah I feel like it's definitely becoming less taboo which I'm so so happy about um and I I would love to be a part of that movement do you know what I mean like you guys know I always talk about anxiety on this like I've I've had health anxiety like my whole life and I'm completely like proud of it and I had counselling when I was at uni to sort of like give me the tools I need to stay in control and you know like obviously it might get on top of me every now and then but I am fully proud of like how in control I am compared to like when I first sort of started experiencing difficulties with it um but yeah I definitely agree mental health is a bit of a taboo topic especially certain mental health
Starting point is 00:26:51 conditions you know like I think the one people are feeling more comfortable talking about is anxiety and depression and stuff um but there are some there's so many mental health conditions that people don't feel as comfortable talking about yet and hopefully one day they will like there's so many mental health conditions that people don't feel as comfortable talking about yet and hopefully one day they will like there's the advert on at the moment I don't know what what it is maybe it's mind I think and he's like bipolar is my g and I love that advert like it's just sick so yeah hopefully it's something that people can talk about more and more and it becomes less taboo and just more normalized normalized normalized um because why is it we can talk about our physical health but we can't talk about our mental health i find it so bizarre i find it fucking bizarre um i wish we
Starting point is 00:27:35 was a bit more like america in that way like i wish we all i wish it was a normal practice for just all to all of us to go to counseling and therapy you know because do you know like everyone in america pretty much goes to therapy i wish i wish we was all like that i wish it was more accessible i know it's accessible we're so lucky we have the nhs and everything oh my fucking god we're so lucky but it's like you you reach out to a therapist when you're rock bottom or going through grief or experiencing severe mental health difficulties like it's never like I just want to understand my mind so I can be more in control of my thoughts and and like my behaviors and stuff like that like I don't know yeah um
Starting point is 00:28:16 drugs being around people who do them is it a deal breaker for me yeah like a hundred percent for me um it's difficult to really talk about that to be honest because that that's my personal opinion like for me it's I could never like it's just not something I can support to be honest um let's see sorry okay this one's quite um gruesome this one says can we talk about the fact that we literally leak out semen after sex throughout the day i mean babes jump in that shower that's what i'm saying yeah it does happen though doesn't it like if you if you have a quick one and then you've got to go out somewhere it's gonna it drips out it does but i mean it happens to the best of us you know pretty normal i'd say um shaving your vagina how not to get ingrown hairs
Starting point is 00:29:19 so anyone knows let me fucking know because literally i'm so sick of a shaving rash if i don't let it grow out for a few days and then shave i have a rash and it's so annoying like i don't know how do people shave every day do you shave every day honestly when i was in a relationship i was shaving every day but now i'm single like i'm letting her grow do you know what i mean who fucking cares um but ingrown hairs yeah fucking annoying aren't they especially when they get sore oh my god they can be so sore sometimes but the shave and rash to be honest I think a big part of it is cheap razors if you use cheap razors they just cut your fucking vagina to bits honestly est Raisers, I know they do so many ads. This is not on ad,
Starting point is 00:30:05 by the way. I wish it was. But they are fucking great. They are so good. I just choked. Okay, normalizing girls wanting to have casual sex. Yes, 100%. I've spoken about this loads of times. If you are having safe sex, like if you're protected, I don't care how casual it is. If your sex is safe, and your sex isn't hurting anybody, who cares how fucking casual it is, you know what I mean? Like, girls wanting to have casual sex, apparently it's a boy thing, according to the society, apparently it's just what guys do, apparently girls, like, if we have sex with you, we want to marry you, we want you to fall in love with us we want to be forever sometimes i just want willy okay so own it if you're somebody that wants casual sex a lot of girls are like i need an emotional connection
Starting point is 00:30:53 to have sex with you some of you are like i i physically don't give a fuck about the emotional connection i just i'm horny and want somebody to pleasure me and i want to pleasure somebody else totally get it do whatever you're comfortable with but i do i do get those people that are I just am horny and want somebody to pleasure me and I want to pleasure somebody else. Totally get it. Do whatever you're comfortable with. But I do, I do get those people that are like, I need a emotional connection and I don't think I need an emotional connection, but I definitely don't want to feel like you're a stranger. That's just my personal preference. Like I don't want to sleep with you if I feel like I don't know anything about you, but that's's just maybe it's a safety thing I don't know um feeling the pressure to have children fill you 100% um I feel like especially if you've been in a relationship
Starting point is 00:31:32 for a long time you start to get those questions of like when are you guys gonna have kids and it's like when when I fucking tell you I'm pregnant babe until then do you know what I mean or until I bring it up there's honestly no need to ask um but i also think you should take absolute pride if you have decided i don't want children you should take absolute pride in telling somebody that and if they turn around and they say why just why do i need a reason for that why do i need to give you a reason because I have a uterus why do I need to fucking want to use it like I don't want to bring up a child and that's just enough there's absolutely nothing wrong with that you know you could argue it's actually possibly the worst thing I could do for the
Starting point is 00:32:17 environment bring another fucking consumer into the world so honestly if you've decided I don't want kids or right now in my life it's just not something i can see you don't have to tell anybody that and you don't you definitely don't need to fucking explain it to anybody but if that's something you feel like you want to do do it just be like look i don't want kids or i i don't actually think about whether or not i want children just because i'm a woman i'd really appreciate to stop hearing these fucking questions all right um let's see let's see women's bodily functions what do you mean oh like discharge and stuff yeah I don't feel like that's very taboo I talk about discharge with all my friends and stuff like it's totally normal do you know since being on the pill like I don't really get discharged isn't that funny because
Starting point is 00:33:07 I came off of it for a while um a few months ago and I got discharged again and I was like wow I forgot what this felt like not that it was like an incredible feeling or anything I was just like oh my god yeah whereas pussy but I was just like oh okay um yeah and it's interesting that like being on my pill i don't really get it but then i suppose because i don't get periods because discharge is like all around based around your cycle isn't it because it's like cleaning you out and then like do you know what i mean so i don't know i'm sure there is some sort of medical explanation why i don't really get it um anymore but you know it doesn't bleach my knickers which is nice do you remember that well I say remember it because I haven't experienced that
Starting point is 00:33:51 for a while but isn't that so annoying when your discharge bleaches your knickers so annoying knickers what a funny word to say peonies um okay can I just say I know this the point in this is to be like things aren't to be like you express yourself, like this is a safe space, but I just want to read this one out. This is from a guy and it says, I have a weird ass taboo. When a girl cries, I get horny. I, I don't know, like, I don't think that's, that's a, I don't think that's classed as a taboo topic.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I think that's just classed as like, well, maybe, maybe it is because I suppose it's like a sexual fantasy but why like do you mean like when she's upset you're turned on by a girl being sad like I know the whole point of this is that you know we don't judge each other but like I should have to share that with you guys um breastfeeding yeah obviously I'm not a mother one day I would absolutely love to but now that I'm going through this shit with the fucking GP I'm getting a bit stressed because I've got polycystic ovaries apparently but anyway I will keep you all updated on that I'm sure there's so many girls listening that have PCOS um but yeah what was I talking about what was I literally talking about oh'll breastfeed him yeah um i would love to
Starting point is 00:35:05 breastfeed if i can have children one day i would love to breastfeed but that's not possible for everybody and if not i'll be absolutely fine as long as i've got a healthy baby i couldn't give a fuck do you know what i mean plus some women just can't do it because it's really painful and it's just you know i to be fair what my nipples are reasonably flat like they don't really come out unless i'm ice ice ice cold one of them tends to go completely in like fully inverted don't worry it's always been that way nobody get up in my dm saying that's a sign of breast cancer because i know it is but only if that only if it's like a sudden change in the nipple but i've always had one
Starting point is 00:35:40 nipple that goes inverted um but i can literally just pull it out it's really funny but yeah I might not be able to breastfeed and if not I'm okay with that do you know obviously you guys know I'm a twin to a boy not to a girl so when my mum when we was babies my mum used to breastfeed us at the same time just like one on each nip isn't that so funny and just the thought the picture of it makes me laugh so cute isn't it but yeah if that's not something you can do then I would still be grateful to have beautiful healthy happy children regardless you know um yeah they're all pretty much the same now um the ones that I've done shaving kinks fetishes oh hating your boyfriend's family. Was that a taboo topic or is that a dilemma? Opening tampons in public loos.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Do you find... I couldn't give a fuck. I've ripped that baby open. Yeah, I don't get to be about that at all. Do you know the one place I feel the most safe is in the women's toilets? I literally just feel like being like... I'm surrounded by women. Like, I'm opening a tampon.
Starting point is 00:36:42 What, you've never opened a tampon before? I mean, you might not. Some people hate tampons. Who uses menstrual cups, by the way? I'm so intrigued by them because they look painful. But maybe that's because I don't get a super heavy period. So the thought of it going in, I just imagine it to feel so dry. Yeah, anyone that uses menstrual cups, let me know what you guys think of them.
Starting point is 00:37:07 My ex only used to last 30 seconds during sex. Is it wrong that this put me off? This is a dilemma really, isn't it? Actually, I have a very similar dilemma that I'm going to read out next week. So I'll save it for next week. Okay, the next week's dilemma, I mean weekly debate. What should it do? What should it do? should it do okay Leah what
Starting point is 00:37:26 should I do let me read you the two options um how do you feel about your partner liking photos on Instagram and do you believe in once a cheater always a cheater let me know which one you'd prefer we've spoke about both topics briefly but we've never had them fully as a weekly debate so let me know on Instagram which one you would prefer and i'll put it up on the story for you guys to send me in your opinions and responses but i think i'm going to wrap up the episode here that was such a like um tmi but then fuck tmi like too much information according to who again a very subjective statement um I'm like that though, like I will literally talk about anything. I have no, no boundaries. I actually don't care. Like,
Starting point is 00:38:11 you can ask me about my insides and I'll tell you all of it, all the deets. Oh my god, I just hit my head on the bed. Oh, everybody help me. But yeah, did you guys enjoy that? I hope maybe if the topic's a conversation that you find a little bit difficult to talk about I hope it helped I hope um you feel a bit more comfortable talking about some things if they are things that you struggle with um a little bit less embarrassed maybe if you were embarrassed about any of these things um yeah as you guys know this is absolutely a safe space and you're safe to talk about whatever you want here and you always will be. Um, also thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I've had so many nice messages saying like, you're here for everybody else every week. Just wanted to let you know that we're also here for you because obviously in the last episode I said that my life was falling apart, a bit dramatic, but you know, um, so yeah, I just thought that was really nice for you guys to be like, thanks for giving us advice every week. If you need any advice, I'm here. I was like, oh, I just thought that was really nice for you guys to be like, thanks for giving us advice every week. If you need any advice, I'm here. I was like, oh, I love that. I'm probably not going to go to anybody for advice because I'm literally a classic example.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I will give it out. I will dish it out. I will tell everybody, babe, you need to do this. You need to do that. And somebody tells me any word of advice, I'm like, could do. Could do that. Probably won't. I'm terrible only
Starting point is 00:39:25 person i take advice from is my mom and jess my best friend and zoe i do take zoe's advice to be fair she's very wise she's a very wise woman so yeah thank you guys for listening to the episode how did you guys find it did you miss the weekly debate did you miss the dilemmas don't you worry darling because they're coming back this time next week but i am going to do a bonus episode on friday just to give you a life update um yeah pretty much nothing major but it's absolutely major no it's fine it was major but it's it's been like six weeks now so the dust is settled i'm happy i'm feeling really good i'm really positive so i feel like it's it's been like six weeks now so the dust is settled I'm happy I'm feeling really good I'm really positive so I feel like it's a good time to talk to you about things um I just wanted to make sure that I was feeling good personally and myself and on this journey
Starting point is 00:40:16 so that nothing I said was out of like emotion or hurt or anything like that like I've had time to process absolutely every everything that's happening and I feel it I'm feeling really good and I'm full of love and and good energy and I just love everybody I just love you all but yeah thank you guys so much for listening I've absolutely loved doing this episode let me know if you want more of these but then I feel like eventually we'd run out of taboo topics wouldn't we like there's only so many taboo topics I can talk about before none of it's taboo anymore. All thanks to Leah on the line. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. But yeah, thank you guys so much. Send me a DM or an email, leahonthelineatgmail.com. Any thoughts or your dilemmas,
Starting point is 00:40:56 questions, weekly debate ideas. If you're listening to this now, first of all, thank you so much for staying until the end. dm me the word actually go over to my instagram leah on the line on instagram go on the recent picture the most recent post and comment the word um what word should we use actually comment purple heart emojis comment purple heart emojis on my most recent instagram post on near on the line and i will know that you're listening to this part of the podcast because i feel like once i start saying i'm gonna wrap up this episode here everyone just clicks off but if you're not one of those bitches jake and i would never call you guys bitches if you're not
Starting point is 00:41:38 one of those people i love you and i'm gonna know exactly all who you are actually i'm gonna stalk loads of you on instagram so make sure you you are actually I'm gonna stalk loads of you on Instagram so make sure you're not private I'm gonna stalk loads of your pages and like loads of your photos that's so fun that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow when you're listening to this and you will go and do that I'm gonna go and stalk you on Instagram so leave a purple heart on my recent post um I forgot what I was saying before I got distracted and started talking about that but yeah um what was I actually saying oh yes send me weekly debate ideas because i am running out please send me weekly debate ideas oh it's so hard to think of
Starting point is 00:42:12 them every week it honestly is because especially they just get so so similar towards the end not the end this is this is not the end this it will never be the end, but I don't know how I'm going to keep going, to be honest, but I will, don't worry, I will, okay, guys, deep breaths, let's decompose, or decompress, what's the word, after a deep chat, after a deep therapy session, you always have to take a couple deep breaths, ready to leave leave the room so we don't take any of that energy out the room with us shake it all off what a nice episode i've absolutely loved it all right guys thank you for everything you do you're just all the best friends i could ever ask for to be honest you're literally unbelievable if any of you are living in somerset i am back in somerset any of you hairdressers near somerset because i really want to sort my fucking hair out i really want to go back light but i know
Starting point is 00:43:09 well not light but like caramel highlights and stuff but i know it's just going to be such a long process but i also kind of just want to keep this hair color and then like put loads of long extensions in but then the other part of me wants to keep this hair color and then like cut it and have a nice haircut and just like frame my face um so if any of your hairdressers around somerset hit me up babes that's what i'm saying all right i will see you on friday for a bonus episode so stay tuned for that like i said send me a dm or email of anything you have to say and i'm always here to listen oh my god i'm gonna lose it in a minute them stairs basically my mom's house is three stories
Starting point is 00:43:47 fucking mansion no it's just she got the loft extended um and my brother's room's upstairs and the stairs go right above my room and they're like it's basically just wood and it's just like every time someone steps on a stair and it makes me want to kill them i i love that at seven o'clock in the morning when everyone comes down to get ready for work anyway i will oh my god that sounded like lizzo anyway did she even say anyway anyway i will speak to you guys on friday and take care and i love you with all my heart all right i love you Byeee

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